One Hundred and Sixteenth Annual

Commencement Ceremonies


NINETEEN HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX In keeping with the n~~ture of the ceremonies and in order that all may see and hear without distraction, it is requested that those in attendance refrain from smoking and conversation during the ceremonies and from moving onto the field to take photographs. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

A superior number following the name indicates:

I Diploma dated October 29, 1965

2 Diploma dated February 4, 1966

Unless otherwise indicated, an asterisk preceding the name indicates the degree is conferred subject to the com­ pletion of certain requirements. Academic Attire

The distinctive attire of those participating in the academic procession rep­ resents a tradition that reaches at least as far back as the fourteenth century when gowns similar to today' s became the required dress at many European universities. Gowns were then a form of apparel for both the clergy and the laity but today they survive chiefly in ecclesiastical or academic ceremonies such as the one we shalt witness this afternoon. The symbolism of the American style of regalia is described below. Variations may be observed in the attire of the graduates of foreign universities and of the several Amer­ ican institutions which have departed from tradition. The gowns for the three levels of degrees differ primarily in the sleeve. The bachelor's gown has long pointed sleeves and is worn closed. The master's gown is usually worn open and has long square-cut sleeves with slits through which the forearms protrude. The doctor's gown has large belt-shaped sleeves with three velvet crossbars on the upper portion of the arm and velvet trimming down the front of the gown. The mortarboard derives from the Oxford cap and is generally black with a black tassel, although color is sometimes used to in­ dicate the field in which the degree was awarded. Gold tassels denote the holders of doctorates. The most colorful portion of the academic costume is the hood which varies in length from three feet for bachelor's degrees to four feet for doctorates. The color of the lining indicates the institution which granted the degree. The University's color is yellow. For the nine colonial colleges the colors are: Harvard, crimson; William and Mary, green, gold, and silver; Yale, blue; Pennsylvania, red and blue; Princeton, orange and black; Columbia, light blue and white; Brown, brown; Rutgers, scarlet; and Dartmouth, green and white. Space does not permit listing the colors of aU the colleges represented in the procession. The color of the edging of the hood indicates the subject to which the degree pertains, for example: Arts, Letters, and Humanities, white; Commerce, Accounting, and Business, drab; Dentistry, lilac; Educa­ tion, light blue; Engineering, orange; Law, purple; Medicine, green; Music, pink; Nursing, apricot,· Philosophy, dark blue; Science, golden yellow; and Theolog, scarlet. CoMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 Mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus Iaboris gaudia, Quae "Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendidal 0 Mater ave, salve, tu, vale, carissima! Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestia! 1907 -JOHN :S.OTBWBLL SLAT:S.:S. English translation of Commencement Hymn 0 Rochester, our college mother, who hast freely given us so great gifts, we salute thee now, we thank thee, and will ever praise thee, whose name is Truth. 0 Mother, whom we have learned to know during happy years, who hast shown to all of us the joys of labor, who dost point the way to the "better things," the highest rewards; thou dost urse us all toward the skies, thou Mother w1th a shining face! Hail, Mother, welcome and farewell, thou dearest one! 'Even now as we leave thee a sweet memory comforts us. Through the rough pathways of life lead us always to the things that are best. Give us the wages that endure, the heavenly treasures!

THE GENESEE Tho' many fair and famous streams Beneath the sun there be, Yet more to us than any seems Our own dear Genesee. We love her banks and stately falls, For to our minds they bring Our dear old Alma Mater's halls, Where sweetest memories cling. As flows the river, gathering force, Along her steadfast way, May we along life's devious course Grow stronger day be day. And may our hearts where'er we roam Forever loyal be To our beloved college home Beside the Genesee. -Words by T. T. Swinburne, '92 Music by Herve D. Wilkins, '68 Commencement Ceremonies



FIRST SUITE IN E-FLAT Gustave Holst Chaconne . Intermezzo March





CoNFERRING OF BAcCALAUREATE AND MASTER's DEGREES Candidates of the College of Arts and Science Presented by Dean Clark Candidates of the Eastman School of Music Presented by Director Hendl Candidates of the Department of Nursing Presented by Professor Hall Candidates of the University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Presented by Dean Assum

Can~idates of the College of Engineering and Applied Sctence Presented by Dean Graham Candidates of the College of Education Presented by Dean Fullagar Candidates of the College of Business Administration Presented by Dean Meckling Candidates for Master's Degrees Presented by Associate Dean Barlow CoNFERRING OF DocroRAL DEGREES Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Medicine Presented by Dean Anderson

Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Education Presented by Dean Fultagar

Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Musical Arts Presented by Director Hendl

Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Spragg



CoNFERRING OF HoNORARY DEGREES CORNELIS WILLEM DE KIEWIET- Doctor of Humane Letters Presented by Dean Spragg

HENRI MAuRICE PEYRE-Doctor of Humane Letters Presented by Professor Weinberg

ALAN VALENTINE-Doctor of Humane Letters Presented by Professor Dunkman

WHITNEY MooRE YouNG, jR.-Doctor of Laws Presented by Acting Provost France



Mter the platform party withdraws from the stadium, the Deans will lead their faculties and candidates to the following locations for the awarding of Baccalaureate and Master's Diplomas: College of Business Administration Lower Strong Auditorium College of Education Men's Dining Center College of Engineering and Applied Science Towers Dining Center Department of Nursing Hoyt Hall University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Women's Residence Hall Eastman School of Music Upper Strong Auditorium College of Arts and Science Remain in Fauver Stadium School of Medicine and Dentistry (Master's) Todd Union

In order to permit all guests to witness the Diploma Ceremonies, these ceremonies will not begin until3:30 p.m.

Commencement Reception

Graduates and guests are cordially invited to the Commencement Reception which will be held on the Eastman Quadrangle following the Diploma Ceremonies. CoRNELIS WILLEM DE KrnwiET Born in the Netherlands, educated in South Mrica, London, Paris, and Berlin, Cornelis Willem de Kiewiet brought to his academic and administrative responsibilities at Iowa, at Cornell, and at Rochester a depth of scholarship and a breadth of experience which at once commanded the respect of the academic community. When he first arrived among us, there were those who speculated that the firm chin line and the Dutch name might besl'eak unusual strength of purpose. They were not mistaken. Quickly he won consent for combining the College for Men and the College for Women, a decision of immense benefit to the University. This was, how­ ever, but an augur of things to come. Nationally, in the troubled early 1950's, he defended with clarity and vigor academic freedom and the integrity of universities against the onslaughts of McCarthy­ ism, at a time when many were timid and silent. At home he pressed unceasingly for the University's growth in strength and excellence, especially in the humanistic fields. He championed the creation and growth of new professional schools and he had to wait for us to catch up with and acknowledge his vision. He warned us that "'A university is never fully mature. It must grow and change, else it languishes and loses its place." Presiding over the affairs of the Uni­ versity in one of its most dramatic decades, he was responsible for much of that drama. Achieving emeritus status meant assuming at once an active and demanding role as statesman for international education. For him the air routes between Washington and Africa became a well-worn path as he helfed with his wise counsel and leadership to establish and shape the new universities o East Mrica. Today, in gratitude and warm affection, the University of Rochester acknowl­ edges its debt and pays him honor.

HENRI MAURICE PEYRE A scholar of universal appetites and an uncompromising intellectual, Henri Maurice Peyre has never regarded his many administrative duties as a convenient excuse for escaping his scholarly vocation. A modest person at heart, Monsieur Peyre looks with bewildered amusement at the honors bestowed upon him over the years: he is probably the only Frenchman in history who has never been seen wearing the red ribbon of the officier de Ia Legion d' Honneur, awarded him decades ago. His urbane articles and nearly a score of highly readable books, ranging from detailed studies of writers and their critics to great syntheses on literary periodization and sincerity in what Goethe has called Weltliteratur, have not only changed the face and tone of French literary criticism but also have re-oriented Comparative Literature in this country, achieving a happy balance between the French stress on influence studies and the American accent on aesthetic comparatism. Similarly, Monsieur Peyre has attempted to heal the breach between historical scholarship and New Criticism, by demonstrating masterfully that historical scholarship is dependent on critical insights, and that criticism is valid only if :projected against an adequate historical and philo­ logical background. In his "class1c" on French Classicism, he presents a coincidentia oppositorum, brilliantly ·demonstrating that many of the distinctions made between classicism and romanticism border on the arbitrary. Ultimately, however, it is Professor Peyre's example as an urbane, spontaneous and dedicated teacher which has produced the greatest impact on Amencan higher education. Monsieur Peyre has trained four generations of scholars in French and Comparative Literature, teaching them not as an antiquarian, not as a cultural chau­ vinist, not with the outlived modes of 19th century positivism but as a scholar for whom literature on all levels (and of all periods, all countries) is an Erlebnis, opening up a re-evaluation of the corpus of European literature, seen from the perspective of a 20th century uomo universale.

ARNOLD wARREN RAVIN The annual Edward Peck Curtis Award recognizes a member of the faculty for excellence in undergraduate teaching. We honor today Arnold Warren Ravin, biologist, erstwhile department chairman, one-time college dean, part-time thespian, and peren­ nial skeptic, whose stature is unmatched in the lecture hall, the laboratory, and the classroom. As a youth, he read Paul de Kruif's Microbe Hunters, and vowed to pursue a career in the modem study of microbial substances-now better described as molecular biology or microbial genetics. Born in New York City, educated at the College of the City of New York and Columbia University, Professor Ravin radiates a sustaining enthusiasm and singlemindedness in search and inquiry that he instills in those students fortunate enough to come under his classroom influence. Both in class and out his interest in the dramatic shines through. He came to Rochester in 1953, described by a Columbia professor as a bachelor who did not intend to remain one. He found on our campus a student to whom he was married in 1956-in the Faculty Club-one day after her commencement ceremony. This instance of warm faculty-student association is characteristic. His interest in education led to his service as department chairman, as Dean of the College of Arts and Science, and as the primary institutor of that most laudable addition to our undergraduate program, the freshman preceptorial. Successful in the laboratory, respected by colleagues, effective in instruction, lie represents that model of our faculty which we all wish to emulate.

ALAN vALENTINB Called to the University of Rochester at a moment of great opportunity, Alan Valentine marshalled the resources provided through the generosity of George Eastman to build a foundation of excellence for the Greater University of tomorrow. The accomplishments of his administration have been summarized aptly by Dexter Perkins in the phrase "Rochester Comes of Age." The University's strength in the natural sciences owes much to appointments and innovations made by him. He established the Graduate School and the undergraduate Honors Program. His outstanding record as student and athlete at Swarthmore, at Pennsylvania, and at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, accurately foretold a future of scholarship and action. His continuing scholarship has produced publications ranging in subject from the English novel to Vigilante Justice. His concern for the world beyond the University led to an active role in national politics and to appointment as chief of the Netherlands Mission in Economic Coopera­ tion Administration and Administrator of the Economic Stabilization Agency during the Korean War. His vision of the role of education is, perhaps, even more vital today than when he expressed it in his inaugural address 31 years ago: "We have created a new leisure and a new luxury, but until as a nation we can think clearly and dispassionately, we cannot solve the problems our conquest of nature has presented."

WHITNEY MooRE YouNG, Ja. In Whitney Moore Young, Jr., the University of Rochester honors one who has shown how the scholar's disciplined intellect, the scientist's painstaking analysis of complicated facts and relations, the teacher's flair for inspiring the recalcitrant as well as the eager student, and the welfare worker's sensitivity, patience, and persistence can, in combination with personal courage, integrity, and dedication, whittle apparently insurmountable problems down to a scale where all can see that they can be overcome through the good will, energy, intelligence, diligence, and vigilance of innumerable citizens. Born in Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky, Mr. Young graduated from Kentucky State College and the University of Minnesota. He turned first to a l?rofessional career with the Urban Leagues of various midwestern cities. However, hts bent for scholarship, nurtured by adjunct academic appointments in his early years with the Urban League, triumphed in 1954 when he began seven years of distinguished service as Dean of the School of Social Work at Atlanta University. The challenge of that most difficult field of contemporary affairs, relations be­ tween the races, proved irresistible again in 1961, and he returned as Executive Director to the National Urban League, to whose affairs he continues to give effective leadership. The academic's analytical mind has combined with the professional's wide experience to produce several books. That same combination has served the public greatly at both the local and the national level. Whitney Moore Young bears living witness to the University's motto "Meliora," for he has contributed greatly to making this a better world for people of all races. In honoring him, the University recalls a great Rochesterian of more than a century ago who also accomplished much toward racial equality, Frederick Douglass.

