1".-»: I .T MX Missile to Fly Or Die in House

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1 Ocean student council wins fifth state award, B1 GREATER RELTBANK EATONTOWN One-upsmanship Re-nuked LONG BRANCH Malone, Toney spark Sixers Salem nuclear plant starts to 1-0 lead over Lakers. after seven-month shutdown. Today's Forecast: Page B1 Cloudy, sunny, warmer tomorrow Page B3 Complete weather on A2 1".-»: I. T VOL.105 NO. 281 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, MAY 23. 1983 25 CENTS MX missile to fly or die in House By W. DALE NELSON today, on a resolution that would 1984 defense authorization bill that given new life last month by a presi- new strategic arms control in- Congressional critics questioned free $625 million for engineering and includes more than $4.5 billion in dential advisory commission itiatives with the Soviet Union Heagan's desire for arms control, WASHINGTON (AP) - The MX flight-testing of the MX. The money procurement and development mon- In a carefully drawn com- President Reagan has said prod- but he apparently picked up some missile, whose decade of develop- was appropriated last December ey for the MX More than $5 billion promise, the bipartisan panel called uction and deployment of the MX — votes from wavering congressmen ment has been dogged by con- but temporarily frozen because of already has been spent on the pro- for deploying 100 of the 10-warhead a weapon he has dubbed "Peace- by giving them written and personal troversy over whether it is needed uncertainly as to how the intercon- gram weapons in existing Minuteman keeper" — is vital to modernize the assurances of his commitment and how to base it, faces likely do- tinental missile would be based. The MX, whose future was in silos while beginning research on a U.S. land-based missile force and As a result of that and the in- or-die decisions in Congress this Immediately after the vote on doubt a few months ago after Con- more politically popular small, induce the Soviets to agree to signif- clusion of the small missile in the week. the resolution tomorrow, the House gress rejected a "dense pack," mobile missile for the 1990s. icant arms reductions at the nego- defense program. MX advocates are The House was beginning debate plans to take up the section of the closely spaced basing method, was The commission also called for tiating table in Geneva. See MX, page A5 New mouse Scholar hits arms race fills Hugo's at Monmouth College space suit By RAY GERMANN By JANE STRYKER WEST LONG BRANCH - Scholar Richard Falk urged graduating Monmouth College seniors yesterday RED BANK - Hugo Ihe Mouse to endorse the letter recently drafted by Catholic is gone, but the launch goes on bishops calling for a worldwide nuclear arms freeze Despite the digestion of what Nearly 4.700 people heard Falk's plea for peace at might well have been the world's the exercises, which also featured a speech by former first mousetronaut, Red Bank US Sen. Nicholas Brady. R-N.J. Middle School student Josh Falk. a scholar who has authored 33 books and 165 Marshall fully intends to carry on published articles and essays, said "in this nuclear with his flight of fancy — today's age, we should deny leaders the ability to use nuclear after-school rocketing of a rodent weapons at their discretion we have to strive for a into space. world of peace and order. Since Its Inception, the eighth Falk. who received an honorary doctor of humane grade science experiment has had letters degree from the college, also advised graduates more than its share of near-abor- to "take dreams as seriously as ambitions." not to tions Some of Josh's fellow stu- take a "safe and sensible" course in life. dents — mostly of the female per- Brady, now managing director of Dillon. Read & suasion — strongly protested the Co., a New York investment and banking firm, said he launch, and circulated a petition had noticed the return of "a certain form of dis- asking for signatures to "stop a cipline" in American life, and congratulated graduates mouse frofci being splattered." for their determination in earning their degrees. But Hugo met an even worse fate Brady cited movies, such as the 1982 Academy Friday, whin he entered the jaws of Award-winning "Chariots of Fire, " as evidence that death in the guise of a neighborhood the American way of thinking has "changed for the feline who cat-napped him in the better ' since the 1960s when "everybody did his own middle of the night. thing." Stop the countdown? Never, said Brady received an honorary doctor of laws degree the undaunted Josh, who over the Despite dreary weather, the 49th annual graduation weekend went dfitid and found an- ceremony — held by tradition in a tent on the Great other mouse to fill Hugo's space Lawn of the campus — "went off without a