Dragon Magazine
July 1981 Dragon 1 Dragon Vol. VI, No. 1 Vol. VI, No. 1 July 1981 Publisher . Jake Jaquet The scope of what a gaming magazine signers’ Workshop for publishing a load Editor-in-Chief . Kim Mohan can cover is vast — as vast in scope, if not of Traveller material. The boys in Bloom- Editorial staff . Bryce Knorr more so, than the games themselves. ington didn’t twist our arms — you did, Marilyn Mays Sales. Debbie Chiusano Consequently, neither DRAGON™ mag- by buying so many copies of the game Circulation . Corey Koebernick azine nor the other publications in the that it has become something we are ob- Office staff . Cherie Knull field have to be overly concerned about ligated to cover, in an effort to do the Jean Lonze “duplicating” what some other magazine greatest good for the greatest number of Roger Raupp has recently done. Then again, there’s a gamers. Contributing editors. Roger Moore thing called the law of averages, and Like I hinted at above, the law of aver- Ed Greenwood sometimes it catches up with all of us. ages can work both ways. Ironically What’s this all about? Well, those of enough, DRAGON #51 and (according This issue’s contributing artists: Susan Collins Kenneth Rahman you who have seen the June issue of The to their announced plans) TSG #41 both Gail Gierahn Phil Foglio Space Gamer may already know what contain extensive reviews of Triplane- Roger Raupp Mason Jones I’m getting at. tary. If our printing schedule, our ship- Todd Lockwood Tom Mason When we received our office copy of ping operation and the U.S.
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