W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E O Timothy “Keep that which is committed to thy trust...”

A Monthly Newsletter for Spiritual Protection and Edification Volume 38 - Issue 5 - May 2021

“In a time when the average Baptist church is Digging in the Walls: A month’s getting steadily, shockingly weaker, more carnal, worth of news items, republished from Friday Church News Notes. Page 13. more worldly, moving farther down the contemporary path with each passing year, we are intent on moving in a much stronger direction, and we are thankful for the churches that we know of personally that are on the same path. We have no intention of following the crowd, and we are not afraid of being in the minority.” Page 12.


any are truly and fundamentally shocked at what is happening in America, and it is shocking, but what we are seeing today is the product of a long process of apostasy (for lack of a better word). It is a process of incremental wickedness. It is a warning not to overlook “little” sins and “little” heresies and “little” crimes.

The destruction of America is like the life cycle of ivy. First it sleeps, then it creeps, finally it leaps.

In the 19th century, destruction was sleeping, as the seeds were being sown through the dawning of theological modernism, Unitarianism, Darwinian evolution, Marxism, and Freudianism. By the 20th century, destruction was creeping. Now in the 21st it’s leaping! Even when the “Star Spangled Banner” was made the official national anthem by a congressional resolution in Already in the first half of the 20th century, the nation was 1931, and nearly all Americans were fervent flag wavers, being turned upside down and the remnants of biblical the nation’s foundation was being destroyed and the roots influence were disintegrating. were dying.

1 Timothy 6:20, 21 1 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

Many books have been written on this subject, but Riley prophesied that the infiltration of liberal philosophy following are few examples of what has produced the into America’s educational system was “an outrage” that America we see today. would destroy America’s morality.

● Theological Modernism An example of liberalism in the Northern Baptist ● Disappearance of Regenerate, Discipling Churches Convention was Harry Emerson Fosdick, who pastored ● Humanistic Education Park Avenue Baptist Church in New York City. This was ● Communism and Socialism where John D. Rockefeller, Jr., had membership. ● Jazz and Amusement ● 1940s America Fosdick denied every fundamental doctrine of the faith, ● 1950s Rock including Christ’s virgin birth and substitutionary ● Pop Psychology and Self-esteemism atonement. In his 1918 book The Manhood of the Master, ● Feminism he denied that is God. In 1926, the Northern Baptist ● Corruption of the Courts Convention voted by a margin of about three to one not ● Corruption of Politics to evict Fosdick’s church for its wicked heresies. In 1930, ● Corruption of the News Media Rockefeller spent $10 million to build the Riverside Church in Manhattan for Fosdick, and it remained one of THEOLOGICAL MODERNISM the most liberal of churches.

Theological modernism is fundamentally an assault on Pastor John Straton of Calvary Baptist Church in New the authority of the Bible as God’s infallible Word, and York City rightly called Fosdick “a religious outlaw--the its spread has destroyed the authority of the Bible in the Jesse James of the theological world.” But there were a minds of multitudes both inside and outside of churches. great many Fosdicks. John Straton was already in the minority, and most pastors of his day were as cowardly In 1917, Baptist pastor W.B. Riley warned in The Menace about speaking out against sin and error as they are today. of Modernism that America was in great danger because of the liberal theology that was permeating the churches Theological liberalism also entered the Southern Baptist and theological schools and the liberal philosophies such Convention in the first half of the 20th century. By 1902, as Darwinism that were permeating the secular colleges J.W. Bailey of North Carolina wrote in the Biblical and universities. Recorder that there were a multitude of “theologies” in the Southern Baptist Convention. He said, “Theologies change every day. ... [Baptists do not stand for] formulated dogmas.” O TIMOTHY Magazine Volume 38 Issue 5 David W. Cloud, Editor Theological liberalism was rapidly permeating every Subscription information on major denomination in the nation. back page of the magazine

Copyright 2011 by D.W.Cloud DISAPPEARANCE OF REGENERATE, Way of Life Literature DISCIPLINING CHURCHES PO Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061 By the turn of the 20th century, the vast majority of 866-295-4143 (toll free) [email protected] churches had rejected a regenerate membership (in http://www.wayoflife.org practice, if not in profession) and New Testament discipline. Bethel Baptist Church 4212 Campbell St. N. London, Ontario, N6P 1A6 Canada Even as early as 1874, William Whitsitt, a professor at 519-652-2619 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said, “[I]t is now very difficult to exclude a person for drunkenness or any other ordinary crime” (Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches, Kindle loc. 2138).

2 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

In 1878, J.C. Hiden, pastor of First Baptist Church, salvation was never doubted thereafter, no matter how he Greenville, South Carolina, wrote a series of articles in lived or what he believed. Most professions were made by the Baptist Courier “lamenting the recent trend of lax children. All of the kids went through the routine of discipline.” “believing on Christ” and getting baptized at some point in their childhood, but for the most part there was no By 1921, Z.T. Cody, editor of South Carolina’s Baptist change of thinking and lifestyle. It wasn’t expected and Courier, wrote, “Our churches have practically no wasn’t required. discipline. As to worldliness and minor offences, many of our churches do nothing. But what is far worse, our Life-changing adult conversions such as we read of in the churches often allow the most serious moral New Testament were very rare. Verses such as 2 transgressions to go unnoticed. Even at times, to save Corinthians 5:17; Titus 1:16; and 1 John 2:4 were as a disturbance in the church, they will grant a minister foreign to our experience and understanding as the Chinese a letter who, as they know, has grossly violated, not language. only the proprieties of life, but the moral law of God. ... What we dread today more than aught else is a There was no caution about receiving members. Any disturbance in the ‘peace’ of a church. ... We do not flimsy testimony was sufficient. Faithfulness was not know what is the remedy for this lapsed condition.” required. If you attended one service a week, or no services, you could be a member in good standing. The churches bowed to the influence of the “new morality” and allowed church members to live worldly As a result, each generation brought a larger percentage lives. Such things as dating, pre-marital sex, drinking, of unregenerate people into the membership. jazz, rock, divorce, and unisex fashions flooded the weak churches. The old church covenant from the 1800s hung on the wall, but it was a historic relic, a museum piece. Its principles When fundamentalist leader J. Edwin Orr toured the were not taught or enforced. South in 1935, he was dismayed to find that “quite a majority of believers go to the movies once a week, as There were no serious biblical standards for workers. well as other questionable amusements, and the unpainted face is more an exception than the rule. The There was no serious discipleship, separation, or converted Christians behave almost exactly the same discipline. I heard the Bible preached and taught, but I was as the non-Christians do--there is no separation” (Joel not given a biblical worldview and there was no emphasis Carpenter, Revive Us Again, p. 59). on true discipleship.

Churches stopped striving for a regenerate church The churches adapted to the pop culture. They entertained membership. pagan fables such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Like the proverbial frog in the pot, they followed “Even among the Methodists and Baptists church Hollywood’s descent into ever-deeper moral filth. They membership became a graduation exercise from the didn’t have a testing mindset. They weren’t thorough- Sunday school or Young People’s group. Neither the ministers nor church members thought a crisis going Bible people. They weren’t true disciples of Jesus conversion experience, even of the shake-my-hand Christ. They weren’t pilgrims and strangers in a foreign variety, was necessary” (William McLoughlin, Jr., world. Modern Revivalism, p. 454). Almost no one in the Southern Baptist Convention in those This fairly well describes the church I grew up in (born days saw Walt Disney or Ed Sullivan as enemies of the 1949). I remember one of my non-church friends truth. The fact that Disneyland had no church on Main saying to me, “Why should I come to your church? You Street didn’t register as a warning that Disney was folk are no different than we are.” promoting an atheistic worldview and was drawing the hearts and minds of youngsters away from the God of the There was no looking for evidence of salvation. Any Bible like a charming Pied Piper. The fact that The Disney profession of faith was accepted and the individual’s Hour and The Ed Sullivan Show were weakening Sunday

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evening church attendance with their enticing wares was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s not a matter of deep concern by the preachers. If it was, was a major rush toward socialism. The power of the they did nothing in a practical way to stem the tide. federal government had increased dramatically since the end of the Civil War in 1865. In addition to slavery, the This is the type of Baptist church that was on nearly fundamental issue of the war was states rights vs. federal “every street corner” in the American South, which was power, and states rights lost. But Roosevelt took why it was called “the Bible Belt.” Southern Baptist government authority much farther under the guise of a churches were one of the most prominent influences in Nanny State. He claimed that men should be guaranteed southern society, but because of their spiritual weakness, “four freedoms” by the government: freedom of speech, church was a thing of little significance and social impact. freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Thus he specifically put the government in the At some point in childhood, most people went through role of God in men’s lives. the motion of “receiving Christ” and then continued to live their lives as they pleased with little to no serious In The Rise of the Tyrant: Controlled Economy vs. Private reference to Scripture. Enterprise (1945), Carl McIntire rightly observed that a government that attempts to deliver men from want and fear is idolatrous and will have “tragic and far-reaching HUMANISTIC EDUCATION results.”

By the 1920s, John Dewey’s “Progressive education” By then Americans were addicted to the Nanny State, and was transforming America’s public schools into it was taken to staggering new heights by Lyndon humanistic propaganda stations. Dewey co-authored the Johnson’s Great Society program in the 1960s. Humanist Manifesto, which promoted atheism, evolution, self-determination, and socialism. The American government has long been a gigantic, socialistic wealth redistribution machine, and with that In 1924, William Jennings Bryan leaned over to comes massive power over people’s lives. Both major evangelist Bob Jones, Sr., at a Bible conference and said, political parties are guilty of voting in favor of socialism, “If schools do not quit teaching evolution as a fact, we because America is a democracy and the majority of are going to become a nation of atheists” (Daniel Turner, Americans want their government goodies and therefore Standing Without Apology, p. 19). vote their pocketbooks.

