- W O D FO RE R .

HE author i n presenting to the fa m i l y of Y ou n g this very incomplete history makes grateful acknowledgment of assistance rendered in collecting data f rom James Young (now de d ceased ) , Ja mes H . Young , John Alexan er

Young , Joh n Bruce Young , Eliza J . Young h (Gardner) , Robert Smit Young , Jesse J . Kerr ,

u B e s tt i e a y Elizabeth Yo ng , M r E . Smith , Basil

B , Tipton , Helen Wilson , H . . Pinney and Grace

s Pinney Johnson , and to tho e who have assisted

: in its publication Alexander Hueston Young ,

John Alexander Young , James H . Young ,

Letitia Young Palmer , Elizabeth Stewart , Dr .

B . John N . Smith and Dr . H . Pinney . The cover was designed and presented by

Edward Eyestone Young . f The acts contained in the little volume , f though meager , have been culled rom m any sources and have occupied much time and ' of research , but it has been a labor love , and the only regret on the par t of the a u thor is that it was no t undertaken be fore so m any of those who we re f amiliar with the Young history , had passed to the great Beyond — to that land where

T OW b u r s a me they are indeed / f . A R A A N N L U YO U N G P I NN E Y . A N R A S F N CI S C O .

m HE name Young , according to the aj ority

of genealogists is of German origin a n d ' ' f was first spelled Jong . In the Eng lish orm

a o it is v riously spelled Yong , Y ng e , Younge and of the Young . The earliest record we have f amily in England is that of Willi l e Yonge of

1 the 4 th century . The f amily names of which this is a history

n are Thomas Kent , James , John and Alexa der . These except Alexander appear in English genealogy as early as the r ot h century and in those mentioned in Scotl and and Ireland as early

i th as the s century . In Burke ’ s Landed Gentry we read of one

of a n d s e nd of John Younge , L , in the parish t wo Colebrook , whose sons Nathaniel and James quarreled because of a difference of Opinion

of for regarding the execution Charles I , and this cause Nathaniel changed the spelling of his name to Young . This is the first record we find

e l wa a nd he e of th name spe led in this y, t r i s 6 reason for us to believe that upon this incident f d our name Young is oun ed . It is said that thirty coats of arms ha ve been granted to the different branc hes of the Young f a m i l v d f n of t he in Englan , this act is evide ce high social position of the f amily in the m other

O f n m country . the early emigra ts to A erica there are several distinct families of Youngs not

related to each other in any way . The first in

of m for f point ti e was Richard Young , who fi ty pound s 0 1 English money purchased two hun

of of dred acres land in the territory Plymouth , d Mass , thereby becoming a sharehol er in the

fi of company , in the rst settlement that colony .

Tradition gives Capta i n Thomas Young as

of f A r the first ancestor our a mily in me ica , and aft er careful study and comparison with many

authorities , we are convinced that tradition in

this case , is truth . Captain Thomas Young was the son of Gregory of and Susann ah Young , Yorkshire , England . B Gregory Young was born at edale , Yorkshire , f an d died in 1 6 1 0 . His w i e Susannah died in

1 . s s 3 6 5 , and both are buried at St . Peter , Corn W e . f e of hill , London have only ound the nam s three children ; Thomas , our supposed ancestor ,

Susannah , who married Robert Evelyn and

Catharine who married John Morris .

1 0 1 Thomas Young was born August , 5 7 9 ,

’ in London . He obtained a captain s commission

‘ 1 6 a u thori zi n hi m f rom the King , September 3 3 , g to fit out ships and make explorations in of America . Two sons his sister Susannah , George and Robert Evelyn accompanied him on his exped ition . fl I I I In Vol . Narrative and Critical History of

America , a letter written by Captain Young gives an account of this voyage in the quaint language of that period . From this letter we give a f e w extracts as f ollows :

' s u n s et t July 3 , toward we arrived between the capes which are called Cape Charles and of Henry . About one the clock , we came to anchor , the tide being spent , within three miles of f Point Com ort , which is some several leagues f rom the cape s and it lieth upon the mouth of

James River , whereon standeth a newly erecte d f i ' ort which commands the r ver . He al s o sa ys 8

All my own men on my ship are , God be

ra s e d v V p y , in ery good health , though my ice Admiral hath been shre w dly visited with a pestilential f ever whereof about sixty have been f sick and twelve dead thereo , but they are n ow

' most of them recovered .

2 th of Entering Delaware Bay on the 4 July ,

1 6 3 4 , he sailed up the river which he named Charles in honor of the King and by September f rs t had reached the alls above Trenton . In a

f 2 0 1 6 report rom this river dated October , 3 4 , he writes ' I passed up this great river with purpose to have pursued the discovery thereof till I had f ound the great lake f rom which the f great river issues , and rom thence I have par t i c u l a r reason to believe there doth issue some

branches , one or more , by which I might have passed into that Mediterranean Sea , which the

Indian rel a te th to be f our days journey beyond fi f the mountains , but having passed ty leagues f f up the river , I was stopped rom urther pro ce ed i n gs by a ledge of rocks which c ros s e th the river He then expresses a determination the next summer to build a vessel above the falls 9 f rom whence he hoped to find a way that ' f leadeth into that Mediterranean Sea , and rom the lake . He continues I judge that it cannot be less than one hundred and fif ty or two hundred leagues in length to our northern ocean . From f thence I propose to discover the mouths thereo , which discharge both into the N orth and South

Sea .

In the Historical Magazine , second series , Vol . f w of IV , page 7 5 , the ollo ing sketch Captain

’ Thomas Young s explorations appear , written by who offers it as a tribute to the

’ of of ou r honor one country s early explorers , but little known in its annals Before Calvert and his colony sailed for a of Ches peake , Captain Thomas Young London , a gentleman of influence received a S pecial com

f m 2 mission ro the King , dated September 3 ,

’ 1 6 Fa ed e ra a u 3 3 , and published in Rymer s thori zi n ofii ce rs g him to fit out ships , appoint , and explore all territories in America , with the understanding that his movements would not be impeded by any who had received patents f or 1 0

of other portions the country . Among the f o ficers appointed were Robert Evelyn , a nephew

' of Captain Young as lieutenant , Alexander

of ’ Baker St . Holborn s parish , Middlesex , released f rom prison where he had been confined of as a recusant , to become cosmographer the expedition because skilled in mines and the try ing of metals ; also a m a n named Scott com 6 n u . 1 missio ed as a s rgeon In July , 3 4 , with

om two ships , Captain Th as Young reached

w V a . Jamesto n , He remained there only long enough to construct a shallop to be used in ex

l ori n v w n u t he p g ri ers , he he sailed p Delaware and established a post which he named E ri wom e k .

The site of this post where Captain Young a nd his party spent some f our years trading with the

a n d w k n fi i Indians or ing u pro table gold m nes ,

fi t he P e n s a u ke n ? has , been identi ed as Where

f w of Creek alls into the Dela are , it being one the ce n ters fro m which a colo n y was to radiate and

fill t he territory that now constitutes Pe n nsylvania

N e w and Jersey , with an industrious and happy

' people . l l

Fro m the Narrative and C ritical History of

w e o America , Vol . I II , have still an ther account

' of the same expedition Ca ptain Thomas

of Y f a n d w Young , a orkshire amily his nephe , of W Lieutenant Robert Evelyn ooten Surrey , u ndertook a voyage on s peci al com mission of

K n 2 1 6 the i g , dated September 3 , 3 3 , to discover parts of America not act u ally in the po s session of f m any Christian Prince . They sailed ro Fal

F M a 1 6 1 6 mouth on riday , y , 3 4 , arriving

rd between Capes Charles and Henry , July 3

f m a . of t he . h d V same year T ey saile ro , on

2 0 t h x t he w for July , to e plore Dela are a passa ge

t he M b t he I to editerranean Sea , said y ndians to f be our days j ourney beyond the m ountains . Through this passage they expected to discover

fi an outlet to the Paci c Ocean .

2 th On July s , they entered Delaware Bay and proceeded up the river which they named

of v Charles in honor the King , con ersing and

trading with the Indians . On the 2 ot h of August they were stopped by the rocks a nd shallo ws since

known as Trenton Falls . 12

On September 1 st they were overtaken by a party of H ollanders of Hudson River whom

Capt a in Young entertained a fe w days then

i e u t e n requested to return , sending with them L ant Evelyn as a n escort . They continued their explorations to the mouth of the S chu yl s ki l l River where they built a f ort and named it 6 ri wome k 1 2 . E , which they held until about 4

’ d of We fi n d From Neill s Foun ers Maryland , that Captain Young lived f or some years on a

be plantation on the Delaware River , midway tween Virginia and New England . Among the of Youngs this locality we find one James whom , f f f rom acts gathered rom many sources , we believe to have been a son of Captain Thomas Young and the direct ancestor from which our

line is descended .

for Captain Young later lived , a time , on Kent

f s Island , and at last purchased a arm in Jame

City County , Virginia , where he is supposed to f . o have died Another his sons , Thomas , was a commissioned offi cer in the army and f rom the

ffi f l ' record o ce , London , we get the ol owing ' of of An account the estate Thomas Young , 13

n he ffi who was taken priso er , being an o cer in

’ the Rebellion (Bacon s 1 6 7 5 —7 6 ) was cond em n e d

a n d u r u n by court martial exec ted in Yo k Co ty ,

' 6 T hi s be i n V a . 1 , in January last , ( 75 or g

of t taken upon oath Mary , his relict who ha h — given bonds f or the same a plantation with a good dwelling house a very good tobacco house ff and an indi erent good orchard , their seat being f of our hundred acres land in James City County ,

' Virginia .

— In a letter of that period he is addressed as f ' Captain Young o Chickahominy . These

‘ a re S of two , James and Thomas , the only ons Captai n Thomas Young that we have been abl e to find anything like positive inf ormation con

of t f cerning , and most his has been ound in

‘ co n nection with the Evelyns i n America and f rom letters written by Robert Evelyn , and yet it is reasonable to suppose that the families of

s this name in that locality are al o his descendants , owing to the sparsely settled conditions at that time . James l Young is f requently mentioned in the of of Archives , and in the annals 14

Maryland in connection with the Indian troubles m of ore especially , showing that he was a man some importance in the community . His son James 2 is described as a respectable f - h of 1 8 ree older Pennsboro , who died in 7 4 or

' i n of 4 9 , and whose will we find the records

Lancaster County , Penn . He mentions as his

s r a heirs James J , John , Rebecca , Margaret , M ry f and Genet . Another will is also ound in the

of of records this county , that Alexander Young , of P 1 1 axton township , proved in 7 5 who was without doubt a brother of James? l l .



D E S C E N D AN T S .

ROM this somewhat uncertain part' of our

f amily history we n ow pass to our fi rst

known ancestor , Thomas Young , supposed to be

3 ’ ‘ of m r of of son Ja es J . , son James , son James , f o . son Captain Thomas Young , the explorer f of His wi e , Ann Potter , was Scottish birth and

claimed relationship with Sir William Wallace .

From ve ry scant and scattered records we fi nd that to Thomas 2 Young and Ann Potter Young

4 Re were born eight children , James , Thomas ,

becca , who married a man named Cox ; Mary , who married Samuel Kerr ; Samuel Potter and

Alexander , and two daughters whose names we have not been able to learn for the reason that they were married and remained in P e n n s yl

vania , when Thomas , or Thomas Kent Young , f f as he is o ten called , and his amily , emigrated

to Kentucky . 1 6

2 Tho m as You n g was a soldier in the Re vol u

i n r W a t o a y r . From the records at Washington we l za r e the f ollowing :

' The records of this o ffi ce S how that one

2 r Thomas Young se ved as a private in Capt .

\Vi l l i a m Scull s company , Eleventh Regiment , 1 m H i on . commanded by CO . pt He enlisted from

tm orl a nd P a \Ve s . 2 1 County , , on January , 7 7 7 , a n d his name last appears on a roll dated Sep

t e .n be r 1 W i e 5 . 7 7 7 , thout sp cial remark relative

of of to his service . By authority the Secretary


. f of f War (signed) F . C Ainsworth , chie o fice .

m 4 l of Ja es Young , e dest son Thomas and Ann m Potter Young , was born in West orland County ,

1 1 6 6 Pennsylvania , April 7 , 7 , and died in F em 8 6 2 1 . ing County , Kentucky , September 5 , 3 m 4 Ja es Young married Nancy Smith May 3 ,

1 1 7 9 . She was born also in Pennsylvania on

1 1 6 1 8 1 8 6 March 7 , 7 4 , and died September , 3 ,

i n u . Fleming Co nty , Kentucky

1 8

f dition does not tell , but the acts show that his

‘ e fi orts were crowned with success this time for at

his de ath he was owner of a valuable f arm of 3 9 0

Fl e m i n s b u r h . acres near g g , Kentucky The archives of Pennsylvania show that he

f i n was a private in the company o Capt . Munn the Sandusky expedition against the Indian s

in 1 7 8 2 . To Ja m es' and Nancy Smith Young there were

’ t e n born children Alexander , Robert S mith

A n n Mary , , Rebecca , Nancy , Betsy , Sally , James

Harvey and John .

O f ' of Thomas , son Thomas Kent and Ann Potter Young we have only been able to learn of the name one child , Benj amin , who married

M c Cl a r . n Betsy y They lived in Flemi g County , f of Kentuck y , where they reared a amily twelve

children John Alexander , James Harvey ,

Thomas Edgar , Margaret , Mary , Martha , Benj a

min , Robert , Elizabeth , George , Leonidas and

William . Margaret married George Porter ;

Martha was unmarried Elizabeth married I s a a 1 9

3 f Jones . Thomas Young died at the home o his

son Benjamin , Fleming County , Kentucky , but was buried in the family burying ground of his

’ sister , Mary Young Kerr s son , Samuel Kerr ,

v . near Mays ille , Mason County , Kentucky

of 2 Rebecca , daughter Thomas Kent and Ann

a m a n a Potter Young , m rried a n med C ox We f have been unable to learn anything of his amil y .

of m 2 Mary , daughter Tho as Kent and Ann m T Potter Youn g , arried homas Kerr . To them w f : ere born our children Samuel , James , Jane and Elizabet h .

s on of Samuel , Mary Young Kerr , married a

f ' Miss Ware . To them were born our children

Samuel , Jesse , Thomas and Susan . Of of James , son Mary Young Kerr , we know little except that he represented his county (Park) several times in the Legislature of

Indiana . 20

of m Jane , daughter Mary Young Kerr , arried a man by the nam e of Fleming and they lived in

Indian a .

d u of Elizabeth , a ghter Mary Young Kerr , married a man by the name of S e yb ol e ; they

lived in Indian a .

of Samuel , eldest son Samuel Kerr , married

Elizabeth Chamberlain . To them were born

: B . nine children Mary Susan , Henrietta , S P C . Thomas . , Lewis , Bettie . , John , Florence ,

Louise T . and Clarence .

of Jesse J . , second son Samuel Kerr , married

Elizabeth Alexander in Mason County , Ken

u kv t c . To them were born five children P William T a real estate dealer ; Samuel . , a

n ow carpenter Charles , a lawyer , in Lexington ,

s F T . Kentucky Be sie , ; Harry , a civil engineer in New York City . Jesse J . and Elizabeth Alex

of 11ve i n ander Kerr , with three their children ,

i Kansas City , M ssouri . 2 1

h m s h of mu i T o a , t ird son Sa el Kerr , marr ed

m n Mary Chamberlain . To the were born ni e chil

: . l u dren Sarah E , Susan , Frank , Ezekie , La ra ,

Mary , James , Jesse and Jennie C .

of Susan , daughter Samuel Kerr , married

a n d Johnson A . Power to them were born ten

K . K . children James . , Anna E , Jesse , Joseph ,

y i f Harr , Henr etta , Sue , Bettie , Frank , Cli ton a n d l he r f m Wi liam . Susan Kerr Power and a ily a live in S ndoval , Illinois .

m u of n Sa el Potter , son Thomas Ke t and Ann

t n l Pot er You g , ived in , was a potter by

f ha d on e e . Of f i f he w p ro ession his amily , , h v n a d a e been u able to learn nything . He ied

and is buried at West Union , Ohio .

l Al e x a n d e r of n A n n , son Thomas Ke t and

1 1 8 Potter Young was born June 4 , 7 3 . Married

ts fi F Elizabeth Ricket , and lived rst in leming

County , Kentucky . From there he emigrated h o i a nd t he n ze to Rus C unty , Ind ana , to Wash i n on t . g County , To them were born eleven

e : M childr n ary Ann , Matilda , John Alexander , N m James . , Betsy , Sa uel Potter , Edward , Charles

T . . , Thomas Kent , Richard C and Margaret . Alexander Young and his wi fe were members

of the M ethodist Episcopal Churc h . He was an

- of anti slavery man , a warm admirer Abraham

m 1 86 0 Lincoln . On Nove ber 4 , , he cast his

f or f or m ballot Lincoln President , returned ho e a nd f l said to his wi e I shal never vote again ,

' n a d on that very evening he passed to his rest .

M of 1 ary Ann , daughter Alexander Young , was 8 M 1 0 1 80 . born arch , Married Jacob Plough in 8 1 0 . 3 in Rush County , Indiana To them were

: born five children Caroline , Mary Jane ,

Amanda , John and Wm . Jasper .

of Caroline , daughter Mary Ann Young

1 1 8 1 Plough , was born August , 3 . Married

Thomas Young . To them were born five chil

M a d : n . dren John , Anna , Leander , orton Mollie 2 3

of Mary Jane , daug hter Mary Ann Young

2 8 2 2 1 . Plough , was born December , 3 Married

George D . Lowden . To them were born three

e : childr n Carey , Edmund and Anna

Am a n d a d a u hte r of , g Mary Ann Young Plough ,

1 8 1 8 was born January , 3 5 . Married Jesse L .

Fine , and to them were born three children

Modell , Littleton and Jasper .

of John , son Ma y Ann Young Plough , was

1 6 1 8 M A born April , 3 7 . arried nna A . Wamsley ,

2 1 1 8 of‘ Ci n ci n n a ti December , 59 , , Ohio , who was a cousin several times removed of George fi h Washington . To them were born ve c ildren

1 8 6 0 W D Mary Lulu , October 5 , , Jasper . , ecem

2 1 8 6 1 6 1 86 6 ber 4 , , Erastus , January , , Nellie ,

z 6 1 8 8 a c ob 2 1 8 8 0 November , 7 , J , March 5 , . John Ploug h enlisted in the service of his coun

i n 1 86 1 6 6 t h try August , , in Company I , Indiana

a n d volunteers , Rush County , Indiana , served 8 2 1 6 2 . until October 9 , 24

of A n n William Jasper , son Mary Young

2 6 1 8 8 n u Plough , was born December , 3 , was

2 1 8 8 8 married and died August 9 , .

Q d of Matilda , second aughter Alexander Young ,

2 1 8 0 was born November 5 , 9 . Married James

2 1 8 2 6 Wilson , June 9 , , in Rush County , Indiana ,

where they made their first home . Later they

emigrated to Washington County , Iowa . To them were born seven children ' William Har

per , Minerva Ann , Harriett Jane , Robert Alex

ander , James Andrew , John Wesley and Parker

Cu mming s .

of William Harper , son Matilda Young Wil M 2 0 1 8 2 . son , was born September , 7 arried

. 1 2 1 8 Mary E Ingle , September , 5 3 . To them

were born three children Horace Greely , Wiley

t a Gu hrie and Josephine . William H rper Wilson deceased date could not find

of M Minerva Ann , daughter atilda Young

8 2 1 1 . Wilson , was born September 9 , 9 Married


Cha d re n - of e , Nebraska , was Justice the Peac

for there , also County J udge a term . To them

were born three children Florence Addie , Feb r u a r 2 1 1 8 6 1 1 8 6 6 y , 4 , Lottie Mary , May . , Helen

M 6 8 0 1 1 . aude , March , 7

s on of John Wesley , Matilda Young Wilson ,

8 . l za 1 0 M a rri e d i . was born October 3 , 4 E A

1 0 1 8 6 6 Wilson September , , and engaged in the

n lumber busi ess in Wilton Junction , Iowa , where

n o he w resides . To them were born three chil

2 6 1 86 dren Clarence Herbert , October , 9 , Nellie

1 1 8 2 Mabel , January , 7 , Carl Raymond , March

8 1 8 6 , 7 . John Wesley Wilson enlisted in the

2 1 86 1 Civil War on May 7 , , served through the wa r 1 6 and was honorably discharged August ,

1 86 5 .

of Parker Cummings , son Matilda Young Wil 8 2 1 1 . son , was born August , 44 Married Amy

W 2 8 1 8 6 alker , May , 7 . To them were born

1 8 6 8 three children Frank , June 5 , , Fred , March

1 2 1 8 0 0 1 8 2 . , 7 , Willis , May 3 , 7 Parker Cum mings Wilson served three years in the Civil 2 7

d n a m War , was severely woun ed in one e g ge en t .

He served State Mine Inspector for the State of

I f or ve a rs a n d owa seven , as Street Commissioner

of f f a or . t Des Moines , Iowa , our y ears He died

S 2 1 8 Perry , Iowa , eptember 9 , 94 .

x of n John Ale ander , son Alexa der Young ,

1 8 1 was born November 3 , 3 . Married Nancy

1 6 h a s 8 . w Eyestone , March 3 , 3 T eir home

first in Ind iana and later they e mi g r a t ed to

u t he v e Washington co nty , Iowa , where ntered

and improved a larg e and valuable f arm

John Alexander Young and his wif e we r e

t m r of M et hod : s t earnes Christians , embe s the

Church , and together with his brother , James N

’ n f f You g , his wi e s ather , John Eyestone , and a f e l other pioneer settlers built Roberts Chape ,

fl on a plot of ground off hi s f a r m and laid ou t a

m v f r c e e te r in its yard . This chapel served o m any years as a house of worship f or the people of th a t part of the county and in the cemetery

f i o d s u they l aid their de ad . T he chapel ell nt i s e 2 8

d and has recently been remove , railroad towns

f or s near by provi n g more convenient churche .

To them were born ten children : William

' A l a d r ex n e , Eliza Jane , John Bruce , Elizabeth

A i c l e , Edward Harvey , Charles Wesley , Nancy

s a Margaret , Clara Lavinia , Maria Loui , Rankin

Corwin .

s of x a William Alexander , son John Ale nder

1 1 8 w a s n u Young , was born December 3 , 3 7 s 8 m 1 1 . arried , and died April 4 , 5 9

l i of oh n d u E za Jane , daughter J Alexan er Yo ng ,

6 M m ‘ 2 1 8 0 . S a u e l was born April , 4 arried C .

A 2 6 1 8 6 6 fi m Gardner pril , . Their rst ho e was f on a arm near Lexington , Iowa ; they now live

. w in Washington , l owa To them ere born two

h : c ildren Howard Burrell and Aner Edna . B Howard urrell is married and has one child , f lives on a arm near Lexing ton , Iowa .

of n John Bruce , son John Alexander You g ,

e e m b 1 1 8 t e r 0 . was born p , 4 3 Married Aner E .

b 1 m T Winders , on death married E ma Lilly . o

' this marriage was born four child ren : E dgar; 29

Rankin , George Lilly , Mary and Jennie Lillis . of f On the death his second wi e , John Bruce m Young married Viola C . Eyestone . H s ho e

has always been in Washington county , Iowa , m where he still lives . He served two ter s as of un . co ty clerk Washi ngton county , Iowa On

1 86 1 8 August 5 , , he enlisted in Company C th f of Iowa In antry , though but seventeen years

i n age went into camp at Davenport , Iowa , and

u September was ordered to St . Louis , Misso ri , f l r e rom there to Seda ia and Sy acuse , th n to

fi s Spring eld and then again to Sedalia , Mi souri ,

ha d f where he measles and typhoid ever , was

fi n t o f u r rst se t a hospital in St . Louis and later l ou he d fi g , and nall y discharg ed and sent home

’ f or s 2 6 1 8 6 2 di ability April , , on the doctor s s t a t e nze n t that he had but a f e w months at best

5 ) ' to live . Being , as he says , too contrary to

a s e re - die predict d , he recovered and enlisted

1 2 1 86 H February , 4 , in Company Second Iowa

I n f a n t r v and joined the regiment at Pulask i ,

t Tennessee , and was with it in every ba tle or skirmi s h in which it was engaged to the end of

t e . a h war W s wounded at Dallas , Georgia , 3 0 losing his right eye ; was al so wounded August

1 86 . 3 , 4 , at Atlanta , Georgia

In referring to his experien c es during the

' Civil War he says One of t he saddest thi n gs

I now recall was in North Carolina be fore t he

of he i of surrender Johnson to S rman , a deta l ten or t welve of ou r m en were on guard duty inside f ’ ’ the picket line . Many o Lee s men s homes were near by a nd as they were paroled they were o allowed t pass the lines to their homes . Poor fello ws ' What a home - coming it was for m ost of them Nothing lef t but a wretched cabin or two a nd their f amilies gone or living on charity

They were artillery men and rode their w orn —ou t army mules , but brave boys they were , and those who kept their records clean under the discour a ge m e n ts of that time are worthy to be called

heroes He was mustered out at Louisville ,

1 2 1 8 6 Kentucky , July , 5 , was present and passed w of in the Grand Revie the army at Washington ,

C 1 86 D . . , May , 5 .

of d e Elizabeth Alice , daughter John Alexan r

1 Q u n as b rn v m 8 . i e Y w . g N e M g : . o e b r 3 , 45 arr d 3 1

e Frank M . Marvel . To them wer born three m children , Harry , E ma Gertrude , and Clara

Estelline . Alice Elizabeth Young Marvel and her son Harry and daughters Emma Gertrude and Clara

Estelline are deceased .

s on of Edward Harvey , John Alexander Young ,

1 8 8 . was born October 5 , 4 Married Clara Brind

: ley . To them were born eight children Don

v R k d Howard , E erette Brindley , Arthur an in , E d war Harvey , Joe John , Lois Annette , Pearl

Viola , and Mary Ann .

