The Culver Citizen on Lake Maxinkuckee • Indiana's Most Beautiful Lake
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215 'Vest Garro St. Plymouth, Ind . THE CULVER CITIZEN ON LAKE MAXINKUCKEE • INDIANA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKE 68TH YEAR, NO. 48 CULVER, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1962 TEN CENTS Elita Joy Cowen, Father Sheridan To Celebrate 15th Year Annual Christmas Age 8, Dies Very At St. Thomas' Church In Plymouth Concert To Be Suddenly Sunday Presented Sunday Miss Elita Joy Cowmen, eight- "Festival of Carols" is to bet year-old daughter of Eldon Cow-' presented by the Culver High en. Route 3, Argos, and the late School Music Department, Sun-* Mrs. Melita Johnson Cowen, died day, Dec. 2, at 3 p.m. in the school at 11:45 a.m. Sunday at Marshall gym. County Parkview Hospital, Ply-, Richard O. Hambrock, music mouth. Death was attributed to director, indicated the following encephalitis following an illness musical organizations are to per of one and a half days. form: Junior and Senior Bands. She was born June 19, 1954, atj Girls Glee Club, Mixed Chorus, Rochester. Her mother, Melita Und the Combined 7th and 8th Johnson Cowen, and her step Grade General Music Classes. mother Ardith Stevens Cowen, Also featured on the program preceded her in death. are vocal and instrumental solos. A lifetime resident of Route 3, The Mixed Choir is singing Argos, she was enrolled in the Noble Cain's "Noel! Noel!" — a third grade of the Argos Com Christmas Cantata with narration munity Schools. She was a mem by Dennis Shock, a senior music ber of the Blue Birds of Argos. student. Miss Cowen was also a member Decorations are being prepared ot the Poplar Grove Methodist by the students for this program Church. of Christmas music. The public Surviving with her father, El- is cordially invited to attend. don Cowen, Route 3, Argos, are two sisters, Linda and Charla! Street Decorations Cowen, both at home; one step sister, Linda Stevens of Hales For The Holidays Corners, 'Wis.; paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Being Put, Up Cowen of Route 3, Argos, mater nal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. The city of Culve'r will take on Glen Johnson, Route 3, Argos; the holiday festive spirit this and step-grandparents, Mr. and week as workers install the Mrs. Roscoe Stevens of Culver. Christmas street decorations. The Funeral services were held at decorations being hung are those 2 p.m. Tuesday from the. Poplar which were purchased last year Grove Methodist Church. The Rev. by. the Chamber of Commerce, W. Ray Kuhn, church pastor, of- from funds raised by the local ficated. Interment was in. Poplar business firms, "and those pur Grove Cemetery. chased this year to add to the de corations so that a better cover The Grossman Funeral Home age of the business district could at Argos was in charge of ar be made. rangements. The Rev. William C. R. Sheridan is shown locking at the altar of St. Thomas' Episcopal The additional decorations pur Church, Plymouth. Among Parish Acolytes are three Culver boys: Robert Bolton, Andrew Hodg- chased this year are four lantern post ornamental stars to be hung Roy E. Wickizer, kin and Marc Matson. from the utility poles. Four stars, two feet in diameter, will be Plans are being made at St. san Expansion Fund". For the hung at the intersection of Main Retired Farmer, Thomas' Episcopal Church, Ply past two years he has been Presi and Jefferson streets. Two hun mouth, to celebrate the 15th an dent of the Standing Committee, Funeral Services dred feet of aluminum and red, niversary of its pastor, the Rev. the highest position to which a streamers and 135 feet of alumi Dies At Age 86 William C. R. Sheridan. Father parish priest can be elected. num streamers will be used Sheridan was instituted as the Father Sheridan is originally Held Monday For as garnish for utility poles. The Roy E. Wickizer, 8 6, prominent parish priest in December, 194 7, from Baltimore, Maryland. He at new purchases added to last year's retired Culver farmer, died by his Bishop, the Right Reverend tended St. Paul's School there, the Cecil Barnhill decorations will make an out Thursday afternoon at his home, Reginald Mallett, S.T.D., of South University of Virginia and Carroll standing holiday display for a city Bend. College, Waukesha, Wis. He was the size of Culver. 412, Lake Shore Drive, Culver, Cecil "Barney" Barnhill, age Scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 4, educated ifor the priesthood at following anillness of six weeks. 61, died Saturday, Nov. 24, at his In addition to the aluminum at 7:30 p.m. is a. Service pi Nashotah House. Nashotah, Wis. He was born in Union Town home on South Ohio St., Culver, decorations, strands of colored Thanksgiving. Among those' par ship, Marshall County on Oct. 25, The Pastor of St. Thomas' has following an illness of several lights will be strung from pole to ticipating at Solemn Evensong 1875, and Bpent hia life in this, been married for 19 years to the weeks. pole. As usual, the large Christ (Vespers) is Chaplain Allen F. community. former Miss Rudith Treder of Mr. Barnhill. the son of John E. mas tree, with its bright colored Bray of the Culver Military Aca Milwaukee. With their five child Mr. Wickizer attended Normal and Victoria Barnhill, was born lights, will be placed in the tri demy. The Dean of the Cathedral ren, Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary, College at Valparaiso and taught Nov. 26, 1900, in JasonvlUe, Ind. angle lot in front of the Pennsyl Church at St. James, South Bend, Stephen and Peter they live in St. vania Railroad station. Hohool in Union Township three the Very Rev. Robert F, Royster, He had resided in Culver for 30 : Thomas' Rectory at 412 N. Cen years after which he was- engaged : years and was employed as a (Continued on Page 2) will preach. ' - ter St.. Plymouth. in. farming in this community un carpenter. til his retirement four years ago. County Wide Parish Father Sheridan's pastorate — Survivors include two brothers, St. Thomas' Parish was found Postmaster Says: Since that time he and Mrs. with one exception — is the long Gordon of Calif., and Paul of ed in 1860 in Plymouth. It now of or Wickizer have resided in Culver. est any priest pastor now Chino, Calif.; and two sisters, "Mall Early serves as the Episcopal (Angli serving in Marshall County. Mrs. Elsie Bissell of Jasonville, Surviving with his widow, Mae, can) parish for Marshall County: and Mrs. Bess Conger of Chino, And Often! are a son, R. Park Wickizer, of More than 25% of its people live Calif. South Bend; a daughter, Mrs, 20 in the county, with of its fam Special Services At Funeral services were conduct "Mail early and often!" is Post Ellen Keeeric of Gary; four ilies residing in Culver and en ed at the Van Gilder 'Funeral master E. Wayne Mattox's special grandchildren; and six great CM A Memorial virons. ' •" ' " Home, 104 Lake Shore Drive, slogan for is "Mail early for grandchildren. A Community Pastor Chapel On Sunday Culver, at 2 p.m. on Monday with Christmas" campaign this year. Mr. Wickizer was a member of The Pastor of St. Thomas' has Dr. Ronald C. Williams, pastor He suggests that you get your the Culver Methodist Church, Christmas card and gift lists up- been closely identified with the Second in a series of five ser of the Culver Methodist Church, Maxinkuckee I.O.O.F. Lodge, to-date. Make sure each address Plymouth community and many vices of choral evensong with or officiating. Burial was in the K. Union Township Farm Bureau, includes full name, street and parts of Marshall County. Father gan recital will be held at the of P. Cemetery at Jasonville and was a past member of the number; city, zone and state. Se Sheridan has worked with the Memorial Chapel of Culver Mili where graveside services were Marshall County Council. cure sturdy packing materials for Alcoholics Anonymous (they have tary Academy at 5 p.m. Sunday held Tuesday. your gift packages. The post Funeral services were held at met in St. Thomas' Parish House afternoon, Dec. 2. The service master adds, "Preparation is halt 2 p.m. Saturday at the Culver for 14 years). He has been a dir will be conducted by the Rev. the battle. Let's all work together Methodist Church by the Rev. Al ector of the United Fund since Allen F. Bray, III, Academy Chap Culver C of C to make this the merriest Christ bert Vermillion of Darlington. In its inception and believes that its lain, and Donald R. M. Paterson, Will Meet Next mas ever!" terment was in the Poplar Grove works of mercy "constitute the choirmaster. Cemetery, east of Culver. conscience of a community". Be sure to send your Christmas Sunday's service will be devot Monday, Dec. 3 Father Sheridan has an especially cards by first class mail, using The Easterday Funeral Home, ed to the Advent season of the. deep concern for Christian char the attractive new 4# Christmas Culver, was in charge of arrange church year. Paterson will per The Culver Chamber of Com ity between the various Churches. stamps. This insures priority of ments. form Advent organ compositions merce will meet for their regular In 194 8 he persuaded a group of dispatch and delivery, plus for of Johann Sebastian Bach, and the monthly luncheon meeting, Mon local pastors to eat breakfast to warding if necessary. Also, your special choir will sing an arrange day, Dec. 3, at 12 noon, at the Culver Fire Dept. gether before their monthly busi cards can carry written messages ment of the famous Advent Culver Inn.