Jurnal Komunitas 6 (2) (2014): 189-196. DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i1.3310

ResearchJURNAL & Learning inKOMUNITAS Sociology and Anthropology http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/komunitas

Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage in Heritage City of Baubau

Ray March Syahadat1, Nurhayati H.S. Arifin2, Hadi Susilo Arifin2

1Landscape Architecture Program, Graduate School of Agricultural University 2Departement of Landscape Architecture, Bogor Agricultural University

Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3310

Received : July 2014; Accepted: August 2014; Published: September 2014

Abstract As a one of the heritage cities in , Baubau has many historical heritages which are not only created by local ethnics but also by immigrants. There are three historical landscapes created by the immigrants like China Town by Chinese, Waliabuku by Buginese, and Ngkaring-Ngkaring by Balinese. Until now, proper management to preserve the landscapes does not exist and it remains unknown whether this phenomenon is caused by the public perception who think that historical landscapes of immigrants as an unimportant heritage. The objective of this study is to investigate the public perception of historical landscapes that are created by immigrant in Baubau city as an heritage city in Indonesia. The results of survey show that the public regard all historical landscapes must be preserved. However, the landscapes created by the ethnic of Chinese have the lowest degree of public selection as compared to the ethnics of Bali and Bugis. The situation is triggered by the stereotype on the ethnic of Chinese which state that they tend to be more closed and reserved.

Abstrak Sebagai salah satu kota pusaka di Indonesia, Baubau memiliki banyak peninggalan sejarah bukan hanya yang dibentuk oleh etnis lokal, tetapi juga oleh etnis pendatang. Setidaknya terdapat tiga lanskap sejarah yang dibentuk oleh etnis pendatang yaitu lanskap pecinan oleh etnis Tionghoa, lanskap Waliabuku oleh etnis Bugis, dan lanskap Ngkaring-Ngkaring oleh etnis Bali. Sampai saat ini belum ada pengelolaan untuk melestarikan ketiga lanskap tersebut dan belum diketahui apakah fenomena ini dipengaruhi oleh persepsi masyarakat yang merasa lanskap peninggalan etnis pendatang tidaklah penting? Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji persepsi masyarakat terhadap lanskap sejarah peninggalan etnis pendatang sebagai aset pusaka Kota Baubau sebagai kota pusaka Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh dari survei yang dilakukan, masyarakat umumnya menganggap seluruh lanskap sejarah harus dilestarikan tidak memandang apakah dibentuk oleh etnis lokal atau pendatang. Meskipun demikian, lanskap yang dibentuk oleh etnis Tionghoa memiliki derajat pemilihan paling rendah dari lanskap yang dibentuk etnis Bali dan Bugis. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya stereotip akibat karakter etnis Tionghoa yang dianggap masyarakat cenderung tertutup di Kota Baubau.

Keywords: Baubau City; heritage city; historical landscape; public partisipasion; stereotype

How to Cite: Syahadat, R.M., Arifin, N.H.S, & Arifin, H.S. 2014. Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage in Heritage City of Baubau. Jurnal Komunitas, 6(2):312-219. doi:http://dx.doi. org/10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3310

© 2014 State University. All rights reserved

 Corresponding author : ISSN 2086-5465 Address: Landscape Architecture Program, Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University Jl Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, Indonesia 16680 UNNES JOURNALS Email :[email protected] Jurnal Komunitas 6 (2) (2014): 312-319 313

