Additional listings - 1952 p^^^^w^^

DECl" 1952





The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication.

Washington, D- C. October 1952 United States Dapartnent of the Interior, Oscar Lo Chapman, Secretaurj Fish and 'iVildlife Service, Albert U. Day, Director

Special Scientific Report: Fisheries Noo 8?


"j'x.^ltional Listing

Prepared in the Branch of Fishery Biology


Introduction . . , =

Crustacea o , . = . . 2

Development = . . . . « h

Diseases and Parasites . S Ecology ,.-...., . 7

Faunas and I^nuals . 10

Fish Poisons «... « 11

Food and Food Organisms o 11

Game Fish o . . . . . o 12

Historical Studies o 13

Hydrology . . . , . . . 13

Life History Studies o lli

Limnology . " 17 Management ..... o 23

Marine Fisheries . . ^ 23 Miscellaneous .... . 2U

Morphology » „ . . » , 2U

Oceanography . . . . » 26

. . . Physiology » . o 27

Plankton » , . » . . o 30 Pollution ...... 31 Population ..... o 33 Seafood Poisons . . » 33

Shellfish , ...... 3U ...... » 35 Techniques - Study and Hatchery . 36

Values o o o , . , . . 37 Water Quality .... o 37

Author Index . • » . . 38 Colleges and Universities


This is a revision of the Special Scientific Reports Fisheries No. 31» This list is composed of titles of doctoral theses vnritten between 193U and the 19^0-1951 school yearj on subjects related to the ecology and management of fisheries. Many theses are never published| therefore, the material contained therein is not available to fishery workers. All theses are on file in the libraries of the institutions where they were accepted. Interlibrary loans can be arranged with almost all of these institutions. All titles have been taken from

"Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities , 1933-193U" to "...1950-1951" (The H. W. Wilson Co., New York), Titles on wildlife have been published in Wildlife Review, Wo. 59, February 19^0, U, S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Neil Hotchkiss, Editor.

The list is reasonably complete for doctors' theses through 1950o It is incomplete for doctors' theses in 19^1 and contains no masters' theses. Lack of published lists, our failure to examine some published lists, and our failure to secure solicited information account for this incompleteness. Information regarding omissions and errors, and insti- tions, theses, and publications, not included, is solicited.

Compiled by W. F. Carbine Branch of Fishery Biology » » o


(3ee~also POPULATION ^ Slobodkin)

BANNERs Albert Henry o The Crustacea of the orders lifers idacea and Euphauoiacea of the Northeastern Pacific a PhD^ V/ashingtons 19Ulio

BODENj Brian P. The crustaceans of the Euphausiacea from the temperate north=east Pacific, with notes on their biologjo PhD,,

California J Los Angeles^ 19^0

BOVBJERGj, Richard Vo The ecological distribution of crayfish related to certain tolerances o PhD, ChicagO; 19^0=

BROCKMANj, John k. , Jr. Studies on Dichroa febrifuga . A method for estimating chloride » Studies on Cambarus clarkiio PhDj California Tech.c, 19U8«

BUSCHj Karl Henry. Embryology of the crayfishj Cambarus rusticus ^ Girardo PhD^ Ohio, 19Ulo

CARL, George Co The distribution of Cladocera and free-living Copepoda in British Columbia with special reference to the Centro-- pagidae,, PhD, Toronto, 1937

CLEMENS, Howard Po Life cycle and ecology of Gammarus fasciatus Sayo PhD, Ohio, 19^0

CORRIVAULT, Georges ¥o Contribution a l«etude de la biologle du homard des eaux de la province de Quebec o PhD, Laval, 19U8o

CRONIN, Lewis Eo The anatomy of the male reproductive system of the blue crab, Callinectes aapidus Rathbun,. PhD, Maryland, 19u6o

DAVIS, Charles Carrollo The pelagic Copepoda of the northeastern Pacific Oceano PhD, Washington, i9U0„

EDWARDS, George Ao The influence of eyestalk removal on the metabolism of the fiddler crab, PhD, Harvard, 19U3o

EDWARDS, Richard = Yorkt.own and Dupim Ostracoda of North Caro- lina and Virginiao PhD, North Carolina, 19.38o

GOELLNER, Karl Eugene, The life cycle and productivity of the crayfish, Cambarus immonis Hagen. PhD, Michigan, 19U3o

GOODNIGHT, Clarence J, A monograph of the Branchiobdellidae (Oligochaeta) of the American crfyfishes, PhD, Illinois^ 1939o

GRAVE, Caswell, II, The lipides in lobster nerve, PhD, Washing- ton, St, Louis, 19Ul» « « »

CRUSTACEA - Continued

HART, Josephine F. L. The larval and adult phases of certain hermit crabs (Anoraura) of British Columbiaj ivith special reference to characters significant in a study of their inter-relationships. PhD,

Toronto J 1937

HASLERj Arthur D. The physiology of digestion in plankton Crustacea, PhD^ Wisconsin, 1937

HEATH o James Procter, The nervous system of the kelp crab:

Puget,tia producta , PhD, Stanford, 19Ul<>

HIATT, Robert Worth. The biology of a grapsoid crab, Pachygrap- sus crass ipes Randall. PhD, California, 19U2o

HOBBS, Horton H. A contribution toward a knowledge of the crayfishes of Florida with special reference to their ecological and geographical distribution, PhD, Florida, 1914.0.

HOFF, Clarence C. A contribution to the biology and taxonony of the ostracods of Illinois. PhD, Illinois, 19Ul<.

JONES, Lowell L. Osmotic regulation in several Pacific Coast crabs and its relation to environmental factors. PhD, California, 1939»

LANG FORD 5 Raymond R. The distribution and utilization of the limnetic Crustacea of Lake Nipissing, Ontario. PhD, Toronto, 1936.

LYLE, Clay. The crawfishes of Mississippi, with special refer- ence to the biology and control of destructive . PhD, Iowa State ^ 193 8

MACKAY, Donald C. G, The growth and life history of the Pacific edible crab, PhD, Stanford, I93I40

MOOflE, James E, The Entomostraca of southern Saskatchewan. PhD, Toronto, 1950.

OLSON, John Bo The pelagic cyclopoid copepods of the coastal waters of Oregon, California, and Lower California. PhD, California, Los Angeles, 195'0.

ROBERTS, Tilden W. Light and certain endogenuous factors as regulators of coinraiinity activity for the crayfish, Cambarus virilis Hagen. PhD, Illinois, 19U2.

TACK, Peter I. The life history and ecology of the crayfish Cambarus imrnunis (Hagen). PhD, Cornell, 1939. CRUSTACEA - Continued

TRiVIJS, Dorothy F. Calcium metabolism in the decapod Crustacea. PhD, Radcllffe, 1951.

VAN DEVKJTER, William C. Studies on the biology of the crayfish Camfaarus propinquus, Girard. Abstract, Urbana, 9 p. PhD, Illinois, T9W.

WEBB, Helen LL Diurnal variations of response to light in the fiddler crab, Uca. PhD, Northwestern, 19^0.


(See also LIFB HISTORY STUDIES , Eschmeyer, Johnston? PHYSIOLOGY, Aronowitz, Clark, Foster)

BAILEY, Sarah W. An experimental study of the origin of lateral- line structures in embryonic and adult teleostSo PhD, Radcliffe, 1936o

DILDINE, Glenn C. Germ cell origin and migration and gonad histogenesis in the ovoviviparous teleost, Lebistes reticulatus » PhD, Northwestern, 193U.

GRim, Wilbur W. The development of the fins of the goldfish

(Carassius auratus ) . PhD, Ohio, 1937.

JONES, Roy Wo Analysis of the development of fish embryos by means of the mitotic index. PhD, Oklahoma, 1937.

MANERY, Jeanne F. Ionic changes in developing teleost eggs. PhD, Toronto, 1935.

ROWLEY, Jean B. Discrimination limens of pattern and size in the goldfish Carassius auratus . Genetic psychology monographs, v. l^, no, 3, Mar, 193U. PhD, Columbia, 1935-

SCRIIBHAW, Nevin Stewart. Embryonic growth in viviparous cypri- nodont . PhD, Harvard, 19iil.

SELF, John T. Analysis of the development of fish embryos by means of the mitotic index. PhD, Oklahoma, 1936.

TAVOLGA, William N. Embryonic development of the platyfish

( Platypoecilus ) , the swordtail ( Xiphophorus ) and their hybrids. PhD, New York, 19U9.

WARNER, Edward Nelson. Studies on the embryology and early life history of the gizzard shad, Dove- err:. .s'^Gdianum, Le Sueur. PhD, Ohio, 19U1. '- DEVELOPLIENT - Continued

WARREN 5 Althea A» Some observations on the capsular membrane of the unfertilised eggs of fishes. PhD, Toronto, 19^0.

WILLIAtB, Lyle L. A comparative study of the development of the liver in teleost fishes with special reference to the relation between liver and yolk-periblast. PhD, North Carolina, 1939=


(See also TAXONOM , Kimpelj TECHNIQUES , Smith)

BAKER, James A, Turberculosis of fish. PhD, Cornell, 1939.

BENNINGTON, Elwin E. The life history of the salmon poisoning flvike, Troglotreraa salmincola (Chapin)„ PhD, Oregon State, 19^1.

BONHAM, Kelshaw, Some monogenetic trematodes of Puget Sound fishes. Published as Notes on Microcotyle sebatisgoto from Puget Sound, Jl. parasitology, 23;28l-290, June 1937- PhD, Washington, 1937-

BORGj Alfred F. Studies on rayxobacteria associated with diseases in salmonid fishes. PhD, Washington, 19U9.

DEGIUSTI, Dominic Lawrence. The life cycle of Leptorthynchoides thecatus Linton an acanthocephalan of fish. PhD, Wisconsin, 19UU.

DETURK, William Ernest. The parasites and commensals of some crabs of Beaufort, North Carolina. PhD, Duke, 19U0.

ENGLES3ERG, Ellis. A biochemical and genetic study of several mutants of Pseudomonas fluorescens . PhD, California, 19^1.

GRIFFIN, Philip J. Some nutritional requirements of a new member of the genus Hemophilus (H. piscium). PhD, Yale, 19^1.

GUNTHER, Francis A. Fish-killing principles of Euphorbia ceae species Grot on californicus Iifall. Arg. and Eremo carpus setigerus Benth. PhD, California, Los Angeles, 19U7.

HADERLIE, Eugene C. Parasites of the fresh-water fishes of northern California. PhD, California, 195lo

HARDCASTLE, Aaron Bascom. The genus Eimeria , with special refer- ence to the species parasitic in marine fishes. PhD, Duke, 19U2.

HART, John F. Cestoda from fishes of Puget Sound. PhD, Wash- ington, 1935 o »


KUPFERBERG, Alfred B. Streptocin, an antibiotic effective against Protozoa, PhD, Rutgers, 1951.

LLOYD^ Lowell C. Some digenetic trematodes from Puget Sound fish. PhD, Vifashington, 1937.

