Supporters Newsletter for the

Heritage Railway Trust

Autumn 2018

The to March Rail Line Is it to be Commercial or Heritage And when? Depending on how long you have been a member or a follower of the Bramley Line, and the Bramley Line Trust, like many of us, you may have gone through various emotions over the years, as the differing headlines come out in the local and occasionally national press. The railways are frequently in the news now, usually for the wrong reasons, bemoaning poor service, unworkable timetables, strikes over one-man operation and so on. The latest, punctuality hits a 12 year low. But, still growing around 4.5% year on year. This country wide exposure may have served to quieten the more local rhetoric we saw since the last election, when getting the Bramley Line reopened as a commercial venture was very much flavour of the moment. But, with Virgin and National Express bailing out, and a host of other commercial organisations distancing themselves from railway operation, others seem to get themselves into endless troubles over failure to maintain pre-agreed service levels, and show a profit after subsidy. Is there a likelihood of a Train Operating Company taking a leap of faith into the unknown, a line with a questionable history over it’s ability to show a profit. (More on this on page 3). Waldersea Depot, Long Drove, Waldersea, Friday Bridge, Wisbech, PE14 0NP Website: Email: [email protected] Phone or text: 07767 450255

The last couple of work days have been concentrating on restoration of the fuel tanker at Waldersea. It was thought that it was originally used by Esso, but when removing old paint and rust, it became clear that this tank wagon started it’s working life for National Benzole. In the picture on the left, as the work reveals secrets of a previous life, you can just make out the original ‘National’ of it’s first livery. Our photo below shows progress on the restoration, starting the journey heading back to former glory days.


A good turn out of volunteers gives a lift to progress at Waldersea. Fancy coming along? The second Saturday of each month, various activities for various talents.

Waldersea Depot, Long Drove, Waldersea, Friday Bridge, Wisbech, PE14 0NP Website: Email: [email protected] Phone or text: 07767 450255

There are a number of authorities and organisations supporting the reopening of the Wisbech line as a commercial entity. The current Mayor of the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority, James Palmer, is reported to be wholly behind the pressure to reopen. He has, through the authority, committed to financially support the Grip 3 study which determines amongst other factors if the proposed project can be economically delivered. Don’t forget though that history shows time and again, budgets for major projects involving ‘significant’ infrastructure are made to be ‘significantly’ exceeded, recent notable examples being and the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, not to mention HS2, with taxpayers picking up the tab. Railfuture has been campaigning for the Wisbech reopening for several years, and has more recently been supported by a local pressure group called the Wisbech Rail Consultative Group. This group appears to have set it’s sights on a Wisbech station near the centre of the town, at the bottom of Oldfield Lane just short of the old goods yard. We reported this in some detail in our last newsletter, and very little has happened in the political forum or local ideas since then. The Spring newsletter can be found on our website. In this, we examined the options of In or Out, the station being in town, (Oldfield Lane), or out of town, outside the A47 bypass. The cost differences are clearly multi millions having to ‘negotiate’ the A47 main trunk road. Whilst we continue to ‘Watch this Space’ the Bramley Line Trust needs to continue it’s work in developing railway heritage in the local area. Looking through politicians tweets over recent months relating to local transport around area, ‘Wisbech Rail’ gets little mention, whilst dualling the A47 from Peterborough to Walton Highway just north of Wisbech is a hot topic- but it has been for decades!

Two views of Coldham station in it’s heyday!

No colour pics then!

Waldersea Depot, Long Drove, Waldersea, Friday Bridge, Wisbech, PE14 0NP Website: Email: [email protected] Phone or text: 07767 450255

Roadshows are an important activity, they raise funds, and they enable us to communicate with the general public about our work, our aims, and views on the potential likelihood of the line reopening commercially. Our inset picture, left, shows Craig manning a recent roadshow at March station when the Friends of March Station held an open day. Our next roadshow is scheduled for the weekend of December 8th and 9th, at the National Festival of Railway Modelling being held again in the Arena at the East of Showground, Peterborough. This show is now in it’s 12th year, attracting between 4000-5000 visitors every year over the two days. With around 30 working layouts and up to one hundred trade stands, this is well worth a visit for any rail enthusiasts. The show is open from 0930 on both days, with a free shuttle bus running every 30 minutes from Peterborough railway station, so why not come and see us there.

Latest update: The BL Trust Needs You

Time on your hands, need a new interest, enjoy fresh air and exercise, fascinated by railways?

We Can Help- New members and volunteers always welcome.

If you’ve tried to call us recently, please note change of phone number, now 07767 450255.

Waldersea Depot, Long Drove, Waldersea, Friday Bridge, Wisbech, PE14 0NP Website: Email: [email protected] Phone or text: 07767 450255

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Waldersea Depot, Long Drove, Waldersea, Friday Bridge, Wisbech, PE14 0NP Website: Email: [email protected] Phone or text: 07767 450255