2014 Hansen House In Partnership With FriesenPress Copyright © 2014 by FriesenPress

ISBN: 978-1-4602-1924-9

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information browsing, storage, or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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FriesenPress Suite 300 – 852 Fort Street Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 1H8 Contents

Introduction 1 What You Pay For With Assisted Self-Publishing 10 Overview of Self-Publishing 2 EDITING DESIGN Self-Publishing vs. MARKETING Traditional Publishing 3 ADVANTAGES The Production Process CHALLENGES at FriesenPress 13

Choosing an What Does It All Mean? 14 Assisted Self-Publisher 5 COMMON SELF-PUBLISHING TERMS

Questions Authors Should Publishing Packages 16 Ask Themselves Before PRESIDENTIAL Deciding To Self-Publish 8 ALL-INCLUSIVE BESTSELLER Why Do Authors Love Hansen House-FriesenPress? 8 Mark Victor Hansen has written over 300 best selling , he has helped millions of people share their stories with the world through his Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and now he wants to help you tell your story too.

Mark’s Personal Message to You

I am so thrilled that your search for a self-publisher has brought you to the same place that it took me. FriesenPress is the most trusted name in self-publishing which is why we at Hansen House, have chosen to partner with them to help you bring your vision to life.

As an author, you need a publisher that understands your vision and is equally invested in bringing it to life. The Hansen House-FriesenPress’ sales process allows them to understand your goals and match you with the right products. One of the things that makes them so unique as a self-publisher is that they want to read your . And then they provide personalized feedback on what you can do to take your manuscript to the next level. Your book will be produced by your personal FriesenPress Account Manager who will work with you one on one throughout the process. And when your book is done, it will be printed with industry leader, , to make it widely available for sale through over 25,000 online sellers.

Together, Hansen House and FriesenPress are able to offer you the unique opportunity to support you on your writing journey from start to finish. Through my Wealthy Writer’s Wisdom course I will share my secrets to writing a best seller. FriesenPress will then help you produce a beautiful book and their parent company, award-winning Friesens, will manage your large print runs to ensure your book is of the highest quality. Nobody else in the industry can offer you this winning combination all in one place.

I want you to keep me posted as you move through your self-publishing journey at mark@markvictorhansen. com. Feel free to send me a little note and keep me updated about your release date. Once your book is complete, email me a copy so that I can feature it on my website and blog.

This is where you belong, as a part of our family. Call us today and set the wheels in motion for your dream to become a reality. I know you will be thrilled that you chose us. Introduction

You have a story and it deserves to be told — but what is the best way to tell it? For a growing number of authors, the answer to that question is self-publishing. There are numerous reasons that so many authors are turning to self-publishing — better royalties for the authors, the inaccessibility of the traditional publishing route, and the fact that self-publishing is now affordable — and this document is here to help you better understand how such a choice may be right for you.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 1 Overview of Self-Publishing

Although the term is new to many people, self-publishing already had a robust life before 50 Shades of Grey took over the world. In 2008, Terry Fallis won the top award for humour writing in Canada with his self-published political satire Best Laid Plans. Lisa Dupar’s first cookbook, the self-publishedFried Chicken and Champagne, won a prestigious International Association of Culinary Professionals award in 2011. Marlen Suyapa Bodden was presented with four separate six-figure deals from major publishers following the self-published success of The Wedding Gift, her historical novel about American slavery.

Traditionally published authors are also abandoning their long-time publishers for self-publishing. For example, both Jackie Collins and Stephen King have used self-publishing as a tool for releasing short stories to their fans.

