H ri Ar h iv D m n sto c , c e o c u e t

Do not a ssume conte nt reflects curre nt

scie ntific knowled e olicies or ra ctices . g , p , p

ES TABLIS H ED IN 1 8 9 0 1 9 0 3 ’0 4

San li m as Ci tr u s N u r seri es

Teleph on e : S u bu r ba n 6 8 6


M TEAG E R . , U



mega trees shallbe my books

’ mmin their barks my thoughts 11 llcharacter.

As You Li ke It . i i i , 3 .

Fi ftee t Th u sa n T i r E t n h o d h d di i on .




H E status of California horticulture is surely reaching flood tide When her fruits fin d their w a y to the Mediterranean - a region , indeed , into the historic country of a C esar and

Yet an Alexander . that very thing has come to pass , and the N R . M . u r man to bring it about was Teague , of the San Dimas 25 0 series , who last week made a shipment of Washington Navel trees on an order direct from the Italian government . These trees are to be used . for experimental purposes in the orange grow ing sections of , some going to Messina , Palermo , and

Sicilia . In this connection it is interesting to note the changes that must be taking place in that region . Obviously , the planters there have found it expedient to introduce California varieties if they are to hold their own in the markets , and compete With our s best fruit . In ord er to learn of its adaptability to their condition W of soils and climate , they have isely sent for some of the best — e grown trees that we produce , certainly creditabl alike to the M r Italian government , and to the enterprise and skill of . Teague as a nurseryman . The destination of this shipment of California - grown Washin g i n st a n ee ton Navel orange trees is suggestive . For , has a population of about and among her exports the orange and the represent an annual value of the town of Messina has a population of some and exports fruits to the value of and the essence of or

ange , lemon , and Bergamot in the sum of Naples

has half a million population , and exports worth of W e fruit ; Sicilia , hich is the largest island in the M diterranean ,

' grows much fr u i t i n the warm and sheltered sections . Think of California Washington Navel trees nodding to the breeze in the Mt E presence of . tna , or casting their fragrance on the summer fi dled air on the historic ground where Nero d and saw Rome burn , and Where Hannibal exercised his prowess as a warrior i n the

Punic wars . The exports of citrus fruits from Italy also afford a study in c a n supply and demand . From them it clearly be seen that citrus culture in this country is far from being overdone ; quite to the

t . contrary , it is only in the forma ive period But to consider that - California , the youngest citrus producing country , should be ex

porting citrus trees to the oldest , is certainly a compliment to our n be M r . ca advanced methods . We believe that Teague justly s h e r e considered the pioneer in this sort of enterpri e , as has cen t l filled S y orders for outh Africa , Australia , and other equally f distant points . This not only af ords a solace to our pride as a

horticultural people , but gives strength to the conviction that our — a dvantages are unequalled . $From The Pomona Times .

2 ” Where the money c omes and goes .

1 . n u ffi 2 d I terior of B siness O ce . . Resi enc e .

The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

H A T H A T A L A E R TO E R T K. IS pleasant to be able to state that at no time in the history of citrus culture has the int erest in orchards been so keen and the industry in so healthy a con

dition as at the present writing . Our sales during the season just closed have been

larger than ever , and at the same time covered

a wide geographical area , extending all ov er

this State , O d Mexico , South American Sta t es l , r t o s Rico , the Hawaiian I ands , the Philippines l ,

and South Africa . This demonstrates that we

- c are not only the greatest fruit produ ing section in the world , but that California - grown nursery stock and California - gro wn seeds and bulbs are commanding re cognition wherever horticulture has

eom m er a ei a lexistence . With this onward trend the San Dimas

Citrus Nurseries have not only been in touch , but often in a d

- vance of i t . The results have been self evident ; we are now in a position to meet any and all d em a nds for the st a ndard sorts of ei t

i t i e a n u a n t s . rus nursery trees in y . q

The contents of this catalogue will be found reliable and to the point in every detail . We have been especially careful and conservative in our descriptions of varieties , aiming to be pl a in ,

Th e - concise , and to the point . numerous half tones . showing V iews of ou r large lath houses in which we store our stock prepa r a t or y for shipment ; also of our seed beds , illustrating the strong and vigorous growth of our seedling stocks ; one containing

u a e citr s trifoliata plants , photogr phed nin months from planting ; and the other shows Seedling sto ck ; Those illus t r a ti n g orchards planted to our trees and those picturing methods of irrigation are direct from photographs , henee true to nature . Of themselves , they form a splendid object lesson in the growth and care of a citrus orchard , and also show that our tr ees are properly grown i n the n urseri es to produce best resu lts when submitted to the test of orch a rd growth . The text which a o — companies the illustrations the instructions on planting , care , — b . et e . , will be found valua le and to the point Long experience has shown u s the urgency of keeping our var m e i eti es tr u e to n a , and hence we are at all times anxious and su ffici en t willing to replace , on good and evidence , all trees that

a n d may prove otherwise ; nevertheless , it is mutually understood agreed between purchasers and ourselves that w e shall not a t any t ime be liable for any amo u nt greater or in excess of the origi nal a pri c e of the stock at date of sale ‘ Certain it is , the cl ss of trees

n d w e produce are good growers a good sellers . Where on e or der

goes , others are sure to follow . h If thi s c atalogue does not interest you , kindly and it to a f i u i t or r end who wo ld appreciate ; , if you wish more catalogues ,

we wi ll gladly send them free to any address .

y ou r Soliciti ng a continuance of valued favors , we remain , Yours very truly

. M TEA R . E GU ,

s Cal J a n u a r 1 1 9 0 3 . D i m a . y S a n , SAN CAL , DIMAS , The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World


R OM where we stand as far as eye can reach to t h e

s field south and east , wa once a great grain , where now the orange and the lemon occupy the ” R M landscape , remarked genial . . Teague to me

one day last we ek . We were standing on the platform of the packing and shipping establish

ment of the San Dimas Citrus Association , and before u s in all directions spread the wealth of “ ” orange and lemon groves . Yes , mused mine

f . host , as another pu f of smoke from a fragrant “ y y Havana went curling into thin air , twent ears ago ‘ me and mine ’ were cultivating this land to

the cereals , and hauling the product by team to Pomona , from

whence it was shipped to market . What a transformation has taken place in those

” short twenty years . Pasadena was a colo

O u ony , Pomona but a spot on the map , i tario but an incept on , with the lesser points

up and down the valley , mere trading

places , almost devoid of orchards , and bar

ren of irrigation and enterprise . And then t d the railroad came , and the country was jol e out of its pastoral ways and came into

possession of its own . Fruit culture swept

stock raising from the ranges , and lessened

grain growing on the mesas and foothills .

Verily , Pomona reigns supreme , and Ceres has a bdicated her throne in Southern Cali

for n i a .

J u st then the California Limited shot by u 60 n s at the rate of miles an hour , leavi g nothing but a streak of dust to the sense of “ ” cf sight , a bang to the sense hearing , and a quickening and “ ” git thar Eli to the sense of touch . The scene was a nimating . ’ The train gave evidence of Emerson s celebrated stateme n t that this is the age of iron , and that if one is to attain success he must

M r . hammer , hammer , hammer , while the orange groves and ’ Teague s superb Citrus Nurseries , situated in the heart of the cit

rus belt , voiced the truth far and wide that the hammering pro cess had also struck the virgin soil and welded the San Gabriel

V . alley into one great orange and lemon grove Verily , the forge o and the farm g hand in hand in the development of a country . And while the thought of the San Dimas Nurseries is on my

i t . Of mind , let me enlarge on course there are many such estab

M . li h m n R . s e t s in this State , nevertheless , the one over which Teague presides must be considered “the Citrus Nursery that is ” ? different . Why The reasons are not many but startling . In the fir st place he is the largest citrus tree grower in the world .

