n the month of May we pay our homage on the death anniversaries Iof two of the strongest pillars of the Congress and the builders of Congress Post Independence Jawaharlal Nehru our first Prime Minister and Rajiv Gandhi our youngest Prime Minister. Even as we celebrated the has set 60th anniversary of the inception of the Parliament the memories of the contributions of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru were renewed. His faith in democracy and his values as set by Mahatma Gandhi of an forth its all inclusive development have been the footprints we have followed for the success that India has achieved. When Rajiv Gandhi took over goal for an as Prime Minister after the unfortunate assassination of his mother Smt. Indira Gandhi, he was in the prime of his youth and in a position to translate the aspirations of the youth to reality. He laid the foundation of all inclusive an economically strong India by being the first to harness the untapped energy of the educated youth of India. We rededicate ourselves to fulfill growth the aspirations of our great leaders for the target of achieving the all inclusive growth that these leaders aspired for.

Speaking during the address to the CPP the Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi stressed on the Need for Unity, Discipline and Commitment to succeed as a political party. Being in politics is not only about achieving personal gains but about service to the people. The Congress has set forth its goal for an all inclusive growth where the poorest of the poor reaps “Congress is the only the fruits of development as much as an affluent person. In the words of the Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi the “Congress is the only truly secular party, it is truly secular party, it is the only party that does not compromise with the only party that does communal forces of any kind. The Congress is the only party that works not compromise with earnestly for the empowerment of all sections of our society, especially communal forces of the poor. That is the essential message we have to take to the people.” The Congress has weathered many a storm but never deterred from its any kind. The Congress goal of all inclusive growth. That is one of the secrets of success and is the only party that longevity of the Congress party. works earnestly for the If we are able to convey our principles to the people and the programs empowerment of all that we have set it would be difficult to defeat the Congress. The Congress sections of our society, President has said “We must interact, be with the people identify ourselves with their concerns. They must have the confidence that only we will especially the poor. That strive to fulfill their hopes and aspirations. We must communicate clearly is the essential message our priorities policies and programmes.”

we have to take to the The country is also celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of the great people.” The Congress has poet, dramatist novelist and social and educational reformer, Gurudev weathered many a storm Rabindranath Tagore. Gurudev was awarded the Nobel Prize for his but never deterred from its collection of poems in his work “Gitanjali” in 1913. His great song “Jana Gana Man” is our national anthem. Gurudev founded the institution goal of all inclusive growth. Visva Bharati at Shantiniketan. Rabindranath Tagore was a multifarious That is one of the secrets of personality and recognized as a great poet throughout the world. His success and longevity of the works and his institutions are still held in reverence throughout the world. v Congress party.”

n 1 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 CONTENTS

CPP Meet Addressing the General Body Meeting, the Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi said that we must project our work and expose the hollow claims of the opposition-ruled state governments 4 Published in Hindi & English 60th Anniversary We celebrated on 13th May 2012 the The Parliament of India celebrated the 60th anniversary of its first sitting 6 Vol. XIV No.9 May 2012 60th year since the first sitting of the CP’s Address parliament. The Parliament which is Smt. Sonia Gandhi says that Indian Social the temple of our resilient democracy legislation has today emerged as a global has withstood all the tempests which benchmark 6 it faced in its history. The great PM’s Address Our Parliament stands for values that thing is the unshaken faith in the created our Republic 8 parliamentary democracy mirrored FM’s Remark by the declarations of all political I am a devoted student of Parliamentary dispensations. We have had many procedures and practice, says Shri Pranab Mukherjee 10 serious dissentions between political Tributes parties but no one has ever tried to • Rajiv Gandhi: A Man of Action says AK challenge the faith in our democracy. Antony 12 EDITOR Such is the foundation laid by our • Smt. Neeta Mishra, pays tribute to Rajiv founding fathers that nothing can Gandhi, speaks about his policy of Dr Girija Vyas, M.P. empowerment of women 13 deter us from our faith in the system. CP’s Karnataka Visit MEMBERS OF It was a time for reiteration of this Addressing the delegates in Tumkur, THE EDITORIAL BOARD faith and cutting across party lines Smt. Sonia Gandhi said that the people all speakers paid glowing tributes of Karnataka want a change from the Salman Khursheed, M.P. corruption of the BJP, so let us remain Jairam Ramesh, M.P. to the democracy as practiced in disciplined and united 15 the house. We have enacted much Launch of RISAT EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS legislation which were far reaching. The Congress President and Prime Minister The Parliament continues to be congratulated the ISRO scientists on Ram Naresh Sinha successful launch of Radar Imaging Satellite Rattan Francis the custodian of our democracy Risat 18 representing the collective will of Rahul Gandhi’s Visit MANAGER every citizen of this great country. AICC General Secretary, Shri Rahul Gandhi (ADMN. & CIRCULATION) The threat to its value comes due visited Maharashtra and sought the support Kamal Shahu to political activism of some, as a of the youth 19 Tributes result of which the house today faces • Prof. K.L. Kamal opines that Jawaharlal EDITORIAL OFFICE many disruptions by rowdy behavior. Nehru was an outstanding leader of the Congress Sandesh, Debate is the only solution to satisfy Third World 21 All India Congress Committee divergent views. In a democracy the • Capt. Praveen Davar recalls the work of Pt. 24, Akbar Road, Nehru and his association with the youth New Delhi-110 011 will of the majority must prevail and of India 22 Phone: 2301 9080 Extn: 429 everyone must have a right to be able UPA Flagship Programmes Fax:2301 7047 to present their views. We must end The UPA government is constantly striving Email: [email protected] the practice of blocking the debates for betterment of women and children Website:www.congresssandesh.com by disruptions to force a point of through its Flagship Programmes 24 Platinum Jubilee dissent. If the issue is important PUBLISHER Prime Minister on the occasion of the Motilal Vora enough and a party has a point of Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Assam Published every month by view it should be able to carry the Legislative Assembly said that Assam has Motilal Vora house with the spirit of its conviction emerged as a new engine of growth 30 Organization on behalf of Sandesh Trust, and rationale it presents. And not All India Congress Committee and Appointments of new PCC presidents, DCC printed at Chaar Dishayen Printers, by blocking the functioning of the presidents and formation of coordination G-40, Sector-3, Noida 201 301 parliament. Let that be the pledge all committees 32 parliamentarians should take to mark Stateswatch 34 this momentous occasion. Ex-Serviceman Report 38 AICC Dairy 39 Subscription Rates One Year = Rs.100/- • Two Years = Rs.175/- • Three Years = Rs.250/- Outstation cheques should include Rs.25 extra towards realization charges. Cheques/Demand Draft may be sent in favour of ‘Sandesh Trust’, 24 Akbar Road, New Delhi-110011

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 2 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A person of unique Let us be proud! distinction It was indeed a day of honour and pride in the life of Babu Jagjivan Ram was a unique personality in India. every citizen when the Indian Parliament celebrated He was a freedom fighter, an able administrator and the 60th anniversary of the first sitting on 13th May, a gifted orator. Babuji, as he was fondly called, had a 2012. During these sixty years the India Parliament has distinguished political career that lasted for over five passed many important legislations which speaks of our decades. He had the unique distinction of serving as democracy which happens to be on a strong pedestal. a member of the Central legislature for 40 years. He All Indians can feel proud that they are the part of one was also the longest serving minister in the history of Parliament. It was through his efforts as the Labour of the world’s biggest democracy so let all Indians join Minister that the workers got the benefit of the hands to make this democracy stronger for many, many ESIS (Employees State Insurance Scheme) and the years to come. Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme. He symbolized Gurpreet Chhadha the dawn of a new era of equality and empowerment Mumbai of the Dalits. Manoj Kumar Singh My Pride, My Country PCC Delegate, Bihar, Sasaram I am a proud citizen of India which is celebrating Great Farsightedness the 60th years of Indian Parliament. India is also the largest democracy of the world and I feel proud about Like his grandfather, Rajiv Gandhi was a person with it. But I feel all the more proud as I am associated farsightedness. Like, Panditji, who sowed the seeds of with the Congress Party, the party which has a development during his time, the fruits of which we are enjoying today. So did Rajiv Gandhi think of setting up large following and which fought for achieving the cultural centers 25 years ago to keep alive music, folk freedom of this country. I also appeal through the arts and our heritage. The nation is indeed indebted to columns of the Congress Sandesh to the people of him for this great deed. On the other hand the world India to join the Congress and be a part of a party is also thankful and indebted to Rajiv Gandhi to have that brought change in India and its development and thought of putting forward an action plan for global progress under the able guidance of its president, nuclear disarmament 25 years ago. His efforts were Smt. Sonia Gandhi. acknowledged at the recent plenary session of the Nuclear Security Summit held at Seoul. Urmila Tiwari, Bhavnagar, - Vikram Lohia, DPYC, New Delhi For the cause of women Efforts will not go waste I am a sincere Congress activist. Keeping in view Shri Rahul Gandhi is a man with strong determination the efforts of the Congress for making the lives of and unwavering will power. This can be gauged when women and specially for the benefit and the cause he said that “I’m not the one to accept defeat”, after of the distressed women who have been the target the defeat of Congress Party in the recent Assembly of atrocity both at home and office, I have formed a polls in Uttar Pradesh. Shri Rahul Gandhi did not feel society for women which cares and guides them at let down or dejected after the poor results in UP polls. their hour of need. The society not only fights for He later said, “I will strive to bring glory to the party in the cause of women but also tries to educate them Uttar Pradesh”. A person of such great determination will surely achieve great results in the future and we all and makes them aware of all kinds of crime against hope for the success of his endeavour for the good of women before it is committed. The society also builds the state and the country. We all believe that his efforts a sense of confidence in women to work shoulder to will not go waste. shoulder with their male counter-parts. Swaminath Jaiswal Meeta Singh, Kaimur, Bihar Jageshwari, Mumbai

n 3 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 CPP GENERAL BODY MEET

“...We are the voice of those who cannot be heard and the strength of those who need it. We are a party whose history is tied inseparably with that of this nation. Let us never forget the responsibility that comes from this legacy ...” - Sonia Gandhi

CPP General Body Meet on Wednesday, 9th May 2012 at Parliament House, New Delhi.

must begin by expressing my lose their primary bread winner wages directly to beneficiaries and I sense of deep anguish at the has been doubled. The outlay for eliminate inefficiencies, waste and recent ferry tragedy in Assam. Our women and child development corruption. hearts go out to the hundreds of schemes have been increased The Bill to ensure transparency in bereaved families and I extend my significantly. public procurement is expected to deep-felt condolences to them on However, I do want to stress here be introduced over the next few our behalf. that we must now have sharper focus days. This legislation marks yet It has been some time since I had on improving the effectiveness of another milestone in our Party’s and the privilege of addressing you. public expenditures, and not just our Government’s determination to Since our last meeting, we have remain content with increases enhance probity and accountability faced challenges that have tested in outlays. For instance, Aadhar in public life. We are awaiting the our resolve. But we have remained now has the potential to offer Standing Committee Reports on a steadfast in our commitment to the a much better way to deliver number of important legislations aam admi and the weaker sections pensions, scholarships, subsidies including those on Food Security of society. and Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and Land Acquisition, Resettlement & Rehabilitation. On our part The recent Budget renews our we must do all we can to ensure priority for faster and inclusive As we approach that the legislative process is not growth. Pranabji has already a series of state unduly delayed. Whatever motives responded to the debate of the elections in the may guide the opposition, we have Budget and the Finance Bill. Despite but one singular duty and that is the tough fiscal situation, the coming months, we to the people who have elected us, Budget has increased allocations must draw upon and expect Parliament to function for key social programmes such the lessons of the constructively. as rural drinking water, sanitation previous polls. We and rural roads. It has increased It seems to have become almost the outlay for the Rashtriya Krishi must project our fashionable these days to criticize Yikas Yojana substantially and work as a central the government. We must not allow has provided vastly enhanced government, and this to deflect us. We must speak resources for boosting paddy expose the hollow forcefully and with confidence production in eastern India. on what we have achieved - and Pensions for widows and the claims of opposition- there is much we have to show disabled have also been increased ruled state despite difficult economic times. Assistance to poor families who governments. We must project our government’s

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 4 CPP GENERAL BODY MEET many accomplishments and our Pradesh, even though we did not commitment and our unity if we ambitious legislative agenda. And perform as well as we had hoped to, are to convert this sentiment into we must expose the opposition’s we increased our vote share quite electoral victories. double speak and its obstructive considerably and were seen as a Friends, in four days time, we will behaviour in blocking parliamentary serious player for the first time in be celebrating the 60th anniversary proceedings. 22 years. Of course there is much of the inaugural session of the very work to be done there, as in other There has been a lot of discussion first Lok Sabha. The establishment states. in recent months on Centre-State of representative parliamentary relations. I would like to reiterate As we approach a series of state democracy in India, anchored in here that we are fully committed elections in the coming months, secular, liberal and progressive to strengthening federalism, which we must draw upon the lessons values, is undoubtedly amongst the is a key tenet of our Party’s and of the previous polls. We must finest achievements of our Party. We the UPA’s agenda. What better project our work as a central gratefully acknowledge the wisdom evidence of this can there be than government, and expose the hollow and farsightedness of Jawaharlal the unprecedented transfers of financial assistance from the Centre Mis-governance and corruption have been to the States these past eight years. widespread in some of these states as revealed But there are centre-state issues by CAG and Lokayukta reports. It is for us all, of major national importance particularly for our Party at the state level, to - such as fighting terrorism or dealing with left-wing extremism - highlight these failures. Most importantly, we where the Centre cannot shirk its must shed all manner of factional behaviour, responsibility. In such cases, it has and fight as one disciplined team at all levels. been our government’s endeavour to work closely with the State claims of opposition-ruled state Nehru and his colleagues who had governments so that our national governments. Mis-governance and the vision and confidence to set us interest is protected. Trust and corruption have been widespread on this path. We are proud of this cooperation must be the anchor in some of these states as revealed legacy. of Centre-State relations. by CAG and Lokayukta reports. It obliges us to remain ever vigilant It is for us all, particularly for Although there is still time for in our duty. We are, at the end of the our Party at the state level, to the Monsoon to break across the day, the voice of those who cannot highlight these failures. Most country, drought like situations be heard and the strength of those importantly, we must shed all have arisen in some states like who need it. We are a party whose manner of factional behaviour, and Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh history is tied inseparably with that fight as one disciplined team at all and Maharashtra. The Central of this nation. Let us never forget levels. That will be the single most government will. I am sure, extend the responsibility that comes from important factor to decide whether the necessary assistance to the this legacy . Jai Hind! v we win or lose. People look to us affected areas. Meanwhile our — but we need to show them our Party organization too must be active in relief and rehabilitation activities . It seems to have become almost fashionable The results of the recently- these days to criticize the government. We concluded state assembly elections must not allow this to deflect us. We must are before us. While we can take speak forcefully and with confidence on satisfaction in the fact that we what we have achieved - and there is much returned to power in Manipur for the third time and formed we have to show despite difficult economic the government in Uttarakhand, times. We must project our government’s many the results in Punjab and Goa accomplishments and our ambitious legislative were very disappointing. In Uttar agenda

n 5 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 60th Anniversary 60th anniversary of the first sitting of India’s Parliament The Lok Sabha and the celebrated the 60th anniversary of their first sitting on 13th May, 2012 by having special sitting of both houses of Parliament. The Houses deliberated on the theme “60 years’ journey of the Parliament of India.” In the Lok Sabha, the tone of the discussion was set by Speaker Meira Kumar. A function was held in the Central Hall at 5.30 p.m., when President Pratibha Patil addressed the members of the two Houses. Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee gave speeches on this historical session. The text of their respective speeches are as follows:-

Congress President’s Address Indian social legislation has today emerged as a global benchmark : Sonia Gandhi

faced then. Millions of refugees and again, they have voted with were homeless. Communal wisdom and purpose, sometimes tension was rife. Destitution was reaffirming their faith in those rampant. Borders were tense. who govern them, sometimes Resources were scarce. The voting them out. If there is one very idea of India, let alone the thread running through these past idea of a democratic India, was six decades, it is that people’s being ridiculed in many quarters. power is felt constantly at the When far older democracies had highest levels of governance. The achieved universal adult franchise aam admi has become the heart in a gradual process and after long and soul of our democracy and decades of struggle, how could it has made it our greatest triumph. become a reality in a new nation India’s freedom struggle adam Speaker, thank you for beset with such problems? reinvented the idea of democracy. giving me the opportunity to M To their eternal credit and our “My notion of democracy”, said speak on this auspicious occasion. undying gratitude, our founding Gandhiji, the Father of our nation Sixty-five years ago, at fathers persisted. The poor and and the leader of our freedom Independence, India awakened illiterate masses of this country struggle, “is that under it the “to life and freedom” with a bold have turned out to be amazingly weakest should have the same and ambitious vision – a vision skilled and sophisticated. Again opportunity as the strongest”. to build a legislature on It is this revolutionary idea the basis of universal adult It should be our resolve in the years that opened the doors of franchise. At one stroke, to come to make sure that this great our legislatures to them millions of our poor and and began to transform the illiterate, men and women, institution embraces not only the Indian state and society. It were given the power to triumphs and joys of this land, but has done so in a peaceful change their destiny. rids our people of the sorrows and and evolutionary manner, Let us not forget those sufferings that still blight their lives. founded on the time-tested troubled days and months This great institution must be not only principles of secularism and the numerous a source of law and power, but also of and social justice. challenges the country justice and compassion.

