Contents Page 2: Introduction Page 3: General Information about Torfaen Page 4: Health Page 5: Demographic Projections Page 6: Poverty Page 6: Commuting Page 8: Tourism and Events Page 11: Engagement  Local Toilet Survey, p.11  Baby Changing Survey, p.24 Page 28: Current Provision  TCBC owned and run public toilets, p.28  TCBC buildings that open their toilets to the public, p.28  Councils, p.29  Other public sector buildings that open their toilets to the public, p.29  Third sector premises that open their toilets to the public, p.29  Centre toilet facilities, p.29  Service stations with toilet facilities, p.30  Supermarkets with toilet facilities, p.30  Changing Places national scheme, p.30 Page 31: Radar Key availability Page 31: Appendices Page 31: Sources


Introduction This assessment has been undertaken in response to the Public Health () Act 2017, Part 8, which requires local authorities to undertake an assessment of need in relation to public toilets and, to use this assessment of need to inform a Local Toilet Strategy. Access to toilets supports people to go out and about and to feel confident that, should they need to, they can safely use a toilet. This is the case for people of all ages, with or without a health condition. For those people who have more frequent or urgent need of a toilet, they often plan their trip away from home around toilet availability or they do not go out at all. This can lead to social isolation and loneliness and affects people of all ages. The Bladder and Bowel Foundation claim that around 14 million people in the UK have a bladder control problem (approximately 1 in 5 people) and around 6.5 million suffer with a bowel control problem that is bothersome (approximately 1 in 10 people)1. Torfaen has a population of around 92,3002. Extrapolating the figures above would suggest that approximately 18,460 people in Torfaen have a bladder control problem and 9,230 people in Torfaen suffer with a bowel control problem that is bothersome. Clearly, the availability of toilets has a significant impact on the ability of many people to go about their daily routines, potentially affecting social inclusion, family lives, physical activity levels and people’s ability to travel to work. The purpose of this document is to assess these needs in the context of existing toilet provision within Torfaen. As well as looking at Torfaen as a whole, we have looked at our three main settlements – (population: 6,171), (37,220) and Cwmbran (48,661)3 – and the communities that are within them. We have focused on the strengths and assets of our communities and the basic infrastructure – of which toilets are an important part - that allows people to go about their everyday lives. There is no statutory requirement for local authorities to provide public toilets and in many regions of the UK, councils have closed some or all toilet facilities or introduced charges to access them. Torfaen Council (CBC) maintains a number of free to access traditional toilet blocks and allows access to toilets within many of our buildings. There are currently (October 2018) no toilets in the borough that require people to pay to access them. In development of the Local Toilet Strategy, including this Assessment of Need, we have considered the availability of toilets within buildings such as shops, cafes, restaurants, public houses and garages, a good number of which provide facilities that can be somewhere to dash to when desperate for the loo. As businesses provide these toilets primarily, and sometimes exclusively, for customer use, our


assessment also looked at whether residents feel comfortable using the toilets of businesses without buying something and whether they would feel more comfortable if businesses displayed signage to indicate that their toilets are available to people not buying a product or service.

General information about Torfaen Torfaen has an area of 126km2 and is the 3rd smallest borough in Wales. It has three main urban areas of Cwmbran, Pontypool and Blaenavon with smaller communities linking these towns along the valley. Torfaen also includes open countryside ranging from upland areas at the head of the valley around Blaenavon (designated as a World Heritage site) and sides of the valley, woodland, nature reserves, canal and river sides, open parks and farmland. Torfaen CBC works with a range of organisations to manage the biodiversity and natural resources in and around the borough as well as the built environment, local roads and major highways. Torfaen’s population is currently made up of 28,010 children and young people (aged 0 to 25); 45,330 adults (aged 26 to 64); and 18,460 older people (aged 65 plus)4. Population forecasts tell us that over the next 20 to 30 years, the number of people aged 0 to 64 will reduce and the number of older people will increase (changing birth rates and increasing life expectancy), although the shift in these numbers could vary dependent upon housebuilding, attracting people to live in the area, keeping our young people living locally and being a vibrant economic community. The Torfaen Assessment of Well-being (2017) carried out by Torfaen Public Services Board under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Population Needs Assessment (2017) carried out by the Gwent Regional Partnership Board under the Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, provide a wealth of information on population health, social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being across Torfaen. Using this information along with that of our public engagement on local toilets undertaken during the summer / early autumn of 2018, we have been able to build a picture of need across Torfaen. Further work in relation to developing a local toilet strategy for Torfaen has included mapping of current toilet provision open to the public, identifying gaps in provision and wide engagement with people from across our communities.


Health Torfaen has a varying picture of health, from communities in deprivation with low levels of good health and low levels of healthy life expectancy (where a person will have a short period of good health, followed by a long period of poor health before dying), to people with high levels of good health and high levels of healthy life expectancy (where a person will have a long period of good health, followed by a short period / no period of poor health before dying in older age). According to the Welsh Health Survey (2014/15) over half of the Torfaen adult population report being treated for a mental or physical chronic illness5. Ill-health and chronic conditions such as cancers, heart conditions, strokes, diabetes, muscular-skeletal conditions, being obese or overweight and having poor mental health, can all cause difficulties for people on a daily basis. Whilst health and social care services work to treat and support those people diagnosed, other public services work together to provide a range of support groups and community based services and to promote healthy behaviours and lifestyles. Despite the benefits of being active, just under a third (30.8%) of Torfaen residents report meeting the physical activity guidelines (WHS 2014/15) for exercise for health [5]. The proportion of people getting enough physical activity to benefit their health in Torfaen and Wales over the last decade has remained stubbornly flat. Over a third of the population of Torfaen report being physically inactive; this is higher than the Welsh average. Circulatory diseases are one of the leading causes of death in Torfaen and physical inactivity is known to be a contributing factor. Two out of every three adults are overweight or obese (62%, WHS 2014/15), higher than Wales (59%) [5]. GP disease registers show nearly 6,000 people resident in Torfaen are diagnosed with diabetes6. Over a quarter of reception year (4-5 years) children in Torfaen are already overweight or obese (28.6%) which is above the Wales average of 26.2%7. Obesity rates are expected to rise further in future generations, creating a significant problem for health and well-being and the sustainability of public services in the future. The National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease (NACC) is a national charity offering support to people who have Colitis or Crohn’s Disease - diseases that can strike at any age. Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease, known collectively as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), affects approximately 1 in 400 people living in the UK8. The sudden and uncontrollable need to use a toilet is a genuine and recognised symptom of IBD. Having an ‘accident’ in public is every patient’s worst fear and can have a devastating effect on their ability to undertake everyday activities such as going to work, shopping or socialising. Our mental well-being must be seen as a resource for life, influencing how we think and feel about ourselves and others, how we interpret events and consequently how we behave and function in day to day life.


