April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 9205 We must end this foolishness in Iraq, from 10 percent to 15 percent. $400 bil- cause the administration has failed to the loss of American lives and the lion in new taxes. explore diplomatic solutions. And spending of our tax dollars in a country Mr. Speaker, they may be saying one therefore the stay-the-course strategy where we are not wanted. thing, but they are doing completely is wrong. And I hope that the President f the opposite. They may be able to fool will sign and not veto this bill. themselves, but they won’t fool the HONORING SLAIN UTICA POLICE f American people. OFFICER THOMAS LINDSEY PRESIDENT BUSH SHOULD LISTEN f (Mr. ARCURI asked and was given TO SECRETARY OF DEFENSE permission to address the House for 1 HONORING THE SACRIFICE OF GATES WHO SAYS CONGRESS’ minute.) LIVIU LIBRESCU TIMELINES ARE USEFUL Mr. ARCURI. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- (Mr. AL GREEN of Texas asked and (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given day, April 12, 32-year-old Utica police was given permission to address the permission to address the House for 1 officer Thomas Lindsey was shot and House for 1 minute and to revise and minute.) killed in the line of duty during a rou- extend his remarks.) Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, as the tine traffic stop in Utica, , Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- President prepares to meet with con- my hometown. er, I rise to thank God for Mr. Liviu gressional leaders today to discuss the emergency supplemental, he should lis- A 51⁄2-year veteran of the Utica police Librescu. force, Tom served for more than a year Monday was Holocaust Remembrance ten to his own Secretary of Defense, with an elite squad tasked with han- Day, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Liviu Librescu who said that Congress’ timelines have dling special assignments. Tom was the was a teacher for 20 years at Virginia been useful in forcing the Iraqi Govern- kind of guy that, as a teenager, he Tech. He was a husband and a father, 76 ment to make compromises that have traveled to Mexico one summer just to years of age, and a Holocaust survivor. been elusive in the past. While traveling in the Middle East, build churches. And prior to his tenure On Monday, on Holocaust Remem- Defense Secretary Gates said yester- as a Utica police officer, he served our brance Day, he blocked the doorway to day, and I am quoting, ‘‘The debate in Nation honorably as a U.S. Marine as a classroom to protect the students in Congress has been helpful in dem- an embassy guard. that classroom from almost certain onstrating to the Iraqis that American As a former district attorney, I had death. And in so doing, he sacrificed patience is limited. The strong feelings the distinct privilege of working hand his life. He survived and expressed in the Congress about the made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave in hand with the dedicated men and timetable probably have had a positive women of the Utica Police Department. his life so that others could live. Thank impact in terms of communicating to This loss affects those brave men and God for him. the Iraqis that this is not an open- women and their families hardest of May God bless his family and all of ended commitment.’’ all. those who have suffered at Virginia And that is what Democratic Mem- Tom put his life on the line in the Tech. bers of this House have been saying for Marines and as a police officer, and he f weeks. It is time to hold the Iraqi Gov- paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect DEMOCRATS TAKE IRAQ IN A NEW ernment accountable and pressure his country and the community. Los- DIRECTION WHILE PRESIDENT them to meet the President’s own ing someone like Tom is a great trag- BUSH THREATENS TO VETO NEW guidelines. edy, but in this tragedy there is a les- COURSE If President Bush refuses to listen to son. We must learn from the way Tom this Democratic Congress and leaders lived his life and his commitment to (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given that he is meeting with today, it would public service, his community and his permission to address the House for 1 be nice if he would at least listen to his country. minute and to revise and extend his re- Defense Secretary, who is saying that My prayers are with Tom’s mother, marks.) our efforts to change the direction of Carmella Lindsey-Schisler, his Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, the new the war in Iraq are having a positive ef- girlfriend, Lisa, and his family and co- Democratic Congress has made good on fect. its promise to change the direction of workers. f I hope everyone can take a moment the war in Iraq while providing critical today to thank the men and the women funding for our veterans and our b 1040 in their local police departments who wounded soldiers. Yet, the President is ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER serve them so well. still threatening to veto a final con- PRO TEMPORE f ference report when it comes out of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- this Congress. ORWELLIAN DEMOCRACY ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Why would the President veto a bill will postpone further proceedings (Mr. PRICE of Georgia asked and was that requires Iraqis to take control of today on motions to suspend the rules given permission to address the House their country by meeting key security, on which a recorded vote or the yeas for 1 minute.) political and economic benchmarks the and nays are ordered, or on which the Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, President himself established? vote is objected to under clause 6 of Orwellian democracy is alive and well Why would he veto a bill that pro- rule XX. here in Washington. Our friends on the vides greater protections for our troops Record votes on postponed questions other side seem to think that if they and our veterans than what was origi- will be taken later today. just say something, it is true. nally requested by the President? f Talk about the budget. We have The supplemental provides 1.7 billion heard this morning that they are going more for military health care, which OFFERING HEARTFELT CONDO- to balance the budget without raising includes facility upgrades at Walter LENCES TO THE VICTIMS AND taxes. Funny thing is, the budget that Reed and other hospitals that require THEIR FAMILIES REGARDING they passed will do this: Between 2010 renovation. We also provide an addi- THE HORRIFIC VIOLENCE AT and 2011 their budget will raise taxes tional $1.7 billion for veterans health AND TO STU- on ordinary income from 35 to 39.6, cap- care to ensure that they have access to DENTS, FACULTY, ADMINISTRA- ital gains from 15 percent to 20 percent, quality care. The veterans I have met TION AND STAFF AND THEIR dividends from 15 percent to 39.6 per- with from New Jersey have told me FAMILIES WHO HAVE BEEN AF- cent, estate tax, 0 percent to 55 per- that this is one of their top priorities. FECTED cent. Child tax credit goes from $1,000 I have been opposed to the preemp- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, to $500, and the lowest tax bracket goes tive war in Iraq from the beginning be- I move to suspend the rules and agree

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 April 18, 2007 to the resolution (H. Res. 306) offering the potential that a college education night in his crib in the home his father built heartfelt condolences to the victims represents should be content that their with his own hands being run over by a boul- and their families regarding the hor- children will be safe. der because the land was destabilized. No one rific violence at Virginia Tech in As we mourn with the Virginia Tech deserves a tragedy. We are Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, Virginia, and to the stu- community, this Congress must ex- The Hokie Nation embraces our own and dents, faculty, administration and staff plore every possible avenue towards de- reaches out with open heart and hands to and their families who have been deep- termining what can be done to prevent those who offer their hearts and minds. We ly affected by the tragic events that this kind of tragedy in the future, are strong, and brave, and innocent, and occurred there. whether in high schools or college cam- unafraid. We are better than we think and The Clerk read the title of the resolu- puses or on business premises or other not quite what we want to be. We are alive tion. places where people may congregate. to the imaginations and the possibilities. We Yet we must be realistic. From what will continue to invent the future through The text of the resolution is as fol- our blood and tears and through all our sad- lows: we are hearing regarding this tragic in- ness. H. RES. 306 cident, it is not clear that any law We are the Hokies. Resolved, That the House of Representa- would have been effective in deterring We will prevail. tives— the kind of senseless acts that oc- We will prevail. (1) offers its heartfelt condolences to the curred. Anyone willing to indiscrimi- We will prevail. victims and their families regarding the hor- nately shoot down innocent people and We are Virginia Tech. rific violence at Virginia Tech in Blacks- then kill themselves afterwards would Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of burg, Virginia, and to the students, faculty, not likely be deterred by any law. my time. administration and staff and their families Nonetheless, we must work with our Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker I yield who have been deeply affected by the tragic colleges and universities in developing myself such time as I may consume. events that occurred there; Mr. Speaker, the headline atop the (2) expresses its hope that losses from the ways to anticipate, identify and pre- mass shooting will lead to a shared national vent any such threats that we can. front page of yesterday’s edition of the commitment to take steps that will help our Some evidence is emerging that indi- Virginia Tech student newspaper cap- communities prevent such tragedies from oc- cates that there may have been signs of tured what all of us are feeling right curring in the future; and mental disturbances in the alleged now: ‘‘Heartache.’’ On behalf of my col- (3) recognizes that Virginia Tech has shooter, and this may suggest informa- leagues on the Education and Labor served as an exemplary institution of teach- tion which could lead to things to look Committee, my staff, my family, and ing, learning, and research for well over a at to avoid these tragedies in the fu- my constituents, I extend my deepest century, and that the University’s historic sympathy and offer my prayers to Vir- and proud traditions will carry on. ture. But, Mr. Speaker, today we stand to- ginia Tech students, staff, administra- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- gether to wish a speedy recovery for tion and families. ant to the rule, the gentleman from the injured and to mourn with the fam- Our institutions of higher education Virginia (Mr. SCOTT) and the gen- ilies of the victims who died in this are places where students begin to em- tleman from California (Mr. MCKEON) horrific tragedy. Virginia Tech is and brace adulthood, where they begin to each will control 20 minutes. will remain one of the Commonwealth relish a new found freedom and indeed The Chair recognizes the gentleman of Virginia’s finest institutions of high- where they begin to realize their from Virginia. er learning, and its proud traditions dreams. For that to be cut short for GENERAL LEAVE will carry on beyond this darkest hour. these young men and women by such a Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, This event will be with the students, senseless act is beyond anyone’s com- I request 5 legislative days during faculty and staff of Virginia Tech for prehension. So all we can do is mourn, which Members may insert material the rest of their lives, but we must not comfort one another and pray that the relevant to H. Res. 306 into the RECORD. let tragedies like this stop people from Virginia Tech community and our Na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there living their dreams. I hope that some tion may begin to heal in the after- objection to the request of the gen- day all members of the Virginia Tech math of this unspeakable tragedy. tleman from Virginia? community will be able to celebrate The collective feeling inside of this There was no objection. life and learning on the campus again. building over the last few days is much Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Finally, Mr. Speaker, I would like to like the feeling we experienced on Sep- I yield myself such time as I may con- introduce into the RECORD the powerful tember 11 and the days that followed sume. statement presented at the service yes- when we cast aside our differences and Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning to terday at Virginia Tech by Nikki united to stand with the victims, their offer my deepest sympathies to the vic- Giovanni. That service was attended by families and their communities. Today, tims and their families who suffered nine of the eleven members of the Vir- just as back then, it is a time not for the horrific shooting tragedy at Vir- ginia delegation to Congress and both politics or a time to take advantage of ginia Tech on Monday morning. My of our U.S. Senators. So I will insert such a horrific turn of events to push a thoughts and prayers go out to them, that statement into the RECORD. partisan agenda. And similarly today, the students, faculty and staff of the We are Virginia Tech. just as back then, it is not a time to university. We are sad today, and we will be sad for misdirect any blame toward anyone Virginia Tech is one of the largest quite a while. We are not moving on, we are other than the perpetrator of this mas- schools in Virginia, providing higher embracing our mourning. sacre. In this case, as we currently un- education to more than 28,000 students. We are Virginia Tech. derstand it, this blame belongs square- The effects of this tragedy can be felt We are strong enough to stand tall tear- ly to a single gunman who acted self- lessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, all across the Commonwealth of Vir- and we are sad enough to know that we must ishly, brutally and without regard for ginia, in the Halls of Congress and in laugh again. human life. every corner of this Nation. I represent We are Virginia Tech. Mr. Speaker, I also believe that we hundreds of Virginia Tech families, We do not understand this tragedy. We owe sincere and heartfelt gratitude to perhaps thousands of alumni, and know we did nothing to deserve it, but nei- Virginia Tech’s administration, law en- members of my staff have friends and ther does a child in Africa dying of AIDS, forcement officers, faculty and stu- family who currently attend Virginia neither do the invisible children walking the dents for the way they have handled Tech. night away to avoid being captured by the these last 3 days. Simply put, no one rogue army, neither does the baby elephant Schools are meant to be sanctuaries watching his community being devastated could have imagined this series of of learning and, most importantly, for ivory, neither does the Mexican child crimes that has risen to the level of the sanctuaries of safety. Parents who send looking for fresh water, neither does the Ap- deadliest in U.S. history. These men their children off to college with all palachian infant killed in the middle of the and women have done their very best

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 9207 to respond to it. And as we witnessed Virginia. Through the resolution, Con- Blacksburg grew worse as the day pro- at the convocation a day ago in gress offers its heartfelt condolences to gressed, and as evening fell the number Blacksburg, they are doing so with a all who have suffered loss, and it recog- of students and faculty killed reached deep respect and love for the campus nizes that Virginia Tech has served as 33. Included in that number was the ap- they call home. an exemplary institution of teaching, parent assassin, a fellow student who May that spirit carry them through of learning and of research, and that came to this country from South Korea the difficult weeks, months and years the university’s proud traditions will at an early age. The death toll of 33 ahead. And may we learn from their ex- continue. makes the tragedy at Virginia Tech ample as we tackle the challenges that Today, we mourn an enormous loss one of the deadliest at educational in- we face as a Nation in the aftermath of from a violent and senseless act. To- stitutions in the history of the United this great tragedy. morrow and in the months to come, the States. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of resilience of southwest Virginians and Words cannot express the sorrow and my time. the spirit of our region that has helped hurt that the families of the victims Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, to make Virginia Tech a great institu- are experiencing. We cannot bring I yield such time as he may consume to tion will assure that that university these mostly young men and women my colleague from Virginia (Mr. BOU- has an even stronger future. To that back to the classroom, to the sidewalks CHER), the representative of the Ninth end, we in the House today pledge our of Blacksburg or to their families and Congressional District, the home of support. loved ones. But we can always remem- Virginia Tech. Mr. Speaker, I urge approval of the ber and know that their spirit, energy Mr. BOUCHER. Mr. Speaker, I want resolution. and enthusiasm in making Virginia to thank the gentleman from Virginia Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Tech one of the finest institutions of minutes to the gentleman from Vir- (Mr. SCOTT) for yielding this time, and higher education in the world will I thank him for his remarks and also ginia (Mr. CANTOR). never die and will live in our memories Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, having express that same appreciation to the forever. returned from a heart-wrenching trip gentleman from California for the elo- At yesterday’s convocation at Cassell to Virginia Tech yesterday, it is hard quent remarks that he just rendered on Auditorium in the heart of the Virginia to stand here and find words to express Tech campus, those gathered heard the floor. It is with a heavy heart that the pain and sorrow that has befallen I offer these comments today. President Bush, heard the Governor of that community. As a parent of a stu- Virginia, heard ministers of various re- The tragedy on Monday of this week dent approaching college age, there is was of a scale and a senselessness that ligions around the globe, and heard absolutely nothing more upsetting leaders of the Tech community. In a defies explanation. And it came to a than seeing young people cut down in spontaneous happening towards the university campus that is known the prime of their lives. end of the program, one gentleman across our Nation for its friendliness, I will never forget, Mr. Speaker, the stood forth and led in the Lord’s Pray- its peacefulness, and the close associa- raw emotions that filled that convoca- er as it was prayed in unison by thou- tion among the faculty and the stu- tion arena yesterday as I, along with sands of students, families, government dents. my colleagues from Virginia, mourned leaders and others in the Virginia Tech Yesterday afternoon a campus-wide with some 12,000 friends and family community. convocation demonstrated to the world members of victims, half of whom at May God bless the families of the de- that Virginia Tech’s unity and sense of least were clad in Hokie maroon and ceased, the students at the institution, purpose will be maintained and orange. Nor will I forget the sight of a Virginia Tech, and our country in this strengthened. The convocation was at- bereaved father who, overwhelmed with time of sorrow. tended by President Bush; by Vir- grief, simply collapsed. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, ginia’s Governor, ; and by When an act of random cruelty bewil- I am pleased to yield 1 minute to the the members of Virginia’s congres- ders us and pulls us down, the sort of gentlewoman from California (Ms. sional delegation, both House and Sen- love, generosity, courage and heroism PELOSI), the Speaker of the House. ate. And I want to express my appre- we have seen in Blacksburg and its re- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, it is with ciation to the Members of the House sponse serves as a counterforce. It re- deep sadness that Congress today rec- who traveled yesterday to Blacksburg plenishes us and demonstrates, as the ognizes the tragedy that indeed struck to show support for the Virginia Tech Bible says, that ‘‘love is strong as our country when it befell the commu- community and to comfort those who death.’’ nity of Virginia Tech on Monday. We have lost loved ones. We Virginians are resilient people, offer our condolences to the many who I also want to take the opportunity and I already know that under the now grieve. I want to particularly ex- in these remarks to offer some personal strong leadership of President Charlie tend my condolences to our colleagues thoughts. To Virginia Tech President Steger, our brothers and sisters at Vir- here for the sorrow that has taken Charles Steger and the professional ginia Tech will band together and place in their State. staff of the university, thank you for make it through this tragedy. But the sorrow of parents who lost the poise, the dignity and the strength Mr. Speaker, in response to a moving their children, students who lost their that you have demonstrated under the plea from Virginia Tech’s resident poet friends, and a community which lost 33 most difficult and challenging of cir- toward the end of the convocation cere- of its own is beyond any comfort we cumstances. mony, the crowd there erupted into can give in words. Words are totally in- adequate. In the days that follow, the b 1050 cheers of ‘‘Let’s go Hokies.’’ It was a moving call to action. Let the healing mourning and questioning that has al- To the skilled first responders of begin. ready begun will continue. And as it Blacksburg and Montgomery County, Once again, Mr. Speaker, I stand here does, the thoughts and prayers of this thank you for your dedication and for with a heavy heart, and extend my Congress and, indeed, this Nation, will your outstanding service on Monday deepest sympathies, especially to the remain with the students of Virginia that saved lives and prevented our loss families of those students who lost Tech and their families. from being even greater. their lives. Among the victims there was a stu- To the families and the friends of the Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, dent resident adviser known affection- victims, profound sympathy for your I reserve the balance of my time. ately as ‘‘Stack,’’ a young woman loss of young lives full of promise and Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 whose love for horses led her to study mature lives of major contribution. minutes to the gentleman from Vir- veterinary science; one of the world’s The resolution before the House this ginia (Mr. GOODE). great researchers on cerebral palsy; morning is sponsored by all of the Mr. GOODE. Mr. Speaker, on April 16, and a Holocaust survivor who became Members of the House delegation from 2007, the news from Virginia Tech and an expert on aeronautics.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 April 18, 2007 These victims, of different back- each other, of students and teachers come home and to teach young people, grounds and different ages, are united helping each other search for answers to make them better able to meet the in their love of one of America’s great in these dark hours has been particu- future and to have that ability robbed learning institutions, Virginia Tech. larly moving. All of us around the from him by a senseless act. And so And today and in the days to come, as Commonwealth must come together to many others, Mr. Speaker. we grieve their loss, we are all Hokies. find the strength to move forward. We may never know the answer to When Robert Kennedy announced to We’re family. We’ve been deeply the question ‘‘Why?’’ Why have so the people of Indianapolis the news of wounded. That’s what families do when many loving, promising people been the assassination of Rev. Martin Lu- they’re hurt. They look to each other taken through such senseless violence? ther King, he offered comfort with the for strength, for inspiration and for However, let us mourn their loss and words of an ancient Greek playwright, meaning. Mr. Speaker, we hurt for the extend our heartfelt condolences and Aeschylus, when he said, ‘‘Today, when victims and we honor their lives. sympathy to their families and to their no words can describe our sadness, or That’s what families do. We close friends and to their fellow students. heal our grief, these words again give ranks and lend each other support in Today, our thoughts and prayers are our Nation hope. In our sleep, pain our darkest hours. Benjamin Franklin also with those who have been injured which cannot forget falls drop by drop said more than 200 years ago that those as well as Virginia Tech’s students, upon the heart until, in our own de- things that hurt instruct. Let us learn faculty and staff, alumni and the entire spair, against our will, comes wisdom from this. Let us hurt. It’s good for the campus community as they endeavor through the awful grace of God.’’ soul. It helps us to heal. It is, sadly, to cope with this monumental tragedy. Today, on behalf of the students, fac- the only way to move forward. Let us remind them they are not alone. ulty, staff and families of Virginia Again, I urge my colleagues to sup- Not only are they in our hearts but Tech, we pray for that wisdom. port the resolution. they will be in our prayers. I thank the I hope that it is a comfort to all who Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, gentleman from Virginia for giving me are grieving today that so many people I yield to the gentleman from Mary- this time to join him and the Virginia in our country, indeed, in the world, land (Mr. HOYER), the majority leader, delegation in recognizing the tragedy mourn their loss and are praying for 1 minute. and reflecting our remembrance of them at this sad time. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I join all those who have been hurt, those who Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 434 of my colleagues in rising to ex- have lost their lives, and those whom minutes to the gentleman from Vir- press our sorrow, our regret, our sym- they left behind. ginia (Mr. TOM DAVIS). pathy, yes, and in some respects our Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, may I in- Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. outrage that this calamity has been quire as to the amount of time left. Speaker, it is with great sadness that I visited on so many of our promising The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- address this Chamber today. As the and wonderful young people. tleman from California has 11 minutes. parent of four children in college, I Mr. Speaker, as a grieving Nation The gentleman from Virginia has 12 share the horror and the rage, the grief tries to comprehend the senseless, hor- minutes. and the sorrow of the larger Virginia rific violence on the campus of Vir- Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, at this community. ginia Tech University on Monday, the time I am happy to yield 4 minutes to I rise today to urge my colleagues to full scope of this tragedy is only now the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. support this resolution expressing our beginning to come to light. Thirty-two GOODLATTE). sorrow and offering condolences over innocent people, 32 young people of Mr. GOODLATTE. I thank the gen- the tragic events that took place Mon- promise, some people not so young who tleman. I thank the majority leader day at Virginia Tech. Our hearts, our were at great risk and survived, 32 peo- and the Speaker and the other Mem- prayers and our thoughts go out to the ple were stolen from their families and bers of our delegation for their com- families of those who lost lives, the in- friends at the hand of a deeply dis- ments. jured and their families, and all those turbed young man who ended the car- The tranquil campus of Virginia Tech affected by this terrible tragedy, in- nage by taking his own life. More than and the town