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 6 60th Anniversary

Madam Speaker, we can say with and endowed the nation with always been smooth or without pride that India’s parliament, vision and direction. Their wit and challenge. Nor did we expect it elected by the largest electorate wisdom reverberate to us through to be. An anniversary is also a in the world and reflecting the the ages. As long as we keep their moment for reflection, to consider aspirations of some 1.2 billion words and their example in mind, our role and place in the rich people, has grown into a great while facing new challenges, fabric of our nation’s life and representative political institution. we will remain true to our great history. heritage. I pay my deepest tribute to the The integrity and independence of Mahatma. He was no longer living We take pride in the extraordinary Parliament must be preserved and when this House first met, yet he range and content of the laws protected at all cost, with no room was the guiding light that made enacted by our Parliament over for compromise. Our conduct it all possible. Leading a life of the last sixty years. They give must rise to the highest ethical spartan simplicity he dedicated force to the Constitutional vision standards that were followed and himself to the last and the least. of change in our society. They demanded by the founding fathers He taught us the power of love and created new rights and remedies of our nation. compassion. for all our citizens and have It should be our resolve in the especially protected the excluded I pay homage to Jawaharlal years to come to make sure that and the marginalized. Indian Nehru, his comrades-in-arms and this great institution embraces social legislation has today political colleagues too numerous not only the triumphs and joys of emerged as a global benchmark. to mention, whose profound belief this land, but rids our people of and single-minded determination We also gratefully acknowledge the sorrows and sufferings that gave spirit and substance to the contribution of thousands of still blight their lives. This great the idea, the functioning and hard working staff in Parliament institution must be not only a the nurturing of our Parliament who have toiled tirelessly to keep source of law and power, but also through its formative stages. the wheels of this great institution of justice and compassion. moving efficiently. I pay homage to Dr. BR Ambedkar Three simple words spoken by who accomplished an immensely And, we pay humble tribute today Jawaharlal Nehru encapsulate difficult task to create the to the memory of those courageous the mighty mission of this great constitutional frame on which heroes who laid down their lives republic – “Swaraj for all”. Let our democracy stands. in 2001 when Parliament came us, each of us, gear ourselves up under attack by forces that seek for the tasks ahead, renew and I pay tribute to the peerless giants, to undermine our Constitutional redouble our commitment and our the legendary figures, who have democracy. pledge to fulfill our historic duty. graced our Parliament. They built great parliamentary traditions Madam Speaker, the journey of Thank you, Jai Hind. v our great Parliament has not

n 7 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 60th Anniversary

Prime Minister’s Address Our Parliament stands for values that created our Repubic : Dr. Manmohan Singh

The Sixtieth Year occupies a created our Republic – of Unity very special place in the hearts in Diversity, of Secularism, of “and minds of our people. The Pluralism and of the Rule of Law. ancient calendars devised by our How we conduct ourselves, how forefathers, that we still use to mark the Parliament conducts itself, is our time in this world, have a cycle therefore, a way of showing respect of sixty years. Thus, life begins anew to these values and to the memory for us every sixty years. of those who created and built this As we mark the 60th Anniversary symbol of freedom and dignity. Each of our Parliament, I sincerely hope one of us owes it to those who sent that life will begin anew for our us here to not only represent their Parliament and for our people. I views and their interests, but to do so with dignity, compassion and pray that the year ahead for our most important issues that concern decorum. nation will be productive, peaceful the people of India and the world. and prosperous. Our democracy has passed through It is a matter of great pride that many testing times. At every turn Six decades ago history was made our Parliament has debated the people of India have with great in these premises. The voice of and approved some of the most enthusiasm and hope reiterated their India‘s silent majority found free progressive legislations anywhere faith in the democratic character expression. A generation of men in the world such as those relating of our State and reaffirmed the and women, tried and tested by the to the right to education, the right pluralistic character of our polity struggle for freedom, entered these to guaranteed employment for the and society. Among democracies portals fired by the desire to build rural poor, the right to information, around the world India has one a new country infused by the noble the legislation conferring gender of the highest voter turn-outs in ideals of our great civilization. equality, protecting the life and elections. In these six decades, these halls and livelihood of the girl child and these walls have been witness to a We should firmly reject those who women and legislations that have unique experiment in the history of would mock the institutions of our widened social and economic humankind. democracy that have developed opportunities for Scheduled Castes, over decades of experience. We Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Never before had such a diverse are not a perfect democracy. But Classes and religious minorities. group of subject people, stunted by we are a functioning democracy These august Houses have witnessed poverty, ignorance and disease risen with mechanisms and safeguards many great debates that stirred the so resolutely to create, not kill; to that allow for the reconciliation of imagination of the people. They construct, not destroy; to represent, diverse interests and differences have seen sparkling wit, humour not repress. of opinion. It is the vitality and and eloquence from Members vibrancy of our democracy that The story of the Indian Parliament from all sides. The wisdom of their keeps the nation united and moving is a story of the human striving for thoughts has echoed far beyond on the path of progress. freedom and dignity; for tolerance these walls. Unfortunately the and equality; for peace and progress. I know that many people often number of serious discussions in Our Parliament has not just voiced feel frustrated by the disruption Parliament has declined in recent the concerns and aspirations of the of Parliament. In our own way years. each one of us shares the blame Indian people alone, but those of all We have to revive this tradition of for this state of affairs. However, humankind, of every freedom loving reasoned and constructive debate we are proud of the fact that both person who seeks a life of dignity in Parliament on the issues of the Houses of Parliament have often and peace. day. This is the only way to earn burnt the proverbial midnight oil Our Parliament stands as a unique the people‘s respect, lead public to discuss and debate some of the representation of the values that opinion and provide media with

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 8 60th Anniversary serious content that will raise the the will of the sovereign has indeed Parliament has always demonstrated level of public discourse as in other lived up to the ideals of the founding the ability to reflect the collective mature democracies. fathers of our republic. resolve of our nation and show solidarity with the people and the In the final analysis, it is the Members A number of countries in Asia, government. Be it the external of Parliament who will individually Africa and South America who aggressions of 1962, 1965, 1999 or and collectively determine how liberated themselves from the yoke the glorious moments of 1971 this effectively Parliament represents of imperialism in the 1940s and 1950s institution surmounted political the aspirations of the people and either succumbed to the scourge of partisanship to reflect the common guides the destiny of our aspirations and sentiments country. Let us pledge to of our people. work together to build a We all have a sacred and solemn united, secure and prosperous responsibility to the people who have However, as we look country that holds its head elected us. But equally we bear a ahead, this occasion high in the wider comity of moral responsibility to do what is right should also become the nations. moment for some candid by the generations still to come. We and serious introspection. I wish each one of you well. The manner in which we Jai Hind! must therefore always keep in mind that our conduct and the actions we have conducted our affairs, PM’s Address in especially over the past Lok Sabha on 60th take here today determine the state couple of years has created Anniversary of the First of the nation we will bequeath to our a sense of frustration and Session of the Parliament children and grandchildren. disillusionment among the Following is the text of the people. The daily routine of Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan disruptions, adjournments Singh’s address in Lok Sabha on the military dictatorship or the tyranny and shouting in the House are occasion of 60th Anniversary of the of one party rule. India, on the other leading many outside to question first session of the Parliament: hand, has maintained an unbroken the efficacy of this institution and ”I convey my warm congratulations democratic tradition sanctified by its place in public affairs. fifteen cycles of general elections to you, the members of this august If we are to restore the prestige and many scores of state and local House and the people of India on of this institution, each and every body elections. the momentous occasion of the 60th one of us must lead by example. anniversary of the first session of This august chamber has scripted the We need to resolve that the Rules the Parliament. development of our nation through of Procedure and conduct that we The Lok Sabha is a true representation debate and discourse tempered by have collectively evolved would of the unique diversity and genius the twin imperatives of idealism and be honoured in letter and spirit. of the Indian people. Its members pragmatism. The House has passed Unless we can find some way to have come from every region, landmark legislations that have resolve the growing impasse in the community, religion and strata of deepened the democratic roots of functioning of Parliament, public society. Some of them have left their our polity and furthered our ideal disenchantment will only grow. The mark with their masterly rhetoric, of building a nation in which each leaders of political parties should sit others with their earthy wisdom. citizen has an equal opportunity together to find ways to raise issues, Whether from the Left or the Right, to social and economic fulfillment small or big, and air differences from the government or treasury and cultural enlightenment. In in a manner that does not stall benches, this House has voiced the recent years, we have empowered Parliament at every occasion. our citizens by providing them the tribulations of ordinary Indians and I believe that we should also reflect rights to information, education and provided succor to them by enacting on how we should conduct the minimum employment. We have laws that translated the social and affairs of the State in which each taken affirmative measures to help economic ideals of our nation of us plays a responsible role. the weaker sections of our society into practical reality. What the Democracy is based on the notion including the Scheduled Castes, Constitution envisioned Parliament of a popular mandate, but it should Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward translated into action. not be construed as a populist Classes, minorities and women that mandate. I believe that a mature As we look back over these years, we I know is an unfinished agenda. feel a sense of quiet satisfaction that democracy is one that balances this august institution representing In times of calamity or crisis, our the daily pressures of politics against the long-term needs of

n 9 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 60th Anniversary development. These conflicting have elected us. But equally we bear In conclusion, I wish to say that I am demands, between the here and a moral responsibility to do what optimistic that the innate wisdom of now of electoral politics, and the is right by the generations still to our people and the strength of our requirements of the long run that come. We must therefore always democratic institutions will guide us development imposes, can be and keep in mind that our conduct and on the right path to building a secure must be balanced. the actions we take here today and prosperous India.” v determine the state of the nation we We all have a sacred and solemn will bequeath to our children and responsibility to the people who grandchildren.

Finance Minister’s Address I am a devoted student of the Parliamentary Procedures and Practice : Pranab Mukherjee

To my mind, after 1950, 1952 was a We have completed 60 long years. milestone in our journey towards Though in the life of an institution, democracy. The story of Indian 60 long years are not a very long democracy is a unique one. We period, yet, at the same time, it gives fought against one of the most us an opportunity to reflect on how powerful colonial power. But many hurdles we have overcome, it is unique in the history, and how the transformation of this perhaps there is no parallel, that House and the transformation of we parted not with any hatred this country have taken place. This but with friendship. That is why is the time to reflect on that. it was not accidental that the last One of the greatest achievements Governor General of colonial India of India was pointed out by a was the first Governor General of Bengali Gentleman who also adam Speaker. I am delighted Independent India, the same person, came from the same District from Mto have this opportunity of Lord Mountbatten. initiating a discussion which will where I come, Prof. A.K. Chandra, take us 60 years back and provide When we adopted our Constitution, who was the Principal of Vishwa us an opportunity to reflect: from as Mahatma Gandhi pointed out that Bharati and a close associate of where we started, what we have India’s Swaraj will come not by an Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. achieved, where we are He represented Birbhum today, and what we ought to After 1950, 1952 was a milestone in Constituency. While moving achieve. our journey towards democracy. The the Motion of Thanks, he pointed out that ‘as a student Madam Speaker, when story of Indian democracy is a unique of History, I can point out you talked of the timing, it one. We fought against one of the that there is hardly any reminds me of the very first parallel in the performance ruling given by the Speaker most powerful colonial power. But it is unique in the history, and perhaps of this Government.’ Of of the First Lok Sabha, Shri course, he said so on the Mavalankar. It was to indicate there is no parallel, that we parted not Motion of Thanks while the time to the speakers, and with any hatred but with friendship. speaking on the policies you have reminded me of that of the Government at that first ruling which made me Act of British Parliament, but by the point of time. He said: ‘When the feel as if we are going back to 1952. people of this great country. Actually, integration of the Princely States of I will try to confine my observations it happened when we inserted the more than 700 took place with the within ten minutes. Of course, I am word in the Preamble, “We, the rest of India, which consolidated notorious for exceeding the time People of India”, etc., etc. People of the States in India. We did not have limit and speaking long, but today I India have given this Constitution to go to the gallows. There was no will try to confine myself to the time to themselves. Parliament was need of applying any guillotine, and available to me. constituted under this Constitution. there was no concentration camp.

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 10 60th Anniversary

Through peaceful means, be altered but they could not the measures of integration Mahatma Gandhi pointed out that deny that this Parliament took place. Thereafter, this India’s Swaraj will come not by an has the constituent power Parliament redrew the map of Act of British Parliament, but by the and when in exercise of the constituent power of India, after passing the States people of this great country. Reorganization Act.’ Parliament, when they enact a law, that law must be taken It is because for the last 90 or 100 Gandhi after dissolving the 4th Lok seriously by the Judiciary. years, map of India was badly Sabha when she went to the Indian disfigured, drawn and redrawn only electorate her message was clear Madam Speaker, my last point is to sub-serve the colonial interests and without any ambiguity. She that I am not very old in Lok Sabha and administrative convenience. Of said: “I want to have legislations, though my Parliamentary career course, the process is still continuing. social legislations, legislations to spans over almost 5 decades but Thereafter, more States were added; transform society but I find as per most of the time nearly 3 decades, boundaries have been altered; but the existing Constitution as it is I spent in Rajya Sabha. There are the point which I am trying to drive being interpreted by the Judiciary, many senior Members to me in at from the very beginning is that many of the important legislations Lok Sabha. Sharad Yadav Ji is this House started acting as a great are declared ultra vires including from 1974 if I remember correctly. shock absorber. Wherever there is a bank nationalisation, abolition of He came in bye-election after the tension; wherever there is a dispute; the privy purse, MRTP act and so death of Seth Govind Das and won and wherever there is dissensions, it on and so forth”. Therefore, I need a seat which Congress never lost. has come to this House and within the mandate of the people special For the first time in 1974, we lost the portals of this great dome, we majority two-third majority so that seat. Shri Basudeb Acharia have been able most of the time to that I can amend the constitution is here who is continuously from defuse that. and enact the social legislation to 1980. But I would say one point transform this society”. For the first with my limited experience that In the parliamentary democracy, it time, it was not even contemplated I am a devoted student of the is not unusual that there would be in the Constituent Assembly Parliamentary Procedures and confrontation. Yes, there have been Debate because it was thought as Practice. I have found out on many confrontations. England has been obvious, that is why, from 1950 occasions, this House has been described as Mother of Parliament. to 1968 till the Golaknath case, it tumultuous; tempers ran high but Lord Cromwell had to apply force was the interpretation that Indian disruption was the least which to dissolve the Parliament, to tell Parliament is omnipotent; it has the House adopted because if we the Members of the Parliament. the power to make any law; and to disrupt the House then it serves no “Enough you go, for God’s sake, I say amend any part of the Constitution purpose because we cannot hear; you go. The Parliament was broken”. as it desires. But Golaknath case we cannot speak and only a handful There has been confrontation in the clearly pointed out: “No, you cannot of Members can completely throttle federal structures between the alter the Fundamental Rights”. the desires of irate majority. I am various organs of the Government, Thereafter, in that context, series not blaming anybody. I have done it; and it is between Judiciary, of developments took place as I my party might have done it; many between Executive and Legislature. had mentioned I would not like other parties have done it; but let Therefore, it is not unusual but to elaborate because my time is us solemnly affirm that we will find over the years, we have evolved the running out. out a mechanism through which system in which we have been able disruption should not be needed. to find out an amicable solution. But for the first time, the constituent power of the Parliament was vested Debate, discussions and dissentions As I mentioned on earlier occasions, through the amendments in 24th are always welcome but let us try to I would like to repeat it because Amendment by inserting clause avoid disruptions. to my mind, 24th Amendment 4 in article 13; and by elaborating Madam Speaker, I think I have of the Constitution is just not article 368 which provides the exceeded a few minutes. I would one of the amendments starting procedure for the Constitution like to be excused and forgiven for from 1951 and till this Session amendment. Even subsequently, in that. when we are likely to pass some the other landmark judgement, in the constitutional amendments but Keshavanand Bharati Judgement, Thank you, Madam Speaker for the special significance of the 24th the Supreme Court asserted that giving me this opportunity. v Amendment was that it was before they would like to define the basic the electorate of India. Mrs. Indira structures. Basic structures cannot

n 11 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 LEGACY

Indian people. Rajiv Gandhi: He introduced Panchayati Raj Legislation with a view to giving A Man of Action real power to the people at the grass-root level to decide ajiv Gandhi’s tragic death on the night of 21 May, their own future in the fields R1991 at Sriperumbudur shocked the entire nation. of development and social It was known to everybody that Rajiv Gandhi’s life was service. He wanted to give a under threat ever since he became the Prime Minister, prominent role to women, SC/ after the cruel assassination of Indiraji. But nobody ST and Weaker Sections in the A. K. ANTONY expected such a tragic end. There were serious new Panchayati Raj system. He attempts to kill him many a time, but he miraculously worked hard for many weeks escaped. But at Sriperumbudur enemies of our continuously to finalize the legislation. Passing country succeeded in liquidating him physically. of Panchayati Raj legislation and implementing it The tragedy occurred at a time when people were at the earliest was one of his dreams as the Prime expecting that Rajiv Gandhi would become the Prime Minister of this country. But his historic move for the Minister of India again, after the general elections decentralization was defeated in Rajya Sabha. It was in May, 1991. His years in the Opposition gave him a perhaps the saddest experience in his life. new experience. Everybody was telling if he was to Rajiv Gandhi was convinced that without massive become the Prime Minister again, he would be there induction of Science and Technology and bringing for many years to come and would do everything modernization in every field. India would not be to fulfil the aspirations of the Indian Youth and the able to enter the 21st Century with confidence. The weaker sections. We hoped that under his leadership, various technological Missions he set up accelerated India would be able to enter into 21st century as a developments in areas such as drinking water, edible strong, secular, democratic, and modern state. oil, Telecommunications, Literacy etc. He gave His five years as Prime Minister were a period maximum attention to modernize Indian agriculture of modernization, economic growth and social and industry with the help of science and technology. transformation. His commitment to decentralization He was conscious that without peace in the country of administration was total. He was convinced we would not be able to concentrate in our endeavor that a nation of India’s size having more than 85 to build a modern egalitarian and prosperous India. As million people could not be governed properly soon as he took over as Prime Minister he started taking by sitting at Delhi and the State steps to find out an amicable settlement t o capitals. A few Ministers sitting in the Punjab problem. Delhi and State capitals would In fact, the not be able to understand the innumerable problems faced by various sections of the

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 12 LEGACY

Rajiv-Longowal accord was a major step in this direction. Unfortunately. Longowal’s assassination spoiled the Rajiv Gandhi and atmosphere created by the accord. He was able to find an amicable solution Empowerment of Women to the Mizoram problem which was threatening peace in the North-East ajiv Gandhi on Women Empowerment for more than 20 years. He was able “ ….Hamari koshish ismein rahi hai ki to find out an amicable solution to R hum mahilaon ki arthik sthiti mazboot karein, Gorkhaland problem also. His untiring mahilaon ko apne pairon per khada karein, efforts paved the way for restoration of mahilaon ko rajniti mein laane mein kuch the democratic process in Assam and taakat dein. Isiliye mahilaon ko panchayat the formation of an elected government mein laane ke liye poora tees pratishat there. Lowering of voting age from 21 aarakshan rakha gaya hai. Hamari yeh ummeed to 18 was his gift to the Indian youth. hai ki mahilayein bahut mazbooti se aage Indian democracy will remember Dr. Neeta Mishra forever Rajivji for taking initiative to badhengi aur is ek shuruaat se Bharat ki pass Anti-Defection law. rajneeti mein har star per mahilayein bhaag lengee, desh ko banane mein apna haath lagayengi….” Rajiv Gandhi was clear in his mind that without secularism there is no future The Vedas and Upanishads are full of texts suggesting that women for India democracy. in ancient India enjoyed a high status and lived with dignity in Rajiv Gandhi was able to become society. They exercised a major role in decision making. However, a World Leader at a comparatively with passing years and centuries, this privileged status gradually young age. His role to make SAARC a started deteriorating with an increase in regressive practices of sati, major instrument in defusing tension jauhar, purdah, child marriages, dowry etc. As a result, the women and promoting co-operation between were increasingly deprived of their rightful status and degraded, the member countries will ever be and they could no longer contribute in the process of development. remembered. His bold initiative to find Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru realized this. He strongly articulated his out a solution to the border problems support for empowerment of women when he said with China also will be remembered by “You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at generations of Indians. the status of its women……. Women empowered Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated at a means Mother India empowered”. time when he was getting ready to take over again the stewardship of the Towards the end of the 20th century the nation. It is a great loss to the entire phrase ‘women empowerment’ had become an country. The youth of India lost a integral part of all the discussions that were leader with whom they could share all focused on women and development. their aspirations and agonies. The third Empowerment began to be defined world lost a leader who could stand as “Change in women’s mobility against the mightiest powers in the and social interaction, change in world whenever occasion demanded. women’s labour patterns, change Secular forces in India lost a powerful in women’s access to and control champion. People working in the field over resources, and change in with dedication to change the face of women’s control over decision- India through science and technology making”. Basically, it was lost a great source of strength. increasingly felt that women In his memory, let us concentrate all needed to have the power our energy to bring communal harmony to regulate their day- to- day in India. v lives in social, political and Author is a CWC member and economic terms. Union Cabinet Minister

n 13 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 LEGACY

The entire history of the Congress in different spheres. In 1985, a housing and shelter, where Party is replete with the saga of separate Department of Women women have been made an sacrifice and political sagacity and Child Development was set integral part. Various schemes of several empowered women. up. In the Sixth Five Year plan, like Balika Samriddhi Yojana, Kasturba Gandhi, Dr.Annie Besant, a separate chapter on ‘Women Employment Guarantee Scheme, Sarojini Naidu, Vijay Laxmi Pandit, and Development’ was included. Indira Awas Yojna, Kanya Vidya Aruna Asaf Ali, Sucheta Kripalani, The government started and Dhan, Mahila SamridhiYojana, Smt Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay implemented major programmes vidhwa pension, vriddha pension, are a few of the names that come like Support to Training- shelter homes, counselling centres to mind immediately. Closer to our cum-Employment for Women have benefitted lakhs of women times, Smt. Indira Gandhi is the (STEP), Mahilakosh, Women’s across the length and breadth of epitome of women empowerment Development Corporation, etc. India. Almost all the ministries/ and continues to remain a source Departments have specially Later on, the National Commission of inspiration for millions of targeted schemes for women. for Women (NCW), Social Welfare women in India and across the The share of women specific Boards at the State and National world. programmes in departments like level were set up. Now in nearly education, agriculture, tribal Shri Rajiv Gandhi laid a special every development process there affairs and social justice has emphasis on women’s political is a mainstreaming of gender increased during the tenure of our participation which is considered perspective. Legal systems have UPA government. an important measure of women’s been strengthened to eliminate empowerment. It was due to his all forms of discrimination against In today’s largely patriarchal leadership and efforts that the women. Thanks to this vision of society, women representation 73rd and 74th Constitutional Shri Rajiv Gandhi on women’s may appear ornamental but Amendments were passed. The empowerment, India has moved with women moving to a higher 73rd and 74th Amendments (1993) into the 21st century and its level of awareness and political to the Constitution of India have impact can be felt in all areas- consciousness the process of provided for 33% reservation physical, socio-cultural, religious, development can reach heights of seats in the local bodies of political, legal and economic. never seen or imagined before. Panchayats and Municipalities for However, their representation Drawing inspiration from Late Shri women, laying a strong foundation in the Parliament and state Rajiv Gandhi, Smt. Sonia Gandhi for their participation in decision legislatures is still woefully has also made concerted efforts making. A few states like Delhi poor. Without the voice and for the upliftment of women. She have even increased it to 50%. participation of women a country has been extremely concerned At present, there are nearly 10 cannot make progress. Smt. Sonia about the lack of certain basic lakh women representatives in Gandhi has stated this fact on facilities and rights available to Panchayats. This is in keeping numerous occasions and shown women in the weakest sections with the principle of gender her determination to correct this of our society. Thanks to her equality enshrined in the Indian discrepancy. Thanks to her direct leadership, numerous initiatives Constitution in its preamble, focus and efforts that the Women have been taken to improve the fundamental rights, fundamental Reservation Bill has been passed living conditions of particularly duties and directive principles. by the Rajya Sabha, and it is amply deprived sections among women clear that she is determined to get Based on the directives and like widows, old women and it passed in the Lok Sabha as well. guidance of Rajiv Gandhi, the young girls. This is evident I hope the day is not far when this Congress Government started from her emphasis on gender dream of hers becomes a reality. v the process of formulating budgeting, gender sensitization various laws, developmental and various flagship programmes The author is a AICC Member policies, plans and programmes like education, health, nutrition, from Uttar Pradesh aimed at women’s advancement drinking water and sanitation,

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 14 CP’s VISIT

A REPORT Sonia Gandhi calls for party unity People of Karnataka Bangalore: The Congress chief Sonia Gandhi asked party workers to set aside want a change... individual ambitions and work together to bring it back to power during her visit to Address by Congress President at Karnataka on 28th April, 2012. Congress Delegates’s Meeting, Tumkur (Karnataka), ”Assembly elections are not won in New on Saturday, 28th April 2012 Delhi. They are won on the ground. We have to work together as a team at all am happy to be here with you today in this beautiful state. levels,” Smt. Gandhi told party-workers at I Karnataka is known for its secular traditions, for its movements the state Congress committee meeting in for social reforms and social justice. It is a state where the ancient Tumkur district. blends harmoniously with the modern. Smt. Sonia Gandhi, who was on a two-day I have just visited some areas that have been affected by drought tour of the state, said Karnataka was looking for a change from “political corruption and and seen the suffering that has been caused to so many farmers divisive communal politics”. and their families. Our UPA government will, no doubt, respond positively to the need for assistance. But our Party must keep up The Congress chief accused the ruling BJP the pressure on the state government to take urgent measures to of indulging in double standards on the issue of corruption. “Publicly, the BJP states deal with the situation. it is against corruption, but, in Karnataka, The people of Karnataka have reposed their faith in the Congress it is yet to appoint a Lokayukta. This is in time and again. Unfortunately for many reasons, including our sharp contrast to the UPA government’s determination to enact a strong Lokpal Bill, own weaknesses, we did not receive their mandate in 2004 and which was held up in the Rajya Sabha by 2008. We have just about a year to go before the next assembly the BJP,” said Smt. Gandhi. elections are due. We have no time to lose.

“The Congress’s victory in the recent Udupi- I do want to reiterate that assembly elections are Chikmagalur Lok Sabha by-poll reflects this not won in New Delhi. They are won here on the desire,” she said. “I know there is goodwill ground by Party men and women throughout the state for us amongst the people. We have to convert this goodwill into electoral success working hard together as a team at all levels. by working tirelessly.” Individual ambitions must not come before the larger interests of the Party. Our Smt. Gandhi also participated in the 105th overriding objective must be to bring the birthday celebrations of Sri Shivakumara Swami, the head of the Siddaganga Mutt, Party back to power. I know there is 80 km from Bangalore. Much before Smt. goodwill for us amongst the people. Sonia’s visit, late Smt. Indira Gandhi had We have to convert this goodwill into first visited the mutt during Emergency. electoral success-and only we can Smt. Sonia Gandhi was more than praise ensure it, by working tirelessly down for the rare return gift from the Siddaganga to the booth level. mutt, one that would have thrilled Smt. Indira Gandhi. Indiraji had developed The people of Karnataka want a liking for the traditional Karnataka a change, they want a change handloom saree. from the corruption of the BJP, they want a change from the The Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi visited Nagasamudra, a village in the drought- divisive communal policies of affected Chitradurga district, around 400 km the BJP. Our recent victory in the from Bangalore and later addressed a large Udupi-Chikmagalur Lok Sabha by- gathering. After a brief inspection of the election reflects this desire for change. I almost-dry Nagasamudra tank, she chose an congratulate Jayaprakash Hegdeji, the party open jeep to visit villages. v n 15 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 CP’s VISIT

communal forces of any kind. The Congress The people of Karnataka want a change, is the only party that works earnestly for the they want a change from the corruption empowerment of all sections of our society, of the BJP, they want a change from especially the poor. That is the essential the divisive communal policies of the message we have to take to the people. BJP. Our recent victory in the Udupi- I must compliment all of you for the mass Chikmagalur Lok Sabha by-election contact and awareness programmes that have reflects this desire for change. been started. The momentum must be sustained .. We must interact, be with the people, identify workers and our senior colleagues. I thank the voters ourselves with the concerns. They must have the who have reposed their confidence in our Party. What confidence that only we will strive to fulfill their this victory shows is that when we have the right hopes and aspirations. We must communicate clearly candidate and when our entire party organisation our priorities, policies and programmes. We must works together, no one can defeat us. Indira Gandhi’s victory in Chikmagalur heralded the revival of the also highlight the numerous achievements of the Congress in 1978. I am confident that this recent UP A government and how much Karnataka has victory too heralds the revival of the Congress in benefitted from its flagship programmes, like the Karnataka. Mahatma Gandhi-NREGA, the Jawaharlal Nehru- National Urban Renewal Mission, the National Rural The BJP, the self-styled ‘party with a difference’, Health Mission, the Mid-day Meal Scheme and Bharat stands fully exposed. Its double standards on Nirman. Just as the RTI was a path- breaking law corruption are now known to all. It has made a followed by the Right to Education, the Food Security mockery of governance. It has betrayed the mandate Bill too will be a major legislative accomplishment of the people. It has destroyed all that Karnataka has that will end hunger and malnutrition. We must also stood for and been known for. It has shown scant ensure that people recognize that never before has respect for the rule of law. Eleven ministers have been Karnataka received so much financial assistance forced out of office on corruption and other charges. from the Centre for development projects, both in The post of Lokayukta is still vacant after almost one rural and urban areas. In the seven years of the UPA, year. This is in contrast to our determination to enact a strong Lok Pal Bill. Sadly, its passage to the Rajya Sabha has been held up by the BJP. Let us remain disciplined and united. Under successive Congress governments, By so doing, we will regain the trust Karnataka showed the way in different and confidence of farmers, of youth and areas—in agriculture and horticulture, in the empowerment of dalits, girijans, OBCs, women, of all the people of Karnataka. women and minorities, in women’s self-help groups, in insurance schemes for the poor and farmers, in education and health, in small-scale Karnataka has got almost Rs 98,000 crore, which is and medium industry, in IT and infrastructure. I can more than double the amount when the NDA was in still recall programmes like Ashraya, Yashaswini, power. Stree-shakti and Akshara Dasoha. Under Congress governments, growth in Karnataka created jobs So let us work together. Let us remain disciplined for lakhs and lakhs of young men and women. It is and united. By so doing, we will regain the trust and that Karnataka that must be revived and that has to confidence of farmers, of youth and women, of all return. Karnataka can be brought back to the path of the people of Karnataka. social peace and harmony, of faster economic growth with social transformation only under the Congress. This is the time for Badla-vaney. The people of the The Congress Party is the only truly secular party, state are demanding it. Let us fulfill their expectations. it is the only Party that does not compromise with Jai Karnataka. Jai Hind. v

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 16 CP’s VISIT

“Achievements of the Mutt in the field of education are outstanding” : Sonia Gandhi

