Borough Council Notice of Applications 17/504354/FULL - BURNEA OAST LOWER ROAD WEST FARLEIGH MAIDSTONE - Erection of a three and a half bay timber garage in residential garden/driveway. Reason: 4 17/505227/LBC - THE OLD PARSONAGE LOWER ROAD WEST FARLEIGH KENT ME15 0PF - Listed building consent - render to painted brick wall. Reason: 4 17/505224/FULL - 61-63 WEEK STREET MAIDSTONE KENT ME14 1QU - Change of use from retail unit (A1) to a cafe/restaurant (A3 use). Reason: 1 17/502434/LBC - SPRINGFIELD MILL SANDLING ROAD MAIDSTONE KENT ME14 2LD - Listed Building Consent for the demolition of existing buildings, except the Listed Rag Room, and development of 295 residential units (Use Class C3), including 218 x 1-2 bed apartments and 77 x 2-4 bed houses including associated car parking, public realm and landscaping works. Grade II Listed Building (Rag Room) to be preserved and re-used for community/leisure (D2), office (B1) or residential (C3) use.Reason: 4 17/504840/LBC - KINGS HEAD HIGH STREET TONBRIDGE KENT - Listed Building Consent for removal of the existing post and installation of a new Oak post secured to the rafters of the pub roof to provide a safe and secure post to re-fix the swing sign to. Reason: 4 17/504754/FULL - MARDEN CRICKET AND HOCKEY CLUB STANLEY ROAD MARDEN TONBRIDGE KENT - Erection of 124 dwellings with parking, vehicular and pedestrian access and associated hard and soft landscaping. Reasons: 4, 5 17/505059/FULL - COURT LODGE PARK LOWER ROAD WEST FARLEIGH ME15 0PD - Internal alterations and extension to the existing Laundry Room building creating link to existing dwelling with addition of 4no. roof lights and alterations to fenestration.(Revised scheme to 16/506173/FULL and 16/506174/LBC). Reason: 4 17/505060/LBC - COURT LODGE PARK LOWER ROAD WEST FARLEIGH ME15 0PD - Listed Building Consent for internal alterations and extension to the existing Laundry Room building creating link to existing dwelling with addition of 4no. roof lights and alterations to fenestration. (Revised scheme to 16/506173/FULL and 16/506174/LBC). Reason: 4 17/505248/FULL - 49 MARSHAM STREET MAIDSTONE KENT ME14 1HH - Erection of a single storey rear extension. Reason: 1 17/505347/FULL - FARLEIGH GREEN YARD LOWER ROAD WEST FARLEIGH MAIDSTONE KENT - Minor Material Amendment to Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of 15/502640/FULL (Demolition of existing vehicle and plant storage building and erection of 2 no. detached dwellings and conversion and extension of Oast stowage and frontage garage buildings to provide 2 no. dwellings with parking and landscaping). Reason: 4 17/504451/FULL - 22-23 HIGH STREET MAIDSTONE KENT ME14 1JF - Renovation of existing restaurant and night club including new frontage and retractable awning. Reason: 1 17/502331/OUT - LAND AT WOODCUT FARM ASHFORD ROAD KENT ME17 1XH - Outline application for a mixed commercial development comprising B1(a), B1(b), B1(c) and B8 units, with a maximum floor space of 45,295 square metres (Access being sought) (Resubmission of 15/503288/OUT). Reasons: 2, 4, 5 Reasons for advertisement key: 1 - May affect a Conservation Area 2 - Contrary to Development Plan 4 - May affect a Listed Building or Setting 5 - Major Development You may view and comment on applications at or comment by post to: MKPS, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ Any comments should be made by 17 November 2017, quoting the application number. All comments will be publically displayed on the website. Advert date: 27 October 2017