

c/o Mount Pleasant, Viney Woodside, , GL15 4LX Email: [email protected] Tel: 01594 516 660

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 18th February 2020 at 7.30pm in Churcham Primary School

In attendance: Parish Councillors: Cllr. Francis, Cllr. Reeves, Cllr. Newbery, Cllr. Brookes District & County Councillors: Cllr. Brian Jones (District) & Cllr. Brian Robinson (District & C.C.) Clerk: C. Horton There were five members of the public present. 1. To receive apologies for absence 1.1. Cllr. King sent apologies. Cllr. Price also sent apologies, but these were not received by the Clerk until after the meeting. 2. To receive and consider declarations of interest & written requests for dispensation 2.1. There were none 3. To consider and sign the minutes of the last meeting 3.1. It was RESOLVED to sign the minutes. 4. Public Open Forum 4.1. A member of the public raised points about the proposed Grange Court development. 5. Planning 5.1. To consider the following planning applications: 5.1.1. P0125/20/FUL - Town and Country Planning Act,1990 (As Amended) Nirvana, Birdwood, , Gloucestershire. Proposed reconstruction and partial demolition of an agricultural building to form additional accommodation incidental to the use of 'Nirvana' as a single family dwelling house. It was RESOLVED that there were NO OBJECTIONS 5.1.2. P0140/20/FUL - Town and Country Planning Act,1990 (As Amended) Wood Cottage, Kites Nest Lane, Churcham, Gloucester. Erection of a single storey extension with associated works. It was RESOLVED that there were NO OBJECTIONS


5.1.3. P0158/20/FUL - Town and Country Planning Act,1990 (As Amended) Eastridge, Birdwood, Gloucester, Gloucestershire. Erection of a first floor extension to garage to form annexe accommodation ancillary to main dwelling with associated works. It was RESOLVED that there were NO OBJECTIONS 5.2. To receive a report of planning decisions by Council and the Planning Inspectorate 5.2.1. P1909/19/FUL - Town and Country Planning Act,1990 (As Amended) Fairview House, Lane, Churcham, Gloucester. Erection of an agricultural building with associated works. This application has been REFUSED consent. 5.3. To discuss the proposal - submitted to the Forest of Dean District Council as part of the local development plan consultation - for a development at Grange Court 5.3.1. Councillors agreed that a letter outlining their concerns would be sent to the Forest of Dean District Council and this would be approved at the next meeting. There was also a consensus that there needed to be co-operation with other bodies e.g. neighbouring parish councils. Councillors also agreed that the intention to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan needed to be realised and that the Clerk would ask GRCC to attend a meeting to discuss. Cllr. Newbery agreed to consider the Transport Plan and draft a response to be considered by the Council. 6. Finance & Audit 6.1. To receive and consider approving a financial report and bank reconciliation from the RFO 6.1.1. A report updating the Parish Council on its financial activity in this financial year was considered, in addition to the monthly bank reconciliation. It was RESOLVED that the reports were an accurate reflection of the state of the Council’s finances and complied with internal financial control policies. 6.2. To consider approving the following for payment: 6.2.1. Clerk’s homeworking office allowance and expenses - £29.70 It was RESOLVED to pay this amount. 6.3. To consider procuring the services of S. Fowler to undertake the independent internal audit for the financial year 2019/20 6.3.1. It was RESOLVED to procure the service of S. Fowler at the cost of £55.00. 7. To discuss the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting


7.1. It was agreed that the meeting would take place on the 7 April 2020. Invitations would be sent to the police, the local school, the street warden service and My Churcham. Cllr. Newbery stated he would not be able to attend and gave his apologies. It was also agreed that the meeting should be used as a springboard for the Neighbourhood Development Plan. 8. To receive verbal reports from Councillors 8.1. Cllr. Newbery reported raised cables in the road near the Fairview Garden Centre. Cllr. Robinson said that he would contact the appropriate body about this. 8.2. Cllr. Brookes asked the Clerk to report drainage issues at Sainthill Lane. 8.3. Cllr. Francis stated that he: 8.3.1. Has a meeting with Fastershire and Cllr. Robinson concerning broadband on 25 February 2020. 8.3.2. Intends to contact the highways team regarding his objection to allegations that the congestion at the Hingham roundabout is caused by drivers using it incorrectly. 8.3.3. Will report several issues concerning footpaths and stiles in the parish. 8.4. Cllr. Reeves asked that the Clerk report a broken bollard light outside the school. 8.5. Cllr. Robinson gave an update of business at the county council. 9. To consider the date of the next meeting 9.1. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 17 March 2020 at 7.30pm in Churcham Primary School.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm