WEBSITE: The Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society will conduct an auction on September 13. 2013 at 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, one-half mile east of the intersection of Routes 30 and 462. The sale dates for the remainder of 2013 are as follows: October 11 and December 13 The auction not only specializes in local and denominational history and genealogy of southeastern Pennsylvania, but also includes theological works and other types of material of interest to the nationwide constituency. Please refer to the last page of the catalog for book auction procedures. Individual catalogs are available from the Society for $8.00 ($4.00 for Society members) + $3.00 postage and handling. Persons who wish to be added to the mailing list for the rest of 2004 may do so by sending $16.00 ($8.00 for Society members) with name and address to the Society. Higher rates apply for subscribers outside of the . All subscriptions expire at the end of the calendar year. The catalog is also available for free on our web site at

1. [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Water-Witch, or the Skimmer of the Seas. A tale by the author of The Pilot, Red Rover, &c., &c., &c. Vol. 1 only of 2. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1831. 256pp (quarter bd, untrimmed pp, soiled pp, spine cover torn and partly missing, front and back covers soiled and worn, mc); [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Water- Witch, or the Skimmer of the Seas. A tale by the author of The Pilot, Red Rover, &c., &c., &c. New ed. Vol. 2 only of 2. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1839. 251pp (al, yp, spine cover torn and partly missing, front and back covers loose, covers worn, pc). 2. [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanna. A descriptive tale by the author of “Precaution.” Vol. 1 only of 2. New-York: Collins and Hannay, and Charles Wiley, 1825. 246pp (quarter bd, marbled covers, foxing, yp, covers sl worn, gc); [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanna. A descriptive tale by the author of “The Spy.” New ed. Vol. 2 only of 2. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1838. 327pp (al, marbled covers, caif, ds, syp, spine cover and cover corners worn, gc); [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Prairie. A tale by the author of “Pioneers and the Last of the Mohicans” [sic]. New ed. Vol. 1 only of 2. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1838. 238pp (foxing, back flyleaf torn, syp, spine cover torn, covers detached, mc). 3. [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea. By the author of The Pioneers, &c., &c. 2nd ed. Vol. 2 only of 2. New-York: Charles Wiley, 1824. 293pp (al, foxing, yp, stis, spine cover torn, back cover worn, front cover missing, mc); [Cooper, James Fennimore]. The Red Rover. A tale by the author of The Pilot, &c., &c. Vol. 2 only of 2. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Carey, 1833. 262pp (al, foxing, yp, front cover and front flyleaf worn and detached, back cover missing, pc); [Cooper, James Fennimore]. Sketches of Switzerland. By an American. Vol. 1 only of 2. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1836. 244pp (foxing, syp, covers missing, pc). 4. London, J., Jerry of the Islands, 1917. 337pp (fp, several sl blemished pp, syp, covers blemished, spine cover faded and torn, gc); Mitchell, S., Constance Trescot: A Novel, 1905. 384pp (syp, gc); Mitchell, S., The Red City: A Novel of the Second Administration of President Washington, ill. A. Keller, 1908. 421pp (fp, several blemished pp, syp, back cover and spine cover blemished, gc); Bulwer-Lytton, E., The Last Days of Pompeii, [ca. 1900?]. xiii, 425pp (fp, gilt edges, bib refs, several blemished pp, yp, back cover blemished, gc); Mitchell, S., Hugh Wynne: Free Quaker, Sometime Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel on the Staff of His Excellency General Washington, vol. 2, 1897. 261pp (fp, gilt edges, yp, gc). 5. [Paulding, J.], Letters from the South: By a Northern Man, vol. 2, 1835. 212pp (exlib, foxing, blemished pp/ endpapers/inside covers, syp, covers faded and discolored, tears in spine cover, gc); Liebknecht, K., , 1917. xviii, 178pp (bib refs, syp, back cover blemished, gc); Trumbull, H., History of the Discovery of America of the Landing of Our Forefathers at Plymouth and of Their Most Remarkable Engagements With the Indians in New-England from Their First Landing in 1620 Until the Final Subjugation of the Natives in 1679 to Which Is Annexed the Defeat of Gens. Braddock, Harmer & St. Clair, by the Indians at the Westward, &c.: Also, the Official Account of the Late Defeat of the Indians on the Wabash by Gov. Harrison, 2nd ed. corrected, 1812. 11-173pp (al, blemished/torn/missing pp, ppn inside back cover, front cover loose, covers worn and blemished, mc); [Paulding, J.], Sketch of Old England: By a New-England Man, vol. 2, 1822. 250pp (al, yp, front cover loose, covers blemished, spine cover blemished/torn, gc). 6. Railroad Maps of the United States: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Original 19th-Century Maps in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress, comp. A. Modelski; Lorne Bair Rare Books and Between the Covers Rare Books, 101 Books from the Library of Ben and Bernarda Bryson Shahn: A Joint Catalog; Bartlett, H., The Library of Congress, Catalogue of Early Books on Music (Before 1800) Supplement (Books Acquired by the Library 1913-1942); Gregory, J., Library of Congress, Catalogue of Early Books on Music (Before 1800); A Century of Oil and Gas in Books: A Descriptive Bibliography, comp. E. Swanson; Stevens, H., The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition MDCCCLXXVII; or, a Bibliographical Description of Nearly One Thousand Representative Bibles in Various Languages Chronologically Arranged From the First Bible Printed by Gutenberg in 1450-1456 to the Last Bible Printed at the Oxford University Press the 30th June 1877. . . . (first 2 items pb, first item wrinkled pp, 1 dj, last item exlib and 2 uncut pp, some blemished coves, gc). 7. Early Printed Books and Manuscripts: The Property of the General Theological Seminary, New York City, and Other Owners Which Will Be Sold on Wednesday, October 1, 1980 at 10:00 a.m. Christie’s; 12 book auction catalogs by Sotheby: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Fine Bindings from the Celebrated Collection: The Property of Major J.R. Abbey Which Will Be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. June 21-23, 1965; Catalogue of the Celebrated Library: The Property of Major J.R. Abbey, The Fourth and Final Portion. . . . November 6, 1967; Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books from the Broxbourne Library Illustrating the Spread of Printing: The Property of John Ehrman, Esq. 2 Vols. Vol. 1: Abbeville—Lyons, May 14-15, 1977; Vol. 2: Madrid—Zwolle, May 8-9, 1978; Catalogue of the Second Portion of the Famous Library Principally of Fine Bindings, Rare Engravings, Illustrated Books and French Literature Formed by the Late Mortimer L. Schiff, Esq., and Now Sold by Order of John Mortimer Schiff, Esq., of New York City, Page 2 September 13, 2013 July 5-7, 1938; Catalogue of Books Printed in England and of English Books Printed Abroad Before 1641. . . . 2 vols.: Second Portion: G-Q, Bibliotheca Phillippica New Series: Eleventh Part, June 24-25, 1974; Third Portion: R-Z, and Addenda, Bibliotheca Phillippica, New Series: Thirteenth Part, November 25-26, 1974; Catalogue of Books Printed in England and English Books Printed Abroad 1641-1700. . . . 2 vols.: First Portion: A-L, Bibliotheca Phillippica New Series, November 24-25, 1975: Second Portion: M-Z and Addenda, Fifteenth Part; Bibliotheca Phillippica New Series: Seventeenth Part, June 30, 1976; Catalogue of Nineteenth Century and Modern First Editions and Science Fiction. . . . May 13, 1976; Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Printed Books: The Property of the Late John Carter, Esq., C.B.E. Past President and Gold Medallist of the Bibliographical Society Sometime Sandars Reader in Bibliography in the University of Cambridge. . . . 24, 1976; Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books of the 15th and 16th Century Including a Block-Book: The Property of the Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation, Inc., Sold by Order of the Trustees, June 12, 1978 (last 6 items pb, some ill, some prices and buyers’ names incl., gc). 8. Perotti, V., Important Firsts in Missouri Imprints, 1808-1858, rev. R. Perotti, ed. T. Luther, 1967. 51pp (dj, bib, ind, many uncut pp, vgc); The Evelyn Library: Sold by Order of the Trustees of the Wills of J.H.C. Evelyn, Deceased, and Major Peter Evelyn, Deceased, Christie’s, 2 vols.: Part 2: D-L, November 30 and December 1, 1977; Part 3: M-S, March 15-16, 1978; 155, [8]; 179, [14]pp (fp, ill, prices and buyers’ names included, part 2 ds/wrinkled pp, covers faded, gc); Stefanik, E., Jr., John Berryman: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1974. xxix, 285pp (fp, bib refs, ind, covers and spine cover blemished, gc); Goodspeed’s Book Shop, Tudor Translations & Other Early Editions of the Classics in English, Catalogue 583, [1977?], 27pp (pb, back cover sl blemished, gc). 9. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 1 quarterly iss.: Vol. 72 (January 1948), no. 1. 104pp (pb, bib refs, syp, covers sl discolored with many little tears, gc); Anderson, J., Shepard Kollock: Editor for Freedom: The Story of the New-Jersey Journal in Chatham, 1779-1783, ill. R. Ellis. 1975. 151pp (dj, fp, ill, ind, signed by author, syp, gc); Aurand, M., Jr., Historical Account of the Mollie Maguires: The True Illustrated Story of the Origin, Depredation and Decay of a Terrorist Secret Organization in the Pennsylvania Coal Fields During and Following the Civil War, 32pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib, covers faded, front cover blemished, gc); Liebknecht, K., Militarism, 1917. xviii, 178pp (bib refs, syp, covers sl damaged, gc). 10. Lear, Edward. A Book of Nonsense. London: Frederick Warne and Co., [ca. 1879]. [94]pp (quarter bd, ill, ppn, yp, gc); [Cooper, James Fennimore]. Notions Of The Americans: Picked Up By A Travelling Bachelor. Vol. 2. London: Henry Colburn, 1828. 477pp (quarter bd, b/w ill, 1 ill missing, sps, sl ppn, some blemished pp, yp, front cover detached, covers very worn and blemished, spine cover loose, gc). 11. Gleim, Elmer Q. From These Roots: A History of the North Atlantic District Church of the Brethren. Lancaster, Pa.: Forry and Hacker, 1975. xii, 431, [5]pp (b/w ill, map, ind, vgc). 12. History of the Church of the Brethren: Eastern Pennsylvania, 1915-1965. Edited by Guy R. Saylor. N.p. 1965. xii, 357pp (b/w ill, ind, ds along bottom, wrinkled pp, gc). 13. The Analytical Greek Lexicon Consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of Every Occurring Inflexion of Every Word Contained in the Greek New Testament Scriptures with a Grammatical Analysis of Each Word and Lexicographical Illustration of the Meanings: A Complete Series of Paradigms with Grammatical Remarks and Explanations. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, [18--]. xlvi, 444pp (sis, yp, covers worn/faded/blemished, spine cover torn, gc); [Smith, J.B.], and J. Otis Yoder. A Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation. Rev. ed. [Breezewood, Pa.]: Heralds of Hope, 2003. xxiv, 296pp (bib, vgc). 14. Baker’s Dictionary of Theology. Edited by Everett F. Harrison; Geoffrey W. Bromiley; and Carl F.H. Henry. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1960. 566pp (bib refs, foxing, is, several blemished pp, spine cover worn/ faded/torn/taped, gc); The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Edited by Charles F. Pfeiffer and Everett F. Harrison. Chicago: Moody Press, c1962. 1525pp (bib, foxing inside covers and on endpapers, is, gc); Vine, W.E. A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Original Greek Words with Their Precise Meanings for English Readers. McLean, Va.: MacDonald Pub. Co., [19--]. 1374pp (bib refs, ind, gc). 15. Yoder, Sanford Calvin. For Conscience Sake: A Study of Mennonite Migrations Resulting from the World War. Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, no. 4. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1945. xix, [i], 300pp (maps, bib, ind, signed by Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Yoder, sis, syp, several creased pp, covers blemished, gc). 16. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Open Doors, 1994-1996. 128pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc); Hesston College, 2003 Alumni Directory, 2003. xix, 420pp (b/w ill, sis, gc); Eastern Mennonite College & Seminary, Alumni Directory, 1993, 1993. xiv, 233pp (pb, b/w ill, foxing on edges, sis, covers blemished, gc); Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Catalog of Eastern Mennonite Seminary Graduate School of Theological Studies, 1973-74/1974-75. 38pp (pb, b/w ill, foxing, sis, covers blemished, gc); Goshen College, Goshen College Bulletin, ed. J. Umble, 1 monthly iss.: Vol. 45 (April 1951), no. 6. 265pp (pb, b/w ill, consists of Golden Anniversary alumni directory, covers discolored, gc). 17. Wenger, John Christian. Glimpses of Mennonite History and Doctrine. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1947. 258pp (fp, b/w ill, bibs, ind, signed by author, ppn, syp, yellowed endpapers, covers sl worn, gc); Wenger, John Christian. Introduction to Theology: An Interpretation of the Doctrinal Content of Scripture, Written to Strengthen a Childlike Faith in Christ. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. xii, 418pp (fp, bib refs, ind, caif, ps, is, ppn, syp, gc). 18. 13 Mennonite items: Confession of Faith and Minister’s Manual (13th printing, 1974); Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective; Mennonite Confession of Faith (1963); A Mennonite Confession of Faith (Fellowship of Concerned , 1990); Statement of Christian Doctrine and Rules and Discipline (Lancaster Mennonite Conference, 1968); A Statement of the Christian Doctrine of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite; Biblical Interpretation in the Life of the Church; The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church; The Mennonites: A Brief Guide to Information (1966); Who Are the Amish?; Gingerich, M., The Work of the Local Church Historian (1962); Mennonites: Who We Are, What We Believe, and a Welcome into Christian Peoplehood; Anabaptists: Who They Are and What They Believe (3 copies) (all but first item pb, gc to vgc). September 13, 2013 Page 3 19. 14 Mennonite items: Yoder, J.O., To the Praise of His Glory: Exposition of Ephesians (signed by author); Yoder, J.O., A Study Guide for the Book of Revelation (6th ed.); McGrath, W., Appreciating 15 Values of Our Amish- Mennonite Heritage; McGrath, W., Bible Numerology; Bible Herbs, Plants and Trees; McGrath, W., The Charismatic Movement Versus the Bible; Stauffer, J., Studies in the Revelation of Jesus Christ (4th printing, 1984); A Mennonite Confession of Faith (Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1990); Shank, J.W., Update on the Peace Movement in the Mennonite Church; Zehr, P., Moses’ Tabernacle in the Wilderness; Bontrager, L., Why Should Men Wear Beards?; Why Rebaptize?; Who Are Mennonites; Anabaptists: Who They Are, What They Believe (3 copies) (all pb, gc). 