St.CHURCH OF 380 E. Roselawn Avenue Maplewood, MN 55117 Weekend Masses Saturday ...... 4:30 PM Sunday ...... 8:30 and 10:30 AM Weekday Masses Mon. thru Fri ...... 7:15 AM Wed. (Sep.-May) All School ...... 9:45 AM Saturday ...... 8:00 AM Holy Days ...... 7:15 AM & 5:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration Monday 5:00 AM to Friday 8:00 PM Baptisms By appointment Sacrament of Reconciliation by appointment or Saturday ...... 3:30 to 4:00 PM Marriage (available to parishioners of 6 months or greater). Arrangements must be made at least 9 months before proposed marriage date. Anointing of the Sick, as announced/requested Contact Information Parish Office ...... 651-771-1209 Fax ...... 651-771-3466 Website ...... Email...... [email protected] FB ...... School...... 651-771-8494 Fax ...... 651-771-3466 Website ...... Kids’ Korner Daycare……..…….651-771-1023 Pastoral Staff Fr. Victor Valencia ...... Pastor Administrative Staff Joanne Lamb ...... Parish Secretary Music MISSION STATEMENT Mary Beth Hess ...... Music Director Faith Formation The people of St. Jerome Church are a Catholic Shelly Berthiaume ..... Religious Ed Coordinator Maddy McCarthy ...... Confirmation parish community united in the love and grace Pat Birkey ...... Children’s Liturgy of Jesus Christ; to celebrate the sacraments School Anne Gattman ...... Principal and our faith, to proclaim and teach the Gospel Nancy McGraw ...... School Secretary Staci Meyers ...... School Secretary values of Christ and His Church, to nurture our Maintenance faith community, and to respond to the needs Bob Hoisington ...... Supervisor of those in and beyond our parish through Victim Assistance Hotline………....651-291-4475 worship and service.

31TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 3, 2019 St. Jerome’s Maplewood, MN Dear Brothers and Sisters, PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Dear St. Jerome Parish, Every time a parish chooses a new set of pastoral council members it The calendar turns to November and we are reminded to is a time to celebrate and give be grateful for the many ways in which God is working in thanks. We have chosen four new our lives. On Friday, November 22, from 5:30-7:30pm, members to the pastoral council as we’ll host our St. Jerome Harvest Meal. Parishioners four current members will complete are heartily invited to join us. Just please bring a food their tenure. Times like this affirms us of the talents of you like to eat, maybe from your cultural heritage, 10-12 our membership that is being put into service for the faith servings. SJS will provide drinks, plates and silverware. community. It raises new hope and anticipation of what Last year this evening was wonderful and truly my favor- is to come. Let us give thanks to the out going members ite SJS event! of the pastoral council. For three years they shared their gifts and charism so that as a church we live out our mis- sion. We look forward to a new set of leaders and pray for guidance and inspiration so that they may serve in the heart and mind of God.

The readings this Sunday affirms us of who we are before God: loved and treasured, forgiven and restored. Let us approach the believing of a God who supports us in our desire for wholeness and holiness. The magic and the love in the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus tells it all. Let us be inspired by the story and listen to the prayer of In November, our school focuses on the virtue of COUR- St. Paul who said “our God may make you worthy of his TESY: being thoughtful to others. We use materials pro- calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good vided by the Dominican Sisters of Nashville. With each purpose and every effort of faith..” virtue different are highlighted. This month we’ll be learning more about St. Martin de Porres (in K-2), Indeed “Loving and forgiving are you O Lord, slow to Ven. Solanus Casey (in 3-5) and Ven. Pierre Toussaint anger, rich in kindness, loving and forgiving are you. (in 6-8). Fr. Vic I am thrilled to report that we raised $12,500 for Rake-a- Thon and we had 100% family participation. It was a Congratulations to the following parishioners who were selected by draw at the 8:30 am Mass very successful effort. Thank you for supporting our stu- this past Sunday October 27, 2019: dents and our school.