of Blacksburg has been cluding the family of the troubled two dozen others were injured during shattered by the actions of a lone gun- young man who perpetrated this crime. this random, murderous rampage. man. The horror that the Virginia Today, a profoundly saddened Nation Tech community has experienced this b 1100 recognizes that these were not mere week is something that every parent, The coming together of communities, strangers, although we may not have every American hopes they never have the reaching over the fences to lend a known the victims personally. They to learn has affected their families and hand of support at this hour of need were members of our national family friends. has been touching. From the Wash- and in so many ways they were a re- I have a great appreciation for Vir- ington Nationals wearing Virginia flection of us. They were hope for the ginia Tech, one of America’s pre- Tech caps last night, to the community future. They were brothers, sisters, eminent research institutions, having groups that gathered spontaneously mothers and fathers who were so full of advanced from one of the original land across the Commonwealth to share life, hope and promise for a better fu- grant universities. Thousands of people their sorrow, the picture of the Com- ture, for themselves, their families, in my district which neighbors monwealth today is one we can, as their country and indeed the world. Blacksburg have gone to school there, usual, take great pride in. Yesterday I Those slain included a 20-year-old po- have sent their children there, and are traveled with my colleagues to litical science major from Dumont, members of Hokie Nation. During my Blacksburg for the convocation, and New Jersey, who attended Virginia time in this body, I have had graduates last evening over 500 Korean Americans Tech on an Air Force scholarship; an and students of Virginia Tech work and assembled at the Fairfax County Gov- 18-year-old freshman from Centreville, intern for me. For years I have known ernment Center to express their out- Virginia who distinguished herself in what a special place it is, with its af- rage, to offer their prayers, to start the drama and on Virginia Tech’s dance filiated campuses and offices spread healing process that follows such trag- team; a 22-year-old senior from Mar- throughout the Sixth District and ic events. tinez, Georgia who was majoring in across the great Commonwealth of Vir- Mr. Speaker, we Virginians are psychology, biology and English and ginia. Yet it is with great sadness that known for looking out for each other who served as a role model for many; a the rest of the world has come to know and this has been no different. The out- 76-year-old engineering professor and the compassion of Virginia Tech only pouring of love, sympathy and caring Holocaust survivor who survived one of through this tragedy. Although this for each other has been astonishing. the worst terrorists and despots the horrendous and unspeakable violence The pictures of students comforting world has ever seen, Adolf Hitler, to showed the worst of mankind, it also

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 9209 showed what those of us who have been condolences to the families of Virginia nurture them, so that we can be sure a part of the Tech community for years Tech University. that our country can be all that it can have always known—the students, the Let me begin by commending Rep- be as we move through this new millen- instructors, the administrators, and resentative BOBBY SCOTT for intro- nium. the citizens of Blacksburg care deeply ducing this very important resolution. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, for one another and take great pride in As you know, Representative SCOTT is I yield myself 30 seconds. their community. Even in the worst a member of the Education and Work- I would just like to thank the gen- circumstances, the Virginia Tech com- force Committee and has shown a tre- tleman from New Jersey who points munity showed great compassion for mendous interest in young people out that this is a national incident their fellow man and did what they throughout his State and the Nation, with students from all over the coun- could to help each other. Liviu and this exemplifies the deep concern try. And I would like to thank him for Librescu, a survivor of the Holocaust, that he has for all of our children. recognizing me as one of the sponsors blocked the doorway of his classroom Let me commend the Virginia dele- of the resolution. The Virginia delega- so that his students could climb out gation for its coming together and tion came together to present this res- the windows to safety. Ryan Clark, a uniting with the Governor of the State olution under the leadership of Mr. resident adviser in the West Ambler of Virginia with the State legislators, BOUCHER, so we appreciate his leader- Johnston Hall, rushed into the hallway with the students to see about a way ship today. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of to help his fellow students when the that healing can start. To the families my time. first attack came and became the sec- and friends of the 32 victims, to the Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, at this ond victim. And I was deeply saddened students, to the faculty and the staff, time I recognize the gentleman from to learn that one of my constituents, to the alumni of Virginia Tech, we ex- Virginia (Mr. WOLF) for 3 minutes. Henry Lee, a graduate of William press our condolences. Mr. WOLF. I want to thank Mr. Fleming High School in Roanoke, was As a member of the Education and SCOTT and Mr. BOUCHER for bringing among those who died in the attack on Workforce Committee, we are deeply this resolution up. Norris Hall. Two other of my constitu- concerned about the future of our Na- Words are inadequate at this time. ents from Harrisonburg, Virginia, Heidi tion. We are concerned about our And our community and our State and Miller, an undergraduate, and Guil- young people whether they are in pre- the Nation have been devastated by lermo Colman, a graduate student, school, in elementary or secondary what has taken place. were wounded and thankfully are okay. education, whether they are in the in- Mr. Speaker, it is with a heavy heart Now, following this brutal action, stitutions of higher education. And we that I rise today in support of this res- throughout the campus and commu- continually learn, and we have to con- olution offering the condolences of the nity, students are relying on each tinually change as Toffler said in his House to the victims and their families other to cope with what has happened, book, ‘‘Future Shock,’’ 20 or 30 years of the horrific violence at Virginia but they will not let the sorrow and ago, that if institutions and agencies Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, on Mon- pain that has overtaken them this do not change internally with the same day morning, and to the students, the week be the lasting legacy to those rate of change externally, then those faculty, administration, staff and their whose lives were lost. Under the leader- institutions or agencies become obso- families who have forever been changed ship of President Charles Steger, the lete. And this is, again, another exam- by this tragedy. Virginia Tech community will become ple of how we have to rethink how we My heart is heavy for the entire stronger as a result of this. Their com- operate. New Jersey had 4 students of grieving Virginia Tech community and passion will reach far beyond the town the 32 who perished in this senseless the families in the 10th District of Vir- of Blacksburg, deep into what is affec- act, and so our hearts are heavy, also. ginia who are mourning today because tionately known as Hokie Nation. I think that we have to see how we the young, promising lives of their Their vocal pride in their community can assist. Those of us in New Jersey children have ended. According to the will not be silenced by the actions of heard little about Virginia Tech 20, 30 morning news we have received, there one misguided soul. years ago until they became a part of are going to be at least five victims who call the 10th Congressional Dis- b 1110 the Big East, and then we did hear about Virginia Tech because they had trict, my district, home. I was very moved as I witnessed the There really are no words that can overwhelming sports teams, they had process begun yesterday at the con- adequately express, and as a father of 5 such tremendous student support. It is vocation at Cassell Coliseum. Speaker children and a grandfather of 12, words after speaker, including the President, a great institution. And we know that you can say, that can express the sor- the Governor, and so many great lead- they left the Big East for the ACC, but row we are feeling for the families ers at Tech spoke of not only the grief, we have fond memories of our competi- today. But with this resolution, it is but of overcoming the grief and moving tive competition. my hope that the families in my dis- forward to a brighter and better future. I am a Seton Hall graduate, so we trict and the families and loved ones of For the families who have lost sons were competing many times. all the victims will know that this dis- and daughters, fathers and brothers, But I think that we have to use this trict, this Commonwealth of Virginia mothers and sisters, I grieve for you example to see how we can heal. I and indeed the entire Nation are with and your loved ones. You will forever think that we need to take this trag- them in spirit, offering them our heart- remain