hitch." suit. \ according to Monmouth College Board of Trustees RICHARD FALK Now the only possible threats to Chairman William Warters. the advancement of science are the "It drizzled before, after and during the ceremo- leges has been down in recent years, he said he believed whims of the weather — and the ny." he said. "But there was nothing steady until it yesterday's graduating class was "probably as big as long arm of the law. was over." last year's class " According to Stephen Popper, Warters noted that the tent overflowed with gradu- The greeting address was given by Warters, and Josh's neighbor and president of the Rwlittr pholoi bv Larry Ptma ates' family and friends. "There were a lot of people college President Samuel Magill conferred honorary borough Board of Education, Police LOUD AND CLEAR — That's the kind of message graduate standing on the sides, so we really had a large turnout." degrees Monmouth College Trustee Richard Turrell Chief George Clayton has serious Cathi Meverson of West Orange sent her parents vesterdav he said. read.Brady's citation, and Falk's degree was given by See Hugo's, pag« AS afternoon as she awaited rter diploma at Monmouth College's 49th Commencement. Although Warters said enrollment in all area col- See Scholar, page AS 80,000 protest Soviet Jewry emigration drop By MARGARET GORDY Koch told the estimated 80,000 dem- agan praising the marchers, whose common goal — liberty and re (with Washington) has definitely see Israel's population increase." \ onstrators. "But nowhere does the ranks stretched for six blocks from ligious freedom for Soviet Jews.' been a factor, ' said Zeesy Schnur ol The conference, which organized NEW YORK (AP) - Shouting \ hand of oppression grip tighter than the United Nations to Fifth Avenue. But some of the rally's or- the Greater New York Conference the rally, estimates that more Jews "let my people go," some 80,000 \ at the throats of Soviet Jews." "You have shown beyond any ganizers criticized Reagan's harsh on Soviet Jewry. left the Soviet Union each day in people rallied yesterday to protest a \ Matilda Cuomo, wife of Gov. shadow of a doubt that Soviet Jews anti-Soviet policies as a major fac- "It's also true that anti-Semi- 1979 than in any month in 1983. Four 95 percent drop in Jewish emigra- i Mario Cuomo, told the rally the gov- enjoy widespread grassroots sup tor in the sharp decline in the tism is increasing in the Soviet Un- years ago. 51,320 Soviet Jews were tion from the Soviet Union since ernor had issued a declaration pro- port in this country." Reagan said number of Jews leaving the Soviet ion as their internal economic prob- granted exit visas, it said, com- 1979. Claiming May 22 as Solidarity Sun- in his letter. "I promise you that Union since he took office. lems increase." she said "And in pared with 2,688 Jews in 1982, and "Today, the Soviet Union still day for Soviet Jews. this administration will continue to "There's been a calculated foreign policy, Russia may be reluc- 114 in the first five months of 1983. maintains a stranglehold on the ' Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, R-N.Y , work with you and use every means change in emigration policy, and I tant to offend Arab allies like Syria lives of its citizens." Mayor Edward read a letter from President Re- at its disposal to bring about our think the deterioration of relations who would be less than delighted to See 80,000. page A2 N.J. casinos five years later: Bell urges merit pay for Has state's gamble paid off ? top teachers By ROBERT WADE handicapped. But its most per- over 1981 — the lowest growth rate WASHINGTON (APl - Educa- sistent critics remain — local civic ever. tion Secretary T H Bell says it will ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Casino leaders who say they still are await- Marvin Ashner, president and lake more money to fix what is gambling, born to this aging seaside ing investments in the Uttered chief operating officer of Resorts wrong with American schools, but resort in a compromise between the neighborhoods surrounding the International Hotel Casino Inc., he opposes spending it until stan- needy and the free-wheeling that opulent casinos, and those wary of says the venture into casino gam- dards, are raised and unions allow was a decade in the making, is five corruption. bling has worked here, especially merit pay for the best teachers years old this week and growing fat. Since the first dice tumbled at "in the areas of employment and Bell said he thinks most teachers Helped into law by a powerful Resorts International Hotel Casino construction " are underpaid and deserve a salary senior citizens lobby and a desper- five years ago Thursday, gamblers But most residents say they increase.
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