TU BI’SHEVAT TELETHON Chanukah features JANUARY 24, 2016 PLANT A TREE. BUY A TREE BANK. DEDICATE A PROJECT. IT’S 100% FOR . and columns [email protected] 613-798-2411 Happy Chanukah! > pages 6, 14, 17, 23, 27, 28, 34 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin


Best wishes for a happy and joyous Chanukah. Chag Sameach!

Chanukah 5776 This photo from the Ottawa Jewish Archives was taken at Dominion-Wide Photography Studio, 226 Sparks Street, Ottawa, circa 1955- 1965. Please let us know if you can identify the young boy lighting the Chanukah candles. [email protected]

Congregations to sponsor Report on viability of Jewish Michael Regenstreif inside: Syrian refugees > p. 3 community high school > p. 4 on Jewish music > p. 30

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Providing quality service 613-744-5767 613-244-4444 to the National Capital Region Publication Mail Agreement No. 40018822 since 1947! www.boydgroup.on.ca 2 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM CIJA campaign urges Canadians to take action against Palestinian terrorism

BY LOUISE RACHLIS nger and dismay at the recent terrorist attacks on Jewish Israelis is being channelled into Aconstructive action. A campaign by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), the advocacy agent of Canadian Jewish federations, to mobilize grassroots community mem- bers is getting a huge response. “When we fi rst posted the video, ‘What Would We Do?’ to Facebook, it received close to 100,000 views,” said Martin Sampson, director of communications at CIJA. “We expect that to go up ... This campaign is almost entirely focused on social media.” The objective of the campaign is to raise awareness among Canadians about the ongoing threat of Palestinian terror- ism and the incitement that fuels it. This is not the fi rst time CIJA has invited action from the community. “Recently, when the Iran deal was being signed, we asked the community to YOUTUBE speak up as well,” said Sampson. “How- Screenshot from the CIJA video, “What Would We Do?” ever, the current campaign is different in two aspects. First, the response has been “We have a lot of allies and friends in website, www.learnmoreisrael.ca, is aimed called for more attacks against Jews. larger than we’ve ever had, and the the non-Jewish community who are at Canadians who want to be educated The advocacy agent of the Jewish campaign is broader in scope. We’ve had horrifi ed and deeply saddened by the about Israel: elected offi cials and their Federations of Canada, CIJA is a national, tens of thousands of views of the video attacks on Israeli civilians.” staff, media, Canadians of good will; non-partisan, non-profi t organization and thousands of people signing the Two websites are part of the campaign anyone who can infl uence policy. That’s dedicated to improving the quality of petition, and we’ve sent hundreds of with www.takeactionisrael.ca aimed at the who we want to educate.” Jewish life in Canada. emails to the foreign minister.” pro-Israel community. While CIJA started the campaign early “Like many around the world, we Response has gone beyond the Jewish “It’s a place where they can take in November, it was paused in respect for are extremely concerned about the community as well, he said. meaningful action,” he said. “The second the victims of the terror attacks in . rising tide of violence against Jews in “Then, on November 19, when we Israel, perpetrated by terrorists who are heard of the horrifi c attacks in Israel, we incited to violence by the Palestinian decided to start up the campaign again,” leadership,” said Shimon Koffl er Fogel, said Sampson. CIJA CEO. “We want people to take meaningful “We want to provide our community action by signing a petition and con- with a meaningful way to stand up for tacting Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane our extended Jewish family in Israel who Dion with the explicit request that he are living under constant threat.” speak out against Palestinian terrorism. The Take Action campaign is designed All that can be done through www. to raise awareness about the violence and takeactionisrael.ca.” what drives it, he said. Since the beginning of October, at least “Questions we are asking Canadians to 19 Jewish Israelis have been murdered consider include: ‘What would we do, if and more than 150 wounded in terrorist this were happening in Canada?’ and attacks. ‘What would we expect our allies to do, if Palestinian political leaders, religious Canadians were being run down, stabbed, ILIA YEFIMOVICH/GETTY IMAGES offi cials and media have applauded the and shot in the streets?” An injured woman is transferred to a hospital after a Palestinian terrorist attackers as “martyrs,” spread vicious The campaign will run as long as the attacked passengers on a bus in , Oct. 12, 2015. anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and current wave of terror continues. Allan Taylor Ask about our ■ GROUP PLANS hearing ■ LIFE INSURANCE ■ DISABILITY INSURANCE FREE aid trials ■ PENSION and RRIFs 613-244-9073 Commercial Sales & Leasing ❋ Consulting ❋ Site Selection/Relocations ❋ Tenant Representation ❋ Feasibility Studies Neil Fine 2130 Robertson Rd. [email protected] Investment/User Properties ❋ Strategic Growth Planning ❋ Land Assemblies/Development Sites HearFine.com BRENT TAYLOR BROKER of RECORD, PRESIDENT 613.709.3463 [email protected] www.brentcomrealty.com 613-726-7323 / FAX 613-721-8849 www.taylorfi nancial.ca December 7, 2015 3 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Several congregations working with Jewish Family Services to sponsor Syrian refugees Jewish Family Services is working with various organizations and ad hoc groups in Ottawa who are engaged in sponsoring the settlement of Syrian refugees in the city. Among them are groups based at several Jewish congregations. Louise Rachlis reports.

e just feel as Jews it’s a Israel has already raised suffi cient funds moral responsibility to to sponsor a Syrian refugee family to help with this situation,’ Ottawa. ‘Wsaid Andrea Gardner, “Beyond basic humanity, we Jews have assistant executive director of Jewish a responsibility to help as we had ances- Family Services (JFS), the agency co-or- tors desperately wanting to come here in dinating sponsorship efforts for Syrian 1938 and were refused,” said Lori Rosove, refugees in Ottawa. co-chair of the Temple Israel Social “When the crisis came to a head, we Action Committee. “We must be better

BOAZ ARAD/ISRAAID started getting approached by people than that.” Tali Shaltiel, an Israeli physician, helps a Syrian refugee child from a dinghy who wanted to settle refugees,” she said, The Temple Israel mobilization began that arrived at a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos. explaining that JFS is currently working in September after photos of three-year- with eight community sponsorship old refugee Alan Kurdi’s lifeless body email to the congregation. 10-day notice. That will give us more time groups, some of them Jewish congrega- washed up on a Turkish shore were “We had a meeting, October 7, and to secure remaining items, assemble the tions, who have raised or are raising published in newspapers around the decided to work through Jewish Family family’s new home and further organize funds to sponsor the settlement of Syrian world. Services,” said Rosove. “We put out a call volunteer duties.” refugees in Ottawa. “What will we do about this?” wrote for funds, and quickly raised $32,000. At Agudath Israel Congregation, the Among Jewish congregations, Temple Rosove’s co-chair Dara Lithwick in an Within a week, JFS called to say ‘we’ve got TOV (Tikkun Olam Volunteers) Team a match for you.’” Committee, under chair Yaffa Green- Temple Israel has been matched with a baum, has been meeting regarding family – a father, mother and three refugee sponsorship and is now working children, ages fi ve, six and 10. with Congregation Beth Shalom “The fi ve-year-old has congenital (Agudath Israel and Beth Shalom are in cerebral atrophy and is wheelchair the process of amalgamation, which will bound, which qualifi es the family for the take effect next summer) and Adath sponsorship category of Joint Assistance Shalom Congregation on the refugee Sponsorship program, which means the issue. government will match our donation for Greenbaum has organized an informa- a 24-month period.” tion meeting on refugee sponsorship to With a team of more than 30 volun- take place Tuesday, December 8, the third teers, Temple Israel has been organizing night of Chanukah, at Agudath Israel. and amassing all of the family’s initial Andrea Gardner of JFS will speak at the settlement requirements including meeting, which will be open to the housing, clothing, housewares, language community. classes and settlement services orienta- “It’s a joint project between Beth tion package. Shalom, Adath Shalom and Agudath MILOS BICANSKI/GETTY IMAGES “At this point, we are waiting for the Israel,” said Greenbaum, “and we Refugees board a ferry to take them to Athens at the port of the Greek island family’s date of arrival,” Rosove said. “JFS welcome additional participation from of Kos. has informed us that we will be given a other community members.” 4 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Task force chair optimistic new Jewish community high school could be viable

BY LOUISE RACHLIS establishing a new Jewish community should aim for 14 to 17 students per year. ccording to the just-released high school in Ottawa will be It also recommended the high school be report of the Jewish Federation challenging. located on the Jewish Community of Ottawa’s Jewish High School “The problem we’ve had in our Campus in order to keep costs down. AEducation Task Force, Ottawa community is that the Jewish high school “I continue to say it is so important for could have all the elements to establish a concept has not received the cultural the long-term health of our community sustainable Jewish community high acceptance that it has in other cities like that we have a thriving Jewish high school, provided the preconditions of Winnipeg, which has had a thriving school,” said Prehogan, noting there are success are put in place. Jewish high school since the 1950s. We many studies that make a correlation The report was written by Ron have to turn around the culture.” between a thriving Jewish community Prehogan, the task force chair, and Bram The task force mandate was to high school and the strength of a Bregman, vice-president of community determine whether there is “a model for community. building for the Jewish Federation of a Jewish high school in Ottawa that The task force will organize an initial Ottawa. would attract students and be sustain- meeting of parents and grassroots “I fi rmly believe we have what it takes able in the long-term?” leaders who have expressed interest in in Ottawa to have a thriving Jewish high After much research and consultation, starting a new Jewish high school. school,” said Prehogan, “but it’s not they recommended a list of “required “Federation strongly supports Jewish going to be thriving unless it provides components of a Jewish high school,” education,” said Bregman, “and will value to people. This is where the work including outstanding teachers and work shoulder-to-shoulder with anyone of the next committee is so important.” university preparation, a variety of interested in starting a Jewish high Jewish High School Education Task Force The current situation “can be seen as a Jewish studies, and extra-curricular school. I personally look forward to Chair Ron Prehogan says a thriving Jewish glass-half-empty or a glass-half-full,” he activities in technology, sports and assisting those who wish to establish one community high school is important to the said. “The fact that we can design what music. There must also be a core group for our community, as I know it would long-term health of the community. we want without any baggage is a of parents and grassroots community have tremendous impact.” positive. I look forward to the next stage. members to take immediate ownership Visit http://jewishottawa.com/giving/ More news: Jewish education We have some amazing people in this of starting the school, and an outstand- reports to read the Jewish High School ‘always needs to be at the top community and I have every confi dence ing head of school. Education Task Force Report and its of our agenda,’ page 11 they will come forward with something Based on a survey and analysis of appendices. exciting and interesting and will attract prospective families, the task force the critical mass.” recommended the high school attract a Despite his optimism, Prehogan said minimum of 10 students per year, but LETTERS WELCOME

Letters to the Editor are welcome if they are brief, signed, timely, and of interest to our readership. The Bulletin reserves the right to refuse, edit or condense letters. The Mailbag column will be published as space permits.

Send your letters to Michael Regenstreif, Ottawa Jewish Bulletin 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9 Now Under Construction Or by email to [email protected] Jewish Memorial Gardens A major renovation and revitalization project for the Bank Street Cemetery which includes: _ A NEW ROAD _ PARKING LOT _ REFLECTIVE GARDEN and RECEPTION AREA _ ENHANCED MAINTENANCE TO DONATE ONLINE www.jewishmemorialgardens.org or call: 613-688-3530 ext.1 JMG is a Registered Charitable Organization December 7, 2015 5 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Morais installed as new spiritual leader of Temple Israel

BY EZRA R. MILLER The were joined by the Temple FOR TEMPLE ISRAEL Israel Liturgical choir, directed by Ellen here was joyous celebration, Asherman, and by the congregation’s November 13 to 15, as Temple eight lay cantors. Rabbi Morais’ four Israel marked the offi cial children also took part in the Torah Tinstallation of the new spiritual service. Dignitaries in attendance leader of Ottawa’s Reform congregation. included Lilliana Morais of Toronto, the Rabbi S. Robert Morais, a native of rabbi’s mother; Israeli Ambassador Toronto, succeeds Rabbi Steven H. Rafael Barak and his wife, Miriam Barak; Garten, now rabbi emeritus, and Rabbi Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi; as well Norman Klein, who served as interim as several spiritual leaders of Christian rabbi for one year. and Muslim congregations. The weekend began with Kabbalat After the morning service and a Shabbat and Erev Shabbat services led by luncheon, the four rabbis the musical group, the New Gershonites participated in a panel discussion on – Judy and David Gershon and their son, “Being a Reform Jew in the 21st Century,” Jared. For the past 15 years, Rabbi Morais which addressed issues ranging from and the Gershons have been on faculty at assuring Jewish continuity to how Camp George, the Reform movement’s are fi nanced. summer camp near Parry Sound. The The festivities concluded on the service was followed by a potluck dairy Sunday afternoon with a commun- ROBIN CHERNICK and vegetarian dinner. ity-wide reception to welcome Rabbi Rabbi S. Robert Morais with Temple Israel congregant Debbie Halton-Weiss, a past chair On Shabbat morning, Rabbi Garten Morais to Temple Israel. of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, at the community-wide reception celebrating Rabbi Morais’ and visiting Rabbis Sharon Sobel and “It was truly heartwarming to be installation as the Reform congregation’s new spiritual leader, November 15. Laurence Kotok – all of whom have welcomed by the entire community, and I longstanding relationships with Rabbi look forward to many more opportunities munity,” said Rabbi Morais. with Temple Israel is a prelude to a year Morais – joined Rabbi Morais on the to get to know the Ottawa Jewish com- The weekend of festivities marking the of celebration as Temple Israel will mark bimah for the installation. munity and the broader Ottawa com- offi cial beginning of Rabbi Morais’ tenure its 50th anniversary next year. 6 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

then get out of their way! Are you hungry So I’m asking you: What are you willing to do to be a part of these new conversa- tions? How can we help you, your family for innovation? or your organization open up new possibilities and new pathways to engage Andrea Freedman, our president and ingenuity, inventiveness – no relevant Jewishly? What will it take to create CEO, and I just returned from the Jewish community can survive without an alternative, yet complimentary, compre- Federations of North America General ongoing commitment to innovation. hensive wins for all of our community’s Assembly in Washington, D.C. The These are just some of the lessons we can key stakeholder groups and individuals? General Assembly is an annual gathering learn from the business world. Opening up these possibilities and of more than 3,000 Jewish volunteer I came away believing that federations making available new tools and concepts leaders and professionals. This year’s are uniquely positioned to be the conven- is the focus of the expertise we are

