Inclusion Criteria: eye swelling concerning for preseptal or orbital cellulitis Exclusion Criteria: evidence of non-cellulitic cause of eye swelling (e.g., allergy, , , dacryocele), supero-lateral on CT (will need orbital surg eon), posterior table erosion of the frontal sinus bone with , any patient requiring neurosurgical involvement

*Place Initial Evaluation:  History including , systemic symptoms consult for:  Physical exam findings, including:  Urgent calls o Extent of edema/ for any o Presence of proptosis orbital o Ocular motility/pain with involvement o Pupillary reaction/afferent pupillary defect (clinically or o Vision with Snellen chart, if possible on CT) OR  La bs: CBC w/differential, CRP (unless mild preseptal cellulitis signs and/or attending discretion); If ocular  If E NT taking discharge, obtain bacterial culture to OR

Signs of orbital cellulitis ( 1)? Likely Preseptal Cellulitis due to dental/ If high clinical suspicion: 1) Pain w/eye movement sinus source  Formally consult ophthalmology 2) EOM s restricted/diplopia  If s ource of infection from skin (e.g., YES NO  Notify ENT via call 3) Proptosis trauma, bug bite, acne), treat of f  Obtain orbital CT with IV contrast 4) ANC >10,000 pathway and follow Skin and Soft 5) Cannot assess d/t extens ive Tissue Infection Pathway eyelid edema

Follow preseptal cellulitis CT positive for Meets admission criteria? NO arm of pathway AND Toxic appearing, failed outpatient antibiotics, orbital cellulitis? notify ophtho of neg CT rapidly progressing, dehydrated, concern for compliance or YES follow up Formally consult ENT YES NO  Admit to PHM service Discharge on PO antibiotics Surgery  IF ORBITAL INVOLVEMENT but (see discharge instructions below). NO required? surg ery not yet indicated, ENT/ If Skin/soft tissue infection, follow Skin Ophtho will continue to follow Soft Tissue Infection Pathway

Inpatient Management:  General pediatric provider to do vision checks with Snellen chart upon admission and BID for patients age >5 years (If unable to complete, must document in chart.)  Continue to monitor for development of orbital cellulitis YES  NPO after midnight if strong possibility of surgery

Pre-Septal or Orbital Cellulitis without CNS involvement:  Ampicillin/Sulbactam based on ampicillin component: 200 mg/kg/day div q6hr (max 2,000 mg ampicillin/dose)  If PCN allergy: PO/IV 30-40 mg/kg/day div q8hr (max 600 mg/dose) AND Ceftriaxone IV 75 mg/kg/day div q12hr (max 2,000 mg/dose)  Admit to ENT service  If concern for MRSA, consider addition of: ǂ  Ophtho to follow (needs to o IV: <52 weeks PMA /about <3 mo old: 15 mg/kg q8hr or a s determined by pharmacy ba sed on document vision PRIOR surgery) estimated AUC; 52 weeks PMAǂ/about 3 months old – 11 years old: 70 mg/kg/day div q6hr; 12 yrs old: 60 mg/kg/  PHM cons ult for co-management day div q8hr

If Orbital Cellulitis with concern for CNS inv olvement, treat off pathway with the following:  Ceftriaxone IV 100 mg/kg/day div q12hr (max 2,000 mg/dose) AND Metronidazole 30 mg/kg/day IV div q8hr (max 500 mg/dose)  If concern for MRSA, consider addition of ONE time dose with subsequent doses directed by ASP: ǂ ǂ o Vancomycin IV: <52 weeks PMA /about <3 mo old: 15 mg/kg x1; 52 weeks PMA /about 3 months old – 11 years old: 17.5 mg/kg x1 (max 750 mg/dose); 12 yrs old: 20 mg/kg x1 (max 1 g/dose)  Consult Neurosurgery and Infectious Disease

ǂPMA (Post-Menstrual Age) = gestational age + postnatal age

Clinical  Consider CT or MRI YES improvement within NO  If rapidly progressing, obtain CT 48 hrs?  Discuss with cons ulting services Discharge Criteria: Vis ion back to ba seline, clinical improvement, afebrile, follow up plan in place Discharge Antibiotics: [Duration: 10 days or longer as determined by ENT based on extensiveness of disease]  If on Ampicillin/Sulbactam(Unasyn): o Amoxicillin/Clavulanate PO 90 mg/kg/day div BID; IF source concerning for respiratory pathogen, div TID (max 1g of Amoxicillin/dose)  If on Clindamycin IV with Ceftriaxone: o Clindamycin PO 30-40 mg/kg/day div q6-8hr AND Cefdinir PO 14 mg/kg/day div BID (max 300 mg BID)  If on Vancomycin: o ADD Clindamycin PO 30-40 mg/kg/day div q6-8hr (continue coverage with Amoxicillin/Clavulanate or Cefdinir as appropriate) Discharge Instructions: Follow up with PCP; Ophtha lmology f/u in 1-2 weeks if involved during admission; Complete course antibiotics


LAST UPDATED: 01.27.21

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