Australian Open Sunday, 7 February 2021 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How are you looking forward to the this week?

ELIAS YMER: Well, it's been a different Australian Open, I have to say. Two weeks' quarantine, and I mean, I'm so happy that we can be able to play and that Australia opened up the country for us. It's very nice of them when they still have citizens who cannot come back to the country, which we appreciate, all the players. Tomorrow it starts, and what more can you ask for? We're just thankful.

MIKAEL YMER: The question was? How does it feel to be back? Very good. I really enjoy being in Australia. My favorite thing besides the is the people. I really find the people to be extremely kind. So nice now that we are let out from the quarantine and we can spend time in the beautiful Melbourne. So I enjoy it a lot.

Q. First time in a long time you two are together as brothers in a . Do you support each other? Do you find it comfortable?

ELIAS YMER: Well, of course it's the first time we are in the main draw of a slam and we always were -- when we were young with our dad when we were training, this was our dream, to always be able to play these big tournaments, and to finally achieve that it's a big step for us. I think the whole family is proud of the achievement, and tomorrow I'm playing and Mike is going to support me and I will support him. It feels like a family achievement, which we're really proud of.

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