Apidologie 40 (2009) 332–346 Available online at: c INRA/DIB-AGIB/EDP Sciences, 2009 www.apidologie.org DOI: 10.1051/apido/2009012 Review article

Diversity, threats and conservation of native in the Neotropics*

Breno M. Freitas1,VeraLúciaImperatriz-Fonseca2,LuisM.Medina3, Astrid de Matos Peixoto Kleinert2, Leonardo Galetto4, Guiomar Nates-Parra5, J. Javier G. Quezada-Euan´ 3

1 Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Zootecnia – CCA, Campus do Pici, CP 12168 Fortaleza, CE 60.021-970, 2 Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo 05508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 3 Departamento de Apicultura, Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Apartado Postal 4-116 Mérida Yucatán CP 97100, Mexico 4 IMBIV (UNC - CONICET), Departamento de Diversidad Biologica y Ecologia, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, CC 495, 5000, Cordoba, 5 Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

Received 30 October 2008 – Revised 19 December 2008 – Accepted 30 January 2009

Abstract – The Neotropics fauna is very rich with 5000 recognised species, including 33 genera (391 species) of Meliponini, but it is estimated to be at least three fold greater in species richness. Deforestation, agriculture intensification and introduction/spread of exotic competing bee species are considered the main threats to most indigenous species, although other less obvious causes can affect the populations of some bee species locally. Efforts to conserve the native bee fauna include better knowledge of bee richness and diversity (standardized surveys, larger bee collections and appropriate identification of bee species) and of their population dynamics, raising of public and policy makers’ awareness, commercial applications of bee products and services such as pollination and preservation of natural habitat.

Apoidea / bee biodiversity / Central America / / conservation /

1. BEE RICHNESS IN THE nomina nuda; and the existence of many ar- NEOTROPICS eas/regions poorly sampled from where figures on bee richness are certainly low. It is well recognized that the Neotropics The recent publication of Moure’s cata- bears a rich bee fauna (Moure et al., 2007). logue (Moure et al., 2007), the most com- However, obtaining precise figures of this rich- prehensive work of the Neotropical Apoidea ness is not easy due to a series of reasons such so far, has compiled most information avail- as the spread of this information in thousands able and presented reliable data on numbers of papers, books, dissertations and thesis; the and the geographic distribution of bee species. lack of accurate information on valid names, The catalogue presents 5000 valid bee species synonymy, homonymy, misidentifications and names but estimates an astonishing total num- ber of 15 150 bee species in the Neotropics, Corresponding author: B.M. Freitas, implying that all data available up to date on [email protected] bee diversity in the region represents less than * Manuscript editor: Mark Brown a third of actual species richness (Tab. I).

Article published by EDP Sciences Bee status in the Neotropics 333

Table I. Number of Neotropical bee species by country. Numbers in brackets are the estimated total number of species using the equation: y = 0.2889x + 1.2108; r2 = 0.984, where y = estimated total number of species.

Country Total Andreninae Apinae Colletinae Halictinae Megachilinae Anguilla 1 – 1 – – – Argentina 1021 [1183] 106 385 139 104 287 Bahamas 20 [256] – 6 1 9 4 Barbados 9 – 5 – – 4 Belize 30 [296] – 26 – 2 2 Bermuda 2 – – – 1 1 487 [904] 1 248 52 75 111 Brazil 1678 [1633] 82 913 104 251 328 Cayman Islands 1 – – – – 1 Chile 409 [812] 60 83 142 57 67 Colombia 398 [914] 9 262 23 64 40 Costa Rica 416 [372] – 253 21 86 56 Cuba 82 [466] – 36 6 23 17 Dominica 16 – 9 – 3 4 Dominican Republic 27 [367] – 10 1 6 10 Ecuador 305 [611] – 194 22 46 43 59 [288] – 42 2 10 5 French Guiana 163 [439] - 135 3 14 11 Grenada 11 – 8 – 2 1 Guadeloupe 11 – 9 – – 2 216 [464] 4 142 13 34 23 Guyana 220 [564] – 160 7 27 26 Haiti 27 [312] – 15 – 8 4 Honduras 175 [468] 10 116 6 19 24 Jamaica 52 [239] – 24 5 10 13 Martinique 5 – 3 – – 2 Mexico Neotropical 916 167 400 63 131 155 México whole country* 1800 Montserrat 8 – 6 – – 2 52 [488] 2 45 1 3 1 Panama 390 [417] 4 249 18 74 45 478 [679] 24 208 42 87 117 Peru 592 [946] 5 319 60 122 86 Puerto Rico 29 [225] – 12 – 10 7 Saba & Sint Eustatius 2 – 2 – – – Saint Kitts and Neves Islands 3 – 2 – 1 – Saint Lucia 2 – 2 – – – Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy 2 – 2 – – – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 37 – 15 1 16 5 Suriname 85 [522] – 80 1 2 Trinidad and Tobago 77 [192] – 57 3 5 12 Uruguay 74 [532] 4 41 3 15 11 Venezuela 232 [857] 1 185 15 25 6 Virgin Islands 4 – 1 – 1 2 Source: Moure et al. (2007). * According to Ayala et al. (1996). 334 B.M. Freitas et al.

1.1. Mexico and Central America et al.’s (2007) table on the number of Neotrop- ical bee species by country, including also the The apifauna of Mexico and Panama is estimates based on Ayala et al. (1993), Maes probably the best studied of the countries that (1993)andAyala(2006) of the whole of Mex- form the Mesoamerica region. Unfortunately, ico (Tab. I). data on the bee fauna in other countries of Central America are scarce, and sampling ef- forts have only recently started in Guatemala 1.2. South America (Enriquez et al., 2003). Mexico is considered to have intermediate Like in many other parts of the world, the bee richness between that of the United States apifauna of South America has been under- (ca. 4000) and those in countries from Cen- studied. There have been few surveys in most tral America (ca. 600) probably as a result countries and where they do exist, such as of its position in which elements of Neartic, in Brazil, Argentina and Colombia, they are Mesoamerican and Neotropical origins are not evenly distributed, tending to concentrate combined (Tab. I; Ayala et al., 1993). Within in some regions and leaving others uninves- México, there are striking differences; the arid tigated. In Brazil, for example, we found 84 and semiarid regions of the north represent surveys carried out in 130 different localities, some of the richest bee faunas in the world but 16 out of them were in 25 sites only in whilst the Yucatan Peninsula and the high- the state of São Paulo. In contrast, the North lands above 3000 m seem to be relatively region of Brazil remains unsampled and few species poor (Ayala et al., 1993). However, surveys have been made in the Central-West these patterns have been considered tenta- region. These two regions together cover ap- tive since most regions apart from the north- proximately 4 700 000 km2, representing more ern border of Mexico with the United States than 50% of the Brazilian territory and include have been scarcely surveyed, so the number important and extensive biomes such as the of species may well be above 2000. For in- Amazon rainforest and the tropical wetland of stance, in the Yucatan Peninsula, a recent study the Pantanal Matogrossense. Presently, Brazil in the biosphere of Sian Ka’an, in the state of has 1678 valid species names for bees (Moure Quintana Roo has revealed the presence of 74 et al., 2007). bee species (Roubik et al., 1991) and a sur- Besides uneven sampling, the lack of a vey across the state of Yucatan reported 140 standardized methodology and type of data species and the first report of Colletidae (50% collected are important constraints to a com- more species than were reported in previous parison among surveys, but Silveira et al. surveys; Contreras-Acosta, 1998). (2002) point out that the appropriate identi- The most comprehensive reports of the bee fication of bee species is the major limita- richness of Mexico and Central America are tion. This is why the great majority of studies those of Ayala et al. (1993), Maes (1993)and have solely undertaken general comparisons Ayala (2006). From these studies, the estima- based on species richness of Apoidea fami- tions for the bee fauna of Mexico are of 8 fam- lies found within distinct areas of the same ilies, 144 genera and ca. 1800 species. Four biome (e.g. Silveira and Campos, 1995)or bee genera and eight subgenera are endemic. among biomes within the same geographic re- The greatest number of species has been found gion (e.g. Jamhour and Laroca, 2004), mak- in the following genera: Centris, Deltoptila, ing clear the urgent need of a synthesis of Exomalopsis, Mesoxaca, Peponapis and Pro- this accumulated knowledge. Some attempts toxea. Yet Moure’s catalogues (Moure et al., have been made by Pinheiro-Machado et al. 2007) did not include bee species in Northern (2002), for instance, who reviewed 46 surveys states of Mexico, considering them as belong- made in Brazil, presenting information related ing to the Neartic fauna. From this point of only to species richness of Apoidea families view, Mexico would have 916 bee species of in different biomes. Biesmeijer et al. (2005) the Neotropical fauna. Here, we present Moure synthesized data from eusocial from Bee status in the Neotropics 335

27 surveys, making a presence/absence ma- and agriculture expansion are the main causes trix to analyze interactions patterns and the of deforestation. Removal of native vegeta- influence of factors such as altitude, latitude tion affects bee populations basically through and habitat. Biesmeijer and Slaa (2006)also the loss/change of floral resources and nesting compared data from 28 Brazilian bee surveys sites (Kremen et al., 2004). in order to explain patterns of species rich- The Amazon rainforest is the largest ex- ness, niche width and association among taxa panse of forest in the world (5.5 million of eusocial Apidae. These difficulties bring km2) and is located to the north of the South much discrepancy: in Colombia Nates-Parra American continent, being shared by 9 coun- (2005) reports approximately 600 identified tries: Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colom- bee species to the country, but Moure’s cata- bia, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana and logue (Moure et al., 2007) recognizes only 398 Guiana. Presently, the Amazon rainforest suf- valid names, although estimates around 900 fers the highest rates of deforestation in the species in Colombia. Americas. The largest part of it is located in The Meliponini tribe (: Ap- Brazil (60%) and covers almost half of that idae), eusocial bees native to the New country. Brazil is also there where deforesta- World, exhibit remarkable bee richness in tion has been most intense; 756 km2 of for- the Neotropics. They form perennial colonies, est were cleared in August 2008 alone, an area which inhabit most of the tropical Ameri- much larger than Singapore (641 km2), for cas, ranging from the lowlands of Mexico to example. From January to August 2008 de- the northwest of Argentina and Montevideo, forestation in Brazil amounted to 5.681 km2 Uruguay, including some Caribbean islands, (INPE, 2008). According to the Brazilian Na- from sea level to altitudes up to 4000 m in the tional Institute of Space Research (INPE) and Bolivian Andes (Camargo and Pedro, 2007). the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 17.1% of the According to Camargo and Pedro (2007), there Brazilian Amazon rainforest had been cleared are 33 exclusively Neotropical valid genera to date (WWF, 2008). Fearnside (2008)has of Meliponini, including one recently extinct identified the reasons for the intense deforesta- species and a total of 391 valid species names. tion of Amazonia. Wood extraction, cattle pas- ture and, more recently, expansion of soybean plantations towards the North of the Brazil 2. THREATS TO BEES IN THE are the main causes of deforestation. In other NEOTROPICS South American countries, clearing of land for agriculture is more prevalent (WWF, 2008). There are many threats to native bees in the Like in the Amazon rainforest, the cer- Neotropics, all directly or indirectly related to rado vegetation of Central Brazil, which in- human activities such as habitat fragmentation cludes the tropical wetland of the Pantanal and habitat loss, unsustainable hunting, Matogrossense, is being rapidly replaced by biological invasions, and intensive use of her- grassland and soybean plantations. Recently bicides and pesticides. However, these threats Morton et al. (2006) and Souza (2006)used can be pooled into three major categories: de- satellite images to demonstrate fast cerrado de- forestation, agriculture intensification and in- forestation and the land use after deforesta- troduction/spread of exotic species tion. The effects on the bee fauna both in the Amazon rainforest as well in the cerrado in a short span of time can only be roughly esti- 2.1. Deforestation mated, but predictions for the future are poten- tially catastrophic because they cover large ar- Neotropical ecosystems along with those eas, including complete river drainage systems from Southeast Asia (Oldroyd and Nanork, and impact global carbon and water cycles, 2009) are among the most strongly impacted energy balance and climate (Goudie, 2001; by deforestation. Logging, firewood gathering, WWF, 2008). These are the regions least sam- charcoal production, clearing for cattle pasture pled in Brazilian bee collections and many bee 336 B.M. Freitas et al.

Table II. Average amount of forest reduction per year in Mexico and Central America (FAO, 2003).

