ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ft, 1812. No. 3434J 'We Farm i»in At six P. M. Gudin's division which he was struck ori the shoulder by abis- fibid, bus before night his left waa e'u- AND PUBLISHED had been dispatched to support the 3d caven. His wound which is serious, tirely broke and his centre completely BY corps, from the moment the powerful obliged him to be conveyed to Wilna ; routed after having defended their po­ sent by the enemy to his rear not appear to be dangerous. with great bravery and eager- JONAS GREEN, succour* but It does sition* Ki guard had been perceived) defiled in General Count Gouvion Saint Cyr, nes*. We might have made a consider­ od. and much CHVaCH-BTRBET, ANXAPOU8. column upon the centre bf the enemy's has taken the command of the 2d and able number of prisoners, had not the \ position supported by Gen. Ledru's di­ 6th corps. On the 17th, t>. M. the ene­ woods been so contiguous to their po­ Prict Two Dottari per Annum. vision, and after an hour's combat car- my retreated beyond the defile. Gen. sitions. 1 contain, betid,, Count Gudin wounded, and Gen. abandoned the Held '£*«?*« « o«5 m*&**~-~*^ ricd the position; Oen. Virdier has been The enemy have In addlt.on to lnn,£ coming up with his division, Was at the Maisoo has taken the command of his of battle to us, strewed with an im­ M. that muchadjaorrjl FOREIGN. very ocginnirtg of the a&ion struck by division. Our loss is reckoned at 1OOO mense quantity of his dead, twenty «» »« fa, a bulle.t which took off his thigh ; he men killed and wounded ; that of the pitfces of cannon and one thousand pri­ PARIS, Sept. 6. 1 n>°« rtaiomblt term, died gloriously. This loss is sensibly Russians is treble, we have made 5OO soners. On out side we have had nu­ Ann. the near*,, to% Hth BULLETIN. felt. Gen. Gudln was one of the most prisoners. merous killed and wounded ; amongst 'rom Annipoli, tnd ^ SmeUnik, Aug. 23 distinguished officers of the army ; he On the 13th, at four P. M. Gouvion the biter are the general of division, n fourteen. * as one and Col. preicribtd by iht item Smolensk may be considered was commendable for his moral quali­ Saint Cyr, commanding the 2d ajidGth Deroy, general Raclovitch which the land U oCend 5f the finest cities of Russia. WiihVt ties, as much as for his bravery and in­ corps, marched to the onemy, by ma­ Colortf.e, commander of the Bavarian, h»»er or purctuHn tkji] .he circumstances of war which set%t trepidity. Gen. Gerard has taken the king the,.Bivarian division'of Count artillery. d wcuritjr, |or the «,. ;n lire, by wnich immense stores of command of his division. It is stated Wrcde attack his right. The com­ I cannot sufficiently prill4* to Y. H. »«y. With iwcro»t iheii. De­ n» rrorn the day of uk colonial produce and every other kind that the enemy has had eight Generals bat became general on the whole line ; Generals Legrand and dc Wrede, . and the ratification rf )( productions have been destroyed, killed or wounded ) one gen. is made the enemy was completely routed and roy, Raclovitch, and general of artil­ T. the UnO-ihill be co». his place would have afforded great rc- prisoner. pursued the space of two leagues, as lery Aubury who directed the artille­ r Twen­ great distinc­ I tnlEclent deed. Safe*) ources to the array. Even in the state On the following day, at 3 P. M.the lar as day light would permit. ry of the Sd corps with n which it now is, it will be ok the Emperor distributed on the fieldofbat- ty pieces of cannon and 100O prison­ tion. '" Sham, Tnuttt. greatest use in a military point of vT tle rewards to all the regiments that ers remain in the power of the French Gen. Merle hal repulsed with great tt There remain spacious houses, wh had distinguished themselves, and as army. The Bavmian general Dtloy skill and with part of his division, an ited, anc situations are well calculated for the 127th, which is a new regiment, had has been wounded. attack of the enemy upon our centre, hoipitals. The province of Smolensk behaved weU, H. M. has granted it the , Rtftrl tt tbt Majtr Central. with intention of protecting his retreat PURCHASE, is very fertile and beautiful ; it will af- right of having an eagle ; a privilege My Lord I presume that M. the to the wood. The Creates distinguish­ Apply at the ( sub- will have given Y. H. ed themselves in this charge support­ lelte. ord great resource* in articles of which that regiment had not yet reCeiv- Duke of Reggio, and forage. now been presett at an account of the transaction of the ed by part of Gen. Castex s cavalry • tf tistance ed, having not till Since the events of the war, the Rus* any battle. These rewards, given up­ 17th at least up to the time hi* wound Generally, I claim the kindness of H. 1 Purchase, iians have made an attempt to raise a on the field of battle amidst tlie dead tt oMiged him to quit the field of battle. M. the troops have merited encourage­ who were arm- of The troops continued their successes ments and rewards. ra Term of Years, militia of slave peasant*, the dying, the ruins and tropliicl ed with bad>pikes. There were nea- victory, presented a spectacle trulyjmi- the remainder of the day, and at 9 P. H. M. would do me a grtat pleasure he Would let fall one of his favours > WOMAN, dy 5000 of them assembled here ; «\py litary iiy and Work, forwhttl were objecls of derision and laughter enemy after this combat made so direcVton, after experiencing the great on Mr. de Marille, my Aid de camp* The zeal isder >« given. Inquire u | even to the Russian army itself It precipitate a retreat, that in the cokrse est losses, having attempted in the bearear of this letter, whose made the order of the day that advanced oght course of that day six or seven attacks Serving much commendation. I have* had been of the 20th our troops oil • iji.s Smolensk was to be the grave of the without ever being able tc find which have been repulsed with a brave­ also nothing but praises to bestow -JV leagues the Sd & 6th French ;;aad that if it had been thought any Cosiacks, and picking up in eve­ ry superior to the exasperation with the chief* of the staff of in ted proper to evacuate Poland, it was at aomt wounded and i .rag- which they fought. corps. ry direction to be} &c. IT THE YEAR, Smolensk they were to fight in ordci glers. i .;:. . This affair reflects the greatest ho­ I have the honor who can come well «. of Russia to nor on Legraod's division which was not to suffer this bulwark Oar loss it the-combat of Valoitina CYR. henvoman. For well fill into our hands. has been GOO killed and 26OOwou ded. posted at the fork of the roads of Si- ColfnTcOUVION SAINT i will h« riven. Ap-l The Cathedrlt.fc aVplensk is one of Tiut of the enemy (witness the field be] and Ncvil, and on the Bavarian -I'; HI.1: Gneclte Office. the most famous wee\ Churches in of battle) is treble. VV« mmde 1OOO corps stationed on the left bank of the DOMESTIC. Russia. The Episcopal Palace forms a prisoners, the most part wounde Polota, in the rear of the village Spas Rented, iind of separate city. Thus the only two Russian dm ions on which the enemy made the utmost . MASSACHUSETTS l/fcGULATUKI. The heat is excessive. The ther­ which had not been participators 11 the exertions to retake it, though driven Answer of the House, to the Gover­ n. opposite to the e'ny tf \ nor's Speech. > ton It contaw | rise* a* high as 20 degrees, former battles of Mohilow, Otitowno, off five or six times, and where the 'ort Midi mometer Excilltncj% of excellent land, * his hotter than in Italy. Krasnoi and Smolensk, have beert rou­ 2Oth division and gen. Wrcde who com­ May it pltast jtur tnure in each field i covered themselves with glo­ The House of Representatives have OF VALONT1NA. ted in that of Valontian^ mands it, >e conveniinee to om it I BATTLE ry. The Bavarian general Vincenti, considered your Excellency's Addrei* th« ««ller.)m the Mate, it 12th at day break, the bridge Every information we receiveicon- On the who deserves much praise, for the man­ to botjh branches of the Legislature, withing to rent, roajr tatj I being completed, the Mars)*al Duke of curs in stating that the enemy isnying nnapolii, or the tubtofci j ; that his ner in which he conducted himself,has with that attention which 10 important Elcliingen moved in by the'fcgbA bAk in all haste toward Moscow to inspire; ha* suffered much in the preted- been wounded. a communication is calculated Dtntd Kerr. ot° the liorysthencs, and folljwki tie army upon the discharge of ing combat*, and that it experiences In the evening of that day I felt the and will enter euemy. At a league from the city, He" those solemn duties which have devolv­ besides a great desertion. necessity of attacking the enemy; >F OLD SIX PER met with the last division of the enemys and ed on them, with all that moderation 8c men, The Poles are deserting, saying, f Conjreii. emitted. "Ai posted on commanding I have used every possible obligations they arc under to their con­ ription for the old lix pr>- with the right, therefore, have you of requiting > P. M. caused them to be attacked to deceive the enemy as to my stituent* and their country. :kt. and providing for ih« 4th regiment of in- us to remain under your colours f"yhe. means ,' patted on the 6ih da; ex* bayonet by the 1 o'clock I caused While freedom is driven from the line. Russian soldiers from the province* of iesign i about I be opened on the fint daj faiitry and the 72d of the he train of the army which was Continent of F.urope, and her Repub­ e Treasury, tnd at the tt- and our Mohilow and Smolensk, take advantage The position was carried, lics have successively fallen before tliat lllll continue open till the proximity of their vilhgc >chind Polotsk, to file oft" by the will bayonets covered the field of buttle with also of the of liberty, whose corruption «t, for receiving »ub»rote£\ that movement the Duke of very through the old world, the right oE nt I rom the fint day of tt* retreated upon the The attack made byGudin's division The flying enemy Ituggio had made to rcpass on the left electing their own rulers, at stated peri­ iliacription thall be made, x 3d division which was placed on -*he was done with such inirvpidity that tlie of the U* mium per annum, payibb the tank i during the night of the 16th to ods, is still left to the people height* of Valontina. The first posi­ enemy ha'd persuadedtjim*«lf it was faithful,up_-_ ic unredeemed amount of with a single the 17th, the/ collected behind I'ulotsk States i A right, upon the ix per rent and defend carried by the IBtli of the line imperial-guard. It » of which tion was culo- n the rear of the train ; the division right and vigilant exercise lulncribed, will be ittutdu and at four P. M. the musketry com­ word, bestowing the handsomest of our republic moat : Loan Office* retpcSitrl; of light in- of Cuirassiers reached there also from the continuance mented with the whole of tire enemy's gium on the 7th reginunt depends. The people of. utncribed may at the lime 21st and K27th of the line Sememes; likewise the brigade of light essentially ew ttock u ill be redeemable rear guard consisting of about 15.OOO 'untry, 12th, have contemplated that ilvision. cavalry of general Caisei, from Ron- this Commonwealili e United State* at any tint men. The duke of Abrantes crossed which composed with anxious solicitude the return o£ DectnrUr, 18:4; but no* of Valott'na might also dina. over the Borysthenes two leagues on The combat that period when the State would be a- vide mcept fur the whole « be called a battle, sinle 80,000 men At 3 P. M. the column of the train Handing at the time, to tltf tlie right of Smolensk ; he found him- in sight of the enemy ; and gaiu rt^uirtd to appoint their proporti­ were engaged in it. Iris at least an had defiled 11- 'i or, on the books of the tm- ssli' in the rear of the enemy he could the above designated troops rccrussed on of the Elector* of President and lionrr* of Injnt topfCtirr1', by rtarching with decision, intcnixpt affair of advanced guar|s of the first the U. S. They tix montht previoui public the Dwina with the greater part of the Vice-President of the high road of Moscow, and rftUrr order. Po­ have considered it a* an event, wliith by id reimburiement. Nevertheless am'tdstlall the disas­ French artillery and had re-entered Albert Gallatfn- thejrctreat of this rear guard difficult. lotsk. Towards five, all the troops and the independent exercise of the right mt, Sept. to, ilii. . MdtnwUile the other divisions of tlv.- ters, the Russians contilue daily sing­ of suffrage, would afford a peaceful and they tui every thing artillery were in position for marching- cnjmy's army that were not far off, b^- ing 7t Dtum; having per­ constitutional remedy for the multiplied victories ; but, notwithstanding tin. to the enemy, without his for Sale. iuj informed of the success and rapidi­ into preparations. At fiv^ evil* they have so long experienced i ignorance and brutishnesaof these peo­ ceived any*of dur ation on which 1 new rr< typf this first attack, traced back their precise the whole artillery began its and would restore to our unhappy coun­ mi tix-hundred and nvij stjps. ple that begins to appeal lo the ridi sal­ try, the days of her former prosperity* in » firing and our columns of infantry , adapted to farming, 'our divisions came forward'in this culou* and too gross. its protccYioa to at­ A* the immediate representatives oE here it the greaiett plenty oi Combat tf j lied forth under heimit, walnut and pojiiar ; niinner to support their rearguard, es of the enc- the pcpple, therefore, your Excellency of M^v>» tack the left and centre* a plenty of meajow, awl cully the division* of grenadiers After the combat >, may rest assured, that this House will over. Tliit UnJ liet within of Rcggio being apprizeonut the e'ne my. tich till now had not engaged From The division of Wrede marched by persevere in it* efforts, to enable thi> ;' Creek Church, five mik* formei my's general Wittgenstein, had rein a du­ i about th« tame diitance ve. to siJT thousand, cavslry the right of Spas, and attacked with great Commonwealth toJischarge divided to tuit pur- 'heir right, whilst the left was cover- forced Jjun.icJf will) 12 tliirabaitallioni ty imperknuly required of them by I will be btin] gmt bravery «od skill, the left of the For term* apply to the wv d by woods Vtned with sharp shoo'ttrs of the garrison Dunaburg, and marched the constitution, and to exercise a right him to a close en enemy ; gen. Deroy's division The enemy had the greatest interest in desirous of drawing Legrand's division by at once so important to theif interest* //armonxit'. gagement ou this stile of the defile'un from Spas itself; preserving that position as long as pos­ the left of that village, having its left and so consonant to theit1 wi*hn. A, sible -, it was a very fine one, and seem­ der Pilotski, came on to place the 2t one of recurrence to the proceeding* of the atray unde connected with Vendies*division ed impregnable. We attached no less and 6th corps in battle was observing the right former session of the LegislatuCe. while> :'f.w >TICE. Gen. .Wittgenstein followei Whose brigade* importance in wresting it from him, in Polotsk. of the enemy, placed on tht road of it will evince the readiness of the Housfr order to accelerate his retreat Be cause and attacked him on the IGtlib 17th, £ of Representatives to sacrifice their o«ri laving obtained fettertof Bava Gebmzeleva. Merle'* division covered all t',i«*ws^g^ns..conveyin9 the wound- waa vigorously repulsed. [The _ I favorite views to the attainment of thii on the periQO*! eftate «( tjan £.' .'- ^-Vb^.tt the 6tl Cbc-frvnt of Pot*tsk._~. ;ci and other traitt'bf whicKjtite rs)e of the and for of 108 pteces receded,* at first our requmuoa . of the •y«« erloni indetitcd to ttic fail ( brightest achicvenitnts oljmr per advantage of. the . i calmncil and ting llhey now nle,dgc ncdutc payment. career. . driving llte enemy to 1,5. GREEN, AJm'r. fcxceltency and their constituents, that detvar to furnish all the meins of pro­ all other American citizens in Algiers. they will not cease their effort! to pre­ tection in their power by supplying e- Kvery proper''measure was taken to GIDEON"'' WHITE serve to Massachusetts the inestimable very citizen with such arms and mili­ prevent the execution of this order, privilege, guaranteed by that instru­ tary stores, as their situation may re­ and to restore the former good under­ which art ment of appointing in a fair and impar­ quire. Still, however, it is obvious, standing, but without effect, and I left EXTRA SUrERFiMB ' tial manner lileflors of the first ma­ that maritime protection only, can af- Algiers this morning, in the ship Alle- American Broad Cloth gistrate of the union. To a stedfast Foratu/1 sccurityto the numerous towns gany, with my family and all other From Shepherd k Co. Manufactory HOUSE Of citizens of the United States, then in Kachusetts, equal if not sinie MONDAY, KOV. 9| adherence to th'u determination, they which are.exposed to the enemy, and t will be alike induced, by their own the islands which border on our coast. Algiers. ny imported Cloth,. Thi« be'"1? the day appoin wishes-, their regard to the rights and The House of Representatives arc This afl bears such evident marks of A.L80 and fjrrn of -gow of »h« General A interests of their constituent*, the alle­ not without hope that their own expe­ hostility on the part of the Dey of Al­ London Superfine and Second Cloth, n ..more,. Hertford Cord, Faahionabk member giance they owe to this Commonwealth rience will satisfy the national govern­ giers towards the U. S. that I embrace si " the first moment to-communicate mer, Fa.hion.bie Vesting,,Vestin, ° 8toc. For Saint-Mary'! county, as a 1'sovereign and independent state ment of the necessity of a naval force, the ich he will gcll low. their attachment to the constitution of for while disaster and defeat have at­ same to all the Consuls of the U. S. in November 5. the U. States, and the obligations of tended our arms on the land., a recent the Mediterranean, that the same may William Hilt oath, by which they arc bound to occurrence has hore honorable testi­ be made known, without delay, to all Livery Stables. Cathbert Hall, Efqr.. Fo its support. Should this duty therefore mony to the skill and bravery of our comm.indersof American vessels in this TILE ..uhicriher having his Stable, - toun.y, William H. Matr.o lie neglected, should no mode of appoint­ gallant seamen. sea, and others concerned, that they gt,od order for t,he reception o William Hall, 3d, and L, ing elc&ors be prescribed by the Le­ The House of Representatives deem may be on their gu,ard. ?< secure them­ (-pot tfully solicit, the favor, of th« n Tfqn. For Calvert count; gislature, should the people of this it unnecessary, at this lime, to enter selves and their-vessels as effectually as TI.O utmost attention will be paid to hn Joldi, Michaet Taney and state, upon this most important occa­ into a consideration of the .avowed possible against the dangers of capture. entrusted to his care. -C-,, For Charlei county, sion, be deprived of their political r.on- causes of thai unhappy war in which I therefore request that you will give >hn E. Ford and George U. Fcqucncc, and of the right of citizens, our conniry is engaged. They cannot this notice to all commanders of Ame­ ». lil|B. He prepared to »or B»l"more county, Get fcall Randall, F/qr.. Fo. and thus have imposed on them a Pre­ however, refrain from expressing their rican vessels and other citizen* of the eytafeM to any part of the state aTl" U. S. in your sjtrteU notice, wilh despatch. vlward N. Hambledon, Jal sident hostile to their interests and ab­ surprise and regret, that although the district, and forward the ,trt Banning and David Y horrent to their wishes, the House of principal cause for its declaration has same to all ports and places in this sea, iomtrfet county, Hioroai 1 Representatives owe it to themselves, ceased, by the revocation of the Bri­ with which you have an opportunity of By the Committee of Claim long, Arnold E. Jones an to declare that of this' political sin, tish Orders in Council, no disposition communicating, and where it is likely er Klq"- For DorcMlt American vessels may be found. Tlie Committee of Claims will ,jt eve( they will be guiltless. They cannot has been manifested by our rulers, to day. during the present sebsion, from ite'wart, Benjamin Lecoroj however permit themselves to believe bring it to a peaceful termination, and On the 13th inst. a squadron of crui- o'flo'.-k in the morning until three :- nit til and Edward Giimth, 1 that a period so momentous to their the United States now present the no­ zerj sailed from Algiers to the east­ afternoon. m 11 ounty, William Lufoy at country and the world, either branch of vel spectacle of a nation, professedly ward, consisting of live frigates, three By oixler. :|qrj. For Princr-Georg Legislature will attempt to control the contending for the rights of commerce corvettes, two hrigs, one xebec, one DKNJAS1IN GREY, Clk, '. Herbert, Francis M. H wishes, or counteract the demands of a and by that conlesl annihilatingits be­ sch. cue row galley and six gun boats, /fovcmber 5. " .',|| and Henry A. Callii great majority of the people of this nefits, while, if the deilaralion of our and there is reason to apprehend they ity of Annapolis, Denn'u hail orders t» capture American ves­ ', Duvall, Efqrt. For ^ Commonwealth. own government be correct, that the. By the Committee of Grie\ rhotnai N. Williami, E| The House of Representative^ have French decrees arc repealed, we might sel*. ances §- Courts of Justice Robert I. H. Handy and witnessed*with great sttisfaclion, the at this moment enjoy an unrestrained I shall proceed to Gibraltar, where I ifqri. For Frederick com course which your excellency has a- commerce with all parts of the gloor, shtll probably remain until I can com­ The Committee of Grievance* Courts of Justice will tit every day, gnatiui Davii, Richard adoptcd and pursued, in regard to the re­ contending too, with a nation whose municate this intelligence lo all parts )elaplane, Efqri. For Ha of the Mediterranean, or learn somc- ring the present session, from nine o'cl quisition of Major General Dearborn, downfall would be attended by our own iu tlie morning until three in the aftenn fVwood, of Wm. and ] for the part of the quota of the militia subjugation ; and in concert with that ih'ng of the conduct of the Algerincs By ]«iob, Efqri. For Carol order, im Potter of this Common wealth ; and it is due to power whose' triumph would bind us in towards our vessels. I have the honor to LOUIS GA8SAWAY, Clk. and William your excellency to declare, that the chains^ In such a war, commenced be, &c. /rvember 5. For fre city of', ~- conduit of the executive, upon this in­ without preparation, and prosecuted (Signed) fon, ETqr. For Wamin( teresting subject, has met the; unquali­ as it has been with a mixture of imbe­ TOBIAS LF.AR. Bowlei, Henry Lewis, W Public Sale. tod W.Ui.m O. Sprigg, J fied approbation, not only of this cility and rashness, it is not surprising VIr. Lear arrived in the bay of Gib­ Will be sold on Tuesday ihc cigft gome i y couity, Abraharr House, but of the great body of the that those who must endure its priva­ raltar on the 4th of August. day of December next, if fair, if not Cnbb and J»bn H. Hifrp people. While oit the one hand, it lias tions and who foresee its dreadful con­ The following circular wae received next fair day, at the dwelling of Jar Itgany county, Georgt ^ discovered a sincere desire to comply sequences, should from thu best prin­ by -he brig Lcbre, arrived yesterday MOSH on Hackett's Point, Hobinctt, of rva.than, at with the requisition of the Constituti- ciples of patriotism, proclaim its incx- morning in 45 days from Madeira. 3 Negro Men $ a Woman, F/q'l. ~~on of the U. S. and the laws made in pcdiency and doubt its justice. Upon A fufficient number of Ta efore ihe ««venteenih daj of Dfcembn dy U proceed with th Continue, while by thus depriving the next, the) way otherwiwbv law bee«lud«d frow commonwealth of.all -their means of Madeira, 4uguit 30th, 1819. propofe to fit for THE ALGEIUNK WAR. all benetit of laid ritatc Given under mr hand bufihefi, from 9 o'cl protection and defence, every essential j Anne-AruttdeljCounty Court, September thil :7th day of Ortober. iSii. hree in the af'.ern The hos'Ole disposition of the Dey ol Tfioiiiat Wood field, Admlnitirdor attribute ol state sovereignty wouldbc Term, 181:.'. rhich wat reid. completely destroyed. of Algiers towards the U. States, has A) de bonit non. The co'minun- On applieatioitQ the judges of the fa'ul coun­ houfe pioceet) wealth of Massachusetts have never been known here for some time. On ty court, by petijon in writing of Sumutl ffiftiiu, ave committee cl urrcndered to the general government this subject we have been obligingly uf laid county, lra> ing ihc benefit ol the a/1 for State of Maryland, sc ballon, it appea thu power to call forth their nulitu, favored with the following copy of a the relief of »ufry mtolvent debtors, patted at On application, by pctitibn. of Cikli Mcka- tiiry Nelfon, IJfnj' Jv-1 ' ' J • Inter from Mr. Lear to the American vemher Settf n. eijrhieeti hundred and five, on bee ami Joieph Marriott, exrcutora of thelu' and Jnhn Stevr fe'Wfr-^'f-: excepting to'execute the liwi of the ihe ttrmi mentij it«l in i ho «id art, a tdiedulc will and teilanient ol' Stephen Mockabee, lat of union, suppress insurrection and rcpd Consul ai Gibraltar. This letter con- of l,i". projiert] un.l a lill of hit creditor*, on Annr-Arundel county, drcra<«d, it it otdftd, rclrred, Thai V invasion, & whenever this^sf all ii made it taint a more particular account of the oaili, »t far ran ascertain them,, ai directed tha< ihry five ilir notice required bv law far Ihcit- ilackiftune, be a c is not only the right of the commander atToir, than we have before seen. liy the laid annexed to hit petition I ditnn to briu{ in ttieir cUinu agniml the taidie- 11 arc proper t< * N. r. Com. /fjy. ami the i court hcinj fat l»fie*l by com. craved, ami that the tame be publithed onctm (irefent feflion. in chief, hut his s.icred duty to deter- Intent irttaj tlir laid Samuel Hupkint each week for the >|Uce of »ix nuccmive we4i Oiderrd, That th mine whether those exigencies exist. On taarJ tbt ihip dlltghanj iiat re»id ireceding year* prior to the in tlie Maryland Galettr. pattage of ill wiilun the State of Mary-. (for the difpiich of The cit'acns of this Commonwealth •t int, J*fy*5* J0J2. A John Gattatray, Reg. IVillt, /o'clock in the raorm T* r - lid Samuel Haplfi'v, M the lime /or jt. A. County. w'rt\ tong cl\er'i*\» grateful rccoTltct'ions SIR, I have the honor to 'inform ol prr lent ing nn petition at a fore I awl, having .of ihe faithful ana independent man- you that on the 17th of this month,' produced IO I" laid court ttic UMent in writing <>f Utter WM « . ncr, in which your excellency has dis­ the ship Alleghany, EbeneierEvtlcth j'o Many of hiJcrednon at have doe to them' the a dfcliniug i mount of twdjiirdtnf the deliu due. hyhimat the This is to give notice, charged this important trust. .And master, arrived at Algiers from the U. time of tiling Ift laid petition, it u therefore adjudg- That the tub«criber» of Amie-AruiKkl county mittee clerk. the p.ipers and document*, upon this States, with a cargo of naval & milita­ ed and onlcrc by4ihc f.»idcourt, that tlir faid Sam- h»lh obuiqfd from ihe orphan! conrr of Antw- On motion of V subjcdl, referred to in your fcxcelfen- ry stores for the Regency, in.fulfil- iifl Hopkinv \ uTing vcopy or tjiii order In h« ArmidH county, m Midland, \ttten teiumema- to being l« » bill, « cy's communication, sh.ill receive from infcrted in i Maryland Uaietter once » week for ry on the |wr»onal ettale of Stephe* Mockabee, luation Q* real and ment of treaty stipulations, and, oa the llucc. furccM : nionilii, before llie third Monday laic of Anne Arundrl county, dectawJ. AH per- the Home of Ucprtscntat'u-es all that noni having c'.amu againit.ihe >aid de*«,ai«d, are ft«e. Ordered, th, £Oth insti when they had begun to dis­ of April ncJ give itniice \o hii crrdilnri to ap- Parnham, Griffith i «tt«niii>rv,whi^v ihuv-imrjorttttce* re­ charge the cargo,''! pear-before, t uidcouiuy court, to lie held at ilic hereby warned to exhibit 'the i»me. with the vou- received a mes­ chfM thereof. 10 ihc lUbtcriben. on or before IM be a committee to quires. .; ,,. sage from the Dey, forinin? me. City of Ann *>lii, at tt-it o'clock in the fnreituon - tl£ri.,:!dewtiiv-+mriHfe 'ik*-«H~-tt » J,"""T . \Ltkc.uud .1 xdJUuvday of December ne»t, they may otherwiu that ho .would noi~'receive*'TRe same,' pt/f«of l*coi tending a trulre* Iwnvlhf' ^VugV -r.-»t ?>« « rtjfet weic not such on rV flrrfl A liii.l llupkini then and ihi.. handt (hit' J4ih day of the pta bort, and our extensive *ca coast is ihc oath hy he said »$ prefcribed for delivering in quantity or quality as he expected, Caleb Mofkabte, ' left, deititnte O f a maritim-.* defence, up 1m proix y. from hi< excd'enc and that the ship should leave the Re­ "L J ' rfro. S. Grtm. elk. the FL of Representatives 'will en- gency, immediately, wil nyielf 6 itjih JUarrioit,, n'ted by the' do cure

mi. r - , 7/i Council, dnnapolit, Mn. 2, 1812. ' On motion of Mr. Lecompte, L«a»i George $ Jotin Barber, . to bring in a bill, entitled, A Supple­ M'ARYLAND^GAZETTB. Gentlemen, given their Store on the Dock, have on tutndt Since the laft felRon of the legiflature four ' ment to the ad of feventern hundred and At THURSDAY, KOV. 5, 1812.18 atid offer for Sale, a General ~7rT4.r01.llt - -_ -. _ -.- -I - -rf of artillery of afls there­ A*** ______- companiei of infantry and one fighty.five, and thefupplementary have been of Dorcheller Assortment of Obod>, O1'\MARYLAND. the qtiota of militia of th'u ftate, to, which provide for,the poor ARTIOtBI, adembly AMOHO WHICH ABK TBB rottOVriKO called into- ike public fervice at thii place, county, and to repeal the ad of VIZ. the pub- DELEQATB*. for iti defence and fecuri'.y igainlt therein mentioned. h Fine Flour, HOUSE Of from Con French Brandy, Spirit, Superfine lie enemy. No oiher call of a limilar nature Mr. Randall deliver! a petition t each & Apple Brandy, Indian Meal, Corn, oats MONDAY, »OV. 7, 1812. by the prefident of the of Baltimore county, praying N E. Hum, Sa R, Cattnr Oil, Lin. ihe con- hai yet been made .rad Kerlinger W I and i'u being the day appointed by upon the executive of thit lhai a law may pl#»»Co corie£l an error in a Gin, Cherry Bounce, seed Oil, for the United Statei Si rish Oil and firm of-government, arfenalt at Frederick-town and deed in the pennon mentioned. Read and 111 k)0)r)Ual WhiiUy Spermacetti (lituiion of thii fla:e. The Sherry W inc. Spirits Turpentine, meeting of th« General Aflembly have been finilhed, and two thoufand referred. Old appeared : viz. Eallon ncqual. C)-der& Cyder White & Hed Leads, State, ihe following memberi of new arm« depofited in each. In The fpeaker laid before ihe houfe reporlt Yellow Ochre, Venitian MillarH, Hand Vinegar, For Saint.Mary'i county, Enoch purfuance of the provifioni of an acl of af- of ihe clerkt of St. Mary's, Queen-Anne'i, Molas es, Hed, Spanish Brown, Tohn R. Plater, Gerard N. Caufin and Tho- paffed at Nov. feflion, eighteen hun­ Anne-Arundel, Haifnrd and Snmerfet coiin- Bc&tAlcx Leaf Sugar, Veidigrease, Vfc'imi- fembly do. Rose Pink, Pa­ mu Blackiftone, Efqn. For Kent counly, dred and eight, twelve hundted Hand of armi, liet, relative lo ihe attendance of the judges. ist li id qual. Bait linn. and IM id & jd. Brown do. tent Yellow, Spanish Frederick Boyier, William R. Stewart two iron fix pound field piecet, have Read and referred. and given Chocolate, Coflte, Whiting, Lampblack Caihbert Hall, Efqn. For Anne-Arundel lieen purchafedxind received ; one hundred On motion of Mr. Dorfey, Leave Umber, S. Belt, Imperial, tounty, William H. Matriott, John brace of pirtoli, and one hundred horfeman'i to b'ing in a bill, emiiled, An additional 'yon, Vitriol, Litharge, Tar, William Hall, 3d, and Zachariah Duvall, havo been contrafted for. All the Suppltmeni to an aO,^titled, Anift refpefl. Young Hyton, Plough Traces. Uading fwordi, & Bed Cords, Irqri. For Calvert county, Thomas Uey- fwordj and piUoti'that were in ihe arfenaltrf ing the equity juuMicYion of the county Hyson Skin, Si Linis Emerfon, Sfuchorg. Ilearih, Scmb, Sweep­ toldt, Michaet Taney and Peter Hate have been dirtributed among the dif. courtti .j r and Dorfey, the A few bnxfj of Kaisini ing, Hone, Shoe you. For Charlei county, Clement ferent trocp* of cavalry, A contract hai al- Adjourned till to-morrow, I'aint Brushes, D. Parnham, F.fqrr. and Currant*. ^ohn F.. Ford and George fo been made for the purchat'e of two hundred Mace,Cloven, Nutmegs Brllmvs, George Warner and and Fine and 'or B*li|n|ore county, and fifty riftei, one thoufand knapfacki, HYMENEAL. AUpice, Cinnamon, Brandywme kill Randall, F.fqri. For Talbot county, one llioufand canteeni. Thefe laft mention­ Pepper. Cingrr, Coit'.c Gunpowder, on Tuesday cvcninp. by the Hicc, Ba'timore do, do do. vdward N. Hambledon, Jabcz Caldwell, Ho- ed articlei are to be paid for out of the.iwen- Married, Vearl Barley, El'qri, For RevoVJJ«v Mtlison, Dr. John Rifyely to Mu>*irtl. Kig Bl!K', Shot assorted. ,ert Binning and David Kerr, :y thoufand dollari, appropriated at the June New.England Shots b Henry K. the>Miiable Mias Harriet Callnhan. Starch. Allnm. Salt Pe- ximerfet county, I'liomat Bayly, feflion for the equipment of the quota ot mi- trc, Brimit^ne, Slippcrt, . by 10 long, Arnold E. Jonct and Elme M. Wat­ lilia of thii ftate. l'«rh mej Soip V Wash Window C'.mu 8 For Dorchcder counly, John with the Il^h., ar.d i o by 15, er, E^qrs. A correfpopdencr hat been opened NRW-LOMDON, OA. 28. Fancy Richard Too- upoi/1 Ml and .d qual. S|>aniiti A few irrportcd itewart, Benjamin Lecorapte, Secretary at War of ihe United Statei the 3iih in»t. doled the day nf Baskets, Efqrt. For Cecil | Sunday, and Amcr Segart, til and Edward Giimth, ihe fubjeA of the armi and accoutrement ROGER GR.SWOLD, Kiver Velvet Corks, Samuel Hogg, Fir»r chopjame^ ouniy, William Luiby and ^X^£J^^^^\%**^™nf tins State, in the SIR year twist, \»K (ait Comhs, Penknives, - - - - ' Efq. Governor small Sfq'J. For Prince-George'i county, John which will'b< found in tire do­ the day fol­ and smoking tobacco Snuli Bourn, by hit anlwer, of hit age. Hit remaint were Beans fc ;. Herbert, Francis M. Hall, Jamei 9%per- marked A, ihe viewt of the p;eneral Norwich (where he Happce Jt Scotch Snuff A quantity of MIN GREY, Clk cument lowing removed from Pen, rll and Henry A. Callii, Elqn. F«She government upon that fubjefl will be afcer- by (iiknefi,) to his late Mould Jc Dipped Can- and cP*- had been deuinrd die-.. Alto a General Asiort. :ity of Annapolii, Dennis Claude lained. l.yme. The corpfe wat met ai ment of Crockery fc county, relidence in White U Brown Scap, .1 Duvall, Efqrs. For Worcefter Conformably to a Refolulion palTed at the end of thi» lown, hy a large con- 1'nrk, new & rid Class, Stone St. Earth- ' K. Wilfon, ihe norih Mets Thnmai N. Williamt, Ephraim June feffion, ihe Exrcutive have adopted ihe courfe of citiieni, who walked in prucclfiun Hams, Shoulder! and en Ware, I. H. Handy and Littletan Qinnlon, with a view to aCceiiain ihe were all Middl'n ~*. And a few articlei in Ubcrt ntccffaiy ftept, to the town adjoining. The di'pi Good Line,' John M4IIJ1II, armi now Salmon, Mackant. He- the Dry ifqn. For Frederick county, ftate and condition of ihe public fhut bufineft fufpendfd minute guns firrd of Call­ and \pkuaJp yet ring* and Cod FMi. An assortment gnaiiui Davit, Richard Potu in the handt of the militia, but have not from fort Tiumbull, and the vrlTelt in die ings, --U'h »s Poll. ford Countyy.thn of fuf- Chte>e, Butter, Lanl. )elaplane, Efqri. For Hai received fuch information at it deemed harbor difplayed their Rags ha'f-mafl, at a Sjllad Oil. Basket Salt Ovens, Spickn, Skil- Forwood*>od;*of V. And- Norwood, of Wm. and John ficient importance to be communicated to the leftimonial of rtfprcX to ihe deceafed. Jamieson's Crackers, lets. Bakers VVilli- irons Jitob, Efqri. For Caroline county, Legifla-.ure. 1398 ftand of arms have been a man, a neighbor and a friend, thntc riloi Bread, Efqrt. Ai Articlei arc offered for talc on itn Potter and William M'Donald, diftiibuted amonf; the militia of the moft ex- moft intimately knew Gov. Grifwold, All the above Donald- who the moll reasonable terms for cash, or to those For fre city of 'Baltimore, Jamei L. pofed"^»rt« of the ftate, in virtue of the au­ mo«t aiTtcYtonately loved him. To John were thofe who who have been pondual on the usual credit. fan, fcfqr. For Wafhingion county, thority of the aft of aflembly pa(Teearnestly reque Efqn. Prince or Power ; and alfn a letter from mindi, lie wat conftiiutionally and irrcconcil. ol long^ Handing tn corre for- being cun. the v.ho have accounts A fufficient number of delegate* Secretary of the ftate of Connecticut to ably an rnent we will not be answerable for the same Stewart, Door-keeper. defence of the capital of ihe ftate, and take a-pired to nobler fame. PnlTclTed of uncom­ AlUhose who have claims against us are requested ow- Corneliut Milli wai appoiatcfckVgcani at liberty to fugged to the legillature, that po»eri, he intuitively faw, and losing them in for settlement , the mon logical Barber. 10 of the judge* thtrt ^J it wnufJB* °f condderable importance to the boldly feixed the prominent and leading points Gro. if Jno. . -^ j itrrii 5, aid court, for the' I*. Samuel Turner, Efq. a de1egvelk>m Cal­ ftabilny and efficiency of furli defence, if a of conlroverfy. and difdaining to amufe if he Annapolii, Knv the relief of sundry vert county, Nicholai Stoneftrert, Elq. from CuflkieiU fum of money were appreciated could not perfuade, his whole force was ir- »*> Hugh- in that enfure This is to give Notice, »§ed at November Cbarlei, and John Young and Riclurd to fupply the triopi now engaged rtfilVibly ai'd furcefsfully applied to hath qualifi­ lufficient to their That the subscriber, of Baltimore county, scvcral supplement* lett, Efqn. from Caroline, appeared, fervice, with winter cloathing conviction. White othert expended orphans court of Anne- Arundcl of tlie p«'fli, lie obtained frum the ed, and took their featt. prcftfft them from the inclemenciei ftrength in (kirmiih'ng with theoui county, in the state of Maryland, letter! of ad- rCHARD KENT. Oo motion, Ordered, that MelTV-. Quintoo approaching fealon. marched with t iinifoim pace, and Heady eye, nuniMration fn the personal eMate of William deceased. 8w.» and L. Duvall, inform the Revd. Mr. Wyatt, We have ihe honor to be, with high con- to the citadel, from which no fear could ap­ Molliiou, late of the city of London, hiving claiun axaiml said citate are the houfr. requeft he will perform divine fer. federation and refpefl, your moft obedient pal and no danger deter him. All person* P; f' of the ihe requested lo bring them in legally authenticated, . vice every morning at the' meeting feivanlt, In thii crifis pf our political attain, indebted to said estate to IE. hai oc- and those in any manner '$$.*' lition. of Thomas Woof. houfr. ROBERT BOW death nf this eminently great man "e pay mem to *>nis non of John Jarotn, Adjourned till to-morrow. Read and referred to MelTrt. Dorfey, Pottt, cafioned it loft, to fupply which we look with James Jeffi-ay, Adm'r. undtt county, lieceafoli and Sanderi. in vain for hit fuctcdor. Of required by Wilfon, Donaldfun folicitude and _____»? _. ^_____[______. e the notice proceeded to bailor tor a com­ ai a natefman.both when in Con- to bring m their claims TUESDAY, NOV. 3, 181V Tlie houfe hit talents given, be mittee of claimt. Upon an examination nf and fince hit election at chief msgit- Nolice is hereby d, and. that the tame , The houfe met. I'refent at on yellerday. grefi, to the) the ipace of tU balloti it appeared thai MrlTrt. Youn^i of CanneiYiCUt, hr hai left the world a That a petition vvill b*i pir-cuioil week for The proceeding* of ycfUrday were read. the irate for E~ Maryland Gazertr. from Grahame, Evant, Thomat N. Williami,'Em. rnoft faithful and iwiperifhabte Record. With Lepulature, a'l tlictr next sc»kion, William B. Barney, Elq. a delegate place near, and Jo- erfon, M'Cullouch and Bowlet, were elected. a mind clear and tiitciiminatii'g and which Inw to opni a road from suinn Ihc city of Bal-imore, John Sanderi ISimfrov's tuills, from Hai ford The following me (Tag e wat icad and alTent- law tlie confequencei and effect of meafuiet to Cragg's Ferry, to Mr. fhua S. Bond, Efn/s. delegates to the -mountainf-road, - *-"INI:-; t John R. Evans, Ef- ed to.. with the accuracy of prefciencr, with Intrg- and frum thence county, John Frry and at no time thcl-o arc two branches, one of? from Cecil county, and Gentlemen ol.the fenate, rity and Independence, flexible where quires, delegates thii irorning we have re- c'ncumllances, with liberal which Icadi* to Mr. Waters')* mill, and the 11 Strvent, Efquire, a delegate fiom Your roefTage of and yielding to no of Annc-Atundel counrr, Robe quorum of the houfe of delegatei views of geneial policy, to the Annapolis road leading from 1 orphans court of Aimc- ^uren-Anne's county, appeafctt, qualified, ceived. A and compiehenfive be'n.g alfo altembled, we are ready to proceed and fupeiior to the ambition of be ng popu- ry land, letten of admimt- tnd took their feat". . . . ,; he Count*. Oct. 29. 1812. 6w. on the personal mite 6f wai revived from To buriheft. TK« (line of fining appointed lar by the ficiificr of a-Angle* tenjiment, The following mefTage until and attach, e of Anne-Arondcl coonrr, _ %, by in it from 9 o'clock in the morning, uni\ed the unbounded confidence claimi agtinutta the fenate. with the* refpect For Sale having the Houfe of UelegatjL three in the afternoon. meiit of hii political IViends, Thy warned to rxnbit ita Gentlemen of ballot for a com- cnemiei. No Woman, aged 32, with four having formed a huiile afFSea- The hnufe proceeded to and eiteem even of hit political A Negro i (hereof, to the sutKrilxr, Tie fcna'te an examination of illult'ioui proof of hav. three girlit and a boj', the eldest dai of Dtcembn with ihe bufmeli of ihe felfion. mittre of eleAioni .npon man hat given fuch Children, ntremh dv t* proceed thit MelTrt. Wilfop, and guided by nine year* of age, the iccond it by law be exclixW (n* to fit for the difpatclt of public the ballon it appeared ing been taughi in ihe fcliool «_pfiw ««i» be , Esq. thit don, Crabb, Caufin, Bayly and Uonaldfon, ai Diiltimorc, and THOMAK U. DORSKV, aie of Srephe* Mockabee, Igation of real and perfonal property in which expired on the Monday fucceedirtg but now ot* counly, dcctated. All per- PUter, were elefted Ordered, That they havr> pow- we under­ late of. the city of Ut^Uimore, ftatt. Ordered, lhal Meffrs. Randall, 4 o'clock P. M. This armittice, both decided R'r!J_ihr brig Clerk-in the place the feat 2O of 30 the .The Tullowlfitf coniinunie.ttiion ^**received D«vid Korr, Efq. and, pray ing to Adam* af|cr Ihe grounded on tl« d»y c>t.ber may be 'vacated, A DEMOCRAT. frtrm hit excellency the Governor, »ccompa. of Mr*. JCerr ' capture, t nied by the' doeunKn'.s-rtfcrein referred to, the committee oi eltfViont.. iife($^^^ mmm.