6 1 8 1 h 2 . C arles Wesley Young was born July , 5

1 8 8 . Married Margaret Vincent , March 5 , 7 To them were born six children : Raymond Vin

Ad a cent , Mary , John James , Charles Frank ,

Grace Jane , Rankin .

of Nancy Margaret , daughter John Alexander

M 2 1 8 Young , was born arch 7 , 5 4 . Married

M c Ca l l 1 8 1 8 . James Harvey , September 7 , 4

M cCa l l 1 1 Nancy Margaret Young died July ,

1 8 86 . 3 2

of Clara Lavinia , daughter John Alexander

2 1 8 6 . Young , was born October 9 , 5 Married i h I l l n s wort . Joseph W . g To them were born

: three children Harry Chester , Mary Gertrude ,

Maud Wilder .

of Maria Louise , daughter John Alexander

2 1 8 Young , was born March 9 , 5 9 . Died April

1 1 8 4 , 5 9 .

of : Rankin Corwin , son John Alexander

1 8 6 2 . Young , was born January 4 , Married

1 1 88 8 . Maggie Pierson , June 3 , To them were born five children ; we have only the names of the two youngest , Walter Pierson and Carl

Lawrence . Rankin Corwin Young died at his

1 0 . home in Omaha , Nebraska , in 9 3

N of d James . , son Alexan er and Elizabeth

8 1 6 t 1 . Ricke ts Young , was born February 7 ,

l 1 8 Married Sa lie Eyestone , in 3 7 , to whom were l born two chi dren , John Alexander and James

Harvey .

3 4

2 1 86 ing December 5 , 4 was with his regiment in the skirmishes and battles in the march f rom

G a . Savannah , , through the Carolinas and in the

o . l f . battle Columbia , S C a so at Bentonville ,

. f N . C , thence to Raleigh a ter Johnson s surrender was pre s ent and participated in the grand review at

Washington , D . C . and was honorably discharged W and arrived at his home in ashington , Iowa ,

1 1 8 6 June 5 , 5 , where he still resides . He was slightly wounded at Arkansas Post and also at

’ Re Taylor s Gap . Was severely wounded at

1 1 8 6 secca , Georgia , May 5 , 4 . He was pro

moted to Second Lieutenant , First Lieutenant

of 1 8 1 and Captain his company . In 7 was elec C of ted ounty Auditor Washington County ,

1 8 e l e c te l s served two years . In 74 was Assi t

’ of W n ant Cashier the ashington Natio al Bank , and in July 1 8 78 was elected Cashie r of this bank and still retains this position . He was

1 0 elected to the leg islature of Iowa in 9 0 .

of u James Harvey , son James N . Yo ng , was

2 0 1 8 0 born October , 4 . Married Martha Tipton , 8 1 6 0 . April , To them were born one son , 3 5

Charles . James Harvey Young enlisted in Com of 8 th f pany C the Regiment , Iowa In antry ,

Captain W . B . Bell , Col . Geddes , in September ,

1 8 6 1 w a s i n t he a m , c paign in Missouri . In the battle of Shiloh he w a s shot and instantly killed

is buried in the National Cemetery at that place .

of e On the death Sallie Eyeston Young , James

N . Young married Martha J . Coon . To them

f t : e were born fi een children Elizab th , Samuel H A . . o Potter , Mary , William , Edward , M rris

. F Fletcher , Martha J . , Parker L , Robert . , Riley

S t n . . . . , Minnie A New o E , Ida L , George E ,

Flournoy C James N . Young lived first in

Indiana , then emigrated to Washington County ,

H e f Io wa . entered and improved a large arm

e f adjoining his brother , John Alexander , b ore f mentioned , where his amily was born and

1 8 reared . In 74 , or thereabouts he removed to

2 1 8 8 Kansas , where he died January 5 , 9 . His

f f 1 wi e ollowed him one week later , February ,

1 89 8 .

f ' l a e o . E iz b th , d aughter James N Young , was

n 2 8 1 8 . y . bor July , 44 Married Henr Beatty To 3 6

m the were born five children Minnie , William ,

Annie , James and John .

of Samuel Potter , son James N . Young , was

1 1 1 8 . born September , 4 5 Married Viola Rey

n ol d s . : To them were born five children Hal ,

Cleora , James , Anna and Flora .

a of . M ry , daughter James N Young , was born

2 0 1 8 6 . October , 4 , deceased

H of l . . Wil iam , son James N Young , was born

1 1 1 8 8 . April , 4 , deceased

A of d w . . o E ard , son James N Young , was b rn

1 8 1 8 . : November , 49 Married Alice Quinn To

them were born two children , Charles and Mabel .

of . Morris Fletcher , son James N Young , was born January Married May Eckles .

t f : To hem were born our children Carrie , l Howard , Ra ph and Frank .

. of . Martha J , daughter James N Young , was

b 6 1 8 2 . . orn September 1 , 5 Married William Burt 7

To them were born two children , Clement and

Minnie .

of . Parker L . , son James N Young , was born

8 1 8 . January , 54 . Deceased

f F 5 011 o . Robert . , James N Young , was born

8 . 2 0 1 . De ember , 5 5 Married Maggie Taylor

To them were born seven children Alma , Alva ,

Minnie , Blanche , Eva , Fern and Roy .

of . S . 11 Riley , s James N Young , was bo r

u th 1 8 l i s hi n i a A gust 5 , 5 7 . Married E Copeland .

m b 6 ' 11 f To the were our children Gertie , War

ren , Edna and Charles .

A of Minnie . , daughter James N . Young , was

1 8 d born February 7 , 5 9 . Decease .

w of . Ne ton E son James N Young , was born

8 1 8 6 0 . February , . Deceased

f a m e o s . Ida L . , daughter J N Young , was born

1 1 86 1 March 9 , . Married David Haines . To

f : them were born our children Eva , Luella ,

a nd . Floyd , Mary Ida L . Young Haines deceased .

of George E . , son James N . Young , was born

2 1 1 86 February , 3 , Married Nettie Vanbuskirk .

C of Flournoy . , son James N . Young , was born

1 0 1 86 November , 4 . Married Nora Colegrove .

To them were born two children : Velma and

Clark .

of l Betsy , daughter Alexander and E izabeth

1 8 1 8 Ricketts Young , was born January 5 , . Mar

1 8 ri e d William Giltner in 3 7 . To them were

born nine children . John , Alexander , Milton ,

. W . E . Sarah , Martha J , George , William H

Frank , Elmer E .

1 2 1 8 William Giltner died September , 9 7 .

Betsy Young Giltner died at Agency City , Iowa ,

1 8 1 00 January , 9 .

of John , son Betsy Young Giltner , was born

1 8 8 . August 4 , 3 Married Mary Norman De

e mbe r I s t 1 8 . c , 5 9 To them were born six chil 9

M : d . dren Clara , E ward L . , Flora , Walter , M l o lie E Mattie E .

' John Giltner enlisted in the 2 2 d Regiment Iowa Volunteers August Served his f country or three years . He participated in the following battles Port Gibson Champion Hill

a ks n M i s i cks b u r h c o s . k e V J , ; Blac River Bridg g ,

2 2 1 86 of Vi cks b u r h of May , 3 ; Siege g ; Battle

’ 1 1 86 Winchester , September 9 , 4 ; Fisher s Hill and Cedar Creek . Was severely wounded in the

he - leg in t last named battle . Saw General Sheri dan arrive on the field riding his black horse f f f of white with oam , a ter his amous ride twenty f miles rom Winchester .

i t

of Alexander , son Betsy Young Giltner , was

n e 2 1 8 0 . bor D cember 3 , 4 Married Abbie Rob

s 1 86 h m ert August , 5 . To t e were born five

: e R . children Jasp r , Fred , George , Elmer E . , Ro y A . of f On the death his wi e , Abbie Roberts ,

n Alexa de r Giltner married Fannie Jones .

