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MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: howers, 73°F (23°C) Tonight: Showers ending, 57°F (14°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, 76°F (24°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 123, umber 42 Cambridge, Massachusett 02139 Tuesday, September 23,2003 New Major in Bioengineering Pledge Numbers Even Prompted by Student Interest With wt Year's Rush By Shual Chen oped because of "interest on [the] molecular Kinetics and Cell By Angelln R. Baskaran and others received very few. part of the students" said Robert P. Dynamics, and Biological Instru- . The standard deviation in MIT plans to offer a new bio- Redwine, Dean of Undergraduate mentation and Measurement labo- Fraternity rush results have so pledges per fraternity increased dra- engineering major to students in the Education. ratory. Classes that are currently far been similar to last year's, but matically last year, as fraternity rush class of 2009. The major is current- Alexis R. DeSieno '05, the pres- offered 'and will also be in the bio- pledging is somewhat more unifonn occured during the school year for ly under development and will ident of the Biomedical Engineer- engineering core include Differen- across fraternities. the first time in more than 20 years. expand on the already-existing Bio- ing Society, said that "based on the tial Equations (18.03), Organic Fraternities have offered 422 The average number of pledges medical Engineering minor. Activities Midway, we had around Chemistry (5.12), Laboratory Fun- bids to 333 male students, according per fraternity is 10.0 so far this year, The major may be available to a hundred freshmen" express inter- damentals in Biological Engineer- to statistics provided by the Interfra- compared with 10.6 at the end of students in the class of 2008, though est in a future bioengineering ,ing (BE.109), and Statistical Ther- ternity Council.
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