FEDERATION REPORT theme was “Think Forward,” and the ers and facilitators needed to jump-start working to bring to our community. We LINDA KERZNER conference featured sessions entitled conversations about offering solutions to recently invited Daniel Held, a leading CHAIR “FEDovations,” a deliberate play on words meet new requirements and emerging expert on the changing face of Jewish intended to highlight some of the best, market needs. education, to speak to our community ive months into my role as chair of brightest and most innovative programs As a result, I believe one of our jobs at leadership about the evolution of the the Jewish Federation of Ottawa and ideas from around the globe. Federation is to provide our community defi nition of Jewish education. Our Board and I see a huge appetite within I always fi nd it benefi cial to attend with Jewish innovation. This means of Directors retreat welcomed Rabbi Adina our community for innovation. these types of conferences. Aside from offering philanthropists the opportunity Lewittes, director of Sha’Ar Communities, F who enlightened us on innovative paths to Every corner of our diverse and the networking, they provide an injection to fund a dazzling array of opportunities complex population is hungering for new of inspiration into my volunteer life. I was and settings for Jewish engagement. connecting to Jewish identity. Our goal in ideas, methods and products that result particularly excited this year because, However, true innovation needs more exposing our community to innovators in change, transformation, breakthrough whether we were addressing Jewish than dollars. It requires inspirational like these is to inform, stimulate discus- and metamorphosis. philanthropy, education, identity, ideas and a great deal of hard work. It sion, inspire you to get involved, stay How do we start to satisfy that rav- inclusivity, engagement, Israel, partner- takes a tremendous amount of energy to involved, lead involvement, inspire enous hunger? What will that “food ship and the like, the overlying message be committed to meaningful, sustainable, involvement and mentor involvement. court” of innovative options look like in was innovative forward-thinking positive change. Our role at Federation, Federation’s mission in Ottawa is to order to appeal to a broad section of our leadership. therefore, is to put the right people advance and promote an exceptional multi-faceted community? Novelty, newness, creativity, originality, together who can achieve the above, and quality of Jewish life. We can only achieve this if the conversations take place and the resulting actions begin to satisfy the “hunger for innovation” in our own How can we celebrate light community. Ottawa Jewish Bulletin when we are surrounded VOLUME 80 | ISSUE 6 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, K2A 1R9 by so much darkness? Tel: 613 798-4696 | Fax: 613 798-4730 Email: [email protected] Published 19 times per year. © Copyright 2015 Hemisphere, this is a time when the days This is the lesson of Chanukah. Yes, we PUBLISHER get shorter and the nights longer. We are live in a broken world, a world fi lled with Andrea Freedman in a state of perpetual darkness, a time so much pain, fragmentation and EDITOR when our moods become darker and our sadness. The world needs so much fi xing Michael Regenstreif FROM THE PULPIT propensity for depression increases. So, that we can become immobilized with PRODUCTION MANAGER RABBI IDAN SCHER how can we be b’simcha and truly fear. But we can’t let that fear stop us. We Brenda Van Vliet MACHZIKEI HADAS celebrate something about light, when must fi x what we can fi x, light what we BUSINESS MANAGER we are surrounded by so much can light and rebuild our world piece by Barry Silverman his year, it is almost bittersweet darkness? piece. The Bulletin, established in 1937 as “a force Chanukah is the time we celebrate a Just as we light the menorah one wick for constructive communal consciousness,” to be celebrating eight long communicates the messages of the Jewish nights and days of Chanukah, special miracle – the miracle of fi nding at a time – one on the fi rst night, then Federation of Ottawa and its agencies and, as the Festival of Lights, in the that tiny amount of oil, just enough to with each night we increase gradually the city’s only Jewish newspaper, welcomes a T diversity of opinion as it strives to inform and context of all the darkness we see in the make a tiny bit of light. But, when you and slowly – so, too, must we dispel the enrich the community. Viewpoints expressed world. Attacks in Paris, terrorism and look at the larger context in which this darkness in our world and in our lives in these pages do not necessarily represent the policies and values of the Federation. murder in Israel, protracted war in Syria; miracle occurred, it doesn’t seem right to with one light at a time. Each and every The Bulletin cannot vouch for the these disasters and others like them make such a big deal out of a few energy one of us has this light within – and it of advertised products or establishments leave us deeply saddened by the over- effi cient fl ames. just takes one small candle to light up a unless they are certified by Ottawa Vaad Think about it: the Beit Hamikdash dark room. HaKashrut or a rabbinic authority recognized whelming loss of life, angry at the evil by OVH. that has led to these losses, and frus- (Temple) was in shambles. The entire Chanukah comes at the darkest time $36 Local Subscription | $40 Canada trated by the inability to end these building and its surrounding infra- of the year, but, right after Chanukah, we $60 USA | $179 Overseas | $2 per issue structure was destroyed, burned and reach the winter solstice, and the light intractable confl icts. We acknowledge the financial support of the The situation is such that one could desecrated. And we get all excited over a starts coming back into our lives bit by Government of Canada through the few candles to the point where we say bit, a little bit more each day. Chanukah Canada Periodical Fund of the Department fall into depression – and rightfully so. of Canadian Heritage. How can we be expected to celebrate the “ness gadol haya sham (a great miracle teaches us to reach beyond our current miracle of Chanukah, when there is so happened there)!” How can this be? sadness, to pull ourselves out of the ISSN: 1196-1929 Publication Mail Agreement No. 40018822 much dissonance between the ideal of Shouldn’t we have been focused on how fearful paralysis that is preventing us this joyous holiday and the reality of our gadol (great) the destruction was? Why from fi xing our world, and to do every Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Ottawa Jewish Bulletin current emotional state? make such a big deal over some tiny small act we can to bring goodness, joy 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Furthermore, Chanukah falls specifi c- goodness, when there is still yet so much and light back into the world and into Ottawa ON K2A 1R9 ally in wintertime. Here in the Northern that needs to be repaired? our lives. December 7, 2015 7 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

An alternating Emerging Gen colum- nist – to be named later – will cover other Canada still stands resolutely important issues pertaining to young adults in our community. Unfortunately, in support of Israel at the UN the other columnist we had lined up to take on this role has had to bow out. So, me that two weeks into a four-year term committee votes on 19 of the 20 annual we’re looking for another Emerging Gen is a little too quick to come to that kind of anti-Israel resolutions, Canada’s voting columnist to emerge. conclusion. record is entirely unchanged from If you think you might be that person, I suppose Hoffman’s comments had to last year,” reported UN Watch, on or if you have someone to recommend, do with Harper’s unquestionably strong November 25. please be in touch. I’ll be away from the support for the State of Israel. But I think According to UN Watch, the new offi ce for the rest of December, but you it needs to be pointed out to the likes of Canadian government is “on track to can always email me at mregenstreif@

FROM THE THE FROM EDITOR Hoffman that none of the offi cial continue without change Canada’s prior ottawajewishbulletin.com and I’ll get right MICHAEL REGENSTREIF Canadian government policies in regard policy of fi rmly opposing repetitive, back to you on my return. to Israel, the Palestinian territories, West disproportionate and one-sided resolu- wasn’t in attendance, November 21, Bank settlements, the status of Jerusalem, tions … designed to delegitimize Israel, THE BULLETIN ONLINE when Gil Hoffman, the Jerusalem or support for a negotiated two-state the Middle East’s only democracy.” This is our fi nal print edition of the Post’s chief political correspondent solution to Israel’s confl ict with the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin for 2015. We Iand analyst, spoke at Young Israel of Palestinians changed under Harper. Nor EMERGING GEN COLUMN return January 25 with the fi rst of our 19 Ottawa. will it under Trudeau. Beginning this issue, our Emerging Gen print editions for 2016. Hoffman’s advertised topic was “Peace, After the election, there was some column, which deals with issues per- But the Bulletin isn’t just a print Politics and Palestinian Violence: An speculation that Canada’s strong support taining to people in their 20s, 30s and newspaper anymore. The online Bulletin Insider’s Look at the Mayhem in the for Israel at the United Nations during early-40s, will be done a little differently. – www.ottawajewishbulletin.com – is Middle East,” so I was surprised when I Harper’s tenure (which was actually a While we used to have one columnist who regularly updated with breaking news received reporter Diane Koven’s report on continuation of the support for Israel at would tackle the range of issues per- reports, feature length stories and Hoffman’s lecture (see page 12) that he the UN begun by the previous govern- taining to the emerging generation, we’re opinion pieces from Israel and around the also used the opportunity for some ment under Liberal prime minister Paul now planning to split the role and have Jewish world (including from here in Canadian political analysis. Martin) would change once Trudeau took two alternating Emerging Gen columnists. Ottawa), most of which are not included According to Hoffman, “Canada offi ce. And perhaps that speculation is Stephanie Shefrin will be writing about in the print edition. In November, for mattered” while former prime minister what Hoffman’s analysis was based on. all kinds of issues pertaining to families example, we published more than 300 Stephen Harper was in power, but we But, in the spate of annual anti-Israel with young children. Stephanie’s fi rst articles online that were not included in have totally lost our relevance in the resolutions that come before the UN like column – on page 27 – tackles the ques- print editions. world under Prime Minister Justin clockwork every year, our new govern- tion of raising young Jewish children in a In addition to computers, the site is Trudeau. ment stood as resolutely in support of secular world, particularly at this time of optimized for tablets and smartphones. So I’ve no idea how much research went Israel as did our previous government. year, when the Christmas season, and all be sure to check in with us often. into Hoffman’s analysis, but it seems to “So far, with fi nal plenary or initial that it represents, is so prevalent. Happy Chanukah!

people, turn to jihad? Where is the battlefi eld People give many reasons. And there are many, some complicated, others not. Clearly, the promise of Muslim glory is in the war against ISIS? more appealing than what their lives have to offer them now. The glory they worry that worse could happen. This war winning a war was determined by which see is the Hollywood version that ISIS so with ISIS is on our doorstep. side had more fi re power. This war is slickly produces on digital video. “ISIS needs to be destroyed, decimated, being waged with handheld computer Ultimately, the problem with trying to made to disappear like cockroaches,” is technology. make ISIS disappear is that countries what I heard someone say from Paris, and The jihadi soldiers, followers and would have to bring war to their own I shake my head and wonder how in the sympathizers are scattered across the territories. Arresting their own pass- world that could ever be done. world, and they are recruited and linked port-carrying citizens and putting them

IDEAS AND IDEAS IMPRESSIONS The faces of the mass killers in Paris are by social media. The top people, the in prison is a recipe for radicalizing them JASON MOSCOVITZ so young. Good looking young men, most commandos, are technologically savvy, and many others even further. It is in their 20s. They so savagely slaughtered and with Silicon Valley’s inadvertent noteworthy that terrorist cells are often so many people and then blew them- help, intelligence agencies can no longer composed of young people who fi rst met he world was just starting to selves up for their cause of global jihad. tap into the terrorists’ encrypted in prison while serving time for drugs or forget about the Russian passen- This war is not just about going to Syria communications. petty crimes. Street gang members ger jet an ISIS bomb blew up over and Iraq and bombing the enemy into The carnage in Paris happened for become terrorists in prison. TSinai when the massacres submission. The enemy is everywhere. ISIS many reasons, among them the fact that It is so easy to say we are at war, but happened in Paris. People started to talk and other terrorist groups live in Paris, French intelligence offi cials were in the how to wage and win that war is a whole about Paris being a wake-up call and a London, Berlin, Madrid, Brussels, dark. They knew something was coming, other thing, especially when circum- game-changer. As I write, I have no idea Amsterdam, Stockholm, and countless but couldn’t follow the trail. They lost this stances are such that power and control what else might have happened by the other European cities, towns and villages. round in the battle of technology. have been taken out of our hands. time you read this. I do know the world They are in Asia, Africa and – and What is most troubling is how there are It is interesting to see politicians react as we have known it is no more. in Canada and the United States. ISIS is not so many possible jihadists living in places when there are no easy answers, and While terrorism is nothing new, it has a nationality, it is an ideology. There are no like Paris and Brussels. There are simply perhaps no answers at all. French grown since 9/11. Never before had we borders. This is not a conventional war. not enough security resources to conduct President François Hollande looked heard a political leader use the word People have drawn a comparison to the surveillance. There are also laws in those shaken and overwhelmed in the early “war” so openly and so directly. Bombs twisted ideology and the brutality of the countries – laws the West is proud of – days of his country’s great loss. Who away in Iraq and Syria, and we wake up Nazis, but it is diffi cult to see too many that protect citizens from unlawful wouldn’t have been? every morning remembering last year’s similarities. The Nazis were geographic- searches and detention. He declared war, and the world lone wolf terrorist attack in Ottawa and ally limited, and it was at a time when Why do people, particularly young wonders where the battlefi eld is. 8 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Barbara Crook in Israel for P2G meetings

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Barbara Crook, the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin’s “My Israel” columnist and Ottawa chair of the Partnership 2Gether (P2G) program, which twins Canadian communities with communities in Israel, was one of 26 lay leaders and professionals from across Canada in Israel last month for the annual P2G meetings in the Upper Galilee, the partnership region for I would like to wish everyone smaller Canadian communities (other than Toronto and a very Happy Chanukah Montreal). and a warm holiday season. “Members of the P2G High Priority Projects task force visited the Kol HaGalil Elyon radio station on November May this festival of light 23. Much to our surprise, it was a hands-on (or ‘voice-on’) be happy and bright! visit,” reports Barbara. “Most of the group were interviewed by Menachem Vinegrad who does a radio program about folk music. They talked about their communities and about P2G, and then Diane Koven* BA (Hons), CFP®, CHS™ 613-728-1223 ext 2235 If I can ever be of service, Menachem played music about Canada and some by Canadian artists. Then Arthur Zilbert from Halifax (centre) [email protected] please do not hesitate to contact me: and I interviewed Giora Saltz, chair of the regional council www.sunlife.ca/diane.koven of the Upper Galilee. 1525 Carling Avenue, Suite 600, [email protected] “It’s a non-commercial public radio station based at a high school at Kibbutz Amir. People from across the region Ottawa ON K1Z 8R9 613-580-2488 can create and broadcast programs, and it’s also used as a teaching tool for high school students and for media *Mutual funds offered by students at Tel Hai College.” Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the www.JeanCloutier.com Barbara’s “My Israel” column returns to the Bulletin in Sun Life Financial group of companies. January. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2015.

SEE TODAY’S RATES AT: Celebrate Chanukah WITH A GIFT BOND Israel Bonds are sold all year in Canada exclusively through Canada-Israel Securities, Limited OR CALL: 613.792 .1142 December 7, 2015 9 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM


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JNF Canada Wildflower Park dedication has an Ottawa connection On Sunday, November 1, members of the JNF Canada October Mission helped dedicate the Wildflower Trail at Leslie Kaufman, seen here in a 2014 photo with grandson Andrew, received lifesaving liver transplant surgery, November 18. Canada-Ayalon Park. They were joined by Canadian Ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici and Gilad Schalit, the Israeli soldier held in captivity for five years in Gaza by Hamas until his release four years ago. Speaking to the Mission at the Leslie Kaufman doing well park, Ambassador Bercovici said she remembered Canada Park as a child. “It’s so much more beautiful now, really a pleasure for the eyes. It’s wonderful that you came to Israel even at such after receiving liver transplant a difficult time. The country is challenging but safe.” Gilad Schalit said, “When I was in captivity, people all over BY MICHAEL REGENSTREIF begin to express the love and support that others have the world prayed for me. I want to especially thank Canadian EDITOR provided to support me through this journey.” Jewry for whose unwavering support I am very grateful.” eslie Kaufman is doing well and continues to The Bulletin plans a fuller follow-up article in a future Special guest Srul Zunder and his son, Reuven, attended the recover at Toronto General Hospital after issue when Kaufman is able and ready to be dedication. Srul and sib- undergoing lifesaving liver transplant surgery interviewed. lings Sam Zunder and on November 18. Miriam Ross donated a L Kaufman, the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s vice-presi- plaque in memory of dent of corporate services, received a liver from a their late brother Mark deceased donor after an urgent search for a living donor Zunder z”l earlier this received widespread support and attention in the Jewish year. community. Although a number of potential donors “Th e dedication cer- %HVWZLVKHVWR\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\ came forward, a liver from a deceased donor became IRUD+DSS\ +HDOWK\&KDQXNDK emony was moving. It available before all of the extensive testing necessary for was a beautiful day and a suitable match for a living donor was fully completed. &LW\&RXQFLOORU&RQVHLOOHU0XQLFLSDO so is Canada-Ayalon “There is no greater gift that you can receive than the 5LYHU:DUG4XDUWLHU5LYLqUH Park,” said Srul. gift of life. Organ donation choices, more than ever, are  providing that gift,” wrote Kaufman in an email to the Srul Zunder (left ) Ottawa Jewish Bulletin. “On a personal level, I cannot ZZZ5LOH\%URFNLQJWRQFD_5LOH\%URFNLQJWRQ#2WWDZDFD with son Reuven at the site of the plaque donated in memory of Mark Zunder at Canada-Ayalon Park. The next Canada-Ayalon Park is the site of early battles of the issue of the Maccabees in the years 167 to 165 BCE with remains of for- tresses and tunnels that match the Bar Kochba period style. Ottawa Th ere were also fi erce battles in the Ayalon Valley between the Jewish Hasmoneans and the Seleucids in the second century BCE. Many battles also took place here during Israel’s War of Bulletin Independence, between the IDF and the Jordanian Legion. will be May the lights of Return your JNF Blue Boxes for a 2015 tax receipt We have several drop-off locations including our JNF published shine brightly on your loved office. Thank you to our JNF Blue Box location participants: January 25, Congregation Machzikei Hadas, Congregation Beit Tikvah, ones and home! Congregation Beth Shalom, Agudath Israel Congregation, and 2016. Assist2Sell 1st Options Realty in the Greenbank Plaza. 613-580-2473 On a daily basis you can plant Deadline is [email protected] trees for all occasions. An attrac- Wednesday, @BarrhavenJan tive card is sent to the recipient. facebook.com/BarrhavenJanHarder To order, call the JNF office January 6, (613.798.2411). 2016. www.JNFOttawa.ca www.JanHarder.com 10 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Seniors learn about the benefi ts of healthy eating and exercise at conference