Now , that is a somewhat broad assertion , wanting in perspective

u s and atmosphere . Let view it at closer range , by weighing it si n i fies carefully . Obviously , it g that here are propagated a larger number of citrus trees of all varieties than in any other similar

1 0 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

esta blishment in either the Orient or the Occident ; and that also implies that the trees produced are superior , for to build up a b u siness of such dimensions inside of twelve years means that th e

fin d stock , in order to a ready market , must be superior in qual ity . Yea , more . It means that its market must also cover the I same geographical dimensions . And want to emphasize right here the fact that it remained for a Southern Californian to create by his own initiative and indomitable pl u ck a business that was s pos ible only by continuity of purpose , and in the land of the e cloudl ss sky . To produce citrus trees in variety by the hundred thousand , to have them all true to name and well grown , to give the whole establishment minute and careful personal supervision , to be able to comma nd the markets both at home and abroad , are a ll elements of strength calculated to individualize the San Dimas

Nurseries among similar establishments . But there must be some thing more than practical knowledg e

r of the business , something b oa d e and deeper than mere business qual

i ficati on s , something more stable than commerci al shrewdness in order to literally c reate out of nothing a bus i n ess which stands supreme and alon e h e in its line , and that something is t B individuality of a strong man . y that I do not refer to physical attain

ments , nor quite wholly to mental cal iber ; butto good old - fashioned honesty ’ M r of purpose . If . Teague s success t rests more upon one thing han another , it is a determination on his part to r ender value for value to giv e Caesar his denarius with the conviction that chivalry and fair deal ing are not quite obsolete , even in this age of the Almighty Dollar , and that honesty of purpose still has a peg on which to hang an ' ’ argument in this era of a Roosevelt s strenuous American life .

That is the secret of the inception , growth and present magnitude of the San Dimas Citrus Nurseries ; it aims to deserve patronage ,

n fi sa ti sfied h and that si g i es customers , which is , after all , only a

other w a y of saying that he sells good trees at fair prices . These nurseries are i ndeed happily situated in the very heart of the thermal belt of the San Gabriel valley , and comprise all told

over 1 0 0 acres of choice land . The soil and climatic conditions

are ind eed ideal for the growing of citrus trees , the former being a

deep loam of granitic formation , well drained and rich in plant

a n d . a li food , free from biting frosts The improvements and pp

auces are modern and the best that money can buy , while the man

em en t a g and methods are the result of long study and observation , coupled with years of practical experience in propagating citrus N r a m i fi i n trees exclusively . eedless to add , the ca t o of the busi ness covers a wide range , necessitating a force of upwards of 30

hands , and demanding the constant use of some ten or twelve

wagons , twenty head of mules and horses , and the usual line of improvements essential to the conducting of business of this mag

evi den c n i tu d e . Every part and parcel of the plant gives strong r e of intensive culture , and a minute attention to details that are freshing and stimulating in this era of “anything goes ” to make a

R M . trade . . Teague has witnessed the rise and fall of many a

1 1 The Largest Citrus N u r ser i es i n the World

similar business undertaking in Southern California , and from his present “Coign of Vantage ” it is my prediction that he will see

o a - others g glimmering down the aisles of time to prey on fortune . But to return to the question of oranges and as factors in

t r the world of trade and a ffic . The evolution of the citrus frui t industry must impress you as

part romance and part prosaic truth , as you view it from personal ? ” experience I venture to remark . ” It is both comedy and tragedy , came the quick reply to my “ question . Comedy , when I recall some of the doings of people of means who come here from the East to enjoy an orange grove b e

an d cause it looks beautiful , the climate soothes them to rest eas ” d . ily and lets nature do the rest , and it usually oes Tragedy , when I look back and see where people h a v e planted groves on

lands and in localities unadapted to citrus fruits , and of course

made failures , or at least only an indiff erent success . You cannot

extract sunbeams from cucumbers . Nevertheless , these lessons

have been pretty well learned , and no man with sense and judg ment can at this late day go wrong in planting the orange a n d the ” lemon . “ Then y ou think citrus culture will expand a n d grow a s the ” country in general develops . “ Most decidedly . The possibilities of California horticulture are unfolding to u s every day as we gradually turn over the leaves in

the great book of: experience . We of Southern California are not

the only turtles in the citrus fruit tank . Primarily there are three ’ great citrus divisions to our Uncle Samuel s farm , viz . , Central

n . and Souther Florida , the delta of the Mississippi , and California I To these a fourth should be added to a m odi fied extent . refer to Im m edi the sheltered portions of Arizona and Southern Texas .

ately contiguous to u s must be reckoned Old Mexico , which has

made progress in certain locations along these lines . Since the

great Florida freeze , the largest development in commercial citrus

n culture has been in this State , and its geographical distributio has of late years been interest

ing . Taking its inception with

u s in the San Gabriel Valley , the planting of orange and lemon groves ha s extended through out the seven Southern Counties and is now invading the S a n

J oa u i n q Valley , which last year

shipped some 9 0 0 carloads . Many sections of the foothill S i er r a s a n d regions of the , the great valley of the Sacramento

fin e have been found capable of producing a quality of fruit , ship

ping last year about 5 0 0 carloads . It has been estimated that fully

acres of land in this State will grow citrus fruits , on

much of which water for irrigat ion will have to be developed .

While th e trees are more or less sensitive to environment , good fruit has been produced at an altitude of 30 feet above the sea

1 80 0 . n level , and also at feet This indicates the ra ge of the orange and the lemon . “ d ellon cu ltu r e w h i ch d I notice you w commercial orange , lea s me ” to ask what you consider the best sorts to plant for pr ofit ?

1 2 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

a N a v eJ a a n d First , the W shington , then the Valenci Late ,

other sorts in ac cordance wi th their seasons and commercial value .

In lemons the Eureka , Villa Franca and Lisbon seem to be the

favorites , in the order of merit in which they are mentioned . ’ ” t h e a . Marsh s Seedless Pomelo ( Grape Fruit) , is still in le d “A man who by dint of his own enterprise has become the larg e est produc r of citrus trees in the world , is surely in a position to spe a k advisedly on the kind of tree to plant i n order to grow a pay ” ing grove . “ To cover that question in all of its bearings would b e tedious — reading . It is my experience that a poorly grown tree is worse h a ca n i u t an no tree at all , bec use it never be made to yield max m m i e crops , wh le its expense and care is often gr ater than that of a s ec . robust and healthy sp imen Being keenly alive to thi fact , we are ever watchful to eliminate all stunted and poorly - grown plant s

from the nursery rows . A good tree should be well developed in

a . u y trunk , and especi lly in root growth You cannot b ild strongl and along sa fe lin es u nless there is plenty of foundation to carry B the tree well when it comes into full bearing . y a good root sys fib r ou s t a tem , I mean a tree with plenty of and a strong p root , in order to give it a foundation on whi ch to develop and grow good

Th e ossesss a crops . foliage and young wood should p a he lthy and lustro u s green color ; the leaves should feel slightly thick and

leathery to the touch . A tree of this description , properly planted

out and given intelligent after care , must prove a good cropper of

mer ch a ntable fruit . “ ” a Th t is clear , I replied , but what about the seedling stocks to which you bud ? Is it your experience that the Citrus Trifoliata is t u y des ined to be extensively sed as a stock to bud onto , particularl i n c a ses wher e it is desir a ble to plant trees in the colder secti ons of the ci trus belt ? ” “ Touching stock to which the budded varieties of oranges h a v e

i n been worked California , it is probably safe to say that fully seventy - fiy e per c ent of the be a ring groves are on sweet seedling

e a a roots and since th y all do well , it is s fe to assume th t this root

a c . n a a is generally satisf tory Some te or twelve ye r ago , l rge impor t a ti on s of trees from Flori da b u dded to the sour stock (Citru s Big aradia) called a ttention t o it with the result that it came somewhat a a c a s into f vor , p rti ul rly as a re istant to the disease known as foot M a l a a rot ( di Gomm ) , and for pl nting on soils where the water is

“ ” close to the surface , and the trees liable to suffer from wet feet .

It has a stronger root development than the sweet stock . Of late e - years , howev r , the Pomelo ( Grape Fruit) has become deservedly

u popular as a b dding stock . In root development , it is even more

u vigorous th a n the so r stock . S o pronounced is the demand for trees b u dded on this stock that we shall work nearly 75 per c ent a of our trees to it next year . Reg rding the Trifoli a ta as a budding

t h a ve e - s ock , we at pr sent some plants in the seed beds , a th e a l and bout in nursery rows , l of which will be a e budded to the standard v rieti s . I regard this stock as ex cep t i on a lly hardy and a m of the Opinion that it will h a v e a tend ency — to produc e a robust budded tree one calculated to withstand a lower temperature than a tree budded to the ordinary seedling sto ck . Being partly deciduous the plant has its dormant periods , ‘ which of course means hardening u p : it a lso si gn i fies early rip $ en i n a g of its fruits . Pl nts of Citrus Trifoliata h av e wi thstood the winters of Washington for years without injury , and even in New fl ou r i sh York , seem to without any protection during the winter

. e months When budded to the orange and l mon , many have su p posed that it would result in dw a r fish if not di m u n i ti v e trees but ,

I 1 3 The L argest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

such is not the case . Budded trees i n Florida have attained the fr om 1 2 1 5 height of to feet , and the same results are noticeable

in cases in this state . Varieties budded on it invariably bear O u young . its own roots the Trifoliata is desirable as a hedge - c plant , and particularly as a budding stock for the kid glove lasses . I feel quite sure that budded trees on Trifoliata roots will in the i n c ” immediate future constitute a feature itrus nursery stocks . “ Suppos e the value of the land is left out of the questi on What in your judgment would be the cost of bringing an orchard into bearing ? ” “M uch depends upon local conditions soil , climate , water , lay y t h e of the land , whether the owner and his famil are to do work , — or it i s to be done with hired labor that any estimates are qui te

apt to not apply in every detail . Broadly , however , the cost of a n d preparing and grading the land planting the trees , will aver ' age from $ 1 5 to $25 pei a cr e ; this includes cult ivation for th e

fir st . year After that , however , cost of cultivation will increase , 1 5 and be about , according to the amount of labor expended , $ to 25 $ per acre up to the fourth year . If the orchard has been well e b cared for , it .should pay exp nses the third year from planting ; y the fourth year i t should produce abou t a box of fruit to the tree ; ni - b the th , one and one half to two oxes to the tree ; and from that time on i ncrease in pr od u cti v en ess ' a n d pr ofit to its owner i n a cor i responding line to the care and attent on expended on i t . The vol u me of irrigating water is also subject to some flu ct u a ti on gov u erned by local conditions . Usually the amount wo ld be about one — inch to 1 0 acres for the fir st two seasons ; one and one half inches for the following two seasons ; two inches for the fifth and sixth years ; after that period an inch to every four acres will be fo u nd b to e about the right quantity to use on an orchard in full bearing . The expense of caring f or an orchard obviously hinges on local c u contingen ies . If in f ll bearing , allowing for cost of water and n labor in supplying same , together with the expense of cultivatio , 2 would average anywhere from $ 5 to $ 60 per acre . Much depends upon the owners resources , environment , and method of carrying

on the business . “And what about the future of the industry ? ” “ That is best answered by a glance at the past . Last year this u n state marketed abo t carloads of oranges a d lemons , of which the San J oa qu i n valley sent East all told about 9 0 0 carloads

and Northern California 5 0 0 carloads . This year the output will be somewhat larger . With young orchards continually coming

into bearing , the industry is bound to expand and grow with the a gener l development of the country . Take my own immediate neighborhood . Last year the San Dimas Orange and Lemon Grow 268 ers Association sent East cars , equalling boxes , which sold for The groves producing this fruit represent 61 5 1 5 0 about acres of land , acres only of which are in full bearing , the balance of the acreage being younger trees . All of this land is under intensive cultivation and a fin e ir rigating sys ” tem . These conditions indicate the stability of Citrus Culture . fin i n You are sanguine . Do you d the interest orange culture ” a . as keen as ever , and over as wide an rea of country “ r nfin d Most decidedly . O u correspondence is not co e to this Th e h country , but extends to Cuba , Mexico , Hawaii , P ilippines , i Australi a and South Africa . Verily the name of Cal fornia horti

culture is expanding . Recently we sent shipments of trees to Aus t r a li a h , P ilippine Islands , Hawaii , Old Mexico , Cuba , Porto Rico ,

Central and Southern America and have orders booked for Africa .

This would seem to indicate that California grown trees , coupled with our advance horticultural practice , are certainly winning their ” S purs wherever commercial f r uit culture is prac ticed . n b y Casually pulli g out my Waterbury its leather appendage , I found it to be nearing my train time a fact whi ch the setting sun and the whistle of the west bound train toward Los Angeles duly v r i fi d e e . Bidding the largest grower of citrus trees in the world a - u a h sty good bye , I soon found myself ruminating on the f ture ’ greatness of God s country . Verily , how little we know of the r doings of the world about u s . Southern California shipping cit us — trees to every country that will grow the fruit , well , the world ” — C o . do move . S does Teague $From The California ultivator ,

J 23 1 9 0 3 . anuary , 1 4

W T i li t ashington Navel and t fo a a nodding to the breeze .

1 2 . 2 . 9 . . Washington Navels , years Trifoliata stock , months 1 6 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World


“ ” E Count erfeit presentments or citrus orchards in all stages of growth and under varying conditions of

ar e r soils and climates shown in these pages , of g oves in the immediate vicinity and contiguous to the San — a l Dimas Citrus Nurseries , loca ity recognized for its

u s perb fruits . The altitude will average from one thousand to fift een hundred feet above sea level ; the t fin contour of the land is slightly undulating , wi h a e

‘ drainage from the Sierra Madre mountains t o the West the character of the soil is varying in sections , ranging from a y heavy clayey soil to a sandy loam , and from a free and open gra

a elly soil to a rich granitic . Under cultivation , it is inv riably ren dered friable by the action of the plow and cultivator , and is pe cu li a r l y well adapted to the growth and bearing of citrus fruits .

1 1 A . Fig . . general view of our lath house No , showing balled trees preparatory for immediate shipment u pon receipt of orders .

2 40 2 . . 0 0 Fig . This shows lath house No , containing lemon trees balled ready for shipment .

1 3 . 50 Fig . Pomelo seed beds in a lath house covering x 30 0 feet , in which are constantly growing seedling .

4 . Fig . This shows Citrus trifoliata seed bed stock , at n nine months from planti g , showing an average growth of from

1 2 to 20 inches .

5 a Fig . . The lower view illustrates Citrus trifoli ta stock at a nine months from pl nting in the nursery rows , and ready for

. e budding The upper view shows a block of Navel orang trees , two years old from the bud .

s e 2 Fig 6 . The , for description of this fruit e pages 3 and 37 .

s a fi or ds w Fig . 7 . This illu tration a striking example of hat can

i - be done by proper planting and cultivat on , with second sized trees ,

- - t three eighths to one inch caliper , plan ed open roots in May 1 2 u 9 0 . of 1 8 9 9 and photographed Aug st , To the person with a comparatively small available capital with which to plant his f or her land to the larger trees , this will a ford encouragement and i con fiden ce to proceed to sett ng out the second size . This 0 orchard is shown on page 5 ; third year from planting .

1 7 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

Fig . 8 . The orange is n ot only king of fruits in Southern Cali for n i a - - , but actual money to the man owning a well cared for r “ ” g ove . The counterfeit presentment of this particular grove pictures to the life one of the famous properties of the country . It 1 0 1 8 9 0 comprises acres , was planted in , on a rich , decomposed

- granitic soil to second size trees , and by reason of care and its fin e situation has proven a pronounced success to its fortunate owner . For ver i fica t i on of: this statement let u s consult the rec .

. 1 89 2 ord In , the crop sold for in 1 8 9 3 for in 1 8 9 4 for in 1 89 5 for in 1 89 6 for in 1 89 7 for in 1 8 9 8 for ( this w a s the season of heavy wind storms when the trees lost much of 1 8 9 9 1 90 0 their fruit) in , for in for I it any wonder that Southern California ships carloads of citrus fruits annually ?

9 . Fig . This grove was planted to seedling stock in orchard form , and the following year budded to Washington Navels . In w a s the early days of citrus culture , this method at times resorted to , because buds of the Navel were scarce as well as expensive , w and planters sought to gain time by this practice . The buds ere ’ taken from the celebrated Tibbet s , or parent trees . This orchard has been in constant bearing , and is still a valuable possession . At w a s the time the photograph taken , the grove had attained the 2 6 age of years , and bids fair to yield the golden globes for another quarter of a century .