Sound familiar? JAZZ AND AMUSEMENT

COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM The moral disintegration of American society didn’t begin with 50s and 60s rock & roll. It began in “the America has been on the road to socialism for a very long Roaring Twenties” with the jazz era. Since then powerful time. social forces have been transforming the nation: feminism, abortion rights, rampant alcohol and drug Early in the 20th century, international communism was abuse, juvenile delinquency, working mothers. on the march and communists were infiltrating American trade unions, universities, the civil rights movement, The divorce rate increased by 2,000 percent between the Hollywood, major news publications such as the New Civil War and the Great Depression of the 1930s, when York Times, liberal Christian denominations, and the one in six marriages ended in divorce (Nancy MacLean, government itself. The evidence is massive and Behind the Mask of Chivalry). irrefutable. The jazz era created a youth culture characterized by In the 1930s, the Northern Baptist Convention endorsed rejection of parental restraint, dating, “movie mania,” a social change program whereby the government would “dance madness,” smoking, drinking, drugs, immodest take control of all natural resources and commodities dress styles, moral license, arrogance, a short-sighted “relative to the necessities of life.” party lifestyle. Preachers warned that “girls spurned

4 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

femininity, boys acted sissy, and their nighttime joyrides prepared for sacrifice in the Colosseum” (“Hays Code were taking them down the surest road to hell.” Facts,” American-historama.org).

Since the age of radio in the early 20th century, the In the 1920s, John Straton (1875-1929), Pastor of Calvary entertainment industry has been devoted to sexual filth, Baptist Church in New York City, was calling America’s mindless mirth, and greed. Successful commercial radio cities Sodom and Gomorrah. He was called “a crusader, began in 1928 with the Amos ’n’ Andy program sponsored a two-fisted hard-hitting man of God, always the by Pepsodent toothpaste. By the next year, the program defendant at the bulwarks of Christianity.” “had become a craze, the first bona fide hit serial in broadcast history.” Sales of Pepsodent doubled in one Calvary Baptist was founded in 1847 and had prominent year. 1928 marked the beginning of the merger of the pastors, including John Dowling, author of The History of entertainment industry with business. Americans were Romanism. Straton’s books included The Menace of addicted. An estimated 40 million people (out of a Immorality in Church and State (1920), The Scarlet Stain population of 120 million) set aside a block of time every on the City (c. 1921), and Satan in the Dance Hall (c. evening, five days a week, to gather around the radio and 1925). Chapter titles in the latter included “Flappers and give their full attention to a comedy with no redeeming the Dance of Life” and “The Devil’s Music and the Scopes value other than silly entertainment. Commercial radio Trial.” was a major step in the secularization of America and the addiction to mindless entertainment. There were 750 dance halls in New York City in Straton’s day. In his sermon “New York as Modern Babylon,” Commercial radio and television created the age of Straton said worldly homes had produced “the cigarette a-musement (no muse, no thought). In the 21st century, smoking boy who develops into the girl-ogling, sap- the internet, smart phone, and social media have taken headed dude who would not recognize a sound thought or amusement to ever higher levels. a sound ethical principal if he met it in the street; and the female flapper and flirt who knows more at 16 than her The Hollywood movie industry has been wicked from its grandmother knew at 60, who hasn’t a speaking inception in the silent movie era. It has almost always acquaintance with the art of sweeping a room, sewing a depicted a world without God. It has propagandized for dress, or making a biscuit, but is past mistress with the every false religion and philosophy. It has relentlessly lip-stick, the powder puff, and the bunny bag [a small bag mocked Bible Christianity, consistently depicting for cosmetics and other female accouterments].” preachers as hypocrites, lunatics, or pathetically weak. It has always pushed the boundaries of moral behavior and Of female fashions, Straton said, “When it comes to modesty. Its stars and starlets have thumbed their noses women’s dress today there is not enough to talk about.” at God’s laws and influenced multitudes by their mythical “liberty.” Straton charged the mainstream media of his day with “engaging in a plot to ruin moral forces and bring them “Movies in the 1920s had used nudity, profanity, into national contempt” (George Dollar, A History of blasphemy and immorality and appeared to endorse Fundamentalism in America). illegal drinking during the Prohibition Era. The lives of movie actresses, or ‘vamps,’ with their heavy makeup, Sound familiar? scant clothing and loose morals brought Hollywood under close scrutiny and considerable criticism. ... The names of many Pre-Code Hollywood films provides a fast In 1934, Harry Ironside preached the following at Moody insight into the subject matter of some of the movies that Memorial Church in Chicago: were being produced during the period. The names of the movies include The Godless Girl, Unashamed, Blonde “We are living in a day when uncleanness is everywhere. Our modern novels are reeking with it, our newspaper stands are Venus, Madame Satan, Her Private Life, Madame X, filled with vile pornographic literature that came from hell, Ladies Love Brutes, The Cheat, The Sin of Madelon and men are enriching themselves by poisoning the minds of Claudet, The Sin Ship ... the Cecil B. DeMille epic movie, our young people. The pictures they see, the songs that come The Sign of the Cross (1932) [depicted] a naked woman over the radio, many are filled with suggestions of impurity

1 Timothy 6:20,21 5 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

and uncleanness. ... Let us give everything like that a wide It wasn’t brand new. It was the old blues and jazz on berth.” electronic steroids, but by the time the 1950s rolled around America had been so weakened morally and The Hays Code brought some censorship to the movie philosophically that vast swaths of the nation were ready industry in 1934, but it was abandoned in 1965, and the to embrace brazen licentiousness. The very name “rock industry has made up for the three decades of restrictions & roll” was a byword for fornication. by pouring out filth at an ever-increasing pace since then. 1950s rock was a full-blown revolution against the 1940s AMERICA Bible’s influence in Western society. From its inception, rock has preached rebellion and moral license. The rock Many think of the 1940s as a time when the Bible’s philosophy is the philosophy of “do your own thing; don’t influence was prominent in America, but it is a mirage. let anyone tell you what to do.” This is not a sideline of In reality, the Bible’s influence was rapidly dying. rock & roll; it is the heart and soul. Rock preaches the Though church membership increased in the 1940s, Bible ancient lie that the devil uttered to Eve: “God’s laws are sales doubled, and youth were flocking to Christian restrictive; He is keeping you from enjoying life to the rallies, America was becoming far more filthy, more fullest; throw off His yoke and live as you please; be your rebellious to Bible truth, more self-focused than ever. own god.”

The popular American Christianity was largely a Defiance of God-ordained authority and rejection of lukewarm, powerless thing. It was a form of godliness biblical morality is rebellion against God. By shaking his that salved consciences while the moral condition of the leg at God’s moral laws, Elvis was shaking his fist at God. nation continued a downward spiral. 1950s rock literally changed the character of Western There was “a surge of hard-living hedonism ... women’s society and laid the groundwork for the more dramatic fashions were skimpier, Hollywood grew more brazen, spiritual and moral revolution that has followed. Marxist and live entertainment became more vulgar” (Joel Jerry Rubin observed, “Rock ‘n’ roll marked the Carpenter, Revive Us Again). beginning of the revolution. … We’ve combined youth, music, sex, drugs, and rebellion with treason, and that’s American parents were listening to Spock more than a combination hard to beat” (Rubin, Do It!, 1970, pp. 19, Proverbs and were soon to reap a whirlwind of 249). delinquency. When President Roosevelt called for a national day of prayer for New Years Day 1943, David Townsend, who calls the 1950s “a watershed evangelist Hyman Appleman wisely and bravely asked moment in modern history,” says, how God could answer America’s prayers, warning the nation to heed the words of the Psalmist, “If I regard “Rock 'n' roll is a movement, a lifestyle, a culture ... And iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Ps. all that rock 'n' roll is today it owes to a brief window of 66:18). history: two years, no more than three, WHEN THE FABRIC OF AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE WAS On the political front, Carl McIntire warned in the 1940s TORN APART AND REWOVEN, AND A NEW ERA that “America is in greater danger of losing her freedom EXPLOSIVELY BEGAN. ... This was no small moment today than at any time since the Declaration of in history, for the effects of these two years’ echoes Independence.” continue to spread, to other nations, to new generations, to the thrones of power and the seats of wealth, as well Sound familiar? as to the dispossessed and restless youth of a new era” (Townsend, Changing the World: Rock & Roll Culture 1950S ROCK and Ideology, chapter 2).