Country Hectares per year % of total forest lost per year Costa Rica 18 000 0.73% El Salvador 5100 1.36% Guatemala 54 000 1.14% Nicaragua 99 900 1.53% Honduras 195 900 2.65% México 347 600 0.50% species are probably still to be discovered and of Hymenoptera in fragmented and continuous described. There is the imminent risk of losing forest for two consecutive years (Galetto et al., bee species before their discovery. 2007). A common pattern for these two Chaco In the Americas, the regions with the sec- regions was that feral honeybees (Apis mellif- ond highest tropical deforestation rates are era) were more frequent on small fragments Mexico and Central America which altogether (Aizen and Feinsinger, 1994; Galetto et al., un- lost an average of 1.3% (285 000 hectares) of publ. data). its rainforests each year between 2000 and In Colombia, a red book of terrestrial in- 2003 (FAO, 2003). However, rates of forest vertebrates (Amat et al., 2007) mentions 10 lost are substantially different between coun- bee species as threatened, including species of tries (see Tab. II). Meliponini and the genus Aglae, Eufrisea and In Mexico for instance, rapid industrializa- Bombus. Habitat loss and fragmentation due tion and uncontrolled population growth over to deforestation are the main threats to native the last few decades have had a strong im- bees from the Pacific coast to the Andes, the pact on the country’s environment and left Colombian Amazon rainforest and the Caribe less than 10 percent of its original tropi- (Gonzáles and Nates-Parra, 1999; Nates-Parra, cal rainforests standing. Today Mexico’s rain- 2005; Bonilla-Gómez, 2007). But there are forests are limited to southeastern regions other causes of concern, such as unsustainable along the Gulf of Mexico and the southern honey hunting in the Andes, Amazon, Ori- state of Chiapas. These forests are most threat- noquia and Caribe that are affecting popula- ened by subsistence activities, especially fuel tions of the stingless bees favosa and wood collection, land clearance for agricul- Melipona eburnea (Nates-Parra, 2007) and, ture and livestock, illegal logging and poach- particularly, Parapartamona imberbis which ing (Gomez-Pompa and Kaus, 1999). is endemic to high mountains of the Colom- During the last 30 years, great pressure on bian Andes that are now being converted for natural woodlands has occurred in central and potato crops and cattle breeding areas. An- northern Argentina, mainly due to the expan- other four Parapartamona species, P. b rev ip - sion of crop fields for soybean, leading to high ilosa, P. caliensis, P. vittigera and P. zonata rates of deforestation (Zak et al., 2004;Grau are also endangered, although their distribu- et al., 2005). The Chaco is the second largest tion also covers the Ecuadorian Andes (Nates- dry forest biome in South America and a sig- Parra, 2007). nificant proportion of it was affected by de- forestation. For this region, similar declines in abundance and diversity of solitary and social 2.2. Agriculture intensification bees were registered in fragmented and non- fragmented landscapes of Tucumán in NW Ar- Agriculture expansion and its intensifi- gentina (Aizen and Feinsinger, 1994, 2003). A cation throughout the Americas have been different pattern was observed in Chaco wood- pointed out as a major threat to bees (Kremen lands of central Argentina, because no signifi- et al., 2002; Silveira, 2004). Besides being cant differences were registered in the richness one of the three main causes of deforestation Bee status in the Neotropics 337 along with logging and clearance for cattle In Argentina, Chacoff and Aizen (2006) deter- pasture, large-scale arable agriculture also re- mined whether forest patches of Yungas (NW duces plant and diversity dramatically, Argentina) act as a source of pollinators for diminishing bee nesting and feeding opportu- grapefruit (Citrus paradisi); they registered a nities and kills adult and larval bees by using total of 50 species on grapefruit flowers, agrochemicals and by ploughing the soil. including 22 (44%) species from six families The density of nests in the of bees (Apidae, Andrenidae, Anthophoridae, southern state of Yucatan in Mexico was sig- Chrysididae, Halictidae and Megachilidae). nificantly higher in undisturbed areas com- The feral Africanized honeybee A. mellifera pared to those where agriculture and ranch- contributed more than 90% of the visits to ing have decimated the forests (Santos-Leal, grapefruit flowers, representing the main pol- 2006). In coconut plantations (Cocos nucifera) linator, probably because of its capability to where the terrain is cleared of other plants, persist in agricultural landscapes (Chacoff and it has been reported that bee richness is low Aizen, 2006). Interestedly, the frequency of apparently due to reduced nest site availabil- visits to grapefruit flowers decreased by more ity and foraging resources limited to only than twofold as distance to the forest in- this plant species (Meléndez et al., 2004). creased and the flower-visiting fauna became In Rio Grande do Sul, the extreme south of reduced. Chacoff and Aizen (2006) concluded Brazil, Melipona bicolor schencki is threat- that negative forest edge effects on flower- ened (Blochtein and Marques, 2003), mainly visiting inside grapefruit plantations due to the intense deforestation and increas- are widespread in the increasingly deforested ing plantation of Pinus for paper production. landscape of NW Argentina. These bees need large trees for nesting (Witter Two studies of passion fruit (Passiflora et al., 2008) and an undisturbed landscape. edulis cf. flavicarpa) pollination carried out Meanwhile, in Ceará, the Northeastern part of in NE (Freitas and Oliveira-Filho, 2001)and Brazil, Melipona quinquefasciata, a ground- SE (Camillo, 1996) Brazil found increments nesting stingless bee, is endangered due to from 92 to 700% after the introduction of 25 firewood gathering and agricultural expansion Xylocopa frontalis nest/ha. Comparisons be- which destroy the ecosystem needed for them tween these two studies made by Freitas and to nest as well as their floral host plants (Lima- Oliveira-Filho (2003) suggest that the num- Verde and Freitas, 2002; Eardley et al., 2006). ber of wild X. frontalis in the southern area There are no precise or reliable figures of was much lower than that of the northern area, how much land has been converted annually mainly due to the lack of appropriate nest into agriculture. In Brazil, for instance, an in- sites in the highly agricultural landscape of SE crement of between 1.2 to 2.7% in cropped Brazil. area to 2009 is expected, adding an additional Intensive agriculture and ranching im- 544 to 1276 thousand hectares to the 47.31 plies a collateral use of agrochemicals to million hectares cultivated in 2008 (Conab, reach desirable pH and amounts of nutri- 2008). However, it is not possible to estimate ent in the soil as well as the use of chem- what percentage of this area will be from new icals for pest and disease control leading to clearings. soil degradation and accumulation of harm- Ironically, most plant species cultivated by ful levels of toxic substances which may af- man are dependent to some extent on biotic fect the survival of bees (Ramalho et al., pollinators, from which bees are the most im- 2000; Caldas and Sousa, 2000). Pesticides portant group (Klein et al., 2007). Many crops arewidelyusedintheNeotropics.InMex- could be susceptible to declines in pollinator ico, Central America and some countries of abundance and diversity of wild pollinators South America, strict control on the use of and increasingly frequent collapses of man- many chemicals, including several banned in aged (Apis mellifera) populations Europe and the United States, is lacking. (Aizen et al., 2008b). Nevertheless, few em- Agriculture in Latin America relies heavily on pirical data are available for the Neotropics. pesticide imports and countries like Mexico, 338 B.M. Freitas et al.

