Radyr and Morganstown Census

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Radyr and Morganstown Census 2011 Census - Key & Quick Statistics Profile Radyr & Cardiff Who We Are - How We Live - What We Do Who We Are Population Ethnicity RAD Cardiff RAD Cardiff Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 Male 3,142 169,893 (%) (%) Female 3,275 176,197 White 93.5 84.7 British 91.0 80.3 Irish 0.4 0.7 Age Structure Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0.0 0.2 RAD Cardiff Other White 2.1 3.5 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 Mixed Ethnicity 1.5 2.9 (%) (%) White & Black Caribbean 0.3 1.1 0 - 4 6.0 6.5 White & Black African 0.3 0.5 5 - 9 6.1 5.2 White & Asian 0.7 0.7 10 - 14 7.0 5.4 Other Mixed 0.2 0.6 15 - 19 6.1 7.5 Asian 3.6 8.0 20 - 24 3.9 11.2 Indian 1.4 2.3 25 - 29 4.8 8.8 Pakistani 0.6 1.8 30 - 44 20.7 20.2 Bangladeshi 0.1 1.4 45 - 59 22.3 17.3 Chinese 1.2 1.2 60 - 64 7.0 4.8 Other Asian 0.3 1.3 65 - 74 8.4 6.6 Black 0.4 2.4 75 - 84 5.5 4.6 African 0.1 1.5 85 - 89 1.5 1.4 Caribbean 0.2 0.4 90 + 0.6 0.6 Other Black 0.1 0.5 Total Persons 100.0 100.0 Other Ethnic Group 0.9 2.0 Arab 0.6 1.4 Mean Age 41 37 Other Ethnic Group 0.3 0.6 Total 100.0 100.0 90+ 85 to 89 80 to 84 75 to 79 Country of Birth 70 to 74 65 to 69 60 to 64 RAD Cardiff 55 to 59 50 to 54 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 45 to 49 40 to 44 (%) (%) 35 to 39 30 to 34 Wales 68.9 68.7 25 to 29 20 to 24 England 22.3 16.9 15 to 19 10 to 14 Northern Ireland 0.4 0.3 5 to 9 0 to 4 Scotland 1.6 0.8 10.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 Republic of Ireland 0.4 0.6 Males Cardiff Females Cardiff Other EU Countries 1.6 3.3 Males RAD Females RAD Other Countries 4.7 9.4 Total 100.0 100.0 Welsh Language Welsh National Identity RAD Cardiff RAD Cardiff All usual residents aged 3+ 6,172 332,273 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 %% %% Speak, Read & Write 10.1 8.7 Welsh only identity 48.5 50.4 Speak & Read 1.3 0.8 Welsh and British only identity 10.3 8.2 Speak Only 1.8 1.4 Other Welsh combined 1.2 1.2 Understands Spoken Welsh 4.4 3.1 No Welsh identity 40.0 40.2 Other Combination 2.5 2.1 Total 100.0 100.0 No Knowledge 79.9 83.8 Total 100.0 100.0 Multiple Ethnic Group Per Household RAD Cardiff Household Language All Households 2,552 142,557 RAD Cardiff (%) (%) Total Households 2,552 142,557 One person household 20.8 33.1 %% All people aged 16 and over in All household members have the 72.7 57.7 household have English or Welsh 96.4 90.5 same ethnic group as a main language Different ethnic groups between 0.9 2.3 At least one but not all people the generations only aged 16+ in household have Different ethnic groups within 2.2 3.6 English or Welsh as a main partnerships (whether or not 4.9 4.4 language different ethnic groups between No people aged 16 and over in generations) household but at least one person Any other combination of 0.5 0.8 0.7 2.5 aged 3 to 15 has English or Welsh multiple ethnic groups as a main language Total 100.0 100.0 No people in household have English or Welsh as a main 0.9 5.2 language Passports Held Total 100.0 100.0 RAD Cardiff Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 Total Passports Held 5,975 297,109 Religion (%) (%) RAD Cardiff No Passport 7.6 15.1 