105th birth anniversary of Sri Shivakumara Swamiji, Siddaganga Mutt, Tumkur on Saturday, 28th April 2012

am honoured to be a profound impact on Ihere in the hallowed millions, including the premises of the Siddaganga Mutt, and Siddaganga Mutt as continue to resonate we celebrate 80 years even today. of dedicated service of Education is, no Sri Sri Shiva Kumara doubt, about academic Swamiji to the cause learning. It is, no of humanity. doubt, about acquiring It is a privilege to the qualifications to congratulate the ultimately find security revered Swamiji on and fulfilment in life. completing 105 years, But surely there has on having witnessed to be something more 105 springs of nature, basic to education if of life in its varied Education must develop (what it is to serve as an hues and colours. Jawaharlal Nehru used to often speak effective instrument of May Swamiji continue nation-building. That to inspire lakhs about)—a scientific temper. This is something is values. and lakhs of people a spirit of ceaseless questioning and Education must across this state, relentless inquiry. Indeed, we had ancient inculcate a respect across our country for the wonderful and indeed across the centres of learning, individual thinkers diversity of our society. world in the cause and philosophers in our country whose It is this diversity that of education, social work led to path- breaking discoveries. has given us strength. service, philanthropy Beneath it lies the and spirituality. continuity and unity of our great nation. An open, The Sri Siddaganga Mutt, with its recorded history of participative, representative democracy is its anchor. over 600 years, is truly unique. Its achievements in the Nothing exemplifies India’s diversity better than field of education are outstanding. Thousands of boys Karnataka itself, where people belonging to different and girls from poor families are given free food, shelter cultures, believing in different faiths and speaking and schooling. Its colleges and institutions of higher different languages have lived and worked in peace and learning have acquired a national reputation. harmony with each other through the ages. Education must instill in our youth a deep respect for our secular Over the past centuries, Karnataka has given birth to heritage and traditions, so that we can stand up to the many radical social reformers who have transformed forces that seek to divide us, whatever form they may the very fabric of our society. Foremost amongst them take. is Basaveshwara who advocated the cause of a casteless society, who championed the cause of equality of Education must lead to a deep sensitivity to social opportunity, and who fought tirelessly for social justice justice. It is education that has led to the empowerment almost nine hundred years ago. His teachings have had of weaker sections of society that is so very apparent in

n 17 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 Congress President & Prime Minister congratulate ISRO scientists on successful launch of RISAT he UPA Chairperson, Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Prime TMinister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, have congratulated the scientists of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), for the successful launch of PSLV-C19 carrying the Radar Imaging Satellite RISAT-1 on 20th April, 2012. Following is the text of Smt. Sonia Gandhi’s many parts of our country, especially Karnataka. message to Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Secretary, DRDO: Nevertheless, the sad reality is that there are still so many “I was delighted to learn of the successful launch of of our countrymen and women who face discrimination, Agni-V missile. This is truly an historic achievement who live in poverty and deprivation. Now that primary and demonstrates once again that our scientists and education has been made a fundamental right, it is for technicians are capable of path-breaking achievement all of us to ensure that the right is asserted and enforced. which helps ensure the security of our country. You Education must develop (what Jawaharlal Nehru used and your team have made our country proud. This to often speak about)—a scientific temper. This is a launch comes as a reaffirmation of our capabilities in spirit of ceaseless questioning and relentless inquiry. space and defence and I am confident that it will lead Indeed, we had ancient centres of learning, individual to greater success in the future. thinkers and philosophers in our country whose work On my own behalf, on behalf of the Congress Party and led to path- breaking discoveries. We also have great the UPA, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation cultural, spiritual and intellectual traditions based on to you and your team for the fine work that you have the wisdom, learning and experience gained over the done.” millennia. True education combines respect for these Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Message: traditions with a progressive, contemporary outlook “I would like to warmly congratulate all scientists of that meets the challenges of our times. the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the Swamiji’s life mission is an embodiment of this. The successful launch of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle institutions he has inspired and created seek not only (PSLV)-C19 carrying the Radar Imaging Satellite-1 to provide young people with a conventional education (RISAT-1), the heaviest satellite launched till date using but places equal emphasis on character-building and PSLV. The twentieth consecutive successful moral values. The students who emerge from these launch of the PSLV is an important milestone institutions will, I have no doubt, be well-suited to in our space programme and is testimony meeting the challenges of adult life and contributing to ISRO’s mastery of the complex launch to nation-building and a better society. vehicle technology. I have no doubt that Swamiji exemplifies hard work and self-discipline. RISAT- 1’s all weather, day-night imaging That he perseveres in his mission even at this age is ability will significantly contribute to the a remarkable lesson in itself. For Swamiji “work is nation’s remote sensing capabilities. worship”. Each one of us would do well to imbibe this The country is proud of ISRO’s achievements spirit and make it part of our own lives. and I wish the organization all success in its future endeavours.” v Over the centuries we in India have had the special blessing of being shown the right path by sages, reformers and teachers of different faiths and persuasions. We are privileged to walk the path that they have illuminated for us. Swamiji has shown us the path of selfless service, of righteousness and universal brotherhood. Friends, let us continue to derive guidance and inspiration from his life, teachings and works. Jai Hind v

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 18 RAHUL GANDHI’s VISIT

Rahul Gandhi tours Maharashtra, seeks youth support

ongress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi reached He said this was his first political tour in Maharashtra and CMumbai on 27th April, 2012 on a two-day visit during he would now keep visiting the districts here to review which he held meetings with the party’s state and district grass-roots work. He will review constituency-wise work. committees and Mumbai unit of the National Students Those who attended the meetings said Shri Rahul Gandhi Union of India. gave them directions to strengthen the party at the grass- Shri Gandhi attended three meetings with partymen roots level. “He told us, we can speak against our own throughout the day. government if it is going wrong. He told us that we have to fight for people’s problems.” His Mumbai visit started with two separate meetings with the NSUI and Youth Congress representatives at Bhaidas Shri Rahul Gandhi spoke about strengthening the party. He Hall, Vile Parle. said the party leadership has already started the cleansing process. ‘If you take a bucket of filthy water and keep adding Though Shri Gandhi did not comment on the alliance with clean water to it, the water is slowly cleaned up. the NCP, he assured the party workers that he would tour the state more often to boost the grass-root cadre and assist During the meeting with NSUI delegates, the issue of the party preparations for the 2014 assembly elections. party’s performance in the recent civic elections was raised. Rahul Gandhi said the Congress is number two in the local Shri Rahul Gandhi told the partymen that Maharashtra is an bodies’ election. When he sought information on the same, important state and the Congress could not afford to have he came to know of various things. He told us that like the a weak organisation in the state. NCP, which concentrates on the State, even the Congress During his meetings, Shri Gandhi also spoke on the need will concentrate here,” to eradicate corruption from the society. Mr. Gandhi felicitated Youth Congress members who were Shri Gandhi told the party workers to show zero-tolerance elected office-bearers of the local bodies, and NSUI college towards corruption. “We have always opposed corruption. units which gave presentations about their work. We enacted the Right to Information Act, which has now “The prime agenda (of the meeting with Youth Congress become a major tool in the fight against corruption,” he office-bearers) was unit management review. Shri Rahul reportedly told the party workers. Gandhiji also told those present to improve rapport with Some delegates asked him why he toured only Uttar Pradesh. the parent Congress party.” v

n 19 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 RAHUL GANDHI’s VISIT

Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh with AICC General Secretary Shri Rahul Gandhi alongwith Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Prithviraj Chavan and MPCC President Shri Manikrao Thakre and AICC Maharashtra In-charge Shri Mohan Prakash while handing over a memorandum on drought Rahul Gandhi visits affected areas of Maharashtra on 7th May 2012 at New Delhi drought hit village in Satara ongress general secretary Shri Rahul Gandhi on Visit to Uttar Pradesh C28th April, 2012 assured villagers of drought-prone Rahul Gandhi promises to Satara all help in easing their water problems. revamp party in Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Chief Minister Shri Prithviraj Chavan, ongress General Secretary Shri Rahul Gandhi has whose home district is Satara, western Maharashtra, indicated that there will be a thorough revamp in accompanied Shri Gandhi. “I have not come here to C the Uttar Pradesh unit of the party, with honest and talk but to listen to you,” Shri Gandhi told people in dedicated workers given their due place. Zashi village. Shri Gandhi, who concluded a three-day visit to The Congress leader visited a small pond that went dry his constituency on 2nd May, 2012, reportedly told for the first time in decades, indicating the severity of Congress workers in Jagdishpur that action would be this year’s drought in this rain-shadow belt. taken against leaders who harmed the party’s prospects “Mai puri koshish karunga (I will try my best),” said Shri in the recent Assembly elections. Gandhi, and left for village Bijvadi, where he visited The Congress general secretary began his visit to farms whose pomegranate plantations had dried. his constituency Amethi on 30th April, 2012 to meet At Pangri village, Shri Gandhi inaugurated a fodder party workers in all the five Assembly segments and depot before meeting villagers, who too wanted his get a feedback on the causes for the party’s dismal intervention in resolving their water problems. performance in the polls. At the end, Shri Rahul Gandhi told the villagers: “I have The Amethi MP was flooded with complaints from come here to understand your woes. In the state and party workers, mostly relating to the dubious role of at the Centre, we are in power and the chief minister some leaders during the polls and wrong selection of is here. We will try and get whatever needs to be done candidates. He was told that the workers were not heard in Delhi.” v by the local leaders. Giving a patient hearing to the complaints of the block and booth level workers, Shri Gandhi said those who worked against the party’s interests would be punished and honest and sincere workers rewarded, sources said. Shri Rahul Gandhi said development works would be reviewed every three months and complaints relating to drinking water, roads and electricity would be attended to on a priority basis. He had met party workers of Tiloi, Salon, Amethi and Gauriganj Assembly constituencies on Monday and Tuesday and heard similar complaints. Shri Gandhi told them not to be disheartened and to gear up for the Lok Sabha polls in 2014. v

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 20 LEGACY

Conceptual framework of Nehru’s Foreign Policy

awahar Lal Nehru was the caste, religion and ethnicity and lastly foreign affairs. Jfascinating multifaceted steer clear of the existing power blocs His mindset is personality. Besides being an in a bi-polar world and develop a non- fully reflected international luminary and statesman aligned third force comprising mostly in his speech of high repute, he as writer, thinker the newly independent erstwhile delivered at Prof. K.L. Kamal and man of letters was superb. western colonies. the Asian relations Conference held His commitment to nationalism, It is proposed to explain the last point in New Delhi in March-April 1947, a internationalism, secularism, elaborately. Michael Brecher, Nehru’s few months before his historic Tryst pacifism, liberalism, democracy, well-known biographer wrote that with Destiny Speech on the eve of humanism and science was total. dawn of Indian independence. He He firmly believed that national vociferously said, ‘For too long we interests of a country are prudently of Asia had been pleading in Western conceived only if they are consistent Courts and Chancelleries….that with the welfare and development story must belong to the past, we of international community. He propose to stand on our own feet vigorously argued at the international and to cooperate with all others forums that elimination of rivalry who are prepared to cooperate of the whole atmosphere and with us, we do not intend to be simultaneous substitution of the play thing of others.’ This is congenial global cooperation and an extremely important speech friendship alone can pave path for the which tends to suggest that the emergence of a better world based on foreign policy while safeguarding a new human civilization where all national self interests was also nations and people can live in peace cognizant of and responsive to the and harmony. wider interests. His soaring idealism Soon after the assumption of combined with stark realism dictated the office of the Prime Minister the formulation of a liberal policy of India, he emerged not only as aimed at the pursuit of enlightened the chief spokesman but also the self-interest consistent with regional most outstanding leader of the “Nehru was the philosopher, the and also global interests. Third World. He was innovative architect, the engineer and the voice The impact of Indian culture and enough to provide an ideological of his country’s policy towards Gandhian values is clearly reflected framework applicable to all the the outside world.” He was unique in Nehru’s formulation of foreign developing nations, particularly to among the contemporary world policy. Culture according to him is India. He wanted these countries leaders to have successfully kept the not the narrowing of mind but the to (i) accelerate the process of newly independent country united, widening of spirit, the adventure of social change and nation-building democratic and secular in the midst ideas and the search for truth, the within the framework of democratic of encircling global gloom engulfing onward march of the human race institutions, (ii) transform the many a Third World countries which towards higher sublimer goals. The traditional feudal society through the sought salvation from the repressive concept of Vasudeva Kutumbkam instrumentality of state, (iii) initiate colonial rule. It was his great success central to Indian culture, means planned development within the as the Prime Minister and foreign that the human race living on this parameters of democratic structure, minister of India. Foreign relations planet is an inter-locking extended (iv) introduce the socialistic pattern and international politics was his first family. Cooperation, peaceful co- of society within parliamentary love. During Freedom Movement, too, existence, tolerance, mutual trust system. (v) Develop the secular he was the chief architect and sole and respect, non-aggression, non- edifice of a social order dominated by spokesman of the Congress Party on violent action are some of the basic

n 21 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 LEGACY values propounded by Gandhi. It appears Jawaharlal Nehru not only internalized these human values Pt. Nehru & but also tried to introduce them in national and international politics. Youth of India The Mahatma in his life time predicted that Nehru would speak o political leader in the freedom he opens a his language after his death. In fact, Nstruggles, both in the pre and window to Nehru did so remarkly well. But post Gandhi era, was as popular his socialist unfortunately the later events in our amongst the youth of India as Pt. thought while Capt. Praveen neighbourhood proved that Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru. delivering the Davar was too good and human in this The young Jawaharlal Nehru who presidential wicked world which did not heed plunged headlong into the freedom address at the his sane voice. Other principles laid struggle on the eve of non-cooperation All Bengal Students Conference at down by Nehru included steering movement in 1920-21, along with his Calcutta on 22 September, 1928. clear of power politics i.e. non- father, Pt. Motilal Nehru, attained Pt. Nehru, who himself was severely alignment or avoiding entanglement the height of his popularity amongst injured in the lathi charge while in military alliances, opposition the youth by the time he became demonstrating against the Simon to imperialism, colonialism, racial the Congress President in 1929. Pt. Commission on November 28, 1918, discrimination, non-interference and Jawaharlal Nehru voices the concern strongly condemned the police action faith in the UNO. These principles and aspirations of the youth of the against Lala Lajpat Rai resulting in the got fully culminated in the form of late twenties: latter’s death and inspired the youth to Panchsheel which was the land mark Thinking men and women, and the boycott the Simon Commission. In a of India’s foreign policy on Tibet young specially, cannot help being message to the students of Lucknow University in 1928 a few days before signed on April 29, 1954. These were distressed at the present inequalities he received the lathi blows at the five principles – between man and man, class and class. Gross and vulgar luxury on Lucknow Railway Station, Jawaharlal (i) Mutual respect of each others’ the one side and abject misery on the Nehru makes an emotional appeal. territorial integrity and other must produce in all who are Do they not know how one of the sovereignty, sensitive, and those who themselves greatest of India’s sons was treated (ii) Mutual non-aggression, suffer under the existing system, in Lahore city less than a month (iii) Mutual non-interference in each a feeling of intense bitterness and ago because he would not bow his others’ international affairs, revolt. - - - As to what should take its head to this commission which the (iv) Equality and mutual benefit place opinions differ but whatever authorities of Lucknow University it may be it should provide for the have invited? Only a few days ago (v) Peaceful co-existence. removal of, or at any rate tend to his great and generous heart pulsated Nehru’s policy of non-alignment was remove, inequalities of class and with life and the warm blood throbbed most suited particularly to India, caste and wealth. It should result through his veins, and with untiring since it was directly linked with in equal opportunities for everyone energy his rich mind worked for the our defence, security and economic and not the grossly unfair lack of emancipation of his country and all needs. Credit goes to Nehru that opportunities which is the lot of most who are oppressed in it. And then, his he put a newly independent, weak, people today. body lay cold and stiff and the valiant poor country like India in the centre- The youth of Bengal were most spirit that has inhabited it for four stage of the world politics. His vocal during the freedom struggle. and sixty years had gone. Today that policy of non-alignment was positive, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s popularity body is dust and ashes. - - - Will you constructive and also dynamic. He amongst them was so high that they not make it clear to your university was the hope and voice of the Afro- often invited him for their meetings authorities, to the Simon Commission, Asian people. He was the brightest during the late 1920s and early 1930s. and to all whom it may concern, that star shining on the international He wanted the youth to understand the young men and young women horizon. In his death has ended an international events and appreciate of Lucknow cherish the memory of era. v new forces at work. A year before he their departed leader and stand for the cause for which he lived and died? The author is a Ex-Vice-Chancellor, became the Congress President, and Rajasthan University, Jaipur delivered his famous speech at Lahore A few senior leaders in the Party where he led emphasis on socialism, expressed their reservations to