In traditional publishing you write your book, submit your manuscript, and the publisher does the rest. You put the success of your book into someone else’s hands. As a self-published author you decide how your book is to be priced, designed and marketed. We outline more of the differences between the two industries in the section below.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 2 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing Advantages

Self-Publishing Traditional Publishing

Much higher royalties than traditional The author bears no upfront costs to publish 1 publishing (average 20–80%) 1 their book

The author retains copyright and controls The author is paid an advance (though these 2 all decisions relating to content, pricing and 2 are becoming less and less common and book design much less lucrative)

3 Publication happens quickly Some marketing done by the publisher’s 3 marketing team (though see corresponding 4 Easy to make design and editorial changes entry in the Challenges section)

5 Open to everyone

6 Greater long-term earning potential

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 3 Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing Challenges

Self-Publishing Traditional Publishing

The author pays up-front for services like Almost impossible to get manuscript 1 editing and design 1 accepted (99% rejection rate)

Major literary awards like the Giller Prize, 2 Royalties are significantly lower 2 National Book Awards and Man Booker don’t currently accept self-published books Publisher controls all aspects of book design, 3 pricing, title and content

Takes 1–2 years (or more) for your book to 4 reach market

prices are high (and thus it is difficult 5 to compete against the numerous free and low priced titles on the market for this format)

Marketing support varies greatly and most 6 authors are expected to lead their own promotional efforts

Less than 10% of books from mainstream 7 big publishers make it onto book shelves at retailers

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 4 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 Choosing an Assisted Self-Publisher

Thanks to modern technology, self-publishing is now accessible and affordable for everybody. This has led to a number of authors going the do-it-yourself route. Do-it-yourselfers handle every aspect of the book production process themselves — editing, cover design, book layout, , and distribution. If you have the skills, the time and the tech savvy, going the DIY-route could be cost-effective. Most people, however, need some help getting their books to market, and that’s where assisted self-publishing comes in.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 5 Choosing an Assisted Self-Publisher continued…

Choosing the right assisted self-publishing company for your specific needs can be challenging. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of options and FriesenPress is one of them. We want you to make the right decision, so we recommend you ask a few questions before choosing an assisted self-publisher:

What sort of reputation does the company have? The easiest way to find the answer to this question is by googling [company name]+complaints, or [company name]+scam. Writers Beware and Preditors and Editors are also good sources. If these methods don’t work, you can always try con- tacting authors directly via email or social media and asking for their advice. FriesenPress has an excellent record with satisfying authors (see our testimonials page).

What royalties will you get from the company? Self-published authors can expect to earn royalties of anywhere from 20–80%. Royalties earned on are usually much higher than those earned on printed copies. Pay close attention to how your royalties are calculated. Net sales figures can be manip- ulated by inflating printing costs. Royalties can be calculated based on either a percentage of net or gross sales. FriesenPress calculates royalties based on a percentage of the list price of your book, and authors can earn a royalty of up to 55% of the suggested retail price on print editions of their books.

Does the company offer a reasonable book discount to authors? The average book discount given to an author is between 30–50% off. FriesenPress gives authors a 55% discount when they purchase copies of their own books.

Are contract terms favourable? A self-publishing contract should give you the ability to terminate the contract at any time and the retention of all rights to your work. FriesenPress’s contract gives authors the right to terminate at any time with written notice, and authors retain 100% of the rights to their work.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 6 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 Choosing an Assisted Self-Publisher continued…

Is the company charging a fair price for its services? Self-publishing a book can cost anywhere from $0 (ebook distribution only with no editing and no professional cover design) to over $100,000. Most entry level self-publishing packages cost between $1000–$5000. We have three package levels:

Presidential — $9499 All-Inclusive — from $4,899 Bestseller — from $1,899 Enjoy the benefits of modern Premium cover design. Professional You’re a go-getter. You want print-on-demand and the best copyediting. Extended online commercial success, and you know of traditional printing services, distribution. We’ll take your your book’s market. Take your book while earning higher royalties for publication to the highest calibre. to the next level with the Bestseller the books that you sell. Premium With leading edge design services, a Package. The package features two front-of-the-line cover design. professional back cover rewrite, and revision rounds, a custom layout Professional content editing. a specialized book promotion plan, design and promotional assistance. Extended online distribution. We’ll the All-Inclusive package is your With premium hardcover, paperback take your publication to the highest step to professionalism. and ebook editions available for calibre with leading edge design order from over 25,000 retailers services, a professional back cover world-wide, your book is ready rewrite, and our premium promo- for success. tions package.