The average Mental Component Summary scores (WHS, 2014/15) for Torfaen is 48.7, being slightly lower than Wales (49.4) meaning Torfaen has slightly lower mental well-being on average than Wales as a whole5. Our Healthy Future Indicators (PHWO, 2015) show that nearly a third (31%) of Torfaen residents report having a common mental health issue9. Over the past ten years, studies into the effects of loneliness and social isolation on people’s health have shown that it can be a major factor in diminishing the health and well-being of people as they age, associated with poor mental health and with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and dementia. The risks are similar to smoking and obesity. (Holt-Lunstad, 2015 /Hawkley et al, 2010)10. Single households amongst older people are increasing, partly due to rising divorce rates amongst the over 60s (bucking the trend for declining divorce rates amongst the overall population) and by people who choose to live alone, as well as the bereavement of a partner or spouse. Whilst some people cope well living alone, others find it difficult. This can be on a practical level, but is often due to lack of companionship, not having someone to share thoughts and ideas with and missing the encouragement and mental stimulation to participate in activities - both within the home and outside in employment, learning or social activities. Loneliness and isolation isn’t just associated with older people, it can occur regardless of social background, age, race, gender identification, sexual orientation, financial status or geography and can impact on wider community cohesion. Many younger people report feeling lonely. However, age related isolation increases with poverty and poor people are more likely to be isolated at an earlier age than those who are not poor. Getting out and about is important for both physical and mental health and access to a toilet can be a key factor to someone going out into their local community. This is especially important for many older people, people with a health condition that means they require frequent use of a toilet and for families with young children.

Demographic projections Projections show that by 2039, the percentage of total population in Torfaen who are aged 65 and over will rise from 20.1% in 2016 to 28.3% and the number of Torfaen residents aged 85 and over is projected to be more than double in the next 23 years, from 2,372 in 2016 to 5,595 in 2039; an increase of 136%11. The bigger picture for Torfaen, as in the rest of Wales, is that life expectancy and rate of premature mortality are improving. However, beneath that improving picture, there are stark inequalities in health and disease alongside more people living longer with a greater range and complexity of chronic health conditions. We will need to account for future increases in the number of older people in our service planning. We also need to think about how they will access and negotiate the built and natural environment, and the role that toilets play in enabling this. Keeping


people healthy and independent into old age is a necessity and investment in maintaining a reasonable level of public toilet facilities that support physical activity and independence can be seen as cost-effective in the longer term.

Poverty Overall in Torfaen, 1 in 5 households are in material deprivation (this includes items such as food, heating, durable goods and household bills); higher, but not statistically significantly different to Wales (National Survey for Wales)12. More than half of households in Blaenavon and nearly half of households in Pontypool live on lower household income (£0k - £20k). A fifth of residents in both towns are income deprived and Pontypool has particularly high levels of long-term sick and disabled residents13. Cwmbran has slightly higher levels of household income but nevertheless has higher levels of welfare benefit claimants than Wales and the percentage of households classed as ‘in poverty’ is higher than the Wales average13. Whilst many local authorities across the UK, particularly in England, have introduced small charges to access public toilets, usually of between 20p and 50p, Torfaen CBC does not charge for using public toilets and currently there are no plans to do so. Our engagement suggested that 60% of respondents (136 people) “would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to use public toilets if this was used to fund improvements in toilet facilities”, though 22% (50 people) disagreed with this statement. The data around levels of poverty in our most deprived areas must also remain an important consideration. The introduction of charges could also potentially impact on women more than men. Across Torfaen, Wales and Great Britain, there is a significant gap in pay for males and females in fulltime employment, where females earn considerably less. In addition, Torfaen average weekly pay for males and females is lower than Wales, which in turn is significantly lower than the Great Britain average14.

Commuting Geographically, Torfaen spans from the Heads of the Valleys in the north to the M4 corridor in the south and there are three main settlements along the way - Blaenavon, Pontypool and Cwmbran. The majority of the population rely on the private car for their work journey and there is significant inward and outward commuting to access employment opportunities. 83.1% of Torfaen residents in employment have access to a car or van as transport to their workplace15. Just over half (51%) of working residents travel to workplaces outside of Torfaen. The largest percentages of Torfaen residents work in Cwmbran (12435 out of 40415 (Torfaen working population) = 31%), followed by Pontypool (6423/16%), then