20. The 450th Anniversary of the Anabaptist Movement, 1525-1975 (1975 calendar); Mennonite Life: Maps and Charts; Bainton, R., The of the Sixteenth Century; Steps to Reconciliation: Reformed and Anabaptist Churches in Dialogue, ed. M. Baumann; Mennonite Confession of Faith (1963); Statement of Christian Doctrine and Rules and Discipline (Lancaster Mennonite Conference, 1968); A Mennonite Confession of Faith (Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, 1990); Why Do Men Fight? (all pb, gc). 21. Yoder, Fannie R., and Katie E. Old Order Amish Directory of Mifflin and Juniata Counties, Plus Sinking Valley, Mercersburg and Newport, New York. Salisbury, Pa.: Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Kinsinger, 1992. 173pp (pb, ind, is, ppn, covers sl faded, gc); Yoder, Fannie R., and Katie E. Yoder. Old Order Amish Directory of Mifflin and Juniata Counties, Sinking Valley and Beaver, . Salisbury, Pa.: Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Kinsinger, 1997. 172pp (pb, ind, is, ppn, gc); Petersheim, Stephen H. Old Order Amish Directory of Mifflin and Juniata Counties, Sinking Valley and Beaver, Ohio. Mifflintown, Pa.: Compiler, 2002. 258pp (pb, ill, covers sl faded, gc). 22. Luthy, David. The Amish in America: Settlements That Failed, 1840-1960. Aylmer, Ont. Pathway Publishers, 1986. 555pp (b/w maps, bib refs, ind, sl foxing, gc). 23. Kauffman, S. Duane. Mifflin County Amish and Mennonite Story, 1791-1991. Belleville, Pa.: Mifflin County Mennonite Historical Society, 1991. 472pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, includes sheet of “New Ministerial Listings Since 1991” [2 copies] and several clippings, sps, sl ppn, back cover sl soiled, gc); Stroup, John Martin, and Raymond Martin Bell. The Genesis of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania: Its Aborigines, Explorers, Early Settlement and Development, Indian Wars and the Revolution, and Formation as a County. Lewistown, Pa.: Mifflin County Historical Society, 1973, c1957. 72pp (pb, b/w map, is, gc). 24. Yoder, Joseph W. Amische Lieder. Huntingdon, Pa.: Yoder Pub. Co., 1942. xii, 114pp (b/w ill, syp, bottom of cover chipped, front cover spotted, gc); The Christian Hymnary. Compiled by John J. Overholt. Uniontown, Ohio: Christian Hymnary Publisher, 1977, c1972. xv, 926, [4]pp (edges sl yellowed, sis, tp sl torn, gc). 25. Gingerich, Hugh F., and Rachel W. Kreider. Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers, 1986. xxxviii, 858pp (ind, syp, gc). 26. Yoder, Mrs. Jonathan (Mattie), and Ida Yoder. Family Record of Simeon H. Yoder and His Descendants. Brought up to date by Elmer L. Bontrager family and Mrs. Jonathan (Mattie) Yoder. Belleville, Pa.: Mattie Yoder, 1983. 150 lvs (pb, ind, is, ppn, gc); Kanagy, Jonathan D. The Desendants of Rufus C. and Elizabeth Smucker Yoder. Belleville, Pa.: Compiler, [ca. 1988]. 29pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, is, gc). 27. Peachey, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Z. A Memorial History of Moses Bitsche, Son of Peter Bitsche, and a Complete Family Register of His Lineal Descendants and Those Related to Him by Intermarriage from the Year 1767 to 1974. Baltimore, Md.: Division of Medical Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1977. 313, [3]pp (ind, stis, ps, is, ppn, syp, front cover sl soiled, covers sl worn, gc). 28. Hertzler, Silas. The Hertzler-Hartzler Family History. Goshen, Ind.: Compiler, 1952. 773pp (b/w ill, ind, is, ppn, syp, endpapers yellowed, spine cover torn, covers worn, gc); Hartzler, H. Harold. Only One Life: My Autobiography. Elverson, Pa.: Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1992. 167pp (b/w ill, vgc). 29. Zook, Lois Ann. Only a Twig: A Branch of the Zugs/Zooks from Pennsylvania. Strasburg, Pa.: Compiler, 1979. 211pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, is, ppn, covers sl yellowed, gc). 30. Sharp, John E., and James E. Frey. Peter Sharp Family History, Emphasizing the Descendants of Christian and Mattie (Zook) Sharp. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers, 1980. 113, [45]pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, is, ppn, spine cover sl faded, gc). 31. 3 ring binders of typed and handwritten notes by Lee H. Kanagy on various topics, including Bible, Mennonites, etc. (5⅛” x 6⅞”, gc); Mennonite Directory. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. 1 annual iss: Vol. 1 (1999). 339, [5]pp (pb, ind, sis, covers sl creased, gc); Anabaptist (Mennonite) Directory. Compiled by Roy M. Showalter. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sword and Trumpet, 2003. 115pp (pb, spiral bd, vgc). 32. The Complete Writings of , c.1496-1561. Translated by Leonard Verduijn; edited by John Christ- ian Wenger. 3rd printing. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974, c1956. xi, 1092pp (b/w ill, ind, syp, covers sl soiled, gc). 33. Contagious Compassion: Celebrating 100 Years of American Leprosy Missions. Edited by Edgar Stoesz. Franklin, Tenn.: Providence House Publishers, 2006. xv, [i], 238pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Wenger, A. Grace. The First Thirty Years: Landis Homes, 1964-1994. Parkesburg, Pa.: Published for the 30th anniversary of Landis Homes Retirement Community by Leaman Associates, [1994]. 67pp (pb, b/w ill, folded map inside back cover, vgc); Shenk, Barbara Keener. The God of Sarah, Rebekah & Rachel. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1985. 130pp (dj, oblong, fp, b/w ill, vgc). 34. Horsch, John. Mennonites in Europe. Mennonite History, vol. 1. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1942. xiii, [iv], 425pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, yp, gc). 35. The Weaverland Mennonites, 1766-1968. Part 1: Wenger, Eli D. The Weaverland Mennonites Including a Biography of Bishop Benjamin W. Weaver with Excerpts from His Diary. Part 2: Sauder, George G. Transcript of the Weaverland Mennonite Cemeteries. Privately Printed: 1968. 363pp (b/w ill, ind, signed by J.C. Wenger, syp, yellowed endpapers, covers sl worn, gc). Page 4 September 13, 2013 36. The Wenger Book: A Foundation Book of American Wengers, Including Variant Spellings Such as Winger, Wanger, Whanger, Wegner, Wengert, Wengerd, Wingart, Wingard, Wingert, Wangerd, Wengar, Wencker, and Names Spelled with “V” Rather Than “W.” Edited by Samuel S. Wenger. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Heritage History, 1978. [xv], 1218, [30]pp (b/w ill, bib, sis, sl ppn, syp, gc). 37. Nouwen, H., Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World; Nouwen, H., With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life; Fulghum, R., Maybe (Maybe Not): Second Thoughts from a Secret Life; Cooper, H., The House at Sugar Beach: In Search of a Lost African Childhood; Nouwen, H., With Open Hands; Barclay, W., The Gospel of Luke (rev. ed.) (first 4 items dj, last 2 items pb, vgc). 38. National Genealogical Society Quarterly. Washington, D.C./Arlington, Va.: The Society. 3 quarterly iss: Vol. 69 (1981), no. 4; Vol. 72 (1984), no. 4; Vol. 76 (1988), no. 2. ca. 75-150pp/iss (pb, bib refs, ind, vgc); NGS NewsMagazine. Arlington, Va.: The Society. 14 bimonthly/quarterly iss: Vol. 29 (2003), no. 1-6 complete; Vol. 30 (2004), no. 1-4 complete; Vol. 31 (2005), no. 1-4 complete. 64pp/iss (pb, ill, vgc); National Genealogical Society Bookstore & Online Catalog. Arlington, Va.: The Society. 1 iss: 2004. 19, [1]pp (pb, is, some page corners creased, gc). 39. Family Tree Magazine. Cincinnati, Ohio: F&W Publications/F+W Media. 16 monthly/bimonthly iss: Vol. 1 (2000), no. 1; Vol. 6 (2005), no. 2; Vol. 9 (2008), no. 2, 4-5; Vol. 10 (2009), no. 2-3, 5, 7; Vol. 11 (2010), no. 2, 7-8; Vol. 12 (2011), no. 2, 4-6. ca. 70-80pp/iss (pb, ill, 1 creased pp, gc to vgc); Heritage Quest. Bountiful, Utah: Heritage Creations. 1 iss: Vol. 21 (2005), no. 2. 128pp (pb, ill, vgc); Heritage Quest, index to back issues, iss. 1-78. 45pp (pb, vgc); Heritage Quest Table of Contents, iss. 1-26; Genealogy Bulletin. Bountiful, Utah: AGLL. 21 iss: No. 25 (1995). 54pp (pb, vgc); APG Article Index, 1979-1996, 1996. 26pp (pb, vgc). 40. National Genealogical Society, Conference in the States: Pittsburgh, 28-31 May 2003; PalAM National Convention, 1983 [Palatines to America]; Herrick, L., Final Resting Place: Cemetery Research; Hale, R., Methods of Research for the Amateur Historian; Storey, E., Using a Global Positioning System in Genealogical Research; Gathering the Generations: A Guide to Family Reunions; Towle, L., Genealogical Periodicals: A Neglected Treasure; Costello, M., and J. Fiske, Guidelines for Genealogical Writing; Billingsley, C., and D. Allen, How to Become a Professional Genealogist; Paddock, S., and C. Angelos, Symbols in Stone; U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Using Maps in Genealogy; Board for Certification of Genealogists, Roster of Certified Persons (1993) (all pb, vgc). 41. Stevenson, Noel C. Genealogical Evidence: A Guide to the Standard of Proof Relating to Pedigrees, Ancestry, Heirship and Family History. Laguna Hills, Calif.: Aegean Park Press, 1979. 233pp (pb, bib refs, ind, syp, gc); Lackey, Richard S. Cite Your Sources: A Manual for Documenting Family Histories and Genealogical Records. 1st ed. New Orleans: Polyanthos, 1980. xii, 94pp (pb, ind, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Helmbold, F. Wilbur. Tracing Your Ancestry Logbook. Birmingham: Oxmoor House, 1976. [125] lvs (pb, 3-hole punched, vgc); Johnson, Keith A., and Malcolm R. Sainty. Genealogical Research Directory, National & International. 3rd millennium ed. Genealogical Research Directory: 2001. 1120pp (pb, syp, gc); Jonasson, Eric. The Canadian Genealogical Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Ancestors in Canada. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged. Winnipeg, Man.: Wheatfield Press, 1978.352pp (pb, bibs, covers sl worn and creased, gc). 42. Pennsylvania 1830 Census Index. Edited by Ronald Vern Jackson, Gary Ronald Teeples, and David Schaefermeyer. Bountiful, Utah: Accelerated Indexing Systems, 1976. [xlix], 531pp (b/w maps, syp, gc); Hermansen, Knud E. Pennsylvania Warrants, Original Surveys, & Patents. N.p., 1982. 89 lvs (pb, b/w maps, bib refs, syp, gc); The First Tax List for the Province of Pennsylvania and the Three Lower Counties, 1693. Rev. 3rd printing. Bedminster, Pa.: Adams Apple Press, 1994. [iii], iv, 66pp (pb, ind, vgc). 43. Guide to Central Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Records. Compiled by Frederick S. Weiser. New Oxford, Pa./Gettysburg, Pa.: Compiler. 5 iss: No. 1: Lancaster County, Pa., 1730-1982 (rev. ed., 1982); No. 2: Lebanon County, Pa., 1730-1970 (1969); No. 3: Dauphin County, Pa., 1757-1986 (1986); No. 6: Adams County, Pa., 1745-1972 (1972); No. 8: Franklin Co. and Fulton Co., Pa., 1790-1970 (1971). ca. 10-15 lvs/iss (pb, some syp, gc to vgc); Index, Register of Marriages and Baptisms Kept by the Rev. Traugott Frederick Illing, St. Peter’s Lutheran, Middletown, & Caernarvon Episcopal, Lancaster County [Pennsylvania]. 44-91 lvs (pb, index only, vgc); Directory of Archival and Manuscript Repositories in Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1992. 15pp (pb, vgc); 2 genealogical/historical research files in manila folders, labeled Church, Berks County; Chambersburg, Pa. (gc). 44. Guide to the Manuscript Groups in the Pennsylvania State Archives. Compiled and edited by Harry E. Whipkey. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1976. 131pp (dj, ind, sl foxing on top edge, gc); Descriptive List of the Map Collection in the Pennsylvania State Archives: Catalogue of Maps in the Principal Map Collection (MG 11). Compiled by Martha L. Simonetti; edited by Donald H. Kent and Harry E. Whipkey. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1976. 178pp (dj, foxing on top edge, gc); Guide to the Record Groups in the Pennsylvania State Archives. Compiled and edited by Frank M. Suran. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1980. vi, 84pp (pb, ind, syp, sl rolled, gc); Carousso, Dorothee Hughes. How to Search for Your Revolutionary Patriot in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa.: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, [1975]. 12pp (pb, vgc). 45. Hinckley, Kathleen W. Your Guide to the Federal Census for Genealogists, Researchers, and Family Historians. Cincinnati, Ohio: Betterway Books, 2002. [xii], 275pp (pb, b/w maps, facsimiles, bib, ind, vgc); Federal Population Census. Washington: National Archives and Records Service. 5 catalogs for the following decennial U.S. censuses: 1790-1890; 1900; 1910, 1920; 1930. ca. 50-100pp/item (pb, some sl yellowed covers, gc to vgc); Genealogical and Biographical Research: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications. Washington, D.C.: National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1983. xii, 77pp (pb, sl yellowed covers, gc). 46. Szucs, Loretto Dennis. They Became Americans: Finding Naturalization Records and Ethnic Origins. Salt Lake City, Utah: Ancestry, 1998. 294pp (pb, b/w ill, bibs, ind, vgc); An Immigrant Nation: United States Regulation of Immigration, 1798-1991, 1991. v, 41pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc); Briggs, E., Handbook for Reading & Interpreting Old Documents, with Examples from the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, 1992. 152pp (pb, spiral bd, b/w ill, bib, vgc); Carmicheal, D., Organizing Archival Records: A Practical Method of Arrangement and Description for Small Archives, 2nd ed., 2004. xi, 85pp (pb, bib, ind, CD-ROM in pocket inside back cover, vgc); National Archives and Records September 13, 2013 Page 5 Administration, Annual Report, 1997-1998. 44pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 47. 3 CD-ROMs: Pennsylvania Archives Retrospective Series: Pennsylvania Archives, Chester County Tax Lists, Third Series, Volumes XI and XII; Pennsylvania Archives, Bucks County Tax Lists, Third Series, Vol. XIII; Berks County, Annals by Montgomery, 1909; 2 CD-ROMs: First Landowners of Pennsylvania: Colonial and State Warrant Registers in the PA Archives, Harrisburg: Warrant Register Indexes; Patent Register Indexes. 48. Family Tree Maker. Version 5. Windows 95, Windows 98. CD-ROMs include World Family Tree, vols. 1-5, and Social Security Death Index, 1937-1997; 3 DVDs: Pedigree Resource File, set 40 and 41 (2008); A Celebration of Family History (2010). 49. 25 genealogical and historical research files in manila folders, labeled Maps; Cousinship; Copyright Law; Cemeteries; Pennsylvania Military Records; Pennsylvania Land Grants: Warrants, Surveys, Patents, Manors; Pennsylvania Tax: Statutes at Large; Adoption; Divorce; Genealogical Cartoons; etc. (gc to vgc). 50. Munden, Kenneth W., and Henry Putney Beers. The Union: A Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1986. xi, 721pp (bib refs, ind, vgc); Lewis, Marcus W. The Development of Early Emigrant Trails in the United States East of the Mississippi River. Special Publications of the National Genealogical Society, no. 3. [Washington, D.C.]: National Genealogical Society, 1972. iii, 11, [1]pp (pb, vgc); Gibson, Jeremy. The Hearth Tax, Other Later Stuart Tax Lists, and the Association Oath Rolls. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1990. 60, [1]pp (pb, vgc); 2 CD-ROMs: Historical Data Systems. American Civil War Research Database; Family Search. Freedman’s Bank Records. 51. Gadd, B., Bankhead, the Twenty Year Town; Colonial and Revolutionary Records (Collections of the Massachusetts Archives); Researching Your Family’s History at the Massachusetts Archives; Schweitzer, G., War of 1812 Genealogy; De Guise, J., Recherche in Généalogie/Research in Genealogy; Fauquier County [Virginia] [List of deed books on reels]; 4 genealogical and historical research files in manila folders, labeled Ohio: Township-County Map; Indiana; Illinois; Ohio Land (gc). 52. Sinclair, D., A Guide to Original and Copied Records of Religious Organizations, Largely New Jersey Churches, in the Special Collections and University Archives of Rutgers University, 1999. 132pp (ind, vgc); Skemer, D., and R. Morris, Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society, 1979. 245pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc); Barker, B.; Jones, D.; and K. Niederer, Guide to Family History Sources in the New Jersey State Archives, 1987. [iv], 32pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc); Price List (New Jersey Geological Survey); New Jerseyana (Joseph J. Felcone, Inc., catalogue no. 61). 77, 32-33, [1]pp (pb, vgc). 53. Geissinger, Andrew J. The Hymnody of the Evangelical Mennonites of Pennsylvania and the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, Pennsylvania Conference, 1858-1917. N.p., 2008. 63 lvs (unbound, b/w ill, bib, vgc). 54. Scott, Stephen. The Plain Churches of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and Related Groups: Mennonite--Amish-- Brethren--River Brethren. Lancaster, Pa.: Compiler, 1975. 1 broadside map (29” x 45” [folds to 7¼” x 11¼”], sl yellowed, creased, gc); Scott, Stephen. Plain Buggies: Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren Horse-Drawn Transportation. People’s Place Booklet, no. 3. Lancaster, Pa.: Good Books, 1981. 96pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Krahn, Cornelius. The Mennonites: A Brief Guide to Information. Rev. and enlarged ed. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1976. 32pp (pb, 8½” x 3¾”, vgc). 55. Early Amish Land Grants in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Bruderschaft Library, 1990. [iv], 43pp (pb, 11” x 14”, b/w ill, maps, maps on endpapers; vgc). 56. Mennonite Family History Ten-Year Index, 1982-1991, 1992. [166]pp (pb, front cover sl stained, gc); Mennonite Family History Five-Year Index, 2007. [ii], 96pp (pb, vgc); A Brethren Pilgrimage: A Tourist’s Guide and Manual to the Historic Sites of the Early Brethren in Southeastern Pennsylvania with Informative Accounts of Their Tradition of Faith and Practice, ed. I.C. Kulp, [ca. 1980]. 30, [2]pp (pb, ill, bib, vgc); 1 historical research file in manila folder labeled Swiss-Mennonite, vgc). 57. Milligan, E., and M. Thomas, My Ancestors Were Quakers: How Can I Find Out More About Them?, 1983. [iii], ii, 36, [1]pp (pb, vgc); Guide to the Manuscript Collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College, 1982. [75]pp (pb, ind, vgc); Bricker, F., Church and Pastoral Records in the Archives of the United Church of Christ and the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society, Lancaster, Pa., 1982. [v], 49pp (pb, sps, gc); Yearbook (Penn Northeast Conference, United Church of Christ), 1 iss 1987-88. 95, 70, [3]pp (pb, covers sl yellowed, front cover loose, mc); Church Records of the Upper Milford Reformed Congregation, Now the Zion’s Reformed Church at Zionsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania (1757-1809), 1995, c1990. [ii], 36pp (pb, front cover sl discolored, gc); 1 historical research file in manila folder labeled Reformed-U.C.C. (gc). 58. Reaman, G. Elmore. The Trail of the Huguenots in Europe, the United States, South Africa and Canada. Toronto: T. Allen, 1963; reprint ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1986. 318pp (dj, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, vgc). 59. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Philadelphia, Pa.: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 9 quarterly iss: Vol. 131 (2007), no. 3; Vol. 132 (2008), no. 4; Vol. 133 (2009), no. 1-4; Vol. 134 (2010), no. 1, 3-4. ca. 75- 150pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, 1 front cover creased, gc to vgc). 60. Trussell, John B.B., Jr. The Pennsylvania Line: Regimental Organization and Operations, 1776-1783. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1977. 368pp (dj, fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, syp, gc); Lemon, James T. The Best Poor Man’s Country: A Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania. New York; W.W. Norton & Co., 1972. xviii, [i], 295pp (pb, b/w maps, bib, ind, ppn, gc). 61. Everyname Index to History of Schuylkill County, Pa., with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers, n.d. [New York: W.W. Munsell & Co., 1881]. [ca. 300] lvs (in looseleaf binder, vgc). 62. Duff, Patricia. Index to Warrantee-Patentee Records of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. 1st ed. Apollo, Pa.: Closson Press, 1999. 53pp (pb, fold-out map inside front cover, vgc); McQuillis, Shirley G., and William L. Iscrupe. Surname Index to 71 Fayette County Cemeteries, Pennsylvania. Laughlintown, Pa.: Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services, 1980. [vi], 11 lvs (pb, syp, gc); Lontz, Mary Belle. Index: Annals of Buffalo Valle[y], Pennsylvania, 1755-1855 , Page 6 September 13, 2013 1965 [Harrisburg, Pa.: Lane S. Hart, 1877]. [61] lvs (pb, comb bd, photocopied, syp, yellowed covers, gc). 63. Lancaster County Heritage. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster County Heritage. 12 quarterly iss.: Vols. 1-3 (1984- 1986/87), complete. ca. 50pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, maps, ind, vgc); Martin, Marsha. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: Land Records, 1729-1750, and Land Warrants, 1710-1742. Westminster, Md.: Willow Bend Books, 2000. [xii], 142, 46pp (pb, b/w maps, ind, nc); Lancaster County, Pa.: Country, Street & Road Map. Doylestown, Pa.: Alfred B. Patton, 1990 (col, vgc). 64. 2 genealogical and historical research files in manila folders, labeled Heaney-Honig: PAF Charts – Berks/Bucks & SE PA & NJ-OH, and H.S. Montgomery Co. (is, ppn, gc). 65. 11 items relating to Bucks County, Pa.: Genealogical and historical research file in manila folder, labeled St. John the Baptist RC. Cemetery, Nockanuxon [sic] Twp., Bucks Co., Pa.; Hulmeville Borough Centennial, 1872-1972: Surname Index; Lower Tinicum Reformed & Christ Lutheran Church; Pennsylvania Pottery: Tools and Processes; Mercer Mosaic: The Journal of the Bucks County Historical Society, Vol. 2 (1985), no. 3; Bucks County Life: Past and Present, Vol. 6 (1964), no. 6; Bucks County Visitors Guide & Map, 1994; Almanac, spec. ed., May/June 1994; The Mercer Museum: Tools of the Nation Maker; Bucks County: Area Guide Book; Map of Bucks County Pennsylvania, 1978 (pb, some is and ppn, tape on map, gc). 66. Bucks County Intelligencer: Marriage Notices. 3 vols complete: Vol. 1: 1804-1834, Edited by Frances Wise Waite; Vol. 2: 1835-1860, A to Law, Compiled by Arthur Smith; Vol. 3: 1835-1860, Lay to Z, Compiled by Arthur Smith. Doylestown, Pa.: Bucks County Genealogical Society, 1986. ca. 240-280pp/vol (pb, alphabetically arranged, discoloration on top and bottom edges, gc); Index to Bucks County References in the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728-1789. Compiled by Terry A. McNealy. Doylestown, Pa.: Bucks County Genealogical Society, 1990. 292pp (pb, nc). 67. Shad-Time in Point Pleasant Pennsylvania: A Collection of Sentimental & Historical Writings. Compiled by Barbara Lowry Morris. Calligraphy by Rosemary S. Buczek. Illustrations by Barbara Lowry Morris. [Point Pleasant, Pa.?: The Compiler?], 1989. 31pp (pb, b/w ill, map, ind, vgc). 68. Roberts, Charles Rhoads; John Baer Stoudt; Thomas H. Krick; and William J. Dietrich. History of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Its Families. 3 vols complete. Allentown, Pa.: Lehigh Valley Pub. Co., 1914. xi, 1101; 774, xi; 1466, xi (ub, b/w ill, maps, ind, vol. 1 caif, syp, spine covers torn, gc). 69. Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical Society, Vols. 39-41. Allentown, Pa.: Lehigh County Historical Society, 1990-1994. 397, 404, 369pp (ub, fp, ill, b/w maps, vgc); Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical Society, Vol. 44. Allentown, Pa.: Lehigh County Historical Society, 2004. xii, 177pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, gc) 70. 3 Polk’s City Directories. Boston, Mass.: R.L. Polk & Co., 1960; York (York County, Pa.), Including North and West York, and Sections of Spring Garden and Springettsbury Townships; Lancaster (Lancaster County, Pa.); Allentown (Lehigh County, Pa.); Greater Harrisburg (Dauphin County, Pa.), Including Paxtang, Penbrook, Steelton and Adjacent Areas of Susquehanna and Lower Paxton Township; Greater Reading (Berks County, Pa.). x, 1030, 353, 81, 77; xii, 160, 711, 284, 77; 154, 701, 297, 72; xvii, 64, 138, 911, 288, 27, 81, 14; x, 60, 921, 377pp (several cover corners bent, 1 front cover sl damaged, 1 back cover sl blemished, gc). 71. Boyd’s Chester County Directory, 1884-85, Containing a Complete, General and Business Directory of West Chester, Phoenixville, Coatesville and Oxford. . . . W. Andrew Boyd: 1884. 14, 334pp (exlib, 1 p blemished, yp, covers worn, back cover blemished, spine cover torn, gc). 72. 2 Polk’s City Directories. Boston, Mass.: R.L. Polk & Co., 1951: Scranton (Lackawanna County, Pa.), Including Dunmore; Easton (Northampton County, Pa.), Including West Easton and Wilson Boroughs and Palmer Township and Phillipsburg (Warren County, N.J.), Including Alpha, N.J. 116, 995; 88, 1132pp (1 front cover blemished, 1 spine cover torn, yp, gc). 73. Genealogical and historical research file in manila folder, labeled Germantown Historical Society; Roach, H., The Back Part of Germantown: A Reconstruction, 2001.Reprinted from The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine. Monograph Series, no. 7. x, 90pp (pb, b/w maps, bib refs, ind, nc); Rittenhouse Town: A Journal of History, Vol. 3 (2006). 59pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, bib refs, nc); Wolf, S., Urban Village: Population, Community and Family Structure in Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1683-1800, 1976. xi, 361pp (pb, bib refs, ind, vgc). 74. Eshleman, H. Frank. Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of South Eastern Pennsylvania and of Their Remote Ancestors from the Middle of the Dark Ages Down to the Time of the Revolutionary War: An Authentic History from Original Sources of Their Suffering During Several Centuries Before and Especially During the Two Centuries Following the Protestant Reformation and of Their Slow Migration Moved by Those Causes During the Last Mentioned Two Hundred Years, Westward in Quest of Religious Freedom and Their Happy Relief in the Susquehanna and Schuylkill Valleys in the New World with Particular Reference to the German-Swiss Mennonites or Anabaptists, the Amish and Other Non-Resistant Sects. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1969. 386pp (sis, sps, syp, gc). 75. Rupp, I. Daniel. History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties Containing a Brief History of the First Settlers, Topography of Townships, Notices of Leading Events, Incidents and Interesting Facts in the Early History of These Counties with an Appendix Containing Matters of Deep Interest Embellished by Several Engravings. Harrisburg: Hickok and Cantine, 1845. xiv, 568pp (b/w ill, bib refs, vgc). 76. Ruth, Phil Johnson. Fair Land Gwynedd: A Pictorial History of Southeastern Pennsylvania’s Lower Gwynedd Township, Upper Gwynedd Township, and North Wales Borough. West Point, Pa.: Merck, Sharpe & Dohme, 1991. 187pp (dj, fp, ill, maps, bib refs, ind, nc). 77. Ruth, Phil Johnson. Seeing Souderton: The Borough’s Story in Photographs, 1887-1987. P.J. Ruth, 1987. 191pp (dj, fp, ill, maps, nc). 78. Lichtenwalner, Muriel E. Limerick Township: A Journey Through Time, 1699-1987. Limerick, Pa.: Limerick Township Historical Society, 1987. 383pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, bib refs, nc). September 13, 2013 Page 7 79. Whitpain Township: A Tricentennial Reflection, 1701-2001. Compiled and edited by Wayne A. Huss. Blue Bell, Pa.: Whitpain Township, 2002. xvi, 371pp (fp, ill, b/w maps, nc); 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Montgomery County, 1784-1934. N.p., [1934]. 92pp (fp, b/w ill, front cover sl discolored, gc). 80. Miller, Edmund M. York County Heritage: A York Haven Scrapbook. [York County Library System?, 1978?]. 24pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc); A Biographical History of York County, Pennsylvania. Edited by John Gibson. Reprinted. Originally Published as Part II of History of York County, Pennsylvania. Baltimore, Md.: Clearfield Co., 1989. 207pp (b/w ill, nc). 81. Newberry Township Heritage Committee. Newberry Township: The Beginning, 1700-1900. Mechanicsburg, PA.: Center Square Press, 1988. 447pp (b/w ill, maps, bib, ind, signed by members of the committee, vgc). 82. Eby, Ezra E.; Joseph B. Snyder; and Eldon D. Weber. A Biographical History of Early Settlers and Their Descendants in Waterloo Township. Kitchener, Ont.: Eldon D. Weber, 1984. 393, 49pp (b/w ill, maps, folded map in pocket inside back cover, reprint, vgc). 83. Rupp, I. Daniel. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 with a Statement of the Names of Ships Whence they Sailed and the Date of Their Arrival at Philadelphia, Chronologically Arranged, Together with the Necessary Historical and Other Notes: Also, an Appendix Containing Lists of More Than One Thousand German and French Names in New York Prior to 1712. Reprint of the second revised and enlarged edition with an added index. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1985. x, 583pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, vgc). 84. Bibliography on the Colonial of North America: Especially the Pennsylvania Germans and Their Descendants. Compiled and edited by Emil Meynen. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1982. xxi, 636pp (syp, gc). 85. [Macco, Hermann Friedrich]. Palatine Church Visitations, 1609. Publications of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania]. Special Number, Aug. 1930. 136pp (pb, ind, gc); Basler, Konrad. The Dorlikon Emigrants, Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Personal Report. Translated by Laura Villiger. Swiss American Historical Society Publications, vol. 10. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1996. 