Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-Fifth Report 1935

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Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-Fifth Report 1935 Bulletin 383 April, 1936 CONNECTICUT STATE ENTOMOLOGIST THIRTY-FIFTH REPORT 1935 W. E. BRITTON. PH.D. - State Entomologist 1 Bulletin 383 April, 1936 / CONNECTICUT STATE ENTOMOLOGIST THIRTY-FIFTH REPORT a W. E. BRITTON, PH.D. State Entomologist CONNECTICUT AGRICULTUIt AL EXPERIRIENT STATION CONTENTS PAGE ENTO~IOLOGICALFEATURES OF 1935 ....................................... 249 ROARD OF CONTROL INSECTRECORD FOR 1935 ............................................. 232 Fruit Insects ....................................................... 252 His Excellency. Governor Wilbur L . Cross. ex.officio . President Elijah Rogers. Vice.President ........................................ Southington Vegetable lnsects ................................................... 234 William L . Slate. Director and Treasurer ............................. .New Haven Shade and Forest Tree Insects ....................................... 255 Edward C . Schneider. Secretary ..................................... Middletown Insects of Ornaincntal Shrubs and Vines ............................... 259 JosephW.Alsop ....................................................... ..Avon Insects of Flowers and Greenhouse Plants ............................. 260 Charles G . Morris .................................................... Newtown Insects of Sail and Lawn ............................................ 262 tUbertB.Plant ....................................................... Branford Insccts Infesting Stored Food Products ................................ 263 0IcottF.King .................................................. South Windsor Household Insects .................................................. 263 Insects Infesting Timbers and Wood Products .......................... 264 Insects Annoying Man and Domestic Animals .......................... 265 STAFF Spiders ............................................................ 265 Administration . WILLIAML . SLATE.B.SC.. ~irec&rand Treasurer. Beneficial Insec ts ................................................... 265 MISS L . M . RRAUTLECHT. Rookkee er and Librarian . hliscellaneous ...................................................... 266 Mrss KATHERINEM . PAL~IER.R.&rr .. Edilor . G . E . GRAHAM. In Charge oJ Buildings and Croundr . INSPECTIONOF NURSERIES. 1935 .......................................... 269 Analytical E. M . RAILEY. Pm.D., Chemisl in Charge . Number and Size of Nurseries ........................................ 269 Chemistry . C . F. SHEPARD I Connecticut Nursery Firms Certified in 1935 ........................... 270 OWENL . NOLAN Other Rinds of Certificates Issued MARRYJ . FISHER.Pm.D. }~ssirlanlChemislr . .................................... 277 \V . T . ATHI HIS Inspection of Imported Stock ........................................ 278 DAVIDC . WALDEN.B.S. ) Results of Inspection .............................................. 278 V . L . CHURCHILL.Sampling Aged . MRS. A . R . VOSRITRGH.Secretary . INSPECTIONOF APIARIES.1935 ........................................... 279 Statistics of Inspcc.t.ion .............................................. 280 Summary .......................................................... 284 Biochemistry . H . B . VICKERY. PH.D .. Biochemisl in Charge . GEORGEW . PUCHERPH.D Assislad Biochernisl. Financialstatement ................................................ 284 . .. Registration of Bees ................................................ 285 Botany . G . P . CLINTON. Sc.D .. Bolanisl in Charge . ~XEPORT ON CONTROLOF THE GYPSYMOTH. 1935 ........................... 285 E . M . S~DDARD. B.S., Pomologisl . New Equipment .................................................... 285 MISS FLORENCEA . ILICCORMICK. Pa.D., Palhologisl . Control Operations ................................................. 286 A. A . DUNLAP. PH.D .. Assislanl Mycologisl. A . D . MCDONNELL. General Assislad . Suppression Work by State Crews ................................ 286 Mns . W . W . KEWEY. Secrelnry . Work I'crformed by CCC Men ................................... 287 Work Doncby Federal Men ..................................... 287 Quarantines ........................................................ 287 W . E . BRI~N. Pm.D .. DSC.. Enlomologisl in Charge . Slab Enlomologisl . Statistic5 of Infestations. 1934-1935 ................................... 288 R . 13 . WAWEN. B.AGR. M . P . ZAPPE.13.S. Summary of Statistic? ............................................... 290 I'AILIP GARHAN.Pn.D. Assislanl Elilornologisls. Financial Statement ................................................ 290 ROGERR . FRIEND. PH.D. NEELYTURNER . M.A. PRESENTSTATUS OF MOSQUITOCONTROL WORK IN CONNECTICUT............. 292 JOIINT . ASH\VORT~. Depuly in Charge of Gypw Molh COnlrol. ResuinP of Work Accomplished ........................................ 295 R . C . UOTS~RD. Depuly in Charge of Mosquilo Elirnimlion . J . P . JOHNSON. B.S., Depuly in Charge of Japanese Ijeelle Conlrol . MISS HELENA . IIUWE EUROPEANCORN BORER CONTROI.. 1935 ................................... 301 MISS BEITY SCOVILLE )secrelaries . New Legislation .................................................... 302 Quarantine Revoked ................................................ 302 Insecticide Investigations ............................................ 302 Forestry . WALTER0 . FILLEY Foresler in Charge . Date of Planting Experiment ........................................ 303 M W . HICOCK M.P. Assisfanl Foresler . J.'E. RILEY.~k .. M.P., In Charge of Blirler Rusl Conlrol . Federalsurvey ..................................................... 303 MISS PAULINEA . MERCHANT.Secretory . Observations on Coin Ear Worm ..................................... 303 JAPANESEBEETLE WORK IN CONNECTICUT.1935 ............................ 