LO^«VELL, Ralph D. Studies on the host-parasite relationships between a tremtode Metacercaria (Posthodiplostonura spo) and a fish host. PhD, Illinois, 19U3.

IffiYER, Marvin C. A revision of the leeches (Piscicolidae) living on fresh water fishes of North America. PhD, Illinois , 1939»

MIZELLE, John D. New species of trematodes from the gills of Illinois fishes. Univ, of 111. Zoological laboratory contributions, no. U89. Published also in the American Midland Naturalist, 17? 785- 806, Sept. 1936. PhD, Illinois, 1937.

MONSMAj Edwin Y. A study of the water molds of the Lydell State fish hatchery at Corastock Park, Michigan. PhD, Michigan State, 1936..

MOORE, Donald Vincent. Studies on the life history and develop- ment of certain Acanthocephala of the order Archiacanthocephala (Meyer, 1931). PhD, Rice, 19i;2.

NIGRELLI, Ross F. The morphology, cytology and life history of Oodinium ocellatum Brown, a dinoflagellate parasitic on marine fishes. PhD, New York, 1936.

OPPENHEIIiER, Carl H. Some effects of hydrostatic pressure on marine bacteria. PhD, California, Los Angeles, 1951.

RAUSCH, Robert L. Studies on the parasitic helminths of the North Central States. PhD, Wisconsin, 19U9.

RUCKER, Robert Raymond. A study of saprolegnia infections among fish. PhD, Washington, 19UU.

SCOTT, David M. The life history and ecology of the cod-worm, Porrocaecum decipiens (Krabbe) I878, in Canadian Atlantic waters. PhD, McGill, 1950.

SEITNER, Philip G. Observations on the life history of Allocrea - dium ictaluri Pearse, 192U. PhD, Purdue, 1951.

STEEN, Edwin B. Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and life

cycles of fish bladder flukes (Trematodas Gorgoderidae) .. PhD, Purdue, 193 8 DISEASES AND PARASITES - Continued

TIDDj Wilbur Mo Studies on the life history of a parasitic Copepody Lemaea carassii Tiddo PhD, Ohio State, 1938o

TIFFNEYj Welsey No A study of species of Saprolef^nia attacking fisho PhDj Harvard, 1936.

WOODBURY J Lowell Angus, A quantitative study of parasites of fishes with special reference to Clinostofflum marginatum in the perch of Walsh Lake, Mchigano PhD, Michigan, I9UO.


(See also CRUSTACEA , Bovbjerg, Clemens 5 GAME FISH , Wilder) LIFE

HISTORY STUDIES ^ Eschmeyer, Frey, Johnston, Koster,

Odellj LILMOLOGY , Ball| PHYSIOLOGY , Aronowitz, Clark, Foster,- PLANKTON, Pierce")

ANDREWS, Harry L. An ecological study of living forms in the kelp beds of Monterey Bay and Carmel Bay, California PhD, Illinois, 19380

BARDACHj John Eo Contribution to the ecology of the yellow perch ( Perca flavescens Mitchill) in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin o PhD, Wisconsin, 1950o

BLAIR, Arthur Ao Factors affecting growth of the scales of salmon ( Salmo salar ) » PhD, Toronto, 1938.

COLE, Gerald Ao An ecological study of the microbenthic fauna of two Minnesota Lakes. PhD, Minnesota, 19^0.

DAVIES, Douglas M. The ecology and life history of blackflies (Simuliidae^ Diptera) in Ontario with a description of a new species. PhD, Toronto, 19h9o

DENDY, Jack Stiles » The fate of in stream drift when carried into lakes. PhD, Michigan^ 19U3.

DEXTER „ Ralph W. The marine communities of a tidal inlet at Cape Anne., Massachusetts! a study in bioecology. PhD, Illinois, 1938.

DINEEN, Clarence F. An ecological study of a Minnesota pond. PhD, Mchigan State, 1951.

DOAN, Kenneth Henry. Some meteorological and limnological conditions as factors in the abundance of certain fishes in Lake Erie. PhD, Ohio State, I9UI0 «

ECOLOGY - Continued

DOUDOROFF5 Peter, The resistence, reactions , and acclimatization of some marine fishes to changes of temperature, PhD, California, I9UI.

ELSONj, Paul F, Effects of current, temperature and li^ht on the movements of speckled trout. PhD, Toronto, 1939^

PHENCH, John Winslow, The effect of temperature on the retention of a maze habit in fish, PhD, Princeton, 19U2o

GRIBBLE, Lloyd R. Reactions of brook lampreys to various lights. PhD, West Virginia, 1935

GUNTER, Gordon Pennington. Studies on marine fishes of Texas? relative abundance and cyclic behavior related to salinity and tempera- ture, PhD, Texas, 19U5'o

HEWATT, Willis G, Ecological studies on selected marine inter- tidal communities of Monterey Bay. PhD, Stanford, 193$"

KERSWELL, Charles James, Some environmental factors limiting growth and distribution of the quahaug, Venus mercenaria L, PhD, Toronto, I9UI"

LAGLER, Karl Frank, Ecological studies of turtles in Michigan with special reference to fish management, PhD, Michigan, I9U0.

LINDEMA.N, Raymond Laurel, Ecological dynamics in a senescent lake. PhD, Minnesota, 19Ul«

MCDOUGALL, Kenneth Dougal. Sessile of Beaufort. North Carolina, A study of settlement, growth and seasonal fluctua- tions among pile-dwelling organisms, PhD, Duke, 19U2,

MARSHALL, Nelson, A study of the life history and ecology of Notropis chalybaeus (Cope) supplemented with data on other cyprinids in Florida^ PhD, Florida, I9UI.

lilARTIN, William R, The mechanics of environmental control of body form in fishes, PhD, Michigan, I9H8.

METCALF, Isaac Stevens Halstead, The influence of a shore com- munity on the destribution of certain fishes in Lake Erie with especial reference to the white bass, PhD, Western Reserve, I9UO0

MOORE, George Azro, Studies on the adaptations of fishes to the silty waters of the great plains. PhD, Michigan, 19U2, ECOLOGY - Continued

MOOREj Walter Guy» Studies on the oxygen requirements of certain fresh-water fishes, with special reference to winter conditions » PhD, Minnesota, I9IJI0

PEMNAK, Robert W. The ecology of the psammolittoral organisms of some Wisconsin lakes, with special reference to the Tardigrada, Cope- poda, and Rotatoria o PhD, "ffisconsin, 1938.

PERLMUTTER, Alfredo Variation of American North Atlantic marine fishes correlated with the environment. PhD, llichigan, 19^1 =

PRATT, Harold Po Ecology of the trout of the Gunnison River. PhD, Colorado, 1938.

REIFj Charles Braddock. A study of Minnesota stream communities. PhD, Minnesota, I9UI0

RICKER, William E.. Studies of the limnological factors affecting the propagation and survival of the sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, at Cultus Lake, British Columbia. PhD, Toronto, 193'51

ROELOFS, Eugene Woodrov/, Water soils in relation to lake produc- tivity. PhD, Michigan State, 19U1.

ROGERS, Harold M. The estuary as a biological habitat, with special reference to the smelt Osmerus mordax (Llitchill). PhD,

Toronto, 1939 >

SCOTT, Grace Winnifred Workman. Certain aspects of the behavior of frog tadpoles and fish with respect to temperature. PhD, Toronto, 19h3.

SHAPIRO, Sidney^ Geographic variation in Fundulus diaphanus, a Cyprinodontid fish. PhD, Ijlichigan, 19U7<.

SMITH, George F., M. Some factors limiting the distribution and size of the starfish Asterias vulgaris (Verrill). PhD, Toronto, 1939.

SOLMAN, Victor Edward Frick. The ecological relations of water- fowl with special reference to predatory fish. PhD, Toronto, I9I42.

STARRETT, William C. An ecological study of the minnows of the Des Moines River, Boone County, Iowa. PhD, Iowa State, 19U8.

TARZWELL, Clarence M. Environmental imporvement in trout streams; a problem in applied ecology. PhD, Michigan, 1936. ECOLOGY - Continued

WALLEN, Irvin E. The direct effect of turbidity on fishes.

PhD J Michigan, 1950.

ZINN5 Donald Joseph. An ecological study of the interstitial microfauna of some marine sandy beaches, PhD, Yale, 19U2o


(See also CRUSTACEA , Carl; FOOD AND FOOD ORGANISMS , Bobb, Harden;



ADDAIR, John, The fishes of the Kanawha river system in West Virginia and some factors which influence their distribution. PhD, Ohio, 19hS.

BLACK, John David. The distribution of the fishes of Arkansas. PhD, Michigan, I9U0.

CHAPMAN, Wilbert McL. Oceanic fishes from the northeastern Pacific ocean collected by the International Fisheries Commission. PhD, Washington, 1937.

GERKING, Shelby Delos . The distribution of the fishes of Indi- ana. PhD, Indiana, 19144'

GREENE, Carroll W, The distribution of Wisconsin fishes. PhD, Michigan, 193U.

JOHNSON, Raymond Earl. The distribution of Nebraska fishes. PhD, Michigan, 19U2o

KELLEY, Tim K. The commercial fisheries of Washington. PhD, Washington, 19U7.

MILLER, Robert Rush. The fishes of the relict waters of the Pleistocene Death Valley stream system. PhD, Michigan, 19U5o

RANEY, Edward C. The distribution of the fishes of the Ohio drainage basin of western Pennsylvania. PhD, Cornell, 1939.

RICHARDSON, Laurence R. The fresh-water fishes of southeastern Quebec. PhD, McGill, 1935.

10 » » o


DAVIDSON, Ralph Ho Field and laboratory studies of Derris as an insecticide o PhDj Ohio, 1935

SMITH, Charles L, The causes underlying the rapid loss of toxic- ity of pyrethrum and derris insecticides after application and methods of retarding this decomposition » PhD, Rutgers, 1937

TISCHLER5 Nathanielo Studies on how Derris kills insects. PhD, Rutgers, 1935


(See also CRUSTACEA ,' Hasler| LIFE HISTORY STUDIES , Britt; LIMNOLOGY , Gaufin, Jahoda)

BOBB, Marvin Lo A contribution toward a knowledge of the aquatic and semi-aquatic Hemiptera of Virginiao PhD, Virginia, 1950,

CLEVELAND, Maurice Mo Nutritive studies on white fish meals. PhD, Massachusetts, 193Uo

CUMING3, Harry Wo, Jr, A histological study of the effects of vitamin E deficiency on the guppy, Lebistes reticulatus „ PhD, Illinois, 19i|lo

DONALDSON, Lauren R„ Experimental studies in the nutrition of the Chinook salmon with special reference to histological changes in the pancreas. PhD, Washington, 1939,

DUNHAM, Donald Westo Studies on the ecology and physiology of the fresh-water jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbii o PhD, Ohio, 19U1.