74pp (b/w ill, maps, bib refs, vgc); Haller, Charles R. The ABCs of German-American Migration: Annotated Guide to German-American Migration Records. Asheville, N.C.: Money Tree Imprints, 2000. v, 100pp (pb, ind, tp loose, gc). 86. Bach, Jeff. Voices of the Turtledoves: The Sacred World of Ephrata. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 36; Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series, no. 3. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. xix, 282pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 87. Hill, Susan Colestock. Heart Language: Elsie Singmaster and Her Pennsylvania German Writings [Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 43]; Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009. xviii, 281pp (dj, b/w ill, “Bibliography of Elsie Singmaster’s Works,” bib refs, ind, vgc). 88. Waite, Frances Wise. Genealogy of Elias L. Detwiler Traced to Hans Detweiler. Based on research by Wilbur H. Seifert. [Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 1975]. [243]pp in various pagings, 33 lvs (in ring binder, ind, syp, gc); Detweiler/Detwiler USA, June 1993. Mechanicsburg, Pa.: John P. Clime. ca. 100 lvs (in binder, vgc). 89. Seifert, Wilbur, and Waite, Frances C. Wise. Hans Detweiler Family History and Joseph Harley Detweiler Descendants. Consolidated and indexed by Thomas G. Webb; edited by Frances C. Wise Waite and Thomas G. Webb. Doylestown, Pa.: Editors, 1993. 394pp (spiral bd, ind, vgc). 90. Waite, Frances Wise. Conley/Connelly: Descendants of Thomas Connelly of Northern Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania. [Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 1980]. 302pp (in ring binder, b/w ill, ind, syp, gc); Waite, Frances Conley Wise. 1991 Addendum, Conley/Connelly: Descendants of Thomas Connelly of Northern Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania. Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 1991. [51] lvs (pb, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 91. Same as above (in binder and pb, syp, gc to vgc). 92. Waite, Frances W. Conley/Connelly: Descendants of Thomas Connelly of Rapho Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 2002. xii, 544pp (b/w ill, ind, pn); 1991 Addendum, Conley/Connelly: Descendants of Thomas Connelly of Northern Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania. Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 1991. [51] lvs (pb, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 93. Knapp, Mrs. George L. Descendants of Andreas Crouthamel. [Quakertown, Pa.: Compiler, 1981]. 334, [1]pp (pb, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Urbanchuk, Helen. Index, Descendants of Andreas Crouthamel, 1981. 42 lvs (in binder, syp, gc). 94. Zook, Harry D. Zug/Zuck/Zouck/Zook Genealogy. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1983. 428pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, vgc). 95. Wingeard, William Osborne. The Rudys of God’s House and Related Families: A History and Genealogy, 1574- 1985. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1986. 482pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 96. Patton, Alfreda. David Kramm: His Ancestors and Descendants. York, Pa.: Compiler, 1978. 116pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 97. Yoder, Harold E. A Partial Genealogical Record of the David Kreider Family. [South Bend, Ind.: Compiler], 1968. [ii], 62pp (pb, ind, yp, gc). 98. Jones, Margaret Kramer. The Fagaly Family in America (Vogelen-Fagaly-Fagely). Compiled for publication by Mildred Corson Willams. Allentown, Pa.: Harding Jones, 1982. [iii], xi, [ii], 473pp (fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 99. Fretz, A.J. A Brief History of John and Christian Fretz and a Complete Genealogical Family Register to the Fourth Generation. . . . Milton, N.J.: Press of the Evergreen News, 1904. 125, [1]pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, caif, yp, covers sl soiled, gc). Page 8 September 13, 2013 100. Warren, John Trexler. History and Genealogy of the Trexler Family. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter’s, 1972. xxxi, [i], 339pp (b/w ill, col coat of arms, ind, sl yellowed endpapers, gc). 101. Mosemann, Ruth Histand. Family Directory of Samuel Swartz Histand and Susan Overholt Landis (Descendants and Ascendants). [Goshen, Ind.: Compiler], 1969. 202, [1]pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc); Cassel, Russell N., and Milford H. Cassel. Roots: Cassel Family. Chula Vista, Calif.: Project Innovation, 1978. [ii], 74, [4]pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 102. Kauffman, Charles Fahs. A Genealogy and History of the Kauffman-Coffman Families of North America, 1584 to 1937, Including Brief Outlines of Allied Swiss and Palatine Families Who Were Among the Pioneer Settlers in Lancaster and York Counties of Pennsylvania from 1717 On; viz., Becker, Baer, Correll, Erisman, Fahs, Kuntz, Kneisley, Hershey, Hiestand, Meyers, Musselman, Neff, Martin, Ruby, Snavely, Shenk, Shirk, Sprenkle, Witmer, and Others. [York, Pa.]: Compiler, 1940; reprint ed., York, Pa.: Lawrence V. Kauffman, 1980. xxxi, [i], 776pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc). 103. Boyett, Laurie Ackerman. Genealogy of the Descendants of Barclay J. Smith and His Wife, Lydia Ann Wood, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Scottdale, Ga.: Compiler, 1988. 105, [2] lvs (in binder, b/w ill, bib, vgc); [Ely, Warren S.]. The Finleys of Bucks: Companion of Boone a Native of Bucks. [Doylestown, Pa.]: 1902. [4]pp (pb, yp, gc). 104. [Buirek?], Shirley E. Heaney, McCarty, Upper Bucks Co., Penna. Lodi, Calif.: Compiler, [198-?], 246 lvs (looseleaf and tied with yarn, 3-hole punched, is, gc). 105. Jahnsen, Henrietta Moyer Landis. Ascendants and Descendants of Abraham Rosenberger Landes. [Quakertown, Pa.: Compiler], 1987. xvi pp, 88 [i.e. 103] lvs, 35 pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Rittenhouse Family Newsletter. No. 5 (1991). 16pp (pb, ill, vgc); Genealogical folder on the Rosenberger family (ppn, syp, gc). 106. Henniger, Isabel Pilkington. The Henninger and Hennigar Family of Alsace, Pennsylvania and Nova Scotia. Peterborough, Ont.: Compiler, 2007. xii, 155pp (pb, col fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Tharpe, Dorothy Nace. Roeders in the Hosensack Valley of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania: Descendants of the Three Sons of Johannes Roeder Who Settled in thew Hosensack Valley in 1787. . . . Roberts, Wis.: Compiler, 2000. 64pp (pb, ill, bib, ind, vgc). 107. George, Margaret Hewitt, and Wilmer Krause Yerk. A Krause Genealogy: Descendants of Jacob and Magdalena Krause, 1741-1994. [Doylestown, Pa./Telford, Pa.: Compilers], 1994. xi, [i], 94pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc); Mathews, Edward. The Keller Family of Upper Bucks (County, Pennsylvania). Transcribed by Trudy Wubbels. N.p., 1903; reprint ed., Bedminster, Pa.: Adams Apple Press, 1994. 11pp (pb, ind, vgc). 108. Arnold, Margaret-Ruth Ramey, [et al.]. A Partial History of the Crössman-Kressman-Cressman-Crissman- Crisman Family. By the History Committee. 1st ed. Mechanicsburg, Pa.: 1972. 119pp (comb bd, pb, bib, ppn, syp, back cover yellowed, gc); Waite, Frances Conley Wise. 1991 Addendum, Conley/Connelly: Descendants of Thomas Connelly of Northern Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania. Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 1991. [51] lvs (pb, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 109. Trauger, David L., [et al.]. The Trauger Genealogy, 1724 to 1993, Compiled for the Family Reunion, July 24, 1993, at the Trauger Farm, Ferndale, Pa. [ix] lvs, [117], 119, [1]pp, [30] lvs (in ring binder, vgc). 110. The News-Caster. Castor Association of America. 10 quarterly iss: Vol. 3 (1985), no. 1-3; Vol. 4 (1986), no. 1-4; Vol. 5 (1987), no. 1-3. ca. 20pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some syp, gc to vgc); Christian History, Vol. 1 (1982), no. 1. 38pp (pb, ill, vgc); Descendants of Jacob Hagman, [198-?]. [49]pp (pb, unbound, vgc); Genealogical research file in manila folder with the following items issued in 1996: Descendants of Henry Dreisbach; Descendants of Conrad Dreisbach; Descendants of Johan Simon Dreisbach, Sr.; Descendants of Martin Dreisbach (unbound, vgc); Waite, Frances Conley Wise. 1991 Addendum, Conley/Connelly: Descendants of Thomas Connelly of Northern Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania. Doylestown, Pa.: Compiler, 1991. [51] lvs (pb, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 111. Most Blessed Sacrament , Bally, Pa., Baptisms, 1741-1820 Register, Baptisms, 1819-1872, Marriages, 1819-1872. 150+ lvs (looseleaf and tied with yarn, 3-hole punched, photocopies of typescript, is, syp, gc); Adams, Edmund, and Barbara Brady O’Keefe. Catholic Trails West: The Founding Catholic Families of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1: St. Joseph’s Church, Philadelphia (1733). Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1988. 341pp (b/w maps, bib, vgc). 112. Emanuel Church of Friesburg in the Township of Upper Alloway’s Creek, Salem County, New Jersey, Established 1748. ca. 180 lvs in various pagings (carbon copy of introductory material, church records handwritten in pencil, yp, gc); Name Index to the Translation of the Friesburg Emanuel Lutheran Church Book. ca. 65 lvs in various pagings (pb, comb bd, photocopied, syp, gc). 113. Hines, Benjamin McFarland. Hines and Allied Families: Some Descendants of William Hines of Sussex County, Virginia (ca. 1690-1760) and a Record of Their Principal Allied Families: Watson (Virginia, Mississippi); Shackelford (Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia); Nisbet (North Carolina, Georgia); and Kennon (Virginia). Ardmore, Pa.: Dorrance & Co., 1981. 259, [5]pp (fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Stackhouse, E., Stackhouse: The Pedigree of the Grandchildren of Frank Lovett Stackhouse and Elizabeth Lentz Stackhouse of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ca. 1970. [i], 10, [23] lvs (pb, comb bd, bib refs, ind, signed by compiler, syp, gc); Gardner, J., The Ancestry of the Joseph Schoch Family, Onetime of Metamora, Michigan, and of Other Allied Families of Michigan, 1951. 17 lvs (in folder, mimeographed typescript, syp, gc); Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, 4 quarterly iss: Vol. 31 (1993), no. 4, index vol.; Vol. 32 (1994), no. 1-2. ca. 100pp/iss (pb, vgc); Washington, R., Black Family Research: Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives, 2004. [ii], 22pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc). 114. Roberts, Gary Boyd. The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States Who Were Themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in American History. 2nd printing. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 2001, c1993. lxxviii, 674pp (fp, ind, pn); MacLysaght, Edward. The Surnames of Ireland. 6th ed. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1991. xxi, 312, [1]pp (pb, b/w maps, vgc). 115. Military Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 1985. xiv, 330pp (pb, ind, vgc); Plante, T., Military Service Records at the National Archives, 2007. 119pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc); Newman, J., Cemetery Transcribing: Preparations and Procedures, 1971. [12]pp (pb, ill, vgc); Washington, R., Black Family Research: Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives, 2004. [ii], 22pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc); Civil War, Part I (Catalogue 40l, George S. MacManus Co., Bryn Mawr, Pa.). 61pp (pb, vgc). September 13, 2013 Page 9 116. Lancour, Harold. A Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists, 1538-1825, Being a Guide to Published Lists of Early Immigrants to North America. 3rd ed. Revised and enlarged by Richard J. Wolfe. With a List of Passenger Arrival Records in the National Archives by Frank E. Bridgers. New York: New York Public Library, [1963]. ix, [i], 137pp (ind, ps, is, gc). 117. The Diary of Herman T. Smith, 1884 (A Young Man of the Town of Covert, NY). Transcribed by Marsha E. Smith and Judith L. Cone. [Valois, N.Y.: Marsha E. Smith, 1993]. [vi], ii, [vi], 66, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, signed by “Marsha,” vgc); McCullough, David. John Adams. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002, c2001. 751pp (pb, ill, bib, ind, vgc). 118. Philadelpha Guardians of the Poor, Indenture Records, 1791-1822. Abstracted by Susan S. Koelble and Kristin K. Bryson. Southampton, Pa.: Bare Roots Publishing, 1998. [vi], 165, 33pp (pb, comb bd, ind, vgc); Philadelphia Enumeration Districts of 1930. Abstracted by Susan S. Koelble and Kristin K. Bryson. Southampton, Pa.: Bare Roots Publishing, 2002. [iv], 225pp (pb, comb bd, b/w map, vgc); Edgewood Village Design Guidelines. Yardley, Pa.: Lower Makefield Township, [ca. 2000]. [i], 39 lvs (unbound, b/w ill, vgc). 119. Hammond Explorer World Atlas. Hammond Incorporated: 2000. 132, [1]pp (pb, col maps, ind, vgc); Glazier, Stephen. Random House Word Menu. New York: Random House, 1992. xxx, 977pp (dj, ind, yp, gc); Of Plates and Purlins: Grandpa Builds a Barn. Long Island, N.Y.: Early Trades and Crafts Society; Friends of the Nassau County Museum, 1971. 24pp (pb, ill, bib, vgc). 120. The Wenger Book: A Foundation Book of American Wengers, Including Variant Spellings Such As Winger, Wanger, Whanger, Wegner, Wengert, Wengerd, Wingart, Wingard, Wingert, Wangerd, Wengar, Wencker, and Names Spelled with “V” Rather Than “W”. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Heritage History, 1978. Edited by Samuel S. Wenger, [et al.]. 1218, [1], [3]pp (fp, b/w ill, map, bib refs, 1 fold-out chart, 1 p registration of deaths, 1852-1854 inserted in pocket inside back cover, foxing inside back cover, ppn, cover corners worn, spine cover torn, gc). 121. The Wenger Book: A Foundation Book of American Wengers, Including Variant Spellings Such As Winger, Wanger, Whanger, Wegner, Wengert, Wengerd, Wingart, Wingard, Wingert, Wangerd, Wengar, Wencker, and Names Spelled with “V” Rather Than “W”. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Heritage History, 1978. Edited by Samuel S. Wenger, [et al.]. 1218, [1], [3]pp (fp, b/w ill, map, bib refs, 1 fold-out chart, sl foxing on edges, 2 pp sl blemished, gc); The Wenger Book: Index. Compiled by Jay V. Wenger. Akron, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Heritage History, 1989. 340pp (dj, foxing on edges, gc). 122. Fetzer, John E. The Men from Wengen and America’s Agony: The Wenger-Winger-Wanger History, Including Christian Wenger, 1718. [Kalamazoo], Mich.: John E. Fetzer Foundation, 1971. xxii, 446pp (fp, b/w ill, maps, vgc). 123. Wenger Clan Notes. Edited by Rodger D. Winger. Omaha, Neb.: Wenger Family Association. 12 quarterly iss.: (1954-57), no. 1-12 complete. 4pp/iss (b/w ill, bib refs, 27 iss inserted in book: (1954-61), no. 1-28 complete and 3 copies (1954), no. 12-B, foxing, yp, front cover discolored, gc). 124. Wenger Clan Notes. Edited by Rodger D. Winger. Omaha, Neb.: Wenger Family Association. 