Protist, Vol. 170, 233–257, April 2019

Published online date 23 March 2019


Ploeotids Represent Much of the

Phylogenetic Diversity of Euglenids

a b a a,1

Gordon Lax , Won Je Lee , Yana Eglit , and Alastair Simpson


Department of Biology, and Centre for Comparative Genomics and Evolutionary

Bioinformatics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada


Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon,

Republic of Korea

Submitted November 26, 2018; Accepted March 1, 2019

Monitoring Editor: Julius Lukesˇ

Ploeotids are an assemblage of rigid phagotrophic euglenids that have 10–12 pellicular strips and

glide on their posterior flagellum. Molecular phylogenies place them as a poorly resolved, likely para-

phyletic assemblage outside the Spirocuta of flexible euglenids, which includes the well-known

phototrophs and primary osmotrophs. Here, we report SSU rRNA gene sequences from 38 ploeotids,

using both single-cell and culture-based methods. Several contain group I or non-canonical introns.

Our phylogenetic analyses place ploeotids in 8 distinct : Olkasia n. gen., Hemiolia n. gen., Liburna

n. gen., Lentomonas, Decastava, Keelungia, Ploeotiidae, and Entosiphon. Ploeotia vitrea, the type of

Ploeotia, is closely related to P. oblonga and Serpenomonas costata, but not to Lentomonas. Ploeotia cf.

vitrea sensu Lax and Simpson 2013 is not related to P. vitrea and has a different pellicle strip architecture

(as imaged by scanning electron microscopy): it instead represents a novel genus and species, Olkasia

polycarbonata. We also describe new genera, Hemiolia and Liburna, for the morphospecies Anisonema

trepidum and A. glaciale. A recent system proposing 13 suprafamilial taxa that include ploeotids is not

supported by our phylogenies. The exact relationships between ploeotid groups remain unresolved

and multigene phylogenetics or are needed to address this uncertainty.

© 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Key words: Phylogenetics; ; ; ; systematics; euglenids.

Introduction changes called ‘euglenoid motion’ or ‘metaboly’,

while those with 12 or fewer strips are rigid (Leander

Euglenids (euglenoids) are a diverse group of flag- et al. 2007). Euglenids include organisms with

ellates distinguished by the euglenid pellicle—a phototrophic, osmotrophic and phagotrophic nutri-

structure underneath the cell membrane that is tional modes (Leander et al. 2017). Phagotrophy

composed of 4 to >100 abutting proteinaceous is the ancestral mode, and some kind of flexi-

strips underlain by microtubules (Leander et al. ble phagotrophic euglenid was likely the host in a

2001b). Cells with 16 strips are usually flex- secondary endosymbiosis with a member of Pyra-

ible, and often capable of dramatic cell-shape mimonadales to give rise to phototrophic euglenids

(Turmel et al. 2008). This occurred around 600

MYA, according to recent estimates (Jackson et al. 1

Corresponding author; 2018).

e-mail [email protected] (A. Simpson).

1434-4610/© 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

234 G. Lax et al.

Most phagotrophic euglenids are gliding cells times very long, posterior flagellum. Many cells

that associate with surfaces. They are found in also exhibit a ‘jerking back’ motion with their pos-

almost all aquatic habitats (Larsen and Patterson terior flagellum, similar to the spirocute Anisonema

1990; Lee 2012; Patterson and Simpson 1996; (e.g. Al-Qassab et al. 2002). The anterior flagel-

Schroeckh et al. 2003), and in some cases lum is directed forward and either sweeps from

represent the major group of heterotrophic flag- side to side or is just held in front, and likely is

ellates by biomass (Boenigk and Arndt 2002; used to detect prey. Ploeotids (see below for tax-

Dietrich and Arndt 2000; Lee and Patterson 2002). onomy) are mostly found in marine environments

Phagotrophic euglenids can be crudely divided and almost always have 10 pellicle strips, though

into three categories: Flexible forms with 18 the arrangement and fine structure of strips differs

strips (e.g. , Urceolus, Neometanema, considerably. For example, Ploeotia vitrea has 10

Anisonema); petalomonads, which are rigid cells, similar strips that meet at sharp keels, whereas

usually with 4–10 strips that glide on their anterior Serpenomonas/Ploeotia costata has 5 broad strips

flagellum (e.g. Petalomonas, Notosolenus, Sphe- alternating with 5 very narrow strips that lie within

nomonas); and ploeotids, rigid cells with 10 or grooves. Lentomonas has 7 humped strips that fea-

12 strips, which glide on the posterior flagel- ture prominently on the dorsal side, while the three

lum (e.g. Ploeotia, Entosiphon, Keelungia). The ventral strips are flat. Keelungia and Decastava

anaerobic symbiontids are sometimes considered both have 10 similar relatively flat strips around the

phagotrophic euglenids that lack a complete pel- cell body (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016; Chan et al.

licle, but there has not yet been a definitive 2013). Entosiphon is unusual in often or always

phylogenetic placement of this group (Adl et al. having 12 pellicular strips that mostly alternate in

2019; Cavalier-Smith 2016; Lax and Simpson 2013; form (Larsen and Patterson 1990; Triemer and Fritz

Yubuki et al. 2013). 1987).

The phototrophs and osmotrophs are relatively The genus Ploeotia itself was introduced in

well characterised in terms of phylogenetic rela- 1841 when Dujardin described Ploeotia vitrea

tionships and biodiversity. By contrast, our current (Dujardin 1841), but was then mostly forgotten until

understanding of phagotrophic euglenid phylogeny the mid 1980s. Over the next two decades the

and taxonomy is fragmentary, with the major genus was ‘redescribed’ by Farmer and Triemer

source of phylogenetic knowledge being species- (1988) using transmission and scanning electron

poor SSU-rDNA phylogenies. Numerous analyses microscopy data, and ∼20 additional species were

have shown that flexible phagotrophic euglenids described via light microscopy (e.g. Al-Qassab

are closely related to phototrophic and osmotrophic et al. 2002; Larsen and Patterson 1990; Patterson

euglenids. This clade of euglenids, characterised and Simpson 1996). Over the same time, two

by having many helically-arranged strips, was usu- additional genera were introduced based on light-

ally referred to as ‘H’ or ‘HP’ and recently formalised and electron microscopy data. Serpenomonas

as ‘Spirocuta’ or ‘Helicales’ (Busse et al. 2003; (type species Serpenomonas costata) was estab-

Cavalier-Smith 2016; Lee and Simpson 2014a; lished as a genus without considering Ploeotia

Paerschke et al. 2017). Petalomonads and sym- (Triemer 1986) and was shortly after merged with

biontids are also both apparently monophyletic Ploeotia (Farmer and Triemer 1988). Lentomonas

(Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016; Lax and Simpson was discriminated from Ploeotia on the basis of

2013). Ploeotids, on the other hand, are invari- ultrastructural data (Farmer and Triemer 1994),

ably not recovered as a clade, instead forming which came from an organism indistinguishable

a paraphyletic group that seemingly gave rise from Ploeotia corrugata, described slightly ear-

to Spirocuta, and possibly petalomonads and/or lier (Larsen and Patterson 1990). Consequently,

symbiontids as well (Cavalier-Smith 2016; Chan Lentomonas was often also treated as a junior syn-

et al. 2015; Lax and Simpson 2013; Paerschke onym of Ploeotia (Ekebom et al. 1995; Patterson

et al. 2017). This identifies ploeotids as a key and Simpson 1996), leading to a ‘lumping’ situ-

assemblage for understanding the early evolution- ation where all ploeotids other than Entosiphon

ary history of euglenids. were assigned to a single genus. Prior to 2013

␮ ␮

Ploeotids are 7–60 m long, often 15–25 m. the only molecular data available for ploeotids was

They are frequently characterised as bacterivo- from Ploeotia/Serpenomonas costata, and from

rous (Leander et al. 2001a, 2007; Leander 2004), Entosiphon strains with extremely rapidly evolv-

though there are some reports of ingested eukary- ing SSU-rRNA genes (Paerschke et al. 2017;

ote cells (e.g. Lax and Simpson 2013; Linton and von der Heyden et al. 2004). Recent phyloge-

Triemer 1999). Cells glide on the thickened, some- nies that include a couple of additional species

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 235

have shown the ploeotids to be divergent one Spirocuta. Notably, the morphotypes A. trepidum

from other (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016; Chan and A. glaciale have not been reported to show

et al. 2013; Lax and Simpson 2013). This has flexibility, and both differ noticeably from A. acinus

led to taxonomic ‘splitting’ at the genus level, in their locomotion and flagellar movement patterns

including the description of two new genera, (Larsen 1987; Larsen and Patterson 1990).

Keelungia and Decastava (Cavalier-Smith et al. This study aims to examine the broad-scale

2016; Chan et al. 2013), and moves to again recog- molecular diversity of ploeotids, to better under-

nise Serpenomonas and Lentomonas as distinct stand their phylogenetic affinities and clarify

from Ploeotia (Cavalier-Smith 2016). Cavalier- their systematics. We established 10 cultures

Smith (2016) has further proposed a highly detailed representing the morphospecies Ploeotia vitrea,

assignment of ploeotid genera into families, orders, Ploeotia/Serpenomonas costata, Ploeotia oblonga,

subclasses, classes and superclasses. Nonethe- and Keelungia sp. We also derived SSU-rRNA

less, prior to our study, SSU-rRNA genes were gene sequences from 27 photodocumented single

available for only four nominal ploeotid species cells, including Lentomonas morphotypes, as well

outside of Entosiphon: Ploeotia/Serpenomonas as cells identified morphologically as Anisonema

costata (Busse and Preisfeld 2003; Chan et al. glaciale and A. trepidum. Phylogenetic analyses

2015), Keelungia pulex (Chan et al. 2013), show that ploeotids sensu lato (i.e. including

Decastava edaphica (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016; Entosiphon as well as Ploeotia-like anisonemids)

Paerschke et al. 2017; the sequences reported represent at least 8 major molecular lineages. Cru-

under the names Decastava edaphica and Ploeo- cially, P. vitrea is not specifically related to P. cf.

tia edaphica are derived from the same culture vitrea sensu Lax and Simpson (2013), and instead

and are 99.3% identical) and a cell identified as is closely and robustly related to S./P. costata

Ploeotia cf. vitrea (Lax and Simpson 2013), plus (and P. oblonga). This refutes the notion that Ser-