Rock & roll roared onto the scene in the 1950s with the “… FIFTIES ROCK WAS REVOLUTIONARY. IT power of a cultural tsunami, and rock was the death-knell URGED PEOPLE TO DO WHATEVER THEY of “traditional America.” WANTED TO DO, EVEN IF IT MEANT BREAKING

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THE RULES. … LAYING THE GROUNDWORK FOR At the heart of pop psychology is the humanistic THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL UPHEAVALS ROCK philosophy of self-esteemism, which is diametrically ‘N’ ROLL WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN FOMENTING opposed to the Bible’s teaching of Christ first, others IN THE FOLLOWING DECADE” (Ellis Amburn, second, and me last, of love of neighbor, of dying to self. Buddy Holly: A Biography, pp. 4, 6, 131). The onslaught of self-esteemism began to influence the David Brinkley of NBC News said, “Elvis Presley was culture early in the 20th century and by the mid-century one of the few people in our lifetime who changed things. its deadly leaven had spread everywhere. It was the death You hear Mantovani in every elevator, but so what? knell to solid marriages. It wrecked the judicial system. ELVIS CHANGED OUR HAIRSTYLES, DRESS It created havoc in the workplace. STYLES, OUR ATTITUDES TOWARD SEX, all the musical taste” (cited by Larry Nager, Memphis Beat, p. One of the prominent names was Norman Vincent Peale, 216). pastor of Marble Collegiate Church (1932-1984), a Reformed Church in America congregation in New York Little Richard “freed people from their inhibitions, City. Peale’s positive-thinking, self-esteem gospel was unleashing their spirit, ENABLING THEM TO DO an unholy mixture of humanistic psychology, eastern EXACTLY WHAT THEY FELT LIKE DOING” religion, and the Bible that has almost taken over the (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, p. Christian world and has made deep inroads into 66). fundamentalist churches. In the 1940s, Peale teamed up with psychoanalyst Smiley Blanton to open a clinic next Little Richard’s 1956 hit “Rip It Up” summarizes the to the church that dispensed a gospel adulterated with pop morally careless, lustful, destructive, anything-goes, live psychology. for the moment rock & roll philosophy: In 1952, Peale published the vastly influential The Power “Well, it’s Saturday night and I just got paid/ Fool about my of Positive Thinking. The back cover says, “Faith in money, don’t try to save/ My heart says, go go/ Have a time/ yourself makes good things happen to you.” The first ’Cause it’s Saturday night, and I feel fine/ I’m gonna rip it paragraph begins with the words, “Believe in yourself! up!/ I’m gonna rock it up!/ I’m gonna shake it up/ . . . Along about ten/ I’ll be flyin’ high/ Walk on out into the sky/ But ... this book will help you believe in yourself and release I don’t care if I spend my dough/ ’Cause tonight I’m gonna your inner powers.” There is sin, no repentance, no blood be one happy soul/ I’m gonna rip it up!…” of Christ, no born again, no judgment. It is a universalistic message that assumes the universal Fatherhood of God. The philosophy of “Rip It Up” cannot live in harmony This book has sold almost 20 million copies in 41 with the traditional America with its deep Biblical languages. Peale’s Guidepost magazine had a circulation influence. of more than 4.5 million and subscribers included the members of the most conservative churches of the day. Little Richard and his rock & roll buddies were dancing My parents and various Southern Baptist relatives around the open grave of the “old America.” subscribed, and I never heard one hint of warning about Peale in my youth. When “Rip It Up” captured the hearts of youth in the 1950s, the America of 2021 was inevitable. At a National Council of Churches luncheon on December 6, 1966, Billy Graham said, “I don’t know There was very little standing in the way of the rock & anyone who has done more for the kingdom of God than roll tsunami even in the 1950s. The vast majority of Norman and Ruth Peale” (Hayes Minnick, Bible for churches of all brands were too spiritually weak to do Today publication #565, p. 28). Peale’s wife, Ruth, was anything more than complain and fret. a member of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society (ABS). The National Religious POP PSYCHOLOGY AND SELF-ESTEEMISM Broadcasters presented Peale with an Award of Merit. Eric Fellman, one-time editor of Moody Monthly, Pop psychology has greatly influenced society over the resigned in 1985 to become editor-in-chief of Peale’s past half century and in turn weakened the churches. Foundation for Christian Living, and Moody continued

1 Timothy 6:20,21 7 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

to print articles by Fellman. Fuller Theological The feminist movement has become ever more Seminary established a Norman Vincent Peale radical. It has pushed for “non-sexist” or “gender Scholarship in recognition of the supposed neutral” language (e.g., chairman becomes “outstanding ministry” of this apostate (The chairperson). It has often been an opponent of Fundamentalist Digest, Sept.-Oct. 1992). In a June traditional marriage and has been at the forefront of 1993 review of a biography on Peale, Christianity homosexual rights. It has resurrected goddess Today said, “Norman Vincent Peale is a devout theology. Pressure for accommodation of women in Christian, who injected vitality into a church that was all positions, has resulted in the lowering of physical losing touch with ordinary Americans...” standards for police, firefighters, and soldiers.

Feminism created THE UNISEX MOVEMENT FEMINISM and paved the way for homosexual rights. The pantsuit was invented in 1966 by homosexual fashion The feminist movement has had a very powerful designer Yves Saint Laurent. influence on American society and on the churches. Since the dawn of the 20th century, it has been a Feminist Linda Grant said that the pantsuit “put direct affront to the Bible and an open attack on women on an equal sartorial footing with men and “traditional America.” “is what fashion gave to feminism” (“Feminism Was Built on the Trouser Suit,” The Guardian, June 3, Feminism is a direct affront to the Word of God 2008). The breaking down of the created distinction which says, “So God created man in his own image, between male and female in the pop culture has, in in the image of God created he him; male and female turn, greatly contributed to the homosexual created he them” (Ge. 1:27). It is an assault on movement. “traditional America” that was founded upon a belief in the Bible. THE CORRUPTION OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM The feminist movement began in the second half of the 19th century with the push for women’s suffrage, Law and order is being destroyed by humanistic political equality (an equal voice and place for psychology’s influence in the justice system. women in politics), workplace equality (equal pay Generally speaking, thieves, rapists, thugs, for equal work), and female education. The first murderers, kidnappers are not punished so much as gathering devoted to women’s rights was in 1848 pampered. The oppressed are twice oppressed, once with about 100 people in attendance. It was led by by the thugs and again by the judicial system that Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. should be protecting them and delivering true justice. Judges that release thugs to continue their thuggery By the early 20th century, the feminist movement should be held accountable, but they aren’t. was pushing for “reproductive rights,” which refers to birth control and abortion. But this is not a new issue. One hundred years ago, Pastor John Straton, Calvary Baptist Church of New Many 19th century feminist leaders were opposed to York City, preached against the budding tendency abortion, but by the 20th century, feminism was at for American courts to capitulate to humanistic the forefront of the abortion rights movement which psychology and to coddle criminals rather than has resulted in the destruction of millions upon punish them. He said God is “not a mollycoddle ... millions of unborn children and contributed greatly and the present wave of crime and vice that is simply to the destruction of morality in general and the devastating America is the direct result of this false breakup of the “nuclear” home. and flimsy teaching.”

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Sound familiar? In the 1850s, the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party dominated elections in Baltimore “by THE CORRUPTION OF POLITICS preventing immigrants from voting or forcing them to choose Know-Nothing candidates.” They used In truth, American politics has been a dirty business intimidation, riots, kidnapping, and murder. “Know- since its inception. Nothings also committed ‘cooping,’ which entailed imprisoning immigrants in cellars or sheds, getting In the early 1800s, when some of the nation’s them drunk, and making them vote repeatedly” for founders were still alive, American politics was their party. A favorite tactic was jabbing voters with described as “the great game of political brawling” a shoemaker’s awl (similar to a short ice-pick) to (Peter Bernstein, Wedding of the Waters: The Erie frighten them away from the polls. “So beloved was Canal and the Making of a Great Nation, Kindle the lowly awl that shortly before the presidential location 3481). election in 1859, the American clubs engaged blacksmiths to forge them en masse, handed out Some banks refused credit to supporters of Thomas flyers announcing their distribution, and Jefferson. Newspapers were vicious in their incorporated the awl's image into club banners” opposition to candidates on the opposing political (“Gangs of Baltimore,” Humanities , May/June side. The reports were “descents into the gutter.” 2008). Jefferson’s opponents slanderously predicted that his election would result in the “teaching of murder, At the same time, “politics and patronage were robbery, rape, adultery and incest.” unabashedly intertwined, and local bosses, especially among the Democrats, sought immigrant Sounds like “Never Trumpers” to me. support through the promise of jobs and preferment” (“Gangs of Baltimore,” Humanities , May/June DeWitt Clinton, Mayor of New York from 1825- 2008). 1828, observed, The Kansas territorial election of 1855 was “Our ingenuity has been employed, not in fraudulent. “Border ruffians forced their way to cultivating a vernacular literature, or increasing Kansas and demanded the election of the pro-slavery the stock of human knowledge; but in raising up legislature. Despite the number of votes cast and pulling down the parties which agitate the exceeding the number of registered voters in Kansas, community. ... THE STYLE OF OUR Andrew Reeder, who was the governor of Kansas, POLITICAL WRITINGS HAS ASSUMED A approved the elections in an attempt to avert further CHARACTER OF RUDE INVECTIVE, AND violence” (“Most Rigged, Fraudulent, and Corrupt UN-RESTRAINED LICENTIOUSNESS, UN- U.S. Elections,” WorldAtlas.com). PARALLELED IN ANY OTHER PART OF THE WORLD, AND WHICH HAS In 1876, the Democrat Party’s fraud and GREATLY TENDED TO INJURE OUR intimidation in the southern states brought the NATIONAL CHARACTER” (Wedding of the national presidential election itself into confusion. Waters, Kindle location 3496). It has been called “the ugliest, most contentious and most controversial presidential election in U.S. New York’s Tammany party was formed during the history” (Smithsonian Magazine, Sept. 7, 2012). lifetime of the founding fathers, and it was known for “corruption and unabashed stealing from public The states of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina funds.” This was documented by Gustavus Myers in submitted two sets of election returns with different his 1901 book Tammany Hall. results. South Carolina gubernatorial candidate