. 1 f Fig 0 . This illustration shows our di ferent sizes of trees a ready for shipment . Commencing at the left of the picture

- 3 1 - shows a one year bud , caliper 8 to 2 inch ; a one year bud , cal 1 5 0 - 5 u iper 2 to 8 inch ; , a one year bud , caliper 8 inch and all p ; 5 d - 3 6 - , a two year bud , caliper 8 to 4 inch ; , a two year bud , cali 4 - u . A B C 0 per 34 inch and all p , and are cut out with pound

‘ balls; D and E are cut out with 60 pound balls . Long experience in growing citrus trees and planting citrus orchards has convinced u s that it is always best to conserve and take up as much of the wh root growth of trees as possible . This is one of the reasons y Of our trees prove so universally satisfactory when planted . course , this often entails some additional expense in transporta ofi set fin e tion , which is invariably more than by the growth of the tree after planting , as compared to those not so carefully handled in this respect .

’ 1 n 1 . fi est Fig . Without man s intervention many of our fruits f would perish because of themselves not reproductive . O this

fin e e fact , the Washington Navel and other varieties of the orang are striking examples . This intervention or means of propagating these splendid fruits is brought about by budding onto foreign roots of the same family . In this view is shown a block of

i seedling trees ready for budd ng , which comprises but one - tenth of the number of citrus trees we now have growing in

’ fin e s m m et our grounds . The reader s attention is called to the y r i ca land vigorous growth of the trees shown in the illustration to all evincing a root growth well calculated produce , when bud fin est - b ded , orchard trees of the quality and of large earing capacity .

1 2 fir st Fig . . This illustration shows what can be done with a 5 - 40 - class one year bud , caliper 8 inch , balled with a pound ball , 1 5 1 9 0 0 J 1 90 2 planted August , , and photographed in anuary , The tree immediately in the foreground shows 1 2 oranges . This ’ orchard is planted to Thompson s Improved Navels .

1 8

Th e Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

fit ble 1 3 . r o a Fig . The area adapted to p lemon culture , and the u u e e oi . production a s perior fruit , is possibly not q it so xtensive as a r e t i i n a that of the orange , nevertheless there many si uat ons C li for n i a i n which the lemon fi n ds congenial soils and cli mates . Our a or d i llustration fi s an instance in point . This grove is situated

along the thermal belt in the San Gabriel valley . The soil is of a a u 1 0 0 0 a gravelly formation , and the elevation bo t feet bove sea 24 ee a s level . The trees are planted f t ap rt on the quare , 1 s p a 8 0 . e and number all told Sev n year from l nting , the crop es m e 1 0 1 9 1 0 1 9 0 0 i h harv ted fro Nov mber , 8 9 , to November , elu sive sold for The fruit w a s pi cked once ea ch

a n d t h e . month , delivered to packing house in a green state

1 4 i fi n e V i Fig . . Th s is indeed a ew of a remarkable orchard , and ex em pli fies forcibly wh a t int ensive culture and liberal and s i a . intell gent fertiliz tion and irrigation will do Note the trong ,

a e s t u umbr g ou grow h of the trees , the manner of pr ning , the — density of foliage and pr oli ficn ess of the fruit all tending to show t h e lemon at its best . This grove is one of the si ghts of a a n d h a s i e e c a a North Ont rio , probably y ld d larger rops of gre ter mon ey v a lue than any other ten acr es of lemons of which the

- writer has a n y knowledge . The variety is the Eureka .

c n d i c Fig 1 5 . The ommercial importance a solidar ty of itrus

fru it cultu re is quite strongly indicated in t h e vi ews shown in Fig . 1 0 of the packing and shipping buildings of the San Dimas Citrus

a a Union and Lemon Associ tion , forming an integr l part of the

a c a c u u Southern Californi Fruit Ex h nge . Other itr s fr it growing a c a ll c sections enjoy similar commodations , of whi h emphasize

the strength of the indu stry .

1 6 . Fig . This view gives an idea of the early fruiting character i st i cs a i t s ow n of the N val orange when left to sweet will . The trees 20 in the foreground contain upwards of fruits , while one tree in

b u t e a n the row , not discernible in the picture , gav unprecedented

yield of 30 individual oranges . Specimens of this fruit were sub m i tt ed th e to the experts at Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce , “ u i t ot b fin e who prono nced a remarka le quality .

— 1 . fir . 7 st y Fig In the growing of class nurser trees , care must e i e be exercis d in tra ning the bud aft r the seedling tops are cut off . This w e do by system a ti cally removing all suckers and caref ully b u d i training the to a stake by persistent ty ng , in order to induce

a a n d t . At e straight symmetrical grow h the prop r stage , the bud i s cu t a u c back , as shown in the illustr tion , to prod e a branched top . Th e e a 4 2 2 - 2 vi w shown on p ge (Figs . 8 9 ) gives a clear idea of our o trees after the head is pr perly developed .

1 . Fig . 8 Nine months is but a short period in the growth of an

orange tree , nevertheless in the case of this grove of 2 60 0 Navel i t e s trees d monstrates what our trees will do . This grove wa 1 1 9 0 0 e 2 planted in April , , with tre s of inch caliper balled , and J a 1 O' a e 9 0 1 . y e photogr ph d in anu ry , The et a t i on shown under and

— e about the trees in the half tone ngraving is green barley , sown u u for a green manure for t rning nder with a plow . This same a 1 . 8 orch rd is again pictured in Fig , photographed in Augu st , 1 9 0 2 i c , show ng a growth which must be onsidered a s phenomenal i n that short intervening space of time .

1 Fig . 9 . Not un ike the trees pictured in the opposite view l , this shows ashington Navel trees planted in May of 1 9 0 0 to W , - 3 u two year buds , 4 inch caliper and p, balled with 60 pounds of J 1 1 soil , and photographed in annary , 9 0 . The growth covering field the ground in the orchard represents peas , sown for green

manuring .

21 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

2 - . 0 . Fig This picture shows money . It represents a four year

old Navel grove yielding a packed box of fruit per tree , a record to of be proud , and one considerably above the average . The situ a i tion , the soil and the care have all been except onally favorable , c whi h gives it a great future as a splendid investment . It demon strates beyond a doubt that when intelligently applied citrus cul r ofit a b le t ture is a safe and p inves ment , and that trees become a

source of income after being set in orchard three years . 2 1 Fig . . Among the varieties of orange destined to a popular

u ity , based on purely commercial considerations , m st be mentioned

n i . e the Vale c a Late Ripening wh n the market is clear , and rank a ing next to the Navel in qu lity , it must always be in good

- demand . Many of the best paying groves are planted to this vari fin — - ety . The illustration represents a e eight year old Valenci a e 1 7 9 0 0 . Late grov at San Dimas , which produced $ per tree in 2 2 . Fig . For the information of growers contemplating rebud

u ding orchard trees to other varieties of fr its , we show a lemon ’ r eb u dd ed 1 0 1 8 tree to Thompson s Improved Navel , April , 9 9 , and J 1 1 photographed in annary of 9 0 . Those not familiar with th e subject are qu ite apt to believe that r eb u ddi n g and sub

sequent fruiting is a matter of slow growth , yet here is a case b where a lemon tree has een converted into an orange tree , and brought into bearing in less than two years . Needless to add , that

oi . in the light of these results , many the older orchards here r eb u dd ed abouts have been to more desirable varieties . S o pro n ou n ced is this practice that the original groves are being sup o planted by Washington Navel and other m re desirable sorts . It — only again illustrates t h e law of the survival of the fitt est like in other lines of production , it is only the best which is capable of holding its own in the markets of the world .

23 . Fig . The pruning of fruit trees is a controversial subject , o and many growers possess many opini ns and methods , each claiming his the best . The illustrations of a Villa Franca lemon tree affords an example of the method generally pursued in the b b 1 orchards of this esta lishment . Its o jects are ( ) to produce u - 2 plenty of fr it bearing wood ; ( ) to create an umbrageous head , affording shade and protection from the burning rays of a South ern California sun ; ( 3 ) to induce a bountiful and regular crop of fruit , as indicated in the picture .