EVANS, Gertrude, The relation between \d.tamins and the growth and survival of goldfishes in homotypically conditioned water. PhD, Chicago, 19360

FROHNE, William Co Limnological relations of insects to certain emergent aquatic plants o PhD, Michigan, 1937

HARDEN, Philip Ho The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Minnesota. PhD, Minnesota, 1950.

HUNT, Burton Po A study of the life history, ecology and eco- nomic importance of a burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata (Serville), in certain Michigan waters, PhD, Michigan, 1950.

U •


of herring (Clupea JOHNSON 5 Walter H. The food and feeding the harengus Linn.), PhD, Toronto, 1937

KINGj Robert H, An unidentified growth factor in condensed fish solubles, PhD, Purdue, 19h9'

MCLAREN, Barbara A. The nutrition of rainbow trout, PhD, Wiscon- sin, 19U7»

LIONK, Cecil Ray. Marine harpacticoid copepods from California, PhD, California, Los Angeles, 19h2.

NEILAfiDS, John B. Studies on (l) vitamin and amino acid content of fish and meat products (ll) molybdenum toxicity in the rat (III) bound pantothenic acid, PhD, Wisconsin, 19U9»

RICE, Nolan E. The nutrition of Flabellula mira Schaeffer. PhD, Duke, 193h-

SIflTH, Mo Wo The fertilization of fresh water with an organic fertilizer, PhD, Toronto, 193U.

VELASQUEZ, Gregorio T, On the viability of Algae obtained from the digestive tract of the gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (La Sueur), PhD, Michigan, 1939.


(See also ECOLOGY , Bardach; LIFE HISTORY STUDIES , Eschmeyer, Roycej

TAXONOMY , Mottley)

CARLANDER, Kenneth Dixon. The walleyes Strizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill), of Lake of the Woods, with especial reference to the commercial fisheries. PhD, Minnesota, 19U3.

GREETJBERG, Bernard. Some relations between territory, social hierarchy, and leadership in the green sunfish, PhD, Chicago, 19U7o

LANGLOIS, Thomas H. A study of the small-mouth bass Micropterus dolomieu Lacepede in rearing ponds in Ohio, PhD, Ohio, 193TI

MCCRIfffl;;ON, Hugh R, The survival of planted salmon ( Salmo salar ) in streams, PhD, Toronto, 19U9.

SCOTT, Donald C, A study of a stream population of rock bass. PhD, Indiana, I9U8,

12 •

GAME FISH - Continued

SIGLER, iVilliam Fo The life history and management of the white bass Lepibema chrysops (Rafinesque), in Spirit Lake, Iowa, PhD, Iowa, 19l;7»

TifTLDERj, Donald George, A comparative study of anadroraous and fresh-water populations of the eastern speckled trout (Salvelinus fontlnalis), PhD, Toronto, 19UU.


HEWES> Gordon W, Aboriginal use of fishery resources in North- western North America, PhD, California, 19U7'>

R03TLUND, Erhard, A distribution study of fresh-water fish and fishing in aboriginal America north of Mexico. PhD, California, 1951


(See also ECOLOGY , Roelofs)

COBLENTZ, Jacob Mchael. Some characteristics of bacteria from surface water supplies. PhD, Iowa State, 19U2.

COLEMAN, Edward Abenheim, Interrelations of soil and water during infiltration, PhD, California, 19^2.

DOBBINS, William Earl, Study of the effect of turbulence on sedimentation, PhD, Massachusetts Tech., 19^2.

HICKOX, George H. Evaporation from a limited free water surface. PhD, California, 19U0,

HSIA, Chen Huan. A study of transportation of fine sediments by flowing water, PhD, Iowa, 19hh'

MCNOWN, John Stephenson. A study of fluid turbulence and sand transportation caused by the flow of water in an open channel. PhD, Minnesota, 19U2,

TU, Yun Cheng. Transportation of sediment by flowing water. PhD, Iowa, 193Uo

VANONI, Vito August. Experiments on the transportation of sus- pended sediment by water. PhD, California Tech., 19liO.

13 • »

LIFE HISTORY STUDIES Davies, Jfershallj FISH (See also CRUSTACEA , Clemens; i!,COLCGY, GAME ,

Sigler; MORPHOLOGY , Caraway

ANDREWS, Theodore F. The life history, distribution, growth, and abundance of Leptodora kindtii (Focke) in western Lake Erie, PhD, Ohio, 19U8

APPLEGATE, Vernon C. Natural history of the sea lamprey, Petro - myzon marinus , in Michigan, PhD, Michigan, 19^0,

ARORA, Harbans L, An investigation of the California sand dab, Citharichthys sordidus (Girard), PhD, Stanford, 19U9.

BRITT, Noah W, The life history and ecology of the white May fly, Ephoron album Say, in Lake Erie. PhD, Ohio, 19^1

BUCK, David H, Early liranological and fish population conditions of Canton Reservoir, Oklahoma, with special reference to the white crappie, black crappie, northern carp-sucker, buffalo, and white bass, and fishery management recommendations. PhD, Oklahoma A, and M,, 1951.

CALHOUN, Alexander John, The biology of the black-spotted trout

( Salmo clarkii henshawi Gill and Jordan) in two Sierra lakes. PhD, Stanford, 19U3

COOPER, Edwin L. Age and growth of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), Mchigan. PhD, Michigan, 19U9.

CROSS, Frank B, Early liranological and fish population condi- tions of Canton Reservoir, Oklahoma, with special reference to carp, channel catfish, largemouth bass, green sunfish, and bluegill, and fishery management recommendations. PhD, Oklahoma A, and M, , 1951.

DAIBER, Franklin C. The life history and ecology of the sheeps- head, Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque, in western Lake Erie, PhD, Ohio, 1951.

DEA30N, Hilary J. Morphometric and life history studies of the pike-perches, Stizostedion , of Lake Erie, PhD, Michigan, 1936,

DEFOLIART, Gene R, The life histories, identification and con- trol of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Adirondack Mountains. PhD, Cornell, 1951.

DELACY, Allan Clark. Contributions to the life histories of two

Alaska chars : Salvelinus malma (Walbaum) and Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), PhD, Washington, 19U2.

iU o o


ESCHtlEYERs Paul R., Reproduction and migration of the yellow pikeperchj Stizostedion vitreum vitreum , in Michigan. PhDj Michigan, 19U9»

FAHYj William E. The life history of the northern greens ide darter 5 Etheostoma blBnniodes blennioides Rafinesque. PhD^ Rochester, 1951.

FREYj David Grovero Growth and ecology of the carp, Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus ^ in four lakes of the Madison region, Wisconsin, PhDj Wisconsin, I9U0.

GOVINDAN, Pitchaimuthu , The age and growth of the Cisco, Leucichthys artedi (Le Sueur) from Saginaw Bay, Green Bay, and Grand Traverse Bayo PhD, Michigan State, 19^1

A contribution to the biology of HARRINGTON J Robert Wo, Jr. bridled shiner, Notropis bifrenatus (Cope)» PhD, Cornell, 19U7.

HARTMEN, Willard Do The natural history of the marine sponges of southern New England o PhD, Yale, 19^0.

JHINGRAN, Vishwa Go A contribution to the biology of the Klamath black dace, Rhinichthys os cuius klamathensis (Evermann and Meek). PhD, Stanford, 19U9o

JOBES, Frank Watkins o Age and growth of the yellow perch, Perca flavesceniS-i..(L:itchill) , in Lake Erie. PhD, Michigan, I9UO0

JOHNSTON, Perry Mo Early development of the largemouth black bass, Micropterus salmoides salmoides (Lacepede) and the history of the germ cells through the period of sex differentiation. PhD, Michi- gan, 19U9<.

KASK, John Lo Studies in migration, fishing mortality, and growth in length of the Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus , from marking experiments . PhD, Washington, 1936

KENNEDY, William Alexander. The whitefish, Coregonus clupea - formis (Mitchill) of Lake Opeongo, Algonquin Park, Ontario. PhD, Toronto, 19Ulo

KLEEREKOPER, Herman. The biology of the atherinid fish Odontes - thes bonariensis (Valenciennes) in northeastern Rio Grande do Sul, BraziTI PhDj Michigan, 1950.

KOSTER, William J. The life-history and ecology of the sculpins (Cottidae) of central New York. PhD, Cornell, 1936.


KRUMHOLZ, Louis Augustus. The biology of the Western mosquito- fish, Gambus ia affinis affinis (Baird and GirardJ., in northern Illinois and southern Michigan, PhD, Michigan, 19h^'

LA.CHNER, Ernest A. Studies of the biologj^ of the chubs (genus

Nocomis , family Cyprinidae) of Northeastern United States, PhD, Cornell, 19U7o

LARIMORE, Richard W, Life history of the warmouth, Chaenobryttus coronarius (Bartram). PhD, Michigan, 1950.

IiiARCOTTE, Alexandre, Notes sur la biologie de I'eperlan de la province de Quebec, PhD, Laval, 19U7»

MILLER, Richard G, The natural history of Lake Tahoe fishes. PhD, Stanford, 1951.

MORROW, James E,, Jr.. Life history of the long-horned sculpin, l^oxocephalus octodecimspinosus . PhD, Yale, 19U9-

ODELL, Theodore T, The life history and ecological relationships of the alewife Pomolobus ps eudohar engus Wilson in Seneca Lake, New York, PhD, Cornell, 193U.

ORCUTT, Harold G, Life history of the starry flounder, Platich- thys stellatus (Pallas), PhD, Stanford, 19U9-.

PAUL, Allard A. Life history studies of North American fresh- water Polystomes, PhD, New York, 1938.

PERRY, Lo Edward, Biology and economic significance of the peak- nose Cisco of Bear Lake, Idaho and Utah. PhD, Michigan, 191^-

PFEIFFER, Roman A. Studies on the life history of the rosyface shiner, Notropis rubellus (Agassiz). PhD, Cornell, 19U7''

PRASAD, Rama V, R, The life history of Clevelandia ios (Jordan and Gilbert), PhD, Stanford, 19U8.

ROYCE, William Francis, The reproduction and studies on the life history of the lake trout Cristivomer namaycush namaycush (Walbaum). PhD, Cornell, 19U3»

SCHLOEMER, Clarence L, The age and rate of growth of the blue- gill, Helioperca macrochlra (Raf inesque ) , PhD, Wisconsin, 1939.

16 » „


SHETTER^ David S» Contributions to the natural history of some

game fishes of Michigan , particularly the brook trout p Salvelinus f

fontinalis (Mitchill)^ as determined by tagging experiments „ PhD,"

Michigan 5 193 7 <

SPOOR J William A. The age and growth of the sucker,. Catostomus commersonii Lac^pfede, in Muskellunge Lake, Vilas County, Wisconsin.

PhD, Wis cons in 5 1936

STONE, Udell Bennett- Studies on the biology of the satinfin minnows Notropis analostanus and No ti- op is spilopterus . PhD, Cornell, I9UO0

TILLERj Richard Eo A five-year study of the striped bass fishery of Maryland based on scale analyses of four successive year classes. PhD, Maryland, 19U7e

UNDERHILL5 Adna Ho Studies on the life history of the chain pickerel Esox niger Le Sueur. PhD, Cornell, I9U8.