Honor Societies

SIGMA XI Elected to full membership in x966 Anne P. Constantinople Stephen V. Kaye Erwin Delano Edward J. Rinalducci Bernard R. Frieden Robert M. Sutherland

Elected to Auociate Mnnhership in x966 Elaine Rosalie Ache

PHI BETA KAPPA **Peter Samuel Aronson Eric M. Landau Marie Grace Asnes Edward James Mendelson Eric David Auerbach Jonathon Amy Mezz Bruce Wilson Bashford Christopher Lloyd Morgan Donald Leon Bittker James W. Moyer Susan Luise Blackall Terry Norman Newell Sandra Marie Bowin Irving Maurie Paltrowitz **Susan Elizabeth Calhoon **Brian J. Parshall Daniel Ray Chemers Seymour Jay Rosenbloom Harold Cohen Marjorie Constance Saphir Roger Alan Cohen Paul Milton Schyve Dorothy Marion Field Spencer Shaw Alan Lee Frohman **Dennis Edward Shield Rita Levitan Giles Paula Silverman Lawrence Gerald Goldberg Burton Victor Silverstein Mar~ery Jean Gross Elliot Jay Simon Lewts Binoth Haberly Richard Michael Simon Natan Israel Katzman Cynthia Jane Smith Priscilla Ray Keosley George Ector Veomett Leonard Michael King **Judith Rosenberg Walkowitz Judith Ellen Kleinberg Barbara Patricia West **Paul Ralph Klingsberg Juliana Wilson Elizabeth Eve Kolodney Steven John Wohl

ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Richard Wayne Benson Allen Lapey David Zanvel Greenseid Wayne William Myers David Allan Hemry Donald Watkeys Parsons Bonnie Jean Kauffman Michael Geoffrey Rosenfeld Thomas Alexander Klein Robert James Sokol

BETA GAMMA SIGMA Richard Luther Baumann Terry Duncan Giles Paul Alan Brands Richard Stuart Hall Douglas Chipman Dobson Steven Wain Klein Robert Ellis Fitzgerald Steven Tsengas Thomas Schuyler Foulkes

PI KAPPA LAMBDA MarshiaJ. Ablon Catharina Meints Suzanne Daehn Minako Mizutani Virginia L. Frye Charles William Pappan Judy Huth Elizabeth Jessica Hodges Raum Martha Joanna Kirchenbauer Nancy Cassil Reynard Elaine Rose Kruse Barry Lee Snyder Janice Lorraine Larson Michael F. Webster Raymond Luedeke Steven D. Winick

**Elected in Junior Year Pri"'!s and Awards

RIVER CAMPUS COLLEGES The Dewey Priz.e, awarded to the two men in the sophomore class whose original expository or/ersuasive speeches exhibit the highest excellence in content, organiza­ tion, style an delivery-John Alan Priebe

The Stoddard Priz.e in Mathematics, awarded to two men pursuing the course in analytic geometry and calculus-Paul Marvin Kintner, Jr. and Gary Lloyd Russell

TheN. B. Ellison Pri'{e, awarded to the man in the senior class concentrating in history who has done the best work in that department-Howard Hopkins Loughlin

The Sherman Fellowship, awarded in alternate years to the student who has shown the highest ability in the work of the Economics Department-Lawrence Gerald Goldberg, Eric M . Landau

The Williams Memorial Pri'{e, awarded to the woman in the senior class concentrating in English who has done the best work in that department-Cathy Jane Feuer

The Jesse L . Rosenberger Pri'{e, awarded to the man in the junior class whose work has shown the greatest improvement during his freshman and sophomore years-Richard Blair Uris and John Matthew Flavin

The Rigby Wile Priz.e in Biolog, awarded to members of the freshman or sophomore class for proficiency in Biology 101 and/or 102-Allen Stephen Cohen

The Kreyer Priz.e in German, awarded for facility in spoken German-Juliana Wilson

The Alumnae Pri'{e, awarded to the woman in the sophomore class who has done the best work in English during her sophomore year-Joanne Lynne London

The Stoddard Priz.e in Physics, awarded to the man in the senior class who presents the best thesis on an assigned topic of investigation in physics-Bruce Claire Brown

The Russell Mttmford Tuttle Priz.e, awarded to a male student for proficiency in the study of Greek-William Frederick Ehrcke

The Susan Colver Rosenberger Priz.e, awarded to the woman in the junior class whose work has shown the greatest improvement during her freshman and sophomore years­ Patricia Marlene Jonas

The John Dows Mairs Pri'{e, awarded to the member of the junior class who has done the best work in concentration in economics-Donald Carlyle Buell

The Terry Pri'{e, awarded to the man in the senior class who by his industry, manliness, and honorable conduct has done most for the life and character of the men of the River Campus-David Matthew Deutsch

The Hull Priz.e, awarded to the man in the senior class concentrating in English who has done the best work in English studies-Bruce Wilson Bashford

The Charles L. Newton Pri'{e, awarded to a student in the applied sciences who shows a special proficiency in that area, either in oral or written examinations or by thesis­ Timothy James Butts

The Hugh M& Pri'{e, awarded each year to the freshman woman who has shown the highest achievement and interest in a history course-Cheryl Ann McCartney The Emil K.uichling Pri'{e, awarded to the man in the junior class in mechanics who has shown the greatest proficiency in the work of the course-Mark Jay Ablowitz The Charles Ellis Caldwell Pri'{e, awarded to the man in the senior class who in his college work has shown the greatest proficiency in the Department of English-Edward James Mendelson

The Elizabeth M. Anderson Pri'{e, awarded to the senior who shows the highest pro­ ficiency in some subject connected with art-Susan Jane Wachtel The Theta Eta Pri'{e, awarded to the women in the senior class who through their parti­ ciP.ation in campus life and by their influence, personality, and achievement have con­ tnbuted most to the River Campus-Margaret Anne Clarey The James D. McGill Memorial Pri'{e, awarded to that undergraduate who has shown the greatest interest and demonstrated the highest achievement in the field of political science-Lewis Avins Kaplan

The Gamma Phi Prize, awarded to the freshman woman who has contributed most to the extra-curricular life of the River Campus-Fare! Ann Vella

The Percy B. Dutton Prize, awarded to the man in the senior class who, in the opinion of the Dean of Students, has exceeded all his men classmates in wholesome, unselfish, and helpful influence among his fellow students-Alan Richard Batkin

The Fannie R. Bigelow Award, presented to an undergraduate woman in recognition of the im_eortance of the contributions made by women to the culrural, intellectual, and civic hfe of their communities-JoAnn Elizabeth Stiles

The Tau Beta Pi Pri'{e, awarded to the senior engineering student who, throu~h academic achievement, proven leadership and sterling character, has excelled and mspired his fellow students-Gaylord Bertram Thayer, Jr.

The Susan B. Anthony Pri'{e, awarded to the woman whose original expository or per­ suasive speech exhibits the highest excellence in content, organization, style and delivery-Irene Grace Bunde and Sheila Ann Taylor

The Marie Pet'{ Lehmann Pri'{e, awarded to the mechanical engineering major who has shown the most improvement from his freshman through his junior year-Donald Arthur Dinero

The Neil C. Arvin Memorial Pri'{e, awarded to the senior who has excelled in French during her undergraduate course-Paula Silverman

The E. P. Appelt Memorial Pri'{e, awarded to a student of German for progress toward overall proficiency in spoken and written German-Robert Allen Cantrick

The Louis A. Alexander Alumni Award, presented to the man in the senior class who has made an outstanding contribution to student life through his significant achievements in athletics and general student activities, and whose character and leadership qualities have been a wholesome influence on his fellow srudents-Theodore James Fmk

The Joseph A. O'Connor Graduate Study Endowment Fund Award, presented to a woman in the senior class who has shown marked ability in English literature, in classical lan­ guages and literature, or in archeology-Cynthia Jane Smith

The Financial Executives Career Award, given to a senior in the College of Business Admin­ istration on the basis of scholarship, citizenship, and personal characteristics­ Steven Wain Klein

The Quality Control Award, given to a srudent in the College of Business Administration or the Colle$e of Engineering and Applied Science who has demonstrated exceptional ability and Interest in the field of quality control-Richard Luther Baumann The Janet Huwell Clark Pri~e, awarded to the woman in the senior class who has shown the greatest promise in creative work in physics, chemistry, biology, or astronomy, and who has shown outstanding versatility in the mastery of allied fields-Priscilla Ray Kensley The Delno G. Sisson Pri~e, awarded to the freshman who has shown the most improve­ ment not only in college work but in adjusting himself to university life and the student body-Stephen Albert Skinner The Andrew Fried Memorial Pri~e, awarded to those men who, upon completion of their freshman year, have shown outstanding qualities of character, superior moral judgement, and interest in serving their fellow students-Laurence Thelen Lorenz and John Christopher Callaghan The Haskins 1/:r Sells Foundation Award, given to a senior majoring in accounting on the basis of scholastic excellence as well as personal traits-Barry William Florescuc The Superior Scholarship Award, given to the senior majoring in accounting who has the highest academic standing in all accounting courses and the greatest potential for success in the profession of certified public accounting-Thomas Robert Pastor The Lattimore Prize Scholarship for Geoloo Field Study, awarded to an undergraduate majoring in geology-Julia Anne Rosekrans The RPth A. Me"ill Award, given to that senior woman from the Rochester area who is judged to be the best representative of a University of Rochester student as demon­ strated through her active interest in the City Woman's Organization and by her general contributions to campus life-Lynn Helene Holcomb Dean's Prizes in Creative Writing, awarded by the College of Arts and Science annually in the categories of the short story, the poem, and the one-act play- William Bruce Fine-second prize in poetry Dale Alfred Peterson-first prize in prose Judith Berma Kerman-first prize in poetry David Allen Hoffman-first prize in drama The Joseph J. Koplin Music Prize, awarded to the undergraduate student who has made the most significant contribution to music on the River Campus-Alvin Elliot Lipton and David Arthur McElwee Catherine Block Memorial Pri~e, awarded to a junior girl in any field of science as recogni­ tion of outstanding ability and achievement-Susan Elizabeth Calhoon The Hamilton Watch Award, presented to the senior candidate for the Bachelor of Science degree who has most successfully combined proficiency in his major field of study with achievements-either academic, extra-curricular or combination of both-in the social sciences or humanities-Bruce Claire Brown

EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC The Edward B. Benjamin Award, for the best composition of a quiet and tranquil nature -George Faust The Howard Hanson Prize, for the best composition performed at the Spring Symposium -Taavo Virkhaus The Louis Lane Prize, for an outstanding work from the Spring Symposium of orchestral compositions-James Waters

PerfoNmr' s Certificates Linda .Joyce Barnett, in Voice Raymond Luedek:e, in Richard Becker, in Laura-Ann Mann, in Voice and Opera Charles Stagmaier Brown, Jr., in Organ Janice Macisak McRae, in Marshall George Burlingame, in Clarinet Catharina Meints, in Violoncello Judith Rae Caldwell, in Voice Paul Anthony Oster, in Percussion L. .T oyce Castle, in Opera David James Pink:ow, in Horn Rooert Laurence Eliscu, in Richard David Posner, in Violin Barbara Ellen Gross, in James H. Poulliott, in Opera Robert Bruce Hagreen, in Horn Bruce Martin Rhoten, in Paula Roberta Heins, in Voice Henry G. Scott, in Douhle Bass Judy Huth, in Bauoon Barry Lee Snyder, in Piano Sara Lynne Jonsson, in Voice Michael F. Webster, in Clarinet Karen Kay Kaufmann, in Voice Nancy Howe Webster, in Stephen Zoltan Kecsk:emethy, in Violin SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY

The Doran]. Stephens Pri'{e, awarded by the alumni of the School of Medicine to a grad­ uating student who shows promise of develoEing the personal and I'rofessional qual­ ities that distinguished the late Dr. Doran J. Stephens, a graduate of the first class of the school-Wayne William Myers The Borden Undergraduate Researrh Award in Medirine, awarded to the member of the graduating class who has carried out the most meritorious research in the medical field-Wayne William Myers The Ritrhie Memorial Fund Pri'{e, awarded to the student who prepared the best thesis based on original work in the field of obstetrics and gynecology-Allen Evert Mc­ Laughlin The Benjamin Rush Pri'{e in Psyrhiatry, awarded to a fourth year medical student who has given evidence of unusual promise of creative scholarship in the field of psychiatry by clinical scholarship, by participation in research, or both-Wayne Wilham Myers The Bryre Collier Pri'{e, awarded to a medical student whose performance demonstrates exceptional qualities of responsibility and devotion in the compassionate and under­ standing care of the sick-John Michael Livingood


The Clare Dennison Pri'{e, awarded yearly to the senior student who has shown the most outstanding proficiency in general nursing care-Madeline Hubbard Schmitt for 1965 The Dorothea Lynde Dix Pri'{e, awarded annually to a graduating student for high scholarship and outstanding skills demonstrated in the basic course in Psychiatric Nursing-Madeline Hubbard Schmitt for 1965 Candidates for Degrees


BACHELOR OF ARTs-with Highest Honors Lewis Binoth Habetly, Biolog Ed ward James Mendelson, English

BACHELOR OF ARTS-with High Honors Bruce Wilson Bashford, English James Walter Lamb, Philosophy Susan Luise Blackall, History Geoffrey Homer Nearing, English Roger Alan Cohen, History Ferdinand David Schoeman, Philosophy Richard Joel Davis, History Cynthia Jane Smith, English Lawrence Gerald Goldberg, Economics Nina Jane Tumarkin, History David William Kaplan, Biolog Elizabeth Forbes Weingart, History Lewis A. Kaplan, Political Science Steven John Wohl, History Leonard Michael King, History

BACHELOR OF ARTs-with Honors Eric David Auerbach, History Steven Joseph Kunreuther, Economics Daniel Ray Chemers, English Eric M. Landau, Economics James Howard Dee, Kay Levi, English Comparative Literature Jonathon Amy Mezz, English David Albert Gerber, Philosophy Karen Hillary Rosenstein, English Rita Levitan Giles, History Rebecca Schecter, English John William Glossop, English Jane Ellen Speyer, History Kenneth Bruce Grauhch, Biolog THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE

BACHELOR 011 ARTs-with Highest Distinrtion

Margery Jean Gross, Psyrholou Eric Herbst, Chemistry David Allen Hoffman, Matheme~tiGs Ellen Sherman Pennes, Psyrholo!J

BACHELOR OF ARTs-with High Distinrtiotz Marie Grace Asnes, Anthropolou Howard Hopkins Loughlin, History Barbara Trombley Benson, English Christopher Lloyd Morgan, Donald Leon Bittker, History Physics e~nd Matheme~tirs Harold Cohen, History Dennis Edward Owen, History Cathy Jane Feuer, English Seymour Jay Rosenbloom, Philosophy Dorothy Marion Field, History Clifford Joel Schostal, Psyrholo!J Judith Sheila Honigstock, Spe~nish Paul Mifton Schyve, Gmere~J Srienre Michelle Suzanne Hull, English Spencer Shaw, Biolou Natan Israel Katzman, Psyrholo!J Paula Silverman, Frenrh Litere~ture Priscilla Ray Kensley, Biolou Paul Elliott Singer, Psycholou Elizabeth Eve Kolodney, Joan Carmel Stadeck, Psyrholou Fremh Litere~ture Barbara Patricia West, Frenrh Litere~ture

BACHELOR OF ARTs-with Distinrtion

Cheryl Christina Anderson, Biolou Howard Michael Miller, Genere~l SGience Merrily Carol Baird, Anthropolou Marilyn Moreton, Biolo!J Sandra Marie Bowin, Germe~n Terry Norman Newell, Chemistry Eugene Robert Boylin, Psyrholou John Elliott Northman, Psyrholo!IJ Ronald Lewis Brown, History Marcia Hart Pierson, Biolou William John Brown, Biolou Martin Pinsley, Biolou Margaret Anne Clarey, Psyrholou Jeffrey Allen Raffel, Politice~J Srience Charles Frederick Fennemore, Phyllis Anne Rosenberg, Biolou Mathsme~tiGs Bruce Dennis Sales, Psyrholou Susan Hedy Freed, History Marjorie Constance Saphir, Psyrholou Alan Lee Frohman, Psyrholou Burton Victor Silverstein, Chemistry Mark Aric Frohman, Psyrholo!J Elliot Jay Simon, Chemistry Donald Jay Gabel, Biolo!J Richard Michael Simon, Biolou Sue Lyon Gurland, Frenrh Litere~tt~re Lawrence George Stoll, Biolou Susan Mady Harrison, Germe~n Litere~tt~re Renee Joy Strudler, English Donald Moseley Haswell, Biolou Jack Thaw, Psycholo!J Paul Alexander Humez, Linguistirs George Ector Veomett, Biolo!J Judith Ellen Kleinberg, History Juliana Wilson, Germe~n Leonard James Marks, Psyrholou Richard David Woodrow, English Steven Alan Metzger, Genere~l SGienre BACHBLOR OP ARTS Glenda Joan Alderman, English Jane Ellen Davis, Biolog Roberta Jane Alexander, Biolog Ruth Irene Dawson, Sociolou Joslyn Gorman Allen, History David Matthew Deutsch, Economics Sally Elizabeth Allen, English Sandra Didenko, Chemistry Carol Lee Amtsberg, MAthematics *Peter James Dolce, History *Mark Jay Atkins, Chemistry Cecily Anne Drucker, Political Science Phyllis Bennett Ball, MAthematics Jeanne Louise du Bois, English *Howard Arthur Barnes, Jr., Psycholog Shirley Ann Dungan, History Joseph William Barnes, History Thomas Fisher Durham, English Stephen Noble Barnes, Biolog David Patrick Dwyer, Psycholou Michael Craig Barris, Psycholog Susan Gayle Eckert, French Literature *Kenneth Edward Bauer, English *Ursula Eibl, English Robert Philip Bauer, Biolog Jerald Peter Einziger, Biolog Ronald Arthur Baum, General Science Rosalie Kay Elespuru, Biolou Gary Alan Bennett, General Science Felice Susan Elias, Psycholou Rita Lois Bernstein, Economics Jay George Epsimos, General Science Anthony Biglan, Psycholog Patricia Ann Erdle, Psycholou Kristin Ruth Bing, History Henry John Ernst III, Biolou *Jonathan Burd Binns, English *Lewis Norman Estabrooks, Susan Birkicht Bishop, Biolog General Science Anne Coolidge Bloch, English Bayard Cochran Ewing, Fine Arts Linda Harriet Bloch, English John Ashby Farrow, French Literature Ronald Howard Blum, Biolog William Preston Feasel, History *Anne Louise Bock, Frem:h Literature Robert Hugo Ferguson, History Shelley Sue Bodaness, French Literature Howard Paul Fernandez, General Science Michael Ian Bonder, Biolog Sandra Rose Ferre, General Science Susan Jane Bouton, Fine Arts John Francis Ferrera, English Kathleen Brough, General Science Charles Warren Filkins III, History Ellen Louise Brown, Sociolog *Mark Jeffrey Fine, History Judith Koehler Brown, English Theodore James Eric Fink, *Bruce Samuel Brunschwig, Chemistry General S ciem:e Charles Kimball Brush, Chemistry *Lois Donna Finkel, Psycholou Susan Dee Buckman, History Frank Henry Fish, General Science Fred Paul Bugay, Fine Arts Janet Hope Fisher, Biolou Susan L. Burke, Psycholog Susan Jane Fisher, Biolou Timothy James Butts, German Clifford Scott Fishman, History *Carl John Camelo, Jr., MAthematics Elliot Curtis Fix, History Robert Allen Cantrick, German Literatur~ Charles Henry Fleischer, *Joseph Barry Carr, Political Science Political Sciem:e *James Alan Carrier, Psycholou David John Fleming, MAthematics *Kay Maureen Carroll, Psycholou Robert Alan Foster, Chemistry Stuart Gayger Carter, Biolog Sheryl Anne Foti, Psycholou Linda Claire Chalmer, English Leonard Robert Fox, English Joseph Alphonse Chimera, Psycholog Patricia Clifford Fox, Psycholou Pamela Sue Christman, General Science Elizabeth Stowe Faye, Japanese Evelyn Epstein Cicero, English *David Lee Frair, History John Phillip Cicero, English Eric Frankl, MAthematics *Donna Steinmetz Clark, Biolog Edward William Freedman, Psycholou John Trevor Clark, Spanish Robert Warren Freiman, History *Janice Elaine Clough, Biolou Susan Ellen Freireich, Biolog Barry Gerald Cohen, History Charles Francis Friday, Psycholou Lawrence Jeffrey Cohen, General Science Barry Wayne Frieder, Psycholou Ann Elsa Comisso, Fine Arts *Louis Anthony Fusilli, Psycholog Terry John Connery, History Terry Francis Ganshaw, Psycholou Carla Ann Conte, Economics Robert Joseph Genovese, History Richard Douglas Cook, Gemral Science Deborah Ann Gerstein, Biolou Timothy Quinn Cook, Economics Carol Ann Gill, History Ellen Coolman, English David Seth Gingold, Latin Literature Harrington Edgar Crissey, Jr., .leanne Barbara Girard, Psycholou Latin Literature William Stewart Glover, Jr., Chemistry Bruce Larmour Crockett, Geography Robert Michael Gluckman, Chemistry Mary Louise Culkin, History *Robert Alan Gold, General Scimce Phyllis Doust Dalton, History Edward Goldfrank, Anthropolou David Keevin Danow, English Lawrence Barr Goodheart, History *Alan Michael Dattner, General Science Stanley Roger Gordon, English BACHELOR OP ARTs-Continued Gary Wendell Graff, History and Spanish *Judith Norma Littman, Psycholo!J David Grassi, General Science Gary Richard Lounsberry, Anthropolofl *Peter Martin Greenberg, Biolo!J Bradley Alan Lown, Psycholou Peter Ronald Grobe, Psycholo!J Mary Louise Lupiani, Psycholou Jeffrey Charles Gurtler, Economics George Francis Mack, History Benjamin Irving Gustafson, History James Patrick Maher, Psycholo!J . Robert Abraham Hallowitz, History Barry Alan Maltzman, Biolofl Dorothy Halstead, French Literatttrt Barry Howard Mandel, Political Science Wendy Hammer, Psycholo!J Corinne Alice Manddik, French *Lawrence Herbert Handelsman, Marion Edith Marsh, General Science General Science Margo Post Marshall, English *Carl William Hartman, Chemistry Wesley Joel Marshall, Jr., Psycholou *Julian Crane Hartzell, English Jefrey Albert Mason, Psycholou Suzanne Wise Hawley, English Douglas Forrest McConkey, Judith Anne Hecht, English Political Science Sidney Michael Hecht, Chemistry Roxanne McDonald, History Virginia Jean Helfer, General Science Bruce Evan McE!ney, History Thomas Heller, History *Margot Trent Menard, Sociolou Holly Hemingway, Fine Arts *Charles Merker, General Science William Allen Henion, Biolou Donna Jean Milburn, English Susan Carol Hewing, Biolo!J Jeffrey H. Miller, Chemistry David Chapple Hildebrand, Malcolm Miller, PsychologY Chinese Literatttre *Barbara Phillips Minor, Chemistry Henry Parker Hill, Jr., Political Science *Robert Modrak, Philosophy Lynne Helene Holcomb, History John Chamberlain Moore, Jr., Psycholou Robert Weigel Holst, Biolo!J *Lewis Robert Morrison, General Science Marc George Holzer, Political Science Mary Margaret Mullen, History Roger Allen Hopkins, General Science *Martin Mulundika, Political Science Mark Jay Horowitz, Psycholo!J John Ernest Myhill, Biolou Crystale Martin Horwitz, German Debra Ellen Newmark, English Robert Andrew Howard, History Patricia Eileen O'Leary, Biolofl *John Rast Hubbard, Mathematics Charlotte Jeanne Olson, Psycholofl Ruth Ann Hull, English Robert Douglas Olson, History Richard Eugene Hulslander, Economics Walter Brian Oyer, Gcolofl Janet Miriam Ingalls, History Richard Gilbert Packard, English HumJ?hrey Aggrey Iroku, Biolo!J *Irving Maurie Paltrowitz, General Science *Marcia Ruth Isaacson, English Lynne Carol Pammenter, Psycholofl Michael Lee Jacobs, History Terry Richard Panzer, Economics *Sandra Lillian Jadick, Psycholou David Powers Parish, Political Science Donald Thaddeus Je!fo, History David Steven Parker, History Judith Ann Jenkinson, History Francis William Paro, History Charles Howard Johnson, General Science *Ronald Glenfield Parris, Sociolou Kenneth Wayne Johnston, Biolou Joyce Elaine Penrod, Biolo!J Elizabeth Call Jones, English Gavin Larry Phillips, History *Anthony Mark Joseph, History Sharon Kay Porter, Psycho/of Margaret Kallman, History *Deborah Ruth Potter, Frenc Literature *Robert Emmett Kane, General Science *Carol Lee Poulin, German Literature Ann Cynthia Karnofsky, Music Peter Maxwell Prowda, Psycholou *Norman S. Katz, Mathematics Ellen Jean Pulfrey, History *Mirga Diane Kerbelis, General Science Thomas Oliver Putnam, Economics Carol Frances Kimball, English Peter Henry Ranov, German Literature Karla Reed Kindermann, English Kevin Thomas Ransom, Philosophy Ronald E. Kowalski, History *Louis Alan Rappaport, History Sue Ellen Kraff, History *Betsey Ann Rathbone, English Robert Steven Krasnow, Psycholofl Rodney Archibald Reed, Chemistry Joseph William LaFay, Jr., English Robert Edgar Reeves, Economics Cheryl Ruth Lamb, History Alice Hayes Reid, Fine Arts William Frederick Lasher, Psycholou Luanna Reid, History Charles Bruce Lawrence, Psycholou David Thomas Richardson, Biolou Dorothy Julia Lebach, French Literature Dean Michael Richardson, History Marie Elena Lepri, Psycholou William Murray Roblin, English Elizabeth Deborah Leuchter, History Joel Stefhen Rose, History *Burton Alan Levine, General Science Michae David Rothman, English Alvin Elliott Lipton, History Gail Marilyn Rowell, Biolou Richard Lawrence Little, History *Carol Jane Rozman, French Literature BACHELOR 01' ARTS-Continued Robert Charles Ruller, Psycholo/!)' Ronald Allen Strauss, Biolol!)' Maureen Ann Rutecki, Fine Arts Marguerite Ann Streppa, English Anthony Gerald Sacco, Biolol!l *Barbara Suzanne Strom, Fine Arts Sandra Gail Sack, History Vivian Verna Sulahian, Biolol!)' Richard Dalton Saddlemire, History Blake Monroe Sutton, History Richard Terrence Sammons, History Howard Lewis Tallman III, English David Robert Savage, History *Joyce Anne Tascketta, Anthropolol!)' Charles Lee Sawyer, General Science Sheila Ann Taylor, History Harold Charles Schaeffer, History Kurt Frederick Teichmann, Economics Claudia Naomi Schatz, Frmch Literature Earl Frank Thomas, General Science David Lee Schept, General Science Russell James Thomas, English George Edward Schmergel, Psycholol!)' Edwin Charles Tifft, Jr., Chemistry Walter Richard Schmits, Jr., *James Bruce Torrance, History General Science Joanne Ruth Traum, Psycholo!J Robert Alan Schoenberg, English Jocelyn Stuart Trueblood, English Richard Henry Schooler, History Martha Alice Turner, French Literature *David Schulman, Fine Arts Patrick Anthony Tuzzolo, Psycholo!J *Alan Michael Schultz, Chemistry Peter Lawrence Tyor, History *David Frederick Schultz, Spanish Andres Vaart, English *David Lewis Schwartz, General Scimce Robert Charles Varney, Chemistry Gloria Fran Schwartz, Psycholoc *Michael Edward Villareale, Chemistry Richard Alan Seldow, Peter Joseph Vivona, Political Science History and Spanish *Peter Frederick Vogelgsang, *Janet Beth Shapiro, History General Science Leonard Sharenow, History Susan Jane Wachtel, Fine Arts Nancy Hazel Sharples, English *Paul Edward Walsky, Biolol!)' eromeJohn Shelmidine, Jr., Allen Ward, General Science General Science *Gary James Ward, History Thomas Howard Sibley, General Science *Paul Conrad Warnick, German Literature Mark Alan Siegel, History Janet Lynne Webster, French Literature J. Michael Siegelaub, Philosophy Stephen David Webster, History Harold Barrie Sitrin, General Science Richard Allan W eisbord, Political Sciance Gerald Charles Sloat, History Michael Aron Weiss, Chemistry Terry Sutton Smith, Fine Arts Arthur Sidney Weitzenfeld, Mathematics Mary Rachel Solodar, Biolol!)' Diane Rae Wenzel, History Douglas Paul Solomon, Political Science Margaret Jean Wheatley, History Frances Paula Solomon, Biolo!J Mary Frances Whittlesey, Biolo!J Richard Sherman Sorrell, History David Allan Winfield, Economics George Edgar Spaulding III, English Allan Rodger Winn, History John Arthur Stadtmiller, Psycholo/!)' *Stewart Lee Wolff, English Sam Pete Stalos, Music Joseph Harold Wood, French Literature Anne Duncan Steele, English Malcah Lois Yaeger, Linguistics William James Steen, General Science Harvey Allen Yampolsky, Psycholol!)' David Starr Stevens, Philosophy Eva Marie Zahorian, Chemistry *Jo Ann Elizabeth Stiles, History John Jacob Zeeb, Jr., Psycholol!)' Daniel Elliot Stoller, Political Science *Lynne Ellen Zegiob, General Science Peter Harry Stolzar, Political Science John Stanley Zesk, Chemistry Susan Stone, Biolol!)' *Jeffrey Raymond Zimdahl, David John Storch, Economics General Science *Voldemar Arnold Strasdas, Psycholol!)' Philip Michael Zimmerman, History BACBBLOR OP SciENCB-with High Distinction Janis Aldins, Physics Bruce Claire Brown, Physics