in the prayers of this Nation, edy and see how we can better identify felt sympathy and prayers. and I hope that in time you can come students who have problems, students With my colleagues in the Virginia to find peace. who go to elite schools, who are lonely, delegation, I attended the very moving For the Virginia Tech community, students that have situations that need and emotional convocation yesterday although we grieve today, and what has to be dealt with. in Blacksburg. I was impressed with happened will never leave our minds, I We have in our inner cities many the Tech community, the students and know that you will take this tragedy young people who don’t have the oppor- staff, administration. President Bush and use it to build a stronger campus tunity to go to higher learning. We did an outstanding job, as did Governor and a more compassionate community need to really, I think, as a former na- Kaine, in addressing the students and for all. tional president of the YMCAs of the the administration. It was truly a feel- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, United States, I think we need to focus ing of family coming together to offer I am pleased to yield 4 minutes to the more of our attention on the young love and support to each other in their gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. people. A Nation that loses its young is time of grief and loss. PAYNE). losing a part of its future. We need to There is still a numbness and incre- Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I join with really spend more time on our young so dulity about what happened on the Vir- my colleagues in expressing my deep that we develop them, so that we can ginia Tech campus just 2 days ago. The

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 April 18, 2007 wounds in Blacksburg are deep, but is in the workforce or on a college cam- La Porte of Dumont; Michael Pohle from Rari- with the unity of spirit and the deep pus or a high school campus or on the tan Township; and Julia Pryde, a biological faith I felt yesterday on the Tech cam- street, innocent victims will be mowed systems engineering graduate student from pus, it is my hope that as the tomor- down. And it happens more often in our Middletown and a resident of the 12th Con- rows come, this outstanding institu- country than in any other civilized na- gressional District. Two other Virginia Tech tion and all those who are associated tion, than in any other civilized nation students killed in the attack—Mary Read and with it will find hope and peace. on this planet. And the reason, Mr. Caitlin Hammaren—had ties to New Jersey, May God bless all of us at this very, Speaker, is because it is simply too and another—Sean McQuade of Mullica Hill— very difficult time. easy to obtain a firearm. remains in critical condition. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, If you are a criminal or mentally de- Schools, colleges, and universities should I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the ranged or simply emotionally upset, be a safe refuge for students and faculty. gentleman from Colorado (Mr. virtually anyone can go to a store, They are environments that are open to new PERLMUTTER). even a retail department store, and buy ideas, encourage learning in all aspects of Mr. PERLMUTTER. Thank you, Mr. a weapon of mass destruction. That is academics and life, and help young adults to SCOTT. what has happened here and will hap- discover themselves and prepare for a career. To the members of the Virginia dele- pen again. And I know that the Na- Like students at colleges all over the country, gation, I am here with a heavy heart, tional Rifle Association is able to brag the students at Virginia Tech are ambitious, in- as all of you are. This is the kind of that it controls the gun control agenda telligent, and community-oriented young peo- tragedy whose ripples will affect the now from the White House. And the ple. They chose Virginia Tech, I presume, be- faculty, the staff, law enforcement, majority of Members of Congress are cause of its high academic quality and be- Blacksburg and the State of Virginia not going to stand up to the NRA. But cause of the safe, pleasant community where for a long time. the fact is, Mr. Speaker, I think we the university is located. Eight years ago tomorrow we had have a responsibility, particularly at I cannot begin to understand the pain and Columbine in my area. I live about 2 or moments like this when we are so confusion that students must feel about the 3 miles from Columbine. The emotions acutely aware of the carnage that the tragic events that have gripped the quaint that I feel and the grief that I feel for proliferation of weapons throughout town of Blacksburg. I can only begin to under- you bring back a lot of memories. I our society creates. When we are aware stand the panic and terror that parents, family wish I hadn’t seen this play before; I of the tragedy that this laxity causes, members, and friends must have felt won- wish I didn’t know this script. But I this lack of courage to stand up to gun dering about the safety of their loved ones. can assure all of you, if you need any- manufacturers and say it is time, Mr. In times of tragedy like these, it is important thing, you have friends in Colorado. We Speaker, no matter how politically dif- for a community to come together to help have been through this before. ficult it might be, to try to reduce the each other come to terms with the calamity It is a difficult time. There will be number of weapons in our society. I’m that has occurred. I hope and pray that the mourning; there will be finger point- not talking about those that are meant friends and family members of the victims, the ing; there will be all sorts of things. for hunting. People in Canada have all students and faculty at Virginia Tech, and oth- And I would just say to all of you, we kinds of guns, but their rifles are used ers find solace and comfort as we deal to- feel your pain. Your sons and daughters for hunting. They are not used for gether with this historic and heartbreaking epi- stalking and killing other human are our sons and daughters. sode. beings. This tragedy should lead other schools to b 1120 It is the proliferation of handguns, review and develop their own plans for secu- the kinds of guns that were used in this We will be there, whatever you need. rity, emergency response, and communication. tragic incident and the ammunition We have been through this. The dis- Also, Congress and the entire country should clips that should be banned under the belief and the despair that all of us feel reflect on what appears to be a culture of assault weapon legislation we let ex- today, we felt 8 years ago. If we can ever-increasing violence, on the psychology help in any way, you have friends in pire that have to be brought under con- trol. And it is we, the people’s rep- and methods of perpetrators of violence, and Colorado. on the easy availability of guns. If there is a Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, resentatives, who have to stand up and do something about this so that it federal role in dealing with these matters, and I am pleased to yield to my colleague I think there is, Congress should act. from the Eighth Congressional District doesn’t have to occur again. As appro- priate as it is, as I said, now to grieve Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, these words of Virginia (Mr. MORAN) 4 minutes. that I speak today do not come easily. They Mr. MORAN of Virginia. I thank my with those families and to offer condo- lences, it is more imperative that we flow forth from a deep reservoir of sorrowful good friend and colleague for yielding, emotions that compel me to take this podium. and I appreciate the fact that this reso- stand up before the fact, before another such tragedy occurs because of our What we witnessed on the campus of Vir- lution has come to the floor. ginia Tech was too much. Too much for any- It is difficult to imagine a more lack of political courage. Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, I would one to bear. Too much for a nation to bear. heartbreaking moment than to have a urge our colleagues to support this res- America weeps, Mr. Speaker. family receive a call from the univer- olution. In my life, I’ve seen the horrors of war. It is sity, where they thought they had sent Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance something I wish upon no one. To have battle- their child to a secure, nurturing, of my time. field casualties on an American college cam- learning environment, only to find out Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, pus, is something I never thought I would see. that their child’s life has been cut off we would urge passage of the resolu- Thirty-three lives . . . 33 young, bright lives before any of their potential could be tion. I want to thank my delegates on the cusp of experiencing the greatness that realized. What a horrible loss. And to from Virginia. The Virginia delegation life has to offer. think that more than 30 of those calls came together on this. We were to- We must be mindful of everything we do. have had to take place over the last 2 gether yesterday, and we appreciate We must ask ourselves what we are doing days. the support from across the country. that has created a world where this could hap- This is a time for grieving, for trying We urge passage of the resolution. pen. As much as it hurts we must reexamine to console. But, Mr. Speaker, as impor- Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, there are no words what kind of society we want to be. tant and appropriate as it is to grieve to describe the sorrow and the pain that we I cannot even begin to comprehend how after the fact, I think it may be even feel about the catastrophe that unfolded at Vir- such a terrible tragedy like this came to pass. more appropriate for this body to stand ginia Tech on Monday, April 16th. The most It would be too easy to say that this horrific in- up before the fact, because we know deadly shooting in our nation’s history, it is in- cident calls for some type of action by this that this type of tragedy, perhaps not deed a tragedy of monumental proportions. body. in as large a scale, but this type of Among the 33 deaths in the attack at Vir- That may become necessary, but that is for tragedy will happen again. Whether it ginia Tech were several New Jerseyans: Matt another day. Today is a day for us to look