HSP90 sequences from just three species (Breglia penomonas and Ploeotia should belong to different

et al. 2007; Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016). Crucially, high-rank taxa. We show by SEM that the pellicle

the type species of Ploeotia, P. vitrea, has never structure of Ploeotia cf. vitrea is distinctly different

been examined using molecular methods. It was from Ploeotia vitrea, and based on the combined

recently assumed that its placement was to fol- molecular and morphological data propose a new

low Ploeotia cf. vitrea (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016), genus and species, Olkasia polycarbonata n. gen.

notwithstanding an explicit caveat that this would n. sp., for Ploeotia cf. vitrea sensu Lax and Simpson

require confirmation (Lax and Simpson 2013). In (2013). Anisonema trepidum and A. glaciale-like

fact, this assumption was used to justify placement cells clearly branch outside of Spirocuta—since

of P. vitrea and S./P. costata in separate classes they are phylogenetically distinct from the genus

within the taxonomy discussed above (Cavalier- Anisonema, we propose the new genus Hemiolia

Smith et al. 2016; Cavalier-Smith 2016). There has n. gen. for Anisonema trepidum Larsen, 1987; and

not been any molecular data for Lentomonas. Liburna n. gen. for Anisonema glaciale Larsen and

Considering the genus Anisonema adds an addi- Patterson, 1990

tional complication. Anisonema currently includes

the type species, Anisonema acinus, and ∼20

other nominal species. Many of these are similar Results

to ploeotids in the arrangement of their flagella. As

with several other phagotrophic euglenid genera, Studied Isolates

it is unclear how many of these morphospecies

The organism codes, the assigned taxa and Gen-

actually belong to Anisonema, since the genus

Bank accession codes for all studied cultures/cells

assignments are partly based on questionable mor-

can be found in Table A1 (Supplementary Material).

phological characters, such as the visibility of the

feeding apparatus with light microscopy (Larsen

and Patterson 1990). The only molecular data Ploeotia vitrea

available up to now has been SSU rRNA gene Three cultures of Ploeotia vitrea were estab-

sequences from several A. acinus (-like) popu- lished, with an additional single cell isolated from

lations/cells, which prove to belong to Spirocuta a sediment sample (isolate STS2, Supplemen-

(Busse et al. 2003; Lax and Simpson 2013). tary Material Table A1). Cells are oval, with a

Unfortunately, the absence of sequence data from pointed posterior end and a conspicuous hook-

other morphotypes has made it impossible to test shaped feeding apparatus that extends almost

whether all nominal Anisonema species belong to down the complete length of the cell (Figs 1a–b,

236 G. Lax et al.

Figure 1. Light micrographs of ploeotid taxa derived from cultures and single cells. (a–c) Ploeotia vitrea. (c)

shows pellicle strip arrangement at posterior end. (d–e) Serpenomonas costata. Note undulating edges of

pellicle strips in (e). (f–h) Ploeotia oblonga. Pigmented ingesta are ∼1.5 ␮m in diameter. (i–k) Keelungia sp.

strain KM082. Arrowheads in all images show feeding apparatuses. Scale bars are 10 ␮m. Isolate names are

shown in image. All images were acquired with differential interference contrast optics.

Table 1. Morphological measurements of ploeotid cultures, with mean length and width (including standard

deviations), and mean relative anterior and posterior flagellum lengths, derived from 30 cells each.

Species Strain Length Width Ant. flagellum Post. flagellum


Ploeotia vitrea BoP3.3P1 17.5–24.9 ␮m 11.8–14.1 ␮m 0.6X 2.65X

SJB2 18.3 ␮m (±1.7) 12.5 ␮m (±2.1) 0.8X 2.75X

MX-CHA 20.4 ␮m (±1.6) 14.6 ␮m (±1.9) 0.7X 2.25X

Ploeotia oblonga CAS1 20.4 ␮m (±2.2) 14.6 ␮m (±2.1) 0.7X 2.3X

Serpenomonas costata BOP4.1N3 18.4 ␮m (±1.1) 10.9 ␮m (±1) 0.7X 2X

HAK-MF 19.2 ␮m (±2) 12 ␮m (±1.7) 0.7X 2.1X

KM040 19.3 ␮m (±0.8) 11.1 ␮m (±0.9) 0.7X 2.4X

KM057 20.6 ␮m (±1.2) 14.3 ␮m (±1.3) 0.7X 1.6X

Keelungia sp. KM082 10.7 ␮m (±0.8) 6.7 ␮m (±0.8) 1.25X 3X


Entosiphon sp. ESC 21.2 ␮m (±1.7) 10.1 ␮m (±1.4) 1X 2.9X


Measurements for BoP3.3P are based on only 2 cells, since the culture was lost before more measurements could be taken.


Measurement for ESC are based on nine cells.

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 237

Figure 2. Scanning electron microscopy images of Ploeotia vitrea and Ploeotia oblonga. (a–d) Ploeotia vitrea

strains BoP4.1PV (a, c, d) and MX-CHA (b), showing the dorsal (a) and ventral sides (b). The pellicle strip

boundaries raised on keels are shown in (c) and at the posterior end in (d). (e–h) Ploeotia oblonga strain CAS1,

with the dorsal (e) and ventral (f) sides shown. Details of the pellicle strip arrangement are shown in (g) and

the posterior end in (h). Arrowheads denote joints between two pellicle strips. Scale bars are 5 ␮m for (a–b)

and (e–f), and 1 ␮m for (c–d) and (g–h).

2a). The 10 pellicle strips are roughly evenly spaced flagellum sweeps from side to side in front of the

and raised at their edges to form characteristic cell (see Supplementary Material Video 1). Feed-

keels, or ‘double-raised ridges’, that are readily ing on bacteria was observed in cultures: if the

visible with light microscopy when viewed in graz- anterior flagellum encounters a suitable prey, the

ing optical section or cross-section (Fig. 1c). SEM whole cell pulls close to it with the anterior flagellum

confirms that the small grooves at the connec- attached to the bacterium. The P. vitrea cell then

tions between strips run along the spines of these tips itself over its prey. Measurements of cultured

keels (Fig. 2a–d). The central ventral strip is nar- cells are listed in Table 1. In addition to bacteria,

rower than other strips (Fig. 2b). Every second culture MX-CHA was tested and found to be able

strip is slightly shorter than the adjacent strips, to grow on Phaeodactylum sp. (a pennate diatom),

such that the keels of the strips come together in which case cells often contained pigmented

in a 5-point star at the posterior end of the cell ingesta 3.7–6.7 ␮m in diameter (n = 31), and some

(Fig. 2a, d). Movement is typical of ploeotids: cells cells contained whole diatoms (20.5–25.9 ␮m long,

glide with their posterior flagellum attached to the 4.1–4.2 ␮m wide; n = 3).

surface and trailing behind, whereas the anterior

238 G. Lax et al.

Figure 3. Scanning electron microscopy images of Serpenomonas costata strain HAK-MF. (a) dorsal side with

pellicle strips clearly visible. (b) dorsal posterior, with star-shaped pellicle arrangement. (c) joint between a wide

and narrow pellicle strip. Note the characteristic undulating edge within the narrow strip. Scale bars are 5 ␮m

for (a–b), and 1 ␮m for (c).

Ploeotia oblonga visible part of each narrow strip has an undulating

We established one culture of Ploeotia oblonga, edge that extends over the groove (Fig. 3c). Move-

strain CAS1. Cells are oblong, with the hook- ment of cells is very similar to that of Ploeotia vitrea

shaped feeding apparatus extending down almost (Supplementary Material Video 2). Feeding on bac-

the full length of the cell (Fig. 1f–g). The 10 pel- teria was observed in culture and was the same as

licle strips are parallel to the cell outline, but as in P. vitrea (see above). Measurements of individual

in Serpenomonas costata (see below), alternate cultures are listed in Table 1. In addition to bacte-

between narrow and broad strips (Figs 1f, h, 2e), ria, strain KM040 was tested and found to be able

with the central-most ventral strip being narrow to grow on Phaeodactylum sp., with most cells con-

(Fig. 2f). In SEM, the fine structure of the pelli- taining pigmented ingesta 3.5–6.6 m in diameter

cle is revealed to be similar to P. vitrea in having (n = 16). A few cells (all moribund at time of observa-

the boundaries between adjacent strips raised on tion) contained whole diatoms (21.1–33.6 m long,

keels, though these are lower and broader than in 3.9–7.6 m wide; n = 3). Sequence identity within

P. vitrea (Fig. 2g). The keels come together in a 5- clade A (see below; without intron sequences)

pronged star-shaped pattern at the posterior end of is 97–99.4%, and is 98–99.5% within clade B.

the cell, similar to P. vitrea (Fig. 2h). Movement of Sequence identity between members of clades

cells is similar to P. vitrea and S. costata (Supple- A and B is 73.3–75.8% (Supplementary Material

mentary Material Videos 1 and 2). Cells of CAS1 Table A3).

are capable of ingesting a coccoid alga ∼1.5 ␮m

across (bright inclusions in Fig. 1f–h). Morphologi-

cal measurements are listed in Table 1. Keelungia sp. KM082

We established a culture of Keelungia sp. (strain

KM082) and sequenced its full-length SSU-rRNA

Serpenomonas costata (Ploeotia costata) gene. Cells are oblong to ovoid in profile, not

We established four cultures of Serpenomonas flattened, and 9–13 ␮m long and 4.6–8 ␮m wide

costata, and isolated one cell from a sample (Fig. 1i). The hook-shaped feeding apparatus is

(isolate ABF1). Cells are oval and have a con- conspicuous, broad on the anterior end and tapers

spicuous hook-shaped feeding apparatus (Fig. 1d). considerably while extending ¾ or more down the

The 10 pellicle strips alternate in size, such that cell (Fig. 1i, j). The anterior flagellum is about

cells appear to only have 5 strips separated by 1.25X cell length, whereas the thicker (but taper-

deep grooves when viewed with light microscopy ing towards the distal end) posterior flagellum is 3X

(Fig. 1e), but each groove actually houses most cell length and trails behind (Fig. 1i). Three faint

of another narrow pellicle strip, as shown by SEM pellicle strip joints can be seen on both the ven-

(Fig. 3a–c). Characteristically, SEM shows that the tral and the dorsal side, with four laterally (total 10;

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 239

Figure 4. Light micrographs of Olkasia polycarbonata n. gen. n. sp., with strain names in image. (a–c) Cells

from clade A, with pigmented ingesta 1.2–5.2 ␮m in diameter; (d–e) Cells from clade B. Arrowheads show

feeding apparatus. All scale bars are 20 ␮m, all images were acquired with differential interference contrast


Fig. 1k). When tested, KM082 was able to feed on clearly seen with light microscopy (Fig. 4b–c, e).

