
Spinal trauma in children Lay-out

 normal variants and mimics

 epidemiology

 traumatic spine injuries in children - birth injuries - accidental Prof. Pia C Sundgren MD, PhD - vertebral body Department of Diagnostic Radiology - spinal cord - ligaments Co-Director Lund BioImaging Center (LBIC), Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Sweden

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Normal spine in infants and children Pediatric spine - normal variants/findings

normal developmental anatomy that may mimic trauma: • ossification tip of dens (completes 3-6y)

wedge-shaped vertebral bodies C2-C7

incomplete ossification of tip of dens mimics increased distance between C2 and occiput

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Pediatric spine - normal variants/findings Pediatric spine - normal variants/findings normal developmental anatomy that may mimic trauma: Synchondroses (symmetrical, expected location) • secondary ossification centers - unfused ring apophyses (normal physis are smooth with subchondral sclerotic lines)

Jones TM, et al. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2011;19:600-611

Lustrin ES, et al. Radiographics 2003; 23: 539-560 Courtesy Prof T Huisman Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 5 6

1 26/01/2020

Pediatric spine - normal variants/findings Injuries at birth wedged vertebral ossification congenital non-union bodies Brachial plexus birth palsy : 1 per 1000 live births

Risk factors: • macrosomia • prolonged labor • breech delivery The distance between non calcified atlas and dens: apophysis • previous deliveries with brachial plexus birth palsy child < 4.5 mm adult 3 mm

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Plexus anatomy Classification of brachial plexus palsy

upper plexus C5 and pure upper trunk: C5 , C6 C6 upper plexus C5, C6, C7: Erb’s Palsy 80% lower plexus C7 and C8 ± T1 lower plexus C7, C8: Klumpke’s Palsy (very rare)

total plexus: 20% (from C5 to T1)

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Erb´s palsy Klumpke´s palsy upper brachial plexus injury lower brachial plexus palsy infant is unable to: imbalance of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles - abduct the from the - intrinsic muscles must be paralyzed - claw deformity - rotate the arm externally from the shoulder - long extensor muscles hyperextend the MCP joint - supinate the - long flexor muscles flex the PIP and DIP joints

CAVE: injuries of the sympathetic branch to the stellate ganglion

= Horner’s syndrome

This results in the classic 'waiter's tip' appearance

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2 26/01/2020

MRI of the spine and additional findings Treatment

- intramedullary edema in the acute phase in the absence of neurological improvement at - myelomalacia in the chronic phase 4 to 6 months - hypointense lesions on GRE T2-w* - hemorrhage microsurgical nerve reconstruction

postoperative improvement in muscular tone: - pure upper trunk 80% - Erb’s palsy 75% - complete palsy 45%

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Accidental spine and spinal cord injury Causes for accidental injuries

 injury to the spinal column and spinal cord is the Cause < 3 years2 1-20 years1 overall major cause of disability, affecting predominately young healthy individuals Motor vehicle 66% 44% 47.7%

 spinal cord injuries are rare in infants Fall 15% 14% 20.8% and children (1-2% of all pediatric trauma victims) Pedestrian 11%

 the type of injuries is slightly different in the Bicycle 6% pediatric population compared to adults Violence 14.6% Sports 16% 14.2%

1Kokoska E et al. Characteristics of pediatric… J. Ped. Surg. 2001:36;100-105 (408 cases (+)) 2Polk-Williams A et al. Cervical spine injury…. J. Ped. Surg. 2008:43;1718-1721 (1523 cases (+)) Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 15 16

Spinal trauma and spinal cord injury Misdiagnosis of acute cervical spine injuries < 8 years of age 50% in C1-C2 (-C3) region < 8 years of age 24% incidence of dislocations > 9 years of age 15%

most common site of diagnostic error is the occiput incidence of cord injuries to C2 region

> 8 years of age shift towards C5 and below predisposing factors for misdiagnosis: • unfamiliarity with pediatric cervical spine anatomy - C-spine fractures • not recognizing normal variants mortality rates 17% (overall), higher in small • suboptimal technique

children Avellino AM et al The misdiagnosis of acute cervical spine injuries.. Childs Nerv system 2005;21;122-127. (37 cases)

