Robotics Research Springer London Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo John M.Hollerbach and Daniel E. Koditschek (Eds) Research The Ninth International Symposium

Springer John M. Hollerbach Computer Science Department, UniversityofUtah, 50S. Central Campus Drive, Rm 3190, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA

Daniel E. Koditschek Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Michigan, 1101 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, M148109-2110, USA

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Robotics research : the ninth international symposium l. Robotics - Congresses I. Koditschek, Daniel E. II. Hollerbach, John M. III. International Symposium on Robotics Research (9th : 1999 : Snowbird, Utah 629.8'92 ISBN 978-1-4471-1254-9 ISBN 978-1-4471-0765-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-0765-1

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@Springer-Verlag London 2000 Originally published by Springer-Verlag London Berlin Heidelberg in 2000 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2000 The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

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Typesetting: Camera ready by editors Contents

Preface ...... ix List of Authors ...... xi

1. Mechanisms ...... 1

Dimensional synthesis of using a double quatemion formulation of the workspace J.M. McCarthy and S. Ahlers...... 3

Theory of stiffness control in robotics using the Conservative Congruence Transformation S.-R Chen and I. Kao ...... 9

Design of a spider based on second-order immobilization theory E. Rimon, S. Shoval, and A. Shapiro...... 17

Parallel robots: open problems J.-P. Merlet...... 27

Grasp and manipulation of multiple objects M. Kaneko and K. Harada...... 33

2. Controls I ...... 41

Distributed computational environments that accelerate research and application• the HRP Virtual Platform Project Y. Nakamura, K. Yamane, H. Hirukawa, and R Nagashima...... 43

Control of underactuated manipulation by real-time nonlinear optimization K.M. Lynch and C.K. Black...... 51

Quatemion-based impedance control for dual-robot cooperation R Caccavale, C. Natale, B. Siciliano, and L Villani ...... 59

3. Sensing I ...... 67

Geometric pattern matching for guidance W. Silver...... 69

Shape and enlightenment: reconstruction and recognition under variable illumination D.J. Kriegman, P.N. Bellhumeur, and A.S. Georghiades...... 79

A resampling method for computer vision C. Tomasi, J. Zhang, and G. Golub...... 89

Visual servoing using projective kinematics A. Ruf, R Martin, B. Lamiroy, and R. Horaud...... 97

The world of odour: a relatively unexplored sensory dimension for robots R.A. Russell...... 105

4. ...... 113

Towards motion autonomy for future vehicles C. Laugier and M. Parent...... 115 VI

Manipulating parts with an array of pins: a method and a S.J. Blind, C. C. McCullough, S. Akella, and J. Ponce ...... 123

Distributed programming and coordination for agent-based modular automation A.A. Rizzi, J. Gowdy, and R.L. Hollis ...... 131

Geometric trap design for automatic part feeders R.-P. Berretty, K. Goldberg, M.H. Overmars, and A. Frank van der Stappen...... 139

5. Maps and Navigation ...... 145

Precision 3-D modeling for autonomous helicopter flight R. Miller; 0. Amidi, C. Thorpe, and T. Kanade ...... 147

Efficient multi-robot localization based on Monte Carlo approximation D. Fox, W. Burgard, H. Kruppa, and S. Thrun...... 153

Toward deployment of large scale simultaneous localisation and map building (SLAM) systems H.F. Durrant-Whyte, M. W.M.G. Dissanayake, and P.W. Gibbens...... 161

A computationally efficient method for large-scale concurrent mapping and localization J.J. Leonard and H.J.S. Feder...... 169

6. Interfaces I ...... 177

Experimental validation of a psychological conjecture on a simplified model of the haptic perceptual channel A. Bicchi, E. Pasquale Scilingo, and D. De Rossi...... 179

Collision/contact models for dynamic simulation and haptic interaction D.C. Ruspini and 0. Khatib...... 185

A robot system for medical ultrasound T. Salcudean, W. Zhu, P. Abolmaesumi, S. Bachmann, and P. Lawrence...... 195

From scans to sutures: Robotics methods for computer-enhanced surgery R.E. Ellis...... 203

7. Controls II ...... 211

Planning and control of robot motion based on time-scale transformation and iterative learning control S. Kawamura, N. Fukao, and H. lchii...... 213

To learn or to be taught? Design issues towards M. Asada and K. Hosada ...... 221

Learning robot behaviour and skills based on human demonstration and advice: the machine learning paradigm R. Dillmann, 0. Rogalla, M. Ehrenmann, R. ZOllner; and M. Bordegoni...... 229

Sensorimotor skill transfer of compliant motion R. Koeppe and G. Hirzinger...... 239

8. Interfaces and Architectures ...... 247

Automated robot behavior recognition K. Han and M. Veloso ...... 249 VII

FROB: a transformational approach to the design of robot G. D. Hager and J. Peterson...... 257

Mobile manipulation-getting a grip? H. Christensen, L Petersson, and M. Eriksson...... 265

