Stefan Marinov

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Stefan Marinov St efan M arinOV XIO IC F U D L A MAT S , N AMENTA S AN D EXPER IMENTAL VER IF ICATIONS OF TH E AB S O LU TE SPACE - TIME TH EOR ! St efan M arinOV XIO IC F U D L A MAT S , N AMENTA S AN D EXPER IMENTAL VERIF ICATIONS OF TH E AB S O LU TE SPACE - TI ME TH EOR! P ublished in A ust ria by I nternatio nal P ublishers ! East-West « I nternational P ublishers ! East-West « Marinov First pu blished in 1977 by C . B . D . S B rux elles Second edition, . 1981 Th ird editio n, 1987 Addresses o f the I nternatio nal P ublishers Affiliates AU TR A M r ll nf l z S I o re e e dgasse 8010 Gra . BU L AR A I l n li 2 T 2 G I u . E i Pe n 22 , 14 1 So fia . el . (0 ) ITAL! v ia Pu i 47 16 1 no v T l . 010 gg a , 13 Ge a . e ( ) DR K R - UC : M DRUCK GRAZ , AU STRIA FO REWO RD SO many articles and so many experimental efforts in the last I OOyears have been dedicated to the problem of determi ning absolute space that it seems almost senseless to co ntinue spe nding time and money searching fo r a fi f rm u of . o possible refutation the principle of relativity This principle , rst n fi fi n lated by Galilei , has obtai ed such a rm experimental con rmatio that any t - o n 20th researcher who , in the four h quarter the century , strains to refute it r ressembles ve ry much the seeker of a pe pe t u um m obile . ‘ ' o n S Marinov Thus , opening the book of tefan , one is highly shocked . One reads the first theoretical part with the due distrust with which one reads - n anything that contradicts well established a d broadly accepted theories . e x ec One then reads the second experimental part with the same distrust , p ting easily to discover flaws in experiments which aim to disprove those theories . However, on reading the book to the end , one begins to realize that the experimenta l foundation ofthe general (Einstein) principle ofrelativity is far fi from being so rm and indisputable as is generally accepted . I would like so - fi to point out the called rotating disk experiment , performed for the rst - i 60 fi W e . t me some years ago , where rst order in effects were easily measured ’ One can doubt whether Marinov s coupled - mirrors experiment is carried o u t well and whether the effects which he claims to have registered Marinov are not due to outside causes . However , the link shows between the « rotating disk experiment and his « coupled - mirrors (or coupled shutters experiment is so clear and indisputable that one is impelled to lo ica ll f g y accept his results . The di ferent variants of the rotating disk and moving platform experiments which he has performed give further evi dence for accepting his absolute space - time conceptions as adequate to physical reality . I f the experimental results reported by Marinov are confirmed by other fi experimenters , then the special theory of relativity will de nitely have to be rejected as not adequate to physical reality , although , as can be seen from the fi r of st part this book , the changes which have to be introduced into high ’ velocity physics are not to be so radical as some o f Einstein s adversaries have to The claimed and persist claim . Lorentz transformation (although treated from an absolute point of view) and the 4 - dimensional formalism o f Min kowski will remain an important mathematical apparatus in the hands Of the h t eoreticians . n - Nevertheless , the return to Newto ian absolute space time conceptions - h alf o f th e 20th will be o ne Ofthe most importa nt physics events in the second and fi . century showing how simple , at the same time , how per dious Nature is , The work o f Marinov brings many hopes that o ne day the qua ntum enigma will be explained in a similar simple and a Newto nian man ner . o s ow A ril 1977 A. D . S Mo c , p akhar v When living in Bulgaria (be fore Sep tember I frequently tried D A . but in vain to establish a written contact with Acad . Sakharov and to P R l MU V As a send him E P U S O E via many channels . the book had to p e f - f o f p ar , I wrote the above oreword and gave it to a girl riend mine , a - e ut well known ph ysicist and a Jewess still living b hind the curtain , who , p i S M . ting her scientif c career at risk , decided to visit akharov in oscow Her oral message (July 1977) was that S akharov is highly sym pathetic