VAN CLEVE, Richard. Distribution and early life history of the halibut, PhD, Washington, 1937.

WALKER, Boyd Y{. Periodicity of spawning by the grunion, Laures -

thes tenuis , an atherine fish. PhD, California, Los Angeles, 19U9«

LBMOLOGY (See also ECOLOGY, Cole, Dineen, Doan, Lindeman, Reif, Rickerj FOOD


STUDIES, Britt, Buck, Cross j MISCELLANEOUS , McGahaj PLMKTON, Hohn, MacKayj TAXOTJOMY, Ranzoni, Silva)

ADAIE, James R. The biotic cycles in northern pond communities. PhD, McGill, I9UI0

ANDREWS, Jay D. The macroscopic populations of the larger aquatic plants in Lake Mendota. PhD, Wisconsin, 19U7-

BALL, Robert Cragin. Relationship of the invertebrate fauna to the fish population in Third Sister Lake, Washtenaw County, Michigan, PhD, Michigan, 19U3o

BENNETT, George W, Limnological investigations in Wisconsin and Nebraska, PhD, V/isconain, 1939,

17 »

LIMMOLOGY - Continued

BERG 5 Clifford Oo Limnological relations of insects to plants of the genus Potaraogeton , PhDj Michigan, 19U9-.

BRADFIEIiD, Herbert H. Pennsylvanian Qstracoda of the Ardmore basin 5 Oklahoma. PhD, Indiana, 193k-

BRITTON, I&x Eo Distribution of algae in the Chicago region. PhD,, Northwestern, 19Ulo

BROOKS, John L. Cyclomorphosis in limnetic races of the genus Daphnia found in eastern North America. PhD, Yale, 19U6«

BROTO, Walter H. Plant communities of Illinois lakes. PhD, Illinois, 1939<.

BRUNSON, Royal B. Life history, ecology, and taxonomy of certain North American fresh-water Gastrotricha. PhD, Michigan, 19U7o

CALENHUSEN, Alfrons J. Part I. Some aquatic and sub-aquatic plants from the region of Glacier Lake, Wisconsin, '°art II, Secondary successions on the peat lands of Glacial Lake, Wisconsin, PhD, Wiscon= sin, 19U8.

CORKILL, James M. B. I. The seasonal variations of temperature and dissolved oxygen in Lake Nipissing. 11. The oxygen supply of lake water. PhD, Toronto, 1935

CROASDALE, Hannah T. The fresh water algae of Woods Hole, Jfessachusetts. PhD, Pennsylvania, 1935.

DAGGY, Richard Henry. Taxonomic and biological investigations on Minnesota mayflies (Ephemeroptera). PhD, Minnesota, 19U2o

DAWLEY, Charlotte Webster. Distribution and growth studies of the Unionidae and aquatic Gastropoda found in Minnesota, PhJ), Minne- sota, 19U5.

DEEVEY, Edward S,, Jr. Typological succession in Connecticut lakes. PhD, Yale, 1938.

ELLIS, John M, The morphology, division and conjugation of the salt marsh clliate, Fabrea salina Henneguy. PhD, California, 193U»

ESCHJffiYER, Reuben W. A limnological and fish survey of the lakes in the Pigeon River State Forest, Michigan, with experiments in fish management, an analysis of the fish yield and a special study of stunted perch populations. PhD, Michigan, 1937.

18 »

LIMNOLOGY - Continued

FELINj Frances Edna, The seasonal fluctuation of benthic macro- fauna and limnetic plankton in Sears ville Lake. A contribution to the biology of fluctuating reservoirs. PhDy Stanford, I9I4O,

FINKLE5 Bernard J. Studies on chlorophyll formation and growth of green algae, PhDj California, Los Angeles, 19^0.

CALLER, Signey R. A limnological investigation of acid ponds with partdcular reference to the factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the phytoplankton, PhD, Maryland, I9U80

GARCIA -DIAZ, Julio. An ecological survey of the fresh water insects of Puerto Rico. I, The Odonataj with nevi life-histories, PhD, Cornell, 1937=

GAUFIN, Arden R, Production of bottom fauna in the Provo River, Utah. PhDj Iowa State, 1951.

GREENBANK, John Thomas. Limnological conditions in ice-covered lakes, especially as related to winter-kill of fish. PhD, Michigan, 19UU.

• HANSEN, Harold W. Developmental morphology of Lotus corniculatus L. PhD, Iowa State, 19U9.

HARP3TER, Hilda T, An investigation of the gaseious plastron as a respiratory mechanism in certain adult aquatic Coleoptera. PhD, Michigan, 1939

HARRIS^ Joseph Pollard. Mechanical effects of water turbulence on certain fresh-water plankters. PhD, Michigan, 19U2.

HATCHETT, Stephen Pinckney. Biology of the Isopoda of Michigan. PhD, Michigan, 19U3.

HIRST, John Mendel. A limnological survey of the streams of the East Tionesta Tract, Allegheny National Forest, McKean and Warren Counties, Pennsylvania. PhD, Pittsburgh, 19Ul»

HOFFMAN, Carl E. A limnological investigation of some northern Michigan Donaciini (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera), PhD, Michigan, 1938.

HOOPER, Frank F. The summer standing crop of a small Minnesota lake. PhD, Minnesota, I9U8.

HOTCHKISS, Arland T, Studies in the algae of Bergen Swamp, New York, PhD, Cornell, 19^0,

19 LIMNOLOGY - Continued

HUGHES, Elwyn Owen. FreshHiiiater algae of the maritime provinces. PhD, Ohio, 19U3.

IDE Fo P« Tlie effect of temperature on the distribution of the Mayfly (Epheraeroptera) fauna of a stream. Post embryological develoi- ment of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies) external characters only. PhD, Toronto, 193U.

IRWIN, William Henry. The Culicinae of certain northern IVIichigan bog mats with special reference to the limnological dynamics influenc- ing their production. PhD, Michigan, I9U0.

JAHODA, William J. Seasonal difference in distribution of Diaptomus (Copepoda) in western Lake Erie. PhD, Ohio, 19U9.

JOA, Chin-Chih. Studies on the freshwater algae of China. PhD, Michigan, 1935.

JOHNSON, Karl Richard, Plant ecology of northwestern Colorado lakes and surrounding areas. Abstract in University of Colorado studies , XXVI; 2:77-80, 1939. PhD, Colorado, 19U0.

JOHNSON, I^chyle W. A study of the nucleoli of certain insects and crayfish. PhD, Indiana, 1936.

JOHNSON, Vfendell L. Limnological studies of a new artificial lake in southwestern Indianau PhD, Indiana, I9UU.

JONES, Sara E. An ecological study of large aquatic plants in small ponds. PhD, Wisconsin, 19U8.

LAING, Harlow E. Oxygen requirement for respiration and growth of Nuphar advenum (Ait.) and other aquatic plants. PhD, Michigan, 1939«

LEAKE, Dorothy Van Dyke. The algae of Crystal lake, Cleveland County, Oklahoma. PhD, Oklahoma, 19UU.

LYMAN, Frederick Earle. Limnological investigations of the Emphemeroptera in Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, with special reference to the distribution of immature stages. PhD, Michi- gan, I9UO.

MAGRUDER, Samuel R. The anatomy and histology of the fresh water prosobranch gastropod, Pleurocera caniculatum undulatum Say. PhD, Cincinnati, 193 U-

20 » o • o

LIMNOLOGY - Continued

MARSHALL J Anna Co A qualitative and quantitative study of the Trichoptera of western Lake Erie (as indicated by light trap material). PhD, Ohio, 1939

MILLERj Richard B. The ecology of the Chrionomidae of Costello

Lake, Ontario, with a note on Corethra ( Chaoborus ) punctipennis „ PhD, Toronto, 193 9

MOFFETT, James Wo A limnological investigation of the dynamics

of a barren, sandy, wave-swept shoal in Douglas Lake, Michigan » PhD, Michigan, 1939.

MOORE, George Mo A limnological investigation of the microscopic benthic fauna of Douglas Lake, Michigan » PhD, Michigan, 1938

ITOYLE, John Bo The larger aquatic plants of Minnesota and the factors determing their distribution. PhD, Minnesota, 1939o

NEELj Joe K. A limnological investigation of the psammolittoral zone in Douglas Lake, Michigan, with especial reference to shoal and shoreline dynamics o PhD, Mibhigan, 19U7»

PHILSON^ Paul Jo The freshwater alg of North and South Carolina.

I. Cyanophyceae o PhD, Minnesota, 1935»

PRATT, David Mariottio The influence of temperature on populatl'on development in Daphnia . PhD, Harvard, 19U3.

RAYMOND, Iferion R. A limnological study of the plankton of a concretion-forming marl lakeo PhD, Michigan, 1936.

RILEY, Gordon Ao The copper cycle in natural waters and its biological significance. PhD, Yale, 1937

ROGICKj Mary D. The freshwater Bryozoa of Lake Erie. PhD, Ohio, 193Uo

3ANF0RD, Katherine K. The effect of temperature on the expression

of inters exuality in Daphnia longispina . PhD, Brown, 19U3o

SARGEl^JT, Marston C. Aspects of the physiology of blue-green Algae. PhD, California Tech,, 193Uo

SCHULT2, Vincent Bo A limnological study of a farm pond. PhD, Ohio, 1950,

21 LIMNOLOGY - Continued

SPRULES, William Membery. Factors affecting the distribution of aquatic insects in the Ifedawaska River system, Ontario. PhD, Toronto, 19U2.

STANFORD, Lyle M. Preliminary studies on the biology of the Snake River. PhD, Washington, 19i43.

STARK, William H.. lo Factors influencing the bacterial popula- tion of fresh water lakes, II. Lactate fermenting butyric acid anaerobes o PhD, Wisconsin, 1939.

STOKES, Jacob L. Relations between algae and other micro-organisms in nature, PhD, Rutgers, 1939.

SWINYARD, Chester A, A liranological study of several Minnesota lakes. PhD, Minnesota, 193 U.

WARD, Elizabeth B. A seasonal population study of pond Entoraos- traca in the Cincinnati region. PhD, Cincinnati, 1939.

WHITFORD, Larry Alston. The freshwater algae of North Carolina, PhD, Ohio, I9I42,

WOHLSCHLAG, Donald E. Vegetation and invertebrate life in a marl lake. PhD, Indiana, 19U9.

WOOD, Thelma R, Activation of the dormant form of fresh water animals, with special reference to Cladocera. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrogiologie und Hydrographie, vol. 35:229^2U2. 1937. PhD, Brown, 1938,

WRIGHT, John C. The limnology of Atwood Lake, a flood control reservoir, PhD, Ohio, 19^0.

young', Frank Nelson, Jr. The water beetles of Florida s a taxo- nomic and ecological study, PhD, Florida, 19U2,

YOUNG, Orson Whitney, A liranological investigation of periphyton in Douglas Lake, Michigan. PhD, Michigan, 19h2.