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 United Kingdom 89.7 77.4 (%) (%) Republic of Ireland 0.3 0.6 Christian 60.4 51.4 Other EU Countries 1.2 3.0 Buddhist 0.3 0.5 Other European Countries 0.2 0.2 Hindu 1.2 1.4 Africa 0.3 0.8 Jewish 0.3 0.2 Middle East and Asia 0.9 3.1 Muslim 1.7 6.8 North America & Caribbean 0.3 0.4 Sikh 0.1 0.4 Central & South America 0.0 0.0 Other Religion 0.2 0.4 Antarctica and Oceania 0.0 0.1 No Religion 29.7 31.8 Percentages do not sum to 100 due to more than one Religion not stated 6.0 7.2 passport held by some usual residents Total 100.0 100.0 Year of Arrival in the UK Age of Arrival in the UK RAD Cardiff RAD Cardiff Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 %% %% Born in the UK 93.4 86.7 Born in the UK 93.4 86.7 Arrived before 1941 0.1 0.1 0 to 4 1.3 1.8 Arrived 1941-1950 0.2 0.1 5 to 7 0.3 0.6 Arrived 1951-1960 0.3 0.5 8 to 9 0.2 0.4 Arrived 1961-1970 0.5 0.8 10 to 14 0.6 0.9 Arrived 1971-1980 0.8 0.9 15 0.0 0.2 Arrived 1981-1990 0.8 1.1 16 to 17 0.3 0.6 Arrived 1991-2000 1.5 1.8 18 to 24 0.2 1.0 Arrived 2001-2003 0.8 1.5 25 to 29 0.9 2.8 Arrived 2004-2006 0.7 2.2 30 to 44 1.3 2.2 Arrived 2007-2009 0.9 2.7 45 to 59 1.4 2.2 Arrived 2010-2011 0.2 1.8 60 to 64 0.2 0.4 Total 100.0 100.0 65 to 74 0.0 0.0 75 to 84 0.0 0.1 85 Plus 0.0 0.0 Length of UK Residence Total 100.0 100.0 RAD Cardiff Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 (%) (%) Health & Long Term Limiting Illness RAD Cardiff Born in the UK 93.4 86.7 Total Usual Residents 6,417 346,090 (%) (%) Resident in UK: Less than 2 years 0.4 2.6 Good/Very Good General Health 87.9 81.5 Resident in UK: 2 years or more Fair General Health 9.2 12.1 0.9 2.5 but less than 5 years Bad/Very Bad General Health 2.9 6.4 Resident in UK: 5 years or more Total 100.0 100.0 1.1 2.9 but less than 10 years LLTI* (all) 13.1 18.0 Resident in UK: 10 years or more 4.2 5.2 LLTI* (16-64) 5.4 9.4 Total 100.0 100.0 Qualifications guide based on National Vocational Qualification (NVQ): Qualifications No Qualifications (None): No academic or professional qualifications Level 1 Qualifications : 1-4 O Levels/CSE/GCSEs (any grades), Entry Level, Foundation Diploma, RAD Cardiff NVQ level 1, Foundation GNVQ, Basic/Essential Skills/Professional qualifications All Usual Residents aged 16+ 5,101 283,115 Level 2 Qualifications : 5+ O Level (Passes)/CSEs (Grade 1)/GCSEs (Grades A*-C), School Certificate, 1 A Level/ 2-3 AS Levels/VCEs, Intermediate/Higher Diploma, Welsh Baccalaureate (%) (%) Intermediate Diploma, NVQ level 2, Intermediate GNVQ, City and Guilds Craft, BTEC First/General None 8.5 20.7 Diploma, RSA Diploma Up to level 1 8.8 11.0 Apprenticeship Up to level 2 15.0 13.0 Level 3 Qualifications : 2+ A Levels/VCEs, 4+ AS Levels, Higher School Certificate, Apprenticeship 2.4 2.8 Progression/Advanced Diploma, Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma, NVQ Level 3; Advanced Up to level 3 9.8 15.2 GNVQ, City and Guilds Advanced Craft, ONC, OND, BTEC National, RSA Advanced Diploma Up to level 4 52.8 32.3 Level 4+ Qualifications : Degree (for example BA, BSc), Higher Degree (for example MA, PhD, Other Qualification 2.7 5.0 PGCE), NVQ Level 4-5, HNC, HND, RSA Higher Diploma, BTEC Higher level, Foundation degree (NI), Total 100.0 100.0 Professional qualifications (for example