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 22 LEGACY

Mahatma Gandhi on the election of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru in dreaming dreams and seeing visions of India’s future. as Congress President in 1929 at a very young age. To them Was there any real substance in those dreams or were they the Mahatma replied: merely the fancies of a fevered brain? - - - Instead of a Those who know the relations subsist between Jawaharlal feeling of triumph at achievement, there is an emptiness and me, know that his being in the chair is as good as my and distress that surrounds us, and we have to wipe the being in it. We may have intellectual differences, but our tears from a million eyes. hearts are one. And with all his youthful impetuosities, Like Gandhiji, Pt. Nehru always stressed right ends can his sense of stern discipline and loyalty make him an only be achieved by right means and wrong means will inestimable comrade in whom one can put the most never lead to the right end. In his address to college implicit faith (August 1, 1929). students soon after independence. Pt. Nehru outlines his The immense adoration of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru amongst vision of free India which he very ably led for 17 long years the youth can be gauged from the fact that S. Bhagat Singh, during which his contribution as the architect and builder a few days before his execution remarked in his jail diary: of modern India is unparalleled. “They (the Congress) should aim at Swaraj for the masses A vast responsibility, therefore, rests on our universities based on socialism. That was a revolutionary change and educational institutions and those who guide their which they could not bring about without revolutionary destinies. They have to keep their lights burning and must method,- - - The youth of Punjab should rally behind not stray from the right path even when passion convulses Jawaharlal Nehru.” Despite the best efforts of its leaders the multitude and blinds many amongst those whose duty the Congress could not save Bhagat Singh from the it is to set an example to others. We are not going to reach gallows. An emotional Jawaharlal Nehru expresses his our goal through crookedness and flirting with evil in the regret. hope that it may lead to good. The right end can never be Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose succeeded Pt. Jawaharlal fully achieved through wrong means. Nehru as Congress President in 1937 when Pt. Nehru Pt. Nehru’s love for children was immense. They fondly proceeded to Europe to study the pre-war international called him Chacha Nehru who would always despite his events, beginning with England where his daughter Indira extremely hectic schedule, found time for them. In an was studying at Oxford University. He fielded questions article in the Shankar’s weekly, he praises the innocence on student participation in politics. of children who are always away from the artificial barriers Must students take part in politics? Must they take part of caste, community and religion. in life, a full wholesome part in life’s varied activities, or Pt. Nehru inspired the youth to be ambitious, disciplined be of the clerkly breed, carrying out orders from above? and strong in mind and body. Addressing an Inter As students they cannot keep out of politics; as Indian University Youth Festival in New Delhi in October 23, 1955, students, even more so they must keep in touch with it. he exhorts the young to have pride in themselves and inner Yet it is true that normally the training of their minds and urge to do big things. bodies must be their principal consideration during this You are young. I should like you to have the pride of youth period of their growth. - - - During the Great War, where and the ambition of youth to do something worthwhile and were the students of England, France, Germany? Not in big. All of you may not be geniuses, but some of you might their college but in the trenches, facing and meeting death. yet do worthwhile things in some department of human The independence of India was accompanied by partition activity or other. I do not like people who have no pride which brought in its wake inhumane massacres and and ambition and are just sloppy people. displacement of millions of people. Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru It takes time and perseverance to do big things. It will not touches an emotional cord with the students of Allahabad do to be faint-hearted. One meets with failure occasionally, University on December 1947 by paying rich tributes to but one has yet to go on. - - - Have that inner urge to do Mahatma Gandhi. big things and I have no doubt that you will do big things. The first Prime Minister of India recalls his association with In the Glimpses of World History (1934) Panditji wrote that Allahabad where he was born and spent his early years “the youth have always played a dominating party for they of youth. He inspired the youth to fight against violence, can adapt themselves to changing ideas and conditions far communalism, regionalism and poverty. more easily than those who have grown old and hardened What kind of India are we working for, and what kind of and fixed in ancient beliefs. A few years earlier he wrote world? Are hatred and violence and fear and communalism to Indira: “Be brave and all the rest follows.” The 13 year and narrow provincialism to mould our future? Surely not, old Indira was never to forgot that lesson for the next 54 if there has been any truth in us and in our professions. years. As Congress President, Sonia Gandhi said recently: Here in this city of Allahabad, dear to me not only because “the quality she (Indira Gandhi) prized above all else was of my close association with it, but also because of its fearlessness.” This virtue is, perhaps, the greatest moral part in India’s history, my boyhood and youth were spent legacy of Jawaharlal Nehru. v

n 23 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 UPA FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME SERIES


omen constitute about half of moving forward towards a paradigm of 20,000 AWCs ‘On Demand’. Wour population and women shift in its approach to social sector There are 7015S sanctioned with children together constitute issues, which were earlier only Projects with 13.67 lakh AWCs (as 70% population of the country. welfare-oriented but now look at on 3l.10.2011). Of the 13,66,776 Today we are one of the fastest holistic empowerment, especially sanctioned AWCs/Mini-AWCs, growmg economies in the world. of the marginalized. around 12.94 lakh are operational No civilized society can achieve (as on 3l.10.2011). Hon’ble Prime The Ministry has progressed its goals of equality and justice if Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh has phenomenally since its genesis. women remain excluded from the been emphasizing on fighting the Under the inspirational guidance mainstream economic, political scourge of malnutrition and our of Smt.Sonia Gandhi, chairperson, and social activities and children Ministry has done the necessary UPA, the Ministry has reached new remained deprived from basic work to restructure & strengthen heights in the recent years; in terms health care and nutrition, education ICDS. of the coverage of schemes and in and the prevalence of obscurantist the resources allocated to it but 2. Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for social practices such as child also by introducing path breaking Empowerment of Adolescent marriage, female feticide. Hence to legislations, bills and new schemes Girls (RGSEAG) – ‘Sabla’ give the much needed impetus to to deal with the challenges existing the holistic development of women Adolescent Girls are a core resource and the new ones emerging in the and children, the Department of for national growth. Investment changing world. The key initiatives Women and Child Development, set in their health and development of the Ministry for the development up in 1985, as a part of Ministry of is investment in the greater well- of women and children are in the Human Resource Development was being of the country. Considering recent years are detailed below. upgraded to a Ministry in 2006. As a that several of these girls are out nodal Ministry for the advancement 1. Integrated Child Development of school, get married early, face of women and children, the Ministry Services (ICDS) Scheme discrimination in accessing health, education & other services, work formulates plans, policies and The Integrated Child Development in vulnerable situation, and are programmes; enacts/ amends Services (ICDS) Scheme is one of influenced by peer pressure, they legislation, guides and coordinates the flag-ship programmes of the need special attention. They the efforts of governmental and non- Government of India and represents need to be looked at in terms of governmental organisations working one of the world’s largest and unique their needs both as a group as in the field of Women and Child programmes for Early Childhood well as individuals as they are the Development. Besides, the Ministry Development. It is the foremost productive members of the society implements certain programmes symbol of country’s commitment in future. Recognizing the unmet for women and children which to its children and nursing mothers, needs of AGs, in the year 2010 Rajiv cover welfare and support services, as a response to the challenge Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment training for employment and income of providing Pre-school non- of Adolescent Girls - Sabla has generation, awareness generation formal Education on one hand been launched as a comprehensive and gender sensitization. These and breaking the vicious cycle of intervention for Adolescent girls in programmes playa supplementary malnutrition, morbidity, reduced the age-group of 11-18, with a focus and complementary role to the other learning capacity and mortality on on out of school girls. To begin with, general developmental programmes the other. The beneficiaries under the Scheme is being implemented in the sectors of health, education, the Scheme are children in the age in 200 districts of the country on a rural development etc. All these group of 0-6 years and pregnant and pilot basis. Sabla aims at all-round efforts are directed to ensure lactating mothers. Launched in 1975 development of adolescent girls of that women are empowered both in 33 Blocks (Projects) with 4891 11-18 years (with a focus on all out- economically and socially and thus AWCs. Currently, 7076 Projects and of-school AGs) by making them ‘self- become equal partners in national 14 lakh AWCs have been approved, reliant’ by improving their health development. The Ministry is which also includes a provision

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 24 and nutrition status, promoting term objective of behaviour and awareness about health, hygiene, attitudinal change. The scheme nutrition, Adolescent Reproductive attempts to partly compensate for and Sexual Health, family and wage loss to Pregnant & lactating child care and facilitating access women both prior to and after to learning about public services delivery of the child. Pregnant through various interventions such Women of 19 years of age and above as guidance and counseling as well for first two live births (benefit for as Vocational Training. It also aims still births will be as per the norms towards mainstreaming out of of scheme). All Government/Public school AGs into formal/non formal Sector Undertakings (Central and education. State) employees are excluded from The successful implementation of the Scheme as they are entitled for Sabla requires convergence with paid maternity leave. The wives of development activities/schemes of such employees are also excluded other Departments such as Health, from the Scheme. Education, Youth Affairs, Labour, Table 1.1 Conditions and cash PRIs etc. Nearly 100 lakh adolescent transfer under IGMSY girls per annum are expected to be benefitted under the scheme. Cash Transfer Conditions Against the allocation ofRs.350 First installment • Registration of Pregnancy at AWC/health centres crore for the year 2010-11, a sum of of Rs. 1500/- within 4 months of Pregnancy. Rs.330 crore (approx.) have been (at the end of released to States/UTs. The year • At least on ANC with IFA tablets and IT. second trimester 2011-12 is the first complete year of • Attending at least one counseling session at AWC/ implementation of the scheme after VHND. which the physical and financial Second • Child Birth Registration achievements made vis-a-vis the installment of target would be assessed. A sum of • Immunization Rs. 750 crore has been allocated for Rs. 1500/-(3 •Attending growth monitoring and counseling sessions Sabla for 2011-12. months after delivery ) 3. Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Third • Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months & introduction Yojana (IGMSY) - Conditional installment (6 of supplementary feeding (Self certification by mother) Maternity months after • Immunization Benefit (CMB) Scheme. IGMSY delivery) was introduced in October 2010,in • Attending growth monitoring and counseling 52 identified districts through sessions the platform of Integrated Child Protection of Children From Sexual Development Services (ICDS) The successful implementation of Offences Bill, 20ll.The aim of the Scheme. IGMSY is a Centrally IGMSY requires convergence with Bill is to enact a special legislation Sponsored Scheme aims at improving development activities/schemes of to provide protection to children the health and nutrition status of other Departments such as Health, from the offences of sexual assault, pregnant & lactating women (P & L). PRIs etc. Nearly 12.5 lakh annum are sexual harassment and pornography The Scheme envisages providing expected to be benefitted under the and to provide for establishment cash of Rs.4000/- through their bank scheme. A sum of Rs.520 crores has of Special Courts for trial of such or post office accounts directly to been allocated for IGMSY, 2011-12. offences and for matters connected P&L women during pregnancy and 4. The Protection of Children therewith or incidental thereto. lactation in response to individual from Sexual Offences Bill, 2011 The Bill was introduced in the fulfilling specific conditions. It A progressive legislation, in offing, Rajya Sabha on 23rd March, addresses short term income formulated under the pro-active 2011. The Rajya Sabha referred support objectives with long guidance of Smt.Sonia Gandhi is the Bill to Department related

n 25 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 UPA FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME SERIES

Parliamentary Standing Committee ambit of the proposed legislation. This would ensure that the child on Human Resources Development The Report is being examined to is rehabilitated at the earliest and for examination and report. The finalize the stand of the Government. the parents also do not have a long Committee discussed the Bill with waiting period. The process of The Government expects that various NGOs. The Committee receiving dossiers of foreign parents the legislation, if enacted would also discussed the Bill with transmitting them to agencies contribute to enforcement of Secretary (WCD) on 18.8.2011. The where children are available and the right to Gender equality in Committee has submitted its 240th subsequently granting permissions employment for working women Report on the Bill and presented for inter-country adoptions will be everywhere. It would contribute a the same in the Rajya Sabha and done online through CARINGs. sense of security at the workplace laid on the table of the Lok Sabha and would improve women’s 7. highlighting Issues of on 21.12.2011. The Rajya Sabha participation in work resulting in Disadvantaged Women and Secretariat sent the copy of 240th their economic empowerment and Report to this Ministry for necessary Children inclusive growth. action. Accordingly, the The Ministry is playing a nodal recommendations proposed by the 6. Central Adoption Resource role in identifying the issues and Committee on the Bill are being Authority challenges being faced by women examined for preparation of fresh Government have introduced and children of disadvantaged draft Cabinet Note on the Bill after the Central Adoption Resource section of society. The Ministry obtaining comments/views from the Information & Guidance System has held national level conferences concerned Ministries/Departments. (CARINGS), a web based on ‘Issues and Challenges for Development of Scheduled Caste 5. The Protection of Women management system on adoption Women and Children’ on 18-19 against Sexual Harassment at to bring about a transparent & January, 2011; on ‘Scheduled Tribe Workplace Bill 2010. child friendly adoption regime in the country. CARA has initiated Women and Children: Issues and For historic reasons, women have registration for in-country and Challenges for Development’ on been subjected to various types inter-country adoption online to 30-31 May, 2011; and on ‘Issues and of discrimination in various form facilitate expeditious and smooth Challenges in the Development of of the Society and a work place adoption, ensure transparency in Women and Children of Backward is not an exception in this regard. the adoption process, increase Classes including Backward Classes Such a discrimination/ harassment accountability of implementing of Religious Minorities; on 2-3 March, of women at a workplace mostly agencies, create a network of 2012. The idea of these conferences manifests in the form of demand for stakeholders towards improved is to bridge the gap between policy sexual favours, the refusal of which synergy and maintain a National makers, the policy affected, the may put her in a disadvantageous Database to enable effective policy civil societies and various advocacy position in connection with her making and research. Segregated groups. In these conferences the employment or work. While legal data and volume of information on various Ministries presented their frame work exists to deal with crime orphan, abandoned and surrendered factsheets along with the efforts like molestation, eve teasing etc., children can be generated through being made for the betterment of the there is no legislation to protect CARINGS. disadvantaged groups and on the women from such harassment at other hand the civil societies and the work places. So far 250 adoption agencies have representatives of the disadvantaged registered on CARINGS throughout sections put forth their factsheets. For addressing all these issues, the country. The recommendations of these the Government introduced The workshops have been sent to all Protection of Women against In the first phase of implementation the Ministries and many of them Sexual Harassment at Workplace of CARINGS, only inter-country have been taken up in the 12th Plan Bill 2010 in the Lok Sabha on adoption process will be monitored. Working Group Discussions. 7th December 2011. The Bill was Parents residing out of India will be referred to the Department related registered in the system; similarly It is the endeavor of the Ministry Parliamentary Standing Committee all children available in adoption through all its policies, schemes for examination and report. The agencies will be registered. Using and programmes to work towards Committee has since submitted this database on CARINGS, achieving its vision of empowered its Reports. One of the important the parents would be directed women living with dignity and recommendations of the Committee to agencies where children are contributing as equal partners is to bring Domestic workers in the available for inter-country adoption. towards the development of the