Argentina and Brazil are large pesticide im- 2003). Two separate surveys of bee species porters (Tansey, 1995; Pinheiro and Freitas, visiting cultivars of Cucumis moschata and unpubl. data). Some pesticides banned some- Capsicum chinense in Yucatán showed that where else are still permitted in Mexico, for the use of pesticides reduced the number of example, DDT, aldrin, clordane, and cloroben- species and the total numbers of individuals af- zolate (Alvarado-Mejia et al., 1994). The sit- ter spraying with malathion and diazinon (Xiu uation in Central America is similar. In Costa Ancona, 2007). Rica and Nicaragua, extensive use of very haz- ardous pesticides continues and so does poi- soning of bees with organophosphates, car- 2.3. Exotic species bamates, endosulfan and paraquat. However, in 2000, the ministers of health of the seven Deliberate or accidental introduction of ex- Central American countries agreed to ban or otic bee species or other organisms that might restrict twelve pesticides (Wesseling et al., interact directly or indirectly with local popu- 2005). In Brazil, there are restrictions and reg- lation can be hazardous to a native bee fauna ulations to the use of agrochemicals, but little (reviewed in Stout and Morales, 2009). enforcement. The classic example of an exotic animal in- Insecticides are potentially the most dam- troduced to the Americas is the case of Apis aging agrochemicals for bees (De La Rúa mellifera. European races of this species, na- et al., 2009). Although their immediate lethal tive to the Old World, have been brought to effects are usually pointed out as the major various countries of the Americas by European problem to bees, in many cases sub-lethal ef- settlers since the XVI century. In 1956, A. mel- fects are more dangerous. They do not cause a lifera scutellata, an African race, was intro- prompt death of the bee or (for social species) duced to Brazil and spread wildly throughout colony but affect their sensory and neuromo- the continent from Argentina to the USA, ex- tor skills. Pesticides may be applied directly or cept Chile, in what has been called “African- consumed in food, disrupting sensory, naviga- ization” (Seeley, 1986; Winston, 1987). tional and kin recognition abilities. Sublethal The introduction of A. mellifera to the New effects can be difficult to notice and impact World has had a positive social impact through more on bee diversity or population levels than honey hunting and ; México, Ar- easily detectable lethal effects (Freitas and gentina and Brazil are ranked among the great- Pinheiro, unpubl. data). For example, many in- est honey producers in the world (Freitas et al., secticides are absorbed by grain lipids 2007). In Mexico, the world’s third largest and can intoxicate brood of solitary bees or honey producer, Apis mellífera colonies reach cause brood and young bee mortality for a some of the highest densities anywhere in the long time in colonies of social bees (Loper and world, in particular in the tropical areas of the Ross, 1982). Gulf Coast and the Yucatan Peninsula. More- The effect of pesticides on bee popula- over, since the 1980s, the numbers of honey tions has not been documented in South Amer- bee colonies in tropical Mexico and Central ica, but in Mexico and Central America some America have probably increased at least two social bees are currently under threat such fold due to the colonization of feral colonies as Melipona beecheii (Kerr, 2002)andBom- of Africanized bees (Roubik, 1989; Quezada- bus medius (González-Acereto, unpubl. data). Euán and May-Itza, 2001). Similar patterns are Although several poisoning incidents are re- also observed in parts of South America. Also, ported in colonies of A. mellifera annually, Apis mellifera may have contributed as pol- no direct link with the use of pesticides has linator to increase some production of some been established. However, recently a study crops in the Americas, as shown by Freitas and in Yucatan found that permethrine at doses Paxton (1998) and Roubik (2002) to cashew used for control of mosquitoes during the rainy and coffee, respectively. season is highly poisonous for honey bees Large populations of A. mellifera may also and stingless bees (Valdovinos-Núñez et al., be socially impacting stingless beekeeping. In Bee status in the Neotropics 339