BY LOUISE RACHLIS David Smith of Creative Kosher Catering, FOR THE JEWISH YOUTH LIBRARY was inspired by Gilletz’s cooking e didn’t know that demonstration. cooking was so much Featured speaker Stacy Goldstein, a fun,’ said Devora Caytak, doctor of chiropractic medicine, dis- ‘Wthe Jewish Youth cussed how to stay pain free by main- Library director who organized the taining strength, stretching and stability. day-long Seniors’ Health and Wellness Goldstein recommended strength Conference, November 18 at the Soloway training two or three times a week – Jewish Community Centre. which could be done using resistance Caytak was referring to the lively bands – as well as walking, jogging or cooking demonstration by kosher aqua-fi tness. She advised checking with The Seniors’ Health and Wellness Conference attracted a sold-out audience to the Soloway cookbook author Norene Gilletz that your doctor before beginning an exercise Jewish Community Centre, November 18. (From left) Speakers Stacy Goldstein, Gloria kicked off the fi ve-speaker-conference, program. Schwartz, Norene Gilletz and Diane Koven, and conference organizer Devora Caytak of the Jewish Youth Library. which attracted a sold-out audience. “Engage in regular stability exercise at “I just cook and I talk,” said Gilletz, least twice a week to prevent falls, and who peppered her demonstration with maintain healthy bones,” said Goldstein. unsaturated fatty acids and vegetable Koven recommended a combination such one-liners as, ‘Soup is a terrifi c She described the core health team of and fruit consumption. of different kinds of insurance: disability, food, you can put anything into it,’ and ‘a a mature active adult as including a Kowalski also recommended stress long-term care and critical illness. recipe is a refl ection of what I have on medical doctor, dentist, optometrist, reduction. “We don’t know what will happen that day.’” chiropractor, and exercise coach, trainer, Certifi ed health insurance specialist tomorrow. If you’re healthy enough, get In front of the audience, Gilletz physiotherapist or workout buddy. Diane Koven spoke about “living” it when you can,” she said. prepared Carrot Ginger Soup, Fish Filets Ashley Kowalski, a naturopathic benefi ts. Personal trainer Gloria Schwartz, who in Parchment, Rainbow Quinoa, doctor, said the standard American diet “With people living longer, your writes the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin’s Blueberry Apple Crostata and is a contributing factor to dementia, as is health care and personal care needs will “Focus on Fitness” column, spoke about Jumbleberry Crisp, all from her chronic exposure to aluminum. She change,” she said. “In 75 years, fi ve in 10 the benefi ts of to make “you look better, cookbooks. recommended the Mediterranean-type people will need long-term care. Nearly feel better and move better.” The conference luncheon, prepared by diet with omega-3 fatty acids, mono three in four Canadians say their per- She advised taking charge of one’s sonal fi nances would be impacted if they own exercise regime. needed long-term care. The funding “Nobody can do it for you,” she said. SeeIndiafromawoman’spointofview options are savings and assets or long- “Success begins with questions: What term care insurance.” are the benefi ts of exercise for me? Koven said a person can apply for What’s the best exercise for me? How long-term care up to age 80. will I put ideas into action?” “You apply for a certain amount and Schwartz said there are many benefi ts receive the benefi ts if you are unable to of exercise for seniors. perform two activities of daily living or “It’s never too late to change. At have cognitive impairment. This is any age, you can make your quality of money you can use in any way you life better. The worst thing is to do need.” nothing.”

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7851 Duīerin St., Suite 204, Thornhill, ON, L4J 3M4 Ontario Reg. # 50012754 December 7, 2015 11 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Jewish education ‘always needs to be at the top of our agenda’

BY MICHAEL REGENSTREIF EDITOR hile providing Jewish education and ensuring the health and viability of Jewish schools is a challenge in contemporary WNorth American contexts, it is a challenge the Jewish community has faced for generations, according to Daniel Held, one of Canada’s leading experts on Jewish education. Held, executive director of the Julia and Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education, the educational arm of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, spent two days in Ottawa last month meeting with the Jewish Federation of Ottawa and with boards and staff of several Jewish schools and synagogues. The Koschitzky Centre works with more than 70 day and supplementary schools in the Greater Toronto area, serving about 16,000 students – one of the largest populations of Jewish students in North America.

In an interview, the day after speaking at the public MICHAEL REGENSTREIF Federation members’ meeting, November 18, Held Day schools “are the gold standard of Jewish education,” says Show Israel You Care! discussed several of the challenges currently facing the Daniel Held, seen here speaking at the Jewish Federation of Show Israel You Care! Jewish educational system, noting Jewish education Ottawa members’ meeting, November 18. Volunteer as a Civilian worker “always needs to be at the top of our agenda.” Day schools, Held said, “are the gold standard of He also stressed the importance of Jewish summer for 2 or 3 weeks Jewish education,” but day schools across North camps and suggested that the immersive experience of America face issues of affordability and fi nancial Jewish camps could be applied to before- and after- sustainability in an era where tuition costs – of necessity school care for public school students. – have risen at a much higher rate than family income. “There are many dual income families who send their In order to address the fi nancial viability of day kids to public school, which, depending on the school, schools in Ontario – which, unlike other provinces with may run from 9 am to 3:30 pm, and they need to drop Jewish day schools, provides no funding to non-Catholic their kids off early and pick them up later. So they pay faith-based schools – Held said the Jewish federations in for before- and after-school care. the province have teamed with the Centre for Israel and “What if we were to offer Jewish before- and after- Jewish Affairs (CIJA), the federations’ advocacy agent, school care at a JCC or which integrates child to launch a task force “dedicated to determining how we care and rich Jewish educational experiences? can better leverage government funding to day schools.” “We need to start thinking outside the box in looking All types of models will be studied, Held said, ranging for other kinds of robust and rich Jewish education,” he on an Israeli army supply base from per student subsidies used in jurisdictions like said. Quebec to program funding in use in parts of the United States where governments provide funding for such things as school nutrition programs, security, busing, Athens Rugs Ltd. textbooks and government-mandated services that HIGH QUALITY FLOORING schools provide.

Carpet Hardwood Ceramic The task force, Held said, will explore and determine Free: accommodations, kosher meals, trips, events. Laminate Cork Vinyl which funding models “might be most tenable to Cost: air fare, $100 registration, weekend expenses. pursue in Ontario.” 1365 Cyrville Road Of supplementary schools, Held said innovation is 416-781-6089 or [email protected] important and pointed to the Koschitzky Centre’s 613-741-4261 514-735-0272 or [email protected] WOW! Fund, which has provided funding for eight www.athensrugs.com www.sarelcanada.orgwww.sarelcanada.org innovative supplementary school programs that have e: [email protected] met with great success. Since 1975 Programs start approximatelyapproximately every every 3 3 weeksweeks..

December Home Inspection Tip: Do you have an emergency evacuation plan in case of fi re? Ensure your home has at least 1 working and accessible ELEVATED HOME INSPECTION fi re extinguisher, rated ABC, in the Offers the following services: Pre-Purchase Home Inspections kitchen, garage, and/or furnace room. Pre-Listing or Pre-Sale Home Inspections Michael Levitan, BID Pre-Renovation Inspections Visit us on the web |613|286-8925 Home Monitoring Services www.elevatedhomeinspection.ca [email protected] 12 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

ISSIE SCAROWSKI Jerusalem Post correspondent Gil Hoffman, speaking at Young Israel of Ottawa November 21, says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must quickly find a way to stop the latest wave of Palestinian terrorism. Happy Hanukkah The Kimmel, Kaiman & Levine Families Canada mattered under Harper, but no more, says Jerusalem Post correspondent 195 Colonnade. Rd. S. www.westboroflooring.com 613-226-3830 BY DIANE KOVEN part because he outlawed any oppos- he recent election of a Liberal ition,” adding “I wish someone would government means Canada no have given that idea to Stephen Harper.” longer matters, “like Swaziland According to Hoffman, Palestinian Tor Madagascar,” according to Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has Shonn Jerusalem Post chief political correspond- come to the conclusion that it is in his ent and analyst Gil Hoffman. best interest to attack Israel. “While [Stephen] Harper was in power, “He was elected in 2005 for a four-year Considered Canada’s Canada mattered. He made Canada term and is now in his 11th year of the matter,” said Hoffman. “Now it will be four-year term. He is 80, a chain smoker different.” and his time is limited.” Top Hair Stylist! Of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Saying Abbas had many opportunities Hoffman said, “There will be a learning to make peace with Israel, “notably in curve. It will take him a few years to 2008 when Ehud Olmert offered 100 per realize that what he is doing is wrong. In cent of Judea and Samaria; offered to take the meantime, good luck.” in Palestinian refugees; and offered to Hoffman was speaking, November 21, divide Jerusalem,” Hoffman said that, by at Young Israel of Ottawa. His topic was his refusals, Abbas has let his people “Peace, Politics and Palestinian Violence: down and is continuing to let his people An Insider’s Look at the Mayhem in the down. Middle East,” and he used the opportun- Hoffman said that if Israeli Prime ity to offer pointed comments on a Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to stay in number of issues. power, he must quickly fi nd a way to stop Hoffman said 85 per cent of Israelis the latest wave of terrorist attacks in the were against the Iran nuclear deal. streets of Israel, a job he said will be “It is amazing to see 85 per cent of diffi cult, much different from fi ghting Israelis unite on anything – except . traditional battles. These people hope they are wrong. They He remains optimistic about Israel’s hope Obama is right, although they don’t future, however. think so.” “They are going to continue to fail no Hoffman pointed out the Iran nuclear matter what they try, and we are going to deal has yet to be passed by the Iranian continue to thrive,” he said. parliament. Asked what people can do to help 613 800 5223 “The ayatollah has not even approved Israel, Hoffman said “Helping Israel is the deal. In fact, he has given another ‘easy’: E – education; A – advocacy; S – See more about Shonn at: Not Just Makeovers nine conditions for the deal, which solidarity; and Y – your money/your http://ottawacitizen.com/life/fashion-beauty/ renders it null and void.” prayers.” He urged the audience to ottawa-stylist-turns-to-mother-nature-to-help-cut-hair Hoffman noted that Egyptian President become involved in pro-Israel activities Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power “in and groups. December 7, 2015 13 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM In wealthy Paris hamlet, some Jews reconsider their future

BY CNAAN LIPHSHIZ people at the offi ces of the satirical PARIS (JTA) – Babette and Sasha Charlie Hebdo newspaper, followed by Bergman lead what many would consider two other terrorist attacks, including one a charmed life. at a kosher supermarket, Hyper Cacher, Both Jewish high-tech professionals in in eastern Paris that killed four people. their 30s – they met while working at The supermarket attack came about Google’s European headquarters in three years after an Islamist killed three Ireland – the Bergmans settled in this children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in capital city shortly ahead of the birth of Toulouse, . their now four-year-old daughter, “We pass them by sometimes with ISRAEL BARDUGO, COURTESY OF THE INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS Daniella. Daniella,” Babette said of the soldiers Soldiers guarding staff and children at a Chabad school in Paris, Nov. 16, 2015. On weekends, they enjoy entertaining guarding Jewish institutions. “We’re friends in their spacious apartment in the grateful, but it’s not a normal way to live.” 17th arrondissement – an upscale and Two days after November 13’s deadly heavily Jewish district where the attack, Babette’s family from Lyon and anti-Semitic incidents common through- Israel gathered in Paris for a cousin’s out the rest of Paris are rarer. Many Jews wedding at the historic Synagogue des in the poorer quarters say this area is the Tournelles in the Marais, the city’s ivory tower of upper-middle class French historic Jewish district. Jewry. After the ceremony, the congregants Living on a street with three syna- left the synagogue quickly, mostly to gogues and near many kosher shops, make room for the next wedding – there observing the Sabbath and keeping were four Jewish wedding ceremonies kosher is far easier in Paris, where some planned there that day – but also because 350,000 Jews live, than it was when they some guests said they felt uncomfortable were living in Dublin, says Sasha, who gathering among groups of Jews at a time was born in Russia and grew up in the when terrorists believed to have been . involved in the attacks are still at large. But in the wake of the jihadist attacks “We’re not too scared to come here and Bon Appetit that killed 130 in Paris last month, even continue our lives as usual,” said Ness the Bergmans are fi nding it increasingly Berros, a French Jew in his 20s who Full service Kosher catering diffi cult to imagine a future for them- attended the wedding. “But we’re too for Corporate Events, Parties, Kiddushim, selves in a country where Islamist scared to feel exactly at ease right now.” terrorism and violence – including The synagogue is under heavy guard Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs attacks that target the Jewish community by soldiers and police offi cers. Security – are putting wind into the sails of a rising was even tighter at another event the Our catering offers far-right. same day at the Synagogue de la Victoire, “I love this city, I love my country, but, also known as the Grand Synagogue of a fresh & innovative approach, after the initial shock, from the attacks Paris, at a ceremony honouring the and we have menus to ensure your event and the pain, my fi rst thought was regret victims of the terrorist attacks. The road that we decided to settle here,” said leading to that synagogue was cordoned will be remembered Babette, who is Sephardic and grew up in off as the participants were patted down the French city of Lyon. Two of her three for concealed weapons. sisters moved recently to Israel. Outside Jewish institutions, many of Chag Chanukah Sameach! In January, soldiers with automatic which had suspended their activities JOSH & SAM FREEDMAN rifl es were posted regularly outside the following the attacks, streets usually Bergmans’ building to guard an adjacent bustling with tourists and locals were synagogue. It was a precaution taken much emptier than they otherwise would Sam 613.697.2707 under supervision [email protected] following the slaying by Islamists of 12 See Paris on page 19 WishingWishingChanukahChanukah youyou allall aa happyhappy

Ottawa City Hall Community Oɝce 613-699-8163 [email protected] www.BayWardLive.ca @Go_Taylor 110 Laurier Ave W. 1065 Ramsey Cres Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario 14 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

Chanukah Feature At Chanukah, how do we kindle the lights within ourselves?

