The Open Door

April 2015

P. O. Box P. 926


The Open Door is published monthly

by the First 989.831.5240

of Stanton Stanton,MI 48888

Beverly Bailey, Editor

305 North 305 Camburn Street TheCongregational First Churchof Stanton A Privileged Participant (Part 1 of 3) By Bob Brundage

If anyone takes anything away from reading my story, I pray it is From the desk of Pastor Jamey an increased ability to believe and trust that God is always at work in eve- ry situation. I believe this because of what I read in the , God’s reli- able revelation of himself to the world. I trust it is true because of what I Like the Bereans have been privileged to learn throughout the course of my life. I began following Christ at the age of 16. Not until age 30 did I A number of Sundays back I opened the sermon with a reading of Acts 17 and the ac- started pursuing my college education. My goal was to add a ministry count of the people of Berea, a small city in Macedonia with a populace of faithful Jews. Paul degree to the commercial pilot’s license I’d already earned. I had been thinking about giving my life to some sort of future mission work where I and went there to preach the gospel. As was their custom, they made an appearance at the could combine flying with biblical ministry. I was confident God would local synagogue where they told about Jesus and how he fulfilled Jewish prophecy. They told supply the necessary direction as I moved forward with my plans, so I pressed ahead. By age 33, I had of his teachings, his life and death, and they explained that he was the promised Messiah who completed formal pastoral and mission studies and was eager to start the final stretch of a bachelor de- was foretold. The response of the Berean people is noteworthy because this group of people gree. However, at that same time, I was also experiencing some strange symptoms in my body. Follow- was not a collection of religious simpletons. They didn’t just buy into what Paul was saying. ing a series of tests I was officially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This news upset the plans that I These were intelligent souls who were thoughtful and critical about the things they were hear- thought were in place, and I began struggling with a great deal of confusion. Nonetheless, I chose to ing. The Bible says in Acts 17 that when Paul and Silas arrived, the Bereans were open- press on and focus on my education. My health may have been fading rapidly, but at least I could dis- minded. They listened to the message with great earnestness, and every day studied the Scrip- tract myself with school. Eighteen months passed, and I had my bachelor’s degree in religious educa- tures to see if what Paul was teaching them was really true. Many of them eventually believed tion. I was 35 then, and I was dying. as did many Greek women of high social standing and many Greek men as well. Due to my deteriorating health, I was forced to abandon my plans for the mission field. Do you ever secretly wonder if your Christian faith is really true? It’s OK if you do. I “Now what?” questions no longer concerned flying or ministry, they were about how my disease was stealing my life. The newest challenge I was facing was simply how to walk. Those next five years were sometimes do. I have come to believe that it’s a legitimate question. In fact, I think it’s an im- a painful roller coaster ride filled with extremely fast-failing health. I dealt with various walking aids at portant question. first, but eventually deteriorated to wheelchairs. The doctors told me my body was rapidly shutting Western culture today prides itself in open-minded thinking. Everywhere is the idea down, and, that, at the pace I was going, I might live to see the year 2000. that the best chaplains are those who appreciate the value of interfaith ideals. Generally speak- This was a very dark time. My life was turning out like nothing I could have expected. I had ing, colleges, hospitals, and even the military have little interest in clergy members who tout many noble plans for my future. I couldn’t understand why God wasn’t fulfilling them. In addition to their own personal denomination as correct and everything else incorrect. This sort of thinking my failing health, my wife of 23 years announced one day that she didn’t marry a wheelchair and left me is considered extremely passé. Modern progressive thinking shows tolerance and respect for for greener pastures. Nothing made sense anymore. When I tried to pray about my situation, it seemed all faiths because after all, it is reasoned, no spiritual belief can ever be proven really true. like God was ignoring me. I didn’t understand what was going on, and I didn’t like it at all! I would yell Faith, they say, is a personal matter, and it’s judgmental to exalt one’s own unprovable ideas at him, “Why aren’t you listening?” My life was being flushed down the toilet as I stood by helplessly over those of another’s. watching it all happen in real time. I was confused, angry, and lost. My theology was completely turned Here at FCC we hold a slightly different view. Yes, it’s important never to insult or upside down. If all the disaster was some sort of “test” in my life, I was definitely earning a big fat F! I felt completely abandoned and absolutely helpless. mock someone for their religion, but that doesn’t mean we must validate it either. IM- PORTANT NOTE: Disagreement is not the same thing as an insult. Similarly, asserting your (To be continued next month) view that someone is mistaken is neither intolerant nor hateful. Many corners of our culture Each month we feature something God is doing in the life of somebody from our congregation. If God is have come to accept the bizarre reasoning that the view “all religions are true” is loving, while moving in your life in a meaningful way and you’d like to celebrate that with the FCC family, please con- “your religion is mistaken” is mean-spirited. tact Pastor Jamey at [email protected] . Continued . . . Our Church at Work . . . From the Moderator . . .

