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Card.. A A COUGn. HUHOROUS. . Frofeialonal Business Card. Few Brief Tears, v beaten bearers. . A deep wound in the not readily have suffered " plowing " in FIRM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. CURE FOR WH00PIXG A lew brief years and I shall lie " ' neck was bleeding profusely; but on our " final college " to gain such a word WM, C. M. n. ALLEN, m. is a poor who does not keep WILE, D., J. Beneath calm and tearing open the dress, I found I could from Carver Kmith. Blinkers. Tha biMOTtry of Cbentlat ureaiininc It speller - DX1.UK IN yon peacelul sky, the almost And now, my fair readers, if you will Much has been said aeainit blinkers. Vapor, front rurlfylnn lwi In an i to business. Whose breast is with notes and stop hemorrhage entirely Kir.lt of bright bars, with my finger. turn to the clinical report e f this cele- yet their use continues to a considerable Work.. A man ia considered out danger HAaWTSS, U1TM, And music of the stars of like doctor ceases to visit him. Co-aa- . ; brated case extent. the the horse, relation to when the Hook, BLANKRTS, ROBES, CURRYCOMBS, laughing Adams was there immediately in a iu the pages of the Lancet, If eyes The following letter in that Sandy Whose from to minute he and had somewhere about will those of man, were directed forward. which all dread ap- A : Will Edison ever . ETC. bosom, spread pole pole, knew all about it, March, you diamsn mothprs burning question BBU9HXS, 1TC, 18, uncomfortable ex- MONROE JUDSON, M. D., In silence will my grave console. settled his course of action. Quietly he find it stated that "after this point the blinkers might prove pears in the New York Sut The get that lamp of his to go? Toronto Wootlbary, Ooan, : " case features in but not Tho of vision attended to. said Send for Sir Carver. Take her presents no of special ipjariou?. range perience detailed by the writer may Grtp. Repairing promptly With Btraightened limbs my shade will rest, to operating-roo- m once. Ask the convalescence was and in the horse is much than in , riiTSiciAN Aim itaaoN, ' the at terest; rapid, greater prove of benefit toothers: wouldn't a T My head coffin ; other men to come." And then to me : the was cured on this of vision Funny, but yoi patronize Maim K.wt.wa, fim. F. C. SANFORD, against my pressed patient discharged the man; by limiting range A friend sends me a sun cut irom a re tailor uules3 he nts. Acoiu Jtaan., Str..t, And " and don't iorty-sevtm- h and a forward direction gave yoa CARPENTER AND BUILDER, hour by hour, and day by day, Keep up steady pressure, cay after admission." I. allowing it only cent edition of your journal, inquiring Constitution. 5. T. M. D., wasted bones will take your linger away for an instant." therefore, give you fair notice that you which is not according to nature the for a reliable remeuy ior wnnoptng BRtWN, Offers Iiis serriees to all 'who My pass away, S- and de- Tha necklace, usually worn on the entmyla4e ' Nothing could be found out concern- may lay down this record here and not muscles of the eye become strained coujh. I am enabled to give tho flannel building or repairing. For good wart their Is it not street, is supplanted by a red rag TiICIAK XV IVX1N. ton his hand that write, will then be cold. ing her. No one was with her when read any further, unless you like. strength impaired. sired information after actual exper for house wear. the most reasonable terms, addreea And eaten mold she was struck down. She was very es ; she recovered : and pret reasonable to suppose that the timid, ience iu my own family, and F. C. Newtbwm, b. shrunk and with the i rapidly nervous at un- through should not brenaw Sandy Hook, Conn Sanford, Ol tastefully, though not expensively tier and prettier she g ew as she got horse, that starts every the equally favorable experience of The short girl cry time and death and dark decay, dressed. were better. She talked and said usual or sound, would be inspired she'a not let her the evil E. N. IIALLOCK, Till returns to Her features exceedingly very little, sight more than a score of friends and neigh tali; remedy A. M. D., joint by joint elay. and pretty, and when the color nothing at all to help her identification. with more confidence if allowed to see bors who have tried by getting spliced. CLK9T BENEDICT, regular strain- it. WAGONMAKBR, The dread, the icar, the torment sore, was in her face she must have Inquiry was fruitless, even though the all there was to be seen, than if It is well known to most intelligent As usual, diamonds are worn in tte AND in-tex- rT3ICIAN 8CRION, a considerable share of case into the The st the eyes painfully to see objects of to a Glover's Building, Sandy Book . Will rend my heartstrings never more; possessed very got newspapers. ing people that exposure patients the ears with much effect abroad, but bit JT "Mate Street (Marble Bloek), Bridgeport. looks. but a and a the students increased terrible to him just back of the blinkers? from the boxes and a little roast onion is the Good a Nor human wiles nor good Nothing purse among as- vapors arising purifying of cotton vEleotrtaftY one of the Therapeutio Agents. work at low prices. Repairing spec- worldly strife, handkerchief were found in iter :,ly. It was reported that 8he was an The position a horse's head has to in the gas works almost invariably re usual adornment at borne. me a call and will do best -- .1 . 'Offlee hour- -f and .Friday., from ialty. Give I my to To barely win the bread of life, and her sume when from a rack is Tuesday, - pocket. The former was well filled, heiress who had quarreled with feeding high lieves the terrible paroxy Ems. ana, aiter wants to know " if It hurts a B. 6 m. '. please you. '. for chaff or Alonw) m. to p. Will ne'er, within my narrow bed, the latter was marked " E. Stead." guardian; that Adams was madly in the most favorable other repeated visits, cures have been fre- man to be called a No. Alonso. Disturb or wake wearied head. Adams said at once that she was a lady. love with her; that she was for hurtful matter from the hay to fall into effected. This waa liarf BURKE, MIKOTT AUGUR, my waiting com- quently discovery no; it is more likely to hurt the other IILLIAM I do not know whether it ever hap- him to propose, and then would marry the eyes. The most serious injary made by a physician in Taris about A off-han- man. Burlingtcn Eawlcye. ; SANDY HOOK MARKET, thousand years will pass me by, before at St. Michael's on the d ; Adams knew all about monly from this cause is from A'TTKXrr AND COLNSELl.OTt AT UW, pened that that arising fifteen years ago. tin see what I have seen: go feel Dealer in Fresh and Cured Moats, te., Without a change in land or sky ; occurrence of a Budden emergency, no her, but kept it snug. And the men got the beards of grain. The sharp little The fact was published, and soon after . Conn. felt." remarked a who Danbnry, .No" winter's nor summer's one of the surgical staff was at hand. to chaffing him in a mild sort of way, hooks or prickles on these attach them- visits heron to be made to the Manhat what I have chap . . - "Near tlie Bridge, Sandy Hook, Conn. snow, heat, made a critical examination of a : to-nig-ht. selves to in such a that the had ' so know " the eye way and other -- -- Will to say, it happened to the state of the tan. New York. Brooklyn, OtTloe in Benedict's o'er distuib sheet. Strange wanting tear-glan- d Keol uic Gate C'pUeetion prompt. Terms ensh. my winding Sir Carver Smith and three of the as- heart" and the chances of "union by water from the cannot wash ens works, on the recommendation of hornet's nest. City. Bloek. inflammation When i a carpet like a eai.boai' U. At evening's close I'll meet no more sistant surgeons lived close to the hos- first intention." But Adams was im out the beads; follows, our medical men. An enidemic of WM. PRINDLE, in five minutes I am inclined and even the most treatment in in When it is tacked. When u it like a " The mnile that aaits me at the door; pital; but the messenger penetrable. Personally, judicious whoop!ng cough raged Newport A. VNDERTAKER, news Carver to the condition of cannot save tne eye New Yoric 1878. 200 riot When it is put down. When is J. WIL!ON, 1 ac ailla and dales and stream, will be returned with the that Sir think that whatever always the winter of Over patients, ' Cona. had been called to some aristocratic bis s heart be. he was a Tribune. between the of two months and it like a note? When it is taken np. ATTOItNEY AND eNSI.LOR AT LAW. Newtown, A mute forovermore to me. patient might ages is like a defeated candidate r celebrity at the West End, who had little affected in that region. She was Do Hot Neglect Tour Well. seventv-fiv- e vears. visited the gas works. When it Is prepared to furnish anything in the abeve met with an accident, and had taken one fond of him, and liked have a mud ho.e at Tim treasurer of the company. William When it ia beaten. When is it like ffl. ami Residanae, Sandy Hook, Conn. line at short notice and at reduced No morn will wake me at its dawn; evidently very Friend, you your these When it is worn out. prises. ot the assistant surgeons with him. The no one but him to dres3 the wound. well ! Go for it at once. Do not eat or A. Stedman. E3q , states that nearly all jokes? No more, on mead or field or lawn, hoe and some were un-- A wants to know the rail , WILLIAM COTIIREN. second was out of town ; and the third, Still the mystery increased. slpcn till it is removed. Take a were benefited, and lady why When lan&caprs 6milo beneath the sun, who had been left to act in emergencies, At last one afternoon I was sitting in out the mud and filth, and then fill doubtedlv cured. road companies do not provide rpecial AND COCNSBTXOR AT LAW licture Frames, Will drag as well for ATT)HNET LATEST STYLES, romping childhood lb me run. had been taken suddenly ill Adams' room, in a leisure interval. the hole with dry soil or sand. After About that time the child of a dietin-- cars for tobacco cbewers ai AV UtTOR IX CRAK.BRT, when a card was brousht iv . It this shut out the and poult ry chemist in Providence, li. 1., smokers. Bless your innocent heart I Made to older nt the shortest notice aad on My span ol life, my humble lot, We bad been discussing the case, and lady's doing pigs tinguished AVoodbm had a deep black border, and bore tha from the well, and keep them out. It was seriously iil with this terrible dis tobacco chewers are not so parti culir as y, Con. (he most reliable terms. Call and see me. Like vows, will be offering advice upon it with all that K. N. Conn. friendship's forgot; calm assurance which, inscription: Mrs. Stead, The Cedars. the curb is broken or rotted down re ease, and too weak to be taken to the that; an ordinary passenger car is good BE'lTS, Snndy Hook, And all the world will live the same characterizes Boston 2Van K. X. BBTTS, Jr., surgeons. But matters now be She wished tosee Mr. Adams. Immedi- place it with a new one. After doing bm works. The father procured a enough for them. script. embryo hydro-carbo- n de -- DBNTIST, As it I Dcver had a name. came serious. Halt an hour would suf- ately afterward, the lady was shown in. this, scrape away the grass and surface onantitvof the liauid Beyond reason. Doctor: un, mere C. me to was and with a condensation' in the bottom .;; ; Sandy Hook, on. JONAS, Hugh J. McDermoil. fice to summon one of the other sur- Adams motioned stay, bhe soil around the well, replace posited bv you are, smitni itows iue wutr was a fine, tall woman of fifty, dressed in layer of sand and gravel. If, from the nf ihennrifviic box. and vanonzed it. Farmer: "Wuse, I'm afeard, 8ir.n "ity ofllee in BrooVfleld is geons; but it plain that something ever closed room of opened .T.ry Yie must be at once, w e all loosed at deep mourning, with hair just turning character of vour land, vour well in a metal dish in the Doctor: " Indeed! If she wandertngr" Wednesday, oyer II. S. Beer's .lore. reliant Tailor, cong crav. a firm mouth, soft keen gray eyes fills with water, cut a ditch six feet all the little sufferer. Almost immediately Farmer: "No. no; she's sensible. Adams, who had said very little hither a were checked. I'ure Nitron Oxide Ga. administered a MAIN ST., NEWTOWN, A EEALLT GOOD CASE, to, but had gone on making and a face combining intellect and kind around it. at the distance of few yards it revived, the spasms That's "what I'm afeard of. I never everything ness. off a recovered onnai-ral- ly either pluaa in extraating teeth. He simply said : " Begin to give and have an outlet from this to take and after few days the child knowed her so sensible, ohe tweat-y-fr- s Calls the attention of the eils.ens of this town ready. JTxtraaling taeth, without ga, am to " Have I the pleasure of speakiDg to the water. The water in the well will and was as well as ever. sensible." Fun . Mats. and to his New Stoek of 9oo4a whieh chloroform; l going operate." bot Microscooists have discovered vieinity A STOHY OF AN ENGLISH HOSPITAL. "What are you going to dor we Mr. Adams?" she said. not after this rise higher than the recently Just as a Brooklyn, citizen called hta Bnfid-In- g. he hns on hand at his Store in wlover'8 He bowed. torn of the d'tch. If your water is that the cause of whooping cough (per five-year-o- ld bouse RYDER & Everv one knows St. Michael's. asked. son into the the J. SON, that He told inflict She then produced a paper which gave muddv and impure, throw in a peck of tussis) is the rapid aggregation of bac other a gave the boy a ns we shall take the of it, us; but I will rot any account famous case of to animalcu under the root ol the tongue. day, playmate AND DENTISTS, All-Wo- liberty calling an cf our and lime rurifv it. If appear teria ana ue ran ms JUR10N He will make ol Pants to erder for details upon my readers, but wiil simply in the lace, io inner ' the and most celebrated of the Adams in in half a cf These must be before reiief slap Danbury, Conn. largest say that the end of a broken shaft the part had played it. in the water, throw gal'.on destroyed for protection. "My son," eaid the $3.75, and whole Suits for $14. ftive him a .on con hospitals. It is situated quite sharp I woether this patient salt to make i hem settle to the bottom he obtained. To this end Buch like H. JITDRH is at hi. office at Dick'. in of and is about had made a narrow, deep gash in the "May inquire bromide fond lather, when a boy hits you Oxiaa Ga. cull nnd see for yourselves. the heart the city; a is still in the hospital? Can I see her?" And it is worth while to take some powerful medicine as quinine must strike back-- " UoM every Saturday. Nitron. equidistant from the London bridge. root of the neck, and had wounded Would not be to fix some conveniences at but even that fails to reach that you always administered in oxtinoting teeth. """Cutting done at the shortest notice. large artfry. The operation contem "Yes; certainly. it pains up is given; "Oh. papa, I did; 1 hit him yester- Westminister, Gower street, SmithQeld afforded almost the chance better for the patient to sec the card vour weli. A bencYto set the bucket tho seat of the disease. Of course the and Whitechapel. I was student there, plated only to avoid sudden that on while it is filled, and a handy expectorants are absolutely day." f lite ; and to delay it any longer would, first, excitement; being ordinary cura Science now says that kissing on the and there the happiest days ol my life Adams be chance is, if the lady's visit were likely to cause and easy way to get the water, aro useless: chance of air is rarely abolished in the interests OCCIDENTAL wore now to said, throwing that rapidly-increasi- ng lips must be passed. And my story. excitement?" smooth, dry path from the well to the tive; hence the per rev- HOTEL, A ot tne away. It was an operation of the high make so disease. of health. Most potent, grave and Jarge number students nad est and pres- " Perhaps it would be better to take kitchen these things will eentace of deaths trom this for the short Christmas cilhcu.ty danger under the de- and of erend seigniors, scholars and philoso gone vacation, ent condition of the ; and could its up the card, and say that Mrs. Stead much easier the task of your wives The New York board health report and I should have also, but was parts 4J-- 9 phers, there are moments you know the gone have been the sired to see her." daughters. Farmers, do not neglect for 1375 has a list of deaths Irom care two (On then dresser" to Carver and performance anticipated self-possess- - when a man donx European Plan), just Smith, would have been Wonderfully calm and your wells a single day longer, butte wnooninir couih in that city- The nothing cf, could not leave town ; moreover, was theater crowded with cents for science, and when he is going it from all the in Lon the lady seemed to us; and yet she could that all about them i3 neat and tidy, and deaths weekly ia London, England. to kisses where belong if the week of residence. spectators hospitals ot to a max plant they Ber-sbe- ba- my I must beg you here was of not entirely suppress some signs of determine to keep it so. are from a minimum sixty i from to remember, what is httie un don. And a young surgeon She said that Ttolrt. imnm rf S3 v over 5.000 annuadv. health ripped Alpha Aooommodatioxu for perhaps twentv-fiv- e, called on at a lew minutes' emotion or excitement. The Esc bc Mtrtdtn Recorder. 000 Gruests, derstood by the general public, that a illness in her family had prevented her the farmer could but be sure of a Thysicians generally inform notice, to undertake what many a long some If Sometimes, not olten, when the day. arge part of the watching and care, and surgeon hesitate to from seeing the papers for time, certain yield from h;s crops and stock anxious parents that whooping cotn a certain proportion also of the treat- experienced might or she would probably have been here the of the business must take its course, aa a remedy is un short devolve attempt; for it was impossible to per annually, profits And sits the bulldog by the gate, ment of hospital patients, upon form ot before. could be But in that known, and they can only slightly re peaceful Broome Corner assistants selected , from the senior it without much additional loss easily computed. Her pap gives a sadden, glooaiy snort. Street, Bowery, took the card and showed it to over-productio- n lieve the incubation and ia students. Some of the less blood ; and it was not at all improbable I up event, would come in, it; that Remarking that tne honr is rather lata-- I important that the mieht not survive the the patient. She turned very pale, then and the same who are now be- crease in virulence will occupy six hear the old man coming np the haU, appointmenta.such aa the "dresserships," patient face in and burst parties weolict. am! Irom six weeka to si murmur ot hta awlal boot. to say nothing of after dan buried her her pillow wailing the uncertainties of the problem before is en The drowsy arc held by every student m turn; but operation,' into tears. would be complaining of low prices. ha will he reauired it Grabbing my yellow ulster like a pU more offices, some of gers. -- . come I said. 6"ften removed. The whoopings usually I a ran a start and off I eooot NEW YORK. the resp nsible. Adams carefully explained to "the Shall the lady up?" We are asked how many egg3 tirely get which require twelve months' residence assistance I thought she sobbed ou; " Yes." may be expected from a certain breed increase regularly in numDsriromaay to Sometimes. n can De a other house surgeon what and fifth often Botox Globt. the hospital, only gained Dy would have to give him; and when The visitor came up. Slowly ot fowls yearly. Well, how much but- daytothe week, equaling forty few men each year: and lor these ap they she the The times in twenty-fou- r hours. the patient was ready, commenced at calmly walked up ward. ter will a Jersey cow make yearly? Very rarely There sfjems to be great anxiety anu pointments, which are esteemed positions news had somehow about and sev- is this disease by any other, once. Perfect silence reigned, broken got These questions depend on the keeping preceded - impatience on the part of the peopl! to great trust and honor, and which i3 the sys- . only at intervals by a word from the eral of the men found that they had and health of the fowls or cows in a great but so great the strain upon see the revise! ediuou the Bih'e, that are exceedingly valuable as stepping-stone- s business in of the been known to pro- torn freinentlv it is fn'towed by see what chanees have bcesi operator : but indeed he had little need that part hospital just degree. Hens have Tvnenmnnia..ht in which event ueatu often they mT to professional success, there is we were then. The lady stood by the bed, and duce over SS0 eegs yearly, but 200 is an made. The trouble with most people keen On the to speak, lor wen drilled at et. We often heard of pmiwi. A fatal termination is more gen will bo dont know nouh very competition. surgical Michael's, and everything he needed said softly: extra yield. have of absolute that they side of the hospital, each of the lour hand almost before he ' Elizabeth 1" cows that would give twenty quart3 ot erally the result physical about the old Bible to reojniw the had a house-surgeo- n; was put into his due to the terrible strain visiting surgeons resident asked for it. I thins I can still see that The girl looked up, and their eyes met. milk daily, and oi others from whose exhaustion change when they see it. We heard a fr and to be Sir Carver Smith's One at the face was enough. butter could be consequent upon the par- un.tu--. iJBi STI r men glance two of considered this 13 '. Sy Ml Jt' is one quiet eager group of young under product pounds man say that he ?fetot' ll. ." was oi tne niguest ambitions said the " I can identify we oxysms. ana "MM ot a " St. Mike," for Sir Carver was at the brilliant gaslight, standing around "Yes," lady; made daily ; but in our purchases thonzed meddling with cuanging the unconscious her." have not as yet been the fortunate owner A few years since my youngest child, of the ssered book little less tlian blas- that time one of the leading English pallid, slumbering, " Is asked Adams. return to ne? er before ill. was stricken by this at the time of masing the girl ; and in the center the young sur it your daughter?" of either of this class. To medical talent phemy. And surgeons. "It is my cook," said the lady. fowls, to what we have said before, we dread disease. The best remark he was hunting all through the A man named Adams neld the geon, cool, collected, with steady hand, of ten hens was obtained,. every known remedy to find th-- : George without without " Elizabeth Saunders." will add that a flock that ex- book of Job qaotauon. post at this time ; and as he is the hero hurry, hesitation, I think I said that I once saw will net annum is an tried, most watchful care constantly Make while the sua euincs." as doiner his work. I have witnessed only 1,400 eggs per hay of my- . bo far I nave a hero, I Adams and further brush ercised, but without th slightest avail. 1 story, i - : of the most brilliant in considerably discomposed, extra flock ; while to still Burlinnton Hawleve. any auuub i. tTa many operators itself to will J'Jbl wuiu mui. lie England, and of course have seen Adams that was on the present occasion. away these flowery anticipations, we The child actually coughed was one of these men that we occa " I her name was ' to ten death. With all the grief of this rad meet who seem to stand himself many times in that operating I thought Stead," will bring a fair average yield The Heat Yielded by Ihe Kan. sionally with, he said, and his eyes rested on a dozen hen. These at experience still fresh, in April, 1879, we head and shoulders above fellows room in later years ; but I think I never pocktt per year per thirty new incursion of the Kinpp t here. U everv reason to believe their handkerchief lying on the pillow, me cents per dozen amount to three dollars ; were alarmed by a very and reserved, and when he saw that night's operation surpassed and a for and the destroyer. Our children, five and seven that the sun's radiation i ejual in all quiet or one else. lady's eyes followed his, slight from this deduct half feed,-. 11 chose, inscrutable. No one knew either by himself by any' on features. i3 no mean on- .Over- - years wens attacked, seemingly with directions, it ioiiows mat, me sun quite A demand sometimes cans tortu smile played her net profit of case. were a shell of ice. where lie came from. But his very great special ana an es ; it was even so. xne acme scien in eggs makes uncertainty m the severity the preceding surrounded by great acts almost line i far-sight- Provi- of Occidental Hotel i ono most convenient and peciai powers, ed Sroduction miles in The location the of the really central ot ability, his calmness in all emergencies so seemed tific observer, the young chickens, so be moderate in It was then I learned of this one inch thick ana 186.030,000 ny In the eity. Tha room, are light, airy, well ventilated and elegantly iurnished, at a cost never saw him nspiration; and it now, acu dence and that would ret It the recent extennive of 75c. I discomposed except surgeon, famed for his diagnostic giving stimulants. Poult World. chemist's discovery, diameter, its rays just (together with improvement!)) $150,000. Single Rooms, 50c, and once-r- his mature and his In a short time it was done, and suc had same 1 1. 00. Family Itooms, $2.00 to $3.00 per day. Horse car. of various lines pass by the door judgment, men, had seen through this case, out simple but ingenious apparatus whole m the time. kindness, won him the cessfully done ; and the patient was car- lleclpo. hydro-carbo- n to minute ot the and tor to visit all great respect seen his ot been invented by which the If, now, we suppose this shell shrine ottering opportunity every day night, passengers point, of alike ot ried to a where she had not through patient. It Bablet Soup. Soak four tablespcon-fuls'- a closed the interest io tU .hottest possible time. the students, the nursinz staff. away quiet ward, turned out that the being remark in a little cold waters could be evaporated in Hinnf'er. retaining, however, and the Under him were four was duly cared lor by the nurse in girl, Scotch barley room. 1 procured both. same of ice by increasing Its surgeons. good-lookin- g, and for an it in a stewpan immediately qaantityj men, who assisted in the charge, Adams, and Sir Carver Smith, ably having acquirea.- hour. iiace The apparatus is a metal stand six thickness, it would stiil he melted in C. L. dresser?, junior irom a previous situation in a uooie- with about a pint of cold water.and stew con- CHASE, was one who came later on. I think Adams d inches a cup, holding the same the Proprietor. hospital under his direction. I man's family, a very errrecs way ot adding three good-size- onion3, high,' supporting time, let shrinkage one of us in turn up all night. man- gently, -- half an ounce ot cresolene. The heat is until inner surface touches tte of them. Each week, stayed speaking and some very ladyish wo sma l turniDS. a carros tnu vme - tinue the TIMfLY TOPICS. gear and space for passengers and lug resided in the hospital; and as I said, Our miscellaneous entertainment did and of applied either by a petroleum night- and it would constitute an at sta not come off; but we ners, frequenting places public celery. Season to taste with salt and photosphere, ease, is placed on a sid'ng the Christmas week fell to my turn, and scarcely regretted amusment, where she attracted a amp or gas; vaporizers neing mtwe to envelope more than a mile in thickness, usually peoner. When son er. tion and picked up the train as it is how came to Christmas tho change of programme. In a quite taoiespoon gas-burn- fire would still Nervous persons who are troubled by that I spend place a good deal of attention. Her mistress be added. attach to an ordinary through which the solar goes past. The latter, by means of a in St. Michael's. I to add that where accidents are hourly, and of catsup may Cresolene is a rose-pm- a witu a out its way ia the same two hours with wakefulness and ought opera been called away irom xiome w j.aiso liquid thaw ac- excitability hook on its last catches a were four assistant-surgeon- s to tions occurrences, one more or having Stale Bread uriddle uakks. cf 397 degrees. It is not and thirteen minutes: at the rate, carriage, ring there the daily anoweu boiling point a usually have a tendency of blood nurse a sick relative, naa iier stale bread, soak it in water till soit, on Hei-SDhd'- of strong supported on a post and connected with ; but tneir care was over the out less seldom creates much excitement; aa to visit unpleasant in odor, but, the other cording to determination, to tlio. brain, with cold extremities. hospital on to that this case servant to go, she thought, strsiin off the water through a colander, to any one more feet a uerscnei a cable wound on a drum in the waiting patient department, and it was only in and when I go say her in the country ; but the girl, beat the bread crumbs lightly with a hand, is extremely grateful than forty minute, The pressure of blood on the brain keeps the drum begins the absence ol the surgeons that excited more interest among residents parents with! the least bronchial or catarrhal continues that, if this ice were formed carriage. Thereupon visiting ts her in her pocket, had one soakeo H in a stimulated or wakeful state, and non-residen- than having wages fork; to quart of these to unwind, and in doing so compresses they had duty in the wards. and almost anv to remain with an of one affection. nlo a rod 45.3 miles ia diameter, ana the pulsations of the head are often pain- a svstem SDrinss. while the was other case 1 ever saw in the I preferred acquaint- crumbs add one quart milk, quart of : carriage Christmas and hospital, after was Hurled sun with the ful. Let auch rise and chafe the . i . . . li ; Well, it night, ance in Londay, where she enjoyed her Bake on a In three minutes the lamp toward the velocity body 13 niovea nt a rate our work for the day was done, except wish you clearly to understand that this of flour and four eggs. cresolene was wouid be and extremities with a brush or towel, graauaiiy increasing Christmas holidays very much to her - iirhted the vaoor of the of light its advancing point to that of the train . The of the some late visits to the wards ye ; fact was due to the extreme griddle. . of room fifteen as fast as it by rub "martlv with the to pro- engine entirely own her accident diffused in every part a melted off it approached, oi hands, satisfaction, until put UOKN jrUDDIHt. lec-t- whole solar ex- carriage then winds in the cable, the and of course any casualties that professional interest of the case, and giaicu bv twenty in minutes mo any merns the of the rays mote circulation and withdraw the might a stop to her maneuvers, or rather corn of a dozen large ears, add a quart in re- iw w tram and carriages are connected, pas turn up. But Christmas day is usually the great enthusiasm ol bt. Michael s field of action. Finding, beaten two table children, manifested evident relief, could be concentraieu upon cessive quantity of blood from the are transferred from the is medical men for the of At the changed her of milk, three eggp, covered from tbeir dull exhaustion and it differently, if we could build a and will fall in a fow sengers joined slack in that respect. It study surgery. as she recovered, that she was being spoons of melted butter, a taoiespoon oi put brain, they asleep to the train, ana vice versa: rather' than casuahties that same time I may state, although not Mias and that she were playing cn the bed, even laughing solid column of ice from the earth to momenta. carriage surgical on the addressed as " Stead," suear. and a small tablespoon of salt. freedom from the in then the two ara disconnected, and the Christmas day produces. We had got particularly bearing question, was the of much interest and at- should bs beaten and aloud in their evident the sun, tr j miles and al quarter en trine of the carriage, working on the in honoor of the day a little enter- that the patient was an uncommonly object The eggs separately ' the inconceivable the voyage of the czar of Rus- up and after tention, it seems to me judging by the whites stirred la the last, rour paroxysm. s, . diameter, spanning During wheels, brings it back to. the station tainment in an empty ward for anv of pretty girl; day day passed by nature on its wa3 not advisea it couiu De conunueu abyss of ninety-thre- e millions of miles. sia's yacht Livadia to Brest an accident whence it was taken. who cared to without any being shed on what experience of human into a baking dish, cover and bake an I ana of a occurred. A the hospital inmates attend light the since not oe-- in safety all night, or even day and it then tue sun buouki cuutruunw startling character and were able to do so. as to who she was and whence female side I have acquired hour. Kemove the cover ana orown nd nt tlx? f xDiratioti ol hiteen would dissolve and man engaged as a stoker was asked to question remarkable that she preferred to nirit. bis power upon it, it We had a famous little programme she came circumstances quite sufficient very silence fore serving. , minuiin exticeuisnea me xuc nir.it nnt tn hnnr nor a minute, but ia a hold an electric lamo that was be in it South America keep up the delusion; golden Corn Fritteks. urate corn irom iiup. one of the pendo- - The treat Prairies of One or two of our residents could play to excite in a mind not preoccupied wi th her main line of tactics. And, have one add had been whooping twenty single second ; swing swung for lighting the stokehole. He matters as burden the intellect of being the cob until you quart, One ot taem aid not even HID. re , are in this and another had a curious such con- times a day. lb nvuiu1 . " 2 There rivers region naviga sing well; lair readers, do think it very ot sweet two Deatvn uiu I u I incautiously touched the wire with one to the medical the liveli- you two teacups mils, for the other for ... oe uissip&u--..J iu com- ble bv steam for thousand ot miles, and facility in whistling the piano; average student, to experience of human one of soft butter, one cough twelve hours, more, ata i wouia ot h's hands, and with the other was an amatuer est interest and trary your eggs, teaspoonful fhirHr.niY. - current brass the railways, which seem to have been another ventriloquist curiosity. nature on its male side, that an other- of a teaspoonful ...... apor- , pleted the by graspinor the invented to serve the and ; and I fancy there After the operation, she was at first teacupful flour, having ... vuuiuij In this .'ast statement w providentially prestidigitator acute man larninff that the vaporization formulating l's rod surrounding the lump. The force of wise exceedingly young of mixed with it. Season ner-Bche- purposes of American colonization, are were also some recitations and tableaux too ill to be interrogated ; and when she should a delusion of yeast powder be continued day and night with more have, however, employed, not the current struck him dead. All efforts off. was she declined to be the subject of with pepper and salt and fry on a grid- for five those resulting from to revive him were and the already reaching the borders of the to come Also, there one of the got a little better give this kind. cakes. rapid benefit, I applied it nights figures, but unavailing, Grand Grand an old who CDuld anv information ; at any rate none could particular dle like batter in their Hlpenine room. The spasms later observation, which Increase the of Chaco, the Pampa, Pata patients, sailor, sing The to the e disintegration the tissues of the body in a stentorian baritone and be obtained rrom her. .remaps she was lady spoke very kindly nensed iisd thov sDeedilv recovered. solar radiation about twenty-fiv- per was found next to be so that it gonia, and other great deserts, where rich bring ffirL and euessinsr. I fancy, how matters Word of Wisdom. feet and feet as day great land is to be bad for the mere asking, down the bouse. Our chairma- n- a little " queer " witn ievensn or nys said some to At that time an epidemic oi wnooping cent., giving fifty forty was nece to him at sea. - stood, very graceful things seldom much when aa ice-cTu- si. wmuu ssary bury and where the red Indian has ceised to Adams, of course had just begun, and terical excitement. per- People improve couzh was rapine ia my vicinity, l the thickness ot me us Adam3. Subsequently, you will them- be was. and cannot be was himself in a semi-serio- At the of two days I went in to tbey have no betterfmodel than vised n v of this apparatus. sun would meit off of his own sur Of the 1,628,000,000 of milk the buebear be delivering expiry haps be glad to hear, she proved a very neighbors the gallons made to face a breech-loadin- g rifle. way cl some very eloquent remarks. help with the dressing. She was very influence selves to copy after. Many of them were used and with the face in a minute. An easy calculation in the United States in a year, an amidst for for done and kind friend to him, and her man of all to this amount of froduced th The land in the immense great applause everything her, PnTTArtv often deorives 'a heat, results. shows that about one-eigh- is is, mam, nothing grateful was of no small assistance to him in his that produce flat, no doubt: very large tracts of alia pleases the lower classes better than bore her pain very wen. t or a long and virtue. It is hard for an I believe the voponzers ana cresoiene heat by combustion would require tne uicd in and ofcaives, professional advancement. She spirit aju-bra- rearing fattening vial8oil, without a tree or a tew oratorical flourishes when "tinkle. time she was in a very crittcai state. to to st andjupright. are now to be obtained from oruggisis. hourly burning of a layer of leaving a balance of 1,424,500,000 gallons pebble; of became, in fact, quite a mother him, empty bag wiil be found equally about sixteen feet (five meters) part of it mere swamps or salt wilder tinkle, tinkle, tinkle" went a small As the euphonious phrase the young not a mother-in-la- A mm cannot give a better legacy to I am confident it col for in the form of milk, hiirh-nitche- d Drofession" though diseases. entire turface of the sun consumption ness. But even these thousand miles ot imperious bell. It was the went, "she had a very close I reallv do not know what befell the the world than a well educated family. ftBaientin all throat and lung thick over the butter, cheese and in cooking. If this level are not a pccident-bell- ! shave ol it." At tne end ot three weeks, Inhalation is the true modeot treatment. four-fift- h c: a ton per houroneacn made cheese would pro- unbroken without pecu girl, except that, at her own desire, the moment man begins to rise above was all into it oi their own ; their bound- Oh, ye lay mortals, ye little know how however, she was in fairly smooth The Thn annaratus is nearly ntrfect as an loot sunace as leas. liar beauty obtained for her situation in for their . . , . square n ,,eii" duce over 600,000 tons of ripe cheese, less horizon and awful the the social and domestic joys of a medical water; and for the nrst time some of lady "a his fellows, hi becomes a mark ... r nuJ as as the consumption of a of solitude; the out of the of tempt- . agent tor deodorizing, aisiniecung, times mch assuming that a little over gallon class m country, way miasilpa riasx-iurnac-e one of cheese freshness and purity of the atmosphere. a an are at the mercy of a belli We the cluneal went with Sir be a nsrfnmi'nir nnt onlv a sick rOODJ. but ar the mo't power ml inown milk makes pound green iavite our friends to we welcome Carver to see the case. He had ation." and that she proved to Don't gee soured with the world; it an extended to a lose," and the keen erjoyment of unlimited tea, hitherto - entire house. It deserves to art. It is equtvar nt ronunuuuj and that it fifteen per centin ripen ' 1 and a said on the of the faithful servant. does not mend matters for you. but it evolution of mere than seven thousand This would us all sbout ten freedom. Nor. apart from mtercours em, anticipate pleasant evening, nothing subject opera T am aorrv to have to state that pub disagreeable to others. trial. . In. give fellow-me-n, a belli We come was a man oi ; out horse power on every equare 10m oi iuo ounces week. Or it would with his is man. here nnd there goes the tion, lie lew words lic interest in this case at St. Michael's courteous with alL but intimate tlolU Made of Sponge. ' per head, per one word of or blame from .Be suns wnoie area. as oh nuuwu crushed by the sense of utter forlornnesse home tired and wet, change boots for praise him somewhat, ramdlv declined after Mrs, and let those few be well were make 830,000 tons of butter, receiving for more man tne dinners, and get comfortable by the fire was never forgotten by any ot us. as with few; rin nf the recent German inventions Thompson has shown, the sun, if it twentv-tw- o Dints or five nothing is amtnng Stead's visit: perhaps because, the before them your confi to the pound, teaming life of the animal kingdom in tide, and there goes the bell ! We turn Turning to us from the patient, he said : tried you give rvtn&iut. nf A new kind of cloth, which is composed of solid coal and produced Its so-an- Lancet the symptoms oences per head, per week. bed on a cold and is a case ot d said, interesting dence. - onmnotsed orincioallv or of would bum out in the namnas the abundance of game, into night, just get This, gentlemen, had all disappeared. But 1 said then. entirely heat' by combustion, tue storks and herons, the owls and the warm and snutz when there goes the so;" and he briefly explained it. Then can sav nothing good of any soonee. In its manufacture the sponges less than Six inousana year-s- now, and will say, that it Iflvju ' . , t . ...Silt n A miner had a wonderful ride in a tin hawks, the flights of wild and bell! My began that he added: "Nothing but the most ex say always Anog.n nnt.hins-a- all. for in friendship are nrst utnieu I.aaot, Scunce Monthly. turkeys was, from all points of view, " A Really our inorouguiy mm-- pan in Colorado. Heinz at the top oi a flocks of ostriches, to fay nothing of the night at St. Michael's, and I shall not ceptional circumstances could justify a ' as in love we are of ten happwr in hammer, in order to crusu au rue house-surgeo- n Good Case." so mat mountain, and desiring to get to the ubiquitous pteroptero and chattering soon forget it. in this hospital in un- knowledge. nd ireiet?uie impurities, Salt ia Intermittent FeTer. . was Sir Carver's in week ;' an of such import- success life? Make can be easily washed,out ; they are bottom of tho valley, he knew that a lit le cardinal: a multitude and variety It "taking dertaking operation Da vou wish in they T-t- handful of table salt and roast nameless to me as and his assistants bad to attend to the ance. Iu case, those exceptional Y. M, C A. bosom ex then nnen una niiTeu yiiu a bum u bi hc, a tedious and circuitous walk of fifteen nf fowls and brutes thij nerseverance your friend, in a cican oven with moderate heat tili was necessary the well as numberless tne gayety of wnose accidents. Adams nodded to me; and circumstances existed. The operation Of the 972 Men'a Christian nerience your elder brother, and hope the paring being sewed together. The wiles by ordinary 1 is one of and Young i described is brown the color of roasted'coCee. down fur and the off went to investigate, great difficulty rarity. I which is thus obtained it di-so- route, while the distance straight plumage and strangeness snowing associations in the United States and vour guardian genius. fabric for adults a tsouparoonfol lv enow-covere- d be from a cut to have many a tree from all which Dose an the incline was only three. and wildness of whose screeches and might anything finger once, years ago, performed Canada, fifteen have more than 600 Tha trim wealth of a lies hoinr the danger of warm water at had such as miners use in howls a settler will and every n railway smash, i found a scene o it myself, and the patient died. Had community sometimes arises from the absorption of ed i n a glass ;'.take He always members, as follows ; tho intetrritv of its citizens, and its ab- once. When the fever at inter out gold. down in where have with him. and which wil considerable excitement in the accident my patient recovered, such a recovery of poisonous dye? iato the system: it appears washing Squattiuar with- Philadelphia .... 