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3 26/01/2020

Imaging of children with spine trauma CT - parameters

If low velocity trauma or minor fall: • technical specification of the scanner • anatomic region no pain at motion NO imaging no tenderness or plain films C1-C2 1-2 mm* no neurological deficits C-spine 2-3 mm* T+L-spine < 4 mm* If high velocity trauma or trauma with tenderness • required detail information CT reduced motion • 2D (3D) multiplanar reformatting pain at motion * Reconstructed slices, acquisition with sub-millimeter or suspected head injury (multitrauma) slices (0.6, 0.75…) Neurological symptoms MRI • Multi-trauma protocol NEXUS Low-Risk Criteria, CanadianC-spine rule, NICE guidelines 2016 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 19 20

Conventional MR parameters - protocol Causes for higher cervical injuries in children

increased flexibility of the cervical spine due to: • sagittal T2 STIR, T2-w, T1-w  incomplete ossifications of the vertebral bodies • axial T1SE, T2 fast SE,  ligament laxity • axial fat sat T2-w (soft tissue injury)  incomplete development of the spinous process • axial and sagittal T2* GRE (hemorrhage)  increased head-to-torso ratio • 3D – 3D TSE T2w SPACE (Siemens) 3D TSE T2w DRIVE (GE)  week cervical musculature 3D TSE T2w VISTA (Philips) cervical spine injuries at higher levels

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Causes for higher cervical injuries in children Typical spine injuries in children

• uncinate processes small <10y • odontoid fracture, subluxation

• junction between vertebral body and end plates is • cranio-cervical dislocation or disassociation cartilaginous ~> risk for injury (Salter-Harris I) • Chance fracture (“seatbelt injury” especially in • more horizontal orientation of cervical facets the thoracic spine) greater range of physiologic flexion/extension • SWICORA • shallow occipital condyles always look for ligamentous injury

NOTE: always look for more VanderHave et al J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2011;19:319-327 (common with multiple injuries)

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4 26/01/2020

Odontoid fracture Odontoid fracture

rapid deceleration with flexion (MVC

often through synchondrosis of C2 at the odontoid base

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T1-w T2-w PD Axial T2-w

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Complex of occipital-atlanto-axial dislocation Complex of atlanto-occpital dislocation occipital condyle is small, almost horizontal and lacks inherent stability Consider the complex when: severe hyperextension w/wo distraction - distance odontoid process and the basion > - rupture transverse lig. of the dens - 12 mm • anterior translation (hypereflextion) - occipital condyles and atlas > 5mm • posterior translation (hyperextension) • longitudinal - Wackenheim line does not touch the tip of the odontoid process incomplete – subluxation complete – dislocation/disassociation - joint widening on CT and joint fluid on MRI atlanto-occipital condyle distance > 5mm

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5 26/01/2020

C0/1 dissociation


T2* T2 T2 T1 T2

Sub-endplate disruption with anterior CSF-cele and cord contusion

Courtesy Prof T Huisman Courtesy Prof T Huisman Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 31 32

Asymmetrical dislocation Asymmetrical dislocation

CT underestimates the degree of soft tissue Vertebral bodies change shape on follow up !! injury Developing skeleton

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Craniocervical distraction injury Craniocervical distraction injury

CT upon admission MRI upon admission CT sag CT sag CT cor

T1 sagT2 sag T2 cor

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6 26/01/2020

Craniocervical distraction injury Craniocervical distraction injury

MRI 6 days later MRI 6 days later T1 sag T2 sag T2 cor T2 stir

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Thoracic spine injuries Rotational shear fracture

• less frequent due to stabilizing cage

• axial forces may result in compression fractures with anterior wedging

• more frequently multiple levels involved, segments might be skipped

• most frequently T5 and T6 Oblique fracture with transverse • prognosis usually better than expected shear

Courtesy Prof T Huisman JHH 2906168 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 39 40

Chance fracture - failure of the interspinous ligaments at flexion - anterior axial loading - of the vertebral body - widening of spinous processes in adolescent spine: - fracture line through the physeal plate (never through disc) in adult spine: - fracture line through the intervertebral disc/ vertebral body

DWI may be helpful to evaluate spinal cord integrity

Courtesy Prof T Huisman Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 41 42

