Daily Current Affairs 9th May DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS Daily Current Affairs 1. Which is first state in country to provide mid-day meal ration ? म"ा$ भोजन राशन +दान करने वाला देश का पहला रा3 कौन सा है? a. UP b. MP c. J&K d. HP e. UK

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 1. Which is first state in country to provide mid-day meal ration ? म"ा$ भोजन राशन +दान करने वाला देश का पहला रा3 कौन सा है? a. UP b. MP c. J&K d. HP e. UK

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 2. The AYUSH Sanjivani App has been developed by which of the following ministry? आयुष संजीवनी ऐप >न?@लAखत मD से >कस मंEालय Fारा GवकHसत >कया गया है? a. MHA b. MHRD c. MeiTY d. MOSPI e. Ministry of Agriculture

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 2. The AYUSH Sanjivani App has been developed by which of the following ministry? आयुष संजीवनी ऐप >न?@लAखत मD से >कस मंEालय Fारा GवकHसत >कया गया है? a. MHA b. MHRD c. MeiTY d. MOSPI e. Ministry of Agriculture

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs

3. Which of the following has launched a Compendium of Indian Technologies to tackle COVID-19 pandemic? >न?@लAखत मD से >कसने COVID-19 महामारी से >नपटने के @लए भारतीय +ौLोGग>कयM का

एक संNह शुO >कया है? a. CCMB b. CSIR, Delhi c. CSIR, Durgapur d. DRDO e. National Research Development Corporation

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs

3. Which of the following has launched a Compendium of Indian Technologies to tackle COVID-19 pandemic? >न?@लAखत मD से >कसने COVID-19 महामारी से >नपटने के @लए भारतीय +ौLोGग>कयM का

एक संNह शुO >कया है? a. CCMB b. CSIR, Delhi c. CSIR, Durgapur d. DRDO e. National Research Development Corporation

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs

4. What is the name of ’s biggest evacuation exercise since 1990? 1990 के बाद से भारत के सबसे बड़े >नकासी अSास का नाम Tा है? a. Kisan Sabha b. Samudra Shakti c. Vande Bharat d. Operation Sanjeevani e. Operation Vanilla

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs

4. What is the name of India’s biggest evacuation exercise since 1990? 1990 के बाद से भारत के सबसे बड़े >नकासी अSास का नाम Tा है? a. Kisan Sabha b. Samudra Shakti c. Vande Bharat d. Operation Sanjeevani e. Operation Vanilla

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 5. According to the “Impact of Energy Efficiency Measures, 2018-19” report, how much billion units of electricity has india saved in 2018-19? "ऊजाV दWता उपायM के +भाव, 2018-19" YरपोटV के अनुसार, भारत मD 2018-19 मD >कतनी

Zब@लयन यू>नट Zबजली क\ बचत ^ई है? a. 108 b. 113 c. 151.74 d. 21 e. 109

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 5. According to the “Impact of Energy Efficiency Measures, 2018-19” report, how much billion units of electricity has india saved in 2018-19? "ऊजाV दWता उपायM के +भाव, 2018-19" YरपोटV के अनुसार, भारत मD 2018-19 मD >कतनी

Zब@लयन यू>नट Zबजली क\ बचत ^ई है? a. 108 b. 113 c. 151.74 d. 21 e. 109

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 6. Where are the HQ of UNEP? a. Singapore b. Nairobi c. Beijing d. Kathmandu e. New Delhi

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 6. Where are the HQ of UNEP? a. Singapore b. Nairobi c. Beijing d. Kathmandu e. New Delhi

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 7. Al Kadhimi has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of which of the following country? अल कदीमी को >न?@लAखत मD से >कस देश के नए +धानमंEी के Oप मD >नयुa >कया गया है? a. Iran b. Iraq c. Bahrain d. Kuwait e. Qatar

