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Wiring the Brain: The Biology of Neuronal Guidance

Alain Che´dotal1 and Linda J. Richards2

1INSERM UMRS_968, Institut de la Vision, Department of Development, 17 rue Moreau, 75012 Paris, France; UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMRS_968, F-75012 Paris, France 2The University of Queensland, Queensland Brain Institute and School of Biomedical Sciences, Buidling 79, St Lucia Campus, St Luica, Queensland, Australia, 4072 Correspondence: [email protected]

The mammalian brain is the most complex organ in the body. It controls all aspects of our bodily functions and interprets the world around us through our senses. It defines us as human beings through our memories and our ability to plan for the future. Crucial to all these functions is how the brain is wired in order to perform these tasks. The basic map of brain wiring occurs during embryonic and postnatal development through a series of pre- cisely orchestrated developmental events regulated by specific molecular mechanisms. Below we review the most important features of mammalian brain wiring derived from work in both mammals and in nonmammalian species. These mechanisms are highly con- served throughout evolution, simply becoming more complex in the mammalian brain. This fascinating area of biology is uncovering the essence of what makes the mammalian brain able to perform the everyday tasks we take for granted, as well as those which give us the ability for extraordinary achievement.

PATTERNING OF THE BRAIN IN RELATION environment, navigating superficially through TO PIONEERING undifferentiated neuroepithelial cells. These n the adult nervous system, axons originating early axons are termed “pioneers,” and are Ifrom groups of in nuclei, specific thought to lay down the path followed by later cellular layers, or ganglia preferentially associ- growing axons (Easter et al. 1994). Later arriv- ate, for at least some of their pathway, in well ing axons tend to fasciculate with the pioneers defined tracts precisely distributed through an established “scaffold” that provides along the rostrocaudal and dorsoventral axes. a basic framework for “follower” axons. Time- This feature is attributed to the preferred lapse studies have shown that the growth of developing axons along pre-existing morphology, behavior and actin dynamics of axonal tracts (Goodman and Shatz 1993). pioneer axons are distinct from those of the fol- However, the first axons that appear in the lower axons, that are less complex, grow at a developing brain grow in a largely -free higher speed through choice points, and have

Editors: Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Alex L. Kolodkin Additional Perspectives on Neuronal Guidance available at Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a001917 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a001917

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A. Che´ dotal and L.J. Richards

higher actin dynamics (Bak and Fraser 2003; variation (Easter et al. 1993; Che´dotal et al. Kulkarni et al. 2007). A role for pioneer axons 1995; Hjorth and Key 2002; Barreiro-Iglesias in guiding followers (coming from the same et al. 2008), two to three ventral/basal longitu- nucleus or having a different origin) is primarily dinal tracts form first, and extend from the fore- supported by experiments performed in fish brain and midbrain to the hindbrain; these embryos in which the pioneer axons were cut include the tract of the postoptic commissure or ablated (Kuwada 1986; Chitnis and Kuwada (TPOC), the medial longitudinal fasciculus 1991; Chitnis et al. 1992; Pike et al. 1992). (MLF), and the descending root of the mesence- Only in the late 1980s was it rediscovered phalic nucleus of the trigeminal (MesV). that, in all vertebrate species, the first axonal Dorso-ventral tracts form next with their axons tracts develop in an extremely conserved and later joining the longitudinal tracts, or crossing stereotyped spatio-temporal sequence (Fig. 1). the midline to form commissures. In the last 20 At a very early stage, pioneer axons establish years a major effort has been made to under- growth patterns that are retained later in devel- stand the mechanisms controlling the develop- opment, such as the formation of longitudinal ment of pioneer axons. versus circumferential growth, attraction or re- Classically, the embryonic has pulsion from the midline, and rostral or caudal been subdivided longitudinally into three orientation. In vertebrates, despite some species main vesicles, the prosencephalon, the mes- encephalon, and the rhombencephalon, each separated by transverse constrictions. As devel- opment proceeds, new transverse segments, Mouse called prosomeres are added in the prosen- Mes cephalon, with rhombomeres being added in Die the rhombencephalon (Lumsden and Keynes 1989; Puelles and Rubenstein 2003; Kiecker and Lumsden 2005). The delineation of the Tel neuroepithelial domains relies upon morpho-

MesV Rhomb logical and molecular criteria, as each domain MLF expresses a distinct combination of transcrip- TPOC PC tion factors and cell adhesion molecules, set IV up by specific morphogens such as Fgfs, Shh, MMT SOT/AC and Wnts that are enriched at their boundaries. DVDT Xenopus POC Interestingly, these domains form before the first axons appear (HH9 in chick and E8.5 in mouse) (Sechrist and Bronner-Fraser 1991; Easter et al. 1993). In fishes, birds, and rodents, SOT AC there is a striking, albeit not absolute (Hjorth and Key 2001), correlation between the sites where pioneer axons grow and the boundaries Figure 1. Schematic representation of the early axonal of the neuroepithelial domains (Krauss et al. scaffold in mouse and Xenopus. Abbreviations: MesV, 1991; Figdor and Stern 1993; Macdonald et al. descending tract of the mesencephalic nucleus of the 1994). Therefore, in the hindbrain, the seg- trigeminal nerve; MLF, medial longitudinal fas- mented pattern of motorneuron projections is ciculus; TPOC, tract of the postoptic commissure; dictated by their rhombomeric origin (Fig. 2) PC, posterior commissure; IV, trochlear nerve; (Lumsden and Keynes 1989; Kiecker and MMT, mammilothalamic tract; SOT, supraoptic tract; AC, anterior commissure; DVDT, dorsoventral Lumsden 2005). diencephalic tract; POC, postoptic commissure; mes, This alignment suggests that the first mesencephalon; die, diencephalon; tel, telencephalon; axons recognize guidance cues distributed in a rhomb, rhombencephalon. regionalized manner in the neuroepithelium.

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Wiring the Mammalian Brain

Mes guidance molecules (Nguyen Ba-Charvet et al. MHB 1998; Andrews and Mastick 2003; Geisen et al. IV 2008), different cell surface properties may ex- r1 FP plain the selective preference of pioneer axons for some domains or, their exclusion from others. r2 V In the forebrain, pioneering axon popula- r3 tions traverse boundaries, rather than forming in conjunction with them. For example, a tran- r4 ie VII sient and heterogenous layer of neurons popu- r5 lating the subplate of the neocortex (Ayoub VI and Kostovic 2009) pioneer the corticothalamic r6 and thalamocortical trajectory forming the IX . Disruption of the subplate r7 causes defects in thalamocortical targeting (McConnell et al. 1989; Ghosh et al. 1990; X HOXA2 XII Ghosh and Shatz 1992). Transient contacts HOXB2 r8 formed between subplate neurons and thala- HOXB2/A1/B1 mocortical axons are also required for their HOXB2/A1/A3/B3 proper segregation and synaptic refinement HOXB2/A1/A3/B3/A4/B4 (Kanold et al. 2003). Pioneering axons also HOXB2/A1/A3/B3/A4/B4/C4 form the first projections across the corpus cal- losum and are derived from the cingulate cor- Figure 2. Flat-mount view of the HH21 chick tex, rather than the neocortex (Koester and rhombencephalon illustrating its early segmentation O’Leary 1994; Rash and Richards 2001). Recent into 8 rhombomeres (r1-r8). The hox code specific evidence for their involvement in corpus for each rhombomere or odd- and even-numbered callosum formation implicates Npn1/Sema pair of rhombomeres is indicated by a color code. signaling in this process (Piper et al. 2009). The different cranial motornuclei and nerve root are also represented. Abbreviations: IV, trochlear nucleus; Several studies suggest that homeobox tran- V, trigeminal nucleus; VI, abducens nucleus; VII, scription factors may themselves directly act as facial nucleus; IX, glossopharyngeal nucleus; X, vagus short-range secreted guidance factors for pio- nucleus; XII, hypoglossus nucleus; MHB midbrain neer axons, with new evidence demonstrating hindbrain boundary; Mes, mesencephalon; FP, the uptake and retrograde transport of tran- floorplate. Adapted from Kiecker and Lumsden, 2005. scription factors to neighboring cells (reviewed in Prochiantz and Joliot 2003 and Brunet et al. 2007). The rostro-caudal distribution of retinal In support of this idea, the trajectory of several axons in the mesencephalon follows a gradient early axonal tracts is perturbed in fish and of the homeobox transcription factor Engrailed mouse mutants lacking the transcription factors established by Fgf8 (Itasaki and Nakamura Pax6, or the Pax2 homolog Noi (No-isthmus, 1996; Chen et al. 2009) diffusing from the pax2.1; Macdonald et al. 1994; Mastick et al. midbrain/hindbrain boundary. Engrailed ac- 1997; Wilson et al. 1997). Likewise, in zebrafish tivity may involve its downstream targets, lacking cyclops (a nodal-related factor) the ex- ephrinA ligands, but it was recently shown pression pattern of several transcription factors that Engrailed can be secreted by tectal cells is altered and this is accompanied by a disorga- and internalized by retinal axons, inducing their nization of early axonal tracts (Macdonald et al. turning (Brunet et al. 2005). Likewise, some 1994). As some of the downstream targets of tracts extend along domains expressing a high these transcription factors are cell adhesion level of Otx2 (Nguyen Ba-Charvet et al. 1998), molecules such as cadherins and other axon a transcription factor that can also act non cell