NE Brazil reductions in the number of sting- of bumble bees that had been used for pol- less bee beekeepers and colonies in the 1970’s lination are non-native to Mexico and Cen- and 1980’s have been attributed to honeybees. tral America: Bombus impatiens and Bombus The decrease of stingless beekeeping with terrestris (Winter et al., 2006; Palma et al., Melipona beecheii in the Yucatan peninsula 2008a, b). They began to be imported in 1994 has also been attributed to Africanized bees, (Velthuis and Van Doorn, 2006) but shipments although no negative influence is reported by of European B. terrestris were banned into stingless beekeepers of Veracruz along the Mexico between 1995 and 1996 due to par- Mexican Gulf Coast who cultivate Scaptotrig- asite infections (Winter et al., 2006). How- ona pectoralis (Quezada-Euán, 2005). ever, colonies of North American B. impatiens The effect of such numbers of honey bees are still allowed into Mexico and Guatemala on the native apifauna and flora is not known. (Morales, 2007). Therefore, there is a po- There has been much discussion of the po- tential risk of naturalization of exotic bum- tential negative effects caused by A. mellifera ble bees, as has already occurred in other on local populations of native bee species by countries worldwide (Colla et al., 2006). This competition for floral resources and by occu- is a serious threat to native bumble bees pation of nesting sites of highly social sting- that can be infected with diseases and par- less bees by honey bees (Roubik, 1989; Freitas asites and hybridized to an unknown extent et al., 2007; reviewed in Stout and Morales, with their foreign counterparts (Cuadriello- 2009). Aguilar and Salinas-Navarrete, 2006; Velthuis Monitoring pollinator visitation in French and van Doorn, 2006; reviewed in Stout and Guiana over a period of 17 years, at a site Morales, 2009). where urban expansion brought some distur- In temperate forests of the southern An- bance, Roubik (1996) pointed out a 100% in- des of Argentina, the native Bombus dahlbomii crease in the proportion of honeybees visits to declined while foragers of the exotic Euro- flowers, whereas native bees visits per flower pean Bombus ruderatus (introduced via New diminished proportionally to honeybees domi- Zealand) increased along a gradient of anthro- nance in forest plots. pogenic habitat alteration (Morales and Aizen, Roubik (2000) also noted that a generalist 2002; Aizen and Feinsinger, 2003; Morales, species as the Africanized honeybee, which 2007). A second invader, Bombus terrestris, demands huge resources supply will not al- was recently registered for this biogeographic ways invade all types of ecosystem. He did not region, probably coming from Chile where find any Africanized honeybee in a preserved it was introduced for pollination purposes area of lowland forest in Ecuador, meaning (Torreta et al., 2006). There are concerns of that different communities are not equally vul- its spread towards Uruguay, Paraguay, Bo- nerable to invasion. livia and southern Brazil. Exotic pollinators Negative interactions of A. mellifera with can modify basic quantitative parameters of solitary bees are less documented but do also plant-pollinator webs, such as the strength exist (Murray et al., 2009; Stout and Morales, of interactions, influencing the basic founda- 2009), like the displacement of solitary bees tions of the architecture of mutualistic net- such as Peponapis limitaris and Partamona bi- works (Aizen et al., 2008a) with putative lineata from floral resources (Pinkus-Rendon consequences for the preservation of plant and et al., 2005) and honey bees removing all animal populations (Stout and Morales, 2009). pollen available in passion fruit flowers, pre- venting pollen harvesting by Xylocopa bees (Freitas and Oliveira-Filho, 2001). 2.4. Other threats Apart from honey bees, exotic bumble- bees seem to be the major concern nowa- Heavy metals are chemical elements of rel- days in the Neotropics. Pollination in green- ative density higher than 5 g/cm3 found in high houses has considerably increased in Mexico concentrations in waste areas (biosolids and (Palma et al., 2008a,b), but the two species mining) or places of intense use (industrial 340 B.M. Freitas et al. byproducts and agrochemicals) (Carneiro species presented an estimated colony life et al., 2001). Some of these elements, like span of 23.3 years in both forested and de- cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg), forested areas where the research was made, once in the soil can retard plant growth, af- meaning that they could swarm only once each fect soil microorganisms and interfere with 20 years to maintain their populations. This the ecosystem functions (Baker et al., 1994). kind of results could give support to colony There have been reports of high levels of heavy management and to better practices of bee con- metals in honey, royal jelly and the bodies servation. of honey bee workers elsewhere, but investi- The main problem faced in Latin Amer- gations in this area are just starting in Latin ica is the lack of information on richness, di- America (Toporcak et al., 1992; Leita et al., versity, taxonomy, distribution, population dy- 1996). These studies are needed because Mex- namics and impact of man activities on most ico and most countries of Central and South bee species. This, associated with local beliefs, America are under a fast pace of