wih my ‘ f A s t e theory and will think about the matter of the oreword . I could not ce ive f his final consent , I published the book with the dra t preface . Later m r Acad . S akharov distanced from y theory (see the whole sto y narrated in A U R 27 1 296 272 200 S detail in N T E , , and , akharov has given only verbal opinions o n my theory which are highly contradictory (as reported A a ea ra nce o P PU R I via the press or communicated to me) . fter the p f E S MU VE S M f O , at great personal risk , I visited akharov in oscow flying rom Brussels (February l 978) . He said me the following : The problems raised by my theory and the conclusions to which it leads are so crucial and im r - portant fo ph ysics that he does not dare to take a stand point . On the ex eri other hand , he has no time to study the theory and to analyse the p all . ments in detail , as he is dedicating his time to social and moral activities I think that a written statement by Sakharov (positive o r negative) on ’ my theory (now when he has more time for scienti fic work in Gor ki) will be decisive for the speed y restoration of absolute space . Absolute space time has already obtained such a firm experimental confirmation that for its accep tance one needs one thing only : an o pen and wide discussion . For — this reason l organize on the 8 l l July l 982 in Genoa the International Conference on S pace - Time A bsoluteness ( l CSTA) which was p rohibited by B 7 - e a ll the ulgarian government in 197 . I invite the space time sp cialists over the world to p ublish p apers before the con ference and to p articipate at - f an . the conference , where absolute reedom will be given to y stand point - - P f. P S Two Nobel p rize winners , ro Wigner and rof. alam , have already n I f I CSTA - I 9SZ written me about their i terest to visit the conference . will G R- l o V 1983 be representative , then the Conference in enice (July ) will o ld meet on a firm and stable absolute ground , and the two rivals , Genoa nd V a o f . enice , will concur for the p rosp ect science a S e te mbe 198 ] . Marino v Gr z , p r S 4 CONTENTS PA RT I TH EO R ETICA L Introduction Axiomatics d n 2 . l . A a n xioms for space , time e ergy Axioms for the different types o f energy Axiom for the co nservatio n o f e nergy High velocity axiom Coordi nate tra nsformations l 3 . The Galilean transformation The Lorentz tra nsformation The Marinov transformation Group properties o f the Marinov transformation Elements Of motion 4 l V . elocity Acceleration S uper- acceleration Time energy l - 5 . The non relativistic consideration The relativistic consideration The Lagrange equations 6 l non- n . The relativistic consideratio The relativistic co nsideration Fundamental equations in electromagnetism - l . 7 . The Newton Lorentz equation The connection between densities and potentials The Maxwell - Lorentz equations F u nd amenta l equations in grav im agre tism The Newton - Marinov equation The Maxwell - Marinov equations Reduced charges and masses Particles and waves Frequency and wavelength shifts o f light l l . K D 0 . inematic shi ft (the oppler effect) 2 D 62 l . f o . ynamic shift (the Einstein e fect) Time d ilatio n K n l l . l . i ematic (Lorentz) time dilation I Dy namic ( Einstein) time dilation Cosmological aspects o f light kinematics l . l 2 . The physical essence of rest energy 2 2 f l . o . The physical essence cosmological red shift Propagation o f ligh t in a medium l 3 l . D . rag l 2 R 3 . efraction Collision between photons and particles Relation between refractive index and density PA RT II EX PER IMENTA L Introduction The quasi - Rmmer experiment The quasi - Bradley experiment The quasi - D oppler experiment The quasi - Fizeau coupled - shutters experiment The quasi - Foucault coupled - mirrors experiment l l a c - 9 . The deviative oupled mirrors experiment l 2 i - 9 . The nterferometric coupled mirrors experiment The accelerated coupled - mirrors experiment The ultrasonic coupled - shutters experiment The kinematic time dilation experiments The Rossi - Hall meson experiment The Hafele - K eating clocks - round - the - world J e x peri ment The an tipodal - clocks experiment The water - tube experiment The drag aberration experi ment The H arress rotating disk experiment 25 t - Marin v .
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