26 quarterly iss.: (1954-60), no. 1-26 complete. 4pp/iss (pb, comb bd, photocopies, b/w ill, bib refs, gc); Whanger, Thomas Richard. “The Trail of Agony”: The Arduous Civil War Journey of David Whanger. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Author, [199-?]. 52pp (pb, b/w ill, map, bib, ind, gc). 125. Fisher, Virginia S. The Story of the Brethren. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Pub. House, 1957. 176pp (dj, fp, maps, syp, gc). 126. Hans and Hannah Wenger: North American Descendants. Vol. 4 only of 4 (index). Compiled by Daniel Lee Wenger. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Compiler, 2000. 3013-4254pp (fp, corrections to index included, vgc). 127. Wenger, Samuel Esbenshade. A Homeland Tour of Valentine, Peter and Daniel Espenschied and Their Descendants. Akron, Pa.: Author, 2002. 140pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, vgc); Espenschied, Manfred. Espenschied Family Sheets. (Feb. 2001), no. 39. Invitation to Attend the 26th Espenschied Family Meeting in Espenschied, Germany on May 19 and 20, 2001. Translated by Sam and Ruth Wenger. 18pp (pb, stapled, b/w ill, map, vgc). 128. Wenger, Samuel Esbenshade. A Homeland Tour of Valentine, Peter and Daniel Espenschied and Their Descendants. Akron, Pa.: Author, 2002. 140pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, vgc); Espenschied, Manfred. Espenschied Family Sheets. (Feb. 2001), no. 39. Invitation to Attend the 26th Espenschied Family Meeting in Espenschied, Germany, on May 19 and 20, 2001. Translated by Sam and Ruth Wenger. 21pp (pb, stapled, b/w ill, map, vgc). 129. Espenschied, Manfred. Espenschied Family Sheets. (Feb. 2001), no. 39. Invitation to Attend the 26th Espenschied Family Meeting in Espenschied, Germany on May 19 and 20, 2001. Translated by Sam and Ruth Wenger. 18pp (pb, stapled, b/w ill, map, vgc); Wenger, Samuel E. Anabaptist and Reformed Walking Tours of Bern and Zürich, Switzerland: A Tour Leaders Guide. [Akron, Pa.: Author], 2000. 50pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, vgc); A Combined Landis/Landes Genealogy Report of the Descendants of Hans Landis and Katharina Schinz: Featuring New Data from Dr. Werner Baumann, a Swiss Historian and Expert on Early Hirzel Farm Families and the Hofs Where Landis/Landes Families Lived: He Provided Information for up to Eight Generations of Landis/Landes Descendants. Compiled by Samuel E. Wenger. Akron, Pa.: Compiler, 2005. 192pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, front cover sl blemished, corner of front cover creased, gc). 130. Swiss Immigrant Heritage Tour to Europe: Germany, Switzerland and Austria, June 12-25, 2000: Wenger Family and Oberammergau Passion Play. Compiled by Sam Wenger, Tour Host. [Compiler, 2000]. 50, [3]pp (pb, comb bd, ill, maps, gc); Espenschied, Manfred. Espenschied Family Sheets. (Feb. 2001), no. 39. Invitation to Attend the 26th Espenschied Family Meeting in Espenschied, Germany on May 19 and 20, 2001. Translated by Sam and Ruth Wenger. 18pp (pb, stapled, b/w ill, map, vgc); Wenger, Samuel E. Anabaptist and Reformed Walking Tours of Bern and Zürich, Switzerland: A Tour Leaders Guide. [Akron, Pa.: Author], 2000. 50pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, vgc). 131. 12 copies of Espenschied Family Sheets by Manfred Espenschied. (Feb. 2001), no. 39. Invitation to Attend the 26th Espenschied Family Meeting in Espenschied, Germany on May 19 and 20, 2001. Translated by Sam and Ruth Wenger. 21pp (pb, stapled, b/w ill, map, 1 copy 18 pp, several corners creased, gc to vgc). Page 10 September 13, 2013 132. Landis, Glenn H. Landis-Landes Family: Descendants of Jacob Landes Who Settled in Franconia Township and Died in 1749. Compiled mostly from notes of Henry S. Landis. Index by Helen Urbanchuck. Harleysville, Pa.: Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania, [2000]. 61, [38]pp (pb, comb bd, ind, is, gc); Espenschied Family Sheets by Manfred Espenschied. (Feb. 2001), no. 39. Invitation to Attend the 26th Espenschied Family Meeting in Espenschied, Germany on May 19 and 20, 2001. Translated by Sam and Ruth Wenger. 21pp (pb, stapled, b/w ill, map, front cover sl blemished, gc). 133. Gottlieb Mittelberger’s Journey to Pennsylvania in the Year 1750 and Return to Germany in the year 1754. Translated by Carl Theo. Eben. Philadelphia: John Jos. McVey, 1898; [reprint?]. 129pp (pb, bib refs, names of heads of families arriving in 1750 on the Osgood pasted inside front and back covers, sl curled, gc); Eby, M., History of the Hershey Mennonite Church of Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pa., 1978. 54pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, bib, covers discolored, gc); Wenger, S., and R. Denlinger, It Happened in Paradise: An Historical Pageant, 1963. 36pp (pb, b/w ill, covers discolored, gc); Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, 1 quarterly iss.: Vol. 100 (Spring 1998), no. 1. 116pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc). 134. Illustrated Historical Atlas of Berks County, Penna. Compiled and drawn from personal examinations, surveys &c under the personal supervision of F.A. Davis and published under the superintendence of H.L. Kochersperger. Reading, Pa.: Reading Pub. House, 1876; reprint ed., [Morgantown, Pa.: Masthof Press, 2001]. 142pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, ind, vgc). 135. Bridgens’ Atlas of Lancaster Co., Penna: Compiled from actual surveys by H.F. Bridgens and Assistant. Lancaster, Pa.: D.S. Bare, 1864. 43 lvs (col maps, p 1 mostly missing, pp 42 and 43 photocopies, several pp blemished/torn/taped, inside covers and endpapers discolored/blemished, gc); Index of Bridgens Atlas of Lancaster Co., Penna. From actual surveys by H.F. Bridgens and Assistant. Indexed by Beulah Mohart Scott, 1972. Lancaster, Pa.: D.S. Bare, 1864. 112 lvs (pb, comb bd, sl ppn, covers worn and blemished, gc). 136. Bridgens’ Atlas of Lancaster Co., Penna. Compiled from actual surveys by H.F. Bridgens and Assistant. Lancaster, Pa.: D.S. Bare, 1864; reprint ed., Elizabethtown, Pa.: Elizabethtown Historical Society, 2000. 44pp (pb, maps, is, gc); Index to the 1864 Bridgens’ Atlas of Lancaster County, Pa. Compiled from actual surveys by H.E. Bridgens and assistant. Morgantown, Pa.: Masthof Press, 2000. 40pp (pb, vgc). 137. [1875 Combination Atlas Map of Lancaster County, Pa. Philadelphia: Everts & Stewart., 1875]. xviii, 107, [4]pp (tp missing, b/w ill, col maps, many pp torn and taped, several pp detached, yp, covers very worn and torn, spine cover torn and taped, pc); Index to the 1875 Combination Atlas Map of Lancaster County, Pa. Compiled by Lois Ann Zook. Elverson, Pa.: Mennonite Family History, 1991. 93, [1]pp (pb, covers sl discolored, corners creased, gc). 138. Atlas of Surveys of the County of Lancaster, State of Pa. Boston: Graves & Steinbarger, 1899. 85pp (col maps, ds, 2 pp detached, yp, covers extremely worn/torn/blemished, spine cover mostly missing, mc). 139. Atlas of Surveys of the County of Lancaster State of Pa. Boston: Graves & Steinbarger, 1899. Reprint ed.: Illustrated Historical Atlas of Lancaster County. Limited edition published on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Fox Chapel Publishing. East Petersburg, Pa.: Historic Arts Press, 2006. 275pp (ill, col maps, ind, nc). 140. Gilbert, Geri. The Warrant Maps of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Including an Every-Name Index. [Pennsylvania: Author], 2005. 100pp (pb, oblong, b/w maps, spine cover sl separated from covers, gc). 141. Scott, Joshua. Map of Lancaster County, Pa. Lancaster: 1824; reprint ed., [Hershey, Pa.: Gary T. Hawbaker, 1986]. 38” x 25” (folds to 9½” x 6¼”) (printed on both sides, nc). 142. Encyclopædia Britannica World Atlas: Physical and Political Maps, Geographical Comparisons, a Glossary of Geographical Terms, a Gazetteer Index, Geographical Summaries, World Spheres of Influence. Edited by G. Donald Hudson, and Walter Yust. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1946. xii, 223, 280, 156pp (b/w ill, col maps, 1 p detached, yp, covers and spine cover very worn/faded/blemished, gc). 143. Ohio Amish Directory, Holmes County and Vicinity. 1996 ed. [Edited by Marvin Wengerd]. Walnut Creek, [Ohio]: Carlisle Printing, 1995. xxxiv, 793pp (ill endpapers, b/w maps, ind, vgc). 144. Ohio Amish Directory, Holmes County and Vicinity. 2000 millennium ed. Edited by Marvin Wengerd. Walnut Creek, Ohio: Carlisle Press, 2000. xxxvi, 859pp (ill endpapers, b/w maps, ind, vgc); 2012 Ohio Amish Business Directory for East Central Ohio Counties of Holmes, Tuscarawas, Wayne and Coshocton. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Sugarcreek Budget Publishers, 2012. 40pp (tabloid size, newsprint, ill, vgc). 145. Miller, Devon. Michigan Amish Directory. Millersburg, Ohio: Abana Books. 3 vols.: 1987, 1995, 2010. 94, 166, 362pp (all pb, b/w maps, 2nd and 3rd items ind, first item back cover sl torn and syp, gc to vgc). 146. Schlabach, LaVern and Dorothy. Illinois Directory of Amish Communities and History of the Arthur Community, Ava, Illinois, Community, Pleasant Hills Community and Macomb Community. Tuscola, Ill.: Compilers, 1995. 372pp (pb, b/w maps, ind, ppn, gc). 147. Byler, Chester L. New York Amish Directory of the Jasper/Woodhull Settlement, 1983-2005. Woodhull, N.Y.: Compiler, 2005. [i], 66pp (pb, spiral bd, b/w maps, ind, front cover sl soiled, gc). 148. Aylmer Amish Directory, 2000. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Publishers, 2000. [i], 45, [1]pp (pb, b/w maps, sl creased, gc). 149. Weaverland Directory: Members and Their Families Who Attend the Weaverland Conference Mennonite Churches Located in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, New York, Wisconsin and Iowa, A Listing of Church House Maps as Well as an Appendix of the Ordinations from 1750 Through 2004 of the Weaverland Conference. Compiled by Ruth Ann Wise and Lucille H. Martin. 5th ed. [Womelsdorf, Pa.: Ruth Ann Wise], 2005. 772, [v], 40pp (b/w maps, includes Ordination Records compiled by Henry Z. Horning, ds, covers sl worn, gc); 2004 Calendar of the Weaverland Conference Mennonite Churches. 74th ed. Ephrata, Pa.: Grace Press, [2004]. 56pp (pb, 6” x 3½”, back cover sl soiled, gc). 150. Directory of the Groffdale Conference Mennonite Churches. 5th ed. Compiled by Laura N. Shirk and Beatrice N. Shirk. Kutztown, Pa.: Compilers, 2007. 1157pp (ds, gc); Groffdale Conference Mennonite Church Schedules of Pennsylvania: Lancaster County, Penn Valley, Union County, Cumberland Valley, and Blair County, Also Virginia September 13, 2013 Page 11 Conference Mennonite Church Schedules/Groffdale Conference Mennonite Church Schedules of Missouri, Ohio, New York, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan. Ephrata, Pa.: Grace Press. 38, 26pp (pb, 6” x 3½”, each half of item printed in reverse of other, covers sl faded, gc). 151. 5 congregational directories for Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Church: Richland District (1999); Denver District (1999); White Oak District (2000); Susquehanna District (2000); Lebanon District (2001). ca. 50-100pp/item (pb, 1 sds, 1 back cover sl soiled, gc to vgc); Reflector (Ashland Mennonite Bible School, Numidia Mennonite Bible School), 1 annual iss: 2012. 96pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 152. Brunk, Harry Anthony. The Progeny of Jacob Brunk I, the Will-Maker. Harrisonburg, Va.: Compiler, 1978. xxv, 422pp (fp, ind, covers sl worn, gc). 153. Brunk, Ivan W. Jacob’s Ladder (A Supplement to The Progeny of Jacob Brunk I the Will-Maker). Sarasota, Fla./ Springs, Colo.: Compiler, 1982. x, 285pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, signed by compiler, front and back endpapers yellowed, front cover creased, bottom edge sl soiled, gc). 154. Kauffman, S. Duane. Christian Kauffman: His Descendants and His People. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1980. 285pp (b/w ill, ind, syp, covers sl worn, gc). 155. Beiler, Allen R. Family History and Genealogy of Pioneer Jacob Beiler (1698-1771): Beiler-Boiler-Byler, the Early Generations--Plus. New Holland, Pa.: Compiler, 1998. xii, 671pp in various pagings (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, vgc). 156. Gladfelter, Charles H. and People: German Lutheran and Reformed Churches in the Pennsylvania Field, 1717-1793. Vol. 2 only: The History. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 15. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1981. xix, 544pp (fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Der Alt Schuhlmeshter [i.e. Joseph H. Light]. Pennsylvana-German Letters. Vol. 1. Lebanon, Pa.: Frank G. Light, 1928. 128pp (caif, yp, covers worn, gc). 157. Mennonite Church USA Directory, ed. J.R. Byler, 2007. 296pp (pb, spiral bd, b/w ill, ind, vgc); Lancaster Conference Directory, 2002. 112pp (pb, spiral bd, ps, gc); Report of the Missouri-Kansas Church Conference Held with the Hesston Mennonite Church, Hesston, Kansas, 1944. 37pp (pb, 1 p creased, yellowed pp and covers, gc); Report of the South Central Mennonite Conference, 2 iss: 1952, 1956. 39pp/item (pb, sl yellowed pp, gc). 158. Doctrines of the Bible: A Brief Discussion of the Teachings of God’s Word. Edited by Daniel Kauffman; assisted by a committee of twenty-one brethren. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1952, c1928. 639pp (sps, sis, ppn, syp, gc); Mennonite Church Polity: A Statement of Practices in Church Government, Together with Mennonite Confession of Faith, Christian Fundamentals, Mennonite General Conference Constitution, The Gospel Standard, Minister’s Manual. Compiled by the Church Polity Committee of the Mennonite General Conference. 2nd printing. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1952. xv, [i], 157pp (ind, is, syp, gc). 159. Swartzendruber, Maude. The Lamp in the West. La Junta Mennonite School of Nursing: 1975. xv, 362pp (b/w ill, syp, covers sl worn, gc); Holsinger, J., Serving Rural Puerto Rico: A History of Eight Years of Service by the Mennonite Church, 1952. xii, 231, [1]pp (fp, b/w ill, torn dj enclosed, syp, gc); Flemming, D., Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission, 2005. 344pp (pb, bib, ind, vgc); Erb, P., Bible Prophecy: Questions and Answers, 1978. 208pp (pb, bib, ind, ps, sis, covers creased and sl worn, gc). 160. A.E. The Place of the Printed Page in the Anabaptist Revival. Ephrata, Pa.: Grace Press, 2012. 31, [1]pp (pb, ill, bib, vgc); Hostetler, John A., and Gertrude Enders Huntington. The in North America. Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 119pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib, exlib, syp, covers sl faded, gc). 161. Miller, Clara Bernice. To All Generations. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1977. 222pp (vgc); Miller, Evie Yoder. Eyes at the Window: A Novel. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 2003. 518pp (pb, front cover sl creased, gc). 162. The Mennonite Hymnal. 3rd printing. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press/Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1970, c1969.640pp (shape notes, syp, spine cover loose and taped and torn, cover corners worn, mc); Tabernacle Hymns, Number Three, for the Church and Sunday School. Chicago, Ill.: Tabernacle Pub. Co., 1935. [350]pp (shape notes, “Property of Groffdale Church May 1935,” syp, front flyleaf and several pp torn, spine cover taped, covers worn, mc). 163. The Laurel Wreath. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite School. 10 annual iss: 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1962. ca. 75-100pp/iss (6 pb, many b/w ill, some ill endpapers, some covers worn, gc to vgc); Shenandoah. Harrisonburg, Va.: Eastern Mennonite College. 1 annual iss: 1960. 184, [11]pp (many b/w ill, many autograph notes, sl yellowed endpapers, gc). 164. Joe, W., Traditional Korea: A Cultural History, 1972. xiv, [i], 477pp (w/ribbon, b/w ill, map on front lining paper, bib, ind, syp, gc); Bishop, I., Korea and Her Neighbors: A Narrative of Travel, with an Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and Present Position of the Country, 1970. 488pp (w/ribbon, ill, ind, syp, gc); Lee, P., Korean Literature: Topics and Themes, 1965. 141pp (bib refs, ind, sl foxing, syp, gc); Kim, R., The Innocent, 1968. [xi], 384pp (foxing on edges, syp, gc). 165. Rice, Charles S., and John B. Shenk. Meet the Amish: A Pictorial Study of the Amish People. New Brunswick, [N.J.]: Rutgers University Press, 1947. [ix], 21, [96]pp (dj, many b/w ill, signed by John B. Shenk, yp, gc). 166. Klein, H.M.J. History and Customs of the Amish People. York, Pa.: Maple Press Co., 1946. [vi], 73, [1]pp (in slipcase, ill, ill endpapers, syp, gc); Good, Merle and Phyllis. 20 Most Asked Questions About the Amish and Mennonites. Rev. ed. People’s Place Book, no. 1. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1995, c1979. 96pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 167. Lestz, Gerald S. Amish Culture and Economy. With essays by John W.W. Loose and Benjamin Rush. Keepsake Series, no. 15. Ephrata, Pa.: Science Press, 1984. 112pp (oblong, ill, ill endpapers, bib, no. 262 pf 1,500, vgc). 168. Lehman, James O., and Steven M. Nolt. Mennonites, Amish, and the American Civil War. Young Center Books in Anabaptist & Pietist Studies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. xi, [i], 353pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, pn); What Mennonites Are Thinking, 2002. Edited by Merle Good and Phyllis Pellman Good. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 2002. xviii, 3-318pp (pb, ind, vgc). Page 12 September 13, 2013 169. Martin, Helen Reimensnyder. Sabina: A Story of the Amish. New York: Century Co., 1905. 233pp (sl scribbled, syp, sl cocked, gc); Stambaugh, Sara. I Hear the Reaper’s Song. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1984. 221pp (pb, several relevant obituaries and funeral leaflets enclosed, signed by author, vgc). 170. White Pelican: A Quarterly Review of the Arts. Edmonton, Alta.: White Pelican. Vol. 5 (1975), no. 1. 64pp (pb, b/w ill, includes short story, “Down Below Where the Animals Live” by Sara Stambaugh, typed letter to “Dear Cousins Galen and Margie” signed by “Sara Ellen” enclosed, syp, covers sl torn, gc). 171. Frederick, J. George. The Pennsylvania Dutch and Their Cookery: Their History, Art, Accomplishments, Also a Broad Collection of Their Food Recipes. New York: Business Bourse, 1935. 275pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, syp, gc); Klees, Fredric. The Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Macmillan Co., 1950. ix, [i], 451pp (ill, b/w map on endpapers, bib, caif, syp, spine cover torn and taped, mc). 172. Conrad Weiser’s Account Book, 1746-1760. Translated and edited by Larry M. Neff and Frederick S. Weiser. Sources and Documents of the Pennsylvania Germans, no. 6. Breinigsville, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1981. 184pp (pb, ind, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 173. Der Reggeboge/The Rainbow. Birdsboro, Pa./Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society. 4 semiannual iss: Vol. 26 (1992), no. 1; Vol. 45 (2011), no. 1-2; Vol. 46 (2012), no. 1. ca. 30-100pp/iss (pb, ill, bibs, bib refs, vgc). 174. Lestz, Gerald S. Amish Culture and Economy. With essays by John W.W. Loose and Benjamin Rush. Keepsake Series, no. 15. Ephrata, Pa.: Science Press, 1984. 112pp (oblong, ill, ill endpapers, bib, no. 890 of 1,500, sl foxing on top edge, sds, back cover sl soiled, gc). 175. Coverlets and the Spirit of America: The Shein Coverlets. Curated by Melinda Zongor. Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing, 2002. 221, [3]pp (dj, chiefly ill, marbled endpapers, bib, vgc). 176. Four Pennsylvania German Studies. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 3. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1970. 179pp (b/w ill, bib, bib refs, ind, syp, covers sl yellowed, gc); Smith, Edward C., and Virginia van Horn Thompson. Traditionally Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Hastings House, 1947. 81pp (chiefly ill, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Kyler, Grant. Original Poems from the Pen of a Country Editor. Ashland, Pa.: Kyler Pub. Co., 1923. 136pp (fp, caif, yellowed pp and covers, gc); Eby, Malcolm Aden. Sam Bricker and Other Pennsylvania Dutch Poems. Calligraphy and illustrations by Elizabeth R. Eby. N.p., 1981. [31]pp (pb, b/w ill, signed by author and illustrator, syp, gc). 177. Schiffer, Margaret. Arts and Crafts of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Exton, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing, 1980. 285pp (marbled endpapers, many b/w ill, bib refs, vgc); Fink, Leo Gregory. Buckingham Palisades of the Delaware River: Historical Symposium of the Catholic Church in Bucks County Pennsylvania Correlated to the Industrial Expansion, Population Explosion, Civic Administration, Educational Facilities, Bohemian Colonization, Imputed Superstitions, Artistic, Theatrical and Literary Rendezvous, Patriotism and Religion of Pennsylvania. New York: Paulist Press, 1960. 399pp (fp, b/w ill, maps, ind, sis, sl ppn, gc); Hendricks, Walter J. History of Grand View Hospital [Sellersville, Pa.]; Sponsored by Medical Staff of Grand View Hospital. [1967] 90pp (b/w ill, syp, gc). 178. Omwake, John. The Conestoga Six-Horse Bell Teams of Eastern Pennsylvania. Cincinnati: Ebbert & Richardson Co., 1930. 128, [8]pp (fp, b/w ill, bib refs, foxing on endpapers, inside front cover sl blemished, back cover sl blemished, gc). 179. Emery, Michael B., and Irwin Richman. Yesterday’s Farm Tools & Equipment: Featuring Collections of the Landis Valley Museum. Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Pub., 2010. 208pp (oblong, ill, ind, nc). 180. Kriebel, H.W. Seeing Lancaster County from a Trolley Window. Lancaster, Pa.: Conestoga Traction Co., 1910. 80pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, “Map of Lancaster County, Pa. Showing Lines of Conestoga Traction Company” inserted. yp, covers torn and taped, gc); Horning, Chad M. Shifting Gears: A Narrative History of Horning Dodge, 1945-2003. Author, 2004. 127pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, nc). 181. Reichmann, Felix, and Eugene E. Doll. Ephrata as Seen by Contemporaries. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 17. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechters, 1952. xxi, 215pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, many uncut pp, vgc); Alderfer, E.G. The Ephrata Commune: An Early American Counterculture. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1985. xiii, 273pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Zerfass, S.G. Souvenir Book of the Ephrata Cloister: Complete History from Its Settlement in 1728 to the Present Time. Included is the Organization of Ephrata Borough and Other Information of Ephrata Connected with the Cloister. 1st ed. Lititz, Pa.: John G. Zook, 1921. 84pp (pb, b/w ill, foxing, several pp blemished, endpapers damaged, yp, covers blemished and corners missing, tears in spine cover, gc). 182. Zook, John G. Historical and Pictorial Lititz: With Numerous Illustrations. Lititz, Pa.: Express Printing Co., [1905]. 217pp (pb, fp, fp p detached, b/w ill, map, yp, back endpaper taped, covers torn/taped/corners missing, spine cover taped, bpig, gc). 183. Old Home Week and Hope Hose Company No. 1, Centennial, Manheim, Pennsylvania, June 30 to July 5, 1912. 1812-Souvenir Book-1912. Manheim, Pa.: Committee on Printing and Advertising, [1912]. xvi, 180pp (b/w ill, sl foxing, bottom cover corners missing, covers taped, back cover detached, bpig, gc); Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Manheim Fairview Cemetery Association: Incorporated May 25, 1874. Manheim, Pa.: Sentinel Print, 1875. 16pp (pb, 2 pp creased, yp, gc). 184. Kendig, Willis D., and James W. Kendig. Salunga, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Bicentennial, 1760-1960. N.p.: [1960]. [56]pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 185. 200th Anniversary, 1754-1954, Intercourse, Pennsylvania: Historical Souvenir Book and Tourist Guide. Intercourse, Pa.: Intercourse Civic Association, [1954]. 192pp (pb, b/w ill, fold-out map, program of the celebration and several newspaper clippings included, covers sl discolored, front cover sl blemished, gc). 186. Commemorative Anniversary Book, Intercourse, Pennsylvania, 1754-2004: Includes a Faithful Reproduction of the 200th Anniversary Souvenir Book of 1954. N.p., [2004]. 32, 192pp (pb, ill, maps, 1 b/w fold-out map, vgc). 187. Jennison, Keith Warren. Green Mountains and Rock Ribs. Brattleboro, Vt.: Durrell Publications, c1954. 90pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, syp, front cover worn, back cover sl blemished and discolored, gc); Duss, John S. The Harmonists: A Personal September 13, 2013 Page 13 History. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Van Trump, Ziegler & Shane, 1943; Reprint ed. Ambridge, Pa.: Harmonie Associates, 1970. xviii, 425pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, vgc); Foner, Eric. Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction. Illustrated and edited by Joshua Brown. New York: Vintage Books, 2006. xxx, 268pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, nc). 188. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Vol. 19. The Society: 1910. Includes Benjamin Rush. An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania; Daniel Miller. Early German American Newspapers. 128, 107ppp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, syp, small tears in front cover, gc). 189. ______. Vol. 21. The Society: 1912. Includes Julius F. Sachse. A Unique Manuscript by Rev. Peter Miller (Brother Jabez) Prior of the Ephrata Community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Written for Benjamin Franklin Together with a Fac-simile and Translation of Beissel’s 99 Mystical Proverbs Originally Printed by Benjamin Franklin in 1730; Julius Friedrich Sachse. The Wayside Inns on the Lancaster Roadside between Philadelphia and Lancaster; Augustus Schultze; Guide to the Old Moravian Cemetery of Bethlehem, Pa., 1742-1910. 59, 44, 77, 217pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, 1 torn p, many uncut pp, syp, covers partially missing at edges and corners, gc). 190. ______. Vol. 22. The Society: 1913. Includes Julius Friedrich Sachse. The Wayside Inns on the Lancaster Roadside between Philadelphia and Lancaster; Daniel Wunderlich Nead. The Pennsylvania-German in the Settlement of Maryland. 32, 109, 304pp (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, several front pp and last p damaged, front cover discolored and damaged, gc). 191. ______. Vol. 23. The Society: 1915. Includes Julius Friedrich Sachse. Quaint Old Germantown in Pennsylvania. 56, 7, lx pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, many uncut pp, foxing, ds at top edge, syp, covers discolored, gc). 192. ______. Vol. 26. The Society: 1915. Includes Benjamin Matthias Nead. The Pennsylvania-German in Civil Life; H.M.M. Richards. Valley Forge and the Pennsylvania-Germans; Harry Hess Reichard. Pennsylvania-German Dialect Writings and Their Writers. 73, 32, 400pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, green/black fold-out map, syp, covers torn/sl blemished/ partially missing, gc). 193. ______. Vol. 29. The Society: 1922. Includes James Owen Knauss, Jr. Social Conditions Among the Pennsylvania Germans in the Eighteenth Century as Revealed in the German Newspapers Published in America. x, 217pp (bib, yp, gc). 194. ______. Vol. 32. The Society: 1924. Includes Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Richards. The Pennsylvania-German in the British Military Prisons of the Revolutionary War; Charles Frederick Dapp. The Evolution of an American Patriot: Being an Intimate Study of the Patriotic Activities of John Henry Miller, German Printer, Publisher and Editor of the American Revolution; Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Richards. The Weiser Family. 45, 33, 68, 115pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, yp, covers faded, gc). 195. ______. Vol. 32. The Society: 1924. Includes Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Richards. The Pennsylvania-German in the British Military Prisons of the Revolutionary War; Charles Frederick Dapp. The Evolution of an American Patriot: Being an Intimate Study of the Patriotic Activities of John Henry Miller, German Printer, Publisher and Editor of the American Revolution; Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Richards. The Weiser Family. 45, 33, 68, 115pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, yp, tears in front cover, back cover creased, gc). 196. ______. Vol. 23. The Society: 1915. Includes Julius Friedrich Sachse. Quaint Old Germantown in Pennsylvania. 56, 7, lx pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, many uncut pp, covers sl faded, gc). 197. ______. Vol. 37. The Society: 1930. Includes Charles B. Schneider. The Pennsylvania German Clergy During the Revolutionary Period; John Baer Stoudt. The Liberty Bells of Pennsylvania. 31, xvi, 204pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, ind, front cover sl blemished, gc). 198. ______. Vol. 49. The Society: 1941. Includes Calvin George Bachman. The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County. xxx, 285pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, covers sl discolored, gc). 199. ______. Vol. 40. The Society: 1932. Includes William J. Hinke. The Lists of Immigrants Entering Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1808; Charles Lewis Maurer. Early Lutheran Education in Pennsylvania. 32, xii, 294pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, gc). 200. Berky, Andrew S. Practitioner in Physick: A Biography of Abraham Wagner, 1717-1763. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society [old series], vol. 55. Pennsburg, Pa.: Schwenkfelder Library, 1954. 175pp (bib refs, ind, covers sds, gc). 201. Reaman, G. Elmore. The Trail of the Black Walnut. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society [old series], vol. 57. [Toronto]: McClelland & Stewart, 1957. xx, 256pp (dj, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, syp, gc). 