Viewing affairs at BufTaloe asyet unfettled At il>i> tfnie a large reinforcement lioin Fort George WASHINGTON CITT, OCT. 39. I had immediately countermanded the march werr dilcoverrd coming up the Laud for C. of gen. Smyth's brigade, river. A-» the battery on the hill was confi- Copies of leturs from maj. gen. Van Ranfc- upon the tailure of the firfr, expedition dered an important check againft their afceixl- By virtue of a deem, Jear, of tht.New-York militia, to major ; but having now deter­ of the Hial, mined to attack Queenllown, I fent new or- ing the heights, meaHaias were immediately of Charcery ihe tubacdbe, will offeT . v^ gen. Henry Dearborn, transmitted by the Sale, at the Tavrrn ders tn gen. Smyth to march ; not with taken to Tend them a f^Ui fu^ply of ammu­ Cfc^-Ann* '* latter lo the Department of War. the , county, oo , * view of hit aid in the attack, for 1 considered nition, an I tuil learnt there wrre only lelt lltid gutters, Ltwistwn, the force detached fufficicnl, but to fnppmt SO (hot for the IB pounders. The reinforce­ (LXlXth YEAR. October U, 1813. the detachment Oiould the conflict be obtti- ment;, however, obliqued to the right from That Valuable Farm SIR, nate and long continued. the road, and formed a juriAioil with the In­ On which Zachiriah Baldwin form.,!*, As the movements of tlie army under my dians in the rear of situate in that rich and highly \mfn^ l.ieut. Col. Chriflie, who had juft arrived the heights; Finding to command, fince I had laft thr honour to ad- my infinite moitifiiation, that known by the name of The Forest of AMD f\ at the Four Mile Creek, had late in the night no reinforce, Oeorge't dreft you on the 8th inlt. have been of a ve­ ment would pafi over This Farm contain. about JOB «!_ of the firlt contemplated attack, gallantly ; feeing that another land of the fint quality, ha* a cornfortabUw* . IT ry important character, producing confequen- fevere cooflid mud offered me his own and hit men's lei vice ; foon commence; and dweUine.Tioune on it, with a Kitchen. Quart*, ces feriout to many individuals ; eflablilhing knowing that the brave men attached te it ; eicdlent JONAS GI but he got my permiflion too late* He now on the licightt Apple and r fafti actually connected with the interell of were quite rxhauRrd chards; plenty of nre.wood. and moch again came forward, had a conference with and nearly out of am­ the fervice ajid the fafety of the army ; and munition, all 1 could Timber. It ,. level. fertile and well watered "£1 col. Van Renflelaer, and begged that he do was to fend them a tituanon at I ftand prominently refponi'ible for fome frcfh fupply of cartridge!. remarkaMy healthy. and the soil vu^l might have the honour of a command in the At thit critical to Clover and plainer. It contains bnidrTTZI of thefe confequencei, I beg leave to explain moment JVic« Two Dollar. expedition. The arrangement wai made. Col. I dilpatched a note to gen. Wadf­ | S acres of hne meadow, and the enclo.w, ,721 to you, fir, and through you to rny country, worth, acquainting whole Van Renffelaer wat to command one co­ him with our fttuation are in good iep»ir. In addition to the«£l the Rtuaiion-and circumltances in which I ducrmenti. It may be stated, that much WASHlkCTON Ct lumn of 300 militia, and lirut colonel Chrif- leaving the courfe to be purfued much to his ldia» hate had to acl, and the rrafons and molivet own judgment with aflurance lands m»y be added to it u a priet [a belo tie a columu of the fame number of regular if he thought value, no as to The PrefiJent of the Uni which governed me ; and if the refult it not belt to retreat, , formrm a men desiesirabe atalilishit troops. 1 would endeavour to fend for a monied man. on the moil reasonable tint cotnnuinicated by Mr, all that might have been widied, it is fuch, him at many boatt as I could command, Every precaution and The distance from Queen.Anne, thr neareu to4 I Secretary, the followinj that when the whole ground lhall be viewed, *d*Pted_".? cover hit retr«" bX e" r* fire ? could f*fely is abuHt seven miles, and from Annapolis and »| I boa(s| and the moft confidential and expert, grefi : Iliall cheerfully fubmtt my fell" to the judge­ nake. But the boats were dil'perfed many City of Washington about fourteen. fellow-citiaens of the enced men lo manage them. At an early The Term» of Set ment of my country. of the boatmen had tied, panic (buck and Sale, as prescribed by the« and Houfe hour in the night, licut. col. Chrillie matched of the Chancellor under which the land U t_ of Reprc In my letter of the 8th inft. I apprifed >ut few got off. But my note could but lit­ On our pccfent meeling you that his detachment by the rear road, from Nia­ to sale, are. that the purchaser or purchasers t a criiis in tbit campaign wai rapidly tle more than have reached gen. Wadlvrnrth, give bond, with approved to invite your attention advancing gara to camp. At 7, in the evening, lieut. security, lor the v ; and that (to repeat the' fame about 4 o'clock, *heo a molt levere and ob- ment of Ihe purchase money, with interest tb favour! which our count words " the blow col. Sltanalnn's regiment from Niagara Fall* mu(\ be foon (truck, or all linate conBift commenced and continued a- on, within twelve months from the day of i in the unufual degree of . the toil at 3 o'clock, Mrad'i and at 9, It. col. on the receipt of which, and the ratificatic,... and expenfe of the catnpa gn go >out half an hour, with a tremendous fire of iti inhabitants, and in t for nothing ; and worfe Blan'i regiment matched from the fame place. the sale by the Chancellor, ihe land shall be ci than nothing, for cannon, flying artillery and mufquetry. The vith which the earn hat tbe whole will be tinged with difhonour." All were in camp in good leafon.. Agreea­ veyed to the [xirchastr or purchasers, and his) enemy fucc'eeded in re-polTefling their baueiy their heirs, by a good and sufficient beftowed on it. In the f Under fuch iroprellioni, bly to my order* ilTued upon thit occr.dop, the deed, si I had on the 5th and gaining advantage on every fide, the commence at la o'clock. of other branches of in ft. written two columns were to pafs ovrr together, and ir to brigadier gen. Sinyili, of the brave men who bad gained the victory, ex- Jamei Shaw, Tnutet\ progrefs tf general U. S, force*, requeuing foon as the heights Ihould be carried, lieut. impr an interview with haufted of flrength and ammunition, and ober «. . to the national profprrity him, mii. gen. Hall, and the olonel Fenwick's flying artillery wai to pal* commandant! | grieved at the unpardonable negltA of their fion, alfo, for our of the U. S. regiments, \er ; thrn major Mullany's detachment of re- mutu tor the purpofe of t'ellow-foldien, gav^ up the conHiA. thinifulnefi. conferring upon the fubjecl ulari, 1* the other troops to follow in order. Wanted, of future opera- 1 can only add that the victory wai really With thefe bleffing* tioot. J wrote maj. g«n. Hall to the At dawn of d?y, the boats were in readU TO HIRE OR PURCHASE, fame won ; but loft for thr want of a fmall rein, gled, the prelTuret and vi purport. O.) the I Uh, 1 had nefi, and the troop« commenced embarking Hxl plain Cook Apply at the < received no furcement. One third fart (f the idle men the flate of war, into aof«er from gen. Sinyth us-.Jer cover ot a commanding battery mount- Maryland Gazelle, wl ; hut in a note to might have saved "II. been forced, by the perfi me of the lOih, gen. Hall mentioned that ng two eighteen poundcrt and 2 fixei. The reptember 10.,______I have been To prelTed with the various dui pjwer, in iti fyllem of i gen. Stpyih hid net yet then iioiement wai foon difcovered, & a briflc fue agreed upon ties of burying the dead, providing for the lion. any day for the confutation. of mufketry wai poured from the whole line Wanted wounded, collecting the public property, ne- Previous to its drclara in t.'ve meantime, the partial. of the Canada Ihoie. Our battery then open fuccefi of gociating an exchange of prifoners, and all TO HIRE, BY THE YEAR, proper, at a meafure of licut. Elliott, at Blacl. Rock, ^of ed to fweep the (hore ; but it was for lorat which how­ thr concerns confequent of fuch a battle, that cid, that a conftderable ever I have received no ctTicul information) minute!, too daik to direft much fire with j A FKGRO WOMAN, I 1 have not been able to forward this difpatcb in the Michigan Territ began to excite a flrong cUrpulitiun in alety. A btilk cannonade wai now opened " undentands House Work, the at as early an hour as 1 could hive wifried. I (or whk view to its fecurity, and, troopi 10 at\. This wa« exureffcd to upon the boats from three different quarters ; « liberal price will be given, me fhall Toon forward you another difpauh in inquire u fuch operationi in the through various channels in the lliape of an our battery returned their fue,Snd occadonal- which I (hall endeavour to point out to you at would intercept the h otltrnjtise ; that tbey mull bave ordert y threw grape upon the (lure, and watilfelf 10 the ronduA of fome jnofl gallant dePeeving Britain ovrr the favages, *«( ; or at all hazardi they vauld gs fume. Fetved with Ihelli from a fmall mortar of the orliccri. But I cannot in juftice clofe tint of the lake on which I fji'oear here commenting upon the obvious enemy's. Col. Scott, of :he artillery by bill- without exp'efling the very great .obligation To be Rented, borders, and maintain - Confequencei to roe, perlbnalry, of longer enmg IMS march from Niagara Falls in the Ci 1 am under to brigadier gen. Wadfworth, col. Thai elee^ant situation, c|>po«ite to the city kith fuch forces ai migl withholding my orders under fuch night, arrived in feafon (o return the enemy's circura VanHenfTelaer, col. Scot,, 1, co.s. If employed againft ottie tU'ces. fire with 3 fix pounders* ChriHie and Fenwick, and captain Gibfon. Hull wat charged will I bad a conference with Many 0)llcr ,hell banks of iranure in each field ; .in at to the The boats were fomewhat embarralTed with others have alfo behaved moil gallantly. vice ; having under his pofTibility of getting fomepcrfun As | chree Negro- Men. Vhe conveneoce u oat « ' to paft over the cddiei, as well as with a Diowcr of fliot ; I have reafon to believe many of our troop* j ihe best markets, troopi compofed of regu to Canada ami obtain but col. Van (/or ihe uller,) in the out, cone£l information. Renlttlaer; with aboat 100 men, rted to the woods, with the hope of croffing very great. Any pirson wish ing to rent, may apj^ fjom the flate of Uhi On the morning of the (•on « Hefted his .he river, I have 4th he wrote to me landing amioft a tremendous not been able to learo lhe f«° ?*r. Clercent.,»t Amupol.s. or the sabscr*. lii defliratinn after h tbat he had procured the man LJVIt* ! fire direAed who bore hi upon him from every point ; but probable number, killed, wounded or prifoneis. wir, and po(Te(Ung difc letter to go over. Inftri'Aiont c ffivei to the allooifhment of were aiven all who witneflVd the Tn* (laughter of our troops mud have been David Ktrr. aft offenfivrly, he palTei him ; he pafled over obtuned fuch inn&ma I'cene, this van ofthe column advanced (lowly very confiderable. And the enemy have fuf- \l ing territory of the enei I tion as warranted an immediate attack,;. V agaioit the fire. It was a ferious misfortune fered feverely. caiy and vi&orious prof . - was confidentially cofemunicated to \eraak to the van, E&HANGE OF OLD SIX PER federal and indeed to the whole expedi- Gen, Brock, is among their llaio, aod his prveriheleli triminatei my firll officer*, and produced great teal lion, that in a few minutes CENT AND DEFERRED STOCKll lo after landing, col. aid-de.catpp mortally wounded. only in a retreat to the act ; more efpecially as it might have a con Van Rcndclaer received four woundi a Pursuant to (he act of Congress, eittit.'cd. « Ail ball I l.ave, ice. aA authorising a troit, but in the furre tiouling effeA upon the movements at Detroit patted through his right subscription foi ilie old tii pa I thigh, entering jufl (Signed) ST'N VAN RENSSELAER, cent, and dtferml stocks, and providing for lit I the gillar.t corps contrc " where it wat fuppofed gen. Brock below the had gon hip bonr another (hot parted Major General. exchange of the same." paued on the 6ih day | my the calf of hit left Irg and a A diftinguiming feat power, were therefore made to ditlodge the fourth contufed his her). This was quite veral loin offices, and will continue open til1 tkl a HEAD 17th day of March «hich preceded and lot enemy from the heights at (jueenftown, and crifis in the expedition. Under next, for receiving subscripts.! fo fevt-re a Lewiitov*, 0to have been made at 4 o'clock in thii, both parties were confiderably of Decemlxr, 1814; butoere- reinforc­ I am, with great relpect, imborserr.roj>rietor. on the books of '.helrea- cred to huTtanity, tr To avoid any embarratTmeut in tromvg the hind a (tone guard-houfe, sury or of hie commiasionen of leans respectnli, where a piece of cannot re fart To a plea n«cr (which it here a meet of vi-Je£ di«poi»ed of on accommodating acres of valoable land, adapted to farming, i < ordnance, aj>d our light pieces Could terms. healthy siinatioo : There is Uie greatest the fpeAaele which th ri<-.l nearly every our which wai prrpaied pktt of for j not filence it. A number of boats pi (Ted o- ALSO, wood, such as oak. chetnut, vnlnul and puplrs a nation, bnading its all the Uiatt. In this a^onitin* dilemma, I vcr unannoycd excrpt Irom the one nnfilenced it is well watcrtd i a plenty ol mndow, nj hive not been rellraim ftontl utTicrts aiul men, wiul'e Loaf ty Lump Sugar about four acres in clover. aidjur had not j gun. For (gmetime after I had pafTed over, This land l>n wi:<> enlightened age. been cooled l>y rxtiMtire At the Faetomy price*. two miles of Herring Creek Churcfl. fife out through thr :iight to the victory app*aicd complete; but in the Tlie misfortune at 1 one of tbe moll tremendous nor.h-rafl llormi, October 13. from V'n Point, aud »i>cut the sane distant I eipeA*:i»n of further attacki, I wat taking from Herring Ray. It ever, without a confo which continued* unabated for 3d houn, will b* divided to suit pu- aiu | ueafuiei for fortifying my camp immediately, chasers, if d lowrd by lignal proof the while camp. The apjKoach ol the direction of thit fcrvice I committed to Lt. Childs ,j- Shaw, scriber. f*f rit rifrs according to daylight exlipquilried every profpccl of fuc- Totten of the engineers. But veiy foon the Have ju»t received, I ' • Samatl Harritiim. loft of art importijiit ctlt, and the a complete Auort- drt^chment returned to camp. enemy were reinforced by a detachment of luent of » Stfl. X, llll. . tf- men fnrrenderrd »ith Col. Vao KanfTclacr »ai to hate commanJcd feveral hundred Indians front'Chippawa Pew ardour and deter the detachment. they commenced a furious attack ; but were Fall $ Winter Goods, Augustus Uz, and diftriAs leaft re After, tlm relult I had boffd the patience . promptly mejfc ai.d rooted by the rifle ami which Uiejf offer for uale on the niott ac- Re»D«ctfuUy inform* iliown, than every ci ol tte troor* the Citinn* rf w^u^dNiare coniinueii until 1 toyotoev. S-y itns lime I perceived rrij u\iopt coduucdaliag Unas, AnnapcHi. rharar tHeeansrst s«*kiutio«*ol ww* f Wi arms, »\finci could fuhnm tlie plan fuggefled i«T lay letter were enih4rking but (lowly. I parted over er 8. . . of the most rrspeciable \nh\bitanis he aa> * the Wood-ihii of the 8th, 'tint I might id Cfkr and immediately to accelerate their movements ; arrangenwnts. and is now emaatod. to dnorr M tlie enemy on an *x kiiun hour* to ibeir to conformity to the opinion which might but lo my utter aftoiiillirnent, I foand that at bencHt aM> palificatioo, » convert a partial caJa B. his new and elegant mod* of * br tltea exprelTrd. But my hope wat idle ; the very roomtnt when complete viftory was CURRAN, . vlgorated r(Toit». 'I tin prcviooBy excited arduor fcemed to Uve in oar hsrxK 'he aniour of the unengaged Ha* received > good supply of Cloth*, Colouring and Ornammt**g Ifattf, either it wai necelTvy Vatft gained new heat from the late miicirriag«w. troops had entire!} fub'frded. I rode in Coating*, Casimerei, Flannel*, Blan­ In imiiaiio* of paper bmagVif*. » o''*^*** all Tfch so emiBcntly ineful iorentio* i» foogew«i«ll» hk' embodied an amp the bmvc were mortiStd to (lop (hort of their directions urged men by eveiy co'nfideration kets, Stuff*, lri*h Linen*, and varioas «f Kentucky at"l t) objeA, hrou*hoiii tbe Union raand u and the timid taught hitrels half to pafi over but in vain. Lt. col. Bloom, gllrer Article* ^ »»r»v" -.,- ; ,l>i«njk)v>nia and ^ won by tlxr attemao ' . who lud been wnonded in action, returned, J*rrisX on HUI rV»int, o« at Mr. »ith the addition of ' O« ibe morning of Dry Twrcra. (wbew a rw«h fpetir*"i of ihe v«i« the 13th. fsjch was the tftoontcd his horfe and rode through the camp, Good Line, ^"TimanJ of hti^. K ptefTurc.apon me from ill quartets, that my as did alfo judge Peck, who happened to which he williell low for mav be s«n.) wiU be s^nttfy atteedW to. aal »" be Caali, and a* neceuary f'lf'is the entire cnnfi tcfufal to aft night involve ms An bete, exbo/t.iog tL« cvtrpajtka :o informalioa roptUiHI Cipetyca aj4 proceed 0 his Punctual Ciutomet«> raSility given. Jier«, among whom aud tbe fcivUx in Uifgo.cc^r' I but all iu vain. Ih-rn volunteer* I " -*» in t! guidrd by their po



their per Ton at meritr. The greater poition of of explana­ highly Important Nor is'It less so, that penal rRIXTKD AND PUBLISHED a repeal of the orders fufceptible thii foice i* proceeding on it* deflination, to- tion* meeting the view* of this governmfnfy enactments should be provided for cases of corrupt , IT waidt the Michigan Territoty, hav'n g fuc- and perfidious intercourse with the-enemy, not had taken place before thii pacific advance by any cerded in relieving an important frontier poH, the amounting to treason, nor yet embraced JONAS GREEN, wa* communicated to that of G. Britain, statutory provisions. and in Ccveral incidental operation* againfl advance wat declined, from An avowed repug- number of American vessel*, i_n:i_»-t L-'''' - --~ -i - - «-i - A considerable CflVKCH-ITftKET, AN5APOLK. hodile tribe.» t>f favaget, rendered i notice...,. ._to a- r..rfufpenlion H-_ ot the practice ot im- which were in England when the revocation Of the ble by the fubferviency into which they had preffinentj, diiring the artnidicr, ard without order* in council took place, wen laden with Bri­ been feduced by the enemy, a CeducYion tie any intimation that the arrangement propoled tish manufactures, under an erroneous impression Pric« Two Dollnrt ptr Annum. more cruel, at it could not fail to irr.pofc a that the non-importation act would immediately with refpeft tn feamen would be accepted. ceaic to operate, and have arrived in the U. Stales. necelTity of precautionary feteritie* againft Whether the fubfcqornt cotVimtinication* proper to exercise, on unforeseen CITT, NOV. 4. It did not »p|*ar WASHINGTOH thofe who yielded ;o it. f'om thl* government, affotding an occafion cause* of such magnitude, the ordinary powers The PrefiJent of the United States this day At a recent date an attack wai made oh a for icconfidering the' fulijeft on the pait of vested in the treasury department to mitigate for­ ——- —...iiijunw communicated hy Mr. Coles hi* private pod of the enemy near Niagara by a detach­ G. Britain, will be viewed in a more favora­ feitures, without previously affording to congress e most reasonable ten k an opiiortimity of madng on the subject such pro­ -Anne, the nearest to. i Secretary, the following meffige to Con- ment of the regular and other fnrcet under ble light, or received in a more accnmimdau Van Renfa- vision as they may think pro|«r. In thcii decision from Annapolis and grefs : the command of major-general ing IVirit remain* to be'knowr. It would be they will doubtless equally consult what is due to tit fourteen. fellow-ciiiatn* of the Senate laer of the militia of the date of New-Yoif. unwife to relax our tneafu're*, in ary tefpeft, erjuital.le considerations and to the public interest. prescribed by the dee i and Houfe of Reprelentativei, The attack, it appears, wa* ordered in com- of fuch a refulr. The receipt* into the treasury, during the year which the land U ofc on a prefumption troop», who exe­ of State, ending on th« joth of S.ep ember last, have ex­ :haser or purchasers si | On our ptcfent meeting, it is my fit (I duly plian.ce with the aidor of the The documents from the Department tn this inbjeft, will give a view also ceeded sixteen millions and a hall of dollars; ed secnritr, lor the p . 10 invite your attention to the Providential cuted it with diQinguifhed gallantry, and were which relate for an armmicc, which have which have been sufficient to defray all the de­ with interest the , has experienced, fur a time vifiorious ; but not receiving the of the proportions «*y. favour* which our country been received hete, one of them from the auiho- mand* on the treasury to that day, including a in* from the day of si, cntrtpellcd to yield in the uuufual degree of health difpenfed to expected fupport,they were ritie* at Halifax and in Canailj, the other from a peceisary reimbursement of near three million* ', and the ratification | its inhabitants, and in the rich abundance to reinforecment* of Brilifh re^ulais and fa« government itwlf, thrcugU admiral ot the principal nf the public debt. In these ie'- or, the land shall be c the British considerable and i* upon which neither ceipu ir, included A Him of near 5,850,000 dollar*, and hii ,1 ilh which the ear'.h hat rewarded the labor* vager. Our loft ha* been Warren i and of the grounds w purchaser*, coul I b" accepted. received on aecount of the loati* authorised by the d sufficient deed. Sii J bellowed on it. In the fuccefsful cultivation c'eeply to bt lamented. That of the enemy of them will he the more felt, a* it O\ir affair* with France retain the poMnre act* of iht last session : the whole sum actually of other branches of irduflry, and in (he Id's Afcertained, obtained on loan amounts to eltven millions o? the killed, the commanding which they held at mj last communications tojoii ptogrefs cf general improvement favourable include* among Nrtwithstancinif the authoiiwd expectation of in dollars, the rciiJiw of wliirh being receivable sub­ to the national profperity, there is juft occa- gensral, who was alfo the Governor of the eaily a* well as favourable i^sue to the discu siont sequent to the joih of September last, will, toge- fion, alfo, for our mutual congratulations ft province ; and wa* indained by veteran troopi on foot, there have been procrastinated to the lat­ thrr with the current revenue, enable us to defray thinifulnef*. from inexperienced foldieri, who muft daily est date The only intervening occurrence meiit- all the expenses of this year. the duties of the field. ing atlcr.tion, it the promulgation of a French The duties on the late unexpected importation* With thefe bleflingi are neceflVily min­ improve in of British manufactures, . ill render the ie venue gaining command of decree, purjx-.rting to Le a definitive repeal of the gled, the prerTurei and vicilfiludes incident to Our expectation ' f llerlin and Milan dcc:ces. Thi* proceeding, al- of the ensuing year mete productive tha>i could the flate of war, into whtxh the U. S. have the lakes, by the invafion of Canada from theugh made the ground nf the lerril of the Bri­ have been anticipated been forced, by the perfeverance of a foreign Detroit, having been difappointed, meafures tish cnlcrs in council, is rendered, f>y ihe time > »! Thhe Danish grvtmmenl. From Hui- and unsettUdcorirovtnies i arul with one, pow­ cift, that a conftderable lorce (hottld be placed done, may be expected. Should the pre- sia we have the >:it!tfacli«n to receive assurances erful in the rrtcanj and habits of war, we are at in the Michigan Territory, with a general fent fcafon not admit of complete fuccefs the of continued frierd.ship, Scthat it will not be aflV.1- war.' The spirit and strength ol *tTiis narion ah), of war, made will enfne for the next a ed by the rupture between the Uniietl States and nevertheless, equal to the support, of all its right*, view to it* fecurity, and, in the event progreft and in carry it through all its trial*. They can be where it is elTential to our Great Britain Sweden also professes semiintnti u fuch operations in the Upperraoft C^ada naval aTceodancy, harmony. met lit i hat confidence, frbovt all, we have the the favourable to the subsisting at would intercept the hoftile influence of G. peimanent peace with, and control over With the Batbary power*, excepting thai of Al­ inestimable consolation of knowing th*t the wat Britain over the favagei, obtain the command ravages. giers, our alTair* remain on \he crdinary footing in which we arc actually engaged, is a war neither pait of Canada Among the incidents to ihe meafure* of the The Consul Gcnrul, residing with that Kefrency, iil ambition nor of. vain glory ; thai it is waged, of the lake on which that the relationi I .am condrained to adveit to the refo- hat suddenly and without cause been batmhed. not in violatiorTof ihe tight* of others, bit in borderi, and maintain co-operating war, maintenance of- our own ; that it wai preceded by opposite to the c'rtr rf of MalTacliufetts and together with all the American ciiizens found n, trith fuch force* ai might be mod convenient­ M of the Governor! of a patience without example, under wrongs accu­ or Madison It canal* their refprctive dr. tl;ere. \Vhetherthi* was the trantitory effeft ly employed againft other pa' u. Brig. Gen. Connecticut, to furnilh caprici' us despotism, or the first aAol predeter­ mulating without end i and that il was finally not of eiceOem land, VrA provifional fcr. tathmenta rf mil'tia towards the defence of declared until every hope of averting it was extin- inure in each field , •ifl Hull wat charged with thi* mined hostility, i> not ascertained, 'recantions vice; having under hit command a body of the maiitime frontier. The refufal wai found­ \veie taken by the Consul, on lh« latter tupposi- guit^ed, by the transfer ol the British sceptre in* e conrenKocc te oat W clinging lo fonrer council* : and « and of volunteer* ed on a novel and unfortunate expofition < f to new hands the teller.) in the nut, troopi compofed nf regular* until declarations were reiterated to the last hoar, wishing to rent, may apri) reached the provifton* of the conditution relatirg to 1 he Indian tri'-es, not under foreign instigati- {root the date of Ohio. Having civilizing through the .British envoy IvciC, that the hostile unpolis. or the sobscrte the militia. The cotreCpondence* which will on», remain at peace, aivl receive -the kii deftiration after hi* knowledge of the attention*, whi^h have proved so beneficial lo edicts against our commercial right* and our mari­ war, and po(Telling difcretionary authority to be before you, contain the rcquilite informa­ them time independence, would not be revoked i nsy, aA offf nfively, he paffed into the neighbour­ tion on the fubject. It is ibvious, that if With a view tt» that vigorous prosecution of lhat they could not be revoked without violating of Great Britain lo other powers, ing territory of the enemy with a ptolpeft nf the authoiity of the United Statei tn call the war, lo which our national faculties are ade- the obligation* fervice and command the militia for the the attention of Congress will be particu­ as well as to her own interests. To have shrunk, cai'y and victorious nrogref*. Tl.e expedition into under such circumstances, from man') reti-tance, public defence, can be thut fruflrated, even larly drawn to the insufficiency nfihcexisiing pro­ neverihrleli teiminated unfortunately, not visions for filling up the military establishment would have been a tlegrailaiion blasting our best STOCKS. in a date nf drclaied wai, and of coutfe un­ r it would have struck a* frcm " Ai only in a retreat to the tow* and fort of De­ Such is the happy condition of our country, a- and proudest hopes f Congress, estliiied. war ; where the virtuous struggle* of oar foi die old sii pa troit, but in the furrender of both, and of der apprehenfiont nf invafion preceding rising from the facility of snbsistance and ihe high the high rank, ription fathers had placed us, and have betrayed the mag­ Its, and providing (ot ill the g*llar.t corps commanded by that officer. they are not one nation for the piirpofr mod wages for every species of occupation, that net- it ; and that the public fafe- withstanding the augmented inducements provid­ nificent legacy which we hold in trust fur future " paued on the 6ih day rf The caufes of thii painful reverfe will be in- nf all requiring Il would have acknowledged that on the Tint d* ed at the last session, a partial success only ha* generation*. be opened vfUqated by a military tribunal. ty may have no other refnuice, than In thofe on the element which form* ihree-f-urih* of the : Treasury, and at the » edablifhmenti attended the recruiting scrviee. The deficiency A diftinguifhing feature in the operation* large and permanent military ha* been necessarily supplied, during the cam­ globe we inhabit, and where all independent na­ rill continue open til1 Ik of our rights, the Ameri­ subsetrDt> »hich preceded and lollowrd thji adverfe e- which are forbidden by the piinciple* paign, bv other than regular troops, with all the tions have equal and common it, for receiving not an independent people, but deferred stock*. • by the enemy, of the free government, and againd the neceflity of met nveniencies and expencei incident to them can people were :ent and vent, is the ufe made and vassals. Il was ai this moment, and uid alt. New co­ which the militia were meant to be a condi- The remedy lies in establishing, more favourably colonists >y the mercilefs favagei tinder their influence. Whilft wiihtuch^an alternative, ihat war wa* chosen Th* st from the first d»r of tk tu'io-nal bulwark. for the private scldicr, Ihe proportion between his the benevolent policy of the U. S. invariably And nation felt the necessity of it and called for it. liscript ion thill be made, u coaft, and on the ocean, the war refomj ence and the term ol his enlistment. recommended peace and promoted civilizati­ On the it is a subject which cannot too soon or too seri­ The appeal was accordingly made, in a just cauret intum per annum, pari circumdarces infe- All-powerful Being who hold* In amoint on among ihat wretched portion of the hu­ hat been as fuccefsful at ously be taken into consideration. lo ihe just and e unredetmed hi* hand the chain of event* and the destiny of ix |ier cent and defend man race ; and at' making exertions to dif- parah'e from it* early diges could promife 1 he tame insufficiency has been experienced in Our public flrpt and piivate ciuifeii by their the provisions for volunteer* made o> an afl of nations. It remains only, that, faithful to our- ubtcribcd. will be utnrdtt fuade them from t.king either 1'ide in the war, entangled in no connections with the view! . by the last session The recorrpence for the service sc'.vev Loan Office* reipedittlr the enemy hat not fcrupled to call to hit aid activity, and, where there wai occafion, of oilier powers, and ever ready to accept p-ace ibscribed mar at the tme \ their intrepidity, have made the enemy fenfi- required in this case, is still less attractive than their ruthlefs ferocity, armed with the hor­ in the other. And although patriotism ilo: e has from the hand cf justice, we prosecute the war w Mock wJl be redeemable ble of the difference between a reciprocity »illi united councils, and, with ihe ample facul­ : United Statei at any tot ror* of thofe inflruments of carnage and tor. tent into the field some valuable corps nf thai de­ age of capture*, and the long confinement of those alone who can afford the sacrifice ties of the nation, until peace be so obtained, and lecemlicr, 1814; but new- tare, which are known to fpare neitlier scription, of nf them, to their Odr. Our trade, with little ran be rxpeAed to yield lo that impulse. at the only mean*, un ler the divine blesting, ade except fcr the whc4 t- Dor frx. In this outrage againft the liwV specdil/ obtaining it. taxdlng at the time, dike exception, hat fafely reached our port* ; hav. It will merit consideration also, whether, as honourable war, and againft the ferlinqt fj- frontier, cor]>t JAMBS MADISON. r, on the books of :hekea- favored in it by the conrfe auxiliary 10 the security of our cred 10 hu-nanity, the Biitilh commandei* ing been mtidi organized, with a re- November 4, itn. icmen of leant respectifdr. under may not be advantageous!) cannot re fart To a plea of^ietaliaiion ; for it putfued by a fquadron of onr frigates, MriJlibtt of Iheir services to particular distiiils ux months ptcvicia piS! command of ccmmi-dnie Hodgers. And J reiraburteirent. it committed in the face -ef-nur example. the convenient lo them And whether the Ixal and and bravery were mariners and others in the Albtrt They cannot mitigate it, by calling it a I'elf- in the indavce in which (ki|l occasional service* of Land for Sale. drfence againft men in arm* : for it embrace* more particularly tried with -thofe of the c- sets-port town* under a similar crimination, it, Sept. ic, 1812. would not be a provident addition to the means of By virtue of a decree nf the High Court ** requiring more. success, in uhat1 appertains to the army and the Timber. It i* level, fertile and well watered i the rn rifri according to the prefTnre on it.1 The Anxiou* to abridge thr evils from which a war, it equally inculcated by ihe examples of oilier situation remarkably healthy, and tl : sMl adapted It contains betidrs iix>ot loft of art important pofl, and of the brive Pate of war cannnt he exempt, I lofl no time countries and by the experience of our own to clov and final pacification. rm a mort desirable establishment form* the Citiiem of known, than every citir.cn wa* ready to fly delay* of a formal Of the additional.iliips authorised to befitted value, so a* to f< a\jjnce to protect hi* brethren .And our charge d'affairt nt London w.i», at fnr serv-ce, two will be shortly ready to sail; a for a mome.d man, on the most reasonable term*. evant utkiutiouo) Mf " ivVf Mi arms, Queen-Anne, the neatest toed by the decree odcof • convert a partial ing, the greater part has been applied to ihat ob­ vigorated rflnit*. Thi* patriotic zeal, which repealed a« they affrcted the Unitejl States, ject, and the purchase* will be continued with the of the ChanculUr' under which the land is offered to limit than to excite, without a revival of blockade*, violating ac­ to sale, are, ihat the purchaser or purcliwis shall 't wai necefTvy Valuer balance. lor the pay- aper from ihe ftatei knowledged Miles ; that there fhould be an . The enterprizing spirit which harcharactcriaed give bond, with approved lecur'uy, Fill lorouioti u ha,* embodied an ample force nje«t of the purchas* money, vrit,h Interest tb*ft- frniii part* r»f ediate difcharge of American featflen from our naval force, and its success both lu restraining : Union te need aay farther *f Kentucky and Oliin, and- insults snd depredation*1 on ourcoaMa, and in re- on, within twelve piontb* from the day of sal*, .VvrJVlvania and V-irgiivia. ,«i»»X-.»H.»'ii»d; ' '» ou the ejjtmj^w'dl not fail to recommend on tbe reoflpt of which, and ihe raiHir*tcn o£ ,t. o. at Mr. I»MC r-«*n'« with the Addition of a few regular!, under thf n.i».