Newport (6064/15%), (2459/6%), (2055/5%) and Caerphilly (1051/3%)13. To plan for the future well-being of our communities we also need to consider other factors that could have an influence on the way people travel for work purposes through the borough. The Cardiff City Deal, Brexit, changes to national policy at a UK as well as level and the abolition of tolls on the Severn Bridge could all affect people’s decisions about where they work and/or how they travel to work. There are also new developments imminent. The opening of the new hospital at Llanfrechfa Grange will increase the NHS workforce in Torfaen, as well as traffic along the A4042. Due primarily to the availability of suitable land, planned housing development is focussed in the south of the borough. This will have an impact on the number of people commuting from this area and consequently journey durations at peak travel times. With state pension age being deferred to 68 and above over the coming years, we should also consider that people will be commuting further into older age. Incontinence and bladder problems – which of course can and already do affect younger commuters too - will only become an increasing issue as workers age. No local data exists that can help us link restroom use with travel patterns. In production of this Assessment of Need we therefore looked at two main factors: 1. The availability of toilets in garages and other convenient locations along the primary commuting routes. 2. Whether Torfaen residents have experienced difficulty commuting to work due to a lack of toilet facilities between their home and workplace. Torfaen has an area of 126km2 and is the 3rd smallest borough in Wales. As such it has only relatively short stretches of road between its major settlements. Our mapping exercise showed that the greatest distance between toilets along any road route is 6 miles (A4043 - Blaenavon to Pontypool). We have identified toilets at Ty Nant Ddu Resource Centre in as also being available along this route, which reduces this distance to 5.1 miles (Blaenavon to Pontnewynydd) but these are only accessible between 9.00am and 4.30pm and not at peak commuting times. The petrol station on this stretch of the A4043 does not provide toilets.

Our survey revealed that 31 of 133 (23%) respondents aged 18-64 claimed they have experienced difficulty commuting to work due to a lack of toilet facilities between their home and workplace. Further research would need to be conducted in order to ascertain any specifics in terms of the frequency of difficulties experienced, or correspondence to travel routes. In face to face engagement we were able to glean more insight; a couple of people mentioned the lack of parking directly outside public toilets prevented the facilities from being particularly accessible when travelling. However, we also found that 66% of respondents in this age grouping felt there is not enough information about the


whereabouts of public toilets and the facilities they offer, suggesting that at least some of this group may not be aware of toilets they could access. Our mapping exercise shows that (whilst within Torfaen) people commuting by car are never more than 3 miles from the nearest toilet and always have a toilet within 6 miles in their direction of travel. This leads us to conclude that commuters having a greater knowledge of toilet locations, including perhaps those that are just off their normal route, may be enough to improve this picture. People travelling by bus have easy access to toilets alongside bus stops in Pontypool (Town Hall toilets on Hanbury Road/Pontypool Library’s accessible toilet) and at , which acts as an interchange for many services. However, there are many bus routes that commuters take from residential areas to their place of work that do not pass or stop at these locations. Most of these routes are relatively short bus journeys, but no doubt cause difficulties on occasions for some users, particularly in the event of delayed services for example. Cwmbran train station provides a National Key Scheme toilet accessible by radar key. There are no toilets at the train station in Pontypool, which could be problematic for commuters in the event of delays and cancellations. Once boarded, commuters can access the toilets present on trains.

Tourism and events The World Heritage Site town of Blaenavon, set in 33 square kilometres, provides a range of attractions and activities within an impressive natural landscape, making it a perfect destination for a day out. Toilets are primarily located within the main attractions of Big Pit National Coal Museum, , Blaenavon Workmen’s Hall and Community Museum and the World Heritage Centre and Library. These sites are all just a few minutes’ drive or walk from each other. The external natural environment of Blaenavon also attracts visitors. The Tumble is one of the most notorious cycling climbs in the valleys. The famous climb has featured in many an event over the years, including the Tour of Britain and is an integral part of Velothon Wales each year. Garn Lakes Nature Reserve is a well visited beauty spot, enjoyed by tourists and local people alike, which was highlighted through our engagement as somewhere that would benefit from toilets. The former industrial town of Pontypool, with its traditional indoor and outdoor market, is located in the heart of the borough. In 2015, work was concluded on an extensive £2.5 million refurbishment of Pontypool Indoor Market, which included refurbishment of the toilets. Facilities include a separate gender neutral accessible toilet and a dedicated room for baby changing. The town’s industrial heritage is celebrated at Pontypool Museum, which provides toilets for customer use, and points of interest include the town’s history of iron and


steel production, coal mining and the growth of the railways. The artistic manufacturing industry of Japanning, a type of lacquer ware, also flourished here. The jewel in the centre of the town is , set over 64 hectares with several historical features - including Italian Gardens, Ice Houses and Shell Grotto - which have been restored with a Heritage Lottery Fund grant and funding from Torfaen County Borough Council. There is also a link from the Park, through adjacent farm land to the Tower, via a public footpath. Facilities include a children's play area, rugby pitch (home to Pontypool RFC), tennis courts, pitch and putt, bowls and a dry ski slope. There are footpath links into the Brecon Beacons National Park on the most northern boundary. Traditional toilet blocks, owned and maintained by Torfaen County Borough Council, are located next to the rugby pitch within Pontypool Park and adjacent to the park entrance on Hanbury Road (referred to throughout these documents as ‘Town Hall Toilet Block’. Pontypool Active Living Centre is also located within the park and allows its toilets to be accessed by non-customers. In July 2018 Welsh Government announced that a £4 million project to transform the Monmouthshire and Brecon canal into an adventure hub has had the green light for EU funding. The Joint project between Caerphilly County Borough Council, Torfaen County Borough Council and Glandwr Cymru - Canal and River Trust in Wales, is part of a wider Welsh Government EU funded Tourism Attractor Destination programme, led by Visit Wales, which aims to create 11 must see destinations across Wales. The Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal Adventure Triangle project aims to develop outdoor recreation, tourism and leisure activity along the Monmouthshire & Brecon canal in Torfaen and Caerphilly and connecting upland area of Mynydd Maen. The project will include construction of a Visitor Activity Centre at Canal Basin in Pontypool, as part of an overall programme of planned improvements to the basin. The aspiration is to upgrade the toilet provision to include a better design and layout, baby changing facility, access for all and changing facilities for water sport activity. In the south of the borough, Cwmbran is unique in being the only New Town in Wales, being designated in 1949 and designed as a distinctive, progressive and modern town offering new opportunities for its residents. Cwmbran Centre attracts the largest number of shopping visitors with 17 million customers a year from the wider area of Gwent and the M4 corridor. Two sets of dedicated toilet facilities are provided and a number of stores in the 170 store shopping centre have toilets within, including Marks and Spencer, House of Fraser and several coffee shops. Cwmbran Library is also situated in this vicinity and provides toilet facilities. Cwmbran is home to a number of visitor attractions including Community Farm, Grange Arts Centre and Manor Rural Heritage Centre, all of which provide toilets for visitors. Greenmeadow Farm highlighted an aspiration to improve their baby changing facilities and to provide