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 7. Al Kadhimi has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of which of the following country? अल कदीमी को >न?@लAखत मD से >कस देश के नए +धानमंEी के Oप मD >नयुa >कया गया है? a. Iran b. Iraq c. Bahrain d. Kuwait e. Qatar

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 8. Rob Gibbs has recently passed away, he was associated with which of the following? रोब Gगb का हाल ही मD >नधन हो गया है, वह >न?@लAखत मD से >कसके साथ जुड़े थे? a. Football b. Films c. Politics d. Journalism e. Poetry

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 8. Rob Gibbs has recently passed away, he was associated with which of the following? रोब Gगb का हाल ही मD >नधन हो गया है, वह >न?@लAखत मD से >कसके साथ जुड़े थे? a. Football b. Films c. Politics d. Journalism e. Poetry

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 9. ‘Mukhyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana’ has been launched in which of the following state? मुdमंEी योगी योगायोग योजना ’>न? मD से >कस रा3 मD शुO क\ गई है? a. Assam b. Arunachal Pradesh c. Tripura d. WB e. Uttar Pradesh

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 9. ‘Mukhyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana’ has been launched in which of the following state? मुdमंEी योगी योगायोग योजना ’>न? मD से >कस रा3 मD शुO क\ गई है? a. Assam b. Arunachal Pradesh c. Tripura d. WB e. Uttar Pradesh

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 10. “Vesak”, the Day of Full Moon is observed on - a. 8th May b. 7th May c. 1st May d. 3rd May e. 5th May

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 10. “Vesak”, the Day of Full Moon is observed on - a. 8th May b. 7th May c. 1st May d. 3rd May e. 5th May

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 11. Which of the following gas has leaked in a LG Polymers plant in Visakhapatnam? Gवशाखापeनम मD एलजी पॉ@लमर संयंE मD >न?@लAखत मD से कौन सी गैस लीक ^ई है? a. Natural Gas b. methyl isocyanate gas c. Sarin Gas d. Ethylene e. Styrene Gas

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 11. Which of the following gas has leaked in a LG Polymers plant in Visakhapatnam? Gवशाखापeनम मD एलजी पॉ@लमर संयंE मD >न?@लAखत मD से कौन सी गैस लीक ^ई है? a. Natural Gas b. methyl isocyanate gas c. Sarin Gas d. Ethylene e. Styrene Gas

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 12. WE CARE Deposit Scheme has been launched by which of the following bank? WE CARE Gडपॉ@जट h\म >न?@लAखत मD से >कस बiक Fारा शुO क\ गई है? a. Axis Bank b. ICICI Bank c. SBI d. KVGB e. Yes Bank

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 12. WE CARE Deposit Scheme has been launched by which of the following bank? WE CARE Gडपॉ@जट h\म >न?@लAखत मD से >कस बiक Fारा शुO क\ गई है? a. Axis Bank b. ICICI Bank c. SBI d. KVGB e. Yes Bank

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 13. Which committee recommended the abolition of posts in the Military Engineering Services? >कस सGमGत ने सैj इंजी>नयYरl ग सेवाm मD पदM के उnूलन क\ HसफाYरश क\? a. Tapan Ray b. Surjit Bhalla c. Vinod Paul d. D.B. Shekatkar e. Amit Khare

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 13. Which committee recommended the abolition of posts in the Military Engineering Services? >कस सGमGत ने सैj इंजी>नयYरl ग सेवाm मD पदM के उnूलन क\ HसफाYरश क\? a. Tapan Ray b. Surjit Bhalla c. Vinod Paul d. D.B. Shekatkar e. Amit Khare

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 14. The Factory working hours in Madhya Pradesh has been extended by how many hours? म" +देश मD काम करने के घंटे >कतने घंटे बढ़ाए गए हi? a. 8 b. 12 c. 4 d. 72 e. 14

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 14. The Factory working hours in Madhya Pradesh has been extended by how many hours? म" +देश मD काम करने के घंटे >कतने घंटे बढ़ाए गए हi? a. 8 b. 12 c. 4 d. 72 e. 14