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 9211 within ourselves. To examine who we are as munication technology, transportation, energy We are Virginia Tech. a people and never forget what happened on management (including leadership in fuel-cell Mr. Speaker, we will prevail against sense- April 16, 2007. technology and power electronics), and a wide less acts of violence. We will prevail against Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, range of other engineering, scientific, social uncontrolled rage and anger. We will prevail I rise to support the resolution. But I do so science, and creative fields. This research led against hatred and intolerance. with a heart still full of sorrow over a loss so to 87 disclosures, 17 patents, and 20 licenses Today we are all members of the Hokie Na- overwhelming. Two days ago, on Monday, in calendar year 2005. tion. We are Virginia Tech. April 15, 2007, at Virginia Tech University, one But that seemed to matter little on Monday, Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with a of the nation’s great land grant colleges, we which was the last day on earth for more than heavy heart to lament the tragedy that has witnessed senseless acts of violence on a 30 members of the Virginia Tech family. held our attention and broken our hearts na- scale unprecedented in our history. Neither Among them were future scientists, engineers, tionwide as we hear more and more about the the mind nor the heart can contemplate a teachers, doctors, soldiers, fathers, mothers, massacre at Virginia Tech this week . . . And cause that could lead a human being to inflict friends, and leaders. All of them cut down in I thank my friend the gentleman from Virginia such injury and destruction on fellow human a hail of bullets before they reached the prime for bringing this resolution to the floor today. beings. The loss of life and innocence at Vir- of their lives. So many promising lives inter- Sometimes a child of this nation is patho- ginia Tech is a tragedy over which all Ameri- rupted; so many promising lives wasted. logically disturbed beyond control or even cans mourn and the thoughts and prayers of noted in its editorial hope of understanding that murderous pathol- people of goodwill everywhere go out to the that as the investigation of the Virginia Tech ogy . . . but in the events that follow horror— victims and their families. In the face of such shootings unfolds in coming days, it will be im- Columbine, or 9–11, or the massacre at Vir- overwhelming grief, I hope they can take com- portant to ascertain whether there were any ginia Tech . . . or standing on a faraway bat- fort in the certain knowledge that unearned hints of the tragedy to come and what might tlefield . . . or even the spectacle of being the suffering is redemptive. be done to head off such horrors in the future. object of nation ridicule . . . our children have Mr. Speaker, Virginia Tech is a special Campuses are inherently open communities inspired us with their guts and their fast reac- place to those who claim membership in and it is not easy to guarantee a safe haven. tions in the face of numbing shock. They reacted well to events that defied un- ‘‘Hokie Nation.’’ Founded in 1872 as a land- But the carnage at Virginia Tech also com- derstanding, and touched our hearts and gave grant college named Virginia Agricultural and mands that we here in this body take a stand us a glimpse of our future. Our nation is in the Mechanical College and located in Blacksburg, against senseless acts of violence whether hands of these extraordinary young people, all 38 miles southwest of Roanoke, Virginia Poly- here in our own country or elsewhere around over the nation . . . those almost too young to technic Institute and State University, or ‘‘Vir- the world. It is long past time for our national remember Columbine, tempered by their early ginia Tech,’’ is now a comprehensive, innova- community to declare that injuries inflicted on teenage prism of 9–11. This nation should find tive research university with the largest num- any member of the community by another sim- our comfort in the lessons from our children: ber of degree offerings in Virginia, more than ply based on hate or hatred of differences adversity brings hope and when the worst of 100 campus buildings, a 2,600-acre main poses a threat to the peace and security of humanity shows itself, the best of humanity campus, off-campus educational facilities in the entire community. For that reason alone, raises up to heal together. six regions, a study-abroad site in Switzerland, such conduct must be condemned and pun- Just now, there are thousands of facts still and a 1,700-acre agriculture research farm ished severely, if not prevented altogether. unknown about the Virginia Tech massacre near the main campus. Through a combination As the poet Nikki Giovanni stated so elo- . . . thousands of second guesses about all of its three missions of teaching and learning, quently yesterday in her stirring address at the manner of the university response . . . and research and discovery, and outreach and en- convocation held by the university yesterday in certainly thousands of questions and many gagement, Virginia Tech continually strives to Blacksburg: more stories to come. accomplish the charge of its motto: Ut Prosim We are Virginia Tech. Today, I join parents from South Texas and (That I May Serve). We are sad today, and we will be sad for around the nation as we pray for the students Virginia Tech is home to 28,469 students quite a while. We are not moving on, we are that were lost in Blacksburg, for their families and 1,304 full-time faculty members, who to- embracing our mourning. . . . and for the millions of students and par- We are Virginia Tech. gether created an environment conducive to ents now psychologically wounded by the re- learning, discovery, and achievement. Little We are strong enough to stand tall tear- lessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, ality that students in college are hardly safe wonder the typical freshman admitted to the and we are sad enough to know that we must from dangerous minds and wounded souls. Class of 2010 had a high school grade point laugh again. To the families of those who lost loved average of 3.80, and an average cumulative We are Virginia Tech. ones, whose loved ones were wounded, and SAT reasoning test score was 1231. ‘‘Hokie We do not understand this tragedy. We for the families of those students at Virginia Nation,’’ is comprised of more than 190,000 know we did nothing to deserve it, but nei- Tech mourning their friends . . . know that living alumni from every state and more than ther does a child in Africa dying of AIDS, this House—and the larger American family— 100 countries. neither do the invisible children walking the are praying for them and standing with them Virginia Tech offers bachelor’s degree pro- night away to avoid being captured by the rogue army, neither does the baby elephant at this most difficult moment. We are also grams through its seven undergraduate aca- watching his community being devastated praying for the family of the gunman; and we demic colleges: Agriculture and Life Sciences, for ivory, neither does the Mexican child urge that there be no retaliation for these hid- Architecture and Urban Studies, Engineering, looking for fresh water, neither does the Ap- eous acts. Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Natural Re- palachian infant killed in the middle of the When a parent sends a child to college, we sources, Pamplin College of Business, and night in his crib in the home his father built are so proud. We are also worried about the Science. with his own hands being run over by a boul- choices they will make as they leave the safe The university offers masters and doctoral der because the land was destabilized. No one harbor of our homes and neighborhoods . . . deserves a tragedy. degree programs through the Graduate School but today, there’s a whole new horror to con- and a professional degree from the Virginia- We are Virginia Tech. The Hokie Nation embraces our own and tend with. Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medi- reaches out with open heart and hands to As we learn more in the coming weeks, my cine. It is also a research powerhouse. In fis- those who offer their hearts and minds. We colleagues and I are committed to finding new cal year 2006, the university generated $321.7 are strong, and brave, and innocent, and solutions to the monumental problems our million for research program. Each year, Vir- unafraid. We are better than we think and schools and colleges face in protecting the ginia Tech receives significant external sup- not quite what we want to be. We are alive safety of our children. And we will remain for- port for research, instruction, Extension, and to the imaginations and the possibilities. We ever sobered by the fact that nothing can ever public service projects. Support for these will continue to invent the future through completely protect us—or our children—from a projects originates from an ever-expanding our blood and tears and through all our sad- ness. madman intent on killing. base of sponsors. Today, nearly 775 sponsors We are the Hokies. Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I too fund more than 3,500 active projects. Re- We will prevail. rise in shock and dismay over the events that searchers pursue new discoveries in agri- We will prevail. unfolded on the campus of Virginia Technical culture, biotechnology, information and com- We will prevail. Institute on Monday this week.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 April 18, 2007 My community is fortunate that none of our under attack, ultimately sacrificing his own life Virginians proud and demonstrate the tremen- students there were injured or killed, but our for those of his students. dous promise of our future generation. grief remains at the loss of the 31 students Mr. Librescu, age seventy-six, was born in Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, the thoughts and and teachers who were killed, and the obvi- and survived the Holocaust and his prayers of the entire Nation go out to the fami- ously disturbed young man who orchestrated interment in a and Focsani ghetto. lies and friends of those who lost loved ones. this horrible tragedy. He and his family later survived the oppres- What happened at Virginia Tech on Monday When we send our children off to College, sion of the Romanian dictator, Nicolae was a senseless tragedy and it is important for we do so with anxiety just because they are Ceaucescu, and ultimately left Romania for us to come together and find strength at such leaving the ‘‘nest’’. They are growing up and Israel after then Israeli Prime Minister, a sad time. the relationship between us is changing. , personally intervened for This is a time of profound mourning as there Never in our wildest imagination or fears do the family’s release. He came to Virginia Tech are few things more heart wrenching than the we think that we are sending them into harms to teach in 1986. loss of so many young lives. way. All of that changed on Monday! Liviu Librescu was a celebrated scientist The sight of students and faculty coming to- And so I sadly join my colleagues in support who was an expert in composite structures gether to comfort and support each other, of H. Res. 306 to offer the heartfelt condo- and aeroelasticity, which worked earned him however, is a stirring reminder of our Nation’s lences on behalf of the people of the U.S. Vir- NASA grants and other prestigious awards for resolve. gin Islands to the victims, their families, their his impressive work. Mr. Speaker, this resolution has my support fellow students and faculty. Mr. Speaker. Liviu Librescu is to be buried and the support of everyone who lives in the In doing so I take this opportunity to also re- imminently in his native Israel. Fourth Congressional District. member the losses suffered at Kent state, I Yesterday, the Jewish community, in my na- Ms. FALLIN. Mr. Speaker, today I would like have a dear friend, Corinne Forbes Plaskett tive Brooklyn, volunteered to hold a service for to discuss something that is neither Democrat who was a student there at the time. She has Mr. Librescu in Borough Park and hundreds of nor Republican in nature, but simply Amer- never forgotten the horror of that experience Brooklyn residents gathered to pay their re- ican. That, Mr. Speaker, is the greatness of and I am sure the events of Monday have re- spects to Mr. Librescu and his widow Marlena this nation and of the American community, awakened memories for her and others who Librescu, before they returned to Israel. The the extraordinary ability of American men and were there at that time in Ohio. care and concern shown by the Brooklyn com- women to overcome tragedy and to be strong- May God bless all who were affected by munity for the Librescus, was truly remarkable. er for it. both events, and may He bless us all! I think New York State Assemblyman, Dov Twelve years ago today, the Alfred P. Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speaker, I Hikind, said it best when he remarked about Murrah Federal Building was destroyed by an rise today in support of H. Res. 306, express- Mr. Librescu that, ‘‘not only was he a hero of explosion that claimed the lives of 168 men, ing our condolences to the victims and the the Jewish people, but a hero of all people’’. women and children, and that left over 800 in- families involved in the tragedy which occurred May his remembrance be a blessing. jured. At the time, it was the deadliest terror this week at Virginia Tech University. Mrs. DRAKE. Mr. Speaker, this has been a attack ever carried out on American soil. April 16 brought terrible loss to all Ameri- very somber week for the Commonwealth of Like everyone else in Oklahoma, I can re- cans and particularly to those who are part of Virginia as we have watched tragedy unfold member exactly where I was when I heard the a college or university. The nearly 30 years I on one of our proud universities. news. I remember seeing the carnage on tele- spent working on a college campus were As Virginia’s largest University, the Virginia vision, and later that day, in person, and think- some of the most fulfilling of my life. I know Tech family extends into every corner of our ing ‘‘How can this have happened? What kind how much a campus can become a commu- Commonwealth and we have all been affected of person would do this?’’ And I saw the acts nity and the people within it, a family. In some by Monday’s events. of one deranged mad man bring our city to a ways, a campus is a haven—of learning and Unfortunately, we are not able to explain standstill, while the nation watched and growth—in which students feel safe and free such unthinkable tragedies. Furthermore, mere grieved. to pursue their dreams and aspirations. To words seem small under the weight of such a But even before the smoke and rubble had young Americans, a campus is among the last heartbreaking event. However, I express my been cleared, I saw something wonderful. I places where such horrific fears could be real- deepest sympathy for the victims and their saw complete strangers coming together, ized. families and I offer a prayer of support and praying, and comforting each other. I saw a When we look back on what occurred this condolence for the Virginia Tech community. state and then an entire nation rally behind the week at Virginia Tech, we will honor those As Virginia, and indeed the entire Nation, families who had lost their loved ones. And whose lives were taken and those who gave grieves so many young lives being lost, it is rather than a group of victims, the men and their lives to protect others. We will remember important to remember the grace, love and women of Oklahoma became a group of he- that we can never safeguard against every goodness exhibited by those who survived this roes, facing down terrorists and rebuilding threat. Still, we can take steps to protect the horrible tragedy. both their city and their lives. precious communities in which we live. We I was inspired by the ability of students, Twelve years later, we still bare the scars of must do more to ensure that lethal weapons alumni, faculty, family and neighbors to come that awful day. We will never forget. And do not fall into the wrong hands. We must together driven by a sense of community and today, the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial equip campuses and cities with adequate compassion to support others in their time of stands as a reminder of our pain and our emergency communication systems, so that need. heartbreak in the days and months after that critical information gets out in time. As I took part in yesterday’s convocation at attack. In the meantime, Mr. Speaker, we stand Cassell Coliseum, I was encouraged by the But the memorial stands for more than that. with the friends and family members around leadership demonstrated by Gov. Tim Kaine, It reminds us of the strength of our commu- the world who lost loved ones on that tragic President George W. Bush and the numerous nity. It reminds us of a city and a state that April morning in Virginia. dedicated educators at Virginia Tech. came together after a devastating attack to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The coming days, weeks, and months will heal itself and to rebuild. And finally, it re- express my sorrow and disbelief over the continue to be difficult ones as the Virginia minds us of the greatness of this country and massacre at Virginia Tech. I join a country and Tech community comes to terms with what of the power of American hope, even in the Congress, especially my colleague from Vir- took place on a dark day in April. But it will face of the most heartbreaking of tragedies. ginia, that are still experiencing profound also be a time of healing and I am confident Our memorial is a monument to our sad- mourning and shock. I extend my deepest that Hokie nation will be able to come back ness. But it is also a monument to our hope sympathies to the families and friends of all stronger because of the compassion and char- and ultimately to our strength. Today we are the Virginia Tech victims. We all continue to acter that has been displayed since this