Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

This round’s questions are intended to demonstrate the tournament’s style and difficulty. The first ten questions are the level of the preliminary rounds. There are then five questions each for quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals. Each five-question block contains one history, one mythology, one literature, and two language.

Please note that these questions are not original for this round. They have been drawn from previous tournaments, which have been cited at the end of the round.

Prelims Level

1. What city had a king who ordered the construction of a namesake trench that surrounded Rome at a distance of four miles, Gaius Cluilius, and a dictator whose betrayal of led him to be killed, Mettius Fufetius? ALBA (LONGA) B1: A battle between what two groups ended the Roman war with ? HORĀTIĪ and CURIATIĪ B2: By what method, similar to drawing-and-quartering, was Mettius killed? A general description is fine. HE / HIS ARMS WERE ATTACHED TO TWO CHARIOTS / HORSES AND HE WAS DRAWN IN BOTH DIRECTIONS // “DRAWING-AND-HALVING”

2. What author declared “sumque argūmentī conditor ipse meī” in the fifth book of his Trīstia, which he completed, together with the Epistulae ex Pontō, while in exile at Tomi? (PUBLIUS) OVID(IUS NASO) B1: Ovid euphemistically claimed he was exiled to Tomi because of what two things? CARMEN et / and ERROR // SONG / POEM and ERROR B2: What poem of invective did Ovid probably compose while in exile at Tomi? IBIS

3. What use of the ablative case is found in the alternate comparative forms of the adjectives iuvenis and senex, minor nātū and maior nātū? (ABLATIVE OF) SPECIFICATION / RESPECT / INSTRUMENTAL B1: Give the regular comparative form for either iuvenis or senex. IŪNIOR or SENIOR B2: Give the defective comparative form that means “preferable.” POTIOR

4. What general material is denoted by all of the following Latin nouns: cautēs, cōs, calculus, lapis, saxum? STONE / ROCK B1: What is the meaning of the noun calculus? PEBBLE / GRAVEL // SMALL STONE B2: What is the meaning of the noun cōs? WHETSTONE Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

5. What woman was claimed by both the Boeotians and the Arcadians, who respectively called her father Schoeneus and Iasus, but is best-known for marrying the suitor who defeated her in a footrace by dropping three golden apples? ATALANTA B1: The Boeotian and Arcadian stories give different victorious suitors. Give the names of both of these men. HIPPOMENES [BOEOTIAN VERSION] and MELANION [ARCADIAN VERSION] B2: According to one version of the story, the golden apples that Aphrodite donated came from her grove at Tamasus, on what island? Aphrodite transformed the Propoetides, who inhabited this island, into flint. CYPRUS

6. What author claimed that “a far-fetched word should be shunned like a rock” in a grammatical treatise written on his way to Gaul, where he conducted the campaigns that were described in his Dē Bellō Gallicō? (GAIUS IULIUS / JULIUS) CAESAR B1: Name that grammatical treatise, which was addressed to Cicero. DĒ ANALOGIĀ B2: What legate of Caesar authored the eighth book of the Dē Bellō Gallicō? (AULUS) HIRTIUS

7. What class of verbs may break its normal rule, allowing a divine subject, as the phrases “Aurōra ... rōrat” and “Iuppiter tonat” demonstrate? IMPERSONALS [OF OPERATIONS OF NATURE or TIME OF DAY] B1: Translate the phrase “Iuppiter tonat” into English. JUPITER / JOVE THUNDERS B2: Impersonals also sometimes allow subjects in poetry. Translate Statius’ phrase “fundae saxa pluunt,” knowing that a funda is a type of weapon. THE SLINGS RAIN STONES / ROCKS

8. Give the Latin or English noun that “stays constant though the stars change” in the motto of the University of Sydney, appears alongside the word “hand” or manus in the motto of MIT, and “is sound in a sound body” in a famous quotation from Juvenal. MĒNS / MIND B1: What does the “mind move,” or mēns agitat, in the motto of the University of Oregon? MATTER / MASS / MŌLĒS / MŌLEM B2: Give the three words, including a form of mēns, that complete the following Vergilian quotation: sunt lacrimae rērum et … . MENTEM MORTĀLIA TANGUNT

9. What man, who had once been appointed quaestor Ōstiēnsis when a Sicilian slave-revolt prompted a grain shortage at Rome, was killed in 100 B.C. after a senātus cōnsultum ultimum was passed against him? (LUCIUS APPULEIUS) SATURNINUS Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

B1: To solve some of the problems associated with the grain supply, Saturninus reintroduced reforms instituted by what man, who was himself the target of a senātus cōnsultum ultimum in 121 B.C.? GAIUS GRACCHUS [PROMPT ON “GRACCHUS” ALONE] B2: Saturninus’ great ally Glaucia stirred up a riot that killed what rival candidate for the consulship in 100 B.C.? (GAIUS) MEMMIUS

10. A brief note that what city’s men originally sprung up from fungi accompanies a description of Medea’s arrival to it, where “Jason’s new bride Glauce had been consumed by … Colchian witchcraft” and “both the Isthmus’ gulfs has witnessed flame?” CORINTH / EPHYRE / EPHYRA B1: A Phoenician émigré threw stones among the original five inhabitants of what city? (BOEOTIAN) THEBES B2: What city’s early kings, like Amphictyon, were said to have sprung from the earth? ATHENS

Quarterfinals Level

11. For the following five Latin nouns, delphīnī, elephantēs, formīcae, phoenīcopterī, and vespertīliōnēs, give the one which best describes the following Latin sentence: Ebur ab hīs animālibus metitur, quā dē causā rāra facta sunt. ELEPHANTĒS / ELEPHANTIBUS B1: For the same five Latin nouns, delphīnī, elephantēs, formīcae, phoenīcopterī, and vespertīliōnēs, give the one which best describes the following Latin sentence: Ab hīs animālibus vīrus quoddam, cuius causā ēminus certāmus, dīcitur esse ortum. VESPERTĪLIŌNĒS / VESPERTĪLIŌNIBUS B2: For the same five Latin nouns, delphīnī, elephantēs, formīcae, phoenīcopterī, and vespertīliōnēs, give the one which best describes the following Latin sentence: Propter hōrum animālium morsūs, tumōrēs parvī in crūribus appārent. FORMĪCAE / FORMĪCĀRUM

12. Predicted by an omen where combatants departed Rome via the right-hand arch of the city- gate rather than the left, what battle saw more than 300 members of a particular gēns die, with only Fabius Vibulanus surviving them? (BATTLE OF) CREMERA (RIVER) B1: Against what city, which later fell to Rome when her forces tunneled beneath its walls, was the Battle of Cremera fought? B2: What later member of the Fabian gēns commanded forces that defeated a confederation led by Gellius Egnatius? (QUINTUS FABIUS MAXIMUS) RULLIANUS

Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

13. Translate the following sentence from Latin to English: Nōn crēdās fābulam dē tē scrīptam. YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE (THAT) THE STORY WAS WRITTEN ABOUT YOU B1: Now translate this sentence from Latin to English: Cavē putēs istum omnium virōrum optimum. DON’T THINK THAT ONE TO BE THE BEST OF ALL MEN or TAKE CARE LEST YOU THINK THAT ONE TO BE THE BEST OF ALL MEN B2: Now translate this sentence from Latin to English: Bonī dī facerent salūbrēs et vīvācēs et auspicātī forētis. WOULD THAT THE GOOD GODS ALLOWED YOU (ALL) TO BE HEALTHY AND LONG-LIVED / VIVACIOUS AND AUSPICIOUS / FORTUNATE or WOULD THAT THE GOOD GODS WERE MAKING YOU (ALL) HEALTHY AND LONG-LIVED / VIVACIOUS AND AUSPICIOUS / FORTUNATE or THE GOOD GODS MIGHT / MAY HAVE ALLOWED / MADE YOU HEALTHY AND LONG-LIVED / VIVACIOUS AND AUSPICIOUS / FORTUNATE

14. What work—whose first nine stanzas were to be sung by girls, second nine stanzas to be sung by boys, and final stanza to be sung by chorus of 27 of each—was written in 17 B.C. by Horace? CARMEN SAECULĀRE B1: What two deities does the Carmen Saeculāre address? APOLLO and DIANA [DO NOT ACCEPT “ARTEMIS”] B2: In what meter is the Carmen Saeculāre written? SAPPHIC(S)

15. After he sets out with twenty-two men, who is the only man to avoid a drugged meal of “cheese, honey, meal, and Pramnian wine” served by a sorceress in Book 10 of the Odyssey? EURYLOCHUS B1: What plant of “black root, but a flower as white as milk” grew on Circe’s island? MOLY B2: Before Odysseus leaves the island of that sorceress, she gives him what two specific animals, telling him to sacrifice them at his next stop? RAM and BLACK EWE / FEMALE SHEEP [PROMPT ON “EWE / FEMALE SHEEP” ALONE WITH “WHAT COLOR WAS IT?”]

Semifinals Level

16. What mythological hero appears as a “tax-collector,” or coāctor, in an Atellan Farce, as well as “raging” and “on Mount Oeta” in two tragedies attributed to Seneca the Younger? HERCULES / HERACLES B1: What author composed the poem Laudēs Herculis, as well as one simply titled Iter? (GAIUS IULIUS / JULIUS) CAESAR Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

B2: Ovid’s Hērōidēs contains a fictive letter from Hercules to what mythological woman? DEIAN(E)IRA

17. What derivative of the Latin word for “hearth” is “an entrance hall or other open area in a building used by the public, especially a hotel or theater?” FOYER B1: What derivative of a Latin word meaning “to trust” is “a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court?” AFFIDAVIT B2: What derivative of the Latin word meaning “fertile” or “pregnant with” refers to a person who is “affected or over-refined?” EFFETE