1 Timothy 6:20,21 9 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

Wade Hampton was a former Confederate general Rigged, Fraudulent, and Corrupt U.S. Elections,” who used violence to silence the Republican WorldAtlas.com). In one ward, Pendergast majority. An estimated 150 blacks were murdered candidates won by a ratio of 1,469 to 1. in that state by white supremacist Red Shirts, who were 100% Democrat (Nicholas Lemann, In the 1950s America, which is looked upon Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War, p. nostalgically by many as a time when the nation was 174). still “Christian,” Dwight Eisenhower called politics “a combination of gossip, innuendo, sly character Democratic presidential candidate Samuel Tilden assassination and outright lies” (John Wukovits, and Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes each Eisenhower: A Biography). had 184 electoral votes, not counting the three disputed states. Rightly accusing the Democrats of Sound familiar? fraud and intimidation, the Republicans contested the electoral ballots from the three Southern states. THE CORRUPTION OF THE NEWS MEDIA

The nation had no duly elected president from The corruption of the “mainstream media” is not November 1876 to late February 1877. With the new. country in a constitutional crisis, Congress set up a commission to settle the matter. It consisted of five In the late 19th century, “yellow journalism” was U.S. representatives, five senators, and five Supreme born as a style of reporting that emphasized Court justices, a total of 15 so there could be no tie sensationalism. It was reckless, lurid, and vote. With eight of the 15 being Republican, the provocative, anything to sell papers and increase Democrats sought a private compromise. The circulation. Truth was of little or no concern. Politics Democrats would not filibuster the commission’s was covered from an extreme partisan stance. The vote if the Republicans would agree to withdraw all newspapers featured oversize headlines and color federal troops from the South and the federal political cartoons. government would no longer interfere with Southern elections. This is called the Compromise of 1877. In The name “yellow journalism” was coined in the spite of the agreement, there was talk of forming 1890s to describe the competition between two New armed groups to march on Washington to forcibly York City newspapers, Joseph Pulitzer’s World and install Tilden in office, but sitting president Ulysses William Randolph Hearst’s Journal (Encyclopedia Grant tightened military security to thwart any such Britannica). It got its name from a popular cartoon attempt. Hayes was hated by Democrats in the World called the Yellow Kid from the yellow throughout his term and derided as “His color of the hero. Hearst hired the cartoonist from Fraudulency.” As part of the compromise, Southern Pulitzer, who then hired a new cartoonist to continue Democrats had pledged that they would “recognize the Yellow Kid, resulting in the battle of the Yellow the civil and political equality of blacks.” This Kids. promise was not kept, to say the least. In October 1910, New York City Mayor William In 1932, Louisiana political boss Huey Long Gaynor issued this warning: “They are absolutely defeated the opponents of his crony by funding fake without souls. ... The journalism of New York City candidates. has been dragged to the lowest depths of degradation. The grossest railleries and libels, In 1936, political boss Tom Pendergast nearly ruined instead of honest statements and fair discussion, the election process in Kansas by registering up to have gone unchecked.” Two months earlier, Gaylor 80,000 dead, sick, or nonexistent voters (“Most was shot in the neck in an assassination attempt. He

10 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

blamed the attack “on the vitriolic yellow press that repeated it multiple times so there would be no doubt had poisoned the populace against him.” (Mt. 28:18-20; Mr. 16:15; Lu. 24:44-48; Ac. 1:8), and His business hasn’t changed. He said, “Lo, I’m Sound familiar? with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”

By means of cable news, the internet, and social Christ’s Commission remains the same unto the very media, yellow journalism has risen to a realm end of the age, to the day of the Rapture. Christ’s unimaginable to Pulitzer and Hearst, but today’s Commission isn’t nation building; it is church “fake news” is nothing new. building. It is preaching the gospel to the lost before they perish. It is discipling those who believe, CONCLUSION teaching them to observe all things whatsoever Christ has taught us, which is a very, very big job, a job that What we see in America today has been a long time most churches aren’t doing. It involves building up coming, with many contributing factors. We have the homes in Christ, educating every member to be mentioned only some of them. skillful in God’s Word, training the children, discipling the youth, educating preachers, protecting In the 19th century, America’s destruction was the saints from the every wind of doctrine, preparing sleeping, as the seeds were being sown through the soldiers for spiritual warfare. dawning of theological modernism, Unitarianism, Darwinian evolution, Marxism, and Freudianism. By “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have the 20th century, America’s destruction was no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know creeping. Now in the 21st it’s leaping! perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and The time, prophetically, is very late. God has been safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, very merciful to this wicked world. America’s great as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall liberty has been part of that mercy. But the world not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that passeth away, and America is part of the world. that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are It’s time for the redeemed to stop putting their not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not affections on America more than on Christ’s sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For kingdom. That is idolatry, and John ended his they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be first epistle, “Little children, keep yourselves drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are from idols.” of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of It’s high time to awake from sleep and look up and salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, do God’s will before it is too late. Christ gave His but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 marching orders for the entire church age, and He Thessalonians 5:1-9).

1 Timothy 6:20,21 11 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

n a time when the average Baptist church is getting The church we see in the New Testament is a church of steadily, shockingly weaker, more carnal, more born again disciples of Christ who are committed to worldly, moving farther down the contemporary path with serving Christ. each passing year, we are intent on moving in a much stronger direction, and we are thankful for the churches This book has two major sections. that we know of personally that are on the same path. First, Looking at a Stronger Church, which examines We have no intention of following the crowd, and we are key Bible passages that provide the pattern for the church not afraid of being in the minority. for the entire age. The pattern is not found in the church fathers, the Waldenses, the Lollards, the Anabaptists, the Lutherans, the Anglicans, the Reformed Presbyterianism, the Geneva Calvinists, the Brethren, Pentecostalism, Charismaticism, Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, New Reformed , denominational Baptists, or any of the streams of Independent Baptists. We examine the church as the pillar and ground of the truth of 1 Timothy 3:15; the spiritual house made of living stones of 1 Peter 2:4-5; the regenerate, faithful, growing church of Acts 2:36-42; the purifying church of 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; the turning, serving, watching church of 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10; the church that aims for perfecting every member of Colossians 1:25-28; the ministering body church of Ephesians 4:7-16; and the missionary church of Acts 13.

The second section is 21 Steps toward a Stronger Church, which are as follows: The leaders must have spiritual revival; the leaders must be courageous; start with a biblical examination of the church; be ready to engage in a difficult battle; be patient; be confident of God’s help; pastors must be real leaders; pray for a ministry team; immerse the church in prayer; aim for a regenerate church membership; focus on the real disciples; strengthen the church covenant; set up biblical standards for workers; immerse the church in Scripture; disciple all of the people; deal with sin; emphasize separation from the world; emphasize Bible prophecy; double down on evangelism; have a strong vision for church planting and world missions; aim to incorporate all the biblical elements of a discipling church.

Available in print and as a free eBook at: https://www.wayoflife.org/free_ebooks/21_steps_to_a_stronger_church.php

12 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

D I G G I N G I N T H E WA L L S the most important figures in the Great Reset movement are gigantic God commanded the prophet Ezekiel to dig in the financial institutions and/or their walls of Israel's temple and observe the evils CEOs, including Bank of America being done in secret by apostate religious leaders of that day. "Then said he unto me, Son of man, and MasterCard. ... the heart of the dig now in the wall ... And he said unto me, Go Great Reset is something called in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw. ..." (Ezek. 8:7-10). environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. ESG Ezekiel was then instructed to preach against the errors of the leaders and to tell the people the metrics offer public policy leaders, things he had witnessed. BIG BANKING’S MOVE economists, investors, and banks an TOWARD A SOCIAL CREDIT entirely new way of evaluating "Therefore prophesy against them, prophesy, O son of man. ... Then I spake unto them of the SCORE (Friday Church News Notes, businesses. Instead of looking at captivity all the things that the Lord had shewed April 2, 2021, www.wayoflife.org , how profitable a company is, how me" (Ezek. 11:4,25). [email protected], 866-295-4143) many employees it has, its business The hour in which we live is very similar to that - The following is excerpted from model, and other traditional of Ezekiel's day. Many of those who profess to be “How Big Banks Are Planning to metrics, ESG adds to those the people of God are apostate. It was prophesied in the New Testament Scriptures that such Force Americans into the ‘Great concerns a whole host of left-wing would be the case in the closing hours of our age. This will culminate in the brief worldwide rule of Reset’ Trap,” Townhall, Mar. 30, causes, including how ‘green’ a an utterly apostate Harlot "church" (2 Tim. 3-4; 2021: “In June 2020, elites from company is, having the ‘right’ ratio 1 Tim. 4; 2 Pet. 2-3; Jude; Rev. 17). around the world gathered to of minorities, whether a business is As in Ezekiel's day much of the apostasy of our announce the launch of a plan to involved in politically disfavored hour is hidden from the view of the average ‘reset’ the entire global economy, a industries (such gun manufacturing Christian. We intend by God's grace to "dig in the walls" of modern ecumenism and to expose proposal they ominously named the and sales), as well as other, similar and cry out against the things we find. In this “Great Reset.” Among the many considerations. Companies are then section we also report on secular events which are relevant to Christians. May God give us ears world leaders and powerful given a score or rating to determine to hear, minds to understand, and hearts to obey. institutions that pledged their support how well they align with ESG goals. Is the truth of God not worthy of defense? for the Great Reset at the June Hundreds of the world’s largest meeting were the International corporations, including financial Monetary Fund, Prince Charles, the institutions, have already created ESG head of the United Nations, CEOs systems and reporting metrics within from major international their companies, and investor groups corporations, and the World worth trillions of dollars have pledged Economic Forum--one of the key to prioritize these companies over ringleaders of the Great Reset. ‘Every those that refuse to participate. ... Put country, from the United States to more simply, if you want a loan from China, must participate [in the Great Bank of America in the future, you Reset], and every industry, from oil better toe the globalist line on climate and gas to tech, must be change. ... Citi, Goldman Sachs, transformed,’ wrote Klaus Schwab, Morgan Stanley, and JPMorgan the founder and executive chairman Chase--which, together with Wells of the World Economic Forum, in an Fargo and Bank of America, make up article published on WEF’s website. the six largest banks in the United The initial justification for the Great States--also made similar Reset was the COVID-19 pandemic, commitments. And do not think for a but from the start, supporters of the moment that these requirements will global economic overhaul repeatedly only apply to businesses, either. Some said that climate change was the financial institutions have already long-term justification, the one that started to give ESG scores to would allow a sustained, massive individual investment accounts ... If transformation of society ... Among banks are allowed to collectively