H of e Milton . , son B ts y Young Giltner , was 40

8 1 8 1 . . born May , 44 Married Mary C Wright ,

1 86 March 3 , 4 . To them were born five chil

8 1 8 6 M e : . 1 . dr n Charles E , January , 5 ; Gene ,

A 8 1 8 2 1 6 1 8 6 . August , 9 ; Bertha , December , 7

A 1 1 8 . 6 G . Lena , October 4 , 7 ; James , Novem 8 8 1 1 1 0 . . ber , Milton H Giltner died Septem

1 8 ber 7 , 99 .

of Sarah E daughter Betsy Young Giltner ,

1 1 8 8 . was born April , 4 Married E . D . Fair

1 1 1 86 . W August , 9 To them ere born six chil

: o dren Bert , L ie , Amy , Jessie , Pearl , and

William .

of Martha J . , daughter Betsy Young Giltner ,

1 1 1 8 0 was born November , 5 . Married Thomas

J . Sloan . To them was born one child , William

2 2 8 6 G . 1 . , September , 7

of George Betsy Young Giltner , was

2 6 1 8 born February , 5 3 . Married Susan Darr ,

1 2 1 8 2 November , 7 . To them were born three children Lizzie , Norton , Bert .

H of William . , son Betsy Young Giltner , was

4 2

of ‘ Thomas Kent , son Alexander Young , mar U of ried Elizabeth Parks . ( nable to get data f his amily . )

f ‘ R . o e Richard C . , son Alexand r Young , mar

ried Mary Tipton . To them were born twelve T children Jonathan . , Frank N India (married R Dove) , Edward . , Malinda (married Clark) ,

H . . W David . , Alexander , Rose B John , Charles

C . . , Margaret (married Davis) James J

Richard C . K . Young died in his home in

z 1 0 . Ari ona , in 9 3

of ‘ Margaret , daughter Alexander Young , mar ried John Tipton . To them were born six chil i dren Milton Harvey , William Curt s , Flora May ,

e . Clara Loraine , Clarenc Ellsworth , Basil Foster

Margaret Young Tipton died several years ago . l l l .

X AN D R’ of ' LE E , eldest son James and

Nancy Smith Young , was born in Flem

2 1 2 ing County , Kentucky , April oth , 7 9 ; mar

2 6 h 1 8 1 ried Mary Davis January t , 5 . Lived

first in Fleming County , Kentucky , where their two first children were born : Nancy S rn i th and

Jane Craig . They then removed to Lewis

County , Kentucky , and remained there some

years . Three more children were born them

’ f a m Martha Ann , John Davis and James . The ily then removed to Rush County , Indiana , n of f where the remai der the amily was born ,

e Rob rt Harvey , Alexander Hueston and Mary

Margaret .

In 1 84 3 the family made its last move and set I l ed . t in Washington County , owa Iowa at that

S time was a territory and was but parsely settled , the hunting ground of s everal tribes of Indians . of Four miles northwest Washington , the of cou nty seat Washington County , Alexander

2 0 of n m n Young entered 3 acres gover e t land , 44

part timber and part prairie land . A substantial house of hewn logs was built (is still standing

2 1 1 0 f April , 9 4) and here his amily was reared and here he and his wif e lived to a ripe old age .

They were Christians of the Covenanter type ; were members of the Associate Ref ormed — af ter ward s the Second United Presbyterian Church of

Washington . Iowa . Alexander Young was one of of m e n of Fl e mi n s bu r h a nu mber young g g , f Kentucky , who ormed a cavalry company under

Captain Matthews , and riding their own horses and carrying their own guns served their country

f 8 1 2 throug h the war o 1 . of He was with Gen . Harrison at the battle the Thames — stood so near the General that he heard him give the command to ' fire in that engagement . They lef t their horses on an island near

Detroit and served as inf antry . They were mus t ered out at Detroit at the close of the war and

mounting their horses rode home . To Al exander and Mary Davis Young were

: born eight children Nancy Smith , Jane Craig ,

Martha Ann John Davis , James , Robert Harvey , 45

n . Alexa der Hueston , Mary Margaret

1 8 1 86 Alexander Young died June , 9 , in his h ome and was buried in the old cem etery in f Washington , Iowa . His wi e , Mary Davis

1 8 6 — a l Young , died October 9 , 7 seven ye rs ater — and is buried by his side . of Nancy Smith , daughter Alexander Young ,

1 1 1 8 1 . . was born May , 7 Married Isaac N

of fa D 0 1 8 1 . Smith , cousin her ther , ecember 3 , 4 They settled on a tract of land near her father ’ s f arm . This land they improved and here their

a n d a d 1 8 children were born re re . In 74 they f removed to Oregon , purchased a arm in the f beauti ul Willamette Valley near Oakville , which f is still the amily homestead .

: Their children , eight in number , are Mary

Elizabeth , Martha Jane , Alexander Young ,

Buena Vista , John Newton , James Nesbit , h C arles Sumner , Joseph Claybaugh .

2 1 0 Nancy Young Smith died March , 9 3 , at her home in Oakville , and is buried in the cemetery of that place .

Isaac N . Smith , her husband , died March 9 ,

1 00 9 , and is buried beside her . 46

of Y n Mary Elizabeth , daughter Nancy ou g

D e 2 1 8 . Smith , was born ecemb r 4 , 4 3 Married

. 1 0 1 1 . Thomas F Smith March , 87

a of Martha Jane , d ughter Nancy Young Smith ,

1 8 re was born October 5 , 45 , is unmarried and f sides in the amily home near Oakville .

‘ of Y ou n S m i th Alexander Young , son Nancy g ,

1 1 8 was born December 7 , 4 7 , is unmarried and

lives in the f amily home .

of Buena Vista , daughter Nancy Young Smith ,

o 1 8 1 8 2 2 1 8 0 . was born April 7 , 5 Died Oct ber , 5 ,

at the home in Washington County , Iowa .

of John Newton , son Nancy Young Smith ,

1 1 8 2 was born October , 5 . Married M attie 8 8 8 2 1 . Ellis June , 3 , and lives in Salem , Oregon

u . To them was born a da ghter , Mabel

8 2 1 8 1 . Mattie Ellis Smith died January , 9 John Newton Smith was again married August

1 1 8 3 , 99 , to Cora Smith . He is a practicing physician of excellent reputation and is promi 47

of nent in the politics Oregon , having served two terms in the State Legislature .

of m James Nesbit , son Nancy Young S ith , was

1 8 1 8 i n born March , 5 5 , is unmarried and lives f the amily home .

of Charles Sumner , son Nancy Young Smith ,

2 1 8 . V was born January 3 , 5 7 Married iola

ortl e v 1 8 8 . W July 3 , 7

of Joseph Claybaugh , son Nancy Young

1 2 1 8 . Smith , was born August , 5 9 Married 88 1 1 . Emma Shambrook July 7 , 9 Is a physician

r a n d . and d uggist lives in Salem , Oregon

of Jane Craig , daughter Alexander Young ,

n 6 1 8 1 was bor July , 9 ; was unmarried and , as the old e st daughter af ter the marriage of her N of f ’ sister ancy , she had charge her ather s

or m household f any years . She was quiet and retiring in disposition , an earnest Christian and l Ove d and honored by all who came under 48

fl 1 0 2 . a e of her in uence She died July , 9 , at the g

8 3 years in the old home where the greater part f of of her li e was lived . Until within a year her death she enjoyed good' health and though not stron g enough to do much of the active house keeping she held her position as head of the household tothe end .

of Martha Ann , daughter Alexander Young ,

1 1 8 2 2 . was born May , Married Bennett Braw 8 8 1 . ner November 9 , 4 One daughter , Amanda ,

a s f t w born to them , a ter which hey were divorced

2 0 and Martha married Daniel Jayne on October , of 1 8 . 5 7 Two sons were born this marriage ,

Robert and Andrew . Daniel Jayne enl isted in the Union Army in the S ixtie s and met death in battle i n def ense of his country . Martha Ann Young was thus left a widow f with three children early in li e , but like the bra ve woman she was she took up the task laid upon her and brought up her children to be an honor to herself and a credit to the f amily of

50 f u ather , John Eyestone , in Washington Co nty ,

’ Io wa . Upon land adj oining his f ather s f arm he

f f ew built a small log cabin , which a ter a years was replaced with a f rame house . In the winter of 1 86 f 3 he sold this arm to his sister , Martha of Jayne , and purchased another near the site f the present town o Keota in Keokuk County ,

Iowa , which at that time was a vast prairie . In

1 8 6 7 this f arm was sold and in Septembe r of that year the family emigrated to Missouri and pur chased a f arm one and a half miles northwest of

of . Carthage , the county seat Jasper County

To John . D avis a nd Maria Eyestone Young

one were born nine children , eight in Iowa and

: Ru fi n a VVi l in Missouri Laura Ann , Florence ,

a liam H rvey , Louisa Irene , Mary Alice , Nancy

Belle , Agnes Lavinia , Clara Jane , Edward

Eyestone .

An n of Laura , daughter John Davis Young ,

1 8 6 was born November 5 , 4 9 . Married May , 8 6 1 D . 7 , Henry Beers Pinney , M . To them

was born a daughter , Grace Maria , on August

2 6 1 8 8 1 . , Their home is in San Francisco . Ru fi na of Florence , daughter John , Davis M Young , was born W Married

1 8 . Frank M . King November , 77 To them was

R 1 1 8 8 . born a son , Herbert H . . , August 7 , 7

They live near Carthage , Mo .

m of n Willia Harvey , son John Davis You g ,

2 1 8 . was born April 5 , 54 Married Ella Hall f 1 8 . August , 93 , in San Francisco , Cali ornia To

them were born a daughter , Laura , and two sons , John Donald and Theodore William . They

f . live in Santa Ana , Cali ornia

of Louisa Irene , daughter John Davis Young ,

1 1 8 6 was born January 5 , 5 . Married Wm . A .

2 1 1 8 80 . e Roberts February , Two sons w re

1 1 1 8 8 2 born to them , Bruce , October , , and

2 1 886 . Earle , March 5 , They reside in San f Francisco , Cali ornia .

of Mary Alice , daughter John Davis Young , 8 8 2 2 1 . was born January , 5 Married William

8 0 2 1 1 8 . Carpenter February , To them were

2 8 1 8 8 born two sons , Harold , January , 3 , and

1 2 1 8 6 Malcolm , July , 9 , and a daughter , Edna , 5 2

1 1 886 May , . They live near Fullerton , l f Ca i ornia .

of D Nancy Belle , daughter John avis Young ,

0 1 8 6 1 was born March 3 , . Married John S . Hoots

1 88 September 3 , 4 . To them were born five

2 1 88 children Leona , April , 7 ; Howard ,

1 1 8 0 2 8 1 8 2 November 9 , 9 ; Nina , June , 9 ; Paul ,

1 8 1 6 1 00 . November 9 , 95 Raymond , April , 9 of Raymond , son Nancy Belle Young Hoots ,

1 1 02 died January , 9 . Their home is in San

Francisco Calif ornia .

e of D Agn s Lavinia , daughter John avis Young , 6 2 6 1 8 . was born April , 3 Married J . W . Fowler

1 8 1 8 f on January , 93 . To them were born our

n 1 8 childre , Ward , March 5 , 9 5 ; Helen , July

2 8 1 8 1 8 , 9 7 ; Ruth , December 3 , 9 9 ; Doris ,

1 0 2 April 9 , 9 . Their home is in Los Angeles , f Cali ornia .

of Clara Jane , daughter John Davis Young , was

1 1 86 6 B ra d bee r born March 0 , . Married James

1 1 0 2 . May 5 , 9 Their home is in Los Angeles , f Cali ornia . 5 3

of Edward Eyestone , son John Davis Young ,

1 1 1 8 0 was born March , 7 , in Jasper County ,

rof es Missouri . Is unmarried , an architect by p

sion , and lives in San Francisco .

The summer of 1 88 0 John D avis Young and

f . amily spent in Eureka Springs , Arkansas 6 Here the wife and mother died October .

M i s Her remains were conveyed to Carthage , souri , and buried in the Reagan Cemetery .

1 8 8 1 In August , , the old home near Carthage , f m Missouri , was leased and the a ily lived in

s f Jasper , eight mile distant . The ollowing year the home was sold and a new one bought in Jasper .

In 1 885 this was sold and the f amily removed to

f S a n Cali ornia , first locating in Francisco , then in

Healdsburg , then in Santa Rosa , and last in Los f Angeles . John D avis Young and his wi e were charter members of the First Presbyterian

Church in Carthage , Missouri , Rev . John Pinker of ton , pastor . He was also one the first elders

elected in that church . During the Civil War of he was a member the Home Guards , but was

not called to active military service . At his own

u 8 1 8 6 home in Los Angeles , J ne , 9 , he passed to 54

his reward . He was in apparently good health of when , toward sunset that day he was watering — his garden and the summons came a stroke of apoplexy— and without an hour of sickness or s ff a s f u ering he w not or God took him .

of James , son Alexander Young , was born

1 1 1 8 2 8 February , , was unmarried . When a young lad the bursting of a gun cap cause d the loss of one eye this disqualified him f or m ilitary

service in the Civil War . He had musical ability , f however , and o ten drilled the young people in —6 singing the patriotic songs of 1 86 0 5 . He was a member of the Second United Presbyterian of Church Washington , Iowa , and as the eldest son at home he managed the farm f or many

of f . years , beloved by a wide circle riends Died

1 1 0 October 7 , 9 3 .

of Robert Harvey , son Alexander Young , was 8 n 2 1 1 . born Ju e 4 , 3 , is unmarried He enlisted 55

for 1 th Vol u n as a recruit the 9 Regiment , Iowa

2 1 8 6 . teers , February 4 , 4 , at Washington , Iowa f A ter a short stay in camp at D avenport , Iowa , he joined the regiment at Brownsville , Texas . Here his regiment was on guard of the Mexican f f or rontier six months , then was sent to New

Orleans , and thence to Fort Morgan , . Af ter the surrender of that fort they were sent to

B a ra n cas Florida , thence to Fort Gaines , and next to the siege of Spanish Port ; on its sur

. render , the next port was Mobile , Alabama

On the 4th of July the recruits of the 1 9th Iowa

A 2 th Regiment were assigned to Company . , 9

Regiment Iowa Volunteers . In New Orleans ,

1 0 1 8 6 August , 5 , he was honorably discharged

2 2 md and reached home about August , where he still lives .

of Alexander Hueston , son Alexander Young ,

1 1 8 . was born August 3 , 3 4 , is unmarried He h m C . 1 t enl isted in Company , 9 Regi ent Iowa f 2 1 8 6 2 . e Volunteers , August , L t Washin g ton

1 th of m on the 3 August , went into ca p at Keokuk , 56

of Iowa ; Col . Crabb was in command the regi ment and his Captain was F . H . Stanton ; First

Lieutenant , John S . Gray . His regiment was

first ordered to St . Louis , Mo . , then to Rolla and to Springfield to meet and oppose Price and

Marmaduke . From Springfield they were ordered to Cassville a n d thence to Cross Hollows , here he was taken ill and was sent back to Springfield where he re mained in the Campbell House Hospital f or nearly

re - t wo months . He j oined his regiment January

1 1 8 6 M O f e , 3 , at Forsyth , . , and a ter thr e months the regiment was again sent to St . Louis . On

May first of that year they were ordered to

' Vicksburg , Miss . This , he says , was my first experience in battle , and with his regiment he was on the firing line till the surrender of that post . They were then sent to Yazoo City and f a ter a slight skirmish at that place , went to

New Orleans . On the trip to New Orleans he became ill , and on his arrival entered the Marine f f Hospital , was afterward trans erred rom Com

C . 1 th m pany , 9 Regi ent Iowa Volunteers to the

B a tta l l i on Second Veteran Reserve Corps , and

V l .

T U of OBER SMITH YO NG , second son

James and Nancy Smith Young , was born

D 1 in Fleming county , Kentucky , ecember 5 ,

1 79 3 . Married his cousin Jane Smith . To

Robe rt and Jan e Smith Young was bor n a

I f e daughter named Elizabeth . ( ther were other children we have not been able to get names) .

Elizabeth Young married John Smith , also her

c e . ousin , and they migrated to Portland , Oregon

To Elizabeth Young and John ‘ Smi th were born f : our children James Thomas , Charles , Arah

Jane , and Martha Lena .

Eliz a beth Young Smith died some years a go

e and is buried in Portland , Oregon , wher her husband and children still reside .

of e Mary Young , daughter Jam s and Nancy

D 1 1 Smith Young was born ecember 5 , 79 5 , in

Bourbon county , Kentucky . Married John Stew

a rt D 2 1 1 8 1 . ecember , 9 59

To Mary Young and John Stewart were born

: Re nine children Margaret , Nancy , James ,

becca , D avid , Elizabeth , Alexander , John Smith and William N . t of Margare Stewart , daughter Mary Young

1 8 2 1 Stewart , was born July 5 , , and married

John S . Stewart .

n . Their childre are Mary E , Robert N . and

Lena Jane , and Emma L .

of wa s Nancy , daughter Mary Young Stewart ,

2 1 8 2 2 born November , . Married James Meek .