better accessible toilet facilities and a Changing Place, following requests from organisations wishing to bring severely disabled service users to the farm. Cwmbran Boating Lake is a key attraction within Cwmbran, extremely popular with a wide range of people including families, dog walkers and people fishing on the lake. During our engagement people expressed a significant amount of dissatisfaction with toilet facilities at Cwmbran Boating Lake, which were mentioned by more than 30 people. This facility sees a lot of footfall and because of the nature of the area, mud is walked in regularly and the facilities require frequent cleaning each day. Torfaen County Borough Council already have an improvement plan in place for this site, which includes:  Improving the path areas outside the toilets so that water doesn’t collect to form muddy puddles. This will slow down the rate at which the floor in these toilets become wet and muddy.  Replacing the existing all-in-one hand washer/driers. All of the visitor destinations mentioned in this section – including Cwmbran Boating Lake - are well-reviewed on social media/travel websites, currently averaging scores of 4, 4.5 or 5 stars out of a maximum of 5 on the most popular sites. Such websites can have a great influence on tourism and potential visitors who suffer with bowel or bladder problems may well use these sites to investigate whether poor reviews are giving toilets as a reason. One reviewer of Garn Lakes said “The only reason I have awarded 4 instead of 5 is that I agree with other reviewers that the area would benefit from having toilets available”. In relation to tourism and its economic impacts, it is therefore important that destinations provide a reasonable number of clean and well maintained toilets that meet the needs of visitors. Local authority staff and others promoting Torfaen assets as tourism destinations, should give consideration to the availability of online information about toilet facilities. Large events Torfaen hosts a few large one day events that take place in large outdoor spaces each summer. Portable toilets are hired to meet the needs of visitors. As most of these are well-established events, organisers are accustomed to anticipating the correct level of provision required. The Big Event takes place annually in Cwmbran on a Saturday in June and can attract more than 10,000 visitors. It is funded by Torfaen Council, Cwmbran Community Council, & Llanyrafon Community Council, Henllys Community Council and private sector sponsorship. The event includes sporting competitions, craft and food stalls, rides and activities for children and a wide variety of music and dance acts. To compliment the toilet block at the Boating Lake, which would be insufficient with this level of footfall, Torfaen CBC’s Play Services team provide a family friendly area that offers additional baby changing and breastfeeding space and portable toilets are hired in.


Pontypool Party in the Park is a similar event that takes place in Pontypool Park in July each year, organised in partnership with Pontypool Community Council, Pontypool Regeneration Partnership, Torfaen Leisure Trust, Melin Homes and Cotyledon Markets. Toilets are available in the Pontypool Park Toilet Block and Pontypool Active Living Centre. Blaenavon Town Team requested that we note the importance of Lion Street Toilet Block to the potential for residents to create and host their own events in the town, particularly given recent closures of cafes in the main street.

Engagement To help inform our Local Toilet Strategy we produced two bilingual surveys in summer 2018; a Local Toilet Survey and a Baby Changing Survey. To ensure accessibility, the Local Toilet Survey was piloted with Cwmbran 50+ Forum, who gave positive feedback about the content and format. The Baby Changing Survey followed a very similar format. The surveys were then made available both online via the Torfaen Public Services Board Consultation Hub (Citizen Space) and in hard copy versions taken to targeted groups and locations.

Local Toilet Survey In total there were 233 respondents to the Local Toilet Survey. Of these, 72 identified as male, 160 identified as female and 1 identified as transgender. 90 (39% of) respondents considered themselves to have a disability.

Not all disabilities require an accessible toilet or Changing Place:

Of the 233 respondents: 167 people can use a general toilet (72% of respondents) 50 people require an accessible toilet (21% of respondents) 16 people require a Changing Place (7% of respondents)


Where do they use toilets? 57 of the 233 respondents use toilets in Blaenavon 194 of the 233 respondents use toilets in Cwmbran 141 of the 233 respondents use toilets in Pontypool

Respondents’ ages:

How were responses obtained? 127 Local Toilet Survey responses were obtained through the online PSB Consultation Hub. 106 responses were obtained through face to face engagement sessions by TCBC staff between July and October 2018. We visited various locations to speak to groups and individuals to ensure a good cross-section of responses… We listened to older people and gathered their survey responses at:  Cwmbran 50+ Forum - 24/07/18  Community Hub / Lunch Club - 07/08/18  Blaenavon 50+ Forum - 07/08/18  Pontypool 50+ Forum - 08/08/18  Croesyceiliog Community Hub / Lunch Club - 09/08/18  Age Connects Torfaen’s base at Widdershins, Sebastopol - 20/08/18

Young people’s experiences were established through:  TCBC Youth Service facilitated one-to-one survey sessions with young people with additional needs - August 2018.  TCBC Play Services staff and service users providing survey responses during the summer play scheme period - August 2018.

