Reza Aslan | 9780385739764 | | | | | No god but God: The Origins and Evolution of Islam 1st edition PDF Book

Some people my age talk about how they remember watching it on the news in school or at home. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Sunni and Shiites had always been merely exotic names but for the first time I could understand why these groups might despise each other all these centuries later. View all 6 comments. It is result of adaptations, and as long as it is to spread to a region, it is bound to adapt to cultural norms there. However, I have to deduct one star because it ends with a t A very good, eye-opening, mind-blowing read on the foundation and development of Islam as a religion, movement, identify, community, or in short, the Ummah , from Medina to the modern age. View all 8 comments. Aslan on relgion vs politics. We have ratings, but no written reviews for this, yet. We bestow upon God not just all that is good in human nature—our compassion, our thirst for justice—but all that is bad in it: our greed, our bigotry, our penchant for violence. Abraham Rabinovich. The author focuses on the Middle East and to some extent India, but it forgets about , the largest Muslim population in the world, who is now tearing itself apart with lies, rant, violence, and worst of all, dissociation and apathy. So why the four stars? You possess him and all that is his. Our Bible study class decided we wanted to learn something about . A tolerant Islamic state is possible, it just hasn't succeeded yet, but it absolutely could. Reviews Review Policy. They believe that after Noah, the Kaaba was forgotten for centuries until Abraham rediscovered it while visiting his firstborn son, Ismail, and his concubine, Hagar, both of whom had been banished to this wilderness at the behest of Abraham's wife, Sarah. That was about who gets to say what it is to be Christian -- what to believe, who can say it, etc -- and this is the same thing. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. There is so much in this rather short book to think about and sift through for understanding. Only a few weeks ago, we were so close of having a manic mass murderer as a president due to the failing reform. Unfortunately, his aforementioned bias compromises the entire integrity of his work. The only possible weaknesses I see here are: Some may find his arguments "apologist. Buy It Now. Enlarge cover. This is a perspective that I would imagine is unlikely to make Aslan many friends in either country, both of which are now run by cynical men. They're killing us , targeting us. In the first hundred pages alone, Aslan defends the following: - Muhammad's marriage to a six year old girl "But everyone back then was doing this! Advanced Search. And just as in , the initial religious thrust in Islam toward social justice and mutual regard succumbed quickly and persistently to the interests of the religious establishment in maintaining its position of power. Except then it continues—magnificently—tracing the development of various Islamic sects, the impact of colonialism on Muslims, and the current battle for the future of the faith. Fourteen hundred years of rabid debate over what it means to be a Muslim; of passionate arguments over the interpretation of the Qu'ran and the application of Islamic law; of tribal feuds, crusades and world wars- and Islam has finally begun its fifteenth century. The truth is that no one knows who built the Kaaba, or how long it has been here. Balancing the of the Gospels against the historical sources, Aslan describes a man full of conviction and passion, yet rife with contradiction. No god but God: The Origins and Evolution of Islam 1st edition Writer

As a Muslim scholar of religions who was born in Iran, but who left as a child due to the Islamic Revolution to be raised and educated in America, Aslan is perfectly placed to understand exactly what it is that needs to be talked about and how. Aslan then refers to the hadith collections of Muhammad al-Bukhari and Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj as the most "respected" and "reliable" canons. There are a lot of differences in the form this "Reformation" has taken and how it has taken shape, but to get bogged down in that would certainly miss the point- that Islam and its followers are no different from any other major religion, no more backward or primitive, just at a different stage in their process than the rest of the world. It is easy to see him discarding evidence that doesn't fit his vision of Islam by the wayside, and a few times directly contradicting himself in the service of making it work. Reza Aslan, an internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions, is author most recently of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. An apology is a defense, and there is no higher calling than to defend one's faith, especially from ignorance and hate The Kahins were poets who functioned primarily as soothsayers and who, for a fee, would fall into a trance in which they would reveal divine messages through rhyming couplets. In actuality, the religious experience of the pre-Islamic Arabs was far more complex than this tradition suggests. Retrieved May 7, What's currently going on per the author is a massive intra-Muslim conflict over the basic meaning of Islam, essentially an Islamic Reformation. About No god but God Updated Edition A fascinating, accessible introduction to Islam from the author of the 1 New York Times bestseller Zealot Though it is the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded by ignorance and fear. But the book's polemic justified by hysterical , I grant you distorts its history and argument far too much: if Islam offered only support for liberal-capitalistic governments in the middle east, it wouldn't be as popular as it is. Retrieved But he tries to generalize anyway, which leads to occasional contradictions: for example Aslan states that all Sufis follow Islamic acts of worship such as 5 daily prayers, but then also says that some Sufis believe acts of religious worship are only important for the masses, and others believe it is a shell that can be cast off once deeper layers of spirituality are realized. Back cover. What Muhammad preached about in Mecca and Medina was not headscarves or , but alms to the poor, a dismantling of the Arabian tribal plutocracy, an acceptance of and reverence for neighboring religions, and care for the hungry, the orphaned, the widowed, and the sick. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Published: Penguin Press - June 23rd, He took pot shots at Christianity and Judaism, and his comments about those religions contained several inaccuracies, such as Aaron having brought the Jews to the Promised Land. The Yom Kippur War. No To me, this was worth reading, because Reza Aslan made the story if Islam come alive and told me so much I didn't know about Islam. Preview — No god but God by Reza Aslan. Muhammad married an older woman, Khadija, a wealthy and respected businesswoman. An essential contribution to the most important issue of our time. By Margaret Atwood. How does Allah differ from the God of Jews and Christians? Skip to main content. George W. Jul 03, Nabilah M. Like MLK and Muhammad and so many others, people have their voices stolen from them not only in death but in life. Unlike Christianity, paganism is not so much a unified system of beliefs and practices as it is a religious perspective, one that is receptive to a multitude of influences and interpretations. For Muhammad, the process has occurred for many more centuries, to the extent that some strains of modern Islam are in utter disagreement with what he preached. Retrieved May 9, Is it a religion of peace or war? I disagree with Aslan - it matters a great deal whether the beliefs of a religious community are shaped by actual historical events including amazing ones or whether such beliefs are based on falsehood. The author's central thesis is that the collected textual and extratextual traditions of Islam, like those of any other religion, can be assembled to support either values that we non-fundamentalist-Muslims support, or values we don't. Overall, Keddie stated that "Aslan provides a lively, enjoyable, and mostly accurate picture, but parts of the book are shaky". The Hammer of God. Availability: In Stock—Click for Locations. See details. On the contrary, there is every reason to believe that the Bedouin of pre-Islamic Arabia enjoyed a rich and diverse religious tradition. Something that causes healthy babies to turn cold in their cribs. The start of religious movement is most often sociological and economic. Aslan showed me a glitteringly complicated, sophisticated faith, with its brilliant and dark places, like any powerful religion has. This book is written in chronological style which makes it easy to comprehend and follow - It started from Jahiliyyah period, the birth of Muhammad, the revelations, the Khulafa Rasyidin period, the various sects in Islam and current controversies within the Ummah. Aslan on relgion vs politics. No god but God: The Origins and Evolution of Islam 1st edition Reviews Just as with the medieval papacy in which every doctrinal decision was politically motivated, so in Islam the collection of Hadiths, interpretations of Muslim doctrine, were equally political and used to further political aims by leading Muslims. The God Project. San Jose Mercury News. Atlas Revised Edition Paperbacks. Though the West tried to impose democracy on the Muslim countries which failed miserably, democracy must be nurtured from within, founded upon familiar ideologies and presented in a language that is both comprehensible and appealing to the indigenous population for it to work within the Muslim countries. Add to Cart. The only thing scholars can say with any certainty is that by the sixth century C. We bestow upon God not just all that is good in human nature—our compassion, our thirst for justice—but all that is bad in it: our greed, our bigotry, our penchant for violence. For example, while there is evidence of a small yet formal rabbinical presence in some regions of the Arabian Peninsula, there also existed a group of Jewish soothsayers called the Kohens who, while maintaining a far more priestly function in their communities, nevertheless resembled the pagan Kahins in that they too dealt in divinely inspired oracles. How i can read these books??? And he waited to consummate until she was nine! By Elliot Ackerman. He paints them entirely in a negative light, as a power hungry, control-mad group which has stifled all flexibility from the religion. Even presuming the raft of hostile orientalists he draws from represented the most neutral and authoritative of western scholarship on Islam, the author's own tone and framing make it needlessly more Tight composition, fast pacing, authoritative tone: it's no surprise it was a bestseller. Sunni Islamic scholarship presents early Islamic historical figures almost absolutely perfect human beings. Towards the end he asks us where are we leading to? That was about who gets to say what it is to be Christian -- what to believe, who can say it, etc -- and this is the same thing. View all 4 comments. The start of religious movement is most often sociological and economic. Where did that get us!!! Flag as inappropriate. He makes clear that there are several types of Islam, and that fanatical, fundamentalist Wahabism is not the only brand on the market. Reviews Review Policy.