BACHELOR OP SciENCE-with Distinction Thomas Grady Barnes III, A.rtrophysics William Louis Lama, Physics Alan Wayne Brush, Physics William Armistead Lanford, Physics David Alan Buchholz, Physics James W. Moyer, Chemistry Pieter Fowler Jacques, Physics Glenn Richard Snape, Physics

Chemistry as Major Susan Joan Brown Gary Preiser Charles Franklin Carney, Jr. Joseph Daniel Reardon *Ronald Alan Dvorkin Susan Rottschaefer Edwin Earle Ferguson, Jr. Stephen Roy Turner *Thomas William Hammell Stefan Howard Unger *Robert Felix Ozols Linda Gale Zodda

Physics as Major Dwight Passmore Sipler Johathan Lee Weber

Biolog as Major Peggy Lou Shank

Geolog as Major Alan Kent Cooper

A.rtrophysics as Major Edmond William Holroyd III William Dudley Sutliff, Jr.

MASTER oP ARTs Pauline DeHaart Adams, Fine Arts Charles Nelson Brown, Physics Mangho AhuJa, Mathematics Mary Ann Mason Burlci, History Richard Reed Arnold, History Walter Ford Carter, Economics Binoy Bhushon Barmanroy, Physics John Theodore Cederholm, History Steven W. Beach, Physics Wen-tsuen Chang, Economics Gabriel Bedard, Physics Shi-Wern Chern, Mathematics Arlene Rabb Bencin, Mathematics Nancy Mae Clark, English David Budd Benin, Physics Frederick W. Craver, Physics Bruce L. Brandt, Physics MAsTER OP AJ.Ts-Continued Mirta M. deArazoza, Languages and Jean Marcia Lampert, History Linguistics (Linguistics) Susan Elizabeth Lewis, History Arthur John Decker, Physics Balmohan V. Limaye, Mathematics John Burton Delack, Languages and Fu-chi Liu, Economics Linguistics (Linguistics) Julie Katherine McGraw, Fine Arts Louis Vincent DiBello, Mathematics Anne Marie Mear, Languages and John Davis Dow, Physics Linguistics (Linguistics) Stephen Druger, Physics Joyce Mitchell Melissinos, English Claud Armand DuVerlie, Forei~n and John Gregory Michaels, Mathematics Comparative Literature (French) Norman L. Noble, Mathematics Susan T. Fairman, History P. Lloyd Northcott, History Antoinette N. Pallone, Foreign and Daniel Roger Ochse, English Comparative Literature (French) Kevin Thomas O'Reilly, Mathematics Mary Louise Feltner, Fim Arts James Henshaw Osborn, Mathematics Robert Fink, Languages and Linguistics Bharat M. Parekh, Physics (Linguistics) Keith William John Parry, Anthropolof!l Linda Deborah Fleck, Foreign and Jan B. Persson, Economics Comparative Literature (French) Jeanne Louise Pietak, Foreign and Robin Carroll Ford, Psycholo/!l Comparative Literatttre (French) Angelo C. Francesca, Languages and Gloria R. Platzner, English Linguistics (Spanish) Robert L. Platzner, English Joan Loeb Gass, History Michael Joseph Pokalsky, Psycholof!l Daphne Northcott Gillispie, English Angela Mary Preisler, Foreign and Joanne Giudici, Langttages and Comparative Literature (French) Linguistics (Linguistics) Frank A. Salamone, History Maria-Luisa Rivero Gonz,Hez, Akella L. Somayajulu, Mathematics Langttages and Linguistics (Linguistics) Mary M. Switzer, Foreign and Michael Timothy Graves, History Comparative Literature (French) Mitchell Charles Gregory, Physics Virginia Anna Terrell, History Mary Carol Groneman, History Rasesh B. Thakkar, Economics James Harley Hancock, English Mary I. Tompkins, Mathematics Sherman Harmon, History Mary Russell Vandivort, History Frances Yeomans Helbig, History Paul Constantine , History Ann Linscott Hill, Foreign and Janet Eaton Weiler, History Comparative Literature (.French) Kjell G. Westin, Langtta$es and Ludwig Josef Issing, Psycholof!l Linguistics (Linguistics) Robert Elliot Kaplan, History Margaret B. White, English Rafik Ahmad Kazi, Physics Barbara Ann Wright, English Doris Marie Kirsch, Foreign and Phyllis Ann Yoho, Languages and Comparative Literature (French) Linguistics (Spanish) Charles William Kochheiser, History Deanna Young, Foreign and Comparative Munukutla S. Krishna Sastry, Literature (French) Mathematics Robert]. Ziegler, English Shan-yong Kuo, Economics

MASTER OP SciENCE Fredric David Abramson, Biolof!l Chung-chia Huang, Biolof!l Jane K. Bassett, Geolo/!l Ho-kwang Mao, Geolof!l William Harvel Baugh, III, Physics Stephen Henry Saul, Biolo/!l Sybil Brewster Bregman, Biolof!l James Edward Schmitz, Chemistry Grace Yap Chan, Biolof!l Roger Allan Sorbo, Chemistry Patricia M. White Chatard, Biolof!l Raymond M. Stone, Chemistry THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

BACHELOR oP SciENCE-with High Distinction Richard Luther Baumann, Industrial Management