18. What king commissioned a rock-hewn relief in the Iranian province of Fars that depicted him receiving the surrender of the first Roman emperor to be taken as a prisoner-of-war, Valerian? SHAPUR (I) B1: During a battle at what site had Valerian been captured by Shapur? EDESSA / CARRHAE B2: After capturing and killing Valerian, Shapur’s Sassanids overran most of Asia Minor. Aided by his lieutenant Callistus, what former general of Valerian rallied forces and conducted raiding expeditions against these Sassanids? (TITUS FULVIUS IUNIUS) MACRIANUS (MINOR)

19. What work of literature is the source of the following four quotations: “nōn sum quails eram bonae sub rēgnō Cinarae,” “nōn omnis moriar,” “dulce et decōrum est prō patriā morī,” and “exēgī monumentum āere perennius?” (HORACE’S) ODES B1: What three-word phrase from Horace’s Odes might be idiomatically translated as “break out the champagne?” NUNC EST BIBENDUM B2: What four-word quotation from Horace’s Odes is commonly translated “alas, the fleeting years glide by?” ĒHEU FUGĀCĒS LĀBUNTUR ANNĪ

20. Inscribed by Oeax with the story of Palamedes’ death, erected by Odysseus on Elpenor’s barrow, mistaken by a foreign traveler for a winnowing fan, and broken by Heracles in Mysia: what nautical object fulfilled all of these functions in mythology? OAR(S) B1: Oeax inscribed an oar with Palamedes’ story, then threw it into the sea, with an intent to relate his death to what father of theirs? NAUPLIUS B2: According to Tiresias’ account in Book 11 of the Odyssey, Odysseus will travel until he meets a tribe that “does not know crimson-painted ships or the well-shaped oars that serve as wings.” What else does this tribe peculiarly not do? A description is fine. THEY EAT NO SALT WITH THEIR FOOD [ACCEPT EQUIVALENTS] Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

Finals Level

21. Quid Anglicē significat “blandior” vel “adūlor?” (TO / I) FLATTER / FAWN B1: Quid Anglice significat “medeor?” (TO / I) HEAL B2: Quid Anglice significat “defetiscor?” (TO / I) FAINT

22. What goddess’ annual festival took place at the chief magistrate’s residence, once prompting Caesar to declare “my wife must be above suspicion” and divorce Pompeia, because Clodius Pulcher had violated his house and, potentially, her? BONA DEA // GOOD GODDESS B1: When the Romans imported the cult of what deity to Rome, the arriving ship became stuck on a Tiber sandbar, prompting Claudia Quinta to singlehandedly free and tow it? CYBELE // MAGNA MĀTER B2: What goddess was imported to Rome ca. 100 B.C. along with her cult consort, Serapis? ISIS

23. Using only procul as a preposition, translate the sentence “he stood far from the raging crowd” into Latin. STETIT PROCUL FURENTĪ TURBĀ / VULGŌ B1: Using another common adverb as a preposition, translate the sentences “angels live close among us” into Latin. ANGELĪ SIMUL NŌBĪS HABITANT B2: Using only clam as a preposition—and with its most common case—translate into Latin the sentence “Anticleia died without the knowledge of her son, Ulysses.” ANTICLĒIA MORTUA EST CLAM ULIXEM FĪLIUM

24. What literary form became a bona-fide genre due to the efforts of a native of Bononia, Lucius Pomponius, whose titles showcased masked characters such as “Pappus the Peasant,” “Bucco the Gladiator,” and “Maccus the Soldier?” ATELLAN FARCE // FĀBULAE ĀTELLĀNAE B1: What contemporary of Pomponius also came into the spotlight at that time, composing numerous farce plays, of which we possess 44 titles but few lines? (QUINTUS) NOVIUS B2: Titus Quinctius Atta, Titinius, and Lucius Afranius were the most influential writers of what type of literary fābula, featuring comic characters in a Roman setting? FĀBULA TOGĀTA // FĀBULA TABERNĀRIA

Keartamen 2 (K2) Sample Round 2020-2021

25. It is often stated that “we stand upon the shoulders of giants,” and although the saying applies to Certamen, it also bears a literal meaning in Greek mythology. Indeed, what instructor of Hephaestus literally stood on the shoulders of a giant when he guided Orion towards the rising sun in an attempt to cure the hero’s blindness? CEDALION B1: When Orion was healed, he hurried back to what island and what king to take revenge? CHIOS and OENOPION B2: Oenopion escaped the hero by hiding in an underground chamber—an action reminiscent of what woman, whom Zeus saved from Hera’s wrath by hiding her underground? ELARE

CML Round 3: 5, 9, 11. CML Round 4: 6. CML Quarterfinals: 12, 13, 14. CML Semifinals: 15, 17, 18. CML Finals: 24. No-Name Tournament: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Tournament VIII, Finals: 25.