2,612 Newfork...... 2,600 chief honor arises from the possession vals ot two, three or lour nays, iu he went, faster and faster. only make room for the flocks room. Two policeman, aided by would then, I believe, have been Boston. 2,367 1,892 men. sorbs without checking tha perspiration, on the this, away gradually n, Brooklyn. true be taken crossing-sweep- er cab-ma- But the great and m the of remedy should fasting .until the solder oi the vehicle was and herds, tue bar King ana Denowin? and a had out precedent. gratification New Orleans . . . 1,250 Chicago ...... 1,100 ena dimmish danger taking the fever. to of - and. therefore of the day following melted by friction, and he was almost the crowing and cackling of his domes just brought in a patient, and some myself having performed the first Cincinnati...... 1,055 Detroit...... 1,000 finVev Hart. the old colored nurse eld! it is a conductor, morning had successful would not have 893 853 rn mini form surface tern' To cvrreome the thiist a very little insensible from lack of breath. But the tie surroundings. other spectators pushed their way operation, Baltimore Montreal.....;. livinir m the family of Judge Andrews, hoina maintain a raw. was without any Life in the prairies is life in the saddle in out ot curiosity. been greater than is my gratification Toronto 756 Providence 721 neratnre : it can ba more readily cleansed water should be taken through it trio quickly over, tor the last ten ht fol- now declares for Is mounted " Just happened outside, sir ; knocked now at under my care a case 685 St. 69 of McKinnev. Texas, woolen its During the forty-eig- hours which mishap, and the passenger the very beggar here having Syracuse...... Louis...... WAS buried from there on a re tnan the ordinary garments; and from rail or neither down by a runaway cab. sir"' which will, X believe, recover, and 645 vdArs decreases the of chaf- low the taking of the salt the appetite that he enjoyed it. away tramways, Pittsburg...... Sunday. She was reported to be flexibility liability be satisfied with chicken and tor eex nor aae is there any other prac 'J Lost a lot of blood ; 'fraid it's a bad whose recovery will be due without rnt mother of and the ease with which it can be should and 14 ) years of age, and was the ing; r.A in ahnpQ stockincs. drawers. beef broth only; it is pcilly ticable, or, at least, endurable means of case, sir." lhus the policeman. doubt to the prompt skillful action for nineteen children. She was so bent with cevere and.bmjavot'i , A man sued a dentist articles of cloth- to observe a det An Ingenious method for obviating the locomotion on and the " Ask Mr. Adams to come down at of a St. Michael's student, my own Brooklyn f.hftt. undershirts and other ary than horseback: - of ara she wa.s buried, as it were, in a is vary sure-foote- d, house-surgeo- n, " $500 on account pulling the new cold. The rfmedy siaip. stoppage of trains at stations, torses are fleet and brave as oncei clear the room." I said. Mr. Adams v damages " ble to w'ti), it is thought, render the tn5rg frequent fair-hair- it being' lmpossi ing, it never ed wrong tooth and recovered $30. The silting posture, as a and hkrmiess. and It isiitiithat net yrt accommodating the passengers lions, and gentle and docile as cows, and It was a vouxg sirl oi eich " Strong for Carvy, and good for over her back and limbs. She was material esneciallv useful protection has thm has been devi&ed urchase and cost teen or nineteen, perfectly pale, uncon' Adams," was the general comment. dentist, as he handed him the stta'ghten rheumatic and r.ulmo&arT at has been known to Izilwtere it atAtlnrj. their p keeping uttie, said came out of him like pull- in full of her faculties to the fcr llaarea. A " waiting carriage," and tuoir and scious, and almost pulseless. A strange Adams pretended to be writing notes: money, it possession been rJ.TC3 a trLi. , II. stabling shoeing aotning - . - tacks. , steam-engin- e with special London itonca. - contrast to her rough, swarthy, weather but theie was notjone of us who wcali ing teeth. Boslori.Qlobe, Jas, questions of history, and the wnrs and Vote for Sheriff of Fairfield Co. WE CAN DEMONSTRATE of of old world NEWTOWN BEE, qimrrtiU tho nations the . Crosby , r. Eanford, d. To any Fair Minded bd1 Candid A NrOTniL Famii.t SiftwurAVKit. us to bo . 312'J tron mmir continually refreshing , . . . . , .2851 mm reqtdru ..... atghks, Bridgeport. This work 407 PabUnhfd on Wednesday vf each week, ut pur historical knowledge. Falrfleld. - - 397 IP O HRj ftewltnen, Fnirjield County, Conn. Sub-trtptio- n offer the lH8t means of obtaining tho in- Bethel..... ' 299 CHAT WE CAN SAVE U com ..,....,334 price $1.50 tnt annum, payable formation the peoplo nd. It Biookfield...... 121 154 aueu- - Them from FIVK to TEN PER CEKT. - $n ainanee. Single copies cln. pact, easy of reference, and strictly 255 175 in the prk- i Darien...... of Opera-(E-laooo- a. ond to the reader a mass .13GC 1030 their iatt, presents Danbury . . . . . , . & of infoi mutton respecting auelerit, mediae- Euston. 168 147 Spectacles John T. Pearce, Publisher. val and modern "hot to be found 831 history Greenwich. 772 BOOTS AND SHOES lu any other book. Huntington ..... 286 230 JJOUtUTOSIO RAILROAD. The mechanical execution of the book Monroe.. 145 155 - , . deserves the It contains Cor. Main and Wall 8ts., Cf Tims when trains Xeiitovn station: highest praise. KoiV Canaan 321 296 Wo have now the LARGEST BOOT AKD SHOE Bridgeport pass double-colum- n S: WATCHES. CLOCKS, and JEWELRY carefully repaired and warrstfyl. 8y kKt Moai'H. UOINO SOUTH. 1,200 largo pages, prlntel Few Fair field.. C3 133 HOUSE m the ate, and it is owing to onrenor--l fSl" Pess-uge- r. . (I: IS .m GOODS, inous sales that we are enabled to sell at ax. I r... .I0:ia.ru In the clearest and most beautiful style 243 JG51 the Hum A. aft p. tu Feasrngn ... ll:4a. m Newtown ,. low we do. -- FOR THE MTu-t..,- . ,ir . . . The tremel; prices T.Wip. m P i.s vnger. , ;Mp.ia on paper of the very beat quality. Xorwalk ...... ;f 1655 1173 HKed lu lp. ni Mixwl , 7:26 p. m Is embellished with over C50 fine en- 174 Munday Milk. 7;5 p.m bok Redding 208 gravings, Illustrating the events recorded 313 198 We marlro-- r goods in if return I Has Severe hi Cuneeti vrttH the RAILROAD. Ridgefleld.... plain flgnres, you SUEPAUG In tho narrative, embracing battles and Stamford 1089 1056 aa article you can see for yourself if you get one is scenes ; of exchange at the same price. Slate Mantel Works. CONNECTIOXS. other historical portruits the Sherman. , 127 82 Bridgeport , great men of ancient and modern times, 542 370 GROCERIES, BxiWftWAftD. Stratford.... IN MIND and views of the cities of the 162 CUSTOMERS BEAR THIS 14s a. m. Train from I.I'eaAald con- - principal Trumbull 175 We would adTise ithose who are in the habit ef ruMu 10.57 m. Those are aaAaat Hewl.vvlUe. a. for Pitteneld ud world. engravings genuine Weston..... 101 130 dealing where they do not mark prices in plain Kg- - AsThauy: 11.30 a. m. for H.lilg.vort and New Havsn, and were made at a cost of ures to look around a al H.th-- 1 with trains In Han works of art, 321 395 little and see how much bet- ui'M arriving Westport ter can do gar at 10.40 a. m : Mouth Norwek at lu.31 a. tu.: over $25,000. Tne great number and Wilton 235 210 thny and be sure of getting the kind Ktt t 1J.W . aad New Haven at 13.04 they pay for. a. at Ik high character of these engravings make Paa-n-n- r Train from Litchfield roinects at most val able art of Total . .12,091 11.7S7 ar. this the publication Mnw'.njrvlllii with tains tving at llridgcport at We cannot too Boo ana Shoos We would invite inspection to our immense stock a. la D. m.: IU au 1.1 r. nt i and I'ittM tlclil at the century. highly praise which has no in m. I'onnwt. kt DotUel with train equal in extent, variety and low pri- t p arming tho numerous and beautiful portraits of ces ANYWHEBE. lu Uanbury al B.'iO p. ni.; noiitn Xorwlk at o.u p. " A Railroad Dropping Oat of SU'ht. in. an J Niwlork tli.Uv ni. historical personages with which it occurred Weekly Newspaper, Sun lay Milk. 4.0 p. m. (ram Litchfield, connect A curious phcntnicnon has at H wlsyvtlte. for Bridgeport ana Now Haven, at abounds. in out of of a piece ol Men's Hum the dropping sight Fine Calf Boots, Single Sole ltlitl for South Norilkud Yo:k. also for The price is so low that every ono can near Ouio. About ten I "anbury. road Ravenna, and afford to a Is sold s Hats and Double crwARD. purchase copy. It by years ao there wi-- a tc tling m the Caps, Sole, $2.00. PUBLISHED AT Ot-bor- 10.31 a. in Pawing r TrMn from BitUH. connec'a subscription only, and Mr. Samuel n, road, but no grett change occui ra until fvnra New Vori at a.0." a. m.; Mouth horvt!k at who Is the authorized for this in a that .'to a. m.: l in'i irr at W.la. m., via Danbury A agent last June, when, single night, No othor house can begin to show yon as good irwaik Itallr !. Connects at llawteyxille, from section, la now canvassing for it. whole portion rods) era-.ke- b ot as our all solid Double Soled and Tan Soot at kM .:t:l : a. imil Naw llsva't at a. m 10.10 Bridgeport at in., s the road and $2.00. g. via Hmiatonir tLtlroad. squarely are disappeared Robes & Blankets, h. rang, a. 17 P. lu. 1' .aseitKer Triin from Bethel, connect A Lonelr GrarSa from stent, leaving the banks perpen CONN. fr m Naw York at S m.i Mouth Nnrwalk at 4.30 NEWTOWN, i. t 1 and as smoothes severed MCINTOSH'S BEST VEAL KIP ALL HAND- - p.m.; Daa'mry at 4.14 p in., Tia Danbury & Nor-- Ih.-v- afternoon I found something dicular hough EeX)T, Naw sub- . MADE. . k Uailroad. Conneeti at Hawleyvilia, irom had never seen bef-r- e -- a little grave with a knife. While the strange $3.00. Sold elsewhere fur Haven a'. . 4 p. m.; Bridgeport at SOU p. ni.; Pitts-Hol- d e & 3.60 and $4.09. e p'a-- the south Gloves f t l.M p. m.. via Moiiaatonli'. tlal oal. alone in a wide pustu-- which had once merging wis taking llitteris, wm hatur luy Hi trial, 7.15 p.m., Pusscnger Train from be en a field. The hcuse was at side of the a l was forced up irom ButhM. connect fmm Naw York at 4.4'J p. in.; nraret r t to the ot Month JJorvt-all- atx.10 p. in.: D.inhury at (i.10 ,,. in.. least two miles away, hut by hunting for beneath by fo.ne power height BRYANT It KlXeVS HJfXTY CALF DOUBLE SOLE Til snt No.walk Italroa.l. Connect at Ti like a pethury it I found a very old cUlar, where the nearly ten fet. en, grand Paints & and TAF SADDLE SEAM BOOT, S3. 00 Dtwlii. viIIh. fr.nu l'lt'H.iclil at 2.00 p. m., Via Ho un- camea Oils, ion lj Railroad. child's home must have bcn, not very panoramic scei.e. it ws jlowly on d:s I'larnuuh Vtf to or from South Nnrwalk a.l far off, along the slope. It must have across to the ncr h hen eugw. irjiLi. ttit taou on r le i.:it take--n move nianas inr isuii n extenaive crroa.na. ,!!(?.. that the e uid. its plane being by FIRST QUALITY L An i man we t of ia bienafeitat laany jenra ago apt , the bay Hum u. Huts. C, n. I'l.VTr, Suporiutcnlatit. small a similar Oil Cloths, mm xm i if M.ntlca and ti.-a.- th. largest I house had stood there; and the err ti, which underwent . to an un - - sua Aud this we indorse aa without a dwlortDK-nt- slate headstone waa worn away by the journey peimingly attached Rubber Boots, $2.75 S,al-wor- k and Marble every eavriptioa. aiorc Words of Cheer. rain aid wind, so there was nothing to seen ax'e and slowly rcvoivms. Upon which he can cut the inaenptioa. of water marked 'T would be idle tor tie to try to .uuromw. he read, if indeed there had ever been The t ext day a pond Hardware, Pure Gum, - - - 3.00 Ilia long list of gooja would be coufcloiucra'e. Miss., Oct. 2?th. 1880. n lace of those rods of roadbed. Four 50 Cents. any letters on it. It Lad looked many the eight Monlhs, My'-wor- appears to goncral aatisfa:tlou, fur factory la I aataaUy with a fall T. Vnni:cr. En-rlos- gire niy ruaaiag Mr. Jokx I)mr Sir: storm in the and many a red bun-sc- t. the depth of which ws not nor lias on otcrra. sub- fee, came We a LADIES' I send you $1.50, to renew my I the woods near by had 6ine been ascerUi ed The water sell pood BUTTON SHOE for $1.00 The Best Place to Bct script Ion to the ISf.h for one year. Its ab- and been cut, and grown again, in in a stream the s'z-.- ) of a barrel, but and a Mixtes Heal Goat Button Shoe for $1.26 and a grown me lor 80 cents. Eight Months, $1X0. sence during the short period of its r us since it was put there. There was an whence it came was a conuindrum. good wearing Slantles, Grates, Cresting, Center Pieces, Slate, Xte pension caused it to bo more highly ap- old ewectbricr bush growing on the TLe most astonishing feature wis, how. of GO TO Bracket Billiard Beds. preciated than ever when its publication sboit little grave, and in the &rass un- ever, the presence cf a large number Carpet Slippers, 17 Cents. Shelves, Blackboards, was renewed. With best wisi.es for it derneath I found a ground-sparrow'- s fithslnnTS, sunfish and roci djiss, ADVANCE. Counter Tops, Cemetery Stock, etc., is at and the I am nest. It wits like alittlo neighborhood, nearly all white in color, and had the publisher's prosperity, We ak of our Ladies' Fine Kid Frerch Yours and I Lavs folt eversieceas if I belonged appearance cl coming from some sunless comparison 131. Or. truly, one of in their ac- Heel. Box Toe, Spanish Iutep Boot at $3.00, with IRIEniDS, A. Waknkii. to and I wondered then if the habitation, being sluggish oods eUtwhcre-a- t it; Gah live in sold $3.75. young gicund-- f parrows was not always tions. As these can only Persons desiring to remit money by Bent to take the nest when the old pure, healthy water, the basin whore Gqb Gold & Walter Union We haTO the Best Fine All Wool. Cloth find One Dollar Streets, The Meetings. cne3 were done with it, so they canio they now are must be furnished from L. B. BOOTH'S, Diagonal letter, will remitting to such source. As soon as the remark- op. KuUou Boot, at $2.50 and $3.00, to he found Conn. The union meetings cow being held in back in the spring year afler year a to be a conve- lOzriciseipaart, able contortions ceased thn work ol re anywiiere. for Eigkt months, tho Congregatlonr.l church, every nflpr-noo- n live there, nnd there were always the the swect-btie- r brush and the building was commenced. Ia all about at ;i o'clock, and cvry evening nt 7 stone and We will Compare Coods and Prices with nient way of sending by mail. to remember child. was 4.000 laadi of gravel were thrown in. CT. - o'clock, nre very interesting. Rev. Mr. birds the It NEWTOWN, any House in the United Stats- Uih a in that wide field For the first few days load after load of New Haven, who is assisting, lonely place Upson undtr ihe td yet it was so melted awav like sugar, but at last it good-wi- ll of great tky, lias won tho and confidence of the beein to and grae'nuily, foot by All Uips made good Free of Chargo l comfortable too; but, the thought build, all. The methods and features of tpct-ia- little crave at first touched mo loot, the bed was estaMishsd, and those which se;m strange religious services, objection- ly, and I tried .o picture to myself the engaged in the woik began to thiuk that Brass Plates on Goods able to aro discarded, and the sim- tiaa oe adjusted Ner many, nroccesion tLat came out ircm the the appetite of the "" Free. ple truths of tho Gospel are preached, houee the day of the funeral, and come appeased. A careful watch was Illustrated and practically applied, in a of the mother m the evening kept until a recent Saturday, when the thought no- singularly interesting, attractive and im- ftcr all tho people had gone home, and contractor, upon viaiting the work, Mosey EefuideI within Tvrc Montis cf WILL FIND manner. The music and see ticed a teirible commotion among the pressive singing how she missed the baDy, nnd kept rurckas?, ABSUKi wa in- snakes and The fish On Novem Cnres by i toN (Nature's by Rev. Mr. Upson add g really to tho ing the new grave out here in the twi fish, turtles, trogs. Saturday, were out of the water, turtles terest. No ono can attend those meetings light as she went about her work, j leaping L. B. BOOTH Remember tve are oppo CURE 1 BACK ACHE Ll .U I htMfe KM. without and it is moved and so running hither and thither in alarm, ber 13th, directly THROAT mKKlKEK. being benefited, hoped suppose the lamily away, site Hie Town Clock. Bladder and ALL all will attend at least once. all the rest were buried elsewhere. snakes twisting and crawling a'xiut, BEE And all diseases of the Kidney. RKKtTlinti TRiH III. THE the Trill offer Full Vrinaiy Orgaua by wearing out their tongues. In 600 yards I1!1 INTO will not all believe in I often think of this place, and I link angrily darting 1 It Vrf the system curative aetata a Why evangelical C t P t It fl an hour or so he noticed a I Tmnani'') (IV Pt a heal anediciajea. truth ? and all who doubt it as well, mid it in my with something I saw "sinking MEDIUM TO 1U11UU1 tl l'nl uiu'"--Ii ; a Jig thoughts AN W on, and a'most imme- Standard Dark Prints- - EXCELLENT jD or It IR.V 8 FROM the diseased parts the pole, are to consider, or once in the water when I was out at spell" coming It is a MARVEL HEALING and liLULF. cause dee: a. yet willing the whole rebuilt portion broke Benedict Bros, that Us come and listen to ono a little boat that some child had diately -- Taoraaxos Tra-nr-r to rrs Vrarrrs. claims, sea; loose and eeerced to dive forward and Fast Colors at 4 2c. Sensible, Direct, of God and the who comes had drifted down the river and VERTISE THEIR GOODS IN. Simple, people, lost, that I Powerful. eiisaDDear. 4 X. B. Ased persons, strangers, and all out of jpziinless, You ran be Relieved and Cnret us no reason than to do out to sen ; too a for it was ' A among for other long voyage, ; town people who need som place to re-- t or leave rt rrrTRTH where all elae fails. REVELATION yard. in Medicine. Al wrjaloB or Doa't until yon have triad this en Is too and uncertain a sad little wreck, with even its white per bundles to and KLVOLUTIOS in- - XI us good. Llfo short without feeling under any obligation applic-lio-u, to K.ailv Applied and aLllvlCALLI E! FIX hand-breadt- Notices. direct opp.rd unaeurtactoiy to warrant of an to sail of a h half under water, Reading' purchase, can do so with us. All are welcome. ternal nudicwes. oenti tor our iwuw Kosncaly. neglect opportunity . or j . car cam and its twine astern. It with Ozone roublt-a- aent free. Hold ty umggiaia. i ,j Sold. tv Drnrri-ta- seat by anaj raoatpt prepara for the future life, in which we rigging trailing Do all your washing maii. on receipt of $2. Adaroa Pih-e- by he was a little and no loss priie. tX, I all believe, unless we believe that we and silly boat, except Soap." ni it ike The Only" Lung Pad Co., Tad Co. to its owner, to whom it had seemed as NEWHARNESSSHOP and Grmmine WILLIAMS BLOCn., tSZJZu "Only" Lnns our loved ones perish like the brutes. Balsam of Wild business Original ad wr tea. Tarrc YI ILUA1IS EUX E, as of Have Wistar's Cherry Advertise your Kutney fan. Aticjor v ,- unto ma I in brave and proud a thinz any ship l-- m a ttmt iJetitMt. Mtrb "Whosoever cometli will at hand. cures colds, if and takt no ether. tlxLfU 1'rar- fm. the line to you and me. It was a ship always It coughs, tMotice. - no .wise cast out. He that believeth in Horse-Shoe- r, XJetlicl, vjonn. bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, influ- HaTing employed a First-clas- s I am he were shall he wreck of his small hopes, I suopo3e, and to to IN me, though dead, yet enza, consumption, and all throat and prepared attend E. COUCH, live," said Christ. The simple object of I can see it now, the toy of the great THE as floated on its lung complaints. 