CORPORATE MAGAZINE №1 (28) february 2020

COVER STORY СPC-2020: new horizons of possibilities

dbnp-2020: SAFETY AND SECURITY OPERATION LIFESTYLE implementation Business-to-Business Standard-Setting A Perfect milestones Coordination Accuracy Colleague CONTENT

IN THE FIRST PERSON 2 1 CPC-2020: new horizons of possibilities


2 dBN-2020: implementation milestones DID YOU KNOW? SAFETY AND SECURITY 52 33 Petroleum: the Origin 6 Business-to-Business Coordination THROUGH THE PRISM OF HISTORY 8 To CPC’s Standards 34 Lessons of the 12 Taming of Fire Northern Latitudes


16 fROM the Caspian 36 Think Happy Thoughts to the Black Sea PROFESSIONALS Only!

18 Standard-Setting 26 Youth, Energy and 40 In the State of Flow Accuracy Experience 43 A Perfect Colleague 28 The Job I Love ENVIRONMENT 44 The Way of the Warrior

21 CPC’s Environmental BOOKSHELF Programme: Year’s HOBBIES Results 30 Creating the Future 48 Ruled by the Muses

51 In the World of Music


26 52 in Winter


54 CPC Panorama: Digital Upgrade


56 On a High Note №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 IN THE FIRST PERSON 1

ccording to our shareholders, the Consortium takes such a stride in its A growth every year that it becomes like a new company. Today, all facilities of the system—from 15 pump stations oper- ating in synch by the pump-to-pump method to CPC’s Tank Farm and Marine Terminal—are running reliably and smoothly to the highest global standards, which makes us all proud, and rightly so. Every year, the CPC team reaches new highs in Marine Terminal shipments. For instance, in 2019 Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka transhipped over 63 million tonnes of crude oil, which is 2+ million tonnes more than in 2018. Decem- ber 2019 saw 56 tankers put to sea from the single point moorings, which set the annual figure at 597 vessels. In 2019, the personnel and representatives of the Consortium’s contractors put in about 13 million hours without any recorded injury or accident. A good safety performance was also demonstrated by CPC’s transportation СPC-2020: units —they reached the milestone of some 53 million km on the road with no recorded traffic accidents. And this is also a feather in new horizons the international Consortium’s cap. The Company has every right to be proud not only of its business performance, but also of possibilities of the contribution it is making to the social development of the regions within its foot- Dear colleagues and dear friends! print by implementing charity projects aim- ing to improve the living standards in IN 2020, WE COMMEMORATE 20 YEARS SINCE and Kazakhstan. THE DAY THE “GOLDEN WELD” (FINAL TIE-IN) And we naturally keep thinking about fur- ther progress. The Debottlenecking Programme WAS WELDED TO SYMBOLICALLY COMPLETE (DBNP) approved by the CPC shareholders THE INSTALLATION OF THE PIPELINE PORTION in 2019 is gaining momentum. New vistas are ON THE CPC OIL PIPELINE SYSTEM. TWO opening before us in our capabilities and chal- lenges, which, I have no doubt, will be suc- DECADES AGO, THE GLOBAL MAP OF CRUDE cessfully handled. OIL TRANSMISSION LINES RECEIVED YET N.N. Gorban, ANOTHER ROUTE, THE IMPORTANCE OF General Director WHICH HAS BEEN INCREASING EVER SINCE Caspian Pipeline Consortium 2 DBNP: STEP BY STEP CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 DBNP: STEP BY STEP 3

Mr. Bowen, our ‘flagship’ interview 330 is the top number of new hires adding two new tanks, replacement aims at breaking ground for publica- approved by the CPC Board of Di- of the mainline pumps. Each of these tions on the 2020 DBN Programme, rectors and shareholders. The actu- has contracting and procurement and outlining the topics that are most al numbers of the project team will schedules. We have developed two important from your standpoint. directly depend on the performance technical solutions for the Astrakhan AUTHOR You are right, in the February is- of the construction contractors. The PS: installation of indoor switchgear DMITRy konstantinov sue we should highlight the key mile- more efficiently they perform, the rooms (SWGR) and building a main- stones of DBN implementation in less controllers and regulators we line pump station. 2020. Milestone 1 — contracting con- need. Our current optimistic fore- We rather prefer making use of struction service providers. Milestone cast is that our working group will the Expansion Project groundwork. 2 — getting positive expert opinion on be about 250 people strong. Therefore, finalising the technical DBN-2020: the project. Milestone 3 — mobilising solutions on the Astrakhan PS did construction contractors. Milestone We assume that a design solution is not take us as long as we had ex- 4 — delivering long lead equipment to in place for the reconstruction of the pected. This helped us to develop the facilities. Milestone 5 — beginning Astrakhan mainline pump station? the task order swiftly and send it to implementation critical construction and installation. Today we have developed and the designer. On top of that, we are going to have handed over to the designer some to complete mobilising CPC person- task orders. The first TO was en- milestones nel for the Programme. We ought to gineering for the Astrakhan Pump coordinate our efforts and make sure Station scope because it is one of that the newly formed DBN group the DBN priorities. Issuance of a The second year of the debottlenecking have a good team spirit. Alongside work order has to factor in various programme (DBN) anticipates some new strategic with new employees the project will conditions. One of them is availa- engage personnel from all the CPC bility of the baseline technical da- developments. We have approached Scott functional Departments. ta to be handed over to the design- Christopher Bowen, CPC Project and Engineering er for the latter to do a pre-design While the group is being formed and survey of the facility and adjust the Consultant, to highlight them in our discussion its activities coordinated, are they specifications. expected to take training and retrain- First of all, it is us who have ing courses? to decide on the best At the end of 2019 an induction technical solution and training course was developed for then hand it over to project specialists. The course gives the designer for the an insight into the DBN scope of work latter to develop and objectives. Besides, new hires a design on. We will get an overview of the Caspian have listed crite- Pipeline Consortium, its objectives ria to be factored and corporate culture. The course in when drawing covers CPC employee must-haves, up a TO. To meet code of conduct, safety rules, codes the criteria some and standards, of the facilities Besides, we will have to set up many will need more interfaces as part of the Programme time, some less. using the current and developing new This will depend communication instruments. All parties on the DBN scope to the project ought to be cognizant of work on each sta- of their roles and levels of respon- tion. For example, sibility. This will require a proactive we have developed cross-functional interface between five technical scopes the office and those in the for the Tenguiz head Regions. pump station: exter- nal power supply, ex- Could you give any specific figures — ternal power supply, how many people are going to be mo- construction a new bilised at the height of the works, booster pump sta- stages of the mobilisation? tion, building LACT, 4 DBNP: STEP BY STEP CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 DBNP: STEP BY STEP 5

for electric motors, now we are con- and a fast paced environment. This is and this commendable experience sidering them for gas turbines. We a motivation but also a challenge, yet, considerably facilitates DBN work. hope to sign the contract presently. it does promote the project. In December 2019 we had some meetings at the GPVN Samara head Apart from equipment supplies, Could we publish information on office on the design progress made what other contracts are there in the the designer engaged in the DBN — and formation of a designer team Programme? name, team members, schedule? engaged. We are willing to give in- We are preparing for tendering some Our project partner is the Giprov- formation on GPVN activities and supervision and technical inspection ostokneft (GPVN) from the Zarubezh- the design schedule related to the contracts. Wе have a tight execution neft Group. We were working with DBN. I believe we might discuss this window, have a large scope of work the GPVN on the Expansion Project in the next issue.

We have a tight execution window, have a large scope of work and a fast paced environment

In November 2019 CPC signed pur- chase contracts with the Flows- erve Corporation and the Aktau Alongside with new employees Machine Building Factory. Were all the DBN contracts conclud- the Programme will engage ed in 2019? personnel from all the CPC Major Long Lead Item conclu- sion was the focus for 2019, along functional Departments with preparing for construction tenders. We submitted our pro- posals to TB on each of them. Ten- the end of November we submit- Some contractors have already been dering has begun, bids are being ted the biggest package for review, decided on. These are the Flowserve invited. At the beginning of 2020 and in about a week prepared the Corporation (mainline pumps and we hope to recommend awards of next ones. rotors) and the Ruhrpumpen GmbH all the contracts. We have been (booster pumps made domestically working on several contract lots, Could you give the names of all the in Kazakhstan, AktauFactory). Last different contract packages. At CPC DBN contractors now? summer the Siemens was contracted 6 SAFETY AND SECURITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 SAFETY AND SECURITY 7

authors the Security Service team: Aleksandr Aparin, Grigory Senoyedov, Yevgeny Malyshev, Yelena Medvedeva Business-to-Business Coordination


A best practice exchange workshop of CPC’s and Lukoil’s security staff llegal taps have been found in measures taken by law enforcement efficiency of the measures being taken problems related to unauthorized tap- The meeting allowed each of the par- all Russian regions crossed by agencies and the security functions of include continuous monitoring of the ping and ways to control it. The security ties to adopt the new best practices of I oil pipelines, including CPC-R’s companies, criminal activities focused situation along the oil pipeline and li- experts exchanged information about their colleagues and thereby add to its The structure of the Sakhalin Energy footprint regions. This type of on steel lines continue unabated. aison with the security units of other the measures being implemented, their arsenal of resources and capabilities to safety and security system is identical crime has morphed into a well-organ- In light of the above, the CPC Se- sectoral companies involved in crude effectiveness and progress made. Case resist wrongdoers and to mitigate dam- to that adopted in CPC-R. At the same ized criminal business, and the criminals curity Service implements a package and product transmission. studies were used to conduct a joint age from their actions. An agreement time, certain measures have been im- now boast state-of-the-art technolog- of security arrangements and practi- For example, November 2019 saw a review of the physical security proce- was reached to hold such joint events plemented differently, for example, the ical capabilities on an industrial level. cal mechanisms on an ongoing basis number of workshop meetings organ- dures in place, the application of fixed on a regular basis. procedure for briefing of group visitors. The last decade has seen over 4500 and pays special attention to steps ized and held with the management and mobile engineered security systems, Another safety and security area re- The briefing takes place in a separate illegal taps discovered on main crude aiming to improve security of the line and security people of Transneft PJSC the arrangement of line monitoring by quiring closer attention is transporta- room at the central checkpoint build- oil and product pipelines in the Rus- and fixed site facilities against crimi- and Lukoil PJSC, which discussed at drones, and the employment of special tion security. A regular exchange of best ing before the access control gate. The sian Federation. Notwithstanding the nal attempts. Activities to improve the length and in depth the questions and search equipment for tap detection. practices is also needed here. IT-assisted briefing is held in the form So, having been invited by the oil of a presentation, which covers basics and gas company Sakhalin Energy In- of access control, on-site security, fire vestment Company Ltd. (Sakhalin En- and industrial safety. The presentation ergy), the CPC Security representatives was developed by Sakhalin Energy’s toured the key pipeline elements and Security Service with involvement of transport infrastructure facilities situated subject matter specialists. The briefing on the island of Sakhalin in June 2019. takes no longer than 20 minutes, which The visit included a number of work- makes it possible to significantly cut the ing meetings with the Security Service time for access badge issue. representatives of Sakhalin Energy to The meetings highlighted the ben- share best practices in security for crude efits of liaison between the CPC Secu- transmission via pipelines (concerning rity Service and other fuel and energy illegal tapping), site access control and companies. A number of working con- internal security at key installations and ferences have already been scheduled in pipeline exclusion zones as well as for 2020, including ones on physical and anti-crime measures there. economic security. 8 SAFETY AND SECURITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 SAFETY AND SECURITY 9

tarstroy LLC, CPC’s lead monitor the driver’s behaviour and HEALTH ABOVE ALL! contractor, operates a mod- provides feedback to help him/her Starstroy is licensed to conduct pre- S ern fleet of state-of-the-art improve his/her driving style. The and post-driving medical examina- motor vehicles and spe- system enables preventive meas- tions, which makes it possible to cial machinery. In total, there are ures to be taken with regard to the check for the effects of industrial author 349 contractual vehicles, each of driving staff. health and safety hazards and work Dmitry Shelest, which has all required active and Every month, AFRT engineers, contraindications, including alco- Deputy General Director for General Matters and Public passive safety features to ensure jointly with motor vehicle mechan- hol, drug or other intoxication, as Relations, Starstroy LLC accident-free road traffic (AFRT) ics, conduct on-road inspections well as to control the drivers at risk. and occupational safety and health. aimed at fault prevention. They If the pre-driving exam shows REVIEWEr In accordance with the terms check vehicle paperwork and the that a driver has high blood pressure Boris Zabuldin, and conditions of the contract with drivers’ compliance with the rules or temperature, he/she will be im- General Director of Starstroy LLC the Consortium, Starstroy’s driving in place: whether they use a mo- mediately referred to his/her local staff and users of vehicles (total- bile while driving; whether safety health centre. This makes it possi- ling more than five hundred peo- belts are used by the drivers them- ble to identify health problems in ple) have completed the defensive selves and their passengers; wheth- drivers in advance. driving training with a specialized To CPC’s Standards organization. The driver incentive policy motivates ALL-SEEING SCOUT drivers to comply with the Traffic Code CPC’S REQUIREMENTS FOR SAFE OPERATION OF Every vehicle is equipped with the and CPC’s safety and security VEHICLES AT THE CPC LOCATIONS ARE BINDING SCOUT, satellite vehicle monitoring, analytics and management system, requirements UPON ALL CONTRACTORS OF THE CONSORTIUM which monitors the compliance with the safe driving parameters—speed limit, abrupt acceleration and hard braking in straight segments, accel- er sounds and lights function nor- IN COMPLIANCE WITH eration and braking at curves, mile- mally. And last, but not least, they PROCEDURES age and the driver’s driving time. The make sure the motor vehicles are The Company has 34 procedures in SCOUT system makes it possible to used as intended. place to ensure the safe operation 10 SAFETY AND SECURITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 SAFETY AND SECURITY 11

of the motor and special-purpose is applied based on the quarterly Every spring and summer, the vehicles. and yearly performance. This has a road owners impose limitations Each year, technical assessment positive effect on the driving per- on axle loads, which cuts payloads of vehicles and oil spill response formance and road traffic safety. dramatically. In such periods, Star- (OSR) equipment is carried out stroy minimizes traffic on public jointly with CPC-R representatives, TO SAVE TIME roads, making greater use of ser- and its results are used to certi- Pursuant to the terms of the con- vice driveways. However, we do fy the conformity of the vehicles’ tract with CPC-R, Starstroy is re- not confine ourselves to such a technical condition, performance, quired to ensure 95% availability workaround and lobby the regional operating documentation and tech- of equipment for emergency re- EMERCOM and Rosavtodor [Russian BETTING ON PROFESSIONALS Starstroy boasts a nical documentation to the con- sponse in the Russian section of Federal Road Agency] represent- Every year, Starstroy participates in tractual requirements and the pre- the Tengiz–Novorossiysk main oil atives. Thanks to our close liaison comprehensive joint practical drills paredness to emergency response. pipeline. with them, should any emergency (CJPD) organized by the Consortium, 349 occur, the Company’s vehicles can where it demonstrates the prepared- strong fleet of use public roads for rapid deploy- ness of its vehicles and machinery to contractual vehicles Starstroy LLC conducts annual ment with no violations. emergency response. The CJPD on The Company monthly checks the River, which took place Uzh-2M booms 850 m long; a UDS at the Novorossiysk Emergency Re- technical assessments of vehicles for amendments to transport laws, on 28 August 2019, involved 24 ve- 114 pneumatic-tyred excavator on sponse Centre and has five related which allows it to make timely hicles deployed for a wide variety of the MAN TGS 26 chassis success- qualifications in operation of spe- and OSR equipment adjustments to its transport pro- tasks. A KAMATSU PC 130-8 pontoon fully completed containment earth cial-purpose vehicles: mobile pump tocols. For instance, in 2019 we amphibious excavator was used to banks, earthen sumps, repair pits operator, refueller driver, mobile took out a passenger carriage li- clear and deepen a second-boundary and waterfront clearing. steam generator operator, OSR tank- Having been put in place in 2019 For prompt response to emer- cence for the in-house purpose. firebreak along the 840m-long river Modern heavy-duty machinery er driver, and truck loader crane op- to incentivize drivers to comply with gencies, all of the Company’s heavy For operations in the Republic of bed; a TTM 3GM tracked amphibious calls for skilled operators. Starstroy erator. Aleksandr takes good care of the Traffic Code and the Consor- and oversized vehicles have per- Kazakhstan, the Russian vehicles all-terrain vehicle with an IM 77-324L employs the best and most respon- his vehicles and strictly adheres to tium’s safety and security require- manent permits to use federal, re- were licensed for international truck loader crane was deployed to sible drivers. One of them is Alek- the work safety guidelines and road ments, a driver incentive policy gional and intermunicipal roads. haulage. drag and set up second-boundary sandr Tokarev. He works as a driver traffic rules. 12 SAFETY AND SECURITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 SAFETY AND SECURITY 13

he scenario for comprehensive joint practical drills (CJPD) T held in the Republic of Ka- zakhstan on 29 November 2019 by the Caspian Pipeline Con- author sortium (CPC) in coordination with Dmitry Konstantinov the Maintenance and Emergency Response Contractor KazTransOil (KTO) with involvement of first-re- sponder units of Tengizchevroil (TCO) called for remedial actions following an installation defect at Taming of Fire the 20th km of the Tengiz–Novor- ossiysk main oil pipeline. According to the drill script, service wear re- Drills regularly held by the Consortium have scenarios sulted in a 10-cubic-metre oil spill, designed to practise response to any emergency. A which spread over an area of 50 m2. Activities to contain and clean scheduled drill involving responders from CPC-K JSC, up the simulated spill were used to KazTransOil JSC and Tengizchevroil LLP took place in practise coordination between the first responders of CPC-K, KTO’s Kazakhstan in late autumn 2019 Western Management Department of Operator Services (WMDOS) and TCO’s Fire and Emergency Response Service (FERS). was detected; there is oil spill; the The practical Organized at the Tengiz Emer- approximate spill amount is to be section of CJPD gency Response Center (ERC), the determined.” Within three minutes, kicked off with the classroom section of the CJPD in- the emergency was reported to the sunrise cluded study of the drill plan and management of the Consortium’s actions of individual units and par- Eastern Region (ER), the competent ticipants. Classes in processes and functions and business units of CPC, methods for inland oil spill recov- KTO and TCO, the duty officer of the ery, installation and operation of Emergency Situation Department of pump equipment and tanks for pe- the Republic of Kazakhstan for the The ER Security Service imposed troleum product gathering, the use Atyrau Region and the official en- access restrictions for persons and of sorbents and sorbing materials, vironmental organization. vehicles to the area of the simulat- ed emergency. An Operations Management Head- According to the drill quarters (OMHQ) was set up as the script, the area of the next step in the drill. The ER man- simulated spill oil was 50 м2 agement appointed Viktor Mirosh- nichenko, Operation and Mainte- nance Manager, to run it. The Tengiz ERC patrol team esti- and occupational safety and health The ER management notified the mated the oil spill area and volume. were also held. CPC headquarters; at the same time, The gas pollution level was meas- The practical section of CJPD the Tengiz ERC organized the mus- ured in the area of the simulated took place at the 20th km of the ter and dispatch of a patrol team to spill; the danger zone was cordoned Tengiz–Novorossiysk main oil pipe- the site of the simulated emergen- off; sorbent barriers and absorbing line between the source Tengiz PS cy. The simulated response includ- mats were placed. Specialized units and the Atyrau PS. According to the ed suspension of crude transmission of CPC, KTO’s WMDOS and TCO drill scenario, a pipeline person who via the pipeline by an Operations responded to the accident site and discovered the accident reported it Control Centre (OCC) controller, deployed technical manpower and by radio to the Tengiz PS shift su- the isolation of the affected section resources. In all, the CJPD involved pervisor and to KTO’s WMDOS op- with main ball valves, and depres- over 20 pieces of vehicles and other erations controller: “A pipeline leak surization towards the Tengiz PS. specialized machines. 14 SAFETY AND SECURITY CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 SAFETY AND SECURITY 15

also completed excavation of the The final stage of the drills in- and Fire Safety for the Eastern Re- The CJPD scenario for the contaminated soil and oil sludge. cluded an individual knowledge as- gion. “The primary purpose of the Republic of Kazakhstan The oil spill response was sus- sessment of each participant. Once drills is to practise joint response called for remedial pended for the duration of the “force the results were in, a CJPD report to possible accidents at hazardous actions following an majeure” event involving the excava- was submitted to the Tengiz PS shift industrial facilities of CPC and TCO, installation defect tor on fire. Once the work resumed, supervisor, TCO’s emergency oper- including containment and clean- at the 20th km of the simulated repairs were made on the ator and the operations controller up of oil spills, with due regard to Tengiz — Novorossiysk “affected” section of the oil pipeline of KazTransOil’s WMDOS. complicating factors, such as fire, main oil pipeline by Tengiz ERC specialists, who cut “Comprehensive joint practical unfavourable weather conditions, out and replaced the spool (using a drills in CPC’s Eastern Region take etc. Preparation for drills and re- pipe cutter), installed an air-operat- place on an annual basis in accord- hearsal of responses to contin- ed locking device (AOLD), applied girth welds and performed their radiography for quality assurance. CJPD involved 20+ vehicles and other Once the radiography and envi- ronmental study in the area of the specialized machines simulated emergency gave success- ful results, the OMHQ commander gave the order to fill and start the Force majeure as a part oil pipeline. The repaired section of the scenario of the oil pipeline was simulated ance with the Coordination Contract gencies in the course of exercises The simulated oil clean-up used a to be covered with protective in- between CPC-K JSC and TCO LLP,” improve the preparedness of the UODN[screw-type]-170-150-125 pump sulation, and rehabilitation of the said Pavel Feklistov, Senior Engi- first-responder units of CPC and unit and a 50 m3 MR-NT flexible cleaned-up land was carried out at neer for Civil Defence, Emergen- its contractors to deal with possi- tank. Degassing was carried out the work site. cy Response, Oil Spill Response ble emergencies.” where oil spilled from the pipeline. The contaminated soil and oil sludge were picked up by an excavator and loaded to a dump truck for removal to TCO’s landfill. According to the drill script, the oil-contaminated Fire teams are soil during this operation sponta- extinguishing neously ignited; the fire spread to a simulated fire the excavator and injured the driver, involving oil- who suffered second-degree burns. contaminated soil and Mobile fire teams of CPC and TCO an excavator were promptly deployed at the site of the simulated fire; an ambulance arrived. First aid was administered to the simulated victim, who then was hospitalized. The fire was contained and extinguished; the “burnt-out” vehicle was towed from the accident site with a crawler excavator, which

The Operations Management Headquarters is run by Viktor Miroshnichenko, CPC-K Operation and Maintenance Manager 16 OPERATION CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 OPERATION 17

NEIGHBOURS AND COLLEAGUES Andrey Saprykin, the shift supervisor at the Komsomolskaya PS, readily re- author calls the period of preparations for pavel kretov receiving LUKOIL’s crude. From the Caspian to the Black Sea

SITTING IN THE CASPIAN DEPRESSION OF 70 KM FROM THE SHORE IS THE KOMSOMOLSKAYA PS. THE STATION WAS “There were pits excavated and a temporary field pipeline laid near the BROUGHT ON LINE IN 2003 AND REFURBISHED IN 2014 AS A PART station to test and commission the OF THE EXPANSION PROJECT oil metering station with the use of CPC-R oil. Upon completion of the stage, LUKOIL pipelines were con- nected, and oil intake was started in October,” says Andrey Saprykin. Pressure changes can also require Incoming oil has some paraffin con- pigs to be run through the pipeline he station gained an even Lukoil PJSC has been flowing through station, etc. Oil comes through an off- tent, and this calls for some special of the Shore Facilities, the tanks more prominent place in the the Tengiz–Novorossiysk oil pipeline shore pipeline to the tank farm of the measures to handle it. A shift super- and process equipment to be filled, T CPC pipeline system in Octo- since 1 October 2016. In late October head onshore facilities to be delivered visor needs to always make sure that scheduled maintenance to be done ber 2016, when the PS’s LACT 2016, the Consortium’s Marine Ter- into the system of the Caspian Pipe- the feedstock temperature never drops on the metering units, and the whole units started receiving crude oil pro- minal loaded the first tanker with oil line Consortium for further export. below 20 °C, which would increase its thing naturally calls for coordination duced in the Caspian by LUKOIL PJSC. from those Russian fields. From a helicopter, both the CPC oil viscosity and cause sediment settling of efforts between CPC and LUKOIL These days, the Komsomolskaya PS The oil company built a system pumping station and LUKOIL’s Onshore in tanks. When the crude tempera- technicians. is the flagship of the six stations in of offshore and onshore oil and gas Facilities sitting 500 m away look equal- ture approaches the above thresh- “We changed a lot of things in the CPC’s Central Region. pipelines to pump hydrocarbons on- ly modern, high-tech and beautiful. old, the shift supervisor at the Kom- DOUBLE CHECKING original design, for instance, the ar- shore. The Onshore Facilities project They could be mistaken for parts of somolskaya PS calls his/her colleague This, of course, is not the whole scope rangement of the power supply, water MODERN, HIGH-TECH AND kicked off in 2013 and consisted of a single whole, but for their different at LUKOIL’s station and asks to start of coordination. Representatives from supply and ventilation systems, and BEAUTIFUL four phases, including construction corporate colours: the Consortium’s crude oil heaters. The PS of the oil the petroleum company by all means relocated control cabinets,” she says. Crude from the Filanovsky field and of core facilities as well as a rotation facilities are white-blue; those of the producer’s Shore Facilities has three witness the metrological performance What Olga Simashkina contributed the Korchagin field being developed by camp, dormitories, a gas distribution petroleum company are white-red. such heaters, of which two are prima- control of flowmeters, densimeters, to the laboratory at the Komsomol- ry and one is standby. temperature sensors, pressure gauges skaya PS is her experience gained when “We stay in continuous communi- and viscometers. Besides, each morn- bringing similar projects into opera- cation with our LUKOIL colleagues; ing a representative of the petroleum tion. And these are quite a few. While we are on a first-name basis with them company witnesses the oil sampling with Transneft, Olga put the labora- and coordinate our adjustments,” con- from the automatic sampler at the tories at the Skovorodino PS and the tinues Andrey Saprykin. Komsomolskaya PS’s metering unit Uyar PS into service and helped set The SCADA system allows the CPC and delivery thereof by the CPC staff up laboratories at the Dzhalinda crude staff to see all key parameters at their to the analytical laboratory, where he/ oil delivery and acceptance point and neighbours: oil tank levels, oil tem- she witnesses all tests and document at the Kozmino and Ust-Luga special- perature and density, pump perfor- preparation. ized oil seaports. mance and inlet and outlet pressures. The analytical laboratory at the It is expected that as much as 15 “For example, if the inlet pressure Komsomolskaya PS was put into ser- million tons from Russian fields in at the Komsomolskaya PS is low, we vice in mid-summer 2016. From the the area of the Caspian Sea will be can ask our colleagues to boost the ground breaking to accreditation, this received from PJSC LUKOIL Oil Com- flow rate. And if the pressure is high, construction project was supervised pany via metering stations of CPC’s they, in turn, can ask us to increase our by the current head of the laborato- Oil Pump Station Komsomolskaya by intake,” explains the shift supervisor. ry, Olga Simashkina. February 20, 2020. 18 OPERATION CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 OPERATION 19

“The first oil from Kazakhstan and that, in turn, also necessitated for Commodity Transport Opera- hit the pipeline in the summer of slowing down. The new flowmeters tions, Central Region. 2001,” recalls Oleg Sidorchuk, Lead have a special shape that prevents author Oil Metering Engineer, who, along paraffin deposits. IN-PROCESS pavel kretov with his colleagues from the Mos- In 2016, CPC’s Central Region, apart cow Office, created the Commodi- from transit of Kazakhstan petrole- ty Transport Service of the Central THE CUSTOMS SERVICE GIVES A um, began taking in crude oil from Region literally from scratch and GREEN LIGHT the Filanovsky offshore field be- who was involved in staff recruit- The operations of the Commodity ing developed in the Caspian by ment. Today, with the PS person- Transport Service of CPC’s Central LUKoil. But that was preceded by Standard-Setting nel factored in, this business unit Region are affected by the fact that retrofitting of equipment and in- employs 18 people. it processes crude oil arriving from stallation of LACT units at the sta- the territory of a neighbouring state. tion in 2014. Accuracy EXPANSION AND The Consortium employees file The conversation is joined by MODERNIZATION monthly reports with the Russian Aleksey Dobrynin, an oil metering That evolution did not happen over- Customs. All equipment affecting engineer, who is just back from the night. To begin with, cross-border the metering of Kazakhstan crude Komsomolskaya PS, where he was RUNNING THROUGH THE ENDLESS STEPPES OF ASTRAKHAN crude oil used to be metered with is customs-sealed. involved in state periodic verifi- OBLAST AND KALMYKIA IS THE 500-KILOMETRE-LONG AREA OF a temporary custody transfer unit. “Before 2010, until a single cus- cation of a stationary pipe piston Nor was there an in-house analyt- toms space was set up between prover (prover) used for metrolog- RESPONSIBILITY OF CPC’s CENTRAL REGION. THIS IS WHERE THE ical laboratory—oil analysis was the Russian Federation and the ical performance control (MPC) STREAM OF KAZAKHSTAN OIL IS JOINED BY RUSSIAN CRUDE outsourced during the first years. Republic of Kazakhstan, the seals and verification of flowmeters on But as time went by, both an in- were affixed by both Russia and LACT instrumentation lines. Ver- PRODUCED OFFSHORE IN THE CASPIAN SEA house laboratory was set up and a Kazakhstan. And the seals were ification of the stationary prover permanent LACT unit installed at checked on a quarterly basis by and flowmeters on instrumenta- the Astrakhanskaya PS. customs officers who came from tion lines is carried out every two The increase in the throughput the neighbouring country. Now years and once a year, respectively, volume early this decade gradually we deal with the Russian customs and witnessed by a representative raised an issue of a new LACT unit, authorities only; we invite officers of the state regional standardiza- which was eventually built in 2015 to witness seal removal, for exam- tion, metrology and test centre. within the CPC Expansion Project. ple, for maintenance on densime- The stationary prover is verified by “By that time, all three instru- ters, flowmeters, etc.,” says Sergey matching the readings against the mentation lines were utilized to Aksyonov, Lead Manager data of a first-class mobile prover capacity, and that interfered with brought to the station specifical- maintenance and repairs; we had ly for this purpose at that time. to fit our activities into scheduled pipeline shutdowns. Now that we have a spare capacity, we can do metering on a line-by-line basis without slowing transmission down,” explains Oleg Sidorchuk. Now the LACT unit at the Astrakhanskaya PS uses ultrasonic flowmeters; these are much bet- ter than the previ- ous turbine me- ters: it used to be that when pigs were run through the pipeline we had to switch metering to a stand- by scheme, 20 OPERATION CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 ENVIRONMENT 21

“Stationary provers at the Kom- somolskaya PS and Astrakhan- skaya PS used to be verified using large-capacity reference gauging tanks, and that was very inconven- author ient. The line had to be flushed for Dmitry Konstantinov 3 to 4 days in a row, and the cubic metres of water that were used for the purpose had to be first trucked to the station and then recycled,” says Aleksey Dobrynin. CPC’s Environmental

COMMITMENT TO RESULTS There are some 6 thousand var- Programme: ious metrological instruments to ensure that crude oil is trans- mitted and metered within the Year’s Results Central Region’s area of respon- sibility. This figure includes the relevant equipment of six pump stations (e.g., the Astrakhanskaya THE WORLD’S LEADING FUEL AND ENERGY COMPANIES PS alone has over one thousand of USUALLY REVIEW THEIR ANNUAL RESULTS IN FEBRUARY such measuring instruments), two OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR. THE CASPIAN PIPELINE LACT units and the pipeline infra- structure. Since the equipment is CONSORTIUM IS NO EXCEPTION installed at hazardous industrial facilities, it is duly certified and is statutorily subject to regular metrological support. “Our function monitors everything done by metrology contractors: we check the credentials of their specialists, the compliance with calibration and verification proce- dures, choice of proper reference standards, etc.,” says Andrey Sap- rykin, Metrology Engineer. of measurements rather than con- three times more accurate than the Metrological service of equip- firms them. What is important here equipment being tested, they too ment covers both calibration and is that they should not be worse must be replaced on a regular ba- verification. Verifications record than those specified in the pro- sis. Here’s a interesting fact: today and certify the metrological per- cedures for measuring the target the accuracy of pressure gauges on the Consortium’s pipeline system is on a par with that of reference CPC regularly upgrades its standards ten years ago. metrological fleet, improving We would like to end the story about the Commodity Transport its accuracy Service of the Central Region with the words of Oleg Sidorchuk, Lead Oil Metering Engineer. formance of measuring instruments. process parameter. The results are “In doing our job, we work in This mostly involves smart instru- documented with a calibration re- close coordination with all the oth- ments, so when they need metro- port and a certificate. er functions of CPC—with mechan- logical adjustment it is done using CPC regularly upgrades its me- ics, electricians and many other special HART communicators. Cali- trological fleet, improving its accu- technicians. And to be sure, all of bration, on the other hand, deter- racy. And because the law requires us together are committed to the mines the accuracy characteristics reference standards to be at least same goal.” 22 ENVIRONMENT CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 ENVIRONMENT 23

s a good corporate citizen, FISH DAY has an important educational mis- gathered there to review the region- a subspecies of them, marals, are on the enclosures of the Directorate CPC runs a number of char- The first date on CPC’s calendar sion, teaching the younger gener- al project for protection and resto- the brink of extinction. The reason for Designated Conservation Areas A itable, educational, health of paramount environmental in- ation to take care of wildlife and ration of the population of spotted is their velvet antlers, much sought in Krai. and environmental projects itiatives in 2019 was 24 May. On instilling environmental awareness and red deer as a part of CPC’s envi- after as the elixir of life from time In implementing its environmental within its corporate footprint on the that day, hosted in children. So, 30 demo lessons ronmental educational programme, immemorial. initiatives, CPC not only enables the permanent basis. The programme a review of year four in the imple- on the theme: “The sturgeon is an Save the Homeland’s Environment. In 2018, CPC facilitated the re- deer population in Stavropol Krai to titled “Save the Homeland’s Envi- mentation of the Save the Home- ancient fish, dating back to the age The project dramatically increased settlement of 11 specimens of spot- be restored, but also promotes en- ronment” sees its mission as sup- land’s Environment programme. of dinosaurs. Let us save it for pos- the total count of deer in the des- ted deer in the Russky Les [Russian vironmental awareness among the porting rare and highly valuable The Consortium’s partner in this terity” were offered at 10 schools ignated conservation areas of Stav- Forest] nature reserves and 24 spec- younger generation. For instance, wildlife species. But it also has environmental educational pro- in Kharabalinsky, Yenotayevsky, Li- ropol Krai, which continues to grow. imens of red deer in the Buguntin- 2019 saw lessons on the subject an educational project: it engag- ject was the Caspian Fisheries Re- mansky, Narimanovsky and Krasno- As of this writing, there are no more sky reserve and the Lesnaya Dacha given to the children at preschools, es schoolchildren and students to search Institute (CaspNIRKh), and yarsky Districts of Astrakhan Oblast than three thousand spotted deer [Forest Country House] reserves. In orphanages and tertiary/higher ed- teach them unique lessons about the subject of study and protec- (each of these accommodates CPC’s living in their natural habitat—that 2019, the Consortium took part in the ucational institutions in the region. their local environment. tion was the Russian sturgeon—an production facilities). is, in the wild—worldwide. The total release of 10 specimens of spotted According to the kids themselves, number of red deer in the world gen- deer in the Russky Les nature re- the classes taught them a lot of use- erally looks more optimistic; however, serve as well as four specimens in ful stuff about biology. The project On 24 May 2019, Astrakhan Oblast witnessed a final progress review of CPC’s Save the Homeland’s Environment In December 2019, Stavropol Krai saw another stage of project implemented by CPC jointly CPC’s Save the Homeland’s with CaspNIRKh Environment eco educational programme end with a ceremony of releasing deer into their natural habitat ancient, heraldic fish listed in the Having gained new knowledge Red Book. Over the last 30 years the that was interesting and useful, the sturgeon population in the Caspian schoolchildren unlocked their crea- and Black Seas decreased 30 and tivity in the context of the competi- 60 times, respectively, because of tion to create the best environmental poaching. The only remaining way awareness promotion content. The to preserve the species is to artifi- jury named 27 entries the winners in cially breed and release the young the following categories: “Promotion into spawning streams. Team,” “Drawing/Poster/Leaflet” and It was this event —the release of “Functional Art.” Their authors not Russian sturgeon juveniles (aka un- only received valuable prizes from deryearlings) bred by CaspNIRKh CPC, but were able to take a close into the Volga—that became the fo- look at and even touch the centre cal point of a ceremony to mark the of attention—the fairly plump juve- project completion in 2019. It was niles averaging some 0.5 kg—while attended by representatives of the visiting the deck of the CaspNIRKh Government of Astrakhan Oblast, research ship heading for the Volga Rosrybolovstvo [Russian Federal delta to release the young Russian Agency for Fisheries], CPC-R, Casp- sturgeons in their habitat. A total On 17 December 2019, CPC’s NIRKh, and the winners of the chil- of 1700 sturgeons were released in Save the Homeland’s dren’s creativity competition, their the past year under CPC’s charity Environment project won parents and teachers. The ceremo- programme into the breeding areas. the 3rd place in the Best ny included award presentation to Programme Facilitating the competition winners and a ga- COME BACK, WILD DEER the Sustainable la concert. On 10 December 2019, the Stavropol Environmental Apart from the practical objec- State Agricultural University was Development category tive—to increase the sturgeon pop- receiving dignitaries. The Consor- at the Corporate Charity ulation, CPC’s Save the Homeland’s tium’s management and represent- Leaders competition Environment project in Astrakhan atives from the state government 24 ENVIRONMENT CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 ENVIRONMENT 25

also included environment-related environmental projects. A case in Geographic against the shoaling of creative competitions; their win- point is the Kieli Kiik [Киелі Киік the Ural River (Jayıq in Kazakh). This ners and runners-up were presented in Kazakh] programme with focus on and other environmental projects with awards by Nikolay Gorban, CPC preservation of the saiga population will be covered in the next issue of General Director, and Ivan Kovalyov, or the joint initiative with National CPC Panorama. First Deputy Chairman of the Coun- cil of Ministers of Stavropol Krai. As soon as the award ceremony ended, its participants boarded buses and The Save the Homeland’s Environment set out for a wildlife sanctuary—to programme in the Republic of Kalmykia release deer in their habitat.

includes joint activities with a unique idzhiyev SAIGAS, CRANES AND TULIPS wildlife sanctuary, Chyornye Zemli On 11 December 2019, Elista witnessed a progress review of CPC’s environ-

mental educational project, Save the Photo Garya by L Homeland’s Environment, in Kalm- ykia. Gathered in the Government Hall were top officials, such as Batu Khasikov, Head of the Republic of Kalmykia, Nikolay Mantsayev, acting Minister of Education and Science of ROK, Nikolay Gorban, CPC Gen-

eral Director, and other dignitaries. Photo Garya by Lidzhiyev The meeting’s agenda also included presentation of awards to the win- [Black Lands], a unique state bio- ners and runners-up of eco-related sphere reserve. This is Russia’s on- CPC’s Save the Homeland’s creative competitions. ly steppe, semidesert and desert Environment programme CPC has been running the Save reserve, which is situated in Kalm- is implemented by the the Homeland’s Environment pro- ykia and was open in 1990. This ar- company in the regions gramme in Kalmykia since 2015. It ea of 120+ thousand ha is home to where the route of the covers all 13 districts of the Republic saigas, demoiselle cranes, white Tengiz–Novorossiysk and its capital. Schoolchildren are pelicans, spoonbills, red-breasted oil pipeline goes. The offered demo lessons on environ- geese, steppe eagles and other rare wildlife protection and mental subjects and creative com- animals and birds as well as unique, restoration efforts as petitions for the best awareness of endemic plants. a part of the Programme the flora and fauna protection ma- Because of the observed de- have focused over that terial. The teachers are also con- crease in the population of saigas, time on rare sturgeon testants in a video competition for these contemporaries of mammoths species in Astrakhan the best lesson on the preservation were listed on the Red Book of the Oblast, saigas, demoiselle of rare animal species. Sponsored Republic of Kalmykia in 2015. With cranes and rare species by CPC, Kalmykia’s schoolchildren the involvement of the Consorti- of tulips in Kalmykia and joined the Save What’s Unique en- um, the number of saigas in the red and spotted deer in vironmental project for the third Chyornye Zemli wildlife sanctuary Stavropol Krai. The CPC-R time last summer. In the summer rose from four thousand in 2015 to Consortium annually camp of the Republican Centre for seven thousand in 2018. Last year, allocates some 10 million Creative Children, they had a good the Chyornye Zemli reserve com- roubles to environmental time and learned a lot of interesting mitted to upgrading, and the Con- programmes things at the lectures of profession- sortium donated an Uaz-Patriot al biologists and environmentalists. off-roader to the wildlife sanctuary The Republic’s parklands and public for its needs.

amenities hosted [volun- In the Republic of Kazakhstan, idzhiyev tary community work days] to plant the Consortium has joined forc- seedlings. es with the government agencies, In 2019, CPC continued its joint NGOs and specialized associations

activities with the Chyornye Zemli to implement a number of other Photo Garya by L 26 PROFESSIONALS CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 PROFESSIONALS 27

It was a big responsibility: the sta- tion was to be commissioned as the very first of all such facilities. And author trailblazers never have it easy. pavel kretov “Those were standard-design sta- tions, and to be sure, we mentored our colleagues from other PSs that were scheduled to go on stream lat- er. We drew their attention to the most urgent issues,” recalls Nikolay Youth, Boykov. For example, in order to prevent voltage drops when mainline motors Energy and start, specialists suggested section- alizing and connecting the inputs at substations. Later on, PS-3, along Experience with the other stations, fine-tuned the ball-valve opening system and adjusted the settings of the pressure surge relief system and the ventila- MAJOR CONSTRUCTION, REFURBISHMENT tion plants. AND UPGRADING PROJECTS IMPROVE NOT “Apart from matters directly con- cerning the oil pumping process, ONLY THE PIPELINE SYSTEM. THEY OFFER we also thought about the conven- is no need now for the operations its transmission rates, and this un- last year. After the bleak Moscow INVALUABLE EXPERIENCE AND A TEST ience of facility operation,” contin- personnel to go down for every lit- doubtedly imposes new demands on weather, we were particularly im- FOR PROFESSIONALISM TO PEOPLE, AND ues Nikolay Boykov. “So, it was sug- tle thing.” the station’s power supply systems. pressed with the lawns blooming gested that the block-valve control Nor industrial aesthetics were for- A large scope of measures is with exotic plants and with swarms THE MOST TALENTED AND ENERGETIC OF systems be moved from the wells to gotten: to make it easy on the eye for planned at the station under the of butterflies peacefully hovering THEM RISE UP TO THE CHALLENGE AND the surface after installing a special the operations personnel, the iron- Debottlenecking Programme (DB- over them, as if it’s no autumn. extension lead. This means there work walls in the control room were NP). The pressure control unit at When leaving PS-3, we asked LEAD covered with plasterboard. PS-3 will be dismantled to be re- Nikolay Boykov a question: In November 2015, PS-3 was put placed with variable-frequency “What do you think are the most into service, and the efforts to de- drives for mainline pumps and the important knowledge and compe- velop and improve it continued. Lat- fifth tank for the pressure surge tencies for a PS manager?” er on, the mainline pump station re- relief system. “This job requires in-depth knowl- ceived new polymer-coated flooring. “The station’s employees are on edge of equipment, regulatory docu- ikolay Boykov, Manager of PS- Pipeline Design and Operation” spe- “Subsequent operation of our a fortnight rotation system, staying mentation and good skills of assess- 3 in Kalmykia, is just 32. He ciality at the Samara State Techni- station showed that it was imprac- away from home for two weeks at a ing any potential industrial hazards. N was appointed Station Manag- cal University. tical to use asphalt on subsiding stretch. To provide a comfortable The station manager must be able to er in 2016, which means that His knowledge of oil transporta- steppe soils in the sections of the he was not yet 30 at the time. He is tion engineering and the phys- PS grounds with traffic of heavy the youngest chief of an oil trans- ics of the oil transmission machinery. So, we approached the mission facility in the Consortium’s process came in particu- company’s management with an Knowledge of oil transportation Central Region. larly handy for the young initiative, and it was approved: the engineering came in handy for the Nikolay joined CPC in 2011, having professional when new flooring at such places was replaced a degree with distinction from the station construction with concrete slabs. Asphalt was kept young professional on the PS-3 Astrakhan State Technical Univer- projects got underway only in the camp and around the ad- construction project sity and hands-on experience with in CPC’s Central Re- ministration and amenity building a major oil producer. He started as gion within the Ten- and the control house,” continues a PS operator, and a short year lat- giz–Novorossiysk oil Nikolay Boykov. recreational environment for the coordinate effectively the activities er he was promoted to operations pipeline Expansion These days, the station is phas- employees, we worked between of various contractors, supervise the shift supervisor at the Komsomol- Project. Early in ing out the cable lines linking the shifts to lay lawns and plant trees execution of work orders, etc. In all skaya Pump Station. Quickly build- 2014, Nikolay was mainline pumps with the indoor and shrubs throughout the PS area,” of the above competencies, CPC ing up his track record on the shop promoted to PS- switchgear to replace them with the says the station manager. provides ongoing employee train- floor, he simultaneously was a dis- 3 Deputy manag- ones of a larger cross section. The The CPC Panorama correspondents ing and upskilling,” emphasizes our tance learning student of the “Oil er in Kalmykia. pipeline system is fast scaling up visited the station in late October interviewee. 28 PROFESSIONALS CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 PROFESSIONALS 29

author Aleksandr Ryabets, I&A technician, PS-5 The Job I Love

I LEARNED ABOUT THE PROFESSION CALLED “I&A (INSTRUMENTATION AND AUTOMATION) SPECIALIST” WHEN I analysis of transmission gears… Three my stuff in a marine context. Thanks my belt, I started looking for anoth- years of classes, apprenticeship and to this expertise, I was promoted to er job in the oil and gas sector. The WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL AND ATTENDING A VTC (VOCATIONAL successful exams followed: I learned boatswain (second-in-command) of fast-growing Caspian Pipeline Con- TRAINING CENTRE) the ropes of the profession, and up- the boat one year into my service. sortium was a prominent employer. on finishing school I received a cer- After completing my service, I Back then, CPC was completing its tificate of I&A fitter, second class, went back to my old job with the Expansion Project, and its new PSs to go with my diploma. It was all I company. In 2004, I enrolled at the brought on stream needed specialists, needed to get a job. Volgograd Petroleum and Gas Col- including in my profession. Having hen I was choosing a profes- more interestingly —you had to both It would seem that a pressure gauge In the autumn of 2001, I was given lege, the Faculty of Process and In- outlined my background in my CV, I sion, I had two choices: pe- know your way around complex in- is just a dial and a hand: where’s the a job at a gas booster station, and it dustrial Automation. It was the next was kicking my heels waiting for an W troleum production operator struments and do soldering … And catch? The catch is that it has in- was there that I started my profes- step in my professional growth. In interview invitation in the hope of and I&A fitter. After talking it I opted for I&A. nards: Bourdon tube, shaft pinion, sional life. Shortly thereafter I was 2008, I graduated with a specialist’s landing a new job. over with my classmates, I decided It was at school that I first met mon- sector gear, etc., to say nothing of the drafted into the army, but the com- degree, 4th class. I’ll cut to the chase: it was no walk that being an i-man would be much itoring and measuring instruments. operating principle and engineering pany kept my job for me while I was I stayed in my job, but instead of in the park; the interview had two doing my military service. just coasting along, I entered the uni- rounds. In the end, I was offered the job of I&A technician. Since 2016, I’ve worked at two pump stations of the Consortium. First, it was PS-4, where I had my probation and then worked A job with a major on a rotation basis for a year, and international oil transmission then I was transferred to PS-5, which was not yet on stream at that time. company is the professional There I had to be closely involved in pre-commissioning activities. The achievment! launch of PS-5 was a major milestone for CPC and a memorable event for all those involved in the creation of I served with the elite coast guard versity in the specialty “Automated this state-of-the-art facility. forces. On a coast guard boat, my pro- Information-Processing and Control My job with a major internation- fession was in high demand: marine Systems.” In 2013, I successfully de- al oil transmission company and navigation uses a lot of radio navi- fended my graduation thesis, gaining eighteen years of overall service in gation instruments, from compass- the status of a university-educated the oil and gas industry is, to date, es to the most basic sounding leads, professional. an enormous achievement for me, which you needed to know how to After working for the company a result of commitment to my be- use and maintain. So the boot camp until 2015, with 14 years of experi- loved profession and giving my all was an opportunity for me to review ence and the highest, 6th class under to it every day. 30 BOOKSHELF CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 BOOKSHELF 31

author pavel kretov Creating the Future


flashback. Igor Vinogradov, was ushered in. Growing fast, the oil out in Alaska in the mid-90s of the network of filling stations at a furi- the then employee of Nov- company emerged as a trailblazer 19th century, it was Standard Oil ker- ous pace. Comfort of car travellers A orossiysk Shipping Compa- rather than just a player on the new osene that the adventurers used for was given serious consideration: the ny, was invited to a Chevron market. That became a cornerstone warming up and cooking. In the early filling stations had ventilation, drink- conference. of Chevron’s business philosophy 20th century, Pacific Coast and Io- ing fountains and WCs. “Back then, the relationship be- and the reason for the corporation’s wa Standard merged into a company Soon, Socal expanded into the tween the two countries was boom- spectacular success. called Standard Oil Company (Califor- aircraft fuel market. Socal’s prod- ing, and negotiations of a potential The book says that Chevron’s ear- nia), or Socal for short, which became uct ensured that aircraft engines pipeline system from Tengiz towards liest predecessor was Pacific Coast the leading kerosene manufacturer. ran smoothly even at a low oxygen Novorossiysk were in progress,” re- Oil Company founded in San Fran- Socal’s product line was not lim- content and low temperatures, so it calls our colleague. cisco in 1879. Oil products it made ited to oil products only. Having im- was hardly surprising that it was this It was just when one of the largest company’s kerosene that was used US oil companies marked its 110th an- for the first solo nonstop transatlan- niversary, and guests from the USA tic flight. By the way, here is a inter- gave Igor Vinogradov an anniversary Trailblazing esting fact: long before regular pas- publication of the corporation’s his- is the cornerstone of Chevron’s senger air service was launched, the tory: 1879–1979. One Hundred Years company started writing the names Helping to Create the Future. The business philosophy of towns and cities on the roofs of book was published 10 years earlier, its tank farms, which was a great help to mark Chevron’s 100th anniversary, in navigation to pilots crosschecking and nowadays, when the corporation’s the route in flight with railway tracks. has been around for over 140 years, it were marketed by the members of proved the formula for bituminous In April 1917, the USA joined World is certainly a rare book to find. the Standard Oil trust. This enterprise asphalt emulsion, the company sup- War I. But long before the first US built by John Rockefeller started in plied it not only in the USA, but al- boots on European soil, America AT THE FOREFRONT a San Francisco office with staff of so to several dozen other countries. started supplying the fuels and lu- OF THE TECHNOLOGY AGE just three, but in a few short years it The extension of the asphalt road bricants to its allies. Ships, trucks, It is noteworthy that in 1879, the year acquired many other companies and network and the resulting increase locomotives and tanks needed fuel, Chevron was founded, Thomas Edi- opened its own offices in Califor- in the motor vehicle traffic gave the 80 % of which was supplied by the son invented the electric bulb, and nia, Oregon and Washington. Soon, oil producers a new challenge, natu- US oil companies. As Lord Curzon Karl Benz the internal combustion Standard Oil was selling oil products rally enough, and Standard Oil Com- famously put it, the allies “floated to engine. A new, technological era in Hawaii. When the gold rush broke pany (California) started to grow its victory on a wave of oil.” However, 32 BOOKSHELF CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 DID YOU KNOW? 33

etroleum is comprised of thousand substances, of P which about 80 to 90 % are hydrocarbon liquids. Petroleum occurs at a depth of Chevron’s wealth several dozen metres to 5–6 km. of experience Petroleum: Petroleum reservoirs most often occur at a depth of 1 to 3 km. came in handy in According to the prevailing the- developing CPC’s ory, petroleum formed from the the Origin remains of ancient living organ- crude transmission isms and algae; the process of infrastructure OUR CIVILIZATION TOOK A TECHNOLOGICAL petroleum formation takes 50 to 350 million years. TURN MOSTLY THANKS TO PETROLEUM Archaeological evidence shows that humankind has been familiar with petroleum since the earli- est times. About 6000 years BC, this literally dried up the US oil tank it was used as a binding mate- farms, and the US companies had to rial in construction. In Ancient bend over backwards to restore the Egypt, petroleum was used for stocks. The specialists of Standard embalming purposes. Oil Company (California) gave their Petroleum became a major all to exploration and kept discover- commodity after kerosene was ing new oil fields. recovered from it. Before the In the decades that followed, the advent of the internal com- oil company expanded beyond the bustion engine, petroleum was USA, operating in Canada, on Su- mostly used to derive kerosene matra, New Guinea, in Bahrain and only, all other by-products be- in Saudi Arabia. To transmit crude ing discarded. oil from the latter, the unparalleled The world’s first petroleum 1720-kilometre Trans-Arabian Oil well was sunk in 1846 outside Pipeline was built from the Persian Baku, which was then a part of Gulf coast to the Mediterranean Sea the Russian Empire. in the harsh environment and climate A pipeline as a means for in 1950. By the 1970s, Chevron had transmitting petroleum was sug- reached Africa, operating in Chad, gested by Dmitry Mendeleyev in Sudan, Egypt and Gabon as well as 1863. Russia’s first oil pipeline at the North Sea in Europe. When was built in 1878 in the vicini- implementing the Ninian project in ty of Baku. the North Sea, its participants, in The world’s first oil refinery May 1978, built one of the world’s was built in 1856 by chemist and largest offshore platforms, which pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz, was capable of withstanding even who also invented the kerosene 30-metre waves. Weighing 600 thou- lamp and created the kerosene sand tonnes, the platform is nearly production method by crude oil 240 m high. Incidentally, that project distillation. Petrol and other fu- can be said to have provided a blue- els were sold by pharmacists at print for the crude oil transmission that time. infrastructure of the Caspian Pipeline The arrival of kerosene as a Consortium too; after all, the Nini- petrochemical product saved an project was where began the oil some species of whales from ex- and gas career of Andrew McGrahan, tinction. Oil lamps earlier used now Chairman of the CPC-R Board whale oil obtained from the blub- of Directors. bers of whales, as fuel. 34 THROUGH THE PRISM OF HISTORY CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 THROUGH THE PRISM OF HISTORY 35

The second one, at the 150th km from Fairbanks, was secured against accidental runover by heavy vehi- author cles. Outside the port of Haines, pavel kretov the builders faced hard solid rocks; around Fairbanks, permafrost. At the same time, designed at the highest points along the route, five pump stations were being built. The greatest challenge was the Lessons of PS in Donjek on unstable perma- frost soils. Installation of the Haines–Fair- the Northern banks pipeline was completed in Oc- tober 1955, i.e., 22 months after the construction start; however, it was L atitudes not brought on stream right away. Unforeseen issues cropped up after lay the pipes on the ground with- connected to Fairbanks by a road compartments were covered with successful hydrostatic testing. In No- out burying them. The last seam built as far back as during World tarpaulin. vember, when there was still some THE AUGUST ISSUE OF THE MAGAZINE was welded in mid-February 1944. War II—this made pipeline con- Welding works on the pipeline water in the mainline, a cold wave The mainline connected the field struction much simpler and faster. started in April 1954. Nearly the hit, and numerous ice plugs blocked TOLD THE STORY OF THE TRANS- outside the town of Norman Wells Preparation of the pipeline route entire length of the pipeline was the pipeline. The maintenance per- ALASKA OIL PIPELINE, WHICH WAS in the Northwest Territories, Can- began in December 1953, during BUILT IN THE HARSH ENVIRONMENTAL ada, with the oil refinery in White- the polar night. Heavy machinery horse, from where fuels and lubri- was widely used; thick woods and The builders of the AND CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. IN AND OF cants were then transmitted via shrubbery were crushed using gi- Haines–Fairbanks oil ITSELF, HOWEVER, THE PIPELINE WAS NOT oil product pipelines to Fairbanks gantic, 12-tonne metal spheres filled pipeline advanced at and Skagway in Alaska as well as with water. Three crews were de- UNIQUE—IT HAD NO FEWER THAN TWO to Watson Lake in Canada. In such ployed on the route, each advanced km per day PREDECESSORS IN ALASKA a form, the pipeline system func- at 1.5 km per day. However, in Feb- tioned until April 1945. ruary 1954, progress slowed down Overall, this pipeline did a great because of the freezing weather. on the surface. Only two sections sonnel walked the line and tried to job. That is why, when the USA Only one building crew succeed- were the exception. The first one, locate such spots by ear hammer- needed to ramp up fuel supplies to ed in keeping the machinery run- at the 60th km from the port of ing on the pipeline. The pipes had Alaska in the early 1950s and had to ning. The machines were heated Haines, was buried to secure it to be cut, de-iced and welded back choose between rail and pipeline using kerosene burners; the engine against landslides and rockfalls. again at 28 places. he first pipeline construction totalled over 2.5 thousand km in transport, they opted for the latter. project started in the penin- length, was built by 10 thousand It was decided to build a 1000-kilo- T sula when World War II was civilian and 5 thousand military metre pipeline from Haines to Fair- in full swing. The USA had to specialists. Most of the route ran banks. Haines was chosen as the do it because of the emerging situ- through rough terrain; bulldozers starting point for the mainline be- ation in the Pacific theatre of oper- ations: the Japanese landed on the Aleutian Islands, thus threatening Alaska as well. But how would one The Norman Wells–Whitehorse protect the remote peninsula and improve its defence capabilities? pipeline stayed on stream until The US supreme command decided April 1945 to build roads, for fast transfer of troops, and to run a pipeline from Canada, for fuel supply to the Air Force bases. had to cut through thick woods and cause it had an ice-free deep-water The first pipes of the linear por- got stuck in swamps. Given that port equipped with all necessary tion were laid in the summer of Canadian crude stayed fluid even hoisting equipment. Another im- 1943. The pipeline system, which in severe frosts, it was decided to portant factor was that Haines was 36 LIFESTYLE CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 LIFESTYLE 37

all of sudden… a monument to the Soviet soldiers died when liberating Vienna from the Nazis, sitting at the Аuthor very heart of Vienna. This, inciden- Sergey Alferenko, tally, is the only monument to a sol- shift supervisor, dier with a gilded helmet and shield. Kropotkinskaya PS You can hardly fail to feel proud of our great-grandfathers who fell and were buried in foreign parts. And now we are on the sunlit coast of the Crimea, on our way to Think Happy see the Khan’s Palace, Hansaray, in Bakhchysarai and to “say hello” to the khan. Tall, oriental-style towers; Thoughts Persian carpets and rugs; basements with Greek amphoras, as tall as a man, for wine, grain and oil. Accom- Only!.. panied by strands of oriental music, the guide is quietly telling the leg- end of a Circassian beauty sold for the khan’s harem. Unwilling to be- LET EVERYBODY HAVE AS MANY EVENTS, come his concubine, she jumped out MEMORABLE EXPERIENCES AND SMALL from the tallest tower of the palace. The young Cherkess woman won the PLEASURES AS POSSIBLE! khan’s heart; he blamed himself for her death and ordered a fountain to be built in the palace, called “The Fountain of Tears.” Aleksandr Push- COMING FROM MY CHILDHOOD to stand in the corner, in my mind’s dreaming of travelling. My wife sup- kin, who once visited the Fountain of I’ve liked to travel since I was a child. eye I was planning my next journey. ported my enthusiasm. And it is now Bakhchysarai, was captivated by this In summer, when visiting with my I broadened my horizons, naturally our family tradition to holiday in a story. He picked a white rose and a Gran, I tried to explore the surround- enough, at school. I often thought about faraway country. I agree with Gran: red rose in the garden and put them ing grounds on the Q.T. An assault journeys to other countries. I imagined “Don’t think about bad things, sweet- in the bowl of the fountain. Whatever rifle on my shoulder, a handgun in myself standing next to the great pyr- ie; dream of something good. Your the season, the roses are still there, my hand, and Granddad’s military amids and the Sphinx guarding them. thoughts shape your life!” thanks to the staff and the museum— belt with a star buckle holding up I wanted to walk down the streets of …And so we are here, on the West- they grow these flowers. my trousers, I was heading, as bold Germany, which caused so much grief ern Bank of Nile. Egypt. I am amazed A year flies by quickly. And now we as brass, across the kitchen garden to our country in the forties, and say by the grandeur of the pyramids of are in Israel. Jerusalem. The Church to parts unknown, “over the hills and of the Holy Sepulchre, where the far away,” as Gran would put it. Hav- Holy Fire descends every year. Small ing negotiated wild grasses as tall as Palestine. Surrounded by the Muslim shrubbery, making my head spin with It is now our family world, Bethlehem is the custodian of their smell, I would emerge in front tradition to holiday in the Church of the Nativity. of prickly thickets, which seemed During the summer season, impenetrable for two reasons: the a faraway country our family tries to holiday at resorts thorns caught my clothes and body, on the Black Sea coast—CPC pro- and there was also a multitude of motes treatment at the resorts and crawling snails—how could anybody pays some of the cost of our holidays. pass them over! After setting up a hello to the Crimean khan, who was Giza. And here is the famous pyra- “great race” between the snails and the reason I failed my test. And there mid of Cheops, 146.6 m high. These AMONG FRIENDS a beetle and stuffed some wildlife were many more exciting destinations places are linked to the kingdom of Telling my friends about faraway coun- into my pockets, I went on… And fi- swirling around in my head! the dead. To be sure, I now have a tries, I often recall various anecdotes. nally I saw a meadow, bulrush and a stone from the land of pharaohs in Collecting anecdotes is now my second river! Back then it was a universe of DREAMS COME TRUE my collection. hobby. My first enthusiasm is hunting my imagination and discoveries. Even Years flew by… University, job, chil- Austria. Vienna. A babel of tourists. and fishing! It is popularly believed when punished by Gran and made dren—I was a regular Joe. But I kept A sightseeing tour of the city. And that the time spent hunting and fishing 38 LIFESTYLE CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 LIFESTYLE 39

does not contribute to ageing. What The girl gives him her camera to take man wouldn’t feel immensely satis- a photo and mounts the camel. In re- fied when walking through a winter sponse to a command from its own- forest in hunting gear in the hope of er, the camel rises up to its gigantic good game. It is nice to push your height. The ship of the desert indeed! boat from the shore and breathe in The photo is taken. Laughing, the the freshness of summer fishing early girl waits for the camel to drop to its in the morning at sunrise. I hunted at knees so that she can dismount, but its Lake Lysy Liman in Stavropol Krai, at owner wants another five dollars for Beysugsky Liman in and in the that. It is a high drop. We feel for her, forests of . I fished on but the camel only obeys its master. the Volga river, Kirpilsky Liman, the She had to cough up! But this is not Manych river… the end of her troubles: the Egyp- Every fishing or hunting trip ends tian refused to give the camera back with a picnic with friends. We make to the girl unless she forked out an- a fire, roast meat or cook our famous other five dollars…” fish soup. And to make the waiting My friends laugh, and I continue, easier, I “take out” my second hob- while stirring the fish soup in the ka- by. I like it when my friends laugh— zan: “We come to the Dead Sea. Ap- laughing makes people younger and proaching the water, the guide gives extends their lives! us a safety briefing: ‘Be careful when “Well, let’s have it, Seryoga!” And I getting in the water, don’t let it get start going through my stock of amus- into your eyes or nose because it is ing life stories… very salty and…’ And it is at this mo- “One day I was in Egypt. The guide ment that we hear the shout of a man warned the tourists about Egyptian who takes a running jump into the fraudsters who con naive holiday- water… Common silence for a few makers. But our people have to make seconds, and then an angry roar of The soup with a huge carp was fin- into the boat, but—oh, the horror!— a selfie with Ponomarenko on my pleasure. Their reasonings and prat- their own mistakes! Not ten minutes the diver! The guide continues qui- ger-lickin’ good! Everybody compli- its tail hit Viktor’s shotgun, which phone. I stayed at a sanatorium with tle delight me. They are quick on the later, a Russian woman ‘took the bait.’ etly: ‘…you can end up like him.’ The mented me, but were confused: this flipped overboard and sank in the the stand-up last summer; and the uptake. I can see they are copying ‘Photo on camel, one dollar!’ shouted bloke took a long time in the shower is a hunting trip, we have no fishing blink of an eye… We had our hearts photo came in handy now! Every- me: “monkey see, monkey do.” This an Egyptian, drumming up business. on the beach.” rods, but we are eating fish! Only my in our mouths.” body is having a good time, and I am year, we took Seryozha along when friend Viktor was quiet, eating with- The listeners turned as one to happy: so I’ve given you, my friends, we went to the mountains. His first out saying a word. He of all people Viktor, asking him: “Is it true?!” “And a few extra days of life... Tomorrow steps on skis, assisted by an instruc- knew how the unlucky carp ended what happened next?” “And then…,” up in the kazan. So I had to spill the I went on. “To be sure, autumn water beans… is not July’s, but there was no choice. “You all went shooting ducks on Viktor got undressed and plunged My sons are quick the eastern side of the liman, while in. He found his gun and tried to get I and Viktor decided to boat over back into the boat, but it was easier on the uptake; they try to the western shore. There are said than done! It is an inflatable—it and copy me bulrushes there; it’s a good hiding gives way, and water rushes in. Sev- place. You’d scare up the ducks, and eral attempts later, to avoid sinking we’d shoot them. And this is the way the boat, the stuff and me with the it happened: the gaggles of ducks carp, Viktor had to swim behind the it’s back to the grindstone and family tor, have been recorded and are pre- you scared up descended on us! It boat as far as the shore, as a kind of problems that need solving. We help served in the family photo album. was a good hunt; we brought down guard of honour!” each other with advice and action. Sometimes, my wife, Oksana, and I enough for a roast. But on our way There was no end of laughter!.. And look through the photos of our kids; back, Viktor’s oar caught on a net. Viktor laughed too. I told many more SONS how we wish for them to be happy He raised the entangled oar and saw gags to the guys that day, who near- I spend my free time with my children. when they grow up! I now under- an enormous carp there! ‘Let it go,’ ly split their sides laughing and kept We have two. Roma is three, Sery- stand full well the words that I took I say. ‘This is not our net; keep your asking me: “How do you come up with ozha six. Spending time with them, down when still a teenager: “One nose out of it!’ But he took the bit in such yarns?!” And I tell them: “I took whether on a walk in the woods, at day I will understand, sure enough, his teeth. He was pulling the whale lessons from no lesser man than the the zoo, splashing around in the riv- but, pray God, not too late: you take of a fish into the boat. The last tug comedian Aleksandr Ponomarenko er, downhill sledging or doing any nothing from this life, but you can was so strong that the carp dropped himself!” And I proudly show them household chores together, is pure leave something behind…” 40 LIFESTYLE CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 LIFESTYLE 41

NAURYZ is the most senior and respected Every year on 22 March, our entire among the attendees. family celebrates Nauryz [also Now- Personally, I get great vibes from ruz], “the birth of spring”. This holi- the Nauryz festival! If you were in day of springtime renewal, love, fer- my shoes, I’m sure you’d feel the tility and friendship came to us from same emotions, because all of your Persia, where it originated more than near and dear ones are next to you; 3 thousand years ago. In this day and everybody is in high spirits and hap- age, Nauryz is also celebrated by the py. I don’t think you need anything peoples of the Middle East, Turkey, else to be happy. author Iraq, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Makhambet Sembiyev, On this day, we meet with our rel- A STORY WITH A SEQUEL process unit operator, Atyrau PS atives at the house of our grandfa- I try and put my free time to the ther, the most senior and respected best use possible. I play the guitar, member of our family. We all wear billiards, do sports and go on a jour- national clothes; a celebratory at- ney once a year if I can. In the State of Flow mosphere prevails. The young people I took up playing guitar during my sing songs, dance, have fun and play junior year. I was motivated to learn national games. Everyone has their to play the instrument by a girl next I WAS BORN AND RAISED IN THE CITY OF ATYRAU, AND KAZAKH hands full: the women are cooking door. I wanted to attract her atten- NATIONAL TRADITIONS WERE INSTILLED IN ME BY MY PARENTS traditional dishes for dastarkhan [fes- tion by playing and singing. This tive board]; the older people are pre- is a story as old as the hills; many paring meat for beshbarmak—a must have probably experienced some- for any celebration. The word besh- thing like this as teenagers. I was in barmak translates as “five fingers”: a fix: there was no one at the time nomads have preferred eating with I could turn to learn to play, nor did “The guitar is an instrument that al- their hands since time immemorial. I have a guitar. ways has room for improvement of And so we all sit down at our das- Summer came and went; school your playing.” tarkhan, start tasting the treats and started; and I went on daydreaming. That was 10 years ago, and I still desserts that have been prepared, One day the principal presented our keep on improving my skills and en- washing them down with tradition- new chemistry teacher. The young joying myself in the process. I played al drinks. And without wasting any man was called Yerzhan Zhiyenbay; at concerts and student events and time, we take turns to stand up and he was very reserved and mostly tac- have a wealth of positive, memorable wish good things to each other. If we iturn. One day during a break, Yer- experiences. But most importantly, fell out with any of our relatives or zhan-agay entered our classroom I found a hobby I can enjoy for the hurt anybody during the year, we go (the word agay translates as “patron/ rest of my life. to that person, ask their forgiveness teacher”) and announced that he By the way, I forgot to tell you and hug them, leaving all grudges and wanted to offer a free guitar class the end of the story that started it all. It was about a teenage innocent crush on a girl. Having learned to Nauryz is a holiday of springtime play the guitar, I went to the girl’s door, invited her to come outside renewal, love, fertility and sang a song by Zveri [band, the name means “The Animals”], the and friendship songs of which topped the charts at that time. The girl was ecstatic! We remained friends until we finished bitterness behind in the past year. during off-school hours. I was on school. And I always associate the The floor is then taken by the cloud nine and enrolled on the spot. guitar with good times and memo- senior aksakal. He bestows bata. When I told my father about my rable events. The word bata means intent, wishes, ambition, he supported me, as he al- blessing. If there are no aksakals in ways did, took me to a music shop OPEN TO ALL attendance, then this honour is giv- and bought me a guitar. Without My other hobby is billiards. This is a en to grandmothers. Should there wasting any time, I began to attend very exciting game! Carom, Russian be no grandmothers either, then the the class of Yerzhan-agay. I’ll never billiards, Free Pyramid, Combina- blessing must be given by whoever forget his words at the first lesson: tion Pyramid and pool are some of 42 LIFESTYLE CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 LIFESTYLE 43

laughter that is heard from time to time around our office! His broad, AUTHOR infectious smile activates all his face Yevgeniya Reshetnikova, muscles and leaves no one unaffect- Specialist, Document Control, Engi- ed; after all, it is impossible not to neering and Projects / Documents smile back. Thus, although possibly Control Service unaware of it himself, our colleague promotes face fitness and makes the entire team younger. His natu- rally imposing stature is enhanced A Perfect by a look that smites you even at a distance. Such a man is impossible to miss Colleague in a crowd. He commands atten- tion with just a gesture or a turn of his head. its varieties. Ex-Soviet people tend WE SPEND MOST OF OUR TIME AT WORK, He has a perpetuum mobile hid- to prefer Russian billiards and Free AND COLLEAGUES BECOME A SECOND den inside him, which keeps gener- Pyramid. Billiards is a good reason FAMILY FOR US ating creative ideas. Repose is not for friends, who are always busy, to his thing; he is much more inspired gather around a billiard table. When by a conversation with others. He I’m playing this game, I’m in flow. I loves highbrow discussions, so he started to use the words ”in the flow” makes friends with knowledgeable after reading a book entitled Flow: ny group or team has amazing and does everything to help them people, who can teach him some- The Psychology of Optimal Experi- people who contribute some in a difficult situation. thing interesting. ence by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, a A of their individuality to the This person has the unique abil- When talking to his colleagues, well-known psychologist and pro- workplace atmosphere and ity to cheer people up. How else he can pick up bad vibes, and when fessor in the USA. the mood of others! I will be talk- can you explain the loud, rippling the storm is about to break, he, as a When researching creative peo- ing about a very attractive and bright good lightning rod, would catch any ple, the professor discovered that person. The meanings of the word flashes and lightnings, and our office they are happy because they are “man” hardly need any explanation, enjoys clear skies once again! in the state called flow when they but “imposing,” borrowed by Russian have their eureka moments. The au- from the French word “imposant,” thor builds a theory that details the means “interesting, charismatic, el- idea of flow in his book. It can be egant, impressive.” experienced by absolutely anyone, Our colleague is a good listener and you, too, probably got in flow and conversationalist, full of folk more than once in your life. It is a wisdom and proper lifehacks. He state of complete identification with has good manners and knows the what are you doing, when you forget rules of etiquette. He has a regal about time and even yourself, when posture and dignified manner and you get a second wind rather than radiates self-confidence. It is pure feel tired. And this is how I, when pleasure to talk to such a person. playing billiards, forget about time, His work reflects his lateral think- minutiae, everyday cares and unre- ing and quick reflexes in emergen- solved issues. cies, which does not go unnoticed I also enjoy evening walks in the by the management, who appreci- open air and travelling. So far, I’ve ate such an employee and listen to only been to several cities in Russia his opinion. Kindness is inherent to and Kazakhstan with friends; new him. He will never leave a person in destinations are calling out to us! the lurch, whatever his own circum- I hope I haven’t bored you with stances. He values justice above all stories about my hobbies, my dear else. He likes to take the weak and colleagues. I wish you happiness and the downtrodden under his wing. inexhaustible inspiration for your Sometimes he assumes responsibility enthusiasms! for the well-being of his colleagues 44 LIFESTYLE CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 LIFESTYLE 45

SOUL-SEARCHING Some 20 years ago I woke up to the fact that I had achieved a lot, but I author still felt empty inside. How do you Igor Garshin, come to peace with yourself and learn information system analyst, to manage time? It was then that I CPC Novorossiysk Office discovered for myself the world of Carlos Castaneda, learned about his Way of the Warrior. It turned out to be something close to my heart and easy to understand. Further spiritual The Way searches led me to the Code of the Samurai (Bushidō) and the Zen prac- tice of concentration. That was how of the Warrior I found my new way. This is no hype; many of us are “warriors” in our lives, and for many people it comes natu- BY TRAINING, I AM PHYSICIST; BY PROFESSION, rally, without any navel-gazing... By and large, the Way of the Warrior is PROGRAMMER. I IDENTIFIED MY GOALS IN LIFE WHEN STILL the ability to stay the course and en- A TEENAGER, BUT I HAD TO SPEND SOME TIME DEALING joy life. As Japanese poet Bashō put it: “The Way of the Sword is forged WITH THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE. I WANT TO, CAN AND MUST in an ordinary cabin.” LIVE MY LIFE LIKE A SWAN, CRAYFISH AND PIKE Self-control and goodwill, willing- ness to do what is right and to sacri- fice oneself, total commitment and joy of the process, self-discipline and will, the ability to rule your emotions and body, the notion of honour—ori- ental martial arts help you develop these qualities. The most radical and “aristocratic” of them is sword fenc- ing. A duel does not last long and is fought with total self-control and respect for the opponent. The same goes for true karate; it just takes a whole lot more effort.

RETURN TO ONESELF it. We do not just enjoy the beauty we are now or make our usual com- The main reason for my taking up of a flower when we are looking at mute on a weekend. In other words, fencing with a Japanese sword (ka- it; a multitude of thoughts, images most people kind of sleep even when tana) was my striving for mindfulness. and emotions are rushing through they are awake… Mindfulness is the Nobody knows what it is until they experience IT. In a state of mindful- ness you achieve an insight into life and yourself, deep intuition and to- By and large, the Way of the tal self-awareness. Warrior is the ability to stay the We usually see the world through the thick blinds of speculation. When course and enjoy life we focus on a thing, our brain tries to pull up its name from the memory, all thoughts, images and emotions our heads in that time. While our at- state of awareness: you are aware of associated with it—in other words, it tention is focused almost exclusive- what it is you are doing; if you are ob- recalls. If the thing is totally new, the ly on watching the “film inside,” our serving, then that is all you are doing; brain tries to compare it with similar body is on autopilot. That is why we if you are thinking, then you do not things—in other words, it memorizes sometimes forget how we got where let your thoughts go wool-gathering. 46 LIFESTYLE CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 LIFESTYLE 47

This can open up an inexhaustible are trying to understand your life the better. This is like crucifixion and source of inner knowledge for you. and psyche. resurrection, like when the Universe Even you should not be an author- passes through a singularity… MEDITATION ity for yourself—after all, what used In Moscow, I used to train at the dojo to be true for you yesterday may no …AND IN THE SKY 4 to 6 times a week and did workouts longer be true today. You need to Since my student days, I’ve dreamt at home. When training at home, I know how to anchor yourself in the about parachuting, about testing my- would accidentally cut the ceilings here and now—only then will you see self and experiencing new sensations, or chandeliers with my sword, and the world without contaminating it but was not allowed because of my sometimes it would catch on my leg, with your own nature and mood. And eyesight. In our market economy, it arm or head… Do a number of su- you’ll see everything as it is, gaining is now possible. Pay 450 rubles (that wari kata iaijutsu movements in the real-world experience. was in 2002; the prices have cer- morning instead of exercises, and you tainly changed since then) and jump sweat like a pig. This is the technique UNDERGROUND… with a round dome from 800 m. Pay of drawing your sword and attacking When a student, I was big on spe- 800 bucks and take AFF (Accelerat- your opponent as quick as lightning. lunking. There is a cave in Kam- ed Free Fall from a height of 4500 It is hard and painful, unnatural for skoye Ustye, where a tunnel grad- m) training. And so, one fine day, I traditions and physiology. ually shrinks and you are crawling took the plunge and joined the AFF The technique must be honed to per- into infinity, into darkness; you feel programme to check and reinforce fection. You leap and strike when you increasing pressure on all sides, and mental combat techniques in such an pause suspended in mid-air. This is you are even losing your footwear… extreme sport. During my 8th jump, I a levered technique that uses every At some point you realize that you let my enthusiasm run away with me last drop of energy. can’t back up, that what lies ahead is (I started braking hard to hit the cir- The important thing in fencing is unknown and you are panicking be- cle). As a result, I “took it easy” on a not the ability to strike down your cause of claustrophobia. Fortunate- wardrobe door with great benefit for opponents, but your ability to con- ly, the tunnel led to a spacious cave, my soul for two months… centrate, be self-aware and use the although it did end in a drop several When you break a limb or suffer mindfulness techniques. If you let metres deep… from some ache—this is no accident; your thoughts wander off even for a I once went underground alone it is a hint. By the way, you can look moment during a fight, you’ll be struck at night, without even switching on up the classification of causes of right away. This is called “filling the my torch. And I understood that it diseases and injuries in a book enti- void with fullness.” That is why fenc- was all about self-control and en- tled Diagnostics of Karma by Sergey ing is very useful for training yourself gagement. Relaxing, I started to feel Lazarev. to be alert, finding your inner cen- tre and achieving “inner silence” as taught by Castaneda. If there are practitioners of kobudō You need to know how to anchor or kendo among my colleagues or yourself in the here and now — people who want to take them up, I recommend visiting the Novorossi- only then will you see the world ysk dojo; you can look it up online. without contaminating it with your Dzogchen teachings say that you never learn anything, but only recall own nature and mood what you already know. In summer, it is nice to train in the mountains, to do, do nothing; pay attention to by the sea—here, nature itself will at home on the sharp stones of the One year after my injury, I took the signs, and things will take care help you remember that you are a narrow tunnel and even managed to up parachuting again. 50 seconds of of themselves. And if you know, but great fencer. lie down and rest. flying at 200 kmph relieves you of aren’t sure, it’s better to take action, Generally speaking, pain makes it any stress. Give it a try! even if it turns out to be a mistake. IN SEARCH OF TRUTH possible to understand many things You may never achieve mindful- I read a lot—history, linguistics, psy- in life. It points to the biggest prob- IN LIEU OF EPILOGUE ness, but you need to strive for it all chology, esotericism, philosophy... lem, which, once sorted out, you can Hesiod said: “A man who puts off the same… When I fenced, all man- But what we find in books is, first forget about and get new invaluable work is always at hand-grips with ner of thoughts kept going through of all, the truth for the author. This knowledge… Sometimes, you have ruin.” This is the root of problems my head, and a whirlwind of feelings is not necessarily the truth for me. to go through great pain in order to when you decided to do something through my heart. Yet I had my work There can be no authority when you change the situation dramatically for and didn’t. If you don’t know what cut out for me, and that was great! 48 HOBBIES CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 HOBBIES 49

AUTHOR Tatiana Larina, administrative support manager, Operations Department, CPC Moscow office Ruled by the Muses


Keep the passion going, travel down memory lane; some peo- one session, without waiting for paint Please, Lord, pretty please! ple write diary entries, I write poetry… layers to dry. Three hours — and a pic- ture is finished! Lord, how I wish for children! “A LA PRIMA” [ALLA PRIMA] My enthusiasm for painting led y magic is creativity! After all, wrote a poem in French! I’ve always If I take a look into the crystal ball, I see Little ones, the spitting image of us! The second magical dimension to me to join the International Plein poetry, painting and photogra- welcomed new experiences! That my house has a blue roof. For warm lights around the house my life is Painting. What a joy it is to Air [painting event] called “Monte- M phy — these are all but an idea I believe that poetry is some sort That two miracle boys are playing in To light the way for passers-by! hold in your hands a freshly painted negro 2018”. Each morning we woke born in your head and brought of survival instinct. After all, poet- the garden. picture smelling of oil! I paint “A la up early and went to the seashore to to life, which means pure magic! ry brings catharsis, takes away your And that I’m sitting nearby and I am Lord, how I want to live prima” [alla prima]; this is an Italian draw; it was unusual but fascinating! pain and heartache. And then you happy. A life that would show term; it means “at first glance” [at first Our event ended in an art exhibition, HER MAJESTY POETRY move on. Our grandchildren how to love, attempt], or “in one sitting”. With this and all participants were awarded It was the first to enter my life. I Sometimes, when I dream about So what if my pages turned into rats And how to live their lives without technique, a painting is completed in certificates. was still very young when I start- the future, I come up with verses overnight, boredom. ed composing funny little poems; such as these: And I’m alone, standing behind the as I grew older, they became more curtain at night. Lord, please hear me, meaningful and sometimes heavy; I still play my role. This is how it Help me take the plunge! my style evolved. It is impossible should be. I know you’ll forgive me everything! to explain how your brain gener- *** What is important to me is that I play And will make my dreams come true! ates lines; it’s as if somebody is I am always on the run. This is my way. by my rules. dictating, and all I have to do is put And my carriage turned into a pump- all these words to paper. Reams of kin while underway. writings! A world of emotions in And my pages turned into rats overnight. *** my verses! Sometimes I read my I stand alone behind the curtain in *** In order to fully understand a po- poetry and can hardly believe that the night. Lord, how I yearn for a house em, it must be recited by the author it was me who wrote it because the Chock-full of magical stuff! himself; so I make occasional videos emotions are in the past now, I have All printed pages have been read by me. May it be full of light and comfort, of myself performing my own poetry changed, and the verses seem to be I ignore what is not mine — this is the Let it be all ours! Our very own place! and post them on social media for my no longer mine. way I was brought up. friends to listen to. I did translations of French poetry I must play my role, and that’s what I do. Lord, how I long for love, I have accumulated many poems into Russian at uni, and then I even Only I don’t play by the rules. A love that would keep autumn at bay! over the years; I reread them and 50 HOBBIES CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 HOBBIES 51

author Oleg Golok, Oil Product Pumping Station operator, CPC Marine Terminal

In the World of Music either crawling on the floor with a camera (yes, it does happen!) or film- AS A CHILD I ATTENDED A CHILDREN’S MUSIC SCHOOL TO LEARN ing from above, perched on a ladder, TO PLAY THE PIANO. LATER I WAS BIG ON SPORTS, BUT NEVER or repositioning lights. Not all studi- os have state-of-the-art wheelable DROPPED MUSIC equipment, so you sometimes have to lug it around. After a shoot I am all in, but I come home, upload my pho- tos, start sorting through them, and I get a second wind. The next step is photo correction, retouch. This now is pure creativity; here I’m operating as a free spirit; this is so engrossing it is sometimes only at 2 am that I real- ize I’ve been in the zone and discon- I am but a beginning artist, but I the Higher School of Photography nected from reality. already have a following; I am happy several months later. After my train- I am person who is result-orient- that my paintings find homes! One ing, having overcome my fears and ed; photography helps you get a re- of my paintings lives in China, in the doubts, I started doing studio shoots. sult fairly fast. And this is gratifying city of Shanghai. My friends helped me in that by be- and inspiring you to do more shoots! Everybody can draw; what is im- coming my first models! So this is the way I live, like in Ag- portant is not to be afraid! Art thera- Photography is no walk in the park. nia Barto’s poem: “Amateur drama py brings fun and colours to our lives! You need to choose the right studio, club, photography club, but I also do image design, make a shooting plan. want to sing.” TIME FREEZE I took up photography in 2012, com- pleted the Fresh Idea photography course, but did not yet found myself photo correction, retouch is pure as a photographer. And it was not un- creativity; here I’m operating as t twelve, I wanted very much At fourteen, I put together my like to make the Rock & Roll Hall til 2018, after I met a wonderful pho- to learn to play the guitar, own band of classmates and boys of Fame and top the charts; we’ll tographer, that I understood, having a free spirit; this is so engrossing! A and this is something I man- next door. The band is still around, carry on! watched him in action, full of energy aged to do myself. It was no known as Svoyo Delo [“Our Thing”]. Music has greatly influenced many and a sparkle in his eye, that I wanted problem for me to learn the guitar; I started writing songs myself, and generations of people. I hope some to photograph people! The shooting itself is a process that is My hobbies turn my life into a se- I knew musical notation. Sometimes that was great fun—not doing covers, great talents will appear down the That meeting gave me a tremen- very physically demanding: you spend ries of memorable days, help me live I spent days on end practising gui- but creating your own stuff! road to give the world perfect har- dous impetus to further growth. I went 2 to 3 hours moving about, often in and be happy each and every day! And tar riffs; I loved it: time flies when We performed at concerts and lo- mony and fill music with new col- back to school and graduated from an uncomfortable position — you are the joy of living — this is magic! you’re having fun. cal rock festivals. To be sure, we’d ours. The art of music is forever! 52 THROUGH A LENS CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 THROUGH A LENS 53

author Victoria Fedoseyenko, Land Consultant, Land Law Group, CPC Novorossiysk Office Saint Petersburg in Winter

I WANT TO SHARE MY MOBILE PHOTOS WITH YOU. I OFTEN HOLIDAY IN ST PETERSBURG. I ENJOY WALKING IN THE EARLY MORNING AND The embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, which leads to the Our contemporary is having his photo taken as a memento IN THE LATE EVENING, WHEN YOU CAN CATCH SOME MAGICAL, Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood. Night, bright lights, with a lady of a bygone era, using a monument to Peter I as INCREDIBLE VIEWS THROUGH YOUR LENS flickering shadows… It’s as if you were within an illustration a backdrop. Very symbolic!.. in a fantasy book about myths and legends of St Petersburg

Krasnogvardeysky (Red Guard) Bridge. You can see the Saint Nicholas Naval Cathedral in the background. This is an early winter morning, when Saint Petersburg in winter is frozen and ineffably beautiful! Yuzhnaya Roshcha, Moskovsky Prospekt [South Grove, Mos- people are hurrying to school and work. When the city is still asleep, cow Avenue]. This photograph is centred on sunset clouds, lit up by street lights, but the morning is already illuminating the sky as seen from an aircraft window 54 ADVERTS CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA” №1 (28) FEBRUARY 2020 ADVERTS 55

population centres along the route of our pipeline system—from Tengiz to Novorossiysk. We can source and publish such information 24/7, which is a good supplement to the paper version of the magazine, appearing as it does once a quarter. CPC Press Service When setting up a “personal” website for the magazine, we had a number of purposes in mind. First, to bring breaking news to CPC Panorama: the readers as quickly as possible and reported in a language that is more graphic and alive than that of Digital Upgrade press releases. Also, we’d like to reach a wider readership, including through new sections and website SINCE 2013, WHEN THE CPC NEWS CORPORATE NEWSPAPER functionalities. REINVENTED ITSELF AS A FULL-COLOUR MULTIPAGE MAGAZINE STRUCTURE AND NAVIGATION CALLED CPC PANORAMA, IT HAS PUBLISHED AS MANY AS 28 ISSUES Four major sections of the website featured on its home page structure its content by areas of focus. The to the implementation of social pro- are also a news aggregation section, “Focus On” section puts a spotlight grammes, such as CPC’s Support of official “About Us” information and on key events of the Consortium Young Talents or Save the Home- much more. and the industry as well as CPC’s land’s Environment. n each issue of the magazine, GOING ONLINE push the envelope of a paperback. industrial and social contributions You are invited to learn our words IN THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES we tried to cover the Caspian An important dimension of the The traditional tools of journalism— to them. of art in the “Oil Pipeline Encyclo- These days, when digital transformation I Pipeline Consortium’s magazine’s “virtualization” is to text and photo—can be fleshed The “Oil Pipeline” section of- paedia” section. We believe that such is emerging as the main tool for current industrial, social and out online with interesting videos, fers coverage of industrial news; information will come in useful not improving the performance of environmental events in as much animations and 3D graphics. When progress in execution of technical only for our CPC colleagues, but for industrial undertakings, the online detail as possible and describe CPC’s taken together, all of the above will programmes; the history of CPC and all fuel and energy professionals as presence of CPC Panorama serves people—their achievements, interests give a VR effect, a 360 deg view of the oil pipeline sector in general; well as for students of the subject. in a similar capacity. Novel digital and creative output. the highlights of what takes place and corporate Safety and Securi- technologies expand outreach; the The magazine is a quarterly, every hour of every day in Nur-Sultan, ty Rules. The Consortium’s socially 24/7 AVAILABILITY magazine becomes more trendy which, naturally enough, makes Moscow, Atyrau, Astrakhan, Elista, oriented initiatives are the focus of Moreover, the readers will be able and appealing to young readers, it impossible to tell the read- Stavropol, Krasnodar and other the “Thanks to CPC” section. to use our ”hotline”—a direct line to who currently not only represent a ership about the most urgent The “Around Us” section gives a the editorial office, which makes it significant segment of public opinion, and breaking news. The print broader picture of everything that easier to deal with such matters as but are also a talent pool. version provides a quarterly is happening along the crude trans- may arise and publish contributions It can be said that we are wit- review and summary of mission route in the provinces: local from new authors. The editors, in nessing a new, third, stage of evo- what we think are the news, culture and sports. In this sec- turn, get a new tool, a two-way line lution of the corporate publication. highlights of in- tion, we will also talk about CPC’s to readers, which makes for better Whereas in 2013 it morphed from a house news and and other people, their rich and var- understanding of user preferences. broadsheet to a bulky colour mag- events within ied personal stories, interests, en- Send in your stories, and we will azine, today, in 2020, it is time for CPC’s scope thusiasms and achievements. This is publish them, subject to compliance its “digital upgrade.” A mobile app of opera- also where you can take tests, and with simple rules and editing! for the CPC Panorama website is in tions. competitions are in the pipeline. Live interviews, video reports, the works for streamlined access In designing the website navi- webcasts and podcasts give each of from smartphones and tablets. Its gation, we did our best to show all the published events an up-close and download link will be posted on the vertical and horizontal structural personal look. State-of-the-art dig- website and in the next issue of CPC links in as much detail as possible ital technologies, such as automatic Panorama. in order to demonstrate how every hashtag filtering, make it possible to We wish all readers and users a component of the pipeline system supplement the webpage content pleasant reading/viewing/communi- operates and how it interacts with its with up-to-date news tailored for cation experience on the website at footprint area—from the job creation local or sectoral audiences. There! 56 THANKS TO CPC CORPORATE MAGAZINE “CPC PANORAMA”

On a High Note


his programme, which includes Together with CPC” programme, with The New Year performances had theatrical performances and more than 13.6 thousand participants. a warm family ambience. CPC’s rep- T New Year’s gift-giving, was The event brought joy both to children resentatives did their best for their first implemented in 1997. In and adults, many of whom are in need, guests to welcome the New Year with 2019, the Consortium allocated over being boarders of foster care and re- a positive mindset because it is the 27.6 million rubles for the implemen- medial institutions, patients of social key to people’s health, success, and tation of the “New Year and Christmas care facilities, people with disabilities… well-being! CPC-R, MOSCOW OFFICE CPC-R, WESTERN REGION CPC-R, REPUBLIC OF KALMYKIYA Bldg. 1, 7 Pavlovskaya Str., Moscow, 115093 Budennogo Str., 117/2, Krasnodar, 350000, Suite 608, V.I. Lenina Str., 255a, Elista, 358000, Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation tel.: +7 (495) 966 50 00 tel.: +7 (861) 216 60 00 tel.: +7 (84722) 4 13 89 fax: +7 (495) 966 52 22 fax: +7 (861) 216 60 90 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

CPC-R, NOVOROSSIYSK CPC-R, STAVROPOL TERRITORY CPC-K, EASTERN REGION Vidova Str., 1a, Novorossiysk, , Suite 208, Ryleeva Str., 7, Stavropol, Business center “Seven Stars”, Satpaeva Str., 34а, 353900, Russian Federation 355000, Russian Federation Atyrau, 060011, Kazakhstan tel.: +7 (8617) 29 43 00 tel.: +7 (7122) 76 15 00, 76 15 00 fax: +7 (8617) 29 40 09 fax: +7 (7122) 76 15 91 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

CPC-R MARINE TERMINAL CPC-R, CENTRAL REGION CPC-K, NUR-SULTAN Marine Terminal Primorsky District Territory, Kuibyshev Str., 62, 10th floor, Kunayev Str., 2, Nur-Sultan, 010000, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Krai, 353900, Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation Kazakhstan Russian Federation tel.: +7 (8512) 31 14 00, 31 14 99 tel.: +7 (7172) 79 17 00 tel.: +7 (8617) 29 40 00 fax: +7 (8512) 31 14 91 fax: +7 (7122) 76 15 91 fax: +7 (8617) 29 40 09 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

CPC PANORAMA Corporate Publication. No. 1 (28) february 2020. The issue is prepared by the CPC Press Service. Editor: Ekaterina Suvorova. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. Tel.: +7 (495) 966 50 00 (ext. 5327 and 5220)

Publisher: LLC Media Service. 111116, Moscow, Energeticheskaya Str., 16. Tel.: +7 (495) 988 18 06. E-mail: [email protected]. General Director: Vladimir Zmeyushchenko. Editor-in-Chief: Vilorika Ivanova. Project Editor: Ksenia Piskareva. Art Editor: Tatiana Kalinina. Designers: Tatiana Kalinina, Gulnara Aglyamutdinova. Production Director: Oleg Merochkin. Photographs: CPC Press Service. Printed by PROPRINT:, тел.: +7 (499) 490-44-62. Circulation: 100. It is forbidden to use any content without the consent of the editorial office. CASPIAN PIPELINE CONSORTIUM: