Preface and acknowledgments ix

I CLASSICAL 1 PLATO 3 The 4 2 CICERO 9 The Dream of Scipio 10 3 PLUTARCH 12 The Vision of Timarchus 12 4 CORPUS HERMETICUM 14 The Ascent of the Soul 15 The True Knowledge of Music 16 5 CENSORINUS 17 Harmony and Embryology 17 6 PLOTINUS 20 Universal Harmony 21 An Explanation of Magic 22 The Individual and the Supreme 23 7 IAMBLICHUS 25 Pythagoras'Use of Music 26 Music in the Mysteries 29 8 SYNESIUS 31 Christ's Ascension through the Spheres 32 9 MARTIANUS CAPELLA 34 The Marvelous Powers of Music 36 10 BOETHIUS 43 Music and Character 44 The Three Types of Music 46 The Three Types oT Musician 47 II SIMPLICIUS 50 How Pythagoras heard the Harmony of the Spheres 51 v CONTENTS

11 JUDAIC AND ISLAMIC 12 PHILO 55 The Heavenly Singing 56 The Death of Moses 57 13 ISAAC BEN SOLOMON IBN SAHULA 59 Song as Transcendent Knowledge 60 14 ISAAC LOEB PERETZ 63 The Kabbalists 64 15 THE BRETHREN OF PURITY 68 The Powers and Effects of Music 69 16 ABU HAMID AL-GHAZALI 74 Music and the Soul's Longing 75 17 MAJD AL-DlN AL-GHAZALI 77 Sufi Music and Dance 77 18 SUHRAWARDI 82 Music and the Imaginal World 83 19 RUM! 88 The Song of the Reed-Flute 88 Remembering the Melodies of 89

III MEDIEVAL 20 DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE 93 The Angelic Hierarchies 94 21 AURELIAN OF RfiOME 95 Hearing Angels Sing 95 22 ANONYMOUS OF THE SCHOOL OF CHARTRES 97 Hymen and Harmony 98 23 ADAM SCOT 100 The Music of God's Word 100 24 JACQUES DE LlfeGE 102 The Music of the Human Being 103 25 RICHARD ROLLE 106 A Mystic's Inner Song 106 26 HENRY SUSO 110 Singing and Dancing with the Angels 110

IV RENAISSANCE 27 MARSILIO FICINO 117 The Magical Use of Music 118 28 MATTHAUS HERBENUS 123 Human. Angelic and Divine Song 123


29 HENRY CORNELIUS AGRIPPA 127 The Magic of Words 128 The Magic of Tone 131 30 GIOSEFFO ZARLINO 133 The Music of the Human Being 134 31 LUISDELEON 137 On Francisco de Salinas' Organ Playing 138 32 GUY LEFfcVRE DE LA BODERIE 140 The Lyre of Man 141 33 ROBERT FLUDD 143 Rosicrucian Music 144 34 JOHANNES KEPLER 148 The Metaphysics of Harmony 149 35 ATHANASIUS KIRCHER 153 The Nine-Stringed Instrument of Nature 154 The Ultimate Music • 160 36 JOHN HEYDON 162 The Harmonious Influences of the Planets 162 37 ANDREAS WERCKMEISTER 165 Musical Astrology 166 Man, Music and the Constellations 168

V ROMANTICISM 38 GIOVANNI MARCAZI 173 The Origins and Powers of Music 174 39 J.F.H. VON DALBERG 177 A Composer's Glimpses of the Music of Spirits 178 40 FRANCOIS RENfi CHATEAUBRIAND 184 Two Saints Ascend through the Spheres 184 41 LUDWIG THEOBALD KOSEGARTEN 189 The Harmony of the Spheres 190 42 NOVALIS 191 The Song of the Wise Man's Son 192 The Star-Game 192 43 E.T.A. HOFFMANN 195 The Ghost of Gluck 195 44 BETTINA BRENTANO VON ARNIM 198 Beethoven speaks of his Genius 199 45 HEINRICH VON KLEIST 203 Dissonances in the. Psyche 203 46 RAHEL VARNHAGEN "" __ 205 A Musical Dream 205


47 ANTOINE FABRE D'OLIVET 207 Music's Powers, Ancient and Modern 208 48 ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER 212 Music as the Cosmic Will Revealed 213 49 CHARLES FOURIER 216 The Making of a Talisman 217 50 HONORfi DE BALZAC 218 Seraphlta's Assumption 219 51 GEORGE SAND 227 The Universal Lyre 228 The Prophecy of the Lyre 229 52 GfiRARD DE NERVAL 231 A Vision 232 53 ROBERT SCHUMANN ' 233 The Advent of Insanity 234 54 RICHARD WAGNER 237 On Inspiration 238

VI TWENTIETH CENTURY 55 251 Music, the Astral World and Devachan 252 56 HAZRATJNAYATKHAN 260 The Manifestation of Sound on the Physical 261 Spiritual Development by the Aid of Music 263 57 PIERRE JEAN JOUVE 268 Music and the Mystic State 269 • 58 WARNER ALLEN 273 The Timeless Moment 273 59 GEORGE IVANOVICH GURDJIEFF 275 Vitvitska'ia's Musical Researches 276 60 CYRIL SCOTT 281 The Beginnings of Music and Religion 282 The Music of the Future 284 61 KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN 288 Music and the Centres of Man 288 Towards a New Religious Music 289 The Composer and his Spirit 293

Notes 295 Bibliography 337 Index nominum - 343 Index rerum 347
