Become a Homeopath Very Intuitive Approach and Was One of the Last Homeopaths Still Reper- Torizing Using Books Instead of Software

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Become a Homeopath Very Intuitive Approach and Was One of the Last Homeopaths Still Reper- Torizing Using Books Instead of Software Contents | Zoom in | Zoom outFor navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page Your Guide to Health through Homeopathy HomeopathyTODAY ContagionContagion Season!Season! Goodbye The Flu and You: What to Do Spare Tire, Hello Good Health Cut your risk of heart disease & diabetes in 2012 Healing for the Homeless Homeopathic Physician to the Queen A candid interview with Dr. Peter Fisher Open the Door to Insight A gift for all seasons Raise the Bar! Plan now for next April Winter 2011 • $4.95 NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOMEOPATHY Display until February 29, 2012 Contents | Zoom in | Zoom outFor navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Announcing a Great New Member Benefit Instructional Webinars Homeopathy at Home: An NCH Introductory Series Join us for a sound introduction to using homeopathy for you and your family! Each webinar is a stand-alone presentation about treating family members with a particular condition or group of conditions. Free for all members! Tuesday, March 13 8 p.m. EST Tuesday, April 10 Tuesday, May 8 Asthma & Allergies: 8 p.m. EST 8 p.m. EST Treating the Sneak Preview of the Homeopathy and Whole Person 7th Annual Conference Bone Health Homeopathically Kim Elia Miranda Castro, Pearlyn RSHom, CCH Pearlyn RSHom, CCH Webinar archives available at Goodman-Herrick, ND,DHANP,CHC Living Healthy JoinUs! Living Green (877)HOL-MOMS Photo: Sumayyah Simone qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Winter 2011 Volume 31, Number 4 ISSN: 0886-1676 Your Guide to Health through Homeopathy TODAY Featured Articles 16 16 A Gift for All Seasons: The Homeopathic Interview Opens doors to insight & understanding—heals sciatica, itching & more by Pearlyn Goodman-Herrick, ND, DHANP 24 Safe Haven & Healing for the Homeless Mission Neighborhood Resource Center, San Francisco, CA by Renita Herrmann 32 Battle the Bulge & Get Healthy! 24 A Whole Person Approach to Metabolic Syndrome: hypertension, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, & obesity by Amy Rothenberg, ND, DHANP 8 Homeopathic Research Matters An Interview with Dr. Peter Fisher: Researcher, Editor, & Homeopathic Physician to the Queen 12 Herrick receives Honorary Doctoral Degree at American Medical College of Homeopathy 13 In Memory • Beth Rotondo • July 31, 1955–August 15, 2011 32 14 Raising the Bar • The Joint American Homeopathic Conference April 20–22, 2012 • Washington, DC area 22 Great Expectations: Can homeopathy really deliver “miracles”? 26 The Martial Artist Who Couldn’t Stop Fighting 31 Cosmetic Procedure Gone Awry 38 Contagion Season! The Flu & You 42 Book Review—Homeopathy: A Manual for Mothers DEPARTMENTS 5 WHAT IS HOMEOPATHY? 6 FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 12 LETTERS 21 IN THE NEWS 44 CONTRIBUTIONS 46 CALENDAR OF EVENTS • Homeopathy TODAY Winter 2011 qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Join Homeopathy NCH! TODAY The National Center for Homeopathy is an open Get Exclusive Member membership organization that supports and promotes the cause of homeopathy in the United Benefits! is published quarterly by the National Center for States through: • educating about homeopathy • pub- Homeopathy, a not-for-profit membership licizing the effectiveness and therapeutic benefits of ̈ Homeopathy Today Online organization. Please direct inquiries to: homeopathy • supporting legalization of the practice National Center for Homeopathy of homeopathy and ensuring that access to homeo- & Searchable 101 South Whiting Street, Suite 315 pathic medicines is protected • serving as a unifying • Access 12 years of back issues Alexandria, VA 22304 force for all who are interested in homeopathy. • Find the exact info you need 24/7 Phone: 703-548-7790 Board of Directors Fax: 703-548-7792 • Email articles to friends, relatives Toll-free: 877-624-0613 President ̈ NCH e-Newsletter 11 a.m.