Terri Zappa Gratefully, Paul Birkey Anne Gattman Vivian Akoh Principal Anita Twaroski

We would like to sincerely thank ALL OF YOU who generous- READINGS FOR THE WEEK ly accepted the NOMINATION and were willing to "put your Monday: Rom 11:29-36; Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36; name in the hat" to serve on St. Jerome Parish Council. Lk 14:12-14

Thank you to the following for serving on the council: Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 (outgoing) Yvonne Clintsman, Joanne Holzemer, Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Anita Kennedy and Jim Zielinski. Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 FR. LUDESCHER LAMP Saturday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; will burn this week in prayer for 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Don Bordsen Sunday: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15; 2 Thes 2:16 — 3:5; Lk 20:27-38 [27, 34-38]

31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 3, 2019 WELCOME TO THE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES CHURCH OF ST. JEROME LECTORS: We are in need of a few more lectors, espe- The Church of St. Jerome would like cially at the 4:30 mass. If you can help out please call or to welcome all visitors and anyone email Susanne Maldonado. who has recently moved into our com- [email protected] or 651276-4127 munity. We invite you to become members of our parish.

If you are interested in joining our parish or have any COFFEE AND DONUT HOSTS: We need a few people questions, please contact the parish office at 771-1209. willing to set up and clean-up for coffee and donut Sun- days. This is a great activity for a family. CHILDREN LITURGY Please call or email the parish office Children’s liturgy will start the first weekend in November.

It will alternate between the Saturday 4:30pm Mass and DIRECTOR OF MIDDLE SCHOOL PLAY: Play perfor- the Sunday 10:30am Mass. mance is in the spring. Children’s liturgy is for children Kindergarten—4th grade. The Children are dismissed from Mass at the Liturgy of EUCHARISTIC ADORATION the Word and read and discuss the readings at their level. Permanent adorers are needed for Tuesday 2 They rejoin the congregation for the Liturgy of the Eucha- p.m., Wednesday 3 a.m., Thursday 5 p.m rist. (usually during the collection.) Temporary adorers are needed Wednesday 11 Nov. 3—10:30am a.m., Thursday 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you are

Nov. 9—4:30pm (cancelled because of installation) able to help with any of these hours or have Nov. 17—10:30am questions, please call Lorraine 772-2997. Nov. 24—4:30pm ROSOTO VILLA CRAFT SALE—Nov. 16 CHURCH LIBRARY Saturday, November 16, 9 am – 2 pm. Did you know that we have an adult library? It is located Come visit us at the 13th Annual Rosoto Villa downstairs in the middle lower church behind the cabinet Craft Sale and pick up a few things for gifts or doors. If the doors are not open, please open them. Lists yourself. We will be featuring many crafts including bak- of all books and tapes are on the inside cabinet doors. ing, sewing, knitting and photography. If you have any Use the self check-out system. Last summer volunteers questions call Mary Selby 651-489-4177. reorganized the library and it looks great. In the first year 30 books/tapes have ben checked-out. FOOD DRIVE: Month of November That’s a good start but let's double it this year. There are Please donate non-perishable food items for the excellent tapes to show your little kids food shelves in the month of November. Our and grandkids. Three popular books have been: PADRE goal is 1000 pounds of food. PIO, VIETNAM DOCTOR and DON’T CALL ME COM- RADE. Call Sister Clarice if need help locating a book or SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA—Nov. 7 tape. 771-6264. 11:45 am in the church. Members are responding to Our Lady’s requests for prayer, penance and sacrifice in a YOUTH MISSION TRIP spirit of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Summer 2020 Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor

9th-grade—12grade sinners. Need info?, call at 772-2221. Email Maddy McCarthy if you are interested in going on a mission trip next summer.

[email protected] SAVE THE DATE—Saturday Nov. 9 Fr. Victor Valencia’s installation Mass at the Church of St. Jerome will be Saturday IN MEMORY November 9th at the 4:30pm Mass. Archbishop Hebda will be here. Ely Arcilla Mary Hackman Reception will follow in Ludescher Hall. Phyllis Arnold Jacqueline Holzemer ALL ARE WELCOME Gary Becker Luella Kipka to sing at the Installation Mass. Don Bordsen Marvella Lackner 4th graders through adults are welcome & encour- Leo Capeder Barbara Nathanson aged to sing. Martha Chute Lorraine Pojar We will meet at 3:30 on November 9 in the Middle Tom Duellman Betty Rossbach Lower Church to rehearse. Please send a note to MARY BETH HESS for planning

