SrChroni. cle 19 Aug. 1965 Marina Oswald Has `'Her New Husband Jailed - / 7 ARAnriatej , Tex. Marina Oswald Porter, a bride of less than three months and widow of Presi- dent Kennedy's presumed as-1 sassin, had her new husband thrown in jail yesterday. The widow of told a justice of the peace that her husband, Ken- neth Jess Porter, slapped her in the face and threatened to kill himself, and that she feared bodily harm. After she signed the affi- davit, Justice of the Peace

PAGE 4 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, Thursday, Aug. 19, 1965 FHE* Marina Has Her New Mate Jailed From Page 1 W. E. (Bill) Richburg issued a warrant far the arrest of Porter, a 27-year-old elec- tronic worker. Porter told reporters there was "nothing to it. It's just time for her to have some KENNETH PORTER more publicity." `Publicity' Richburg said the purpose of the affidavit was to place Richburg said Porter re- Porter under a peace bond. fused and said, "Go ahead He said Porter would remain and issue a warrant." in custody until either he made bond or a hearing on Texas peace bonds custo- the issue was held. He did not marily prohibit a man from indicate when such a hearing visiting or bothering a wom- might be convened. an. Mrs. Porter, 23, appeared The former Mrs. Oswald at Richburg's court with her signed the affidavit in the two children. As she left the city-county building in subur- building, she snapped "Leave ban . only blocks me alone, please," to report- f r o in the movie theater ers and photographers. where Oswald was arrested She and her children en- the afternoon of Nov. 22, 1963. tered a car and were driven The Porters were married away by a man and woman June 1 and moved from the wh o said they were her suburb of Richardson into the neighbors. They declined to city of Dallas this summer. give their names or to say They live in a house report- where Marnia would spend edly costing some $26,000. the night. Records indicate that the The justice of the peace house is in the name of "Ma- said Sheriff's officers called rina Oswald." him earlier in the afternoon The peace justice said Por- from the Porter home In ter would be lodged in the A. P. trirepho to northeast Dallas. He said he Dallas County Jail, the same then talked with Porter and jail where is con- MARINA OSWALD PORTER asked the man to come to his fined under death sentence She said her husband slapped her office "to talk things over." for killing Oswald.