–4 p.m., EST Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA) [email protected] Belle Harbor, NY Get timely updates, community news Vice President 12 times/year For advertising information and rates: Joseph Lillard, Jr. ̈ Cynde Singer Berkeley Springs, WV Remedy & Symptom [email protected] Secretary Database Online Editorials, articles, and letters appearing in Ann E. Jerome, PhD, CCH, RSHom(NA) Search Clarke’s, Boericke’s, Kent’s Homeopathy Today do not necessarily reflect Deland, FL Materia Medica the opinions or policies of the National Center Treasurer for Homeopathy or its Board of Directors. ̈ Monthly Chats & Webinars Inclusion of an advertisement does not consti- Jean Hoagland tute an endorsement of the advertiser, product, Mount Dora, FL Chat online with expert homeo paths, or service. Edward Conway, MBA 2nd Tuesday of month Information offered in Homeopathy Today is Delmar, NY ̈ Practitioner Directory for educational purposes and is not intended to Molly Punzo, MD replace the individualized attention of a quali- East New Market, MD & Resource Guide fied healthcare professional. Homeopathic self- Access up-to-date info online care can be appropriate for simple first-aid or Tina Quirk, RN, MS, PCH acute illness. Those with more serious or New York, NY ̈ Valuable Discounts on Products chronic illness should seek the services of a Director Emeritus competent healthcare professional. J.P. Borneman & Services We welcome articles, letters, and reviews Bryn Mawr, PA Enjoy savings on Vegetarian Times pertaining to homeopathy. We reserve the right Ex Officio magazine • Ecobags • Wholesome to edit or decline submissions. For more infor- Ed Field Harvest • Group Source Travel • mation, please see the writer’s guidelines at Monticello, NY Email sub- Organic Gift Shop • USA Florist • missions preferred, sent to: info@National - Office Staff NCH Store • many more Executive Director ̈ A Strong Voice for Increased Subscriptions: $55 per year (outside Sharon Stevenson US/Canada $75). Includes NCH membership, Access to Homeopathic online searchable access to Homeopathy Stephanie Bautista Today archives, monthly NCH e-Newsflash, Mary Cutts Health Care online Practitioner Directory & Resource Cynde Singer Support NCH’s efforts to make Guide, online searchable remedy & symptom Editorial Staff homeopathy accessible to the database, discounts, and more. Managing Editor public • train consumers & Call toll-free: 1-877-624-0613 Mitzi Lebensorger practitioners • inform legislators, Subscribe online: Editorial Associate insurers, and the media Ann E. Jerome E-mail: Editorial Assistant Act [email protected] Teresa Kramer NOW! ©2011 National Center for Homeopathy. All Production Complete the card in this magazine rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part Serelda Elliot or visit without permission is prohibited. Editorial Advisor Homeopathy is a safe effective system of Miranda Castro or natural medicine used by millions of people Editor, NCH e-Newsletter Call toll-free 877-624-0613! worldwide for more than 200 years to achieve Kristy Lampe wellness. The medicines are prepared from natural sources, are nontoxic, and are recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- istration. There are hundreds of peer-reviewed basic science, pre-clinical, and clinical studies supporting homeopathy. Learn more at 4 Homeopathy TODAY • Winter 2011 qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qmags THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Homeo-Speak acute illness: A condition that is usually brief in duration and self- limiting; that is, either the illness runs its course or the patient dies—as opposed to chronic illness that usually develops more slowly, lasts indef- initely, results in deterioration of health, and does not resolve without What is homeopathy? some sort of healing intervention. Examples: acute illness—colds, flu, ear infections; chronic illness—arthritis, hyper tension, diabetes. omeopathy is a safe, effective system of natural medicine, characteristic symptom: a symptom of an unusual nature—strange, used by millions of people worldwide for more than 200 rare, peculiar—that gives the case a pronounced individ uality (i.e., “characterizes” the case). For example, chilliness with desire for ice Hyears to achieve wellness. Homeopathic medicines are pre- cold drinks, or dizziness that is better from motion. Such a symptom pared from natural sources, are used in extremely small amounts, often points directly to the curative remedy. and are recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. chronic illness: (See acute illness.) They are non-toxic and, when properly administered,
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