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autonomously during brain development (Su- decisions through the use of intermediate tar- giyama et al. 2008). Directly testing the non gets consisting of glial cells or intermediate cell autonomous role of homeobox-containing guidepost cells. In the hindbrain and midbrain transcription factors in early axonal tract devel- this occurs through the floorplate, a transient, opment, will require blocking their secretion or glial-like structure at the ventral midline of the internalization in vivo. brain. However, important differences exist Other recent studies have shown that pio- between the forebrain and hindbrain. Whereas neer axons largely respond to the same set of in the forebrain commissures are restricted to guidance molecules as later born axons. In a limited number of locations, commissural zebrafish, Sema3D initially repels MLF axons axons are widespread throughout the hindbrain from the forebrain and attracts anterior com- and spinal cord and tend to coalesce/fasciculate missural axons toward the midline; however at in well defined tracts only after they have crossed a later stage, it promotes the fasciculation of the midline and adopted a longitudinal growth these tracts by influencing the cell surface level mode. This important difference is likely to be of L1-CAM (Wolman et al. 2004; Wolman related to the presence of floorplate cells that et al. 2007). In chick, Sema3F/neuropilin-2 extend from the caudal tip of the spinal cord repulsion also plays a role in restraining the to the hypothalamus (Fig. 3) and play a major growth of chick trochlear motor axons at the role in patterning axonal connections at this midbrain/hindbrain boundary (Watanabe CNS level through the secretion of chemoat- et al. 2004). In chick and mice, caudally projec- tractants and chemorepellents. By contrast, ting longitudinal axons of the MLF and MesV commissural axons in the forebrain appear to express Robo receptors and grow between do- be channeled through very specific locations. mains expressing high levels of Slit ligands In the forebrain there is no floorplate struc- (Molle et al. 2004; Farmer et al. 2008; Kasten- turebutadditional,transientmidlineglialpopu- huber et al. 2009). In anamniotes, Slit/Robo lations are present that secrete similar guidance signaling controls the fasciculation of TPOC molecules to the floorplate in more caudal re- axons that also extend over a Netrin-rich region gions of the nervous system. Midline glial popu- in the basal forebrain (Wilson and Key 2006; lations are associated with every commissural Devine and Key 2008). and decussating projection in the brain (Silver The factors providing rostro-caudal direc- et al. 1993). These glial populations are known tionality in the brain are still unknown but as the “palisade” (optic chiasm) (Marcus et al. several morphogens such as Shh, Wnt, and Fgf 1995), “tunnels” (anterior commissure and may contribute. Fgf8 regulates the patterning fornix) (Pires-Neto et al. 1998; Braga-de-Souza of pioneer axons in the forebrain (Shanmu- and Lent 2004; Lent et al. 2005), “wedge” and galingam et al. 2000) and attracts trochlear “indusium griseum ” () axons along the midbrain/hindbrain boundary (Shu and Richards 2001; Shu et al. 2003b) (Irving et al. 2002). (Fig. 3). Molecules expressed by these glial populations include Slits (Erskine et al. 2000; Plump et al. 2002; Shu et al. 2003c), Wnts (Kee- MECHANISMS OF IN ble and Cooper 2006), Ephrins (Mendes et al. THE BRAIN 2006; Williams et al., 2003), Draxin (Islam The incredible complexity of the mammalian et al. 2009), and chondroitin sulphate proteo- brain, and the targeting and growth of axons glycans (Braga-de-Souza and Lent 2004). The over long distances, requires a unique strategy development of these glial populations is regu- for enabling brain wiring to occur during devel- lated by transcription factors such as Nfi genes opment. This is achieved through the use of (Shu et al. 2003a; Steele-Perkins et al. 2005; intermediate targets. To accomplish axon navi- Barry et al. 2008) and fibroblast growth factor gation over long distances, the system is broken signaling (Smith et al. 2006). Like the floor down into smaller, more manageable, guidance plate, each of these populations is transient

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Wiring the Mammalian Brain

Axons Lateral olfactory tract cells Corridor / Sling cells Glial cells


Corpus callosum Glial tunnel

Optic chiasm Glial palisade Hippocampal commissure Anterior commissure


D Superior colliculus



Internal capsule

Olfactory bulb

Lateral olfactory tract Corticospinal tract Floorplate (terminates lateral to the plane of view)

Figure 3. Commissural and longitudinal projections in the forebrain. Both glial and neuronal structures are associated with axonal tracts in the brain. (A–C) depict commissural tracts in schematics of horizontal sections from dorsal to ventral. (A and B) are schematics of the brain, whereas C is a ventral view of the head. Associated with the corpus callosum (blue tract in A) are the glial wedge and indusium griseum glia and the sling cells. Glia are also associated with the hippocampal commissure (purple tract in A) the anterior commissure (green tract in B) and the optic chiasm (red crossing fibers in C). In (D), longitudinal tracts are shown, including the corticothalamic, thalamocortical, cortico-collicular and corticospinal tacts that all pass through the internal capsule. Associated with the internal capsule are the corridor cells. The lateral olfactory tract (LOT) is also shown in D, together with the LOT cells. All schematics are of sections of mouse brain or head at embryonic day 18.

and only present during development of the efferent projection from the is axon tracts with which they are associated. the lateral olfactory tract (LOT), which contains In addition to transient glial populations guidepost cells, known as LOT cells (Tomioka in the brain, a number of transient neuronal et al. 2000; Figure 3). LOT cells migrate tan- populations have also been identified that act gentially and ventrally from the neocortex to re- as “guidepost cells” or “corridor cells” for axons. side within the lateral forebrain where the LOT In the developing olfactory system, the major will later form. The migration of these cells is

