S11580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 6, 1998 you just made in your comments. I un- of the once and combatants, Captain Soule steadfastly derstand that the intention of the Con- for all. refused to order his Company to open ference was that the children of all Somewhere along the banks of Sand fire. Captain Soule’s refusal allowed Customs Service employees would be Creek in Southeastern is a many, perhaps hundreds, of innocent eligible to attend the DOD school in killing field where many innocent and Arapaho to flee the Puerto Rico. The Conferees did not in- Cheyenne and Arapaho, many of my bloody killing field through his Compa- tend to limit this eligibility to a single ancestors, fell on the cold morning of ny’s line. category of Customs Service employee. November 29, 1864. On that day, in the While the Sand Creek Massacre was The Statement of Managers language month known by the Cheyenne and at first hailed as a great victory, Cap- in the Conference Report refers to Cus- Arapaho people as the Month of the tain Soule was determined to make the toms Agents. Some may interpret this Freezing Moon, this ground was sanc- horrific truth of the massacre known. to mean that only children of agents tified when the blood of hundreds of in- Even though he was jailed, intimi- were eligible to attend the DOD school. nocent Cheyenne and Arapaho women, dated, threatened, and even shot at, Mr. THURMOND. The Senator is cor- children and elderly noncombatants Soule refused to compromise himself rect in pointing this out. The term was needlessly and brutally spilt. and made his voice heard through re- ‘‘agent’’ in the Statement of Managers Once this sacred ground is located, I ports that reached all the way from is not used in the technical sense, but hope it will be acquired and preserved Colorado to Washington, and even to was intended to be a generic reference with honor and dignity and in a way the floor of the U.S. Senate. Even with to all Customs Service employees sta- that takes into account the concerns of the bloody carnage of the Civil War, tioned in Puerto Rico. the Cheyenne and Arapaho decedents of the brutal atrocities at Sand Creek Mr. GRASSLEY. I thank my col- those who died there. This ground shocked the nation. league for clarifying the intent of this should also be open to all people as a During hearings in , Captain provision. reminder of the national tragedy that Soule’s integrity and unwavering testi- f occurred at Sand Creek. mony turned the tide against the once On this special day, I would like to popular Chivington and the other men THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE take a moment to thank a few people who participated in the massacre and Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the who helped S. 1695 become law. I want mutilations at Sand Creek. Captain close of business yesterday, Monday, to thank my colleague from Colorado, Soule fully realized that telling the October 5, 1998, the federal debt stood Congressman BOB SCHAFFER, who in- truth about the massacre could cost at $5,527,218,225,445.49 (Five trillion, troduced the companion bill and shep- him his life, even telling a good friend five hundred twenty-seven billion, two herded this legislation through the that he fully expected to be killed for hundred eighteen million, two hundred House of Representatives. I also want his testimony. He was right. Walking twenty-five thousand, four hundred to thank Senator CRAIG THOMAS, who home with his new bride a short time forty-five dollars and forty-nine cents). as the Chairman of the National Parks later, Silas Soule was ambushed and Five years ago, October 5, 1993, the Subcommittee, was gracious and help- shot in the head by an assassin who federal debt stood at $4,407,913,000,000 ful in getting this bill through the Sen- had participated in the Sand Creek (Four trillion, four hundred seven bil- ate. Massacre. Silas Soule’s funeral, held lion, nine hundred thirteen million). I especially want to thank my friends just a few weeks after his wedding, was Ten years ago, October 5, 1988, the William Walksalong, Steve Brady and one of the most attended in Denver up federal debt stood at $2,621,612,000,000 Laird Cometsevah, who all spoke with until that time. (Two trillion, six hundred twenty-one such eloquence as witnesses during the While Captain Silas Soule’s name has billion, six hundred twelve million). March 24th, 1998, hearing on S. 1695, largely faded into history, he stands Fifteen years ago, October 5, 1983, the that many in the room, including my- out as one of the few bright rays of federal debt stood at $1,385,519,000,000 self, were deeply moved. I also want to light in the moral darkness that sur- (One trillion, three hundred eighty-five thank LaForce Lonebear who sent in rounds the Sand Creek Massacre. He billion, five hundred nineteen million). his testimony even though he could not should be remembered. Twenty-five years ago, October 5, attend the hearing. Finally, I want to Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the 1973, the federal debt stood at thank David Halaas of the Colorado floor. $458,006,000,000 (Four hundred fifty- State Historical Society and Roger f eight billion, six million) which re- Walke of the Congressional Research flects a debt increase of more than $5 Service for their dedication along the MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE trillion—$5,069,212,225,445.49 (Five tril- way. At 11:55 a.m., a message from the lion, sixty-nine billion, two hundred Many of these and other friends House of Representatives, delivered by twelve million, two hundred twenty- joined me at the White House earlier Mr. Hays, one of its reading clerks, an- five thousand, four hundred forty-five today as S. 1695 was signed into law. nounced that the House has passed the dollars and forty-nine cents) during the Finally, on this occasion I want to following bills, in which it requests the past 25 years. pay a long overdue tribute to one concurrence of the Senate: f young Coloradan, Captain Silas S. H.R. 563, An act to establish a toll free Soule, whose actions over one hundred number in the Department of Commerce to NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE STUDY and thirty years ago saved many inno- ACT OF 1998 assist consumers in determining if products cent Cheyenne and Arapaho lives on are American-made. Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. President, that fateful day at Sand Creek. H.R. 633. An act to amend the Foreign Tuesday, October 6, 1998, will always When Captain Soule, who was under Service Act of 1980 to provide that the annu- hold a spot dear to my heart. I hope Colonel Chivington’s command, heard ities of certain special agents and security that today will also be dear to the of Chivington’s plan to attack a peace- personnel of the Department of State be hearts of the Cheyenne and Arapaho computed in the same way as applies gen- ful Cheyenne and Arapaho winter en- erally with respect to Federal law enforce- people, dear to Coloradans, and dear to campment at Sand Creek, he vigor- ment officers, and for other purposes. Americans everywhere. ously tried to persuade Chivington to H.R. 1756. An act to amend chapter 53 of Today, S. 1695, the Sand Creek Mas- abandon the plan. However, Colonel title 31, Code, to require the sacre National Historic Site Study Act Chivington, who was known to say development and implementation by the of 1998, a bill I was proud to introduce, ‘‘Nits make Lice’’ as a justification for Secretary of the Treasury of a national was signed into law at a special White killing innocent Cheyenne and Arapaho money laundering and related financial House ceremony. Under this new law, women and children, could not be dis- crimes strategy to combat money laundering our nation takes a major step toward and related financial crimes, and for other suaded. purposes. honoring the memory of the many in- When Chivington ordered his men to H.R. 1833. An act to amend the Indian Self- nocent Cheyenne and Arapahoe people attack the peaceful Sand Creek en- Determination and Education Assistance Act massacred there by instructing the Na- campment, the vast majority of which to provide for further self-governance by In- tional Park Service to locate the site were women, children, and elderly non- dian tribes, and for other purposes. October 6, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11581 H.R. 2370. An act to amend the Organic Act Health Benefits Program, and for other sented to the President of the United of Guam to clarify local executive and legis- purposes. States, the following enrolled bill: lative provisions in such Act, and for other The message also announced that S. 414. An act to amend the Shipping Act of purposes. 1984 to encourage competition in inter- H.R. 2742. An act to provide for the transfer pursuant to clause 6(f) of rule X, the national shipping and growth of United of public lands to certain California Indian Chair removes Mr. CASTLE and Mr. States exports, and for other purposes. Tribes. SOUDER, as conferees on the bill (S. H.R. 2943. An act to amend title 5, United 2073) to authorize appropriations for f States Code, to increase the amount of leave the National Center for missing and REPORTS OF COMMITTEES time available to a Federal employee in any Exploited Children, and appoints Mr. The following reports of committees year in connection with serving as an organ RIGGS and Mr. GREENWOOD, to fill the were submitted: donor, and for other purposes. vacancies thereon. H.R. 3864. An act to designate the post of- By Mr. THOMPSON, from the Committee fice located at 203 West Paige Street, in ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED on Governmental Affairs, with an amend- Tompkinsville, Kentucky, as the ‘‘Tim Lee At 12:08 p.m., a message from the ment in the nature of a substitute: Carter Post Office Building.’’ House of Representatives, delivered by S. 1404: A bill to establish a Federal Com- H.R. 4000. An act to designate the United Mr. Hanrahan one of its reading clerks, mission on Statistical Policy to study the States Postal Service building located at 400 announced that the Speaker has signed reorganization of the Federal statistical sys- Edgmont Avenue, Chester, Pennsylvania, as the following enrolled bills. tem, to provide uniform safeguards for the the ‘‘Thomas M. Foglietta Post Office Build- confidentiality of information acquired for ing.’’ S. 414. An act to amend the Shipping Act of exclusively statistical purposes, and to im- H.R. 4001. An act to designate the United 1984 to encourage competition in inter- prove the efficiency of Federal statistical States Postal Service building located at national shipping and growth of United programs and the quality of Federal statis- 2601 North 16th Street, Philadelphia, Penn- States exports, and for other purposes. tics by permitting limited sharing of records sylvania, as the ‘‘Roxanne H. Jones Post Of- H.R. 3007. An act to establish the Commis- among designated agencies for statistical fice Building.’’ sion on the Advancement of Women and Mi- purposes under strong safeguards (Rept. No. H.R. 4005. An act to amend titles 18 and 31, norities in Sciences, Engineering, and Tech- 105–367). United States Code, to improve methods for nology Development Act. By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee preventing money laundering and other fi- H.R, 4068. An act to make certain correc- on Energy and Natural Resources: Report to nancial crimes, and for other purposes. tions in laws relating to Native Americans, accompany the bill (S. 2117) to authorize the H.R. 4148. An act to amend the Export and for other purposes. construction of the Perkins County Rural Apple and Pear Act to limit the applicability The enrolled bills were signed subse- Water System and authorize financial assist- of the act to apples. quently by the President pro tempore ance to the Perkins County Rural Water H.R. 4280. An act to provide for greater ac- (Mr. THURMOND). System, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, in the cess to child care services for Federal Em- planning and construction of the water sup- ployees. f ply system, and for other purposes (Rept. No. H.R. 4647. An act to amend the Agricul- 105–368). tural Trade Act of 1978 to require the Presi- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee dent to report to Congress on any selective RECEIVED DURING RECESS on Energy and Natural Resources: Report to embargo on agricultural commodities, to Under the authority of the order of accompany the bill (S. 744) to authorize the provide a termination date for the embargo, construction of the Fall River Water Users to provide greater assurances for contract the Senate of January 7, 1997, the Sec- retary of the Senate, on October 6, 1998, District Rural Water System and authorize sanctity, and for other purposes. financial assistance to the Fall River Water H.R. 4655. An act to establish a program to during the recess of the Senate, re- Users District, a non-profit corporation, in support a transition to democracy in Iraq. ceived a message from the House of the planning and construction of the water The message also announced that the Representatives announcing that supply system, and for other purposes (Rept. House has passed the following bill, House agrees to the report of the com- No. 105–369). without amendment. mittee of conference on the disagreeing By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Report to S. 314. An act to provide a process for iden- votes of the two Houses on the amend- accompany the bill (S. 736) to convey certain tifying the functions of the Federal Govern- ment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. real property within the Carlsbad Project in ment that are not inherently governmental 4194) making appropriations for the De- New Mexico to the Carlsbad Irrigation Dis- functions, and for other purposes. partments of Veterans Affairs and trict (Rept. No. 105–370). The message further announced that Housing and Urban Development, and By Mr. HATCH, from the Committee on the House agrees to the amendments of for sundry independent agencies, the Judiciary: Report to accompany the bill the Senate bill (H.R. 930) to require boards, commissions, corporations, and (S. 2151) to clarify Federal law to prohibit Federal employees to use Federal trav- offices for the fiscal year ending Sep- the dispensing or distribution of a controlled el charge cards for all payments of ex- tember 30, 1999, and for other purposes. substance for the purpose of causing, or as- penses of official Government travel, sisting in causing, the suicide, euthanasia, or f mercy killing of any individual (Rept. No. to amend title 31, United States Code, 105–371). to establish requirements for prepay- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE By Mr. MCCAIN, from the Committee on ment audits of Federal agency trans- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Commerce, Science, and Transportation, portation expenses, to authorize reim- At 5:57 p.m., a message from the with an amendment in the nature of a sub- bursement of Federal agency employ- stitute: House of Representatives, delivered by S. 2238: A bill to reform unfair and anti- ees for taxes incurred on travel or Mr. Hays, one of its reading clerks, an- transportation reimbursements, and to competitive practices in the professional nounced that the Speaker has signed boxing industry (Rept. No. 105–371). authorize test programs for the pay- the following enrolled bills: By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee ment of Federal employee travel ex- H.R. 4101. An act making appropriations on Energy and Natural Resources, with an penses and relocation expenses. for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food amendment in the nature of a substitute and The message also announced that the and Drug Administrations, and Related an amendment to the title: House agrees to the amendment of the Agencies programs of the fiscal year ending S. 2402: A bill to direct the Secretary of Senate to the bill (H.R. 1702) to encour- September 30, 1999, and for other purposes. Agriculture to convey certain lands in San age the development of a commercial H.R. 4103. An act making appropriations Juan County, New Mexico, to San Juan Col- for the Department of Defense for the fiscal lege. space industry in the United States, By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee and for other purposes, with an amend- year ending September 30, 1999, and for other purposes. on Energy and Natural Resources, with ment, in which it requests the concur- amendments and an amendment to the title: rence of the Senate. The enrolled bills were signed subse- S. 2413: A bill to provide for the develop- The message further announced that quently by the President pro tempore ment of a management plan for the Wood- the House agrees to the amendments of (Mr. THURMOND). land Lake Park tract in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in the State of Arizona re- the Senate to the bill (H.R. 1836) to f flecting the current use of the tract as a pub- amend chapter 89 of title 5, United ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED lic park. States Code, to improve administration By Mr. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee of sanctions against unfit health care The Secretary of the Senate reported on Energy and Natural Resources, without providers under the Federal Employees that on October 6, 1998, he had pre- amendment: