FEATURE 4 - 5. Editorial 26 - 27. Making a life by giving By Aasiya Bhamji, our Orphan Sponsorship Nazir is one of our most committed supporters. Manager. See what drives him to continuously work with us. 6 - 7. 10 years of giving hope 28 - 29. Move. See. Grow. Our achievements over the last 10 years. Read how travelling can change your outlook on life. 8 - 9. The importance of education Read how one of our sponsored children, 30 - 31. Are we too engrossed in our Yusuf, thinks education is a necessary mean of smartphones? eradicating the unemployment problem. Everything has a good and a bad side, but when it comes to using your phone, what are they and how can you stop before it’s too late? Follow Ijhar through a typical day at 10 - 11. Our sponsored children our Orphans Village in Delhi. Meet some of the children that keep us going. 32 - 33. Team sports: Good for the body 12 - 15. A day in the life of Ijhar and the mind Follow Ijhar through a typical day at our Orphans Team sports have helped our children mentally 44 - 45. Baked Pakoras Village in Delhi. and physically, see if it can help you too. A healthy baked version of the classic pakoras 16 - 17. I’m not educated using cod and kale. 34 - 35. Bullying: A of A personal account of how a woman prioritised insecurities 46 - 47. Fundraising, events and challenges her children’s education over her own. Read about how a sponsorship helped Ahed Check out how our amazing volunteers have overcome the fears and anxieties inflicted by his raised funds for Orphans in Need this past year. bullies. 48. Puzzles and games 36 - 37. Ecotherapy Cootie catcher, paper fortune teller, or 18 - 19. Somalia Careers Day If you haven't heard of it, read on to see how chatterbox. Whatever you call it have a go at our Read how we helped organise a careers ecotherapy can benefit your life. ‘do good, feel good’ chatterbox. day to help students prepare for university. 49. Print a T-shirt at home Looking for something fun to do with your family? 21 - 23. ’Look up, there’s more to Try printing your own t-shirts. learn’ 38 - 39. Our top 5 school puddings Everyone learns in different ways, Did your favourite school-dinner pud make our Heba couldn’t finish school top five? but found her strength in an apprenticeship. 40 - 41. The Great OIN Bake Off See who won our team's bake off and 24 - 25. The play gap use our Ferrero Rocher cheesecake Have a glimpse of the fun days recipe to win your own. and activities we held for our children to help boost their 42 - 43. Kids4Orphans morale. Rahima Khan talks to us about her experience with the K4O programme at Noor Ul Islam Primary school.

2 4 EDITORIAL By AasiyaBhamji our workhas nowexpanded programme andthrough this, years of ourchildsponsorship This year, weare celebrating 10 should be. with confidence like achild school where heisnowthriving in andenrolled himintoa out aboutEbrahem,westepped and hissiblings.Afterfinding children, aswellEbrahem not afford tosend hisown attend schoolashisunclecould with people.Hewasunableto he stoppedcommunicating plummeted asaresult, and a year. Ebrahem’sconfidence his parents withinthespace of to TheGambia,wholostboth Ebrahem, onmyrecent visit I metasix-year-old called route theytake. their fullpotentialinwhatever these children canthriveto for, sothat from ayoungage, into thechildren that theycare to instilthevaluesof education and ourpartnerorganisations want ourwidows,guardians university ortraining.We also that be school,apprenticeships, path that suitsthem,whether encourage children tofollow a it, andachieveit.Thisiswhywe to have adream, workhard for unique andwewanteverychild knowledge. Every childis that wehelpchildren gain school isnottheonlyway learning, andtoshowinghow This issueisdedicated to which tochange you use theworld.” can isthemostpowerful“Education weapon child’s progress. are kept uptodate withyour liaising withyoutoensure you of thecareaswell as delivery department ensures the at OrphansinNeed.Her Sponsorship Manager Aasiya BhamjiistheOrphan about ourchildren. on pages10-11tolearnmore and 'Oursponsored children' Careers Day'onpages18-19, to findoutaboutour'Somalia kind support.Carryonreading been possiblewithoutyour you, whichwouldnothave able toshare ourworkwith prosper. Iamdelightedtobe environment, tolearnand gain aneducation inasafe every childhastherightto in Needandwebelieve values of ourworkat Orphans Education isoneof thecore poverty cycle. and worktheirwayoutof the they needtoimprove their lives to gaintheknowledgeandskills which willgivethemthechance provided withaneducation, children underourcare are hard toensure that allof the children. We workextremely Africa, supportingover28,000 to 14 countriesinAsiaand ORPHANS INNEED|5 FACTS | | 10 YEARS OF GIVING HOPE

Currently, we The first child we sponsored was in support over 2010, in . 28,000 children worldwide.

Every sponsored child is either in primary or secondary school, or in higher education.

In We helped train we have 20 widows in The our Gambia on income first ever generation, they are trainee now able to support doctor. themselves. 15 of our sponsored children in Somalia are now at university.


“Education is the backbone of a country, and every country needs a backbone to grow and develop.”

This proverb speaks clearly that of life, but it is very simple for an it is mandatory to be aware of the every country needs education for educated one. laws and the rights and those can their development. We all know only be known by the means of how important the backbone is for Education expands our vision and education. an individual’s survival. Similarly, creates awareness. It helps us education is equally important for to develop a disciplined life and The present industrial society humans in order to shape them provides us with better-earning has opened plenty of occupations into better people. opportunities. If you don’t let which require people with your child acquire an education, specialised skills and knowledge. Education plays a vital role in just because you think that it is a So, education is the necessary our lives. It lays the foundation waste of time, or it is expensive means of eradicating the stone for a successful future. for you to afford the school fees, unemployment problem. There An illiterate person may find it then surely one day you will are a lot of countries which difficult to cope with some aspects regret it. have started investing in human capital in order to increase the Education is something that economic growth of the nation. remains after one has forgotten The governments and the Non- what they have learnt in school. Governmental Organisations It not only helps the people to have taken up the initiative face life’s challenges in a better and set up various schools to It is not the

way but also makes an individual provide education to the citizens. strong by making them aware So, it is our foremost task to “strongest or the

of their rights, surroundings acquire education, so that we can and opportunities. You may see the world with a different most intelligent who not be able to pick up a lot of perspective and make the opportunities due to the lack of world a better place to live in. will survive but “ education, which will ultimately become the reason of your failure - Yusuf Iqbal, 15. one day. Apart from this, not those who can best Yusuf is one of our sponsored knowing your rights may lead to children who lives in India. He social exclusion and the wrong manage change. wanted to share his views about use of laws on you. If you want to why education is vital for a child, stand up for yourself and tackle and ultimately a country. – Leon C. Megginson the challenges of the society, then 9 Our sponsored

Waseem, 14 Sopna, 14 Interests: Interests: Reading and playing cricket. children... Enjoys playing with her friends and attending school. Goals: rowing up in To own a business. Goals: Future aspirations: a war torn, To become a Police Officer. To get a good quality education & progress through poverty stricken Future aspirations: G To pass the physical, written to university. and interview tests to get into country is tough for the Police force. any child. However, for the children that we sponsor, this is their everyday life. We push all of our children to pursue their interests Ahmed, 22 and hobbies, whether Palestine that be photography, Interests: cooking or even Learning new hairdressing skills. Amina, 17 Goals: barbering. Sierra Leone Become the most famous and successful barber in Gaza. Ashaq, 14 Interests: Take a look at what Future aspirations: Likes Kushe (handiwork), Carry on helping his brother cooking & playing with friends. some of our children with their hairdressing business. Interests: Goals: To become a pilot. Enjoys studying and learning aspire to be when they new facts. Future aspirations: are older, and what To be accepted into flight Goals: school and gain a Commercial To become a software engineer. they get up to in their Pilot Licence. Future aspirations: spare time: To get into university after completing his studies. INDIA | | A DAY IN THE LIFE OF IJHAR 6:15AM A DAY 11:00AM IN THE 7:00AM ur Orphans Village Oopened its doors in 2015, built on a foundation of your generous donations. Breakfast for the children LIFE OF Fast forward a few years, changes daily at the Orphans and the village can now Village, but today, Ijhar is house up to 300 children, having cereal, fruit, jam on removing them from a life of bread and orange juice. The school day starts at 8am danger on the streets. Each and lasts until 2pm. In each class there are around 30-35 IJHAR child is clothed, educated, children. The main topics provided with medical Ijhar and the other of study are; Hindi, English, and counselling treatment 6:30AM Mathematics, Science and (where needed) and fed children at the Social Science. healthy meals. Orphans Village are ready to leave for Ijhar dreams We would love to show you school. of becoming a a day in the life of Ijhar, an doctor and once eight-year-old boy, living in he is qualified and our Orphans Village: earning money, he wants to build a better world for 6:00AM himself and his It’s time to get siblings. A normal day for washed, dressed and Ijhar begins at ready for school!

6:00am. The children take the bus to school which takes around 45 minutes, from the Orphans Village.


5:00PM 9:00PM 7:00PM 10:00PM

Once he is home After a long day, it’s from school, Ijhar finally time to rest. enjoys playing Kho In the evenings, after playing The children get Kho with his friends. games, finishing homework around eight hours and eating his dinner, Ijhar and the other children settle sleep, ready to start At the village, the children down for the night to read or it all over again in have a chef who ensures they watch TV. the morning. eat a healthy and balanced diet. There are some children who have intolerances, or who are vegetarian/vegan, so we make sure everyone is catered for.

Ijhar’s favourite sport to play is cricket. He enjoys playing it with other children at the What is Kho Kho? Orphans Village. Sport is Kho Kho is a popular tag game invented in Maharashtra, India. encouraged amongst the The game is played by teams of 12 nominated players out of children to promote exercise 15, of which nine enter the field who sit on their knees (chasing and team bonding. team), and three extra (defending team) who try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing team.



EukshanaDUCAT gave up like I did. I made sure they were D! everything to raise her never late for school or tuition. Rchildren. At a young age I worked double shifts almost herself, she chose to work over daily to pay for food, clothes finishing school. Rukshana's and fees, I even worked in story shows her determination the tuition centre so that and gives hope to single parents my girls could get the everywhere. extra support for free. I did everything I could at the "When I moved to the UK at time that I thought was the age of 18, I didn’t speak the right. INSPIRED language. Instead of learning English in a classroom I learnt it There’s a huge part from watching Home and Away of me that feels and Neighbours. At 20, I got my guilty for not trying first job at a dry cleaners and by harder to finish my THROUGH 23 I was married. Three children studies. If I had, I could later, I was alone and had to fend have been earning more for myself but I had no idea where and given my children to begin. I knew very little English, more. But now, my girls WORDS. had no degree, or the confidence are grown women who Our children, Imtiaz, 13 (left) and Asif, 14 (right), from Kashmir to go out alone, but I knew I are earning and living (J&K), received first and third prize in their school’s annual had to do it for the sake of my comfortably. Naat poetry contest. children. Raising them alone has Dubai Grand International School holds a yearly Naat poetry I felt it was too late for me to go taught me a lot more than competition which all students are encouraged to participate back to studying and with three what I think I would have in. The competition is an opportunity to inspire students, young children, I didn’t have the learnt at any college or a allowing them to experiment with their writing and creative time, so I worked instead. I made university, and what I’ve instincts in a supportive environment. sure that I did everything I could learnt over the past 30 years

with whatever I earnt so that my are things that have helped 16 Well done to Imtiaz and Asif and all of the children ORPHANS IN NEED | 17 children wouldn’t have to struggle me survive." who participated! SOMALIA | | CAREERS DAY

Fewer than 50% of girls attend rphans in Somalia are some of the worst primary school, and the last countrywide survey from 2006 suffering in the world due to years of conflict O showed that only 25% of women and a lack of government or institutional support. aged 15 to 24 were literate. Many can’t afford to go to school, resulting in an increase in unemployment and poverty.

Right now we are supporting 360 orphans in Somalia with the majority of the children in full-time education. We have 15 orphans in university, 16 coming to the end of secondary school, and the rest in primary school. For the students who are about to finish school and want to go to university, we organised Only 18% of a Careers Day to help them children in rural get there. households are We arranged a day in school. dedicated to giving (Unicef 2017) guidance on what they can do after completing school and how. There were workshops on how to choose a university, how to fill out application forms and how to write personal statements.

Most of the students have high hopes of getting into Mogadishu University or Benadir University, two of the best universities in the country, and we want to make sure that they have a fair chance of getting accepted. One of the teachers who were present also said that A Careers Day is a great opportunity when he was applying for universities, he sent his application without a personal for the children. The majority are statement. He said, if he had a day like this unaware of their options after Only 30% of children he would have known and got the degree finishing school or the jobs and he wanted. are in school and only opportunities available. 40% of these are girls.

18 ORPHANS IN NEED | 19 | LOOK UP “The reward

for work well LOOK UP!

done is the There’s more to learn... opportunity “ When we think education, we think and not everyone is capable of about the knowledge that exists excelling at it. Take the likes of Mark between the covers of books, the Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs – they did not to do more. attain university degrees yet they developed discourse of the teacher at the front two of the technological giants that exist – Jonas Salk of the classroom or nowadays, today. webinars. Orphans in Need ensures that all children Learning, however, happens beyond the on our sponsorship programme are enrolled walls of these formal settings – it happens at school or college. We also promote everywhere. extra-curricular activities such as swimming lessons, camping and horse riding alongside The value of an education is unquestionable. extra tuition. Qualifications grant us access to careers and jobs that allow us to progress We recognise that school grades in life, provide for our do not define a child’s ability, families and contribute whose talent may lie in to society. For many the arts, sports or children around anywhere – the the world, it is also world is at their a route out of feet! poverty. Just look at But formal Heba (PTO education is not for Heba’s for everyone story...)


By allowing our children (and ourselves) the opportunity to explore the world beyond the Four types of classroom, we open up the doors of limitless knowledge. These experiences expand the horizons of young people, opening their eyes learners & what HEBA’S STORY to the wonders of areas such as art, heritage, culture, adventure and the natural world. works for them Heba couldn’t cope with the loss of her When asked why the sponsorship money is Thousands qualify with degrees every year, but important, Heba said: what makes the individuals stand out is their Pinpointing how someone learns father and lost the motivation to do experience and the utilisation of their abilities best can dramatically affect their the things she used to do. Eventually, “It helps make many orphans' lives easier to beyond what they’ve been taught. she gave up on going to school, but we help them walk towards success.” ability to absorb knowledge. Here are the four types of learners didn’t give up on her. Heba is excelling at her apprenticeship and Broaden their horizons... hopes to one day open her own shop, so Sign up to a class - Do they have a knack and their preferred methods of The harsh reality for a young girl living in she can provide for her family. Heba knows for a sport? Cooking? Or art? Search for Palestine, is that her father, who was a Police learning: that her achievements will allow her to help opportunities locally where they can explore Officer, is no longer with her due to being less fortunate orphans who are in the same this talent further. killed in the 2014 war against the Gaza strip. position she once was in. Heba, who is 15 years old, still lives in Gaza Ask questions, and answer them! - Children Visual (spatial) with her mother and eight siblings. In every walk of life, you learn by doing, love to ask questions, especially when you visit Prefer using pictures, images, the vocational route of study a new place with them. Listen to their questions When her father passed, Heba suffered with is proven to be as and answer them – if you can’t, then research and spatial understanding. her mental health. She lost interest in her effective as academic the answer together! education and struggled to do basic tasks, Charts, graphics, diagrams – learning and allows which resulted in her missing school. students to follow Talk to new people - We learn so much from visual learners love these. their creative interacting with different people in different After ninth grade, Heba decided to leave instinct, so why spheres of our life. Everyone has a story to tell school, but knew she needed to improve her do we still push and experiences we could not even imagine. skills so she could get a job in the future. our children Aural (auditory- After searching for apprenticeships in various to conform industries, she was offered a scholarship at to what is musical) the Gaza Community College in sewing and classed as a Prefer using sound and music. embroidery. traditional norm? These learners prefer We recognise that the traditional route of to hear info rather than read education is not for everyone and support those who choose vocational learning, like or see it – think lectures, Heba. In the future, audio books, podcasts. In her spare time, Heba enjoys making beaded I intend to help

bracelets and then sells them for a small sum, “ she is always thinking of new ways to improve other orphaned Verbal (linguistic) her skills and enjoys watching YouTube to

further her learning. children, as I’m Prefer using words, both in speech and writing. The sponsorship money from Orphans in fully aware of Interacting with text is more Need has changed her life as she now has “ enough money for food, drink, transport how difficult it effective for them – reading, and college costs. writing notes, answering is to live without questions, annotations. a father. Physical (kinaesthetic) – Heba Prefer using the body, hands and sense of touch. These learners like to ‘do’ – role playing exercises, write/draw notes, build something, group exercises. ORPHANS IN NEED | 23 22 Some of the | THE PLAY GAP children taking a residential trip to ‘The Blue Camp’ The in the heart of play gap. the Himalayas. Part of childhood and growing up is about learning, whilst having fun. We’re closing the play gap by creating opportunities for our orphaned children, whilst Children from they learn new skills and have fun. Activities like Bait ul Salam the lake, swimming and skiing trips are funded orphanage on through our Global Orphan Care project, to allow a skiing trip to our children to have similar experiences to other Gulmarg, children across the world. Kashmir.

Our children on a day trip to Dal Lake in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.

24 ORPHANS IN NEED | 25 INTERVIEW | Which has been the best? What makes you want to be How do you motivate Nepal. It was the most so actively involved? yourself? humbling experience seeing I like adventures and have A child once asked me if I and speaking to the orphans had an interest in being able have any children, I said ‘two and widows there. When to help the needy since I was boys’, ‘no girls?’ they asked, you go outside of Kathmandu in my twenties. I guess I got I said ‘no.’ Another girl stood you see the severity of the this from my elders. My father up and looked at me and situation and it is a picture I used to collect money and said ‘don’t worry, we are your can’t forget. buy foods in bulk and make girls’. I get tears in my eyes small packages that he would every time I remember that then give to poor families. My girl. That is enough for me. grandfather was similar. Why Orphans in Need? Orphans are dear to my heart and Orphans in Need specialises in orphan care. They are transparent and you can see how passionate they are. Whenever I visit their offices they are so welcoming that I feel I can trust them. How much have you raised What adventures do you altogether? have planned in the future? For the Grand Canyon, the group I was in raised more Nothing as of yet, but I am than £100,000. Similarly with looking forward to the next Nepal. one with Orphans in Need.

Do you think education is important for children? Why? You can give a child the food and clothes they need Making a which will help the current problem but for their future, sending them to school helps them learn how to support themselves in the long-run. It’s like the teaching a man to life by giving fish story – give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you We met up with Nazir Hussain who has been a dedicated feed him for a lifetime. An volunteer of ours. He’s raised hundreds of thousands of pounds education is how we can help and has taken part in numerous challenges from walking across them for a lifetime. the Grand Canyon, to visiting our orphans in Nepal. What is your educational How long have you been supporting Orphans in Need? background? Oh, for a very long time. I have five sponsored children with Orphans I left India when I was 16 in Need that are mainly from Bangladesh, I didn’t specifically choose so I didn’t go to college or Bangladesh it was where the need was at the time. university which I don’t regret. I love to read a variety of How many events/challenges have you been involved in? materials, books, magazines, Quite a few with Orphans in Need and other charities as well, but articles, and I think that is I have done the Grand Canyon, Nepal and Snowdon trek through how I have picked up a lot of Orphans in Need. That’s just a few. what I know. TRAVEL | | MOVE SEE GROW MOVE. SEE. GROW. “He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left.”

Meaning, with every journey, trip or adventure you take, you will learn something new that you will hold on to forever.

» You learn to be more independent. You’ll have to make all the decisions, which way to go, where to eat, and how much money to spend. » You learn languages. Learning a few phrases before you go means you can speak to the locals and from those conversations, you will pick up more. » Learn about cultures. Seeing how others live compared to you will open your eyes. » Learn history. Reading about the Great War is one thing, walking through the trenches is another. » Learn about the planet. Walks in the park or in the mountains will show you the beauty of our world and why we should preserve it. » Learn to be more confident. Conversing with strangers will become easier every time. » Learn to be more compassionate. The different people you see will humble you. » Learn about yourself. What you like or dislike, what you want in life, your passions and motivations. It will become clearer.

Don’t believe it? Try it for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a lavish five-star holiday, it can be a two-hour drive to the nearest town from you. The idea is to be in a location that is foreign to you.


From the palm of your hand, you can We spend hours scrolling through manage your money, contact anyone social media, streaming content and in the world, access information as it messaging. We switch off just before happens, check the weather and even bed and continue as soon as our eyes catch up on the latest transfer news. open in the morning. For many, the We can work smarter and quicker, ping of a phone causes anxiety but no matter where we are. Technology we can’t bring ourselves to turn it off. has meant that we are no longer chained to our desks and can work from home or remotely – allowing us

to cut down on commute times and So what do we do? spend more time with our family and Step back, and take stock of your friends. tech habits. From the comfort of our homes, we can learn new languages, download books, access millions of websites Consider: on any subject and learn how to get Are we too that perfect tint from our moisturiser. 1. How often are you picking YouTube can show us how to jump up your phone when you’re start a BMW 3 series (clue: the at home? engrossed battery isn’t under the bonnet), how to change your leaking tap in the 2. Is everyone else on their kitchen or how to lay down wood phone? in our flooring. 3. How long can you go This is just a drop in the ocean of without using your phone? smart the capabilities that we have at our fingertips. The question is, just how phones? much has this improved our lives? Tips:

Are we exponentially better, more 1. Phone usage apps – these tell you efficient and therefore happier than how much time you’ve spent two or three decades ago? - What is looking at your screen and what the difference between now and 30 apps. You can also opt to years ago? automatically lock yourself out of apps after a specific amount of time. The flip side... 2. No phones at the table – establish Have you ever felt that you were too some simple house rules like no dependent on technology? phones at dinner.

Became anxious when you couldn’t 3. Turn Wi-Fi off – a simple one to find your phone? keep the kids off their devices at night. Imagine leaving the house for the day without your mobile, how would you Being less dependent on your phone cope? will help you sleep better, help you trust your instincts, be present with Many would argue that these are family and friends, be more aware of signs that we have become too reliant your surroundings, and appreciate 30 on technology and the internet. the world around you. 31 INDIA | | TEAM SPORTS

Taking part in team sports can help improve your mental health and social Team skills. How? Mental health benefits

1. Playing sports releases endorphins, the natural happy hormone! 2. The better you get at the sport, the Sports more confidence you’ll gain. You will feel better about yourself and build Good for the body & the mind. your self-esteem. Better physical health is just one of the perks of playing sports 3. It gives you a sense of purpose and a but there are more benefits to be gained from team sports than feeling of belonging. you would think. 4. It’s a super de-stressor and helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Social benefits

1. With your teammates you already have something in common, so you can make friends quicker. 2. Starting at a young age means you’re more likely to be active growing up. 3. Team captain? You learn leadership, communication, and social skills. 4. Part of the sport is losing, from that you learn resilience. This can be applied to other aspects of life.

How it helps our children

Children in our orphanages all have a team they belong to. Whether its football or cricket, we know how important it is for them to interact with each other. Building their relationship with the other children helps form the foundations of any future relationships they may encounter, but most importantly, it helps them understand that they are not alone. Some of our children have already made progress through sports, they are more confident and vocal and have been achieving higher marks in school.

Try it for yourself. Go to that Sunday football gathering or that evening netball club and see how you feel.


How to know if they BULLYING: need help... » Are they eating less or feeling less hungry? A playground » Are they more tired? » Are they avoiding certain of insecurities situations? Maybe getting the last bus out of school to avoid certain groups. Ahed was picked on for not Do they seem more anxious? being smart enough or getting » high marks at school. What to do... Ahed used to love going to school, he was confident » Tell them that it is not their fault and had many friends to play with. When the bullying and that the bullying behaviour is started in year three, there was a shift in his behaviour at wrong. school. He couldn’t concentrate in lessons and slowly lost the motivation to go to school. His class mates didn’t know » Reassure them that you will find that he was underachieving because he was grieving the loss a solution together. of his father. » Inform a member of the school faculty and if they cannot Things got better when Ahed was in year five and began solve the problem, contact the seeing a psychologist who helped him deal with his authorities. emotions and concentrate in class. The therapy gave Ahed a safe space for him to express his feelings and » Ever heard of the buddy system? helped him cope with the negativity in his life. Being able Ask a teacher about having a to release his frustrations to the therapist meant that he friend at times they might be could refocus and deal with the bullying better. vulnerable to bullying, e.g. in- between classes and breaks. Ahed is a sponsored child and the support that he gets Encourage them to talk without from Orphans in Need has helped pay for the therapy, » being pushy. Create a safe without which he would have still been suffering. environment for them so that they feel comfortable enough to Bullying should not be taken lightly. Traumatic talk freely. experiences can lead to insecurities, a lack of self- worth and confidence, self-harm or even suicide. If you know someone that you think might be getting bullied here’s what you can do:


Ecotherapy, green therapy, is going on around you can or nature therapy, refers to boost your mood immensely. a range of outdoor activities that are aimed at improving If you can’t find a green area your mental health and to go to, try focusing on physical wellbeing. images of greenery or listen to natural soothing sounds like Activities range from nurturing a fire burning, rain fall, or the plants at home to reading in sea. Nowadays, you can easily the park, the aim is to interact find atmospheric music on Have you with nature. YouTube to help soothe you.

Connecting with nature has There are many different types heard of many benefits that include of ecotherapy available and a reduced stress levels, better range of programmes you can physical health, and increased try, have a look at charities Ecotherapy? confidence and self-esteem. It like Mind, to see what they has also proven to help people suggest. You can also try We’re talking about connecting with with anxiety disorders and Calm, an app to help you nature. Who knew a little gardening depression. Humans have a manage your stress and sleep could do such good things for you? connection with their natural better. environment and just taking a few minutes to absorb the sounds and smells of what

Why not give ecotherapy a try? Here’s how you can get started:

1. Think of when you are most stressed during the day.

2. Can you go out for a walk or find a small green area to focus on?

3. Start small, spend a few minutes in that space and try to relax. Our children participating in some early morning yoga at our Orphans Village in New Delhi. 4. Take a buddy with you.

36 37 SCHOOL PUDS | Arctic roll:

Ice cream was one of those ‘special occasion’ treats you would only get in school. No one really had ice cream at home, so when an arctic roll was on the menu Our for school dinners it was chaos in the lunchroom. Ice cream with a sponge surrounding? Bliss! But top you have not lived unless you’ve tried a banoffee arctic roll!

Crumbles: school The ultimate dessert for comfort! An apple crumble. Yes, you can crumble almost anything, rhubarb, When puddings you think back to your plums and berries, and devour it school dinners, did you ever think with some custard or ice cream, 5 Sticky toffee pudding: but there is nothing that hugs the how awful they were but how soul as much as the humble apple amazing the puddings were? We A warm British classic with a not-so- crumble. did. So we asked around our teams secret recipe. Apparently, the staff of the original pudding-maker, Francis Coulson, to see what their favourite school had to sign a secrecy agreement to guard Chocolate cake: dinner puds were and have come the recipe. That didn’t last long, this up with our top five: steamed sticky sweet delight has been a Everyone loves chocolate, right? part of school dinners for years. Chocolate cake is an all around crowd pleaser, especially when it's drowned in chocolate custard.

Cake & custard:

A classic that can be made multiple ways! Cake in custard or custard on cake? Chocolate cake and chocolate custard or vanilla cake and vanilla custard? Warm cake or warm custard? Remember the pink custard at school? Yum.


Last year we were inspiredOff by the Great British Bake Off and decided to hold one of our own. All of our staff in our Bradford office baked their best treats and brought them in for judging.

The winner of our bake off was Chris, our Marketing and Graphic Design Manager, for his white chocolate cheesecake. If you need inspiration for a bake off of your own, then try making our Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake, our best seller at Café Blu, our charity coffee shop in Birmingham. F er re r o What you will need: R £130 o We raised - 750g Cream cheese c at the bake off h that went towards - 308g (or 2 packets) e our winter r campaign. Oreo biscuits

C - 40g unsalted butter, h Get Making!

e 1. Mix the cream cheese with 300g of Nutella and 50g of hazelnuts in a bowl until melted e

combined. s

- 400g Nutella e 2. In a food processor, blend the Oreos until you get crumbs. Add the butter and

c stir. Pour this into your tin and flatten it to cover the base. Refrigerate for an hour.


- 100g Chopped k 3. When the base is ready, pour over the cream cheese filling and decorate with the rest

hazelnuts e of the hazelnuts and Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Drizzle the rest of the Nutella on top ! and place it into the fridge for around eight hours.

- 8 pieces Ferrero 4. Make sure to take the cheesecake out 10 minutes before serving. Rocher for decoration


Interview with Rahima Khan

Kids4Orphans is a campaign we run in collaboration with schools across the UK. Through writing letters to our children and raising funds and awareness of orphaned children, the campaign teaches students about the importance of helping those less fortunate. Noor Ul Islam Primary School has been a great supporter of ours from the beginning. We spoke to Rahima Khan, who was the Deputy Head at Noor Ul Islam school, to pick her brains about how the campaign has helped their students.

How do you think K4O benefits so many children, their families, your students? and their community as a Our pupils benefit through whole is enough to keep me learning about the challenges motivated. that orphans face, develop essential skills and have the Why did you choose Orphans chance to make a life-changing in Need? impact through fundraising We chose Orphans in Need activities. as we know the charity to be one of the most trusted and How much have you raised? reputable organisations that How long have you been deliver and work directly with supporting Orphans in Need? The children raised an amazing £5,200. vulnerable children. I have been supporting Orphans in Need for two years. Everybody is a Why do you think education is important for children?

genius. But if you How have you supported “ Orphans in Need? Education is essential for children as it prepares them We have been sponsoring 10

for the real world in a safe judge a fish by its Palestinian primary school environment and helps them children and monitoring their develop social, moral, and progress through K4O. ability to climb a cultural skills to later become “ positive and active citizens. The What interested you in this tree, it will spend its formal qualifications gained specific programme, K4O? is a gateway to the many whole life believing We wanted to develop a opportunities for a successful programme that reflects our future. school ethos and develop that it is stupid. pupils’ awareness about the What motivates you in your world they live in. A key focus field of work? was to get young children Knowing that each day makes a involved in helping others, – Albert Einstein huge difference to the lives of 42 especially those less fortunate. ORPHANS IN NEED | 43 AT HOME | | BAKED PAKORAS

This simple and healthy recipe is perfect for an afternoon snack (Serves 4) or to impress your Chickpea Batter: Method: guests. Baking the 1 cup chickpea flour 1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, line pakoras makes ½ tsp dried chilli flakes and grease two baking trays. them a little ½ tsp dried coriander powder healthier, but 2. Combine all the ingredients for the ¼ tsp turmeric powder batter in a bowl and mix together you can always until you form a thick paste. fry them for that ¼ tsp salt 3. Add the onions, kale, and carrot. Break classic taste. ½ tsp whole zeera, grinded 1/8 tsp baking powder up the cod with your fingers and add to the mixture, then stir until 1 tbsp water everything is evenly coated with the 1 tbsp oil batter. Try it with Pakora Filling: 4. Let the mixture stand for a few Tamarind Ketchup: minutes. The mixture might release Combine equal parts ½ cup finely sliced onions some water, if it becomes too runny of ketchup with ¾ cup grated carrots then just add a little more flour. tamarind paste and ¾ cup fresh or frozen curly kale season to taste. 5. Using a tablespoon, divide scoops of 100g cooked cod the batter on to your lined baking trays and bake for 25-30 mins. Serve them hot! 44 | FUNDRAISING FUNDRAISING Skydive EVENTS & Challenge CHALLENGES Our Orphans in Need supporters are our true troopers.

Our supporters have helped raise a total of £50,000 for our orphan children over the last year. All the money raised goes towards the wellbeing of the orphans in our care, the food they can eat, supplies they may need for home or school and essential medicines.

Each and every supporter is of huge value to us at Orphans in Need. If you’ve ever London Marathon considered volunteering, it can help you develop new skills, build confidence, meet new people and create career opportunities.

4 year old Maryam's Charity Party

Mourne Mountains Trek Snowdon 46 Challenge 47 PUZZLE | | T-SHIRT MAKING D.I.Y PRINTED T-SHIRT. The next time you’re feeling bored, grab some sand paper and CHATTERBOX! crayons and get creative, here is what you'll need: 3 2

Do a good Tell deed for a a friend. joke. 4 1 Iron jumps. Do 10 star T-shirt (Don't leave young children Paper towels (plain white, black, or an old tee alone with a hot iron!) table. 7 times Say your that needs some excitement.) Have a stare off.


Play hide seek.




compliment. Wax crayons

favourite Cardboard

someone a someone Sand Paper your

Give Act out Act What to do: 1. Draw your design on the rough side of the sandpaper. The picture will be reversed when you print it so bear that in mind when drawing your designs.

2. Put your t-shirt on a flat surface and put a bit of cardboard inside to stop the colour

6 leaking through the back of the top. 7 3. Place the sandpaper on the t-shirt where you want it with the design facing down. 4. Make sure your iron is on the 'cotton' setting, put the kitchen towel on top of the sandpaper and hold for around 40 seconds. The heat will melt the crayon onto the t-shirt. 6. Remove the iron and slowly take off the kitchen towel and sandpaper. Follow the instructions below to make your CHATTERBOX!: 7. Use a hairdryer on cool to dry the design, or leave it for about 30 mins. 1. Cut out the square above. Notes: 2. Take one corner and fold it over to the opposite corner, do this with the other corner too. 1. The more times you go over your design on the sandpaper, the better the colour will 3. Now take each corner and fold those inwards towards the centre. You should get a come out on your t-shirt. smaller square. 2. You can wash your t-shirt on a normal 40 degree wash. 4. Turn the paper over and repeat step 3. Hand printed t-shirts make a great DIY gift! They are a fun way to get all of the family 5. Fold and unfold the square in half, both ways. involved, at a low cost. 6. Push out the flaps and there you have it! Your own do good feel good chatterbox. Make your own by using different colours, shapes, or change what you write. Got any feedback, comments or just want to say hello? Get in touch with us.


0207 100 8866

Orphans in Need, Windsor House, Bradford BD5 0QH - UK Registered Charity 1144812 10 years of giving hope. 10 years of changing lives.

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