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directed by Netrin and Sema3F (Kawasaki et al. 1997). In the visual system Netrin1 guides ax- 2006; Ito et al. 2008) and the development of the ons at the optic disk to enter the optic nerve LOT axons depends on the presence of these (Deiner et al. 1997). Slits have been shown to cells. Slits secreted from the septum, and several act as chemorepulsive signals for decussating secreted semaphorins, also play a key role in axons at the optic chiasm (Erskine et al. 2000; LOT positioning (de Castro et al. 1999; Nguyen Plump et al. 2002) as well as callosal axons Ba-Charvet et al. 1999; Nguyen-Ba-Charvet (Shu and Richards 2001; Bagri et al. 2002; Shu et al. 2002; Fouquet et al. 2007). In the telence- et al. 2003c) but their role in mediating phalon, several other migratory populations of the guidance of other forebrain commissural neurons are implicated in axon guidance. The projections has not been thoroughly investi- subcallosal sling cells (Silver et al. 1982; Shu gated. In a number of systems Slits and their et al. 2003b) and neurons within the corpus cal- receptors, Robos, have also been shown to re- losum (Riederer et al. 2004; Niquille et al. 2009) gulate the fasciculation of axon tracts. As de- guide axons of the corpus callosum, and “corri- scribed earlier, the formation of pioneering dor” cells in the internal capsule guide thalamo- axon tracts in the brain allows for later arriving cortical axons into the cortex through their axons to use the pioneers for guidance by fasci- expression of neuregulin (Lopez-Bendito et al. culating with these axons. Fasciculation occurs 2006) (Fig. 3). Similarly, early born neurons at through axon–axon interactions and may be the optic chiasm are required for the guidance mediated by cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), of retinal ganglion cell axons at the midline such as NCAM, L1-CAM or TAG-1 or through (Marcus and Mason 1995; Sretavan et al. 1995). receptor homophilic interactions between ax- A driving hypothesis in the field of axon ons mediated by Robo or Eph receptors. guidance has been that axonal growth cones Despite the obvious neurological relevance, are guided by molecular gradients within the the mechanisms controlling the growth of ax- developing nervous system. Although several onal projections from neurons using biogenic in vitro assays have allowed this hypothesis to amine neurotransmitters such as cathechol- be tested (reviewed in Pujic et al. 2009), the amines (noradrenaline and dopamine), acetyl- exact parameters required for axonal chemo- choline, or Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine taxis are still being uncovered (Mortimer et al. or5-HT) has been largely neglected. Recent 2009). What is established is that throughout studies on the ontogeny of these systems in the neuraxis both attractive and repulsive guid- zebrafish will allow the use of genetic methods ance mechanisms operate to guide axons. In the to answer this question (McLean and Fetcho forebrain, midbrain and spinal cord, Draxin 2004; Kastenhuber et al. 2009; Lillesaar et al. acts as a repellent (Islam et al. 2009; Naser 2009). In rodents, the growth of dopaminergic et al. 2009) expressed by the roof plate in the spi- axons from the midbrain toward the fore- nal cord and the glial wedge in the forebrain. brain appears to be guided by classic secreted Molecules of the Neuropilin and Semaphorin axon guidance molecules (Fig. 4) (see Van den families mediate guidance through both attrac- Heuvel and Pasterkamp 2008 for a review). tion and repulsion and play an important role Dopaminergic neurons express Robo and neu- in the guidance and positioning of the corpus ropilin receptors (Nakamura et al. 2000; Maril- callosum and anterior commissure (Falk et al. lat et al. 2002; Hernandez-Montiel et al. 2008) 2005; Niquille et al. 2009; Piper et al. 2009; and respond to several Semaphorins and Slit Hatanaka et al., 2009). Netrin1 acts as an at- proteins. The rostral growth of dopaminergic tractant for corticofugal (Metin et al. 1997; axons is influenced by a repulsive gradient Richards et al. 1997) and thalamocortical path- of Sema3F, regulated by Fgf8 originating at ways (Braisted et al. 2000). These tracts, as well the midbrain/hindbrain boundary (Nakamura as many of the other commissural projections in et al. 2000; Kolk et al., 2009; Yamauchi et al. the brain, are affected in both Netrin1 and DCC 2009). These axons are also guided by the attrac- mutant mice (Serafini et al. 1996; Fazeli et al. tive activity of Sema3A and Sema3C produced

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Wiring the Mammalian Brain

AB E11 P0

Tel SN/VTA Thal OB Stri – os + + ––

E11 C D Mes OB Die – – + – Stri + – + – – + – – – – MHB – – + + –– + Rhomb SN/VTA

Sema3F Fgf8

Slits + other repellents

Figure 4. Development of dopaminergic projections in the mouse embryo. Dopaminergic axons originate from the substantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) in the midbrain and innervate the striatum and cortex. (A) and (B) show the development of this tract at E11 and P0, respectively. They grow rostrally under the repulsive action of Sema3F secreted from the midbrain/hindbrain boundary (MHB, C; C is an enlargement of the boxed area in [A]). The gradient of Sema3F is controlled by Fgf8. Secreted repellents from the mesencephalon and diencephalon/ (B, C) maintain the dopaminergic axons ventrally, whereas factors secreted from the striatum attract them. (D) Dopaminergic axons mostly project ipsilaterally and are maintained away from the midline by Slits and other repellents. Abbreviations: os, optic stalk; tel, telencephalon; die, diencephalon; mes, mesencephalon; rhomb, rhombencephalon; Stri, striatum; Thal, thalamus. Modified from Yamauchi et al., 2009 and Van den Heuvel and Pasterkamp, 2008.