industrializa- which do not always correspond to the truth, tion, generating more and more heavy metal has made difficult efforts to bee conservation residues that can become a problem for ter- in Latin America. Moreover, the lack of pub- restrial and aquatic ecosystems in the region lic awareness on the role of bees to agriculture (Accioly et al., 2000). and ecosystem health makes difficult support Finally, droughts, floods, large-scale bush- (political and monetary) to more comprehen- fires and hurricanes are becoming more fre- sive projects. Therefore, any efforts towards quent and intense throughout the Neotropics, the conservation of Neotropical bees will need maybe as a product of world climate changes. to fill this knowledge gap existing about the These perturbations could have unpredictable subject species, attract public interest and in- effects on the flora (species abundance, distri- put an economic or ecological value to the bee. bution and phenology) and, as consequence, The most obvious use to bees that could both on the bee fauna. As far as we know, empiri- be of economic and ecological interest and cal testing these kinds of effects on native bees also attract public concern is plant pollination, has not been undertaken in the Neotropics, ig- either in wild or agroecosystems (Freitas and noring the vulnerability of many native bees to Pereira, 2004). However, much study ought to human impacts and climate change. be carried out on most plant species to deter- mine their potential pollinators, pollinator effi- ciency, rearing and management. 3. CONSERVATION The proposal by the Brazilian government for an International Pollinator Initiative (IPI) Although there is an overall agreement that as a global issue for the Convention of the Bio- many bee species in the Neotropics are at some logical Diversity (Dias et al., 1999; Byrne and degree of risk, well documented cases are rare. Fitzpatrick, 2009) tackled these points. It was In fact, long-term studies performed in in- important to call the attention to pollinators tact forests for two decades in French Guiana as a whole and bees in particular. It has in- and Panama showed no decline in native bee fluenced recent Brazilian bee research devel- abundance (Roubik, 1996, 2000; Roubik and opment and may have contributed in a similar Wolda 2001). As Roubik (2000) pointed out fashion to other countries of the region. it is more likely the occurrence of temporary The IPI gave the framework for plan- ecological replacement of one visitor by an- ning and developing regional actions like the other than regional extinction or geographical Brazilian Initiative of Pollinators. It arose as decline. a potent forum allowing communication with The understanding of conservation prob- other regional efforts as well as organizing the lems is linked to the knowledge of extinc- information on bees in the country. The sup- tion, survival and colonizing rates. Slaa (2006) port given by the Ministry of Environment found in a pioneer study on population dy- for pollination projects, the global meetings namics in Costa Rica that most stingless bee that occurred in Brazil or elsewhere with the Bee status in the Neotropics 341 participation of Brazilian leadership and the makers’ awareness, commercial applications focus on ecosystem services provided by the of bee products and services such as pollina- bees improved the new approaches for national tion and preservation of natural habitat. Pol- bee science. Initially, a survey on the knowl- lination initiatives like the International Polli- edge related to Brazilian bees, their occurrence nators Initiative and the Brazilian Pollinators sites, collections, taxonomic status and check- Initiative are proving to be a powerful tool to lists were done, helped by the global bioinfor- enlighten and involve government, public and matics and databases. Awareness by the sci- researchers in coordinated efforts to acquire entific community and capacity building came much needed knowledge on important issues with international pollination courses and sci- and to contribute to mitigating the negative im- entific meetings with other global initiatives pact of the threatening activities to bees in the (Imperatriz-Fonseca et al., 2006, 2007, 2008). Latin America. Initiatives like the IPI are proving to be a powerful tool to enlighten and involve govern- ment, public and researchers in coordinated ef- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS forts to acquire much needed knowledge on the aspects pointed out above and to contribute We thank the valuable suggestions of two anony- to mitigating the negative impact of the threat- mous referees, Robert Paxton and Mark Brown for ening activities listed and discussed here (re- their editorial work, and Isac G.A. Bomfim for help viewed in Byrne and Fitzpatrick, 2009). in preparing the manuscript. We are also thankful to / / Mexico, which takes part in the North Fapesp (04 15801-0) and CNPq (484587 2007-2). American Pollinator Protection Campaign, is now considering to create its own initiative Diversité, statut de conservation et menaces or a joint initiative with Central American concernant les abeilles indigènes dans les régions néotropicales. countries due to their bee fauna’s peculiarities. Colombia and Argentina have discussed to fol- Apoidea / abeille / biodiversité / Amérique cen- low the same example. trale / Amérique du Sud / protection / taxonomie