4 li fi 2 . r o cn e s Fig . The p s of the Pomelo is proverbial , and ’ among the nu merous sorts none is more so than Marsh s Seedless .

It is conceded by both fruit dealers and shippers , as well as the epicure , that this is a splendid variety , by reason of its being prae fin e tically seedless , of uniform size , good shipping qualities , u fl a v or and reg lar bearer . The truth of its productiveness is - s a amply proven by the half tone engraving , which show tree but four years from the bud .

25 26 Figs . and depict the general appearance , character , habit of growth and productiveness of well - cared - for and typical Washington Navel orange groves in the heart of the citrus belt of

Southern California .

2 W a s w e Fig . 7 . The glory of the ashington Navel orange , know l C t i fied . l it in alifornia , is here strikingly y p The i ustration is ’ indeed one of nature s prime productions , being photographed fin el direct from the tree as the branches and fruit appear . The y r oli ficn ess shaped fruit its superb size , p and general character and habit of, tree is here shown as it is usually seen in the - - well cared for orchards in the San Gabriel valley . As is well a t known , the orange shipments the beginning of the season con ch i efl - sist y of Washington Navels , over one half of the output e being of this variety , which continues in the mark t until late in the spring months . The Navel is indeed the king of oranges whose supremacy there is none to dispute ; it is also shown in all - its glory of fruit and foliage in the half tone illustration .


The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World


OW TO ORDER . State speci fica lly the size and variety

of trees you want , and also give a few general hints as

to your soil and climatic conditions . From unknown parti es we d ema nd a remittance or deposit of 5 0 per c ent of order , or good references . Send money or bank draft ,

ost office p or express order , or registered letter . — T LOCATION . h e land upon which our nursery is situated is c be onceded to the best for growing citrus nursery stock , produc

fin e ing a grade of tree , with a root system of great vigor , making transplanting safe and easy . — F. O . s QUALITY STOCK All of our trees are grown to takes ,


s a u . and are tr ight and thrifty , b dded at the ground and well rooted H Good stock is the foundation of success . e who plants an orange or a lemon grove plants for generations ; hence , in choosing stock be careful to get only the best obtainable .

— W e u a r a n t e GUARANTEEING TREES . g s all trees shipped

u f r om our n rseries to be as represented . We personally attend O u e to the budding f all our trees , and s the utmost care to insure t hem true to name . — . W e PACKING pack all trees in the best possible manner , in

n bales and boxes , accordi g to size of order and distance of ship “ of ment . Trees can be sent with safety to any part the United W e States or foreign countries . make a small charge for packing , just sufficient to defray cost . Sample trees furnished intending

u b yers .

- TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES . Our transportation facili s a r e Pa ci fi tie excellen t , being midway between the Southern c and i F v a . e Santa . railways ; hence we ship either road — SH IPPIN G INSTRUCTIONS . Please furnish explicit di r ec tions for shipping and by what route . In the absence of any instructions we ship according to our best judgment , but in no case do we assume any responsibi lity for condition or safe delivery h av e oi . trees after same been properly packed and delivered to transportation companies . — PRICES . The matter of price depends somewhat on size of trees , quality of stock , variety of fruit , etc . We sell according to ’ condition of stock and the customer s wants . We grade our cit r u s stock by caliper , measurement being made one inch above the

a r e offer a n bud , and thus able to y size that is required . e i W

. h a v e have buds one , two , and three years old We citrus trees of all grades and at all prices and are able to meet competition from whatever source . The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

— PLANTING . This may be done from February to August 1 11 very warm and sheltered localities . Early planting generally

t h e gives best results . Trees are planted balled or with bare roots , according to the ideas of the buyer . The tree should be set slightly deeper than it stood in the nursery . Holes should be suf fici en t ly large to admit of the roots b eing spread out i n their natural position . Do not let the earth turn them down in a mass

. Cu t off around the tap root all broken or bruised roots . Top

filli n i n soil is best for g . The soil should be worked in well

' around the roots and irrigated immediately . Distribution of trees

e to the holes in advance of actual s tting is a pernicious practice , as the roots quickly become dry . Keep them constantly covered with moist packing .

- AFTER CARE . No tree r esponds so quickly to intensive cul ture as the orange or lemon , and hence careful and frequent

- r fi In cultivation will be found essential to p o ta b le production .

com m u n i t ed deed , the soil should be thoroughly , friable as an ash

heap . See to it that the trunks of the trees are well protected from the b u rning rays of

the sun . Yucca tree protectors , burlap , or even heavy paper well tied will serve the fir t purpose . We recommend the s men

t i on ed . Having attended to these essen

ti a ls , see to it that the orchard is well and

judiciously irrigated at regular intervals . Thorough culture and careful watering will

insure success , as citrus trees require but

little pruning . The tree should be trained

to form a symmetrical head . To do this ,

cut out the dead wood , interfering branches ,

c and suckers . Lemons require mu h more severe cutting than the orange or grape - fruit ; the treatment given deciduous trees , but less severe , will be about correct .

Frost is an element of some risk in the shipping of citrus trees . Being situated in the thermal belt of the San Gabriel valley and making citrus trees an exclusive business , we feel sure of the con e dition of our stock at the time of shipment ; nevertheless , we desir to call attention to the fact that in accepting orders previous to time of delivery we cannot be held liable for the delivery of such trees should they be damaged or destroyed by the elements .

— SOIL AND CLIMATE . The cultivation of the orange and

- lemon covers all tropical and sub tropical regions , and in so far as general characteristics are concerned , the many divers varieties f f under di ferent names in di ferent localities , are much alike in habit of growth and tree . In spite of this fact , however , South ern California has become distinctively the home of certain kinds which are peculiarly adapted to her soils and climates . In selec tions of buds we use the utmost care , and never take buds removed

en c at i on more than a g or so from the original or parent stock , thus our Washington Navel buds are all taken from original orchards budded directly from the parent trees , which are still bearing bounteous crops in Riverside on the Tibbets place . These sorts have become standard in the markets of the United States , and in the line of their importance are mentioned in the follow ing list , which comprises the varieties of trees we grow and carry always in stock 2 6

The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

— MEDITERRANEAN SWEET . Thornless , low , spreading tree ; r u very productive . F it oval , medium to large ; rich orange color ; i n c l e . i l ning to thick skin . Season midd e to lat Shipping qu ality

of the best . — P PER . i A RIND S T . MICHAEL Tree v gorous and of excel

lent habit ; light thorns ; heavy bearer . Fruit small , round , very fin . e solid and heavy Skin thin , smooth and of a very texture ; c fin olor pale , almost lemon ; membranes thin ; grain e ; most

fl . c a vor A . abundant juice ; sprightly , ex ellent general favorite u Season middle . Ship ping q ality best . — n . MALTA BLOOD . Ripens just as the Navel is getti g l a te

Trees of slow but persistent , upright growth , and disposed to bear

in clusters on terminals ; a heavy bearer ; fruit oval , seedless , with peculiar refreshing and acid fl av or ; pulp usually Splashed with s crimson streaks , sometime almost solid crimson , though when

grown in shade it is often but slightly colored .

SWEET SEVILLE . Medium to small ; a good keeper a n d ship

li fi . r o c . per . Tree vigorous and p Ripens very early

N An G OLD E VARIEGATED . ornamental sort with bea utifully

va riegated foliage . A novelty in citrus culture .

An BOUQUET DES FLEURS . ornamental variety of French i a t or gin , possessing a very thick and leathery foliage , of ligh

green color .

- — KUMQUAT OR KIN KAN . This unique and curious member m of the citrus family , commonly called Ku quat in this country , is t J - a na ive of apan , where it is known as Kin Kan , which means

gold orange . Kumquat is Chinese for the same meaning . It

a n d bears in great profusion a small very handsome , deep yellow di fi er i n fruit . There are two kinds , alike in tree and g only in size

and shape of the fruit . The Marumi bears a round fruit , from

- three quarters of an inch to an inch in diameter ; the Nagami , an

oblong fruit somewhat larger . The latter is the kind commonly i seen in this country , is rather more des rable on account of the

ofi er . large size of its fruits , and is the one we The whole fruit , e b rind and all , is eaten , and p ople ecome very fond of them . The sweet rind and agreeably acid pulp makes a piquent combination

e relished by most palates . Preserv d in or crystalized th e

i s w . Kumquat , wherever it kno n , is deservedly po pular Y ’ D AN C S . Unlike most of its family this bears

c m . the broad leaf , mu h like the co mon orange Ripens with

fr om fiesh the Navels ; deep reddish color ; skin free , , and seg

“ - ” h s . ments cleaving free , as in ot er kid glove orange Meets a — special and limited demand often at the very highest prices .