To Nancy Stewart and James Meek were b a rn

f : . our children John Adam , Sarah E , David

a n d Milton , Samuel L .

of James Young , son Mary Young Stewart ,

2 1 8 2 was born March 3 , 4 . Married Barbara

S mith . To them were born four children Ger

trude , Samuel , John , Julia .

of r Rebecca , daughter Mary Young Stewa t ,

6 1 8 2 6 i s was born January , , unma rried . 6 0

of wa n David , son Mary Young Ste rt , was bor

e 1 8 2 . . Nov mber 9 , 7 Unmarried

of o Elizabeth , daughter Mary Y ung Stewart ,

1 8 2 was born March 3 , 9 , is unmarried , and lives with her sister Rebecca above mentioned i ’ f w th their brother , William Stewar t s wi e and son on afarm adj oining the old homestead where as she says We can look right into the door

and it seems very near to us .

of Alexander , son Mary Young Stewart , was

1 1 8 2 . a born March 4 , 3 Married Martha D le .

one . To them was born son , John D

m of w John S ith , son Mary Young Ste art , was

2 1 8 born November , 3 3 , was unmarried .

N of William . , son Mary Young Stewart , was

8 1 8 born December , 3 5 . Married Mary Douglass .

To them was born a son , Charles , also J . D .

Stewart , only child now living .

w t e d William N . Ste art ser in the Union army f throughout the war , enrolled on the 3 oth o

1 86 1 a s e of September , Quartermaster S rgeant 6 1

h of f the 3 7t Regiment Indiana In antry . Was honorably discharged and returned to his home

N e w l f near Sa em , Indiana , where his wi e and

D . . son , J . , still reside

d a u hte n of Ann , second g James and Nancy

1 Smith Young , was born November 5 , 7 9 7 . l Married James M cCork e . To them were born H seven children Hannah , Jane , John , James . ,

Robert , Rebecca Ann , and Nancy Margaret . We were unable to obtain further data concern

of A n n M c Corkl e ing the f amily Young .

of Rebecca , third daughter James and Nancy

1 Smith Young , was born October 9 , 79 9 . Mar ried William Norwood . To t he m were born two children : James Madison and Alexander

Young .

Rebecca Young and her husband , William

Norwood , emigrated to Iowa and made a home in the suburbs of Washingto n where they lived 6 2

to a good old age . On the death of her husband Rebecca Young lived most of the remainder of f f f her li e with the amily o her son James M .

Norwood . of James Madison , son Rebecca Young Nor

2 1 8 2 1 wood , was born April 1 , , in Kentucky .

1 0 1 8 0 Married Rebecca Ireland September , 4 .

To them were born nine children ' Nancy G l m Young , William , Wil ia Samuel , Sarah

n Virginia , James Harvey , Joh Stewart , Rosa

B . belle lanche , Albert Roswell , Louisa Ireland

w 2 James Madison Nor ood died October 4 , 8 1 89 . His wife lives with her daughter in

Davenport , Iowa .

n of Nancy You g , daughter James Norwood , 6 1 1 8 1 . 1 was born August 3 , 4 Died November ,

1 8 0 5 .

f d C . o William , son James Norwoo , was born

2 1 8 2 1 8 . May 9 , 4 5 , Died September 9 , 4 5

of w William Samuel , son James Nor ood , was b 1 1 8 . orn August 5 , 4 7 . Married Julia E Blakely ,

- ' 1 1 8 born fou r c i 1' April 5 , 75 . To them were h 6 3

: 2 1 8 6 dren Minetta Belle , February 3 , 7 died

2 6 1 8 0 W 1 1 1 8 8 August , 9 . illiam , January , 7 ;

0 1 8 0 . 2 died August 3 , 9 Jessie , December 3 ,

1 888 2 1 8 0 ; died August 4 , 9 . Lena , born Sep

1 8 2 tember 3 , 9 .

of Sarah Virginia , daughter James Norwood ,

2 1 8 . was born September , 50 . Married James W

f 2 1 8 String ellow , December 4 , 74 . To them were

: 2 1 s t 1 880 born two children Blanche , May , ,

8 1 88 2 Walter , August , .

of Wa s James Harvey , son James Norwood ,

1 1 8 2 e . born December 7 , 5 . Married Josi L

1 8 1 8 8 Laughlin , April , 7 . To them were born

: 2 0 1 8 two children Helen , March , 7 9 Chloe

R 8 1 8 8 . , September , 4 .

of John Stewart , son James Norwood , was

1 8 1 8 6 f born March , 5 . Married Carrie Craw ord

2 8 1 8 8 . March , 4 To them were born three chil

2 8 1 8 8 : C . dren Faith , March , 5 , George , July

2 1 8 88 6 1 8 2 7 , , Charlene , September , 9 .

of Rosabelle Blanche , daughter James Nor 6 4

1 1 8 8 wood , was born April 4 , 5 , is unmarried and

lives with her mother in Davenp ort , Iowa .

1 1 86 1 . Albert Roswell was born April 7 , Died

1 2 1 86 October , 4 .

of Louisa Ireland , daughter James Norwood ,

2 6 1 86 6 . was born September , . Married Jesse A

1 1 886 Winger April 5 , . To them were born f : 1 8 1 88 our children Lorena , January , 7 , Rich

0 1 888 1 1 1 8 0 ard , October 3 , , Frank , January , 9 ,

- 8 1 8 6 Faith , November , 9 .

Of f of Nancy , ourth daughter James and Nancy

f . Smith Young , we have scant in ormation She

1 8 0 1 was born September 7 , , and married first

James Henry . To this marriage was born a

daughter . of On the death James Henry , Nancy Young

married David Stewart , and to her was born a of son . We were unable to get the names either f o i f . these children , or to learn they are living

6 6

1 1 8 1 f 7 , 5 , his wi e Margaret Henry Young , f reared their amily in the home in Washington ,

S 1 1 88 . and died there eptember 3 , 4

of Elizabeth Jane , daughter James Harvey

8 1 1 8 1 . Young , was born November , 3 Married

2 0 1 8 2 Allen Conger October , 5 , and their home to was first in Washington . They emigrated

f e w re Kansas , where they spent a years , then

turned to Washington . Elizabeth inherited f f ’ rom her ather s estate , the old homestead f where the amily now live . To them were h born ten children James Gilbert , C arles

Fitch , Allen Alonzo , William Henry , Robert

Ralph , Hueston , Elmer Ellsworth , Margaret

a nd w . Bessie , Julius Albert Murray Ho ard

6 1 8 Allen Conger died May , 99 . of James Gilbert , son Elizabeth Young Conger ,

2 8 1 8 was born August , 5 3 , is unmarried and lives with his mother at the home in Washington .

of Charles Fitch , son Elizabeth Young Conger ,

1 1 8 6 was born May 7 , 5 . Married Deborah J . 8 6 1 1 8 . Garrett March 7 , To them were born

: 2 1 88 three children Helen , June 5 , 7 ; Frank 6 7

1 1 88 2 6 1 8 1 r July 3 , 9 ; Grace , October , 9 . Thei home is in Keota , Iowa .

of Allen Alonzo , son Elizabeth Young Conger , 8 1 8 . was born December , 5 7 Married Mary

1 88 Fulton Anderson , September 4 , 9 . To them

1 8 1 8 2 was born a daughter , Mabel , September , 9 .

Their home is in Sacramento , Cal .

of William Henry , son Elizabeth Young Con

8 1 8 . ger , was born April , 5 9 Married Mary

M cN a m a ra 2 1 1 8 . Ellen , June , 94 To them were

: 2 born two children Corrinne , September 5 ,

1 8 i 2 1 8 8 9 7 , who d ed May , 9 , a daughter ,

1 0 1 . August , 9 , name not given Their home was in Chicago and there the two c hildren were born .

of Robert Ralph , son Elizabeth Young Conger ,

20 1 86 1 was born March , , was unmarried and lived with his parents in Washington until the war with Spain in Cuba began , went as a vol u nte e r and served to near the close of the war 8 1 1 8 . when he wa s taken ill and died , August 3 , 9 6 8

of z H arvey Hueston , son Eli abeth Young Con

2 1 8 6 ger , was born January , 3 . Died December

of Elmer Ellsworth , son Elizabeth Young Con

1 1 8 6 . ger , was born October 5 , 4 Married and f lives in the State o Washington .

of Margaret Bessie , daughter Elizabeth Young

2 6 1 86 u n m a r Conger , was born January , 7 , is f ried and lives in the amily home , Washington ,

Iowa .

2 1 8 6 Julius Albert was born December 4 , 9 .

1 8 1 8 8 Married Cora Williams , October , 9 .

2 0 1 8 2 Murray Howard was born November , 7 .

2 2 1 0 1 . Married Cleta Malin , May , 9

of Nancy Ann , second daughter James Harvey and Margaret Morrison Young , was born August

1 1 8 , 3 4 . Married Robert C . Anderson , October 8 1 1 . 7 , 5 5 They had no children . Lived near 6 9

Washington , Iowa . Nancy Ann Young Ander

1 8 son died October 7 , 95 .

of Mary Steele , third daughter James Harvey and Margaret Morrison Young was born April

2 6 8 6 2 1 . 0 1 8 , 3 Died June , 3 7 .

of v a nd Robert Simpson , son James Har ey

2 2 Margaret Morrison Young was born October ,

1 8 8 3 , was unmarried . He enlisted in the army

1 8 6 1 m C in , in Washington , Iowa , in Co pany . ,

8th f W . . Iowa I n antry Volunteers . Captain B

Re nd e vou s . Bell , Col . Geddes . Davenport , Iowa

u . Was first ordered to St . Lo is , Mo , then to

fi . Sedalia , Mo . , then to Spring eld , Mo , to Fort

Henry , Fort Donaldson and to Pittsburg Land f ing . Here he was taken prisoner and a ter some

months died in prison at Macon , Georgia , Octo 8 6 2 1 1 2 . ber ,

s on of James Henry , second James Harvey

o n and Margaret Morrison Young , was b r May

1 8 1 . 9 , 4 Married Nancy Elizabeth Laughea d

2 1 86 . on November 7 , 7 Their home was in Washington f or several 70

d f years , then they remove to Pasadena , Cali ornia ,

where they now reside .

u 1 1 86 2 James Henry enlisted Aug st 5 , , at

W 1 ashington , Iowa , in Company C , 9th Iowa f In antry , Captain F . H . Stanton , Col . B . Crabb .

Went into camp at Keokuk , Iowa . His war f itinerary was as ollows St . Louis , Mo . ; W ’ Springfield , Missouri ilson s Creek , Missouri

Pea Ridge , Prairie Grove and Van Buren , Arka n

s u sas ; Rolla and St . Louis , Mis souri Vick b rg

u N e w and Yazoo City , Missouri ; Port H dson ,

M or a n z i a a of Orleans and g , Louisiana ; B ttle

Sterling Farm , Louisiana ; Brazos and Santiago

N e w ' and Brownsville , Texas ; Orleans ; Pensa

cola , Florida Mobile , Spanish Fort , Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines , Alaba ma .

Battles engaged in were at Prairie Gro ve a nd

a n u of V B ren , Arkansas ; Siege Vicksburg ; f of m capture o Yazoo City ; Battle Sterling Far ,

hi s r Louisiana , where almost enti e regiment was captured ; bombardment of Mobile and Fort f . W a s Morgan , Alabama requently engaged in skirmishes which did not have the dignity i n

. n those times to be called battles . Was either 7 I

wounded nor in prison during the service , but was sick much of the time during the last year of d M the war . Was honorably discharge at o

m a n d d m bile , Alaba a , reache his ho e , Washing

w l n 1 86 . ton , Io a , early August , 5

of Letitia Helen , third daughter James Harvey

and Margaret Morrison Young , was born April

1 8 d D 5 , 4 3 . Marrie avid James Palmer October

2 1 86 6 5 , . Lives in Washington , Iowa .

of Gilbert Gordon , third son James Harvey and Margaret Morrison Young was born Novem

1 8 8 . d m 1 8 0 . ber 9 , 4 Die Septe ber 9 , 5

s on of m es a n d a m i John , youngest Ja N ncy S th

2 1 1 8 1 1 Young , was born January , . Married

1 8 Mary Jane Adams in 3 9 . To them were born l nine children James A exander , Robert Smith ,

John Newton , Nancy Steele , Mary , Sarah Ann ,

a n d . William Harvey , Cordelia Agnes Adelaide John Young lived first on the farm near Flem i n s b u r h f f g g , Kentucky , inherited rom his ather , 7 2

o James Young . Later he emigrated to W a s hi ng

i n ton g , Iowa , where he lived to the time of

his death .

of James Alexander, son John Young , was

2 2 1 8 0 born October , 4 . Married Malinda Wil son . To them were born five children : John

t n o Webster , James Lester , Rober A ders n , Cora

Almeda , Nancy May .

James Alexander Young enlisted i n Co mpany

th w v D 9 Io a Cavalry , ser ed through the war and was honorably discharged at its close . Died

1 8 8 f in 7 . His amily home is in Missouri .

of Robert Smith Young , second son John

1 1 8 2 . Young , was born May 9 , 4 Married m Mary Ella Robbins . To the was b orn a f . o f daughter , Ella U On the death his wi e

Mary Ella , he married Emma Robbins To them were born t wo children : Ada Irene a n d of f Eva L . On the death his wi e Emma he mar

ried Anna . To them were born two children , of f Everett and Mabel . On the death his wi e

Anna he married Mary Malisa Frew . To them


i fi fteen k lled and twenty - three wounded a nd f our t taken prisoners . Rober Smith Young was one f o . these They were held five days at Columbus ,

were then sent to Memphis , Tenn . , and confined m in a negro j ail , and re ained there till March ,

n 1 8 6 2 . Were the taken to Corinth and the n to f of Mobile , Ala . , rom there by way boat up the

T on s bi b Alabama , the g y and the Black Warrior fi to Tuscaloosa , Ala . They were here con ned in the old Capitol building and met here the prisoners captured at the battle of Shiloh of that number of was Robert Simpson Young , son James Har m vey Young . From there they were re oved to l f m A a . M Montgo ery , , and a terward to acon ,

Georgia . From there they were taken to Colum

bia , South Carolina , and thence to Raleigh , to North Carolina , then to Petersburgh , then

1 Richmond and to Libby prison . On the 7 th day of October he with his comrade s was paroled ou t of d a - of - that prison , going to the g truce boat

’ n a f A o m V . at ikin s Landing the Ja es river , , a ter d f eleve n months a nd ten ays as prisoners o war .

f om They went to Annapolis , Md . , and r there to

C . t Washington , D . , thence to Harrisburg , Pi ts 75

burgh , and finally to Columbus , Kentucky , then

u 1 0 1 8 6 to Corinth , Miss and on Aug st , 4 , he was honorably discharged a n d returned to his

n ow . home in Washington , Iowa , where he lives

of John Newton , third son John Young ,

1 8 . was born February 5 , 44 Married Marie

: Farley . To them were born three children

Nettie , Minnie and Barton .

of e Nettie , daughter John N wton Young , mar ried William Wright .

1 John N ewton Young enlisted in Co . C 9 th f f W Iowa In antry . Le t ashington , Iowa , on the

1 of 1 8 6 2 3 th August , went into camp at Keokuk ,

t . Iowa , was first sen to St Louis , then to Rolla ,

t ' Mo . , hen to Springfield to meet Price and Mar m a d u ke h . Was wit his regiment through the wa r and was honorably discharged and returned to his home , Washington , I owa .

c of Nan y Steele , daughter John Young , was

8 n e 1 8 6 r a d . bo n 1 4 7 , di d in 7

i A n n of Sa ah , daughter John Young , mar 76

ried William Phillips . To them was born a d aughter , Mary . of On the death William Phillips , Sarah Ann

Young married W . O . Bain . To them were

: born five children Lilly , Isaac , Grace , John and Emanuel .

y of Mar , daughter Sarah Ann Young and m Willia Phillips , married Joseph Elliott . To

c them were born two hildren .

of William Harvey , youngest son John Young ,

2 6 1 8 was born September , 5 5 . Married Flora E .

1 1 1 88 Winters November , 3 . To them were born

l 2 0 1 8 8 eight chi dren Fannie , June , 4 , Fred ,

1 1 886 Al e m ond August 3 , , Flora g , February ,

1 8 8 8 1 , Ella Pauline and Etta Christine , Apri

1 1 8 0 1 8 7 , 9 , Willie Velma , 9 3 , Frank Winters ,

1 8 6 1 8 8 April 7 , 9 , John , September 7 , 9 .

of Cordelia and Agnes Adelaide , daughters

r John Young , were unmar ied and both died in o young girlho d . The crest and motto which adorns the cover of this book is one of several belonging to the f of b e amily Young . It may , and it may not f long to this particular branch o that great name .

It does not indicate royalty , but is ascribed to

of . the order Esq , or gentleman . To this order

‘ our a n cient ancestor u n qu e s ti on a bl y be l on g ed ; in fact in the generations between that period and the present time the f am ily of Young has continued to produce gentleman— men of rare and sterling quality— gentlemen who have won distinction as statesmen , soldiers , lawyers , doc tors and clergymen , as artists , artisans and f ar mers . Though fe w of the name Young can be

O f counted among the millionaires this land , yet all or nearly all as f a r as we can learn have been in generations past , and still remain the holders of the farm or town lot upon which their own roof tree was planted . f We are sure , there ore , that no one will ques tion our right to the insignia and to the senti

‘ m : Ton ou rs e z me ent it expresses j j .