1 Timothy 6:20,21 13 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

decide to stop financing any group of Engraved in his coffin, viewed at people they want, based not on what has been called “the world’s financial concerns but ideological largest funeral,” was a large letter M considerations, then banks and their for Mary (The Evening Standard, Great Reset allies will have, in effect, London, Apr. 8, 2005). Thus his near-total control over society-- papal career ended as it began. When especially if they begin to tie lending elected Pope in 1978, Karol Wojtyla decisions to a vast ESG system.” The dedicated his papacy to Mary, taking Bible says, “In God will I praise his as his episcopal motto the Latin word: in the LORD will I praise his “Totus Tuus,” meaning “Totally constitutional rights by punishing him word. In God have I put my trust: I Yours” (“John Paul II’s Devotion to for refusing to use a transgender will not be afraid what man can do Mary,” Inside the Vatican, special student's preferred pronouns, the 6th unto me. Thy vows are upon me, O insert, May 1996). He had these U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled God: I will render praises unto words embroidered on his papal Friday. In a unanimous opinion thee. For thou hast delivered my soul robes. John Paul II worshipped at written by Judge Amul Thapar, a from death: wilt not thou deliver my Marian shrines throughout the world, Supreme Court short-lister for former feet from falling, that I may walk including the Black Madonna in President Trump, the court compared before God in the light of the living?” Jasna Gora, Poland, Our Lady of the Ohio university’s behavior to a (Psalm 56:10-13). Fatima in Portugal, and Our Lady of ‘McCarthy era’ law against Guadalupe, Mexico. In his general ‘subversive’ government employees. POPE CALLS MARY “THE audience of December 13, 1995, the Philosophy professor Nicholas BRIDGE JOINING US TO GOD” pope observed that the Second Meriwether, a ‘devout Christian,’ (Friday Church News Notes, April 2, Vatican Council applied the title of sought an accommodation under 2021, www.wayoflife.org, Mediatix to Mary and spoke of her which he would not have to address [email protected], 866-295-4143) “mediating role” and “her the student as a woman in classroom - In a tweet dated March 25, Pope cooperation in a wholly singular way discussions, which often touched on Francis said, “Mary is not only the in the work of restoring supernatural gender identity as a cultural bridge joining us to God; she is more. life to souls” and “her exceptional controversy. Shawnee State She is the road that God travelled to role in the work of redemption” University officials belatedly ordered reach us, and the road that we must (“Council’s Teaching on Mary Is Meriwether to stop addressing the travel in order to reach him.” This is Rich and Positive,” Dec. 13, 1995, student only by name and instead use not only heresy; it is blasphemy. “For L’Osservatore Romano). In his female pronouns. They also shot there is one God, and one mediator general audience of May 7, 1997, the down his offer to tell students in the between God and men, the man Christ pope said that “MARY IS THE syllabus that he was being forced to Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for PATH THAT LEADS TO use preferred pronouns. ... While the all, to be testified in due time” (1 CHRIST...” (Vatican Information Supreme Court ruled that public Timothy 2:5-6). Pope John Paul II, Service, May 7, 1997). employers can punish workers for widely praised by evangelical speech on the job, it expressly Protestant and even Baptist leaders, COURT SUPPORTS declined to extend that holding to was also a great venerator of Mary. PROFESSOR WHO WAS FIRED ‘scholarship or teaching.’ Three other FOR NOT USING appeals courts have also exempted TRANSGENDER STUDENT’S academic speech from punishment, PRONOUNS (Friday Church News the 6th Circuit said. The high court’s Notes, April 2, 2021, other rulings show no doubt that www.wayoflife.org, professors at public universities have [email protected], 866-295-4143) a ‘right to lecture’ and to be free from - The following is excerpted from ‘laws that cast a pall of orthodoxy “Professor Can’t Be Punished,” Just over the classroom. ... The university the News, Mar. 26, 2021: “A public cannot satisfy its ‘compelling interest university violated a professor’s in stopping discrimination against

14 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

transgender students’ by giving itself their past so they can enjoy their license to ‘discipline professors, present.’ ... Here’s what he says he students, and staff any time their does, from his own bio. ‘I issue an speech might cause offense,’ the invitation to go on a journey of opinion said. The judges also scolded self-discovery.’ ... If you want to university officials for their alleged know the real reason churches are ‘religious hostility’ toward the shrinking, it isn’t because of a lack of professor when he raised concerns ethnic diversity--it’s because of a about the gender-identity policy.” lack of the Scriptures being preached.” CHURCH SPEAKER SAYS gold, broken to pieces together, and MOST WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THE WORLD PASSETH AWAY became like the chaff of the summer “POST-TRAUMATIC SLAVE- (Friday Church News Notes, April 2, threshingfloors; and the wind carried MASTER DISORDER” (Friday 2021, www.wayoflife.org, them away, that no place was found Church News Notes, April 2, 2021, [email protected], 866-295-4143) for them: and the stone that smote the www.wayoflife.org, - “And the world passeth away, and image became a great mountain, and [email protected], 866-295-4143) the lust thereof: but he that doeth the filled the whole earth” (Da. 2:34-35). - The following is excerpted from will of God abideth for ever” (1 John Bible commentator Robert Lenski “Church Speaker Says,” NC Daily 2:17). The verb “passeth” is present says, “The world is now in the act of Gazette, Mar. 3, 2021: “Renewal indicative. The present tense is a passing away. It is its very nature not Church of Chicago recently hosted a continuous tense, and the indicative to last. Its doom is overtaking it. Its speaker, Nathaniel McGuire, who told mood “asserts something which is glory is fading, its flowers are the audience via a Zoom meeting that occurring while the speaker is withering, its promises are failing, its the ‘majority of white people’ have a making the statement.” So the world hopes are crumbling. Isaiah 14:11. ... mental disorder and they ‘don’t even is passing away at this time. It Does the siren voice of the world know it.’ That mental disorder, he appears to be permanent, but it is tickle your ears? Hear the word of says, is ‘post-traumatic slave master even now in the process of passing truth: ‘The world is passing away!’ disorder.’ If that sounds ridiculous, it away. God holds the reins. He is The bank is breaking, it was never is. The church hosted the speaker at using this present world system for solvent--will you deposit in it? The the annual Race & Mental Health His eternal purpose, and it will be foundation is tottering, it was never Conversation which has a stated finished exactly when and how God solid but only sham--will you build purpose of discussing ‘how race decides, to be replaced by Christ’s on it? The mountain is rumbling, impacts mental health and how the kingdom. The prophet Daniel quaking, it was never anything but Gospel is essential to healthy living.’ described the end of this present volcanic, ready to blow off its head Only problem, there was no actual world system. In the dream given to at any time--will you build your city gospel discussed. In fact, the only Nebuchadnezzar, it was depicted as thing discussed was a perversion of a great image of a man representing TEN FUNDAMENTAL THINGS the gospel twisted into a social justice the ruling empires of Babylon, Persia, BREITBART, , nightmare at the hands of unqualified Greece, and Rome (Da. 2:31-35). RIGHT WING NEWS, LIBERTY church leaders. McGuire says his Daniel’s interpretation explains that NATION, BLAZE, passion is to ‘help people heal from Rome continues in various forms FRONTPAGEMAG, ET AL. DO until the return of Christ, at which NOT KNOW (Friday Church News time the world system will be crushed Notes, April 9, 2021, and replaced with Christ’s righteous www.wayoflife.org, kingdom. “Thou sawest till that a [email protected], 866-295-4143) stone was cut out without hands, - The following are some of the which smote the image upon his feet fundamental biblical truths of life that that were of iron and clay, and brake the vast majority of contributors to them to pieces. Then was the iron, the the most popular conservative news clay, the brass, the silver, and the sites do not know and do not take into