Zusammenfassung – Diversität, Bedrohung und 4. CONCLUSIONS Schutz einheimischer Bienen in den Neotro- pen. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll einen Überblick The Neotropics bee fauna is rich and di- geben über die Diversität und den Artenreichtum verse, but little studied. Deforestation, agricul- der neotropischen Bienenfauna, die Bedrohungen, / denen sie ausgesetzt ist, als auch eine Darstellung ture intensification and introduction spread of der Initiativen und Probleme im Artenschutz der exotic competing bee species are considered einheimischen Bienen. Die Daten beruhen auf um- the main threats to most indigenous species, fassenden Literaturrecherchen. Diese Informatio- but there are not enough reliable data to sup- nen wurden dann von den Autoren diskutiert und port further conclusions. Other less obvious in Form relevanter Punkte inhaltlich zusammenge- ff fasst. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass die Neotropis eine causes can a ect the populations of some bee artenreiche Bienenfauna aufweist und dass diese so- species. The main problem faced in Latin gar unterschätzt wird. Den existierenden 5000 gül- America to conserve the native bee fauna is the tigen Artennamen stehen Schätzungen gegenüber, lack of information on richness, diversity, tax- dass diese weniger als ein Drittel der tatsächlich onomy, distribution, population dynamics and vorkommenden Arten umfassen (Tab. I). Bedrohun- gen, denen einheimische Bienen der Neotropis aus- impact of man activities on most bee species, gesetzt sind, liegen vor allem menschliche Aktivi- associated to local believes, not always corre- täten zugrunde, die in drei Kategorien zusammen- sponding to the truth. Efforts to conserve the gefasst werden können: Entwaldung, Intensivierung native bee fauna include better knowledge of der Landwirtschaft und Einführung fremder Arten. bee richness and diversity (standardized sur- Die Hauptursachen der Entwaldung sind Holzein- schlag, das Sammeln von Feuerholz, die Produk- veys, larger bee collections and appropriate tion von Holzkohle und Rodungen zur Schaffung identification of bee species) and of their pop- von landwirtschaftlichen und Weideflächen. Der ulation dynamics, raising of public and policy Amazonasregenwald, Mexiko und Zentralamerika 342 B.M. Freitas et al.

weisen die höchsten Entwaldungsraten in Ameri- siderurgia como fonte de micronutrientes e de con- ka auf, aber auch in den Chaco-Wälder der ar- taminante para plantas de milho, Pesq. Agropec. gentinischen und kolumbianischen Anden schrei- Bras. 35, 1483–1491. tet die Entwaldung fort (Tab. II). Die Ausbreitung Aizen M.A., Feisinger P. (1994) Habitat fragmenta- und Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft wird viel- tion, native insect pollinators, and feral honeybees fach als die wichtigste Bedrohung für Bienenar- in Argentine “chaco serrano”, Ecol. Appl. 4, 378– ten angesehen. Sie führt zu einer Verringerung der 392. Artendiversität bei Tieren und Pflanzen, verringert das Angebot an Nistmöglichkeiten und Futterquel- Aizen M.A., Feisinger P. (2003) Bees not to be? len, und durch das Ausbringen von Pestiziden und Responses of insect pollinator faunas and flower pollination to habitat fragmentation, in: Bradshaw Pflügen der Böden werden sowohl Bienenlarven als G.A., Marquet P.A. 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