BY DASEE BERKOWITZ Chanukah they had claimed as children – JERUSALEM (JTA) – There is nothing to bring light to dark places. cuter than my fi ve-year-old daughter The contrast between the narrative coming home from kindergarten with an about light that children learn in elemen- overly decorated menorah in hand singing tary school and the parallel one about the “Ner li Ner li, ner li dakik,” the Israeli story of the Maccabean revolt that they version of “This Little Light of Mine.” The learn more about as they get older is not song speaks about the little candle, so just a developmental one – it’s a profound thin, small and all hers to light. statement about how we view the world. Personalizing the holiday for kids is just Stories about war that can provide a sense good pedagogy. Through song, play and of unity and purpose are ultimately creative arts, early childhood educators get draining, whereas ones about light and these little Maccabees to embody the miracles are constantly renewing. holiday and feel they have the power to Experiencing an ongoing war is gruel- create and even embody the light of ling. Living in Jerusalem right now, I know Chanukah. that feeling intimately. Waves of terrorism, And then they grow up. fear, uncertainty and distrust rise and then They learn more details about the (eventually) fall. And citizens, Jews and SHUTTERSTOCK Chanukah story. They study the Arabs alike, are left wondering what the “Focusing on the miracle of the oil helps us put our faith in something bigger than ourselves.” Maccabees and the civil war between the future will hold, without any clarity that Jews. They analyze the military battles the once-touted promise to live with for eight days is one of vision and hope. forward to the possibilities that the “light that the Hasmoneans conducted to “peace and security” will return. It’s hard The rabbis of the Talmud picked up on the driven” narrative can offer to our children achieve victory over the Assyrian Greeks. to dream big or even to believe in miracles distinction. They spent so many more and beyond. And they also learn about the ultimate at a time of ongoing war. You live for the pages expounding upon the miracle of the The rabbis wanted to ensure that a corruption and failure of the Hasmonean day, and then the day after. That is the oil, recounting the details of when and political victory, however needed at the dynasty itself. As they grow, they move mentality of war. how to light the Chanukah menorah and time, wasn’t the end of the story. They further away from the simple message of A story of light and oil that lasted only only a few lines about the military victory wanted to ensure that we didn’t worship achieved by the Maccabees. our own political might and are guided by PROUDLY SERVING Focusing on the light was tactical. The a greater power. COUNCILLORCOUNCILLOR PROUDLY SERVING rabbis didn’t want the legacy of Chanukah The Chanukah of the rabbis relies on WARDWARD 99 to be about a victory won by human hands the personal and embodied light that my KNOXDALE-MERIVALE in which God was absent. They wanted to fi ve-year-old sings about. There is a KNOXDALE-MERIVALE elevate the victory of Chanukah to the beautiful idea from the Book of Proverbs heavenly realm. This is a celebration of that we each contain within ourselves a miracles and God’s hand in history, not the light, “The life breath (the soul) of a brute force of the determined few, the human is the lamp of God. With it, God Wishing you and your rabbis would have said. searches all the hidden chambers.” The rabbinic approach is most telling in (Proverbs 20:27) Our internal light is family a very happy the haftarah they selected for the Shabbat God’s light within us, searching out every of Chanukah, which includes the words part of us, revealing in the hidden places Chanukah. from Zechariah, “Not by might, and not by our abilities to manifest that light power, but by my spirit, says the Lord.” outward. Visit for And now, living where I do, I under- This Chanukah, how can we return to www.keithegli.ca stand the importance and wisdom of the the pure idea of our own personal lights, information on issues and upcoming rabbinic emphasis. Focusing on the or “ner li,” as my daughter would croon? events at City Hall and in the ward miracle of the oil helps us put our faith in Not only the one I hold in my hand to light something bigger than ourselves. It gives the Chanukah menorah, but the one that I [email protected] us hope to look beyond the political have within me to shine light into dark, machinations of the day to what the future seemingly unmovable or unchangeable Tel: 613.580.2479 could look like. It helps us break free of the places around us? Fax: 613.580.2519 never-ending cycle of violence and Dasee Berkowitz is a Jewish educational cynicism and can enable us to look consultant and writer living in Jerusalem. December 7, 2015 15 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Holocaust Education Month


A Happy & Healthy Chanukah! COMPLIMENTARY HEARING TEST Ask about manufacturer rebates. Schedule your Hearing Test TODAY! Holocaust Education Month film event: The Embassy of Hungary and the Shoah (Holocaust) 613-728-HEAR (4327) Committee of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa presented the film, There Was Once…, November 15, at Chamber Theatre, Ben Franklin Place. (From left) U.S. Ambassador Bruce RODNEY TAYLOR, DOCTOR OF AUDIOLOGY Heyman, Shoah Committee Chair Debbie Halton-Weiss, There Was Once… director Gabor Post-Doctoral Specialty Certifi cate in Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, Audiologist Kalman, Jewish Federation of Ottawa President and CEO Andrea Freedman, and Hungarian Ambassador Balint Odor. 1657 Carling Ave. 296 Metcalfe St. 2604 Draper Ave. ahac.ca

Dr. Harris Prehogan, DMD Dr. Sam Lewinshtein, DMD Dr. Paul Rosenberg, DDS Th e offi ces of Dr. Sam Lewinshtein and Dr. Paul Rosenberg together with Chag Dr. Harris Prehogan have joined forces and opened a new offi ce on the ground fl oor Sameach! at 225 Metcalfe Street (Kenson Building). • Bridges • Dentures • Oral Sleep Apnea • Bruxism • Extractions Appliance Treatment Appliances • Fillings • Root Canals • Cleanings (Scaling) • Implant Dentistry • Sportguards and Check Ups • Invisalign • Veneers • Crowns Orthodontics • Whitening • 225 Metcalfe Street, Suite 104 613-237-7177 Th e Kenson Building BENITA SIEMIATYCKI [email protected] Holocaust restitution: Richard Marceau, general counsel and senior government adviser 613-237-7099 at the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and a member of the Working Group on Negotiations www.metcalfestreetdental.ca and Advocacy of the World Jewish Restitution Organization, speaking at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre, November 23 at a Holocaust Education Month program organized by the Shoah (Holocaust) Committee of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa. Marceau provided a country-by-country update current restitution programs for Holocaust survivors. 16 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

From the staff of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Michael, Brenda and Barry December 7, 2015 17 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

Chanukah Feature In Israel, Chanukah season starts early Chag BY BEN SALES carried a tray from the kitchen fi lled with choco- TEL AVIV (JTA) – After more than three weeks of feasts, late-sprinkled versions. Sameach! prayers and days off from work and school, Israel’s busy The bakery starts sufganiyot so early, a spokeswoman High Holiday season – from Rosh Hashanah through said, simply because people like them – in fact, they’ve Simchat Torah – fi nally ended in October. been getting an early jump on the for 26 But, it turns out, another holiday was just beginning: years. Wishing you a Chanukah. “People come in for it, for sure,” she said. “We have the To be sure, Chanukah begins this year on the evening sufganiyot with the most innovative fl avours. The of December 6. But, just as in North America, when the inspiration comes from French desserts.” Happy, Healthy end of Halloween now means the beginning of the Others have followed Roladin’s lead. A sweet shop in Christmas season, in Israel, the conclusion of the High Jerusalem’s Machane Yehuda market also started selling and Bright Holidays – and sometimes, even during the High the doughnuts in October. So did a bakery in the Holidays – means the start of the Chanukah season. Jerusalem Central Bus Station, presenting them in Welcome to Chanukah creep. layered rows on its front counter. Chanukah Of course, in Israel, Chanukah isn’t the Jewish “In the United States, they sell jelly doughnuts all year Christmas. It’s a relatively minor holiday, celebrating an round,” said Ramon Mendesona, a ceramics artist with a ancient Jewish kingdom; adults still have to work. stall in Tel Aviv’s Nachalat Binyamin craft market. “Why Chanukah gifts aren’t a thing, either, so there are no should we save them just for Chanukah?” crowds mobbing the mall for last-minute shopping. After all, Mendesona and a couple of other artists in But one thing that’s huge in Israel during Chanukah is the craft market sell menorahs and, for them, Chanukah sufganiyot, the oily jelly doughnuts that are traditionally season never ends. Tourists buy them year-round. eaten here rather than , the holiday favourite Israelis, they said, begin buying menorahs a month or so among many Jews in North America. Savvy businesses before the holiday. have noted Israelis’ love of the pastries and are market- One fan of the early push is Elie Klein, a ing them to the hungry masses months in advance. public relations professional, who, from 2010 to 2012, ate In September, right after Rosh Hashanah, the Israeli an average of 100 sufganiyot a year. Like a marathon bakery chain Roladin rolled out its fi rst batches of runner, Klein got friends to donate money for each sufganiyot. he consumed – and ended up raising $40,000 Roladin is famous in Israel for getting creative with its for various charities. sufganiyot, including variations with syringe-fi lled jelly While Klein has had his fi ll of doughnuts for a while, (or another gooey treat), ensuring each bite has that he said he still loves seeing them in bakery windows. perfect ratio of and fi lling. In October, a “The fact we’ve turned it branch of the bakery in Tel Aviv showed off a variety of into something so huge, this fl avours – the traditional jelly-fi lled sat on display trays seasonal food, it’s pretty alongside dulce de leche; meanwhile, an employee amazing,” he told JTA. Temple Israel An egalitarian Reform congregation

Jewish roots, contemporary values, egalitarian

Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:15 pm. Saturday Shabbat Services, 10:15 am. Thursday morning minyanim: second and fourth Thursdays, 7:30 am.

Happy Chanukah to all!

Rabbi Robert Morais Rabbi Emeritus Steven H. Garten Executive Director Heather Cohen Temple Israel Religious School Principal Sue Potechin Administration Officer Cathy Loves

BEN SALES 1301 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2 Sufganiyot, a Chanukah favourite in Israel, on display in Jerusalem’s Central Bus Station. The jelly doughnut began appearing in bakeries across the country more than a month Tel: 613-224-1802 Fax: 613-224-0707 before the holiday. www.templeisraelottawa.ca

Breaking news updated daily at www.ottawajewishbulletin.com 18 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

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Short Term Stays Starting At $110 Per Day December 7, 2015 19 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Paris: Some French Jews see no future in France

Continued from page 13 have been on a sunny Sunday afternoon in November. Fears were just as pronounced outside the city core, in its poorer suburbs, where tens of thousands of Jews live in close proximity to many Muslims – and where tensions often run high. Such neighbour- hoods provided the majority of Paris-area Jews who immigrated to Israel last year, according to Jewish Agency fi gures. In total, 6,658 French Jews immigrated to Israel last year, more than triple the total number in 2012. In Pavillons-sous-Bois, a northeastern suburb, Sandra Sebbah, a Jewish mother of four, says the soldiers outside her children’s Jewish school “might as well be cardboard cutouts” because “they won’t stop an attack by the people with the kind of determination we saw.” Sebbah said she cannot leave France because of her husband’s work, but encourages her children to “live somewhere else, like normal people and not like this, where I am afraid every minute they’re not home – especially when they’re at school.” Meanwhile, many French Jews worry the attacks will strengthen the popularity of the National Front, a far-right, anti-im- migrant party that French Jewish groups have largely shunned for the anti-Semitic track record of its founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen. His daughter, Marine Le Pen, the party’s current leader, recently removed ALAIN AZRIA her father as the party’s honorary A wedding at the Synagogue des Tournelles in Paris on Nov. 15, 2015, two days after a wave of terror gripped the city. president because of anti-Semitic statements he made that she called bloody civil war, in which local national- Morocco, said she believes the war in began to spread through satellite tele- unacceptable. ists fought France for independence and Algeria may have traumatized her vision and continue to be disseminated In a poll conducted two weeks before each other for dominance. Gerald, who husband. online. “We didn’t have this external the Paris attacks, Marine Le Pen emerged did not want his last name used in print, “I had a very different childhood in infl uence, poisoning everything in its as an early favourite candidate in the 2017 said his family narrowly survived a Casablanca,” she recalled. “When we talk wake.” presidential elections. Some 30 per cent bombing outside their home because about coexistence, I know it’s possible After the wedding celebration, a visibly of those polled said they would vote for they were at a restaurant when the because I lived it, with neighbors, Arabs tired Sasha puts Daniella to sleep and her over the incumbent Socialist Party explosive detonated. and Muslims, living together, acknow- prepares to drive for an hour and a half to president, François Hollande, who would “Now it seems to me the same barbar- ledging each other’s holidays.” a university campus in Fontainebleau, garner 19 per cent of the vote. ians are coming to drive me and my Still, Jacqueline said, she also sees no where he is completing an executive MBA Back at the Bergmans’ apartment in family once again, this time out of France future for Jews in France. program. central Paris, Babette’s father, Gerard, itself,” said Babette’s father, adding he “Something happened in the 1990s, a The master’s degree, he says, may be said the attacks reminded him of his will probably leave for Israel within the bad wind started blowing from the important for his young family’s future. childhood. A dentist in his 60s, he left next few years. outside,” she said in reference to hateful Besides, he adds, “It’s so peaceful out Constantine, Algeria, in the 1960s amid a His wife, Jacqueline, who was born in sermons and jihadist propaganda that in the countryside.” Happy Chanukah! 20 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM


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x — Š ƒ†™‹‡–ƒ•–‹‰ƒ––Š‡‹•Š„›‹‡”› ISSIE SCAROWSKY x ƒ”–‹ ‹’ƒ–‡‹ ƒ •‡••‹‘ ‹ ƒ ˜‹ŽŽƒ‰‡‡ƒ” ƒ‹ˆƒ Remembrance Day at Ottawa Torah Institute: Remembrance Day observance at Ottawa x Œ‘›–Š‡ •‘—†ƒ† ‹‰Š–•Š‘™ƒ––Š‡‘™‡”‘ˆƒ˜‹† Torah Institute began the day before, November 10, when Second World War veteran Irving x Ž‘ƒ– ‹ –Š‡—•‹ƒ„Ž‡ ™ƒ–‡”• ‘ˆ –Š‡‡ƒ†  Aaron gave a meaningful talk to the students about his experiences during the war. Pictured x ‹•‹––Š‡”‘•‡”‡† ‹–›‘ˆ ‡–”ƒǡ ‘”†ƒ with him is grandson Jacob D. Aaron, an Ottawa Torah Institute student. x Œ‘›•’‡ƒ‡”•ǡƒ† — Š‘”‡ǤǤǤ Formoreinformationcontact IditPapular 1Ǧ800Ǧ789Ǧ7117,Ext.733 [email protected] aufgangtravel.com 7851 Duīerin St., Suite 204, Thornhill, ON, L4J 3M4 Ontario Reg. # 50012754

Wishing The Entire Jewish Community Torah Academy Siddur party: Grade 1 students at Torah Academy are preparing for their Siddur A Happy, Healthy, party, a milestone event at which each student is presented their very first prayer book. The event signifies the students are sufficiently proficient in Hebrew reading to begin reading their Sweet & Delicious Chanukah prayers from a real Siddur. Torah Academy students begin to learn to read Hebrew with Morah Chavi Greiniman in kindergarten. In Grade 1, Rabbi Ari Galandauer (seen here with the Grade 1 Love, Leiba & David class) introduces his students to longer words and the nuances of proficient Hebrew reading.