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 15. What is the charge to be paid by the Stranded Indians on-board of naval ships under Mission Samudra Shakti? Gमशन समुr शsa के तहत नौसेना के जहाजM मD फंसे भारतीयM Fारा भुगतान >कया जाने वाला

शुt Tा है? ($) a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 e. 50

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 15. What is the charge to be paid by the Stranded Indians on-board of naval ships under Mission Samudra Shakti? Gमशन समुr शsa के तहत नौसेना के जहाजM मD फंसे भारतीयM Fारा भुगतान >कया जाने वाला

शुt Tा है? ($) a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 e. 50

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 16. In which of the following tiger reserve, the tiger population has increased to 96? >न?@लAखत मD से >कस बाघ reserve मD बाघ क\ आबादी बढ़कर 96 हो गई है? a. Amangarh b. Dudhwa c. Bandhavgarh d. Sunderbans e. Similipal

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 16. In which of the following tiger reserve, the tiger population has increased to 96? >न?@लAखत मD से >कस बाघ reserve मD बाघ क\ आबादी बढ़कर 96 हो गई है? a. Amangarh b. Dudhwa c. Bandhavgarh d. Sunderbans e. Similipal

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 17. Which of the following is a state animal of Assam? a. OX b. One-Horned Rhino c. Great Indian Bustard d. Cheetah e. Asiatic Lion

https://gradeup.co/ Daily Current Affairs 17. Which of the following is a state animal of Assam? a. OX b. One-Horned Rhino c. Great Indian Bustard d. Cheetah e. Asiatic Lion

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Current Affairs Analysis (9th May) DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS

National Current Affairs Times of India

Road Construction set at 15 lakh crore (सड़क >नमाVण 15 लाख करोड़)

Society of Indian Automobile target of constructing roads worth Rs Manufacturers Meet 15 lakh crore in the next two years

”Global Energy Review 2020” 50% decline in car sales in India.

Ministry of MSME Pratap Chandra Sarangi

SIAM Rajan Wadhera

https://gradeup.co/ Economic Times

Defence Minister inaugurates link road for Kailash Mansarovar (रWा मंEी ने कैलाश मानसरोवर के @लए @लl क रोड का उvाटन >कया)

80km Road Link connecting (China Border) with Dharchula in Uttarakhand Constructed by BRO

Border Roads Organisation Lt. Gen.Harpal Sing

https://gradeup.co/ Important Passes

Banihal Pass, Jammu and Kashmir

Bomdila, Diphu Arunachal Pradesh

Changla, Khardungla, Ladakh (Leh & Changthang)

Debsa Pass, Kunzum, Rohtang, Shipki Himachal Pradesh la Dongkhala, Goecha, Sikkim

Dhumdhar Kandi, Lipulekh Uttarakhand

Palakkad Gap

https://gradeup.co/ Economic Times

AIIB approves $500 mn loan to India (AIIB ने भारत को $ 500 Gम@लयन ऋण xीकृत >कया)

$500 million COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project’

Co-Financing World Bank

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Beijing,78, Jin Liqun

https://gradeup.co/ PIB

National Land Management Corporation

Suggested By Task Force on National Infrastructure Pipeline

National Land Management monetize state-owned surplus lands (रा3 Corporation के xाGमz वाली अHधशेष भूGम का मुrीकरण)

https://gradeup.co/ DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS

Business & Economy The Hindu Business Line

Moody’s slashes India’s GDP growth to zero in FY 21 (मूडीज ने Gवe वषV 21 मD भारत क\ जीडीपी वृ@{ शूj कर दी है)

2021-22 6.6%

Rating ‘Baa2’ with ‘Negative’ Outlook

Baa2 moderate credit risk

https://gradeup.co/ Economic Times

Vista Equity Partners to buy 2.32% stake in Jio Platforms (Jio |ेटफाम} मD 2.32% >ह~ेदारी खरीदने के @लए Gवा इ€टी पाटVनसV)

Vista Equity Partners 11,367 crore

Vista Equity Partners 5th largest enterprise software company in the world.