9. Interfaces II ...... 273

Locomotion interface for virtual environments H. Iwata ...... 275

Realtime control of a robot arm using simultaneously recorded brain neurons J. Chapin...... 283

Interfacing agents through boundaries of interaction dynamics Y. Kuniyoshi, A. Nagakubo, L Berthoze, and G. Cheng...... 289

An anthropomorphic robot head having autonomous facial expression function for natural communication with humans A. Takanishi...... 297

Building human-friendly robot systems J. Heinzmann and A. Zelinsky...... 305

10. Biomimesis ...... 313

AIBO: towards the era of digital creatures M. Fujita ...... 315

Robotics as a tool for neuroscience: cerebellar internal models for robotics and cognition M. Kawato ...... 321

Biologically inspired adaptive dynamic walking of the quadruped on irregular terrain H. Kimura, Y. Fukuoka, and H. Nakamura...... 329

Biological inspiration: lessons from many-legged locomotors R.J. Full...... 337

11. Sensing II ...... 343

Planning robot motion strategies for efficient model construction H. Gonzalez-Banos, E. Mao, J.-C. Latombe, T.M. Murali, and A. Efrat...... 345

Robotics in reality-based modeling D. Pai ...... 353

1ms sensory-motor fusion system M. Ishikawa, T. Komuro, A. Namiki, and I. Ishii...... 359

Object manipulation by soft fingers and vision Y. Yokokohji, M. Sakamoto, and T. Yoshikawa...... 365 12. MEMS ...... 375

What can MEMS do for robotics? H. Fujita...... 377

Integrated sensor systems for advanced S.C. Jacobsen, M. Olivier, M.G. Mladejovsky, M.R. Whitaker, C. C. Davis, and B.J. Maclean ...... 385 VIII

A single universal force field can uniquely orient non-symmetric parts K.-F. Bohringer, B.R. Donald, LE. Kavraki, and F. Lamiraux...... 395

Biomimetic robotic mechanisms via shape deposition manufacturing S.A. Bailey, J. G. Cham, M.R. Cutkosky, and R.J. Full...... 403

13. Mobile Systems ...... 411

Aggressive maneuvering of autonomous aerial vehicles: a human-centered approach M. Piedmonte and E. Feron ...... 413

An expectation-based, multi-focal, saccadic (EMS) vision system for vehicle guidance E.D. Dickmanns...... 421

Results of NASDA' S ETS-VII robot mission and its application M. Oda and N. lnaba...... 431

Advances in underwater robot vehicles for deep ocean exploration: navigation, control, and survey operations L. Whitcomb, D.R. Yoerger, H. Singh, and J. Howland...... 439

Space robot dynamics and control: to orbit, from orbit, and future K. Yoshida...... 449

List of Participants ...... 457 Preface

The 9th International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR'99) was held from October 9-12, 1999, at Snowbird, Utah. The ISRR series of conferences began in 1983, and is sponsored by the International Founda• tion of Robotics Research (IFRR), an independent organization comprised of top researchers around the world. The goal of the ISRR is to bring together active, leading robotics researchers from academia, government, and industry, to define the state of the art of robotics and its future direction. Papers are generally more reflective and authoritative than those at other conferences, and over the years the ISRR has developed a high reputation. The symposium is typically held in a nice setting with a limited number of participants in order to maximize interaction. This proceedings comprises 54 papers selected for ISRR'99. The process of paper selection proceeded primarily through an open Call for Papers; these papers were reviewed by the Program Committee and the IFRR. In addition, the three regional delegations of the IFRR (North America, Europe, and Asia/Australia) invited a total of 22 papers.

Program Committee IFRR John Hollerbach, co-chair Hirochika Inoue, President Jan-OlofEklundh Dan Koditschek, co-chair Georges Giralt, Secretary Shigeo Hirose Shigeo Hirose Takeo Kanade, Treasurer Gerd Hirzinger Gerd Hirzinger Ruzena Bajcsy Ray Jarvis Jessica Hodgins Robert Bolles Dan Koditschek Jean-Claude Latombe Rod Brooks Bernie Roth Matt Mason Raja Chatila Tomomasa Sato Shree Nayar PaoloDario Yoshiaki Shirai Chuck Thorpe Joris De Schutter Tsuneo Yoshikawa

Papers were presented in a single track during the four-day symposium. In addition, there were a number of informal presentations by participants, a video session, and evening group discussions. A banquet presentation was given by Bob Full. In keeping with the spirit of past ISRR's, a number of breaks and activities were scheduled to allow for greater participant interaction. These included a conference hike, a tram ride, and a tour of the University of Utah Department of Computer Science and the Center for Engineering Design. The topics can be loosely placed into 5 categories: (1) mechanisms, manipulation, and control; (2) maps, navigation, and fielded mobile systems; (3) sensing and model building; (4) AI, biology and robotics; and (5) personal robots and human augmentation. They represent progress in traditional areas of robotics, in areas of more recent expansion or emphasis, and in more speculative directions for robotics research and development. With the advent of the new millenium, the ISRR' 99 was an opportune time to reflect on the successes of robotics, on the expansion of topics which are now encompassed by the field, and on the challenges for future commercial, technical, and intellectual success. The papers in this volume provide ample substance for this reflection. The ISRR'99 organizers would like to thank NSF for supporting the concurrent Planning Meeting; Sarcos Research Corporation for supporting the banquet; Susan Cippolini of Snowbird Resort for venue arrangements; Jacqueline Brakey of the University of Utah Conferences Center for registration support; Karen Alexa for con• ference organization; Lisa Hollerbach for the social program; and Rodney Freier, Ryan Hayward, Milan Ikits, and Abhijeet Vijayakar for conference room operations.

John M. Hollerbach and Daniel E. Koditschek co-chairs 9th International Symposium of Robotics Research List of Authors

Abolmaesumi ...... 176 Gowdy, J...... 119 Nagashima, F...... 37 Ahlers, S ...... 1 Hager, G ...... 233 Nakamura, H ...... 298 Akella, S ...... 111 Han, K...... 225 Nakamura, Y...... 37 Amidi, 0...... 132 Harada, K...... 30 Namiki, A...... 325 Asada, M...... 200 Heinzmann, J ...... 276 Natale, C...... 53 Bachmann, S ...... 176 Hirukawa, H...... 37 Oda,M ...... 391 Bailey, S ...... 366 Hirzinger, G...... 217 Olivier, M...... 349 Bellhumeur, P...... 70 Hollis, R...... 119 Overmars, M ...... 126 Berretty, R.-P...... 126 Horaud, R...... 87 Pai, D ...... 319 Berthoze, L...... 261 Hosoda, K...... 200 Parent, M ...... 103 Bicchi, A.M ...... 160 Howland, J ...... 399 Pasquale Scilingo, E. . . 160 Black, C.K...... 45 Ichii, H ...... 192 Peterson, J...... 233 Blind, S...... 111 Inaba, N ...... 391 Petersson, L...... 241 Bohringer, K.-F...... 358 Ishii, I...... 325 Piedmonte, M ...... 374 Bordegoni, M...... 207 Ishikawa, M ...... 325 Ponce, J...... 111 Burgard, W...... 137 Iwata, H ...... 248 Rimon, E ...... 15 Caccavale, F...... 53 Jacobsen,S ...... 349 Rizzi, A...... 119 Cham, J ...... 366 Kanade, T...... 132 Rogalla, 0 ...... 207 Chapin, J...... 256 Kaneko, M...... 30 Ruf, A...... 87 Chen, S.-F...... 7 Kao, I...... 7 Ruspini, D ...... 166 Cheng, G ...... 261 Kavraki, L...... 358 Russell, A...... 95 Christensen, H...... 241 Kawamura, S ...... 192 Sakamoto, M ...... 331 Cutkosky, M...... 366 Kawato, M...... 290 Salcudean, T...... 176 Davis, C...... 349 Khatib, 0 ...... 166 Shapiro, A...... 15 De Rossi, D ...... 160 Kimura, H...... 298 Shoval, S ...... 15 Dickmanns, E ...... 381 Koeppe, R...... 217 Siciliano, B...... 53 Dillmann, R...... 207 Komuro, T...... 325 Silver, W...... 61 Dissanayake, M ...... 145 Kriegman, D...... 70 Singh, H...... 399 Donald, B...... 358 Kruppa, H ...... 137 Takanishi, A...... 269 Durrant-Whyte, H. . ... 145 Kuniyoshi, Y...... 261 Thorpe, C...... 132 Efrat, A...... 311 Lamiraux, F...... 358 Thrun, S ...... 137 Ehrenmann, M...... 207 Lamiroy, B ...... 87 Tomasi, C...... 79 Ellis, R...... 184 Latombe, J.-C ...... 311 van der Stappen, A. ... 126 Eriksson, M...... 241 Laugier, C ...... 103 Veloso, M...... 225 Feder, H ...... 152 Lawrence ...... 176 Villani, L...... 53 Feron, E ...... 374 Leonard, J ...... 152 Whitaker, M...... 349 Fox, D ...... 137 Lynch,K...... 45 Whitcomb, L...... 399 Fujita, H ...... 341 Maclean, B ...... 349 Yamane, K...... 37 Fujita, M...... 284 Mao, E ...... 311 Yoerger, D ...... 399 Fukao, N ...... 192 Martin, F...... 87 Yokokohji, Y...... 331 Fukuoka, Y...... 298 McCarthy, M...... 1 Yoshida, K...... 409 Full, R...... 306, 366 McCullough, C...... 111 Yoshikawa, T...... 331 Georghiades, A...... 70 Merlet, J.-P...... 24 Zelinsky, A...... 276 Gibbens, P...... 145 Miller, R...... 132 Zhang,J...... 79 Goldberg, K...... 126 Mladejovsky, M...... 349 Zhu, W...... 176 Golub, G ...... 79 Murali, T...... 311 Zollner, R...... 207 Gonzalez-Banos, H .... 311 Nagakubo, A...... 261