No god but God: The Origins and Evolution of Islam 1st edition Read Online

Categories : Shia literature non-fiction books American history books Books about civilizations Books about ideologies Books about Iran History books about Islam books 21st-century history books. Reading Aslan's descriptions of the personalities involved was very helpful in this regard: they weren't perfect people, but were deeply religious, well meaning people who had their share of faults, misunderstandings, and disagreements which built up over the years, and in the chaotic transition after the Prophet's death, exploded into civil war. Add to cart. Just as Islam's beginnings took place years after the beginnings of Christianity, Aslan argues, so the Islamic Reformation is taking place now, years after the Protestant one. Small-scale tribal tension becomes global competition. Having divorced myself from Islam a couple of years back but continued to struggle with a lot of resentment regarding current "theological" and cultural affairs, coming across this book parted some clouds in my mind. like Shi'sm was a revolutionary movement against both the Imperial Islam of the Muslim Dynasties and the rigid formalism of Islam's orthodox learned class, the Ulema. Bernard Lewis. A fascinating, accessible introduction to Islam from the author of the 1 New York Times bestseller Zealot Though it is the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded by ignorance and fear. More Details Michael B. Contrary to popular perception in the West, Islam is a religion firmly rooted in the prophetic traditions of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Revised Edition Paperbacks Books. This could use a little more parsing; I find it hard to believe that the Ulama is quite as univocal as that, even if it is as stultifying and traditionalist as he suggests. Because it immersed me in a religion I don't know in a compelling way, and gave me enough of a platform of information to perhaps start seeking other answers, and for that I'll overlook a lot. Preview — No god but God by Reza Aslan. The book goes into the many sects of Islam. Something that causes healthy babies to turn cold in their cribs. He was in a monogamous relationship with her until she died. This is especially remarkable given that some radical, fundamentalist sects have gained control of large sections of Islam due to historical circumstance, use of force and financial might yeah this means , and due to colonialism, "Christianizing" missions, financial incentives and internal struggles, there is a large sympathetic audience to some parts of this theology and its ultimate consequences. In fact the politics of doctrinal truth tends toward the elimination of all other politics as is clear in such apparently different cultures as that of Afghanistan and Alabama, or of and Washington D. Prophetic stories not supported by verses from Quran and hadiths to me are equivalent to fairy tales that are told by mouth. About the Author. Doctrinal faith is also inherently prone to fragmentation. Some people my age talk about how they remember watching it on the news in school or at home. And he grapples with the riddle of how Jesus understood himself, the mystery that is at the heart of all subsequent claims about his divinity. There is no such thing as a pagan creed or a pagan canon. Aslan weaves another major plot thread throughout this book, which is the idea that we are presently living in the age of the Islamic Reformation, and all the violence that we see is an internal struggle, not a "". Search form Search. Community Reviews. Psychology Paperback Books Revised Edition. Those relations whom he did gave positions were qualified for it. For many troubled Muslims, this book will feel like a revelation, an opening up of knowledge too long buried. What Aslan says is this: One need only regard the language with which political issues like abortion rights and gay marriage are debated in Congress to recognize that religion is to this day an integral part of the American national identity and patently the moral foundation for its Constitution, its laws, and its national customs. Fourteen hundred years of rabid debate over what it means to be a Muslim; of passionate arguments over the interpretation of the Qu'ran and the application of Islamic law; of tribal feuds, crusades and world wars- and Islam has finally begun its fifteenth century.