' n The tree makes a beautiful appearance , with its small , inte sely

colored fruits . The standard variety of its class .

— fl att en d i KING . Very large , e , and with loosely adhering r nd

- and segments , like all the Mandarin varieties , color orange red ;

fin e skin rough , but general appearance ; juicy , meaty ; its high

fl v or . and peculiar aromatic a is very agreeable Quality very best .

i n . a Tree upr ght , stro g grower , foliage dark and rich M rch , April

and May ; keeps in good condition even later .

- ' i ri —l\I di u m fl t Oon shi u K S eedless . e a t en d SATSUMA ( , ) , e ; the i color s not red , like the King and Tangerine , but a deeper yellow than the Mandarin ; rind and segments part freely ; fl esh fin e

grained , tender , juicy , sweet and delicious ; entirely seedless ; one of the earli est sorts known ; fruit ripens as early as November .

Tree thorn less and bears young .

3 2 ” i i e . Wh er e th e gold en glob e s glea m i n the r fol ag

Th i n a i n a ll i t s G . 2 . e Fig . 7 Wash gton N vel lory

The La r gest ' Ci tr u s Nurseries i n the World

H E EM T L O N .

r oli fic EUREKA . Tree nearly thornless , of rapid growth , and p

' of bearer . Fruit the best quality ; a general favorite .

FR N —A A CA . VILLA strong growing variety ; thornless , or

nearly so ; fruit oblong , juicy and nearly seedless . Sweet rind .

Standard .

— m e LISBON . Tree of largest growth ; thorny . Size of fruit

u . o di m . Sets well in the limbs Fruit blong with prominent point ; color bright ; rind of medium thickness and of soft , excel lent texture , giving with the strong membranes high keeping and

fl a or shipping qualities . Abundant juice ; acid very strong and v

fin e . A standard variety .

xi — LIMES ( M e ca n ) . The should be more extensively planted . It makes an excellent hedge , or the plants can be grown

c e c in orchard form . The lime jui e of comm r e is the product of Old this fruit . The Mexican is a variety extensively grown in Mexico

—J ‘ TAHITI S a i d to be almost as large as the lemon . Very juicy and of best quality .


M A H ’ — 5 4 2 R S S SEEDLESS . Medium size (will pack to 6 to box . ) Thin rind , with about half the usual bitter . It is a true

e th e grap fruit and not a hybrid , with all the characteristics of common varieties , with the exception of being almost absolutely fin d n seedless . S ometimes you will a fruit containi g three or four

d . a h shells of see s , but as a rule it has none at all With the th e fl a vor r e sence of seeds , the amount of juice increases , imp ov s

t u and the frui retains its noted q alities , and the pulp or meat is ou n ot r e dark and rich . In serving this fruit y are required to

0 9 0 s s i s n a move from 8 to eed , as it ecess ry with our common

r f or cu t grape f uit , but is ready the table when in halves . The fruit is known to be a late keeper . The fact of its not having

i n seed , that germinate when left late on the trees or in storage , creases its keeping qualities to a great extent and is another fac

A - e - tor greatly in its favor . three y ar old bud will bear all the fruit it should hold at that age .

fin e TRIUMPH . Medium ; smooth , clear , thin and grained ; “ ” less rag than in most grape fruits , and fewer seeds ; very

fl v r d a o e . heavy ; juicy and well There is no bitter in the juice , fl esh or membr a nes surrounding th e cells and dividing the seg ments , and very little in the white inner lining of the peel . Tree li fi bears young and is pr o c . One of the best of the improved varieties .

i IMPERIA . Something similar to the Triumph . It s pro $ L n ou n ced by experts to be the very best variety yet tested .

— A h IMPROVED . improved Florida seedling of good m erit .

so u . Tree thornless or about , bears yo ng


’ EDR Th e Qt tr on CITRUS MEDICA C A ( ) . This is the true cit

m m er ce ron of co , from which an essential oil is obtained . The o “ ” “ ” rind , when cured , is kn wn as rind or succade . The Lar gest Citrus Nurseries i n the World


3 1 1 1 fir st two varieties of the ever - popular Navel orange mentioned below are the product of our prop a ga t i n g grou n d and the res u lt of careful selection n and traini g . We are convinced they possess a d h vantages over other Navel oranges , ence beg to announce that we have trees to off er for thi s planti ng .

season . We fully believe the Golden Nugget and t h e Golden Buckeye Navels are destined to be the great est a dditions to citrus culture in Southern Cali fornia s i nce the advent of the Washington Navel in the early ’ 70 s . The Navelencia mentioned last is also commanding atten tion , and is really worthy of consideration on the part of i ntend ing planters .

G OLD — THE EN NUGGET NAVEL . This is a new variety which we have been experimenting with in our propagating a n d grounds for some time past , which we fully believe will prove an agreeable surprise to planters as well as shippers . Indeed , so on fid en t u c are we of its f ture , that we are now offering the trees in

. su ffi commercial quantities The parent tree , which has fruited i en t ly f c to test the ruit as to quality , shows a develop ment much n V like the Washi gton Navel , being a igorous grower , of good habit , and thornless . In appearance the tree possesses features peculiarly i t s own , by reason of its exceptionally dark green foliage , abundant a n d fin e lateral or fruiting branches , symmetrical appearance , making it distinguishable at sight in a grove with other varieties . a h The foli ge is more lanceolate t an that of the Washington Navel , a n d u in color a shade darker , not q ite so broad nor apparently quite so thick and leathery . The wood growth , particularly the younger branches , are m ore slender and willowy , which makes the tree rather umbrageous . The fruit is very smooth , solid and — thin skinned , very much more so than the Washington Navel , e fin e e ven at its best ; of texture , the exterior strongly suggestiv of kid gloves to the touch , smooth and even surface ; color a u strong gold ; shape rather oblong , good size ; fr it exceptionally

' fla v or free from rag and is seedless ; delicious , bears young , gener ally second year from planting ; a good shipper and keeper ; ripens c 9 0 early and pa ks about per cent fancy fruit , rendering it in every way desirable for holiday trade .

D B K Y - A THE G OL EN U C E E NAVEL . candidate for horti cultural honors that is sure to be heard from . The tree is a good t h e grower , thornless , leaves lanceolate , much more so than gen r u n eral of orange trees , and only slightly serrated ; dark green in color ; new wood inclined to g r ow slender but of good strength ; general habit and appearance of tree striki ngly individual ; a pro d i n ou n ce characteristic of the fruit , which makes it d stinct from all

other varieties of Navels , is a series of bands or ridges of a deeper n d t h e ora ge color , which ad s much to beauty and renders it more

than a n y other variety , peculiar to itself ; smooth and of a kid fl v or glove texture ; a strongly aromatic , with a suggestion of pine fin e bu t to the taste ; pulp of texture with few segments , thus affording a melting and soothi ng sensation to the palate ; almost entirely free from rag ; packs 9 0 per cent fancy ; is a good keeper and shipper ; while its exceptional earliness gives it a

commercial value of fir st importance .

A h THE NAVELENCIA . new variety t at is commanding some

attention from growers . It is said by the originator to be a cross between the Thomson ’ s Improved Navel and the Valencia

oi . Late , for it is claimed the good qualities the former , together with a lateness in ripening which makes its season from 30 to 60 d e n f ays lat r than the Washi gton Navel , thus a fording a market of its own between the marketing of the Washington Navel and the

Valencia Late . Tree of good growth , small thorns , full well u ro nded top , dark glossy foliage , in character and habit closely - n e allied to other Navels ; fruit of good size , smooth and thin skin d ,

and comes into bearin g second year from the b u d .

3 6 ‘ Th e a ?C i t h e ld L rgest i trus , Nurseries n Wor

“ ” A Novelty in the Kid Glove class .

