LESS BRIGHT VWHEAT A LUCKY JAIL BIRD. COUNTRY SEAT SOiD PRDSPE?TS TILDEN’S ccd GOLD HUNTERS DIE in t»e ' of Vital.tv th.wo GIRDLES THE GLOBE! Ncx rack of 1 a->• Prisoner in San Francisco Bastite Disposed of Vnder an Order 1 Planted l st Court. —“ Heir to Fortune. York June er m r< port a Supreme The , r seat of the late a ’nd n IS WHAT CUR NEWS SUM-I Richard Daverkosen, who is now serv- MANY HAVE PERISHED ON THE Grevstone. the country Rm!1 1 Farmer snows sold •-• " ¥• nk. r-. was ing a term in the county jail at San Fran- EDMONTON TRAIL. Samuel J. Tilden, at | | hint <;f 70. S acams. • . MARY '•< DOES- sale, in accordance 1 has been sevele ¦ cisco for stealing 30 cents from the poor Wednesday at partition . pit Missouri va. Court. Ihe ! n Ohm and box of St. Catholic will with the order of the ice Joseph’s Church, Supreme I 1" in Over Six Score of Lives Had Been Miinuel sotm de line California. find or about in was sold in two parcels. reu, 300,000 guldens, $75,000 property an im-reusm- JEFFRIES of ! rust te nported over i CHAMPION American to his credit in the Na- Reported Lost when the Steamer Huntermeyer being the purchaser money, 'hut th. trouble is the which included fifty-six inu i tional Holland Bank on his which both. The first, resulted from release, Laurada Sailed for Seattle Prep- ¦ tnitty in the plant which stone mansion. 1 a occurs He took the 30 cents be- acres, the magnificent gray , severe winter. shortly. orations to Send I tlm r >ot uamagi

who • The list of prospectors have the Hudson Hirer, t.ian turning to their former home in Germany. witti water rights along ia,;>, ..r nearlv 6,6'10.000 items Nine to the Thousand Spectators Witnessed perished in their rush Harvested list year. Th. maxmiuu The German Consul in San Francisco. brought $121,000. was the Edmon- is a.iwij the Battle Yukon gold fields over and one-hall may now be <¦ rv Between the Heavy- Adolph Rosenthal, received a letter from The second parcel, fifty-five pa-sibility and if bushel-. La ton trail is growing, reports brought suitable for villa and residential pl.i'-ed at 275JX’O.OtJO weights at Coney Island Last J'ri- Chapelle, making pressing inquiry for acres, at down the steamer Laurada. which ar- "'lav wheat urea is reported Richard by $50,500. spring Daverkosen, once a staff officer of sites, brought -Hi-* day Night—Others. rived at Seattle few from 19.233,060 a