Parish Priest: Fr. Jimmy McPhillips Tel. 028 68641207 The Graan 028 66322272 email: [email protected] website: Facebook Page Botha Parish St. Patrick’s Church live on the world wide web

Bulletin Sponsored this week – No Sponsor this week Notes for the Bulletin – email: [email protected]

Sacred Heart Church Boho Sunday 24th April 10am Mass for the People of the Parish Sunday 1st May 10am Month’s Memory Mass, Anna Cadden, Samsonagh St. Patrick’s Church Derrygonnelly Saturday 23rd April Vigil Mass 7pm For the People of the Parish Sunday 24th April 11.30am Anniversary Mass, Thomas and Mary Bridget Murphy, Drumanane and Barney Flood, Sillees Grove Tuesday 26th April 10am Anniversary Mass, John and James Love, Rosnarick Close Wednesday 27th April 7.30pm Novena Mass to St. Peregrine for all our sick Thursday 28th April 10am Mass Private Intention Saturday 30th April Vigil Mass 7pm for all Students taking examinations Sunday 1st May 11.30am Anniversary Mass, Aidan O’Dare, Sandhill, Annie and Patrick Dolan, Sandhill, Phil and Gavin Meehan and deceased family members, Derrygonnelly Recently Deceased: Honora Leonard, , Maureen McConnell, Ross Point, and Annette Cremin, Cork. May Honora, Maureen and Annette now rest in peace. Parish Penitential Services this weekend 23rd/24th April. Fr. Niall Martin will help out over the weekend. Mass for all our Students who are doing examinations next Saturday 30th April at 7pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Derrygonnelly. Sr. Leonie from the Missionary Sisters of Africa sends a sincere thanks for your support last weekend which amounted to £1,700. Well done once again. Altar Society Collection after 11.30am Mass in Derrygonnelly today Sunday 24th April. Congratulations: We welcome and congratulate Canon David Skuce as he begins his Ministry as Rector of Inishmacsaint Church of Parish. Parish Contributions 16th/17th April amounted to £1,540. Thank you for your continued support. Dana in Concert Friday 6th May at 8pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Derrygonnelly. Tickets £15 available in the Graan Shop, St. Michael’s Parish Office, , St. Michael’s Book Shop, Enniskillen and after all Masses in Botha Parish. Fr. Niall Martin’s Parish Retreat Day on Saturday 14th May from 11am-4pm. Lunch served. If you wish to attend please fill in your name at the back of the Church.

Students Exam Time: The Parish Pastoral Team is very aware of the pressures and strains felt by many during exam time. We are, therefore, offering each student a prayer sponsor who will accompany you over exam time. Our congregation will be invited to take your name and pray for you during this time. If you wish to avail of this offer please feel free to pick one of the prayers at the back of the Church. Killyhommon P.S. pupils have recently sent a cheque for £450 to Fr. Gabriel Dolan, Kenya, the proceeds from their Lenten and Easter Fundraiser. Readers, etc., for May: Vigil Mass 7.30pm – Claire McAloon. Collectors – Pat Meehan and Pat Duffy. Boho Readers – Sunday 1st May Cadden Family; Sunday 8th May Leah Pederson; 15th May Killyhommon P.S. 22nd Megan McAfee; 29th Alan Taylor. Boho Collector – Charlie Jones. Altar Society – Margaret Corrigan. Pioneer Association meeting on Wednesday 27th April at 8.15pm to make arrangements for going to to receive the Gradam Na Readoiri which our Centre has been awarded. AGM of Derrygonnelly Altar Society will take place on Wednesday 4th May at 8.15pm in St. Patrick’s Church. At least one member representing each month should attend and new members are very welcome. Members for May – Annette Murphy, Janette Murphy, Julie Duffy, Joanne McKenna, Pauline Dolan. Evening Party: Derrygonnelly Community Centre is taking bookings for a Family Evening Party after the Confirmation Ceremony on Friday 20th May. A warm Buffet will be served followed by music. The cost is £5 per adult and £3 per child. If you would like to make a reservation please contact Lauren McShea 07496029349, Graham Kent 02868641776 or Michael Dolan 07801270306/02866341709. Please confirm number of family members attending by Wednesday 11th May. Transport to Mass: There is a concern that some of our elderly parishioners would love to be at Mass but are unable to get a lift. Our Pastoral Team is willing to facilitate a car-pool of volunteers to accommodate. If you would like transport to Mass contact Fr. Jimmy. Pilgrim Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in St. Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan 3rd-4th May. Arriving at 7pm on 3rd May and leaving at noon on 4th May. A note for Parents of Altar Servers: Please ensure that your child turns up when on rota to serve. They serve only every six weeks and if unable to attend please ensure that there is a replacement. Day Retreat in honour of The Divine Mercy, in Mount Lourdes Assembly Hall, on Saturday 7th May 10am-5.30 pm. Main Speaker: Fr Tony Devlin, Divine Mercy Group, . Registration at 9.30am. Cost £15, tea provided, bring packed lunch. Book with Dermot, 07926747169 or Donal 07786634551. Parish Draw for April will take place in Boho on Sunday 1st May. Monies will be taken in on Wednesday 27th April from 8.15pm in the Parish Meeting Rooms. Derrygonnelly Harps GFC: The Harps' Lotto Jackpot, now £2,400, was not won. We are in the Linnett Inn this Sunday. Both of our adult teams had good wins last weekend, with our Reserves taking the points against , and the Seniors winning over Devenish. Seniors away to Tempo on Sunday at 3.30pm. All-Ireland for Life: This year’s All-Ireland for Life is taking place in Belfast on 2nd July 2016 at Custom House Square. Be there as Ireland unites around the common cause of protecting all of our children equally. Alcohol Awareness: Do you what to learn more about alcohol awareness, how to support and communicate with those using alcohol? This isn't just about excessive drinkers, day to day drinking can also affect your health if you are aged over fifty. Being able to recognise when alcohol is affecting someone, can help you, to help them make healthier choices. For support - Thursday 23rd June 10am- 1pm, Fermanagh House, Enniskillen. For information contact Pauline O’Hagan on 02882 839240. AGM: The Sillees Defibrillator Support Group's AGM and next meeting will take place on Monday 9th May in Churchill Hall at 8pm. Present members please attend and new members are very welcome. Botha to Croagh Patrick Climb - Saturday 4th June 2016. Sponsorship Cards from Eileen Tracey, Boho or Fr. Jimmy.