50 cents and $1.00 a & Ox Shocinc: and these meetings is to bring men, not to any winds and waves, it Horse while I sailed on mine, out of bottle. & PHOTOOBAFHEB. church, or to any creed, but to this way, sight General Blacksmithing Cheap Cash Harness HARDWARE HOUSE. of lmd. VETERAN CkrM: nothing is taught but the "Gos Tho Peruvian Syrup has cured thous in all its branohas. Particular attention paid to ICS Main Street. Danbury, Cobb The Htt!e grave is by every- aud bad-foote- d Horses. THE SEEi pel of Christ, which Is the power of God flrgotten ands who were suffering from dyspepsia, Interfering Eepairing Store, unto salvation to one believ body but me. I think ; tho mother must liver boils, humors, Thanking the public for past faTors, I would so. every that debility, complaints, licit a continuance or tee same, onop u uu la our that will be have found the child again in heaven a female etc. free mj Centre Street. Bethel. Next door eth." It hope there complaints, Pamphlets Tew He time but ia the winter I & Flin Street, a rods south ft to Iiockwood's Shoe Store. 1S26-1SS- union and among CI iris very long to any address. Seth W. Fowle Sons, c. O. HORSESHOES & GENX BLACKSiTIl shall wonder if theg;snow has covered it watrrlng-tnni- that will be led to think of Boston. AND tlans, many to see the TO THE PEOPLE Or BETH PL Vle'INITT. Stone-cutt- er and Masons' Hamme these and that a well, and next year I shall go FliEDEHICK FERRY, All petaons wiahing to purchase a Harness can great questions, good You will excuse our or irst-ciaa- s ar. lu sweet-brie- r bush w hen it is in bloom. To the Public. - CONN. fare ruonvy by buying uie. a rndo to ordfr. Working Stel work will be wrought In this community, to BETHEL, t.ea. Nickel-Diale- on composition, for $24. Har God kr.ows what use that life was, the calling your attention thus early the i.es.iof and made andfumiahed a fipeclalty. whose results eternity only can tell. Such so were every style price nMflv nnd nmmnllr such and Christmas holidays, but many to order. . . -a O I P.n.Miii,1 ilnn. - grave is a short one, nobody st-r- . wvr- TlTT rt r J a result Is certainly worth an effort. We last that we deem it P ease come and see me at my aud examine w. an knows whose little child it but disappointed year go-id- s and if are suited with the prefUM van do no less (and no more) than make was; the you style. YLliI UU., (S,th.GrittMm).Co in the world our to warn yon that if you want to price and quality, I shall be happy to merit yonr S.lHoo. a thousand duty d it, ,nd leave the issue with God and the perhaps propte favors. Remirina ni omptly done : only to-da- of our y are better because it brought a make presents largo photographs leather used All work warranted to give satisfac W. OKGLE31AN, people. Se tho effort a success to the ex lo-o- Jm little love into the world that was not yours should be taken now, as it takes a tion, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in tent we or not, the has Dealer hope, opportunity H-rpir'- s certain of time to finish them, and JOB WORK Uunufacittrrr and ia now Uiere before. Mazin&. length been given, and the responsibility wo are crowded with orders the with those or always HABKESS. SADDLES. BBIDLES, O rests who Improve neg- last week or two. Wo have a splendid X$Tew Of all descriptions, such aa lect it. J. P. H. Deatb by a List leas Life. Store! Builders' and General Hardware, LABS, BLANKETS. ETC new skylight, our work is better than this the uszal GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! Vacuum OH BlaeV Three years ago spring ever, and we wish it distinctly under- Also, tb celebrated of the Tillage ot Grantville, on hand. A Great Historical Work. quiet stood that we do not take a back seat for KASTJFACTTJBIBS' SCTPPLH8, kept constantly Jobbing Mass., was thrown into amazement by MARVIN W. SIIEUWOOD. Cards, ot kind a the very best artist in New York City. all specialty. The Pictorial of tho World, em the advent of Miss an occa cit-ron- a History Parker, I take pleasure in calling the attention of the Hook. - CoxxecticthI Danbury. mm j Sandy full and authentic accounts of sional resident therein, who had wooed Folsom, Photographer, nf Hethel and vicinitv to my Store, which is aa bracing wauter i nation of ancient modern and won the heart and hand of Mr. located in the one foimerly occupied by Jr. Machinists' Goods and very anJ tinios J. L. Harlem, cor. Main and State sts , Ferry, on Circulars. ioois, and including a History of the rise and John Field, the head-wait- er at Hotel on hand a P. Miss who was Bridgeport, keeps constantly fall of the Greek and Roman Empires, the Ottawa, Q Parker, full line of gents furnishing goods, and HEST1TUT ST., BETHEL. and ia now, possessed of about growth of the nations of Modern Europe, ll?u, will make to order a nice business or on hand a and Far.au niacksmitlts Suppties $50,000, met Mr. Field in his business ahall keep constantly Foll .the Middle Ages, tho Crusades, the Feud- than assortment of Bill Heads, at the Ottawa, was attracted dress suit of clothes cheaper any al System, tho Reformation, the discov- capacity In and examine the to and after a few see- one In the city. Step ery and settlement of the New World, him, days tarry, cost various It will you noth to-da- y SUPPLIES ing him daily ard inquiring about him, patterns. The LEADING SCIiNTISTS OP ajjice that C01TRACT0IlS, PEOPLES JLOT1 etc., etc., by James D. McCabe. most diseases are caused by cllvortlered Kidneys or ur ROCEUIES, Statements, love conquered all She sent ing. ieicin'-y- s una are Thero has been a and univer-Bally-fe- lt scruples. Liver. If, therefore, tne juivor cath. long - Which I will sell iheapfar great her heart and his sup- and re- tetit in perfi ct o?d- r, perfect health will be tne re TO want of a of World tor him, placed Van Stone & Crosby, wholesale nas a Hiotory the offer was sult. ThiB trntn oniy tn'jruiu and see and be convinced that I can sell port lor life ia his hand. The tail Toledo, Ohio, say: "We and for re; peop'e suff red creat agony without Call me, suitable for genernl use. This wnnt la druggists, The of Warn- - as cheap as the cheapest. , and SPIKES, accepted, love was reciprocal, matri- of the Excelsi- beiii" able o tind relief. discovevy Bills of Lading, NAILS now bolng supplied by The National Pub- have sold large quantitiea er's 8 vie Kidney ann l iver vnnmini a uc flowed on - sim- monial life ensued, and easily or Pad, and have been surprised iho tr- atment of h pe troubles. Made from a M. W. SHERWOOD, Blew lishing Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., Chica- Kidney leaf of rare vain-- , it .contains the Yor seemed just and merrily. Their happiness ple tropical both Cut and Wrought, Black and Galvanized. at the satisfaction by to nourish m& lC-3- go, 111., St. Louis, Mo., uud unvarying given elements neoessary invigorafe m Cozn. Dayton, complete, and years of glowing ease and if these r ni aa'Piy rector- - nu Bethel, hdvo vol- thorn." See Adv. organ, for Ohio, who issued a haudsoaie in its full ap- thera in order. It is a POSITIVE REMEDY Letter. Heads, XK jovial glee enjoyment cause Fains in the low, r vert fact ceming within the range of. THE W FAST 8TXAXE1 of : all the diseases that - In anything ume, entitled, "Tho Pictorial History peared ia store for them. lie was genial, H., E. Hodgo, Cambridge, Mich., says f the for Torpid 14V r .jieoaacnes jnuu- body - well-know- ed Gra-- 1 Airne- .Malarial tho World," by James D. MeCabe, a n and en-joj- been afflicted with asthma for, i!.. TiiiirMia i Fever. social, pleasant, appreeiativf t I have, all difacrfrti? the Liver and constan- Fever, and abf Kidiya, historical wiiter. This work will, bis new-foun- d life with years. An "Only Lung Pad" gave me niiiurr O gn.ns. ' Hardware. Tocls and Supplies. an sua sa:e mr wunir. Posters, undoubtedly, take rank as a Standard tly-increasing zest, in all which she immediate relief. I can recommend it a9 tt la excellent remedy ROSEDA Pregnancy. It will contiol Mei struatirn is most valuable book her encourage--- , See during t.f the History. It the gave warm sympathetic the greatest remedy ever produced. and is invaluable for LeucorrLoen or Falling Mtrsic Articles CAPT. JAT L. CLAKK. ' Womb. - - (UP STAIRS)Btqe9 TTemaJce Special Effort to furnish that has been in this ment, free and fall in the published country being expend! Ada, As a Plooi Fiirlfler it is unoqua led, for it cu:es Hand Bills, se-p- were iKoAe t . not in the. lines. 1 for many years. It contains a rate ture of her monpy; nnd thus each the organs that be blood. Scxtedict'a Block, opposite Town Clock, regular and A Warner's Safe Throngh Tickets Bold, Bag; and admirably written history of every lovingly fond of the Boeicty of each Gbasd Reputation. BEAD THE RECORD. DANBCST, CONN. was and Liver Cure has reached a re Music and nation of ancient and modern times, and other. At the time of marriage he Kidney Tt sav d life.' E B. Ldbflv. Se'ma, Ala. Piano Stools. Piano Cover, Racks, cheeked on the e nt S Folio make Useful Presents. Goods, at stations ia full of valuablo apparently in the vigor of health, forty-fiv- putation that is not limited by the con It is the remedy that, will cure ihe many diseases Agricultural information concerning nafuiiar in wom--n.- Mother)' Maaanne. Dodgers, years of age ; she a few years his fines of section or country. There are no ed eve-- e tests and won endorsements them, presented In popular stylo, and in It has pa Pricea. Ilousatonic Xlaihoad. senior. This from an active substances nor false and tempo from some of the hi(?het medical taloi.t in the The Moat .Improved at Mautaoturera' a inauner that will enable tne reader to change injurious .ai.iiItv " .Win rork nor a. CHRISTMAS : SO to business 'ife to a life tree from all care stimulants in the preparation. It Is "No remedy here! ofore discovered can be held for Violins from SI. 25 to $C Bows from cents to which rary W : voncern-n- u refer instantly any subject upon one witn itcv. $1-- ; Acrorilfons from I 30 to ajiw.uu and wore him unheeded and under moment in comparison it. i.jt 15.00 Leaves 7:15 a. M. ( In formation Is desired." The book is a anxiety, upon purely vegetable compounded D. D., Wathvngtom, I). , from 4.B0 to S10 : Guitar from to $27; &C., Bridgeport ft Harvey, to ntcaa irom a ceuis in appearance he grew old very last, formula that has severe tests Th-- which has done finch wonders, is Ilunios from $1.60 $33, Harm of and there is a passed Remedy, to $13.00. Jew's-harp- s 1 sew xora; caewu complete treasury history, in his of no in the LAR tESI B1ZE!) any to 47.00. Flutes from aoests reu landing opposite but lost vigor spirits. won endorsement from some of the put B'ITI,eoiD- not a question that can be asked concern- nothing and noon the market, aid is sold by uggisis from li cents to $1.40. after a - on HousaXouIe Ke Disease gradually came, and medical talent in the country.- and all dealers at SI .25 P-- t bottle tor inareies, Depot.) arrival of ing any historical subject, but an answer highest UU1U1 short sickness, a few months ago, deatb World. enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIAB1TL. STANDARD SCALES, Neie York a I IVE FAIRBANKS' tuck and New Hart a Railroad trains to it can bo found in this work. The d him. Boston Tt avtlfr. It is POSI Eemedy. v NEW TEARS author does not content himcelf with a Who October Winnebs? H. H. WARNER &. CO,, Zither Violins. Drums, Cornets, Bones, Mouth- 33d webe the iu of the North and East, landing at s Best Strings the World, Catgut, mere sket-jh.e- 125th pieces. -- dry statement of facts, but A Hood Example. At the Grand Monthly Drawing, the R ochester, N. Y. uunotoi w - DON'T FORGET eteel, oila, silver, MOTVers, c.ACh way for passengers only. the life and manners of the various na- A shipbuilding firm of Dumbarton, of the Louisiana State Lottery, at New Buckeye tions of which he treats, In Jlfe-lik- e col- be- on October 12th, No. Scotland, offers awards ranging Orleans, Tuesday, 1. ors, and to the reader the was drawn for the first to AKDTWa Returning, leaves Fier 39, present tween $10 and $50 to any workman in 90,332 capital prize Pianos and Organs on the Installment Plan.- - To Subscribe a lt 3 causes which led to the and ment who has invented of $30,000. and it was sold in halve of Market 3 30 r. prosperity their (1) St Miami The foot street, at one-ha- lf Jirnsnn. in Organ. decay of the great powers of the world. or introduced a new machine or hand in response to a letter addressed C LATTN MOTTEB. He shows us Standard Organi J. PHILADELPHIA 33d fctreet at 3 :45 r. sc. the various great men the tool into the yard; (2) improved any to 31. A. laupnin, jno. hlv xroauway Sf Co. Piano. or- -- M. of No Pease warriors, statesmen, poets, sages, snd existing machine or hand tool; (3) ftp- New York city, to R.F. Miller, All the sonvs. The ' Racquet Waltz." alia? ators of arjuientand modern times, and plied any existing u achine or hand tool 537 Court street, Brooklyn, L. I., while Music Folios. &o. The Fu 1 Moon." by Harrlgsn & eiiiJja Fare 65c Excursion Tickets $ i nd Hart ; "Tune the Old Cow Died On ;' "Deae Una. makes them familiar to the reader; he to a new class of work ; (4) discovered the other was sent by mall In response to linn., aiiall Raise avain :" "I'll ect rid of my Moth- - Call for anything In the Hardware explains the secret motives of their ac- or introduced any new method of car- a letter to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, "Dim Mippara ;' "In the K7 Good aatil aaeaL Mr. A. Morning by the Bright Light." tions, and points out .the lessons which on or work; or (5) La., by James Farley, through wHl esteem favor If customer will rying arranging & Mr. Hoyt it a A. BAKTOtAM. Messrs. Farlev. Spear Co.. bankers at . saw advertisement ia the Bsx r. their lives teach. A valuable foature ot made any change by which the work of collected mention h t they his Montgomery, Ala., and by MUSIC STOBE Stairs. all orders to Water the book Is a full History of th,e Jat,o War the yard is rendered either superior in Messrs. & Gills, of New Orleans HOYT'S Hp 397 401 Jusey This Wonderful Saw HacMse Jtwsen Russia and Turkey. quality or more eccroiiieal in cost. The cost of each Investment was only $1. Improied JOHN T. PEARCE, . Street is warranted to saw a two-fo-ot awln-te- a, This is of The second capital for. $10,000 was drawn loar In thrre S-AJLiI- the only .complete History the and snore cord wood or logs of any size in a day E. No. 20,233, In New Orleans, La. ; No. than ean or saw old JEteeraa. and Publisher. In and . . by two men chop the way. Editor World print, It should be read by .Within tne last decide the population 10,143 drew the third of $5,(0), sseawa GOODFOR;FAMILY HORSE ; Cheap: sold on aav capital OTi'msr sssWAHTKIhlllaalTatailMmsemaa anilon.Irrma gouxi. ljr in- d TrKt. EXCELLENT .every Intelligent person. We are e,on-ataut- of Great Britain and Ireland has was sold in and colleet-e- dra.lar count of removal from town Also. buldqepout, Memphis, Tenn., Aiaraai FAKMJCpta MABirfACTrKINO CaL COW. L. ft. WTLOOXSOM. Newtowhs, Cck. called upon to discuss the great creased eleven per cent. by the First Nat. Bank of Memphis. IT Ehai Btreci. CMamatlTlh Mr. C. T, Booth has a , Mrs. Edward of Hook is story-tellin- g just purchased Taylor Sandy evening and speech-makin- g NEWTOWN BEE. fine trotter. Bethel. sick. Were indulged in to some extent. Treat Charlio is for C. II. Haw- who story-telle- Mrs. II. T. Nichols was visiting friends Miss Marshio of Cold Spring is Judd clerking Solly, is a capital r, gave NATIONAL CLOTHING CO., NEW GOODS nrVTTOWN, WEDNESDAY. NOV. lOih. Taylor two or lu New York city last week quite sick. ley. three oi his good political yarns, that put an edge on the Cnm-Mar- Dr. Wilcox6on has a Mr. Thomas Doran has had his house meeting and When a k good family horse Mrs. Bidwell is her house JUT on having ed appears your made all feel as good-natur- and con- it is to that for sale. See advertisement. Chas. is the shingled. paper, nottfy you your subscrip- Hawley doing tented as Du-ran- DAILY ARRIVI1TG mortals can be. Geo. G. t, Cur. Main St. 4' Fairfield Ave., tion hat run , A work. Communion-da- y out, and unh'sa renewed Mr. Jerome Piatt, of Dodgtngtown, has Last Sunday was at E. R. Barn urn, Wm. A. E. T. trill be Judd, paper stopped. had au addition built to his barn. Mrs. Dr. W. C. Wile and daughter are the M. E. church. Farnam, and others, made short address- es. Mr. II. Proctor, of Cincinnati, was in on a visit to Chicago, and will remain one The residence of Mr. Goo. A. Shepard Col. Crofut returned his thanks to the club Local town last week, tho guest of his father, month. is being painted. for the honor conferred upon JBniDcrapoirr, Cox. and Otherwise. Sheriff A. Sanford. him as presiding officer. The rain Fri Mr. Mark Wooster ofBandy Hook bas , Fox Bros, have added a new bagatelle day night prevented the intended Mr. R. F. who was on been ill with measles, but is now im- table to their saloon. r,'s parade, Mr. Taul J. San Turd arrived from New Hall, engaged and it wna - concluded to the Fairfield finally- abaudon it Ocerr aeparlmeaf, York city Fiiduy evening. county history, is at present proving. Gilbert Bros, have raised Mr. J. B. altogether. rusticating at Branford, Ontario. Wo were to see Mr. Michael Mo-Mah- new house on Centre street Mrs. Lydla A. Bunitt of MIddlobury Is glad Judd's MANUFACTURERS AND KETALLERS OF Mrs. D. R. Stoveus has had her of the Housatonic tunnel In town, r In town, visiting her friends. wagon Two new members wero taken in the .. .';; MARRIED. AT repaired and painted at E. N.' Hvllock's Saturday. BOOTH MINOR. At mid-n- o. .-. M. E. u. ih of th. church, by last pa-en- L. B. cIobos store 8 letter, Sunday. rn Booth bis at o'clock and it looks as as new. Bot.ford Hill, by Key. Au-bu- ltd- - factory good Martin Lee is in N. Y., ridU-- -i very evening except Saturday. Binghampton, Fisher & Co. have orders to build, or i UMt.rtown ud Minn of tkia N ' S book-keep- er tovti. ME Rev. G. Morris Wilklns, of New York, doing duty as for Sessions, AND BOYS' Now flection Is walk Into the repair, tho walk in front of Fisher's Hall. that over, occuiied the pulpit of church the contractor. Beb office Trinity & and subscribe for the Bee. Fox Bros.' new sidewalk is push- Flint morning aud afternoon of last Sunday. Mrs. being Kllpatrick contemplates building ed The and new Mr. Thomas Iluwloy of Bridgeport Is an to Mr. Frad Gil- along rapidly. curbing Mrs. Dr. it. N. Betts, Sr., of Woodbury, addition her house. Is well laid. the M. C. . gutter guest of her son, Hawley, Esq. has been visiting ,her sou. Dr. Betts, Jr. bert has the contract. ) AKD ( : of Mrs. T. B. Foster and Mr. Smith Beers Fall k Miss Kitty Hawkins of Brooklyn was She returned home the first the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlddlebrook are Winter, and went to Thomastbn, last week, the guest of MUs Maud Turney, hist " Mr. Is a a week their family Albert Turner having large spending visiting mother, to visit Mr. Wru. Foster. week. , bun. built iu rear of his residence, on Mrs. Sidney Middlebrook. FURNISHING GOODS. The walk in front of Geo. Nichols' sa- President Hayos has appointed Thurs- Main street. Mr. Stiles Smith is doing Mrs. J. J. nelm returned to her home 18 SO. BARNU3I BUILDING, loon is curbed, and the OUR BTOCK FOR THE FALL AND WINTER IS FULL AND COMPLETE day, November 25th, as a day of thanks the carpenter work. in on after a very being gutter Sing Sing Monday, paved like that of Fox Bros.' .giving.."' Mr. Merritt Hill entered upon his duties pleasant visit of two weeks. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, AND NOTWITHSTADINQ THE LARGE Miss of Roch- as in Sanford & The Bethel Cornet Band went to Dan- Elizabeth Leavenworth clerk, Hawley's store, We ars pleased to learn that the rail- Sanford & ADVANCE IN ALL KINDS OF WOOLEN GOODS. WE ARE N. Y Mr. B. bury, Monday evening, to play for the Hawley ester, is tho guest of Wm, last week, and is gaining many friends by road company have concluded to put up his attention. Garfield Guards, during tho parade. STILL OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT. THE Bridgeport, Priudle. polite some sheds at tho new depot. Good ! Tho ministerial in the Meth- Are now ready for the Fall and Winter SAME LOW FIGURES WHICH HAVE BEEN Governor Redstone received two votes Miss Mary E. Beers, of Mili Hill, left, Three were drawn for court of meetings, jurymen odist and were campaign, having received a fine as a Greenback representative at tho late last for where Geo. W. church, Monday Tuesday, just MAINTAINED BY US FOR THE LAST Wednesday, Waterbury, common pleas Hon. Bradley, assortment of NEW GOODS and Millinery electlou. she will remain two her well attended and highly interesting. at Dressmaking wesks, visiting John Stlllson and Russell L. Warner. POPULAR PRICES. THREE YEARS. sister, Mrs. 8. N. Beers. The Ladies' Sewing of the re-open-cd Look out for the cross mark on your Mr. S. W. Stevens, station agent at society, will church, will meet at Mrs. We as Low as Loir est. Departments paper. Your paper, unless renewed, Mr. L. B. who the Brookfleld Junction, has' recovered Episcopal are themanufacturers andean sell the be Crare, purchased just Adam Williams's. Thursdav afternoon. stopped. house and farm formerly owned by John from a severe illness of two weeks' dura- DAVIS. wltli'.lncreased room Miss M. F. Tock came from New York Gay, deceased, Is doing" a rushing busi- tion. Dr. A. P. Smith of Brookfleld at- Rev. E. II. Dutcher did not preach ia A. II. city to attend the funeral of her aunt, ness at his new cider mill. tended him. tho M. E. church as expected last Sun CALICOES, facilities. it bein for him to come. la choice pat tern r, lrom b eta. per yard aud up. and Mrs. Beecher. There is to be an concert at the day, $ impossible Rev. C. S. Dikeman, of Sandy Hook, organ WARNER & PABKEE was Sun- next The Ladies of the M. J. Francis Gillette home lust and Rev. James of East Congregational church, Brookfleld, Sewing society, Invite the of in want of to orders Taylor, Village, meet at Mrs. James Steele's attention parties Special attention paid by day, visiting his parents, and returned to Monroe, attended tho Methodist Ministe- Friday evening.' Profs. Jardine and Green church, NEW DRESS GOODS. New will bo this afternoon and - mail. furnished. Haven Monday. rial association at Bethel, kust Monday present. (Wednesday) evening. WZEIDZDIIfcTG- Samples cheerfully FLANNEL1', DOMESTIC AND ROMAN PBESE1TTS Mr. Asa R. CurtU, of raised n and Tuesday. Tho many friends of Mrs. W. E. Wil- The work on tho new arch bridge, on PLAID Strat'ord, GINGHAMS, GLOVES AND MITTEN 8. NUBIAS In which tho wife of Hon. M. D. will Plain street, is progressing slow- To their Large Stock of USEFUL Gold-Heade- d Canes pumpkin hU garden turns &. bur, the Wilbur, Grassy HOODS, LADIES' AND MISSES' FANCT The nursery firm of R. G. Chase Co., bo bcrun at 112 learn with regret she is lying seri- ly, and when finished will an improve HOSE, LADIES WHITE LAWN AKD AKD EA.NCY GOODS. pounds. of Geneva, N. Y., will be tht Bronzes, Fancy Goods represented ill at her home in ment needed. LACE TIKS, KUCHES. SATIN AjS D carno from Hou-a- - ously Bridgeport. long SILVER Mrs. Oeorie Hull here for a few days longer by their assent, GKOS GBAIN DIAMONDS, id of The second entertainment of the 1UBBONS, Watches, Jewelry, Opera tonlc, Mva., to atto the hor A. D. M'LalTerty, who will be glad to fur- Thos. Gorman, one of the hands of the Young (all colors.) MARBLE Association Lecture Course will WARE, friend, Mrs. Beecher. nish people in this locality anything in Nlantlc mills, had his fingers caught in People's Glasses, Plated Ware, tho of one of the on Sat- be given by tho McGibney Family, Nov. CLOCKS, TRAVELING Rev. C. F.. ITps. n of New Haven ar- their line, for Spring, as they sell for cogs machines, 'Silver Jewelry. Tedouif I 17th, in Fisher's Hall. Fruit of the Loom bleached rived In town and at Spring set lug o::ly. urday lust, lacerating and bruising them Muslin, in CIOCKS', Thursday, ttopped short 10c ters, Amber Beads. Grand Central Hotel. severely. A walk four feet high is being built at pieces, only per yd. the Rev. C E. Upson commenced a series of gg-- Qualities guaranteed Mr. E. W. AVilson has been building an the base of School-hous- o hill, by direc Mrs. Daniel Conley, of was meetings in the Congregational church, Brooklyn, addition to the house Jas. A. tion of the school committee. Johnson and prices as low as the mm. th of Mrs. H. L. Wheeler thi lastSundav. Mr. Vpson was very suc occupied by guot past The interior of the house & Dikeman are doing the work. Horse B SUCCESSORS TO two weeks and returned homo hist Satur- cessful in his work at Danbury and Wilson, Esq. Comfortables, ankets, lowest. re- lias been and in a thor- Oil Cloth, AXD ALL KIXDSOF day. Bethel several months a.0. He will painted papered Miss Fannie Hawley returned home Bugs. main hero several and services will ough manner. from New Preston, where Last week some vile tl.lef nine days Monday evening BLAC?tVIA? & lie hel l nftcrnown and dur- The Newtown closes its fall she has been visiting her friend, Miss GENTS' WRAPPERS and DRAWERS WARNER. twelve-fee-t boards from a of new every evening Academy Musical Merchandise. pile this term next The closinn exercises Ella for the two weeks. Fri ta 25 eta. and Coniu Junt SI. Haw ing week, except Saturday. Friday. Hull, past up. Bridgeport, lumber, purchased hy C ley, will bo no In our notice week before public and, doubt, interesting Mr. Marcus Hough, while hauling wood The LARGEST and BEST Auortmnit of In.tr Fq. last, relating as those of The next term will ? menu in the btate, which can t bought Nor-wal- the past. f I k, one was The commissioners will meet in tithe Connecticut Republican, of So. day last week, injured severely county begin Monday, Nov. 22d. - we the name of by one of tho pieces failing upon him, Ladies' and Misso" U'raiinm. V LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE TOR CASH. this town, Nov.. 17th, for th.i purpo.'o of accidentally gave Car- Deputy-Sheri- ff and his eye. Fine Assortment of liconso to thoso rec- the editor and publisher to be Foote. We Glover, accompanied by cutting injuring right I granting liquor duly R L on EauT PaTmrat- - in the Deputy-Sherif- f of went to digan JarketN. WHOLESALE AND ETA or Everything llosi: ommended. should have said the editor was named Iluse, Bethel, Charles E. Squires is oor agent to col Une. from a JEWfiHAEP to a, F. S. Lyon. Will A. Tulles is the city Danbury, Monday, and arrested four lect bills due us iu Bethel. Our friends Mrs. Susan who has been in well-fille- Hall, orfitor, and judging from his d young men, on a warrant charging them will bear this in mind. Charlie will also Th3 LIE323UX BUDS, are the greatest bargains ia of lu jiriny charge of the Home tho Friendless, coljmiis, he is a live man. with breach of the peaQe, on Saturday take for the Bee. APS, your subscriptions Latest New Haven, has resigned and returned in wero IIA,, Style in Stiff Ilatn. night, Newtown. Tho parties We week advertise- Charles E. who at present is at FURNITURE, MATTRASSES, FEATHERS, &c, to hei home. present this tho arralsned before Justice Betts. One Hoyt, rxcLUDi.so ment of W. Obmd niu.'ic dealer of dol-dar- s work for A. L. Cheney, job printer. The finest horse-bar- n In Newtown l as Hoyt, party plead guilty and was fined four Mr. is a musi- his hand in a At Old WATER been for Mr. David Fer- Danbury. Hoyt thorough and costs. The otiser three were Bridgeport, got caught job the Stand, STREET, Just completed for a number of press and injured the finders of his right GENTS' 8CAKFS, KCKTIE8, ris. Is an ornament to his J. cian, having taught music bound over to appear again. - Violins, Banjos, Guitars, It place. and hand. He returned to work Monday COLLARS AND CTTFFS - B. was the builder. years, and bis experience knowledge BRlDCirEPORT, C Gillette to The friends of Rev. C. S. Dikeman pro- Accordeons, Drums will he of advantage to those wishing A. W. Tvviss, druggist, in Fisher's Hall C. M. with II. M. pose making him n donation visit on La Euo, Robinson, purchase musical instruments. Call when lias laid in a stock of holi A SPLENDID LINE OF SCRAP PICTURES has t.o fur recovered Wednesday evening, Nov. 17th, at the building, just Fifes, Jeweler, Danbury, In Danbury and examine his stock. toilet and other articles. Just received. all It. from a severe attack of malarial fever as Methodist Episcopal parsonage, Sandy day goods, fancy They Sing ot handsome designs. This drug store is Brass &c.,&c. to resumo work at the berch. We stnted last week that Mr. M. C. Hook. If the weather should prove stor- THE TUNE CHANGED. Instruments, for vs neat as a pin; the drutrs fresh and Hawlev. the Republican candidate, my, the Tisit will be deferred until tho This is the only I.ottn y ever voted on ami endortrd by There's one I'd have to Mr. Charles Hkhlmore and Mr. David pure. ors stock op the State. thing you know, Of Beat Quality and Lowest Pondble Prices. representative, received a very flattering ext pleasant evening. A general invita people of any Whether in Noble are a sidewalk between dwelling palace or shed. Exoell-n- Second-Uab- d Pianos at building vote. Since then we have seen the fig- tion is extended to the friends of Sandy A bonfire was built in front of Mr. MENS' and BOYS' BOOTS ATTRACTION Some t, Eargaiat. residences. Mr. Noble has large That for pleasure and comfort below. their placed ures received by ail the candidates, viz. : Newtown and Taunton to unite iu Thomas B. UNPRECEDENTEDMILLION DISTRIBCTKD. Correspondence Solicited (look, Foster's house, Wednesday For the Winter is complete, and aa cheap Much ou the of the bed. several y, ieson, depends in front of his house hitching Willii.ni I. Sanford, 518; Patrick McCar-tlf- a social with and a fired even- style pending pleasant evening night, salute during the as ever, notwithnUnding the ad If you're clinging to slats or to ropes. posts. 425; M. C. Htftvley, 336. The aver- the Rev. Vrother and his in vance in these family. ing, anticipation of the parade of the goods. Louisiana State Lottery And from these to And rest ; we with of votes were 203. Company. thinking met the age Republican polled, three-months-o- ld Garfield and Arthur but did Friday evening lively The little boy of Geo c'ub, they Thin Institution waa recnlarly incorporated by Be assured that in vain are yoor hopes. S.T, W. C. Dunham of Mass., Mr. therefore led his ticket by not the of the State for Educational and Fomeroy, Capt. Nantucket, Hawley met with a fearful accident on appear. Legislature The Branch ville Bed is the brst. 73 Perry Fri Charitable purvoae. in 1S8. for the term of Twenty-- Spring who at Is the agent of li. S. Snow votes. are present day night. While taking his milk out of Mr. Samuel Osborn is the agent for the Don't fail to examine our SNQ. & yeare, to whi. h contract the inviolable faith A Co., wholesale ttsh dealers, 176 Atlantic ' of the State ia pledged, which pledge haa been re- In the gloom of the dark midnight hour 438 MAIN ST.. W. S. of the Derby Tran- nursing bottle, with a tube and shield Pictorial History of the World," and FHENCH KIP BOOTS. Mens' newed by an popular vote, eeenring Boston. Hockenbury new De- When the toil of the are all Avenue, had the misfortune to break one of attached, the nipple became loosened, will canvass in Bethel in a few days. Our and Boys' Bubber Boots ita franehiea in the constitution adopted day paet. script cember 3d. A. V.. 1879. with a capital of 1.000.009, How delightsome that magical power. Last week we Issued a few extras, con- his legs, Monday might of last week, at and the little one drew It into his throat, readers will find nn editorial, explaining at lowest prices. ta which it baa atnee added a reserve runa oiotct . - Conn." with comments SMO.OOO. Ita Orand Single Slumber Drawings will That locks all our sense at laot. Bridgeport, taining election returns, the Derby railroad crossing, while partic shield and all. Suffocation was immi more fully the merits of this excellent take place monthly. aMtsa er pmttptnt. Look at the (nrr But your sleep to be healthful and sweet, upon the result from four of the leading ipating In a parade. Mr. Hockenbury nent, and had It not hud a small hole in. work, in this issue ot the Bee. following distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, And refreshing from toes to your bead. papers of New York city. The extras was In a wagon from which fire it the boy would have died at once. Dr. Call and see the NEW riding Mr. Frederick Jterry has a which will take Must be free from those terrors that were sent out on were and was Wile was summoned, who with employed during )lacs the Friday. works being discharged, hastily first-cla- ss horse shoer and blacksmith. GRAND MONTHLY told a was and the utmost difficulty extracted the shield NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE 197th greet Mrs. D. R. Stevens Is having a new that train approaching, Peter Freiderick is a steady, reliable AND THE EXTBAOBDDIABr All who use not the Branchville a he from the with the nipple attached. At this baru built on the site of the one recently caring whistlo, jumped stage and Mr. feels confident SEMI-ANNUA- of affairs the child was workman, Ferry L DRAWING! Spring Bed.' Carriage destroyed by lightning, at South Britain. wagon, the wneeis oi wnica passoa over apparently dead, that his customers will have their horses The Best. Latest Improved and Mset and after and long-co- n Perfect Machine ever invented. Sold for At New Orleans. Tuesday. December 14th. 180. The carpenter work will be done by John his leg, breaking both bones. only persistent shod in a manner. See adv. Now, if nightmares and ghosts you'd defy tinued efforts at artificial was superior cash or on the installment plan. See adv. Under the and of D. Seelej and Anson Ward. respiration personal supervision management And dream of the bliss that's to come. The marriage of Miss Addie Supplee of breathing resumed and life restored. It The election last week passed off very Gen. G. T. Lou-- The Branchville Bod must of C. BEAUREGARD, of Spring you try Mr. Nichols Hawley, Hawleyville, this place, and Major T. Greene, of was a very narrow escape from death In quietly. Philo Gilbert was by isinna. and will and to In co- It bring Joy peace your has had his house neatly painted Rhode Island, was performed in the deed. At this writing the child is doing the republicans as representative, by a If you irant a good rami, use nAVS-- n.. tittiai a tr a d t v f xr: : home. C. J. A. P. Smith, whose handsome Col. G. S. WORTH M. d: LONGMAN'S - "O Rockwell, Agt., lor, by repu'.a Episcopal church, Danbury, Thursday, as well as could be expected. majority. Crofut pure pre.- You may try them a month If you choose, tloo f i r lirst-ch.s- s work is well 2Gth 11 a. m. The relatives a more durable doing ult.. only was elected by small majority to the pared Paints, in all colors; Just to find out how'nicely they lie. Takes pleasure In announsing to the cl fi known in this town and vicinity. Smith wero Invited. The staitod office of of over than lead and oil, and much Will Capital Prize, $100,000. reas 01 happy couple Tlie Governor's Latest. judge probate, Frederick cheaper. Then to them cannot refuse. is a faithful workman. for Rhodo Island, and thence will who has held office a not chalk off. It is not a Chemical or Patent Notice. Ticket are Tea Dollar buy you they Shepard, the for ir And I AND and other Governor Redstone, who is,always full Paint. tale us. WHITE only. Halve, $5. riftlia,$2. you'll dream ot the "Sweet by BE'HEL VICINITY, The attention of our readers is called visit Washington, Annapolis number of years. For only by and on tour. The bride received of his tricks, planned a scire, last Friday LEAD. FRENCH PURE Teaths,$l. by." lx to the editorial relating to the pictorial places their Mr. Treston Durant has" commenced ZINC, LIN LIST OF PRIZK8 That be has taken charge of the a number of valuable and the morning, for Martin Costello, who passes SEED and all Painters' at establishment, and Is prepared to do of the world, of which Mr. Sam presents manufacture of in OIL, Material, 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $100,000. ...$100 000 - history the Governor's castle early every morn- the rapped hats, the ' 1 GRVND PRIZE OF And for FIVE DOLLARS kinds of new work, as also " wishes of all. Brookfleld Cor. Dan Bottom Prices. , 60.000.... 60.000 fS- all Is tho Tho book is good make-sho- p ucl Oshorn agent, ing. When Martin reached the house he of H. E. Hickok & Co. . Dr. 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20.000.... 20.000 up In good and will a bury News. 2 LARGE PHIZES OF 10.000.... 20,000 yotten stylo prove heard horrible groaning and, stopping, Amos Schooninaker has donned the hat 4 LARGE PRIZES OF $.000.... 30.000 valuable addition to any library. and is for Mr, 20 PRIZES OF 1.000 M.000 MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THB Carriage Kepaictac Died In Sandy Hook, Wednesday night noticed that the front door was open aud ter's apron napping hats FINE ASSORTMENT OF 60 500 2S.O0 A team of horses owned and driven by last, Mrs. Zilpha A. Beecher, aged 71 yrs the Governor s clothes were strewn on Durant. The doctor draws teeth, and 100 " 30.... 30,000 SHOP ON SOUTH BT., now ones for customers 200 " 500.... 40.000 Bran Bed Martin Carroll, were killed by the milk sister of Zalmon S. Peck, Esq., and moth the piazza, and instantly imagined that makes all when Crockery. Lamps, Glass 000 " 100.... 6OOO0 .bville Spring Co., on Housatonic last er of Mr. E. Beecher. The funer dreadful had befallen the Gov called upon. The doctor has not Worked 10,000 " 10.... 116.000 Next to the Ceruetrr.-iu- d In the rwjr train, the railroad, Henry something Sets & Hanging: Baskets. BKANCHTILLE, John T. Fearce's residence. at Kent. cars al took from ernor. Martin ran with to the at the business in 24 3 ears before. Mr. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Thursday evening, Sjme place Saturday afternoon, speed Connecticut when be- Rev. L. con- them to come and Samuel Pearce works at this 10 Approximation Prize of $200... $20,000 Fairfield County, were being switched, tho horses t. John's church, II. Myrick neighbors, calling help shop also, 100 100. lO.OO'i GIe me a rail, as I will rueraotee ro pall-beare- rs All who and his first ia thirty-fiv- e 100 7.600 WANTED. work came frightened and ran In between the ducting the services. The Redstone. heard the racket napped years, BEST LINE OF CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND 75.. AGENTS lor csA. cars. were Curtis Bostwlck, Ezra Patch. Smithy were alarmed. Mr. Daniel Camp was last week. Mr. Geo. Starr illuminates PIPES, IN TOWN. to at same J1.279 Prizes, $522,600 C. BOCKVm- P. Glover, John L. Sanford, II. L. Wheel about ready to investigate, when Mr, tho planks tho shop. tim. a. T. BEAUREGARD, of La.l I Mr. F. S. Bartram, after a pleasant visit A. Gsn. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Va ( " or. I. J. Weils, James Wilson. The John H. Blackman returned and said the The of F. W. known tor rates to clubs should ' be to his home In this town, the factory Mackenzie, App'ication only Now come BATS. during remains of this lamented lady were in Governor was playing a joke on Martin as the "Gold Mine," is now fitted in m tde to the office of the Company in New Orleans. I of his father, C. C. up Write for circulars or send orders to ARISE Now come MICE. Summer, the guest terred in tho Berkshire cemetery. Then the people felt like playing on the and of twice Now come BOACHES. returned to New York good style, capable the M. A- - DATJTHIK, Bartram, Esq., Governor, for giving them such a scare amount of work heretofore done lu it. TO SAT Now come ANTS. last week. Mr. Bartram will plor.se Tho Congregational church of Truro Choice Groceries HEW 02LEA1T3, LA Now come H.EAS. city Martin thinks the Governor takes the de Last Spring the building was enlarged by accept our thanks for copie3of city pa- - hull will celebrate their 150lh anniver of his candidate or same person at Now come BCGS. feat greenback very adding fifteen feet in rear, extending the sent us. sary, on Thursday Nov. 18th. Services HO. 319 BSC A3 HEW YOEK. p )rs hard, and the ne3t time Redstone has any full sizo of the whole On of ail Kinds. WAY, IN'SECTS at 11 o'clock, a. m., with building. the INSECTS begins public groaning to do, in reality or for fun, Mar- side an addition was MB 7 Rev. Mr. Dikcman of Sandy Hook oc a historical discourse south also built to INSECTS worship, Including tin will not take any stock. room for a one cupied the pulpit in exchange with Mr. the of the church. At noon make boiler, of Lb& INSECTS by pastor These of Reform re-uni- Watson'sof Bridgeport improve- On Wheeler, the church, Sunday collation and social for a . CANNED GOODS, EXTEA FINE TEAS, ke. i Plants, FowIh, Animals, Moths In Fure, couple abundance of room 4c, afternoon. He delivered a very interest of hours in the church at Republicans Rejoicing-- ment give to'The oolena, Ac. Ac. parlors; and. ing sermon. He Is a good speaker, and o'clock service Last Wednesday evening several citi- packing, curling, trimming finishing KILL quit k and SCRE. public again, including Mr. "THc only objection to yuaar of his hearers. Drook- - k rooms. Mackenzie is deserving of KILL and SVBE. kept the attention addresses from clergymen and others zens on Newtown street and in Sandy-Hoo- quick for he is a hard-worki- - Use Home Light Kerosene Oil. The best KILL and SURE. Jleld Cor. Danbury Neva. The Housatonic railroad has celebrated tha result of the election success, perse- quick company and safest Oil in the market. 