202. Bachman, Calvin George. The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County. Illustrations by Charles S. Rice. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society [old series], vol. 60. Lancaster, Pa.: Fackenthal Library, 1961. Reprint ed. of vol. 49, 1941. 285pp (dj, b/w ill, bib refs, syp, gc). 203. Rosenberger, Homer Tope. The Pennsylvania Germans, 1891-1965 (Frequently Known as the “Pennsylvania Dutch”). 75th anniversary vol. of the Pennsylvania German Society. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society [old series], vol. 63. Lancaster, Pa., 1966. 619pp (fp, ill, b/w maps, vgc). 204. Treher, Charles M. Snow Hill Cloister; The Poems of Ralph S. Funk. Edited by Preston A. Barba. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 2. Allentown, Pa.: The Society, 1968. 328pp (ill, bib, ind, vgc). 205. Four Pennsylvania German Studies. Contents: Biever, Dale E. A Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Ephrata Cloister, 1963-1966; Barba, Preston A. Rachel Bahn, Pennsylvania German Poetess; Buffington, Albert F. Similarities and Dissimilarities Between Pennsylvania German and the Rhenish Palatinate Dialects; Parochial Register of the Indian Creek Reformed Church, 1753-1851. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 3. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1970. vii, 179pp (b/w ill, bib, bib refs, ind, vgc). 206. Same as above (b/w ill, bib, ind, endpapers sl yellowed, vgc). 207. Same as above (b/w ill, bib, ind, sl foxing, endpapers and covers sl yellowed, gc). Page 14 September 13, 2013 208. Gingerich, Melvin. Mennonite Attire Through Four Centuries. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 4. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1970. [v]-xix, [iv], 192pp (col fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, vgc). 209. Same as above (col fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, endpapers and covers sl yellowed, gc). 210. Same as above (col fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, sl foxing, endpapers and covers sl yellowed, gc). 211. Same as above (col fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, sl foxing, endpapers and covers sl yellowed, gc). 212. Selections from Arthur Graeff’s Scholla. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol.5. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1971. xiii, 202pp (b/w ill, “A Selected Bibliography of the Writings of Arthur D. Graeff,” ind, vgc). 213. Same as above (b/w ill, “A Selected Bibliography of the Writings of Arthur D. Graeff,” ind, endpapers and covers sl yellowed, gc). 214. Long, Amos, Jr. The Pennsylvania German Family Farm: A Regional Architectural and Folk Cultural Study of an American Agricultural Community. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 6. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1972. xvi, 518pp (fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, sl yellowed endpapers and covers, gc). 215. Klinefelter, Walter. The ABC Books of the Pennsylvania Germans; Heckman, Marlin L. Abraham Harley Cassel, Nineteenth Century Pennsylvania German American Book Collector; Braun, Fritz, and Frederick S. Weiser. Marriages Performed at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 7. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1973. viii, 299pp (b/w ill, bibs, ind, vgc). 216. Buffington, Albert F. Pennsylvania German Secular Folksongs. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 8. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1974. xx, 182pp (music, ind, sl yellowed endpapers and spine cover, gc). 217. Same as above (music, ind, sl yellowed endpapers and covers, back cover sl soiled, gc). 218. Same as above (clear dj, music, ind, foxing on top edge, sl yellowed endpapers and covers, gc). 219. Same as above (music, ind, foxing on edges and covers, sl yellowed endpapers and covers, gc). 220. Gilbert, Russell W. Bilder un Gedanke: A Book of Pennsylvania German Verse. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 9. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1975. xiii, 119pp (vgc). 221. Same as above (spine cover sl yellowed, gc). 222. Same as above (foxing on covers, gc). 223. Burgert, Annette Kunselman. Eighteenth Century Emigrants from German-Speaking Lands to North America. Vol. 1: The Northern Kraichgau. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 16. Breinigsville, Pa.: The Society, 1983. xxiv, 461pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, signed by compiler, yellowed covers, gc). 224. Burgert, Annette Kunselman. Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Northern Alsace to America. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 26. Camden, Me.: Picton Press, 1992. xxiv, [i], 690pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc). 225. Nolt, Steven M. Foreigners in Their Own Land: Pennsylvania Germans in the Early Republic. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 35; Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series, no. 2. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002. x, 238pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 226. Yoder, Don. The Pennsylvania German Broadside: A History and Guide. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 39; Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series, no. 6. University Park, Pa.: Published by the Pennsylvania State University Press for The Library Company of Philadelphia and The Pennsylvania German Society, 2005. xviii, [i], 366pp (dj, fp, mostly b/w ill, bib, ind, pn). 227. Haag, Earl C. Die Pennsylvaanisch Deitsche/The Pennsylvania Germans. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 44. Kutztown, Pa.: The Society, 2010. xxii, 328pp (dj, col fp, bib, ind, nc). 228. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 3. Contents: Birmelin, John. Gezwitscher: A Book of Pennsylvania German Verse; Beckel, Clarence E. Early Marriage Customs of the Moravian Congregation in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Notices by German and Swiss Settlers Seeking Information of Members of Their Families, Kindred, or Friends. Compiled and translated by Anita L. Eyster; Kinzer, Henry. Conestoga Wagons and Their Ornamental Ironing. The Society: 1938. 156, 32, 41, 15pp (b/w ill, bib refs, some uncut pp, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 229. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 5. Contents: Heckewelder, John. Names Given by the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians to Rivers, Streams and Places in the Now States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia with Their Significations; Ziegler, Samuel H. The Ephrata Printing Press, Now in the Printshop of Frank R. King, New Enterprise, Bedford County, Pennsylvania; Fogel, Edwin. Of Months and Days; Connor, Wm. L. The Folk Culture of the Pennsylvania Germans: Its Value in Modern Education. The Society: 1940. 41, 12, 23, 46pp (b/w ill, bibs, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 230. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 6. Contents: Nitzsche, George E. The Christmas Putz of the Pennsylvania Germans; Early Christmases in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1742-1756). Translated by William N. Schwarze; Myers, Richmond E. The Moravian Christmas Putz; The Christmas Poetry of the “Pennsylvania Dutch”; Fogel, Edwin M. Twelvetide. The Society: 1941. 28, [16], 35, 10, 87, 22pp (b/w ill, caif, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 231. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 7. Contents: Mann, Horace M. The Bucks County Historical Society; Johnson, Elmer E.S. The Schwenkfelder Historical Library; Bitner, Mabel E. The Pennsylvania State Museum; Clemens, Gurney W. The Berks County Historical Society; Light, Richard. The Hershey Museum; Reichman, Felix. The Landis Valley Museum; Landis, Henry Kinzer, and George Diller Landis. Lancaster Rifles. The Society: 1942, c1943. 174pp (b/w ill, bib refs, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 232. Same as above (b/w ill, bib refs, syp, foxing on top edge and covers, covers yellowed, gc). 233. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 9. Contents: Lichtenthaeler, Frank E. Storm Blown Seed of Schoharie; Landis, Henry Kinzer, and George Diller Landis. Lancaster Rifle Accessories; Kemp, A.F. The Pennsylvania September 13, 2013 Page 15 German Versammlinge; John Baer Stoudt, D.D.: An Appreciation. The Society: 1944, c1946. 241pp (b/w ill, bib refs, sl yellowed pp and covers, yellowed endpapers, gc). 234. Same as above (b/w ill, bib refs, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 235. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 10. Contents: Ludwig, G.W. The Influence of the Pennsylvania Dutch in the Middle West; Emigrants from Wuerttemberg: The Adolf Gerber Lists. Edited by Donald Herbert Yoder. The Society: 1945, c1947. 251pp (bib refs, sl yellowed pp and front and back covers, yellowed spine cover, gc). 236. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 11. Contents: Graeff, Arthur D. The Pennsylvania Germans in , Canada; Kauffman, Henry J. Coppersmithing in Pennsylvania: Being a Treatise on the Art of the Eighteenth Century Coppersmith, Together with a Description of His Products and His Establishments; Seifert, Lester W.J. Lexical Differences Between Four Pennsylvania German Regions. The Society, 1946, c1948. 178, [1]pp (b/w ill, some uncut pp, syp, gc). 237. Same as above (b/w ill, some uncut pp, syp, gc). 238. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 12. Contents: In Memoriam: Lloyd A. Moll, September 29, 1879-February 1, 1944; Moll, Lloyd A. Am Schwarze Baer; Langguth, Otto. Pennsylvania German Pioneers from the County of Wertheim. Translated and edited by Don Yoder. The Society: 1947, c1948. 305pp (b/w ill, bib refs, syp, yellowed spine cover, gc). 239. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 15. Contents: Gilbert, Russell Wieder. Pennsylvania German Wills; Humorous Tales Told by Contemporary Pennsylvania Germans. The Society: 1950, c1951. 139pp (bib refs, some uncut pp, syp, gc). 240. Same as above (bib refs, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 241. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 16. Contents: In Memoriam: John Birmelin; The Later Poems of John Birmelin; Pennsylvania German Sounds and Their Representation; Stoudt, John Joseph. Pennsylvania German Folklore: An Interpretation; A List of German Immigrants to the American Colonies from Zweibruecken in the Palatinate, 1750-1771. Edited by Friedrich Krebs; A List of Eighteenth-Cemtury Emigrants from the Canton of Schaffhausen to the American Colonies, 1734-1752. Edited by Ernst Steinemann; In Memoriam: Philip Mason Palmer. The Society: 1951, c1953. 213pp (b/w ill, sl yellowed endpapers, vgc). 242. Reichmann, Felix, and Eugene E. Doll. Ephrata as Seen by Contemporaries. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 17. The Society: 1952, c1953. xxi, [i], 215pp (b/w ill, bib refs, some uncut pp, syp, gc). 243. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. Vol. 19. Contents: Henry Meyer, an Early Pennsylvania German Poet; Dundore, M. Walter. The Saga of the Pennsylvania Germans in Wisconsin. The Society: 1954, c1955. 176pp (b/w ill, bib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 244. Same as above (b/w ill, bib, some uncut pp, syp, yellowed covers, gc). 245. Same as above (b/w ill, bib, some uncut pp, syp, yellowed covers, gc). 246. Nitzsche, Elsa Koenig. Marriage by Lot: A Novel Based on Moravian History. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 22. The Society: 1957, c1958. 154pp (dj, yellowed covers, gc). 247. Smith, Elmer Lewis. The Amish Today: An Analysis of Their Beliefs, Behavior and Contemporary Problems. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 24. The Society: 1960, c1961. x, 346pp (b/w ill, bib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 248. Same as above (b/w ill, bib, syp, yellowed spine cover, gc). 249. Ernst, James E. Ephrata: A History. Edited by John Joseph Stoudt. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 25. The Society: 1961, c1963. xxi, 354pp (b/w ill, bib refs, syp, yellowed spine cover, gc). 250. Buffington, Albert F., and Preston A. Barba. A Pennsylvania German Grammar. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 27. Rev. ed. (1965). The Society: 1963, c1954. ix, 170pp (b/w maps, sl yellowed spine cover, gc). 251. Same as above (b/w maps, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 252. Stoudt, John Joseph. Pennsylvania German Folk Art: An Interpretation. The Society: 1966. xx, 386pp (mostly b/w ill, bib refs, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 253. Same as above (mostly b/w ill, bib refs, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 254. Stoudt, John Joseph. Pennsylvania Folk-Art: An Interpretation. Rev. ed. of his Consider the Lilies, How They Grow. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechters, 1948. xix, 402pp (mostly b/w ill, bib, syp, yellowed spine cover, gc). 255. Trinity Lutheran Church Records, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Translated and edited by Debra D. Smith and Frederick S. Weiser. Vol. 1: 1730-1767. Apollo, Pa.: Closson Press, 1988. [ix], iv, [i], 484pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc). 256. Same as above. Vol. 2: 1767-1782. Apollo, Pa.: Closson Press, 1995. [vi], v, 582pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc). 257. Lord, John. Beacon Lights of History. Vol. 1: Antiquity; Vol. 2: The Middle Ages; Vol. 3: Renaissance and Reformation; Vol. 4: Warriors and Statesmen; Vol. 5: Great Women; Vol. 6: Modern European Statesmen; Vol. 7: American Statesmen. New York: Fords, Howard, and Hulbert, 1883-94. ca. 450-600pp/vol. (ub, 1 fp, ind, some caif, stis, syp, 1 front endpaper torn, 2 front covers soiled, 1 front cover sl torn, gc). 258. Miller, W., Nonviolence: A Christian Interpretation; Butterfield, H., Christianity, Diplomacy and War; Griffin- Nolan, E., Witness for Peace: A Story of Resistance; Cupit, T., Peace I Leave with You: Bible Studies for Churches on the Subject of Peace (rev. ed.); Grannis, J.C.; A. Laffin; and E. Schade, The Risk of the Cross: Christian Discipleship in the Nuclear Age; Lutz, C., and J. Folk, Peace-Ways; Peace Is the Will of God: A Testimony to the World Council of Churches (1953); Caldicott, H., Nuclear Madness: What You Can Do! (first 2 items dj, last 5 items pb, gc to vgc). 259. Ramm, B., The Evangelical Heritage: A Study in Historical Theology; Maring, N., American Baptists: Whence Page 16 September 13, 2013 and Whither; Rowe, H., The Baptist Witness, rev. R. Torbet; Kaysor, C., Our Methodist Heritage; Faith of Our Fathers: A Historical Drama Designed to Represent in Song, Dialogue and Pantomine the Leading Events in the History of the Immigrant Schwenkfelders from 1726 to 1734 (1976); 250 Years, 1708-1958, Church of the Brethren: Brethren Adult Quarterly; Our Church: A Brief Manual of the History, Organization, Beliefs and Duties of Members of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ (8th ed., n.d.) (all pb, gc). 