Prayer Matters 14th February

Please keep in your prayers:

Lent - our keeping of the Lent season which begins this week on Ash Wednesday; on our journey may we find space for prayer and reflection; may we become more aware of God's grace in our lives, as a community and as individuals. Bishop Christopher's Lent Call - this year's theme is food insecurity. Within the Diocese and in our Link Dioceses in Zimbabwe and Jerusalem, a number of projects involving the provision of food are being supported, including the Norwood and Brixton Food Bank. Volunteers - all who give their time and use their skills to help others in the community, especially now with the many additional challenges due to Covid19.

Charity of the week: St Michael's Fellowship 'Safer Stronger' is a group currently being run virtually by St Michael's Fellowship. It is for Lambeth mums with children under 4 years, who are experiencing domestic abuse. Support is available to help the mums break the cycles of abuse and to build a better future for themselves and their children.

Those who are sick or in need: Ruth Kirk Wilson and any others known to us; for those who support and care for them.

Those with longer term needs: Rosemary Cave, Lorraine Falzon Gaughan, Hyacinth Brown, Wisdom Kari Kari, Anthony Backs, Isabelle Backs, Do Jones, Chris Worden, Ben, Gina Vaughan and Joseph Lunn.

Those who have died recently: Christina James (Idda Olagbaiye’s mother), Heera Alikan, Elizabeth Betson. Continue to keep Robert Betson, Derriana Graham, Margaret Jenkins and Idda Olagbaiye in your prayers. Remembering too all those who have been bereaved due to Covid 19.

Those whose year's mind falls at this time: Doris Elizabeth Stead, Geoffrey Todd, Ada Fifield, Edward (Ted) Battersby, Leslie Thomas Newport, John Leonards Billingham, James Capron (vicar 1937-1957).

Commemorated this week: Thomas Bray, Priest (15 February) Born in in 1656, Thomas was educated at Oxford and subsequently ordained. He was chosen by the Bishop of to sail to America and assist with organising the church in . It was during an extended delay in setting out, that Thomas organised a system of free libraries, initially for use in America but later instituted in England. This led to his founding the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (SPCK) in 1698. On his return to Europe in 1699, he also founded The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG). He died on this day in the year 1730.

Prayer for the week: God of our journey. as we walk with you on our path of obedience, sustain us on our way and lead us to your glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Common Worship Lent Seasonal Material)

If you would like prayer for yourself or another, please contact Moira Roberts (020 8473 3683) [email protected]