1 or 'COMMON-SENS- E EOCKER' KILL quick and SURE. Are-work- and we that he to accommodate travel by a fine display of s and illumi- vering gentleman, hop Bale us. The Connecticut brauch of the "Wo- - kindly arranged succeed. M. only by will Mr. H. Burns has charge - "Costar's" Exterminators for Rat?. a in nation, and for several hours the ia. we ail want iu Th tit all ham the two-- m-iu'- 'joth ways the running of its trains. village t'.tf. wf--- Auxiliary to the Board of Missions of the as foreman. habv to th? member mi --' r. d was alive with the rejoicings and other finishing department, ctawpma the f at r4 l. of the Episcopal church, held its first is to be rather Mr. Wm. Ocbs is foreman over the make-- ileu s ciuo. ''r1-- -- d 1 r Bicycle riding getting evidences of the people's delight. Those avnd uuwiai laici iiiiiiaiuis dcu DUtii Vitalizes Enriches tho Blood, Tones " :. meeting in the church of the Holy Trinity and a not POWDEbT. dangerous exercise, very pay who illuminated their homes were: Dr. shop. Call and see us and be Convinced that np tho System, Slakes tho WesJc "COSTAB-S- Insect at Middletown, last Six blah easily-frighten- n. and Table COSTAE"S " Thursday. ing one for owners of N. E. Marble, 'Mrs. Nichols, Last the Garfield we have as a stock of seasona-- Builds np the Broken-dotr- My Reading Writing Insect FOWDEli. ops and forty other clergymen wero in Theopilus Wednesday evening complete j Strong, "COSTAB'S" Insect JDWDEK. horses. Wo cllp.the following from the Peter M. Nas1', Frank T. Botsford, Geo. and Arthur club met in Fisher's Hall to tie goods as any store in this vicinity. Invigorates the Is adjustable to .nearly all kind of ARM- - robes in tho church and chancel. - i "COSTAE" Insect POWDEK. Danbury Newsot last week : " Friday af W. C. Brain, and CM A k;- sreat convenience in rsiding Stuart, Marcus T. close the and before do- iaf-bo- ard Hawley, Henry up organization, or vr:tintr makes t g oa cutting tf Pure. Pure, Pure. box War C. ternoon, Ju it ns the scholars of Room No, Mrs. Wm. Hen- - for ladies, or only Every Mr. Marcus Hawley, who vras nomi Nichols, Patterson, Piatt, ing so transacted some business of im CURES- dining Ublc iof invalids. ranted In Perforated Slntng Boxes. 3, New street school, wore being dis B. C. Mor- nated for representative on tho republican ry Sanford, David Beers, Levi portance, the chief of which was the safe Gen- o a came lTervoxa Affections, " tf in ran seventy-tw- ahead missed, bicycle rider dashing past Kev. J. P. Mrs. Booth of Dyspepsia, Easy-Chai- rs. C9tmr'"Take ticket Newtown, ris, Hoyt, Terrill, depositing the torches in the keeping Fever My mIMew. This was and frightened ahorse belonging to a Mr, Misses Florence and Mamie of Sanford & eral Debility, Neuralgia, I.rr of the State ticket, yesterday. Glover, Miss the Alert and Grassy Plain lire compa- Hawley's. se- Foster, of Southeast, which was fastened end Ague, Paralysis, Chronio Tho antes are h ird wood, carefully Dealers wanting terms, address in owing to Mr. Hawloy'a great per Mary Blakslee, Charles Morehouse, M. nies, for the use of citizens when lected and tboroueb'.v sea-ont-- 1 he struts part required Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, CORAH sonal and in to his prom to the post in front of the school build S. Otis, Mrs. Samuel C. Glover. The res- for The banner was com- are djble cane or ah sp'ints. split from C0XPA3TT, popularity, part public parades. Female Com-- touh timber; arc made 405 Broome X. ise to his to the Im- ing. The horse broke loose, jumped over idences of the Misses Glover and Wm. mitted to Humors, youce, by experi St, T. give salary Village the keeping of Hon. Philo Gi- Liver Com- enced workmen, under in r own sup :r vision. fence of bis-in- g provement Society If he was elected. the the house opposite, taking Piatt were the finest in appearance. In lberts: Coi. ,G. S Crofut at the plaints, Anv ch.iir my stonio is w.trran ed. presided, Remittent ai.d if it fail in anv Dart !)v f.tir the Standard. the buggy with him. Running up the Sandy Hook the nttmed citizens boerL plaint, 'isare. following meeting, and stated that it had de and pricr vriH b! refunded or another chivr fur- 1837. 18SO. bank back of the house he left the buggy illuminated : Ezra Charles Fever, nished free of I Co nM make the Hall, Hall, termined upon. ;to parade that nighfe,?aud AGX3TS! AGEXTS! AGXXT8I etTtrsf. . A gentleman from Danbury drove into r.nd then jumped back into the street and John L. Sanford, Elias Citizens ALL DISEASES ORIGINATING IN A BAD STATE thtjhr.t cUair in the n.arke-- but I do claim it ITewtown Saiiford, Frank that the Band had responded to OR ACCOMPANIED BY to be BKSr in R.iclcers on to - OF THE BLOOD, th evrv Academy. town last week Tuesday, Us was over the fence in the school W. o-- d si-- e yard, among Kan, B. Sniffln, Mrs. Alis,- Silas the call to furnish as OR A LOW STATE and cha r t J r, any or heih: de musici but there Josiah Allen's Wife DEBILITY . and not conclu -- sir.-d- price-Hi- t. James P. HoTT...M..fYale. Prin Southford, feeling well, the little children. Fortunately they had Fairchild, Mrs. Julia E. Peck, Chas. Par- were so HAS A THE SYSTEM. - Send s:ur.iD for d.uttratrd Be. fvr who had come with BrTE" III CF r--e to return home. He left his horse prepared. best Si funniest VV al Before purchasing, that tac chair has cipal aud Instructor In L&aguages,' etc ded and out of Th ofaUtMCmItsf aa a aBSak aS a harm's Wm.; G. sk warning got way. sons, Augustus Orgleman. Hard, uniforms he advisable to post- - KaBaas ams&Sk on Cr-vniN- thought it mv aJlress starorfd frame Knocked Os. A. B.. fAm and at the stable of the Grand Cen Dr. W. C. Edson W. Mr. 4 QVVli Geoboe II. buggy only damage done was to the fence of Wile, Wilson, to some - rX-- n 1 1 IM downi n of halfdoer.s for Mr. pone other evening. It was sug- Tfrr TXTi Trwa f1 Vs en " V h If if I fl NYlillK packages shipping. herst). Associate Principal and Instructor tral Hotel, and returned homo on the the residence and to the which Hollingworth, Taft, Niantic Mills nmd l W For export. N'os. I. a. A. S. 6. t. it and to. buggy, tenement, Smith P. H. L. Wheel- gosted to parade Friday evening," "V " V UlVf mil i iwi made knock in wood. Bixed one in MAthemaucs, Science and English, etc. horse was Glover, I down, cars. Tuesday night the taken was badly smashed. The horse was cut then voted An OB. THE ACCOUNT OF FAMANTHA'S TRIALS the blood with iu or in box. NV for bos. Miss W. Assistant xnd er, Isaac Beers, Curtis Bostwick, D. W, upon. invitation 'was ex AS0 SUFFERINGS WITH HEB HUS- Supplies Yttsl rHnerple, dozes s charge Jcurr Jennixgs, and taken care of during some but not On above Mr. wiiowf; - chair mads honor and wstv in ot sick, although serldusly." the Snyder, Stevens, Alfred Brisco, I. J. tended' to both the Citizens' and Bethel BAND JOSIAH, EiC, ETC. jLiemeni, ikuii,into all of nuraj",iHc Every open oharye Primary Department. Vleor and New tlfo parts tystcn. ranted Price from 75 cents the owner's absence, the horso did not wo would remark that some law 6hould Wells, Arthur Wells, Georgo Woffenden, bands to The club were then BEING FREE FROM AIAXJUOL, perfect ranjre PapOa of all aea recrlTad aod iusirmclcd !a Fred Chas. D. C participate. This will 1o the Leadiar Book of ths effceta are not followed concasoadinf reac to So.oa each. SHctal fvtmnt tUrgymrm. or better. On the owner carse, be enacted, so as to Wenzel, Payne. Gately, ins by for eliasss tsdiTSBuaUy. Thursday prevent either bicycle fire-wor- Send Manufactured get and others. Tho display of oh favored with some excellent musleby the season t Sell. tion, kut ao permanent. catalogue. oy could not save the animal, which died or horses AGENTS WAKTKD In Nsrt Tettn Sept- - but riding running away. Lives Newtown street Citizens' to erery Town. Don't miss It, ' A. bagina and in Sandy Hook was Band, whom a vote of thanks SETH V. FOWLE ft SONS, Propa-M- on, M 'F. SI5CLAJK, CsttrlUe, ft. f. ? TwTos) It bad the epizootic. have been lost What Next very brilliant. 1 aO. iTsr Thursday night. already. kivw ivi lutxriorusw. asuiiiig UQ 1 AXBitl'JAK FUBLISUIXQ C J., Har'rorS.Ct. CanWs AraSwa, tlanoa. Seie kv iffatajL .SMtayallaVaW UtotSst KlCa IS YEARS. OLD-FA- S II D FTJ5 18HMEHTS. Gubernatorial Contest. 10SE The THE ELECTIONS. &EWS OF THE WORLD. Arouiinit Its Readers Logan (Ohio) Hooking Sentinel. The following shows the result of the guber- An alarm ot fire at midnight is a startling Hews. Aneedotr of People who Hm lived a natorial elections held in eighteen States! The presidential election has resulted in the thing, but not half so startling to many who HocklBg Yalley Century or a Xjlttla Let a. How Offenders were Served in Former Colorado Governor. F. W. Pitkin, Bep. election of James A. Garfield as President, Eastern and Middle State hear it as would be the sudden knowledge ol Tn it,. .kamiMAf.mthliis atartlfrir Of 1 B. and Chester A. Arthur as Vice-Preside- nt of their own condition. of the Jh oldest person in Boyd county, Day. Connecticut Governor, H. Bigelow, Ulysses Simpson Grant, youngest son oi dangerous physioal terrific politics and the exploit K . Ann a From the references to the ducking- the United States. On the morning after General Thousands of thousands are harrying to their uvu PSffii Collins, mulatto woman, many Rep. Grant, was married in New York a army worm excepvea dw 110 -stool in the ancient records of many Florida Governor, W. tJ. Bloxham, Dem., election, the result, as given in the dispatches lew to Miss Fannie graves because they are carelessly indifferent will not prove nerve- - aged years. to the New York was as follows: mornings ago J. Chaffee, to insidious inroads of disease and the delightful valley at Illinois S. M. Cullom, Herald, the AAAJ TT V -- ww - M . ChcvenU of ninety-fiv- e boroughs, we have ample proof that Governor, Rep. only daughter oi Senator Chaffee, ot Colorado. 1AU AAV f at the age an curious mode of Iowa Secretary ot State, J. A. X. Hall, Margaret said to be 111 old means ot cure. It ia the mission ol H E " ia com earlier period this The Electoral Tote. Dempsey, years great- importance- to many people is giving a course of lectures on the instru- was lound dead in a hut on the mountain! Warner A Co., with their Sale Kidney and - J 1 T2 U JwM Sw wlS.VLeft. science of in punishment was the common Rep. REPUBLICAN STATES. Liver cure, to arouse men to a sense ot theii chemistry Paris. ment of for. scolds and incorrigi- Kansas Governor, J. P. St. John, Rep. near Elienville, N. Y., by a party ot hunters. n.U w,sl cMbi f I .Sflrn. whf) ninety-nint- h justice John D. State. eclois. danger and then cure them. MemphU Although in her year, ble women a practice, indeed, which MassachusettsGovernor, Long, Majority. E The lollowing note, written (in pencil, wa thus writes: Mr. Alex. MoClarg, Union Mrs. Eigiin, of Carroll county, Ky., Rep. California 6,000 6 found by her bedsiae: " I am dying by inches Appeal. been continued till within the last century. D. II. ot " Farnace, states that his wife had oently walked two miles to a circus. One ot the last cases on record in which Michigan Governor, Jeroine, Rep. Colorado 1,600 3 hunger. My money will be found Shell nink is a fashionable color. The xor Missouri Governor, T. T. Crittenden, Connecticut... 3,000 6 rbere is a tradition that Mrs. when afflicted with rheumatism meiasi Greenfield, 111., boasts of a citizen was resorted to is" recorded in the Dempsey husband e to walk it Dem. Illinois ...... 25,000 21 a girl ran away trom home to a lover of the lady who wears the twenty-fiv- years, being unable ninety-tw- o of who has never London of 27, 1745, marry floes nthar hsln l.h mnat nf years ajre Evening Post, April Nebraska Governor, Albinus Nance, Rp. Indiana 7,000 19 who soon deserted her. She came to Elien- pins usually the shelling out. tasted liquor and was never in a lawsuit where we read : " Last week a woman New Hampshire Governor, L. R. Bell, Iowa...... 60,000 11 ville many years ago and has lived a hermit's that time; has now used two bottles ol Columbia New names that keeps the Queen's Head ale-hou- se Kansas , 40 000 6 tile since. is that she became too The greatest anxiety is experienced lest Bt. Jacobs Oil, ana waxu not on 13 countv. York, Rep. " It supposed there should be a flaw Dolly hexron. a New Lebanon Sbak--. t Kingston, in Surrey, was ordered by New Jersey Governor, J. O. Ludlow, Maine 4 000 7 leeble to rise irom her bed and slowly starved in the title to property j ahnnt the house, but also in the fields. 104 court to be ducked for and Dem. Massachusetts 45 000 13 to death. yet a flaw in tbe title ot health a cough or eromn, who is years of age, as her the scolding, sold is without any helps. was in the and New York Chief Judge, C. J. Folger, Rep. 25 000 11 B y an at the Laflin A Rand now disregarded. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp oldest resident. accordingly placed chair, Michigan explosion emoves all ducked in the river Thames, under North Carolina Governor, T. J. Jarvis. Minnesota...... 23,000 6 iter works, eight miles from Peterson, N. such at once. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker died - j. Henry Herbert Crane lived childless recently two Dem. Nebraska 20,000 3 John Clarkson, aged twenty-seve- n, and Alber sixty-fiv- e. at 107 Kingston brilge, in the presence of ' The Chilians are raising sugar and in Grafton.Ohio. until he was Phillipshnrg, Pa., aged years, and or three thousand .That this Pennsylvania Supreme Judge, Henry Nevada.... 1,500 3 Dunn, aged tenty-two- , were killed and the Then his wife birth to people." - shipping it. This is much better than . youne- 1 gave 1 1 Benjamin Hencock at cold-wate- New 5 auiMing was laid in ruins. . - r . . I. u : A Brazil, Jnd.,at r1 cure had a wholesome effect Green, Rep. Hampshire 2,500 a A. uurvu is vauu the of 103. Sonth Carolina J. New York 20 00 ) The steamer Rhode raising rumpus and fighting. twins. tllie juy.ui taiucr TU GREAT -- ae upon women is most Governor, Hagood, 35 Island, white on hei of music and marched throueh the Til nlf Mid- - unruly agreed by Ohio 40 000 22 way to Stonington, Conn., from New York, For forty years Betsy Tajrgart, of of the old . who mention it. Malarial fevers can be also other was in- writers Tennessee Governor, A'vin Hawkins, Rep Pennsylvania., 35 000 29 ran ashore at Bonnett Point in Narragansett prevented, lage bearing a banner on which oietown, it. i., Daa oeen bedridden, Doctor in a conversation with O. M. Dem. miasmatic diseases, by occasionally scribed with no semblance of d isease. She died Johnson, Texas Governor, Roberts, Rhode Island ...... 7.404 4 bay during a dense fog and has become a com- using ''Victory." Mrs. Knowles. said : " M idam, we have Vermont ' 5 plete wreck. The steamer had aboard 170 Dr. Savjbrd's Liver lnvigoralor, the oldest aged ninety-on- e years. evil 27,00 general Family Medicine, which is recom- Daily News.J QMEtffi recently, different modes of restraining Wisojcain 3,000 10 passengers, all ot whom were landed safely. (Saginaw FOB Annie Terrance, of stocks for the men, a ducking-sto- ol for When the vessel struck all the mended as a cure for all diseases caused by a Schick informed our re-- Hickman, Ky., nearly passen- o Mr. George ACCIDENTS IN THE HOUSEHOLD. disordered liver. Eightv-pag- book sent free. -- had closed a century of life, but still women and a pound for beasts." And Total.. 219 gers were asleep, "and immediately alter the hi had- tu0n nflfprins'z witt Address Dr. Sanloid, 162 Broadway, N. Y. 7Jiv.... turn - kept her place as housemaid . She Gay, in his " Pastorals," is very decisive - EMOCBATIO STATES. - terrific crash, as she ran upon the rocks, a rheumatism in his feet so badly that 101 What Should be Done In Certain Emer- scene of terrible excitement occurred. The Tbe Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich., RnSDHiTISu, dropped dead while washing on this point: acencles. Statet. Will weeks at a time he would be unable tc Majority. Eteclor. 0. seud their Elect Bel s to tbe dishes. vessel and cargo were valued at about al.OOO,-00- reme-Hip- b 1 11 me to the where the Alabama. BfllicUd 30 trial. See their adver- leave his bed. He tried various Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, is speed pond, high In the household certain accidents oc 40,000 10 upon days' without relief, and concluded to ow the Kalamazoo, Mich., proud of John stool Arkansas. 30,0'jO 6 The national tisement in this paper headed, " On 30 Days' Backache, Sonnets of Chest, Bodette. 103 cur, generally of a harmless Republican committee, from like ii who. although years of On the long plank bangs o'er the muddy pool; character, Delaware 2,100 3 its headquarters in Now York, has issued an Trial." St. Jacobs Oil. It acted magio; Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Smell' aee. is still full of He dances That oi says a New York paper, but as they two he was cureo. vitality. stool, the dread every scolding queen. Florida.... 2,000 4 address ot congratulation upon the eucoess ot Wives and Mothers. days entirely and Sprains, Burns cad like a boy, and recently walked twelve sometimes are of a certain gravity we 40,000 11 its ticket in the recent elections. Da. MAuUllISi'SIaimhter,UThHt.NKCAl IIOLKJO.V will port ings The the Georgia.. lively curs Female Weakn such of Uh miles in four hours. popularity, too, of punishment reier to a clever little book entitled Kentucky 60 000 12 ia, u Fall'nf Russian soldiers get such poor pay Scalds, General Bodily is further shown the fact that cor- " to do C Womb, Whites, Chronic lufUmmauoo or Ulcerat on for Lexington, Ky., has the oldest by What First." written by Dr. Louisiana 10 000 8 Western and Southern States. tho Womb, Incident! Hemorrhage or Flooding. Painful their services, and their existence Pains, living porate bodies were required to furnish W. Dulles, which in a small 18.000 - 8 A from Suppressed and Irregular Memtliuation, Ac An old n in districts is so monotonous, of West Point contains, Maryland special Lexington, Mies., reports i remedy. Send card for a witl country Frosted graduate military themselves ducking-stoo- l, Look-har- postt pamphlet, Tooth, Ear and Headache, with a just space, a great deal which is useful to Mississippi 60,000 8 the killing of J. W. Ashoralt by T. J. t, Veatmeat, curea and certificates from phTsicUns am that suicide is becomine very common. academy in tbe person of Mer- A Wright as they are now forced to provide and know in certain emergencies. Now, a Missouri 55,003 15 and the mortal wounding of Lockhart patien'S, to HOWAK1 II BALLARD, Cnoa, X Official returns assert that in Tashkend Feet and Ears, and all other rick of class of 1823. He fire-engine- Sold by all S1.S0 bottia. the is the only maintain s. in the New ' and of C. Drugita per survivor of his class. Thus, there are copper boilers attached to Jersey 6,000 9 painful wounding M. Hull, editor of no fewer than six officers perished by Pains and Aches. parish accounts of Mortlake. 3 7s. ap- ranges in many Kitchens, the use ot ox North Carolina 15,000 lo tho Holmes County Timet, in an election OKEAT IIOH MEDICME. their own hand in one week. sTe IVsnafatlaa asi earth aaala Be, Stoma On, Mrs. Frances B. for been 1663 South Carolina 18 000 7 row. DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN nORSB LIXTMENT in aa a mtmtpU astd Kstwwal Wyatt eighty pears to have paid in "for alic acid to scour them with is . MV, quite bottles at HO 32 est ib tshe-l- It U well-kno- Ann, cntsuia but tbe years has been a member of the Metho- and a ducking-sto- ol Tennessee 40,000 12 While some men were recently-a- t work pint rents; years tlis Dr C. K. Shoemaker, tbe aural BeCMdy. trial anasuaianialy erecting painting common. we hear ot ac 1 best lo tbe world for the cu e of Colic. Old AO as saOattnc Occasionally Texa3 80.00 8 sr.cks of Sere. Sprains, 01 cfTeta to tnfiing outlay of teats, and mry dist church. She has seen a century of for scolds ;" and among the corporat ion cidents from carelessness when loading wheat under a very large tree llruisps. Sore Throats, etc. TOUIAS" CU.NDITIOX snrgron Reading, Pa., send by mail, with caa have cbeaa and aoattlva ftwat af W and arising Virginia 30 000 11 near Red Bluff, Cel., a large limb ot the tree POWDERS are warranted to cure Distemper, Fever freeot charge, a valuable Utile book on deaf- pais life, still lives at Chestnut Hill, records of Shrewsbury, 1669. we read of oxalic acid has been left about. The Worms, li ts; Rive a fine coat; lncre.be the and claims. West Virginia 13,000 5 dropped where the men had been stand- appetite ness and diseases ol tbe ear on ran Directions Philadelphia. "a ducking-stoo- l to be erected for the writer of this uses oxalic acid in her just cleanse the urinary orgaus. Cerlllled to l.y 0d. 1). specially la Ilsvaa Lcruafas. ing, cutting through a number ol bags ol McDanlel , owner of some of the fastest ruunini hows ning ear and catarrh, and their proper treat- BOLD ALL DRUGGISTS' AJTD SEALEU The of all scolds." Various ' 1 ,(K)u BT oldest member of the Masonic punishment own kitchen, but with great precaution, Total Democratic votes 147 wheat as though it had been a knife. Not a In the world, and others. it1 cents, boldbydrng- - ment Riving references and testimonials that Marcus of these instruments of cor- gists. Depot 44 Murray Street. New York. 15 MEDICIKE. order living is Richardson, of specimens The bottle containing it is never given DOUBTFUL breath ot air was stirring at the time. The will satisfy the moat skeptical. Address as Bangor, Me., who has belonged to the rection are still in existence, preserved to the cook, but only a sma.ll of limb upon examination sound and above. A.VOGELER Sc. CO., portion Etectort. proved . 3IAKKKTS. -- aV n THE fUtUimmm , JLi order seventy-seve- years. He is joat in local museums. One. which for its contents, and whenever it has-- been 3 firm, and the cause ot the occurrence could Get Patent Heel rj. was in the custom- - house at Oregon not be HSWTOBZ Lyon's Stiffanrs applies closing a century. many years used the servant is asked "if all of it RECAPITULATION. guessed. Beei Cattle Med. HaUvee, live wt.. OS 09 to those new boots betore you run them over. is now in museum of The has convened. 07 Welch, of was Ipswich, the that has been employed." If any remains Democratic 147 Georgia legislature Oalvea Poor to Prime Veals 0 & Mary Sevmour, Conn., town A fire at two brick M OS FRAZER AXLE GREASE. the last of fourteen sho was 107 ; and another, which was formerl" over it is thrown away. Jt is the most Doubtful 3 Benicia, Cat., destroyed Bheep & sisters; used in Leicester, is still in of ox-- buildings containing the construction depart- Lamba 05 OS v years of age when she died a short time preserved stupid drug clerks that confounds Republican 219 .... 047 the town museum there. The term ment, machinery and bullet presses ot the Eogs Live.... 0s;$ TMAT IS JUST ago. Thl centenarim died of old auc acid with .hpsom salts. The acid, Necessary to a choice 185 Dressed 16' I I age cucking-stoo- l is sometimes United Slates arsenal. The loss is estimated lo 4 05470 75 I WHAT I SMALL rtJulcaSiVtrU I applied to asur. Limies describes Garfield's 34 Floor Ex. Htate, good fancy.... g t 1 1 ti rather "comes in majority Vegetine I wiai I -- DI l than any physical ailment. it, at 200,000. to 5 10 51 BW arnsiSjT r the ducking-stoo- l the resemblance of bright-colore- d Western, good fancy. ljr,fwWe small, heavy, crystals. 1 (81 WILL CURE RHEUMATISM. j y J The oldest man in Pennsylvania is names led to The Hext House. General Ord telegraphs from San Antonio. Wheat No. i Red 1 (4 17 . the having apparently an making a clear rattle in a bottle or Texus, that he has learned irom General No. 1 White .....1 U 1 15 Abram Johnston, is hale and same jar." The result ot the election lor 01 1 why hearty idea that they meant the thing. in case by any accident oxalic acid has Congressmen Grieison at Eagle ot an attack by Eye State 1 05 at the of 107 He has full all as Springs Two-Bow- 71 73 Rheumatism is a Disease of the age years. A learned writer on the how- throughout the States, given by the thiity-flv- e Barley State o con- subject, been taken, the antidote tor it is lime. after to fllty Indians, presumed to be the Western 55 Blood; to Cure Rheumatism it must possession of his faculties, and does has out cucking-sto- ol Herald on the morning election, is as ot Corn Unxraded Mixed.... 553t$ ever, pointed that the The chemical reason for using limo is remnant Victoria's band, on Captain Bald- Southern Yollow M (4 be treated, as a Blood Disease. siderable daily labor. was used for the lollows: win's twelve in 63f specially expos that oxalic acid iorm3 with it an msoL Repub-- Demo- - Green- - pickets, number, at Ojo Calie Oats White State 40 & 43 Mrs. Pboobe Peck has celebrated her ure of flagitious women " at their own and its ute, resulting in the loss ot one and Mixed Western 37 4 88tf Hev. WM. T. ubie compound, corrosive action lie ana. eraU. backer. corporal BS 1 WORTH, centennial at her home in West field. or in some other as on three privates. Baldwin promptly took the Hay Prime (4 15 Recommends Vkbtot for BheumaUaa and Sciatica doors, public place, the coating of the stomach is at once Alabama.... . Stmw Long Rye, per cwt..... SO & 95 New York. Of thirty-thre- e lime-wat- er but the Indians crossed the river 1 IS79L Ler guests a means of putting upon them the last " If is at hand it trail, ahead Hops State, 1880 13 23 Fall Biraa. Xaaa, atay stopped. Arkansas.... ot him. '25 9 16 kta. n. R Stews: four had just passed ninety years, and degree of In the year 1457 be or Pork Mesa, new J 60 Dear For some ignominy." may given freely, whitewash. California.... There is a scare in San Francisco. Lard 8 21 8 25 Sir years I have been, at times, much all of the others were approaching that we are told of a scold who was tooth-powde- r smallpox City Steam..... troubled with acnte attacks of Hbeomattsra. I especially - put (its base is chalk), Colorado.... Thirty-si- x Crude...... 07 0SX Refiued 13 KOK "ILK BT Al.l. 1KAL- cuck-stoo- l" be- always cases were discovered the other Petroleum luflered tortures from 'Sciatica, the advice of friends It. age. upon the ' at Leicester, Connecticut.. 23 31 lly Atoorded Ute MKbAl. Of UoyoR at (At OsXrauai aad chalk, whiting or plaster from the wall. day and removed to the house. The Butter State Creamery...... 9 wuo knew the beuefls conferred by Vsbtirc.I begaa Mrs. fore her own and then carried to Delaware pest 23 26 Its use, and since that time 1 have bad no attack Wyman Ojgood, of Warner, N. door, The latter may be crashed and stirred health officer has been extra- Dairy & lias Chicago. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO. NewYorfc ; Blome-fiel- d, city's granted Western Imitation 18 24 tho e I previously suffered. For some tnne past I hava II., has her 10 1st and the four gates of the town and in water without to Florida Creamery no reta-- n passed birthday, up regard grittiness, 9 ordinary powers. Factory... IS (4 20 bad ( the trouble, except occasionally a faint of well-know- which Mrs. Sarah Ducas, of Volina in his " Norfolk," tells Georgia...... Solon n on State 10K 13 Intimation, disappeared upon takings few doses township, History which will not do any harm." 6 - Robinson, a writer Cheese Factory of the VecETrivs. 1 also take pleasure In record tng my CtttAL777 Cass 110 us of une Grove, a common Illinois...... 13 cHed In 03 10! in favor of it excellent effect in county, is years of age. and Margaret For sanitary purposes carbolic acid is 8 6 - agricultural topics, Jacksonville, Fla., Skims...... 10 testimony abating an 1597 was Indiana.... n Western & 11H Inveterate Salt Kheum. and I count it Do small believed to be oldest person in the State. scold, who in the year ordered now frequently found in houses. The 1 lew days ago, aed seventy-seve- years. peas to be a basin " before Iowa... assistant Eggs State and Penn a 23 are to have teen thrs made free. D tvirl of Pa. , cele- carried, with rung cases oi its accidental use must be of Kansas .....83 Elbridge J. Dawson, postmaster Potatoes State, bbl 1 60 1 75 Itsp.ctful y, WM. T. WORTH. Smith, Franklin, to cucke-stoo- l at Leadville and Edward A. Pastor First 1L K. Church. close her, the at Fye bridge,and rare occurrence, as its , 10 Col., Ciurk, stamp surTALO. brated his of a century of life by peculiar strong Kentucky-...- steal- No. 1 5 00 5 there to be three times ducked." Aga n, . clerk, have been arrested on a charge of Floor City Ground, Spring.. & 75 among his children his fortune. odor makes it recognizable at once Louisiana 6 Wheat No. 1 Bard Duluth. dividing in "ducking-pond- " ing lunds. The amount of their (41 H He days gone by the Still, cases of its been taken in Maine 3 2 government No, a Western Ill49 died soon alter the act, but not until having deficiency is about 6,000. Corn ...... 4 i9 . he was assured was a common adjunct to any pla-'- e tne aark are not uncommon, is a Maryland Oats State 8GX(4 37 that the division was it in- Two-row- Kalloch has been arrested on an ed where a rumber of habitations were most Massachusetts 10 1 Mayor Barley State 76 & 80 Vegetine aoo to all concerned. dangerous poison, because, as infraction ol Ihe BOSTON.. Has Relieved Cured of gpipSlpt 'ptablo dictment him with and Sufferers collected and was in general seems Michigan 915- charging together, uoctor uulies states, it after the law in connection with the ot Beef Cattle Lire weight ,. 06 06 Rheumatism by tbe Thousands. The Hon. Mark Dennett, of Kittery, use lor the punishment of first corrosive effects to Minnesota 3 - 06 h summary painful beuumb labor on the new city hall in San Francisto Sheep M4 Me., now in his ninety-fourt- year, is the offenders of various descriptions. once Mississippi 8 of contract. Lambs 05 05? RIaAD petty the stomach. At large and repeated G 3 4 by day's work instead by 00 00 THIS: okiesa surviving member of the legisla- The ducking-pon- d for the western doses ot oil or milk should Missouri A collision between a and a Hogs V of Massachusetts and Maine. He part be civen. 1 gravel froilit Flour Wisconsin and Minn.Pat.... 6 60 (4 8 53 If you have Rheumatism take the tures of London occupied the site of part of Certain cases Nebraska... train near St. Minn., resulted in tho Mixed and E8 Medicine will Cure You. In excellent and retains his of poisoning with carbolic Nevada 1 Paul, Corn follow...... 0) that is health, square, and was very cele- acid been death of tho engineer and fireman of one Oats Extra White, new 45 (4 49 Bdtui Switch. Jkxkixcs Co., Tjid., 1 Trafalgar have successfully treated, New 2 1 1879. mental and physical powers in a remark- brated in the annals of the London mob. Hampshire train and fatal injuries to the engineer ot the Eve State 1 00 (4 1 8 Way 13, after oil had been taken, by stimulation. New 4 3 Wool Washed Combing h Delaine.. 49 M CO IfR. II. R. Stftess: able degree. Another mode of punishment, which Jersey... ' other. Dear Sir Having in onr fami'y received great benefit But it is a dangerous acid, and care New York 21 12 Unwashed. " " 80.J from tbe manufactured I James Ludlow, of Bergen, New Yoik, was to cruel WATZBTOWH (MASS CATTLX KABKXT-354 Vkcctikb by yon, thought I formerly carried a extent, should be taken with the bottle contain- North Carolina 1 7 From Washington. ) would give you the facts of the case, hoping it mieht reoently took a trip to Oneida on a visit was the of and those 15 5 October the debt was Beef Cattle live weight 06 ! meet the eye of some suRering one, who nii?bt thus be whipping vagrants ing it. Ohio . During publie reduced 0l.Kv4 05 to his daughter. lie is 103 years of age, of offenses. an act 1 87,103,754.63. On November Sheep.... relieved. I have a grandchild about ten years of ace.who, e guilty slight By Corrosive sublimate i3 often I there was 03 two aso or bad a severe and is a hale and old gentleman-H- employed Oregon Lambs (4 05V years over, attack of rbeunutiom. hearty passed in v Henry beggars lound a house to a bed Pennsylvania .18 9 cash in the treasury 203,645,486.74; total Eogs - OiH and for two Ion? years was under the care of as food a at- Ylil., about rid of vermin. as we bare in this and all this time still saws wood, milks cows, and wandering about seeking their subsist Rhode Island - 2 debt, less cash ia the treasury, 1,908,490,-42- 7 lEiUDELran, physician county, yet As it is colorless when in solution it 5 60 84 erew worse, till we gave her up, and thongtit she n.vst tends generally to outdoor affairs. His ot South 5 98. Flour Penn. good and fancy 5 die. She much deformed, and we were told a ence from the alms the benevolent often escapes notice. If taken Carolina...... Wheat No. 2 lied 1 1 12J wai by faculties are all vomiting Tennessee 1 9 Tbe customs for October were -- 12(4 docto" that, tf the lived, she would always be deformed; preserved. were to be "carried to some market receipts 915 State 98 98 to-d- mrst be provoked, and some form of 205,000, a off ot over com- Bye 4 but, thanks 10 Vsgettkk, she is perfectly well, Alexander Outlaw, of Laurens county, town, or other place, and there tied to Texas 6 lulling $500,000 Com State Yellow 65 (4 66 and as straight as an arrow. Last December we abandon- tannic acid given. lea is the strongest with the of Oats 1 ed all of doctor for ninety-thre- e Vermont 3 pared corresponding month last Mixed...... 6)4 A ASH hope the doing am thing her, and is years of age, but still the end of a cart naked, and beaten with is easy and a 31 31 eomrecnce.l using Vzcetixe. according to your directions. thing which at hand, pow Virginia 2 7 , year, while the receipts trom internal revenue cutter ureamery Extra..... a takes his the cotton such market town or 11 Choose New York Cream 131 Whtn the Qrjt bottle was used np we could nor see much place daily among whips throughout ertul decoction should be at once admin- West 3 were 737,000, against 810,794,000 lor Full 13)tf but we continued on second a he should be Virginia...... retroieum Kenned 10 Improvement; the pickers, in single day recently other place till the body bloody istered. Adults rarely medd le with phos- , 6 2 Octobtr, 1879. uruae...... uoxvaOiX aud could see some chnge for good. She took six bott es, picked 110 pounds He has been mar- by reason oi such wuipping. in the but children sometimes suck Owing to his recent illness, Justice Clifford, and. thank God, a comp ete cure was effected In every - phorus, respect. Yours tiuly, ried four times, and his youngest child thirty- ninth year of Elizabeth, however, this very deadly substance from matches. Total ..151 138 1 at the United States supreme court will, it in G. BUBGESS. is now only five years old. this act was slightly mitigated, and Very fortunately it is discoverable by Total Republicans...... 151 mid, never again take up his publio duties, Miss were only to be stripped naked odor in Total .. tie ia able to ride, but take comparatively Sold all Betsey Roath, of Greenville, "vagrants its the child's breath, and its opposition ...... 141 little what on about Vegetine is by Druggists. anni- from the middle upward, and whipped Five-grai- n do3es interest in goes him, and Conn., celebrated the centennial notion is not rapid. of ehows little mental His la mil of her till the bod y should be blood y." Entries m Republican majority over all , activity. y versary birth at her residence, sulphate of copper dissolved water wished to take him to his home in Portland, which stands upon a portion of the in some ot our old cnurcn registers re- may be given at intervals of ten minutes grant main as witnesses ol the of TIio XJiiited Me., lor the winter, but he emphatically of four rquare miles made to Robert operation until vomiting comes on. Then a dose 5ext States Senate. refused to leave mm 1596 Washington. Roath, b r ancestor, over two centuries this law. About the year whip of should be but In the present Senate ttere are torty-tw- o f magnesia administered, 4 ping-post- s came and the News, Rh is o rood health, and reads into use, at no oil. . Democrats, tairty-tare- e and ont Foreign n. v Republicans The British has in- without the aid of glasses. tine trie writings ot jonn layior, tne Mistakes as to of opium pre- David ot Illinois. With government brought RED RIVER VALLEY were quantity Independent, Davis, dictments Parnell aud other protri-nen- t f JU water roet." published, they ap are by no means unc immon against James phar.e, ninety years of age to have been tor parations the advent oi the incoming administration Irish agitators. The Only Remedy pear very plentiful, he accidents. Such are to be found, most THAI ACTS AT 8AJKB 0C0 Acres lives ia Washington, and is the oldest next March tho terms oi twenty-fiv- e The Dominicans and other re- tUS I1XX 05 2,000, resident as a narrates how in what Dr. Dulles Senator! Capuchins, I there, lie acted composi- unfortunately, very will as follows: ligious orders have been expelled liom France THE tor on the first edition of ' Waverley," lo London, and within a mile, I ween, properly calls "the many poisonous expire It has been resolved to hold an international LIVER, ot sold as nEPUBLlCAXS. w- Wheat Lands and also read proof with Sir Walter I bete are mils or prisons lull eighteen, nostrums soothing syrups, pain railway exhibition at Berlin in 1882. THE BOWELS,- aaaat la tba World, tor sal tw ta whipping-post- s, and stocks and . . . Scott. He came here in 1817, and as a And sixty destroyers and drops for infants." There California Newton Booth, Ihe coasting steamer Elemore was lost in andtheKIDNEY8. & Maine , . St MMsanslis EaultcUi R.B, CO. member of the Washington artillery he cages. is no expression harsh enough which ..Hannibal Hamlin, the recent gale off the mouth ot tbe Tyne. This combined action civet itteon-- Paul, salute Tl is also on record on 5. would serve to brand the woman who Massachusetts . . . H L Dawes, with all hands, numbering filteen persons. ta cure ail TWw 4er lldwti tfca wot q m fm lm helped fiie a when Lafayette left that May power dieae$. tf W or aatTH ou r M this com for last time. 1713. the of Doncaster administers such poison to her baby. A Michigan ....HP Baldwin, thirteen men were precipitated to the bot- iderful mypif try the corporation gave Minnesota R tom of a shaft and Killed the break- Are We D. A. McKINLAY. orders for a whipping-pos- t to be set mother who gives such substances to ....S J McMillan, colliery by Sick? , svc. aasl. BTSsik. In Woodbury, Md lives a woman up Mississippi ...... B IC Bruce, ing ot the hoisting apparatus at Mone, ibImImn-- 1776. at the stocks at Butcher Cross for pun her child without a doctor's advice CATARRH. Because vm allow these who was born April 8, Her takes the chances of life or death in her Nebrnska ....AS Paddock, Belgium. great organ memory and hearing are excellent, but ishing vagrants and sturdy beggars. Nevada ...... William Sharon, The American tteam launch Isabel was la become clogged or torpid, - andt Revolution. were own hands. To of ! she has been blind four years. Her hair, Then, too, there the parish stocks, such, capable seeing Rhode Island.... .A is Jsurnside, seized by the Chilian squadron at Payta and poiionout humors are thrrrfore forced! Literary earK foroerly to which were either close to the their children waste away before their Vermont.. G her master detained twenty-fou- r houis. One blood be 3PCMTC Dsom i)'. Ute of e'rekvuk once gray, is now turning black again. put F Kdmunds, h'nto the that should erpeBedl Great. IL Car!ries Ufeof Kober Bun. 1:11 or in more eyes, no advice would be of avail. We Wisconsin ot officers tbe ' She has not a tooth in her head. Sh9 churchyard solitary places Angus Cameron. the Chilian stamped on tbe Isabel's naiuraujf. mart n- Life of Mtvyoeenol Soota. IV. rbo.UBJW. This w is an for a address, then, those who, DEMOCRATS. and cursed ot the United Maniwiess esv. fomier y SI.M ba TjO lewer twenty-liv- e arrangement exposing unfortunately, flig tbe people " Of?ViTP2O-ad- than grand- laudanum or black of Christ. O I i: L Aruo d's Liett n, on for States. ot children and nearly culprit a bench, confined by having may give drop Connecticut W W Eaton, The commander the squadron ofA.a II. tio.ismdh"sWbll Vicar Wefteld. Ill sixty are Delaware offered to the master of the bauson's and lrm'. her oldest great-grandchil- d his ankles made fast in holes under a paregoric, "The symptoms deep Thomas F Bayard, pay Gaige, launch, Mnn. Tnr fa"pna idimtn ei of the of the Florida W her value; but 1 e refused to and has Ihmyia's Pibttn's i:ioi.Traie4 a widow, twenty-tou- r. movable board. In many country places sleep.with narrowing pupil ...... Charles Jones, accept, ealaiorceMXCbr:free. aMKKICAM Prm 1I1M,. being aged en- his B- ait I..Hkt. these may still be seen, although fre- eye to a small circle, which does not Indiana J E McDonald, entered protest at the American consular John - A.Jtu. Mantsree. Trifnne Bnnding. New lara. Mrs. Mary Orem. aged 104 years, rodo little more than a of them large in the dark." Dr. Dalles advises the Maryland William P Whyte, agency at Payta, claiming trom the Chilian BILIOUSNESS, PlLKS.COXSIIPATlOa, in one ot quently stump Missouri I tLe processions during the is left. women were immediate and eiit use of FM Cockrell, government $30,100 damages. -kJlr-- tllll'UlMS.IKI.MaiWEAK. Baltimore celebration. She was oorn Even punished in persis' emetics, New A irom Rio de DISEASES, FKXAI.K CELLULUI0 this way; and, as an illustration, we and to allow the patient to vomit Jersey TF Randolph, dispatch Janeiro, Brazil, - BESSES. AJiD KKUYOLS in Baltimore on April 28. 1776. a at- New York Francis Kernan, says that tbe force which was sent trom tbe fears DISOBDEBS. - f EYE-CLASSE- S. being the extract fit m over and over Particular . TL of R )bert Peake, who came may quote subjoined again." Ohio ...-- . ....A G Thurman, province of Piauhy in pursuit ot 20J maraud- sOIri daughter : should be to the I Oy uaamji yj ucw the ot Croft, Yorkshire tention paid breathing. ers who made on the town ot causing jrco fryuia. g Tortelse-Sbe- Jl with the BriiLsh army to America, but parish register Pennsylvania William A Wallace, a rai Januaria ana mar 10 wrow ieitamtnt tbe cbotrrst seleeted and "Jane Buttrey, of Darlington, was seet " So long as the breathing does not tail Tennessee James E last year overtook them at Urubu, in Bahia, restoring jmcer ojj m who deserted and served in the Con- ten to the minute there is no im- Bailey, disease. Amber. The ttgbtest, aandsotwesL and auutigest kawwa. in the stoxe at Crotte, and was whipte bslow Texas S B Maxey, when a severe fight ensued. Sixty men were n Dalai aasl arkest tinental army as a drummer. Sue has towne 3 1672.' mediate of death ; but is killed and most of the bandits hi Salter Billon So!d by Opttdans and Jewelers. Mad by ETtNCIa twenty-fiv- e out of the the day of Jan., danger opium Virginia RE Withers, captured. tormented with Piles, Constlnatioat j grandchildren and sixty a and all the West Great of tood exists at St. Peters- Jfhj li M Miidea Law. XewTora. en ' The of female how- dangerous poison, requires Virginia Frank Horetord. scarcity Why Orerdisorderea hldaejrs a CO, 13 great-granicbildr- whipping vagrants, frightened living. ever, was abolished statute so skill that can be obtained to combat it." In the elections held of burg and in various Russian provicoes. enaure nervous or sic a aranaenca by recently previous those oi nay ia-h- No place can produce a record of 1791. custom was to Most of socialists from Ham- Why hare sleepless I as the the walk a Nov. 2, two Democrats have been elected to the expelled D- - a year Formerly . . aJl Utt KXDXET WOKT and ta longevity qualing that of the Berkshire Among other modes of up and down, and to slap him succeed two Democrats namely, Mr. A. P. burg are coming to the United States. rejole punishment patient of health. a dry.teyeialU compound audi ER hills. Berkshire, Mass., has at in use be wet towels. " What to Do First " Gorman in to sucoeed Mr. Laycock, cf Australia, defeted Riley, v - Ill F SAPONIFI present formerly may mentioned the with Maryland Whyte, swekaceiwUl aamkaatx Jaed lease. ht Thames. Oh twenty-eig- persons ninety years old or scold's of one of for the reason that it and Mr. W. A. Mihone in Virginia to succeed America, in a rowing match on the Get it trvill order U1 brank, bridle, which deprecates this, vv of your Drugrrut, Is the Onwrotrated I and Bella. and twenty-fou- r over Mr. ithers. In Mississippi Mr. J. Z. Edwin Booth, the American tragedian,, has JOT flMJb "Ortjlnal" ?e family upward, eighty the earliest notices is that in exhausts the who, if very ill, George, fQU. lnw, Maker. Iiire-t- i .s each f.v t 1 preserved patient, a succeeds Mr. besun an in London, his opening ( and 518 over seventy. Egremonthas the church of Walton ou. Thames, Sur- cannot rally. It physical stimulent is to Democrat, Bruce, Republican. engagement ELY'S CREAM BALF4 ... tmLS. KCSASSCSS k C3., Prstrfetrt, i.pIlarl, sSaft aud Tollrt.ir'.rsoup qnxulT. V is I I n o, In Ohio suc- being " Hamlet." . fceni.t and AM for HAPo.M--'I citizens ag-- ninety-seve- and ninety-tw- 1633, to be on a bed or General Gartield, Republican, performance (WiUMndpoqpMd.) xsaruT is. a stremth. your (Txer rey, dated which is affixed the used, lay the patient ceeds Mr. thousand Kurds have been checked in Is receiving the Indorsement of the sufferer, the ditsggist Q and Ukr no otkerr. Great one ninety-eigh- t, hair- Thurman. Democrat. In Vermont Eight and Kever has an tit, Barrington following rhyme: lounge, and slap with the back of a Mr. their invasion of Persia. had advanced, physician. article of s.i much merit PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., PbHa. one Edmunds, Republican, has been re- They been prodmed for the treatment of mcmbranai diseases 102, Lenox one 105, New is ncver-faill- Chester Walton with a bridle brush, or with a slipper. "This all elected. The next against Urumiah, and were repulsed wi h as this HALM, and is acknowl- x, piesenta Senate, says the Herald, universally Is the SAFEST Cllim-Rc-u. 1SOS. Marlboro one ninety-si- Adams one To ourb women's so id-'- the so as breath- loss. . - edged as being all that Is ciaimed for 1L The application Hair This IlalablUhc! tongues that talk nursing necessary, long will probably stand as tollows: great easy ana no Is ud IJKSlIjre: It acta msunu- - five and another eighty-si- x, Peru file ol the pleasant, causing pain, tat soothing. anl toe most ninety ing keeps above ten to the minute. - Demo-Stal- Threats are made by tho rank and Is f.st superseding the use of powders, liquids and snufla. .producing ninety-thre- e, According to tradition this instrument Republi- shades of B ark or one Richmond one ninety-tw- o Should it fall below this, or If the breath- Irish land league that a bloody levenge will Price wltli.n the reach of ah Bo cents. On receipt of Inrcroiy ot chastisement was to the can. crals. cf nts, will mail a package free. Send for circuiar. does Not STAIN and Williamstown one ninety-fiv- e presented should ba taken lor every conviction of an agitator 0 m at it-.- an.1 w by a person named Chester, ing cease, artificial respiration Alabama'...... 2 with full information. With the his parish who, should be 2 that may be obtained at the coming trials. KLra CUE AM BALM PENSIONS exception of employed." CO., Owego, N. T. eyesight, it appears, had lost an estate through Arkansas...... Twenty thousand men were present at a land RISTAD0R0'Sp.onl.,nd. , Robert Gibson, of North Missouri, who the indiscreet of a mischievous It sometimes happens that a child California...... 1 1 NEW YORK McKesson k Bobbins; Hall k Ru'kel; a on every well appointed to Thocsanls of aoMleis anil ti-- entitled. language in tbe little town cf Athlone 11. for Lady or Gentleman. Icsr Uw r s 114 years old, is hale and He gets, accident, an overdose of Colorado 2 league meeting N. Crittenton; W. Schleffeiln Co.; D. M. StJgerA PensioLsonie back to dJir.-eo- death. T.meloJU4. hearty. woman to an uncle from whom ho ha1 through and listened to Parnell and others. Co.; Lazelle, Marsh A Gardner, and others. Sold by Dru eios and ap with married when forty-tw- o wine We have of a Connecticut 2 speeches by Hair a, Address, sump. years of age, or brandy. known 'J six-da- -- N. Y. plied by nme considerable expectations. The ap- Delaware.. 2 he y please pedestrian SYRACl'SE, 0. W. Snow ft Co.i Moore ft Hub- Depot Wll lam St Ji.T. and has been the "father of sixteen little made dangerously ill from bard; Kenyon, Potter A Co. V. T. O. Drawe- - paratus was made, says a correspondent girl Florida 2 match in London tor the Aatley belt resulted S. CKITTENTO.V.Agt. Vatiiuarloa, D.C. ten of are brand ied fruit. was PHILADELPHIA Smith, Kline ft C0.1 Johnston, Holto-wa-y children, whom living. His of " Book of having purloined It ' in the success of Uowell, holder ot tne r Chamber's of thin 2 present k Co. nu-nbe- Days,': a case The cure was made Georgia.. BI-CA- 1881. 1881. grandchildren 130, his great- iron, and so contrived as to over of stupor. by X.linois 1 trophy. Six men entered in the match FREE. 125, pass means " Do " ...... but he of To First - three grandchildren and has three round the head, where the whole What advises, 1 1 three Americans and Englishmen; The ILLUSTRATED "GOLDEN PKIZE great-grandchildr- clasped Indiana...... great He lives and was hartshorn and water, a teaspoonlul of Iowa before the last day three men had retired NATRONA SODA for 1881 ia now This book coo-tai- ns together fastened at the back of 2 Blower and Howard. At the ready. elegant with his third son, who is the father of the first in a teacupiul of water. The Kansas 2 , Brown, Pcgram about 200 flue engravings- - A specimen the neck by a small padlork. The ol match Rowell had covered 1 nineteen use such as of . conclusion the will be sent tree to ona ia the Unite children. bridle as it was was a small of tainted food, decayed 2 Is the best hi the World. It Is stsomtery pure. It is the oopy any bit, called, Kentucky...... 566 which beats Hart's score ol 5t5 of three-ce- nt to of about two inches and meat or vegetables, sometimes occurs. Louisiana...... 1 1 miles, best for Medicinal Purposes. It is the best for Baking sod States, on reoeipt a tump piece iron, long The is and miles and ia therefore the best on record. all Family L'aes. Sold by all Druggists and Grooenv on the book. Agent wantei. one inch broad, which went into the treatment to excite vomiting, Maine...... 2 Littlewood made 470 and Dooler 450 prepay postage Begonia. to follow this with a dose of castor oil Maryland ...... 2 miles, Address F. GLE SJN Oa, About two centuries French mouth and kept down,the tongue by its 2 miles. PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phils. 46 Sunnier Strfrt. Broton. Mahs. ago pressure, while an aperture in front ad- and powdered charcoal. Massachusetts...... navigator nameu Begon brought from mitted nose. Mothers are very careful, but the Michigan 2 Thanksgiving I'roelamatlon. BEFORE BUYING OR RENTING AN Asia the Various specimens 2" anew plant, which is still called are still to be seen and most prudent of them, in the experience Minnesota...... At no period in the history since the Unitod alter him. Few here there in of 2 Begonia. readers would local museums was re- of the writer this, have sometimes Mississippi...... States became a nation has this people had so suspect the this in It much in medicines Missouri...... 2 abundant and so universal reasons and ORGAN part plant plays the in and is mentioned made mistakes in the they lor joy S nd for our LATEST Cataiooob (St po- of handsome quest Scotland, by infalli- Nebraska 2 ot or Illcstutco or production the shawls so have given their children. One 1 gratitude at the favor Almighty God, tto), with kewsst styles, at $M and snwara; $6 38v! Pennant in his "Tour in Scotland" in Nevada 1 own-M- Sent M SON" prized by ladies. The best by far of ble rule in any powder or fluid, been subject to so profound an obligation to and up. free. 4 k HAMLIN ORGAN 1772. using New Hampshire 2 thanks for His and CO., 154 Tremont St., DOSTON; 40 Kast 14th St, these are made in Cashmere a beautiful no matter what it is, is never to take it 1 give loving kindness, HEW YORK; 14tt Waoash Ave- - CHICAGO. In St. Mary's church, St. Andrews, a NewJersey.. I to His continued care and Hew Ufe tor those Worn Oat 1F Disease, district at the foot of the Himalaya up, much less to administer it, in the New York 2 humbly implore famous specimen still exists, known as . - lUtbor, Care, iirief or Old Age. mountains. The material used in their dark. What is the use of labels Carolina 2 protection. the " 3ishop's Brank," of which a rep- having North Health, wealth and ' MALT BITTERS, prepared utithout femuntaiton from OH 30 DAYS' TRIAL. marin factors is t he finest down from on bottle, 1 1 prosperity throughout the marked poison pasted a if it Ohio , Nourish- Electro-Volta- ic Thibet resentation is given in the Abbotsford all our borders; peace, honor and friendship Malt, Hops, Causata and Iuos, are the richest We will en". our Belts and ether goat. Everyone has probably be invisible in the dark? A bottle of 2 with all tbe firm and faithful adher- In the world called " Bitters" for the Weak, Klectric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those afflicted 'NCYCL0PEDIA edition of the "Monastery." In the Oregon...... world; ing Agent beb&tiv m remarked the singularly graceful pat- medicine may remain in one position for Pennsylvania 2 ence ot our and with Kervout and dwflw of permmal aottaxL time of the commonwealth the magis- 2 by the great body population to Convalescent, Overworked, Nervous, Melancholy Also of the Liver, Kidneys. Rheumatism, Paralysis, etc terns with which they are ornamented, weeks, untouched, but an hour before Rtiodelsland ... the of and which feed the Body and the Brain, regulate th A sure cur or nopay. trates of Newcastle upon Tjne punished South Carolina principles liberty justice, Sleepless. They guaranttei TIOUETTEaBUSiriESS and perhaps wondered whether they it is used somebody or other may have have made our as a and to Stomach and Bowels, cleanse the Liver and Kidneys, In- Address Vol tale Belt Co-- , Marshall, Mich. s eomideto and reliable were studies from drunkards by making them carry a tub, Tennessee.... greatness nation, mi tt rhMnd and onlv nature or the produc- inadvertently substituted something the wise institutions and strong frame ot gov- crease the Annetite and enrich the Blood. For Consump work oa KUquette and HnsiDeas and social Forma, It with holes in tho sides for the arms to Texss Delicate Mothers, Sickly Childrei all U.e earions duUeaof life, sad tion of the artist's brain. Tfcey are the else. medicines were locked ernment and society which will it tives, Females, Nursing teils how to-perform pass along the streets ol that If always Vermont 2 perpetuate and the Aged, they are vastly superior to every othei Do Your Own how to anpea- to the best advantage on ail oocartrns. former. Nature In through, for and Seu-- cont-il-ilr-g the East supplies town a up less accidents would occur. There is all these let the thanks of a happy preparation of malt or medicine. Beware of imitations Printing A are 1st. Wanted foreircsUrs a leaves on punishment popularly called Virginia united as with one voioe, ascend in similarly named. Look for the COMPANY"S SIGNA- - Presses and outfits from 3 to SSOO. Over styles fo i descriid on of toe work and utra terms lo asca s. admirably graceful which the " one word of final advice to be given: people, asaoove. w reducedf ice list free. Ptrsusaiico Co. PhLa-ieiphi- Pa. un delicate the drunkard's cloak." I n.ust not West Virginia devout homage to the Giver ot all Good. I'uius 001a every iiere. of Type Catalogue and p; Address Xiniaii, designs ornaments, and the omit to mention the - " On the least suspicion of poisoning in Wisconsin... 2 Malt Bitters Company, Boston, M. iiOOVKit. Tau workmen of Cashmere imitate them, as pillory," that a house, send at once for the doctor, not I therefore recommend that on Thursday, the Ma. ltiHlrlphi, UAJflEI. F. BEATTr'S Grecian ignominious and barbarous means of twenty-filt- h day ot November next, the people TOIJSO MAS OR OLD, A GREAT OFFER!! the sculptors opied the curves necessarily your own, but the very Totals 37 38 If r Mat lutnist Us4acW. tw punishment, which was finally done meet in their of worship to Irtf wh'skere, batttf (rvwili ef hair aa Warranted ?rpAim4S of the in cap-tal- s. respective places Mreaflk-e- 8150,mi acanthus the Corinthian 1637. nearest at hand. And one independent Mr. Davis, of Illi- bmld hda, er ta tkieftea. tot BAIMiAINS.Gyrnrs. AGENTS away with only in In times make their to Almighty 'cifdrwla Ibe fcftir svay where, aWl t" iSsTljiOIKNTS at These leaves are be- early acknowledgments send Bl X cstrta .is those of tho The question is often asked in case of nois. ftwkf bat omj Ut WANTEI), Ulnstrated CATAIXWSUB Free. ORGANS! in England it was the most God tor His bounties and His protection, and 1ra,t BuJAlali intwtwi that liOUACK WATERS fc N.Y. STOPS. SI B B ASS A OCT. COFPLER punishment AMI, COSgQ Bwstyt gonia. When the French arrived in as to the to pro- n r.:M-!- aOKZALKE.rI inflicted poisoning simplest way Eind-llearte- to offdr to Him for their continuance. at the cud of generally upon cheats, thieves, A d prayers saasss as Choicest in the world Importers priors Eypt. the last century, scandal-monger- s voke vomiting. Lukwarm water in Employer. In witness whereof I have hereunto set fa and such like ; The other about nine o'clock my everywhere to sell our goods, la V Company la America stap: were surprised to see the culprits ia to nisht ts fl Trade con-tim-ia PIANO they Orientals dui later on quantity is good, but it better add hand, and caused the seal of the United States WAlfTED-Agen- to families. We (rive attractive presents I bHWl article pleases everybody it ngurea conspicuously in the of one of the boule . . flrst-cla- ss we increasing AsenU wauled everywhere best S2S I0rJLY$65. wearing costumes, shawls, a teaspoonful of ground mustard, or a proprietor great to be affixed. .? and goods to your customers; give you good ly Frav. turban, political disputes. A pillory is said vard restaurants was to be seen we prepay all express charges; we furnish outfit inducements don't waste time send for Circuiar. Seat oat Trial Warranted. Catalogue sashes etc., of beautiful sighing Done of this first profits; St--, Bo U8T. cashmere work. still to be the back of teaspoonful of ipecac, or a tablespoonful at the city Washington, tree. Write for r.ra, KOH'T WELLS, 43 Vesey N. T. F. O. Address DANIEL Y. BEATTY. Waahiwrton. N. t. admired standing at the and at the door of his restau- ot our partial St. Mo. They greatly these dresses, of the syrup of ipecac. Further, let it be lamenting day of November, in the year Lord, PEOPLE'S TEA CO., Box SO8 Lotus, Learn Telesraiiby am market of in Warwick-- .-- which Jell so on the place Coleshill, rant. Sime habitues as they were one thousand hundred and and ,A ati .ass a PETROLEUM TTiHTIT TTTTI JELLY gracefully human' shire ; and another is lie remembered that there is no occasion lor eigbt eighty, SIX MONTHS 1HOHE within which VOUNG' MEN form. When the reported to out asked him what was the mat ot the ot the United States the OJ8JL.Y to obtain a for 640 acres of choice month. Kvery graduate go Grand Medal II fl I Sliver Medal conquerors of the fastidiousness. Any water will do. gping independence patent ts ation. Address R-- Yaientine, Manager, Janesrllle. Wis. to dis- with the town engine in an unused ter. one hundred and filth. - Tessa land for S150. Not to be uaid for unt'l patent pyramids returned France tliey chancel of Water in which hands or dishes, for sent you. Send your address on postal for particulars, to VliaBUlJii Rye church, in Sussex. The . , . MOUTH I AOKNT9 WAHTUM their rich which immedi-ktel- y "Ah, Messieurs, four persons have By thr President. R. B. Hatss. JS. Lower, lienerai Manager western ian Agency, A played booty, " " was a mode of torture that matter, have been washed, acts Hardeman Northwest Texas. 7It Best Selling Articles In lbs) world, a Ttus wonderful substance Is acknowledged by phy- came into nllliwinkles without for Whxiam M. Secretary ot State. . Pease River City, County, Mica. dis- fashion among the used in Scotland for more quickly than anything else, and if ju3t gone away paying a Evarts, S350 sampleAee. Jay Bsoitsob, Detroit, sicians throughout the word to be tbe beat ivme.lT ladies. From that, have formerly suspected has been be sumptuous dinner which they have Morphine HsritttCtsrws In 10 covered for the enre of Wounds. Hutu KheutaaUara, period they and that horrible of soap used, it will all the Rheumatism. Rheumatism is a disease ol toitOdMyst. U 1 1 CartMt. A TEAR and expenses to agents. Mln Diseases, Piles,Catina, Cbilb ania. Ac. In erder witches; ftapav y ."V constantly remained in high . favor. practice better lor as an for eaten." the blood. The blood ia this disease is found Da. J. isricPHXMB, Lebanon Ohio. Ouiflt Free. Address that every one may It, It is put up 10 1 and eswt " pressing to death " was in force within that, soap is antidote o?iur.i P. O. Maine. mm. Obtain it from Their prices vary from $200 to $430. acid The used must "That is unfortunate, but vou need to contain an excess ot fibrin. Vegetlne acta 77 V1CKKRT, Augusta. bottles for household yoar druagks, the centuries. poisons. quantity Send for FREE SAMPLE COPY of the 07 and will nod it superior taaayttung youaavserar the no last two According to not so blood trom diseased con- free. Send address lot you Under empire, lady with any sen-ten- ce be the sunerer must be to despair violently." by converting the its WKEKLT BEE JOUKSiL ' tne JNorwicn spectator this cruel large; urged ! restaurant-keene- r DEES T. G. h KW MAN, Chicago, El. lars. r. i nit er, ato acnoa went out without a Cash- drink a he can con- " Ah " replied the dition to a healthy circulation. One bottle ct atass. pretension was on a man accused of pint at a time, until "" Boston, mere, shawl. - The taste for these passed in a tone of it is not "on Vegetine will give relief ; bnt, to effect a per-tnam- Consumption Is also 1 Arti- n tain no and has been made to deep distress, ft IIDR'or a. more,, Bin V the best medicine. cores Kerroos DefciMs li .4 i - highway robbery, at the Old Bailey-i- own-account- . be and cough rassBrain Food I 1 Aate P I not so as over ' my .1 am rich. Bat cure, it mast taken regularly, rlUUfi VUUi; ALLGM'S of Generative 1 all amALA,a ami cles, although great formerly the 1720. and vomit over and again. my MusM Organs, f arugraa 1 ceased. year there may have been tvate-roo- m may take several bottles, especially in cases riTnrl stTCH selling oar Rubber Stamps snd Send for CirTr to Allen's Pharmacy, 1M Pftat AtM T. iv has not entirely However, it is 81. James1 Oazeite. waiter, Messieurs, my pr "AJ4 A Samples Free. Cook A lllssell, Cleveland, Q. still later examples. the father of a who ot long standing. Try it, and yonr verdict OOLD Gtrao A'way. very rarely now that a persons wears a After Nancy Macy had lived 106 years waiter, family has before eranra n&rCtcn .mm. to live on ! He will be the same as that of thousands PAGE BOOK OF WON DERS for a stamp. far At H real Indian Cashmere; the article in she went into a nothing but his place will Address li. FOX A SO I Canal St., New York. w- - "-- s r. ' finally pauper's grave. 1 1" yon, who say: " I never found so muoh relief 40 CO., t. A? general use are the product of French As with a woman, so with the horse-hl- s She died recently in the Bourbon have to bear the loss and not use which is com- f county And he sank down on as from the ol Vegetine," AWE'S!. fUaaay at borne easily made. Onstly C3t3 Z"2 r "A back is mane a chair and - k- EZSJiufacture. hair his trouble. (Kentucky)Ipoorhouse, and barbs. $72 OstQt frse- AddrtK Taa A Co., AUKUtS, kuaa. -- A v melted into tears. Paris Paper. pounded exclusively pjjts, n&f