teaching, nursing, accountancy) Other Qualifications : Vocational/Work-related Qualifications, Foreign Qualifications (Not stated/ level unknown). How We live Dwellings & Households Household Composition RAD Cardiff RAD Cardiff Total Dwellings 2,636 148,093 All Households 2,552 142,557 Unshared Dwelling 2,636 147,913 (%) (%) Shared Dwelling Two Household One person household: Aged 65 0 59 11.1 10.8 Spaces and over Shared Dwelling Three Household One person household: Other 9.7 22.2 0 121 Spaces One family only: All aged 65 and 10.3 6.0 over Total Households Spaces 2,636 148,599 One family only: Married or same- Occupied Household Spaces 2,552 142,557 sex civil partnership couple: No 15.9 9.9 Unoccupied Household Spaces 84 6,042 children Household Space Vacancy Rate 3.2 4.1 One family only: Married or same- sex civil partnership couple: 23.6 13.8 Dependent children Living Arrangements One family only: Married or same- sex civil partnership couple: All 6.7 4.9 RAD Cardiff children non-dependent Persons Aged 16+ (Not Living In 5,065 271,649 Communal Establishments) One family only: Cohabiting 5.5 6.1 (%) (%) couple: No children Married or in a registered same- One family only: Cohabiting 58.6 38.4 3.7 3.7 sex civil partnership couple: Dependent children One family only: Cohabiting Cohabiting 10.9 12.1 couple: All children non- 0.4 0.4 Single (never married or never dependent registered a same-sex civil 18.1 34.0 One family only: Lone parent: 6.3 7.7 partnership) Dependent children Not living in a couple: Married or One family only: Lone parent: All 2.3 3.4 in a registered same-sex civil 0.8 1.4 children non-dependent partnership Other household types: With 1.8 2.6 Separated (but still legally married dependent children or still legally in a same-sex civil 1.2 1.8 Other household types: All full- 0.0 2.3 partnership) time students Divorced or formerly in a same- Other household types: All aged 0.0 0.3 sex civil partnership which is now 5.0 6.5 65 and over legally dissolved Other household types: Other 2.5 5.9 Widowed or surviving partner 5.4 5.6 Total 100.0 100.0 from a same-sex civil partnership Total 100.0 100.0 Adults not in employment and Lone Parents & Employment Status dependent children and persons RAD Cardiff All Lone Parents 160 10,881 with long-term health problem or (%) (%) Lone parent in part-time disability for all households 42.5 32.3 employment: Total RAD Cardiff Lone parent in full-time 38.1 21.7 All Households 2,552 142,557 employment: Total (%) (%) Lone parent not in employment: 19.4 46.0 No adults in employment in Total household: With dependent 1.6 5.2 Total 100.0 100.0 children No adults in employment in Male Lone Parents 14 868 household: No dependent 24.8 28.5 (%) (%) children Male Lone parent in part-time 7.1 15.7 Dependent children in household: employment: Total 35.5 27.7 All ages Male Lone parent in full-time 64.3 43.0 Dependent children in household: employment: Total 12.3 12.2 Age 0 to 4 Male Lone parent not in 28.6 41.4 One person in household with a employment: Total long-term health problem or Total 100.0 100.0 3.7 5.0 disability: With dependent children Female Lone Parents 146 10,013 (%) (%) One person in household with a Female Lone parent in part-time long-term
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