613.788.2713 www.creativekosher.com Breaking news updated daily at

Under the supervision of the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut www.ottawajewishbulletin.com December 7, 2015 21 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM SJCC offers Jewish learning opportunities this winter

BY ROSLYN WOLLOCK explore the historical development of the SOLOWAY JCC Siddur in “Mapping the Siddur – his winter, the Soloway Jewish Beginnings, Meanings, Changes.” Community Centre (SJCC) Adult The Jewish experience is considered in Education Department invites a broader comparative perspective as Tyou to come in from the cold and well. In “The Immigrant Experience in devote yourself to learning about Jewish Literature,” Professor Gefen Bar-On life from varied and unusual perspectives Santor will explore the dark and ironic such as fi lm, literature, geography, aspects of the immigrant journey: language and prayer. displacement, exploitation, disillusion- Professor Mira Sucharov will examine ment and alienation. “Jewish Identity Through Film,” consid- Professor Shawna Dolansky, a biblical ering the role of tradition, the Holocaust, scholar, will explain the birth of postwar America, Jewish aesthetics and Christianity from Judaism in “What is the Zionism, and Professor Natalia Vesselova New Testament and Where Did it Come will explore the Yiddish-speaking world From?” using literature and fi lm, including works There will also be several courses by Sholem Asch, Sholem Aleichem, I.L. outside the Jewish education track. David Peretz and Isaac Bashevis Singer. Walden will look at well-known cases of Knowledge of Yiddish is not required for cultural appropriation and successful “Yiddish Literature and Film,” nor for cases of repatriation in a six-week series lovers of the mamaloshen, who are entitled “Whose Culture? Whose welcome to drop in and participate in Property? International Protection of Art Your life. Family. Community. Yiddish stories, humour and song with and Artifacts.” Shirley Steinberg and Rubin Friedman in Language courses this winter will “S’iz Besser in Yiddish (It’s Better in include three levels of conversational At Kelly Funeral Home Carling Chapel,, Yiddish).” Hebrew and two levels of Spanish. we provide the guidance and servicess Two new courses employ unusual And, aspiring artists take note: Under you need while honouring your faith lenses to probe Jewish history, water and the helpful guidance of Ottawa artist the siddur. Charles Moore explains and Katerina Mertikas, you can complete and traditions. contrasts how the ancient Israelites and your own masterpiece during a fun modern Zionist planners overcame the half-day Sunday offered by the SJCC this To learn more, challenges of bringing water to an arid winter. land in his three-lecture course, “Mayim, Visit www.jccottawa.com for informa- call Toohey Brown: Mayim – Bringing Water to a Land of tion and further course details. Promise,” and Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton Registration for SJCC Adult Programs 613-828-2313 kellyfh.ca employs a geographic metaphor to begins December 7. Kelly Funeral Home - Carling Chapell DID YOU KNOW? by Arbor Memorial Look how far we have come. 2313 Carling Ave., Ottawa Look how close we are. Arbor Memorial Inc. Th is is the Home our community built. Close to half our residents are now over 90 years of age. Th is is signifi cantly The Ottawa Chapter wishes higher than the average in Ontario, all our Donors, Families and which is about 33%. Friends a Warm and Festive As one might expect, as our residents age, their needs are becoming signifi cantly more complex. Each of our residents deserves the best we can off er. Th is is what our Chag Ha’Chanukah community expects and what we continue to strive for. Let us pray for peace in our beloved Israel - Am Y'Israel Chai

Seymour Eisenberg, President Tel: 613-224-2500 E-mail: [email protected] NEXT EDITION DEADLINE: Sam Litwack Honorary National Director Tel: 613-738-7778 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2016 Fax: 613-738-1752 E-mail: [email protected] Readers and advertisers are advised With YOUR help – Magen David Adom continues to provide the next edition of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin uninterrupted emergency services to THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL will be published on Monday, January 25, 2016. ISRAEL CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT MAGEN DAVID ADOM MAGEN DAVID ADOM CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU www.cmdai.org 22 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM AJA 50+ unveils eclectic winter programming

BY FRED TABACHNICK AJA 50+ rom the Nobel Prize-winning study of neutrinos to the history of Nepean, there are more than 30 Fnew programs on tap for the AJA 50+ winter session. From January through April, we’ll feature talks, music, tours, games and the arts to help members get through another Ottawa winter. Registration day is Tuesday, December 22. In conjunction with the Lifelong Learning program at Carleton University, Professor Peter Watson will discuss “Something Nu under the Sun – neutri- nos” in honour of Arthur MacDonald, this year’s Nobel Prize winner in physics. Other subjects will include the patterns of death from the 1918 Spanish fl u pandemic and the 2014 Ebola virus Members of AJA 50+ on a September tour of the Mill of Kintail. AJA 50+ offers many tours of local sites of historical interest. outbreak; and the history of plunder, spoils of war, and protection of art and artifacts. Local history will come alive when A unique one-person show, “Things course, all regular programs will continue On a lighter note, there will be coffee Mary Pitt, Nepean’s last mayor before my fore-sisters saw” with Leslie McCurdy, throughout the winter, including bridge, tasting at Bridgehead and tasting at amalgamation with the city of Ottawa, will bring to life the story of four women mah-jongg, chess and scrabble; Sharing Kitchissippi Brewery. Music lovers will discusses the history of Nepean. who affected signifi cant social change in the Music that Moves You; Creative enjoy “The Chords,” highlighting hits Astronomer Howard Simcover, formerly Canada and, as always, there will be Connections; and the popular monthly from the 1940s, ‘50s and ‘60s, and Musica of the planetarium in Montreal, will special, behind the scenes tours of local fi lm series. Ebraica, performing Jewish choral music. discuss “Mars, the Red Planet” and Eric sites that are not available to the general AJA 50+ provides year-round pro- Craft mavens can try their hand at fl ower Vernon, formerly of the Canadian Jewish public. gramming and networking for those over arranging, decorating bisque ceramics or Congress, will highlight his “24 years on These are just some of the programs the age of 50. Visit www.aja50plus.ca for marbling. the political front lines.” scheduled for the winter session. And, of more information.

Members of the Les membres du Ottawa Caucus caucus d’Ottawa wish you a vous souhaitent un Happy Chanukah! joyeux Chanukah!

Bob Chiarelli John Fraser Marie-France Lalonde Madeleine Meilleur Yasir Naqvi Ottawa West-Nepean Ottawa South Ottawa-Orléans Ottawa-Vanier Ottawa Centre Ottawa-ouest-Nepean Ottawa-sud Ottawa-Orléans Ottawa-Vanier Ottawa-Centre 613-721-8075 613-736-9573 613-834-8679 613-744-4484 613-722-6414

Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario Première ministre de l’Ontario 416-325-7200 December 7, 2015 23 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

We wish you

COURTESY GATEWAYS a house Adding symbols to the Chanukah blessings can help children with special needs to learn the meaning of the Hebrew words and phrases. full of light Chanukah Feature Ten tips for an accessible Chanukah party Happy BY JENNIFER LASZLO MIZRAHI meet all needs. But, for example, if you AND ALIE KRIOFSKE MAINELLA are unable to fi nd a sign language (JTA) – With Chanukah on the way, it’s interpreter, you will be able to let your easy to hold a party where all guests – guest know in advance. Indeed, they Chanukah disabled and not – feel welcomed, may be able to help you fi nd a solution. respected and have fun. All it takes is 3. Ensure physical access. Many some planning. Here are some tips to religious institutions are not fully ensure you are being inclusive, thought- accessible. If your event is at a venue ful and welcoming to all. And all of these that is not physically accessible, move it tips are equally valid for any party – not to a place that is. Sometimes that can be just at Chanukah time. as simple as choosing a different room in 1. Don’t be afraid. People with a synagogue building. Total Car Care. disabilities have their disabilities 24/7, so Venues should have a ground level they know how to create workarounds entrance or ramp, an elevator if the that make them feel comfortable. If you event is upstairs and accessible bath- know someone has a disability, use a rooms. Most public places are equipped simple strategy: Ask them what they for people with disabilities. Just check Oil Change need to be fully included. with the venue ahead of time. All too often, people with disabilities If you have someone coming who uses Service Includes: are not invited to events or don’t go a wheelchair, you should also put the because they are embarrassed to “put menorah on a table low enough for them • Change up to 5 litres of 5W/20 someone out” by asking for a simple to reach the candles. or 5W/30 national branded oil accommodation. By telling them their 4. Accommodate special diets. You • Lubricate chassis fittings presence is valued and asking what they don’t know if guests have allergies, celiac need, you will build a new level of trust disease or lactose intolerance if you • Install new oil filter * and affection. don’t ask on the invitation. Making sure • Courtesy check One of the biggest things that aging there are food options for everyone can $ loved ones need is a ride, so help them be as simple as picking up a gluten-free fi nd a ride or carpool; or send a taxi or cupcake to serve with the regular cake. Uber to pick them up and return them Many times, people with food allergies home. bring their own food. If you keep kosher 19 2. Ask in advance. Not all disabil- and they don’t, you could ask them to ities are visible. By including a line about bring something vegetarian and offer Plus tax. Most vehicles. accommodations in the invitation’s paper plates and plastic utensils. RSVP, you are letting guests know that If you don’t keep kosher, but your everyone is welcome – including those guests do, this may be the time to bring you might not even know have special in trays of food from a kosher caterer. 1772 Carling Avenue needs. It could be as simple as this: Let your guests know in advance that “Please let us know if you have dietary dietary laws will be followed. 613-722-7621 restrictions or require other special 5. Have a good attitude. People of accommodations to attend. We will do all ages can be daunted when encoun- * Use of synthetic or other grades of oil extra. Plus shop fee of up to 10% based on non-discounted retail price, not to exceed $35.00, where permitted. Plus disposal fee where permitted. Void where our best to meet special needs.” tering someone different from them. prohibited. No cash value. Coupon required. Not valid with other offers. Valid only at the Midas location listed below. See participating store for details. © 2016 Midas Canada Inc. 1772 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2A 1E1 LIMITED TIME OFFER OFFER GOOD THROUGH MARCH 30th, 2016 Note that you aren’t promising to See Accessible on page 25 24 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM December 7, 2015 25 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

Accessible: Don’t let inclusion stress BS"D you out; stay positive and smile MIDTOWN Continued from page 23 If it’s a children’s event, try talking to the group THE ONLY KOSHER HOTEL IN MONTREAL before the party starts about kindness and respect for AFFORDABLE ELEGANCE IN THE HEART differences. A party is a great opportunity for kids to OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY learn about one another. LE GRILL MK GLATT 6. Involve parents. Parties can be exhausting for BANQUET HALL FOR 200 the hosts. Asking a parent or two to help out – particu- SHABBOS KEYS & ELEVATOR larly if it’s a big group – can lighten the load. Parents COMPLIMENTARY KOSHER BREAKFAST may feel more comfortable, especially if their child has NEAR SHULS AND SHOPPING social anxiety issues, if they are invited to stay or help INDOOR SWIMMING POOL & SAUNAS as an option. FITNESS ROOM, FAMILY SUITES 7. Avoid sensory overload. Parties can cause FREE HIGH-SPEED INTERNET sensory overload for anyone, but for a person with CONFERENCE ROOM, AND MUCH MORE autism or a sensory processing disorder, a party can be really overwhelming. 6445 Decarie Boul. (Corner Plamondon) Offer opportunities for guests to take a break, Tel.: 514-739-3800, Fax: 514-739-5616 perhaps in a quiet room away from the crowd. Some Toll Free: 1-866-465-3800 venues may have options for turning down music or www.qualityhotelmidtown.com minimizing stimulation. Latex allergies (balloons) and chemical sensitivities (use of highly scented cleaners or staff wearing per- Party venues should have a ground level entrance or ramp, an fumes) are real issues. Solutions: Use alternative Mylar elevator if the event is upstairs, and accessible bathrooms. balloons, ask people to not wear strong scents and choose unscented cleaning products. include guests who are nonverbal or communicate in 8. Learn to communicate. There are lots of ways to other ways, such as American Sign Language or a communication board. Free software can be installed on a tablet computer that instantly transcribes speech into text. An inter- Single male cemetery plot preter could be hired, which has the added benefi t of for sale letting other guests learn a little sign language. Remember to speak directly to guests, whether they Bank Street Cemetery, Agudath Section are verbal or not. If interested, please contact Linda Harris 9. Be visual. For those with cognitive disabilities or Tel: 416-531-1360 vision impairments, reading a menu or following instructions for a scavenger hunt or keeping a game Email: [email protected] score sheet all can be challenging. Pictures and verbal Purchaser must be a member of Agudath Israel instructions are useful, as is pairing disabled children Chag Sameach or an associate member with those who can help. It’s always great to have an extra pair of reading glasses around if you are inviting Happy & Bright Chanukah seniors. You can always tell someone who can’t see or to the read what they will need or what to know. 10. Have fun. Parties are awesome. Don’t let inclu- Ottawa Jewish Community sion stress you out. If you are reading this list and considering these tips, you’re already doing more than most. Stay positive, smile and throw that party.

E-mail: [email protected] Elaine & Frank Goldstein www.cactustzimmer.com

Breaking news updated daily at www.ottawajewishbulletin.com 26 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

In support of the Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge In the Joseph and Inez Zelikovitz Long Term Care Centre 613-728-3990

Card Donations Card donations go a long way to improving Jenny and Murray Citron Ralph and Anne Sternberg appreciation by Barbara and Larry the quality of life for our residents. Thank you for Endowment Fund Memorial Fund Hershorn considering their needs and contributing to their In Memory of: In Honour of: well-being. Ethel Epstein by Murray Citron Harvey Slipacoff Mazel Tov on your Recreation On behalf of the residents and their families, Nadine Mordfield by Murray Citron birthday by Laya and Ted Jacobsen Program we extend sincere appreciation to the following In Honour of: individuals and families who made card donations Nell Gluck Memorial Fund Sarah and Arnie Swedler Esther Kiluk Wishing you a very to the Hillel Lodge Long-Term Care Foundation happy and special Birthday by Valerie and between November 4 and 18, 2015 inclusive. In Honour of: Family Fund Rabbi and Mrs. Jordan Bendat- In Memory of: Gaby Terkel HONOUR FUNDS Appell Mazel Tov on the birth of your Nadine Mordfield by Arnie Swedler Unlike a bequest or gift of life insurance, son Shaiya Gil by Julia Gluck and Ted and Rhoda Zaitlin * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * which are realized some time in the future, a Overton named Honour Fund (i.e., endowment fund) is Simon Cheng and Jennifer Morawetz Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey IN MEMORY OF: established during your lifetime. Mazel Tov on the birth of your son Family Fund Herb Gosewich by Sara and Leslie By making a contribution of $1,000 or more, Breiner, Anna and Louis Friendly and you can create a permanent remembrance for a Raphael Nicholas Cheng by Julia Gluck In Memory of: loved one, honour a family member, declare what and Ted Overton Jared Weiner by Ingrid Levitz Anna Bilsky the Lodge has meant to you and/or support a cause Rabbi and Mrs. Dan Rand Mazel Tov Dolly Tolchinsky by Bill and Laurie that you believe in. on the birth of your first grandchild by Carole and Norman Zagerman Chochinov A Hillel Lodge Honour Fund is a permanent Julia Gluck and Ted Overton Family Fund Bella Levitin by Etta Karp, Linda pool of capital that earns interest or income each In Memory of: In Memory of: Brown and Sharon and Harvey Segal and year. This income then supports the priorities Cliff Sadler by Cheryle and Manny Ethel Epstein by Carole and Norman family designated by you, the donor. Gluck Zagerman Ivan Pellatt by Diane Koven Samuel and Jean Akerman Herb Gosewich by Cheryle and Manny Herb Gosewich by Carole and Norman Memorial Fund Gluck Zagerman R’FUAH SHLEMA: In Honour of: Bonnie Lyman by Carl and Lorna Roz and Arnie Kimmel Mazel Tov Gunner Family Fund * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Raskin on Lisa’s being accepted into the Hall of R’fuah Shlema: Fame by Sheila and Larry Hartman Jeanette Finkelstein by Sol and Estelle Feeding Program Gunner R’fuah Shlema: Stella and Norman Beck Yale Gaffen by Barbara and Len Farber Family Fund Max Lieff Endowment Fund Jeanette Finkelstein Best wishes for a In Memory of: In Memory of: speedy recovery by Donna Finkelstein Nadine Mordfield by Stella Beck Inge Hoffman by Dorothy Lieff Barbara Greenberg and Barry Bokhaut by Gary Shechtman Boris and Dolly Blacher Irma and Harold Sachs Family Fund In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: Family Fund R’fuah Shlema: Dan Landen a dear husband by Edith In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: Yale Gaffen by Irma Sachs Landen Howie Osterer by Neil and Daniel In Memory of: In Honour of: Blacher and Marilyn Adler Herb Gosewich by Irma Sachs Helen and Mayer Alvo With much


“GIVING IS RECEIVING” - ATTRACTIVE CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS Here’s a great opportunity to recognize an event or convey the appropriate sentiment to someone important to you and at the same time support the Lodge. Call orders may be given to Cathie at 728-3900, Ext 111, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. You may also go to: www.hillel-ltc.com and click on the “Donate Now” button to make your donations. Cards may be paid for by Visa or Mastercard. Contributions are tax deductible.