304 Plant Breeding . DONAWF . JON-. Sc.D., Genelick1 in Charge . Scouting ........................................................... 304 W . RALPHSINGLETON . Sc.D., Assislanl Genelicisl. Trapping .......................................................... 304 LAWRENCEC . Cu~ns. R.S., Assislant . Inspection and Certification .......................................... 305 TESTSOF APPLESPRAYS. 1935 ............................................ 305 Sods . M . F . MORGAN.Pm.D .. Agronomisl in Charge . H . C; . M .JACOUSON . M.S .. Assislanl Agronomist . HERBERTA . I.UNT. PFI.D.. Assislanl in Foresl Soils . DWIGHTB . DOWNS. General Assislanl . MISS ~ERAW~NEEVERETT . Secrelary . Tobacco Substation PAULJ . ANDERSON. Pm.D .. PaUlo!ogisl in Charge STUDIESIN BREEDINGAND CONTROLOF THE APPLEMAGGOT ................. 315 at Windsor . T . R . SWANBACKM.S. AQ~OMI~LII. Repellents to Oviposition ............................................ 316 0. E . STRBET. PA.D .. Plan1 Physiologisl . Toxicity Experiments ............................................... 316 MISS Dono~n~LENARD . Secrehry . - - Phting by The Peiper Presa. Inc., Wdlindord . Conn . 248 Connect icul Exper imenl Slafion Bulletin 383 PAGE 320 322 324 325 326 328 CONNECTICUT STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 329 331 THIRTY-FIFTH REPORT 333 335 THE RELATIONBETWEEN THE H~BERNATINGFEMALE AND THE SURVIVALOF THE SPRINGGENERATION OF THE SPRUCEGALL APHID. ...................... 341 CO~~PERATIVEEUROPEAN CORN BORER EGG PARASITISM INVESTIGATION ....... 344 ENTOMOLOGICAL FEATURES OF 1935 CONDITIONINGA BASEMENT ROOM FOR BREEDINGINSECTS. .................. 3.2.6 K MISCELLANEOUSINSECTNOTES ........................................... THE WINTER of 1934-35 was less severe in Connecticut than the pre- The Black Widow Spider. ........................................... ceding winter, in regard to both snowfall and sustained low tempera- Damage by Strawberry Weevil. ...................................... tures. Nevertheless, low temperatures prevailed in some portions of 0utl)reak of Say's Blister Beetle. ..................................... Ragworm in New Haven ............................................ the Slate and there was at least one heavy snowfall. Whereas practi- Borer in Cat-tail ................................................... cally all peach buds were killed and no fruit produced in 1934, there A Leaf Miner of Chrysanthemum. .................................... was a partial (perhaps 25 to 40 per cent) crop in 1935. Abundance of a White Geomctrid Moth. .............................. The precipitation for January, June and September was considerably Abundanceof Elm Lacebug .......................................... above the normal, but for February, March, April, May, July, -4ugust Jnjmy to Rhododendron Seedlings. ................................... Structural W700d Injured by Powder-post Beetles. ...................... and October was below the normal. Rainfall during the growing season, Forest Tent Caterpillar.. ............................................ May to September, inclusive, was about 2.75 inches, or 14.5 per cent, 1?lm Spanworm ..................................................... below the normal. The heaviest rainfall came in June and was more Prevalence of the Fall Canker Worm. ................................. than twice the normal amount. Lime-Tree Looper .................................................. Elm Leaf Aphicl .......... .......................................... Some of the more important entomological features of tlie season w-ere Control of Apple Aphids?vith California Ladybeetles. ................... the discovery in Connecticut of the European spruce sawfly, Lliprion Plant13ugIn.inrytoFruit ........................................... polytornum Hartig; the great abundance of the
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    /S=/SaAs9f HERBERT HASELTINE AN EXHIBITION OF SCULPTURE OF BRITISH CHAMPION ANIMALS KNOEDLER'S GALLERY, 15 OLD BOND STREET I HERBERT HASELTINE PORTRAIT OF HERBERT HASELTINE BY SIR WILLIAM ORPEN, R.A. EXHIBITION OF SCULPTURE ^ 76_" *" "* ? OF BRITISH CHAMPION ANIMALS BY HERBERT HASELTINE (Held under the auspices of The Field) Wednesday, July 8th to Friday, July 31st, 1925 KNOEDLER'S GALLERY, 15 OLD BOND STREET, W.i SHIRE STALLION: FIELD MARSHAL V Preface The following is an extract translated from the Preface written by M. Georges Be'nedit, of the Academie Fran false, for the Catalogue of the Exhibition of Sculpture by Herbert Haseltine recently held in Paris. "HASELTINE, in Aime Morot's Studio, was quick to profit by his master's indications of the proper spirit in which to approach the Study of animal life. None amongSt those acquainted with Parisian art circles before the war can fail to have realized the feeling of the celebrated painter of 'The Charge at Rezonville,' for the lion and the leopard and Aime Morot's menagerie has since acquired an almost legendary reputation. His teaching, his admirable draughts­ manship, informed by his father-in-law Gerome's predilection for sculpture, was destined to bear fruit in the present instance; Plaseltine resigned the brush in favour of the chisel and addressed himself to the portrayal of animals. Fortunately for him, he has been able to profit by what is moSt essential to works of art in their relation to history, namely, their utilization for the purpose of practical record. JuSt as the paSt civilizations of Greece and of the EaSt used the sculptor's chisel as the helpmate of the chronicler's pen to perpetuate the glory of men as well as of gods, the en­ couragement given in England to the breeding of horses and Stock of all kinds has resulted in the distribution of honours to animals comparable to those offered by the Greeks to the viftors in their games, the 'Statuae iconicae,' alluded to in Pliny's Natural History.
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