Phaeodactylum sp. material, with cells containing 2 With SEM, the strips appear as S-shaped in cross-

to more than 10 small pigmented ingesta (1–2.9 m section (especially on the dorsal side; Fig. 5a) and

in diameter; n = 5). Morphological measurements overlapping with each other, such that the joints

can be found in Table 1. between strips face laterally, rather than running

along the spine of each ridge as in P. vitrea (Fig. 5b).

The posterior flagellum is 1.8X cell length, and con-

Olkasia polycarbonata n. gen. n. sp. spicuously thickened. Cell movement is similar to

We generated SSU-rDNA data for six isolated that of most other ploeotids: Cells move their ante-

cells from two different locations. Additionally, we rior flagellum (0.9X cell length) with a sweeping

used SEM to image cells that were isolated at the motion, and jerk back when under duress (Supple-

same times as two cells that were processed for mentary Material Video 3). Structures resembling

sequencing, namely UB41 and UB58 (see Meth- discharged extrusomes with diameter ∼100 nm

ods). Cells studied by light microscopy are oblong, were observed in some SEM preparations (Fig. 5f).

␮ ␮

55–62.8 m long by 30.4–37.2 m wide, ventrally Efforts to establish cultures were unsuccessful.

flattened, and have a conspicuous chisel-shaped Most observed cells contained algal material in

feeding apparatus that extends down the whole the form of rounded ingesta 2.1–3.6 ␮m in diam-

length of the cell (Figs 4a, c–d and 5a–d; mor- eter (Fig. 4a–c). Sequences in clade A (see below)

phological measurements of the six cells isolated are 97.7–99.8% identical to each other, whereas

for molecular work are listed in Supplementary in clade B 97.8% of sites are identical. Sequence

Material Table A2). With SEM, the anterior end of identity between clade A and B is 90.6–93.5% (Sup-

the feeding apparatus can be seen ventrally, and plementary Material Table A3).

appears ‘capped’ (Fig. 5d, e). The pellicle is com-

posed of 10 roughly equal-size strips that can be

240 G. Lax et al.

Figure 5. Scanning electron microscopy images of single cells of Olkasia polycarbonata n. gen. n. sp. Cells in

(a–e) were isolated from the same population as UB41 in clade A; Cell in (f) was isolated from same population

as UB57 and UB58 in clade B. (a) dorsal side showing overall pellicle arrangement. (b) detail of posterior dorsal

end of a different cell, showing pellicle strip joints. (c) ventral side. (d) detail of ventral anterior, showing feeding

apparatus. (e) detail of ventral anterior pellicle strip joints. (f) close-up of dorsal posterior, showing discharging

extrusomes. Scale bars are 10 ␮m for (a and c), 5 ␮m for (d– f), 2 ␮m for (b). (a–e) are images of part of the

hapantotype of Olkasia polycarbonata.

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 241

Figure 6. Light micrographs of ploeotid single cell isolates and cultures. (a–b) Lentomonas corrugata isolate

UB21, showing the dorsal corrugated appearance (a) and arrowhead pointing to feeding apparatus (b). c–d)

Lentomonas azurina, general view and dorsal side in (c) (isolate STS5), arrowhead pointing to feeding appara-

tus in (d) (isolate ABT5, no molecular data). (e–h) Hemiolia trepidum n. gen n. comb., several isolates. General

appearance in isolate UB50 (e) and PLL13 (f), with details of the proximal posterior flagellum in UB50 (g), and

pellicle striation in STS7 (h). Note the 10.3 × 4.3 ␮m ingested diatom in (e). i–l) Liburna glaciale n. gen n. comb.,

several isolates. General view of isolate KA6 (i), and detail of cell body with flagellar pocket and 19.6 × 4.3 ␮m

242 G. Lax et al.

Lentomonas azurina and Lentomonas The feeding apparatus could not be observed by

corrugata light microscopy. Three of the isolated cells had

ingested whole diatoms (e.g. Fig. 6e; ingested cell

We generated SSU-rRNA gene sequence data

is 10.3 × 4.3 ␮m). Individual measurements of sin-

from four isolated single cells belonging to the

gle cells are listed in Supplementary Material Table

morphospecies L. corrugata and one from L. azu-


rina (Cell STS5). Both morphospecies are elliptical

in profile, ventrally flattened and dorsally convex

(Fig. 6a, c). The ratio of length/width for L. corru-

gata cells is 1.14–1.36 (average 1.24), whereas it Liburna glaciale n. gen. n. comb.

is 1.73–1.89 (average 1.78) for cells identified as SSU-rDNA sequences were generated from five

L. azurina (STS5 and two cells for which no molec- cells identified as Anisonema glaciale (Larsen and

ular data could be acquired; see Supplementary Patterson 1990). Like Hemiolia trepidum, these

Material Table A2). The dorsal side shows seven cells have an oblong cell shape and are moderately

strongly corrugated pellicle strips, including two lat- flattened (Fig. 6i–l), but are substantially larger in

␮ ␮

eral ones (Fig. 6a, c), while the ventral side has size, averaging 26.1 m in length (25.4–27.1 m),

␮ ␮

three flatter strips (total 10). The feeding appara- and 12.4 m in width (11.4–13.9 m). Dorsally, 5–6

tus is hook-shaped, oblique, and extends to almost faint pellicle striations were sometimes observed

the full length of the cell (Fig. 6b, d). Cells pull back (Fig. 6l). Like Hemiolia trepidum, Liburna exhibits

frequently during gliding (Video 4). 97.2–99.8% of the movement pattern of gliding rapidly in straight

sites are identical between L. corrugata and L. lines, with the anterior flagellum held to the

azurina STS5, while there is 95–99.8% identity right side (Supplementary Material Video 6).

amongst different L. corrugata cells (Supplemen- The anterior flagellum is approximately 1.4X cell

tary Material Table A3). length, while the posterior flagellum is 3X cell

length. A feeding apparatus was not observed

by light microscopy. Three out of five cells iso-

Hemiolia trepidum n. gen. n. comb.

lated had ingested whole diatoms (Fig. 6i–k; two

We generated SSU-rDNA sequences from six cells

were measurable: 19.6 × 4.3 ␮m and 17 × 4 ␮m).

identified morphologically as Anisonema trepidum

Measurements of single cells can be found in Sup-

(Larsen 1987). This morphotype has an oblong

plementary Material Table A2.

cell shape and is moderately flattened (Fig. 6e–h).

Three to four faint pellicle striations are sometimes

seen on the dorsal side (Fig. 6h). Cells glide rapidly

in relatively straight lines, often with occasional Entosiphon sp. ESC

A partial SSU-rRNA sequence of Entosiphon sp.

stops when cells sit with only the anterior flagellum

strain ESC was acquired through transcriptome

beating for 1–2 s, and then resume movement in

sequencing that will be reported elsewhere (Lax

the same direction. Characteristically, the anterior

et al. unpublished). Cells are oblong and elongated,

flagellum is held to the right-hand side of the cell,

with a conspicuous moving feeding apparatus with

performing a trembling motion with the distal quar-

strong rods, extending down the whole length of

ter of the flagellum. The ‘jerking-back’ motion that is

the cell (Fig. 6m). 12 clearly visible pellicle strips

common in Anisonema acinus is less frequent and

run straight down the length of the cell. Narrower

is always followed by an abrupt change in direc-

pellicle strips alternate with broader strips, at least

tion (Supplementary Material Video 5). Lengths

on the dorsal side (Fig. 6n). Strain ESC feeds on

for the 4 cells observed were 12.4–22.7 ␮m (aver-

material from Haematococcus sp. in culture (see

age 16.8 ␮m), and widths 7.3–9.9 ␮m (average

bright inclusions at anterior in Fig. 6m). Morpho-

8.5 ␮m). Anterior flagella were typically 1.5X cell

logical measurements can be found in Table 1.

length, and posterior flagella were 3.3X cell length.

ingested diatom visible (j). Detail of flagellar pocket in isolate UB55 and 17 × 4 ␮m ingested diatom (k) and

pellicle striations (arrowheads) in (l). m–n) Entosiphon sp. strain ESC, chisel-shaped feeding apparatus in m),

and pellicle striations in n). (o) Unidentified ploeotid isolate SMS7, general appearance. The posterior flagellum

of this cell was truncated at time of imaging. (p–q) Isolate CARR5, general appearance (p) and close-up of

pellicle striations (q) (arrowhead). (r–s) Isolate WF2_3, close-up of cell body (r) and general appearance (s).

All scale bars are 10 ␮m. Images were acquired with differential interference contrast optics, except for (p, r, s)

where phase contrast optics were used.

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 243

Unidentified ploeotid SMS7 phagotrophic euglenids with a flexible pellicle (Sup-

A partial SSU-rDNA was sequenced. The plementary Material Table A4); (b) Petalomonadida

16.2 × 8.2 ␮m cell is oblong and covered in (fully supported in all analyses); (c) Symbiontida

refractile granules (Fig. 6o), making observation (fully supported in all analyses); and (d) eight

of internal or pellicle structures impossible with clades of ploeotid sequences, as described below

available optics. The cell glides on the thick (Figs 7, 8).

posterior flagellum (5X cell length). Beating of the The new genus Olkasia is represented by Olka-

thick anterior flagellum (∼1.5X cell length) during sia polycarbonata n. sp. (=Ploeotia cf. vitrea sensu

movement was similar to Liburna and Hemiolia, Lax and Simpson, 2013). In all analyses, six

but more active and in a broader arc. novel sequences branched with maximum support

with the one previously reported sequence (Lax

and Simpson 2013). Two strongly supported sub-

Unidentified ploeotid CARR5

groups were recovered within this clade (clade

A partial SSU-rDNA was sequenced. The

A and clade B, 95–100% BS, 1 pp). In four

31.9 × 20 ␮m cell is roughly pyriform, with a

out of the five datasets that included unidenti-

pointed posterior end (Fig. 6p, q). The anterior

fied ploeotid SMS7, it branched sister to Olkasia,

flagellum appears thick ( 1X cell length), whereas

although with negligible support (25–41% BS and

the very thick posterior flagellum (4.5X cell length)