A Chanukah tribute card brings light to the season The families of Hillel Lodge are proud to support the home of our Zaidies and Bubbies. Please show your support by purchasing a card during this time of year. The gift of words is a pleasant reward. Call Cathie at 613.728.3900, ext. 111 or order online at www.hillel-ltc.com December 7, 2015 27 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

I can buy a mensch on the bench, He offered some suggestions, but also counselled patience. “The bottom line is that one’s identity is strong and but will that help me raise a mensch? solid, it isn’t defi ned by what others say or think,” he wrote. en years ago, a new book popped up ahead of “And developing a sense of identity that is that strong Christmas. comes from practical observance, in actual deed, of Called “An Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas mitzvot and Jewish customs.” STEPHANIE SHEFRIN TTradition,” it’s the story of an elf sent to spy on Seeking a way to involve our daughter in Shabbat, we kids and report back to Santa whether they’re naughty EMERGING GEN recently got her a wooden Shabbat set. or nice. The tradition is to move the accompanying toy Now, as we set the table on Friday nights, she gets out elf around the house each night. her Shabbat bag, lines up her own candlesticks, A fad took hold, and suddenly the elf was in every and wine glass, and follows the routine for each along bookstore, a marketing juggernaut that led to an with my husband and me. unlikely spin-off – the Mensch on a Bench. you know it’s not a “religious” thing, but still don’t She doesn’t yet know what Shabbat is, but as she It tells the story of Moshe, who was in the temple with have one. “lights” her candles or places the blue felt cloth over two the Maccabees and volunteered to watch over the And the ever-present – well, Chanukah is just like round wooden , she knows it is a special time. In burning oil. To play the game, Moshe is moved around Christmas, right? turn, watching her brings new meaning to the Shabbat the house, shamash in hand, for the eight nights of “Christmas and Chanukah share a spiritual message: ritual for us. Chanukah. that it is possible to bring light and hope in a world What Hoffman was doing with his mensch wasn’t so The idea, creator Neal Hoffman has said, came to him of darkness, oppression and despair,” writes Rabbi different – attempting to create a way for his son to fi nd as he was walking through a store and his son asked for Michael Lerner, the editor of Tikkun. meaning in a holiday and, in turn, forge a sense of the elf. “But whereas Christmas focuses on the birth of a Jewish identity. He was concerned his children did not have a relevant single individual whose life and mission was itself None of us should be closed-minded to ways to holiday toy like the elf enjoyed by their Christian supposed to bring liberation, Chanukah is about a engage our children in the mitzvot, customs and friends, and the story of Moshe was born. national liberation struggle involving an entire people traditions of our faith. They help us grow as people, Many have welcomed the addition to the holiday who seek to remake the world through struggle with an families and communities, even if the new customs line-up as one more meaningful than a new set of Lego; oppressive political and social order.” we’re creating are borrowed from somewhere else. others decry it as another example of making Chanukah That’s a mouthful to explain to anyone, let alone a After all, even the dreidel – replete with meaning more like Christmas. toddler. today – started out as just a simple spinning top. Being Jewish in a secular world often brings with it a And that’s where I fi nd myself this year – wondering, Over the coming months in this column, I hope to sense of being an outsider, but that’s never more acute as a parent to a young child, how I’m going to navigate explore issues like these connected to Jewish family life for me than at Christmas. this season of otherness as she grows older. and parenting, drawing on my own experiences, but What to say to the well-meaning clerk who asks Rabbi Moshe Goldman of the Rohr Chabad Centre also those of other young families in Ottawa. whether you’re done your Christmas shopping? How to for Jewish Life in Waterloo, Ont., was asked what Jews I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. explain that no, you don’t have Christmas tree and yes, should say when wished a Merry Christmas. Happy Chanukah!

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veryone understands the symbolism of using oil OLIVE OIL CAKE WITH PLUM COMPOTE in cooking for Chanukah; that the small amount of oil remaining in the Temple was only ALYCE BAKER Serves 8 to 10 Esupposed to last one day, but miraculously HOLIDAY COOKER Cake burned for eight days. 2 cups fl our A recent trend in baking has been to replace butter, AND BAKER 1/2 teaspoon baking powder shortening and other fats with olive oil. 1/2 teaspoon baking soda Produced by pressing whole olives, this product is Pinch of salt used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. One 3 eggs tablespoon of olive oil has 119 calories, 13.5 grams of fat 2 cups OLIVE OIL BROWNIES – only two grams of saturated fat – and also has large 1 cup extra virgin olive oil doses of vitamins E and K. In an attempt to curb our 1/4 cup extra light olive oil 1 1/2 cups milk intake of fat, olive oil is an easy substitute. 8 oz. chopped bittersweet chocolate 1 tablespoon vanilla The lemon yogurt cake recipe is also perfect for 3/4 cup sugar Zest of an orange diabetics as the sugar can be replaced with a substitute: 2 large eggs Line a 10-inch baking pan with parchment and Stevia Baking Blend. 1 teaspoon vanilla grease the sides of the pan. 1/4 cup fl our Combine the four dry ingredients and set aside. 2 teaspoons espresso powder LEMON YOGURT CAKE Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl. Add oil milk vanilla 1/4 teaspoon baking powder and zest and mix well. 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1 1/2 cups fl our Add dry ingredients to the above and stir gently. 1 cup fresh raspberries 2 teaspoons baking powder Pour into prepared pan. 1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 1/2 teaspoon salt Bake at 350 F for one hour. Sea salt for fi nishing 1 cup plain unsweetened yogurt Dust with icing sugar before serving and plate 1 1/3 cups sugar with some plum compote. Line an 8x8-inch pan with parchment and let the (or sugar replacement) paper overhang the sides. Plum Compote 3 large eggs Spray with cooking spray. 2 tablespoons olive oil Zest of 2 lemons In a Pyrex bowl over a pot of simmering water, 8 plums (red or prune) sliced and pitted 1/3 cup lemon juice heat the oil and chocolate until chocolate is melted 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and smooth. Pinch of 1/2 cup olive oil Remove from heat. Stir in sugar and eggs and Sprig of rosemary vanilla and beat till the mixture is glossy. 1/4 cup honey Mix all ingredients Add fl our, espresso baking powder and salt. Juice of 1 orange well and place in a Beat until shiny. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add greased loaf pan. Pour into prepared pan and sprinkle with plums, vanilla, rosemary, cinnamon, honey and Bake at 350 F raspberries, nuts and salt. orange juice. Sauté until plums are soft and juices for one hour. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. Let cool for 30 turn syrupy, about fi ve minutes. Cool and slice. minutes before cutting. Serve warm with olive oil cake. Hillel Ottawa and Chabad Student Network have lots to offer during Chanukah

he story of Chanukah tells us of unspeakable us, and to ensure that each of us always has a place to go heroism, where, against all odds, the unity of a for the holidays. very small group of Jewish people enabled On the fi rst night of Chanukah, the Chabad Student ARIELLE ELLIS Tthem to overcome their blood thirsty enemies. Network (CSN) has arranged to have a huge commun- The word Chanukah in Hebrew means “to dedicate.” CAMPUS LIFE ity-wide menorah lighting ceremony outside Ottawa This is fi tting, as the holiday refers to the time where the City Hall with Mayor Jim Watson. And just last week, Maccabean Jews reclaimed control over Jerusalem and Hillel Ottawa hosted its annual Chanukah Ball, a fun the Temple. It marks a time of great courage and formal evening giving all students the chance to connect strength, its story serving as a powerful expression of and have a great time together before the holidays. remembrance to everyone today, reminding us that The story of Chanukah, while it may have been In the spirit of Chanukah, both Hillel Ottawa and CSN strength in numbers should not be a threat to our popularized in more contemporary times, is still very will offer evenings where students get to create and strength in unity. much relevant to today. It offers a very important lesson paint their own menorahs. There will also be various While Jews are a small minority – at least outside to the Jewish people, one of perseverance, bravery and lunch and learns, and and shmear (which will Israel – our strength is ignited through our unity as a faith. As representatives of Jewish people on campus, we most defi nitely include latkes). CSN will also host a people. Publicly displaying a proud Jewish identity, can learn important lessons of courage and bravery bowling event and other alumni events throughout confi dently and logically advocating for Israel, and from the Maccabean Jews. They did not give up even Chanukah. As well, there will be menorah-lighting staying true to ourselves, appropriately representing our when it seemed as though all the odds were against events held nightly by both CSN and Hillel Ottawa. people – this is how we continue to achieve greatness, them, and they stayed true to themselves through it all. Ottawa’s Jewish student community really is a second how we continue to survive and exist as a nation. The story reminds us to be proud, stay strong, and to be family and your home away from home for Jewish Chanukah today is a defi nite crowd pleaser. advocates. students on campus, and there will be something for Celebrated with eight nights of gifts, chocolate gelt, It can be hard, sometimes, to be a student living in a everyone during Chanukah. I encourage you all to take latkes, sufganiyot, dreidels and more, there isn’t much city different than your family, particularly during the advantage of what this community has to offer and not to be excited about. It is a time of family, friends, holidays. Fortunately for us, there are organizations and bring more meaning to your Chanukah this year. celebration and indulging in delicious foods. warm faces in Ottawa working hard to plan events for Chag Sameach! December 7, 2015 29 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

their Jewish youth group, or about the teachers who Sending out my message in a bottle inspire them, or about how devoted they are to KlezKanada, a non-religious and all-ages celebration of “A poem … can be a message in a bottle, Yiddish music, culture, dance and language. sent out in the – not always greatly hopeful SARAH WAISVISZ I am inspired by the dedication of two little kids I know who prepared and performed musical selections, – belief that somewhere and sometime it could DISPATCHES on violin and cello, at a recent Kabbalat Shabbat service. wash up on land, on heartland perhaps.” FROM THE I am inspired by the members of the conversion class – Paul Celan, “Speech from Bremen,” 1958 at Rabbi Pauline Bebe’s Communauté Juive Libérale DIASPORA whom I met in Paris over a year ago. They each had a n November, I attended a leadership event in Jewish family connection, but were raised communist, Philadelphia hosted by Jewish Reconstructionist hippie, Catholic, Protestant or secular. Julie keeps Communities. During one session, my 14 colleagues Friday, November 13: Multi-pronged attacks in Paris kosher now and was eager to choose her new Hebrew Iand I were asked to refl ect on our Jewish journeys result in 129 deaths. A state of emergency is declared. Police name. Aléxandre and I discussed plans to translate and to offer a fi ve-minute narrative about what had led raids are ongoing and civil liberties curtailed in pursuit of Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan’s masterworks into French. us to the conference. As the overhead clock ticked, I had security. President Hollande announces that France is at And Olivier worried about meeting with the Beit Din in no idea what to say. war against ISIS. In Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau faces a few weeks. We shared stories after services and over One brave person spoke fi rst of being raised in a pressure to suspend the promise of asylum to 25,000 cups of espresso and glasses of wine. I loved the eager- multi-faith home. Her Judaism was informed by her Syrian refugees. ness with which they discussed halachah and their Unitarian upbringing and the warmth she felt in At the conference, my colleagues offered their stories. commitment to live Jewish lives in secular France. Christian as well as Jewish circles. She wanted to work in I held back, until I was the only one left to speak. Back at the conference, I articulate a tentative a multi-faith capacity to bring people together. “I don’t know what to say,” I admitted. “I want to tell understanding. Although my Jewish history involves Thursday, November 12: Suicide bombers kill 43 people you something positive. I don’t want to tell you that my loss and fragmentation, my creative practice is inspired in a largely Shia neighbourhood in Beirut, Lebanon. The Jewish life is haunted by loss. I don’t want to say that I by, and hopes to contribute to, a more vibrant cultural bombs explode while families walk, shop, and congregate can’t always fi nd meaning in Judaism when so much in life in the wake of these losses. I fi nd myself paraphras- after work. ISIS claims responsibility for the attack, which this world is unjust.” ing the German-French-Jewish poet Paul Celan: my they say was purposefully sectarian. I tried again: “I don’t know the words to all the songs artistic work is like a “message in a bottle,” offered to At least fi ve of my colleagues spoke about their and prayers, but I like that our tradition values niggunim, the sea in the hopes of reaching heartland – somewhere, commitment to social justice. They were organizers who because even if you don’t remember or never learned the somehow. worked for unions; or with incarcerated youth; or with words, you can soon sing along to the melody.” I tell my colleagues how inspired I am by the work children in foster care. My colleagues told stories of how Although my Jewish past is marked by loss, more they do. I close my comments with a word of gratitude their Jewish lives were interwoven with their need to than anything, I am inspired by evidence of thriving for niggunim. We don’t have to know the words – we can work on tikkun olam (repair of the world). cultural life. I love it when teenagers tell me they adore simply join in when we are ready, in our own way. Two surprising benefi ts of resistance exercise you need to know

he benefi ts of exercise for chronic disease risks ing Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. Not are widely known. For example, with regular everyone with MCI will develop dementia. exercise, you can reduce your risk of developing GLORIA SCHWARTZ Some people have MCI as a result of a treatable TType 2 diabetes, various cancers, heart disease, FOCUS ON mental health issue such as anxiety or depression, from stroke and osteoporosis. a physical condition such as diabetes, high cholesterol, The role of exercise on weight loss remains inconclu- FITNESS high blood pressure or obesity, or from side-effects of sive. Many experts believe that exercise has minimal medication. Other risk factors include age and genes – effect on weight loss and that what we eat is what really which we can’t control – and behaviours such as matters. Drilling down to a deeper level may provide a smoking and heavy alcohol consumption. Controllable better understanding. The number on the scale is just abilities, builds muscle and increases metabolic rate, lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet and regular one measure of the effect of exercise. which means more calorie-burning throughout the day. physical activity can infl uence brain health and cogni- Another commonly used measure is body mass index So which type of exercise is best overall for changing tive abilities. (BMI), which is a convenient way to indirectly calculate body composition (less fat, more muscle)? Is one type of exercise better than another for pre- body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. A study of 348 young adults examined the effects venting dementia? A six-month-long randomized BMI does not take into account lean mass versus fat of aerobic versus resistance exercise on lean mass controlled trial of 86 women aged 70 to 80 with MCI mass. Lean mass includes everything in your body and fat mass in people of different fat categories examined the effects of aerobic and resistance exercise except fat, such as muscles, bones, organs and other (http://tinyurl.com/o8cbfzy). on cognition (http://tinyurl.com/pvkl7a7). non-fat tissues. BMI is not considered to be reliable This was not a controlled study, but it does present a A previous 12-month-long study by the same because highly muscular people such as bodybuilders perspective worthy of consideration. Resistance exercise authors found that twice-weekly resistance exercise may fall into the overweight category. reduced fat mass and increased lean mass, whereas signifi cantly improved various cognitive abilities in When it comes to your health, body composition is aerobic exercise only reduced fat mass. Anaerobic cognitively-healthy women aged 65-75. The six-month more important than total body weight. For example, exercise was not examined. study found that twice-weekly resistance exercise had a one person weighing 200 pounds can be obese with a More specifi cally, in “normal-fat” participants, signifi cant improvement in the participating women high amount of body fat, while another person of the either resistance or aerobic exercise decreased fat with MCI in just six months. same weight can be muscular and have normal or low mass and increased lean mass. In “over-fat” and obese The authors believe that “twice-weekly strength body fat. participants, resistance exercise reduced fat mass; training is a promising strategy to alter the trajectory of Similarly, a lightweight person can have a high aerobic exercise did not. The authors concluded that cognitive decline in seniors who already have mild percentage of body fat. Waist circumference is con- adults with excess body fat benefi t most from resistance cognitive impairment.” sidered a useful measure because abdominal obesity exercise. The bottom line: Resistance exercise may be more (above 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men) is a risk effective than aerobic exercise for reducing body fat and factor for many diseases. * * * * * * * * improving brain health in certain segments of the Steady-state aerobic exercise was long considered the population. Many people, especially females and gold standard of exercise for fat loss. Recently, high-in- Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a syndrome that seniors, tend to avoid resistance exercise. tensity (anaerobic) interval training has moved to the can affect memory, language, thinking and judgment. For improving overall health, regular resistance and forefront of fat-busting. However, resistance exercise MCI doesn’t usually interfere with daily life, but people aerobic exercise is a sure-fi re combination. So get lifting (also known as strength training) improves functional diagnosed with MCI are at an increased risk for develop- and get moving! 30 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Brothers Nazaroff recall the ‘Prince’ and Jason Rosenblatt steps out from Shtreiml