And general sessions were held at:  Pontypool Indoor Market - 22/08/18  Pontypool Indoor Market - 29/08/18


 Cwmbran Library - 30/08/18  Blaenavon Resource Centre - 31/08/18 (including a session with a representative of Blaenavon Town Team and a Blaenavon Councillor)

How representative was this sample? The sample size of 233 at Confidence 95% generates an error margin of +/- 6.14% We should therefore be cautious about drawing conclusions based on responses to the survey statements where there is not a strong agreement in a particular direction.

Summary of responses to the Local Toilet Survey: We asked people who said they require an accessible toilet or a Changing Place what facilities/furnishings are important to them:


We then asked all respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with a range of statements, as below:






Geographical Differences

The graphs above indicate a lower level of satisfaction with toilet facilities in Pontypool. Only 34% agreed there are sufficient toilet facilities within Pontypool to meet their needs, compared to 50% feeling there are sufficient facilities in Blaenavon and 53% feeling there are sufficient facilities in Cwmbran. This was particularly noticeable amongst users of accessible toilets; only 25% of people requiring an accessible toilet felt there are sufficient facilities within Pontypool to meet their needs. This compared to 55% of people requiring an accessible toilet agreeing there


are sufficient facilities in Cwmbran to meet their needs and 79% of people requiring an accessible toilet agreeing there are sufficient facilities in Blaenavon to meet their needs. A couple of respondents highlighted the half day closure of Pontypool Indoor Market on a Monday afternoon as the reason for their response. This closure of toilet facilities coincides with the full day closure of Pontypool Library on a Monday, which, during Tuesday to Saturday, provides an accessible toilet in lieu of accessible toilets at the Town Hall toilet block on Hanbury Road. Consequently, the only accessible toilets available on a Monday afternoon are at Tesco and Pontypool Active Living Centre, both some distance from Pontypool town centre. Sundays provide the same scenario. However, it should be noted that the majority of respondents did not provide reasoning and therefore could have been reflecting on other considerations, such as the furnishings of accessible toilets or lack of an accessible toilet in the two toilet blocks in the town. Using the toilets of businesses


Torfaen County Borough Council has previously engaged with private and third sector businesses to encourage them to allow use of their toilets by the general public, not just paying customers. Our survey and wider engagement demonstrated strong support for signage being provided to offer toilet facilities for use. Open Questions within the Local Toilet Survey: We gave people several open questions to give them plenty of opportunity to highlight specific locations, elaborate on their responses or make any further points they wished to. Respondents were asked: Are there any buildings, facilities/services or places (of any kind) within Torfaen that you would like to access but can’t due to a lack of suitable toilet facilities? If so, please explain:

Location # people Location # people suggesting suggesting Cinema 3 Cycle paths 1 Lock Gate Retail Park 3 village shops 1 Blaenavon (Town Centre) 2 Iron Works 1 Blaen Bran 2 Old Cwmbran 1 Bowl Plex 2 Over by and 1 Cwmbran Stadium 2 Cemetery 1 Library 2 village 1 Pontypool – generally 2 Primark 1 Pontypool Leisure Centre 2 Several shops 1 Greenmeadow Community Farm 1 shops 1 Big Pit 1 What Store 1 Canal tow paths 1 Woodland Road Social Centre 1

With the exception of two suggestions of ‘library’ and one of Panteg Cemetery, there were no responses to suggest that key council or statutory services are inaccessible due to a lack of suitable toilet facilities.

Respondents were asked: Are there any existing toilet facilities that you feel need improving?

Facility # people Provided by suggesting Boating Lake 15 Torfaen County Borough Council Pontypool Town Hall 12 Torfaen County Borough Council with financial support from Pontypool Community Council Cwmbran Bus Station 8 Cwmbran Centre (M&G Real Estate Limited) Woodland Road / Croesy Park 8 Croesyceiliog & Llanyrafon Community Council Pontypool Park 5 Torfaen County Borough Council


Cwmbran Town Centre 4 Cwmbran Centre (M&G Real Estate Limited) 2 No longer open - decommissioned Iron Works 2 Cadw Pontypool Indoor Market 2 Torfaen County Borough Council 1 Asda Stores Limited Fish ponds in Sebastopol 1 No longer open - decommissioned Inshops 1 Toilets are for staff only Old Cwmbran 1 No longer open - decommissioned Pontnewydd 1 No longer open - decommissioned Pontnewydd Park Bowling Green 1 No longer open - decommissioned Pontypool Active Living Centre 1 Torfaen Leisure Trust South Fields 1 Torfaen County Borough Council

Respondents were asked: Are there any specific green spaces where you would like to see more or better toilet facilities?

Location # people Location # people suggesting suggesting Boating Lake 31 Pontnewydd 2 Canals 20 Sebastopol 2 Pontypool Park 18 The Folly 2 Woodland Road 12 Alexander Road Park 1 Abersychan 8 Blaen Bran 1 Garn Lakes 8 Bowling greens 1 North Fields (including responses 7 Skate Park, Llanyrafon 1 naming Oasis Club or Fitness Centre) Cwmbran Park 5 1 Pontymoile 4 The British 1 Fish Pond Park Griffithstown 3 The Dyke side of Croesyceiliog 1 South Fields 3 The Grotto 1 Cycle track/paths 2 Trevethin 1 Cwmynyscay Nature Reserve 2

The vast majority of comments about the Boating Lake (31 mentions) were linked to cleanliness, which was fed back to TCBC Streetscene Services who maintain the facility. A couple of comments mentioned the amount of toilets not being sufficient at peak times. The canal in Torfaen (20 mentions) is a great asset, providing picturesque walks, fresh air and access to wildlife. Funding has been secured for the development of Pontymoile Canal Basin, to include new toilet provision. This will provide a point of access to the canal network for those who have concerns about needing toilets. Many people mentioning Pontypool Park (18 mentions) suggested the toilets require modernisation.


The majority of comments about Woodland Road (12 mentions) related to access, primarily complaints that toilets are locked at peak times when families use the park. Some comments mentioned the need for modernisation.

Selected comments relating to information and signage “We feel clearer signage around all of Torfaen so everyone knows where the nearest toilet is would be a big advantage for everyone who’s looking for public conveniences” “Show all toilet facilities on a map or app as some people don't know about them” “It would be a good idea to have a section on the Torfaen app/website detailing buildings/businesses that allow access to toilet facilities. In this day and age of technology, this would be very helpful in enabling people to plan their trips in advance.” “They are not well signposted. I am well-travelled and the facilities are very poor compared to many other countries I have visited... Germany, Sweden and numerous others. As a country we need to think about tourism and the experience of visitors, who can't be impressed!” Selected comments relating to access with a pushchair or multiple children “Often cubicles are too small to fit a parent and a child - never mind a parent and two children!” “Being a mum you struggle to get children to hold themselves to get to a decent toilet. When you get to some they are often in disrepair or have limited accessibility.” “It is hard to safely control my second child whilst I’m dealing with the first. The strap in seats you see in some places are a good solution”. Selected comments relating to opening times or limited availability “Public toilets at Woodland Road Centre are very often closed so families using playpark or the small coffee shop have nowhere” “The use of a radar key in most toilets for Out of Hours times would be beneficial.” “Market, town hall, leisure centre etc. have good facility's not open long enough but are clean would happily pay to use / know there is a clean facility available 24 hours a day” “Could be opened earlier and for longer please” “The park toilets (Woodland Road / boating lake) could be open longer.” Selected comments relating to additional needs or specific medical conditions “I have Ulcerative Colitis, therefore when I need toilet facilities, I need them almost immediately. The ones below Costa Coffee/W H Smiths have been a life saver. Most


supermarkets only have one cubicle, occasionally two, this is a real problem for people with UC or Crohns.” “There needs to be disabled parking outside of toilets for those of us with continence issues.” “Cleanliness is vital. We have to purchase toilet covers (for sale in Poundland, but not all the time) and I often avoid drinking before leaving the house - problem of being dehydrated. Really value attendants to help if a problem/fall” (This individual has an autoimmune disease that causes regular hospital admission if infections occur)

Baby Changing Survey In addition to the online survey, parents were pro-actively asked for their experiences of baby changing facilities during general engagement sessions in Blaenavon Resource Centre, Pontypool Indoor Market, Cwmbran Library and through dedicated sessions at: • Dad and Me Forum - 06/10/18 • Greenmeadow Community Farm - 14/08/18

In total there were 40 respondents to the Baby Changing Survey. Of these, 6 were male and 34 were female. 4 considered themselves to have a disability.

Only one in four people responding to the Baby Changing Survey said they feel comfortable using the baby changing facilities of businesses without buying anything or using their services. 92% of respondents to the Baby Changing Survey said they would feel more comfortable about using the facilities of businesses if they displayed a sign to highlight that their facilities can be used without buying anything or using their service.

81% felt there is not enough information about the whereabouts of baby changing facilities.

72% were generally dissatisfied with the baby changing facilities provided in public toilet blocks. This was a notably higher dissatisfaction level than respondents showed with the facilities provided by shops (53%), cafes/restaurants/pubs (43%), libraries, museums and similar public buildings (29%) or in local halls/venues attended for classes/activities (23%).

67% were generally dissatisfied with the cleanliness of baby changing facilities.

55% were generally dissatisfied with the amount of baby changing facilities

53% were generally dissatisfied with the equipment provided within baby changing facilities. It was mentioned that facilities sometimes lack bins and contain only a basic pull-down baby changing station. Several respondents mentioned the challenges they face with multiple small children, primarily having nowhere to safely


place a second child whilst they deal with a dirty nappy on the other. During face to face engagement a couple of people mentioned the strap in seats present in some toilets – providing somewhere to securely sit a second child - should be fitted in more Torfaen toilets.

A number of people mentioned occasions when they, the parent, need to use a toilet themselves as being problematic. Having to leave a child in a pushchair outside a cubicle is not safe and often there is not room to take a pushchair inside a cubicle. Accessible toilets – providing more space – were consequently sometimes used, although often these are inaccessible because they require a radar key.

50% said that a lack of baby changing facilities prevents or discourages them from visiting Torfaen’s green spaces (parks, canals, woodland and other ‘outdoor’ environments). This has concerning implications in terms of both physical activity and mental wellbeing and echoes the response to the same question in the Local Toilet Survey, where two thirds (67%) of respondents said they were prevented or discouraged from visiting green spaces due to a lack of suitable toilet provision. With childhood obesity being a growing problem and mental health problems amongst young people escalating, it is important that children are given the opportunities to be active in outdoor environments and continue these behaviours into adolescent and adult life.

The percentage of people agreeing that Cwmbran has sufficient baby changing facilities (38%) was higher than the percentage of people feeling Pontypool (19%) or Blaenavon (14%) have sufficient baby changing facilities, although 51% of respondents still did not think Cwmbran has sufficient baby changing facilities.

Respondents were asked: “Are there any specific green spaces where you would like to see some, or better, toilet/baby changing facilities? If so, where?”

Location # people Location # people suggesting suggesting Cwmbran Boating Lake 25 Abersychan 1 Canals 6 Fish Pond Park, 1 Sebastopol Pontypool Park 4 Glansychan Park 1 Woodland Road 3

Respondents were asked: Are there any buildings, facilities/services or places (of any kind) within Torfaen that you would like to access but can’t due to a lack of suitable baby changing facilities? If so, please explain:

Location # people Location # people suggesting suggesting Congress Theatre 1 Lots of shops 1 Eating spaces in Cwmbran 1 Pontypool Leisure 1 Centre Greenmeadow 1 Riverside Car Park side 1 Community Farm of town (Pontypool)


Response to this question suggests parents and guardians of children are not having any significant difficulties accessing essential council or statutory services due to a lack of baby changing facilities in the buildings or places these services are provided from.