7 26/01/2020

Chance fracture Chance fracture

horizontal splitting of the neural arch and vertebral body • flexion-distraction of the spine • high energy MVA • often in thoracolumbar junction - transition from rigid to mobile area - change of intervertebral facet orientation (cor > sag) - going from kyphotic to lordotic

spine curve Courtesy T Huismann

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T8 Chance fracture, stomach and splenic Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality laceration - SCIWORA -

specific to children and extremely rare in adults incidence: 19-34% of all spinal cord injuries in children more common in younger children < 8 years of age can have delayed onset of clinical symptoms and signs up to 4 days after initial injury recurrent SCIWORA several days to weeks after initial event (17%)

Courtesy Prof T Huisman Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 45 46

Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality Biomechanics in children - SCIWORA - The elasticity of neonatal bony spine is eight times that of the cord • immature and elastic pediatric spine • vulnerable to external forces • allows for significant inter-segmental movement • transient disc protrusion

5 6/7 cm mm compression and stretching of the spinal cord

cord injury Leventhal H. J. Pediatr 56:447 1969

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8 26/01/2020


4 month later

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3 year old in MVA

T1-w STIR T2-w

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Ligamentous injury Tectorial membrane injury


Meoded A, Poretti A, Singhi S, Huisman, AJNR 2010

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9 26/01/2020

Ligamentous injury and retroclival hematoma

tectorial membrane

always use soft tissue algorithm (CT)

Meoded A, Poretti A, Singhi S, Huisman, AJNR 2010

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Plexus injury Spectrum of injuries visualization of the nerve rootlets strongly suggests a preserved root

lack of visualization does not imply root avulsion pre-ganglionic: nerve root avulsion pseudomeningoceles are NOT pathognomonic of root avulsions post-ganglionic: conduction deficits intact roots have been shown in the presence of pseudomeningoceles

pseudomeningocele AND absent nerve rootlets best predictor of root avulsions

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CT-myelography Pseudomeningoceles equal or better than standard myelography and MR imaging, especially at the C5 and C6 levels - evaluation of ventral and dorsal nerve roots - detection of intradural nerve defects

- usually filled with contrast media - appear as lateral outpouching of the thecal sac

- may lie within the spinal canal - or extend through the neural foramina

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10 26/01/2020

Spondylolysis / spondylolisthesis Day 4 Plexus injury- nerve root avulsion

• decfects in pars interarticularis due to stress fracture stress reaction to isthmus (the weakest part )

• anterior or posterior displacement (slip) of a or in relation to the vertebrae below methemoglobin • most common L5 in relation to S1 Day 14 • due to congenital defect (?), micro-trauma (sports), degenerative changes (elderly)


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Natural history and symptoms Change in contour due to -olisthes Widening of the spinal canal • majority (66%) of asymptomatic pars interarticularis defects occur before 12 years of age • only 13% become symptomatic (Fredrickson study - followed 500 kids for 20 years) • spondylolysis and -olisthesis are seen with equal frequency in asymptomatic as in symptomatic patients • the degree of forward slip is not correlated with the degree of pain or disability symptoms: low back pain worsened with activity, reduced range of motion, numbness, weakness of leg due to nerve compression

Fredrickson BE The natural history of spondylolysis.. J Joint Surg 1984 Beck RW et al Radiographic anomalies … j Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2004 Libson E et al Symptomatic and asymptomatic … Int Orthop. 1982

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Rt Lt Rt 15 year old boy with back pain, no known trauma, decreased football practice! Dr Annertz, Lund Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 65 66

11 26/01/2020


• important to have good knowledge about • important to have good knowledge about - pediatric spine anatomy - pediatric spine anatomy - variants - variants • good quality images • good quality images • restrictive with CT in small children (radiation) •due restrictive three sets with of CTplain in X-rayssmall children (radiation) • liberal with MRI • liberal with MRI Rt Lt • high incidence of dislocations and cord injury (<10 yrs) Pseudoarthros • high incidence of dislocations and cord injury (<10 yrs) Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 67 68

Summary Acknowledgement • important to have good knowledge about • Neurological recovery is more favorable in - pediatric spine anatomy children than in adults - variants Prof. Thierry Huismann for providing some images •• goodScoliosis quality following images SCI is common in children, especially if insult occurs at • restrictiveyoung age with CT in small children (radiation)

• liberal with MRI

• high incidence of dislocations and cord injury (<10 yrs) Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 Lund University / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences / Radiology / ECPNR/Rome/2020 69 70

Thank you

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