0.55 pp; Figs 7, 8). The novel genus Hemio-

tapers slightly. Four strongly developed pellicle

lia includes six cells identified as H. trepidum

strip joints can be seen on the dorsal, and four on

(basionym Anisonema trepidum), always on a long

the ventral side (Fig. 6q, number of lateral strips

unclear). and maximally supported branch (Fig. 7). The

partial sequence of unidentified ploeotid WF2_3

branched as sister to this clade in three of the

Unidentified ploeotid WF2_3

four analyses where it was included, but with neg-

A partial SSU-rDNA was sequenced. The

ligible support (e.g. Fig. 7). Novel genus Liburna

36.2 × 20.6 ␮m cell is oblong (Fig. 6r, s) and glides

was composed of five cells identified as L. glaciale

on a thickened, tapering posterior flagellum (5X

(basionym Anisonema glaciale), always forming

cell length; Fig. 6s). The anterior flagellum (∼1X

a maximally supported clade. Branch lengths

cell length) is held on one side like in Hemiolia.

between individual sequences were short. The par-

The ingestion organelle extends down half the cell

tial sequence of unidentified ploeotid CARR5 fell

length (Fig. 6r). Since this cell was only imaged

sister to the Liburna clade in five out of the six

using phase contrast optics, no pellicle strip joints

analyses when it was included, albeit with poor-to-

could be seen.

no support (19–47% BS; e.g. Fig. 7). Lentomonas

Phylogeny included four novel sequences of L. corrugata

and one sequence of L. azurina, forming a clade

We conducted six separate phylogenetic analy- with maximum support in both ML and Bayesian

ses, differing in taxon sampling: (1) No Entosiphon, analyses. The L. azurina cell STS5 branched in

no outgroup (main dataset); (2) No Entosiphon, among the L. corrugata sequences, and thus no

with outgroup; (3) With Entosiphon, no out- phylogenetic separation was observed between

group; (4) With Entosiphon, with outgroups; the two morphotypes. Keelungia formed a max-

(5) No Entosiphon, with outgroups, no partial imally supported clade consisting of Keelungia

sequences (<1000 bp, 9 sequences excluded); (6) pulex (Chan et al. 2013) and our sequence of

No Entosiphon, no outgroup, and no ‘rogue taxa’ Keelungia sp. strain KM082. The Decastava clade

(see Methods). All datasets were subjected to Max- consisted of only one sequence, from Decastava

imum Likelihood (ML) analyses under the GTR + edaphica (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016). The ‘Ploeo-

model, with robustness estimated from 1000 boot- tia + Serpenomonas’ clade (which we equate with

strap replicates. Datasets 1 and 3 were also the taxon Ploeotiidae) consisted of individual sub-

subjected to a Bayesian analysis under the same clades of sequences belonging to P. vitrea, P.

model (see Methods for further details). oblonga, and S. costata. As expected, our five new

The Euglenida (with symbiontids) grouping Serpenomonas costata and the three previously

consists of several well-supported clades, with available sequences formed a maximally supported

little robust phylogenetic structure linking them. clade in all analyses (e.g. Figs 7, 8, and Supple-

These are: (a) The clade Spirocuta, contain- mentary Material Fig. A1). Within this clade, two

ing phototrophic euglenids (Euglenophyceae), maximally supported sub-clades were recovered,

primary osmotrophic euglenids (Aphagea) and separating isolates with group I introns in their SSU-

244 G. Lax et al.

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 245

Figure 8. Summary view of euglenid phylogeny including Entosiphon, using the SSU-rRNA gene as inferred in

maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses (GTR + model). Major groups of ploeotids are shown as collapsed,

filled triangles. This tree is rooted on an outgroup of kinetoplastid and diplonemid taxa. Maximum bootstrap

support (100%) and posterior probability (pp of 1) is shown with a black circle, while support values below 50%

and 0.9 pp are not shown.

rDNA sequences (clade A, includes strain CCAP Supplementary Material Fig. A1). Some P. vitrea

1265/1), from a clade without any group I introns sequences included group I introns (see below, and

(clade B, includes strain KM057; Fig. 9a). Intrigu- Fig. 9). Entosiphon consists of a tight cluster of

ingly, clade A is composed of strains isolated from similar sequences. This clade was extremely long

both coasts of North America and Europe, whereas branching and therefore only included in some of

clade B isolates are Asian and Caribbean. Sis- our analyses to limit long branch attraction arti-

ter to Serpenomonas, we recovered Ploeotia vitrea facts, as in several recent studies (Cavalier-Smith

(four new sequences) and Ploeotia oblonga (one et al. 2016; Lax and Simpson 2013; Paerschke et al.

new sequence), the latter branching sister to P. 2017). The new sequence of Entosiphon sp. strain

vitrea with strong to full support (e.g. Fig. 7 and ESC was sister to a clade containing E. oblongum

Figure 7. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of the SSU-rRNA gene of euglenids under the GTR + model, with

posterior probabilities derived from the same model. Major groups of ploeotids are shown, with sequences

acquired in this study bolded, an asterisk (*) denotes a partial sequences. This phylogeny is unrooted and

excludes Entosiphon; for rooted phylogenies with inferred outgroups included, plus Entosiphon, see Fig. 8 and

Supplementary Material Figure A.1. Maximum bootstrap support (100%) and posterior probability (pp of 1) is

shown with a black circle. Support values below 50% and 0.9 pp not shown.

246 G. Lax et al.

Figure 9. Introns in Serpenomonas, Ploeotia and Keelungia sp. (a) Positions of group I intron (dark grey) and

possible non-canonical introns (orange) in the SSU-rRNA sequence of ploeotids. For taxa with white boxes, only

partial SSU sequences were acquired. Lengths of introns are within boxes, with their start and end positions

noted on either side. (b) Intron: exon boundaries of selected introns, at different positions (see a). Direct repeats

are marked in red, and “:” shows the intron:exon boundary. Strains with * have had their SSU-rRNA sequence

derived from cDNA as well as DNA. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the

reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

and Entosiphon sp. strain TCS-2003, with moder- and Decastava, whereas in analyses including

ate support (75% and 81%). Entosiphon it grouped with Ploeotia and Ser-

penomonas (Fig. 8). In the analysis omitting

short sequences, Keelungia branched with Hemi-

Relationship between clades

olia. None of these relationships was supported

The exact relationships between the individual

(Fig. 7). Ploeotiidae (Ploeotia + Serpenomonas),

clades of ploeotids were poorly resolved and often

either alone or with Keelungia, formed a branch sis-

differed between datasets and analyses (Supple-

ter to the Lentomonas + Decastava + environmental

mentary Material Table A4). We recovered Olkasia

sequences clade in five out of six analyses, with

branching as a sister to Spirocuta in all our datasets,

no support. In both analyses including Entosiphon

although always with negligible support (Supple-

support values were further reduced across the

mentary Material Table A4). Rogue taxon SMS7

whole tree, likely owing to their long-branching

branched with Olkasia in four of these analyses

nature (Fig. 8, Supplementary Material Table A4).

(Figs 7, 8). Hemiolia and Liburna formed a group

Entosiphon formed a grouping including Hemiolia

to the exclusion of all other identified genera in

and Liburna in both, and this assemblage was in

five out of our six analyses, though with negligi-

turn sister to petalomonads (see above).

ble support. In four cases, Hemiolia and Liburna

(with or without Entosiphon—see below), form the

sister group to Petalomonads, with little support Group I Introns

(Supplementary Material Table A4). Lentomonas SSU-rRNA sequences derived from cDNA gen-

and Decastava formed a very poorly to moder- erated for Serpenomonas costata HAK-MF and

ately supported branch that also contained three Ploeotia vitrea MX-CHA were shorter than their

partial-length environmental sequences when the DNA-derived counterparts. Alignment of RNA and

latter were included (Fig. 7). The placement of DNA sequences showed a 494 bp intron in HAK-

Keelungia was unstable; in two analyses without MF, at the same position as previously reported

Entosiphon it branched together with Lentomonas for Serpenomonas costata CCAP 1265/1 (Busse

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 247

and Preisfeld 2003). At the same position, isolates (Ploeotia is from ‘ploion’ = boat in Greek). Femi-

KM040 (S. costata, culture), ABF1 (S. costata, sin- nine.

gle cell), SJB2 (P. vitrea, culture), and STS2 (P. ZooBank Accession: LSID urn:lsid:zoobank.

vitrea, single cell) also all showed similarly long org:act:DBCD8D51-3766-4521-A1CD-4D91A-

introns. A 406 bp long intron was found only in 79CD317

ABF1 (S. costata, single cell) at a second position. Olkasia polycarbonata sp. nov. Lax, Lee, Eglit

A third intron site was found in HAK-MF (S. costata, and Simpson (ICZN)

culture), ABF1 (S. costata, single cell), MX-CHA Description: Oblong cells, 54–63 by 30–37 ␮m,

(P. vitrea, culture), and SJB2 (P. vitrea, culture). ventrally flattened.

Sizes ranged from 388 and 406 bp in P. vitrea, to Type material: The name-bearing type (hapan-

510 bp in S. costata. This last intron was confirmed totype) is an SEM-stub with five osmium-fixed

with RT-PCR in both HAK-MF and MX-CHA. Introns and sputter-coated single cells isolated by hand

at the second and third site had direct repeats from the type locality. Deposited with the Amer-

at one end and in the opposite flanking region ican Museum of Natural History, New Yo r k , as

(Fig. 9b). The SSU-rDNA sequence of Keelun- AMNH IZC 00343283.

gia sp. strain KM082 had five insertions that were Type locality: Horseshoe Island Park, Hal-


missing from cDNA-derived SSU-rRNA sequences ifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (N44 38 23.4 ,


(Fig. 9a). These insertions were scattered along W63 36 45.2 ), oxic intertidal sediment.

the whole length of the sequence, ranged from Etymology: After ‘polycarbonate’, the transpar-

158–170 bp, and were always found in conserved ent thermoplastic polymer [originally ‘poly’ = many

regions. All of these introns had 2–4 bp long direct (Greek), ‘carbo’ = coal, charcoal (Latin)]. Polycar-

repeats in one end of the intron and in the opposite bonate is often used instead of glass for windows,

flanking region, like in Serpenomonas and Ploeotia windscreens, etc. Refers to previous appellation of

(Fig. 9b). the organism as Ploeotia cf. vitrea (i.e. similar to P.

Original light microscopy images for all vitrea), from ‘vitrum’ = glass (Latin).

taxa, and, where available, scanning elec- Gene sequence: The partial SSU-rDNA

tron images are deposited in Dryad as sequence of a single cell (UB41) collected from, as are the same sample as the hapantotype, at the

untrimmed alignments, trimmed alignments and same time, has the Genbank accession number

treefiles for all phlylogenetic analyses. The new MK239294.