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 26 UPA FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME SERIES country in an environment free from Under the Integrated Child the health and nutrition status violence as well as well nurtured Protection Scheme (ICPS), of P&L women. The scheme children with full opportunities a Centrally Sponsored Scheme envisages providing cash directly for growth and development in an introduced in 2009-2010 for the to P&L women during pregnancy environment free from exploitation. welfare and rehabilitation of and lactation, through bank/post children in conflict with law as office accounts in response to Highlights of Achievements of well as children in need of care and the individual fulfilling specific Ministry of Women and Child protection, statutory structures have conditions. It addresses short-term Development, 2011-2012 been established under the Juvenile income support objectives with long Around 97% of Sanctioned Justice (Care and Protection of term objective of behaviour and Grant Released to States/UTs Children) Act, 2000. The number of attitudinal change. ICDS Reaches about 10 Cr Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) Furthermore, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh Beneficiaries and Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs) (RMK) scheme of the WCD Ministry More Than 105 Lakh Girls has more than doubled from 240 and has benefitted 6,94,415 needy benefit under Sabla 211 to 548 and 561, respectively. As women at the grassroots levels. As RMK Reaches 6,94,415 Needy a result of the support provided, 26 on 31.12.2011, cumulative loan of Women State Child Protection Societies, Rs. 315.32 crores was sanctioned. The Ministry of Women and 24 State Project Support Units, 20 Against this, Rs 259.32 crores was Child Development has released State Adoption Resource Agency disbursed. The scheme, launched approximately 97% of the sanctioned and 438 District Child protection in 1993, aims to bring about the grant of Rs. 16,100 crores to States/ units, have been established to work socio-economic upliftment of poor UTs and various agencies for the exclusively for child protection, women. It extends micro-finance programmes and schemes aiming employing approximately 4500 services to poor women to credit at holistic development of women dedicated and trained staff. In is provided through Intermediary and children, in 2011-2012. the year 2011-2012, 8 state child Microfinancing Organisations protection societies, 4 state project (IMOs) working at the grassroots The flagship programme of ICDS units,112 district child protection level, such as NGOs, Women has reached about 10 crore units were established. Moreover, Federations, Co-operatives etc. beneficiaries. These include 4.37 the provision of Emergency crore children of age 6 months-3 yrs, Outreach Services for children in Also, 322 Swadhar homes are 3.5 crore children within 3-6 yrs, and distress, through a 24 hour helpline operational across the country as 1.81 crore pregnant and lactating (1098), has more than doubled; on 20.1.2012. Against an allocation women. Total of 6900 projects out from 83 in 2007-2008, it is spread of Rs. 30 crores in 2011-2012, a of sanctioned 7076 are operational. to 202 locations in 2011-2012. Also, budgetary provision of Rs.100 Furthermore, around 12.04 lakh childline was extended to 94 new crores has been kept in BE- Anganwadi Centres (AWCs)/Mini- locations. 2012-13. In addition, about 29650 Anganwadi Centres are operational beneficiaries have been covered Under the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for of the sanctioned number of 13.70 under the Support to Training and Empowerment of Adolescent Girls, lakh. Moreover, 61 projects were Employment Programme for Women ‘Sabla’, launched in November 2010, sanctioned and 57 projects were (STEP) scheme, which provides around 84.4 lakh girls have been operationalised, and 3942 AWCs training for skill upgradation to covered in the nutrition segment, was sanctioned and 41033 AWCs poor and assetless women in ten while around 21.42 lakh girls have were operationalised in 2011-2012. traditional and two non-traditional benefitted in the non-nutrition sectors. Also, 188 projects including The Ministry has also initiated segment, in 2011-2012. Sabla is a 96 rehabilitation homes, have been Annual Programme Implementation comprehensive intervention for sanctioned under the Ujjawala Plan (APIP) format in order to adolescent girls in the age-group of scheme, a comprehensive scheme improve the planning and 11-18, with a focus on out-of-school to combat trafficking of women and programme implementation. The girls, and is being implemented in children. draft Early Childhood Care and 200 districts of the country on a Education (ECCE) policy along pilot basis. In view of increasing incidents with curricular framework and of assault on women from North Around 1.77 lakh pregnant and Eastern States, the Ministry has standards have been uploaded lactating (P&L) women have on the website of the Ministry for established a Working Women benefitted under the Indira Gandhi Hostel, at Jasola, exclusively for comments and views from public Matritva Sahayog Yojana (IGMSY), organizations etc. working women of North Eastern a scheme that aims at improving States in 2011-2012. v

n 27 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 150TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS 150th Birth Anniversary of a great poet, dramatist, novelist, critic, religious, social and educational reformer…Noble Prize winner Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore

abindranath Tagore, was born to Devendranath Hindu Mela, a cultural fair devoted to patriotism RTagore and Sarada Devi on 25 Baisakh 1268, and social welfare organized by Nabagopal Mitra, according to the Bengali Calendar, in Calcutta (now Rajnarain Bose and others under the patronage and known as Kolkata). The Tagore’s, originally hailed sponsorship of the Tagore family. His two important from Jessore and settled in Calcutta round about the songs i.e., the ‘Amar Shonar Bangia’ and the ‘Jana time when the East India Company had founded the Gana Mana’ are the national anthems of Bangladesh city. They were recognized among the leading families and India, respectively. of Calcutta’s new aristocracy. Rabindranath’s When Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore was awarded grandfather, Dwarkanath, known by the honorific the Noble Prize in 1913 for his Gitanjaii, the collection title of ‘Prince’ because of his great wealth and of his poems, he was at once recognized as a great munificence, became one of the staunch supporters poet all over the world. of Raja Rammohan Roy in all his public activities. Likewise, The end of the 19th century saw Rabindranath’s father, known as Rabindranath preoccupied more ‘Maharshi’ for his piety and faith, and more with fundamentals of became a redoubtable champion the Indian problems and his of ‘brahmoism’, which may well growing conviction that these be regarded as Rammohan’s were tied up with the prevailing vindication of the monotheistic faulty system of education. tradition of the Upanishads. Instead of sending his own children to the existing schools, Rabindranath’s school career he started his own home-school was brief (1868-74), uneventful for them at Sheildah. That was and haphazard-he had to change when he conjured up his vision school four times and left formal of a Tapovana school- where it schooling in 1874. But this only might become possible to link whetted his appetite for self- up learning and living in an education through his mother- atmosphere of freedom, in the tongue in which he received midst of nature, in a community encouraging support. The twin where teachers would be gurus muses of song and poetry came and pupils disciples in the to him hand in hand fairly early traditional Upanisnadic sense. in life. He started scribbling verses soon after he He held up these ideals in the poem of ‘Naivedya’ learnt his alphabet and he imbibed music from the and followed them up by founding a school in 1901 atmosphere at home. in the Asrama built by his father at Shantiniketan The family discovered Rabindranath’s gift for song near Bolpur and bequeathed by him to a public trust. and poetry quite early in his life. His first poem to In 1918, the foundation was laid at Shantiniketan of appear in print was Abhilash in the Tatvabodhini the institution, which came to be known as the Visva- Patrika in 1874, where it was described to be a Bharati. During the next two years, Rabindranath twelve-year-old boy’s composition. The next year, travelled all over India and abroad inviting support when he was barely thirteen, he made his first public of the intellectuals for the Visva-Bharati. On his appearance as a poet reciting a patriotic poem of return to Shantiniketan, he made over the institution his own composition at the ninth session of the of Visva-Bharati a public trust at a formal meeting

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 28 A Tribute presided over by Dr. Brojendra Nath Sial, in the confessions that his nurturing faith in the civilization distinguished presence of Dr. Sylvain Levi who that Great Britain had brought to India had gone joined the institution as its first visiting Professor. bankrupt. The whole of India, with all the unity in Over the next decade (1921-30), Rabindranath’s main diversity is reflected in his writings, cutting across pre-occupation was to establish the Visva-Bharati on the space-time limitations. a sound foundation During the period and for this purpose 1891-93, Tagore he undertook a published many number of tours at of his writings home and abroad. in Sadhana, a Among the foreign publication started countries he toured by Bankim Chandra were China and Chatterjee in 1891. Japan (1924), South For a brief period, America (1925), from 1894 till its Italy, Switzerland, closure in 1895, he Norway, Sweden, was also its editor. Denmark, Germany, The Sadhana phase France, the Balkan was also a phase countries and Egypt of constructive (1926), South-east nationalism for Asian countries Rabindranath. (1927) and Canada (1929). His patriotism was not only an abstract Rabindranath love of the country Tagore was a but a truly felt love multifarious of the people- personality and a the village folk- versatile genius. who constituted Poetry, fiction, the country. He drama, Belles- awakened the letters-whatever masses through form of literary his compositions. expression he In 1919, following touched, he the Jallianwala embellished. He Bagh massacre, was not a ‘Bengali’ Rabindranath Tagore renounced the title of writer only, he was an Indian in every aspect. Knighthood conferred on him by King George-V in During the period from 1928 to 1940, when 1916, observing: Rabindranath Tagore seriously took up painting, he ‘The time has come when badges of honour made produced about two thousand paintings. The Visva- our shame glaring.’ Bharati has brought out two volumes giving prints of his paintings under the title Chitralipi. Tagore’s health started breaking down rapidly. Towards the end of July 1941, he fell ill so seriously Tagore’s political and social activities, punctuated that he had to be taken to his Calcutta residence for only by fits of shyness and foreign tours, practically treatment. On 30 July 1941, he had to undergo an filled his whole life. His last address at Shantiniketan operation. But he did not recover in spite of the best on the Crisis in Civilization in which he raised his medical attention and his life ebbed away peacefully objections to India’s political subjection to the on 7 August 1941. v highest level of human protest, was pathetic in its

n 29 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 NORTH-EAST

Assam emerges as a new engine of growth for the North Eastern Region

Prime Minister’s address at the Platinum Jubilee Celebration of Assam Legislative Assembly on April 20, 2012 at Guwahati, Assam

Our freedom and our democracy are the proud inheritance of our national movement. To do justice to this inheritance, we, the elected representatives of our people, are obliged to provide honest, effective and capable leadership and government. I am delighted that we celebrate this anniversary today with my friend, Chief Minister Shri Tarun Gogoi, once again at the head of the government of Assam. He has set a record of sorts with his humane and effective leadership. Assam has now been the beneficiary of over a decade of omoskar! I am truly delighted to be here once sustained progress, economic and social development. As Nagain in my adopted home state of Assam. I am an adopted son of this great State I feel happy that Assam particularly happy to be here today a week after Bihu. is now on the cusp of emerging as one of our frontline I wish the people of Assam sustained peace, progress States. This august Assembly has also much to be proud and prosperity. about its past decade. It has been witness to many pro- I was to be here two weeks ago, but President Zardari people legislation and development-oriented initiatives. of Pakistan’s visit to Delhi required me to reschedule I compliment the state government for taking Assam to my visit. I am sorry that I was unable to join you on 7th new heights of development. In the 9th Five year Plan April which was the anniversary date for the Assam State period the state economy of Assam grew at the rate of just Legislature. 1.51 percent. This increased to about 5.7 percent during We have gathered here to celebrate 75 glorious years of the 10th plan period. Due to the special emphasis given to the State Legislative Assembly. I feel truly proud to be development by the governments in the State and at the associated with this event because of its great historic Centre, Assam achieved an annual average growth rate significance. Three score and fifteen years ago, when of 6.8 percent during the first four years of the 11th Five Assam’s first elected assembly was inaugurated, this year plan. I am delighted to learn that in the last year of institution was one of the tallest pillars of democracy in the 11th Plan Assam is expected to record a growth rate this part of the world. of 7.18 percent. Assam is catching up with the national average. This is good news but more needs to be done. I feel humbled to stand here today and salute the memory of Bharat Ratna Lokapriya Shri Gopinath Bordoloi, I would like to see Assam emerge as a new engine of Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed and their compatriots who growth for the North Eastern region and the country as inspired the people of Assam, and the people of our a whole in the 12th Plan period. I am confident that in the beloved Motherland of India. I salute the memory of all 12th Plan Assam will be able to record a rate of growth the great daughters and sons of Assam who have sat in of over 9.0 percent! I assure the people of Assam that the these hallowed portals, giving expression to the free Central government will do whatever is possible to help voice and spirit of the people of Assam. I remember with Assam to achieve this goal. great fondness and respect the contribution of my friend Indeed in the last about 8 years our government has and two time Chief Minister Shri Hiteshwar Saikia to the been in office, we have tried our very best to extend a progress Assam has made. helping hand to the government and people of Assam. The This legislative assembly is a temple of our democracy. annual plan outlay for the State has increased from Rs It is a sacred place for us to reaffirm our Constitutional 3000 crore in 2005-06 to Rs 9,000 crore in 2011-2012. The commitment to pluralism, to human rights, to secularism total transfers to Assam for the period 2010-2015 as per and to the dignity of every citizen. the recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 30 NORTH-EAST would be about Rs 58,000 crore against the total of Rs Congress President & Prime 24,000 crore estimated for the period 2005-2010. The Assam Gas Cracker project was approved in April Minister condole loss of 2006. The project with an estimated cost of about Rs 8,000 lives in Assam boat tragedy crore is progressing well and is likely to be completed in DHUBRI: In one of the worst boat tragedies in Assam, December 2013. 103 people, including women and children, drowned A new 750 MW Bongaigaon Thermal Power Project at and over 100 went missing when a packed steamer an estimated cost of about Rs 4400 crore was approved carrying over 300 passengers sank in the Brahmaputra in January 2008. The project is likely to be completed in river after being caught in a severe storm midstream in October 2013. this district on 30th April, 2012. During the 11th Plan period over 8000 km pucca roads Condolence message of Congress President, have been constructed under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Smt. Sonia Gandhi expressed her deep grief on the Sadak Yojana. More that 6 lakh rural houses have been capsizing of ferry in the Brahmputra river near Dhubri in constructed under the Indira Awas Yojana. Assam carrying 300 people and around 103 people have lost their lives. She conveyed her heartfelt condolences Several Externally Aided Projects have been taken up in to the members of the bereaved families in this hour roads, flood management, power and urban development. of great sorrow. A Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum She called upon the authorities concerned to immediately Technology has been set up at Sibsagar and a National provide relief to the kins of the deceased families. Institute of Design is being set up at Jorhat. Following is the text of Prime Minister, Dr. The new wave of development in Assam has been made Manmohan Singh’s message: possible by a period of social peace and political stability. The Prime Minister is shocked and grieved to know There is a general realisation today that violence provides about the loss of lives in a boat tragedy on the no answers and that diverse groups can fulfill their Brahmaputra river in Assam. He has conveyed his aspirations only through engagement in the democratic deepest condolences to the near and dear ones of processes. This feeling has in no small measure resulted those who lost their lives. He has given instructions from the fact that the government of Assam is working for all possible assistance to the government of Assam for the people and for their all-round betterment. I am in relief operations and also for assistance from the sure that the few insurgent groups that continue to remain Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to the families outside the democratic process will understand the of the deceased. The Prime Minister spoke to the Chief sentiments of the people of Assam and come forward to Minister of Assam to convey his condolences and create an atmosphere that is conducive for accelerating express solidarity with the people of Assam.” the pace of social and economic development in this great AICC General Secretary, Shri Rahul Gandhi visits beautiful State of our Republic. Assam’s development Dhubri can be the engine of growth for the entire north-eastern AICC General Secretary, Shri Rahul Gandhi alongwith region as a whole. Assam Chief Minister Shri Tarun Gogoi, visited the In recent years, we have taken new initiatives to site on 2nd May, 2012 and promised to develop a river strengthen our relations with Bangladesh & Myanmar. transport system in the state to check such incidents. Last year, I visited Bangladesh. The Chief Minister Shri He also urged police officers to take strong action Gogoi accompanied me and we were able to agree on against those who carry excess load in boats — the a number of steps that will benefit both our countries. double-decker ‘SB Pancha-bhai’ was ferrying around Next month I am scheduled to visit Myanmar. I will 300 people. v discuss with the leadership of Myanmar how we can increase opportunities for expansion of trade, economic cooperation and connectivity to the larger ASEAN region. Assam and the other states of the North East can and should play leading roles in our efforts to Look East- wards. The key to development in the north eastern region is infrastructure. We need better educational and services infrastructure. We need better transport connectivity. As connectivity improves and capabilities expand, so

... continued on page 33

n 31 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 ORGANISATION New PCC Chiefs The folllowing announcments were issued by the AICC General Secretary, Shri Janardan Dwivedi.

ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1. Shri Ganga Prasad Tiwari 7. Smt. Viplove Thakur - Chhindwara New Delhi : The 8. Shri Chander Kumar 2. Shri Manoj Trivedi Congress President 9. Shri Harbhajan Singh Bhajji Smt. Sonia Gandhi - Chhatarpur The General Secretary Incharge of has on 19th April, 3. Shri Brikh Bhan Yadav the State will be the Chairman of the 2012 approved - Tikamgarh the proposal for Committee. appointing Shri CHHATTISGARH KARNATAKA Mukut Mithi as the New DCC Presidents PCC President of Arunachal Pradesh Co-ordination Committee, PCC with immediate effect. The Congress President Smt. and also for appointing two DCC Sonia Gandhi has on 10th April, Presidents and two ad-hoc chairman MEGHALAYA 2012 approved the proposal for The Congress President Smt. Sonia appointing following District New Delhi : The Gandhi has approved the proposal Congress Committee Presidents of Congress President for the following additions in the Chhattisgarh. Smt. Sonia Gandhi co-ordination Committee, Pradesh has on 20th April, 1. Shri Pankaj Sharma - Congress Committee and also for 2012 approved Raipur Rural, appointing two DCC Presidents the proposal for and two ad-hoc Chairman of the 2. Shri Janakram Verma appointing Shri D.D. departments in the Karnataka - Baloda Bazar, Lapang, Ex-Chief Pradesh Congress Committee with Minister of Meghalaya as President 3. Shri Onkar Shah, Ex-MLA - immediate effect. of the Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Gariabandh, Member Co-ordination Committee Committee with immediate effect. 4. Shri Maheshwar Paikara, Ex- 1. Shri C.M. Ibrahim MLA- Balrampur TRIPURA Additional list of the KPCC 5. Shri Ajay Agarwal - New Delhi : The •Vice Presidents Ambikapur Congress President 1. Shri M.H. Ambrish Smt. Sonia Gandhi HIMACHAL PRADESH 2. Shri Iqbal Ahmed Saradegi has on 20th April, •General Secretaries COORDINATION COMMITTEE 2012 approved 1. Shri R.V. Devraj the proposal for The Congress President Smt. Sonia 2. Shri Parasmal Kanaiyalal appointing Shri Gandhi has accepted the proposal Jain Sudip Roy Barman for re-constituting the Co-ordination 3. Shri H. Anjaneya as the President of Tripura Pradesh Committee of Himachal Pradesh and 4. Shri S.S. Prakasham Congress Committee with immediate naming it as the Strategy Committee. 5. Shri Krishna Byre Gowda effect. The composition of the Strategy Committee is as follows: 6. Shri N.S. Bisse Gowda MADHYA PRADESH 7. Shri Ramchandrappa 1. Shri Kaul Singh Thakur NEW DCC PRESIDENTS 8. Shri T. Amarnath 2. Smt. Vidya Stokes 9. Shri Vankteswar The Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi has on 7th April, 3. Shri Virbhadra Singh 10. Shri K.P. Chandrakala 11. Shri A.Siddharaju 2012 approved the proposal for 4. Shri Anand Sharma appointing following District 12. Shri Gautam K.V. G.S. Congress Committee Presidents of 5. Shri Gangu Ram Musafir 13. Shri Shriniwas Mane Madhya Pradesh. 6. Shri G.S. Bali •Secretaries

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 32 ORGANISATION

1. Shri K. Anand ... continued from page 31 2. Shri Lohit Naikar Assam emerges as a new engine of growth 3. Ms. Veena Achaiah for the North Eastern Region 4. Ms. Naeema Begum will commerce and employment opportunities. The 5. Shri Shyamala Bhandari rapid improvement in the Assam’s human development 6. Shri Saifulla indicators gives us hope and reason to believe that 7. Shri Raghunath the progress Assam has recently experienced can be 8. Dr. M.K. Venkatesh Hegde sustained over the long term. I see tremendous potential 9. Dr. B. Gurappa Naidu in this beautiful state for the growth of new industries that will generate employment for its young people and 10. Shri Moh. Obaidulla Sharief new avenues for local enterprises and professionals to 11. Shri Aswini Kumar Rai flourish. 12. Shri Kailashnath Patil Even as we celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of the Assam 13. Shri R. Rajanna Legislative Assembly, we should not forget that there are 14. Shri C.S. Rajanna many nations in the world which are just waking up to the 15. Shri P. Phillapa new light of democracy. As the world’s largest democracy 16. Shri Bhupathy we in India warmly welcome all those who seek a world 17. Shri Suresh of freedom and Constitutional government. 18. Shri Manjappa The first sitting of the Assam Legislative Assembly was 19. Shri Anand held on April 7, 1937 at Shillong. The capital of Assam 20. Shri Nisar Ahmed continued to be in Shillong till 1972, when the state 21. Shri Vinay Kartik government decided to make Dispur, Guwahati the new 22. Shri S. Mohandass Hegde capital. Assam has come a long way since those times. 23. Shri Rajkumar Wakode And it holds great promise for the future of Assam. I am happy that the state government has decided to •Executive Committee Members build a new complex at Dispur to house both the Assam 1. Shri M.K. Suhail Legislative Assembly and the proposed Assam Legislative 2. Shri Raiz Ahmed Patel Council. I am told that the project is expected to be 3. Shri I.G. Sannadhi completed by 2014. It is my fondest hope and wish that 4. Shri Mohan Kumar the new complex will enable the representatives of the 5. Ms. Ratna Prabha people of Assam to serve their people and their causes 6. Shri Babu Rao Chinchalsur even better than ever before. 7. Ms. Gurama Sidda Reddy You know that for years I have repeatedly come to this 8. Ms. Kamalamma blessed state of Assam to express my profound and 9. Shri R.R. Kallur heartfelt gratitude to the people of Assam, for the love 10. Shri S.R. Patil and affection they have showered on me and my family in electing me to our Parliament. 11. Shri Qamarul Islam 12. Shri Shivsharanappa I remain deeply indebted to the people of Assam. I was born in a distant and dusty village in a part of this sub- 13. Ms. Jayashree D. continent that is no longer in India. At a tender age I 14. Shri B.S. Vijay Kumar became homeless and a migrant. It is in Assam that I 15. Mrs. Nafeez Fazal have finally found a home that has given me a sense of 16. Shri H.N. Premkumar belonging. The friendship, the affection and the warmth 17. Shri Kabbali Range Gowda that each one of you have so readily extended to me is DCC Presidents something I cannot and will not ever forget. 1. Shri S.T. Somashekhar – Bangalore Urban So I stand before you, my friends, as one of you, sharing 2. Shri Dinesh Gundu Rao – Bangalore City your sense of pride and achievement and joy on this Ad-hoc Chairman of the Departments historic occasion. 1. Shri M.C. Venugopal Ad-hoc Chairman, OBC I sincerely pray that in the State Legislative Assembly the 2. Shri K.N. Rajanna - Ad-hoc Chairman, ST Dept. best interests of the people of Assam are given adequate voice for all time to come. May your path be blessed. Jai Hind! Jai Assam v

n 33 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 NEWS

visit of AICC General Secretary Shri Rahul Gandhi to Rajouri, the demands for railways connectivity was raised STATESWATCH before him and the same has received due attention and is being vigorously Andhra Pradesh by the AICC representative and CWC perused by him (Prof. Soz) and the Tributes to Dr. Zakir Hussain Member, Shri Jagmeet Singh Brar and local Member of Parliament Shri AICC Secretary, Shri Sudhakar Reddy Madan Lal Sharma and the day is not and Daman Territorial Congress far away when this would get railway president, Shri Vishal Tandel. connectivity. He said that Congress Gujarat Rojgar Adhikar Rally : The Rojgar Adhikar Rally was organized by the Gujarat Youth Congress and NSUI to mark the foundation day of the state of Gujarat on 1st May, 2012. Hyderabad: The Andhra Pradesh Congress Linguistic Minority Cell Present at the function were GPCC payed tributes to Late Dr. Zakir President, Shri Arjun Modhwadia, party has always played a positive Hussain on his death anniversary on CLP Leader, Shri Shaktisinh Gohil, role to unite the people of different 3rd May, 2012. Former Gujarat Chief Minister, Shri Shankarsinh Vaghela, AICC religions and regions, caste and Dr. Zakir Hussain was the first Muslim co-incharge of Gujarat, Shri Ashok colour, as secularism is the strength president of India and was awarded Tanvar, MP, Ex-GPCC President, Shri of unity and integrity of the state and the Bharat Ratna in 1963. Siddharth Patel, Ex-Deputy CM, Shri the nation. The function was organized by Cell Narhari Amin, AIYC President Shri PCC Chief said that equitable president, Shri Ashok Singh and Rajiv Satav, All-India NSUI President development of all three regions of others who paid tributes were Shir Shri Rohit Chaudhary, Gujarat Youth the state is the key to ensure unity Murali Mohan Singh, Shri Prakash Congress president, Shri Manish and integrity of the state. Prof. Soz Chand Srivastav, Syed Afsar Ali, Shri Dodiya and NSUI president, Shri asked his party ministers and Member Ashrith Jaiswal and Shri Mateen Ali. Gulabsinh Rajput. of Parliament to frequently visit this remote area and listen to the people Daman & Diu J&K and the party workers and solve Rail link with Rajouri- their problems on priority basis. He New Congress office in announced installation of twenty (20) DIU Poonch Daman: After the liberation of Goa in Kalakote: President J&K Pradesh 1987, Daman and Diu became Union Congress Committee Prof. Saifuddin Territories. Though, Daman had Soz-MP (former Union Minister) Congress office here but Diu, which has said that Rajouri-Poonch would is 650 km away did not have any party be connected with the railways in office. order to ensure overall development and economic boost to twin border districts. Addressing a largely attended public meetings at Kalakote and Rajouri, Prof. Soz said that Rajouri-Poonch hand pumps to meet the demand of has lacked behind in various spheres shortage of drinking water in the area. of life because of its topography and Minister for Medical & Technical lack of special focus. However, he Education Shri R.S. Chib announced said that now the focus of the centre rupees 10 lack for the promotion of and state governments is towards the sports in this backward belt of the backward and under developed areas Rajouri district. Minister for Health It was on 3rd April, 2012 that a new of the state. Shri Sham Lal Sharma assured the Congress office was opened in Diu Prof. Soz said that during the recent people that he will make special

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 34 NEWS efforts to improve healthcare system J&K Youth Convention government which has to be uprooted in the area. in the Assembly elections in 2013. Srinagar: To strengthen the base Shri Hariprasad said that the state Other prominent members who of Jammu and Kashmir, Pradesh attended the meetings were S/Shri Congress Committee (JKPCC) in Babu Ram Sharma, Sain Rashid, Vinod the Valley, Jammu and Kashmir Mahajan, Lovely Gupta, Ravi Singh Youth Congress organized a day-long Salathia, Narinder Gupta, Neeraj convention here at party headquarters Gupta, Sanjay Sawhney, Amit Chib, on 19th April, 2012. Anoop Chaudhary, Sanjeev Sharma, Addressing the gathering, senior Kewal Kaul and others. Youth Congress leader, Yasir Amin Empowering Panchayats Pandit said the convention has been in JK organized to look into the day to day problems of youth. “Through this Rajouri: President J&K Pradesh convention we want to provide the chief minister calls himself as the Congress Committee, Prof. Saifuddin youngsters a chance to highlight their number one chief minister but the Soz-MP (former Union Minister) day to day problems,” said Yasir. state happens to be backward in every assured the Sarpanches and Panches sense. Shri Digvijay Singh particularly Speaking on the occasion, MLC that Panchayats in the state would raised the problems of the farmers Pulwama and senior leader PCC, be empowered like other parts of and said that the farmers are facing Bashir Ahmed Magray said the the country and for this purpose the problems of fertilizers and power initiative is a first of its kind and the Congress Party is on forefront and and the farmers should throw the BJP aim of organizing such convention is committed for strengthening these government away which is giving all to strengthen the base of Congress basic democratic institutions for the kinds of trouble to them. Party in the Valley. overall development of the state. Illegal Mining Addressing a gathering of Sarpanches Madhya Pradesh There is lot of business of illegal BJP Bhagao – Pradesh mining flourishing in the state under Bachao the patronage of the chief minister and ministers of the state and a Bhopal: The year 2012 has been selected few high officials of the state termed as the BJP Bhagao-Pradesh of Madhya Pradesh. Bachao campaign by the Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee in The state Congress is raising this issue various programmes in the state and demanding a CBI inquiry into this capital and other areas. in which IPS officer Narendra Kumar was killed by a tractor of the mining In this regard, a padyatra was mafia. and Panches organized by its President organized in Rewa in the month Fazal Hussian Khan and Shafiq Ahmed of March in which AICC General Monitoring Committees Mir to Present their demands and to Secretary incharge of MP, Shri Digvijay formed Singh, MPCC president, Shri Kantilal express their gratitude for raising the The MPCC has formed 61 District cause of Panchayati Raj Institutions. Bhuria, MP Vidhan Sabha Leader of the opposition, Shri Ajay Singh monitoring committees to overlook Prof. Soz said that it was Congress and former chairman of the Vidhan the proper implementation of the 16 party under the leadership of Shri Sabha, Shri Sriyut Sriniwas Tiwari Flagship programmes of the Congress- Rajiv Gandhi who had moved accounted the failures of the BJP led UPA government. for amendment in constitution government and cautioned the people The committees have been formed to to empower the grassroot level against the inactive and corrupt state propagate and pronounce the benefits democratic institutions. He said of these prgorammes to the people that 73rd and 74th amendments and also to keep in check about the had empowered the Panchayats, Central finance sent to the state for Municipal corporations/committees implementing these programmes. The throughout the country and the state members of these committees were of J&K would also enjoy similar also given training in this regard. powers and benefits. He asked for gathering who were agitating for their Awareness Tour rights to pursue their demands in a Under the guidance and leadership peaceful and democratic manner. of the MPCC president, Shri Kantilal n 35 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 NEWS

Bhuria and Leader of the opposition, Election Commission of India Municipal Councilors present were Shri Ajay Singh with other office- former Mayor Farhat Suri, Mukesh National Secretary of All India bearers toured the area where Goel, Satbir Sharma, Ramesh Dutta, Congress Committee Shri. Pankaj Municipal elections are due. Harsh Sharma and Ajit Yadav. Sharma gave his valuable inputs and Most of the elections will be held in urged people to look at the issue of Other prominent leaders present, the Adivasi populated area. Meetings electoral reforms from the perspective besides Shri Agarwal and Smt. Sheila were held in eight districts to educate of political parties also. He said that as Dikshit, were Jitender Kumar Kochar, and bring awareness in the people compared to people from other walks Abhijit Singh Gulati, Dineshwar Tyagi, to select best candidates for the of life and profession, politicians Suresh Malik, Shivnath Sharma, elections. are the only ones who are actively Harikishan Jindal, P.K. Mishra, Dr. engaged with a wide spectrum of R.V. Singh and Dharminder Solanki. Protest issues hence their role in the polity The Congress has protested against of our country cannot be minimalised. Rajasthan the BJP government in the state He therefore urged that the practice Executive Meeting Held where there is no control over the of bashing politicians would not law and order system. There has serve the cause and the need of hour Hanumangarh: Under the directive of been increase in rapes and atrocities is politicization of a positive kind. the Rajasthan PCC president and the on women in the state. The Congress He also provided valuable insight in guidance of the District president, PCC president, Shri Kantilal Bhuria terms of the difficulties faced by the Shri Suresh Dadri, the Block Congress even meet the Adivasi victim of political parties and discrepancies Committee, City and Rural organized rape at her home in Jhabua district. arising out of the limitations imposed an executive committee meeting. Investigating team was sent there to on them. collect facts and the report was sent Councilors’ Meeting Held to Ms. Meenakshi Natrajan, MP. New Delhi: A meeting of the newly Delhi elected Congress Councillors was National Seminar on held at the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee (DPCC) office, Rajiv Electoral Reforms Bhawan, here on 20th April, 2012. The A national seminar on “Electoral meeting was presided over by DPCC Reforms in India: Dialogue and president Shri Jai Prakash Agarwal, Alternatives” was organized by People MP. Delhi Chief Minister Smt. Sheila For Nation on 21st April, 2012 at the Dikshit was also present. All the The meeting was called to join more and more people with Congress and to propagate and make the people aware about the pro-poor and pro- people welfare programmes of the UPA government. Present in the meeting were Block vice-president, Shri Arvind Bishnoi, Devkaran Meghwal, Shri Vinod Swamy, Mukesh Mukki, Khajanchand, Amit Jain, Shri Ashok Yadav, Councilor, newly-elected Congress Municipal Niranjan Nayak, Sarpanch Gynaram, Constitution Club, New Delhi. The councilors attended the meeting, and Lakhvir Singh, Ravindra Singh, Nathi daylong seminar had three sessions. introduced themselves before the Devi with others. A very interesting and thought gathering. provoking ‘Inaugural Session’ was Shri Agarwal and Smt. Sheila Dikshit Tamilnadu then followed by Working Session, in welcomed the councilors by draping Labour Day Held which number of activists, lawyers, shawls and Congress tri-colour scarfs Trichy: The Tamilnadu Congress Trade journalists, politicians and experts on them. expressed their views.The Inaugural Union, led by it secretary and PCC Session was presided over by eminent Shri Agarwal exhorted the Councilors Member, Shri B. Balasubramanian constitutional expert Shri. Subhash to start working in their wards from celebrated the 25th Tamilnadu Kashyap. The Chief Guest was Shri. H. right now, and be always available to INTUC’S State Conference and S. Brahma (Election Commissioner, solve the problems of the area and Labour Day here on 1st May, 2012. the people. Among the newly-elected

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 36 NEWS

Sewa Dal, led by its president, Shri TRIBUTES Nurulhuda Rhyne Gandhi celebrated the birthday of Shri Bhimrao Nation pays tribute to our freedom Ambedkar here on 14th April, 2012. fighters and distinguished leaders. Congressmen garlanded the photo

A grand reception was given to Union Dr. Zakir Hussain Shipping Minister, Shri G.K. Vasan Death Anniversary and INTUC All India president, Shri 3rd May G. Sanjeeva Reddy. Silk towels and (1897-1969) flower garlands were put on them who later addressed the public and party cadres.