From the Board of Trustees . . . ANNUAL CHURCH Easter is my favorite holiday. Christmas is right up there, but I really Heads-up!!! Since our supply chal- CLEAN-UP BEE enjoy Easter. I enjoy so many aspects of this season—that we’re (usually) lenge last year was so successful, we Following morning worship starting to see Spring, the kids in their new outfits, dinner with family, less are thinking of having another competi- Sunday, April 12, 2015 pressure than other holidays that expect an abundance of gifts, and the tive challenge in May. We’re working on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ greetings of “He is Risen, He is Risen, indeed.” the details . . . . Just thought you would I am so grateful that Pastor Jamey often reminds us that Easter is the equivalent of the Chris- like to know!!! We’ll be cleaning the church from top to bottom immediately following morning tian Super Bowl—this is the culmination of where all our hopes rest. Before I came to this church, I didn’t really acknowledge the Lenten season. I had heard of it, but didn’t have an worship on April 12. Your help will be application of it in our life. Now, not only do I enjoy our church’s Lenten suppers, but I have appreciated. also gotten really excited about finding Lenten studies for our family each year.

The Endowment Committee . . . Come prepared and dressed (blue jeans This year we are working through a book that gives you a different name for Jesus and a acceptable) to dig in—cleaning supplies Scripture reading showing the context of why and how we can know Jesus in that way. We have written each day’s name on our big picture window as a reminder. These have been so Is planning to make camp and college will be provided. There will be outside reassuring to us as we go through this current hospitalization of Josh’s mom—Comforter, scholarships available again this year. work as well, and you may wish to bring Conqueror, Our Hope. I would encourage all of you, in the way that I have been encouraged Applications will be available in the work gloves if you plan to work outside. lately, to remember that Jesus was not only our Salvation as he hung upon the cross, but church office. that he currently IS so many things to us. Things that are easy to forget when we think of Him Stay as long as you can! as only the sacrifice and forget that Easter celebrates not the death but the resurrection of Jesus—this Firstborn from the Dead.

Camping Adventure . . . He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!!! April’s Operation We’re planning a church camping trip to the Christmas Child item is: Lakeview United Methodist Campground Stephanie Herzog SMALL ITEMS FOR GIRLS from June 26 - 28. Group rates are $27/ night, and there are accommodations for Items may be placed in the tents, campers, fifth wheels, or even tarps. Church Membership . . . marked box on the table in the A sign-up sheet is available. If you have Pastor Jamey will be leading a class for church membership. If interested, Fellowship Hallway. questions, contact Josh or

Stephanie Herzog. please contact the church office (989.831.4250) or email Pastor Jamey at Thanks for your help and support!!! [email protected].

Mealtime Prayer As you thank God for your food, thank Him for the Bible, which teach- es us how to live. Ask Him to help you obey His commands.

Appetizer Love Talk Starters As a family, make up 10 new rules for your house. They can be serious or funny. Put them in order of importance from 1 to 10. Helping get the

conversation flowing Main Course After Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea, they traveled through the wilderness and 1. What personal annoying camped by a big mountain. Moses climbed up the mountain to talk to God. God gave Moses laws habit of your partner’s to tell the people. One day God wrote some rules on two tablets of stone and gave them to Mo- has become endearing ses. They are known as the Ten Commandments. How many can you name? (See Exodus 20.) Why over time? did God make rules? Why do some people not like rules? 2. Over the course of your marriage, when do you Table Talk recall deeply missing • The first four commandments are about how we relate to God. Why do you think God put those first? your spouse? • Why do you think “honor your parents” is right in the middle? 3. How does your spouse • Why does God want us to obey His commandments? help restore your ener- • What happens when we obey God’s commandments? gy? Be specific. Vitamins and Mineral From “Love Talk Starters” Jesus said,] “If you love me you will obey what I command” (John 14:15). By Les & Leslie Parrott

For more family devotions like this one visit or purchase the entire book,, Mealtime Moments, through Focus on the Family. Deep Faith * Hard Work * God’s Word * Passion for Christ (Pastor Jamey’s article . . . cont.)