ZUMBERGE, James H. The origin and classification of lakes of Minnesota. PhD, Minnesota, 1951.

22 o


(See also ECOLOGY , Laglerj GAUS FISH , McGriramoris Sigler)

COOPER;, Gerald P. Studies of the propagation, breeding habits and growth of certain forage fishes of eastern North America; a con- tribution to forage fish managements PhD, Michigan j 1938,

LEONARDj Leonard L, International regulation of fisheries.

Washington 5 19UU<. PhD^ Columbia, 19hSo

LEVARDSEflj Norman 0, Studies on chemical methods of aquatic plant control in freshwater lakes and ponds, PhD, Michigan State, 1951.

RAYlviiiR, Hedley John, The development of a management policy for the rainbow trout of the Finger Lakes, PhD, Cornell, I9I4.I0

SMITH, Lloyd Lyman. A fisheries management program for the waters of the Huron Mountain Club, PhD, Michigan, 19U3»

WEBSTER, Dwlp;ht Albert, Fishery management studies of Connecti- cut lakes, PhD, Cornell, 19Uh<.

WESTMAN, James Ross, A consideration of population life-history studies in their relation to the problems of fish management researchj with special reference to the small-mouthed bass, Micropterus dolomieu

Lacepfedej the lake trout, Cristivomer namaycush (Walbaum) j and the mud minnow. Umbra limi (Kirtland) , PhD, Cornell, I9I4I,


(See also ECOLOGY , Perlmutter^ LIFE HISTORY STUDIES , Kask, Tiller,

Van Clevei POPULATION , McHugh;

HEIGER, Robert E, Aboriginal whaling in the Old and New worlds. PhD, California, I9UI,

MERRIMAN, Daniel. Roccus saxatilis of the Atlantic coast, PhD, Yale, 193 9

TESTER, Albert L, The herring of British Columbia, PhD, Toronto, 1936,

WALFORD, Lionel A, The distribution and dispeucsal of pelagic stages of the American haddock, PhD, Harvard, 193^,

23 » o




Cameron; PLANKTON , Ryther)

FITZGERALD, George P. The isolation and culture of blue-green algae. PhD^ Wisconsin, 1951"

FRY, Frederick E<. J» The summer migration of the ciscO; Leucichthys artedi LeSueur, in Lake Nipissing, OntariOo PhD; Toronto,

HANSEN, Donald F. Studies on regeneration in the fins of fishes PhD, Illinois, 1938.

HUANG, V^an Li. An analysis of the rainfall-runoff correlationo PhD, Illinois, 1937

KILBY, John D. The fishes of two Gulf Coastal marshes of Florida, PhD, Florida, 19^0.

KURONULIA, Katsuzoo Studies on the heterosomate fishes of Japan. PhD, Michigan, 1938.

MCGAHA, Yc Jo The limn ©logical relations of insects to certain aquatic flowering plants. U.M, PhD, Michigan, 19^1.

SHAl/T, Ralph J. The measurement of the degree of aggregation in small groups of fish,, PhD, Southern California, 1937-

TUHNER, David B. Professional opportunities in the fish and wildlife field. PhD, Cornell, 19U7»



CARAWAY,. Prentice A. The whitefish, Coregonu s clupeaformis (Mitchill); of northern Lake Michigan, with special reference to age^ growth, and certain morphometric characters. PhD, Michigan State, 1951.

DENNY, Martha. The lateral line system of the teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus . PhD, Radcliffe^ 1936.

DOBBDI, Catherin N. A comparative study of the air-bladders of some families of fishes of New York and other eastern states „ PhD, Cornell, 1939.

2U MORPHOLOGY - Continued

GABRIELj Mordecai Lo Factors affecting the number and form of

Fundulus heteroclitus » Jl^ of „ vertebrae in Exp Zool , ^ 95:105-U7s 19Ui4<. PhD, Columbia, 19UUo

GARRETT 5 Frederic Daugherty^ The morphology of the corpuscle of Stannius of teleostean fishes, PhD, Cornell, I9UO0

HART J Jackson So Geographic variations of some physiological and morphological characteristics in fisho PhD, Toronto^ 19U9o

HELD, Edward Eo Experimental studies of the morphogenesis of the gonopodium In Platypoecilus raaculatus and Xiphophorus helleri , PhD,

California, Los Angeles, 195oT '

HOAR, William S. The thyroid gland of the Atlantic salmon. PhD, Boston, 1939o

LEVENSTEIN, Irving Mo Studies of the endocrines of Teleosts»

II o The cytology of the pituitary gland of two varieties of goldfish

( Carassius auratus Lo), with special reference to variable factors in the gland which may possibly be related to the different morphological types o PhD; New York, 1938o

MILNE, Donald Jo The growth, morphology and relationship of the species of Pacific salmon and the steel head trout. PhD, McGill, 19U9«

NELSON, Edward Mo The comparative morphology of the Weber ian apparatus in the family Catostomidae o PhD, Wisconsin, I9U80

OWEN, Bradford Breckenridge. The morphology of certain marine teleost kidneys o PhD, Harvard, I9UO0

PROFFITT, Max A, Comparative morphometry and growth of scales in the bluegill, mo macrochirus Rafinesque, with reference to related body growth » PhD, Michigan, 1951°

RAY, Dixjr Lo The peripheral nervous system of Lampanyctus leucopsaurus with comparative notes on other Iniomi o PhD, Stanford, I9U60

TASKER, Roy Co The morphology and transformation of the gono- podium of the viviparous top minnow Platypoecilus maculatus,, PhD, Cornell, 193h-

TAYLOR, Ardell Nichols Studies on the germinal vesicles of the toad, fish, and salamander o PhD, Texas, 19U3»


(See also CRUSTACEA , Boden, Olson; DISEASES AJID PARASITES , Oppen-

he liner; LIMNOLOGY , Flnkle^ PLANKTON, Richards, Sutcliffe)

BUTTS, Helen E. The effect of certain salts of sea water upon reproduction in the marine amoeba, Flabellula mira Schaeffer„ PhD, Duke, 193U.

CAMERON, William Mo On the dynamics of inlet circulations „ PhD, California, Los Angeles, 1951.

DAR3IE, Ifervin L. , Jr, Certain aspects of phototropisra, growth, and polarity in the single celled marine alga, Bryopsis. PhD, Stan- ford, 1939.

DAWSON, Elmer Yale. The marine algae of the Gulf of California, PhD, California, 19U2o

EWING, Gifford C. Slicks, surface films and internal waves, PhD, California, Los Angeles, 1951.

GEYER, Richard A. Interpretation of the submarine topography of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, PhD, Princeton, 1951.

GILBERT, William James. Studies on marine Chlorophyceae of the Philippines, PhD, Michigan, 19U2.

GOODMAN, Joseph Robert, The waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean. PhD, Washington, 19U1.

HOUGH, Jack L, The sediments of Buzzards Bay and Cape Cod Bay, Ifassachusetts. PhD, Chicago, 19U1.

HUTCHINS, Louis W. Salt-water Bryozoa in relation to salinity. PhD, Yale, 19Ul.

JENNE3S, John L, Oceanography and physiography of the Canadian western arctic. PhD, Clark, 195l.

KETCHUM, Bostwick H, Phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism of the marine diatom, Nitzschia closterium. PhD, Harvard, 1938,

MA2UR, Abraham. The amino acids of certain marine algae, Jl .

of Biol . Chem., 123;729-7UO, 1938. PhD, Columbia, 1939.

NORRIS, Robert M, IZarine geology of the San Nicolas Island region, California. PhD, California, Los Angeles, 1951.

NORTHCRAFT, Richard D. Colonization of bare rock surfaces by marine algae. PhD, Stanford, 19U7.

26 o


OSTROFFj Rose Mo Studies on the metabolism of bacteria of marine origin o PhD^ Washington ^ 1938.

REVELLE^ Roger o Marine bottom samples collected in the Pacific ocean by the Carnegie on its seventh cruise, PhD^ California, I936.

SMITH J Frederick E, The benthos of Block Island Sound, PhD.

Yale J 1950

THORP, Eldon M, Calcareous shallow-water marine deposits of Florida and the Bahamas, PhD^ California, 193Uo

WILLIAlSs, Louis G, Marine algae of Cape Lookout, North Carolina. PhD, Duke, I9I180

WIRTH5 Henry E, An apparatus for the determination of small density of differences and its application to the determination of the isotopic composition of sea Tirater, PhD, Washington, 1935«


(See also CRUSTACEA , Bovbjerg, Travis, Webb 5 MCiRPHOLOGY , Hart)

ABRAM0WIT2, Alexander A, The physiology of the innervation of fish melanophores , PhD, Harvard, 1935"

ANDERSON, David W, , Jr, Further aspects of trimethylaraine forma- tion in fish, PhD, Ifessachusetts, 1950,

ANDREVra, Cater W, The effect of heat on the light behavior of fish, PhD, Toronto, 19U7o

ARONOViTITZ, Olga, The genetics of atypical macromelanophore growth in platyfish—swordtail hybrids and the histology of their gonads and pituitaries, PhD, New York, 1950,

BALLSNTINE, Robert George, Studies in the dehydrogenase systems of marine eggs, PhD, Princeton, I9U0,

BETOJITIGTON, Neville L, The spermatogenesis of Betta splendens , the Siamese fighting fish, PhD, Northwestern, 193Uo

BERKOTWITZ, Philip, The response of fish (Lebistes reticulatus) to gonad and gonadotropic hormones , PhD, New York, 19U0,

BLACK, Edgar Clark » The transport of oxygen by the blood of freshwater fish, PhD, Pennsylvania, I9U0.

27 •

PHYSIOLOGY - Continued

BOOS, Br. Cletus S., F.3.G. An investigation of the pancreatic proteinase of the shark, Car char inus obscurus . PhD, Catholic, 19U3.

BRETT, John Ro Temperature tolerance in young Pacific salmon,

genus Oncorhynchus . PhD, Toronto, 1951-

BROWN, Frank A. Color changes in crustaceans with special refer-

ence to Palaemonetes . PhD, Harvard, 193U-

BUTLER, Philip Alan, Modification of the normal seasonal cycle by means of pituitary hormones in the common goldfish, Carassius auratus L. PhD, Northwestern, 19U0.

CHESTNUT, Alphonse F. Studies on the digestive processes in

Ostrea virgin ica . PhD, Rutgers, 19U9.

CLARK, Eugenie. The sexual behavior of two sympatric species of poeciliid fishes and their laboratory induced hybrids, with an analysis of the factors involved in the isolating raechanismo PhD, New York, 1950.

CLARKE, Robert W= The maintenance of water equilibrium in fish with special reference to renal regulation. PhD, New York, 193h.

COLLINS, Gerald B. The influence of certain physical and chemi- cal factors upon the orientation of migrating anadromous fish of the

genus Pomolobus . PhD, Harvard, 19^1

DANIELSON, Ragnar N. An experimental study of chromatophores and color change with special attention to cyprinid fishes. PhD, Minnesota, 1936.