Respondents were asked: If there was an opportunity to improve existing facilities, what would you suggest needs doing?

Suggestion # people Suggestion # people suggesting suggesting More/better cleaning 9 More signs to show 1 where facilities are Parents toilets – i.e. large 5 Nice lights for baby to 1 enough for pushchairs, look at with both a toilet and baby change station in same location Regularly emptied bins 4 Hooks to hang a nappy 1 bag on Baby changing in male 3 Restraints on tables 1 toilets Provide sanitizer to clean 3 Shelf to put things on 1 baby changing station / hands Feeding area / chair 2 Strap in seats for other 1 children Baby changing taken out 1 of disabled toilets

Comments about baby changing predominantly focussed on:  Cleanliness  Lack of accessibility with a pushchair  Logistical challenges if the adult or other children also need to use a toilet  Gender equality – facilities accessible to dads Selected comments relating to accessibility with a pushchair: “The baby changing facilities at the boating lake are far too cramped. You can't get a pushchair in without blocking the whole toilets to all other people.” “Cwmbran boating lake. There is a disabled toilet which is always locked and the cafe has nothing to do with the toilets. My double pram cannot access the ladies toilets.”


“As a mother of 3 (all under 5) trying to find an accessible toilet anywhere is limited and if I need to use the toilet myself I have to plan to have someone with me as the majority of baby changing facilities don't offer an adult toilet and the ladies toilets are not big enough to accommodate a pushchair.” “Toilet facilities are generally too small to take a pram into whilst using the facilities - meaning I generally need to go into the disabled cubicle. Would also be good if the baby changing rooms could also have a toilet cubicle so my other child can use the toilet as I’m changing the baby. Asda has it perfect. M&S is difficult as need to go to different spaces, the public toilets in Cwmbran by the car park are perfect - the baby changing room which has a toilet is perfect! And always clean.”

Selected comments relating to logistical challenges if the adult or other children also need to use a toilet: “If an adult is out with a small baby it is possible to find a toilet with a baby changing area, however, often it is not possible for the adult to also gain access to a toilet. The adult cannot go into a cubicle with a baby nor leave the infant outside the cubicle. There is a changing facility with enough room for a pushchair and which also provides facility [a toilet] for the adult in the underground carpark in Cwmbran, but by and large if you go out with a small infant you need two adults.” Selected comments relating to cleanliness and hygiene: “None of the facilities I have used in Torfaen have covers available for the changing table or any means of cleaning/sanitizing the table. A lot of the facilities do not have restraints fitted meaning it is dangerous to walk away from the baby even to wash your hands.” A number of parents also mentioned space for breastfeeding: “Breastfeeding areas would be useful - a safe place with a comfy chair.” Comments relating to baby change facilities in male toilets: “Separate baby change units that both men and women can use.” “Very few baby change units that are not part of women's toilets, meaning men can't change their babies. Putting baby change facilities in disabled toilets helps but you do feel guilty if a disabled person has to wait to use the toilets because you're changing a baby.” Note: there is no gender discrimination of this nature within Torfaen CBC facilities. Comments with financial consideration: "It's a shame the ones that we do have are not looked after by the people using them. I would happily pay to use facilities if they were maintained to a high enough standard.” “I think any spare money would be better spent on other things. If you are taking your children out surely it’s the parent's responsibility to make sure that they take baby changing items with them and not to expect it to be automatically provided for them.”


Current provision Toilets open to the public are available across Torfaen. Most of it is general provision with limited access to gender neutral facilities, baby changing facilities or changing places facilities (as designated by the national scheme for older children and adults with a need for larger spaces and specific equipment). The toilets that are available are currently promoted in a downloadable leaflet on the Torfaen CBC website. Some of our partners – such as Age Connects Torfaen - provide hard copies of this leaflet to their customers. nveniences/PublicaccesstotoiletsinTorfaen.aspx The website provides details on location and opening hours but an overview can be seen here:

TCBC owned and run public toilets

• Lion Street Toilet Block+, Blaenavon. NP4 9NH • Boating Lake Toilet Block+, Llanfrechfa Way, Llanyrafon, Cwmbran. NP44 8HT • South Fields Changing Rooms, Llanyrafon, Cwmbran, NP44 8HT • Town Hall Toilet Block*, Hanbury Road, Pontypool. NP4 6JL • Pontypool Park Toilet Block, Pontypool. NP4 8AT

*Pontypool Community Council (PCC) make an annual financial contribution towards the cost of these toilets. +Requires Radar Key to access the accessible toilet.

TCBC buildings that open their toilets to the public

• Blaenavon World Heritage Centre & Library, Church Road, Blaenavon. NP4 9AE • Croesyceiliog Community Education Centre, The Highway, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran. NP44 2HF • Cwmbran Library+, Gwent Square, Cwmbran. NP44 1XQ • Llwyncelyn Cemetery, Llwyncelyn Drive, , Cwmbran. NP44 7PF • Power Station Adult Learning Centre, Blenheim Road, St. Dials, Cwmbran. NP44 4SY • Pontypool Library, Hanbury Road, Pontypool. NP4 6JL • Pontypool Indoor Market+, Pontypool. NP4 6JW • The Settlement Adult Learning Centre, Trosnant Street, Pontypool. NP4 8AT • Ty Nant Ddu Resource Centre, Hospital Road, Pontnewynydd, Pontypool. NP4 8LE

+Requires Radar Key to access the accessible toilet.