BACHELOR Ol' SCIENCE-with Distinction Richard Stuart Hall, l1zdustrial M.anagument Steven Wain Klein, Industrial Management

BACHELOR 01' SciENCE Business Administration as Major Lowell E. Glick Roger James Robach *James Frasier Greppin Frank Frederick Romanow, Jr. William Charles Hamel Bernard Michael Seocer Walter Manuel Hart III *Michael Dean Smith Thomas George King *Narong Thananart Edward Lawrence Kunz John George Thompson *Thomas James Maconkey, Jr. Samuel Joseph Weinstein James Richard McNally Frederick C. White Robert Andrew Noessner Richard David Wiederhoro *James Ralph Ormiston *John Wesley Wright, Jr. Ronald Richard Rice Anthony Joseph Zollo

Accounting as Major Robert Vincent Anderson Peter Stuart Riger Barry William Florescue *Morton Sherwood Schwartz William Anthony Forshee Richard Lee Weiss Robert William Gleason *Leon Stanley Wilcox, Jr. Albert Earl Manley *Robert James Williamson Frederick John Moore *Charles Thaddeus Wood, Jr. Thomas Robert Pastor

bzdustrial Management as Major Alan Richard Batkin William Frank Schmitt John William Beck Stephen Bruce Story Robert August Frisch George Rebert Wills William Howard Leadbitter *Gary Ed ward Wood Richard Thomas Miller

MAsTER OP ScmNcE James D. Archibald Charles H. Newton, III Jack Lester Bartlett Frank Xavier Suter, Jr. Pierre Coste Clarence Earl Swingle, Jr. David Charles Heiligman

MASTER OP BusiNESS ADMINISTRATION John A. Boita John Joseph Higgins Paul Alan Brands Kevin J. McCalie Carl Frederick Clemens Arthur Leonard Purinton, II David E. Crane Thomas L. Quinn Thomas S. Foulkes Brian Thomas Ratchford James Francis Fox Ridley McLean Ruth Terrr Duncan Giles Rufus Cooper Short Dav1d Frederick Gipner Norman S1egler Thomas H. Greco, Jr. Charles Loren Smithers Edwin Guest, Jr. Parker Lawrence Weld THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

BACHELOR OP SciENCE-with Distinction Susan Berkowitz Koweek, Education Carolyn .June Walzer, Education Donna Jean Krolick, Education

BACHELOR OP SciENCE Eductation as Major Susan Elaine Beckett *Mary Dellano Illingsworth *Beverly J. Turner Biglan Ellen Timmons Kremer Irene Judith Blumenthal Elaine Lynn Magidson Jennie Veronica Butkiewicz Rosalind Reisman Kathleen Lucille Carselli Helen Marlene Rice *Sherrill Smith Chilcote Christine Whalen Robertson *Patricia Anne Coene Constance Lynn Robertson Dorothy Mae Cohen Ellen Genrich Rusling Bonnie June Cutler Martha Ann Schwaderer Marsha Brig~s DeNee Jeanne Harriet Schwartz Roxanna Blame Dietter Carol Frances Sciarratta Sallie Kerns Emmons Alice Gosnell Smith Linda Sue Esner Joan Lee Stahlbrodt Helene Goldman Florescue Susan Stephens Mary Lee Halperin Nancy Louise Turner Linda Marie Hamberger Jane Collette Valentine Donald John Hauck Charlotte Isabel Wilner *Lois Borland Ide *Mara Zarins Karen Lee Zweig MASTER oP ARTs Mary Ellen Ames Carol Louise Hopkins Frank H. Anderson Mary Martin Hyder JohnJ. Andric Thomas Morris Jones Rosemarie B. Andrie Roslyn C. Kaplan Faye Diamond Berman Mary Dwindle Kelley Wyland L. Blanchard Frederick Lauer Kirk Shirley K. Block Frank Lawrence Knorr George Oren Bowles Anne M. Linkert Thomas Albert Butler Grace Smith Lipman Carol Joan Cashen Marianne M. LoGerfo Frank Cassine Beatrice Maboll Ruth F. Chiama David R. Mahon Andrew M. Cieminis Stanley Emmett Marshall, Jr. Shera Banbury Connin Benoit Massouda Marjorie Angeline Rude Cook Payne Ronald Masuku Gail C. Dagon Virginia Ann Matteson Bonnie Bissell Darrah Gail Little McGuire Frank Deane Frederick S. Mee William Leonard Dearcop Joanna Marie Meter VinJamuri Sumati Devadutt Robert F. Miles Thomas W. Dillenburg, Jr. Carolyn M. Monas Gary W. Dodge Dorothy Jayne Moss William Robert Dwyer Homer John Nahabetian W. David Edwards Linda B. Nicely Leo 0 . Fabris Pauline Nodhturft Phyllis J. Farrar Elizabeth Ohoro Northrop Hugh W. Fraser Elaine Scott Pike Margaret Reilly Gilman Audrey W. Potter Donald L. Haefele Mary Irvine Reed Marian McMillan Hair Susan Richer Paul F. Harrington Ellen M. Robertson Sharon W. Hicks Lynn S. Rosen MASTER OP ARTs-Continued Judith Gay Ruderman Alice R. Sternberg Betty A. Schwartz Sydney Anne Sutherland Donald C. Seidel James R. Titus Jean Anne Shafer Rosanna M . Trombley Nina Ebner Shecter Nancy Lee Upson Bernice Sloan Jean VanKeuren Donald Davies Smith Andrew John Van Ostrand Sally Grant Smith Kathleen Ann Vinci Helen Soffer Marshall Lee Weissend

MASTER OP EDUCATION Vincent Joseph Byrne EmmaJeau Lotus Dorothy C. Cooper Martha McDougle Marion Frances Dearnley Maysie Latham O'Brien Estrella H. deJesus David E. Peters Peter Turner Dyer Neil E. Petty Frederick N. Fabry Charles James Searles James Brian Farrell George H. Shepard Nancy D. Holmes James R. Starkweather Sylvia G. Katzen Caroline Brewer Toland John Joseph Kelly Yo-ling Tsai Thomas George Kurzrock Homer John VanDuyne Thomas Vernon Loveland Mary Edith Ward

DocToR oP EDUCATION Patricia Thomas Botkin, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College at Brockport, 1950; M.S., 1953 Thesis: Improving Communication Skills in Sixth-Grade Students Through Train­ ing in Role Taking John Anders Jensen, 2 A.B., Cornell University, 1960; A.M., University of Rochester, 1963 Thesis: Au Analysis by Class Size and Sex of Orthogonalized Interest and Aptitude Predictors in Relation to High School Chemistry Achievement Cnteria William B. Nestle, B.Ed., State University of New York Teachers College at Brock­ port, 1940; Ed.M., Harvard University, 1946 Thesis: Au Exploration of Opinions Relevant to the Student Teaching Program as Expressed by Participants in au Educational Meeting Concerning Student Teaching Lloyd Nichols Peak, B.S., Bloomsburg State College, 1956; M.S., University of Scran­ ton, 1962 Thesis: The Internship in Educational Administration and Interpersonal Com­ petency Emma E. Plattor, 2 A.B., Brooklyn College, 1952; A.M., 1956 Thesis: The Development of a Programmed Course of Study in Manuscript and Cursive Handwriting for Use in Teacher Education Thomas Joseph Sergiovanni, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College at Geneseo, 1958; A.M., Columbia University, 1959 Thesis: Investigation of Factors which Affect Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatis­ faction of Teachers THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND APPLffiD SCffiNCE

BACHELOR OP 5crENCB-with High Distinction Leslie James Knox, Jr., ChemicQ/ Engineering James Cameron Lockwood, MechanicQl Engineering

BACHBLOR OP SCIENCE-with Distinction

Timothy James Butts, Chemical Gaylord Bertram Thayer, Jr., Mechanical Engineering Engineering Robert Edward Hahn, Optics


Mechanical Engineering as Major George Robert Blickensderfer Walter Gilbert Rabinotf John Adam Burchett Richard Emerson Rice Alfred Nelson Goodman Walter Anthony Salerno Robert Joseph Grossman James Stephen Schlonski Eric John Lundgren Robert Irvin Schrack, Jr.

Chemical Engineering as Major Merton Dyer Bohonos Hal Jeffry Strumpf Steven Harvey Chansky Anton Mark Viditz-Ward Peter Eddy Parker Maung Hla Win *Jesse S. Rabinowitz

Optics as Major Frank James Dumont Robert Royce Rivers Robert George Klimasewski Richard Kent Snouffer

Electrical Engineering as Major John William Cross, Jr. Ronald Wayne King Johnson Ottawa Curtis David Bruce Newton Ronald Frank Dans Curtis Allen Risley Thomas David Jones, Jr. Edgar Henry- Watts, Jr. William Carl Kicherer Angus Wilhams Westkirk MAsTER 01' 5ciBNCB Richard A. Altes, Electrical Engineering Dean Brinton McKenney, Optics Wendell G. Ayers, Optics Richard Rudolf Metz, Mechanical and Bettram Lee Barlow, Optics Aerospace Sciences Lynn D. Brown, Chemical Engineering Louis Frank Paradysz, Jr., Optics Michael George Cheifetz, Mechanical William Robert Parry, Electrical and Aerospace Sciences Engineering Yud-ren Chen, Mechanical and Dennis Michael Peel, Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences Aerospace Sciences Donald B. Cruikshank, Jr., Electrical Robert Norman Rich, Mechanical atzd Engineering Aerospace Sciences Marcin Dvorin, Optics William Edward Schaffer, Jr., John F. Ernst, Mechanical and Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences Aerospace Sciences Hetbert Franz Schmalzbauer, Anthony Joseph Fedor, Material Science Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences Narendranath Gaitonde, Chemical Richard Alan Schwartz, Optics Engineering Jeng-nan Shiau, Mechanical and Leo T. Glogowski, Electrical Engineering Aerospace Sciences Stanley J. Haavik, Electrical Engineering Daniel E. Sliva, Chemical Engineering James Stuart Harris, Optics Gary Keith Starkweather, Optics Jau-fu Hwang, Mechanical and Aerospace John Charles Tobin, Mechanical and Sciences Aerospace Sciences Shy-8hung Hwang, Mechanical and Nien Tszr Tsai, Mechanical and Aerospacq Sciences Aerospace Sciences Hugh Kilpatrick, Chemical Engineering King-man Tu, Mechanical and Aerospace Lawrence Arnold Klein, Electrical Sciences Engineering WilliamJ. Wapniarski, Optics Nien-Hon Lee, Mechanical and Lowell Enrick Wilcox, Mechanical Aerospace Sciences and Aerospace Sciences Donald R. Lehmbeck, Optics Henry Windischmann, Mechanical and David Howard Lester, Chemical Aerospace Sciences Engineering Hsien-Kuei Yang, Mechanical and Hsien Yang Li, Chemical Engineering Aerospaco Sciences Robert L. Maier, Optics Robert Geoffrey Zalosh, Mechanical Robert Allan Maisch, Chemical and Aerospace Sciences Engineering THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LIBERAL AND APPLIED STUDIES

BACHELOR OF SciENCE-with DistiiZction Gemral Studies as Major William Norman Hesketh Betty Jane Mulryan Anna Claire Lunn

BACHELOR oF SciENCE General Studies as Major Thomas Joseph Aubrey *Barbara Ann Kruze *Robert James Awramik *Vicki Weller Kumpel Steven Douglas Barley Joan Rowley Kurtz Robert Alan Bell *Donald Pierre Lamb Lois Grace Benthin Kwong-ming Patrick Lee Kelvin Clough Bridge *Thomas Floyd Limner Donald John Brugger *Gerasimos Vincent Livadas Joanmarie Burnham *Herro Lubberts · Wayne Patrick Campbell Russell Joseph Mandrino Terrene Cathy Carbone Cephas N. Chamakomo Mangwana *Karen Duanne Clegg June Mudarri Mealey Gerald Francis Collins *William Edward Murray, Jr. Valerie Jean Consaul Michael Anthony Panetta Noelle Anne Craig Donald Paul Paquin *Mary Ellen Daniel Frank Vincent Passero, Jr. Louis Charles Di Fabio Emmanuel Alphonse Paxhia Eleanor Lockwood Drake James Herbert Peters Neal Grover Dunkleberg *Thomas Robert Quinn *Nina Judith Dworkin Lester Harry Roxin Melvyn Stuart Effron *Franklin Howard Samuel *William Frederic Fine Warren Elmer Saul John Thomas Galvin, Jr. *Constance Joy Scardino *Moses Mague Garoeb *James Albert Schultz *Rhoda Stockton Goldring William Arthur Scott, Jr. *John Henty Gormel *John Henry Seehafer *Michael Judge Haggerty William Leonard Shraberg Ronald Leo Hallinen Gerald James Skerrett Bernard James Hearns Sharon Ann Stout *David Walter Held David Dale Strimple Susan Elizabeth Holloran James William Taylor Jane Creswell Hospador Lewis Henry Thornton II *Raymond Louis Jelfo Imants Timrots Thomas Robert Johnson Donald Timothy Tyler Alan Andrew Jones *Charles Joseph Urso, Jr. Dennis Eugene Kelly *Dale Henry Ursprung Daniel Thomas Kennelly Robert Edward Vermette Gerald Edward Kirwin *I van Bernard Ville Carole Ann Kohler Kenneth Lee Wrisley Zina Nikitina Koval

MASTER OF SCIENCE Rodger Woodley Baker, Applied Raymond DeSantis, Imlustrial Statistics Mathematics John Charles Faust, Applied Mathematics William H. Caprio, Industrial Statistics Robert Bruce McKelvie, Industrial Charles Alfred Constantino, Applied Statistics Mathematics K. Bradley Paxton, Applied Mathematics Frederick Joseph Cook, Applied Jack Tishkoff, Applied Mathematics Mathematics THE EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC

BACHELOR OP Music-with Distinaiun MarshiaJ. Ablon, Applied Music (Voice) Janice Lorraine Larson, Applied Music Richard Alfred Adams, Applied Mttsic (Piano) (Violin)/Music Education Raymond Luedeke, History of Music Alexander R. Brinkman, Theory Clarissa Hart May, Public School Music Derek E. Brinkman, Applied Music Catharina Meints, Applied Music (Clarinet)/ MtiSic Educatiun (Violuncello) Mary Brigid Callan, Public School Music Minako Mizutani, Applied Music Sandra Spitz Cohen, Applied Music (Piano) (Piano) Esther Mary Noronha, Applied Music Barbara Joan Corbin, Applied Music (Voice) (Violuncello )/Music Educatiun Charles William Pappan, Suzanne Daehn, Applied Music Public School Music (Violoncello) Nancy Cassil Reynard, Applied Music Stephen Whiton DeWitt, Compositiotl (Piano )/Music Educatiun BrianJ. Ellard, Theory Bruce Martin Rhoten, Karen Frederickson, Public School Music Public School Music Virginia L. Frye, Public School Music Jeanne Irene Rizzo, Applied Music Carol Phyllis Game, Applied Music (Organ) (Piano) Barry Lee Snyder, Applied Mttsic Judy Huth, History of Music (Piano) Stephen Zoltan Kecskemethy, Michael F. Webster, Applied Music Applied Music (Violin) (Clarinet) Jeremy Niles Kempton, Nancy Howe Webster, Applied Music Public School Music (Flute) Martha Joanna Kirchenbauer, Lester Rexford Whiddon, Jr., Applied Music (Voice) Applied Music (Piano) Elaine Rose Kruse, History of Mtuic Steven D. Winick, Public School Music

BACHELOR OP MusiC Juliette Angell, Applied Music (Voie~) Herbert L. Huestis, Applied Music Patricia Callahan, Applied Music (Piano) (Organ) Robert Lester Collister, Stephen Cedric Kaminsky, Applied Public School Music Music (Horn)/Music Educatiun C. Charles Daellenbach, Victor A. Klimash, Applied Music Public School Music (Voice) Ronald William Daniels, Donna Lee Leech, Applied Music (Voice) Public School Music Robert Bell Leech, Public School Music John Peter Dundon, II, Robert Carl Ludwig, Public School Music Public School Music Joseph Tolbert McClain II, Robert Laurence Eliscu, Applied Music Applied Music (Voice) (Oboe)/History of Music Jean Livingston McGilvray, Linda Jean Ellington, Applied Music Applied Music (Piano )/Music Educatiun (Piano) Anthony Phillip Migliore, Antoinette M. Fraase, Applied Music Applied Music (Piano)/Music Educatiun (Piano) Richard Eugene Moerschel, Andrew Robert Frech, Jr., Applied Music History of Music (Violin)/Music Educatiun *Linda Finney Nemeth, Theory Geraldine Guelma Freedman, Mark Peter Oncavage, Applied Music Public School Music (Horn)/Music Educatiun David Arlen Friedo, Public School Music Paul Anthony Oster, Public School Music Floyd Kersey Grave, Theory Kathleen S. Paul, Public School Mtuic William R. Gregory, Applied Music John Milton Pavey, Theory (Piano) Mary Lee Perkins, Public School Music Robert Bruce Hagreen, Applied Music *David James Pinkow, Applied Music (Horn) (Horn )/Music Educatiun Glenn Samuel Harbison, Applied Music William H. Platt, Jr., Applied Music () (Percussiun) Barton Lee Heefner, Public School Music Richard David Posner, Applied Music (Violin)/Music Educatiun BACHELOR OP Music-Continued *Elizabeth Jessica Hodges Raum, Judith Elizabeth Werthner, Applied Music (Oboe} Public School Music John Martin Russo, Public School Music *Treva Faye Womble, Applied Music Sandra Lee Schultz, Applied Music (Oboe )/Music Education () Craig Milton Wright, History of Music Victoria Louise Scoones, Frederick B. Young, Jr., Public School Music Public School M.ttsic Henry G. Scott, Applied Music John Anthony Zalewski, () Public School Music Bess Jeannette Stalker, Public School Music

MAsTBR OP ARTs Sister Grace Clare Brewer, 1 Music Barton Keith McLean, 1 Music (Theory) (Theory) James A. McRae, 1 Music (Theory) George Albert Charles Dunkley, 1 Stuart Charles Milligan, Music (Theory) Music (Music Education) David Hiram Robertson, 1 Music (Theory) Thomas Dickerman Dunn,1 Music Sister Bernard Agnes Saffer, S.C., 1 (Musicology) Music (Theory) Paul Sharpe Larson, 1 Music Howard John Scheib,1 Music (Theory) (Music Education) Linda Lee Watson, 1 Music (Theory) Anne Ruth Martin, 1 Music (Theory)

MAsTBR OP Music Elizabeth Coates Bankhead, Sharon Lee Hiller ,1 Performance and Performance and Literature Literature Glen Edward Bell, 1 Music Education Evelyn Hirschland, Performance and Elizabeth Helen Bishop, Performance Literature and Literature Gladys Jean Iler, 1 M.ttsic Education Thomas R. Brunner, 1 Music Education Annette Inneo, Performame and Literature Marshall George Burlingame, Karen Kay Kaufmann, Applied Music Performance and Literature Larry David Kramer, 1 Music Education Deanna Day Bush, Performanct and Ralph Hampton Lane, Performance and Literature Liturature L. Joyce Castle, Performance and Eldon Blake Lehman,1 Music Education Litqrature Henry Lance Lehmberg, Performame Virginia M. Clarke, I Music Education and Literature Mary Joyce Cook, Performance and Janice Marie Marciano, Performance and Literature Literature Robert Leland Culver, 1 Performance and Angeline Matilda Matthews, 1 Litqrature Purformance and Literature Derald D. DeYoung, 1 Performance and Elaine Louise Maurey, Performance and Literature Literature Louise Parke Dickey, Performance and Marlene Sissel Nepstad, Performance Literature and Literature Menzer Leslie Doud, 1 Music Education Priscilla Jane Perry,1 Music Education Richard Ward Dower, Performance and Jay Peterson, Performance and Litorature Literature John Potts,1 Music Education Jo Ellen Dutton, Apflied Music F. Alan E. Reesor, I Music Education Sandra Jane Flesher, Performance and Charlotte Boyce Reid,1 Performance Literature and Literature Gaylord W. French, 1 Performance and Sr. M. Agnes Cecile Sandweg, C.PP.S., 1 Literature Church Music Barbara Ellen Gross, Performance and Marilyn R. Schiewe,1 Performance and Literature Literature Joanne E. Hill, Church Musie William Louis Schirmer,1 Composition MAsTER OP Music-Continued Khung Img Seah, Mtuic Education Rudolph von Unruh, Jr.,1 William A3alson Shank, 1 Performance MU!ic Education and Literature Jean Marie Wadsworth, MU!ic Education Roger C. Sherman, 1 M.tt1ic Education Mary Jane Clare Wagner,1 Performance Steven Herbert Smith, Performance and and Literature Literatur~ John Duane Wilson, Performance and Howard C. Stein, 1 MUJic Education Literatur~ John Thomas Strout, 1 Performance and Eug~e Serge Zoro, Performance and Literature Ltterature Judith Elaine Swanson, Performance and Literature


Charles A. Baker, I B.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1958; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1959. Performance and Pedago[J Thesis: An Analytical Study of the Sonata inC for and Piano by Benjamin Britten

Blaine Ellis Edldsen, B.A., Brigham Young University, 1952; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1953. Performa11ce and Pedagoo Thesis: Symbolization and Articulation of Oboe Tones

Joseph B. Henry,I B.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1952; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1953. Performance and Pedagoo Thesis: A Study of Schoenberg's Pimot Lunair1

Walter Kent Hill, B.M., Oberlin College, 1957; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1961. Church M.ttJic Thesis: The Liturgical Use of the Organ in the Sixteenth-Centuty Spanish Church

Daniel L. Kohut, B.M., North Texas State College, 1957; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1959. MU!ic Education Thesis: Techniques of Transcription for Elementary

Tosca Berger Kramer, B.Mus., The University of Tulsa, 1948; M.Mus., The University of Tulsa, 1949. Performance and Pedagog Thesis: 24 Etudes for Solo Viola

John Brittain Little, 1 B.Mus., Southern Methodist University, 1944; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1949. Performance and Pedagoo Thesis: Left Hand Techniques in the Piano Sonatas of Schubert, Schumann, Chopin and Liszt

Paul Edwin Shull, B.Mus.Ed., University of Colorado, 1950; M.Mus.Ed., University of Colorado, 1951. Performance and Pedagog Thesis: Partita in E for Organ, Opus 100, by Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Transcribed for Wind Ensemble

Raymond A. Vanderslice, Jr., B.S., West Chester State Teachers College, 1955; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1959. Church MU!ic Thesis: The Service Music of Leo Sowerby

David Ward,1 B.Mus., Oklahoma City University, 1959; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1960. Compo1ition Thesis: Symphony for Wind Ensemble

William Frank Wood,1 B.A., Sacramento State College, 1957; M.Mus., University of Oregon, 1958. Compo1ition Thesis: Symphony in Three Movements THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY

BAcHELOR oF SciENCE General Nursing as Major Christel Lucia Burgmaier Sandra Joan Sundeen

Nursing as Major *Anne Louise Alexander *Elizabeth Ann Hooper *Barbara Lee Gibson Bates Judith Ann Hornor *Catherine .T. Bavolack *Katherine Anne Kleinhans *Barbara Elizabeth Bocskay *Sandra Olsen MacMurray *Sylvia Theresa Bonavilla *Kathleen Diane McNiece *Ann Parke Burr *Sharon Lee Milligan *Hilda Catherine Castor *Caris Marie Milne *Rebecca Ann Clark *Kathryn Elizabeth Newstrom *Diane Doris Deater *Deborah Ann Peterson *Jan deYoung *Ann Rugar Powell *Marion Vir~inia Dreby *Judith Lewis Powell *Jayne Carohne Ehlers *Helen L. Scannell *Judith Ann Evans *Kathleen Anne Schultz *Doris Kathryn Fina *Gail Anganette Tozier *Melinda Margot Fischer *Janet Ellen Wakeley Helen Louise Fisher *Joyce Lorraine Weber *Heide Marie Froschmcier *Marlene Donna Weiner *Marlene Johnson Glickert *Mary Whiting Jackson *Mary Ann Green *Barbette Madelaine Wikfeld *Kathleen Carol Grega *Judith Dianne Wood *Raleigh Jane Hess *Lesley Grace Woods *Margaret Irene Holmlund *Julia Louise Zartman