«.«- t oTitT ' ' the sale hy the Chancellor, 'he land Thai! ue eotiV tac w««k or purchasers, »gd hi* or ugh fpeci»e» of *nlninarul of blip. urn. Hanifon, who pof- an~exclufion of the Teamen of each nation being rcafon V> believe that tire act pfohi. veyed to the purchaser to. wi ill Their by a. gwd and>*ulhclent deed. Sale to> »>ritt!y atieedad entire confidence of hit frllnw-l'ol- fr.im thr Hups ot (he other, (hould be ftipu- biting the acceptance of British license*, in not a their heirs, iopcui»| empties a^4 4l» f'lr-ii the comment! at la o'clock. dif/'i »mong whom are rititent, fume of lated ; and that the armilYice fhnuld hr im­ sufficient guard againnt the use of thein for pur­ interest* Mid view* of the . guilhed by their political ftatioin, than by juftmcnt of depending, contrdveifiea .Althcf Mr. Young, from the committee, deliver*" Council Chambit, AVo. Jj 1813. Samuel Burgeft, Efquir GAZETTE. to the Speaker a bill, entitled, An aft to fet­ Gentlemen, THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1812. tle and aCceruin the falary of members ot the The enclofed refolution. of the legislature council for the enfuing year. of Virginia would have aicornpaimd the Mr. Belt 'deliver, a petition f,0m Be,'* LEGISLATURE OP MARYLAND. Mr. Griffith, from the committee, deliveri communication of the executive, hut by fome bimplon, a revolutionary foldier, p-» . to the Speaker a bill, entitled, An aft for the accident was outlaid on Monday laft. i now lief. Mr. Drfvi. a petition from fuiidr5 '*" BOl'BB OF DELEO_AJBS. relief of John Farcliarfon, of Dorchcller coun­ have the honour to tranfmit it to you, for the habitant* of Frederick eoonty, counter L J|"" YTKDNKSDAV, MOV. 4, 1812. ty. Read. , purpofe of being difpofed of in fuch way a* petition for a road from Peter1* uYem , be The lioufe met. Prefeiil .at on yeftcrday Mr. Wilfon, from the committee of elec­ to you may feem bef\. terfeft the great road leading to ^aliim-*" 'The proceeding* i>t yellerday were read. tion* and privileges, deliver* to the Speaker I am with much refpecl, Mr. Millaid a petition from John B. Br»nf"*" Mr. Griffith deliver* a petition f'nm John a report. Head, and ordered to a fecond read­ Your moft obedient fervant, a tevolutionaty foldier, praying reiief. ^"' Farcharfon, an alien, redding in Dorchefter ing on Friday next. NIN1AN PlNKNEY, Clk» ferred, * ** county, praying that a law may pad enibling Adjourned until to-uiorrow. ot the Council. The bill relative to the poor of DoreV» him to purchale and hold real property inthi» Read and referred. county, and the bill to fettle and ifX;, (late. Mr. Potti a petition from the Mora­ Adjourned till to-morrow. the falary of the member, '.of tbe toon^ vian Society of Gractham, in Frederick coun­ THURSDAY, NOV. 5. weie fent to the fenate. » ty, praying tlia'. >a la* may pafi to confirm The hnufe met. Prefent a. on yefterday FRIDAY, NOV. 6, 1813. The report of the committee tppointtd their title to certain laiuN. Mr. I.ewii a pe­ The proceeding* of yeflerday were read. The houTe met. Prefent M on yefterday. prepare rule, to be obferved by the houfc. * tition from John &h.iirk, of Wafllington 1 Mr. Marriott deliver, a petition from The proceeding* of yellerdny were read. read the fecopd time and afTentcd to. county, praying tha' a certain road may be Keziah Hushes of Anne-Arundel county, William Graves, Efq. a delegate from Mr. Thot. N. William, deliver, a petiti opened. Mr. Sprigg a petition from Thomas praying to be fupported by faid county. Re­ Ken: county, appeared, qualified, und took hi* from fundry inhabitants of Woueflerconn°" M'Cirdle, counter to the petition of John ferred. __.. feat. praying a law may paft to confirm t eertljr* Sluiik. Mr. RandaU a petition from Hugh On motion by Mr. Bowler, Leave given Mr. Caufin deliver* a petition from Jefle road ; alfo a petition from John Pointer Lynch, of Baltimore county, a revolutionary to bring in a hill, entitled, A fupplement to Thompfon, of St. Mary 'I county, a revoluti­ praying the levy court of Worcefter CO^UY fotdier, praying relief. M<". Warner a pcti- an aft,-entitled, An aft to anthorife the le­ onary foldier, praying relief. Read and re­ may be authorised to levy money for his fun' ti.in trom llharle* L. Snyder, of Baltimore vy court of Wa filing ton county to appoint ferred. port. Referred. . cnuiity, praying that he may hf- permitted to commillioner. to alter, ftraighten, open and Mr. Warner deliveri a hill authoriflng On motion by Mr. Stoneflreet, Leave « bring certain negroes from Virginia into tlm amend, a road therein mentioned. Charles L. Snyder to remove hit negroe* ven to bring in a bill, entitled, An aft to rel ftate. Mr. F. Hall a oeu-.ion from Richard On motion by Mr. Caufin, Leave given to from the ft ate of Virginia into this Rate. peal all lurh parts of the afts of aflVmoly of Dave, of Ffince.George'i county, -p'ayiog bring in a bill, entitled, An additional fup- Head. this One a* reqnirr payment of twenty.fi». that the levy Court may be authorised to le­ plement to a fupplentent to the aft, entitled, The fpeaker laid before the houfe a report (hillings for a marriage licenfe. vy a fum of money for hi: fuppoit. Mr. An aft to regulate and dilcipline the militia of the clerk of Fiederick county, relative to The clerk of the fenate deliver* a bill ta For wood, of Wm. a petition f-om fundry this (late. the attendance of the judge*. Read and re- confirm an aft pafTed at November fcfli, inliibitanti of Harford county, praying that On motion by Mr. Porter, Leave given to ferred. lull, entitled. An aft to alter th* time Of 1 a road therein mentioned may he made pub­ bring in « bill, entitled, An aft to repeal a Mr. Sanders deliveri a petition from fun. the meeting of the General Aflrmbiy, and for lic. Mr. Dslanlanc a petition from fundry fupplement to an aft, entitled, An aft to s»f- dry inhabitant* of Harford county, pray, other purppfe*. Read. inluVi'.anu of Frederick county to change the certain the allowance of the members of the ing that the levy court iray he authorifed to The bill for the relief of John Farcbarfon location of a road therein mentioned. Mr. general afTembly, eteftor* of the ferme, and levy a fum of money for the pu'pofe of build* wai pafTed and Tent to the fenate. ' LfC.'in.ite a petition from John Burnt, of eleftor* of prefident and vice-prefident of the ing an addition to the gaol. Read and re­ The refolution in favor of John Lynch vu I Dircr.'lter county, a revolutionary fnldier, United State*, pjfled at Noverr.ber feffion, ferred. a (Tented to and fent to the feniie. I praying reV.ef. Mr. P.annin^ a petition from 1811. The bill for opening a road from New- Mr. Mardott deliveri a bill toauthonleand Henry Banning and AiHhony Binning, of On motion by Mr. Dorley, the hrufe pro­ town to Buckey's-town and thence to New- empower the levy cour^of A. A. county to Taibot cou'.ty, praying tint a law may paf» ceeded to ballot for an auditor to the ftate, Market ; and the bill fupplementary to the levy a fum of money for the fupport of Keti. to confirrr their title to certain property de- in the room of Robert Dcnny, Efq. deceafed. ad authurifmg the levy court of Wafhing. ah Hughes. Mr. Lew'n a bill adtborifinj vifcd to tue-.i by a certain Elizabeth Peacock. Upon examination of the ballon i: appeared ton county to open and amend a road there­ the levy court of Wafliington county to Opea I Severally read a:' the votei and proceeding! of the two rf the truflee. of Charlotte Hall School. report of the committee of eleftiont and pri- the honorable tbe Executive council be re- (aft felfiooi, and alfo twelrc cnpie* of the Read and referred. vi|esei. queried to'lay before thii houfe a journal of law* of the June and November fefiiom, for On motion by Mr. Bayty, Leave given to Mr, \Vilfon moved the following order. their proceedings to thii date. the ufe of the Houfe of Delegate.. bring in a bill, entitled, An aft to provide Ordered, That the fpe. ker upon application, Mr. (Quinton deliver* a petition from Moles Mr. PMU deliveri a petition from Mary for the eleftion of the juftice* of the levy ilTue lubpcenas with a duce* tecuro for any Green and John Fotffette, revolutionary (ol. Crane, of Frederick county, graying a di­ courts in the fcveral counties of thi. (late, by witpefle* which David Kerr or John Seib, dieri, praying re+ief. Referred. vorce ; alfo, a petition froml'undry inhabitant! the people. Efqti. may confider neceffary in the cafe of On motion by Mr. Blackiflone, Leave ji. of Frederick county, praying for a public road Mr. Lecompte moved the following order : the con:eltrd eleftion of Talbot county, and ven to bring in a hill making an uniform pta. from New Town (Trip) to Buckry'* Town. Ordered, That the committee of claim, that fuch fubpana* be made returnable on vifion for the furviving officers and folditrs Read and referred. furnim to each member of the legiflature, the day of . of the late Maryland liue in the revolutionary On motion of Mr. Diffey, Ordered, that during thi* feflion, fuch one of the paper* After foine debate Mr. Wilfon withdiew war. the committee of grievance-: and couftt of publilhed in thii city a* the member* may On motion by Mr. Parnharn, Ordered, Tbtl juflice bf inftrufted to inquire and report to relpeftively dircft. On motion by Mr. Bayly, the queftion was John Brewer, late chief cleik ot the houfeof ' thit boulV, whether lhe.ufual number "f the On motion by Mr. Emerfun. that the or­ put, That the report of ihe committee of elec- delegates of. thii ftate, be refuelled to lay be. ' votei an<) proceed:ng« of the two lad fefTiniti der be amended fo a* to read a* follow- : Or. liotii and privileges have a fecond reading f fore th)* houfe a flatement of tbe number of the general afTembly of Maryland have dered, That the committee of claims furnifli lUfolved in the affirmative. copie* of chancellor Kilty'* mmijilation of been deputed in the council chamber tordif- toeach member of J,he legislature,during thi* .k'The queftion wai then put, That the houfe Engltfh and Biitifh Statutes fold by liiro n tribution in the ufual manner, and when, and feflion, the two paper, publifhed in -his city ; concur In th* fir ft part of tbe report ? Re* virtue of a refolution of the Le^inature of if not, to what caufe the failure it to be at. The queltion wai mil, That the hnufe agree foNed in the affirmative. tin* ftate, pafTed at tbdr November fefljoe, tributed. to the amendment I Refolved in the affirma. On reading the faid report, Mr. Young IBll, and of the price* for which they wert On motion of Mr. Young, Leave given to live. moved the following order : fold ; and alfo to inform thii hnufe wliethrr bring in a bill, entitled, An aft to fettle and The rjueftion wai then put. That the houfe Ordered, That the queltion on the report or not he ha* fold the copy right of tbe faid aiVeriam the Mary of the member! of the affen: to the order at amended ? Refolved in of the committee of eleftion* and privilege., compilation and for what fum. council for the enfuint; ytar. the affirmative. fo far a* appertain* to the conteftcd cleftion j Mr. Handy deliver* a petition from fundry Mr. Long , T. N. William*. fenate. by thi* huufe to b: printed during the piclirn: aft to repeal a fupplement to an aft entitled, Wilfon, Handy, Quinton, GrahanK, Davii, Gentlemen of the Senate, feflion. An aft to al'certiin the allowance of member's Potti, Delaplane, Potter, Bowlct, W. B. Thi* bring the day prefcribed by the end- Which was rea.l. of the general alT.-mMv, eleftoitof the fenite, Williumi, Sprigg, Abram. Jones, Rigg*, dilution for the choice of a governor, *« On motion of Mr. Djifry, th.U lhi« houfe and elcftors of ptefident and vice-prefiJcnt M'Cullouch, Robinett, Crefap. 47. propofe, with the Concnrience of your hou(r, will on to-morrow proceed to the uppiint. i of the United Slates. NEGATIVE. to profeed to that appointnient at I o'clnci. Jneiit of DJI AuJ.tor to the S:a'e in the room I On motion of Mr. Bowler, Ordered, That _ MefTitt W. Stuart, C. Hall, Marriott, We have appointed Mr. Bayly and Mr> cf ll'ibrr*. D;nny, I'/q.Mire, deceafi-d* the fold bill -be made the order of the day Belt, William Hall, Warner, Randall.Claude, Bowle* to join fnch gentlemen a* may b* The Spe.ikr: laidlicfoie the hoitlc a report for Wctlnefday week. L. Duvall, Wright, Steveni, Sander*, For- chofen by your lioufe to examine the hallotit of the clerk of KflU county, relative to the On motion by Mr. Potts, Leave given to bring wood.of Wm. Forwoodof Jac. Bond, Young, General Levin Winder and Robert Bo»if, a-.tenjiiice of Jitjlgri. Head ami iefcrred. in a further additional fupplcmeiit to an aft, Hoghlett, M'Djnald, Barney, Lewi*. 90. Efquire, are nominated by thii houfe. Mr. RinJall from the committee on the entitled, An aft for amending and reducing So it wai refolvtd m the afSrmative. Mr. Randall deliveri a bill for the viWi- jc.it'mn of Ho^ii -Lynch, uVlivet.'to the into fyflem, the laws and regulation! con. ' Whereupon David Kerr, Efq. retired from on of real and perfonal property within ihii Spe.Ver a report in favor of the petitioner. . cerning tail wills and teltaments, the duties the houfc, and John Seth, Efq. appeared, qua­ Kate ; and Mr* Sloiieftreet a hill to repeal*.! Head. of executors, adminiftratort and guardi. lified, and took hi* feat. fuel) part* of the aft. of (Terribly of thh Thf SjwtkeHa'id before (he hnufe a litter ant, and the right* of orphanr, and pilier re- Mr. Lecompte deliver, a bill, entitled, An (late at require the payment of 33 ftullii'gt _«^Cft01.A'- nJ 4 "1 "' I NT fn)lt Tnillfr. for tJ*» prelcatativet of dccfifed perfons. aft, entitled, A fupplement to the aft of for a marriage licence. .Read. ftve of M«'y'l,'coveting an account cur. ,r Mr. Buwle* delivers a Tfipple'merit- to' the 1785, and the fupplementary aft* thereto, The clerk of the f«n»te deliveri the follow­ rent of fu'«W ft m 1; to th# 3lll of Oclober, aft, entitled, An aft to au-.horife the levy which provide for the poor of Dorchefler ing meffi^e t 18 J5, inclufive ; »\(\> an account current of court of Wafhington county, to appoint com. county, and to repeal tbe »ft of affeinlily Gehtlemen of tie Houfe of Delfgatei, principal aid in'.ereit received on faid ttock to niiHioners to alter, flraightcn, open agd a. therein mentioned. Twice read and pa (Ted. Tl»e fen«e are prepared to proceed at the the fame penoJ... H,ead and oidereli tq lie on mend, a road th«rei» inentlpned ; and Mr, The bill to (et-.le and afcertain the fjlary time mentioned in your mefTagc, to ballot tor the ubir. .« .. * J2iiitt*|aJtoU> entitled,' AQ aft to open a road of the, ruetnbe r* of the council, wa* read the a governor for the etiftuM fttfr N* '»}&* '-,; -. JIR'r^hwnjiTifww vlie committee oCclaims, frqm ' .New.town to Ruckey'».town, and feCond time and pafTerT. It put in nomination by tne-fwate- in «eldlU'-| ilc'i-'f.iftS the Speaker a.repait ; uhich WM thence >»>» the turnpike r*ad at New. Mar­ Adjourned till to-morrow. on to thofe mentioned in ynur meIT«ge. rrad and ordered to If on tlie table. ket. Severally twice read and pafTed. We have appointed Meffn. Brown and Hoi- Me. Young fiom the c.-i,umit;e, the bill to fettle and ascertain the fa- Hofto'n papfri, tba} by the laws Sc Conftituiion of tlie ftite : And Tt appears from the Being informed that it has t.ee« Maja^sited in this ,h- mrrnb- 'f tht council, endurfed, War Candidate will be r- to uiBBii'on freight, wherras certain riotous proceedings in Balti­ probably not one city that they were, not willing *nd 'hr "'I t(> ''pen a road or as Eleftor ot Coal, or any other articles of a t\- flip,ft;" more were outrageous prottraiiotu of the fecu. Irfted, rilher to Cungreii Bricks, Stone, f* W-«.t >wn to IJuckr.y's.town 8c tliencc Mafficliufe'tls, ____'_ milar nature ; they therefore declare, that such-a iity guaranteed by our conftiiution to tlie Picfadeui, in all that they wilr [ l'^fW.,Vla'ket, rndnrird, " will pafj with report is without foundation, and rights ind properly of our 1cllow-cit>zens ; oiTertd on freight, eilber to or / . ..fedimendmrnt-," which amrndment carry any article Ordered, Thai ilir committee of CONGRESSIONAL. from Baltimore, at the usual pricea. arrred to, aod t.hc bills ordered »o therefore, business /r«ad, and courts of jullicr be and thry HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, To those who give their more valuable grievances S. the Packet line, they would ' .offed. inftrucUd to inquire into the late Thursday,•Afov. to Craft, not.being in ., -.«' f-om John Brewer late clerk are hereby it wai order­ that if they continue the praAice, their '"*, , in the city of Baltimore, On motion of Mr. NUlchell, observe, the h palT-d in hn favour indefi­ thoufaiid dollars'be and the fame ROBERT of Baltimore county, was poflpoiied OP MARYLAND. tead a'ld referred. hereby appropriated, to br dillnbired . OOVKRNOR report in favour of nitely. A PROCLAMATION. l.o'ig delivers a from Tho­ money to the officers and crew of ihe Mr. Parnham delivers a petition 44 guns the General Awmbly of h'iilts Kichardfon. Read. Rrad and States' frigate the Confti'.ution of WHEREAS proceeded to mas Caho, a revolutionary foldier. for Maryland did o> kn aQ parsed at November session ('he houfe having qualified, according to the provifi uu of " thr aft " An aft to" up-m eicaniina'.ion referred. of ihr U. eighteen hundred and fire-, entitled, |tht choice of a governor, gi the better government nf the navy one the several aft» of Assembly re- that Levin Winder, On motion of Mr. Perry, Lrave fenfc entei- reduce info If ,) ballots it apoesrrd to v Suies," in icdimonv of the high ! pelting ekftions. and to regulate said eltAicni," bung in a bill, entitled, An aft good ton af;cr having l£f«. « eleftrd. Whereupon, road lead­ tained by cnn^refi nf the gallantry, direct that the governor and council Efquire, he rate a company to make a turnpike election*of the member*to I Kffol»*d« That Levirt Winder, and duft and fe'vices nf t.apt. Hull, il.f oflueri received the returns of of the ing to Cumberland in Allegany ^Ciunty, the state in the Coiigresv, of the U. S. linJhe u hereby declared to be governor and crew nf the fa id frigate Omftiiuliut reprc«ent of for the cxtenfi m of thr charters of thr feve. should cnUTerate and a-certam th* number |jj*-if Maryland. vanqtiilh;ng tr. rupturing the voted for at hanks in t'ne city of Baltimore. attacking voles given for each and every jieriou i mjtion by nu. Donaldfon, Lrave givrn ral Gurnere, mounting 54 carriage Rims, aforesaid respectively, and The ilerk of the fenate delivers the fol­ frigate a member for CongTct* |:o bring in a bill concerning infolvent debtors. thereby exliibitiug an examp'e highly h-«nor- sha'l thrreiiiion declare. b> procUmauon, signed bill lowing meffjge : penon nr per- I The clerk of thr fenaie delivers the able? to the American cliaraftrr, and irflruc- by the GoVTnnr, the name ol the Wafltington Gentlcmrn of the Houfd of DMrglle', kom duty eliiled in each rci;ieflive district. We liullwrifing the levy cnur: of tive to our lifing navy. do to open and The Senate are prepared logo immediately mov­ in pursuance of the direAinns of the

YKAR. ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Id, 18)2. Wo. M9«l; «e«d on, ha» been gratiRed, and at it FR1NTED AHD it tcprcfented to On motion by Mr. Davit, fUBLUllED thii generalalTcmbly, Leave given to Mr, Perry delivers a bill to pay "tfte dtil that the troopi thu» re­ bring io a bill, entitled, An aft to prevent quired and now flationed lift and- other <*pencej of civil jrovernmeDU at Annapolii, have the ere&ion of boothi within two milei of a- Read. not been provided by the geneial JONA8 GREEN, government any methodifl camp or quarterly meeting in Mr/ with the cloathing'niceflary for their protec. Stolen deliven a petMon from field 1'on. Rjile« Refolved, 1'hat a fum not exceeding the The bill for the benefit of John Pointer, Head. fum of . dollars, be appropriated fir the wai paffed and fent to the fenate. UOPBE OF DBLBOATEI. Adjourned till Mondty. above objeft oat of any unappropriated mo­ Mr. Callii deliveri a petition from Aqoilla ' WKDKC1DAT, NOV. 11, 1812. ney in the treafury of the weflern Oiore of leal I of Prince-George'i county, praying a The heufc met. Prefent as oo Saturday. Maryland, and that the MONDAY, NOV. 16, 1812. Slipper i. treafurer of the pecial act of infolvcncy. Read and refer, The houfe met. Jbe proceeding! of Saturday were read. weftern (bore Prefent if on Window Glaii It, pay the fame to the eider of ed. The proceeding* Tbe bill for tbe relief of Charlei L. Snyder, the governor and council. ot Saturday were red. "xJlobyi,, ^ Mr. Lrcompte delivers a report and refo- Mr. Lewii hai leave the bill fur the relief of Keziab Hughes, and Adjourned of abfence. A few imported FJJ till to-morrow. otionin favor of Elijah S.nith cf Dorcbtfkr Tobiai E. Sun (bury, Efq. a deUgate from Baikrti, tbe melTage yefterday agreed to, were fent to ounty. Read. Velvet Ccrlii. tbe fenate. Baltirrore county, appeared, quilJied, and MOV. 13. Mr. Davis deliven a bill to prevent the e- Combi, Penltnivn, Thomai Emory, Efq. a delegate from took hi* feat. Snuff Boxes, The boufe met. Prefent a* on yeflerday. ioa of bobthi within two milei of any Mr. Harryman deliver* a jWtioo frotsl Qjeen-Anne's county, appeared, qualified, The proceeding* of yefterday A quantity of BraJ were read. nethodifi camp or quarterly meeting in Fre- John B.jaufiret of ind took hii feat. -' I On motion of Mr. Bowler, Baltimore v*o reu, the following lerick couniy. Twice read, patted, and fent a fpecial act of infoiventy. .Head and AlioaGenml M'. Graham deliveri a petition from Ni- reColutioni were read : i o the fenate.- * red.- / "*"t of CroekVrTJ cboiii Hall, of Frederick county, praying Refolved, That William Marbury, late A- Mr. Harrv'man deliver* a petition Irom John Mr. Randall deliver* a,*HI to confirm the Claii, Sioi I review of a road therein mentioned. Alfo gem for the (late of Maryland, be and he «n Ware. is Chance and John Watkini, of Baltimore Liberty road a* oow oitncd through Balti­ a petition from fundry inhabitants of faid hereby directed, to transfer And a lew aiticfal to Benjamin Har. couniy, praying the (late will refund to them more county. Read. eosnty, counter thereto. Mr. Donaldfon a wood, Truftee, the Dry Good I all vhe old fix per cent, and the furplui money paid for land in which On motion of Mrt' Arnold E. Jonru Or1.' petition from Gabriel Thomas of tbe city of deferred and An auonraent of ( three per cent, ftocki, now there ii a deficiency. Read and referred. dered, Tlrat MelTri, A. E, Jone», Fort i«gi, toch Biltimore, praying a ao* fpecial aft of inblvency. Handing in hi* name, belonging to the (late. On motion by Mr. Blackiftone, Ordered, StanftBfy, be Ovem, Spidtn, Mr. Frey a petition from fundry a committee to report to thW inhabitants Refolved, that Benjamin Har wood, Trui. Tbat ibe bill to make an uuiform provilion boirfe, the ftate jell. IJakerj It, of Cscil county, praying for of the public property at tbe ironi -a road from the tee and Treafurer for the State of Maryland, for toe furviving officer! and foldieri of government boufe, and date line near Lev) Brown's if any, what repair* lelei art offered for nki to the canal at be and he is hereby authorifcd and directed tbe late in the revolutionary aie requifite or sear Octorarp Locki, to paJi by to the fame. mi for cnh. of t» t| certain to fubfcribe in the manner prefcribed by war, be made the enter of ibe day for Wed­ Mr. Potti deliveri a petition from William il on tbe tuual credit, pint! therein mentioned, Mr. Barney a pe­ the aft of Congrefs, entitled, An aft autho- nesday the 18th infl. Hilbul, of Frederick connty, praying for » he country they wd t tition from Alexander Irvine, of the city of rifing a fubfcription for th* old Gx pe rain, The bill for the relief of Henry CJrofi, an review of a road theietn mentioned. Read lie. Baltimore, praying that the names of his cent, and deferred FOR ftocki, and providing fo iofoJvent debtor, wai paffed torf fent to tbe and referred. BALT1MOI grind-children Henry and Charlotte Coctuan, the exchange of the fame, pafled on tbe Tenate. ilarlj-, and wiH comia ly be changed Mr. Caufin deliveri a favourable report o* to Irvioe. Mr. Lecoinple Oth day of July 1813, for the whole On motion by Mr. Emerfon. the following :ember The utmottL. I petition fiom the petition nf Jeffe Thompfon. Read. delivery of letten,b*tt Elijah Smith, an old foldier, mount of faid (locks belonging to the Rate, am mcffagc wai agreed to and feat to. the Mr. Blackiftone piling relief. Mr. Randall fe­ deliver* a petition from for the lofi of any. a petition from receive new certificate.! for the fame, agreea nate. Peter A.Carne* of St. Stub Car roll and Elijah Bofley, Mary'i coonty, pray- neamestlr rrqntiti of Balti. bly to the proviQoni of the above recite) Gentlemen of tbe Senate, ing a fpecial ai4 of infolvency. ong mutt county, Read acd Handing tie* praying for compenfatioo for aft. We have appointed MefTn. Emerfon, lame, or piu ikr No_ tin injury done referred. to their landi by a road there. Mr. Randall delivers a petition from Job Sprigg, SuMieftreet, Emory and Oldwell, Mr. iler to accnrnrnniite uK^I ia mentioned. Severally Lecompte deliver* a favourable r«i read and referred. Tobin, and MI Donatdfon a petition from Jo- committe« on the part of thii houfe, to join pott nn tbe petition count! will be received i Mr. Dorfey deliveri a bill for the piomotv of John Borni. Read. e. feph Chapman of ibe city ol Baltimore, pray­ fuch gentlemen at rosy be appointed by you Mr. Harryman deliveri a favourable report of literature ia the feveral counties in thii ing fpecial afti of infrtlvency. erfon* from fruiting Referred. to form a commute* of bothfvoufei to com on tbe petition of John Chance and John t». ai in (e, and (V the renewal of the charter* of Tbe bill cue the; i for the relief of William Merry, pare and examine all bUh" from time to time, Watkini. Jlead. iiwerabla for the e feveral bank* therein mentioned. man late (heriff and collector of Baltimore during thii feffion, a* foon a* they fhall be Mr. Plater deliven a favourable report on mi ajainit iuarcm)oe^J Mr. Barney deliveri a petition fiora Sime county, wai read tlement the fecond time, pafled, and feverally engroffed. the petitioni of John Williami, JoCai Alvey^ loo Churchhill of Baltimore county, praying fent to the fenate. Geo. if Jno. Barbr MT. Calli* deliven a bill for tbe relief of and Anthony Davit. Read. for i Ipecial act of infolvcncy. Read and Mr. Evans deliver* a bill to lay out and o- Aquila Bead, of Prince-George'i county. . The bill for the referred. relief of John Tobio, of pen a road in Catcil couniy j twice read, paf- Twice read, paffed, and fent to tbe fenate. the city of Baltimore, wet rrad tbe fecond Tbe bill, entitled, A fuppleraent fed, and give Notice, to an aft fent to the fenate. Tbe clerk of tbe fen«te deliveri the fupple- time, and the queftion put, Shall tbt faid b||| to lay out and open a road in Frederick On motion by Mr. Dorfey, Ordered, of Baltimore COOIUT. kit That ment (0 an act to lay out and open a road in pafi ? Refolved in the affirmative. coonty, pa (Ted at Nov. feffioo, 1809, wai the bill for the promotion n: court of Anne-ArtnU of literature in the Frederick county, endorfed, " will pafi." Mr. Bayly deliveri a report of the (ruftee* •IHm f Maryland, lettcri cf * re«d ibe fecond time, ptffed, and fent to the feveral counties in this (tale, and for tha re­ Ordered to be engroffed. And the following ferine. of Walhington Academy in Sumerfct couoty. rtonal c»:»te of WiHiM newal of the charters of the feveral banks comtrunication : Read. :ity ol" London. drceiMi On motion by Mr. Emerfon, Leave gi»- therfin mentioned, be made die oftJer of tbe Council Chamber, Jiov. r, I a 19. Mr. Harryman deliven « petition from ni a^ainM nki r«aie |ta to bring in a bill, entitled, An additional day for Thurfday the 3d of December. in IcfpUv au-hentkalnl. Gentlemen, John Kogeri of tbe city of Baltimore, pray- ICupplemetit to an ift, entitled, An aft to re- Mr. Barney delivers a bill to change and I have the honor to inform you, that I intlelileU to uid eatait t» jgula'.e tog a fpeciil act of infnlvency. Read. the infraction of tobacco, pa (Ted at alter the name of Henry Cochrane, to Hen­ have expended in virtue of a refolution paffed On motion |Nov. feflion, 1789. by Mr. Randall, Ordered,That itt Jeffray, ry Cochrane Irvinr, and of Charlotte Cocli- at November felTioii eighteen hundred and - (be bill lor the valuation Tbe clerk of the fenate deliver!' of rea4 and perfooai the bill rane to Charlotte Cochrane Irvinr. Read. leven, appropriating one thoufand doHari for property in tbii ftate, ithonfing the levy court of Walliingtori be made ibe order of On motion by Mr. Barney the following (he purpofe of furnifhing the government the day for Thurfday next. crcby given, iy, to open a road in faid county, en- refolutioo was read. houfe, the Mum of two hundred aod eleven Mr. lorled, " will pifi." Ordered Belt deliver* a petition from WilliuK II be prc«cnUd to !}>« to be engrolT- Refolved, That the Governor of thii State dollari and thirty nine centi, ai will appear Vaughan, ', A report of (be clerk a revolutionary foldier, praying r*> r next session, for a of Allegany coun- be and he ii hereby requefted, to prefent by the rnclofed voucher* .Tb* refidue a- lief. Read and referred. court relative to tha om tome place near attendance of the in the name of the State of Maryland, to mounting to feven hundred and eighty.eight Adjourned till to-morrow* Mr. Pumfrwy'i rain*, igei of that court; which-wai read and Captain Ifaac Hull, a fword, with fuitable dollin and fixty-ooe ccnti, remains in the the mountain read. Ttrred. And the following meflTagt« emblems and devices upon the hilt thereof treafury. ro br»nch«i, OM of 'rmlemen of the Houfe of Delegates, in teflimony of the very high feofe enter* 1 am, with auucb rcfptcl, your mofl obedient fUBSDAT, MOV. 17, HI9. We V'atera'* mill, and th» a-^ree to the propofttion made by your gained of the cool, intrepid gallantry, good fervant, The houfe met. Prefent a* on yefterdajederdav of tranfmitting by expreO, ill road leading from a joint let- conduct, and Cervices, of Captain Hull, of ROBT. BOW IE. except m'. Lewii. The proceeding*i ofi y«U | in the form prefcrlbed by you, to each of the officers and crew of the frigate Conftituti- Read. terday were read. , I 29. 1812. «!