our safari guide suddenly stops “Mind-Blowing” Adventure Of course, every safari has the vehicle and you know he’s a narrative. Your story will be shaped For some, the lure of Africa is too great Y seen something—but what? to go unheeded. Susan White Mathis, by the lodges where you stay and the And where? The guide’s eyes are tuned owner of Mateya Safari Lodge in South animals you see. in to spotting well-camouflaged Africa’s , For Lisa Starkey, a bumpy Land animals, and yours will be, too, in a became enamored with Africa after Rover ride through the will couple of days. He points to a bough of visiting from her native Georgia, in the remain indelibly etched on her memory. an old Leadwood tree and says quietly, United States. She built her dream safari “The roof was off so you could stand up “Ingwe ().” And there it is lodge for herself and paying guests and and look out—we did a 360-degree turn glaring at you with piercing golden eyes, filled it with one of the ’s finest and all you could see were thousands claws firmly grasping an that he private collections of African books, art of zebras. Nothing but stripes for and artifacts. pulled into the tree so that the meal miles. It was mind-blowing!” says the Then there was a New York City doesn’t get stolen by lions or hyenas. Centreville, Md., resident, who traveled It’s times like this that make it business executive who met and fell in love with the game ranger at Tswalu with her 22-year-old daughter, Sarah. worthwhile to embark on the long Kalahari Reserve in , On another day, Starkey recalls, “we got journey of an African safari. during her visit. “Khaki fever” some- within five feet of 20 elephants. We You may consider a safari to be times renders people defenseless, and in were in awe.” a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. But let me this case it ended happily with Wendy Over the course of their two-week warn you: You will get hooked! If you and Mark Rutherfoord getting married, trip, the Starkeys spotted all of the Big didn’t see a kill this time, or spot having two young children and starting Five (lion, elephant, Cape buffalo, a , or snap a photo of a yawning their own game reserve—Gondwana leopard and rhinoceros), as well as hippo as the sun sinks over the Chobe Game Reserve, along the Garden Route countless giraffes, hyenas, , River, you’ll be eager to return. near Cape Town. and (including one

Clockwise from top: African acacia trees in the warm light of a late afternoon, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania/; on Gondwana Game Reserve; zebra on Gondwana Game Reserve; safari vehicle from Mateya Safari Lodge; image of the grounds of the Gondwana Game Reserve; elephant on Gondwana Game Reserve.

“Safari Silhouette” ©\bandian1122

24 BOSS 4 s pr i ng 2015 Courtesy of Gondwana Game Reserve

Courtesy of Gondwana Game Reserve ©\guenterguni

Courtesy of Gondwana Game Reserve Courtesy of Mateya Safari Lodge/Kunj Trivedi Courtesy of Gondwana Game Reserve Nigeria Central Ethiopia African Republic Cameroon

Somalia Rep. of Uganda Kenya the Congo Gabon Lake Naivasha Rwanda Maasai Mara Game Reserve Democratic Burundi Serengeti Mount Kilimanjaro Republic National Park Ngorongoro Crater of the Congo Zanzibar Tanzania

Lake Malawi Courtesy of Camp Jabulani/Rikki Hibbert ©\Avatar_023 Malawi From left: Rhinos at Camp Jabulani; two Maasai warriors; Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain of Africa.

Mana Pools whose belly was swollen with a freshly tribe, a people that has stayed true to its If you desire close-up elephant Victoria Falls eaten gazelle). “By the end of the tour, primitive roots. “Th ey still drink cow’s encounters and grand colonial style, Etosha National Park Mozambique gazelles and antelopes were as common blood. It was eye-opening to be with choose Camp Jabulani, where to us as dogs and cats,” Lisa recalls. them—like taking a step way back in elephant-back riding is a popular perk. With literally hundreds of time,” says Lisa. While on the Maasai For the best spa in the bush and Chaîne Nambia safari tours and lodges competing for Mara Game Reserve, the duo also des Rôtisseurs gourmet food, the choice your business, how does one stand enjoyed a sunrise hot air balloon ride, is Royale Malewane in the Th ornybush Madikwe Game Reserve Londolozi out from the rest? By off ering superior which off ered a panoramic view of Reserve close to Kruger Park. Ulusaba Camp Jabulani guides, distinctive interior decor, running animals below. If you have a yearning for Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve high-quality cuisine, frequent animal If you want almost guaranteed something wilder and altogether more sightings and additional activities like sightings of the Big Five, head straight remote, Botswana’s Okavango Delta Swaziland visits to rural villages. When you are for one of the many South African is calling you. Th e number of lodges and Tswalu Kalahari Reserve planning your safari, be sure to lodges inside Sabi Sands Private Game visitors is restricted by the government, ask about these amenities. Reserve and other private reserves making it high price but low volume Lesotho For the Starkeys, a big highlight of bordering Kruger National Park. Lodges and therefore exclusive. It’s quite South Africa their trip was the day they spent in like Richard Branson’s Ulusaba and the possibly the best all-round safari Kenya visiting with the rural Maasai family-run Londolozi are well-known. destination on earth—a watery Cape Town Gondwana Game Reserve

Planning Your Safari Each southern and eastern African country is renowned for iconic safari adventures:

KENYA: Encounters with Maasai MALAWI: Snorkeling in the warm waters of Lake Malawi people; fl amingoes on Lake Naivasha; with hundreds of colorful fi sh; village visits to meet hot air ballooning over the Maasai Mara friendly locals. during the migration (pictured at left).