in the diencephalon and striatum (Hernandez- does survive to adulthood, some thalamic axons Montiel et al. 2008; Yamauchi et al. 2009) and from the lateral geniculate nucleus project Sema 3F, acting through Npn2, in the medial ectopically into the neocortex via the upper prefrontal cortex (Kolk et al., 2009). Dopami- layers. Even though the primary visual area is nergic axons also respond in vitro to floorplate decreased, the ectopic projections remain in explants, and Netrin1 and Slit proteins (Lin the adult (Little et al. 2009). This finding illus- et al. 2005). Finally, dopaminergic projections trates the plasticity of axonal targeting and the that are primarily ipsilateral, defasciculate ability to retain functional ectopic projections and cross the midline in Slit1/Slit2 double- into adulthood. knockout mice (Bagri et al. 2002). Axonal projections typically form in a ster- eotyped manner. However, the remarkable plas- CONTRALATERAL AND IPSILATERAL TRACTS IN THE BRAIN ticity of the brain was highlighted recently in a study on Sema6A mutant mice (Little et al. The mammalian brain is wired based on 2009). As the majority of mouse models with functional specificity, with different regions of mutations in axonal guidance genes die at birth, the brain that subserve the same functional there has been little opportunity to investigate modality being connected. The establishment what happens to mis-targeted axons in the adult of this functional specificity is controlled by animal. However in the Sema6A mutant, which gene expression early in development, followed

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by later, activity-dependent mechanisms of re- motor information from the environment finement. from both sides of the body and to perform the In the forebrain, recent studies suggest that appropriatebehavioralresponses.Similarly,evo- transcriptional control of axon specificity lutionarily conserved molecules, such as Slits, occurs as neurons are born in the ventricular IgCAMs, Netrins, Semaphorins and Ephrins and subventricular zones (VZ and SVZ, respec- regulate axon tract formation in the mam- tively) of the neocortex. Neocortical connec- malian brain. There are examples of molecules tivity involves both VZ and SVZ projection from each guidance family that regulate the for- neurons, and , born in the ventral mation of both ipsilateral and contralateral forebrain and cortical hem (reviewed in Pierani projections: thus the initial direction of growth and Wassef 2009). Projection neurons wire the may not be specified by axonal guidance mole- brain over long distances and provide connec- cules, but rather by transcriptional regulation. tivity between different regions of the brain spe- These transcription factors could regulate the cializing in the same sensory-motor modality. expression of receptors at specific times in deve- How projection neurons find their targets lopment to allow the axon to be guided by ex- within the brain is an important question in trinsic cues (e.g., in the visual system) (Petros neurobiology. Recent insight has come from et al. 2008), but as yet it is unclear how tran- studies identifying transcription factors that scriptional regulation is able to impart axon impart layer and connection specificity to pro- tract and guidance specificity within most sys- jection neurons in the cortex (reviewed in tems of the brain (Che´dotal and Rijli 2009). Molyneaux et al. 2007 and Leone et al. 2008). Some of the most significant experiments in this regard involve the manipulation of gene HOW NEURONS LOCATE AND WITH THEIR TARGET IN THE MAMMALIAN expression, resulting in the re-specification of BRAIN axons to a different projection type. For example Ctip2, Fezf2, and Sox5 specify sub- In vivo, eye rotation, ablation (e.g., in the visual cerebral projections and Satb2 specifies callosal system, reviewed in Goodhill and Richards projections in this system (Molyneaux et al. 1999) and axon rerouting (reviewed in Sur 2005; Alcamo et al. 2008; Arlotta et al. 2008; Bri- and Rubenstein 2005) have been used to in- tanova et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2008; Kwan et al. vestigate the role of activity-dependent mecha- 2008; Lai et al. 2008). In addition to these stud- nisms in axonal guidance and the refinements ies, transcription factors also regulate regional of map formation. Our understanding of both differences in the human brain (Johnson et al., molecular and activity-dependent mechanisms 2009), as well as axon pathway specificity in are based on these experimental paradigms. other tracts including the retino-tectal system As far as axon guidance is concerned, not all and thalamocortical projection, and also the neurons are born equal. Making on the spinal cord motor- and sensory-neuron projec- proper target cells is a problem of extreme com- tions (reviewed in Polleux et al. 2007). Likewise, plexity depending on the type of neuron. At in the hindbrain and spinal cord, transcription one extreme, this is not an issue for neurons factors such as homeodomain containing pro- that do not have an axon, such as most amacrine teins act upstream of many axon guidance re- cells in the retina and granule cells in the olfac- ceptors and ligands (see Che´dotal and Rijli tory bulb. At the other extreme, it is a parti- 2009 for a review). cularly challenging task for axons forming In addition to layer and cell-type specifica- point-to-point connections with a unique dis- tion, axonal guidance molecules within the tant target cell(s). Moreover, the distribution brain play a crucial role in determining axon of most axon terminals on their target neuron tract development. The formation of both ipsi- is not random, but restricted to specific subcel- laterally and contralaterally projecting axon lular compartments such as the cell body, den- tracts allows the brain to integrate sensory and drite, spines and axon. Here we summarize

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Wiring the Mammalian Brain

the different molecular mechanismsthat control A the final targeting of some neuronal classes. An initial, important distinction can be made between interneurons that will contact target cells in their immediate vicinity, and B projection neurons whose targets can be milli- a meters away. Axons from different types of a interneurons do not grow and synapse ran- domly but arborize in specific patterns and layers, as best exemplified in the cerebral cortex (Huang et al. 2007; Ascoli et al. 2008; Batista- Brito and Fishell 2009). b Recent studies have started to reveal that Wild type Ankyrin -/- cell-adhesion molecules of the immunoglobu- B lin superfamily (IgCAM) guide the axons of ML several classes of interneurons in the forebrain and hindbrain. In the molecular layer of the cer- ebellum, two types of GABAergic inhibitory PCL interneurons, basket cells and stellate cells, in- Neurofascin nervate the same target, the , which AnkyrinG AIS is the only output neuron of the cerebellar cor- GCL tex (Sotelo 2008). Whereas stellate cell axons only innervate the smooth surface of Purkinje cell proximal , basket cells innervate Figure 5. Development of basket cell axons. (A) the Purkinje cell and axon at the level of original drawing by Santiago Ramon y Cajal of a the axon initial segment, forming characteristic cerebellar basket cell (B) labeled by Golgi staining demonstrating its characteristic axonal arbors (a), “pinceaux” formations (Sotelo 2008). Two pro- the “pinceaux” formations, around the Purkinje cell teins of the L1-CAM family of IgCAMs control body and axon. (B) Basket cell axons synapse prefer- the differential targeting of stellate and basket entially on the Purkinje cell axon initial segment cells (Ango et al. 2004; Ango et al. 2008). Neuro- (AIS) under the influence of a gradient of Neurofascin fascin 186 was shown to be expressed in a gra- 186, stabilized by Ankyrin G. In Ankyrin G knockout dient on the Purkinje cell body and enriched mice, the gradient of Neurofascin is abolished and at the axon initial segment, where it binds basket cell axons do not synapse preferentially on the AIS. Abbreviations: ML, molecular layer; PCL, AnkyrinG (Ango et al. 2004). Basket cell axons Purkinke cell layer; GCL, layer. A, Cajal fail to target properly to the axon initial seg- drawing. Original conserved at the Instituto Cajal ment when the NF186 gradient is abolished, (CSIC), Madrid (Spain). B is adapted from Huang such as in AnkyrinG knockout mice or follow- et al., 2007. ing expression of a dominant-negative form of neurofascin in Purkinje cells (Fig. 5). Homo- philic interactions between the processes of amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells in the Bergmann glia and stellate cell axons appear inner plexiform layer (Yamagata and Sanes to guide these axons to the Purkinje cell den- 2008). drites (Ango et al. 2008). This involves close Guiding long projection axons is also quite homolog of L1 (CHL1), because in CHL1 a variable challenge depending on the type of knockout mice, stellate cell axons fail to prop- neurons. Thalamic axons are guided to specific erly innervate the Purkinje cell dendrites. In regions and layers of cortex through the expres- the retina, homophilic interactions involving sion of molecules such as ephrin/Eph (Uziel DsCAMs and Sidekick IgCAMs coordinate the et al. 2005) but are also sorted in the internal precise wiring of subsets of bipolar neurons, capsule prior to entering the cortex through

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both ephrin/Eph signaling and Netrin1 (Du- influenced by aminergic systems, in particular four et al. 2003; Powell et al. 2008). Corticospi- serotonin. Serotonin is expressed early in em- nal axons, which constitute the longest axonal bryonic development and growing axons can projections in the nervous system, are guided release it before synaptogenesis. The segregation by the expression of multiple guidance mole- of thalamocortical axons in the barrel field cules, including the expression of a Wnt gra- of the somatosensory cortex is blocked in dient that directs them posteriorly (Liu et al. several lines of genetically modified mice with 2005; Canty and Murphy 2008). increased levels of serotonin (Gaspar et al. The topography of aminergic projections is 2003) (Fig. 6). This also affects the segregation rather loose. Cholinergic neurons from the of ipsilateral/contralateral eye inputs in the basal forebrain (medial septum, diagonal band lateral geniculate nucleus. At earlier ages, sero- of Broca, substantia inominata, and globus pal- tonin can also influence the guidance of tha- lidus) extensively innervate the cerebral cortex lamocortical axons by converting Netrin1 (Gould et al. 1991). Midbrain dopaminergic activity from attraction to repulsion (Bonnin neurons from the substantia nigra and ventral et al. 2007). The action of serotonin on develop- tegmental area project primarily to the striatum ing axons appears mediated to a large extent by and neocortex. The density of dopaminergic Gi/o-coupled 5-HT1B receptors, which induce a inputs varies between cortical layers and areas decrease of cAMP level. but there is no clear specificity. This is also the A similar role for other biogenic amines has case for noradrenegic projections from the locus not yet been demonstrated, but acetylcholine coeruleus and serotonergic projections from the produced by some amacrine cells is essential brainstem that project diffusely throughout the for the establishment of visual projection maps brain and spinal cord (Gaspar et al. 2003). (Cang et al. 2008; Huberman et al. 2008). In contrast to aminergic neurons, most pro- Acetylcholine attracts spinal cord axons in the jection neurons establish some precisely pat- Xenopus turning assay (Zheng et al. 1994), terned projections upon entering their target suggesting that this neurotransmitter could domain. Although activity-dependent mecha- influence axon guidance in many brain areas. nisms control the final refinement of these pro- Interestingly, other circulating proteins such as jections, their targeting to specific layers and neurons, as well as their subcellular localization, are primarily instructed by extrinsic cues. In the developing , axons Barrel field from the synapse onto the dis- Wild type tal part of granule cell dendrites in the dentate gyrus, whereas the proximal region of the den- IV drite is targeted by commissural/associational Thalamus axons from the contralateral hippocampus High serotonin (Super and Soriano 1994; Forster et al. 2006). Prior to contacting granule cells, entorhinal axons also project onto a transient neuronal population, the Cajal-Retzius cells. Preventing Figure 6. Serotonin influences axonal arborization this contact severely perturbs their final target- during development. In layer IVof the somatosensory ing (Del Rio et al. 1997) and , secreted cortex, thalamic axons conveying sensory informa- by the Cajal-Retzius cells, may be involved. tion from the same whisker cluster and arborize in Other examples illustrating the role of axon the same domain called a “barrel.” When the level of serotonin is increased during development, such guidance molecules in projection map forma- as occurs in MaoA and SERT knockout mice, the tion are presented in O’Leary (2010). Interest- barrel field does not form and thalamic axon ingly, mounting evidence suggests that the terminals corresponding to distinct whiskers overlap. development of point-to-point projections is Adapted from Gaspar et al., 2003.