MASTER OF Sc!BNCB Norman Oliver Aarestad, Radiation David Philip Hamblen, Biophysics Biology Larry Wayne Hill, Radiation Biology Richard 0. Allen,2 Radiation Biology Vitit Keshagupta, Radiation Biolog Angelo Andrese, 2 Microhiolog John Keith McBain, Radiation Biolog Mana we! Jabra Araiche, Dental Research Helen Boyce McNerney, Nursing Luz-Oliva Nejal Banez, Dental Research Education PhiliJ> Ralph Belluscio, Radiation Arnold M. Markoe, Radiation Bio!og Biology Dorothy Flint McFadyen, Tom Trygve Bergan, 2 M.icrobio!og Radiation Biolog Phyllis Ackerman Broutman, Nursing U Htin Nyo, Radiation Biolog Education Paulette Ann O'Gorman, M.icrobiolog Kathleen A. Burke, Radiation Biolog Nancy Rhodes Rehner, Nursing Education Helene Shetler Charron, Nursing Louis W. Ripa, Jr., Dental Research Education Peter Schlierer, 2 Dental Research Dorothy Costich Cox, Nursing Education Arthur Sherman, 2 Microbiology Eriberto Ivan Cueto, Dental Research Kathryn Holmes Smith, Nursing Eleanor Banker Davis, Nursing Education Education Jean Gertrude Deming, Nursing Edtecation James F. Taylor, Radiation Biolog Nancy S. Donahue, Radiation Biolog Tr£n Thi Ng£n, Radiation Biolog Julian M. Earls, Radiation Biolog Walter H. Traub, Microbiology Randi Furseth, Dental Research Maryalice Vanderkooi, 2 Physiolog P. Gangadharan, 2 Radiation Biolog Lawrence F. Winans, Radiation Biolog DocroR oP Mm>ICINB-with Honor David Zanvel Greenseid Peter Fredric Victor Schossberger Thomas Alexander Klein Robert James Sokol Wayne William Myers

DocToR OP MEDICINE Victor Emanuel Agusta Allen Lapey Terry Ronald Baker John Michael Livingood James Jay Bender Frank William LoGerfo Richard Wayne Benson Richard Gregory Lynch Howard Stephen Berger Bruce Stratton MacDonald Frederic Walter Bruhn Allan Evert McLaughlin James Herbert Chesebro Arnold Melman Corydon George Clark Hildegard Werner Messenbaugh Jose?h John Colella, Jr. Alan Meyers . Davtd William Connors Donald W atkeys Parsons Michael Francis Corcoran Reed Carl Perron John Wendell Crayton Alan Poland Richard Drury Dent Donald Craig Rankin Richard Allan DeVaul Michael Geoffrey Rosenfeld John Day DeWeese Frank William Schultz Bruce MacGregor Dow Robert Thomas Sherensky Julian Bernet Ferholt Arthur Walter Sherwood Richard C. Friedman Martin David Skinner Edward Jerome Goldson Robert Small David Richard Graham Roy Theodore Steigbigel Donald Anderson Grover Jack Irwin Stein Donald Edwin Hantmer Richard Ross Sturgeon David Allan Hemry Elsa M. Swyers Ronald Lynn Hilry Frederick Thomas Tangeman Hubert Spencer Holmes PhilipS. Volastro Harold Alan Kanthor Russell I. Williams, Jr. Bonnie Jean Kauffman Hock Huat Yeoh Ambrose Francis Keeley Warren M. Zapol GaryKish THE UNIVERSITY COUNCIL ON GRADUATE STUDIES

DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY Elaine Rosalie Ache, B.S., Albright College, 1960; M.S., University of Rochester, 1962; Biolog Thesis: Generic Analysis of the Erythromycin-Resistance Locus in Pneumococcus

Joseph John Aleo, B.S., Buclmell University, 1948; D.D.S., Temple University, 1953; Patholog Thesis: Histochemical and Biochemical Studies of Strain "L" Fibroblasts Treated with a Lathyrogen: Increased Synthesis of Polysaccharide Joan Strait Applegate, B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1947; A.M., Mills College, 1949; MftSic (M1tsico!og) Thesis: The Henry Lawes Autograph Song Manuscript: A Critical Edition of British Museum Loan MS 35 William Lawrence Armstrong, A.B., Oberlin College, 1960; Chemistry Thesis: An Approach to the Synthesis of Methyl 2a,7a,8P-Trimethyi-Cis-1- Decalone-10P-Carboxylate

Hiroshi Atsumi,2 A.B., Osaka University, 1955; Economics Thesis: The Efficient Capital Accumulation in Opeo Models

Herbert Barrington Bebb, 2 B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1959; M.S., Syracuse Uni­ versity, 1964; Optics Thesis: Theory of Multiple-Photon Ionization Peter Bedrosian, A.B., Clark University, 1960; Psycholog Thesis: Effects of Partial Reinforcement and Alterations of Stimulus Character­ istics in Human Learning of Reversal, Nonreversal and Within-Dimension Shihs Waman Vishwanath Bhat, B.E., University of Poena, 1961; M .S., University of Rochester, 1964; Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences Thesis: An Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Hagen-Poiseuille Flow Subjected to the First Mode of Azimuthally Periodic Small Disturbance

Susan S. Black, A.B., Cornell University, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: A Spectroscopic Study of the Second Singlet Excited State of Benzene Elizabeth Sheila Blanchard, A.B., College of New Rochelle, 1958; A.M., New York University, 1960; English Thesis: Structural Patterns in Paradise Lost: Milton's Symmetry and Balance

Norman J . Bloch,2 A.B., Columbia University, 1957; A.M., University of Rochester, 1964; MAthematics Thesis: On the Isomorphism of 11ii Fields Edward Michael Boghosian, B.S., City College of New York, 1955; A.M., Brooklyn College, 1960; Chemistry Thesis: Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects in Solvolytic Reactions

H. Bruce Bosmann, B.A., Knox College, 1964; Biophysics Thesis: The Effects of Vitamins Din Chicks

John Sweeney Brand, B.S., LeMoyne College, 1959; M.S., University of Rochester, 1964; Radiation Biolog Thesis: Plasminogen Clearance from the Blood. Determination of the Biological Half-Life of Human Plasminogen in Rats

William Budin, A.B., Rutgers University, 1956; Psycholog Thesis: The Effects of Four Schedules of Unwanted Signals upon Performance of a Vigilance Task DOCTOR 011 PmLOSOPHY-Contintted Paul George Bunjes, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1941; M.Mus., University of Michi­ gan, 1944; Music (Theory) Thesis: The Praetorius Organ

James Chung-yu Chan, B.A., Japan International Christian University, 1961; Micro­ biolog Thesis: The Studies of Physical and Antigenic Structure of Polyoma Virus

Hsiao Tsung Chen, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1957; M.S., Uni­ versity of Rhode Island, 1961; Chemical Engineering Thesis: Drop Size Distribution in Agitated Tanks

Nicholas Cohen,2 A.B., Princeton University, 1959; Biolog Thesis: Tissue: Transplantation Immunity in the Adult Newt, Diemictylus Viridescens

Anne P. Constantinople,2 A.B., Smith College, 1960; Psycholog Thesis: Some Correlates of Happiness and Unhappiness in College Students

Charles Stanton Cook, B.M.E., Cornell University, 1960; M.S., University of Roch­ ester, 1964; Mechanical and Aerospace Sciencts Thesis: A Langmuir Probe Investigation of a Glow Discharge with a Transverse Magnetic Field

Philip H. Cooper, B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1959; M.S., University of Rochester, 1960; Radiation Biolog Thesis: A Study of the Kinetics of Bone Marrow Regeneration in the: Dog Follow­ ing Partial and Whole: Body Irradiation

Erwin Delano, B.S., Yale University, 1950; M.S., University of Rochester, 1956; Optics Thesis: Fourier Methods of Synthesis for Optical Multilayer Filters

Narayan Vaman Deshpande, B.E., University of Poona, 1961; M.S., University of Rochester, 1964; Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences Thesis: Inviscid Stability of a Magnetohydrodynamic Half Jet

Gail Boyd de Stwolinski, B.Mus., Montana State University, 1943; M.Mus., Univer­ sity of Rochester, 1946; Music (Theory) Thesis: The Mannheirn Symphonists: Their Contributions to the Technique of Thematic Development

Federico Dies-Angulo, 2 M.D., Escuela National Dc:Medicina, 1959; Physiolog Thesis: The Hexose Monophosphate Oxidative Pathway in the Kidney During Acid-Base and Electrolyte Imbalance

Anthony Irving Eller, A.B., Harvard University, 1960; M.S., University of Rochester, 1963; Ekctrical Engineering Thesis: Dynamics of a Translating Cavity in a Liquid

Robert A. Ellson,2 B.M.E., City College of New York, 1957; M.S., University of Rochester, 1963; Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences Thesis: An Experimental Study of the Interaction Between a Constant Velocity Traveling Wave Magnetic Field and a Plasma in an Annular Cross Section Channel

Robert Waldo Ellsworth,2 B.S., Yale: University, 1960; Physics Thesis: Muon-Proton Scattering at High Momentum Transfers

Larrimore: Brownc:Iler Emmons, B.S., Lehigh University, 1957; Physics Thesis: The Optical Constants of Opaque Indium Films Deposited and Measured in an Oltra-High Vacuum DoCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY-Contintml Ronald Edward Fine, A.B., University of Michigan, 1961; English Thesis: Melville and the Rhetoric of Psychological Fiction B. Roy Frieden, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1957; M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1959; Optics Thesis: Selected Problems in Image Evaluation and Image Synthesis Alan Warren Friedman, A.B., Queens College, 1957; A.M., New York University, 1962; English Thesis: Art for Love's Sake: Lawrence Durrell and The Alexandria Quarttt

Julius L. Goldstein,2 B.E.E., Cooper Union, 1957; M.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1960; Electrical Engineering Thesis: An Investigation of Monaural Phase Perception

Edward Joseph John Grabowski, 2 B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: Studies Related to the Synthesis of d,1-Caranine

Hubert P. Grunwald,2 B.S., Washington University, 1959; Physics Thesis: Transport Properties of Amorphous Selenium

Betsy Weller Harter, 2 A.B., St. Lawrence University, 1958; A.M., Cornell University, 1960; English Thesis: Nicholas Breton's Prose: A Study of Sub-Genres and Techniques Contribut­ ing to the Development of the Eighteenth-Century English Novel

John Crampton Heurtley,2 B.S., University of Rochester, 1960; Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Theoretical Study of Optical Resonator Modes and a New Class of Special Functions 'The Hyperspheroidal Functions'

Elaine Helen Hoffmeister, 2 B.S., University of Rochester, 1962; Chemistry Thesis: Photochemical and Thermal Transformations of Benzoic Dithiocarbamic Anhydrides Richard Bernard Imberski,2 B.S., University of Rochester, 1959; Biolou Thesis: The Effect of 5-Fluorouracil on the Development of the Imaginal Eye in the Moth Ephestia Kiihnietla Robert A. Jordahl, 2 B.Mus., University of Texas, 1950; M.Mus., 1951; Music (Theory) Thesis: A Study of the Use of the Chorale in the Works of Mendelssohn, Brahms and Reger Gary Michael Kayajanian, 2 A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1962; M.S., University of Rochester, 1964; Biolou Thesis: The Relationship Between Heritable Physical and Genetic Properties of Selected Gall'ransducing Lambda DG Stephen Vincent Kaye, A.B., Rutgers University, 1957; M.S., North Carolina State College, 1959; Radiation Biolol!J Thesis: Distribution and Retention of Orally Administered Radiotuogsten in the Rat David Arthur Klein, A.B., College of Wooster, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: Part A-Derivatives of Metamorphinan, New Isomers of Levorphanol and Cyclorphan Part B-Approaches to the Synthesis of Quebrachamine Part C-An Attempted Synthesis of Prismane Walter Kob,2 B.S., New York University, 1937; A.M., University of Rochester, 1943; Music (Theory) Thesis: The Smaller Homophonic Forms of Instrumental Music, 1740-1815, in Relation to Theories of Musical Form Loretta Criden Kopelman, A.B., Syracuse University, 1960; A.M., 1962; Philosophy Thesis: Intennonality and Physicalism DocroR OP PnrLosoPHY-Continued