Uttar Pradesh of Shri Ambedkar and thereafter Tributes to Ambedkar distributed sweets among the people as a tribute to Shri Ambedkar. Firozabad (UP): The City Congress Motilal Nehru Birth Anniversary 6th May Tributes to Motilal Nehru (1861-1931)

Gopal Krishan Gokhle Birth Anniversary 9th May (1866-1915)

Fakruddin Ali Ahmed Birth Anniversary 13th May (1905-1977)

Sukhdev The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Union Minister for Parliamentary BirthAnniversary Affairs and Water Resources, Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal, AICC Treasurer, Shri Motilal 15th May Vohra and other dignitaries paid tributes to Pandit Motilal Nehru, on his Birth (1907-1931) Anniversary, at Parliament House, in New Delhi on May 06, 2012. n 37 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 EX-SERVICEMEN REPORT

Ex-Servicemen to Combat Casteism, Communalism

he AICC Ex- Rajiv Gandhi was TServicemen a big revolutionary Department which step for women devoted the month of empowerment. April for addressing Earlier in his grievances of Ex- welcome address Servicemen initiated Brig. (Retd.) process of holding Bhagwan Singh District/Block level explained why Ex- meetings in the run up Servicemen must to the 2014 Lok Sabha join Congress elections as also in which is the only the states going to political Party in the the polls from 2012 country that is above to 2013. caste, community The newly and religion. The reconstituted Department Ex-Servicemen Chairman stated that Department of during Kargil war it Rajasthan organised was Dr. Chandraban a well attended meeting of Ex-Servicement at the Rajasthan as a Minister in the first Ashok Gehlot govt. announced the PCC office, Indira Bhavan on 27 April, 2012. Kargil package for war widows and soldier who took part in the operation. He advised Ex-Servicemen to unite under The meeting was organised by Brig (Retd.) Bhagwan Singh, Congress banner in their long term interest. Chairman Rajasthan PCC Ex-Servicemen Department. Dr Chandraban, President Rajasthan PCC was the Chief Guest Capt. Praveen Davar in his keynote address traced the in the function with Capt. Praveen Davar as the Guest of brief history of Congress before and after independence. Honour. Sh. Mahinder Singh, Vice President Rajasthan PCC He said the Party not only led India to freedom but also also attended the meeting on behalf of PCC. has had unparalleled contribution in nation building after independence beginning with the seventeen year Addressing the Ex-Servicemen who had converged at Indira Prime Ministership of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru who laid the Bhavan from most part of the State, Dr Chandraban said that foundations of a strong, secular and vibrant India which as he had held the portfolio of Ex-Servicemen welfare during has achieved the front rank in the comity of nations. India his stint as a Minister in the first Ashok Gehlot Government, he is a self-reliant country today and due to Nehru’s vision and was well aware of the problems faced by the Ex-Servicemen. gigantic contribution late Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi He said that it was a coincidence that while he was a Minister, and Rajiv Gandhi whose dreams are being realised by the Brig (Retd.) Bhagwan Singh was then the Director of the Dr. Manmohan Singh led UPA govt. Capt Davar stated that Saink welfare under him and today the latter has become the under the leadership of UPA Chairperson and Congress Chairman after he took over as the PCC President. President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi, UPA 1 and UPA 2 has given Dr. Chandraban advised the Ex-Servicemen Department the country many pro people programmes like MNREGA, to quickly reorganize itself in the Districts and Blocks and RTI, RTE, JNNURM, RGGVY, Loan Waiver, Mid Day Meals dwelt upon the history of the Congress before and after and many more. independence. The PCC President said whenever the Capt. Davar explained in detail the steps taken by UPA 1 Congress was strong the country progressed and whenever and UPA 2 for the welfare of Ex-Servicemen which included the Party became weak, the health of the country also the setting up of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Department in the deteriorated. To make the Party strong the service of the Ministry of Defence, unprecedented hike in pensions of Ex-Servicemen should be utilized in an effective manner. Ex-Servicemen, expansion of ECHS (Medical) facilities for He said that the Congress, which led the country to freedom Ex-Servicemen and dependents. He said that no Govt. in the was pro-poor and pro weaker section’s party compared to past has done so much for the welfare of the Ex-Servicemen other parties which onloy follow opportunistic politicies as Dr. Manmohan Singh led UPA Govt. and cited examples to gain power. Dr. Chandraban stated that the 126 year to show the concern Hon’ble Congress President, Smt. Sonia old Party laid strong foundations for a secular and modern Gandhi has for the Ex-Servicemen, war widows/widows. A India and has taken a number of steps to make the country number of points including OROP (one rank one pension) politically and economically strong. It is a matter of great were also raised in the meeting. The Ex-Servicemen were pride for the country that there are large number of women convinced that no govt. in the past has done more for their who are rendering services in field of politics, industry, welfare than the Congress led UPA 1 and UPA 2. agriculture and other professions. Reservation to women in Panchayati Raj institutions introduced by late Prime Minister (PRAVEEN DAVAR)

Congress Sandesh n May 2012 n 38 PRESS BRIEFINGS

the effects of it were also felt at the borders in Bihar yesterday incidentally which of India and other countries. Government talks only of Rs. 22,000 crores. When the had made an alert announcement in this BJP sermonizes on corruption, it truly AICC regard. We pray to God that no country sounds vacuous, empty and hypocritical. faces any loss of life and property due to Yesterday when everything except this and all our sympathies are with those municipal issues were talked about, it DIARY affected. Wednesday, 11th April, 2012. was clearly an exercise in diversion, digression and derailment. It was also an Silent Revolution Violation of All Norms exercise in obfuscation and confusion and they talked of corruption, they did not Shri Manish Tewari said the decision of Shri Manish Tewari said the President of the Supreme Court upholding the Right the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee tell you as to why the two words black money were not even whispered by them to Education legislation is indeed a and the leader of the Congress Legislature welcome step. It once again underscores Party in Gujarat had raised the issue even once between 1998 and 2004, why no effort was made to execute even one the validity of the ‘right’ based entitlement of CAG report on the functioning of architecture which the UPA government the Gujarat government which has special bilateral with the tax heavens. As you know the Congress party has done has constructed over the past eight years. extensively and allegedly spoken about Away from the media glare, the screaming the losses running into thousands of 60 to 80 such bilaterals. It is but obvious that the BJP is a party which is trying headlines and the breaking news, there crores in various departments of the has been a silent revolution which has Gujarat government. Without going to deflect from its own issues of non- governance and mis-governance. It has been taking place in this country. RTI, into the merits of the averments or the Right to assure Employment, Right to averments which have been made in no achievements and no improvements, no real policies and no new ideas to talk Education, Right to Food which is in the CAG report, we would like to raise a the pipeline and the UID programme larger question. All of you would recall about either at the national level or even at the Delhi municipal level. It will find it called ‘Aadhar’ has created social safety that on a CAG report, the BJP had wiped net which is indeed unprecedented and out an entire session of parliament. difficult to explain why the civic amenities are non-existent, why water, electricity completely exceptional in terms of sheer On the contrary when it comes to the numbers that it takes in its sweep. It has BJP-ruled states, in contravention and and sewerage issues are in trouble and yet they try to deflect and divert and laid the foundations of protecting the in flagrant violation of all norms which weakest and the most vulnerable sections call for tabling of the CAG report within digress by such obviously cheap tactics. Thursday, 4th April 2012 of the Indian society by collectively seven days of the commencement of the creating a social safety net at a point in budget session, the Gujarat government Reflection of fear time when India is being counted as one decides to table the report only on the of the emerging great powers of the world. Shri Abhishek Singhvi said either this is a last day and that too after prodding by The social safety net taken together forms reflection of fear or it is a clear realization the Governor of Gujarat and compounded the core of the Congress party’s vision that of impending defeat but it is clear that Mr. that by ensuring that it is done at a point India can be, will be and shall be a great Modi in Gujarat is doing very large scale in time when the entire opposition stands power provided that we are internally advance planning because he is perhaps suspended from the Gujarat assembly. cohesive, socially stable and economically highly concerned about the election The fundamental question which it raises integrated and we do hope that the Food results for the forthcoming state assembly is that why is there a deafening silence Security Bill which is before the Standing elections in the end of the year since he from the central leadership of the BJP. Committee would come back to the House has transferred approximately 68 officers If they believe in the CAG report, then sooner that earlier. Friday, 13th April 2012 why haven’t they taken action against en masse -‘ 68 is not a small number, it is the Gujarat government and if they do not a coincidence and it cannot be justified Attack on Kabul not believe in the averments which have as administrative postings only. 50 of these Condemned been made in the conclusions which have are IPS officers. It seems to be a collective been arrived at, then why don’t they have strategy to try to place Mr. Modi to be the Shri Manish Tewari said the Indian the courage to stand up and say so? You right person at the right time. Whether National Congress condemns the cannot run with the hare and hunt with the that fear has been heightened by the terrorists’ attacks on Kabul and the three hound – have one standard with regard to recent loss in the bye election, whether other eastern cities of Afghanistan. The the CAG reports in Delhi and a completely this general negativism has arisen because attacks once again bring home the reality different standard when it comes to a some of the gimmickry on the internet in a very broad perspective that the fight BJP-ruled state. Monday, 2nd April 2012 which he has successfully manipulated against terror has to be fought 24x7 and did not work this time as you know a very 365 days a year. It once again underscores Hypocritical Sermons large number of over 2.6 lakh negative hits the bitter truth that eternal vigil is the Shri Abhishek Singhvi said the BJP, its were received on the internet which was price which civilized societies have to pay leaders, its President appear to have lost the third highest negative set of hits or it for safety and security. These unfortunate it. The BJP and its leaders including its is because the realization that he can only terror strikes in Afghanistan and the jail President talk about everything except try to succeed with help from government break in Bannu in Pakistan form the back municipal issues at a municipal rally quarters, one thing is clear, this should not drop in which Chief Ministers from across yesterday. They talked about corruption and cannot be seen as innocuous casual the country met today in Delhi to review in a mechanical meaningless manner. The administrative set of transfers, it is very the internal security situation. It once BJP would do well to put its house in order large, it is pointed, it is contextual and it again emphasize the fact that India lives before they venture into this territory. has a clear method behind the madness, in a difficult neighborhood and events that They should first have sorted out their a method which needs to be exposed. take place in and around the periphery Bangaru Laxmans and their Judeos. Their Monday, 9th April 2012 of India have an impact on our country too. It is, therefore, incumbent that there Yeddyurappa and more importantly they Quake in Indonesia should have responded about the CAG should be co-ordination and co-peration report on Gujarat a few days ago and Shri Rashid Alvi said that an earthquake between the centre and the states to even more importantly about the CAG with a rating of 8.9 was felt in Indonesia and provide a seamless response to the forces of terror. Over the past three decades the n 39 Congress Sandesh n May 2012 PRESS BRIEFINGS

Indian National Congress has been in the and its activities are wiped out of this Maoists will see wisdom and will release forefront of the fight against extremism, country. Wednesday, 18th April, 2012. these people immediately unconditionally. fundamentalism and separatism in various These are young Collectors who have parts of the country especially the North Agni-V Launched been working and serving the people of East, Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab. successfully this country and there is absolutely no Scores of Congress activists and leaders reason for the Maoists to make them have laid down their lives in this fight. Two Shri Manish Tewari said the launch and former Prime Ministers of this country successful splash down of Agni-V at one victims. It is my appeal to all of them that have sacrificed themselves on the altar level represents the technical prowess please see that the public does not support of nationalism in the fight against terror. of India. At another level it reflects and any issue like this. If there is something, The Congress party, therefore, would like underscores the political will of the we can always talk and negotiate and my to appeal to all political parties that issues UPA government to expand its strategic prayers for the families for the safe return of national security should not become an parameters while continuing with the of these people and that they get back to instrument which divides us. In fact these policy of building friendly relationships their respective posts and lives. That is the challenges call for cohesive, collective and across the world. As was very cessantly only concern I really have for them and I holistic response so that the challenges to pointed out yesterday that for a nation am sure all of you join me in expressing our national security can be effectively which has declared ‘No-first-Use- this concern because it is detrimental to surmounted, contained and neutralized. Policy’, a validated strategic deterrence Monday, 16th April 2012 safe living. So we should see that such programme is very essential. Over the things should continue. Monday, 23rd past eight years, the UPA government has Cut in interest rates April 2012 systematically endeavored to consolidate Shri Rashid Alvi said that the RBI had India’s strategic autonomy and expand its Matter of concern announced half percent rebate in the strategic space. The Indo-US Civil Nuclear interest rate which will give lot of relief Agreement mitigated the technology Shri Manish Tewari said the hostage situation in Odisha and the developments to the common man. People will also denial regimes which had held the field for in Chattisgarh continue to be a matter benefit in home loans. This indicates that over three decades but simultaneously the the government is concerned about the of concern. Yesterday we had flagged success of our space missile and strategic our sensitivity with regard to the safety common man and particularly the middle programme is a glowing testimonial to income group and this is an important of the Odisha MLA and the Collector in the foundations of self-reliance which step which will benefit all people of our Chattisgarh and wish for their safe return. was laid by the Congress leadership and country. However, if you look at the issue from specifically the then Prime Ministers in a slightly broader perspective, there is The Home Minister of Pakistan has the 1970s and 1980s. All those people who an imperative need for both the Centre made a statement where he showed talk about policy paralysis need to very and the States to seamlessly co-ordinate his concern and made a suggestion seriously reflect on the manner in which on matters which directly impinge upon that Taliban terrorists can enter our India’s strategic space has expanded and national security. It would be extremely country and we have to be careful. The its profile as an emerging great power has easy for us given the manner in which government of India is always aware of grown over the last eight years. Today the question of law and order was linked to the issue of federalism in the recent such movements, is cautious and all such India’s problem is not with the world. past to start scoring brownie points movements from outside the country Today our problem is within, it is with the forces of negativism, it is with the forces on both the government of Odisha and and the government keeps its eyes on of reaction which, motivated by political the government of Chhattisgarh but all such movements. The government is opportunism, are hell bent upon trying to responsibility and restraint forbids us fully prepared for this. But I would also spread canards, insinuations and mislead from doing so. There is a need for the add that the NCTC law of the government the people. Friday, 20th April 2012 central and the state governments to take which it wants to bring is the demand of a holistic view as to how to respond to the moment and the government is trying Maoist Kidnapping these recurring situations of hostages, of to talk with all the chief ministers and abductions and the attendant demands Smt. Renuka Chowdhury said we want other political parties so that unanimous while by no means are we suggesting that to start with expressing my concern and there should not be talks but it is also decision could be reached to make a collectively everyone’s concern about important that various other aspects and strong law is made to keep in check the Maoists kidnapping that has been the response and the nuances need to be all terrorist activities and bring it to an happening. Our heart goes out to the thought through and carefully calibrated. end. The government is committed to families whose loved ones have been taken Tuesday, 24th April, 2012. zero tolerance policy towards terror away by the Maoists and I pray that the activities. We want that such a law is Tom Vadakkan, brought at the earliest with a unanimous Media Secretary, AICC decision of all parties so that terrorism