The Sacred Triduum

Apple Valley Catholic Community

The summit of the is the Triduum— from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday.

Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one-day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery.

The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads to the of the Resurrection of the Lord.

The liturgical services that take place during the Triduum are: Mass of the Lord's Supper Good Friday of the Lord's Passion Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord

Because of the pandemic, we will livestream the Easter Triduum this year.

This guide offers suggestions for praying with our livestream and recorded celebrations during these days. April 1 - Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Livestream Mass begins at 7 p.m.

Prepare your space: - Download and/or print the worship aid found on the website. - Place an arrangement of flowers in your space. - Light a candle. - Gather a pitcher of water, towel, and a large bowl to participate in the washing of feet.

On Holy Thursday we acknowledge our longing for the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. We remember that by our service to one another, God is made present in our midst.

In the first reading, we hear the Lord instruct Moses to prepare the Passover sacrifice. This is the heart of the Christian feast of the Lord’s Supper.

Tonight’s Gospel takes place during the Last Supper where Jesus washes his disciple’s feet. By this action, Jesus teaches us that the is not simply a ritual meal, but a call to serve one another in His name. We remember this call to service as we wash each other’s feet. We invite you to participate in this ritual after the homily. If you are alone, reflect on the times you have served others.

There is no official ending to this evening’s liturgy. Before the pandemic, we would participate in a procession with the Blessed Sacrament to an altar of repose. Tonight during the livestream, the consecrated hosts for the Good Friday liturgy are placed in the ciborium from St. Isidore Parish and placed on the altar. After singing a hymn of adoration, we will have a period of time during the livestream to remain in the presence of Jesus in a period of adoration.

Our celebration of the Triduum will continue on Good Friday. April 2 - Friday of the Passion of the Lord

Livestream begins at 7 p.m.

Prepare your space: - Download and/or print the worship aid found on the website. - Place a cross or crucifix on a table nearby. - Light a candle.

Tonight we commemorate the Crucifixion, Death, and burial of Jesus.

Tonight we hear the Passion reading from the Gospel of John. A note about this version of the Passion:

‘The message of the liturgy in proclaiming the passion narratives in full is to enable the assembly to see vividly the love of Christ for each person, despite their sins, a love that even death could not vanquish. The crimes during the Passion of Christ cannot be attributed indiscriminately to all Jews of that time, nor to Jews today. The Jewish people should not be referred to as though rejected or cursed, as if this view followed from Scripture. The Church ever keeps in mind that Jesus, his mother Mary, and the Apostles all were Jewish. As the Church has always held, Christ freely suffered his passion and death because of the sins of all, that all might be saved.” Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs

After the homily, we pray the Solemn Intercessions. On Good Friday, the same prayers are prayed in every church throughout the world. During the silence after each intercession, join your heart in silent prayer in unity with all members of the Church.

The liturgy continues with the Veneration of the Holy Cross. Before the pandemic, we would approach the cross with a sign of our reverence. This evening, we invite you to prayerfully reflect on the cross on the screen from St. Isidore Parish, or perhaps hold a cross or crucifix at home and contemplate the great gift Jesus gave to each one of us.

April 4 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

If you aren’t able to attend Mass in person, a pre-recorded Mass will be available on our website on Easter morning.

Prepare your space: - Download and/or print the worship aid found on the website. - Place an arrangement of flowers in your space. - Light a candle. - Bring a small bowl of water or a bottle of holy water to a table near you. - Have single candles available for family members.

The Sacred Triduum continues with the Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection.

We sing the Gloria and Alleluia for the first time since Ash Wednesday. We rejoice in the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

Before the Gospel, we sing the Easter Sequence, a joyful song telling the good news of the Resurrection of Jesus.

After the homily, we renew our baptismal promises. If you wish, light your single candle and hold it as you say “I do” to each of the promises. At the conclusion, blow out your candle, dip your fingers in water, and make the sign of the cross.

Our Triduum concludes with festive alleluias at the end of Mass. The Triduum is over, but the celebration begins! The church celebrates the Season of Easter for fifty days concluding with the celebration of on May 23. This is a time of feasting and celebration! Jesus is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!