INTRODUCTION the snowball technique referring to Rosyida Baubau city, Southeast Province, and Nasdian (2011: 51-71). The survey to the through Planning and Preservation Pro- public used a sample of 359 respondents gram Heritage Cities (P3KP) is set to be one with criteria Baubau City community who of the ten prioritized heritage cities in In- were ≥ 17 years old. FGDs were conducted to donesia. One of the long-term goals of the investigate deeper on the phenomenon that program is the recognition of Indonesian occurred based on the results of in-depth heritage city as the world heritage. Baubau interviews and community survey. FGD res- city itself is the former capital of the King- pondents consisted of nine representatives dom and the Sultanate of which has a of the people with different backgrounds, lot of historical heritage and landscape. The such as, bureaucrats, cultural observers, historical landscapes in Baubau city not only entrepreneurs, academicians, immigrants, were shaped by the local ethnic, but also by youth, students, and tourists. ethnic immigrants. This is what makes the heritage city of Baubau different from other RESULTS AND DISCUSSION cities, especially because of its diversity. The three largest ethnic immigrants resi- The team of heritage city has done ding in the city Baubau live as neighbors. an inventory and clustering of the heritage All three ethnic groups include the ethnic of landscapes and assets based on the mor- Chinese in Chinatown landscape, the ethnic phological characters which grow in every of Buginese in Waliabuku landscape, and region but none of them is concerning on the ethnic of Balinese in Ngkaring-Ngkaring the heritage assets created by the ethnic landscape. Despite their gregarious neigh- immigrants (Drijen Penataan Ruang 2013: bor, the interaction among those three eth- 150-170). The reasons behind this phenome- nics with local ethnic ethnicity remains to non remain unknown; whether the people be well-maintained. of Baubau assume that heritage by ethnic The contact between Buton and China immigrants is not important or there is any had existed since the days of pre-kingdom of social conflict between the local people with Buton (Zahari 1977a: 28). Allegedly, the eth- the ethnic immigrants. nic of Chinese in Baubau migrated gradual- This study aims to investigate the pub- ly. The Chinatown in the coastal landscape lic perception on the assets of the historical of Baubau city was established around the landscape of ethnic immigrant heritage in 19th century or early 20th century (Figure Baubau city as the heritage city of Indone- 1). The existence of a community in China- sia. This study is based on the participati- town was regulated by the Dutch. In Brug- on and perceptions on the issue of heritage man Asyikin agreement on April 8, 1906, it conservation which has become a global is- was mentioned in article 22, paragraph 2 sue since the late 20th century and proved to that “The existence of the Chinese people have significant value to the sustainability of who live in Buton has become big because urban heritage conservation program (Sar- at that time, whenever the Dutch Guvermen vazadeh and Abidin 2012: 214-225). requests any assistance, they should receive it just like with Guvermen Dutch” (Zahari METHODS 1977c : 94). The experiment was conducted in the City Just like any colonial cities built by the Baubau, Province in Dutch, east migrant resident occupied its February and May 2014. The method used in own territory. Chinese people came to the this research was the search of history with City Baubau to look for economic opportu- the in-depth interviews and literature re- nities and then stayed permanently around view, survey to the community using ques- the settlement of the Dutch (Rabani 2010: tionnaires, and also focus group discussion 76-78). The place of residence where they (FGD). The technique of extracting informa- lived then formed a distinctive special cha- tion was through in-depth interviews using racter such as character of Chinatowns in ot-

UNNES JOURNALS 314 Ray March Syahadat et al., Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage her parts of Indonesia -in the form of a row other cities of Indonesia. This interaction of shop building (Dewi et al. 2005: 17-26). can sometime creates harmony and also dis- Currently, the shop houses in Chinatown in pute or tension (Basundoro 2012 : 1-13). the city landscape of Baubau still maintain Bugis cultural center is located in Wa- its authenticity and the age are estimated to liabuku (Figure 2). Annually, the city holds have reached 100 years. Padenda which is a harvest festival in the Usually, the Chinatown area is adja- house of custom leader. The event is not cent to the area which is inhabited by the only attended by the ethnic of Bugis in Wa- ethnic of Pekojan Arabic (Suprihatin et al. liabuku but also the entire family of South 2009: 1-12). This is due to the policy of the Sulawesi who live in Baubau city. The num- Dutch government as stipulated in the re- bers of Buginese families in Waliabuku are gulations of Wijkenstelsel (Suryaningrum approximately 70 families who generally et al. 2009: 65-78). But in Baubau, Pekojan work as rice and cocoa farmers. Generally, is not found because there is an emotional the ethnic of Buginese in Waliabuku live in bond between the Arab community and the a traditional house (Syarifuddin A March so Arabic community 23, 2014, personal communication). It is not can easily blend with the landscape of Buton known for sure since when Buginese began Kraton. The impact of colonial settlement to to settle in Baubau city because it is told that the Chinese community, the Dutch commu- the relationship between Buginese (especi- nity, and the local population in Baubau can ally Buginese of Bone) and Buton has been be said as unique because there is no politi- existing for a long time. The relationship is cal and racial sentiments which eventually not even merely a friendship but it is a close form the social stratification as found in the brotherhood (Zahari 1977b: 36). According