DAVIS, Neil C. The mechanism of the fish thiaminase. PhD, Iowa State, 19^0.

EVERSOLE, Wilburn J. Effect of steroid hormones on sexual

development in fish (Lebistes reticulatus ) . PhD, New York, I9U0.

FERGUSON, Frederick Palmer. Reactions of caudal -band melano-

phores in Fundulus heteroclitus , with special reference to the effect of temperature on the rate of pigment concentration, PhD, Minnesota, 19U3.

FOST'-]R, Kondall V.'. Tho hluo ph'-iro :'n thr; color chan";GS of fish. PhD, Harrard, 193^.

28 PHYSIOLOGY - Continued

FOSTER, Richard Fo Some effects on embryo and young rainbow trout

Salmo gairdnerii (Richardson) from exposing-: the parent fish to X-rays o PhDj Washington, 19U9o

HALE^ Edgar B. lo Social facilitation of maze performance in normal and forebrainless green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus. Ho Effect of forebrain lesions on the aggressive behavior of green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus, PhDj Chicago^ 1950=,

JAMES^ Marian F. Histological changes in the gonads of the blue- gill,, Lepomis macrochirus Ra.finesque and of the largemouth bass^ Huro

salmoides (Lacepede) accompanying season^ age and condition » PhD^ Illinois, 19U3o

KATZj Max, The hematology of the silver salmon, """Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum.)o PhD. Washington., 1950.=

LEE^ Richard Everett o The phyBiology of chromatophore control in

two bottom-dwelling marine teleostSo PhD, Harvard „ 19U3»

LI, Min-hsino The effects of estrogen administrations in the teleost, Xiphophorus he Her i Heckel, PhDj, Southern California^, 19U5<>

LIPMN, Harry Jo A contribution to the study of phosphataze activity in marine invertebrate animals. PhD^ Pittsburgh, 1939«

11EYER, Dallas K. Blood chlorides of fishes . PhDj Missouri, 19U7<

ODICRNE, Joseph Mo Experimental alterations in the pigmentations

of fisheSj with special reference to Fundulus . PhD, Harvard, 193l|.<>

3ANG3TER, V/illiamo The quantitative effects of ethynyl testos- terone upon the development of the gonopodium and sword of Xiphophorous

helleri o PhD, Northwestern, 19U3-

SCRUGGS, Walter Merritto The epithelial components of the teleost pituitary gland and their seasonal changes in the carp

(Cyprinus carpio, Lo ) and gold fish (Carassius auratus , L.)' PhD, Harvard, I9II2T

SULLIVAN, Charlotte Mo Aspects of the physiology of temperature selection in speckled trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), PhD, Toronto, 19U9.

WALKER, Theodore Jo Olfactory discrimination of aquatic plants by Hyborhynchus notatus (Raf,). PhD, Wisconsin, 19U8.

29 PHYSIOLOGY - Continued

WEI3EL, George F. The comparative effects of teleost and beef pituitary on chroraatophores of cold-blooded vertebrates, PhD, Califor- nia, Los Angeles J 19U9-

WILDTOG, James L. The oxygen threshold of three species of fish. PhD, Indiana, 1938.

YOKOYAMA., Hisako 0. Studies on the origin, development, and seasonal variations in the blood cells of the perch, Perca flavescens » PhD, Wisconsin, 19U8.

YOUNG, Roger Arliner„ The indirect effects of Roentgen rays on certain marine eggs, PhD, Pennsylvania, I9I1.O.


(3ee~also CRUSTACEk, Boden, Olson; ECOLOGY , Colej LIMTJOLOGY , Felin,

Finkle, Galler, Hotchkiss, Jahoda; MISCELLANEOUS , Fitz- gerald; TAXONOMY, Silva)

CAMPBELL, Robert S. Vertical distribution of the Rotifera in Douglas Lake, Michigan, with special reference to submerged depression individuality. PhD, Michigan, 1939.

CHANDLER, David C. The fate of typical lake plankton in rivers and streams. PhD, Michigan, 193U.

CUPP, Easter E. A critical study of certain distinguishing characters in three closely allied plankton species of the diatom genus Nitzschia , and their relationships to certain environmental conditions, PhD, California, 193U.

DAMANN, Kenneth E. An analysis of plankton yields of Lake Michi- gan, PhD, Northwestern, 19U3.

DUNBAR, Maxwell J, Studies in the arctic plankton: comprising a faunistic survey of certain of the marine planktonic groups collected in the Canadian eastern arctic, and an investigation of the breeding cycles of five of the most important species in the eastern arctic and in west Greenland, PhD, McGill, 19U2,

FREESE, Leonard R. Marine plankton diatoms of the Rockfort, Texas Bay area, PhD, Northwestern, 1951.

HOHN, Matthew H. A study of the distribution of diatoms (Bacil- larieae) in western New York State, including some observations with the electron microscope. PhD, Cornell, 1951.

30 » » »

PLANKTON - Continued

LEA.VITT, Benjamin B. The vertical distribution of zooplankton in the ocean. PhD, Harvard, 1937.

LILLICK, Lois C. The raicroplankton of the gulf of Maine with reference to its productivityo PhD, Michigan, 1938c

MA.GKAY, Hector H. The net plankton of Lake Nipigon. PhDj Toronto, 1951

PIERCE, Emory Lowe, Jr. A comparative study of the plankton and chemistry of the water of four aquatic habitats at "felaka, Florida.. PhD, Florida, I9UI0

PIERSON, Edgar F. Plankton development in Lake Macbride. PhDy Iowa, 1939.

RICE, Theodore R. The effect of nutrients and metabolites on populations of planktonic algae. PhD, Harvard, 1950.

RICHARDS, Francis A. The estimation and characterization of plankton by spectrophotoraetric analysis of pigment extracts o PhD, Washington, 19^1

RYTHER, John H. The nutritional and antagonistic relations of phytoplankton and zooplankton filterfeeders, with special reference to

Daphnia magna . PhD, Harvard, 1951.

3CHEFFER, Victor B. The plankton of Lake Vfashinrton. PhD, Wash- ington, 1937

SERFLING, Robert E. Quantitative estimation of plankton from small samples of Sedgewick-Rafter-Cell mounts of concentrate samples, PhD, Mchigan, I9U8.

SUTCLIFFE, William Ho, Jr. A qualitative and quantitative study of the surface zooplankton at Beaufort, North Carolina. PhD^ Duke, 1950.


(See also ECOLOGY , Wallen; WATER QUALITY , Stevenson)

BENDER, Charles Richard, A study of some micro-organisms surviv- ing water chlorination . PhD, Iowa State, 19U2.

BROOKS, Phillips Moore. The effects of sulfur dioxide on the aquatic plant, Elodea. PhD. Stanford, 19U3.

31 »

POLLUTION - Continued

CHIPMA.N5 Walter Ao The role of pH in determining the toxicity of ammonium compounds, PhD, Missouri, 193U.

ELLISOR5 Lewie Oo A toxicological investigation of nicotine on the goldfish and the cockroach » PhD, Iowa State, 1936

GOTAAS, Harold Bo Biochemical oxidation of sewage in fresh and brackish waters at different temperatures. PhD, Harvard, 1950-'

HERMDON, Lyle Kermito Mitigation of the industrial pollution of West Virginia streams. PhD, Ohio, 19hO.

LAUZIER, Louis o Analyse polarographique et polarom^trique de

I'oxygfene dissous dans I'eau de mer et les eaux des rivi'^res <, PhD, Laval, I9U60

MUSGRAVE, Paul No Habitat limitations of certain aquatic insects and their possible relation to a study of stream pollutiono PhD, West Virginia, 1936

OESTBJG, Ralph B. Studies on biological conditioning of water. I. Modified Van Slyke procedure for oxygen and carbon dioxide deter- minations on water„ Physiological zoology, 7s5U2-9, Oct. 193ho II» The role of calcium in biological conditioning. Biological bullo,

68j311;-26, Apr. 1935 » III. Modified procedure for determining the nitrogen distribution of proteins involved. PhD, Chicago, 1936.

PARTANSKY, Alexander M. A study of anaerobic fermentation of sulfite waste liquor. To appear as j Anaerobic fermentation of sulfite waste liquor by bacteria of fresh water muds, in National academy of sciences proc. Mar. 1936? A laboratory study "of anaerobic fermentation of sulfite waste liquor discharged in water bodies, in Industrial and engineering chemistry. PhD, Washington, 1936.

PAULUS, John Harold. A comparison of the methods used to differ- entiate between chlorine and chloramine residuals in water treatment <> PhD, Iowa, 19U2o

RINTELEN, Joseph C, Jr. The study of the solubility of a series of organic compounds in water at various temperatures. PhD, Duke, 1936.

VIVIAN, Johnson Edward. Absorption of chlorine in water and caustic. PhD, Ijlassacbusetts Tech., 19U5.

WHITNEY, Ray Powell. Absorption of sulfur dioxide in water, PhD. Massachusetts Tech., 19U5o

32 •

POLLUTION - Continued

WILSON, Philip Johnson. Purification of an industrial waste by electrolysis, PhD, Pittsburgh, 19U1.


(See also GAIE FISH , Scott)

LEWIS, y/illiam M. Fish population studies on two Iowa reservoirs, PhD, Iowa State, 19U9-

MCHUGH, John L. Variations and populations in the clupeoid fishes of the North Pacific, PhD, California, Los Angeles, 19^0.

NEE33, John C, A contribution to aquatic population dynamics. PhD, Wisconsin, 19U9.

3CHAEFER, Milner B. Study of the spawning populations of sockeye salmon in the Harrison River system, with special reference to the problem of enumeration by means of marked members . PhD, Washington, 19^1.

SCOTT, William B. The Lake Erie cisco (Leucichthys artedi) population. PhD, Toronto, 19^0.

SLOBODKIN, Lawrence B. Population dynamics of Daphnia obtusa Kurz. PhD, Yale, 1951.

3PRUGEL, George, A critical scale study of two populations of blueglll and green sunfish. PhD, Iowa State, 195l.


MOLD, James D. The isolation and Identification of the toxic principle of the sea mussel, ^ytilus californianus , Conrad. PhD, Northwestern, 15i4.7.