Dorothy Grace Dennis Russell purposes. EMAIL: [email protected]

Eugene Woehrle PH: 612-270-2752

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10:30am Schluender (living) (living) Schluender Joseph 10:30am

Sunday 8:30am Members of the Parish Parish the of Members 8:30am Sunday

4:30pm Don Bordsen Bordsen Don 4:30pm

Saturday 8:00am Paul & Ethel Younce Younce Ethel & Paul 8:00am Saturday

Friday 7:15am Global Unbound Unbound Global 7:15am Friday

Thursday 7:15am Gloria Thornton Thornton Gloria 7:15am Thursday

9:45am Lorraine Pojar Pojar Lorraine 9:45am

Wednesday 7:15am Bill & Dolores Gleason Dolores & Bill 7:15am Wednesday

Tuesday 7:15am Fr. Jim Zappa Zappa Jim Fr. 7:15am Tuesday

Monday 7:15am Joyce Wilhelmy Wilhelmy Joyce 7:15am Monday


32 Sunday in Ordinary Time Ordinary in Sunday 32 Sunday

Reception to follow follow to Reception

4:30pm Installation Mass Mass Installation 4:30pm

8:30am Mass practice practice Mass 8:30am

Installation Mass Mass Installation Saturday


11:45am Fatima Prayer Group Prayer Fatima 11:45am Thursday

6:30pm Religious Education Education Religious 6:30pm

6:00pm Confirmation Confirmation 6:00pm

6:00pm Choir practice practice Choir 6:00pm Wednesday

Tuesday 7:00pm Men’s club meeting meeting club Men’s 7:00pm Tuesday

4:30pm Gym rental rental Gym 4:30pm Monday


Schedules can also be found at (calendars/schedules)

SERVERS: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat Adult Servers Tues., Thurs, O. Smith & G. Marshall Sat. 4:30 pm M. Kinning & O. Olberding Sun. 8:30 am M. Schreier 10:30 am Christina & Kim Zorobi CANDLE BEARERS: Sat. 4:30 pm C. & E. Shelby-Vazquez Sun. 8:30 am 10:30 am M. Revering & Kevin Zorobi CROSS BEARERS: Sat. 4:30 pm J. Weakley Sun. 8:30 am 10:30 am G. Revering EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Sat. 4:30 pm A. Gattman, K. & S. Yackel Sun. 8:30 am M. Simone, G. Votel, M. Schuh 10:30 am R. Klutzke, T. Bertsch, T. Zappa LECTORS: Sat. 4:30 pm K. Faschingbauer Sun. 8:30 am Y. Clintsman 10:30 am D. Mordorski $CRIP SELLERS: Sat. 4:30 pm

Sun 8:30 am Dora Burns 10:30 am A. Twaroski

Contributions for the week of October 27, 2019

Weekly Contribution:$6904

Please consider adding the Church of St. Jerome to your will.

Jacqueline Benjamin, Spencer Cardinal, Gail Chrysler, Sue Connolly, Marilyn Cunning- ham, Cathy Deiman, Kirk Duellman, Al Gal- PRAY braith, Salvatrice Gambino, David Hendricks, FOR US Clarice Holthaus, Kevin Jones, Eugene Kauf- hold, Lily Kehler, Robert & Mary Klutzke, Ste- ve Lauinger, Mary Laumeyer, Irene Ling, Ed- ward Lunzer, RoseMarie Manders, Philip Maus, Vern & Dorothy Mayer, Patrick McGuigan, Chad McLellan, Nolan Mullaney, Greg Negard, Shannon Presler, Bernie Przybylski, Terri Quitter, Josh Richter, Patrick Roth, Dan- ny Rothbauer, Cliff Sandmeyer, Rosa Santos, David Schluender, Michelle Schoenecker, Donald Seiberlich Jr., Gene Skok, Mike Spangenberg, Ava Swift, Tony Swift, George & Nancy Valento, Evelyn Virnig, Greg Votel, Theresa Wilkes, Delores Witschen, Laura Woehrle, Kevin Yackel, Lorraine Youngbauer

SCRIP—GIFT CARDS Scrip (gift cards) are sold after all the weekend masses in Ludescher Hall. We have gift cards for all your shopping

needs, especially gas and grocery cards. Please sup- port the school.