SSU-rDNA sequences reported here are deposited ZooBank Accession: LSID urn:lsid:zoobank.

in GenBank as accessions MK239274–MK239309 org:act:22D0646E-BEA5-4556-AEF9-

and MK213404–MK213407. 824A5C7F83EB

Taxonomic Summary Hemiolia gen. nov. Lax, Lee, Eglit and Simpson

This nomenclatural work has been registered in (ICZN)

Zoobank, with the following LSID urn:lsid:zoobank. Description: Free-living, inflexible, biflagellate

org:pub:5C4D3829-EA77-4E0B-AFF6-24D4- euglenids, oblong in profile, moderately dorso-

EBCC363D ventrally flattened. Cells glide rapidly on their

Olkasia gen. nov. Lax, Lee, Eglit and Simpson thickened, >3X cell length posterior flagellum and

(ICZN) with the anterior flagellum held to the right side

Description: Free-living, inflexible, biflagellate, and trembling. Movement occasionally arrests for

heterotrophic euglenid, oblong in profile, ventrally a couple of seconds, then continues in same

flattened, with a conspicuous chisel-shaped feed- direction. Feeding apparatus not observed with

ing apparatus. The 10 pellicle strips are similarly light microscopy. Pellicle strip margins difficult to

sized, and S-shaped in cross-section (especially observe by light microscopy. Phylogenetically more

on the dorsal side), and overlap slightly with each closely related to Hemiolia trepidum than to Liburna

other. Cells glide on their thickened posterior flag- glaciale.

ellum; and ‘jerk back’ when stressed. The anterior Type species: Anisonema trepidum Larsen

flagellum sweeps from side to side. 1987 (=Hemiolia trepidum, comb. nov.)

Type species: Olkasia polycarbonata Lax, Lee, Etymology: ‘Hemiolia’ (Greek) was a type of

Eglit and Simpson (description see below) fast, light attack and scouting ship with one and a

Etymology: From ‘olkas’ (Greek), a large trad- half banks of oars per side, used by pirates and

ing barge used in Hellenistic times. Refers to the navies in the Hellenistic era (from ‘hemiolis’ – one

large size of the type species relative to Ploeotia and a half). Refers to the speed and small relative

size of cells (see Liburna, below). Feminine.

248 G. Lax et al.

ZooBank Accession: LSID urn:lsid:zoobank. taxon, Spirocuta (or Helicales), includes a variety of

org:act:0A97EDBC-808D-4DDB-BE94-DFC- phagotrophic euglenids in addition to phototrophs

83907D046 and osmotrophs (Cavalier-Smith 2016; Lee and

Transfer of existing species to Hemiolia Simpson 2014a; Paerschke et al. 2017). Within

Hemiolia trepidum (Larsen 1987) Lax, Lee, Eglit Spirocuta, Neometanema was established as rep-

and Simpson comb. nov. resenting the sister group to osmotrophs (Lax and

Basionym: Anisonema trepidum Larsen, 1987 Simpson 2013; Lee and Simpson 2014a), whereas

(594–595, Fig. 6) outside Spirocuta, petalomonads have consistently

Liburna gen. nov. Lax, Lee, Eglit and Simpson been recovered as a clade (e.g. Cavalier-Smith

(ICZN) et al. 2016; Kim et al. 2010; Lee and Simpson

Description: Free-living, inflexible, biflagellate 2014b). Also, symbiontids were defined as a signif-

euglenids, oblong in profile, moderately flattened icant monophyletic group, either within euglenids,

dorso-ventrally. Cells glide rapidly on their thick- or sister to them (Breglia et al. 2010; Cavalier-

ened, hook-shaped posterior flagellum (3X cell Smith 2016; Lax and Simpson 2013). Within this

length). The anterior flagellum is held to the right context, the molecular examination of ploeotids

side and trembles. Feeding apparatus not observed stands out as having raised more questions than it

with light microscopy. Pellicle strip margins diffi- answers. Incremental improvements in taxon sam-

cult to observe by light microscopy; apparently >10 pling supported the notion that ploeotids likely

strips. Type species is larger than that of Hemiolia, represented several distinct clades with difficult-to-

with which it shares most characteristics. Phyloge- resolve relationships (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016;

netically more closely related to Liburna glaciale Chan et al. 2013, 2015; Lax and Simpson 2013),

than to Hemiolia trepidum. but it remained essentially unknowable how many

Type species: Anisonema glaciale Larsen and major clades there are. With this, any inferences

Patterson 1990 (=Liburna glaciale, comb. nov.) about the deep-level phylogeny and evolution of

Etymology: ‘Liburna’ (Latin) was a fast attack euglenids were inevitably based on unreliably sup-

ship with two banks of oars widely used in the ported relationships and conjectural extrapolation

Roman navy from the late Republic onwards. to incorporate taxa with no molecular data (e.g.

Refers to the speed and size of cells (see Hemiolia, Cavalier-Smith 2016). It is this profound uncer-

above). Feminine. tainty that we aimed to reduce by increasing the

ZooBank Accession: LSID taxonomic breadth of sequence data available for ploeotids.


Transfer of existing species to Liburna

Ploeotia, Serpenomonas and Olkasia

Liburna glaciale (Larsen and Patterson 1990)

Lax, Lee, Eglit and Simpson comb. nov. We resolved a central problem in the molecular

Basionym: Anisonema glaciale Larsen and biodiversity of ploeotids, by sequencing SSU-rDNA

Patterson, 1990 from Ploeotia vitrea, type species of Ploeotia. The

phylogenetic position of P. vitrea was surprising

given recent studies, being remote from ‘Ploeotia

Discussion cf. vitrea’ (Lax and Simpson 2013) but close to Ser-

penomonas, which was recently inferred to differ

markedly from Ploeotia on morphological grounds

Molecular Phylogenetics of Phagotrophic

Euglenids (Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016; Cavalier-Smith 2016).

The major consequences for the systematics of

Ever since the first sequence data from a euglenids are discussed below.

phagotrophic euglenid was acquired, taxon sam- The previously undescribed morphospecies

pling has slowly increased, and gradually advanced identified as Ploeotia cf. vitrea by Lax and Simpson

our understanding of euglenid phylogenetics (2013) was considered to be similar to Ploeotia vit-

(Breglia et al. 2007; Busse et al. 2003; Cavalier- rea, but much larger, based on light microscopy

Smith et al. 2016; Lax and Simpson 2013; observations. However, our molecular phylogenetic

Montegut-Felkner and Triemer 1997). It has analyses including P. vitrea clearly show that it

become increasingly clear that flexible taxa with is not closely related to this Ploeotia cf. vitrea.

>12 pellicle strips indeed form a major derived clade In addition, our investigation with SEM revealed

within euglenids, as had been inferred primarily that the organization and linking between strips

from morphology (Leander et al. 2001a, b)—this is distinctly different in the two taxa (compare

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 249

Fig. 2a, c with Fig. 5a, b). Based on the strongly olia trepidum (formerly A. trepidum) and Liburna

supported phylogenetic placement outside the glaciale (formerly A. glaciale) robustly fall outside

Ploeotia-Serpenomonas clade, as well as the mor- Spirocuta (Figs 7, 8). Anisonema species differ in

phological differences, we propose a novel genus their flexibility, and while A. acinus is often reported

and species, Olkasia polycarbonata, for Ploeotia cf. to be slightly flexible when compressed or stressed

vitrea sensu Lax and Simpson (2013). (Lee et al. 2005), both Hemiolia and Liburna are

Surprisingly, our phylogenetic analyses strongly more rigid (Larsen 1987), consistent with their phy-

placed P. oblonga as sister to P. vitrea (Fig. 7). logenetic placement.

Ploeotia oblonga was previously considered to be Hemiolia and Liburna share several unusual

closely allied to Serpenomonas costata based on characteristics: Unlike A. acinus, both are fast glid-

light microscopy, in particular the alternating wide ers with their anterior flagellum held to the right side,

and narrow pellicle strips (e.g. Al-Qassab et al. trembling rapidly (hence ‘trepidum’ = trembling),

2002; Fig. 4k in Patterson and Simpson 1996). Our and often freezing for a few seconds before resum-

SEM investigation confirmed that the arrangement ing movement (hence ‘glaciale’ = ice; Larsen 1987;

of alternating pellicle strips is similar to S. costata, Larsen and Patterson 1990). Hemiolia and Liburna

but showed that the strip connections were located mostly jerk back when stressed and always change

on raised keels, similar to P. vitrea (whereas these direction when doing so, hold their cell bodies close

boundaries are folded over in S. costata; Farmer to the surface, and exhibit smooth gliding (see

and Triemer 1988). Supplementary Material Videos 5 and 6), while A.

Serpenomonas costata/Ploeotia costata is acinus (for example) often moves erratically, fre-

closely related to Ploeotia vitrea and P. oblonga, quently jerking backwards (e.g. Larsen 1987).

such that it is a subjective decision whether to Within the ploeotid context, the particular loco-

assign this taxon to the genus Ploeotia (Farmer motion behaviour of Hemiolia and Liburna is again

and Triemer 1988; Larsen and Patterson 1990) or distinctive, as is their feeding apparatuses not

to a separate genus, Serpenomonas (Cavalier- being visible by light microscopy (Larsen and

Smith 2016; Triemer 1986). We recommend Patterson 1990; Lee and Patterson 2000). With

Serpenomonas, since we anticipate that future these similarities, it is perhaps surprising that Hemi-

researchers will favour a larger number of narrower olia and Liburna show considerable SSU-rDNA

genera: Currently broadly ‘defined’ morphospecies sequence divergence between them, and while

will likely be subdivided into separate species taxa Hemiolia and Liburna branch together in all our

based on their divergent molecular sequences analyses, this relationship is never supported sta-

(e.g. S. costata or O. polycarbonata, Fig. 7). It tistically (Figs 7, 8). For this reason, and bearing in

is also likely that many more morphospecies of mind recent splitting approaches to ploeotid taxon-

ploeotids will be found with more comprehensive omy (Cavalier-Smith 2016), we propose to make

taxon sampling. These increases in species will Anisonema trepidum the type of a novel genus,

likely push genera to be less encompassing. Hemiolia, and Anisonema glaciale the type of a sec-

ond new genus, Liburna. It is possible that Hemiolia

and Liburna may have differing pellicle arrange-

Some Anisonema Species are ‘Ploeotids’

ments: It has been estimated previously that there

Our analyses, and several previous investigations, are 6–7 strips in Hemiolia trepidum, and 12–15

place Anisonema within Spirocuta with strong sup- in Liburna glaciale (Ekebom et al. 1995; Lee and

port (e.g. Lax and Simpson 2013; Paerschke et al. Patterson 2000). A large number of strips in Liburna

2017). This is based on sequences from several dif- is consistent with our observations of 5–6 strip joints

ferent Anisonema isolates (Busse et al. 2003; Lax on the dorsal side of L. glaciale. Nonetheless, the

and Simpson 2013), most of them very similar to (or strips are difficult to observe in both taxa, and accu-

the same as) Anisonema acinus, which represents rate counts will likely require electron microscopy

the type for the genus. Nonetheless, Anisonema data. At present Hemiolia and Liburna (or at least

has had a broad morphological identity—cells their type species) are most reliably distinguished

with widely spaced and almost longitudinal pelli- by size (Supplementary Material Table A2; Larsen

cle strips, gliding on the posterior flagellum, with and Patterson 1990; Lee and Patterson 2000).

the feeding apparatus not seen by light microscopy The phylogenetic placement of Liburna and

(Larsen 1987; Larsen and Patterson 1990; Lee and Hemiolia demonstrates that the morphological

Patterson 2000)—and it has been unclear whether boundaries in the genus Anisonema are dubious,

it represents a natural group (Larsen 1987; Lee and as long suspected (Larsen and Patterson 1990).