The Brothers Nazaroff American folksinger Woody Guthrie and grandmother The Happy Prince of Arlo Guthrie. Smithsonian Folkways Perhaps the most curious song is “Krasnoarmeyskaya MICHAEL REGENSTREIF www.facebook.com/thebrothersnazaroff Pesn (Red Army Song).” One of the songs recorded by MUSIC Nazaroff in 1928, and sung in Russian, it’s a tribute to the ot much is Bolsheviks who overthrew the cruel Russian czar in 1917. known about The Happy Prince is my favourite album of Jewish Nathan music for 2015. N“Prince” Nazaroff, a Russian- would infl uence performers like poet and singer Tuli Jason Rosenblatt Jewish musician and Kupferberg, who co-founded the Fugs in the mid-1960s, Wiseman’s Rag singer who immigrated and had a tremendous impact on the klezmer revivalists I.J. Rosenblatt to the United States in who discovered it in the 1970s and later. www.jasonrosenblatt.com 1914. Apparently, he About six decades after the release of Jewish Freilach worked as an accom- Songs, some of today’s most accomplished klezmer Jason Rosenblatt is panist to the Russian musicians – including Michael Alpert (Brave Old well established in Ballet Theater in New York and recorded a couple of World), Daniel Kahn, Bob Cohen, Psoy Korolenko, Jake Jewish music circles as songs for a 78-rpm record in 1928. Shulman-Ment and Hampus Melin – gathered as The the leader of Shtreiml, Nazaroff, who sang and played accordion and octo- Brothers Nazaroff to record The Happy Prince, a joyous the Montreal-based fone (a variation of the mandolin), recorded 11 more tribute album to Nazaroff. klezmer band, and Jump songs, nine of which were released by Folkways Records The album begins with the nine songs from Jewish Babylon, a rock band whose songs centre on Jewish on a 10-inch LP called Jewish Freilach Songs in 1954. This Freilach Songs, played in the same order as on the 1954 themes. But, on Wiseman’s Rag, Rosenblatt steps away obscure album of Yiddish folksongs, including the LP, followed by two more songs Nazaroff recorded at the from those projects to feature his own compositions, familiar “Tumbalalaika,” showcased an exuberant time, but which didn’t make it onto the album, and drawing on jazz, blues and roots music infl uences. performer whose energy and enthusiasm for the songs fi nishes up with the two songs Nazaroff recorded in Rosenblatt is an innovative harmonica player who 1928. also plays piano and organ, sings, and offers some From the opening bars of “Vander Ich Mir Lustig terrifi c playing as he surrounds himself with a tight The (While I’m Happily Walking),” it’s quickly obvious that quartet, including guitarist Joe Grass, bassist Joel Kerr this CD will be fun to listen to. Though the song is a list and drummer Evan Tighe. original! of the troubles that have befallen the protagonist – cold, The album kicks off with the title track, an infectious rain, no mill, no cow, no wife – he’s in a happy mood swing tune on which Rosenblatt’s harmonica playfully celebrating life. interacts with Grass’ guitar. It’s one of several tunes in Other highlights include “Arum Dem Feier (Around the 13-song set named for streets in the Mile End/ the Fire),” a song popular in Jewish socialist circles, and Outremont area of Montreal. Others include “Fairmount “Fishalach (Little Fish),” usually known as “Fisherlid,” a Blues,” a jazzy blues tune that again has Rosenblatt and moody piece written by the Yiddish poet Aliza Grass delightfully trading licks; “Waltz Querbes,” a Greenblatt who was the mother-in-law of legendary slower piece that features some nice work by Rosenblatt Happy Chanukah! on harmonica and Kerr on the bass; and “Hutchison,” a FRESH PRODUCE is our SPECIALTY contemplative jazz tune on which each of the musicians gets time to stretch out. Find an EXTENSIVE SELECTION of LOCAL FARM 555 Legget Drive Among the tracks that showcase Rosenblatt as a FRESH PRODUCT as well as the FINEST FRUITS Suite 1030 singer are “Cold Outside,” a jumping blues about the and VEGGIES from AROUND the WORLD. Kanata, ON weather at this time of year; “You’ll Take the Highway,” K2K 2X3 OPEN 8 to 8 EVERYDAY. Les Kom, BA, MA, FMA, CIM® a Chicago-style blues song; and the rollicking “You’ll 613 783-7808 Miss Me.” HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON. Portfolio Manager Investment Advisor [email protected] The Jason Rosenblatt Quartet will launch Wiseman’s 1310 Wellington Street West www.LesKomWealthAdvisor.com Rag in Ottawa with a concert, Saturday, December 12, 7:30 pm, at Gigspace Performance Studio, 953 Gladstone 613.722.5747 CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of Avenue. Tickets are $20 and can be reserved at the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Open everyday 8am to 8pm 613-729-0693.

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foundation donations | Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation

The Board of Directors of FRANCEEN AND STANLEY AGES ENDOWMENT FUND Our future is in your hands the Ottawa Jewish Community In Memory of: To make a donation Foundation acknowledges with Blema Woolf by Josh Engel; by Barbara thanks contributions to the and Len Farber; and by Sandra and Jacie and/or send a tribute card, following funds as of November Levinson. call the Foundation office 16, 2015. TINA AND KEN AGES (613-798-4696 ext. 274) ENDOWMENT FUND ROSE AND LOUIS ACHBAR In Memory of: e-mail: [email protected] MEMORIAL FUND Bill Sarkas by Chuck and Adrienne Shabsove and family; by Sandra and Jacie Levinson; and website: www.OJCF.ca Birthday Wishes to: Helen Achbar Cooper by Sheila Cooper. by Sunny and John Tavel. Mazel Tov to: Tina and Ken Ages and family on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Alex by Josh Join us in building our community Engel. MARY AND ISRAEL (AL) ALLICE by supporting these local agencies MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: AJA 50+ ENDOWMENT FUND AKIVA EVENING HIGH SCHOOL OTTAWA JEWISH COMMUNITY Herb Gosewich by Beverly and Irving Birthday Wishes to: ENDOWMENT FUND ENDOWMENT FUND Swedko. Larry Hershorn by Tammy Torontow. ADINA BEN PORAT MACHON SARAH OTTAWA JEWISH In Appreciation to: TORAH EDUCATION FUND COMMUNITY SCHOOL ALYCE AND ALLAN BAKER Rosa and Peter Stone by Sheila Senman. DORIS BRONSTEIN TALMUD TORAH PARENT FUND FAMILY FUND AFTERNOON SCHOOL FUND OTTAWA JEWISH In Memory of: HILLEL LODGE COMMUNITY SCHOOL Moses Cook by Alyce and Allan Baker. LEGACY FUND BARRY FISHMAN OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN AGENCY FUND Herb Gosewich by Alyce and Allan Condolences to: Baker. Joyce Schachter by Anne Steinberg. SCHOLARSHIP FUND OTTAWA JEWISH MARTIN GLATT COMMUNITY SCHOOL In Memory of: ABRAHAM AND RACHEL BAROOK PARLIAMENT LODGE B’NAI BRITH CHILDREN OF THE BOOK Fela Leader by Shirley Strean-Hartman. MEMORIAL FUND PAST PRESIDENTS’ FUND AWARD FUND Anniversary Wishes to: OTTAWA JEWISH SHIRLEY AND SHIER BERMAN FUND MENDEL AND VALERIE GOOD Phyllis and Ab Flatt by Cynthia and Max COMMUNITY SCHOOL FOR OTTAWA JEWISH ARCHIVES HOLOCAUST CONTINUING Weinstein. In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: EDUCATION FUND ENDOWMENT FUND Howie Osterer by Shirley and Shier GREENBERG FAMILIES OTTAWA JEWISH CHANI AND BRAM BREGMAN Berman and family. LIBRARY FUND COMMUNITY SCHOOL FUND JEWISH EDUCATION FUND Mazel Tov to: FUND FOR THE NEXT GENERATION IN MEMORY OF EVA WINTROB In Appreciation to: David Berman on the ninth translation of JEWISH COMMUNITY CEMETERY OTTAWA JEWISH The Miller family by Lindsay, Neil, Ariel his book in Russian, “Doing Good Design” by HISTORICAL SOCIETY FUND and Sadie Gottheil. Shirley and Shier Berman and family. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES OTTAWA LODGE B’NAI BRITH #885 Cynthia Hoffos on her lovely design for SANDI AND EDDY COOK AGENCY FUND PAST PRESIDENTS FUND the JFS Concert by Shirley and Shier Berman ENDOWMENT FUND OTTAWA LODGE B’NAI BRITH #885 and family. JEWISH MEN’S Birthday Wishes to: PRESIDENTS SCHOLARSHIP FUND SOFTBALL LEAGUE FUND Cindi Resnick by Sandi and Eddy Cook and TAMIR ENDOWMENT FUND JEWISH STUDENTS ASSOCIATION - OTTAWA MODERN family. In Memory of: HILLEL FUND JEWISH SCHOOL FUND Mazel Tov to: Norman Lesh by Jackie, Kevin, Zack and JEWISH YOUTH LIBRARY OTTAWA POST Dodie and Bram Potechin on the birth of Meredith Barwin. OF OTTAWA ENDOWMENT FUND JEWISH WAR VETERANS FUND their grandson by Sandi and Eddy Cook and OTTAWA TORAH INSTITUTE family. AJA 50+ DAVID SMITH DAVID “THE BEAR” KARDASH CAMP B’NAI BRITH MEMORIAL FUND TORAH EDUCATION FUND OTTAWA JEWISH NATHAN AND REBA DIENER COMMUNITY SCHOOL OTTAWA JEWISH CEMETERIES PINCHAS ZUKERMAN MUSIC EDUCATION FUND ENDOWMENT FUND SCHOLARSHIP FUND ZICHARON FUND Anniversary Wishes to: RAMBAM MAIMONIDES Lynnie and Philip Zunder by Joel and Barb JEWISH CONTINUITY FUND Diener. SOLOWAY JEWISH In Memory of: COMMUNITY CENTRE Nadine Mordfield by Joel and Barb Diener EARLY CHILDHOOD and family; and by Reba Diener. EDUCATION FUND Mazel Tov to: SOLOWAY JEWISH COMMUNITY Lynne Oreck-Wener and Bob Wener on the SUMMER CAMP birth of their grandson, Lucas Noah Richards by SCHOLARSHIP FUND Joel and Barb Diener. www.OJCF.ca SOLOWAY JEWISH R’fuah Sh’leimah to: COMMUNITY CENTRE Ian Sadinsky by Joel and Barb Diener. ENDOWMENT FUND JOSEPH AND ESTHER EISENSTADT SOLOWAY JEWISH MEMORIAL FUND COMMUNITY CENTRE In Memory of: YOUTH SERVICES FUND Bayla Solow by the Sacksner family. TORAH ACADEMY OF OTTAWA Mazel Tov to: TORAH EDUCATION FUND Reuven and Deena Ben-Zeen on the birth of SARA AND ZEEV VERED their son by Joan Sacksner. ISRAEL CULTURAL PROGRAM FUND Continued on page 32 32 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

foundation donations | Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation

CYNTHIA AND ABE ENGEL Myra and Lester Aronson and family; by Susan SAMUEL AND TILLIE KARDISH In Memory of: ENDOWMENT FUND Stanfield; by Lila Tomlinson; by David Fisher; MEMORIAL FUND Ethel Epstein by Miriam Pleet. In Memory of: by Linda and Alan Gilbert; by Sam and Roberta Mazel Tov to: Herb Gosewich by Cynthia Engel and family. Goldmaker; by Gladys and Andrew Dencs; by Ann Brozovsky on the birth of her SYDNEY SLOAN POTECHIN Blema Woolf by Cynthia Engel and family. Joyce, Brian, Jonathan and Richard Besney; great-granddaughter by David and Joy Kardish. MEMORIAL FUND by Marilyn and Frank Markson; by Eleanor, In Memory of: ELLEN AND RAHAMIM FATHI Cheryl and Jacob Tischler; by Sandy and ARTHUR AND SARAH KIMMEL Sydney Sloan Potechin by Sandi and Eddy ENDOWMENT FUND Marvin Granatstein; by Randi, Ian, Jonathan, MEMORIAL FUND Cook and family; by Laraine Burton; by Rhoda In Appreciation to: Inna, Matthew and Adam Sherman; by Gary Anniversary Wishes to: and Joe Levitan; by Natasha Zigiris; by Debi David Smith by Ellen and Tamara Fathi. and Jody Roodman; by Bernie and Susan Sol and Laya Shabinsky by Roslyn and and Neil Zaret; by Shermin Rahimkhani; by In Memory of: Gosevitz and family; by Ethel and David Malek; Arnie Kimmel. Norma Miller; by Brian and Lynn Keller; by Herb Gosewich by Ellen Fathi and family. by Steven and Barbara Shulman; and by Ruthie In Memory of: Colin and Tanya Halsall; by Darya Greengarten Mazel Tov to: Mayberger Eliesen. Herb Gosewich by Roslyn and Arnie and Dan, Adam and Maya Altenberg; by Susan Rabbi and Shifra Scher on the birth of their Paul Puddicombe by Dena Gosewich. Kimmel. and Larry Miller; and by Bonnie and Chuck daughter by Ellen Fathi and family. Mazel Tov to: Marty Davis by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel. Merovitz. Edna Levitt on her son, Michael being Belle Taft by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel. JACK AND GERT GOLDSTEIN sworn in as a Member of Parliament by Dena MOE AND SARAH RESNICK MEMORIAL FUND Gosewich. MORRIS AND LILLIAN KIMMEL ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: MEMORIAL FUND R’fuah Sh’leimah to: Belle Taft by Allen and Diane Abramson. TEENA AND WALTER HENDELMAN In Memory of: Penny Resnick by Sue and Phil Bronsther. Shu Min T’O by Allen and Diane Abramson. FAMILY FUND Herb Gosewich by the Kimmel, Kaiman and Birthday Wishes to: Levine families. FLORENCE AND HERB AND DENA GOSEWICH Joyce Bellman by Teena and Walter R’fuah Sh’leimah to: GDALYAH ROSENFELD ENDOWMENT FUND Hendelman. Evelyn Eisenberg by the Kimmel, Kaiman ENDOWMENT FUND In Appreciation to: and Levine families. Condolences to: David Smith and Leiba Krantzberg by Dena, DOROTHY AND HY HYMES Bram and Dodie Potechin on the loss of their Mandy and Vicky Gosewich. ENDOWMENT FUND MELVIN KOSTOVE granddaughter by Anita Rosenfeld and Jocelyn In Memory of: In Memory of: MEMORIAL FUND Slatt. Ethel Epstein by Dena Gosewich. Ethel Epstein by Joan Bloom; by Dorothy Birthday Wishes to: In Memory of: Herb Gosewich by John and Gladys Green- Nadolny; by Blossom Read; and by Debbie Larry Hershorn by Valerie Eisen and Butch Nadine Mordfield by Anita Rosenfeld. berg; by Arnon and Ruth Miller; by Sandra and Baylin and family. Zinman. Harvey Kaplan; by Shirley Strean-Hartman; by In Memory of: SAMUEL AND RUTH ROTHMAN Linda and Ken Mirsky; by Simmy Gardner; by JEREMY KANTER MEMORIAL FUND Belle Taft by Valerie Eisen and Butch MEMORIAL FUND Beverly Friedman; by Laya and Sol Shabinsky; R’fuah Sh’leimah to: Zinman. In Honour of: by Lisa James Zaitchik; by Edie Landau; by Evelyn Eisenberg by Bunny Cogan. Allan and Barry Baker being the 2015 KRANTZBERG KRANE Honourees at the Jewish National Fund Negev FAMILY FUND Dinner by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor. In Memory of: In Memory of: Belle Taft by Clair Krantzberg. Nadine Mordfield by Sue and Steve Rothman and family. HILDY AND STEVEN LESH Mazel Tov to: ENDOWMENT FUND David and Vicki Abenhaim on the birth of In Appreciation to: their granddaughter, Louisa Gabriella Costanzo Laurie Plotnick by Hildy and Steven Lesh. by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor.