What does a good assisted self-publishing package include? A good assisted self-publishing package should include: Custom book cover and interior design (that doesn’t come from a template); distribution through online retailers (Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com etc.); and wholesale distribution through Ingram and/or Baker & Taylor. Editing, premium design and marketing services are the most common add-on costs to any assisted self-publish- ing package.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 7 Questions Authors Should Ask Themselves Before Deciding To Self-Publish

Have I done my research — on the industry, on the different options within the industry, and on the work needed to achieve my goals?

Have I determined how much time and money I need to invest to reach my goals?

Am I willing to self-promote and have I started thinking about how to go about doing this?

If you’ve answered yes to all or most of the above questions, then self-publish- ing is the right path for you. If not, you can still benefit from speaking with one of our Publishing Consultants.

Why Do Authors Love Hansen House-FriesenPress?

The quality of the books we print for you is second to none. Just look at the examples on the next page. FriesenPress books simply look better.

Every decision made at FriesenPress is carried out with the needs of our cus- tomers in mind. We pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service.

Our parent company, Friesens Corporation, has over 100 years experience printing everything from the series to the Oxford Dictionary. We’ve got years of experience, tradition, and connections to build upon in assisting you build, print, and promote your book.

Find out more about what we offer by exploring our self-publishing packages.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 8 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 9 What You Pay For With Assisted Self-Publishing Editing

The first piece of advice any publisher will give is that authors need to pay for professional editing. There are two reasons for this: (1) typos and grammatical errors hurt an author’s credibility; and (2) a professional edit will increase the saleability of the book. A 2012 survey found those who get help with content or copy editing, and/or proofreading experienced a 13% boost in earnings.

FriesenPress includes a professional editiorial evaluation with all publishing packages.

A good evaluation assesses the entire manuscript, points out its strengths and weaknesses, suggests improvements, and recommends the best course of action to increase the appeal of the book. With FriesenPress, once an author has submitted their manuscript our editors will perform an Editorial Evaluation on their book. Once completed, an author can purchase a la carte editorial services in line with the suggestions in the editorial evaluation.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 10 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 Common editorial add-ons:

Editorial Service What the editors are noting Cost in your manuscript

Copy Editing • spelling mistakes The average cost for a good copy edit is between 1.5–2 cents/word. FriesenPress • errors in punctuation charges 2 cents/word. Note: Copy editing, • incorrect grammar on manuscripts up to 70,000 words long, • awkward sentence structure is included in every all-inclusive package we sell.

Content Editing • overall flow of the manuscript Content editing usually costs 4–6 cents/word. FriesenPress charges 3.9 cents/word for • consistency in the storyline, charac- ters and dialogue this service.

• structure

• presentation

Proofreading • performs character-by-character final Proofreading is 1.5 cents/word pass of the manuscript after copy and content editing is complete

• checks for missing words

• spots erroneous cross-references

• corrects persistent misspellings that slip through spell-check

• fixes formatting issues

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 11 What You Pay For With Assisted Self-Publishing continued… Design

The reasons to pay for professional design are the same reasons to pay for professional editing: you’re likely to make more money, and you’ll look more credible. When self-published authors receive assistance with both editing and cover design, their earnings can increase by as much as 35%.

The rate for a professional graphic designer can vary greatly, but is typically in the realm of $60–$80 an hour. All FriesenPress packages include a custom layout of the inside and cover (front and back) of your book. We also offer a Premium Cover Design service, giving you three hours of designer time dedi- cated to your cover, for $249.


As a self-published author, it will be your responsibility for marketing your book. A Book Promotion Specialist, like the ones at FriesenPress, provides authors with a crash course in book promotion and gives them the tools to market their book effectively. Authors will come away with their own unique marketing strategy designed collaboratively with one of our talented Book Promotion Specialists.