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Wiring the Mammalian Brain

endocannabinoids (Berghuis et al. 2007) and through the use of intermediate targets such leptin (Bouret et al. 2004) can also influence as glial and corridor cells along the pathway. axon guidance. Target and synapse specificity in the region of the final target is coordinated both through molecular and activity-dependent mecha- CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN MAMMALIAN nisms. These sequential mechanisms, working BRAIN WIRING together in neurons forming different, but vital, functions in the brain underlie the func- The work described here has demonstrated tional circuitry of the adult brain. Future dir- some overarching mechanistic principles in ections for this field will involve exciting mammalian brain wiring. Pioneer axons first technical advances in observing single neurons set the stage for the general axonal map of the and neuronal circuits with fluorescent labels brain. Second, neuronal populations are gener- or via brain imaging technologies (e.g., see ated and specified by the expression of tran- lines available from the Gensat consortium) scription factors, with these neurons sending (Gong et al. 2003 and Brainbow technology; out axons that grow towards their final targets Livet et al. 2007) (Fig. 7). A coordinated effort

Figure 7. Advances in techniques for labeling axon tracts and circuits. (A) Carbocyanine dye labeling in the developing brain. DiI-labeled callosal axons are shown in red (arrow in A). Labeling was performed on fixed embryonic day 17 mouse brain. (image courtesy of Dr Celine Plachez, University of Maryland). (B) Labeling of neurons in the brain of a “brainbow” mouse. Different neurons are visualized with different hues of color generated by Cre/loxP recombination in transgenic mice (image courtesy of Dr Jeff Lichtman and Dr Tamily Weissman, Harvard University). (C) Diffusion-weighted (30 directions) magnetic resonance image acquired at 16.4 Tesla—colormap demonstrating commissural tracts in a midsagittal view. Based on their orientation, commissural fibers have been color-coded in red, including the corpus callosum (arrow in C) and anterior commissure (arrowhead in C). (D and E) are tractography images of high angular resolution imaging (HARDI/q-ball). In D, regions of interest (ROI) were selected across the brain, with axon tracts shown that pass through the midline. E demonstrates a more selective placement of ROI’s, one at the midline within the anterior commissure (arrowheads in E depict both the anterior and posterior arms of the anterior commissure that pass through the ROI at the midline), and one in the hindbrain at the midline within the middle cerebellar peduncle and pontine transverse fibers (arrowhead in E). Images in C–E courtesy of Dr Nyoman Kurniawan and Dr Randal Moldrich (The University of Queensland). Scale bar in E ¼ 400 mm in A, 80 mm in B, 2 mm in C and E and 1.35 mm in D.

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A. Che´ dotal and L.J. Richards

is also now underway to map neuronal con- (programmes Blanc and MNP) and the Fonda- nectivity in the brains of multiple organisms tion pour la Recherche Me´dicale (programme (Bohland et al. 2009), particularly mouse and e´quipe FRM). Linda Richards is supported by macaque, and to develop the tools for mapping a Senior Research Fellowship form the National human neuronal connectivity on an unprece- Health and Medical Research Council of dented scale. This research will lead to another Australia. We thank John Baisden and Ian Glid- leap in our understanding of brain structure den for graphics assistance and Rowan Tweedale and function as we will be able to dissect neuro- for critical reading of the text. nal circuits at both the microscopic and systems levels in ways that were previously impossible. Imaging the entire brain to understand sys- REFERENCES tems level questions is also progressing at a rapid rate. Magnetic resonance imaging has Alcamo EA, Chirivella L, Dautzenberg M, Dobreva G, Farinas I, Grosschedl R, McConnell SK. 2008. Satb2 been used to examine the gross anatomy of regulates callosal projection neuron identity in the devel- the living human brain. Recent advances in oping cerebral cortex. Neuron 57: 364–377. this field have led to developments in non- Andrews GL, Mastick GS. 2003. R-cadherin is a Pax6- invasive axonal tractography and tract tracing. regulated, growth-promoting cue for pioneer axons. J Neurosci 23: 9873–9880. Diffusion tensor, and diffusion weighted, imag- Ango F, di Cristo G, Higashiyama H, Bennett V, Wu P, ing allow the color-coding of axonal tracts in Huang ZJ. 2004. Ankyrin-based subcellular gradient of the brain depending on the fiber orientation neurofascin, an immunoglobulin family protein, directs (Behrens et al. 2003) (Fig. 7). Newer methods GABAergic innervation at purkinje axon initial segment. Cell 119: 257–272. known as high angular resolution diffusion Ango F, Wu C, Van der Want JJ, Wu P, Schachner M, imaging (HARDI) and q-Ball tractography Huang ZJ. 2008. Bergmann glia and the recognition allow even greater accuracy, particularly in molecule CHL1 organize GABAergic axons and direct innervation of Purkinje cell dendrites. PLoS Biol 6: regions of crossing fibers. Techniques such as e103. these can be used on both fixed tissue and Arlotta P,Molyneaux BJ, Jabaudon D, YoshidaY,Macklis JD. living brains and can provide incredible three- 2008. Ctip2 controls the differentiation of medium spiny dimensional reconstruction of axonal pathways neurons and the establishment of the cellular architecture of the striatum. J Neurosci 28: 622–632. and their relationship to other axonal tracts in Ascoli GA, Alonso-Nanclares L, Anderson SA, Barrio- the brain (Fig. 7). Recent use of this technique nuevo G, Benavides-Piccione R, Burkhalter A, Buzsaki in patients with callosal hypogenesis has dem- G, Cauli B, Defelipe J, Fairen A, et al. 2008. Petilla ter- onstrated a remarkable array of differences in minology: nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex. Nat Rev Neurosci brain wiring between patients with similar 9: 557–568. gross-anatomical features (Wahl et al. 2009) Ayoub AE, Kostovic I. 2009. New horizons for the subplate and has even highlighted the formation of zone and its pioneering neurons. Cereb Cortex 19: ectopic connections in these patients (Tovar- 1705–1707. Bagri A, Marin O, Plump AS, Mak J, Pleasure SJ, Rubenstein Moll et al. 2007). This work has set the stage JL, Tessier-Lavigne M. 2002. Slit proteins prevent midline for an unprecedented understanding and mea- crossing and determine the dorsoventral position of surement of human brain plasticity during major axonal pathways in the mammalian forebrain. Neuron 33: 233–248. development and following injury or disease, Bak M, Fraser SE. 2003. Axon fasciculation and differences as well as the possibility to relate actual brain in midline kinetics between pioneer and follower axons connectivity with human behavior. within commissural fascicles. Development 130: 4999– 5008. Barreiro-Iglesias A, Villar-Cheda B, Abalo XM, Anadon R, Rodicio MC. 2008. The early scaffold of axon tracts in the brain of a primitive vertebrate, the sea lamprey. Brain ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Res Bull 75: 42–52. Alain Che´dotal is supported by the Institut Barry G, Piper M, Lindwall C, Moldrich R, Mason S, Little E, Sarkar A, Tole S, Gronostajski RM, Richards LJ. 2008. National de la Sante´ et de la Recherche Me´di- Specific glial populations regulate hippocampal morpho- cale, the Agence Nationale pour la recherche genesis. J Neurosci 28: 12328–12340.

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A. Che´ dotal and L.J. Richards

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Wiring the Brain: The Biology of Neuronal Guidance

Alain Chédotal and Linda J. Richards

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a001917 originally published online May 12, 2010

Subject Collection Neuronal Guidance

Mechanisms and Molecules of Neuronal Wiring: A Wiring the Brain: The Biology of Neuronal Primer Guidance Alex L. Kolodkin and Marc Tessier-Lavigne Alain Chédotal and Linda J. Richards Guidance Molecules in Axon Pruning and Cell Guidance Molecules in Synapse Formation and Death Plasticity Pierre Vanderhaeghen and Hwai-Jong Cheng Kang Shen and Christopher W. Cowan Initiating and Growing an Axon The Growth Cone Cytoskeleton in Axon F. Polleux and William Snider Outgrowth and Guidance Erik W. Dent, Stephanie L. Gupton and Frank B. Gertler Navigating Intermediate Targets: The Nervous Topographic Mapping−−The Olfactory System System Midline Takeshi Imai, Hitoshi Sakano and Leslie B. Barry J. Dickson and Yimin Zou Vosshall Cellular Strategies of Axonal Pathfinding Self-avoidance and Tiling: Mechanisms of Jonathan Raper and Carol Mason and Axon Spacing Wesley B. Grueber and Alvaro Sagasti Guidance Molecules in Axon Regeneration Trafficking Guidance Receptors Roman J. Giger, Edmund R. Hollis II and Mark H. Bettina Winckler and Ira Mellman Tuszynski Signaling from Axon Guidance Receptors Axon Guidance Molecules in Vascular Patterning Greg J. Bashaw and Rüdiger Klein Ralf H. Adams and Anne Eichmann Visual Map Development: Bidirectional Signaling, Human Genetic Disorders of Axon Guidance Bifunctional Guidance Molecules, and Elizabeth C. Engle Competition David A. Feldheim and Dennis D. M. O'Leary

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