Community Councils typically allow toilets within the buildings they own or manage to be accessed by the public on a discretionary basis, when staff are present. However, staff can be present at irregular times and therefore, in order to manage expectations, Community Councils generally prefer for this access not to be advertised:

• Blaenavon Town Council Offices, 101 High Street, Blaenavon. NP4 9PT (provided by Blaenavon Town Council) • The Council House, Ventnor Rd, Cwmbran. NP44 3JY (provided by Cwmbran Community Council) • Woodland Road Sports and Social Centre+, Croesyceiliog, NP44 2DZ (provided by Croesyceiliog & Llanyrafon Community Council

Pontypool Community Council contribute to the costs of retaining the Town Hall Toilet Block, Hanbury Road, Pontypool. NP4 6JL (see above).

Neither Henllys Community Council nor Ponthir Community Council occupy premises on a full time basis and therefore do not provide access to toilets.

Other public sector buildings that open their toilets to the public

• Blaenavon Resource Centre, Middle Coed Cae Road, Blaenavon. NP4 9AW (provided by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)

Third sector premises that open their toilets to the public

• Bethlehem Chapel, Broad Street, Blaenavon. NP4 9NE • Bowden Active Living Centre, Folly Road, Trevethin, Pontypool. NP4 8JD • Cwmbran Stadium, Henllys Way, Cwmbran NP44 3YS • Fairwater Leisure Centre, Ty Gwyn Way, Fairwater, Cwmbran NP44 4YZ • Millennium Hall, Top Road, Garndiffaith, Pontypool. NP4 7LT • Ponthir Village Hall, Ponthir Rd, Ponthir, Newport NP18 3XL • Pontypool Active Living Centre, Trosnant Street, Pontypool NP4 8AT • The Kickplate Project, Portland Buildings, Commercial Street, Pontypool. NP4 6JS • Threepenny Bit Community Hall, Deerbrook, Greenmeadow, Cwmbran. NP44 4SX

Cwmbran Centre toilet facilities

 Bus Station+, Gwent Square, Glyndwr Road, Cwmbran. NP44 1QS  Square+, Cwmbran. NP44 1PX

Opening times for the majority of toilet facilities listed above can be found in Appendix 1: Mapping Data – Toilets that can be promoted for public use


Service stations with toilet facilities

 Esso Service Station, Rockhill Road, Pontypool NP4 8AN (Rontec)  Shell Service Station, Henllys Way, Cwmbran. NP44 3JA (Euro Garages)  Shell Folly Tower Service Station, A4042 Roundabout, Pontypool. NP4 0XB (24 hours) (Euro Garages) Supermarkets with toilet facilities

 Asda Cwmbran Superstore, Llewelyn, Cwmbran. NP44 1UL  , Grange Road, Cwmbran. NP44 1QP  Sainsburys Superstore, Llewellyn Road, Cwmbran. NP44 1UL  Tesco Superstore, Top Car Park, Lower Bridge St, Pontypool NP4 6JU The above service stations and supermarkets will be contacted formally to seek permission to include facilities on the national map of toilets being produced.

Changing Places national scheme Information on the details of Changing Places toilets can be found at: http://www.changing- The only existing toilet facility up to Changing Places specifications is available at:

• Asda Cwmbran Superstore+, Llewelyn, Cwmbran, NP44 1UL

Radar Key availability The premises marked with a + require a radar key to access the accessible toilet(s). Radar keys can be bought from a range of online retailers or locally from:

Age Connects Torfaen, East Avenue, Griffithstown, Pontypool NP4 5AB. Argos, 2-4 Monmouth Walk, Cwmbran NP44 1PE. Argos, 16 Crane Street, Pontypool NP4 6LY. Bush Healthcare, 33 Gwent Square, Cwmbran NP44 1PQ. Haven Mobility, Unit 14, Avondale Industrial Estate, Cwmbran NP44 1UG Torfaen Community Transport/Shopmobility, 32 Gwent Square, Cwmbran NP44 1PL.


Appendices Appendix 1: Mapping Data (so far) – Torfaen toilets identified Appendix 2: Local Toilet Survey Appendix 3: Baby Changing Survey

Sources 1Populus Research interviewed 1040 adults aged 18+ years between 9-22 June 2008. 23% reported a bladder control problem and 11% a bowel control problem. content/uploads/sites/95/2015/02/BowelProblems.pdf

2ONS Mid-year population estimates (2017) ulationestimates/bulletins/annualmidyearpopulationestimates/mid2017

3ONS Mid-year population estimates, MSOAs (2016) ulationestimates/bulletins/annualsmallareapopulationestimates/mid2016

4Torfaen Assessment of Well-being 2017 being/Part-1-Torfaen-Well-being-Assessment.pdf 5Welsh Health Survey 2015 headline-results-en.pdf

6ABUHB GP disease registers for Torfaen. %20Report%202014%20final%20September%202015.pdf

7The Child Measurement Programme for Wales 2015/16 ort%20%28Eng%29.pdf

8Memorandum by the National Association for Colitis and Crohn's Disease m 9Our Healthy Future Indicators (2015)


10Holt-Lunstad, 2015 / Hawkley et al, 2010 20Science-2015-Holt-Lunstad-227-37.pdf 11Population based projections (2014), Welsh Government projections/?lang=en

12Data Unit Wales (2016). Understanding Local Well-being Summary Data, October 2016.

13Origin-Destination, Census 2011

14Gross weekly pay of males v females. Source: ONS annual survey of hours and earnings - workplace analysis, 2015, via NOMIS. inghours/bulletins/annualsurveyofhoursandearnings/2015provisionalresults

15Torfaen assessment of well-being Pontypool infographic being/Part-3-Well-being-of-Pontypool-and-its-communities.pdf