: PARISH. • Bart., now resides a.t the Rookery, his family mansion; , which stood in a fine park, north of the village, being burnt down on October 19th, 1856. The first b8J.'onet was physician to George II. The present baronet's uncle was the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Hulse, a :field marshal in the army. A PRIORY for regular Augustine Canons was founded here by Baldwin, Earl of Rivers and Devonshire, and endowed with the tithes of Breamore, Hale, Rockbourn, North and South , and other parishes, Its yearly revenue was valued, at the disso­ lution, at ~200. 5s. ld., according to Speed. No remajns of it are now e~tant; but stone coffins have been f01md in the field called Priory meadow. Soon after the Reformation, most of the tithes which had belonged to this Priory passed to the Dodington family, who were long seated at Breamore House. One of them, re­ flecting ().U. the tragedies that had happened in his family, restored the tithes of Breamore, Hale, , and Rockbourn, to their respective parish churches. Breamore Ohurok (St. Mary) is an ancient structure, a.nd has in its burial ground a large yew tree, 20 feet in girth. The benefice is a donative rectory, valued at .£540, in the patronage and incumbency of the Rev. James Nelson Pa.lmer, M.A., who has a commodious Rectory House, built in 1804. The tithes were commuted in 1839. The Ohu.rch Lanil is 5A. lR. l6P. The 8chool is supported by Sir E. Hulse and the Rector. In 1638, JoHN DomNGTON, Esq., left a yearly rent charge of £{) out of Sandy BaUs Estate, in parish, to be paid in alte:rna~ rotation to the four parishea of Breamore, Fordingbridge, , and Ring. wood, for apprenticing poor children. In 1703, HENRY JoHNSON left, for appren. ticing poor children of Breamore parish, .£100, with which a yearly rent charge of .£5, lOa., out of the manor of North .Ashley, was purchased. PosT via .

Hulee Sir Edward, :Bart. The Robertson 0htU"les 1 Jun. corn Jeans Jacob SHOEMAKERS, Roo'ke1-y miller Wm. Marsh Brothers Wm. Palmer Rev James Nelson, Stanford James, land agent, Kernot John Frond Wm. M.A. rector Rome farm. Newman Isc. SHOPREEPEllil, AbsalC'Im Mrs Mary .Ann BEERHousEs. FARMERS, Outwick Dorrington Absalom Letitia, schooJ.mrs Dove Wm. Absalom Wm. Perry Thos. Benj. Duell James, tailor Hall John & butcher Read George, Webb Rachel Edsall Joh:n, echoolm.aster Newman I~c. Hall George Round hill CARRIER. HarYey Rev Samuel, B.A. Wort Absm. Hall John, ReadWilliam, Wort A., 14 eurate BLACKSMITP:S. sen. Chubba Hobbs Salisbury, Hobbs Samuel, wheelwright EdsallJame!\, HollowayJno, 'l'auntonJohn 'l'ues. and Robe:rtson Charles, vict, Ba.t Post office & par. elk. IWitt Stepheu Saturday, ai!d Ba,ll EdsallJermh.

WOODGREEN is an ext'1a·pa'rochial hamlet, near Brenmore and Hale, at the north-western corner of the , from which it was enclosed about 1809. It had 407 inhabitants in 1851, and adjoins ASHLEY WALK, a large district of the New Forest, containjng 5245 aores, of which 170 acres are in Brea.more, and 553 in E11ingham parish. The other 4690 acres of this extensive Forest W a1k are extra parochial~ and had 270 inhabitants in 1851, scattered about in the forest near , Ashley Lodge, Gobdshill Inclosure, Mudmore, and . Mr, John Bumstead, one of the forest keepers, resides at Ashley Lodg8, nearly 4 miles E. by N. of l'ordingbridge. (See pages 49 oJJd 50.) There is a Wesleya.n Chapel at WOODGREEN, of which hamlet the following arQ the principal inhabitants. Angel Wm. 11 Downer lso. Henington Hanh. beerha. White Mrs 11 Hooper Geo. Brotne:rf\ Wm. shopkeeper Herrington Wm. beerhs. Witt Geo. shopkeeper, and llymott W:Ql., wheelwght. &o. Mist Charles, shoemaker I carrier to Salisbury Frowd Hy. shop & beerhs. Mouland Wm. farm.el' Witt Wm., Barns farm

NORTH CHARFORD, a small parish, on the banks of the river Avon, 1 miles S. by E. of Salisbury, is bounded on the north by . It contains only 68 souls, a.nd 755A. 2R. 37P. of land, belonging to Samuel Whitchurch and J oseph Go:ff, Esqrs. The former has a pleasa.nt seat at Nortl' Oharford, and occu­ pies the principal farm. The rest of the Jlarish, called Searchfield Farm, is occu· pied by Mr. Henry Hugh Herbert. The other parishioners are Mr. Benj. Hayter, and Nathl. Philpot, blacksmith. , the adjoining pru.ish, contains only 71 souls and 777A. 2R. 22P. of land. It belongs to Sir Edw. l:{ulse, Bart., an\1 ~ Qf$e!lll G-otf, E13q. i M~ th~ 1f ~l\1E:RS ~Q ~ph., :6;r;Qwn, ;Rc;l. Ooles,