*. t member* of the executive council, cleft, or), in the attack, drfr*t and capture, of the The Refolotion in favor of Charles Rich, Mr. Belt deliver* a petition from Ingram ho are now abfeo>from the feat of govern- Bri(i(h frigate Guerriere, " thereby proving ardfon, of Somerfet county, WM read and Cann, of Anne-A'itndel county, a revoluti­ Sale The piefident of the fenate and the that more could have been done in a conteft ((Tented to. onary foldier, praying relief. Mr. Donald' [??akerof i. aaoU the hotife of delegate! having hi- (hat required more ;" and that the (reifurer of Mr. Randall deliveri a bill for the relief fon a petition from Mary Foxall, of Balti­ 32, with four '«rto adopted and m boy, the e!de»t thii manner of notification at the wedern fliore be and he ii hereby directed of John Tobin. Mr. Wm. Stewart a bill (o more county, praying that a law may pafi to> i of agv, tho Kfcond Bitter of courfe, we did fuppofe that a to pay to the Governor a fum not exceeding tax bank flock. Severally read. confirm the will of her late liufband Thomaa vcn. Enquire at th* »nul_ communication- between the two thr fum of dollar!, oat of any unap. On motion by Mr. Emory, Leave given to Foxall. Mr. Bowlei a petition from Daniel incliei of the tegiflature would not be ne- prnpiiated money in the Treafury, to carry brmg in a bill, entitled, A further fupplc- Hrfttebowrr, of Walhington county, praying " ry to attain thr object, contemplated by thii refolution into effect. ment to an act, entitled, An act to facilitate a fpecial act of infolvency. Mr. Potter po. '»»' melTage. Read. Mr. Barney delivers a petition from Philip the draining of land in tbe feveral counties tition front Sbelby Jump, of Caroline county, Voters 0" motion by Mr. Potter, the Ifbufe pro- Gerrmfe jun. of the city of Bajtimorr. pray, (herein mentioned. praying a law may pa&j authorifing him to :reiinl (o the fecond reading of the bill from ing a fpecial act of infnlvency. Referred. On motion by Mr. Dorfey, Ordered, That (ell loo convey certain land* therein mention* uu/y thtCity if fenate to confirm *n »H palTrd at Nov. The bill for the benefit of Levi Cary, wai Meffn. Dorfey, Bayly and Bow lei, be acorn, ed. Mr. Hogfr, a petition from fundry Vo­ mitt. an, 181 1, to alter-the time of the mee,t- read (he fecond time, patted, and fent to the mittee to inquire and report to thii houfe ters of the third election diftrict of Cecil 'Z of tbe General AITeuibly of tbii Rate and fenatr, what lawi will expire during the prefcot (ef- county, praying that tbe |kCc of. holding li!^ oilier ; become a Candida!* porpolei. And the queltion wai On motion by Mr. Donaldfon, Ordered, fioo of this General Aftrmbly. elrftioni may be changed, mr. Barney a pe­ riff at the nest Elec KI Shall the faid bill pafi ? Determined in That the preamble and refolutioni relative to Ordered, That the further additional fup. tition from Francis Holland, of the lought negative, city of proper to give and the'bill fent to the fenate. the ri»M and mobi in Baltimore, be printed plement to the act for amending and reducing Baltimore,' praying for a fupplement to an >v iaitenUon t» do M." Mr. Plater deliveri a bill 'to regulate the for the ufe of (he meinben, and be made, into fyflem, tbelawiand regulations concern­ set pafled in 1803, concerning earnestly road from noiicit the 'i of the regifter of the court of chancery. (he order ol the day for Tuefday next. ing laO. wills and teftamentt, Sec. have a fe. Baltimore to Annapolii. Mr. 'Belt a petiYio'a citizen*: Should mv I'. Barney a bill for thr relief of Simeon On motion of Mr. Dorfey, the queftion cond reading on Toe id ay next. from 'fhoh« rrtrrf- «4--Ka.ri with the propubd aniendmentl ;" The houfe met. Prefent n ota yefterday. to lay out and ep*o a road in C«Kii cdiinty |, «se Work, for which* |earrm|e and refolutioni were read, whicb were read. The proceeding* of yefterday were read. tbe bill for tbe relief of Levi C.trty , ib« i given, inquire at .i tbe Secreta'y at War of the - - Adjourned till to-morrow. The fpeaker laid be Corf, the houfe com- bill'tor th« rclatf of Wm. Merry man, late loitcd Siatcl,, did requite from the late go. munitatioM from the ueafurer, ot the eaftern (hrrifT and collector oJ* Baltimore county, of (hi* flate, that he order Into ler^ice HOV. I3.M819. . (bare. *Alfo repbrti ftore tha clerks of Carell and th« bill for the relief of Heniy <~- ' lii, «. portion of toil ftaie'i quota Prrlinit as, on yefterday. and Wafhington counttef, retake fo the at- tbe r«i>»y of BtltiaiAre, fcvcrally «ilitiri XooTtrlMi* Uic hid requilttron e»d. ' \ tend*ot« of "lh« Judges, atcuiod Mr. Stybtft prc(ehted the nemorul of Jo- the bUt relating to the poof- of Dorchefler tONQRESSIONJL: TVu nttition lefj, county, endoifed, u will oafs with the pro- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVfcS, feph P. Beck, of Philadelphia. Refrrred to' pofeJ amendments;" which amendment! were Friday, Utro. 6. tb« committee of commerce and manufac­ It was referred dM not teport thereon, lead, a (Ten ted to, and the bill ordered to be Two melTages in writing were received ture*. terred to the committee of claims. engrolfed. And the bill fur the relief of A- from the Prefldent of the U. State*, by Mr. Mr. Little prefentcd the petition of John Mr. Clay, (Speaker) prtfented i (iu'iU Beall, ot- Prince-George'i county, en- Cole* his fetreUry. S. B. Lung, a revolutionary foldier. Refer­ of B. M. Pia« of the Iniooi dorftd, " Will pafs with the propofed amend, The fird meflage read, related to the natu-. red Jo the committee of claims. ing that the eleftion of Mr. L rntntt ;" which amendment! were read. ralisation law, patted at the lad feflion, which M'. Lctfri* prefented feveral memorials fr. was unfair, and praying that there" _.. On motion by rar. Donaldfon, Leave given he prefident»did not think proper to fign, for the county- of Alexandria and county of Pair- a new eleftion ordered. Referred to'tkeLTI to bring in a bill, entitled, An aft for ex- reafons which he dates, and recommending fax, refpefting the fale of certain glebe land*. mittee on cleftions. ** ! lending Gteeo-ftrcel in the city of Balti- the attention of Coiigrefs t» that fubjeft. Referred to the Committee on the Di'liift of On motion the committee on enrolled Bilk I iznre. On motion of Mr. Lacuck it wai teferred Columbia. was ordered to be appointed. Mr. Plater delivers a bill fupplementary to to a feleft committee of five. Alfo, one from the Levy court and Com­ Adjourned, 12 o'clock. the act, entitled, An aft granting a limn of The fecond, covered the correfpondence be­ mon council of Alexandria, praying fur an money to Charlotte Hall School. And a re- tween the War Department and the Govern­ appropriation of money to build a jail. Re­ ,. N«*. 13. - , port on the memorial of the truftees of kid or* of Miffachufettt and Connefticut, in re- ferred at above. Mr. Ballet from the committee oir Mird fchool.. Severally rea'l. i to calling Into the fervice of the Uni­ Mr. Juhnfon preferlted the memorial of W. Affairs reported a refolntion forgivinr , ,, Mr. Blackidone deliver* a bill for the relief ted States their refpeftive quotai of militia, Hubbel of Kentucky. Referred to the com­ K..c Hull a Cold Medal, in teft.morVoi £ of Peter A. Garnet, oT St. Mary'i county. referred to in the Piefideni'* mtffage of the mittee of cl»ims< refpeft of Coogrefs for hi* ftnket in c»^, BeaJ. ^ 4:h inltant. The Speaker laid before the hnnfe a letter ing the Gueriiere Britifh f.igate. [lhiiref»! Mr. Belt deliver! a favourable report on After the reading had pr ogre (Ted fome time, from1 the tecretaiy of war, covering the ac­ lution i* fimilar to the one offered a f, w di the petition of John Vaughan, a revolu'.io- on motion of Mr. Gbeves, the further read­ counts of the quarter-mailers and clothing*de­ fince by Mr. Dawton.] Referred to » c mo'ion by Mr. Lecompie, Oidered, documents ordered tn be printed. means. of the day f-ir Monday next, and ordered u That the preamble and refolutions of the le- On motion of Mr. Cheves, the melTagei Mr. Bacon after fome preliminary remarks be printed. giQv.ure of Virginia accompanying the com- were referred to a committee of the whole offered the following : Mr; Seybert offered the foltowfog f ^ mantcationi of the executive be printed. houfe on the Hate of the union, to whom was UeTolved, That the Committee of military folved, That a committee be appointed to it, The houfe proceeded to the order of the referred the meffage of the 4th inll. affairs, be indrafted to enquire into the expe­ quire into the expediency of continuing day on the refnlotioni relative to the r'toti in 'Hie lioufe in committee of the whole, Mr. diency of providing by law, for exempting mint in Philadelphia, and that they hanl Baltimu'X, and on motion of Mr. Lecompte Macon in the chair. altogether from liability to arred, or being ta­ to report by Sill or otherwife. Adopted toe further conGderation of the fame wai Mr. Chevrs moved the following » ken in execution for debt, any non commis- a committee of three ordered. Adjourati poftpooed Until to'mnrrow. III. Refolved, That fo much of the Prefi. fioned officer, private or mufician, of the ar­ According to the order of the day, the dent'* melTage of the 4th iod. as relate* to my of the United States, or volunteer corps, Friday, Nov. 13. houfe proceeded to the fecond reading of the the fubjeft of our foreign relations, be re­ when called into fervice purfuant to law.-t- Mr. Mitchell, prefented tbe petition , bill, entitled, A further additional fupple- ferred to a feleft commitee. Adopted. George Lyon, an affidant clerk io tbe Piu mc'nt to the aft, entitled. An aft fur amend­ 3d. Refolved, That fo much of the Prefi. Mr. Seybert fubraitted a refolution direft- office, praying compenfation for fervices. I ing and reducing \n;o f»dem the lawi and re­ dents' me(Tagc afotefaid, as relates to the mi­ ing the comroittee on Pod Offices and Poft ferred to committee of claims. gulation* concerning lal\ wills and tedaments litia, volunteer*, and the army of the United Roadi, to report a Mil authorifing the franL- Mr. Seybert, from the committee *ppo«l 8cc. and, after read\jig and amending the States, to the pad operations and to the fu­ ing of the Prefnlent's meffage k documents, ed on the fubjeft of the mint, reported iu| fame, the-quedion wai put, Shall the fa ture profecutiou of tbe war with G. Britain noiwithdanding tbe fame may weigh more to prolong the continuance of the mint oft bill pafi ? Determined to the negative, yeas on land, together with a mcffage of thh day than two ounce*. Adopted, U. State* at Philadelphia. Read twice 38, nayi 31. be referred to a feleft committee. Mr, Jenning* fubmitied tbe following : referred to a committee of the whole The fpeaker laid before the houfe a nport 3d. Hefolved, That fo much of the Prefi. Refolved, That the committee of claims, be for to-day. of the clerk of Prince-George's county, ret* dent's meffjge of the 4th ind. as relates to indriifted to enquire into the expediency of A roeffige in writing was received fromd live to the attendance of the judges. Read the naval edablifhment oi the/- U. States, to providing by Uw for compenfcting any per- Prefident ol the United State*, by Mr.CoL and referred. the pad operations, and to the future pr»fcca­ fi»n-or prrfuns, far the unavoidable lofs of any his fecreiarr. This reeffage 'corr.monioa The amendment* propofed by the fenate t tion of tlie war on the ocean and the lakes, horfe or horfes in the campaign of Tippact- the correfpondence between Mr. Ruflch the bill for the' relief of John' Paichaifun o be referred to a feleft committee. ooe em llte river Wabafh. Adopted. Lord Cadlereagh, on the fubjeft of the L Dorcheder county, were leverally read the fe- 4th. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Adjourned at half pad 12 o'clock. propofitioDk fubmitted by Mr. Ruffel, relitml ' cond time, alTentcd to, and the bill ordered meflagc as relate* to revenue, and to the late Committee of Foreign Relation/. to a fufpenfion of hodilitiei between tbetn| to be engrolTed. inporta'ioni to of Brit. Minufaftures, be re­ MeflVs. Smilte, Calhoun, Grundy, Goklf- governments. Mr. Belt deHVert-t-frpwr in- favour of ferred to the Committee, of "Ways and Meani. borough, Micon, Nelfoo, Harper, DefUa-aod Fmm thit correTpondence it appttn, i , Thomas ElliolT, an old fuldier. Read. 5th. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Seaver. . ,_ Britilh government did not think proper ul On motion by Mr. Caldwell, the following mcfTige, a* relate* to Britifh licences, and 10 Committee on J/i/ifflry Affair*. accede to the terms propofed. aod Mr.RuUl preamble and refolutioni were read. tales of corrupt and perBdious intercourfc Mcffr*. Williams, Troup," Wright, Sevier, thinki tbe only alternative now left,is tn.| Whereat, it is not only a generou* and ith the enemy not amo unting to tieilon," Low odd, Chiiteod«n, Lyle, btevjart and gorous profecution of the war. OoMe, but alto a wife pilicy in ui, as a free be referred to the committee of Commerce Avery. ' Mr. Wright after Come prefatory and republican government, to didinguilh and mannfafture*. Committee em ffaval Afa.tr*. tiont relative to injuries done u* by tot (in . With our highelt ap,-obV.ion,expre(Ted in thr Tbe committee rofe and reported their a- Meffrs. HalTett, Bacon, Milnor, Blerker, gei, etc. offered the following. mod pointed and emphatic manner, fucb of greement to the refolutions, and the houfe Widgery, Dawfon, Hyncosan, Alftun and Refolved, -That a committee be appoiatall our citiiens a* evince by their aftioni a pa­ concurred, and the icveral feleft committees Stow. to bring in a bill, veiling the power of retail triotic devotion to the common weal, fo that were ordered to coo (id of nine. ' ation in certain cafe*, in the Prefident afte] ajl may be ftimulated to virtuoa* aftioni ; The refolutinn yc!terday offered by* Mr. Tuetdoj, ffn. 10. U. States. Adopted and a committee oft confcioui that if it is defervcih, they will ex- Dawfon wav taken up and referred to the Mr. Mitchell prefented a petition from Tan- ordered. perfertce the gratitude of their country ; and committee appointed on that part of the Prrfi. dry agents and consignees of-Britidi mano- The houfe in comroittee of the whole,] tbu* an holy emulation will be excited emongfl dent's mefTjge which relates to the oaval efta- faclures, dating that goods imported into the Nelfon in the chair, oo a bill to prolong tt us, in performing fuch deeds both in war and btiihment of the U S. United States fince the I d of Augult on their mint m Philadelphia,; to peace, a* will tend to preferve the liberties The Rev. Mr. Lee was appointed Chap- own account had been feiaed under tbe non­ The (committee filled the blank with h we now enjoy, aod perpetuate the blefling* lain. importation aft and praying relief. Refer­ years, rofe and reported the bill and the hott derived from our independence : And where- CLOSED DOORS. red to tbe committee of ways and means. concurred, and ordered it to be engrafted ai ' * alfo, if any of our citiiens fall in battle, Mr. Pleafants, prefented a petition from read a third time on Monday. Mr. Harper faid he had a propodtion to of­ fighting .in the caufe of his country, leaving MeflYi. Tompkins and Murry of Richmond On motion, it was ordered that when fer to the Houfe which, in hii opinion, retjuir- behind a name endeared to us by the recollec­ of. a fimilar nature to the one prcfented by Houfe adjourn, it adjourn till Mond*j< ed fecrecy, aod he theiefore moved that tlw tion of his virtue*, his bravery k his devotion Mr. Mitchell. It was referred to the fame Adjourned. galleries be cleared and doors clofcd, which to the liberties of'the republic, it behoves u«, commit tee* was accordingly done. | in the fpirit of the fame policy, to (hew, in the Mr. Rhea, from the committee on Poft Of­ K>- THE WAR. Three o'clock, the Houfe adjourned ' it fices and Pud Roads, reported a bill authori­ mod public and pointed manner, our rcfpeft appears that thr mjunflion of fecrecy on the From the Ar. Intelligencertf Saturdtj. far that citizen, our regret for hit lofs, and fing the franking of the mcffage and docu­ proceedings had been removed ; and that the An important meffage was tranfmiuni »| our gratitude for hit fervices : And whereas, ments, which wai agreed. motion fubmitied by Mr. Harper wai at fol­ Congref* yederdiy by the Piefidentof U. ij \VILLIAM S. BUSH, Ute a citizen of tlii Previous to tbe paflige of the bill Mr. low* : Which wai negatived, yea* 26, nay* and will be ftfund in our fubfequent ' ftatc, and a lieutenant in the marine corps of Seybeit moved to amend it, by making it a 76. From a perulal of the Document! cncioU the United States, in the late aftion between general law fo as to prevent the neceflity of Referred, That the committee of Com- our leader t will fee how little reafon (here it the Conditution, one of our frigates, and the pafltng fuch a bill every year. Tbe motion or-rce and Manufafture* be indrufted to in­ to hope for any fatitfaftory re Cult to the pa­ Guerriere, an enemy, an Englifli frigate, fell was loll. quire into 'he expediency of prohibiting by cific overtures made by our government its' fighting in the mod gallant and heroic man On motion of Mr. Poindrxter: Hefolved, law the exportation of flour and other bread it accredited agent in Rngland. ner, tbe battles of hit country, ind in her That a committee be appointee) to inquire ioto duffs from the Unitrd State* and the trrrito- To the Senate and Houfe of caufe. the expediency of aulhoriUn;* the people of rici thereof, and that they report by bill or o- Reprefentative* of the U. Stiles, Therefore, Refolvtd, That to flif w the re the MillilTippi Territory to form a Conllitu- therwifr. For the further information of r fpeft to his memory which we fret, and tion and fUte government, and of admitting Adjourned. relative to the pacific advances made o* which it deferves, and to evince the high i<- the faid government into the onion on the gard which thi* IrgiQature entertain* for bra­ footing of tne original State*, with Ictve to part of the government to that of G. f very and patriotifm, fuch as he difpUyed, its ffav. 9. report] by kill pr o'.licrwife. and the manner iu «nhich they have brcn«t| hy the latter, I tranfmit the fcqurl of il»| gratitude for his fervicei, and rrgret fur hi* Mr. Mitchell prefcntrd a memorial of 34 The following refolution w»i introduced by conrmuniration* on that fubjeft, received fm loft, the governor and council of this flate be owner* and agent* of private armed veflets j Mr. Jubnfon, and agreed to without a divi- the late Charge d'Affaire at London. and they are hereby dirrfted, to purclufr an dating that tiiry labor under great disadvan­ fion. JAMES MADISON appropriate golden med*l, which they (lull tages from internal regulations, and praying Refolved, That the comoiittre to whom prefent,-in the name of this. Rate, to the that the dutie* on Prise Goods may be dimi- that part of thc..Pr«fidrnt'a mclTage was re­ November 19, 1813. . neireft furviving male relation of the faid tiHIied, the fee* of Court, he. and dating that ferred a* relate* to military affairs, befcrflrue. Extract from tht Ctrrtspeninct. ..Lieutenant William S. Bufli. under the exiding regulations, the profits of ted to bring in a bill authonfing the nrifing Mr. ttuttell to Mr. Mount. Refolved airo> That the treaCurer oT the the bufinrfs is n«j coin,menfuraie with the of a number of mounted volunteer*, to per. ' [Private.] wedern (hore pay out of" any unappropriated hazard inquired, and that unlefs Coiigiefs af­ form an expedition againd the tribe* of In­ 'On board the Laik, Tth Ko». l«'»' money in the treafory, the Turn of - dot- ford relief, it will not be worth following. . dians, hudile 'to the U. States. Sut 1 have the honor t« inforaifou,'*" lax, to the order of the governor and coun- He moved that it be^ referred to the Commit- Before Mr. Johnfon fubmitied his- refolu- I am now psfling the Narrows, and rxpr4 cil, fn that the objert of thefe refutation* tee »f Commerce and Manufactures. tion, he endeavuied to imprefs upon the houfe lurid in New-York this day. I cortfi« i'" Bay be carried into efTeft. Mr. Che'vei thought it woold be better to the abfJute nrceflity of adopting efficient be my du^y to repair to the feat of« _ Adjourned till to-morrow. rrfer that part of the petition, which relates meafuie* for attacking tlt« Indians during the ment and (hall lei of a* Toon a*-I cm ob« tn the reduftinn of the duties,'to the cooi- inter, as in that feafon alone they could be my baggage. In the mean time 1 « W IIYMKNEAL. rhitire nf ways and meaijs. fotrtid in their lurking place*. ^ to inform you, that the fecond uropofitioii" MarrieJ, b^y the Rev. Mr. H'uatt. on Mr. Blatkled^e (hough* it would be better Several petitions of a private nature, fome arvarmiflke. wa» rrjefted like tbe nil*, »«' , Sunday evening last, Mr. Htzin V. Raid to refer the whole rubjeft to » feleft CororoiL, of which had been before the Houfe during vigorKuaMrofecutiun of tltr v/ar Ippcin "» trill, to Mum Charlotte 3uUivaH,»& of this tee. tbe lad frflion, were prefented and*icfcrred. the only honorable alternative left io « »'! ____ Mr. Widgery hoped the whole fubjec*i AiljourneU half paft two. 1 have the honor to be, with r"'"""'" would be referred to one Cpmmittec, lie did ration aod refjieft, Gr, your v« A letter from a gentleman at Halifax, byi not aief which. Wtdiutday, Jla9.lt. vant. *.. . ' 11 I underdand that information has heen re­ Mr. MitchfeH Withdrew h'n firfl motion, and Mr. TitV'in, prefentcd a pet'r.'mn Trom Tan ceived Jrom Admiral Sir John^ B. Warren, movrtl \o rely thiJWuvijiAl lu.jhe nef New-Havea/Ou^) iKjvin*] "fJhrAng'iYut ne^rV" ,«*^V'iTTe^ifle;h^S»ho' 'oTWl^'Jrlrlrw...*;- ' ^^^iV tbe Penal BomJs oo icrifirfiUJoai'ir ' 'flijTI relor"a«r tnelr native cowiby to pils'j Mi. M'K.uii ojoveu »u jefer it.to tltc com. tied from Gceat Britain may be.cautetl -Foreign free ol impreffment, except thofc belonging of commerce tod raanufaftarei. .! Referred to tho committee Jl Wiyi de» tbe «» to Oiips d» war t and that \hc merchant fea- meana. . ' . - forded mfof the Wtore of the oved to rcfni C.arrM. t Havanni, praying reruune^iioa for certain .beekiwitiCed to lay yourr letter of tbe '.. .1 ragement, or return home, accoiding to their The refiduc of thtVtWmnriat wai then rc- expenrc* incurred in truifporttsig a number in2*b«(bre bU Royal Hj|h«& t|» ** owo choice.'.': [/%//. faftr, Nn, 13.] fern-d to tb« c»mnue of okf/J affiirs. of fpldier* belonging to tb^ \J«i(ed Sutti t« fUftot. ".' Mofcow, that there Ko». 11. \ 'William Bayliaa, t . country are retiring fo commandi me to ex- WASHIXCTOII CITT-, into that city ^ million H;, Royal HtghneCi received yefterday by »lie John Reed, BarnfUble. bad already. Hjowded bi» regret that he eanont per- lopy of a letter of foul* ; and that pep. Kutofo, mefi to you the Navy from Commodore Laban Wheaton, Brrftol. .and a half ftibftantial difference between tbe Secretary of been appointed Comraaadec M Chief tei«e any : , Cyru* King, Firft Eaftern. wbo had 1 propofitioo for rufpenfinn of lioftilitiet which Rodgen Second do. f the Ruffian armiei, look tha comcaod on V^v"^""!^"''" which U.S. FrigatePrtGdenO George Btadoory, you arc MW directed to make, ind that Dav'n, Third do. tbe t8th. the 24tb ok At Sea, Oa. 17, 1812.$ Samuel of oiot» muft ut of her, and had intended wai firik- from paper* fropi N. York to the ed to, the difcnflion of a cartel, with or given them againft them. Thi* and extract* precede the uoderftanding requir- Lngland in the character where the demo- and from Waihington to the 9th of Aug. fubfUntially Hating fallen in at '.r-.ii mo­ ingly the Cafe in Haverhill, 1 ith own crew. who had been the mod The editor obftrvei, that " if America infill* however, with the American fchr. E- crati, and even fome i* not Thii coiirfe of proceeding, at bearing 'on ment, to the meeting, and refufed to on free fhip* making free good*, there eanor, bound from Baltimore to France, dif- aealoui, came tei minatioft the face of it a character of difguife, it not they were fatiified all wa* not the llighteft profpect of a fpeedy but. mafted, induced me to change my firft deter­ vow, faying time it waa knowa only felt to be in principle Inadmiflible, to En. with ouittrovernment. Thofe who did of hoftilitiei." At thii advanta- mination, and inflead of fending her right rtvocation'of the Order* u unlikely to lead in practice to-any vote for the waWandidate, appeared to do it in England, that the on the im­ [land have fent her to the U. State* in charge tbe deftred effect. Copl- gtout refult : at il doet not appear roenti* under a kind of^mpu/ji'on, and with great in Council had not thai you are if the mafter and crew of the before thi* fobject appear; portant- fubject of itnprelTrnrnt oAjtii'ing reluctance. ou* remark* ori any Jpecific plan ned fchooner, who at the moment either authoriled to propofe the Swallow, *Wi the Etttx North Dittriet Returnt. which the fufpenfion of that hi* have charge of Other*. with reference to which, a* foon a* the wca- Picketing. MONTBKAL, Oct. 91. be made JL fubject of delibera­ chr. in tow, but 321 34 'pr.cVice coold they intend abandoning af- Newburyport On the morr.ing of the 10th inft. Com* or that you have received any inftructi* r will permit, ||3 4 tion, taken her cargo on board the Swal- Salifb'ity pan* of Voyageuri, confiding of 4] raert. for the guidance of your conduct on having 285 3 on i ow. Newbury were fufprifed at Si. Rrg'i and taken prifo- fame of the leading principlci which fuch Toptfleld 83 ind 1 parted company with the U. State* and ner«, after having 3 killed, 4 wounded, ^difcuffion muQ in the firft inllance involve. Hamilton 78 wat commanded Prince Re­ Irgut five day* fince ; they are not however 7 efcvping, The company Under Inefe circumdance* the ^ Qloucefler S63 and among the killed he doe* not feef ar from me at prefent, I apprehend. "8 by capt. M'Donnell, gent dncerely lament* that Britilh vlB of Wenham 53 \ Rotte. from the deciGon, We have not fern a Tingle 110 3 at enfign himfelf enabled to depart which the want Roxfbrd 4UO American prifonef* taken to you in my war at yet, except one frigate, the hon. Mr. Picker, Upwardt of which I wai directed to convey night prevented So much reflected it have arrived here. f wind and the approach of that the war par­ at Queeniton, Utter of the 3d inftant. although from ing, in thii diftrict, moft obe­ our chafing with any effect ; fyflematic nppodtion 1 have the honor to be fir, y«or w« muft have ty appeared to make no Nov. 14. nformation nftcrwardi received voted for rtilham, ' Ntw-Yoait, dient fervant. CASTLBREAGH. of five frigate* Io him ; in one town they I' k PLEASING RUMOR. very near a fquadion in another for Little, IMPORTAN Jonathan RulTel, efq. kc, on which we faw in another for Pearce, the preft to announce, that capt. he evening preceding that from Hamilton fay* We ftop and fo on. A letter juft arrived in 34 hourt fron Albany Nov. tf. he one before mentioned. of vote* given in thit town Green, Nrnw-Yom, or to be, " The number ftate* that prrviou* to hi* leaving Alb*Albajtf Moniiiu, t?. 3. 1 have the hod 'were all for Mr. Pittering. from refpect, Sir, weie 7ff, aod it w«t reported that «n exprefi had arri^arri«jb on the linet have dwind- W ith the greateft the democrat* voted with the fe- The militia corpt Servant, Several of with accounts of the capture of Fort Geor^.,Georg^ to mere fkeletont Your obedient Mr. P. the reft declined voting." led and are dwindling jaKN RODGERS. dcraliftt for Queenfton and Fort Erie, by GeO. Smytb, the companiet containing a left num­ In Norfolk diftricl, the democratic majori- fome of Paul Hamilton. and Maiden, by Getl. Harrifoo. ber of private* than of officert. The rifle corp**1 ion. ty laft April wa* 636 ; the (v)| majority it reduced by ftcknef*, p»i- 468. ^C from thii county ALBAKT, Nov. 3. now i* OHIO. the Britifh, he. to left than the- In Plymoutn diflrict, there wa*»fmill de­ Fame," a foneri to day, at 4 o'clock, the legiAatore of The editor of the " Trorrtp of of a company and Maj. Mofe- Thi* mocratic majority in April ; the peace majo­ at Vrarren, complement hi* ftate made choice o» the following gentle­ warm Madifonian paper, printed confequence returned home. rity u now 974. himCelf wndence it appear,, ly b>* in ai elector* nf Prefident and Vice Prefi- Trun.bull county, Ohio, expreffei ul NEWS EXPECTED. men Similar change* have taken place io tnoft choice at elcC. did not think proper lent of the U. Statet. Wecongiatulate the doubtfully with rtfpeA fo tbe Late information from the nor'herw bor­ or all of the other diftrifli. propofed. aod Mr.RolJ itixen* of the U. State* on tlii. aufpicioute- tor* in that ftate. bin.! noticet that the army of Gen. BloomGeld native now left, der had vcot, which will we doubt not, fecure to war. mounting to 8000 regular* and militia, capa* Ntw.Yoax, Nev. 8. if the a town hrm the election of a chief ma gift'ate r fome prefatory cMt.r moved from Platifburg to Champjain and character LATE FROM ENGLAND. TUB CHRONICLE, the operation* >le of tnaintainrWr^TKfarightt very faft failing (hip Lark rie« done ui by tbe I on the frontier. It it faid that bappineh and On Saturday, the about the n war, promoti^||bcrQbeTty, arrived a: thii port from OF HISTORY. PO. following. againft the enemy, would commence It i* needled to add, capt. HotchinCon, AN ANkOAt. RF.V1EW ' If thii be correct, newt yrofpenty in peace. England, which place (he left on L1TICS ANn LITERATUKE. i committee be ippoiaWl firft of November. man, on the following Ticket, ii Plymouth, fhortly be expected from hat every 30th September lad, which i* 3S day* la rOKBION AND DOME»TIC. ft'ig the power of rtojJ of importance may and will vote for the Baltimon, aularedb> Republican, ter t^n our former advice*. ByJOHM t. HALL, latter e», in the 1'iefidcnt o(j*| that quarter. DEW ITT CLINTON. of the New- Kveral men ol letten. From the Wttt. of By thi* arrival, the Editori devoted to the following d aod a committee of I Elefton of Preftdmt and Vice Prefident thro* tl-e atten­ Thf* work will he the date of our laft acv cei from the Yoik Gaaette have received i An Annual Hittoryof EiMe i. A At the U. State*, for tbe State of New-Yoik KufTell, late our MbjeAii wiita gaia, tbe principal part of the force* tion and politenef* of B^, Congretiionil Hittorv of the Uniled SKt*. for 1813. nf London, a of important procfra'mgt Ua •r*r®-?w frontier had been concentrated at Bu ScheoeAady Charge d'Affair* at the Vun occationd nuiicra fo*. C. Yat« of to^te 28th of Sep­ State L«ti»laturt 3 public Document* 4. and Black Rock, and a fpeedy attack on tbe Albany file of the Time* down th« j. Bio. iimeon De Wilt, contain but little A Regiittr of Uemirk»W« Occurrmcet : f±&^\ Stranahan incluftve. They ~ J "-•-=." ,i!:(,M!frii:|;)i -:•:= l.[ filled the blank with hi oppofite fide wa* expected. Col. Albany tember Sketchet of penoni diitinguiih«d at tho ' '• , H!\:VS L Archibald M'lniirr, Hx graphical J-J="jl~ll."..'lLljl on parole, and who paf- u will appear by the fubfequcot or the Field ./;.;:;, rted the bill and the boat! who ii returning home Hogcbootp, Columbia new*, Bar or in ihe Holpit, in the Clotet villaga to day, (late* that the [ohn C. tract*. Of learned Societiei. at home and .l.-'XJHi^'l'f red it to be engrofJed M fed through thi* S Mumlnrd, New.York 4. Procetdmgi fo. on that ftation i* 6500, and . Account* from Malta and Gibraltar, (late, abroad 7. An Annual Hij'orv of Literature, i Monday. . I ouaibcr of troopt [acob Uelamontagne, do. up Eitay* on MiKellanroua them are of the repjiUr army. that Admiral Freemantle had been fent reign and domeatic S. T- "i'l,,, 1! r»- ordeicd that whin ti| that 4000 of >. Van Cortlandt, Weftchefter having and Poetical Edition* 9. Statistical )U> :"*IIF:""'l.rili "" RENSALAER. the Adriatic, and had arrived at Liffa, Topic* idjouro till Momhr, GEN. VAN [ohn Chandler, Orange wai pont. account* from an indifputable ith him about 0,OOO men. The object U poblubed in '•^ By recent neniy Huntington, Oneida Price tix dollar* per annum To proud in acknowledging-JWICUK itiir theiitc not known perhap* at a mere divcifion. numbirrt. . 4 quarter, we are Woodwortb, Albany Ben four quarterly ia due thee «cjAu Van [nhn Frpm the Dtfpaichet from Sir Wm. recvivtd ay Oeo. SAatn. meed of praife which David Boyd, 6cheneAady •Suiucription* appear* that everrerlfhinVVd tinck.it appeart that Sicily it about becoming Renfallaer. It lor'* B'rgen, Kmgt »Co.______J telligcncertf Saturdq. arranged by him previnui tft^f WjtTe Richmond an ally nf England. ':m{: been |ofeph Perine, it' i* ftatrd in a Parit wai tranfmmrtl k] which human (kill and firrfight The Fretfch army, '~ Public Sale. '-' ^-;~ ===• -;pt^^J :lTage of Queenftnn I. Belknap, Orange Smo'enflc coart of tbe PiefidentofU.il When after the fvll de. paper, were on their march from By virtue of an order from th* orphini , ''ij.U'lfi,.! by could accomplifli. [ohn Dilli Ulfter fay, con. the tubKrihen will ex- our fubfequent column] and had engaged the e towardi Mofcow. The. enemy they Anrx-Arundel county, i Uchment had crnffed Van Nef», Dutcheft to public ule, on the prrmim of the, laM encioU I effort* were made to l.vid tinue to retreat. po«t coun. the Documenti nemy, the moft intrepid Jenkini, Columbia produced a Thomai K"blnion, late of Anne- Arundel -mi Robert had how little reafon (here i| relief and fuccor ; hit voice and Renffalear The battle of Salamanca on the nonh lidc of Severn, on give them M. S. Vandercooki rtcruiu from the Portn- ty, deeeated. tiifactory refult to i ., attendance were heard and Teen in - Saratoga* great acceflion of Tunday ihe i 5ih day of Occembtr neat, tlM perfonal ieo. Palmer, Jr. who had cow* forward with e by our government tw| the moft imminent danger; he ftrove guefe peafantry, following prn|wny, :-M fpott of Wafhington '"I , 1 ,,1 [atnei Hill, . wcte more abun­ Battcaux. Saili and Rir^ : '- \' II 1-' 'III Rngland. torrent; hit compulfnry elo­ renewed alacrity. Provident One Wood Fl*t M two t in at if igainft the VVm. Kirby, Effex of a Schooner i alto tome Fanning ww,ulll> of remove the headllrong reluc­ dant. »lng Stock of nd Houfe quence could not H. Prey Yale*, Montgomery the Time*, of the Hnuwhokl aixl Kitchen Funiitme. and -. ' ,^v .rt^'/^ir'Jj U. Stun, ; ta^ointed to the field The Proclamation (fay* ttveral other article* to» e* of the tance nf thr militia Tho{. H. Hubbard, Madifou DilToluuaiial Par- lionet and Sheep, and •• ^^.IfSrffri'W', of ther«^krevenge their fal­ 36th of September) for the meniion. The foregoing property will r information of glory ; he urged "ohn-RufTel, Oifego in tbe Ga­ lediout to made o* j h« IVeWtd there to fave- liament, it i* ftated, will appear be toki on a credit of iix mnniht for all i ami over ific advance* len countrymen amet S. Kip. . Oneida mm the cath to be paid. that of G. Bii'J"! mortification It dif. aette of Tuefday evening twenty ilnltan, under th»t ^im Cayuga . ment to tlierrTelveifromeverlafting both with inttmtt net! in munnnn otham J*y''e, Major General* Wheatlry atid Holfe, Doitd ami Mcurity will be required, which they have been grace. Hi* v.. , .i ikB."W' mm their corn. Wm. Burneit.. The official account of ttic t .Ling ntliat fubjeft, received Ml to ctr»f«, they wfuled to refcue Hcikimcr the after. ^^ be the me­ ieo. RoCencranta, ville, appear* in the London Gaxetw of Knblmon, ? WJ__ ; ^m at Londnn. death ! Ever honored fJk*Eltzabti part uf the qoota of ihl* naM, re^uirwl the Narrowi, and rxpefl* [Boil, paptr.} to the fuite of Mr. Fofter, arrived at Icarcciuin SAND vote*'. . ferure thernfelvet in the fee at* and control Wafli'mgton. He left by the general government. Ic thii day. with del^atchei from Col Priiby Tiljhman, to command the flnt r«» wir to the feat ofc go"1*! the cnngrclTtonal eteAion. in the Gleaoor on the J6th of Oct. Llovd. to command ia* *t« NRW-JRRSEY LEGISLATURE. anticipate half the Halifax glment i Col. E^loard . of a* foon acl can obtMl But we did not then on hi* arrival, that the evocati­ i Major Cuarle* 8. Hidg«ry and Major Otho ' Trenton, No* 9, IJJ13. received. . Even It ii remarked cond aaii. mean time 1 in fof I good tiding! we have fince in council had (troduced little H. William*, an ic bed to Colcm«ITilgi\'man'» the Both houfe* went Into joint meeting for portion* o( old on of the Order* and Major AdToj it the fecond propofitioii" I Maine at well ai all thofc here ; and it wa* not fuppofed ment; Major William B. Barney the appointment of officer* on Thurtday fore- w.ar hawk* felt or no efftc\ to Colonel Lloyd'* nalraam. like tbe firO, id' MaTachufettt in which the alteration would take place until Mi. Whana, attached Jilis ejected have yielded to the that any t By order, ion of tltr war appuit " nonn. E- thei» greatelt ftrength, wa* out of power. I The following gentlemen were appointed of the (peedy roio of Madifon / _____-fao- Goftawuu, A O. e alternative left to ut. the evidence before them, IStb Freoch bulletin fay*, u At the i of Prcftdent and Vice Prefident of Madifoniani, and hn« The or to be, with gteit fonw tht, country under the battlei nf Smotenfk k Valontina, the enemy theit votei againft them. W« can and NOTK i, fir, your v* of Cape turned loft 20 General* killed, taken or wounded, Mt«a notfea, Matthew Wilden now aono^nce tha following eleAion* u cer. '!'/« num­ THB aub*orib«r her«bj Ewing of -CuimbrrJa a ««qr Rf**' (MUnbcr of Officer«. to tSdvwri «oaav ' ~Wm. B. or woandid on chef* IM intotMb to *&Ay Davenport of Gtaucj ber of me* \it\ed, taken on* of tb* Judg«s th Franklin Timothy Pickerlng, EfTex Nurth. to from 3 i, to 3O.OOO ty court, or tome ay anauuot --*•v-./v.vwis-. <^^f cw^LV Jte. *.i.'i»-a.tt-.-*et ^.th?r«liiwof*nrrTr - - . tt,-\ ' - ,Q ., v ~r, - ^ -- - r *olv«nl debtor*, pu«exl at Novenib«r ' * » you have >4vll4Diei ...... tlWMOg loft'13 ,000 HMH. c explanation* of Somerfeu South. " lotion., .... aion, 1805, and U»« a^re-rai aturc of the in(VmfiL Elijah Brigham, Worceftrr The 16th bulletin ol the French arnry, i* J- Abijah Bi^elow, Worcefter North*. 31 ft-oo, .which place thereto. A , received from your'go* U. Woodruff, efq. Alt. kn dated Viafma, Auguft the preceding occiBoM Aaron William Ely, Hamplhire South. head quartau.»era removed i on Sloarv, efq. formerly ^lembtr ol North. tba Emperoi't 13 your letter of tbe H'« Jamei SanMnTaggart, Hampfhirc . It fUtci ttotlfc peopk of tltc Nov. lay roiyrefi, wai aDatMUed. Prcridelft- of the on tha 30th. Royal jgjlM* '<* Er" Bamcl Dewey, ~ ' f' "dCndca I Valuable Lands for Sale. B, CURRAINT, GIDEON WHITE, ttTifl be sold, to Geoi'ge £ JTofca tht highest bidder, 0"1 'he pre- lias received a goad supply of Cloths, Has linefeed an Extensive rpifes of the late OoStor John Qaiuway, of Assortment <]f At their Store on tht Rhone Coatings, Cai'tmmrei, GooJ#, amongtt River, in Ann«-Arondfl county) on the Hannels, Blan­ vklch arc, and r^r/or S fodxth Monday in December next, on a credit kets, Stuffs^ Irish Linens, and various ; EXTRA SUPERFINE of one, two and three yean, Assorlmtnt of with interest on other Articles in the AMOWOWBlCUAIiaTHBrotU,, the purchase money from the, day of sale, American Broad Cloths, THAT MUST VALUABLE FARM Dry Good Line, From Shepherd 5c Co. Manufactory, Mas­ <)n which the Doctor resided, containing about sachusetts, equal French Brandy-, Spirit, four rissfldred which he will sell low for Cash, and- as if not superior to- , I 'each & Apple Brandy, and ninety-three acres; tbe situation any imported Cloths. is higk'»'"J health;, and commands a beautiful usual to his PiincMtf Customers. W. 1. and N E. Hum, profpefl ol the Chesapeake' Bay. Tin improve­ October 6. M o}; ALSO Cin, Cherry Bounce, ments on the faid farm are, a comfortabkjjvrcll London Superfine and Second Cloths, Ca. ut h idqual Whiskey Old Ing House, Charter, Tobacco Houles anj Bani. simeres, Bedford Cord, Fashionable Stock­ Sherry Wine, Also, on the sfcnedsy, will be Seasonable Goods, tstqnal. C>derZt Cyder sold, his t.ower inet, Fashionable Vestings.4iC.4ic, All Vinegar, Farm, diitant abom two miles from the p'afc he which he will resided, called Cotter's sell low. 3JK Molav.ej, Desire, containing about November 5. two hundred and forty-one acres. Iloth farms n c. M UN 9 tf. Best Alex hoatSogar, are ROE lit well woodeJ. »n1 convenient to the water, and h :d qual. Ball do. a Has just received, a general atuufrtmeat of ist id hounds in wild fowl, 6>h and oysters. It is un­ Livery Stables. & jd. Brown rlo. necessary to go into a detail of the value Chocolate, CoScr. of the a* Dry Goods $ Groceries, THE subscriber having Imperial, bove protierty, as tho*e who Ire inclined to his Stables in pur­ Ironmongery and good order Hyton, chase will take a view of the premises previous to Stationary, which will for the reception of Horses re- the day of sak. The lands will be shewn by be difipofccd of on accommodating term*. opectfully solicits the favors of the Public. Young Hyson, Mr. Hyson Thomas k Mr Carries, who are now living on the ALSO, The utmost attention will be paid to horses Skin, fc propert) The sale will commence at 1 Souchong, : 1 SSB o'clock on entrusted to his carp. said A few da/, if fair, if not, the next fair day there­ Loaf $• Lump Sugar NKHEMIAII HOLLAND. boxes of Haisins after. At the Factory and Currams, prices. ' N. B. lie i» likewise prepared to carry Mace,Cloves, Nutrnegs Alexander Stuart. Ootober 15. expresses Sarah to any part of the state at the Alspite, Cinnamon, Brandrwinr C. While. shortest notice, with Pepper, Ginger, November 11. tds. despatch. • Coarse G Cbilds 9 I'earl Uatley, Rice, Badimaretro.do.j,;" Shaw, w. H; Muhtard, IUv« just reteivrdT Fig Blur, Shot assarted, . Public Sale. a complete Assort­ Starch, Allum, Salt |'e. . **>•*• ' • ti _ ment of By the Committee of Claims. tn, Brimstone, The Committee of Claims will pit every l>erfumeUScapfc Wash Fnrroanr to tht testament and lait will of Helen Fall $ Winter Goods, Balls, J Weedon.late. day, during the present scasion, from nine of Anne Arundel county, deceas- i they offer- for snlc on the isrand cd qnal. Spanish tot to the fenat*. '; ed, the subscribers will expose to most ac­ o'clock in the morning until three in the .' few imponed. Eat* public sale, on commodating and Amer. Segars, Baikets, M,. Marriott dcltve Monday the t'y the Committee of Griev­ White & Brown Scat), ing rf Negroes. lidr, containing about six hundred and 11x17 mentof Cti>ckrr> tt of tta ciiy Horses, Cows, Corn, and Foil. acre* of Meas Pork, new fc old der, and au.tdry utensils valuable land, adapted to Farming, in a ances of Husbandry, and ar­ healthy tittiation $' Courts of Justice. Hams, Shouklm and n ticles of household and' : There ii the greatest plenty of Ware-, Ottending Prttt-(Vr««t. kitchen furniture The wood, tuch as The Committee of Grievances Middlings, tale to commence at 10 o'clock oak, cheinut, walnut and poplar i and And a few article* ml The bill to rcpt»l on the premises, it it well watered ; Courts of Justice will Salmon, Maclfarel. He. th« when attendance will be given, and a plenty of meadow, and sit every day, du­ the Dry Good Line, J to ifcertsin the. terms about Tour acres in clover. This ring rings and Cod Fish, An aaaonratnt of Cast-1 the allow»t> aude known, by land .>» whhin the present session, from nine o'clock CHcese, two milei of Hen ing Creek Church, Butter, Lard, ings,, soch as Pots. jttxral »ffrmbly, kc. * five mile* in the morning until three in the afternoon. Sallad Oil, 1 from big Point, and about the tame Basket Salt Oven*, Spiders, SkU- Bowle*, poltpooed until diiiance By order, Jamieson's CrackcYi, from Herring Bar. It will be divided to suil'pur­ lets. Bakers ctaber next tfowtnbet t j, LOUIS OASSAWAY, 1'ilot Bread, ret* 3** ids. chasers, if desired. For terms apply 10 the tut- Clk. iron* Oo rjrouoo r scribcr. November 5. j All the above Articles are offered by M'. B«' for ufc w bring in « hiM, esitrtle Samuel the moil reasonable lerms for cash, or ro then The Subscribers Harrison. who have been punfluaJ pobiic a road ifot* Sept. tf. on the usual credit To Han< Iking informed that it has been circulated in this Public Sale. persons who reside in the country they will tarter higton county, to Con ii y thM they wire not willing to rccciv* on freight, Will be sold on for different kinds of grain, etc, B«)ettable inhabi'ants Point, tion will be paid to the delivery of Wtftfhalls. i from Baltimore, he has made of let ten, b*t lit. at the ustsal prkev arrangements, and is now enabled, to devote will not be refponsible rorthelof»of any. ptrte, of the c>tT o\ . To those who give his 3 Negro Men $• a Woman, their mure vulnaMe business Iriiure hours itf their benefit and gratification, v ^h M. B The subscrilxrsearnrstlr « will p*f*"." Alfo • U r/Ctaff, not being in the Tf,e oldest retiocMallibete. Packet line, they would his new and elegant mode of of the men 23 year*. Terms who have account* ol long standing to or ekA POtUyHl JKii-i'j \ observe. tha.1 rf «ney eonon-je »>* of cotW to­ "* ' praaice, their Colouring and Ornamenting Hale Caih ism. \4 ward and discharge the same, or pass thfirNota ctlpt e-f their join' •"< £2aiK Utters and small cornmi»iions will not be attended Wallt^ for the either in imitation of patier November 3. A Jk_ 3t. amount. In order to accommodate inch to To those whocontinje their business to them hanging!, or otherwise a s«rall part rtpslr u» A»s»poli* a* i This so eminently useful invention of their account* will be teeth/id aai they aisure » ready a«d pun/lual attention, and is loo generally cwdit given for the same. Severally r«»d' every rearonaMc exeWon 10 please. known throughout the Union lo need any furthrr illustration Birrctions, NOTICE. We forewarn all perioni. from matins; t|* To their punctual customers they return their in writing, left ai Mr. hands Jjrvls't, on Hill I'olnt, or at Mr. THE subscriber with smairbundlei, as in case they shouH sincere thanks, with an assurance thai their future Isaac I'arkei's hereby gives notice, be lost we exertions Tavern, (where a rough fpecirrrn will not be ancweralile for th« same._ vorce. ----- srpll be e<]ual to their former to render of the work that he intends lo apply to Cahert Coun­ All those who general ma) be Men.) will be strictly attended have claims against ui are irqueatta John ITitchell, fcn. tuUfaAion to those who employ them, to, a;id all ty Court, or some one of the judges there­ 1 -* ng them in for settlement. of necessary information rcsprxtingvxpentcs and a fupport &. Oto. Af Jno. Barber. raSihiy given. "-" du- of, in the recess of said court, for the be­ by faid coun NovclArT Geo. AT Jo A Barber, IJ. October I. nefit of tho act for the relief of sundry Nov. 5, - red. insolvent debtors, passed at November bes- The ref»lii»«n« >» ' »V HIS (XCKLLCXCr KXCIIASOG ThotMs ..ROBERT fat Ofoi OLD SfX PER kion, 1803.and the bcveral supplement* This Cahoe, John BOWIE, ESQUIRE CENTJSD is to give Notice, vty ind * DEFER/U:D STOCKS. thereto. T» That the subscriber, Anthony oovKB).ioa or MARYLAND. Pursuant to the act of Congress, of Baltimore county, httfc entiilrd. ' An V RICHARD obtained from the orphan* aad alTented. to. A PROCLAMATION. A authorising a subscription fur the KENT court of Anne-Arundrl < + Mr. BtltV-1'- old six per Nov. 3, I81&' county, in the stale of Marylind, the General Assembly of cent and deferred stocks, and providing lor the 8w.» letters of ad. ' exchange ministration on the personal estate of William So bioar of ot an sfl passed at November session of the same," passed on the (5th day of Motlison, InirrsWl July, tit), late of the city of London, dccnsnK Mr. Qutiupn. t and h»e, entitled. " An aA to books will be opened on the first day Slate All persons irdi.'e inu one (1st of Oflober neit. at of Maryland, sc. having claims against said cstai* an lioi) in faw of Mofci several afls of Assembly re- the Treasury, and at the se­ requested to bring spewing fU/lioni. a'ntl veral loan offices, and will On application, by petition, of Thoma* Wood* them in legally authenticated,, to regulate said cleAicns," continue open till the and tlioK in any manner and txlolation in fv dirWl that the governor and nth day of March next, for field, adminimator de bonis non of John Jacobs, indebted to said eitali t*> council afm having receiving subscript! senior, to ftn. Severally read. received the returns of elertionsof the ons of the old six per cent and deferred late of Anne Arundel county, deceafed i members to slocks, In it is ordered Accofdrng to tot.. represent the state in the COII|TCM of ih« the manner prescribed by the said aft. New that he give the notice required by JamftJrffray, Adm'r. U. S. cer* law, for the creditors should enumerate and atcertain the number of tificates, bearing interest Irom the fiimt day of the to bring in their claims rotes given for each and every person rjoarttr in which the subscription against the said cUceavcd, and that the same be prtamWe and order n voted for as shall be made, at publisher! mm- s member fur Congress aforesaid resprAively, and the rate of six per centum per annum, payable once in each week for the »pace of si* Notice is hereby riot* in Baltimore » a tha'l successive weeks in the Maryland given, thereupon declare, by proclamation, signed quarter-yearly, for the unredermed amount of Gazette. That a petition DonaldCoo, al of the old John Gattavsny, will b« prosentad to thr the jierson or tier. tix per rent and deferred Heg. Will*,, Legislature, wntdi of the (lid prei soni duly elcDrd in each mpe«er»b«r living in To the Voters into theltrW a schedule South Hivcr of his proprny, and a lift of his Neck, on Monday the id inst a n«. Of Annt-Arundtl County, | the'tiity of B*4t»iw« Ninian Pinknoy, creditors, on fro tellow who aud t&tCtty qf oath, as far as lie |>CII Having be«om« a CandTdateJ four weeks, in the Mar) land Casene tirtv" testimony, thtr the faid Samuel Hopiini to has an imjietlimeat at.d Mary. in his speech ; and is much givtn for the Office of Sheriff at of ftmWar mifcbitfl laiul Uepublican, cf Anni|K)IU t in the Whig, has res'iocd the two precedins; years prior jo ih« to intoxJcation ,tb« n«t Kl«e- Sun, American postage- of the laid set within Had on when he made his escape, a kersey torial period, have thought propOf te by bill or otherwlff. *rul Kcilrral Caxtttc, o( Haiti- the State of Mary. P'utd give1 more, in the National land, and the fnid Samuel llopkins, a-bnm jacket and trowsers, osnaburg fhirt, tliM curly notiue of my T1>e yev and lmdligen<.er, at Washing. M the lime old hatand (hoes intention tf do so. o«y ton i in Bartgit's ju|icr ut Frrdrrick-Town uf prcfamlng his pel ji ion as »forie faid court the usent in writing of and it is probable may support of my fellfrw-citis«ns . ... AFPIJ Star at fcaaton. fu many cfh\s creditors as have have gone thither at he has Tome connexion* in : Should m? due to them the a' t Hat efforts be crowned MeflV».C. By Order, mount of two thirds nf the debts neighborhood. If taken twenty mile* Irom with success, it would H«l>, d'M by him at the home bo lime of filing his fa'ul petit ign, it is therefore twenty dollars will be given, it' thirty miles, the object oC my e»re to discharge the-' Uafl, Z. DuvaW, Niniun Pinknay,V. • adjudg­ thirty dollar*, ed and ortUred by the faid court, that the if forty miles, forty dollars, and if ulies that would devolve *>n mo- wiu jus- Warper, RandaH.C Clerk »f the Council fait! Sam- out of the Slate Vovcnbet url llnpkiiis, liv canling a irji) t,[ 1)114 older tu the above reward, If secured in ice and £aiory, Srtevenf, B n. . . . •«• IM any gaotso that I gel .{u<«c<«i in tl\e Ma^luxiCaietle, once » week him ags^in. All per/uwa for ng wvd *f Is* three ftiecestwc momhs, before the thinl Monday' ittlftw, M the law w ill "Wiltianis, of Aiuil next, give notita to his rmlitoii tcj au., all inch oflenden af t^M*Pr^\v»i»MltJi.ba>«JNflJi» -»o gdf k fn the rorettuorT Nov, ta. ' \ will 'Bent, o« Bert, of the my FARM, near laid third Monday of April, fur tlie pur- TO III JIB, BY THE South River Church. For ternm apply pofe of recommending u iruAe* for their'bcnafit, YEAH, to Nicholas, JJrcwer, of the City of Aniuv on thf ('aid S amml HopVuns then and iheretaking, Wanted, A NEGRO- WOMAN, polis, "" the oa,lb >>y ttw said ail prtTcribed for delivering T«VHIRE OR up hU property. ' who understand* House Work, for Wnfcl A good plain Cook Apply ut the Office ]\\>on\ nfr* Tut.' &• H'm. S. Or«sn. el*. . of the Maryland will be given. Inaulc* » ' Q«ober, ^ ChtmetteT Offi« . * * »ell, Callia, T. N. William*, Handy, Qoin- i6ufe according tn order, proceeded to On ntatann'by Mr. ton, Grihame, Totti, Delapjepc, Pott«r, the frSbtte) reading n( the bill for the valua­ vtnt£jp* **&? Young, HugMett.M'DorraW, mmmn Jonet, tion* of real ln,d p"fr$Mt property, and after mrfttlpini a*, entitled, Ao'aA for Crabb, Kigga, Perry, M'CdHDwWftobWtt, making fotne, piogrefi nfteading lire fame, it lief of fnndry infolveat deb Ciefap. 4i. ' wt* poftfKinett Until to-morrow, , .-'.' Mr. Maitiott deliver* nj It waa detcrmtMd.ln the negative. Mr. Hogg ffttter* a bill V otofhge the mat B. Dorfry and tdh On motloo^y' Lecompt*) the wordi place of holding the election irt the third A< counry,'praying tntx 11 and the c«oflBJ»bercof," were ioftrted id eleiVon diftricl In Coxil coofiry aod for other to them it* title in certain the ord«r afjpr the word Bahimorei pnrpofen Read. tioned. Referred. f The <{velfran wn thr« for, Thet the raid Mr. IVVaelaM bVlrwrt'a petiilon fromf&n- Mr. tfoneJdfon tklitana tanner anaMonat order be adepw* ^ Refolvtrd irt the a^jwa- dry inhabitant* of Weflmlrnrr in Prede'rick fupplement to the eft for the relief nttnwnrf tiVe-^yraaSS, naya 1 1. coonty, praying (hat certain perfont may be iofolvent deJSlort. ^kai. The bill making an aniform proviHon for. Incorporated a* iruftret of a church therein Adjourned till tomorrow* the fatvivlng oftceri and (oldie n of the late mentioned. Rt(j inj referred. Maryland line tn the rtvohiiioirary war, waa On motion of Mr. Potts, ike houfe proceed­ rrad the fecond time and, pitted. ed ta- the fecond reading of the 'preamble *of, 21. M'. Claude deliver* a petition from Tho- and rcfolutioTrt'ior clotihing the; militia flaii- Tbe honfe met. Prefent as OA y*flert%{ WKDNKDAT, . mn S. Brewer, of the city of Annapolit, a oned at AnnapoMet - The proceeding* of ycftcrdaf. tjee* read. The hoofc met. Prefeoi at in ye (today revoletionary foldier, praying relief. R««d. On motion by Mr. L. Oovall, We queftioo On motion by Mrv Daily, C * ' " p* proceeding* of yellerday were read. On motion S*y Mr. Clajldr, That vjljl f»id wa* put, thn the wordi **by tfie general go­ the'fellowing be entered utj The bill f > M«I * Randall, %«iiu«n| Claude,^j« __^ _ ? the Houfe of Delegate*, by (be govorofr ftDt to the fentt*. , miiei of any meihod'tfl camp or quarterly L: .. f*_ . : «. . _ ... 1** -i *v i L--_ L_-I__- V _ £ * ^-C^ . Mr. Marriott delifer* a petition from meeting in Frederick county, endoifcd " will L. EKivall, W right, tmory, Stevent, BurjiTi, -...., hai been broken open by Come y^r. Tbomai B. Do»fey, *"d othen, praying for pifi," Ordered to be engroffcd. Sandrrt, For wood of Jacob, Donaklfoo, Bai- and the fpeaker havhig communicated to the rental of an aft palTed laft feffion author, Mr. Grahame deliver* a bill to appoint ney, Bewlet, Sprigir. houfe that he had ontned tne ftl'td ifing the opening a road from Richard Owen'a ornnrlSioneT* to tet'ww £ujd locate a. road from NEGATIVE. tbe boufe of delegate* would io tbit r. mil* Mr. Sander* a peittWn fro« John Nor- MMd glafa woiki, called New Bremen, in MefTn. Millird, Plater, Blackifione, Cap- manner exjxrte their ofinioa.tha* the fpewtef acled correAly in opening faid letter, artel ,uof Harfo»4*«nty, and Elitha and Na­ Frederickfc t VU^t »V» county,,WWMMtf » Mr.*-. Uandall »^»"-"'. a" fupple- r" Tin," J Boyer, / -, C. - -Hall, -» Marriott,r Reynold*,, than Tyfon, of tbt cny of Baliimofe, pray. nent to the aft to confirm iwoad in Harfard Turner, Parnham, Ford, Hambleton, CaW- had the fame right £0 to do, iat a foppletneot to th« taw fee openurf and »i>d Baltimore countie*. Read. ._* < well, Banning, Se»h, Bayly, Long, A. E. of the fenate. Blending Prttt-nmu Read and referred. On motion by Mr. Arnold Jonei, Ordered, Tone*, Walle**, Jofcn Stewart, Lecnmpte, Mr..._. Uandall delivett a petition from Tbe bill to repeal Uw fttpplenxnt to ao »A That John Shaw*, of the City of Aonapoli*, GrlffltJ Evant, Lalby, Hogg, Somervell, Smith, of the city of fjaltimore. Read to afcirtain the allowance of member* ot the b^'requeftcd to majtexiut a lift of furniture Callia, 'I.T. N.it. William*,wiiiraras, nanoy,Handy, v^umion,Quinton, reft/red. rtoeral affrmbly, kc. wat, on motion of of every delcripti6o oelongiog to the govern- Grahame, Pottt, Dclaplane,^ . .... «_.._.Potter, ^...._Young, Mr. Crabb d>livert a petition from LatVi flowle*, pollpoo«d until the 34th day of DC- mertt-honfe, aod tbe condition thereof, and Hughlett, M'Donald, Wm. Williaini, Wm. nerd Watkrntf of'Montgomery county, a rtW cpabcr next yen 36, nayt 37. report the fame to the committee appointed Jonei, Riggi, Peiry, M'Cullouch, Uobinett, volutionary foldier. Which waa rtnd ntjtl nf' On motioo by Mr. Bowlei, Leave given to by thit houfe to txamiije,the Qate of faid pro­ Crefap. " " 44. dered to lie on the ttblrr bring in a hilt, entitled, An a& to make perty, and that the torrttaiuee of claim* al­ So it wit determined in the negative. Mn Raodatt deffver* I memorial from Goal. public a road tiooa Hancock-town, in low him a reafontble cotVpenfation for bit On motion by mr. Long, the odtftion wn Irb Hartnun of Vi/ginit,. preying that the pat, That the wordi " a* they mould have, ftate may redeem Certainjitper matoey in Ma iagton county, to Comberlaad, in Allegaay lenfieet. t , County*. AdjomrnedjiilJ to morrow. been," be added to the preamble ? Deterrain- ^..^...-.,,polTefltan, ...,„ifTucd ..at dirTtitjii>time* ..^-w,,...- . fr%«i..... 176Y*.. w . Tbe clerk of the fenate deliveri a bill ed in the negative. to 1774, nrjtwiirrfUndirttJiint limitation herM tiDulliotr the marriage of Jerome Buonaparte _.,__-.!». On motion, the firft refolotion wat amended tofore made to foch elaott.. Read tnd r*i Liag of .Weftnhalla, and Elisbcth Boon a The houfe met. Prefent M on yeflerday. by inferting the word M now" after the word ferred. . . , ^ ptrte, of the titT of Baliimote, endodcd The proceed ing* of ycfterdty were read. militia, and ftriking out the wordi from '' Aa The bin to (Image the plate of M will pat*?' Allo a letter from the Govern­ Mr. Emory frept the committee delivert napolit" to " fufficient." the election in the third ele&ien dil or deed notifying tne, Lrgidatore of the re a bill, entitled, A furiher TupcUmcnt te the On motion, the Qneftion wat pot, Tbat tbe Cecil connty, and (brother pttrpoiVt, wu 1 ctlpt ef their joint letter, and that he Will aA, entitled, Anail t<»f%cilittte the drain- blank tn the fecond refolutlon be filled up the fecond time end pifledt repair to Aaanpolia at early at practicable* ing of land In inV (Mral countiea, tljerejn with " five thoufand i" Rtfolved in tbe aflrr Mr. Stanibury deliver* d mcmorra! ..._. Severally read. mentionetl. Read. "* *'-f niltivr. Jarnei Boflev and other*, coontcr to ta* peti- Mr. Pnp-f deliver* a petition front Thorn at The amendments propoCtd by tKeMrafeto The queftion «ai tnttn wot, twr) oi Philip Germau, junior, aa uftl^ot ">» .from muting tit «(Tent to (he preamble and relolutione as dettnr. Read and referred* . ••"" " in case they ihoult Gri*B«%,o* Allegany coanty, prat/ing a- di­ the bill for the relief of Aquita Beall,of Prince- rerable for th< umc. vorce. Mr. Praacit Hall a petition aVeen Georgt't coomv, were read the fccoed time, amended ? aad naaairooufly refolve^l in the Ijfr. Sandert deliver* a petiti«ta from Tnt» ag»irut ui ate pcovotei John Mitchell, fen. of P. O. county, praying t(Tented vo, and the bill ordered :o be en- affirmative. ma* M. Porrnan of Okcil coanty, praying ment. a fupport by faid county. Read a<»i rejM grofled. * , ' The Sneaker (aid brfere the hoafe tttt re­ that a law may paCt to confirm bat. B«k et. Prefent at on yeAerday Quecft-Annc'a (Minty. Rend* * 1 of London, dece«»H Mr. Qoirupn delivert a report and refolu- The bift tor the relief of Simeon Church- iraimt >iid tttit tn tiw« in favor of Mofci Gteen ( tlfo a report hill, of the city ef mhiroote, wat reed the The pfotetdiDgs of yrOerdty were read. AdjotJmad till Monday. legally auihemicatnV and rejolution io favour «f John Folli'i, fecond time, pafTcd, and fent to the fcnato , Mr. Donawfon deliveri a petition from idebicd to taid citale t» fundty inhabitants of Baltimore coanty and I frn. Severally read. Mr. Donation deliver* a bill for extending no*DAY, *or. 9j According io tbe. order of tbej|*ytr\£ Gteen:ftreet, In the city of Baltimore. Read. city, craving for tltk erecTion of a wall a- IlouCt proceeded to the fecond reading of " dcKvcft petittoafrom Bnja* lic peacavand fafrty unfortunately occur, it it to the frnatev . . ged 32, with four Mr. Ci avnceeded to ballot f*r a member to fcipply Airy, Jofkua, Elijah and Shelby Jump, of Caroline county. Mr. Bow In a bill to make ferred. dy f*r fachevil* ; Therefore, Ordered, That hi, pUce i the ballet, being depoflted ia the The further foppitmcM to ta* afi to faeiii. tlte committee of grievance* and court* of bariflt box, on examination U appeared that "public a road from Hancock to Cumberland. Mr. Perry a bifl annulling tbe matriagt of t ate the drainrrMa^f land io the feveral cono- joftice be and they *r« hereby inltrwQeA to Mr. Lecompte wat elefted. ttct therein meVloned, wat read tbe (ecootl mquira into thnlntr u*h»rjpy JiftorbAncei in On moiiojs by Mr. Stoneftteet, Ordwed, Thoma* Grime* and Sarah Grime*. -Read. Mr. Barney deliver* a memorial from the time, paffed, and fent to tbe fcaate. v \ ^the'tity «f Bnltlmort, and the ctuf- wbieh Thai the hill to repeal all fuch partt of the afli of tffembly of thi. ftate a* require, the commiffliieri and ifleffort appointeti trader On motion by mr. Staoftmry^lravegitrn t» produced thofe difturnance*, with « view tn briagio bill, entitled, A fnpyhpinl to thtr Met Main whether any and whetlrgiQativc re. payment of 3 J fliilling* for a mrmft ''* the aft for opening and extending Pratt-Qrett, and the petition of Jamet Calbouo. ' Refer- aA, entitled, Aa aft to aatnorife the levy1 eeoine a Candidate1 med| may be neceffary to prevent a recurrence cenfe, he made-lhe order of the day for Inef. red. " court of Baltimore connty, to afFefa ami Ulf F at.tbe next KUe- of fimilar mifchirft, aad\ that th*> report day the '24th inft. 1 ' on tbe affcftable property of fiU^aiit*, » Mr. Lecomptf deliv«rl a petition from Tun- Mr. Tranc'rt Hall deliver* a bill for the & ight proper U giv* by bill or otherwife. ^ Tief of John Mitchell, fen. and RienaVd Dove. Turn of money to bvild a bridgVove* tb» intention t» do »o. TUe yeaj and nay t bttnj; rerjujred appeared dry inhabitant! of Dorchefter county, pray- Great Fall* of Gunpowder. .., ing that the county court, may be. inverted Twice read and perTed. rued I j tolielt the* The bill to appoint commiraonera to review Tbe clerk of ^he fenate delimit, % ... •• AFFIRMATlVfJU wtlb unlimitrd chancery }uri*dia ton. Reld. UMBU: Should my and loette a road from New Bremen to New- from the prefidentaad vifitort of th» i «uccet», it would Mefl.». C. Hel>, Me'riott> Belt, WIHiatn Tbe refoluiionilirefting William Marbnry,- rick.Towo Academy, which wa* r*W | and Hall, Z. Duvil», Staiubory, HurrTtnan, late agent for the fUte, to transfer tp Benja- Market, in Frederick connty, wat read the r« to dUc barge the1 fiecond timr and paffrd. the bill for tht relief of jeihn Tobm, »f t*o ve «o mo- will jui- Waroer, Randall.Cleiidf, LiDovtll, Wright, min Harwood, troftee, all the old Ox per cenU [fity of Baltimore, endorfed, ** niU. fMm£ Emory, Stevem, Bttfgef*, Sander*, for wood, and deferred" and three per cent, ftoek. now The honfe according to order, proceeded to thr trcond reading of tMwwl for the valuninn «< ^no. , 4»nrJiiig in ai* name belonging U tba flate j ami the relolulion autVoiWug ft«*i%wn» «iar. tV<^Mar\ ^ T7» rr"DOL^aiTZ_ _ -fur »»«a*Uog k reawing tke bill throughout Jofliua Jump, Elijahah Jump; ll-^i" " w««d. tmdMHtnd- l»e»fu»e., U Utft«ibe,,i» the furiher coi.n^rtrrnt?'ll»treef we. poft-* of Caroline connty, waa tlK oEaWtKfcro^ by tk* late: «tW «*». potied until to-morrow. ' %llT? rV*1> "*IA!S Ttnry, .1 urner, Emrrfon, (ref*. fcr thTwhole am-mot of tne old Ox per ,V*'*V»» "*T _ cent, and deferred ft"ck» belonging to the On motioo hy Mr. Dnwldfe*., Ordered, «- * 8t«ieUrtet, irnbim, Ford, Hambleton, That the committee on the Fea.ve to bring in i, Bayly, LQM^A' £ flair, and recrhe g*w certificate, for tl* Stewart, LecojtBlf,Grif- fame, were reeowi time aod itr- Tented to. ' ' 4- Valuable Lands for Sale. B, CURRAN", GIDEON WHITE, flpll t* sold, 19 th: hightit bidde^foa ih4 pr*- Hat ' rpifei of the -received -a good supply f*w*rwrf an Kxtenrive Agrartmt late DoSor John Gaisauty, j»f Coatings, Good*, Store on tKt _ Ktiorle River, in Ann«-Araitdel coanty) on the .Caiimeret, HanneU, Blan­ amongtt irhuh are, and r>ff,-rfor Sak feunh Monday in December next, on a Credit kets, Stuffs^ Irish Linens, and various EXTRA HUPERFI.NE of Astortment of one, l«ro and three yean, with interest on other Articles in the AUOITO wntcu Aaa the purchase money from the, American Broad THE r< day of sale, Cloths, "..*tr. THAT MUST VALUABLE FARM Dry Good Line, From Slieplierd it Co. Manufactory, Mas- C)n which the OoJlor resided, containing French Brandy, Spirit, about which lie will achusetti, equal if not mjpcrior to , I'each ?lfalto***#ii*,U* fourUtandrcd and ninety-three acres; the sell low for Cash, and as & Apple Brandy, Indian tttrtoSr***!. iTttntion eny imported Cloth*. W. I. is riijfc* snd healthy, and commands a beautiful usual to his PuncMll Customers. and N E. Horn, Sak, %' ALIO ;Gin, Cherry Bounce, proffieA ol the Chesapeake'Bay. The improve­ October 6. M'--- . :" ^-- '_ ments on the laid farm are, a comfortable London Snperftne and Second Olbthi, Ca. ist it ad qua! Whiskey Dwell Old Sbtrry Ing House, (Quarter, Tnliacco Houles and Bam. siniercH, Bedford Cord, Fashionable Stock­ Wine. Also, on the sjstn* day, will Seasonable Goods.. inet, i»t. of Anne Anindcl county, deceas- they ofler for sclc llfand cd ^D*L Sptuilih t to tb« fenat«. / ed, the aubtcrijitr* wiM expose on the most ac­ o'clock in the mum ing until three in the A, few impon.lB.rt to public sale, on commodating and Amer. Segart, Baiket*. Mr. Marriott dtliw Monday the 141)1 day of December next, terms, afternoon. ' ' if fair, 'ctober 8. First chop Jimcs River Velvet Cotkr. Tbomai B. Darfey, and if not, on the next fair day thereafter, By order, imalV twist, ALL THE pig (ail- Combs, PenkniW ,h, rcp«»l of an aft paflc FARM OR PLANTATION BENJAMIN GREY, Clk, and smoking tobacco Snuff Boxes, On which the iaid Helen Wrrdon Rappee ifirrg the ojwntog a road f lately resided, Land lor Sale.. ovember 5. Ji Scotch Sotoff A qointify o{ Beans f,! obtaining about ninety-seven acre* of land Al­ MuiuifA Uiiiptd- Cast- aUt! Mr. Saykrs a per to all the residue of the |*r»onal etiate of the I will tell the dies, laid deceased, not heretofore plantation on which I now re- By the Committee White disposed of, consist­ aide, containing about of Griev­ & Brown Soap, ment of Crotken *tn Tyfon, of tta c.ty ing of Negroes, Hone*, Cows, Corn, six hundred and sixty Me** Pork, fcl and Fod­ acrei of valuable land, adapted new &. old G)*n,SK>Dei.Kih.l der, and su.ulry utensils of Husbandry, and to farming, in a ances $ Courts of Mam*, Srroukkrt ar­ healthy situation : There is the greatest Justice. and •n Warr, ticles of household and* k'nchen furniture The plenty of Middling*, wood, such as oak, chesnut, walnut and.poplar The Committee of Grievances and And a ft* articles. >o| tale to comment* at 10 o'clock on the premises, ; Salmon, Mackarel, He. The bill to repeal iht when attendance- it it well watered} a plenty of meadow, and Courts of Justice will nit every day, du­ the Dry Good Line, I will be given, and the terms about ring* and C*d Fish, AnasMttroentof to ifc/rts\n tbe allow in made known, br four acres in clover. This Und .ies wi-.hin ring the present xestion, from nine o'clock Cast! two miles' of Herring CHeete, Butter, Lard, ings, ftoeral affembiy, ke* * liar Creek Church, five mile* in the morning until three in the afternoon. Sallad loch a* Pen.] at lo Ri that in a bill, eatttle ~ The SOjbscribere Samuel Harrison. who have been punflual pblic a tf. on the usual credit To road iron Hao Baing informed that i/hai lieen circtilatrdin this Public Sule. persons who reside in Ik* country they wulawter tttftoa county, er next, if fair, if not the FOR BALTIMORE Tbo clerk of the (< natmr ; they therWon: declare, that suth * Respectfully informs the Ate now running regularly, report .i">'T«lu)ut Citizen* of next fair day, at the dwelling of Jarne* and will continue to tnnalliof the »arrisg«« founditien.ynd that thty will Annapolis, that at the earnest solicitation* do fo until the J5th December The utmost cany any article of some Moss on Mackctt's Point, iqta. tiof of Weftphslis. uffired on frtiijlit, either to or of the most respectable inhabi'amt he ha* made lion will be paid to the del!wry ofUtten.lwuW i from Baltimore, at the uitsal parte, price*. arrangements, and is now enabled, to devote his will not be refponsibl* for Ihelofrol any. of the eirv of- . TO i hose who give 3 NegroO Men & a Woman, their mure v»lual>le buiinei* Iriture hmir* tc> their benefit itid gratification, v/ ' N. B The subtcriberacarnrstlv - .ill pafsV Alio a l« UrCvift, not v Uh The )~T-tillr»m being in the Facket line, they would hit new and elegant mode of oldest of the men 23 years. Terms who have account* ol long standing observe, that Tf they contin-j* of to cofett^. the pratVice, their Colouring and Ornamenting sale t'aih. & \4 ward and ditchaige the same, or past their MM** letter* and small commioions will not IVallt^ ctfpt i be attended cither in imitati'm November 5. A jt 3t. for the amount. In order to accommodw* t*t» ' to Tothote who continue their business to them of paper lunging*, or otherwise a-rall |>an ttpa.tr to A»a«polis at i This so eminently useful of 'their accounts will be rccctytd taj they a*iure-» ready a*d punAual attention, and invention i* too generally cmdit given for the same. 3««r»llT r«ad. every known throughout the Union to reafona'ilc e»eWon 10 please. need any furtlirr We forewarn all period Mr. ftWY deliver* * To their pnnAual illustration. Direction*, in writing, left at Mr. NOTICE. .from rsuitfnr tit customtrs they return their hands with small bundle*, aj in case Ciiaisj.