Coaching from FriesenPress’ Book Promotion Specialists helped Cat Larose, author of Any Color But Beige, get covered by four different newspapers with combined circulation of over 1,000,000 (the Baltimore Sun, the Province, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Star Tribune).

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 12 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 The Production Process at FriesenPress

1. Introduction • FriesenPress vs. The Competition — An overview of the self-publish- ing industry

• Your Story — Tell us about the book you’re writing

• Package Recommendations — Based on your project description, we’ll recommend the package(s) that suit you most

2. Pre-Production • Meet Your AAM — Get introduced to your Author Account Manager (AAM), who will assist you throughout the production process

• The Questionnaire — Complete the New Author Questionnaire, designed to give the production team detailed information on your project

• Material Submission — Submit your manuscript for evaluation and editing; your other material (cover imagery, any inside imagery, etc.) is assessed

3. Production • The Design — With materials assessed and approved, your project is given to a designer for layout

• Revision Round(s) — You’re provided electronic proofs of the interior and cover(s) of your book for you to preview and revise as necessary

• Sign Off — Final electronic proofs are provided for your approval

4. Post-Production • Book Pricing — Discuss and decide on pricing with your AAM

• Channels Submission — Your book’s print files are submitted to producers and made available in the various channels; your book is now ready for order

• Promotion — It’s time to tell the world about your book! Learn from our Book Promotion Specialists about how to promote utilizing best practices within the industry.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 13 What Does It All Mean? Common Self-Publishing Terms

ISBN: Stands for “International Standard Book Number.” ISBN is a code bookstores use to identify your book. You need an ISBN if you intend to sell your book in bookstores, to libraries or through online retailers like Amazon.

POD: Stands for “print-on-demand.” Print-on-demand means that books are printed as orders are placed. This makes printing small-runs and single copies possible.

Trim Size: The physical dimensions of a book. Trim size is one of the factors that affects the printing cost of your book. Trade paperbacks are commonly in the 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" to 6" x 9" range.

Ingram Book Company (Ingram): Ingram is the world’s largest book wholesale distributor. Distributing your book through Ingram means people can order it in over 25,000 “brick-and-mortar” bookstores around the world.

Baker & Taylor: Another large book distributor. Baker & Taylor specializes in distributing books, videos and music to libraries.

Brick-and-Mortar Bookstore: A bookstore that has an actual, physical location.

Non-exclusive contract: Restricts the publisher from exercising exclusive rights to the publishing, printing, distributing and licensing of your work.

Perfect binding: A method of book binding whereby pages are bound into a book cover with glue.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 14 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 Common Self-Publishing Terms continued…

Saddle Stitching: A method of book binding whereby pages are stitched or stapled together through a fold.

Proof: An advance copy (electronic or physical) of a book which is submitted to an author for review.

Book Return Insurance: Most bookstores won’t stock your book unless it’s returnable. Purchasing book return insurance increases the likelihood of brick- and-mortar bookstores putting your work on their shelves, as it allows them to return unsold copies without losing money.

Author’s Book Discount: This is the discount you receive when you pur- chase copies of your own book from FriesenPress.

SRP: Stands for “Suggested Retail Price.” Suggested retail price is a guideline set based on a book’s page count, book type, book size and book binding. An author is free to keep this price, or choose a retail price that is higher or lower than the suggested price.

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 15 Publishing Packages Presidential

Enjoy the benefits of modern print-on-demand and the best of traditional printing services, while earning higher royalties for the books that you sell. Premium front-of-the-line cover design. Professional content editing. Extended online distribution. We’ll take your publication to the highest calibre with leading edge design services, a professional back cover rewrite, and our premium promotions package.


Editing Features Editorial Evaluation (Up to 90,000 words); Professional Content Editing (Up to 90,000 words); Editor Consultation; Professional Proofreading; Back Cover Copywriting

Publishing Features Publishing Team Support, Custom Layout; Express Design Services; Premium Cover Design; Paperback Edition; Hardcover Edition; 2 Revision Rounds, Copyright; 3 ISBNs

Book Distribution Online & Wholesale Book Distribution; PDF eBook Distribution; Amazon Features Kindle; Nook, Kobo; Google/Android; Apple; FriesenPress Online Bookstore; Online Royalty Reporting; 55% Author Discount off Suggested Retail Price

*Color & Children’s All-Inclusive Package is limited to PDF eBook Distribution only

Book Promotion Features Author Website; Look Inside – See Inside; Print Media Promotion Training; Book Promotion Plan; Press Release; Social Media Full; Kirkus Review

Complimentary Copies 60 Complimentary Softcovers; 15 Complimentary Hardcovers

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 16 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 All-Inclusive

Premium cover design. Professional copyediting. Extended online distribution. We’ll take your publication to the highest calibre. With leading edge design services, a professional back cover rewrite, and a specialized book promotion plan, the All-Inclusive package is your step to professionalism.

Fiction ($4,999) Non-Fiction ($5,199) Poetry ($4,899) Color & Children’s* ($3,899)

Publishing Features 100% of Copyright & Creative Control; Editorial Evaluation (Up to 90,000 words); Professional Copy-editing (Up to 90,000 words); Custom Layout (inside. front and back cover); Premium Cover Design; Copyright; Paperback Edition; Hardcover Edition; ISBN; 2 Revision Rounds; Express Design Services (Layout & Revisions); Minimum of 15 Image Insertions, 15 Footnotes/Endnotes, and 15 Layout Complexities Included

Distribution Features Online & Wholesale Book Distribution; PDF eBook Distribution; Distribution; Nook Distribution (Barns & Noble); Kobo Distribution (Chapters Indigo, Walmart, Best Buy); Google/Android Books Distribution; Apple iBookstore Distribution; FriesenPress Online Bookstore; Online Royalty Reporting; 55% Author Discount off Suggested Retail Price

*Color & Children’s All-Inclusive Package is limited to PDF eBook Distribution only

Promotion Features Amazon.com Look Inside; Google Books/Barnes & Noble See Inside; Print Media Promotion Training; Book Promotion Plan; 2 Hours of Book Promotion Coaching; Press Release; Back Cover Professional Re-Write; Social Media Starter (1 platform); Author website

Included Book Copies 40 Paperback Copies; 15 Hardcover Copies

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 17 Bestseller

You’re a go-getter. You want commercial success, and you know your book’s market. Take your book to the next level with the Bestseller Package. The package features two revision rounds, a custom layout design and promotional assistance. With premium hardcover, paperback and ebook editions available for order from over 25,000 retailers world-wide, your book is ready for success.

Fiction ($1,999) Non-Fiction ($2,199) Poetry ($1,899) Color & Children’s ($1,899) eBook ($1,499)

Publishing Features Non- Exclusive Contracts; 100% of Copyright & Creative Control; Editorial Evaluation (up to 70,000 words); Custom Layout (inside, front and back covers); Paperback Edition; Hardcover Edition; ISBN; 2 Revision Rounds; Minimum of 10 Image Insertions, 10 Footnotes/Endnotes, and 10 Layout Complexities Included

Distribution Features Online & Wholesale Book Distribution; PDF eBook Distribution; Amazon Kindle Distribution; Nook Distribution (Barnes & Noble); Google/Android Books Distribution; FriesenPress Online Bookstore; Online Royalty Reporting; Amazon.com Look Inside; 55% Author Discount off Suggested Retail Price

Promotion Features Amazon.com Look Inside; Google Books / Barnes & Noble See Inside; Print Media Promotion Training; Book Promotion Plan; 2 Hours of Book Promotion Coaching

Included Book Copies 20 Paperback Copies; 5 Hardcover Copies

TALK TO A PUBLISHING CONSULTANT! 18 PHONE: 1.800.792.5092 We make a better book. Have questions? Chat with a Publishing Consultant: 1.800.792.5092

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