trag- a thriving city. We have a new federal building have the injured victims in our prayers. edy. which is stronger and safer than the one that I particularly want to recognize the heroism Just as the heinous actions of one troubled was destroyed. And after facing tremendous of Virginia Tech Professor, Liviu Librescu, who individual so obviously filled with hate has left adversity, we became a stronger people. was gunned down while blocking his class- us grasping for answers, the reaction of the On Monday, the nation and the state of Vir- room door while he and his students were Virginia Tech family gave reason to make all ginia suffered another terrible tragedy, when a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:14 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\H18AP7.000 H18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 9213 crazed gunman shot and killed 33 men and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Whereas these young women are out- women on the Virginia Tech campus. It is yet I yield back the balance of my time. standing individuals who are striving to another tragedy of almost unimaginable pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The reach lifetime goals both on and off the bas- portions—innocent students living in what they question is on the motion offered by ketball court; the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Whereas the Lady Knights epitomize the thought was a peaceful sanctuary, only to term student-athlete with a combined B+ have their lives cut short by a mad man. SCOTT) that the House suspend the grade point average; In a time of sadness, I believe that the story rules and agree to the resolution, H. Whereas by excelling in academics, music, of the Oklahoma City Bombing can deliver a Res. 306. and community service, Katie Adams, Matee message of hope to the families and friends of The question was taken. Ajavon, Essence Carson, Dee Dee Jernigan, the victims, and indeed to the nation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Rashidat Junaid, Myia McCurdy, Epiphanny Twelve years ago today we saw tragedy opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Prince, Judith Brittany Ray, Kia Vaughn, and death. But we also witnessed the healing in the affirmative, the ayes have it. and Heather Zurich are great role models for power of prayer and the strength of friendship Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, young women across the Nation; and and community. We found God in the most on that I demand the yeas and nays. Whereas the Lady Knights embody integ- trying of times and we found ourselves strong- The yeas and nays were ordered. rity, leadership and class: Now therefore be er for it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- it ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Resolved, That the House of Representa- My message to the students and faculty of tives— Virginia Tech is this: your community and your Chair’s prior announcement, further proceedings on this question will be (1) commends the amazing performance of faith are more powerful than the destructive Rutgers University women’s basketball team urges of one crazed gunman. Again and again postponed. in the NCAA tournament; and the people of this great nation are faced with f (2) expresses its admiration for the adversity and tragedy, and again and again COMMENDING THE ACHIEVEMENTS achievements and character of this team of we overcome that tragedy and grow stronger. OF THE RUTGERS UNIVERSITY remarkable young women; So will you. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- And while you struggle to find meaning in ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I move to this calamity and to deal with the pain and New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) and the gen- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- sadness of that terrible event, you should tleman from California (Mr. MCKEON) lution (H. Res. 300) commending the know that all of America stands with you, and each will control 20 minutes. prays with you, and will ultimately heal with achievements of the Rutgers Univer- sity women’s basketball team and ap- The Chair recognizes the gentleman you. from New Jersey. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it is plauding the character and integrity of with great sadness that I recognize the tragic their student-athletes. GENERAL LEAVE deaths of the 32 victims in the shootings at The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Virginia Tech this past Monday. tion. unanimous consent that Members may These 32 individuals did nothing to deserve The text of the resolution is as fol- have 5 legislative days during which this awful fate and should never have had lows: Members may insert material relevant their lives prematurely ended by the horrific H. RES. 300 to H.R. 300 into the RECORD. actions of one disturbed individual. One of the Whereas under head coach C. Vivian The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there shooting’s victims, Ryan Clark, served as a Stringer the Rutgers University Scarlet objection to the request of the gen- volunteer counselor at a camp for mentally im- Knights women’s basketball team finished tleman from New Jersey? paired children. Ryan was described by the their extraordinary 2006–2007 season with a There was no objection. 27–9 record; Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- camp’s administrator as ‘‘one of the kindest, Whereas after losing four of their first six most compassionate people’’ whom she had games the Lady Knights refused to give up self such time as I may consume. ever met. Another victim, Henry Lee, grad- and spent their Winter Break in the gym Mr. Speaker, as a representative uated second in his high school class, despite honing their skills and working to become a from New Jersey, I am pleased to rise having immigrated from China and having had better team for the rest the season; here in the United States House of Rep- to learn English as his second language. And Whereas on March 6, 2007, Rutgers upset resentatives to praise the remarkable Liviu Librescu, a Holocaust survivor, displayed top-seeded University of Connecticut for young women of Rutgers University, heroism all the way to the end by sacrificing their first-ever Big East Championship title; the Rutgers women’s basketball team, his own life by barricading the door to his Whereas the young women displayed great talent in their run to the Final Four of the the Scarlet Knights, and their inspira- classroom to give many of his students women’s National Collegiate Athletic Asso- tion, Coach C. Vivian Stringer. They enough time to escape through the classroom ciation (NCAA) tournament; are true champions, not only for their window. Whereas five freshmen played an integral academic and athletic achievement, In the lives of these 32 innocent individuals role in the team’s march to the champion- but for the dignity, strength and class we find countless examples such as these, of ship game; they have shown during this ordeal. kindness, compassion and determination. I Whereas the Lady Knights showed enor- These 10 young women overcame dis- would like to extend my warmest sympathies mous composure with tournament wins against teams playing in their home States; appointing losses early in the season to to the families and friends of these individuals, advance amazingly to the Final Four. as well as to the entire Virginia Tech commu- Whereas through hard work and deter- mination this young team fought through They lost four out of their first seven nity. improbable odds to reach the NCAA title games. But around the Nation, fans Unfortunately, we have seen tragedies like game; watched as the Scarlet Knights of Rut- this one numerous times in our Nation’s his- Whereas the team was just the 3d number gers, who lost four of their first seven tory. In my own home state of Texas, we lost 4 seed in history to reach the championship; games, defeated Duke’s Blue Devils in 15 of our citizens in a similar rampage four Whereas the Lady Knights made school the last seconds in an exciting 53–52 decades ago at the University of Texas at history as the first athletic team from Rut- Austin. gers to play for any national championship; upset, the same team that had lost to I believe that, in this time of tragedy, we Whereas during those 3 weeks, the Scarlet Duke by 20 points earlier in the season. must honor the shooting’s victims, offer the Knights brought excitement to the NCAA This victory followed a lopsided defeat people of Blacksburg our utmost condolences tournament and captured the hearts of bas- of the very strong LSU women’s team and support, and, most of all, renew our com- ketball fans throughout New Jersey and by a 59–35 score. mitment as a country to doing everything in across the Nation; When the ugly incident with Don Whereas Rutgers students, alumni, faculty, our power to helping communities prevent Imus on his morning show cast a shad- and staff, along with countless New ow over their success, these young similar tragedies from taking place in the fu- Jerseyans are immensely proud of what the ture. team accomplished this past season; women showed what they are made of. I commend my colleague, the gentleman Whereas the members of the team are ex- In standing up for themselves and their from Virginia, Mr. BOUCHER for introducing this cellent representatives of Rutgers University school, they also made a stand on be- resolution. and of the State of New Jersey; half of all young women who insist on

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