-il tlncere thank*, with an asiuranceihat j-irvls's, on Hill I'oint, or at Mr. Isaac I'arket's THE subscriber hereby gives notice, they ihouH AJlef any their future Tavern, be lost we will not be anrweratilc for in* aame.-. force. Mr. exertion* tljill be ea OP MARYLAND. 'JL That the inbicriber, of Baltimore eooory, Pursuant to the set of Congress, entitled, " An bath aad then led, to. A PROCLAMATION. sit authorising 9 RICHARD KENT: obtained from Ihe orphan* court of Ann*. AnmWlJ I a subscription for the old six per county, S| Mr. Belt *eli»ers \VtJEREA9 cent and Nov. 3, ISlS' 8w.» in che ttate of Maryland, letters cf td- the General Assembly of deferred stocks, and providing for the ministration io Utoorof Mar7)k)|Uij^ oyan »a exchange of the tame," MI the persorul estue of Wrllian* logrsm C passed at November icstion passed on the (5th day of Molliion, 1st* of eighteen IriunJlid and h\t, July, 1813, books will be the city of London, dcce***d. Mr. Qointpn deli»e entitled, " An «.1 to opened on the first day State of All person* having claims irdirfc into one (1H several acls of Oflober next, at the Treasury, Maryland, sp. against said estate art- tioa in fs«w of Mofo of Assembly re- and at the se­ On application, requested to bring them in legally petling ek-Aiont, aW to regulate laid veral loan offices, and will continue by petition, of Thomas Wood, authemrcatedp tnd rtjbtatwn elelticnt," open till the field, adminiittator and thotejn any manner indebted in ftl dirWl that the governor and council after 171)1 day of March next, for receiving de honi* noa of John Jacob*, to tald ettatc t» .:i'j J ''t|-,-'j.:: having subscript! senior, laic of to fen. Severally rtad. '' .¥'""" received the rcturni of eieeliontof the member* on* of the old six per cent and deferred stocks, Anne Arundel coumy, deceased i to In ii is ordered that he Aceotding to tb%. represent the ttate in the CongroM of the I). S. the manner prescribed by the iaid aA. New cer­ give the. notice required by Jamet Jeffray, Adm'r. ahould enumerate and ascertain tificates, bearing interest Irom law, for the creditor* to bring in their claim* !!«»» pr«ceed«d to tt the number of the first day of the against WIC» K 1 ** * the said deceased, preamble YDlct given tVI *«•*•• •••»• quarter and that and for each »•»•/ •**!•-«••• in which the tame order rt and every pcr*on »W»»*» •»• the subscription be voted fora*•*• . - _ sh.iU be made, at a member for Congress aforesaid reswfliv^ly, published once in each and the rlte of "* P" «nlum I*r »nnum - P»/»>>l« week for the space of sic Notice is hereby given, tiot* in Bsltimor* ^ » tha'l tbereu|»n declare, by prrxlamanoo, .igned lu^f-^arjy. -^- successive week* in the Maryland Gazette. for the uji! ------amount of That a petition will be presented to th* Donaldfoo, lb« qtseil hy the Govrntor, the name ol ihe jierton or per­ principal of the old lix per rent and deferred John Gattavay, Jttg. Willt, wnrdsof the sons 'July elcAed-in each stocks which Legislature, at their nut session, f*r a> fsid pe«i respective district. We may be lubscribed. will be issued at for A. A, County. aril *ocd " Wher«si, in pursuance of Ihe directioni oKhesaid art, do the Treasury or at the Loan Offices r«i|iec1ivcly lew to open a road from some place hear b> this our proclamation, uVclare that by the re­ where the old nock lubtcribed may at Ihe time to Cragg's Ferry, to Mr. PuaifreyYmilli,. ftiicken out, aod tk»t turns made to u*, it sppu.-t thai 1'hilip Stew*vt,- stand credred. Th* new stock will be redeemable This is to give Notice, and fruui t hence lq tb« m»nnlain rtad, led in their (lead ? f Z«q wiselefled for the tirft at the pleasure diftrifl i Joseph Kent, of the United State* at any time Thai the subscriber, of Aitne-Ariindel whoso there are two br*aehe«r QD« f'ery j;ov«rrtmeni te> Lsq. wat clewed for the second dillricl i Alexander al'ier tlie 31*1 chy of December, county, "^ 1814; but no re­ hath obtained from the orphan* conn of which lead* to Mr. Wattrft mt^hvof'tbeiaws, Contee rUnton, Esq was elc.led fi-r the third imbursement will lie made except Anne> mill, and the- dit- for the whole a- Arundel county, in Maryland, letter* of adminis­ other to by tiotovi ilTemblag trlcl i Samuel RirggoM, Esq. w at elected forth* rrount uf the stock standing at the tin AnnaufU* road l«adiug from time, to the tration de boni* non on th* |>monal estate of msoded lourth dillriA i Alexander M'Kim, aid Nicholat credit of any proprietor, on the books of the Baltimore. ft men, »r by a( Hiixton ttca- John Jacobs, senior, laic of Anne-Arundel county, Moor*, Esqv were cle/)ed fur the nfih du­ tury or of the commitiioner* of loam re*|>cctivrjy, deceased. A. A. Cotmty.yr. 80, reig. fl*v. sent combined for ll iS i Stevenson All persons having claims againit the Archer, E».-____ next, they may otherwise by aged 32, wftn four U.ven in Council, anht city uf Anaapolis, law trVexchided from Children, tac doty of the H< un all benefit of said eitata Given under three girls and a boy, the eldrtt der Hie great teal of ihe Su)l Anne Arutulel County Coutt, (September my hand daughter nino Umper S*d impa'tii .ryland, 7th day of O/lobcr, l8ll. years of agf, the second this twenty third day Term, 1812. Thinnai four, the boy's ag« fime, a«4 (he caqfe* I lie^, in the year of nur^.ord nnVnnu On application Jl'ovdficld, Adntinittrafor' seven. Enquire at th« to ihr judge* of the faid coun­ Omzette Offlre. M in Irgiflativety to f I sand1 eight hundred and twelve, and oC ty court, by petition in writing of Sumutt d* bonit non. 'the ffiifJint, October«'.». tjfmt fpch **ihj ; T Indrjcndeiic* of.the United butts of did ci'Uiify, praying the benefit of the art ff tt of America, for the committee of | the thirty seventh. the relic! of sundry inlulvent ilclitois, patted at 60 Dollars Reward. lUbert Ituwier. November Session, rfghteeti hundred hrfticvbe and the*; i and five, on Ran away ' By the Governor, lit* terms mentioned in the said aA, from the subscriber living in To the Voters ' inquire into the titr a tcbedule South Kivtr Ninian of hi* property, and a lilt of hi* creditor*, Neck, on Monday th» id inst a ne­ Of Atmt-Arundtl Coitntyautl itW*ity of Baitiraor Pinknoy.,. on gro fellow who cal thtCtty qf oaih, as far as he tan ascertain them, at i himfelt Thomas Brown, a? Wednced Clerk-uf the Council. directed bout forty three yean AanaftUit. thofe diftu ORDF.RED. That Its* furegoing by the slid aft, being annexed lo hi* petition of age, five feet eight or proclamation i nine inches high, hat a bald placvon •WfMJn whether an ft publithed twice ineich week, lor the fpacc and the laid county court bring fatisfiol by com. the back pan of of hi* head i when i|K>ken to ha* an Having be«om« a CindTdsl* •ray may be nrcefft four weeks, in the Mar)line] Gazette ai.U Mary- petent teitimony, thir the faid Samuel Hopiini impediment law) HepublUin, hat resided the two preceding .in hit speech ; and is much givtn to intoxication for the Office of Sheriff at th* n*»t Kl«c- of fintilar mifckicftl 11 Annapoli* ; in the \Vhi(j, year* prior jo the Had Sun, American u^Mago of the laid lit within on when he mad* hi* escape, a kersey torial period, have thought propo* by bill or otherwlfe. aod Ktilrr.il Gazettr, of Haiti- the Slate of Mary­ rvund a-bout ta give1 more, in the National land, und the f»id Samuel Hopkint, jacket and trowsers, osnaburg fturt, tliM early notioe of my Tlx: lmc!li|renter, at Washing- at th* lime old hat and (hoes This autvntiou tf do so. yea* and ttay toft; in Bartgit's iiAjier ar rrvderick-Town of tirelciuiiiK hi* petition a* tlbivfaid, havinr fellow was originally from On thi» ocrMion i in Benedict, Charles coupty, I earueatly sollelt th» rfce Ma>)laiul ItrtalJ, at Ukgart-mwn prmlucrd to the faid court the usem in writing of and it is probable may support | *Mui Ul the have gone thither a* he ha* fome of my feU»w-citis«n» : Should mf APFIf Star at &**ton. \ fo many of Ml* creditor* a* have due to them the a' connexion* in efforts be crowned mount of two third* ol the that neighborhood. If taken twenty mite* Irom with success, it would By Ordtr, debt* d-.tt by him at the home time of nlintr, his fu'ul petit ion, it inhere twenty dollar* will be given, it' thirty miles, bo the object oC my eare to disc barge tbet Niniun Pinkney, fore adjudg­ thirty dollar*, ed and ortUrril li» the f»Kl court, tlut the if forty mile*, forty dollar*, and if that would devolve »n nwwilt ju»- Clerk !' ibe Council laid S»m- OKI of the State , by rauliw a com- of tbii order the above reward, if teemed in r*. to be any f aol so that I fM M«iUx»4Aim-<.rUe, once * weeV tor* (tt him s«j»in AUmrAxu ami f»f«»mert h*rt)imriii(r»aid fellow, an the three~'*' Ciicce,«ivc month*, before ilif lhird>IoiHl»y law wilM Annaool * • •;-%„-*.! jrf,,U=y peat before iht *tiid courvj- court, to he" ban tt ffio N. Briuer. City of Annapolis, at ten o'clock in the forenoon Nov. i«. ~Wanl I wfll Rent, o« Sell, my of. the »aid~ third Monday FARM, near of. April, for the pur- TO HlfcK, BY THK South River Church. For terms: apply pofeof recommending a truflec for llieir'benefit, t6 Nicholas JJrcwer, of the City of AniA- on tfcf fatd S amuvl Hopkins then and there taking, Wanted, A NEGRa WOMAN, (be dftjb >>y >hj said aft prefcribed for delivering TO HIRE OR PURCHASP, un hit pro«rty. who under«t»nds House Work, forwM* . A gooil plain Cook Apply at th« Office a liberal iwbj* will * TM. '«* Wm. S. Orem. of the Maryland OtMttc. be (iveu, laqfV+ * ' Q«9b*M. . Septombjw this OffiJV1 10, Sept. lZ ^uBar&ft, THE MAINLAND GA2WT;

ANNAPOLIS^ 18l2. No. 34371

veil, Callii, T. N. William*, Handy, 'Qtrin. oufe according tn order, proceeded to I ton, Grahame, ptttt, DehptaM,. Pott«r, id reading of the bill for the valua-,] Ydung, Hughlett, M'DontU, jftptn Jones, tion'of real It (d prtfow properly, and after r , entitled, A/IB foci Crabb, Rigga, Perry, making feme pVogrefi rereading the fume, it lieLof fundry insolvent debt GREEK, Cscbp. **. * wai poftponct|"ai>til to-morrow. Mr. M»*twtt deliver! i • t«.U Was dctcrntiMd.in the negative. Mr. Hogg itt*er'jnn«m. ' and the cconflpibfreof," were iofirted io elecY'oej diftrtct in Cacil county and for other to them its title in certain I the order afir the word Baltimore rpofeii Read. tinned. Referred. i GAZETTE. , The .fOfcie.JrWiataT, 26, 1812 liVe—yrat 5 5, nayt It. praying that certain petfont may be iofblvent deji'ton. l^eai. The bill making at) uniform proviGon for incorporated-afc trufteet of a church 'therein Adjourned tilt to-morrow. OP MARYLAND the fnrvifing of&ceri and (bldicrs of the l»to mentioned. Rvto! and referred. Maryland line in the rfevofciuorrary war, was On motion of Mr. Potts, the bouTe proceed­ 4/ittrmDAT, if of, 21. BOUIE o» rrad tfie fecond time ami paffrd. ed to- the fecond reading of the preamble Mr. Clause deliver* i petition from Tho- and rrfolutiotitfbr cloatbing the mirllia Rati­ The htf»fe met. Prefent a* ta\yttrcrdayi mat S. Brewer, of the city of AnftapoH*, a oned at Annapollti * The proceeding! of ycfterdaf- taut read. "Btandyw,,,,. et. Prefect a« «n yeftardty Cpar The hoofit iTTol«tionary folder, praying relief. K«»d. On motion by Mr. l, tne queftioo Ofl motion by Mr/Bivly, Ordered,^ Wnm. TheR ,__- —»»'of yellerday -were read. On raotioo Py Mr. Clajidr, That tbjl was put, that the words 'Vby the general go the'following be enured uti Shot attoncd Tbe bill for the relief of John Tohkfl, tbe petition be referred to a committee ? Deter- vernment" be ftricken oat. Tne yeai and this houfe. bill |q chaoge the fames of Henry and-JSparv mined in the negative. nays being required, appeared at follow i— In cohlequencc »f an tnuy on tbe jotnnal Uwt'e Cochrane to that of Irvrnr, fHt&tk re- The clerk of «he feaate dcNvera (be bill AFFIRMATIVE. ' of the feoaie, that a letter addrcffed to th* /blution in favor oi Cbarice Richardson, were to prevent the crecYton of booths within two MtflVi; Belt, Wm. H»H, T.. t)urtll, Sfanf- Prefident of the Senate and the Speaker «f (tot to the fenate. '' miles 6f any 'roethodift camp or quaiterly bary, Ha/ryman, Warner, Randall, Claude, the Houfe of Delegates, by the gn»«*ne» Mr. Marriott delivers a petition from meeting in Frederick county, cndoifcd " will L. Dursll, W right, £mory, Stevent, cleft, has been broken open by Come ' -;.{* Velvet Coikr, Tbomas B. Doffey, and others, praying for paft." Ordered to be engrolTfd. Sanders, Porwood of Jacob, Doniklfon, Bar- I and the fpeaker havrng communicated to Combi. Penkaa,. the repeal of an aft paffed I aft feftton autnor- Mr. Grariame delivers a bill to appoint ney,.__ Bawlet,«„.!„ Sprlgg."c_i__ • 19.ut a lift of furniture | Callrt, T. H. Williams, Handy, Quintan, rcCcrrod. mg»r »ocH i, jtxral aJTembty, he. was, on motion of |p» of'every delcript)6o berongiog to the govern- Grahime, Potts, Delsplane, Potter, Young, Mr. Crabb delivers a peth'wn from Own*. Spidcn. sul Bowles, pottpaoed until the 34th day of De ment-houte, and the condition thereof, and Hughlett, M'DonaW, Wm. Williamt, Wn> nard Watirnt) of'Mentgomery coaaty, a let.. DsJwri fc ojaber next—yeas 36, nay* 97. report the fame to the committee appointed Jones, Riggt, Peiry, M'Cullouch, Kobinett, volutionary foUicr. , W hich waa rtad atad *f« iron* On aiaiioo by Mr. Bowles, Leave given te by thil houfe to examirM^he Qate of faid pro­ Crtfap. 44 dcred to lie on, the' tabarjr^ « are offered for lift «, Mn Randattdeirvers « rrKaiorial fronS God. > for fash. or n> i briag \a a bid, entitled, An a& to make perty, ami that the cormifittee of claims al­ So it wat determined in the drgative. on the usual ewdit. O pthlic e> road iron Haocock-town, in low him a icafooable coAtpentittion for his On motKMi by mr. Long, the'oMtfliosi was Irb Hartman of Virginia,: praying that the i country they will »„,_ hfton county,-to Comberlaad, urAHegeny lervieet. % ^ pat, That the wordi " as they mould have (late may redeem Certain lUper money m bit 'n. fcc, uu«4f. to morrow. been," be added tct^the preamble ? Deterroin poffeffion, iffued at drft«r41jrMimei from I76>* OR BALTIMORE Tbe cterk of the fenate deTiveri a bUl ed in the negative. to 1774, notwurrftar $<&& limitation fxtfri rif, and will continvt. iioqlliog tbe marriage of Jerome Boon a par re THOasi»*T, "tonr. t«. On motion, the firft refolotion was amended tofore made to foch slant*.. Read and rw> nber The uriaou inn. Liaf of .Weftphalta, and ElUKeth Buona. by Inferting the won) " now" after the word ferred. .1- ' • ilivtry ofUtten.bait,, The houfe met. Prefent ae on yefterday. rthelolVol any. atrte, of the city of Baltimore, endofCed, Tbe proceeding* of yefterday were read. militia, andftriking out the words from '* An. The bin to tlfaage the plate of bjldiwg , rarnntlr re<|tw>raBnMie- " vill pauil" Allo a letter from the Oovern- Mr. Emory freO> the committee deliveri naoolii" to "fufficient." the election in tbe third eleAien diftriA ! ig (landing to co*»W ar eUkft hotMytog UmLrgiQaiure of the a bill, entitled, A further fapplcmcnt t« the On motion, the Qneftion was put. That the Cecil coom», and Cor other pnrpofes, WM r«efl im«, or pati their ttMit celpt »f their joint tetter, and that he Will afl, entitled, Ania«\ toActlitate the drain­ blank in the tecond refolution be filled up tbe fecond time (no* pi (Ted. T to accommodttt ixb Npair t« Aaampolii as early as practicable*— ing of land In iHeVWwtral couotie^ tljeie/a with " five thoufand)" Rtfolved in the aftr- Mr. Sianfbury deliveri a1 memorial frowi »»UwiUbere«l»e4ui Severtlly/ read. mentioned. Read. ' liuy •lative. i James Boflcy and others, counter to th* petl- l«»».rVT)in nutria; its Ur. P|t|iy deliver* a petition from Thomas The amendments prapo{c4 bv tKefcftCeto ' The <{uefUon win ttarn wot, Thr. Read and referred* , •;" "rerable for th« wme.- voter. Mr. Francis HUl a petition from Georga's conotv, were read the, (ccoid time, amended f and nnaairaoufly refolvcd in the Hr. Sanders deliver* a airtiti«b rroali T1aa> i against iuar«ita««aui John ITttchell, tea. of P. O. county, a (Tented ui, and if>e wll ordered :o be en- affirmative. taas M . Formao of C»efl county, ptayibg meni. a rapport by> faidr-i* county--.--... Read0-~4 .., groffed. • **• The Speaker raid before the hoofe the rr- that a law may pad to conlrtn bsa* «We tr frn. Severally read. Mr. Donal words of the faid preamble and order from the and referred. frit word « Whereas," to the end thereof,be The bill fuppJemenury to the aft granting The fefoltnieo in favor of John Chance C«cM, county The bill for the reitet of John tn some place riew and John Watkios, was read tbe Itcobd Ume Mitchell, fen. and Richard Dove, of Pnnce- Ur. |ruinfr*y-» milli r ftricken out, and tkat the following be infer- a loan of money to the trnftees of Chaihxie led in ifceir ftead ? 't it is the fo>emn dnty oi Rail School, wam,read the fecond time,, pwiT- and affented to. . , •*» George*a coanty. The bill to appoint caa*- Lh* mountain read. - Ordered T^r .tjyn. MPm/tttt. .p£ jdatBU . aiffioMfa te MMeet lie r«*»-aT»ee« MwvwBw • » bnoeheer QDB ot rverv giovamment to) maintain invielate the ed, and fent tg tl)je4«uie. . t -,. » mf-hy of the laws, whether fe\ at (kRapce The bill making an uniform prgvilun fjr >lTow A'nold E. Jones, efq.a dslegate in tbe men to New-Market, in Frederick cewnty. atMfe mill, and thr general affembly lor Somerlet county at June The refolutions relative to Ike flock of this i road leadiug from by riotom sffemnlaRei and exceffei of evil the furviving cfftceri and foldiers of the late minded men, or by affociajlejis of atmed cili-. Maryland line in the revolutionary war, the* fe(Tion, 1819, for his attendance, on/ day's ftate. Tbe refolotlpfl for cloathang the mi. litla. Itnd (he refolntioa« In favour oi John 8V>. F8I2. (,w. tens combined for mutti**" fupport : And refutation! in favotsr of Thotnas Cahoe, Jeffe per diem, and the ruftomary itinerant chargee whertai, when foch mftanres nf tile violati- Thompfnn, R«ti» Slmurpn,*fobn Willums, antl ferriages. Ubance aad John Watkins, were fent to the >ale en of law, and >and fa&ty unfortunatery occur, it it place John Seth, eft), a delegate from. TVfeot Mr. Lewis delivers a petitbafrom Beflja. to the rrnatev • '* , ^j min Voe and Mary his wif>f of WaAington aged 32, with four tKe duty of tbe r|oc4e of Delegates, with Mr. C', the second and courts of juftice. Granted. The k-oufe^ Mr. Fitter delivers I bill for the benefit of riflng Wem to Wt certain landt belonging to fame, and the caqfes leading thereto, in or* the btirs of Thomas Helm. Read and re­ tit Enquire at th* o>r legiQativcry to provide tbe (bifable reme> proceeded to ballot f«r a member to (wpply Airy, Jofhot, Elijah and Shelby Jump, of his place i the ballets being depoflted in the Caroline county. Mr. Bowln a bt!l to rnajte ferred. eyfWr fach.ewft ; Th*«few, Ordered, Thtt Tbe further fopplement to tbe aA to faeili-. the committee of griefoice* and courts of ballot box, on examination it appeared' that •public a road from Hancock to Cumberland. I Mr. Perry a bill annulling the mat nag* of tate'the draintrMt^if land in the. Crveral coao- jofticebe and they are hereay InftrdAeA to Mr. Lecompt* was elected. , lUi therein mmloned, wat read th* feceoci Voters mquire into the late unhappy a*iftofo«nc«s in On motion by Mr. Stoneftteet, Ordered, Thomas Grimes, and Sarah Grimes. -Read. Mr. Barney delivers a memorial front; tbe time, ptfed, and fent to the fcnate. •, v nty,auvith»Cttyqf thc«ity »f Bwltiraore, «*d the canf- whrth Thai the hill to re-peal all fnch parts of tbe afls of affembly of this ft»te as require, tbe cornmif&iiers and alTeffora appointed trader On motion by mr. StanJbtiryj'leavrgtteh ta) lit- produced thofe difturhajacee, with a view tn bring in a bill, entitled, A feft^talMM to tbc •certain whether any and what legiQattv* re- payment of 3 J • ftiilling* for •"•"kg >'« the aft for opening and extending Pratt-(lrcct, cenfe, he made -the order of «be day for 1 Otf. and tbe petition of Jamrs Calbouo. ' Re£w- iA, entitled, An aft to anthorife the fc*t Deeotna a CandTdal* a»tdv may be nrceffary W Prevent a recurrence court of Baltimore cownty, to afftb ff at tin n*Trt Kl*e- of fintilar rnifcbiefa, *ML ththat thTown Academy, which waa tend a and kre to diucharge tbe> Hafl, Z. Dur.ll. late a*entafent fortor thetne ftate,«••«, 19w tranifer".,...*. to~Y Benja^...j.- Market, in Frederick county, wat read tbe fecond time and pafled. tbe hill for the rtlWf of Joha Tobw, »f the Ive en mo-wiiBJui- roin Harwood, troftee, all tbe old Ox per cent, fcty of Baltimore, eodoifed, •* will ytAkjU. and deferred and thr*t fitr canu Ooeksi now The hoofe according to order, proceeded to IT 8PUHBTRK. fttndu.g i« Ms 'r.Khtt «*frrears of with interest 01 other Articles in the AUOSG WI1ICU ARK 'II the purchase mono from the day of sale, American Broad Cloths, VII. THAT MOST VALUABLE FARM Prom Shepherd &, Co. Manufactory, Dry Good Line, Mas­ French Brandy-, Spirit, On which ihe Uivlor resided, containing about sachusetts, equal if not Hupcrior to Soprrfine S four handH-d and ninety-three which he will sell low for Cash, and as I each tc Apple Brandy, Indian -crcs; the situ.ition any int|H>rted Cloths. W. it high and healthy, and commands usual to his PuncMtfl Customers. 1 and N E. Hum, a beautiful Gin, Cherry prof|icA ol the Chesapeake Day. Tlie October Bounce, improve- J>. f ist & id qua! Whiskey menu on the laid farm are, a comfortable Dwell London Superfine and Second Cloths, Ca. ing Home, Quarter, Tobacco simeres. Bedford Cfrd. Fashionable Old Sherry Wine, JONAS GR Monies and Dam. Seasonable Stock­ ist cjnal. C)der!cC>\lcr Also, on the tame day, will be sold, his Lower Goods. inet, Fashionable Venting*, &.C. &.C. All Farm, distant abom Vinegar, two miles from the plarc hv which he will sell low. ^L Molas-es, reskl.-d, called Colter's Desire, containing about November .V ^f Best A lex hoaf S tig* r, two hundred and forty-one acres. Uotli farms are 11 Ci. Bl UN ROE . tf. well wooded, anl convenient lit ti :d qua), Ball do. to the water, and a lias just rcccivctl, a general as^A-tmcnt ist id fc jd. bounds in wiU fowl, fish and oysicrs. of Brown do. It is un Livery Stables. Chocolate, Coffee, necessary to go into 3. detail nf the value of the a. Dry Goods' fy Groceries, THE subscriber protierty, as those who having his 5tablc» in are inclined to pur- Ironmongery and Stationary, good order for the Hyton, chase will take a view of the premi>e» previous to which will reception of Horses re- the day «f sale. The land* h? dii-i'Oscd of oa accommodating ternw. cpectfully solicits tl.c favor* of the Public. Young Hyson, will be shewn by Mr. Hyton Thomas & Mr Carnes, who u:e The utmost attention Skin, Sc now living on the Al.H'J, will be paid to horsed Souchong, properly The sale will commence at 11 o'clock on entrusted to his carp. saidd.iy, if A few boxes of Raisins fair, if nut, the next fair day there­ Loaf $• Lump Sugar NEHEMIAH 11OVIB after. HOLLAND. and Currant*. OP At tin' Fnc'orv price*. £_ N. B. lie i> likeuUc prepared to carry Mace, Cloves, vrgDNKIDAY, MOV Air rnnrfcr Sliwrt. O.-tolcr 15." cxprr.s-es C7 to any pai-t of the state at the Ahpice, Cinnamon, flfanclywine- F,n, Sarah C. White. I'e|r|.cr, ^n The houf* met. Prefei ghurlMt notice, with despatch Ginger, Coa.se Gunp^, J November 12. • ids. Pearl Hat ley. Rice, The prot«J'"g« of y*11 Cbilds $haw, 9 ft. H Baltimore do. do. do. /" MuMir.i, Fig Blur, Shot assorted, The bill fot the relief c Have jtibt icifivrri, n complete Starch, AlUim, Salt I'e. New-Englai;d Shoe, Kill to ch*oge the ftarne* c * "'*-_Public Sale. the Committee of trr, Hrimstone, '- mcnt of Claims. Slippers,. " lo.te fxjchrane to that of The Ciiintnittce of Claims \villnit I'trfumed .Soap fc Wash Window Pursuant to the testament Fall every Class 8 by „ /olution in favor of Cbarli and last will of Helen §• Winter Goods, day. during the present balls, a.-.d.oby,,.. '" • Weeilon.U'e ol Anne Amndcl sension, from nine fent to county, dcccav wtutJ they offer for srle on the o'clock in tlio morning lit and ;d quaL Spanish the fenate. ; ed, the aubscriiiers will expose to public sale, on until three in the and Amer. Scgars, Mr. Marriott dfh»ei Monday the commodating termc. afternoon. Baikets, Mth day of December next, f fair, First chop James Hivtr Velvet Thomai B. Dorfejr, if not, on the next fair day 'ctobcr 8. By order, Corkr, and f thereafter, JS smal1 twist, pig tail Comh,, Penk the repeal of an aft pa(Te( ALL THE FARM ORI'LANTATION BKNJAMIN GREY, Clk, and smoking tobacco Snuff Boxes, On nhich iling the opening a road fr the said Helen Wcrdon lately resided, Land for Sale. ovembcr 5. Rappee Sc Scotch Snuff A quantity c containing about ninety-seven ?.rrev of land Al- Mould & Dipped Can- .ill. Mr. Sanjef* » P«» M> all the residue of 'lies, th> (rfrtonal estate of the I will sell Ihe plantation Also a General ,b of Harfoid county, at said decea'ed, not heretofore dupou'd on which I now re­ Jjy the Committee of Griev­ White & Brown Assort I of, consist - side, coni.iii.ing 'about six hundred Scan, mentof Cto> than Tvfon, of the city ing rf Negroes, Horse*, Cows, Corn, and and sixty Mess Pork, new !; old GJan.< tl Fod­ acres of valuable land, adapted to. farming, lot a fvpplement to tbt der, and lu.ulry utensils nf Husbandry, and ar­ in a ances $• Courts of Justne. Mann. Shoulder*, and ticles of healthy situation: There is the gieaiest jlcnty of •n Ware. ntcnding Pratt-nreeu ' household ami* kitchen furniture The wood, The Cutniniltcc of tirievnm-c.i Middlings, sale to commence such ast>ak, chesnut, walnut ami poplar ; and And a fen articlea ,t> | The bill to repeal the I at to o'clock en the niemJKi, it is wrll watered Court* of Justice will Salmon, Maclcarcl, He- the Ory Good vrhen attendance will ; a plenty of miadov^, and nit every day, du­ Line, to afcertain te,. given, and the temu about four acres ring rings and Cod Fish, An assortment of Cut- the allowanc :nade knO\vnt hy in clover. This land ..n wi:bin the present cension, from nine o'clock Cheese, two miles of llerting Butter, Lard, ings, such, as Potj. jtxral affembly, kc. w» Creek Church, live miles in the morning until three in the afternoon. Sallad Oil, Horatio Uniont.' ; from 1'ig Point, and about Basket Sail Ovens, Spiders, Skil- ' Bowlei, ponponed until t the same distance By order, Jjmioon's Crackers, Henry l)Ufall, I from Herring Hay. It will be divided lee, BaWs h .Vn amber next—yea* lo suit jiur- J.OU1S GASSAWAY, I'ilot Bread, 36, i Novtmhtr ti» tiU. . ! cliasers, if tlcsiitd. For ttrmt aj<]'ly lo the SUB- Clk. . irons Oo motion by Mr. Bo» •j~——————————— • .- - ...... •• • ii icribcr. A November 5. All. the above Ankles are offered for salt or the bring in a bill, e«titlet Samutl moll reasonable terms for eash. cr to thow The Subscribers liarriion. who have been punctual on the public a road Irom Hanc tf. usual credit. TV Being informed that it has licen emulated in this Public Sale. persons who reside in the country they will barta ington couoiy, to Cum for different kinds tin that they wtre not willing to receive on I'rvfght, Will be cold on Turiday Uier eighth of grain, tec, county. -» Bricks, Stone, Coal, Augustus Ux, or any other armies of a si­ - day of December next, if fair, if not the THE PACKETS FOR BALTIMORE The clerk of the fe milar nature ; they therefore declare, that >uih f RcKiwctfuily inlbrmii the Citizens Ate now running rrguUrly, and will n-jxirt of next fuir d:iy, at the dwelling of Janie» cominoe K , snnutling the marriage o is'lHthout foundation, ai.d ilul ih«y will Annapeli*, that at theearm-st solicitationscf do fo until the i)th December—The utmoMana. carry some Moan on Ilackctl'* Point, King of Wtftphalia, any article oflired on frvi^lit, either to or of the mrM res|>ectable inhabi'ams tion will !>e |»id to the delivery of let ten, bat iky ' t from Baltimore, he haa made at the usual pvicos. irraiigvn-inii, and is now cnaMnl, to devote will not be lefponsible lor the lofsut any. turte, of the city of To these who his 3 Negro Men $ a Woman, give their mure v«!ual>',e businnt Ir'rnrc hnius Id thnir Uv-nent and gratification, » ih N. B The subicriberscatnestly rciiu^ialtkcsr «• will paft." Alfo a le' n Cuft, not being in the Packet line, they would his new and elegant mode cf The oldeht of the men 2.1 years.—Terms who have accounts ol long standing cr eltflU notifying observe, to contC^. the L that if they comirrw tl.e practice, their Colouring ol' Hale Casli j. \f ward and discharge ihe same, or pass their N««t «(pt of th|)r joint tetters and small commi-'iont and Ornamenting /To//.', j lette will not be attended cither November ">. A jC_ 3t for the amount. In order lo accommodate luck, to To those who continue their business in imita!i"ii of palter hanging*, or otherwise a crall repair to Annapoli* a* e to them This so eminently |wrt of their account* will be iccthrtd tai they assure4 reaciy and pun/lual attention, and useful invention is too generally uedit given for the same. Severallf read. every known lliioi'ghout the Union to need any fuitli'r reaionaMc exertion 10 jilcase. ! NOTICE. We fnrewam all perfoni from rnutinr tie Mr. Pvrj deliver* a | To their pun/inal c'jitom.rs illiisiratJMi Directions, in writing, left at Mr. iliry return their Jjrvls's, THE hands with small bundle*, as in case they ihouB Clime*, «f Allegany c sincere thanks, with an assurance thai en Kill I'oint, oral Mr. Isaac I'arker's mtbscriber hereby pt>f.» notice, their future Tavern, (where be lost we will not be amvrerablc for the same.— Torce. Mr. Franci* 1 exertions sljall be equal to their former to render a rough fpecin rn cf t'hc work that he intends lo apply to Calvert Coun­ Allihose ma) be «rn.) will be s'rict'y whg have claim* against us are rcqueslrS lohn Mitchell, fen. of I generaleneral saususaj[sfaAion to those who employ them. attcndeil to, a al all ty Court, or tome one of the judge* there­ •"•""Vig them in for Kttlement. Geo. necvuar) information rcspeiting;?X{iciiscs ar.d du­ of, in a fupport by faid count t Jno. liaibtr rability given. ~~ the roccM of naid court, for the be­ Ofo. JrJn*. Barbtn Novt mHr i October 8. nefit of the act for the relief of *undry spoils. HOT. 5, 1811. ______red. • insolvent debtorn, panned at The refolution* in fa' BY HIS November s«»- f, OfOl OLD SIX PER kion. 1803, and tl.e HCteral aupplementu- This Thotnai Cahoe, John , KSQUIRE CENT AX is to give Notice, «» and Anthony D DEFEKlti.D STOCKS. thereto. ^L Thai the D«»i uovKRMna or MAHVI.ANU. Pursuant to subscriber, of Baltimore county, hub the act of Congrcn.cmrrtrd, " An 9 obtained from the orphans and afTenied^tb. A PROCLAMATION. afl authorising a subscription RICHARD KENT. court of Anne- Anm&n for the nld six per Nov. 3,1812-.. cmimy, In the itate of MaryUnd. ^ Mr. Belt deliver* a ——:|V[tiERI£A3 the General Assembly cent and deferred stocks, and providing Icttcri cf nl- of tor I lie mini>irarion|on the penonal estate of Willlura in favour of Ingram C; MaryliJjrloiJ u> an all paisedat November session rxclunge of ilie same," parsed on the 6th day of Mollison, eigineVn July, 181}, late of the city of London, deceasul. Mr. Quintpn deliver buit4l«d and h\c, entitled, " An ail to books will be 'certain the tificates, bearing interest I rum the fimt the crVilnors to bring in their claim* to tK number of day of the against the said roles given for each and every person voted quarter in which the subscription shrU be deceased, and that the same be preamble and order re' fora* made. M publikhod once a me Tiber'for Congress aforesaid ies|*Aiveph Kent, at the pleaiure of the United States al any time That the *uCtcriber, whcio there arc two (very government to Esq. was clewed of Anne-Aiiimlel crunly, branch**, one ot for the second diftriA ; Alexander after the }i«t d.ty of December, 18:4; but no re- lath obtained from ihe which mijefly of the law*, Comet Hanson. irrbutscmcnt orphans court of Anne* leuiU to Mr. Water*'* mill, •ml the- * Esq was elefled l< r ihe third dis- will '« made except fur the whole a- Aiundel county, in Maryland, trl^l i Samuel Rmgguld, n uunt letters of adminis- other to the AnnaupU* road landing front by tiotoui affemblafp Esq. w.i* clewed for the of the slock tlanding at the time, to the ration de bonis non on the lourtli dillri;! i Alexander credit of (tenonal estate of Uallimor*. ft ' .minded men, or by ad ;g|*^- M'Kim, aid Nicholas any proprietor, on the books of the tiea- |ohn JaLohs, senior, late of Anne-Arundel fc Knxton Moore, E»i)V were elcdcd fur iui^ or of the commissioners county, A. A. C'mmty.yr. aeni combined for the 2«, lifih dii- of loans re»|K-uivrly, deceased. All |iersons having claims against the 1812 h>. ,ir. 