1 Timothy 6:20,21 15 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

will end whenever God determines business, entertainment, and and the true believers in Christ will government. The following is be removed to heaven. This event is excerpted from “Andy Ngo reacts to called the catching away or Rapture. becoming Antifa target,” Fox News, It is imminent, meaning it can happen Apr. 5, 2021: “Ando Ngo, born-and- any time and will be unexpected by raised Portlander and second- the world. EIGHTH, immediately generation Vietnamese American, a thereafter, Satan’s man will come on conservative journalist who serves as the scene. He is called the Antichrist the editor-at-large of The Post account in their thinking. FIRST, the and the Man of Sin. At first he will Millenial, is now a New York Times world was made in six days by an pretend to be a great peacemaker and bestselling author thanks to his almighty Creator who is eternal, global problem solver. He will make recently published tome, Unmasked: omniscient, holy, just, merciful, a covenant with Israel that will allow Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to compassionate, who is King over all the third temple to be built. The Destroy Democracy. In and works all things after his own will world will cry, “Peace, peace,” Unmasked, Ngô explores not only the according to His eternal plan. thinking that a new age of peace and history of Antifa both in and outside SECOND, man was made in the prosperity has begun. After three and the United States, but also his own image of God and His created purpose a half years, the Antichrist will show experiences covering what he is to love God and glorify Him, and his true character and will cause all describes as an organized community every man is accountable to Him. men to worship him on pain of death. of radical, left-wing anarchists. THIRD, all man are sinners against NINTH, at that time the world will Opponents tried to stop the book from God’s holy laws and are under His experience trouble greater than it has being published, Ngô, 33, wrote on judgment thereby. FOURTH , the ever experienced. God will pour out . ... Over the course of years, ultimate conspiracy behind the scenes judgments on all nations for their sin. Ngô has endured physical attacks is the program of the dark powers that Billions will perish. TENTH, three from people in crowds while covering control the present world system led and a half years after the Antichrist Antifa or radical events, and even by Satan, a fallen angel who rebelled sets himself up as God, the true unwanted visitors at his and his against God. Those dark powers are Christ will return from heaven in parents’ homes, Ngô wrote in his working out a program called the power and glory to establish His book. But everything came to a head mystery of iniquity, the objective of kingdom on earth as He promised. earlier this year when Ngô left the which is to put a man who is evil country amid threats of violence and incarnate on the world’s throne. JOURNALIST FLEES AMERICA ‘an escalation of safety concerns,; he FIFTH, at the same time, God is IN FEAR OF ANTIFA (Friday told Fox News. ‘It was just not safe working out His program of global Church News Notes, April 9, 2021, anymore for me. I had already been gospel preaching to invite all men to www.wayoflife.org, on borrowed time,; he said when His free salvation in Jesus Christ. This [email protected], 866-295-4143) reached by phone. Ngô grew to have program began with the resurrection - Because of the widespread, a keen interest in Antifa following the and ascension of Christ. The book of deceitful, foolish assault on policing, outcome of the 2016 presidential Acts is the record of the beginning of America is becoming so lawless that election, he said. ‘Absolutely nobody this program, and it remains God’s a journalist is forced to flee for his was expecting it,’ he recalled. ‘And main business in this world. SIXTH, life because of the threat of thugs. No the response to that democratic Christ and His apostles prophesied one has done more to expose the that false churches will multiply. This agenda of Antifa and the lies of the is called the apostasy (to turn from the mainstream media on this particular faith). It will increase throughout the front than Andy Ngo. His parents age until the vast majority of churches fled communism for the safety and (so called) will be corrupted. This is freedom of America only to see what we see in church history and this America now torn apart by leftist is what we see in the world today. ideology promoted at the highest SEVENTH, the present church age levels of education, journalism,

16 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

outcome was for people to take to the a basic understanding of mammalian streets in masses to reject that and human biology,’ tweeted Hot Air outcome, and in Portland, many senior editor Ed Morrissey. ‘Hey people chose to manifest their @CNN, you wrote, “It’s not possible frustration through violence and to know a person’s gender identity at destruction.’ In his coverage on the birth, and there is no consensus ground in Portland at the time, criteria for assigning sex at birth.” Ngô said he began to see ‘the Call me, and I’ll explain the criteria groundwork being laid for to you in 15 seconds,’ tweeted David something much worse to come. CNN’S NUTTY STATEMENT Prince, pastor of Ashland Avenue There was just this overall, not just THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky.” a shift in the attitudes in the public KNOW SEX AT BIRTH (Friday toward left-wing political violence, Church News Notes, April 9, 2021, POLISH PASTOR IN CALGARY but also the hollowing out and www.wayoflife.org, CHASES POLICE AWAY FROM weakening of law enforcement [email protected], 866-295-4143) GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE (Friday institutions,’ he said. Ngô was a - The following is excerpted from Church News Notes, April 9, 2021, student journalist at Portland State “CNN Blasted,” Christian Headlines, www.wayoflife.org, University tasked with working on Apr. 1, 2021: “A CNN news story [email protected], 866-295-4143) election night in 2016. He said what claiming ‘it’s not possible’ to know - The following is excerpted from he saw shocked him. ... He described a person’s gender or sex at birth ... “No Gestapo Here,” Townhall, Apr. hearing at the time that Trump’s focused on two executive orders by 4, 2021: “Calgary police were met election ‘was the first step toward South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi with resistance when they attempted ascendant fascism and the rise of a Noem prohibiting males from to shut down a Good Friday church totalitarian regime in the U.S. competing in female sports. The service for violating COVID These extremist, radical, article was highly critical of her restrictions. Artur Pawlowski, the unfounded ideas were given space position. ‘It’s not possible to know pastor at The Cave of Adullam, told to propagate in our papers of a person’s gender identity at birth, police to leave and not return until legacy, in our homes and and there is no consensus criteria they have a search warrant in hand. ... through broadcast and radio, for assigning sex at birth,’ the CNN ‘You come back with a warrant,’ and of course to online news sites,’ story said. It didn’t take long for Pawlowski said. ‘Out! Out! Out!’ Ngô said. ‘That helped to really Christians and conservatives to notice Police were hesitant to leave but the radicalize the left, in my opinion.’ the sentence. ‘If you act like a pastor wasn’t backing down. ‘Out of Ngô’s resolve to cover Antifa propaganda outlet, people are going this property, you Nazis!’ Pawlowski ‘became more clear and focused’ to treat you like a propaganda outlet. shouted. ‘Gestapo is not allowed from 2017 through 2018, when he This is blatant @CNN,’ tweeted here!’ ... The pastor turned the began to notice discrepancies in what Denny Burk, director of the Center camera to face him. ... ‘Passover, the he was seeing at riots versus what for Gospel and Culture at Boyce holiest Christian festival in a year and was being reported, he said. ‘After College in Louisville, Ky. ‘This is they’re coming to intimidate every riot that was occurring in CNN. Unbelievable,’ tweeted Christians during the holiest festival? Portland and Seattle, the coverage conservative radio host Erick Unbelievable,’ Pawlowski said. from the local press was not the Erickson. ‘We live in a literal clown ‘What is wrong with those sick honest picture about who these world where the elites pretend not to psychopaths? It’s beyond me. Wow. masked militants actually were,’ he know what it means to be a man or a Wow. How dare they? Unbelievable. said. Ngô continued: ‘The way they woman. The only way to maintain We’re living in a total takeover of the were described, they were lionized your sanity is to reject this absolute government with their thugs, goons, and described essentially as heroes nonsense everywhere you see it,’ the brown shirts, the Gestapo who are protecting their communities tweeted author Allie Beth Stuckey. wannabe dictators,’ an incredulous because police don’t protect people, ‘Actually, there is a scientific Pawlowski said. ‘Coming to the because police are racist and consensus for ‘assigning sex at birth.’ church armed with guns and tasers transphobic and homophobic.’” It’s called observation, coupled with and handcuffs to intimidate during

1 Timothy 6:20,21 17 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

hope for any improvement in the probably know, Lister is the condition of the churches, and good controversial surgeon at Glasgow reason to expect the churches to Royal Infirmary whose “deeply move in the opposite direction” (The religious” character makes him Constitution of the Church, 1973). In immediately suspect. He claims that 1998, Dean Register, president of the a new antiseptic method of surgery Mississippi Baptist Convention, dramatically reduces the fatality rate testified: “It’s very unusual for from about 50% to 15%, but the vast Southern Baptist churches to take majority of scientific opinion is disciplinary action against an against the man’s theories. Four years Passover celebration? Well, I guess individual” (The Sun Herald, Biloxi, ago, the British Association, meeting that’s what it is, they want to enslave Mississippi, Sept. 13, 1998). That is at Leeds, mocked Lister’s ideas, and us all like the Egyptians did. They also true for fundamental Baptist just this year the respected medical want to be the Pharaohs of today, churches. Warm bodies in the pews journal The Lancet warned that the that’s what they’re doing. and tithes in the offering plate and entire medical profession is against Unbelievable. People, if you don’t maintaining the lukewarm status quo Lister’s ideas. It is difficult to see how stand up, wake up, wow. I don’t are more important than faithfulness that such an august group of medical know what will happen tomorrow.’ to God’s Word. men could be wrong. We find it ... He referenced the COVID commendable that our all-wise, passports that are being talked about JOSEPH LISTER’S THEORY OF mothering media have the policy of and potentially implemented. ‘If you ANTISEPSIS MOCKED BY censoring “content that contradicts the will not be vaccinated like a dog or a MAINSTREAM SCIENCE AND consensus of local and global health cat, you will not be able to buy or sell. CENSORED BY THE authorities” so that dangerous ideas You will not be able to go to school MAINSTREAM MEDIA (Friday like Lister’s will not be propagated or work. Is that the future you want?’ Church News Notes, April 16, 2021, and debated. As the wise saying goes, Pawlowski asked. ‘Is that what you www.wayoflife.org, “We must follow the science.” want for your children and your [email protected], 866-295-4143) grandchildren?’ According to the - Journalist at Large, London, 1873 - YOUTUBE CENSORS pastor, the time to stand up and push It has come to our attention that ROUNDTABLE ON COVID BY back against the out-of-control Joseph Lister’s “germ theory” has SCIENTISTS FROM OXFORD, government is now.” been censored by the respected media HARVARD, AND PRINCETON CONCLUDING NOTE: We don’t publications of our day, and (Friday Church News Notes, April 16, believe in railing on government rightfully so, we say. As readers 2021, www.wayoflife.org , officials no matter how wrong they [email protected], 866-295-4143) might be, but you have to admire the - The following is excerpted from pastor’s conviction and boldness. “Scientists from Oxford,” PJMedia, Apr. 10, 2021: “This week, YouTube WITHOUT PURGING, LITTLE [owned by Google] deleted footage of HOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT IN a COVID-19 roundtable discussion CHURCHES (Friday Church News between Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) Notes, April 9, 2021, and medical experts from Oxford, www.wayoflife.org, Stanford, and Harvard. The doctors [email protected], 866-295-4143) and medical experts reportedly - In 1973, Davis Huckabee warned, disputed Centers for Disease Control “So long as the churches fail to (CDC) guidance that children wear preserve a pure membership, so long masks in school to stop the spread of as they refuse to purge out the COVID-19. Cody obvious leaven, so long as they fail McCloud, DeSantis’s press secretary, to seek to reconcile those who may condemned the move as ‘another have been excluded, there is little blatant example of Big Tech