WIKHOLM, Donald M. I. Studies on the toxic principle and accompanying bases found in the sea mussel, %tilus californianus , Conrad. II. Studies on the toxic principle and the accompanying bases found in the marine plankton organism, Gonyaulax catenalla , Whedon and Kofoid. PhD, Northwestern, 19h7

33 o o « » o »


(See also ECOLOGY , Kerswill; PHYSIOLOGY , Chestnut)

CULBRETH, Sarah E. Studies on certain aspects of the normal and anaerobic metabolism of fresh water mussels, PhD, Duke, 1938o

FRIZZELL, Donald L. Studies in the molluscan superfaraily Venera- ceao PhD, Stanford, 1936

HELI.13, Daniel T, The morphology of two boring mollusks, Martesia striata and Pholadidea o PhD, Washington, 193 9 <

LIGON, Edgar Wo, Jr, The cytological structure of the digestive system of the lamellibranch mollusc, Musculium (Sphaeriidae) » PhD, Duke,, 1938,

LOOSANOFF, Victor Lo The sexual phenomena of the hard-shell clam, Venus mercenaria Linn^ PhD, Yale, 1936

LORD, Thomas H» The sanitary quality of market oysters o PhDr Illinois, I9U2,

MCMILLIN, Harvey C Growth and variability in the Pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula Dixon) o PhD, Stanford, 1935.

MEDCOF, John Co Studies on the larva of the Canadian oyster PhD, Illinois, 193 80

MESSER, Frederick Co The extractives of the fresh water mcllusk^

Unio o PhD, Western Reserve, 1939.

OTIS, Arthur Bo The effect of certain durgs and ions on the isolated and perfused ventricle of the oyster, PhD, BrovnTi. i9Ulo

POMEROY, Lawrence R, Studies in shell deposition by the oyster., u-dssostrea viginica (Gmelin) and its modification by the environment PhD, Rutgers" 1951

SCHEER, Bradley T. Some features of the metabolism of the carote- noid pigments in the California sea mussel, li^tilus californianus PhD, California, I9UO0

SCHOONOVER, Lois Margaret » A stratigraphic study of the mollusks of the Calvert and Choptank formations of Southern Maryland o PhD, Bryn Mawr, 19liOo

WAL2L, Edward McC, Action of electrolytes on the beat of the heart of the oyster, Ostrea virginica. PhD, Johns Hopkins, 1935'..

3a ^


Frizzei]) '

BAILEY5 Reeve M. A systematic revision of the centrarchid fishes with a discussion of their distribution 5, variations 5 and probable inter- relationships o PhD, Michigan^ 1938c

BOLINj Rolf Lo Studies on California Gottidae; an analysis of the principles of systematic Ichthyologyo PhD^ Stanfordj 193l;o

BOWMAN, Harvey B- Further notes on the margined mad torn, Rabida ins ignis Richardson, and notes on a kindred species, ~Noturus flavus Rafinesque. PhD, Cornell, 1936.

BRITTAN, lifertin R. Contributions to a revision of the cyprinid genus Rasbora ., PhD, Stanford, 1951.

CURRAN, Howard Wesley. A systematic revision of the gerrid fishes referred to the genus Kacinastomus , with a discussion of their distribution and speciation, PhD, Michigan, 19U3<>

FREEMN, Harry Wo Contribution to the evolution and classifica- tion of the fishes of the family Agonidae, PhD, Stanford, 195lo

GOSLINE, William Alonzoo Studies on South American catfishes (Nematognathi)o PhD, Stanford, 19U2o

HERALD, Earl Stannardo Studies on the classification and inter- relationships of the American pipefishes o PhD, Stanford, 19l4.3<>

HUBBS, Clark. Clinid fishes of the eastern Pacific, PhD, Stanford, 19^1.

KIMPEL, Harry Go Studies on the tax^non^' of the genus Neodacty- logyrus , wi-Dh descriptions of new species, and the immunity of fresh- water fishes to gill trematodes (Gyrodactyloidae). PhD, Illinois, 1939.

M3ALPIN, Archie Justus. Paleapsephurus wilsoni a new polyodontid fish from the upper Cretaceous of Montana, with a discussion of allied fish, living and fossils PhD; Michigan, 19Ul<.

MOTTLEYj, Co McCo Biometrical and experimental studies in the taxonomy of Kamloops trout, Salmo kamloops , Jordan. PhD, Toronto, 193ii.

RANZONI, Francis Vo The aquatic Hyphonycetes of California i their taxonomy and biology. PhD, California, 19^0.

35 TAXONOMY - Continued

3ILVA5 Herman. Algae of the Tennessee Valley region | a manual for identification of species. PhD, Michigan State, 19^1=

STONE5 Frederick L. A study of the taxonomy of the blue and

yellow pike perches ( Stizostedion ) of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario . PhD, Rochester, 191x9"

SUTTKUS, Royal D. Ataxonoraic study of five cyprinid fishes related to Notropis hypselopterus of southeastern United States. PhDj Cornellj 1951^

TARP, Fred H. A revision of the family Erabiotocidae. PhD^ Stan-

ford, 1951 o


(See also DISEASES AND PARASITES , Kupferbergj MANAGELENT , Levardsenj

POPUUTIQN , Schaefer)

BEGKIi/IAN, William Curtis. The time of annulus formation on the scales of certain Michigan game fishes. PhD;, Michigan^ 19Ulo

EVERHART, Watson H. A critical study of the scale method JJi back- calculating lengths of the sraallraouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu ' ~~ ~~ Lacepede, PhD^ Cornell, 19U8.

GEE, Lynn LaMarr. The disinfection of trout eggs contaminated with Bacterium salmonicida . PliD, Wisconsin, 19lt.lo

LAWRETJCE, William Mason. The effect of feeding madder root to rainbow trout and its practical application for marking fish. PhD, Cornell, I9UI,

MEEHEAN, Otis Lloyd. The development of a method for a culture of largemouth bass in fertilized ponds on natural food. PhD, Ohio, I9UO.

PHILLIPS, Arthur M. , Jr. The reduction of the toxicity of copper sulphate to four species of trout by the use of sodium chloride and acetic acid. PhD, Cornell, 1939.

SMITH, Winslow W. The disinfecting action of neutral acriflavine on Bacterium salmonicida. PhD, Wisconsin, 1939.

36 VALUES ~l3ee LIMOLOGY5 Eschmeyer)


(See also ECOLOGY , Wallen)

GAULERj John Vo The use of bentonite in water clarification,

PhD J Iowa, 1937 «

MORGAN, Mont F, Ion equilibria in soils and drainage waters as influenced by nitrogenous fertilization,, PhD, Ohio, 1935»

STEVENSON, James H= Physico-chemical aspects of clay turbidity with special reference to clarification and productivity of impounded waters c Oklahoma A, and PhD, M. j, 1950o

37 , .. . .,.<=.,,


Abramowitz, Alexander A...

Adams , James R ,...„....., Addair, John.

Andersons David W. 5 Jr..

. . Andrews ^ Cater W.

Andrews Harry L...... Andrews ^ Jay Do Andrews Theodore F. Applegate Vernon C.

Aronowitz Olga , . . .

Arora, Harbans L. . ..<......

Baileyj Reeve M, ...... < Baileys Sarah W...... Baker James A...... J, Balls Robert C ...... Ballentines Robert G......

Banner 5 Albert H...... < Bardachj John E...... Beckman, William C...... Bender,, Charles R..,...... , Bennetts George W...... Bennington, Elwin E...... < Bennington, Neville L...... Bergs Clifford 0...... Berkowitz, Philip...... Blacks Edgar Clark...... Blacks John D...... Blair, Arthur A......

Bobb s Marvin L...... Boden, Brian P......

Bolin, Rolf L, ...... o ..... Bonhams Kelshaw...... BooSj Br. Cletus 3., F.3.C, Borgs Alfred F, ...... Bovbjerg^ Richard V...... Bowmans Harvey B...... Bradfields Herbert H...... Bretts John R...... Britt, Noah W...... Brittanj Ifertin R...... Britton^ Max E...... Brockman, John A., Jr......

Brooks s John L......

Brooks s Phillips M...... »o. «o.=c<,. o „ o»o„«» o o„

Author Index - Continued

Page Page

Davis 5 Charles C « o o » o < o o o o o 9 < 2 Frey, David Go 00000000000000 1^

Davis ^ Neil Co , <, <, « » o » 28 Frizzell, Donald L- o , ' 9 O O O I 3U

Dawley-j Charlotte o c Wo 18 Frohne, William. C ., o <, » 11

Dawson, Elmer Yo » » o » o < 26 Fry, Frederick Eo Jo 00 2U

Deason^ Hilary Jo = <, o » lU Gabriel, Mordecai Looo 25

Deevey^ Edward Soj Jrc 18 Galler, Signey R„ » 00 o 19 DeFoliartj Gene Roooo, lU Garcia-Dlaz, Julio, oo„ 19

DeGiusti, Dominic Loo. 5 Garrett, Frederic Do o 2? DeLacy^ Allan C o o o » o „ lU Gaufin, Arden Ro„ooooo 19

Dendy 5 Jack Stiles » » „ 0000 7 Gauler, John Vao„ooooo 37

Denny J Martha „ o o o o » » » o ooooooo* 25 Gee 5 Lynn L . , » o , » , „ „ o 36

DeTurk. William Eo I O • O O O « 9 s Gerking, Shelby Do » o » 00000 10

a o o Dexter ,< Ralph Wo 7 Geyer, Richard A, » o o 26

Dildine^ Glenn Cooooc « u Gilbert, William Jo » o 26

Dineen^n Clarence Fo = » o 7 Goellner, Karl Eoooooo 00000 2

Doan J Kenneth H o „ , » o , 000000000 7 Goodman, Joseph Rooo„o 000000 26

Dobbin, Catherine No » 0000 2U Goodnight, Clarence Jo 2 Dobbins^ William Earlo 0000 13 Gosline, William A 000000000000 35

Donaldson, Lauren Ro o 0000000 o 11 Gotaas, Harold Bo 00 0000 32 Doudoroffj Peterooooo. 000, 8 Govindan^ PitchaimuthUo 15

Dunbar,, Maxwell, Jo „ » „oo. 30 Grave, Caswell, II,oooo 2

Dunham, Donald Wo » » « o < 0000 0000 11 Greenbank, John To 00 ,,00 19

Edwards , Goerge Ao « = » O O O 9 ^ Greenberg, Bernardo ooooooooo 12

Edwards , Richard o » „ , » 0000 ^ Greene, Carroll Woo . o o o o c 00000 10

, o o » » » » 0000 Gribble, 00 8 Ellis J John Mo 18 Lloyd Ro Ellisor, Lewie Ooooooo 0000 32 Griffin, Philip Jo 00000 $

Elson, Paul Fo „ „ » » o „ » 0000 8 Grimm, Wilbur ¥0000 \x

Englesberg, Ellis ooc,< <3 t3 O f> ^ Gunter, Gordon Pooo 8 Eschmeyer, Paul Rooooc 0000 15 Gunther, Francis Ac

Eschmeyer, Reuben W« » 000. 18 Haderlie, Eugene Co

Evans , Gertrude » o » o » « 0000 11 Hale , Edgar B o o o o o 29 Everhart, Watson Ho„oo 36 Hansen, Donald Fo o OOOOOOOOOO' 2U

Eversole, Wilburn Jo o 100000 o 28 Hansen, Harold Wo o » » » o o „ 19 Ewing, Gifford Co 0,000 26 Hardcastle^ Aaron Bo.oooo 5

o o o 11 Fahy, William Eo » o o » o 15 Harden , Philip H » o o » o Felin, Frances Eoooooo 19 Harps ter, Hilda To 000 000. 19 Ferguson^ Frederick P, 0000 0000 28 Harrington, Robert Wo, Jr o o o e o 1?