ZAMBIA: Walking safaris in wild reserves; game lodges along Lower TANZANIA: Serengeti plains dotted with wildebeest; Zambezi; Victoria Falls (pictured at left) the wildlife haven of the Ngorongoro Crater; climbing with accommodation alongside the the ice-topped Mount Kilimanjaro and relaxing on the beaches Zambezi River. of Zanzibar.

26 BOSS 4 s pr i ng 2015 ©\Zaharov

wonderland of fast owing channels and tranquil lily pad lagoons interspersed with lush and riverine forests. You can get a bird’s-eye view of the complex ecosystem from the air if you y in on a six-seater light aircra ; other ideal observation opportunities include 4x4 game drives and boat and canoe rides.  ere’s never a dull moment in the Okavango; you don’t even have to leave your lodge to see game, and in the dark of night, the likelihood of a lion coming to camp is very real. Footprints in the sand the next morning will reveal who came a-visiting. Of course there are other considerations that will inform your

ZIMBABWE: A wild canoe : Incredible landscapes; wildlife in Etosha trip along the Zambezi from Mana National Park; nomadic Himba tribe. Pools dodging crocodiles and hippos (pictured at left); Hwange National Park with hundreds of elephants; visit SOUTH AFRICA: Sophisticated the other side of Victoria Falls. game lodges; close-up animal sightings; good value public rest camps inside Kruger National Park BOTSWANA: Canoeing silently past hippos through the (pictured at left); climb Table Mountain Okavango Delta; boat cruises on the Chobe River for iconic sunset in Cape Town. photos; elephant-eating lions in Savute.

Photo credits: “Maasai Mara” ©\Serge_Vero; “Victoria Falls” ©\maiteali; “Zambezi” ©\Bobbushphoto; “Kruger National Park” ©\DavidCallan; “Map of Africa” ©\Booka1

WWW.DIXONVALVE.COM SPRING 2015 ᔢ BOSS 27 Wild Nights with a Difference

Some zoos in the United States offer overnight stays to experience the spooky things you miss in daylight, like the “Roars and Snores” package at Philadelphia Zoo and “Bunk with the Beasts” at Denver Zoo, but there’s nothing quite like sleeping in a treehouse surrounded by wildlife that is truly wild! These are some African versions of wild nights:

SLEEPOUT PLATFORM IN KRUGER PARK DESERT NIGHT SKY Bring out the explorer in you with a two-hour walk You’ll be mesmerized by the African night sky through Kruger Park from Rhino Post or Plains at Tswalu Malori Sleepout Deck in South Africa’s Camp to the Sleepout Platform. It’s a multilevel largest private reserve in the . tree house built in the boughs of a huge tree. Peek It’s very exclusive, with a price tag to match. out of your mosquito net in the dead of night to see who’s at the waterhole. TREEHOUSE WITH RESIDENT SNAKE “Ignore the snake, he won’t hurt you,” is the advice HONEYMOON NIGHTS offered when staying in the Treehouse at Delta For romance in the wild, book the sleep-out Camp in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. Other options in Lion Sands or Kapama Game Reserve. possible visitors are a large spotted genet (relative Their wooden structures deep in the bush have to the mongoose), Meyer’s parrots and assorted a four-poster bed, white linen and billowing woodpeckers and pigeons. mosquito nets, with bathroom facilities. Sleep under the stars all snug and safe, but very alone. IN BED WITH ELEPHANTS There are similar offerings at Garonga Camp in Fall asleep to the snores of elephants at Makalali Reserve and Makanyane Safari Lodge in Botswana’s original elephant-back riding camp, Madikwe, all in South Africa. Star Bed at Abu Camp. This habituated herd is bedded down for the night within sight and sound of the camp-out platform.

Travelers willing to forgo luxury can sleep under the stars at Garonga Camp (left) and at Makanyane at the Star View Sleep-out Hide.

Courtesy of the Garonga Camp Courtesy of Makanyane Safari Lodge (

28 BOSS 4 s pr i ng 2015 Courtesy of Londolozi Courtesy of Londolozi

Leopard siting at Londolozi. Children climbing a tree while participating in the Londolozi Cubs program. fi nal choice of safari destination and sole-use villas in all the best African says Lisa. “But now that we’ve been to and accommodation—like can I take safari and beach locations. She, her Africa, who needs to go anywhere else? the kids? Some lodges have special husband and two young sons have We’re dying to go back.” activities for youngsters, but you tested them all out—a perk of the job. Travel writer Carrie Hampton should defi nitely leave the smallest Wherever your safari takes you, just has been to more than 200 safari toddlers at home. For advice on make sure to budget on coming again, lodges, written coff ee table books and planning a family safari, contact Jenni because once is never enough—as Lisa guidebooks and has a blog called Saunders, whose company Villas & and Sarah Starkey can attest. She visited Africa Africa ( “We developed a ‘bucket list,’ with on vacation 18 years ago and never left . why-us) specializes in family travels the goal of visiting every ,” © Carrie Hampton, [email protected]

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