't tii,2 ^ Stevenson Archer, Esq. wa» elefletl lor nor till a(irr at least six months whereii, when fuch the |irc\iiuj public said deceased, are luteby warned lo exhibit the iixih diftrift, Robert \Yright, esq w as elected for nuiiie u£ sm.li iii'.cnJeJ reimbursement. same, en of law, the with the vouchers thercuf, to the subscriber, For Sale and nf the feventh district, and Charles UcUtboriigh, CS on or ek'| was Alttcrt Gallatin. before the seventeenth day ol December A lie pcice and faiety u elclted for the eighth dillrifl. Trcjiry Df)»artnu'nt, Sept. next, they Xejr.ro Woman, aj»*d .T2, with four U.vcn in Council, to, i8n. ma) otherwise by law bt exilmleil from the duty of the H" at ihe city of An»jpoli«, un­ all benefit nf >aid estate Children, threo girN and a b»y, the eldrni der me great seal Given untlcr my hand trmper aisd impartia of the StVj,^f Ma. County Couit, Seplnnbcr tliis_)7th day of O/loUr, 1811. ''.aughtcr nino year* of tgr, thu »*vo»J .ryland, this twenty third day Time, and the ojVtcio- 7'irw. 1812. " 'illinium H'Milfidd, Admlnittra(or four, the hoy'n age oevcn. Enquire at the caufe* {lier, in the >car <•!' nur (I.ord orVnaou- On application to the judges <ciidcnce uf the of laid October *'.». ft tt United Stales county, praying the benefit of ihe a/1 for tl* committee of g of America, the thirty teventh. the relict of sundry inlolvent ilcbtoi:., patted al 60 Dollars Reward. Robert BiMvic November Session, eighteen hundred juftice be and they a and five, on Ran away from By the Goventor, • ihe terms mentioned in the said acl, a schedule the mihucriber living in To the Voters tnquite into the late South Hivir Neck, on Ninian Plnknoy, nf his property, and a lift of his creditors, on Monday th* :d iust a ne­ Of .i*no Arundtl County aud thtCtty V I the city of Baltimor< oath, as Tar as he tan ascertain gro trllow who ral s himfelf Thomas Brown, a- CUik uf tlie Council. them, M diiecVd bout produced thole diftut OKDKRKD, by the said aj), being annexed forty three )cars of age. live feet eight or That the foregoing proclamation to his petition i nine inches high, ifcertain whetl>er arr) Kb published twice anil the soiJ county court Ix-ing fatislicil by his a bald place on the biek pan in each wrek, It-r the (pace of 4 com- of Ins head i when Haviug be«om« •tedy may be neceffn four weeks, in the tirieiit testimony, thr.r the faid Samuel lloptliu spoken t>> has an implement a Maryland Gi/cnc ai.d Mary­ in (us speech i and it for the Office of of fimilar land Itepublic.n, < I Annapoll. lias rcn'.deil the two preceding yeais prior fo the much givtn 10 intoxicition Sheriff at tine next Kl«- tnifchief*, i in the Wing, —llailon wlien he made his torial Sun, American and Fulrr.il •Gazette, passag; of the faid a/i uiihin the State of Mary­ escape, a kersey period, hav« thought proper to )ji^v by bill or otherwife. ol Haiti- n imd a-boiit jacket and trowscn, osnaburg mole, in the National liuetligenc.cr, at Watliing- land, und the fnid Samuel llopkins, at the. time ftiirt, thin curly noliue of my intention t» do no. Tlie yea* and nayi of old hat and (hoes—This fellow was originally ten ; in Bangi.'t lajier at r redi mk-'l'own i in prefunting his petition ns afoMatd, having from On tbiM oc-cajion h varueatly tullelt tlie> at follow i the prmlucfd to the laid court Ucnedifl, Charles couoty, and It is probable may Man laud lleraij, al iUgcrs-iuttn ; lutd uv th* the assent in writing of have Htippoft of tny fellow-citiMn»: Should AFFIR Slant fo many of his creditors M have gone thillier as he has fome connexio)* in my Laston. * due to them the a thai neighborhood cflbrti) be crowned with By Order, mount of two tliirdsol the debts If taken twenty miles irom aucce**. it would! Meffr*. C. H»», ^ d-» l>y him at the home twenty bo tha object lime of uTuu^his fa'nl -nilion, it in therefore adjudg­ dollars will be given, it thirty miles, of n>» ertre fe diucharuc the' Hail, Z. Duv*ll, jf . Niniun Pinkney, ^ thirty dollar*,-if forty ed and oriU-reil by ilie faidcoiirt, that the laid Sam­ mile*, forty dollars, and if dulick that Would devolve on mo- with jui" Wsioer, Randatt.CI ^/ Clerk fcl. ilie Council out of the .Slate the above ret*an), if stcured Jfovdtoberia. .!„'/. ^---'--*•.*?-• uel ilnpkins, l>« canting acrjt) i.i' this onfer «• be in tice *jid t"nir"i*T . Eniory, Steven*, Bu * \\ifeutd m the Mir)lai,dCa'imt, any. f aotio that I get him again AM perron* ant RKZW once i week for f«r»»nie<< harbouring 8PURBIER. '-vr?- ^ae. DonaldCon, three foccessivc.months, before the third Monday said ffllnw, a% the law « ill 8, : NOTICE. - - A »gM«u*>*U tuubi oftMide'i i«u.. 3m- William*, cof»t, to HThehl at th« 'City <>l'*Anna|uirn>,. at u-n a'clock-tn the rorenoon • Couaiy, Now 14*. jw. Mtllar I will Rent, o* Sell, my FARM, near of the said third Monday of April, for the 'pur- TO HIRE, BY TUB er, Ti South River Church. For term* apply pofi- of recommending a Iruftee for llioir henofit, nn thr I'aid S a mini . Wanted, to Nicholas Brewer, of the City of Anua- Hopkini then and thrieta ^ A NEGRO- WOMAN, CaUw«ll, Banning, the oiuli 'iy


veil, Callii, T. N. Williams Handy, Opin­ Thkhoufe according to order, proceeded to On motion by Mr. Donaldfod) Lei AMD rtJBLIiUED ion, Grahamr, Pottt, Delaplanr, Potter, the fecond reading of ihe bill for the valua- ven to bring in » fait her additional -•r Young, Hughlett, M'Donald, J^am Jonei, tion nf real and prrfonat property, and after mrnt M' tbe at>, entitled, An act for I Crabb, Riggi, Perry, .M'CullouCTrJ Robinctt, making feme piogrefi in reading the (ttoe, it lief of fundry infolvent debtors. jONAS GREEN, 45. wai poftponed nntil to-morrnw. Mr. Marrjott deliveri a petijio0 from Tbo> CHO»CH-«T»BBT, ANKlFOLtl. So it wn determined in the negative. Mr. Hog5 rklVnen a bill to change the mat B. Dorfry and Jojm Sarjjpgten, of A. On motion,, by* Lrcomptfj the wordi ace of holding the eleeVion in the thiid A. county, praying that the date may releafe Tao Dollar* per Annum. " and the caulej thereof," were inferted in erWVori diflricl in Cxcil county and for other to them iti title in certain land* therein men* the order after the word Baltimore. !rpofe», Read. tioned. Referred. , The quefiion wai then put, That the faid Mr. Delapfane dellveri'a petition from fun- Mr. Donaldfon delivers a further additional MARYLAND GAZETTE. order be .adopted ^ Refolved in the affijma- dry inhabitants of Weflminrtrr in Frederick fupplement to the *(\. for the relief of fundry TaCKSPAT, HOV. 26. 1812. tive_yrat5S, nayi II. county, praying that certain pet font may be infolvent debtors. Read. The bill making an uniform providon for incorporated a* trufteet of a church therein Adjourned till to-morrow. OF MARyLAND. the furviving officerj and fnldiert of the late mentioned. Read and referred. Maryland line in the revolutionary war, was On motion nf Mr. Potti, tht houfe proceed, 9ATUXDAT, WOt. 31. HOD IB OP peiftOATKS. read the fecond time and paflVd. ed to the fernnd reading of the preamble Mr. Claude deliver! a petition from Tho- and refolutiont for cloaihing the militia Rati­ The houfe met. Prefent ai on yeftcrdayi WKDNI1DAV, NOV. 18, 1812. » nm S. Brewer, of the city of Annapoli^ a oned at Annapollfi The proceeding* of yederday were read. The houfe met. Prefent at on yefterday. revolutionary foldier, piaying relief. Read. On motion by Mr. L. datatl, the queftioo On motion by Mr/ Bayly, Ordered, Tint The proceedings of yelkerday were read. On motion By Mr. Claude, That the faid was put, that the wordi ' fc by the general go­ the following be entered uo the jottrOM of The bill for the relief of John Tobin, the petition be referred to a committee ? Deter. vernment" be (\t'nken out. The yeas and thu boufe. bill to change the ftaroet of Henry and Char. mined in the negative. nayi be'mg required, appeared as follow i In conUquence of an entty on tbe journal |o.te Cochrane to that of Irvine, and t6e re- The clerk of the fenate delivers the hill AFFIRMATIVE. of the fenaie, that a letter addreffed to th« /oluuon in favor of Cbarln Richardfon were to prevent the erection of boothi within two MelTri. Belt, Wm. Hall, Z. Duvall, Sianf- Prefident of the Senate and the Speaker of Tent to the fenate. miles of any methodid camp or quarterly bury, Harryman, Warner, Randall, Claude, the Houfe of Delegate!, by the governor Mr. Marriott deliver* a petition from meeting in Frederick county, endoilcd " will L. Duvall, Wright, Emory, Sieveni, Burgefi, cleft, hat been broken open by Tome perfoii ; Thomai B. Dor fey, and otheri, praying for part." Ordered to be tngrolTcd. Sanden, Pot wood of Jacob, Donaklfon, Bar- and the fpeaker having communicated to thi» the repeal of an act paffed lad fcltion author, Mr. Grahame deliveri a bill to appoint ney, Bowlei, Sprigg. 19. houfe that he had opened the find letter, iling the opening a road from Richard Owen'a commiflioneri to review aud locate a road from NEGATIVE. the boufe of delegate* would in thii public oil). Mr. Sanders a petition from John Nnr- the*old glad woikt, called New Bremen, in MclTri. Millard, Plater, Btackiftone, Cau- manner exprefj their opinion, that the fpeaker * tb of Harfoid county, and Elifha and Na- Frederick county. Mr. Randall a lupplc fin, Boyer, C. Hall, Marriott, Reynold'1, aAed correctly in opening fa id letter, and thin Tyfon, of the city of Baltimore, pray, ment to the aft to confirm a road in Harfotd Turner, P*rnham, Ford, Hambleton, Cald- had the fame right Co to do, ai the prcfidenl log a fi'pplement to the law for opening and and Baltimore countiei. Read. . - well, Banning, Se'h, Bayly, Long, A. E. of the fenate. extending Pralt-dreeu Read and referred. On motion by Mr. Arnold Jonei, Ordered, Jones, Walleis John S:ew»it, l.ecnmpte, Mr. Randall delivm a petition from Was. . The bill to repeal the fupplement to an act That John Shaw, of the City of Annapolii, Griffith, Evans, l.ufby, Hngg, Somervell, Smith, of the city of Baltimore. Head and John Mitchell, fen. of P. G. county, praying afTented to, and the bill ordered :o be en. affirmative. mat M. Forman of Cacil county, praying a fupport by faid county. Read and refcrx ro(Ted. The Speaker laid before the honfe the re­ that a law may paf* to conSrm bit title to ' red. . Mr. Warner deliveri a petition from fun- port of the Examiner General, relative to his certain lands tbeicin mentioned. Read and The rtfolution* in favor of Reain Simpfon, dry inhabitant! of the eadern, precincts of fees for the tall year, which was read and or­ referred. Thomai Cahoe, John WiUiami, Jofiai AI- Baltimore, praying for the opening of Aif- dered to lie on the table. Mr. Lecompte delivers a bill far tbe benefit vcy and Anthony Davit, were federally read quith-dreet to Pitt-dreet. Mr. F. Hall a Adjourned till to-morrow. of Thomas Colfton of Dorcbefltr couoty4 Baltimore count*, hub aad ifTented^lb. petition from Hetuy W. Magruder, of RHd. court of Anne A rani; ^ Mr. Belt'deliven a report and refolution PTmce-Georgf1! county, praying a Special act Mr. Steveni a bill annoH'mg the marriage larylind. Ictterj cf >J. MIDAT, MOV. 39, 1819. in favour of Ingram Cann. Read. of infolvency. Read and referred. of Robert Olfley, and Sarah bis wife of 'nil e.lale of. William Qgecft-Annc'i county. Read. of London, dccnwil. Mr. Quintpn deliver* a report and refolu­ The bin tor the relief of Simeon Church- The houfe met. Prefent as on yeflenh} inintt uidcalaie an tion in favor of Mofei Giecn j alfo a report hill, of the city of Baltimore, was read the The proceeding! of yrllerday were retd. Adjourned till Monday* legally authenticated, and re Collation in favour of John . Folli't, fecond time, pafled, anfl lent to the fenate. Mr. Donaldfon deliver* a petition from idcbicd to laid estate t» fen. Severally read. Mr. Donaldfon deliveri a bill for extending fundiy inhabitanti of Baltimore county and city, praying for the ereAion of a wall a* MOtDAT, »OV. 3 J, 1813. ' Jrffray, Jdm'r. According to tbe order of the day, the Green.dreet, in the city of Baltimore. Read. lloufe proceeded to the fecond reading of the Mr. Lecompte delivera a petition from round the gaol of faid county. Referred. The houfe met. Prefent a* on Saturday. preamble and order relative to the mob* and Thomas Coldon, of Dorcheder county, pray- The clerk of the fenate deliver* the bill The proceeding* ol Saturday were read. noti in Baltimore ; and on motion by Mr. ing that a law may pafs to confirm hi* title autborifing Charles L. Snyder to remove hit Mr. Lewii appeared in the houfe. Donaldfon, the queftton was put, that tie to certain landi therein mentioned. Read negroes into tbil ftate, rndorfcd," will pafi." Thr bill to change tbe place of holding the elcAion in the third election di drift of wnidi of the laid preamble and order from the and referred. Oidered to be engroffeo. nc.xt neuron. (or » » f L _ Cecil county* The bill for the relief of John .~ ThrWM fojrp'eme-maryto the act granting The "revolution in favor of John Chance niickfn out, and that the following be infer- a loan of money to the trudeei of Charlotte and John Waikini, wai read the lecond time Mitchell, fen. and Richard Dove, of Prince. Genrge'i county. The bill to appoint cooj* tfd in their (lead ? ' it it the folemn d-ity o! Hall School,- was read the fecond time, .pafT- and alTented to. miutoneri to review the road frosn New-fire* »»ery government to maintain inviolate the ed, and fent to the fenate. Ordered, That the committee of claiim men to Ntw-Market, In Frederick county. majefly of the lawi, whether fet at defiance The bill making an uniform provifion for allow Arnold E. Jones, efq.a dtlegate in the the fnrviving cflkert and loldieri of the late general alTembly lor Somerlet couily at June The refolutioni relative to the dock of thii by riotoui alTemhlafrc* and exce(Te« of evi| date. The refolution for cloathing the mi- | 'minded men, or by aflocialionj of armed citi-. Maryland line in the revolutionary war, the frflion, 1812, for his attendance, onje day'i refolutioni in favour of Thomai Cahoe, Jefle per diem, and the cudomary itinerant charges litia, and the refolntiont In favour of John sent combined for mutual fupport : And Uhince aod John Waikini, were fent to tbe hereai, when fuch inrtances of the violati­ Th.impf.>n, Rez'm Simufon,«John Wuliami, and ferriages. fenate. on of law, and of the dVfturbance of the pub­ Jofiai Alvey and Anthony Davit, weie lent Ordered, That the committee of claimi place John Seth, efq. a delegate from Talbot Mr. Le wi« deliver! a petition from Benja* lic peace and faiety unfortunately occur, it is to the fenate. Mr. C.abb moved for leave to withdraw county, on thr diary, from tbe commence­ min Yoe aod Mary hi* wife, of Wafhington the duty nf the rinufe of Delegate!, with county, praying that a law may pafi autbo­ hiinlelf from the committee of grievance* ment of the feflion. tfmper and impartiality, to invefligate the rifing them to fell certain landi belonging to and courti of judice. Granted. The houfe Mr. Pitter deliver* I bill for the benrCt of ftme, and the caufes leading thereto, in or. the heir* of Thomas Helm. Read and re.. >r legiQatively to provide the fuitable reme­ proceeded to ballot fur a member to fupply Airy, Jofaua, Elijah and Shelby lump, of hii place ; the ballot! being depoflted in the Caroline county. Mr. Bovrlea a bi!l to make ferred. dy for fuchevila ; Therefore, Ordered, That The further fupplement to the act to facili­ ballot box, on examination it appeared that public a road from Hancock to Cumberland. tl* committee of grievances and courti of tate the drainin^of land in the feveral coun­ jottice be and they are hereby inftrufted to Mr. Lecomple wai elefted^ Mr. Perry a bill annulling the niamagt of Thomat Grimei^and Sarah Grimei. -Read. ties therein meiRioned, wai read tbe fecood mquiie into the late uohspp? difturbancej in On motion by Mr. Stoneflreet, Ordered, Mr. Barney deliveri a memorial from the time, paffcd, and fent to the fenate. I the eity of Baltimore, and th« cauf- which That the hiH to repeal all fuch part* of the commifftf icri and i(Te(Tjr« appointed under On motion by mr. Stanfbury, leave given to produced thole difturbaiice*, with a view to afli of aflemhly «f thii dale ai require tfie the aft for opening and extending Prau-flreet, bring in a bill, entitled, A fupplement to tho kfcertain whether any and whatlegiQaiive re­ payment of 3J (hilling* for a rnarruge I,, and.the petition of James Calboun. Refer. act, entitled, An act to authorife the levy ceomy a medy may be neceffaiy jftprevent a recurrence cenfe, he made-the oSder of the day for luef- court ol Baltimore county, to aflef* and levy red. =¥ r at tine next Hire- of fimilar mifchieft, and that they report day the 'J4th ind. . . on the aflefiable property of faid .county, . Mr. Lecompte deliver!, a petition from fun- Mr. Francis Hall deliver* a bill for the re. ight propar to givrv by bill or otherwife. Kef of John Mitchell, fen. and Richard Dove. fun of money to build a bridgt over the lutention to do no. The yeas and nays being required appeared dry inhabitanti of Dorcheder county, pray­ Twice read and parted. Great Fall* of Gunpowder. ^ =4i4'.'. meat I j sulicll tho> »» follow I ing that the county court, may be inveded The clerk of the fenate deliver* a report i !3l' ' U with unlimited chancery juriidiclion. Read. The bill to appoint commiflioneri to review '5K-M lix*n»: Should my AFFIRMATIVE. and locate a road from New Bremen to New- from the prefident and vifitors of the Pfcde~ i succCM, it would- Meffrs. C. Hull, Marriotlv Belt, WJ|liam The refolution directing William Marbury, -g;r'= Market, in Frederick county, wai read the rkk-Town Academy, which was read ; and re ft> dincbarge the' Hall, Z. Duvril, Staiubury, Harryman, late airent for the (Ute, to trantfer to Benja. the kill for the relief of John Tobin, of the ve on nio- wilt jui- Waroer, Randall.Claude, L. binrall, Wright, min Harwond, trudee, all tbe old fix per cent, fecond time and paflVd. The houfe according to order, proceeded to tity of Baltimore, endorfed, M will pala*" Emory, Stevens, Burgefi, Sanders, Porwood and deferred and three per cent, llocki now tto&cood ictding vt th« bill for the -valuation Ordered to be engrafted. •**&• pc. DonaldCon, strawy, Bowifi, Wn dandii-Kin his name -Mong*"* lo tbe flaiej TV b\« far the benefit of Any lumf, hd.u rlfe^ft.ucte.v^^jaa^i'-^aminHar. of real k prrfonal property'in thii ftare, ITM! > - \Viliiams, tfttr amending fc rearing rtfc btt! tfc J«MStt wood, tiudre'and tirtfurer, W. ^*-»il* the further coi'lidetati'on. thereof 'wai. .poft. of Caroline county, was read tbe MillarTry Plater, th« roarwxr prefctH-cd by- th* late ad\ of coo- time* palTefl, and fent to'lhe ftMW* - if ffio« fur the purpole of giving Read and rMHTed. county. Mr. Graham a petition from fundry mittee of way* and mean Mr. Uuv^ftfitlivert a memorial from Jehu rity arguing in fa.vor of a denHW^ttc Adjpuriied. inhabitants of Fredeiick and Mnntgnmviy preponderance of lliogfe icnmticfi, it merely that part of the fubjeci rr Chandler, claiming x further conpcnfatinu fir counties, praying that commiflioners may be reducing the dutie* on pr hi» fervicei in printing the Lawn and Votes proves that the federali^ta did not all vote. Wcdnttday, ATo». )g appointed to review anctopen a road from Li­ Mr. Jump, Inn competitor, is pot a»fadernl- Mr, Qnincy prefented the ptju(ioh . Mr. Cheves coincided and Proceeding*. Mr. Waller a petition berty-Town to Hyatt'i-Town. Severally M'Kim ; he faid althoug from fundry inhabitants of Somerfet crninty, i»l, but »n older, more iinifoi-m 'arid con­ Puce, pray»n« tn be repaid tbe km S'1 read and rcferrrdl sistent democrat ttmn hianaelf. advanced by hi, ftthcr in the «£, , ' 2«> ,if«d to fcy the report praying that a road m.iy be oj>rncd from bar. Mr. Grahame deliver* a petition from Evan Mond'X' yet he could fa; ren Creek in a direction toward 1114.-'.own of * - [fed.Rtp.] Refrrrrd to the commiuee of claimt evens, of Frrderick coupty, an infolveol Mr. Fuch prrfrntrd the (,,;,[ ' ,i an early day. The m Laurel, in SufTeX county, DrlaWa-r. Mr. debtor, praying relief. Read and ordered to ,n i ihe bill ordered io a Evan* a petition from- John Crefwell, Ute rad fatTer of New-York. pra,in. , ' " r on thr tablr. ced on thr penfion lift. Referred to the" An engroffed bill vefti fheiifT of C»cil county, praying that he may Thr bill for the benefit of Thomas CoWon, HOUSE of the United State* the be authorifed t6 complete his collection. Head mittee of claims. of Dorchefter county, was read the lecnnd Man Jay, JToi>. 16, Mr. Bleaker prefented the petition<* rr in certain cafe*, was rrai arid-referred. time and pafTed. Mr. S'ybert, birfnurd, » petition from Mr. Talmadge rofr, a On motion by mr. A. E. Jone*, Leave dry n.erchlt>ts of Albany, impo'rter* of Q The clerk of tht fenate deliver«-the refolu- fundry merchant* .of Philadelphia, itr>purleri G""ds fimilar to thofe prefeitted o Titinn* tending mon full given to bring in a bill| enlitird, An act tn tions fnr cloathing the militia now ftatinncd of Ury G»od> I hh prtittnn is in TubOance „„ bill nrw about to be jiafl eflablilh a bank and incorporate a company diy. fieferred to the tocnmittee of at Annapolis, endorfed, " aflentrcl to." And limilar to thole prrfrnlrrl from New.York, mean*. '.^ cfffiry. moved to podpon under the title of The Bank of Snmerfet. Hichrnoni, k(. Ktlerrcd to the, comuiu-.ee the fupplernent to the aft for building a Mr. Pleafant* prrfrnted a rimio»68e\ffon lion till the I ft Monday • Mr. Warner delivers a petition from Lew- bridge over the Great Fall* of Gunpowder, ot ways and mran<. Mr. Wright hoped th ir Michael, of the city of Baltimore, praying the merchant* of Richmond. Referred**, endorfed, " will pafs." Ordered to- be en- Mr. Miln6*r in confequence of the abfeoce bovs>. ^ prevail, and cited ceruir a fpecial teomimttee of mon Uav'u & Samuel D*wfon, praying that a old C ingref*, tor revolutionary fervicrs the whole houfr. rrd»(Vroy the whole, and Mr. Stanfbnry deliver* a bill fuppVmenta- certificate for which"* as loft by the acciden­ road through their farms in Frederick county, • Mr. Poindexter froaa. the canrmittee q iofift, he believed the I ry to an aft to authorife the levy couit of may be flw: op. Severally read and refer­ tal burning of his houfe Referred to the M, would be an urconf Baltimore county, to afleft and levy on the committee on puMic Ifndt. pointed to inquire into the expediency sT red1. granting permiffiois to tbe people of the Mij Mr. Widgery wa* opp afTefTable property of faid county, a Turn of The bill annulling the marriage of Thomas Mr. Rliea pretented the petition of tod in fav r nf the bill. money to build a bndgo over the Great Mitchell praying relief from bond* given at fiffippi territory to fofm a constitution Ic ftj« Grime* and Sarah Grime* of Allegany c,ouri. ijovernrrent, reported a bill for that patpot, Mr. Calhoon deliverei Fall* of Gunpowder river, palled at Novem- i), wa* read the fecond time and the queftion fecurity for tike coHeAnr of the excile, in the Ctiun to thr bill be cm her feflion, 1811; which wai twice read, dillriA of Tennefer. Heferrcd to the com. •bich wa* twice read and committed t« t put, Shall the (aid bill paf* ? Determined in committee of the whole houfe for Moodty, ufclclyand ill ufelefs I palTed, and fent to thr fenate. niittee nf claims. in their tend/ney only the. negative. 1'he Speaker laid before the bovie the is. The following mttTage wss read, agreed Mr, Pott* delivers a petition from Eira Mr. Gold, after fame prefatory obfervati. dauhti with refpeft'^6 tf to, 'and fent to th^fef ate. ons pointing cut the inadequacy of tbe lala* noal report of thr Secretaiyi of the NITT-_ Mania, late Iheriff nf Frrderick county, Referred to the committee on Naval tffiin. Gdent a* commander in Gemlemrn-of the Serrate,- rie* of certain diftriA judge* to tbe duttet by vhrre none had heretnf that he may be authoril'ed to com­ Two mefligrs in writin* were rccem4 The honourable Levin Winder, Efcj. hav­ plete his collection*. Mr. Wm. S'euart a pe­ them performed, offered the following: Refolv. Mr. Pitkin fallowed ing been elefted Governor of the Stair of from the Prcfident of ibo U. Stain by Mr, tition from fundry inhabitant* of Kent coun­ ed, That (he committM of way* and mean* Cole* hi* frcietary. . ' Mr. Johnfon oppofed Maryland, aod having arrived in this city, be inflrufted to inquire into tbe expeoiency Mr. Tahnadge wittv ty, praying that a road therein mentioned The fir ft melTage readwrverrd a lettttttoit we have appointed Me (TVs. A. E. Jones and may be opened. Severally read and refer, of increafiing thr. falarie* or compeofatuin* poftpnnrment. *•'" Statifbury, jointly with fuch gentlemen as Mr. Ruffel to Mr. Mooroe, detailing tt« red. .allowed by law to the diftrift jutlge* of tbe convrrfation, redertrd to in hi* former km 'I he queftion then rei DM)| be named by your hnofe, to wait upon Mr. RanJall deliver* a favourable report judiaial Uilhift of the U. S. Negatived— of the bill) trie aye* and the Governor eleft-, and requeft hir attendance Aye* 41—Noes 43. between lurofelf and Lord Caftlereagh. TV* on ike petition of Jame* Hood,of Baltianore letter i* long, and M any attempt onoorpan were, yeas SI, noe« 61 in the fenate room, to qualify according, to county. Read fta tngtolTed Mil further to prolong the On motion of Mr. C the conftitution and form of government. continuance of the Mint at Philadelphia, wa* to give thr lobflance might poiGbly MM *» that the committee f Mr. Bowlri deliver* a memorial from the juftice to the writer, we fhall forbear, wit) Mr. Wilfon delivers a petition from Gerard p'efident and direftor* ->f the Poto'mak Com­ read a third time. leive to fit during the fi Snowden, and other*, the rrprefemativra of the promife to lay it before our readers emus morrow. pany, praying a loan. Referred. Mr. Lewis rofe, tttd after lome obTervati- a* ravly.a* poflible. John Snowdrn and Samgrl Snowden, late of an* moved to recommit the bill for the pur- Mr. Belt deliver* a report on the petition Adjourned. Anne-Arundel county, praying indemnificati­ pofe of amending it, fo aa to Oiorten tbe time Oo motion, it wai ordered that 5000 e» of Elinbeth C. Fitjhugh ; flat ing that the on for a deficit of land port ha fed of the lord of continuance, and to make prnvifion for ro> piei of this, together with the former mrfftp proprietary of the province nf Maryland. fund* of the flair would he inadequate to ex­ of the freftdent commanicating Mr. Rdkll Friday, / tend that relief to the widows and, children moving the mint Co the City of Wafhmgtoa, correfpondcncr, be piinted. Mr. Belt a petition from Eiicbeth C. Filx- thr place contemplated foi its permanent e*. Mr. Poindexter rept hu^h, widow of Peregrine Fitxhugh, late an of the office*! of thr revolutionary army tab|ilhment. } Tlie frcond MefTage covered a letter frt%j territorial, judges to which hai heretofore been extruded to the the coi'ftjl general at Algiers, Mr. Lrir,«V0 officer in the revolutionary army, praying re­ Mr. Seybcrt hoped the motion would not __ : diftrifts ; which wa lief. Mr. Wilfon a petition from Peter O. fuiviving officers and foldien ; and recom. prevail. • tailing th« origsn and progreft of our Aittt itted. < CUrke'of the city of Baltimore, an infnlvent mrtv.'ring that ftie have leave to withdraw her cncea with that Regency. INCREASE OF petition. Read. Mr. Smilie folhiwrd.on the fame tide. dentor, praying relief. Severally read and re­ The motion watnjgatived and the bill paf. Tnc houfr in committee of the whole,Mr. On qiotmn of Mr. V ferred. Mr. Perry delivers a petition from Na. fed. Drflia in the chair, on tbe following fnlved itfrlf into comr The clerk of the fenate deliver* the refolu- thaniel B. Magruder, a revolutionary fol- BILL Mr. Nelfnn in the chai tlier, praying relief; alto a petition from fun- Mr. Jrnningt offered the following : Rr. tinns relative to the (lock belonging to thit folvtd, That the commntre on tl>r public Verting tbe power of retaliation, in certiit iag tlie pay of '.be non. ftatc, feverally endnrfed, " affented to." Or­ dry inhabitant* 01 Allepany county praying cafe*, in the Prrfident of, ibt Uoiw* muficiant, Drivate* and a law may pafs to prevent the inhabitant! of lands, be inHrudted to inquire into the expe­ States. dered tn be engrofT«d. And the following diency of prolonging tbe I.me nf payment to »nd f»r other purpofe*. melTage i Virginia from trefpafEng upon theif lands.-. Of it matted ly ihf Srnait end ffftut tf The following i< the Refcrrrd. ihofe pu.chafers of the pubttc ' inil N. W, of Gentlemen of the HooTe of Delegates, the river Ohi", who may have purchaled pri. flrfireitntetrvei oj the United Slelet o/ A-' " Be it enaeltd, &c. We have appointed Meffri. Stephen and Mr. Barney deliver* a bill to lay oat and or to April 1809. mtriea in Conffitt aitemUfd, That if wf tke palling of this aft, Brace, tn jorn the gentlemen nominated by flraighteo a road io Baltimore county.— citiien of the United State, being a prifone/ the non-cornmifTtnnrd t Head. Refolvrd allo, That they be inflrufted to your houfe, to wait upon hi* excellency the ioqaire into the expedieniy of dividing the by land or fea to the BritiUi government, or »>tei, drivers, hombar goveu-.or elect, and requrll hi* attendance in On motion by Mr. Wm. Steuan, Ordered, quanei leftions nf land and of reducing the who hat* betyi impretTed, hath fntTcrrd ot pen, miners, artificer*, the feoate chamber, for the pnrpofe of quali­ That the bill to tax bank frock, be mad* the price of thr public lands. Adopted. (hall fuflrr death, mutilation or other corpo­ blickfmiths, who have ral ponillwient, or be ianprifoned with unuUv fying as pointed out by the conftitution and order of the day for Friday the. fourth of De­ Mr. Pnindrxter fuhmmrd the following: IH1 in^tlie fervice of th form of government. cember. al feverry by any officer, agent, foldier, or wit i To es Refolvrd, That a committee be appointed to . Indian, in the feivice of tbe Btitifh gofts- .On motion by Mr. Bayly, Ordered, That MvEvans delivers a bill autlmriftng John inquire into the expediency cf compelling the the bill to provide lor the rleftion pf thr jnf- Crefwell to complete hit collections. Read. ment, the Preftdent of tlie United Snts 'Kli corp.iril, d( jtxlgei of the *t(jpetXive dillritti and territo­ fliall be and he is liereby em|»nv/rrrd k rrq«ir< tiee* of the le*y court* by the people, be ries of the U. S. to itftde within the fame. >», dolltrs ; to The clerk of the fenate deliver* a bill, en. ed to caule the moft rigorous retaliation lob* bombardier, matrafs, f made the order nf the day for Thutfday nrxt. titled, An aft to incorporate a company to Adopted and a committee i/f five ordered. executrd, on any fubjeft, officer, foldier or dollais ; to each artil Meflr*. Brute and M'Oeery, from the Se- make a-turnpike rnad between the flicatr* of Adjourned. ttatr, acquaint the fpraker tlnd Wacksmith, Big and Little Elk, through thr village ol' Biitilli igovrrnnient, as fliall or miy b"* Sec. a. Afd bt it «n. eleft, i* attending in thr frnate room, and the Tutidoj, Nov, 17. fen ate requeft his attendance, with the mem­ E'ktnn, and to tuildabiidge over faidftream* been captured by the arm* of taa V. Sttm 'ontinnanc*jafih» w»r in Cecil county ; puffed i>y that houfc Nov. Mr. Dinfmoor prefeni«d the pttitton of a by laml or Tea. comniiirioneuQ^ter, tn ber* of the honfe of delegates, m the fenate 34. ReaU-Atiil a irfolation relative to tettf r* revolutionary foldier, praying to be placed on room, tn fee the Governor, qualified. M/. Wrigbt fpoke at length in b'or > bonbardier, matroft, t* and packets addrcfTtd to the pirftding mem- the penfi.iii hit. Referred to the Committee the bill. . Wler, f*r>*er or olai The fpea leer left the ctiair, ind attended ben of the IrgilUlurr. Rea.i. of rUim*. Mr. Lacoek moved to amend tbe liH of of ine U. St^i by the members of thiiMde, went to I Tiie fixtcrnth rule of the hnuTe was dif. fenate room, wl«rie hit exeemnry qualified in Mr. Reed prefenlrd the prtition.nf Board- inferting after the word frverity, " eowwy' "inject ,tn arreft, or to prnfrd with fnr ihe ptirpofr of giving the faid man and Hope, and other* of BoOon, pray­ any debt coutraCtet the prefenre of both hniifri, by luhfcrib'mg a refnlutiop a lecnnd reading to the uVage* of tiviliaed waifare." Aaofj declaration nf his brlref in the cliriftian reli. ing for a rellituiion of the Oiip American '"' bent. . The refnlution wai then read a fecond time Hero and cargo, feiaed under the non impor- The committee then rofe, reported the Wl Sec.. 3. And fa it gion, by taking the levrral oaths required hy and thr qurllioti put, That the houfc aftVnt the conAituiinn ard form nf government, t*tion aft. Rr&rred to ihe committee of and the houfe ortkrtd it to a (bird raadnf 9ui4n*r,the faid war, e to the1 fame ? Detci mined in the negative way* and means. ' ' to-morrow. >ge of eighteen yar» the oath r>foffice dirrAedhy itft nf afTemhly, yeas 6, nay* 53. nd by taking thr oath to I'upporl ihe confti Arfot ^he petition of Simon Poreder and Adjourned. any ofHcer, fhall b \utinn of the United State*. Mr. A. E, Jones JeWrta bill to rftablifh • nf Salem,- praying a reflitiitinii of the e United State* duri The fpeaker attended by. the member* of a bank and incorporate a company under the (hip Ref\iiution and cargo from Madrafs.— Tkutodaj, Jfo*. !» . tnlidioervt ; any thing this houfe, returned and relumed the rhair. litlr of ibe Bank of Somerfei. Mr. Lec«mpte Kefened a* above. ' Mr. Mitchell pref«n'«« "'* wen""1*' * "«ry notwithrtanding. Mr.. Pott* delivers a hill for the relief of a biH to altrr, change and abnlifh, all fuch Mr. Lewis preCented the petition of Re­ tbe Highland turnpike Road Company, « See. 4. And be it J the congregation nf United Brethren or Mo­ part* of the conltitution and form of govern­ becca Hodrffon, praying comprnfation for the the ftate of N. York, praying the aflilUat* *»«ry Aon-commifTlone ravian Society at Oraccham in Frederick, ment which relate to tbe rima and man­ rjoiife which was burnt fbmo yeae ti nrportrd wn the petition of Wm. Hubbrll "^n« rtiat the prayer ofrne prtir4one) i* unreafon- of the ' able and ought not to be g'OOtedv The houfc concurred. . ' -* ;h Mr. Baflett from tbe naval committM re. of the derk. of WorccBefajd Caroline Adjfcnied till to-ti-row, ported a bill in addition to the aA concerning * ' letter* of maro/jc, prise* and ptiac good*.-. i ^fl!ffl«B ~" ' n are h,%,ron»cJ and referred to a committee of the whole 'ftitiontfroroN.Y'j Variod* hiotiow^ttj* made, hut without LATE FROM LISBONBOH. .4 the month of Atifuft, ha* occasioned • lof» (" I.* rv * * vitl houfe ffr to-morrow. , fuccefi, to amend the bill ; for which we The Editor ,*OO The commhl^l then rofe and reported the Tlie bill in addition to thr Prize law, »* a- hafjjiod itfelf at. Helen on the 2ffrW of to defray the expetue* of traBpavrUyM, p»o- oufe bill a* amended^ *nd the houO concurrrd. "hi»Tonit mendrd was read a third time and puffed with­ tfa with the view of obferving the ene. vifion*, kc. The two enorn^on* nurfiffi*With Mr. M'Kim mo»ed to poftpone the further out opTKfition. Adjourned. inovemenu. A gieat number of French >Ciia76*v CBnfiderition of the bill till Monday next, d'Terter* and Gallet Spaniard* prefent them- been''tT«n»ported to that City, and 'placed ,in fsr the purpole of giving time to the com- By AM Excellrnry tEVIIt WINDER felve* daily at the head quarters ; the former one of the panic fquare* M0A \*t Confti- mittee of way» and mrani to make report on • '' ^ w« . J*. *^ ~ Maryland,* * t t will be fent to Alicant, except thofe who tution. that part of the fubjeci referred to them, vif may wifh 10 enlift in the Walloon g turds, h reducing the dutiet on prite goodt, WHKREA5 t* General Assembly of Mary. the lat-.fr will be incorporated In the infan- 18. Mr. Chevei coincided in opinion with mr. land did. bv,,»n »A p»»«rd at Novembrr vviion try corp* | • great many officer*: who had ta­ Land lor M'Kim ; he faid although he wai not aiitlio- fiRhteeH hundrrd and fiv«, entitled. •• An art to ken the oath to Jofrph, have likcwife defert- The *tib*criber» will olfer to I'ublie Sa>. on the reduce mtf one the neveral acts of niemhly re- premive*. on Thunday i7and to regiilate «aiil cle^on,." ed,hot ai thefe men tho't that ihrir country ^Jonday, yet he, could fay it would be made "«• direct, that the jfnvernnr and council af'i-r navin(f did not require thei»vfcivices, they will be That Valuable Farm claim,. t, »n early day. The motion wat negatived, th«.B»ii«inn roceivtd Ih*-W'urn» of the rl«Ainm for drftn-» tn fent to Majnm with the rank'of fotdier*.. On whi^ch' 2achariah Baldwin formerly resided, ,nH the bill ordered to a third reading. chu§» the President and Vice-l're»irlcrt of tlie On the lame day, the 28th ot Au^uft, ge- situate in^hat neb. and highly Improved country /\n engroffi-d bill vtning in the Prefiden: United States khmild rnumepte and aurertam the nenl Frrire wa* with a body o( 1200 horfe he- known by the name of 1 he Point of Hrince- number of vote^ for each anc> every (andidatr and ' Of the United Statei the power of retaliation tween Albacrte and Bonetr, amigrneral Baf- Oorge'*. This Farm contain* about ico acre* of pcnnn «o as afomoid voted for as an elrflor re- land of the first quality, has a comfortable brkk jit certain cafel, wa« read a third time. spi-flively. »rul shall thereupon derltre by procla- fecourt »'*Vt AHora; It ii at this place dwelling house on it. with a Kitcher^k.rter kc Mr. Talmadge rofe, and af&r fome obfer- matinn. «i(rn*d hv the yvemor. and without dt- where immrn\ numhrM of thr enrmy drlm atiKheJ 10 it) excellent Apple ^Veach Or- Of D vatinni tending mod fully to ^ove that the la> disperw throirgh the sta'ejhe name nf the prr. it hemp*, fima^d nrar Almanfc, the full chanUi plenty ol fiIT.wood. and^Hh •flyjo. on far bill nnw about to be paflrd wai whojly iinnr. son rr person* dulv rleAed>|^le^)i>r in e»ch re. •town on the enemy line. timber It is level, fertile and. well wateredfThe cfffary. mo»ed to poflpone in furthe^tonrider. ittriA : We, in p«mu^ice of the dirrfli- •ituati- n remarkably beahhy. and the soil adapted -qs of the Utid .ift, do by this our proclamation On the 33d nf Augull thr intrepid .M'tna tion t'ulthe I ft Monday in February next. • to clover and plaittet It contain* betide* about ilrtlare. that by the return* nadr to us, it xppf an attacked a French divifion confining of 3000 ij acrts of fine meadow, and thr enclo*ure* ol the |1r. Wright hoped the motion would not that llenrv H Cha|iman. Kimiirr, was rlrftnl an infantry and 90O horfe ; this action tot.k Referredi£ whole are in good re(i«ir. In addition to these in. prevail, and cited certain cafei which' fn hit tkflor tor the fir«t di«trift i Edward H Calrrrt. place in the vit iiiity nf P^mplnna, the enemy dOcerre:.!*, it may br .-.taied, tlrst much «djacrnt mind, «rnt to (hew thr propriety and' Esquire, wuekfltd an etr/tnr for the \«r^nd dit- wai completely defeated, lofing upward* of land* may be added to it at a price urbelow it* d the petition of Tr*! tv of the law bring paffrd 4t that time. tnfl i Edward Johnson and |ohn Stephen. K«- 900 men. ~ value, 10 a* lofurma mo»t drsirable establishment quires were rlrvted ele/lnn for the third trem,ffu,n of c«n Mr Sawyer fplh»wed"tti fivor of pollpone- distriA i ExtracX* from two defpatchet trom fora monied nwut^on the mc.it reasonable trrmat ibecomrnitieeof w Henry Williams and Daniel s Rentch, Kvquirci. The distance fromQtwen Anne, tbe nearett town, rnrnt and in oppofition to the bill ; he con­ were e\eflrd t leflors forthe fourth dist/iA i Trbiai Ballelkro*. i* about >cvrn miles, and from Annapolis and the, fide trd it inexpedient and unneceffary ina« : E Stansbunr. Esoire, wl^ rleded an elefl.-r for Antej^vtra, S'«" law pdfcJu^l hid the power'to .retaliate already, without mu Worrell, F.sqniK, was rU-Aed an elertor for nemy'a corp* cf 8000 infantry and 3000 day of sale. Sale to commence at n o'clock. i Ml fupplememarj J the wvenlh distriA.1 Edward l.lnyd, Etquire, w»» / Walter Clatttt. the neceflity of aTpecial law for that purpofe rltflrd an rleflor for the e.ighth ilinrifl ; and I.it- hutfe, with 6 piece* of artillery, command­ a on the frjbjcft ,f,l ed by Villat aqd Smrlet, which cnvrred the / William M. _If they had not, ir.flead'bf "adding a limb tleton Drnnls. Raquirt, was eltAed an eloAor for KefembTiber l?i. ralintion, which lathi* already amputated body,lte would foon- the ninth district. rear guard of Sauli'* army. I diflodged lg- I U>»; committee of i er oXVroy the whole, and build up a new one ; Given in council, at the city of AnMpnlii, under them from their pofiiioni, took a great many iofjct, he believed the law. fhould it.beptf- the great ml of the state, nf MaryUnd, thit prifoneri and 2 piece* of cannon, and made Sheriff's Sale. «». the conrraittee «. twenty. founh day of Nnvemher, in the year M, wtmia be an upconflitutional one. (SEAL) o( our Lord ooc thousand c'nht hundred myfeli mailer of this city which in vain they By virtue of a writ of wWrfi'om' rxpaxu i slued . no the expedient, it Mr. Widgery wai oppofed to poftponemrnt and twelve, and of the iodrivrulerxe oJ the attempted to defend. om of Annr.;vrundrl county court, and to mm \ the people of the ^ • tod in fav r nf the bill. United Stale* of America the thirtVte • Lota. Stpt. 6. I dirrfied, will hr txpomi to Pubitc Sale, on Tut*, day the firtt day of Orceirncr next, at nliw n a conftitution k lh» Mr. CaJhoon delivered hit opinion in oppo- vcnth. * %* I did not lofc a moment aftt^lTle fuccelTe* a bill for that pwpc&| o'clock in tbe forenoon, (for cath.) at Jamra Ction to thr bill—he conftdered it ai entirety Levin f Under. of Antrguera, and made a ver^-*V)|d Bove- Hunter's Tavern, in Annapolii, and coramiutd to t 1 uCflefs, -and all ufelefs law* wete permcious By the Governor. mrnt with 5 battalion* and a divifion of ca- All the right, title and interne of Joseph Wat. le houfe for Monday. in their tend/nry orjly operating to- create Jfinian Pintttry. CUc. salry, and fell upjn the enemy at thii place kins, in and to the trafl of JE«4 on which h« now Ordered, That tbe fbregoing proclamation be fo»e the boule thr n. doubt* with refpetfto the power* of the Pre- yeflrrday mninmg, and furpny »i tempt on oar pn On motion of Mr. Chew, it wa* ordered eTUoveinoeT 16. ^^ ot» S>ult in hi* ietrei*%..)rnu may reft affured we might poffiblv UK it ] (FtOM LOW DON) that the committee • f way* tnd mrans have fhall not lofe anoment in getting into con. Beg tewe to inform the Public, that they (lift »e (hall forbear, *>it| leave to fit during the fitting of thflttoufe to A Farm for tac\ with them. contirtM at their old stand. No. S, Nonh etore our reader) entw motrow. The rahtcrih-r offers f«r«ale hi* FA.RM near MADRID, Srpt. 14. 1'harlct.strert, and have tww o« hand a> ehoie* this city, commonly known by the name of 1'rim- Adjourned. Matmont'i army, altn the«Jii:ilr of Ara- asvtrum*rt*' They will engagf to irdered that 5000 e» rose lunii con­ have beeirfoimed into 3 divifiuna, and their jiKliciouklr **lruih river Ferrv f which any suitable lothiiu who may favour tkem with their cooa* progrefi of our drfe* Bitted. < number of acrrsfould br affined And t*>frf i> a tillety.' Thrfe «troopt were fent to relieve ey. INCREASE OF *HMY PAY part, wed wooded, vvltichlirs »n the Crvk nppo- the garrifuoa at Tota and Zamqra, rxpedifg 111 Novertter >6/K %£ , ,t itieeof the whole, Mr. On qiotmn of Mr. William* the h.n/fe rr. •ite to Annapolis, with a c >nvenir^pUnJing by Uiu movement i« lave Adnrga, but their i the following • fnlted itfelf into commit'jpk of the whole, The imprnveinent*. whti h arc vtg^nfc, are near­ plan wai frail rated at thofc- place* had THE CHRONICLE, LU Mr. Melfnn in the rhait, oMIbr bill concern. ly in trie centre of the land lu tendered thirty fix . hou'i before tbe retaliation, in certM iog tlie pay of the non-commiflinnrd i.ffice r«, There i\ plenty of timber and firewood t and, *e- on, feral piece* ol mcid>w fni*;hr brejvll.- made Fiemh approached, and the troops whichgar. AN ANNUAL RF.V1EW OF HISTORY. Went of, the UoiieJ rauTicians, private* and o'tben, of tbe army, A liberal credit will be given, on the payOMat, rifnnrd them were taken prifonen and fent to I.1TICS AND and fur other purpofe*. with interest, being tecured.. - Corunna—Jince which the Frenchmen Ihame. roBBion A*D oo Senate end Jfmit if I The following is the Rill t / folly fly at the. fight of a divifi,.n of the com­ By JOHK E. HAI.L, late .•! Baltimore, a* titled by • United Stetet o/ A-'\ " Be it enacted, &c. That from and after Annapolis, Nov 10. f jvv. bined army ; and alway* wtnefii nf fome o- several mm oi letter* itemUtd, That if uf' tW palling of thi* act, the monthly pay ol pening lo malse^theif efcaue, f<> that thefr 3Vi* ( work will he devmtd to the following Stain being a priforxf tie non-coramifliinrd i.fBcrr*, muQciani,pri. mig'ity conquernci in thrir operation*, now sulijfvlst i. An Anmul Histoi) of Europe — 3. A Public Sale. Congressional Hi*torjr ol the United State*, will* Brititli government, or »nes, diiveri, bombardier*, rnatrofTei, l»p- I'ursuant to an ordT from the orphan* court of refemble rooie » fet nf banditti, thatf fol- occ».i«ul mmcc* ol important proceeding* ha iffed, hath fnffcred of fn, wlnrh evacuated Cuenca after the Kr*|khic»l Sketches of prnons distinguished Mtko leer. agent, foldier, or o wit : To each fergeant major a<>d ready cash, capitulation of Mad'id; they amount to lijr or in the Hulpit, in the Clout or the Field— A Negro Womn and five children, consisting 6. IVoccnlings of IrariMd SocKtite, at borne and of thr Rtitifii gotttt- t, . dollar* ; to of ihrre Boy* ami two Girls, with wim« otlier »r- IOOO men aad two p-ece* ol artilleiy. abroad— 7, An Annu.it History of Literature, fo- of the Untied Stun eicli corporal, dollar* ; -to each mufi- ticlei r»o trtlious to m ntion, lh' proprrfy of Ho. SEVILLE, 37th Aug. , Rip.n and domestic —8. Essay* on Miscellaneous >y enipowned It rrqtiir* >". dolltri ; to each private, driver, brrr Hieuart, laie of AT>nc Aruniitl countv. de­ Sir, I have the fatistackion of announcing Topic* ami Poetical Elusion* —9. Statistical R*. igoroui retaliation lob* bombardier, matrofi, Tapper and miner, ceased tt>T the p>> mm- of all just claims affmintt to your excellency, that the irdopVnC gene­ pens. jell, officer, foldier or dollai* ; to each artificer,* fiddler, fariier, said mate, and trie balance if any, to be r<|irally ral Cro* Murgeon, and which wetenRllched I'rice six dottar* per annum— To be published ia divided among hi* l«g»l rc|ircscnutive* four quarterly niamber*. * or eniplujnneni »fil* »»co. umt *>f the V. Sucn fontintunccjrfthr w»r with G. Britain, no NnvtnwWr 16 if ha»e n» lime to grve you lunher particular* tommilUoned Qjcrr, mufician, private, driver, (or the prefcnt, at I am buflly occupied in.tej tt length in fcvor of timnhardier, matrof', fumier, minfT»-«'lificer, Anne-Arundcl County, sc. floiing order and tranquility. 1'he enrmy'* Public Sale. «.i ^tidier, farrier or B1arkfmith/«nliftrd in the On application to me the subscriber, in there. force wai conGderabie, and hit lot* on that By vlrtoe f DMZJ Oraam. »( Thomas Knbinion, laie of Anne-Arundel coun- iaed wai fare." Adof*J| *ny debt coutrafled before of after enlift- J. B. SKERRET. tv^ deceased, on the north side of Severn, on ent. . ' C'tunt), pmying lor thr benefit of ihr aA fur relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the several SIB R. HILL. • Tuesday >he ijth day of December nest, the) i rofe, reported the till Sec., .1. And be it further enAettd, That sutiiilemeat* thetelo, on the terms mentioned in Extract of a despatch from Col. Aftriao, to following property. id it to a third leading uijng.the faid war, every perloii above the said arts, a schedule of his property and a. list of the gen. in'Chiefdon Luii l.aej. One Wood KUt, two Batteaux, Sail* and Rift. 'WJ lff of eighteen yrart, who fhall be enliflrd h'* creditor*, on e United Statei during the period of luch satisfied me thai lie ha* revijrj in the itaie of Maryland for two years immtdiatelv preceding the of your excellency agreeable to your delur. tedious to mention- The foregoing property wdl Nn. 19. tnlil\inen.t ; any thing in any ad to the con- time of his application, having also stated in hi* Being I'uuated with my part of the force* in be sold on a credit of six months for all sumiove* rfted the memorial of dry riotwithflandin^. petition that he it in conrirwmri.1 for debt, ami the vicinity of St. Felice. 1 have taken 400 twgtiiy dollars, under tlut sum the cash lobe paid, See. 4. And be it further enacted, That having prayed to be disch. Blu , . .. -• , . Mid 'count/. 'o,n»h« " (Jen.4Venovalei fla*HcBie^ecf I gftfloo* vtr- t ' ' VJ ttee of claig of the 'trl|*^f five year* ; and third Momtay ol April.ritit,' for the purpose of recommending a truitee lor tory over the enemy, on thr Sth ult. by corfl. Wanted, " gran the; commiti| mikrtfwch optics br entitled their benefit, and lo shew ciusc, ii any they have, pjetely defr«ting Gen. SouUrr. who com­ TO HIRE OR PURCHASE, f d a bid to inereal bounty in money and land, and. t/h> the aafcl Uanxy Brtrwn ihouU nut bin* the er, allowance*, and be fubjf ft ^o the J*nefit.of the ait* a* prayed for. Given under my manded a column of 34,000 'meh. Tlie e. A good plain Cook — Apply a>t tb« QflHf ted officer*, : nemy'K lof* in killed and w»u.nded and prifon- rt> of. the an/ty ot th« rule* and VeguUuuni, at U hft J hand thia MM day fl Nuvemlxr, 1811. of theMarvUnd QtMUOw -^*, •ers, ii very confulerablc. \Gt|. Mioa in ail 8epUmb«r)0. prptfta. Read I ''fled for the ve/m of^Rveara." ^ - Ridtard H. Harwcod. 'Valuable Lan der fc Cyder er ing Home, Quartet, Tobacco Houl'rs and Darn Seasonable Goods. inet, Fashionable Vetting!, &ic, Ate. Ail Vinegar, Also, on the Mr* «l*Yt will be sold, his l.owc which he will selflow. f» f Mclasses, Farm, distant eooOl two miles from the pla«"e h November 5. f /- tf. BestAlejt Loaf Sojpr, resided, called Cotter's Desire* containing abnu H fc. M UN ROE 1st fc 3dqml. Bait do. lion, acres. Both iXtto* are ist Td-fc-jd, Brawn do.' two hundred and forty-one a |ieneral assortment of well wooded, and convenient to the water, and a Hail just received, Livery Stables. Chocolate, (Mie*. bounds in wiW fowl, fish an3 oysters. It it un in Imperial^ ' •> Sr3S of the a Dry Goods if Groceries, THE subscriber having hi* Stable* Hyion, * I to necessary to go into a detail of the value o.f Horses re- bove pfotierty, at those who are Inclined to pu Ironmongery and Stationary, whkh will goOTorder for the reception Young Hyaon, l*j MARYLAND thaw will take a view of the premises previous t he disposed of on accommodating terms. Hpectfully solicits the favor* of the Public. Hyson Skin, & I (-, the day of sale. The lands will be shewn by M ALSO, The utmost attention will be paid to horses So****. J "«"h. Scrub. ANNAPOLIS, TIIUBSI Thomu fc Mr C"amet,.who are now living on the entrusted to his care. A few boxes of Haisint <«**<**. property. The salt will commence at 1 1 o'clock on Loaf $ Lump Sugar NhlUE^IAII HOLLAND. and Currants 0 said day, if fair, if not, the next fair day there Mace,Cloves, rftttmrgf Bellows, LEGISLATURE At the Factory price*. N. D. He ia likewise prepared to carry after. ^^ the Alspke, Cinnamon, Brand, wine Fine flk Alt.randrr Sturfrt. October 15. exprestes to any part of the state at rapper. Ginger, Coarse Gu UOUSB OF Dl shortest notice, with despatch. I'eul Barley, Kice, Bakimore dn. do ^V Sarak C. IVKite. •WKDHHDAY, NovtmbcTiz. 'd», $• JJliaw, Mustard, Kjg Bhie, Shot asserted, Childs Starch. AHom, Salt PC- New-England The houfe met. Prt Have just received, a complete Assort­ tfe, Brimstone, Slippers. The proceeding of yefl Public Sale. ment of Committee of Claims. 1'erfumed Soap k Wash Window Utus 1 bt i, By the Balls, ar.diobr,,, 7 Mr, T. N. Williami Goods, The Committee of Claims will tit every Sparrhtti Fine, Crin an old road in Wo Helen Fall & Winter t st and ; A qual. K fci»_ imported lennant to the testament and last wit) of during the present session, from nine Segarl, ' The bill for Ihe ben county, deceas­ which they offer for sale on the mo»t ac day, and Amer Baskets, Weedon.Utte of Annc-Amndel in the hop James Hi ver Velvet Corks- to public tale, on terms. o'clock in the morniug until three First c flnn, and the seColution ed, the tobtcriliert will expose ^^ commodating arnal! twist, fig tail Penknirn. of December next, if fair, afternoon. Combs, {iirkrti addrefled to the Monday the uth day Tlctobcr 8. and smoking tobacco Snuff Boxes, if not, on the next fair day thereafter. By order, the Irgiflature, were fe GRAY, Clk, Rappee fc Scotch Snuff Atjuamityof Betnsa ALL THE FARM OR PLANTATION Land for Sale. BBNJAMIN Mould fc Dipped Can. Peas, Mr. Sconeftreet deli On which the said Helen Weedon lately resided, November 5. dies. Alse a Cenml Aston. Thomu Stone, and otl containing about ninety-seven acres of land Al­ White fc Brown Soap, ment of Crockm k praying th which I now re­ H. Stone, to all the retirlue of the personal estate of the I will sell the plantation on Met* Pork, «ew & old GUtt.Su»efc|W|J piid for lands in Allcg said deceased, not heretofore disposed oL consist- side, containing about six hundred and sixty and in a By the Committee of Griev­ Hams, Shoulders en Ware, refunded. Mr. Hogg hig of Negroes, Horses, Cows, Corn, and Fed- acres of valuable land, adapted to farming, 1 a few plenty of MtdoVrrgt. Ane cc der, and sundry utensils of Husbandry, and ar­ healthy situation : There is the greatest Sahnon, Maektrtl, He- , inlatitaats of Cecil walnut and poplar ; ances $ Courts of Justice. «»e Dry Good ticles of household and kitchen furniture* "The wood, such as oak, chesnut, tings and Cod Fish, An aaortmtnt of Caj. I may be altered anj ami premises, plenty of mradoto, and and tale to commence at to o'clock on the it is well watered ; a The Committee of Grievances Cheese, Dorter, Lardi rn^s, swh aa Pail rjr a petition from food when attendance will be given, and the terms about four acres in clover. This land lies wl:hin Courts of Justice will sit every day, du­ Basket Salt miles Sallad Oil. 0»aoa.«pidtrs,IU.I timore county^ prayiog made known, by two miles of Herring Creek Church, five train nine o'clock Crackers, tets, Bakers distance ring the.present session, Jsmitson's Wight to Tbomat O» from I'ig Point, arid about the siroe I'ilot Bread, irons. divided lo suit pur­ in the morning until three in the afternoon. Jone-i a petitioo from J Henry Duvall, fmm Herring Bay. h will be All Ihe above Anklet are offered for tak « I chasers, if desired. For terms apply to ihe suo- By order, merret ccmoty, an info Kovember i a, ids. Clk. the moft reasonable terms for cash, or to tbsa I scriber. fj* LOU18 GAS8AWAY, who have. Men punfloal on the usosl credit Ti I relied Ueferred. //§ Samuel Harrlto*. ovember 5. persons who reside in the country they will bar* 1 On motion by Mr. 1 The Subscribers Sent. CiTflii. ___ __ tt for different kinds o( grain, he. the bill to correct a mi Bting informed that it has been circulated in this Adjutant General's Office* THE PACKETS FOR-BALTIIIOM tn nentioned, be eomn City that they were not willing to receive on freight, Uz, now running regularly, and wlllcantiasiB Augustus AxnArot.it, MOV. 7 Are 'Mr. Bowlei deiiveri Bricks, Stone, Cotk or«ny other aWicles of a si. untilthe ijth December—The almost an*, Respectfully informs the Citixens of in chief of the militia, of 'do fb The committee :o » mUar natore ; tbey^erefure declare, that such a The commander tlon will be paid to the delivery of letters, bet O would his new and elegant Col Frishy Tilghman, lo command tbe first re­ _ to command the se­ for the amount. In order to accommoi rtfoTotion :— observe, that if they continue the prm8ice,%ieir Colour ing and Ornamenting Wallt, giment i Col. Edward Lloyd, wiH be received H4 \ Kidnly and Major Utho a small part of theit secoonta Ben] letters and small commissions will not be attended either in imitation of paper hangings, or otherwise cond ; Major Charles S. tor the tsjrne Rcfolted, that attached to ColonelTilghman'sqrgi credit given to To those whocontinuetheir business to them This so eminently useful invention is too generally H WUlwins, all perfens from trestii^ tee of the State, be ai Major William B. Barney and Major Adam We forewarn they assure a ready and punlkual attention, and known throughout the Union to need any furth-r meni; with smajl bendlrs, as In case they ifed and direAed, lo t Whann, attached to Colonel Lloyd's regiment.^ handa every reasonable exertion to please. illustration. Directions, in writing, kfk at Mr. be lost we will not be answerable fer tbe ia thirty thoufand dollan return their By order, To their punctual customers they J-irvis's, on Hill Point, or at Mr. Isaac Market's Allthosc who have claims against IMareni|OMrf ftock of the United S sincere thanks, with an assurance that their future Tavern, (where a rough fpec i men of the work Jno. Gangway, A. O. to bringj>era in for settlement. exertions shall be «<]ua) to their former to render may be Ken.) will be strictly attended to, and all ami UireAori of the 1 them. du­ Gen. Sf Jno. Barbtr. their pledging the general satitfaOfeo to those who employ necessary inforajaupp rcipeiting evpeosc* and Hoy. 5. ilu.______on Geo. if ./MO. Barber. rability given NOTICE. awl giving fuch other November i J. Octobers. *< JNOTICE. tr may approve of, fo EXCHANGE Of OLD SIX. PER THE aubtcribcr hereby BV«B notice, the rame/miaftalmeo't IT HIS CXCH.LBNCT that he intends to apply to Calvert Coun­ The tubtcriber* hereby giret notice, tk I years, with intere(\ u; ROBERT BOVVlli, ESQUIRE CENT AS D DEFERRED STOCKS. to apply to Anix>Arundelooa» I to the act of Congress, entitled, " An ty Court, or tome one of the judges there­ he intends due of the ttanifer, OOViaXOa d> MARYLAND. Pursuant tbMl aft authorising a subscription for the old six per of, hi the recesH of (aid court, for the be­ ty court, or tome one of the Jodg«e »>d annually. A PROCLAMATION. and deferred stocks, and providing for the relief of tundry of in the recese of aaid court, for the •! the General Atsembly of tent, nefit of the act for the W Re id, ana ordered "WHEREAS rachange of the same," passed on the 6th day of debtor*, petted at November ie«- neut of the act for the relief of Mndry» I Ing on Friday. Maryland did cyan a/) passed at November session day insolvent July, lit J, booki will be opened on the first kinn, Itt05j and the aeveral supplement* tolvent debtors, patssd at November it» I Mr. Evj.ni dellvcn eighteen hundred SB) |«/e,eejtfliled, "An ad to of October nest, at the Treasury, and at the *e- nne tb^deral^flV of Assembly re- thereto, /t slon, 16X)S, and tbe Several tupnkMBh company under the n reduce into veral loan offices, and will continue open tilt tbe A J fpeAing elections, sad to regulate tud elections," day of March next, for receiving subscripti­ *f~ RICHARD KENT. theret*. brary Gempany. . Mi having I7th dirtft that the governor a»d council after ons of the oU six per cent and deferred stocks, In NOT. 3, f»12- 8w.« 471VILLIAM JAMES. and change the aaoi received the retnrns of elections of the members to rke manner prescribed by the said alt. New cer­ &OT. 19, 1819. «s* Read. represent the state in ihe Congress of the U. S. Interest from the firs* daT of the of tificates, bearing Mr. Bell delivers i Should enumerate and ascertain the number in which the subscription shall be made, at of Maryland, sc, voted for as noarter State Notice is hereby given, Stringer,' counter to \ folet given for t»ch tmd every person tpe rate of six per centum per annum, payable of Thomas Wood- »«itnift|Vel>i.tnd^ ' '' On application, tar petition, to tl* ] • me-Tib*T for C^..t.-*»*ftn«»»Ml Wwnrt nmr of }r>nr\ Th»t si octition v*Hl be presented by proclamation, signed • l 'fM, lffmr»»»tr«TOT«e Shall thereupon declare, principal of the old lix per rent and deferred county, rleceafed i Leptlatutr, at thrtr-next tfttlorl, ftri" name "I the person or per­ senior, late nf Anne^rundel by the Governor, the stocks which may be subscribed, will be iuurd at the notice required by Uw to open ft road from some pUee DOT eack respective district. We it Is ordered that he give son! duly elefled in the Treasury or at the Loan Offices res|«c1ively to briny; in their claims to Mr. Vumfrey's miflt of the dire&iont of tbe said aft, do law, for the Creditors to Crafrji> Ferry, in pwsuanee where the old Mock subscribed may at the time the said deceased, and that the same be by this our proctanratnui, declare that by the1 re« againtt and from thence to the mountain rot*,! sra*d credited. The new stock will be redefHishle once in each week (or the space of its ' turns made to «, It appears tht>t Philip Stewut, published where there are two breaches, one rfl at the pleasure of the Untied States at any time successive weeks in the Mar) land Gtjetie. Esq. was elefled for the firft dillrift i Joseph Kent, day of December, 1814 ; butfoo re­ which lead* to Mr. Waters'i mill,m, andan UN | ; Alexander after the JIM John Qaiiavay. Rtg, H't/iV, Esq. was elected for the second didrift will be made except for tfce whole a- otlier to the Annapolis road letdiqj.frle eltfled for the thud dis- imbursement Jbr A. A. County. Comet Hanson, Es^ was mount of the stock standing at the time, to the Baltimore. Esq. wat eleclexl for the • ^^ trift i Simur* Hinggold, my proprietor", on the books nf the rrea- * ^^ and Nicholas credit of A. A. County. Oct. 20. 1812.12. cftj fourth diUnA i Alexander M'Kim, oiuol the commissioners of loam reaptctrvriy, eUAed for the ritih di's. >ory Kaxton Moore, Ktqt. were nor till after at least six months previogs public This is to give Notice*, Esq. wat ekcied lor the IriA i Stevenson Archer, notice of jMtfb imtaded reimUurxmeBt, That the subscriber, of Anne-Arnndtl county, For Sale sixth diftrid, Hubert Wright, esq. was clecini'lor Atbtrt Oallatin. hath nhuined from the orphans court ef Arme- Woman, aged 32 tbe fevenih distrkt, and Chariot Coldsbotugh, A Kegro Depsfimrnt. Se|^io'. t8u. Arnndel county, in Maryland, letters of adminis­ Children, three girls and a boy, th* M* «K|. wtt eleAcd for the eighth dttriA. , tration de bonit non on the pcnoual estate of un. nine yqtsfs of age, the etcaaA Given in Council, at the city of Aontpolit, County Court, Stpttmlur John JaLohe, srrMor.lale of Arnie-Arnqdel coonfr, daughter the Slate cf Ma. at th* dev the great seal of Ttrm. 1819. deceased. Alf^ersons having chime against ihe_ four, the boy'd age seven. Enquire third day of CMlo- , ryland, this twenty to ihe)udgxt of the said deceased, are hrrtby warned to e^tiblt the* Gazette Oflroe. Ja* the >ear of uur Lord one tliou- On application her, in petition in writing of Samvt same', with rhr vouchers thereof, to tbe subscriber, Octgbefjg.______jl "•_ eight hundred and twelve, and of ty court, by saryl county, prayinj; the UentHt ol' the a& for on or before the seventeenth day oi December the Indri-eudencr c f the United blues of hid the relief of Min.lrv mlolvent rlrbtors, passed it net', they may otherwise by law be excluded from of America, the thirty seventh. Rve, on benefit <>f MM estate. Given under my hand To the Voters fiowie. Novemher Ses»ion, f ijliteeu hundred and all 0, Robert the terms mentioned in the said a&, • scheduta this 17th day of October, \\ \\. County end faCttytf Jy the Governor, of bi* lirojeriy. and a hll of his creditors, on t^Thomat ffiaooj/iWd, AdminiUralor Kinian Pinkney, oatli, as far at he can ascertain tlie-n, a* directed d» bonit non. Clerk of (be Council. by the saul afl, btin'g annrxed to bit peiitioji \ Having beedm* a CsnJ OrXt)£REr>, That th« foregoing proclnmation »iH\^>ie said enmity court beine; Tatlafied by com' fpace of for Uie Office of Slmriff at the neit 1 te published twice in each week, fur the petent test i mom, that tbe hid Samuel Hopkml 60 Dollars Reward. proper to foujf weeks, in the Maryland Gazette and Mary- has resided tbe two preceding years prior to the torial period, have thought in tand Republican, of Anna|K)Hs t in tlie Whig, pattegn oithe laid set within the Slate of Mary­ Ran away from the Rubiicribcr lining this enrly notice ef my int«iUon to do w. Sun. American ami Federal GaietU-. ol Haiti- land, and the I'aid Samuel Hopkins, at the tfime South Uiver Neck, on( Monday the id inst a> ne- On this occasion 1 earnestly solicit ib» nore, In the National InteUigcnter, at Washing- u( urrCcnting his petition aa i fore I a id, heviuf gra IrKow who call! brmfelf Thomas Brown, s>- support of my feUow-citiien*: Sh°uld "2 ion t in Bartgit's p»l*r at KreoVritk-Town i in prodaced to the t»"l court' the assent in writing of bout forty three years oC age, five fret -eight or efforts bo crowned1 with wccets, It wwi» tbe Maryksnd rferaiil, M Hayets-town i and io tbe fo many of bis creditor! at have due (o them the a. nine incheH high, hae a-bald place onthe backpart to discharge «* i when spoken to has an impediment be the object of my cern Alar at twfcton. mount of two thirds of the debts due by him at the of his head devolve en me with J«- 1 By Order, time of filing his laid pri it ion, it it therefore adjudg­ in his speech i and is mhch given to Intoxication duties thnt would Fmkney, ed and ordered by ihe fan! coin, that the laid Sun- —llatlon when hematic his escape, a kirsey humanity. Clctk of the liel Hupkins, by caulin); a oo|>y of this order to IK round a-hout jacket and trowsers,"osnaburg Oiin, REZIN November infertediii the Mar)landOsiette, once »wt«kU*' .FRANCES *V i/1 Hr<* * Ontn * Joiefh ff. Brewer. i* Catty, Xor. i». 17. A. A.t)' I.