Fig . 6 . The Kumquat .

T u o e m h t i his ill strati n shows the Kumquat at its best , and is p a

a n c ally tree rather than a shrub . As show elsewhere in this cata

e . logue ther are two sorts , the Nagami and Marumi The fruit of

a n d the Marumi is round about an inch in diameter , while that of

a a m n n m u the N g i is oblo g a d so ewhat larger . The above ill stra fi n e c n tion shows a spe ime tree of the Nagami , which is the

o o a ch i fl a e e . fav rite in S uthern Californi , being plant d y for orn ment

h a n d som e ' b r a n ch es a Tree ; slender , thornless ; le f small , narrow , m l a n d o a c e . val , al ost l n eo ate ; v ry productive Fruit oblong , about an inch in diameter ; on the whole larger and more desirable than

that of the Maru m i .

3 7 Th e L argest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

C C I FT I LI $ S . O N E R N N G E R E R

XPER IEN CED growers know that orange and lemon

trees are gross feeders , and hence respond quickly to an

. i application of plant food to the soil In Cal fornia , and th for that matter , in the arid regions quite generally , e

soil is naturally rich , and when the tree is planted

on virgin ground , it will do well without any application of

fir st fertilization for the few years ; after that , however , some

recognition must be given the orchard in this regard . Its ex

tent and character is obviously a matter of local conditions , to

which the intelligent grower will give careful attention , and act in compliance with the best practice of the successful and exper i

n i e ced growers in his locality . In sect ons where the soil is shal low it is expedient to apply a fertilizer every year from the time

the orchard is planted . In the rich soils of California , it has been found that nearly all the subsidiary elements of plant food

a r e present , and hence only the four leading elements must

be supplied , viz . , nitrogen , phosphoric acid and potash , and in

rare cares lime . These must be replaced in the soil of or

chards , subject to constant cropping . The intelligent grower ,

W a t therefore , ill be quite p to see to it that his trees do not suff er

for the want of nitrogen , phosphoric acid and potash , because these are the elements which the crop annually draws from the

. A r e ground , and which must be replaced tree cannot give best

u l s t s unless well fed . The experience of orange growers indicates th at the quality and quantity of the fruit may be very largely controlled by fertiliza a tion , and as oranges are purchased entirely upon their appe rance a n d i quality , th s becomes a very important consideration through a on e out this region . Fertiliz tion should be carried on with but

e . obj ct in view ; that is , of feeding the plant or tree

i a r e Touching kinds of fertil zers and values of stable m nure , a port to the Riverside Horticultural Club on this subject contains the following suggestive paragraph The question of fertilizers for the orange orchard has in some

form been almost continuously before the club . What kind of on ? fertilizers are the best , and how and when they should be put

are questions often asked , but never as yet answered to the satis

‘ di fi er en t com m er ci a l fer ti li z faction of all . It is known that the ers on the market are good , and than freely applied they generally w i give satisfa ctory results . But gro ers bel eve that they are too

xn en si v e e , and that by buying the chemicals and doing their own m 1 x1 n or by applying the chemicals in suitable quantity t o the g ,

- soil without mixing , they may reduce the expense about one half . There i s a growing conviction among orchardists that stable ma

u bl nure is one of the most v a l b e fertilizers , when it can be secured

r . O n e at reasonable figu es small Navel orchard in Riverside ,

fift een years old , a part of which has been fertilized exclusively with stable manure , has borne regularly , and the fruit has been ” fully up t o the average standard in quality .

4 0 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

n The B u ddi g B u d properly Budded .

A u Perfectly grown Budded Citr s Tree .

The above illustration pictures to the life a budd e d citru s tre e b c e grown y this establishment , showing a perfe tly shap d head to

o fir st - s r ofit b l u pr duce a clas and p a e tre e when planted o t . It is a on e - - - a ff o c year old bud , which ords a splendid bje t lesson of th e — high grade orange and lemon trees in all the standard va rieties w e n o n are w off eri g .

4 1

The Largest Citrus N u r ser i es i n the World


A TU RAL LY be i u , it will imposs ble to ins re absolute com m er ci a l su ccess by printed rules and su gg estions which shall enable those about planting ci trus fru it orchards to have their expectations even moderately re a lized ; never

th eless essen ti a lcon di ti on n , there are certain s which can ot b e over looked to which the followin g paragraphs for cibly but b r i efly refer

— k ’ SO IL AND SITUATION . The following from W i c son s Cali for n i a u a e Fr its will be found a s fe guide , which gives a gen ral idea

a i c as to soils , clim t c onditions and water supplies essential to successful citrus fruit culture : The soil should be a ri ch a lluvium

r ' f r m - fo m ed o granite and limestone . A hard pan subsoil should

a a e a r e . A be avoided , while strata of s nd and gr v l objectionable u a a red s bsoil , commonly c lled cl y , formed from disintegrating fin e t . u granite , well ro ted , is best The s bsoil should be , but of a nature t o a llow water t o pass freely through i t It shou ld be deep * a n d c e n et 30 a c . ri h , with wat r less than feet from the surf e The b e a a a a ft ei surface soil shoul d. of sandy n ture so as not to b ke a a a n ot t h e irrigation . Co rse s nd and gr nite are objectionable on

u i . A a surface , provided the s bso l is right sediment surf ce is good ;

i n s u . a fa ct any kind of. oil easily p lverized The surf ce of the u e b e country should have a so th rn exposure , and , better still , a backed on the north by high hills , and should be reason bly free A h fr m . o winds and frost . The hotter the locality the better 1 B e a n u altitude from 80 0 to 60 0 feet is best . sure to have ab n — danc e of water that ca n be relied u pon for irrigation a t le a st one inch to every fiv e acres of orchard ; more will be needed when the orchard grows old

L D PREPARING THE AN . The following excerpts are from the “ same authority : Preparation of land by deep and thorough

off u s y e cultivation and laying to sec re traight rows b the squar ,

u ca . quinc nx , and hexagonal methods , should be refully observed Th e e e orange , in common with oth r evergreen tr es , is c s a ex eedingly ensitive to exposure of its roots , and for this re son the h a ndling of the young tre es is v ery different from th a t of t h e r oot s a ordinary orchard trees . Exposure of , or c re c e t less planting , will onsign the tre to a slow , sickly grow h , and ” often kill it outright .

— A DE . In WORD CAUTION planting an orchard , no matter

whether it be citru s or deciduou s fruit trees , too mu ch c are c a nnot

be exer cised in securing trees known to be true to name , of vig or ou s s i i u con titut on , and so grown as to produce max m m crops e a t e c oi u u - - e wh n arriving the b aring age . The vi tim ntr e to nam u a d c u ff citr s trees has indeed a s experien e , and s ers no end of i a e th e e u a . t h e f loss and v xatio s del ys In rst pl c , the cost of trees and the attendant exp ens es a r e items for which no a dequat e dam — t h e a c th e i i n ages are ever recovered ; in second pl e , loss of t me the c ases of the orang e a n d the lemon usu ally from two to four — years labor and expense of irrigating a n d cu ltur e a r e a severe e - - fin a ll strain on even the resourc s of the well to do ; and y , the disappointment s are qu ite apt to be so trying as t o dri ve the man - - u who plants untrue to name citrus trees out of the b siness . In ’ “ e B e no case does Davy Crockett s cel brated aphorism , sure you ” a r e i o ea s i n t h e e r ght , then g ah d , apply so strongly a s lection of

u e a n rc . e citrus trees tr to name , when planting o hard Henc avoid th e e s irr spon ible dealers and growers , and buy only of old and - e well stablished institutions .