Patterson 2000). In our analyses, cells of Hemi- In the future it is possible that other morphotypes

250 G. Lax et al.

currently in Anisonema will also need to be moved order Heterostavida and family Serpenomonadi-

to other genera. Additional molecular phylogenetic dae, especially since the heterostavous condition

studies are needed to increase taxon sampling in is also seen in Ploeotia oblonga (see below).

this group, and to properly place its current mem- Meanwhile, another set of taxa in Cavalier-

bers in a phylogenetic context. Smith’s (2016) system were not strongly contra-

dicted by our analyses, but nonetheless were

never recovered as clades, irrespective of whether

Higher-order Systematics

the three new genera we propose are consid-

Most work on ploeotids has examined their diver- ered. These unsupported taxa include the subclass

sity and/or phylogeny, and until recently there Homostavia (uniting Decastava and Keelungia with

were essentially no treatments of their higher sys- petalomonads), order Decastavida (uniting Decas-

tematics. However, Cavalier-Smith (Cavalier-Smith tava and Keelungia), and superclass Rigimonada

2016; Cavalier-Smith in Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016) (uniting all ploeotids and petalomonads, to the

proposed a system of 18 higher taxa from the exclusion of Entosiphon), though the latter was

level of family up to infraphylum, that grouped actually envisaged as paraphyletic (Cavalier-Smith

together genera of ploeotids, or some ploeotids 2016). We also did not recover Entosiphon as a sis-

with other subgroups of euglenids. This was based ter clade to all other euglenids (excluding symbion-

on the sequence data available at the time, plus tids, Fig. 8) as implied by the division of euglenids

some inferences from morphology. Several unusual into two infraphyla: Entosiphona (Entosiphon only),

aspects of this system are important for context: 15 and Dipilida (all other euglenids). Entosiphon rep-

of the taxa were new, all the ‘families’ contained resents an extremely long branch in SSU-rDNA

a single genus, one new taxon was explicitly envis- phylogenies, and this marker is widely recog-

aged as a paraphyletic group, and none of the other nised as unreliable for inferring the placement

taxa for which there were data from >1 ploeotid of this genus (Busse et al. 2003; Cavalier-Smith

genus corresponded to a strongly supported clade et al. 2016; Paerschke et al. 2017; von der

in Cavalier-Smith’s (2016) own SSU-rDNA phyloge- Heyden et al. 2004). Unfortunately, our study

nies. Startlingly, none of the proposed higher taxa confirms that SSU-rDNA is currently the only

containing >1 ploeotid genus form even a weakly marker with taxon sampling anywhere near rich

supported clade in our analyses with their current enough to credibly address the deepest phyloge-

compositions. netic divisions within euglenids. Thus, while the

The monophyly of some of the proposed major Entosiphona/Dipilida distinction draws mainly on

taxa is strongly disconfirmed by our phyloge- Hsp90 phylogenies and morphological arguments,

nies. In particular, the class Ploeotarea and order rather than SSU-rDNA analyses (Cavalier-Smith

Ploeotiida group Ploeotia with Lentomonas only, 2016; Cavalier-Smith et al. 2016), the only ploeotids

while class Stavomonadea groups Serpenomonas in those Hsp90 phylogenies are Entosiphon and

with petalomonads, Keelungia and Decastava Decastava.

(Cavalier-Smith 2016). This dichotomy sharply con- As a result of our investigations, the entire sys-

flicts with the strongly supported close relationship tematisation above the level of family involving

between Ploeotia and Serpenomonas to the exclu- ploeotid taxa proposed by Cavalier-Smith (2016)

sion of Lentomonas, petalomonads, Keelungia seems to be without utility. The system was pro-

and Decastava. This situation stems mainly from posed on the basis of weak phylogenetic evidence

Cavalier-Smith (2016) assuming that Ploeotia vit- in the first place, and—with the benefit of addi-

rea is closely related to Ploeotia cf. vitrea sensu Lax tional data—proves to be largely (likely entirely)

and Simpson (2013; now Olkasia polycarbonata), incompatible with the widely held ideal of higher

which proves not to be the case. The assignment taxa being monophyletic where possible. Even

of Lentomonas to Ploeotarea and Ploeotiida was with the improved taxon sampling of our study,

made without molecular data, apparently on the the deep-level phylogenetic relationships amongst

basis of similar pellicle and feeding apparatus struc- euglenids remain unresolved, and any replacement

ture (see Diagnosis of Ploeotarea in Cavalier-Smith proposal for supra-familial taxa (or dramatic alter-

2016). Given the closer relationship of Ploeotia with ation of the concepts applying to existing names)

Serpenomonas, these similarities at best identify runs an unacceptably high risk of a similar incom-

a broader group than Ploeotia plus Lentomonas. patibility. Systematics should wait until repeatable,

The close relationship between Serpenomonas strongly supported molecular phylogenetic results

and Ploeotia also argues against assigning Ser- are obtained; for euglenids these are likely to be

penomonas to its own subclass Heterostavia,

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 251

available soon, through low-cost transcriptomics (Fig. 7): clade A (taxa from North America/Europe,

(see below). includes the type strain CCAP 1265/1), and clade B

Serpenomonas and Ploeotia turn out to be very (taxa from Asia/Caribbean, includes strain KM057).

closely related and genetically similar, such that Intriguingly, taxa in clade A all have group I introns,

it is a more-or-less subjective decision whether to whereas none were found in clade B (see below;

regard them as separate genera (see above). We Fig. 9). This finding is largely consistent with Chan

anticipate that assigning them to the same family et al. (2015), who reported S. costata sequences

will be non-controversial. We propose Ploeotiidae isolated from Taiwan. This tentative biogeographi-

Cavalier-Smith 2016, rather than Serpenomonadi- cal separation could be an artefact of still-modest

dae Cavalier-Smith 2016, since Ploeotia Dujardin taxon sampling, but is worth further investigation.

1841 has priority over Serpenomonas Triemer Sequence identity within both clades was high,

1986. This would minimise confusion if Ploeotia but was only 73.3–75.8% between clade A and B

and Serpenomonas were considered synonymous isolates (considering full-length sequences without

in the future. introns). Olkasia is also split into moderately sup-

The presence or absence of an unpaired U ported A and B clades (Fig. 7). The two Olkasia

nucleotide in conserved helix 44 of the V9 region of clades are certainly not biogeographically distin-

SSU rRNA has recently been identified as a charac- guished since both have been found at one site in

ter that is potentially relevant to euglenid phyloge- Nova Scotia, Canada. Sequence identities within

netics (and systematics), and specifically provides clades A and B were high (97.9 and 99.1%), while

some evidence for a Spirocuta + Entosiphon group- identity was 90.6–93.5% between clades (Sup-

ing (Paerschke et al. 2017). This unpaired U is plementary Material Table A3). It is probable that

present in more basal euglenids like petalomonads, Serpenomonas costata will be split up into at least

Serpenomonas costata, Keelungia, and Olkasia, two nomenclatural species in the future, and possi-

but not in Spirocuta or Entosiphon (Paerschke ble that Olkasia polycarbonata will be as well.

et al. 2017). As expected, all new sequences of S. Conversely, Lentomonas corrugata and L. azu-

costata, Ploeotia vitrea and P. oblonga, Keelungia, rina sequences do not form separate clades

and O. polycarbonata have the unpaired U (data not in SSU-rRNA gene phylogenies. There is no

shown). This nucleotide is absent from Entosiphon clear distinction in their SSU-rRNA gene identi-

sp. ESC (as expected), but also not present in ties: 97.2–99.8% of sites between L. corrugata

Lentomonas, Hemiolia and unidentified ploeotid and L. azurina are identical, while there is

WF2 3. Meanwhile, Liburna sequences have two 95–99.8% identity amongst different L. corrugata

unpaired Us at this position. We conclude that the cells. Lentomonas azurina was originally distin-

absence of this unpaired base is more widespread guished from L. corrugata by being substantially

in euglenids than was previously supposed. While more slender (Patterson and Simpson 1996), and a

this character might still represent a synapomor- sharp distinction in length:width ratio was observed

phy of a group including Spirocuta + Entosiphon, it in the cells we examined (Supplementary Mate-

is more likely that it has a complex evolutionary his- rial Table A2). It is possible that the L. corrugata

tory. The unresolved branching order of euglenids morphospecies gave rise to the L. azurina mor-

currently inhibits any further analysis past specula- phospecies, or they could also represent a single

tion. species, with L. azurina representing a rarer life

cycle stage of L. corrugata. It is also unclear

how much morphological variation is seen within

Phylogenetic Structure within

Morphospecies clones of Lentomonas morphotypes, especially in

length:width ratio. It is also possible that our STS5

At present, most heterotrophic euglenid species cell was an aberrant or unhealthy cell, not repre-

are defined by morphology applied at the light sentative of ‘true’ L. azurina. More comprehensive

microscopy level, with the majority of broad mor- molecular sampling of this group, especially the

phospecies distinctions based on criteria like cell less commonly observed L. azurina, is needed to

shape and size, surface structure, flexibility and resolve these issues, ideally from different geo-

whether the feeding apparatus is visible (e.g. Lee graphic locations, and with the use of cultures.