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Science And Technology JNCASR invent low-cost photo detector for security (JNCASR ने सुरWा के @लए कम लागत वाले फोटो Gडटे‚र का आGवƒार


Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for economical and energy efficient wafer- Advanced Scientific Researcher scale photo detector

rapid response time 40 micro seconds

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Important Days First Post

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day 2020

Occasion birth anniversary of Henry Dunant the founder of International Committee of the Red Cross Born 8th May, 1828

first Red Cross Day 1948

International Committee of the Red Peter Maurer, Geneva Cross

https://gradeup.co/ First Post

World Thalassaemia Day 2020 : 8th May

Theme The dawning of a new era for thalassaemia: Time for a global effort to make novel therapies accessible and affordable to patients First Observed 1994 (WHO)

Thalassaemia inherited blood disorder that causes your body to have less haemoglobin than normal. (Gवरासत मD Gमला रa Gवकार जो आपके शरीर को सामाj से कम हीमो„ोZबन का कारण बनता है)

https://gradeup.co/ May 8-9: Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those who Lost their Lives during Second World War

May 8-9 declared in 2004

Also Called Victory in Europe Day

https://gradeup.co/ DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS

State News News On Air

U.P. launches ‘Pravasi Raahat Mitra’ app (Uttar Pradesh : ‘+वासी रहत GमE' ऐप)

‘Pravasi Raahat Mitra’ Migrant Workers (United Nation)

Recent App Ayush Kawach App

In News UP becomes first state to provide facility of beds with ventilators in each district

https://gradeup.co/ News On Air

Netravali Sanctuary

Netravali Sanctuary Black Panther ()

Black Panther reserves Periyar Tiger Reserve (Kerala), Bhadra Tiger Reserve, Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve and Kabini Wildlife Sanctuary () Achanakmar Tiger Reserve (Chhattisgarh) Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary (Goa) Mudumalai Tiger Reserve ()

https://gradeup.co/ DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS

International UN

Global Humanitarian Response Plan By UN (संयुa रा Fारा वै†‡क मानवीय +GतGˆया योजना) Global Humanitarian Response $6.7 billion support

Countries Covered 54 countries

New Countries added Liberia, Djibouti, Pakistan, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Philippines, Zimbabwe and Togo.

https://gradeup.co/ Business Standard

Oxford University launches Stringency Index (ऑŠफोडV यू>नवHस‹ टी ने ŒŽगDसी इं डेŠ लॉ >कया)

Stringency Index shows how strict a country’s measures were and at what stage of the Covid-19 spread, Scale 0-100

India’s Score 100

Meeting WHO Recommendations (0.9) Highest *Iceland, Hong Kong, Croatia and Trinidad & Tobago*

https://gradeup.co/ Indian Express

Four Hospitals to Join WHO Solidarity Trial (WHO सॉ@लडैYरटी ायल मD शाGमल हMगे चार अताल) Four Indian Hospitals Jodhpur,Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bhopal

Solidarity Trial Multi-country clinical study for treatment of corona virus COVID 19 Solidarity response Fund Accelerate Development of Vaccines

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The Hindu (9th May) Page 1

https://gradeup.co/ Page 15

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KNOW YOUR STATE Bihar Capital Patna Districts 38 Governor Phagu Chauhan C.M. Nitish Kumar

Festivals Navratri,Chhath, Teej,Bihula,Vikram Shila, GI Tags Madhubani Paintings,Sujuni Embroidery, Bhagalpur Silk State Symbols Animal - Ox, Bird- Sparrow, Flower - Marigold Historical Sites Bodh Gaya, Nalanda, Vaishali, Munger, Golhar Bird Sanctuaries Kanwar Lake

World Heritage Sites Mahabodhi Temple,

National Park Valmiki

Tiger Reserve Valmiki Tiger Reserve https://gradeup.co/ DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS

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