18 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

[email protected], 866-295-4143) Notes, April 16, 2021, - The following is excerpted from www.wayoflife.org, “China Launches,” Newsmax, Apr. [email protected], 866-295-4143) 11, 2021: “China’s cyber regulator - On April 7, the property of has launched a hotline to report GraceLife Church in Alberta was online comments that defame the impounded by the government at the ruling Communist Party and its behest of Alberta Health Services history, vowing to crack down on (AHS). With a heavy show of force ‘historical nihilists’ ahead of the that included police and RCMP, attempting to silence those who Party’s 100th anniversary in July. authorities confiscated the church’s disagree with their woke corporate The tip line allows people to report property and erected three layers of agenda,’ NBC News reported. fellow netizens who ‘distort’ the chain link security fencing and a ‘YouTube claimed they removed the Party’s history, attack its leadership black tarp to obscure the entrance. video because “it contradicts the and policies, defame national heroes The church has not followed the consensus of local and global health and ‘deny the excellence of advanced Covid-19 lockdown rules that limit authorities,” yet this roundtable was socialist culture’ online, said a notice church services to 15% building led by world-renowned doctors and posted by an arm of the Cyberspace capacity and require masks and social epidemiologists from Oxford, Administration of China (CAC) on distancing, contending that the rules Stanford, and Harvard, all of whom Friday. ... ‘Historical nihilism’ is a restrict their ability to practice their are eminently qualified to speak on phrase used in China to describe faith. The senior pastor, James the global health crisis,’ McCloud public doubt and skepticism over the Coates, was arrested on February 16 argued. ‘Good public health policy Chinese Communist Party's and jailed for a draconian 35 days. He should include a variety of scientific description of past events. China’s was released on March 22 but still and technical expertise, and internet is tightly censored and most faces a court appearance. The church YouTube’s decision to remove this foreign social media networks, search continued to hold services during his video suppresses productive dialogue engines and news outlets are banned incarceration. John Carpay, president of these complex issues.’ Indeed, the in the country. Netizens in China of the Justice Centre for panel included Jay Bhattacharya, a already face jail time and other legal Constitutional Freedoms, the law professor of medicine at Stanford punishments for posting content that firm representing the church, University; Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a is critical of the county's leadership, released the following statement on biostatistician, epidemiologist, and policies and history. Legal April 7: “The Alberta government professor of medicine at Harvard amendments released earlier this year has known for many months that it Medical School; Sunetra Gupta, an stipulate that people who ‘insult, will be called to publicly account infectious disease epidemiologist and slander or infringe upon’ the memory before the judiciary for its lockdown epidemiology professor at Oxford of China’s national heroes and destruction of the Alberta economy University; and former Trump White martyrs face jail time of up to three and trampling of Albertan’s civil House COVID-19 advisor Dr. Scott years. Last week, authorities in the liberties. Freedom of conscience and Atlas.” CONCLUDING NOTE: “... eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu religion is the first fundamental those seeking absolute truth or an detained a 19-year-old man after freedom listed in the Canadian immutable dogma should look in a making ‘insulting’ comments online Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It field other than science” (Juan about Japan’s 1937 occupation of is listed first because it is one of the Arsuaga, Neanderthal’s Necklace, p. Nanjing.” CONCLUSION: We 17). wonder if China has considered hiring Mark Zuckerberg, Jack CHINA LAUNCHES HOTLINE Dorsey, and Sundar Pichai as FOR NETIZENS TO REPORT censorship advisors? “ILLEGAL” HISTORY COMMENTS (Friday Church News ALBERTA POLICE IMPOUND Notes, April 16, 2021, GRACELIFE CHURCH www.wayoflife.org PROPERTY (Friday Church News

1 Timothy 6:20,21 19 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

key bedrock principles on which fbns@wayoflife. Canada is built. The government has org, 866-295- so far refused to justify the limits on 4143) - The worship and gathering. Health orders following is are inconsistent, differing from excerpted from province to province, and arbitrarily “Canadian created by one public health official Father,” who is under no obligation legally to Conservative advise the legislatures of the science Review, Mar. 26, and rationale which supposedly are 2021: “On March the basis of the orders.” John 16 Robert MacArthur of Grace Community Hoogland was Church in California said it is arrested at the “amazing to see an underground British Columbia church in Canada.” MacArthur said, Supreme Court in Vancouver for let’s say in 5, 10 years my daughter is “This is a first for the Western world, speaking against court-ordered detransitioning, and she turns to me to have the government lock out testosterone injections for his teenage and says ... “Why did none of you do believers from a church” daughter. Hoogland was denied bail, anything to stop this? I was a child. (“MacArthur Commends and Justice Michael Tammen issued None of you stuck your neck out for ‘Underground Church in Canada,’” an oral decision last Friday confining me back then. You just let me do it The Daily Wire, Apr. 12, 2001). Of Hoogland to prison until his case is because I was an immature kid, the 160,000 who have tested positive tried April 12-16, 2021. [Note: thinking this was something great,”’ for Covid in Alberta, 2,000 have Hoogland pled guilty on April 13 and he said in an interview. ‘When my died, a fatality rate of 1.25%, but of accepted “a sentence of 18 months daughter asks me that question, I’ll course since only a portion of the probation with one month off to say ... I did everything that I possibly population has been tested and since reflect the time he has already spent could. Whatever happens to me pales a high percentage of those infected in custody.” He was facing a potential in comparison to what’s already with Covid are asymptomatic, the five years in prison.] Hoogland’s happened to my daughter,’ he said. ... fatality rate is lower, probably much arrest has garnered significant The Vancouver Cybercrime Unit lower. The average age of the attention, nationally and compiled a lengthy police report fatalities in Alberta is 81! Even the internationally, and prompted an documenting when Hoogland referred latest permeations of Covid hold online petition for his release. ... As to his daughter ‘as his daughter’ and small danger to young people. previously reported, the BC Supreme noting that he ‘[used] female Currently there are 376 hospitalized Court [in February 2019] ordered that pronouns numerous times.’ The with Covid and 90 in ICU Hoogland’s daughter should begin cybercrime report also underscored (alberta.ca/stats). What the receiving testosterone injections numerous interviews in which authorities promoting the lockdowns when she was 14 years old, Hoogland criticized by name the are not doing, it appears, is to look at regardless of parental consent. The doctors involved in giving his the whole picture: human liberty, court further declared that if either of daughter testosterone. ... Towards the economy, mental health, the myriad the girl’s parents referred to her ‘as a end of the hearing on Friday, of other medical issues beyond girl or with female pronouns,’ that Hoogland raised his hand to speak. ‘I Covid, whether lockdowns are even parent would be considered guilty of do love my child. That’s why I did effective, etc. family violence. ... Desperate to get this. I did what I thought was right.’ his story heard, Hoogland began In an interview shortly before his CANADIAN FATHER JAILED granting interviews to The Federalist arrest, Hoogland said what others can FOR TALKING ABOUT COURT- and other outlets in February 2020 in do about his case is: ‘Pray--anybody ORDERED TRANSGENDERING which he criticized by name the can pray.’ And, ‘Educate people. Tell OF HIS TEENAGE DAUGHTER doctors involved in prescribing his people what’s going on ... talk to your (Friday Church News Notes, April daughter’s cross-sex hormones. ... neighbor and say, Hey, this is what’s 16, 2021, www.wayoflife.org , ‘What kind of father would I be if, going on in the world. To even do a