SANDRA AND JACIE LEVINSON FAY AND JOSEPH SHULMAN ENDOWMENT FUND ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: In Memory of: Belle Taft by Sandra and Jacie Levinson. Nadine Mordfield by Diane Koven; by Raezelle, Gustave and Laurie Goldmann; by RHODA AND JOE LEVITAN Edie Landau; by Aaron Kardish; and by Bonnie AND FAMILY and Chuck Merovitz. COMMUNITY ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: LORNE AND LAURIE SHUSTERMAN Belle Taft by Randi, Ian, Jonathan, Inna, FAMILY FUND Matthew and Adam Sherman; by Barbara and In Memory of: Len Farber; by Libby Katz; and by Enid and Lil Silverberg by Lorne and Laurie Shus- Jeff Gould. terman.

SALLY AND ELLIOTT LEVITAN JACK AND SARAH SILVERSTEIN ENDOWMENT FUND FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: Anniversary Wishes to: Herb Gosewich by Sally and Elliott Herb and Corinne Zagerman by the Silver- Levitan. stein family.

ARNOLD AND ROSE LITHWICK STELLA AND LOUIS SLACK MEMORIAL FUND MEMORIAL FUND Birthday Wishes to: In Memory of: Harold Fein by Yvonne and Harvey Belle Taft by Myra and Lester Aronson. Lithwick and family. SAM AND SUE SLACK JACK AND MIRIAM PLEET ENDOWMENT FUND ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: Anniversary Wishes to: Herb Gosewich by David and Sharon Eli and Lil Baker by Miriam Pleet. Appotive and family. Birthday Wishes to: Continued on page 33 Eli Baker by Miriam Pleet. December 7, 2015 33 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

foundation donations | Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation

THE DAVID SMITH FUND MILDRED AND PERCY WEINSTEIN Mazel Tov to: HANNAH SACHS B’NAI MITZVAH FUND FOR JEWISH LIFE ENDOWMENT FUND Allan Ruckenstein on his recent marriage to Birthday Wishes to: Birthday Wishes to: Birthday Wishes to: Judy by Ernie and Reva Goldberg. Michelle Sachs by Jackie, Kevin, Zack and Linda Kerzner by David Smith. Cindi Resnick by Millie Weinstein. Meredith Barwin. In Memory of: CHARLOTTE HAMBURG Belle Taft by David Smith. HALTON/WEISS FAMILY FUND MITZVAH FUND DAHLIA AND ZACHARY SHABSOVE Birthday Wishes to: In Memory of: B’NAI MITZVAH FUND THE STELCNER FAMILY Dan Greenberg by Debbie Halton-Weiss and Fela Leader by Cybele and Lyon In Memory of: FOUNDATION Ron Weiss. Hamburg. Blema Woolf by Chuck and Adrienne In Memory of: Mazel Tov to: Shabsove and family. Blema Woolf by Pam and Peter Stelcner. Lynne Oreck-Wener and Bob Wener on the LIEFF FAMILY birth of their grandson, Lucas Noah Richards by B’NAI MITZVAH FUND Contributions may be made online DORIS AND RICHARD STERN Debbie Halton-Weiss and Ron Weiss. Condolences to: at www.OJCF.ca or by contacting FAMILY FUND Pauline Colwin and family on the loss of her IRVING AND DIANE WEXLER the office at 613-798-4696 extension In Appreciation to: dear father-in-law by Francie Greenspoon and 274, Monday to Friday or by email at Doris and Richard Stern by Barbara and FAMILY FUND Norman Lieff. [email protected]. Steve Levinson. In Memory of: Mazel Tov to: Ethel Epstein by Carol Segal. Debbie Halton-Weiss and Ron Weiss on the Attractive cards are sent to FREDA AND PHIL SWEDKO Herb Gosewich by Diane Wexler and Carol birth of their grandchild by Francie Greenspoon convey the appropriate sentiments. MEMORIAL FUND Segal. and Norman Lieff. All donations are acknowledged with In Memory of: a charitable receipt. ZIPES KARANOFSKY FAMILY Nadine Mordfield by Beverly and Irving ENDOWMENT FUND Swedko. Condolences to: Melissa Ghattas and family on the loss of CASEY AND BESS SWEDLOVE her dear husband, Tony by Rick and Helen Donating made easy ENDOWMENT FUND Zipes. Good Wishes to: In Memory of: Justice Jack Nadelle by Carol-Sue and Jack at www.OJCF.ca Shu Min T’O by Rick and Helen Zipes. Shapiro. In Honour of: PINCHAS ZUKERMAN MUSICAL Donations can be made for all occasions Marcel Hamelin having Hamelin Hall named EDUCATION FUND for him at the University of Ottawa Arts Build- In Appreciation to: and life-cycle events. ing by Carol-Sue and Jack Shapiro. Norman Lieff by Julian Bernard.

CHARLES AND RAE TAVEL THE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE Use our online donation form MEMORIAL FUND PHILANTHROPY PROGRAM to send one or multiple tribute cards In Memory of: Providing support for services and programs Herb Gosewich by Sunny and John that directly benefit women and children. to your friends and loved ones Tavel. Blema Woolf by Sunny and John Tavel. WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE in one secure transaction. ENDOWMENT FUND BRENT AND RISA TAYLOR In Memory of: ENDOWMENT FUND Shu Min T’O by Rhoda and Joe Levitan. Charitable receipts are issued Mazel Tov to: Belle Taft by Diane Koven. Lisa and Lawrence Moskovic on the B’nai Mazel Tov to: and sent directly to your email account. Mitzvah of Matthew, Maddy and Erin by Brent, Lynne Oreck-Wener and Bob Wener on the Risa and Shira Taylor. birth of their grandson, Lucas Noah Richards by MOSES, CHENYA AND Debi and Neil Zaret and family; by Mindy Fin- Try it TODAY! HENRY TORONTOW kelstein and Roy Hanes and family; by Bonnie MEMORIAL FUND and Chuck Merovitz; by Diane Koven; and by Mazel Tov to: Janet Dollin and Zave Chad. Beatrice Torontow on becoming a THE SAUL AND EDNA GOLDFARB great-grandmother by Tammy and Eleanor B’NAI MITZVAH PROGRAM Torontow. RYAN GOLDBERG STEPHEN AND GAIL VICTOR B’NAI MITZVAH FUND ENDOWMENT FUND Condolences to: In Memory of: Reissa Miron on the loss of her dear brother Herb Gosewich by Stephen and Gail Victor. by Ernie and Reva Goldberg.

Brian Levitan, Certifi ed Senior Advisor 34 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

Chanukah Kid Lit New Chanukah books for children BY PENNY SCHWARTZ on his own by ship, sent on the journey from by JTA his parents following Kristallnacht. Oskar has only the haring blessings, friendship and welcoming photograph and address of his Aunt Esther, who lives guests are among the themes that illuminate uptown. As he makes his way up the length of Manhattan, some new Chanukah books for children that take Oskar is mesmerized by the city’s wintry glow. He crosses Sreaders from the streets of New York City to a paths with strangers who share blessings – a piece of moshav in Israel. bread, a Superman comic, a whistle from Count Basie and a kind encounter with Eleanor Roosevelt. The book’s simple prose is brilliantly matched with Mark Siegel’s captivating illustrations, which bathe the realistic cityscape with a dreamlike haze. The tale is based on family stories that author Richard Simon’s grandfather told him as a child. The historical references here are based Farmer Kobi’s Hanukkah Match on actual events from 1938 New York. By Karen Rostoker-Gruber and Rabbi Ron Isaacs Illustrated by CB Decker Hanukkah Cookies with Sprinkles Press, ages 4-8 By David Adler Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler Farmer Kobi has a house full of barnyard friends, and Apples and Honey Press, ages 4-7 this lighthearted, hilarious story opens on the second night of Chanukah at a moshav, an Israeli collective farm, Sara is an inquisitive, fun-loving girl with a heart of gold. when Farmer Kobi invites his new friend Polly for a Looking out the window of her city apartment, she notices Chanukah feast and she’s surprised to be greeted by a a man juggling and eating a bruised apple set aside by the slew of animals who sing Chanukah songs and play owner of Sol’s Market. As she comes to understand that dreidel. Oskar and the Eight Blessings the man is hungry, Sara prepares small bits of food to leave This isn’t Polly’s idea of fun. After she leaves, an By Richard Simon and Tanya Simon for him at Sol’s. unexpected visitor knocks on the door looking for help Illustrated by Mark Siegel Sara later spots the man at her synagogue, and the rabbi with a fl at tire. The new guest, Ruthie, feels right at home Roaring Book Press, ages 4-8 introduces her family to Mr. Berger, a former circus as she has her own farmyard friends waiting in her truck. performer. Sara’s family invites him to a Chanukah dinner, The offbeat, lively story is fi lled with playful language: Oskar and the Eight Blessings transports readers back in leading to a budding friendship. “You look fl ap-ulous,” a goose honks. There are fun nods time to New York City in 1938. The fi ctional tale takes place Sara also represents the multitudes of nontraditional to Israeli and Jewish traditions, all explained in a glossary on the seventh night of Chanukah, which that year was families within the Jewish community; she lives with her at the end. CB Decker’s cartoon-like illustrations bring also Christmas Eve. Oskar, a young Jewish refugee, arrives mom and grandmother, with no father. the story to life with plenty of merry mayhem. December 7, 2015 35 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 Torah Academy of Ottawa Chanukah Luncheon: Emerging Gen Chanukah Ball: Art and Soul....Live Creatively: TAO Invites all parents, grandparents, relatives and friends to Agudath Israel Congregation, 1400 Coldrey Ave., 7:30 pm. Explore Judaism’s insights into the arts and how they beautify enjoy our students’ performances. Info: Rena Garshowitz, 613-798-4696, ext. 241, and transform our lives, 7:30 pm. Torah Academy of Ottawa, 1119 Lazard St., 12 pm. [email protected] Also January 14, 9 am. Info/RSVP: Debbie Goldstein, 613-274-0110, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 Info: Devora Caytak, 613-729-7712, [email protected] offi [email protected] OJCS Family Fun Skate & Alumni-Parent hockey game: FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 Chanukah Night Out Middle Eastern Style: Enjoy a family fun skate, alumni-parent hockey game and Kabbalat Shabbat & Vegetarian Potluck Dinner: For adults, featuring Kosher falafel and . Chanukah goodies. The Glebe Minyan offers a meditative Kabbalat Shabbat Special guest Mark Halawa will tell the story of Grandma TD Place Arena, 1015 Bank St., 10 am to 12 pm. service followed by a dairy potluck. Rowaida’s dark secret: My Journey from Kuwaiti Arab to Info: Geremy Miller, 613-722-0020, [email protected] Quaker Meeting House, 91A Fourth Ave., 6 pm. Jerusalemite Jew. Chanukah Wonderland at OTC: Info: Rabbi Anna Maranta, 613-867-5505, Ottawa Torah Centre 111 Lamplighters Dr., 7 pm. [email protected] Info: Rabbi Menachem Blum, 613-843-7770, Family Chanukah party, featuring: Olive Oil Press Workshop, [email protected] where you will see how olive oil is made; Grand Menorah SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 Lighting Ceremony; Jumping Castle Doughnuts, Dreidels JNF Ottawa Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon: Support Israel through FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 & Chanukah songs. planting a tree, buying a tree bank or supporting your own Ottawa Torah Centre 111 Lamplighters Dr., 11 am. Agudath Israel Kabbalat Shabbat Dinner: project through a legacy gift., 9 am to 4 pm. Info: Rabbi Menachem Blum, 613-843-7770, [email protected] Chanukiah candlelighting and a family-style Kabbalat Shabbat Info: Ilana Albert-Novick, 613-798-2411, Dinner, catered by Creative Kosher. Glebe Minyan Chanukah Open House: Gather for can- [email protected] Agudath Israel Congregation, 1400 Coldrey Ave., 4 pm. dle-lighting, latkes, stories and song. Bring your chanukiah RSVP by noon December 8. and candles, if you have them. BYOB, sweets, treats; wine CANDLE LIGHTING BEFORE Info/RSVP: Susan, 613-728-3501, welcome too. [email protected] DECEMBER 11 3:59 PM JANUARY 8 4:17 PM The Glebe Minyan, 64 Powell Ave., 6 pm. DECEMBER 18 4:01 PM JANUARY 15 4:25 PM Shabbat Chanukah Potluck Vegetarian Dinner: Info: Rabbi Anna Maranta, 613-867-5505, DECEMBER 25 4:04 PM JANUARY 22 4:34 PM The Glebe Minyan builds its meal around celebratory food of [email protected] JANUARY 1 4:10 PM JANUARY 29 4:44 PM the season. Please bring a vegetarian contribution (no fi sh, or SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 meat) to share. Everyone welcome. BULLETIN DEADLINES The Glebe Minyan, 64 Powell Ave., 6 pm. PJ Library School Age Book Club Adventure: Info: Rabbi Anna Maranta, 613-867-5505, Also January 17, 10:30 am to 12 pm. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 FOR JANUARY 25 [email protected] Info: Gail Lieff, 613-798-9818, ext. 303, [email protected] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 FOR FEBRUARY 8



Condolences are extended to the families of: The Condolence Column is offered as a public service Nadine Mordfi eld to the community. There is no charge. May their memory For listing in this column, Bernard Silber, Montreal be a blessing always. (father of Lawrence Silber) please call 613 798-4696, ext. 274. Voice mail is available.

Happy Chanukah! May your homes be filled

50 Bayswater Avenue • Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 2E9 with warmth & light Tel: 613-759-8383 • Fax: 613-759-8448 • Email: [email protected] www.districtrealty.com 36 December 7, 2015 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM

Happy Chanukah from your CBB of Ottawa Family! May it be sparkling with fun and lit up with smiles!

DID YOU KNOW? • Most units are full/closed in the 1st half. • Space still left in our 2nd half sessions. • 2nd half programs will include great CBB of Ottawa traditions such as:

• Israel Day • Hagganah night • Carnival • Stanley Cup • Girls Touch Football • Staff Switch Day • Camp Play • Colour War • Grey Cup

For more information please contact: Jonathan Pivnick, Camp Director - [email protected] 613.244.9210 Visit us online at: cbbottawa.com

Find us on our Facebook page @cbbofottawa Camp B’nai Brith of Ottawa