We hold that the Bible is the one spiritual authority that is really true. Some may say Jesus is more authoritative than the Bible, but where do we learn about the things Jesus taught? Others may say their confidence is in the Almighty Creator only, where do we learn specific details about this One? Others may say, “Why should we accept the claims of any religious manual over another? Islam has the Koran; Hinduism has the Bhagavad Gita; Bud- dhism has the Tipitaka; Judaism the Tenak; and adds the New Testament. For many, none of these broad collections of spiritual ideas can never be ratified as really true (or, even really false) because, as it’s generally expressed “all religions are one in the same just from different perspectives.” The problem with this view is that it defies logic. But that’s The disciples were called Christians first in for another article. For now, a fair question to wonder is why the Bible should have any pref- Antioch. Acts xi. 26 erential authority over any other religious manual. After all, doesn’t saying so smack of elit- ism? I don’t think so. The Scripture gives four names to Christians, The Bereans trusted in the authority of the Jewish Scriptures (our Old Testament) be- taken from the four cardinal graces so essential cause of the way God intervened in history. They didn’t worship gods made by human hands, to man's salvation: Saints for their holi- but as revealed throughout the generations. Even pagans had aha moments when they recog- ness, believers for their faith, brethren for their nized the God of Israel as the one true God. love, disciples for their knowledge. Generally speaking, religion can be defined as spiritual beliefs and practices. The Jews had their religion, but it’s source was not the mind of man. Bereans understood this as —Thomas Fuller. seen in the way they examined the claims of Christianity. They went to the Hebrew Bible which they held as really true to examine whether or not what Paul and Silas were telling them was also really true. How ‘bout you? Do you trust that Word of God is sufficient for you to know—really know!—everything God wants you to know in this life? Keep reading the Scriptures and ask God to show you the truth. Advantages to Being a Senior Citizen Pastor Jamey Nichols

1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 2. No one expects you to run anywhere. 3. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 4. There is nothing left to learn the hard way. 5. You can sing along with elevator music. Sunday Morning Sermon Series 6. Things you buy won’t wear out. 11 a.m. 7. You sing along with elevator music. 8. You no longer think of speed limits as challenges. 9. Your joints are more accurate at predicting weather than the meteorologists. 10.Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them.

First Congregational Church of Stanton Worship Service: 11 a.m. Phone: 989.831.5240

Email address: [email protected] April 2015 Website:

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

01 Nancy Brush 02 Ryan Hansen The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire 1 2 3 4 02 Porter Long 6 pm 03 Luke Myers of people to be with God; MAUNDY THURSDAY 12 noon 03 Micah Myers it’s the desire of God to be with people. SOUP SUPPER/ GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 05 Christopher Swanson COMMUNION SERVICE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 06 Janet Baldwin —Look Through God-colored Glasses/John Ortberg 06 Jody Butler 06 Damon Davis EASTER SUNDAY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 06 Ed Drobish 06 Betty Guziak 11 am - Morning Worship 9 am 6 pm 06 Francine Lingeman 9:30 am - Adult Choir Practice Chit Chat and Coffee 11 TJ Terry 9:45 am - Morning Fellowship Diaconate Meeting at FCC 12 Waylon Lingeman 14 Jane Gage 16 Taylor Long 21 Janet Brundage 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 Jim Butler 11 am - Morning Worship 1 - 4 pm

24 Mitchell Nichols 9:30 am - Adult Choir Practice Fellowship Hall 27 Wilma Baldwin 9:45 am - Morning Fellowship Reserved 27 Amy Cannon 28 Al Laper ANNUAL CHURCH CLEAN-UP BEE 29 Richard Johnson 29 Elaine Muilenburg 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 am - Morning Worship

9:30 am - Adult Choir Practice Anniversaries 9:45 am - Morning Fellowship 12:30 pm - Board of Trustees Mtg 14 Tom/Geraldine Burge

NOISY CHANGE COLLECTION 26 27 28 29 30 11 am - Morning Worship OPEN DOOR Anyone can preach— 9:30 am - Adult Choir Practice DEADLINE it’s the living that counts. 9:45 am - Morning Fellowship 12:30 pm - Quarterly Church Council 7 pm Mtg OFD Meeting —The Complete Book of Zingers/C. M. Pentz