. » « o » » » > e « o o Finkle, Bernard J,ooo« 10000 19 Harris „ Joseph Po 19

Fitzgerald,, George Poo 2ii Hart, Jackson So « .. » OOOOOUOOi 25

Fo » », o o o o o e o o Foster o Kendall Wo o o o o • o o o e o 28 Hart, John

Foster, Richard Fo 29 Hart^ Josephine Fo L 9 O O O I 3 Freeman,, Harry Wo Hartraan, Wlllard D 00000000000 15 00 00000 Frees e, Leonard Ro oooooooo< o 9 o o 30 Hasler, Arthur Do 3 8 Hatchett, Stephen Po o » , 19 French c, John Wo o »

39 ». «.„».=< o<.«c.

Author Index - Continued

Page Page

Heathj James Proctero, 3 Kelley, TimKooo,oooc 10

Heiger, Robert F, » » o » 23 Kennedy, Y/illiara Ao , 15 Heldj Edward Eo »,o,.o. 25 Kerswill, Charles J,, 8

Helms ^ Daniel Too..... 3U Ketchum, BostwickHoc 26

Herald, Earl Stannard. 35 Kilby, John D„ 000000 c 2U Herndonj, Lyle Kermit. 32 Kimpel, Harry Go 00 o.c 35

« o „ „ <, Hewatt J Willis G 8 King, Robert Ho 000.0. 0000 12

Hewes j Gordon W, „ o .. , , 13 Kleerekoper, Herman o. 15

Hiatt^ Robert W= » » , o = 3 Koster, William Jo 00c O O O O ' 15

Hickox^ George H..oo„, 13 Krumholz, Louis Aoo„< o o o o < 16

= ., <, Hirst^ John Mo . „ . , 19 Kupferberg, Alfred Bo o o : • < 6 Hoar, William Soooo .<.. 25 Kuronuma, Katsuzooo„c 2U

Hobbs^ Horton Hoooooo. 3 Lachner, Ernest Ao.o. • 000 00 16 Hoffj Clarence C» 000,0 3 Lagler, Karl Fooo„ooo 8

Hoffraanj Carl Eo « , « » „ 19 Laing, Harlow Eoooo,. 20

Hohn J IJatthew H » » . , , o 30 Langford, Raymond Ro c 3

Hooper^ Prank Fo o o o o o 19 Langlois, Thomas Hoo„ 12 Hotchkiss, Arland Too. 19 Larimore, Richard W 0000 09000> 16

Hough, Jack L» o » » o o » » o o e o 9 I 26 Lauzier, Louis 00.0 00 32

Hsia_„ Chen Ho o „ » o o o o » 13 Lawrence „ William Mo = 36

Huang, Wan Lo <. » » » o » o o 2U Leake, Dorothy V. Do 20 Hubbs , Clarko 00000000. 3? Leavitt, Benjamin Boo 31

Hughes , Elwyn Oo o = o o 20 Lee, Richard Everett. O O O O O Q 29

Hunt, Burton P, » = o o » o 11 Leonard, Leonard Looo 23

Hutchins ,. Louis Wo » , o 26 Levardsen, Norman Oo 23 ide, Fo PoOOOOOO 00000. 20 Levenstein, Irving Mo 25

Irwin, William H 90 o o 9 o < 20 Lewis , William Mo o o » o o o e o 33

Jahoda^ William Jo 20 Li, Min-hsino o „ o c o o o 29 James, Marina Fo o 29 Ligon, Edgar Wo, Jro lOOOOOOOO' 3U

Jao, Chin-Chiho » » 20 Lillick, Lois clooooc 31

Jenness, John Looo 26 Lindeman, Raymond i o o o o o < 8

Jhingran, Vishwa G 15 Lipraan, Harry Jo o » o » 29

Jobes , Frank Wo <> , o o o a a o 15 Lloyd, Lowell Coo o o c 00001 6

Johnson, Karl Rooo 20 Loosanoff , Victor Lo < 3U

Johnson, %chyle W • o o o o o o I 20 Lord, Thomas Ho 00000. 3U Johnson, Raymond E 10 Lowell, Ralph Do 0,00. 0000 6

Johnson, Walter Ho 12 Lyle, Clay, o » » » <- » o „ o 3

Johnson, Wendell L 20 Lyman, Frederick Eo „ 000000001 20

Johnston, Perry Mo 15 McAlpin, Archie Jo 00. O O O O ( 35 Jones , Lowell Looo 3 McCrimmon, Hugh Rooo. 12 Jones, Roy Wo o 00 „ U McDougall, Kenneth D. 8

Jones, Sarah Eo o » 20 McGaha, Yo Joooooooo. 2U Kask, John L 15 McHugh, John Lo c < 100 00 33

Katz , l&x oooQooo 00 29 MacKay, Donald Cc 3

Uo o .,

Author Index - Continued


MacKay, Hector H <..<.<>, 000000090

McLaren J Barbara A»o e o o o o o

McMilliny Harvey C. o o o o o I

McNown. John 3 « » <> » o eoo o oooooe

Magruder^ Samuel R. »

Maneryj Jeanne Fo o <> » Ifercotte^ Alexandre^,

Marshall, Anna Coo o o o o < Marshall, Nelson, Martin William R.

Mazur, . o,.»«,. .o«,o.«=.

Author Index - Continued

Page Page

Rostlundj Erhardo o o , o 13 Stokes, Jacob L......

Rowley^ Jean B o o o » « . <> 3U Stone, PYederick L. o .

Royce, YiTilliam Fo , . o , 16 Stone, Udell B. 000 . » Rucker, Robert 6 Sullivan, Charlotte Mo

Ryther^ John H » » o . „ » » 31 Sutcliffe, William H., Jr.

Sanfordj Katharine Ko 21 Suttkus , Royal Do . . . .

Sangster, Vfilliam» . . » 29 Swinyard, Chester A.o.

Sargentj Marston Co =00 21 Tack, Peter I. .o . . . . o

Schaefer, Miner Bo =. o 33 Tarp, Fred Ho o o o 00.. «„ Scheer^ Bradley Too„„„ 3U Tarzwell, Clarence M.

Scheffer^ Victor Boo-, 31 Tasker , Roy C . . o „ » » . o o

Schloemerj Clarence L. 16 Tavolga, William N. o .

« <. a Schoonover J Lois Mo » e o « 3U Taylor, Ardell Nooooo.

Sehultz^ Vincent Boooo 21 Tester, Albert L. » o . .

Scott^ David Mo o » o « o . 6 Thorp, Eldon M. . . » . . »

Scottp Donald Co »„ 00 00 12 Tidd, Wilbur Mo . o » o o »

Seotts Grace Wo Wo o o o 9 Tif fney, Wesley No , . o

Scott^ William B,,oooo 33 Tillsr, Richard Eo . » „ Scrimshaw, Nevin 3= 000 h Tischler, Nathaniel,..

Scruggs 5 Walter Mo » » o 29 Travis , Dorothy F. . o . Seitner, Philip Go 0000 6 Tu, Yun Cheng...... Selfs John T, 00000 0000 h Turner, David B......

Serfling, Robert E..00 31 Underbill, Adna H. . . .

Shapiroj Sidneyo o . o » » 9 Van Cleve, Richard.... Shaw, Ralph Jo 000 0000. 21; Van De venter, William

Shetter, David So 00.0. 17 Vanoni, Vito A« . . . . . ,

Sigler, William F. o . o 13 Velasquez, Gregorio T.

Sllva J Herman o . . . » . o o o 36 Vivian, Johnson E. . . . Slobodkm, Lawrence B. 33 Walford, Lionel A.o...

Smith, Charles Lo o o o , 11 Walker, Boyd W......

Smith, Frederick E, o o 27 Walker, Theodore J....

Smith, George Fo Mo » , 9 Wallen, Irvin

Smith, Lloyd Lo o « » » » 23 Walzl, Edward McC 0.000

Smith, Mo. Wo o o . o . o o o o o 12 Ward, Elizabeth B.00.0

Smith, Wins low Wo . o o . 36 Warner, Edward N. . » . .

Solman, Victor Eo Fo o 9 Warren, Althea A......

Spoor, William Ao o o « o 17 Webb, Helen M...... o .

Sprugel, George. o . ao .0 33 Webster, Dwight A. o . o

Sprules 5 William M. . . 22 Weisel, George F. . . . .

Stanford, Lyle M.0...0 22 Westman, James R. . . . .

Stark, William Ho » . . 22 Whitford, Larry A. . . . Starrett, William Co 9 Whitney, Ray P......

Steen, Edwin B.. 0.0.00 6 Wikholm, Donald M. . . . Stevenson, James Hooo. 37 Wilder, Donald Go.....

U2 Author Index - Continued


Wilding, James L. . o <. o . = . » . . . , . « . , 30

Williams^ Louis Go = » „ » = . » . » . « » . . . 2?

Williams , Lyle Lo » .,.,... o ... c, . 5

Wilson, Philip J. . o., o ..»...... , . 33

Wirthj Henry E...... o o <,...... 27

Wohlschlag, Donald E...... 22

Wood, Thelma R...... 22

Woodbury, Lowell A ...... , 7

Wright, John C...... 22

Yokoyama, Hisako 0...... 30

Young, Frank Nels on, Jr ...... 22

Young, Orson W...... 22

Young 5 Roger A..., ...... 30

Zinn 3 Donald J .«,...„ ...... 10

Zumberge , James H ...... 22


CANADA MISSOURI Laval University University of Missouri McGill University Washington University University of Toronto NEBRASKA CALIFORNIA University of Nebraska Stanford University NEW JERSEY California Institute of Technology Princeton University University of California Rutgers University University of Southern California NEW YORK COLORADO Columbia University University of Colorado Cornell University CONflECTICUT New York University Yale University University of Rochester DISTRICT OF COLUI.IBIA NORTH CAROLINA Catholic University Duke University FLORIDA University of North Carolina University of Florida OHIO ILLINOIS Ohio State University Northwestern University University of Cincinnati University of Chicago Western Reserve University University of Illinois OKLAHOMA INDIANA Oklahoma A. and M. College Indiana University University of Oklahoma Purdue University OREGON IOWA Oregon State College Iowa State College PEOTISYLVANIA University of Iowa University of Pennsylvania MRYUND University of Pittsburgh Johns Hopkins University Bryn Mawr University of Maryland RHODE ISLAND FiASSACHUSETTS Brown University Boston University TclZA3 Clark University Rice Institute Harvard University University of Texas Massachusetts Institute of Technology VIRGINIA Radcliffe University of Virginia University of Massachusetts WASHINGTON MICHIGAN University of Washington Michigan State College WEST VIRGINIA University of Michigan West Virginia University MINNESOTA WISCONSIN University of Minnesota University of Wisconsin

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