Figure 1. Chinatown Landscape

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Figure 2. Waliabuku Landscape to the obtained information, the biggest ling down in Ngkaring-Ngkaring since 1978 wave of migration of Buginese to Baubau through the transmigration program. There occurred in 1960-1970s. Most ethnic of Bu- is information stating that Balinese them- ginese then worked as a tobacco merchant selves initiated coming to Buton to find fer- (Syarifuddin A March 23, 2014, personal tile soil, and then made a proposal to the communication). government. They were finally allowed to The ethnic of Bugis in Liabuku live move. Other information states that they together with the ethnic of Liabuku, one of were called to expel the evil spirits in the the local ethnic in Baubau city. The num- region of Ngkaring-Ngkaring. It is said that bers of families of ethnic Liabuku are 50 this region was once a place where people households. Just like the ethnic of Bugis in died suddenly. Then after the Balinese ar- Waliabuku, the ethnic of Liabuku also ge- rived, the situation became peaceful (Cop- nerally live in a traditional style house of penger 2011: 215). The ethnic of Balinese live Buton. Ethnic Liabuku itself has its own as rice farmers and are also known to be custom structure so that in Waliabuku the- good at making bricks. They form a landsca- re are two traditional chiefs who serve as pe based on their typical Balinese culture in the head of Buginese and Liabuku customs Ngkaring-Ngkaring (Figure 3). (Hiji L March 23, 2014, personal communi- The community life in Ngkaring- cation). This is what gives uniqueness to the Ngkaring is very harmonious and never landscape of Waliabuku. Moreover, these encounter any significant conflict with two ethnic groups live in harmony and some the local population in Buton (Sukardi N of them are tied by the marital relationship February 27, 2014, personal communicati- bond. on). This statement is in accordance with The ethnic of Balinese has been sett- what was reported by Ramadan (2012: 297)

UNNES JOURNALS 316 Ray March Syahadat et al., Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage

Figure 3. Ngkaring-Ngkaring Landscape concerning on inter-ethnic relations in Bau- which ethnic landscape of migrant commu- bau especially for the ethnic of immigrants. nities are worth to be preserved, the result The study shows that there is no symptom shows that the landscape Waliabuku rank which indicates the plurality of ethnicity, first, then followed by Ngkaring-Ngkaring religion, and culture as a source of conflict landscape and the last landscape is China- in Buton. town. However, more than half of the res- The results of the community survey pondents consider that the three ethnic shows that almost all respondents consider immigrant landscapes formed as a heritage Baubau City heritage must be preserved. asset of Baubau, should be well preserved Respondents also do not agree that herita- (Figure 4). ge which must be preserved is only the he- FGDs are conducted in order to inves- tigate further on the cause of the phenome- ritage belonging to the ethnic of majority. non that occurs in the community dealing However, the agreement percentages for the with the existence of ethnic immigrants. preservation of heritage belonging to ethnic The questions on the survey are repeated immigrants is lower (Table 1) to the society representatives and the ans- When respondents are asked about

Table 1. Public perception of heritage conservation in the City Baubau Questions Answers Disagree Agree Heritage should be preserved in the Baubau City 1% 99% Only the heritage of majority ethnic that must be preserved 92% 8% Ethnic heritage of immigrants must also be preserved 18% 82%

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Figure 4. Percentage of public perceptions of the historical landscapes of ethnic immigrant heritage which are considered to be preserved wers of FGD respondents are similar to the The different stereotypes in the Baubau city results of the survey of 359 respondents who based on the FGD responses is because Chi- generally regard the entire heritage must be nese people are very reserved so the local preserved. The respondents are also asked people feel less close to them. to continue the survey by including the gi- Comparing with the ethnic of Baline- ven percentage of the survey results; respon- se, although it can be said that they are one dents say that one of the compelling reasons of the major ethnic immigrants who have about the phenomenon is because the eth- newly come, Baubau people feel a better nic majority plays strong role in society. As relationship with them. This is because the a result, the community has a great pride to ethnic of Balinese is more open to the local their culture than the culture belonging to people. Each year, they hold a religious cere- the ethnic minorities especially newcomers mony in their landscape and it can be seen or immigrants. by everyone. Balinese and local ethnic work Baubau city community has always li- as farmers - often mutually share benefi- ved in harmony since the days of the King- cial interaction. The ethnic of Balinese, for dom and the Sultanate of Buton. They are example, help controlling the boars in the already accustomed to live together and local people farm. respect the policy of ethnic roles. This situ- The Chinese people also continue to ation is what makes inter-ethnic conflicts implement their traditions such as Chine- never happened. Previously in the Kingdom se New Year celebration and cap go meh. If and the Sultanate of Buton, people were not in other areas, they usually have festive ce- only from one ethnicity but more than 30 lebration and can be watched by the whole ethnicities. The high diversity of ethnic cau- society, as reported by Fitriyani (2012: 73-81) ses the present scientists debating the real in her study in Purbalingga, ethnic Chinese number of local ethnic in the Kingdom and in Baubau generally have closed celebration. the Sultanate of Buton. However, it is reported that they ever per- Low selection of Chinatown landsca- formed a celebration in their landscape that pe formed by the ethnic Chinese communi- can be enjoyed by public. This closeness is ty is because of the stereotypes toward Chi- what makes the emergence of stereotypes nese community in the Baubau City. This is and misunderstandings exist, especially in line with research conducted by Lestari dealing with the inter-ethnic relations. (2007: 41-72) in Bali and Riyanti (2013: 53- The landscape Waliabuku ranks first 65) in Banjarnegara stating that stereoty- as the heritage landscape of ethnic immi- pes are often against the ethnic of Chinese. grants that needs to be preserved. Although

UNNES JOURNALS 318 Ray March Syahadat et al., Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage the annual tradition which is celebrated ethnic interaction, increase tourist attracti- does not also involve the local communi- on, and also improving the economy around ty, but the people of Buton in Baubau City the historical landscape. feel the emotional bond with the Buginese community. The history of Buton and Bugis CONCLUSION stated earlier is a brotherhood relationship Baubau city community generally considers which can be seen clearly from the results the entire historical landscape as heritage of this study. Other things that cause such assets that should be preserved regardless close relationship other than historical fac- of whether they are formed by local eth- tor are the similar beliefs. And in Waliabu- nic or immigrants. However, the landsca- ku, the ethnics who live there is not only the pes formed by the Chinese have the lowest ethnic of Buginese but also ethnic of Liabu- public selection degree as compared to the ku as one of the local ethnic. landscapes formed by the ethnic of Bugine- In general, it can be said that what is se and Balinese. This circumstance is due disclosed by Lestari (2007: 41-72) that the to the lack of knowledge as a result of ste- more the ethnics are, the possibility of ste- reotypes against the ethnic of Chinese that reotypes can be justified. It also occurs not are considered by community as a reserved only on ethnic immigrants, even it can go people. Some routine activities on the his- against the fellow local ethnics, in this case torical landscape of ethnic heritage of im- the clash is between minority and majority migrants are also recommended to hold in as expressed by Tahara (2012: 75-97) on the order to preserve the historical landscape research in Baubau city. However, there are heritage, to educate the public, to be the values that can be learned from the peop- triggering place of interaction among eth- le of Baubau despite the stereotypes which nicities, to increase tourist attraction, and exist, but life must always be peaceful. It is also to improve the economy around the also in line with the philosophy inherited historical landscape. during the Sultan Laelangi containing sug- gestions for mutual respect and protection and love toward each other (Ramadan 2012: REFERENCES 297-298). Basundoro, P. 2012. Penduduk dan Hubungan antar From the obtained results, it can be Etnis di Kota pada Masa Kolonial. Paramitha. 22(1): 1-13. said that the public perception of historical Coppenger, C. 2011. The mysteries of the islands of Bu- landscape of ethnic immigrants’ heritage ton according to the old men and me. San Di- in Baubau city is influenced by stereotypes. ego: Aventine Pr. However, the factors which influence the Dewi, A., Antariksa, Soesanto, S. 2005. Pengaruh Ke- giatan Berdagang terhadap Pola Ruang-Dalam disapproval of some respondents are more Bangunan Rumah-Toko di Kawasan Pecinan because of the ignorance due to differences Kota . Dimensi Teknik Arsitektur. 33(1): in the perspective of different cultures. As 17-26. an asset, the historical landscape of ethnic Dirjen Penataan Ruang. 2013. Pelaksanaan program immigrants should be preserved and should penataan dan pelestarian kota pusaka Kota Baubau. : Dirjen Penataan Ruang. provide an education to the community Fitriyani, R. 2012. Peranan Paguyuban Tionghoa Pur- in a way that is creative, innovative, and balingga dalam Pelestarian Tradisi Cap Go entertaining. The government of Baubau Meh. Komunitas. 4(1): 73-81. city through the P3KP can make a routine Lestari, P. 2007. Stereotip dan Kompetensi Komuni- kasi Bisnis Antarbudaya Bali dan Cina. Jurnal schedule of event on the historical landsca- Ilmu Komunikasi. 4(1): 41-72. pe of ethnic immigrants, for example by Rabani, L.O. 2010. Kota-kota pantai di Sulawesi Teng- conducting the celebration of holidays that gara. : Penerbit Ombak. can be enjoyed by whole community. The Ramadhan, S. 2012. Konflik sosial dan relasi antar et- events held in historical landscape will not nik. In: Darmawan, Y., Mu’min, M (Ed). 2012. Negeri seribu benteng: lima abad dinamika di only be able to preserve them and educate Kota Baubau, Baubau: RESPECT. the public, but also serve as a forum of inter- Riyanti, P. 2013. Relasi Sosial Pedagang Etnis Cina dan

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