2012). We now have sufficient molecular sampling

for a few ploeotid morphospecies to investigate

Pellicle Strip Architecture

their sequence divergence and phylogenetic struc-

ture more closely. Serpenomonas costata is split Broadly speaking, differences in the organisation

into two maximally supported, distinct subgroups of individual pellicle strips seem to distinguish the

252 G. Lax et al.

major phylogenetic groupings of ploeotids, which similar to the strip morphology of typical spiro-

is consistent with patterns seen in other euglenids, cutes (Leander et al. 2001a). In addition, the

especially phototrophs (Leander et al. 2007; Yubuki chisel-shaped feeding apparatus of Olkasia dif-

and Leander 2012). For example, taxa with straight, fers from the hook-shaped apparatus seen in the

bifurcating keels (strip boundaries on raised keels) other ploeotids sequenced to date in which the

fall within Ploeotia. The closely related taxon Ser- feeding apparatus is clearly visible, other than the

penomonas also has bifurcations, though they are special case of Entosiphon (Cavalier-Smith et al.

at the edges of a trough-like structure made by the 2016; Chan et al. 2013; Lee 2008). Chisel-shaped

narrow strips. In contrast, Lentomonas has raised feeding apparatuses are common in phagotrophic

bifurcating ridges (dorsal side only) with strip joints spirocutes, as well as in some ploeotids for which

located on one side of the ridges (i.e. not straight, there are no sequence data (Larsen and Patterson

like in Ploeotia). Nonetheless, pellicle strips need to 1990; Lee 2008). These similarities are worth fur-

be examined carefully, and while light microscopy ther examination, especially bearing in mind that

is easily accessible, scanning electron microscopy Olkasia branches as a sister group to spirocutes in

helps greatly in understanding the organization of our phylogenetic analyses (with negligible support),

strips (Esson and Leander 2006). One example is as well as in some other recent analyes (Cavalier-

P. oblonga: it has previously been thought that this Smith 2016), although not in all (Paerschke et al.

morphospecies is most closely allied with S. costata 2017).

(Larsen and Patterson 1990; Lee and Patterson

2000; Lee 2008), since P. oblonga resembles S.

Eukaryotrophy in Ploeotids

costata in having alternating thin and wide strips.

Our SEM analyses revealed that the strip bound- It has been proposed that phagotrophic euglenids

aries are considerably different in P. oblonga, being were ancestrally bacterivorous and that the devel-

raised on keels like in P. vitrea (Fig. 2). opment of a flexible pellicle in an ancestor of

It is likely that pellicle strip structure has a Spirocuta was needed for phagotrophic euglenids

complex evolutionary history within ploeotids, for to become effective eukaryotrophs (Leander et al.

example the alternation of narrower and wider 2001a; Leander 2004). This eukaryotrophy sub-

strips likely arose at least three times indepen- sequently enabled a phagotrophic euglenid to

dently: in Ploeotia oblonga, Serpenomonas, and, participate in secondary endosymbiosis as the host

arguably, Entosiphon (it is also possible it arose (Leander et al. 2001a). This association has been

twice, and was subsequently lost in Ploeotia vitrea). questioned, however (Cavalier-Smith 2016; Lax

This alternation in strip width could be explained and Simpson 2013), and our study provides fur-

by pellicle strip morphogenesis during cell divi- ther evidence that some rigid euglenid taxa (like

sion. Cavalier-Smith (2017) reinterpreted data from ploeotids) can be effective eukaryotrophs. All of the

Triemer and Fritz (1988), Leander and Farmer Olkasia cells we isolated contained ingested algae

(2001) and Leander et al. (2007). He inferred that (Fig. 4), as did the cell studied by Lax and Simpson

during division of S. costata, the narrow strips (2013). Further, we observed ingested algal mate-

mature into wide strips, and ten new narrow strips rial in Ploeotia vitrea, P. oblonga, Entosiphon sp.

inserted at their flanks (Cavalier-Smith 2017). If (Figs 1f–h and 6m, n), Keelungia sp., and Ser-

so, this process may help explain the occurrence penomonas costata, with the latter already reported

of heteromorphic pellicle strips in multiple taxa to be able to ingest algae and other eukaryotic cells

of ploeotids including P. oblonga, since it is—in (Linton and Triemer 1999). In this study we also

principle—a simple difference in pellicle strip devel- demonstrated that some taxa formerly assigned to

opment timing (heterochrony). This phenomenon Anisonema branch outside Spirocuta. These taxa,

has been inferred to explain pellicle whorl patterns Hemiolia and Liburna, seem to include accom-

in phototrophic euglenids (Esson and Leander plished eukaryotrophs: Several of our isolated cells

2006; Leander et al. 2007; Esson and Leander of Hemiolia and Liburna contained whole ingested

2008). Further cell-developmental investigations of pennate diatoms up to 19 m in length (Fig. 6e,

Serpenomonas, Entosiphon and/or P. oblonga (and i–k). Both Hemiolia and Liburna have previously

other taxa with heteromorphic strips) would be illu- been reported to contain ‘small granules’ (Lee

minating. and Patterson 2000; Lee 2008), which might be

Our SEM observations show that Olkasia has ingested prey, as mentioned as a possibility in

S-shaped pellicular strips, with the joints between the original description (Larsen 1987). We con-

strips lying under an overhang. Of all ploeotid clude that the ability to ingest smaller

groups examined so far, this is arguably the most is widespread among ploeotids sensu lato.

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 253

Group I and Non-canonical Introns other related self-splicing entities, and we were not

able to construct secondary structures. Additional

A group I intron was discovered in Serpenomonas

examination showed that the introns at these posi-

costata strain CCAP 1265/1 by Busse and Preisfeld

tions have similarities to the non-canonical introns

(2003). Chan et al. (2015) subsequently sequenced

found in several protein-coding genes of eugleno-

two additional Serpenomonas isolates that lacked

zoans, mainly gracilis (Breckenridge et al.

group I introns. With further sampling we found

1999; Guminska´ et al. 2018; Henze et al. 1995;

group I introns across Serpenomonas clade A,

Milanowski et al. 2014) and diplonemids (Gawryluk

which includes CCAP 1265/1, but did not find any

et al. 2016). Data for phagotrophic euglenids are

in clade B, to which Chan et al’s sequences belong

sparse, but there are several short, non-canonical

(Fig. 9a; see above). Interestingly, we also found a

introns in the Hsp90 gene of the spirocute Per-

group I intron of similar length at the same position

anema trichophorum (Breglia et al. 2007). In

in some of our Ploeotia vitrea isolates (Fig. 9a).

addition to possessing a stable secondary structure

Gain and loss of a group I intron is known as

bringing both splicing sites together, these introns

the Goddard-Burt cycle (Goddard and Burt 1999;

have short 2–4 bp direct repeats in one end of

Haugen et al. 2005), and is initiated with a cut-

the intron and in the opposing end of the flank-

ting site created by a homing endonuclease (HE).

ing region (Henze et al. 1995). We speculate that

This evolutionary process means that soon after

these features in KM082 Keelungia sp. might repre-

gain of the intron, the HE-gene is still present, but

sent non-canonical introns. Non-canonical introns

is subsequently truncated prior to loss. Homing

are common in protein-coding genes of euglenids

endonuclease genes were absent from the introns

(Breglia et al. 2007; Guminska´ et al. 2018; Henze

in S. costata clade A and P. vitrea, suggesting that

et al. 1995), but have not—to our knowledge—been

these are in the loss phase of the cycle. A phy-

reported in rRNA genes. More research into the dis-

logenetic analysis based on the dataset of Busse

tribution, structure, and splicing of these putative

and Preisfeld (2003) showed that the P. vitrea group

non-canonical introns is merited.

I intron is not specifically related to that in S.

costata (data not shown). It is thus likely that these

Have we Found All Major Clades of

introns invaded Serpenomonas and Ploeotia inde-

pendently (and S. costata clade B may never have Ploeotids?

been invaded), which is consistent with the genetic

We here report sequences from ten different mor-

divergence between Ploeotia and Serpenomonas.

phospecies of ploeotids, many of which were

We were not able to detect any additional group

formerly assigned to genus Ploeotia, whereas

I or II intron sequences at other positions with

there at least 22 described morphospecies in

RNAweasel (see Methods), but the SSU-rDNA

Ploeotia alone (for example see Al-Qassab et al.

alignment showed conspicuous insertions at two

2002; Larsen and Patterson 1990; Patterson and

other positions in some Serpenomonas costata and

Simpson 1996). It is possible that some of these

Ploeotia vitrea isolates, and we confirmed in two

other species represent additional major clades of

cases that these insertions are absent from the

ploeotids, beyond the eight identified thus far. This

rRNA (Fig. 9a). We inferred the secondary struc-

is especially true for taxa with arrangements of pel-

tures of these introns and found at least 8 of the 10

licle strips that differ from those of the identified

conserved core domains (P2–P9; data not shown)

major clades and/or where the fine structure of

that are characteristic of group I introns (Haugen

strip joints is unknown, like Ploeotia adhaerens or

et al. 2005). In the phylogenetic analysis with group

P. scrobiculata (Larsen and Patterson 1990). Until

I introns mentioned above, sequences from these

molecular data are obtained from these morphos-

positions formed a clade that was clearly separate

pecies, their phylogenetic placement will remain

from the introns at position 1.

highly uncertain: Their assignation to Ploeotia must

In addition, we recorded five 158–170 bp long

be seen as provisional, but should be retained until

inserts in Keelungia sp. strain KM082, which did

clear evidence of their actual phylogenetic affinities

not share positions with the introns in S. costata

is available.

and P. vitrea (Fig. 9a). These insertions were not

present in cDNA-derived SSU-rRNA sequences,

suggesting that they are also introns. While group The Need for Multigene Phylogenies

I introns shorter than 200 bp have been found

In all of our analyses ploeotids appear as para-

(Zhou et al. 2007), our RNAweasel analysis again

phyletic, forming the base of the euglenid tree, if the

did not identify them as group I or II introns or

question of the position and identity of symbiontids

254 G. Lax et al.

is overlooked (Figs 7, 8). On its own, this sug- cycle, the coverslips were examined bottom facing up with sea-

water added, on an inverted microscope (either Zeiss Axiovert

gests that a ploeotid-like organism could indeed be

200M under 1000×; or Leica DM IL LED under 400× or 630×

the ancestor from which all other euglenids arose,

total magnification). Individual cells were imaged (with a Zeiss

however the branching order amongst the major

AxioCam M5 or a Sony NEX6, respectively), and then isolated

ploeotid clades was very poorly resolved and sup- by mouthpipetting with a drawn-out glass pipette. Cells were

ported in our study. Although we now have a clearer washed 3–5 times in 2 l drops of sterile seawater under the

microscope before being expulsed into separate 0.2 ml PCR

picture of the number and diversity of the major

tubes containing 9.5 ␮l PCR-grade distilled water. Cells were

groups of ploeotids, it is obvious that SSU-rDNA ◦

lysed by up to 10 freeze-thaw cycles (−80 C and RT) and DNA

sequences alone will not resolve relationships was amplified by multiple displacement amplification (MDA),

between those groups. Multigene phylogenetics using an Illustra GenomiPhi v3 kit (GE Healthcare), following

the manufacturer’s instructions, but with the 30 C isothermal

are likely needed to resolve deep euglenid phy-

amplification time extended to 2 h. Success of the MDA reac-

logeny. This approach has been used successfully

tions was assessed by running 1 ␮l of the product on a 0.5%

in a range of protist groups, including phototrophic

agarose gel.

euglenids (e.g. Karnkowska et al. 2015). In addi- PCR amplification and sequencing: SSU-rDNA frag-

tion to using culture-based approaches, methods ments were amplified from DNA from cultures and cells by PCR,

using a variety of different euglenid/ploeotid-biased primers

like single-cell transcriptomics have the potential

(Supplementary Material Table A1). Primers biased towards

to rapidly increase taxon sampling for phyloge-

ploeotids (including Hemiolia and Liburna) were designed by

nomic studies, especially for taxa that are difficult

modifying previously published euglenid-biased primers (Busse

to culture (Kolisko et al. 2014; Lax et al. 2018). et al. 2003; Lax and Simpson 2013), or scanning alignments

Our identification of major groups of ploeotids of existing SSU-rDNA sequences for suitable conserved sites.

Amplifications were carried out with Invitrogen Recombinant

is an important step in establishing what taxon

Taq, 2 mM MgCl2, and 0.2 mM dNTPs. Initial denaturing was

sampling is appropriate for future phylogenomic ◦ ◦

done at 95 C for 3 min; then 35 cycles of: denaturing at 95 C

analyses. ◦

for 30 sec, annealing at 50–64 C (see Supplementary Mate-

rial Table A1 for primer combinations) for 30 sec, elongation

◦ ◦

at 72 C for 2 min; and a final elongation step at 72 C for

Methods 10 min. Products were visualised with gel-electrophoresis on a

1% agarose gel, and either sent directly for Sanger sequencing

(Génome Québec) or first gel-extracted with a Qiagen Gel-

Cultures: Establishment and nucleic acid extraction:

Extraction kit. Almost full-length SSU-rDNA sequences were

Marine intertidal sediments were used to establish crude cul-

obtained for most cells/cultures by amplifying at least two over-

tures, with sterile seawater supplemented with 1–3% LB (v/v)

lapping fragments. Raw reads were quality-checked by eye

as the initial medium (sample sites yielding euglenid cultures

and automatically assembled de novo using Geneious R10

are reported in Table A5). Cultures of Serpenomonas costata,

(Kearse et al. 2012), then queried against the NCBI Gen-

Ploeotia vitrea, P. oblonga and Keelungia sp. were obtained

Bank nr database to identify any contaminant sequences.

by serial dilution of crude cultures, or isolation of single cells

For one cultured strain, P. vitrea MX-CHA, only a partial

with a pipette. After establishment, cultures were maintained in

SSU-rDNA sequence was obtained by PCR amplification, but

tissue culture flasks in ∼10 ml sterile seawater supplemented

a full-length SSU rRNA was extracted from transcriptome

either with 0.1–1% LB media (v/v) or a sterile barley grain, with

data from the same strain. The methods for this Illumina

transfers every 2–3 weeks. Cells of Entosiphon sp. were iso-

sequencing will be reported elsewhere (Lax et al. unpub-

lated from freshwater sediment into tap water to form a crude lished).

culture. The culture was then supplemented with Haematococ-

Alignment and phylogenetic analyses: The new

cus sp. as prey, and transferred every 2–24 months. Cultures

sequences were added to a seed alignment including 34

were imaged under coverslips with a Zeiss Axiovert 200M and

phagotrophic euglenid sequences available on GenBank,

AxioCam M5.

a phylogenetically broad selection of primary osmotrophic

DNA from all cultures was isolated with a Qiagen DNAeasy

and phototrophic euglenids, and symbiontids. Representative

Blood and Tissue kit, using the tissue protocol, and quantified

sequences from diplonemids and kinetoplastids were included

via spectroscopy with a NanoDrop (Thermo Scientific). We also

as outgroups. To exclude potential long-branch attraction

isolated mRNA from three cultures either using a TRIzol-based

artifacts we also created datasets without Entosiphon and/or

extraction, following the manufacturers’ instructions (S. costata

without outgroups (four datasets total). To exclude potential

HAK-MF and P. vitrea MX-CHA; Thermo Life Sciences), or RNA

reduced resolution due to short sequences, we created a

spin-columns (Keelungia sp. culture KM082; Macherey-Nagel

fifth dataset without sequences <1000 bp. In a sixth dataset,

NucleoSpin RNA XS). Reverse transcription to cDNA was car-

we excluded CARR5, SMS7, WF2 3, Heteronema/Teloprocta

ried out with a template-switching oligo, as described by Picelli

scaphurum, and 13 other sequences, since they were identified

et al. (2013).

as rogue taxa by RogueNaRok (Aberer et al. 2013) under the

Single cells: Photodocumentation and DNA amplifica-

RNR algorithm. The base dataset was aligned with MAFFT

tion: Preparation of marine sediment samples largely followed

E-INS-I (Katoh and Standley 2013), checked manually with

Larsen and Patterson (1990). Briefly, sediment was collected

AliView (Larsson 2014), and masked by eye with SeaView

from various sites across North America (Supplementary Mate-

(Gouy et al. 2010) to exclude ambiguous positions for all five

rial Table A5), placed into small trays, and spread out to 1–2 cm

taxon selections. This yielded a 1276 nt trimmed alignment

thickness. Kimwipe tissue was added on top, then 50 × 20 mm

for the datasets with all taxa included (156 taxa) and all taxa

glass coverslips. A transparent lid was added to reduce evapo-

minus outgroup (123 taxa). A 1360 nt trimmed alignment was

ration. After 12–72 h under ambient within-laboratory day-night

Ploeotid Phylogenetic Diversity 255

generated for the datasets without Entosiphon (151 taxa); Acknowledgements

without Entosiphon and outgroups (118 taxa); and without

Entosiphon, short sequences; and rogue taxa (100 taxa).

We thank the Tula Foundation for supporting field

The ‘all-taxa’ dataset was also automatically trimmed with

work on Calvert and Quadra Island, CARMABI for

trimAl to test whether any major results could stem from

user bias in site masking (Capella-Gutiérrez et al. 2009; −st enabling field work in Curac¸ao, Noriko Okamoto

0.001 gt 0.89; 1354 sites). For each dataset, Maximum and Patrick Keeling (University of British Columbia)

Likelihood phylogenies were inferred with RAxML under the

for help with sampling and use of their micro-

GTR + model (Stamatakis 2014), with robustness assessed

scope while in the field, and to Michelle Leger

with 1000 bootstraps for each analysis. We also carried out

for providing the source samples for cultures MX-

Bayesian analyses on the main dataset and on the dataset

with Entosiphon and with outgroups. MrBayes (Ronquist CHA and ESC. We thank Ping Li and Pat Scallion

et al. 2012) was used under the GTR + model, running 4 (both Dalhousie University) for assistance with

chains (default heating parameters) for 5,000,000 generations

SEM-imaging, Michael Gray (Dalhousie Univer-

each, with trees sampled every 1000 generations and the

sity) for feedback on introns in euglenids, and

first 25% discarded as burn-in. Convergence was confirmed

by assessing that PRSF values (Potential Scale Reduction Claire Burnard for some sampling assistance. The

Factor) approached 1.0. The ‘all-taxa’ ML-derived trimAl tree research was supported by NSERC grant 298366-

was very similar to the dataset masked by eye, with none of

2014 to AGBS, and by CIfAR. WJL was supported

the differing bipartitions receiving more than 50% BS support

by grants from the National Institute of Biologi-

in either analysis.

cal Resources, Korea (NIBR201801202) and the

Potential group I introns were identified by looking for

conspicuous insertions in the alignment and then exam- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-

ining those sequences with RNAweasel (http://megasun. 2018R1A2A3075567). Nov. 5 2018). Con-

spicuously, RNAweasel did not identify possible introns

in isolate ABF1 (Serpenomonas costata) or culture SJB2

(Ploeotia vitrea); despite these having 406 and 510 bp,

and 402 bp insertions, respectively. We subsequently gen- Appendix A. Supplementary Data

erated cDNA-derived SSU sequences for HAK-MF (S.

costata), MX-CHA (P. vitrea), and KM082 (Keelungia sp.; Supplementary data associated with this arti-

see above). Sequences from both DNA and cDNA were

cle can be found, in the online version, at

aligned and compared to confirm that the insertions were

excised from the rRNA. To investigate the presence or

absence of homing endonuclease (HE), we blasted the

intron sequences using BLASTx against the GenBank nr


Pairwise sequence identities were calculated from whole References

(unmasked) sequence alignments, but with intron sequences

excluded. Partial sequences were excluded from reporting,

Aberer AJ, Krompass D, Stamatakis A (2013) Pruning rogue

unless specifically noted (all scores can be found in Supple-

taxa improves phylogenetic accuracy: an efficient algorithm and

mentary Material Table A3).

webservice. Syst Biol 62:162–166

Scanning electron microscopy: 50–100 ␮l of cells from

2 week old cultures of Serpenomonas costata strain HAK-

Adl SM, Bass D, Lane CE, Lukesˇ J, Schoch CL, Smirnov

MF, Ploeotia oblonga strain CAS1, and Ploeotia vitrea strains

A, Agatha S, Berney C, Brown MW, Burki F, Cárdenas

BoP4.1PV and MX-CHA were transferred onto poly-L-lysine-

P, Cepiˇ ckaˇ I, Chistyakova L, del Campo J, Dunthorn M,

coated 12 mm round coverslips, and immediately fixed with a

Edvardsen B, Eglit Y, Guillou L, Hampl V, Heiss AA, Hoppen-

drop of 25% glutaraldehyde and OsO4 vapor, for 1 h. After fix-

rath M, James TY, Karpov S, Kim E, Kolisko M, Kudryavtsev

ation, the coverslips were washed 3× in filtered seawater or

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