CRIME PREVENTION NCPLCs welcome new members. Police Service If you are interested in finding out more about your local NCPLC, or how to become a member or get your organization involved contact……

our website 31 Division and click on CPLC ,


Neighbourhood TPSlinks - Sign-Up for Police Alerts Receive phone, e-mail and text messages about EMERGENCY Community Police Liaison what’s happening in YOUR neighbourhood, 9 - 1 - 1 Committee including: Threats to School Safety, Emergency Incidents, Local people shaping local policing Missing Persons or Existing Amber Alerts. Instructions about what to do in an emergency, Police Non Emergency Road Closures or Community-Related 416 808-2222 information

Register on line at For more information regarding your Neighbourhood Community Liaison GET If you do not have access to a computer, just Committee stop by any Toronto Police Station to get a Please contact registration form or more information 31 Division at 416-808-3100 INVOLVED IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNITY POLICE LIAISON Visit our Website COMMITTEE (NCPLC) IN TORONTO

IT`S YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD KEEP IT SAFE Make a Habit of Using Practical Safety Working Together for Safer Communities Measures Every Day

Community Police Liaison City of Toronto identified Benefits of NCPLC Committees (CPLCs) allow Neighbourhoods within  Get to know your Neighbourhood 31 Division: Officers local people to discuss local  Ensure that your local officers know policing and crime issues with your concerns 1.  Get involved in crime prevention their Neighbourhood Police 2.  Help to reduce crime and anti social Officers. 3. Heights behaviour in your Neighbourhood  Co-hosting of events

4.  Training in crime prevention safety 5. Glenfield-Jane Heights audits 6. Downsview Roding CFB  Meeting your Neighbours  Identifying Neighbourhood resources 7. Pelmo Park Humberlea

NCPLCs ARE ESTABLISHED TO:  Encourage greater public participation in the identification An Outline Agenda and resolution of crime and disorder  Welcome  Assist in measures designed to  Minutes of last meeting and new business reduce the level of crime  Neighbourhood Policing Team report  Provide education, information  Questions to Neighbourhood Policing and practical assistance on crime Team prevention for the community  Discussion  Date of Next Meeting and location  Adjournment  Networking