* N T — O E . In t h i s v r n d e r a n s s e lgh t of la t er exper i m en t , co e i g a wi ge of oi l , i t -h a s b een fou n d t h a t ci t r u s t r ees b u dded t o t h e sou r st ock ( Ci t r u s B ega r a di a )

or C. t r i oli a t a wi lld o w ll n soi ls h er e t h e a t er i s close t o t h e su r f e o w w fa ce . 4 3 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

— . In THE TREES making a selection of your trees , be care ful to sec u re only the best ; a poor specimen i s an expensive y y i luxur even as a gift , and will never repa cost of care and cult vation . Bear in mind that we put ou t only clean healthy , , y well grown and vig orous stock , true to name and up to ever requirement calculated to produce with reasonable care and culti

r ofit a b le vation , p crops of merchantable fruit . This purchasers

Ou r can always depend on . total acreage in trees i s now over 1 0 0 ac res all of which is devo ted exclusively to c itrus trees of our ow n growing . O u t total number of stock for thi s year aggregates 1 9 0 4 about trees , while for we expect to have a total number of and for 1 9 0 5 fully

T h e Square System .

— $ i i OUT THE ORCHARD . Hav ng the r ght kind of

t h e W - - — soil in pro per condition , ith true to name and well grown

i t . so trees , we may w th safety proceed to plan In doing , exercise care in havi n g your orchard symmetrical in order to economize the i r ea to be planted . There are several methods or systems

b e whereby this may attained , and in order to make them clear and better understood , we here present illustrations of square ,

u . quinc nx , hexagonal and triangular methods

— THE SQU AR E SYSTEM . This is the most approved method .

off i n i The orchard is laid lines cross ng each other , with equal m a cr oss . interv ls of space , and a tree planted at each g of the lines B 20 1 0 8 y the square method , at feet apart , trees are planted to the acre .

44 The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World

X — In off QUINCUN SYSTEM . this system the orchard is laid

i n e the sam manner as for square planting , except that the num

ber of rows are doubled , and a tree planted in the center of every h fl square . This method is c i e y used in planting with the idea of removing the center trees ( which are usually dwarf) when those designed to be permanent shall h a ve attained a considerable size ; At 20 a a 1 9 9 the orchard then assumes the square plan . feet p rt ,

r trees a e planted to an acre by this method .

XA O AL R H E G O . N , SEPTUPLE , SYSTEM In this system th e trees are equilateral ( equally distant from each other) and fi l more completely l the space than any other system can . Six

fi é é i a tm t i . t fl e, é e. th em e e t, “ a a e a e.

e e ' a a e

L fi i e fl ei t ea

The Quincunx System .

trees form a hexagon and enclose a seventh . The line s in the fi u r e B g indicate the method of laying out the orchard . y the hex 1 2 20 6 . agonal system , at feet apart , trees are planted to the acre

The following table will show the number of trees to the a cre by

s the square , quincunx , and hexagonal , or eptuple , systems

H ex a gon a l

D i st a n ce apa r t . or S ept u ple . 1 0 50 0 feet . 1 2 feet 34 7 1 4 feet 25 5 1 6 feet 1 9 5 1 8 feet 1 54 20 feet 1 2 6 22 feet 1 0 3 24 feet 9 6 30 feet 5 6

OTE — In N . giving the distances of trees of the quincunx , th e fift h or central tree is not taken into account .

4 5 The Largest Citrus N u r ser i es i n the World

O R — In TRIANGULAR , ALTERNATE , SYSTEM . laying out a an orchard by this system , the lines are run forming square , as r u n in the square system ; a line is then diagonally across , and a tree planted alternately , forming a triangle . The advantage in i th s system is that the trees are given more space , and can be l W planted c oser togeth er ithout crowding . For any distance not given in the above data calculate the num s fifteen ber of tree to the acre by the square system , and add per

. e ent This will give the number if plant d septuple .

F AN R H R D — O O C A COST BRINGING INTO BEARING . S o t — much depends upou local condi ions soil , climate , water , lay of

P M ;

The Hexagonal or Septuple System .

the land , whether the owner and his family are to do the work , or it i s to be done with hired labor that any estimates quite apt

- i n . y to not apply every detail Broadl , however , the cost of pre a n d paring and grading the land planting the trees , will average from $ 1 5 to $25 per acre ; this includes cultivation for the fir st i year . After that , however , cost of cultivat on will increase , and 1 5 25 be about , according to the amount of labor expended , $ to $ per acre up to the fourth year . If the orchard has been well cared for , it should pay expenses the third year from planting ; by the fourth year it should produ ce about a box of fruit to the tree ; the

- a fifth , one and one half to two boxes to the tree ; and from th t time on increase in productiveness and pr ofit to its owner in a corresponding ratio to the care and attention expended on i t .

4 6

The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World F O OR A E THE LIFE AND BEARING CAPACITY THE NG . Under favorable conditions the orange is a very free bearing

. t tree Wallace mentions a tree in S . Michaels that bore t frui s in one crop . The longevity of the tree is not less remark able . At Versailles one tree is still growing which was sown in 1 4 1 2 3 5 , and the famous tree , now upwards of feet in height , in

o f St . the convent Sabina , at Rome , is said to be more than 60 0 “ years old . Some commentators suppose that the of ” G old were oranges ; but there does not seem to be any defin i t e evidence that the orange was cultivated in Palestine in the time

0 Th eo h r u . 7 0 a t of Solomon More than years later p s, however , describes the citron as occurring in Northern Persia (Media) , and

e J as b ing cultivated by the ewish nation in Syria , while under

Roman dominion . F — “ TIME O PLANTING . The following from The Orange in ” : California is to the point The orange , being an evergreen , can be planted at any time in the year when the conditions are favorable and this is determined by the condition of the tree and the season . The orange tree makes several growths during the

di fi er en t season , varying in number and season with varieties and different seasons . But there are periods when all orange trees are dormant , and others when nearly all are active . In transplanting , i d a the trees should be taken at the r ormant st ge , as the shock of removal will not then be so severe and the tree will more quickly recover .

OUR X E t E PORT TRAD Planters in Mexico , Central and Sou h

America , the Philippines , Cuba , and other citrus fruit countries should bear in mind that we make a specialty of exporting orange and lemon trees ; and a lso that we are in a position to make it to their interests to place orders with u s . Our export trade is indeed a growing one , orders of considerable magnitude having

A u s been received from Mexico , South America , the Philippines ,

t r a li a . i , South Africa , Porto Rica and Cuba In the nterest of this trade we have published an edition of this catalogue in the

w e Spanish language , copies of which shall be pleased to send to a n y address or addresses upon application .

— t u s CAU TION . I has come to that unprincipled growers are disposing of citrus trees as coming from and being grown by the

San D i mas Citrus Nurseries . To avoid deception in this regard and ’ d to protect our patrons interests , we label every kin and sort of 1 — si m i li es citrus tree with our individual labe , fac of right and reverse sides appear above . All trees coming from our establish ee ment bear this label as a guarantee of their genuineness . S that your purchases contain it otherwise your trees are not the

M . . R . G product of this establishment . TEA UE 4 8

The Largest Citrus Nurseries i n the World


In planting a citrus orchard it is of prime i m portance to afford the trunks of the young and comparatively branchless trees with some proteo tion from the burni ng rays of the summer sun unti l they attain su ffici en t ly u n b r a geou s heads to afford

a shade . This can be easily and economically done “BO ” Y with the S S U CCA TREE PROTECTORS , which are of low cost and serve the purpose a dm i r ably . They are made from the wood of the Yucca a fi or di n palm and are light in color and weight , g a

perfect protection against rabbits , grasshoppers ,

u . B borers , the winter frosts and s mmer suns y

reason of pliableness they are readily adjusted , no

tieing or wrapping , while the porous nature of the

wood allows the free circulation of air . They are

easily removed when spraying trees , and are not

affected by the rain . effi ci en t As a matter of fact they are cheap , , dur

able , and just the thing for the purpose . Made in

all widths and sizes . Send for free sample .

PRICE LIST . N o . 4 30 inches long , 5 24 inches long , 6 1 8 inches long , — 1 6 7 inches long , 9 1 4 inches long , 1 0 — 1 2 inches long , 1 1 1 0 inches long ,

$1 50 per inch per 1 0 0 0 1 30 per inch per 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 per inch per 1 0 0 0 9 0 per inch per 1 0 0 0 70 per inch per 1 0 0 0 60 per inch per 1 0 0 0 40 per inch per 1 0 0 0 W Trade supplied in any quantities by

G R . T A M . E U E ,


T h e Kr u c ke b e r g Pr ess H orti c ultu r a l Pr ln te rs a n d En g ra ver s

Los An e e s Ca l g l , .