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of the



Councillor Mike Steptoe (Vice Chairman in the Chair) District Council Councillor Jon Cloke Brentwood Council

In attendance:

Nick Binder City Council William Butcher Chelmsford City Council Marcus Hotten Council Tracey Lilley Brentwood Borough Council Brian Mayfield Chelmsford City Council

1. Welcome The Chairman welcomed all those present.

2. Apologies and Substitutions

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ron Pratt of District Council.

3. Minutes and Matters Arising

The minutes of the meeting on 7 December 2017 were confirmed as a correct record.

There were no matters of business arising.

4. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 35) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Borough of Brentwood (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Order No. 131 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme in Princes Way, The Coverts, Spurgate and Woodway, Brentwood which would operate from Monday to Friday between 10am and 11am.

Of the 81 representations received, 74 were in support of the proposal and seven against. Two residents and a local ward councillor attended the meeting to speak in favour of the Order. A number of those opposed to the Order were concerned that Silver Birches was not included and that its residents would be adversely affected by displaced vehicles parking in that road. The Sub-Committee was informed that the situation in Silver Birches would be

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monitored if the Order was made.

The Sub-Committee agreed with the officers’ recommendation that the objections did not carry sufficient weight to justify not making the Order.

AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 35) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Princes Way, The Coverts, Spurgate and Woodway, Brentwood be made as advertised; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(9.38am to 9.45am)

5. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 35) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Borough of Brentwood (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Order No. 131 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme in Gordon Road, Brentwood which would operate from Monday to Saturday between 9am and 5pm.

Twelve representations of support and one objection had been received to the proposal. One person attended the meeting and spoke in favour of the Order. The Sub-Committee considered the representations and the Technician’s responses to them and concluded that the points made by the objectors did not carry sufficient weight to warrant the Order not being made.

AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 35) Order 201*insofar as it relates to Gordon Road, Brentwood be made as advertised; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(9.45am to 9.49am)

6. South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 34) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations to the variation of the Borough of Brentwood (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Order No. 131 which proposed to change the current prohibition of waiting Monday to Friday 10am to 11am on the bend in Pastoral Way, Brentwood adjacent to the Beechwood Surgery to a prohibition of parking at all times.

Five expressions or support and three of opposition had been received. One person attended the meeting and spoke in favour of the proposed Order. The Sub-Committee considered the representations and whilst it believed that the Order should be made as advertised, it agreed with the officers’ assessment that the restrictions may need to be

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reviewed and the one-hour waiting restrictions replaced with limited waiting parking bays. Members also asked that Brentwood Borough Council review the operation and use of its car park in the area.

AGREED that: 1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 34) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Pastoral Way, Brentwood be made as advertised; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(9.49am to 9.55am)

7. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 35) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Borough of Brentwood (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Order No. 131 to introduce a no waiting at any time restriction at the junction of Elizabeth Road and Sandringham Road, , Brentwood. One objection had been received to the proposed Order.

The Sub-Committee considered the representation and the Technician’s response to it and concluded that the Order should be made as advertised.

AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Borough of Brentwood) (On-Street Parking and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment No. 35) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Sandringham Road and Elizabeth Road, Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood be made as advertised; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(9.55am to 9.58am)

8. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 45) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Essex County Council (Rochford District) (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Consolidation) Order 2008 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme in Bedford Close, Rayleigh which would operate from Monday to Friday between 10am and 11am and 2pm and 3pm.

Seven expressions of support and two objections had been received to the proposal. One person attended the meeting to speak in favour of the proposed Order. The Sub-Committee considered the representations and the Technician’s responses to them and concluded that the Order should be made as advertised.

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AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 45) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Bedford Close, Rayleigh be made as advertised: and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(9.58am to 10.02am)

9. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 45) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Essex County Council (Rochford District) (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Consolidation) Order 2008 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme in Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh which would operate from Monday to Friday between 9am and 10am and 1pm and 2pm.

The report contained details of four objections and four expressions of support that had been received following advertising of the Order. The Sub-Committee considered the representations and the Technician’s responses to them and concluded that the Order should be made as advertised.

AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 45) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Raleigh be made as advertised: and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(10.02am to 10.04am)

10. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 45) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Essex County Council (Rochford District) (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Consolidation) Order 2008 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme which would operate from Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 7.30pm, excluding Bank Holidays, in Dorothy Farm Road, Rayleigh and from Monday to Saturday between 7.30am and 7.30pm in Katherine Close, Raleigh.

Of the 14 representations received to the proposed Order, nine expressed support and five opposition. One person attended the meeting to speak in favour of the proposed Order. The Sub-Committee considered the representations and the Technician’s responses to them and concluded that the Order should be made as advertised.

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AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 45) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Dorothy Farm Road and Katherine Close, Rayleigh be made as advertised; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(10.04am to 10.07am)

11. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 46) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Essex County Council (Rochford District) (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Consolidation) Order 2008 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme which would operate from Monday to Friday between 9am and 10am and 3pm and 4pm in Dalys Road, Rochford.

Thirty-three representations had been received to the proposed Order, with 28 supporting it and five objecting. One person attended the meeting to speak in favour of the proposal. The Sub-Committee considered the representations and the Technician’s responses to them and concluded that the Order should be made as advertised and approved the Technician’s recommendation that the residents of North Street who did not have the benefit of any off- street parking places would be allowed to apply for one annual resident permit to park in Dalys Road

AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 46) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Dalys Road, Rochford be made as advertised; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(10.07am to 10.13am)

12. The South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 46) Order 201*

The Sub-Committee considered representations on the above Order which proposed the variation of the Essex County Council (Rochford District) (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Consolidation) Order 2008 to introduce a residents parking permit scheme which would operate from Monday to Friday between 10am and 11am and 2pm and 3pm in Kilnwood Avenue, Woodlands Road and Tyrells, Hockley.

Advertising of the Order had attracted the following representatives:

- Kilnwood Avenue - 25 expressions of support and one objection - Woodlands Road – nine expressions of support and no objections - Tyrells – five expressions of support and five objections

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One person attended the meeting to speak in support of the proposed Order for Kiinwood Avenue. A letter was read out from a resident who spoke in favour of Tyrells being included in the Order.

The Sub-Committee was informed that in light of the representations it was proposed to exclude Tyrells from the Order. Members were also informed that it was intended to consult on the inclusion of Hockley Rise in a future residents parking scheme as it was likely to be affected by vehicles displaced from the roads the subject of the proposed Order.

AGREED that:

1. the South Essex Parking Partnership (Various Roads) (District of Rochford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 46) Order 201* insofar as it relates to Kilnwood Avenue and Woodlands Road, Hockley be made as advertised with the following modification – (a) Withdraw the proposal for Tyrells; and

2. those who made representations be advised accordingly.

(10.13am to 10.23am)

The meeting closed at 10.23am.