20 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

simple thing like that ... that’s that a black woman becoming an commendable; that’s courage to me. American ambassador is clear To even do a simple thing like that.’” evidence of the nation’s systemic racism. Consider further evidence: A SINGLE STEP IN THE There have been 25 minority race MARCH OF ETERNITY (Friday governors and lieutenant governors Church News Notes, April 16, 2021, in U.S. states. 162 blacks have served www.wayoflife.org, in the U.S. Congress. The 116th [email protected], 866-295-4143) Congress (2019) was the most - “The material universe, in all its racially diverse in the nation’s history Lives Matter and a self-described beauty, forms but a single link in the with 116 non-white members. Marxist, recently purchased a $1.4 plans of that adorable Being who is America has more than 6,000 black million home in an exclusive Los without beginning of days or end of public officials. About 330 of Angeles neighborhood where the vast time; and its whole duration is but a America’s cities have black mayors, majority of residents are White, single step in the march of that including many cities in the South according to reports. The home, government which is from (e.g., Atlanta, GA; Baton Rouge, LA; which features three bedrooms and everlasting to everlasting” (Biblical Birmingham, AL; Augusta, GA; three bathrooms, is nestled in Illustrator). “But the end of all things Shreveport, LA; Jackson, MS). 39 of Topanga Canyon and has a separate is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and the 100 largest American cities have guesthouse on the property, watch unto prayer” (1 Peter 4:7). black mayors; 40% of them serve in according to a celebrity real estate cities that do not have black majority blog which reported the transaction MORE EVIDENCE OF populations. Black women lead seven last week. The property, which is AMERICA’S SYSTEMIC WHITE of the nation’s largest cities. From about a 15 minute drive from Malibu RACISM (Friday Church News 2009 to 2017, a black man held office beaches, features bamboo floors and Notes, April 23, 2021, as the 44th president of the United vaulted ceilings, according to the www.wayoflife.org, States. He was elected to two terms listing.” Khan-Cullors has purchased [email protected], 866-295-4143) though blacks only formed 13% of property totaling $3.2 million, - Critical Race Theory claims that the population. A majority of the total according to the Daily Caller. Online America is racist to the core, and the votes nationwide for this black man comments on this report include the evidence keeps piling up. Kamala were cast by whites. About 30% of following: “Of course, Marxists Harris is the nation’s first black vice America’s police nationwide are non- doing what all Marxists do - they take president, and Linda Thomas- white. America has spent trillions of from everyone under the guise of Greenfield, newly appointed dollars in support of non-white ‘equity for all’ and line the pockets American ambassador to the United “minority” communities. Further, of the elite at the top of the Nations, is a black woman. Thomas- that America has a lot of black movement.” Greenfield recently told Al millionaires, such as Al Sharpton and Sharpton’s National Action Network Jesse Jackson, is clear evidence that HILLSONG (NAN) that “the original sin of it is systemically racist. COLLAPSES (Friday Church News slavery weaved white supremacy into Notes, April 23, 2021, our founding documents and BLACK LIVES MATTER CO- www.wayoflife.org, principles.” There can be no doubt FOUNDER PURCHASES [email protected], 866-295-4143) MILLION-DOLLAR HOME IN - Hillsong Dallas has been shut down EXCLUSIVE AREA (Friday due to the worldliness of its leaders, Church News Notes, April 23, 2021, husband-wife “pastor team” Reed www.wayoflife.org, and Jess Bogard. It has been reported [email protected], 866-295-4143) that the leadership “has been using - The following is excerpted from church money to fund their lavish “Marxist BLM Leader,” Fox News, lifestyle, including insanely Apr. 10, 2021: “Patrisse Khan- expensive designer clothing, frequent Cullors, one of the founders of Black stays at expensive Airbnb rentals, and

1 Timothy 6:20,21 21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

NYC. Observers need to understand themselves teachers, having itching that Hillsong is not true biblical ears; And they shall turn away their Christianity. It is a fake. ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” Popular SPEAK OUT FOR THE TRUTH evangelicalism does not endure sound (Friday Church News Notes, April doctrine; it loves fables; it lives after 23, 2021, www.wayoflife.org, its own lusts, being more concerned [email protected], 866-295-4143) about “liberty” than holiness and - Leftists of all stripes in America are obedience. Contemporary Worship thousands of dollars on single meals” trying to create a totalitarian society Music is a path to the “broad church” (“Hillsong Caving in on Itself,” in which the only speech allowed is of evangelicalism and once you enter Reformation Charlotte, Apr. 12, their speech. Already they are trying those dangerous spiritual waters, 2021). This is the latest in a long list to control speech about marriage, there is no telling where you will end of Hillsong scandals. The following sexuality, male and female up. Many have landed in atheism. is only the tip of the iceberg: distinctions, Covid lockdowns, Consider some examples: In May According to the New York Times for masks, policing, evolution and 2019, DAVE GASS, with 20 years’ October 17, 2014, a homosexual creationism, American history, experience pastoring evangelical couple, Josh Canfield and Reed racism, China, and many other churches, including Grace Family Kelly, sang in choirs at Hillsong New things. What can we do? There are Fellowship of Pleasant Hill, Missouri, York City, and Canfield was a many things we can do and one of made the following announcement on volunteer choir leader. Canfield and those is that we can speak the truth. Twitter: “I am walking away from Kelly were billed as the “Broadway One reason the speech Nazis are faith. Even though this has been a Boyfriends” on the reality show having some success is that so many massive bomb drop in my life, it has Survivor: San Juan del Sur.” In May people are so incredibly timid. We been decades in the making.” He 2016, Hillsong New York City must not shut up in the face of admitted that he never firmly hosted a Hillsong Women’s opposition. We can speak by believed in Christ and always had Conference that featured, among conversation with our neighbors, by doubts. Further, he said, “my other things, scantily-dressed the distribution of literature, by social marriage was a sham, prayer was ‘cheerleaders,’ an Elvis media, by whatever forum we have, never answered, miracles were never impersonator, and a naked cowboy every chance we get. If the Bible performed.” In July 2019, JOSHUA wearing only a cowboy hat, boots, speaks about something, then God’s HARRIS, author of the best-selling and a guitar. The cowboy was people can and must speak about that. I Kissed Dating Goodbye who was Hillsong NYC’s own youth pastor, The Word must be preached “in considered an expert on marriage and Diego Simla. In 2017, Hillsong NYC season, and out of season.” Refuse to child training, renounced faith in pastor Carl Lentz and pop star Justin be censored. Don’t sell your freedom Christ, said he was divorcing his Bieber were photographed in New of speech cheaply. “The wicked flee wife, and proclaimed that he is happy Zealand drinking heavily and when no man pursueth: but the and at peace following his “heart.” In partying in a tavern. Lentz baptized righteous are bold as a lion” August 2019, MARTY SAMPSON, Bieber in 2014 in the bathtub of a (Proverbs 28:1). one of the worship leaders and song pro-basketball player. In 2019, Yelp writers for Hillsong, announced that identified Hillsong Los Angeles as “EVANGELICALS” his Christian faith “is on incredibly one of the top ten “gay friendly RENOUNCING THEIR FAITH churches” in the city. In November (Friday Church News Notes, April 2020, Lentz was fired as pastor of 23, 2021, www.wayoflife.org, Hillsong NYC after having been [email protected], 866-295-4143) caught in an affair with a Muslim - Modern evangelicalism is a fashion designer. According to the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 4:3-4, “For Religion News Service (RNS), the time will come when they will not multiple reports have also described endure sound doctrine; but after their money mismanagement at Hillsong own lusts shall they heap to

22 1 Timothy 6:20,21 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

shaky ground.” He is seriously Evangelicalism: Its History, entertaining atheism, and he “is so Characteristics, and Fruit, available happy now, so at peace with the as a free eBook from world.” In May 2020, JON www.wayoflife.org. “For the STEINGARD, singer and guitarist invisible things of him from the of the Christian rock band Hawk creation of the world are clearly seen, Nelson and a pastor’s son, announced being understood by the things that on Instagram that he is an agnostic. are made, even his eternal power and “I am now finding that I no longer Godhead; so that they are without believe in God. ... The process of excuse” (Romans 1:20). getting to that sentence has been several years in the making. ... It’s BLIND LUCK SMARTER THAN been more like pulling on the threads TOP PROGRAMMERS (Friday of a sweater, and one day discovering Church News Notes, April 23, 2021, that there was no more sweater left.” www.wayoflife.org, Steingard said that he enjoys his new [email protected], 866-295-4143) associations. It turns out that this “freedom.” In April 2021, PAUL - Research has discovered that fruit method is more effective than that MAXWELL, popular author, flies have an “incredibly smart which is currently used by services renounced his faith on Instagram. “I method to categorize smells which like Netflix and Spotify and think it’s important to say that I’m lets them recognize differences with YouTube to power their retrieval just not a Christian anymore, and it a very fine level of accuracy” systems (e.g., labeling and sorting feels really good. I’m really happy.” (“Patterns in Fruit Fly Brains Could movies). “In a series of tests on three CONCLUDING NOTE: I have the Soon Power Your Netflix standard datasets commonly used by opposite experience as these men. I Recommendations,” Science Alert, computer scientists, the fly method have never doubted God since I was Nov. 11, 2017). The research was significantly outperformed basic converted in 1973, and my faith in the done by a team from the University locality-sensitive hashing.” Saket Bible as the infallible Word of God of California San Diego (UCSD) and Navlakha of Salk says, “Pieces of this and in Jesus Christ as the only Lord the Salk Institute for Biological approach had been used in the past and Saviour has grown stronger with Studies. Fruit flies are able to by computer scientists, but evolution each passing year. I have thousands identify and categorize odors and put it together in a very unique way” of reasons to believe that God exists associated behaviors (e.g., good to (Ibid., Science Alert). Evolution put and that the Bible is His divine eat, must avoid) with great precision. it together? Evolution put together a revelation to man. I have seen Its brain has 2,000 neurons that “give brilliant algorithm in the brain of a continual answers to prayer. For each smell a distinct ID,” but only fruit fly? This “evolution” thing must those who want to understand why the top 5 percent of those are stored be very God-like. In truth, natural “evangelicalism” is in such desperate so that the fly can quickly sort selection and mutations couldn’t straights, we recommend New through a great number of odors and possibly explain such a thing.

Aim of O Timothy Magazine

• Exalting the Lord Jesus Christ; His eternal perfect, and preserved Word; and the Gospel of his Grace. (2 Peter 3:1-2, 18) • Standing for the whole counsel of God. (Acts 20:27; Jude 3) • Challenging Christian workers to uphold the truth and resist the apostasy of our times. (1 Timothy 6:20-21) • Exposing the spirit of error and compromise within Christendom (Hosea 4:6a; 2 Tim. 3) • Upholding the New Testament Church (1 Tim. 6:13-14). O Timothy is a ministry of Bethel Baptist Church of London, Ontario. • Challenging churches to fulfill the Great Commission of world evangelism (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 13-14) • Standing for the Received Text of the Holy Scriptures, the Authorized Version in the English Language, and sound translations of the TR in the languages of the world. (Ps. 12:6-7)

1 Timothy 6:20,21 23 W A Y O F L I F E L I T E R A T U R E

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O Timothy Volume 38 - Issue 5 - May 2021