Roger Edward Lamb, 2 A.B., Hastings College, 1961; Philosophy Thesis: Two Epistemological Dogmatists: Reid and Moore Estella Loomis Lauter, A.B., University of Rochester, 1961; English Thesis: "The World Must Be Measured By Eye'' The Presentational Poetry of Wallace Stevens Robert E. Lee, B.S., University of Rochester, 1954; M.S., 1962; Electrical Engineering Thesis: Effect of Adaptation Level and Stimulus Amplitude on Latency to Contrac­ tion of the Pupil Reflex Chen-tung Liu, B.Ed., Taiwan Normal University, 1958; B.S., University of Oregon, 1961; Mathematics Thesis: A Study in Absolutely Closed Spaces Frank Edell Lorince, Jr., B.M., Oklahoma City University, 1949; M.Mus., University of Rochester, 1950; Music (Theory) Thesis: A Study of Musical Texture in Relation to Sonata-Form

Ronald Allyn Lovett,2 A.B., Rice University, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: Statistical Mechanical Theories of Fluid Interfaces

Wallace A. Lucier, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1961; Geolog Thesis: The Petrology of the Middle and Upper Devonian Kiskatom and Kaater­ skill Sandstones : A Vertical Profile

Helen Rose Selkis Mahan, A.B., St. Lawrence University, 1958; A.M., University of Rochester, 1963; English Thesis: Hawthorne's The Marble Faun: A Critical Introduction and Annotations Mark Mandelker, B.S., Marquette University, 1955; A.M., Harvard University, 1962; Mathematics Thesis: Prime z-Ideal Structure of C(R)

James Franklin Marshall, B.S., University of Florida, 1959; M.S., 1961; Physics Thesis: The Measurement of the Proton-Proton Cross Section and Polarization in the Coulomb Interference Region at 213 MeV

Stanley Meizel,2 B.S., Queens College, 1959; Biochemistry Thesis: In Vitro Incorporation of Exogenous DNA by Cells of the Ehrlich-Lettre Ascites Carcinoma Jack McKinney Mochel, A.B., Cornell University, 1961; Physics Thesis: Quantized Vortices in Thin Superconductors W. Angus Muir, B.S., George Washington University, 1960; M.S., 1962; Anatomy Thesis: A Genetic and Biochemical Investigation of the Thalassemias

Jeffrie Guy Murphy,2 A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1962; Philosophy Thesis: Kant's Philosophy of Moral Right: A Critical Examination of its Teleo­ logical Foundations Lee E. Ostrander, A.B., Hamilton College, 1961; M.S., University of Rochester, 1963; Electrical Engineering Thesis: The Use of Inner Products Concepts in Obtaining Process Representations

John Reindel Owen,2 A.B., Oberlin College, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: Kinetic and Product Studies in the Solvolysis of some Para-substituted 2,2-Dimethyl-3-Phenylpropyl Toluenesulfonates Vincent Thomas Penikas, O.D., Pennsylvania State College of Optometry, 1950; M.S., University of Rochester, 1959; Radiatitm Biolog Thesis: Fe-59 and Cr-51 Studies of the Effect of Partial-Body X-Irradiation on Etythropoiesis in Beagles DocroR 011 PmLOSOPHY-Continmd Gerald Howard Perkus, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1959; A.M., University of Rochester, 1964; English Thesis: The Genesis and Art of George Meredith's Modern Love

Agda Viola Peterson, 2 B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1934; A.B., Mather College, 1936; M.A., Western Reserve University, 1942; Mmic (~sic Education) Thesis: A Study of Developmental Listening Factors in Children's Ability to Understand Melody

Barbara Lee Smith Pierce, 2 A.B., University of Rochester, 1959; M.S., 1962; Biolog Thesis: The Effect of a Bacterial Mutator Gene Upon Virulent Bacteriophage Mutation Rates

Howard Riley Pratt, B.S., University of Rochester, 1960; M.S., 1962; Geolog Thesis: Progressive Metamorphism of Calc-Silicate Rocks, Connecticut

Theresa Pace Pretlow, B.S., LeMoyne College, 1961; RPdiation Biolog Thesis: Genetic and Environmental Factors Influencing Porphyrins in Yeast

George A. Rawlyk, 2 A.B., McMaster University, 1957; A.M., University of Rochester, 1963; History Thesis: New England and Louisbourg, 1744-1745

George Washington Ray III, A.B., Wesleyan University, 1954; English Thesis: Chapman's ConspirliC.J of Charles, Duke of Byron: edited, with a Commentaty and Notes, from the Text of the 1608 Quarto

James Theodore Reed, 2 B.S., University of Rochester, 1961; Physics Thesis: Measurements of Positive Kaon Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at 2.85 and 2.40 Bev

Edward James Rinalducci, A.B., Lehigh University, 1960; A.M., University of New Hampshire, 1963; Psycholog Thesis: Photopic Mechanisms of Early Dark Adaptation

Alexander J. Rosen, 2 B.S., Brooklyn College, 1962; Psycholog Thesis: Runway Performance of Rats Following Shifts in the Concentration and/ or Duration of Sucrose Reinforcers after Different Numbers of Trials

Kenneth Warren Rothe, A.B., Middlebuty College, 1961; A.M., University of Roch­ ester, 1965, Physics Thesis: The Measurement of the Proton-Proton Bremsstrahlung Cross Section at204MeV

Robert Anthony Rubega, B.S., University of Rhode Island, 1951; M.S., University of Rochester, 1962; Electrical Engineering Thesis: The Determination of Sound Velocity Gradients in the Ocean by Acoustic Means

Charles L. Sanders, Jr., B.S., College of William and Mary, 1960; M.S., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1963; Radiation Biolog Thesis: Stimulation of Cell Division in Rat Lymphoid Tissues by Purines and Pyrimidines

Joseph Michael Schechter,2 B.E.E., Cooper Union, 1959; Physics Thesis: Studies on Vector Meson Resonances, and the Possibility of Three Funda­ mental Fields

Richard Michael Schulman, 2 B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1960; Psycholog Thesis: A Transfer of Training Analysis of Verbal Paired-Associate Learning of List II Following Early Stages of List I Learning DoCToR OP PHILOSOPHY-Continued Brooke Schumm, Jr., B.Ch.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,l953; M.S., University of Rochester, 1962; Chemical Engineering Thesis: A Mathematical Model for Wake-Type Fluid Flow from Turbine-Type Impellers

John Jay Schwartz,2 A.B., Cornell University,l955; LL.B., Harvard University,l958; Physics Thesis: Measurement of 2p3/2-lf7/2 Interaction Parameters

Eugene William Schweitzer,2 B.Mus., University of Wisconsin, 1952; M.M., West­ minster Choir College, 1957; Music (Theory) Thesis: Generation in String Quartets of Carter, Sessions, Kirchner, and Schuller

Burnell Hall Selleck, A.B., Colgate University, 1955; Physiolog Thesis: Organ Uptake of a-Ketoglutarate by the Dog in Vivo: An Example of Selective l'ermeability of Cell Membranes to a Metabolite Lee Don Simon, A.B., Wesleyan University, 1961; M.S., University of Rochester, 1964; Biolog Thesis: The Infection of Escherichia Coli by T2 and T4 Bacteriophages as Seen in the Electron I\.-Iicroscope

George Skadron, 2 B.S., Purdue University, 1957; A.M., University of Rochester, 1960; Physics Thesis: The Origin and Properties of the Cosmic Ray Rigidity Spectrum FrancisJ. Sobkowski, A.B., Hamilton College, 1954; M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1959; D.D.S., 1959; Radiation Biotog Thesis: Studies of Chromosome Damage and Mitotic Response In Vivo in X-Irradi· ated Mammalian Epithelium

Loretta Higgins Strong, B.S., Villa College, 1959; Radiation Biolog Thesis: The Life Span Shortening Effect of Irradiation: An Investigation of the Interrelation of Premature Death after Irradiation, Death under Long­ Protracted Irradiation and the Reduced Acute Lethal Dose in Old Age Nancie Schermerhorn Struever, A.B., University of Rochester, 1954; A.M., 1957; History Thesis: Rhetoric and Historical Consciousness in Italian Humanism; Rhetorical and Historical Modes in Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo Bruni, and Poggio Bracciolini

Robert Melvin Sutherland, B.S., Acadia University, 1961; Radiation Biolog Thesis: The Nature and Mechanism of the Effects of Radiation and a Thiol Reagent on the Human Erythrocyte Membrane

Frederick Christopher Tahk,2 B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: Gambit in a Gelsemine Synthesis Robert A. Thompson, B.S., Bucknell University, 1960; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1962; ~chanica/ and Aerospace Sciences Thesis: On Laser Induced Damage in Transparent Solids

Edward L. Towle, 2 A.B., Tufts College, 1952; A.M., University of Rochester, 1964; History Thesis: Science, Commerce and the Navy on the Seafaring Frontier (1842-1861)

Yoshiaki Ueda, 2 B.S., Tohoku University, 1955; M.S., 1957; Physics Thesis: Studies on Invariance Principles in Elementary Particle Physics and Proton• Proton Bremsstrahlung

Yasuo Uekawa, A.B., Kobe University, 1955; A.M., 1959; Economics Thesis: A Study of Some Topics in Mathematical Economics DoCTOR OP PIDLOsoPrcr-Continued Mary Jeanne van Appledorn, B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1948; M.Mus., 1950; Music (Theory) Thesis: A Stylistic Study of Claude Debussy's Opera Pelllas et Mllisande

Garret Vanderkooi,2 A.B., Calvin College, 1960; Biochemistry Thesis: Chemical and Physical Properties of Heme a Hemochromes Fleut Belle Wang, B.S., Columbia University, 1954; A.M., University of Southern California, 1958; Physics Thesis: Giant Electric Dipole Resonance in Nitrogen 15 Daniel Warshaw, A.B., Rutgers University, 1957; History Thesis: Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, Bourgeois Ideologist: A Study of the Social, Intel­ lectual and Economic Sources of Late Nineteenth Century Imperialism

Howard Joseph Wilcox, 2 A.B., Hamilton College, 1961; Mathemati&s Thesis: Pseudocompact Groups Richard Carlyle Winchester, A.B., Ursinus College, 1957; History Thesis: James G. Blaine and the Ideology of American Expansionism

Samuel Shaw Ming Wong,2 A.B., International Christian University, 1959; M.S., Purdue University, 1962; Physics Thesis: A Shell-Model Investigation of the Mass-16 Nuclei Kent Thomas Woodward, B.S., Clemson Agricultural College, 1947; M.D., Medical College of South Carolina, 1947: &diation Biolog Thesis: The Effect of Dose Rate on the Acute Radiation Syndrome in the Beagle, with Special Consideration for the Hematopoietic System John L. Zabriskie, Jr., A.B., Darrmouth College, 1961; Chemistry Thesis: Reaction of 5-Hydroxytetrahydro-exo-dicyclopentadiene with Phosphoric Acid Recipients of Certificates



Presented Sine~ Lut Comtll4tiCif1Jfft Carol Marie Aubin Carol Hayes Furgison Michael Berman Paul Carl Hartman Barbara Ann Bigham Linda May Hunt Eleanor Goodall Bogner Sara Louise Magolis Michelle Ann Bowden Candace Braden Wright TanaCohn