260. 8 Mennonite and Brethren items on peace: Fast, H., Jesus and Human Conflict; Peachey, T., and L. Peachey, Seeking Peace: True Stories of Mennonites Around the World, Struggling to Live Their Belief in Peace; Gish, A., The New Left and Christian Radicalism; Kraybill, D., Facing Nuclear War: A Plea for Christian Witness; Brown, D., Brethren and ; Sider, R., and R. Taylor, Nuclear Holocaust & Christian Hope; Sider, R., Christ and Violence; Beachey, D., Faith in a Nuclear Age: A Christian Response to War (first item dj, all other items pb, gc to vgc). 261. 6 items on Mennonite missions and overseas churches: Yoder, S., Eastward to the Sun; Yoder, S., Down South America Way; and Mission, ed. W. Shenk; Augsburger, M., Perspective on Missions in the Orient; Hess, M., The Pilgrimage of Faith of the Tanzania Mennonite Church, 1934-83; Keidel, L., Caught in the Crossfire: The Trials and Triumphs of African Believers Through an Era of Tribulation; Mennoniten in aller Welt/Mennonites Around the World, hrsg. A. Dyck; Official Report of the First Asia Mennonite Conference (1971); Mennonite World Handbook, 1984 supplement (first item dj, all other items pb, gc to vgc). 262. Mennonite World Conference Proceedings. 5 vols.¨1948, 1962, 1978, 1984, 1990. ca. 60-700pp/vol. (all pb, mc to gc). 263. 8 items on Mennonite World Conference: Mennonite World Conference Souvenir (1948); The Witness of the Holy Spirit (1967) (2 copies); The Kingdom of God and the Way of Peace (1978); Exhibition Hall Guide (1978); Program and Information (1978); Proceedings/Annales/Bericht/Anales (1984); Information Handbook and Tour Guide (1990) (all pb, gc to vgc). 264. Hershberger, Guy Franklin. War, Peace, and Nonresistance. Rev. ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1953. xvi, 375pp (bib refs, ind, foxing on fore-edge, caif, syp, gc); Yoder, Sanford C. Horse Trails Along the Desert. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. 181, [1]pp (dj, fp, signed by author, syp, sl cocked, gc); Yoder, Sanford Calvin. The Days of My Years. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1959. xv, 247pp (dj, bib refs, foxing on top edge, spine cover sl spotted, gc). 265. Journal of Mennonite Studies, Vol. 1 (1983); Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Mennonite Educational and Cultural Problems (1965); Official Proceedings of the 152nd Session of the Eastern District of the Mennonite Church of North America (1950); Toews, J., Jesus Christ, the Convener of the Church; Brunk, G., III; H. Huebner; and J.D. Weaver, Jesus Christ and the Mission of the Church: Contemporary Anabaptist Perspectives; The Reformed Mennonites (1944) (all pb, gc). 266. 5 Calvin and Hobbes items by Bill Watterson: Lazy Sunday Book; Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons; The Revenge of the Baby-Sat; Weirdos from Another Planet; Calvin and Hobbes. ca. 125pp/item (all pb, 1 ill, 4 b/w ill, chiefly ill, some covers sl soiled, gc to vgc). 267. May, R., Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1967); Come unto Me; Kern, A., Wer liest mit?: Ein Bilderbuch zum Lesenlernen; De la Ramé, L., The Nürnberg Stove; Macaulay’s Life of Samuel Johnson, ed. C. Hanson; Jackson, M., The Grandparent Book; (first item dj, last item pb, gc to vgc). 268. Grout, D., A History of Western Music, rev. ed., 1973. xiv, 818pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, caif, is, syp, gc); Machlis, J., The Enjoyment of Music: An Introduction to Perceptive Listening, 3rd ed., 1970. xx, 682pp (ill, bib, ind, foxing on edges, syp, gc); Bastien, J., How to Teach Piano Successfully, 1973. x, 496pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Cooke, C., Playing the Piano for Pleasure, 1960. 186pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, yp, gc). 269. The Norton Scores. Vol. 1: Machaut to Beethoven; Vol. 2: Schubert to Davidovsky. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1970 (vol. 1), 1977 (vol. 2). 752, 801pp (pb, chiefly music, ind, 1 foxing on edges, syp, 1 cover sl yellowed, 1 cover sl yellowed and creased, gc); Hughes, Robert J. The Prince of Peace: A Festival of Praise for the Christmas Season. Dayton, Ohio: Lorenz Pub. Co., 1973. 63pp (pb, music score, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); The Cliff Barrows Choir. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Singspiration, Inc., [196-?]. 48, [1]pp (pb, music score, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 270. 23 annual items of European trainees in North America sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee: 1951-52; 1952-53; 1953-54; 1954-55; 1955-56; 1956-57; 1957-58; 1958-59; 1959-60; 1960-61; 1961-62; 1962-63; 1963-64; 1964- 65; 1965-66; 1966-67; 1967-68; 1968-69; 1969-70; 1970-71; [1975-76]; 1976-77; 1978-79. ca. 20-125pp/item (all pb, titles vary, some comb bd, b/w ill, some syp, gc to vgc); 2 additional related items: Steensma, Ben S., America the Beautiful: Vacation Impressions; The Trainee Paper, Christmas Issue (pb, syp, gc). 271. Oyer, John S., and Robert S. Kreider. Mirror of the Martyrs: Stories of Courage, Inspiringly Told, of 16th Century Anabaptists Who Gave Their Lives for Their Faith. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1990. 96pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, relevant newspaper clippings pasted inside covers, sl curled, gc); Gleysteen, Jan. Mennonite Tourguide to Western Europe. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1984. 340pp (pb, ill, back cover sl creased, vgc); Waltner-Toews, David. The Impossible Uprooting: Poems. Toronto, Ont. McClelland & Stewart, 1995. 139pp (pb, covers sl stained, vgc); Dyck, Peter J. A Leap of Faith: True Stories for Young and Old. Scottdale, Pa,: Herald Press, 1990. 112pp (pb, signed by author, vgc). 272. Gingerich, M., Service for Peace: A History of Mennonite Civilian Public Service, 1949. xvii, 508pp (b/w ill, b/w ill, map on endpapers, ind, syp, gc); Lesher, E., and J. Roth, A Quick Guide to Anabaptist Values for MHS Alliance Organizations, 2009. [iv], 41pp (pb, b/w ill, back cover spattered, gc); Shirk, E., One Farm, Two Wars, Three Generations, 1996. viii, 88pp (pb, b/w ill, signed by author, back cover creased, sl rolled, gc); Directory of Civilian Public Service, May 1941 to March 1947, [1947?]. xxiv, 167, [2]pp (pb, several page corners creased, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Hymns for the Seventh Mennonite World Conference/Lieder für die siebente Mennonitische Weltkonferenz, 1962. 83pp (pb, 6” x 4¼”, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 273. Yoder, Joseph W. Amish Traditions. Huntingdon, Pa.: Yoder Pub. Co., 1950. xiii, 215pp (caif, syp, gc). 274. Hostetler, John A. Amish Society. 4th ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. xi, 435pp (pb, b/w September 13, 2013 Page 17 ill, bib, ind, signed by author, sds, covers sl creased, gc); Wojtasik, Ted. No Strange Fire. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1996. 400pp (pb, sis, covers sl creased, gc). 275. Zielinski, J., The Amish: a Pioneer Heritage, 1975. 174, [2]pp (dj, mostly b/w ill, some col ill, penned identification of persons in illustrations, covers sl soiled, gc); Zug, J.L., and J. Zug, The Kalona Heritage, 1975. [48]pp (pb, ill, ppn, syp, covers creased and detached, pc); Good, M., Who Are the Amish?, 1985. 128pp (pb, many ill, bib, ind, syp, covers creased and torn and loose, mc); Scott, S., and K. Pellman, Living Without Electricity, 1990. 128pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, covers sl yellowed and creased, gc). 276. Nolt, Steven M. A History of the Amish. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1992. 318pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, sis, front cover sl creased, gc); Glick, Aaron S. The Fortunate Years: An Amish Life. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1994. 251pp (pb, includes 12-page supplement for Glick family, some page corners creased, covers sl yellowed and soiled, gc); Anabaptist Letters from 1635 to 1645. Translated from the Ausbund by John E. Kauffman. Atglen, Pa.: Translator, 1975. [i], 44pp (pb, signed by translator, syp, gc). 277. Gingerich, Melvin. The Mennonites in Iowa: Marking the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Coming of the Mennonites to Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1939. 419pp (bib refs, ind, foxing, caif, syp, covers worn and sl torn, gc). 278. Lind, Katie Yoder. From Hazelbrush to Cornfields: The First One Hundred Years of the Amish-Mennonites in Johnson, Washington and Iowa Counties of Iowa, 1846-1946. 1st ed. Kalona, Iowa: Mennonite Historical Society of Iowa, 1994. 755, [2]pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, vgc); Gingerich, Mary A. Cemetery Directory of Amish and Mennonites in Iowa, Johnson and Washington Counties of Iowa. Kalona, Iowa: Compiler, 1972; reprint ed., Kalona, Iowa: Compiler, 1993. 279pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, syp, some loose pp, covers sl soiled, mc). 279. Liffring-Zug, J., and J. Zug, The Kalona Heritage: Amish and Mennonite Culture: Religion, Recipes, Quilts, Country Scenes, 1983. 64pp (pb, ill, sl yellowed pp and covers, front cover sds, gc); The Palimpsest, Vol. 40 (1959), no. 5. 161-224pp (pb, b/w ill, consists of articles by Melvin Gingerich on The Mennonites in Iowa, syp, covers sl yellowed and creased, gc); Kalona Klatter: School Life in Pictures, [1942]. [58]pp (b/w ill, copy of Jean Miller [later Thomas], foxing, syp, covers worn and creased, mc); Charter Members of Kalona High School Alumni, [1963?]. 35pp (pb, syp, gc). 280. Campbell, Rhoda H. Out of the Silent Past: A Short Story of the Byerland Church and the Community in Which It Grew Up from Its Very Beginning Until the Present Time. Lancaster, Pa.: Feldser Printing, 1950. 52pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, syp, front cover sl moth-eaten, gc); Friesen, Steve. A Modest Mennonite Home [1719 Herr House]. Photography by John P. Herr. Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1990. 128pp (pb, ill, bib, ind, vgc). 281. Harnish, Lindsay Druck. New Danville: Church, Community, Heritage, 1717-1992. Lancaster, Pa.: New Danville Mennonite Church, 1992. 212pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, back cover sl curled, covers sl yellowed, gc); Light Across the Years: Prepared for the Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the Byerland Mennonite Congregation in Cooperation with the Other Congregations of the New Danville District of the Lancaster Mennonite Conference. Edited by Martin E. Ressler. N.p., 1974. 139pp (pb, b/w ill, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 282. Mitchell, Edwin Valentine. It’s an Old Pennsylvania Custom. New York: Vanguard Press, 1947. 261, [1]pp (sps, sl ppn, syp, covers soiled, mc); Aurand, A.Monroe, Jr. Historical Account of the Ephrata Cloister and the Seventh Day Baptist Society. Harrisburg, Pa.: Aurand Press, 1940. 31, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, covers and several page corners creased, p 18 sl soiled, covers sds and sl creased, gc); Wilbert, Hermann-Josef. “De Guguck”: Mundartlieder aus der Pfalz und Siedlungsgebieten pfälzischer Auswanderer. Pfälzer in der weiten Welt, Folge 11. Kaiserslautern: Arbogast, [ca. 1976]. 96pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc). 283. Harter, T.H. Boonastiel: Pennsylvania Dutch. Palmyra, Pa.: Schneider Printing Co., 1928. 80, 66pp (added tp: Boonastiel: English Translation. Translated by Phares B. Gibble; yp, several pp torn in front and back, several last pp missing, spine taped, covers missing, pc). 284. Hollinger, Paul R. Now and Then in Providence Township, 1700-1976. Lancaster, Pa.: Stauffer Printing Service, 1976. 192pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, foxing on covers, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Musser, Wilma I. The Village of West Willow, 1710-1974, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: A History. Community Historians Annual, no. 13; Community Historians, vol. 13, no. 5. Lancaster, Pa.: Schaff Library, 1974. vi, 92pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, signed by author, covers moth-eaten, gc). 285. Millersville-Penn Manor Community History. Edited by Robert E. Coley, James A. Jolly, and Carole L. Slotter. [Millersville, Pa.?]: Millersville-Penn Manor Bicentennial Committee, 1976. 144pp (pb, b/w ill, bibs, covers yellowed, gc); Lancaster County Planning Commission. Lancaster’s Heritage: An Historical Preservation Study for Lancaster County. Lancaster, Pa.: The Commission, 1972. 171pp in various pagings (pb, comb bd, b/w ill, fold-out map, bib, syp, gc). 286. Loose, John Ward Willson. The Heritage of Lancaster. Woodland Hills, Calif.: Windsor Publications, 1978. xi, [i], 226pp (dj, mostly b/w ill, bib, ind, syp, back cover soiled, gc); Klimuska, Ed. Lancaster County. Photography by Keith Baum and Jerry Irwin. Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur Press, 1998. 144pp (dj, ill, bib, ind, pn); Groff, Betty. Betty Groff’s Country Goodness Cookbook. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1981. 320pp (dj, ill, ind, vgc). 287. Hostetler, Harvey. Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler, the Immigrant of 1736. [Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Pub. House, 1912]; reprint ed., Berlin, Ohio: Gospel Book Store, 1970. 1191, [1]pp (b/w ill, ind, syp, spine cover loosened, gc); Index of Unnumbered Persons in Harvey Hostetler’s 1912 Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler. Goshen, Ind.: Jacob Hochstetler Family Association, 1993. [v], 136pp (pb, vgc). 288. Hostetler, Harvey. Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian Stutzman. [Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1938]; reprint ed., Berlin, Ohio: Gospel Book Store, 1965. 1391pp (ill, caif, syp, ppn on back endpapers, spine cover loosened, covers sl worn, gc). 289. Beachy, Lucy. Daniel Bender Family History. Grantsville, Md.: Bender Book Revision Committee, 1985. 648pp (b/w ill, ind, top edge sl stained, sps, gc). Page 18 September 13, 2013 290. Bender, Edwin and Mary. Daniel Bender (1835-1918) and Veronica Roth (1839-1912) and Descendants. Kalona, Iowa: Enos H. Miller, 1970. [i], iii, 80pp (pb, ind, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 291. Guengerich, S.D. A Memorial History of Daniel Schöttler Sr. and His Father in Law, Christian Schwartzendruber Sr. and Also of Jac. & Rebecca Kauffman, Grand Parents of Daniel Shettler Jr., Comprising a Complete Family Register of Their Lineal descendants, and Those Related to Them by Intermarriage, from the Year 1833 to 1910. Chronologically Arranged. With an Appendix of Those Not Received in Time for Their Proper Place in the Book. Wellman, Iowa: Compiler, 1910. vi, 119pp (ind, caif, is, sl ppn, syp, gc). 292. Same as above. Reprint ed.: Kalona, Iowa: John W. Gingerich, 1977. [i], vi, 1-56, vii, 57-119pp (pb, ind, syp, gc). 293. Snyder, Kathryn Miller. A Brief History of the Geo. Swartzendruber Family. [Kalona, Iowa: Compiler], 1938. 24pp (pb, yp, gc); Swartzendruber, Magdalene, and Keith and Mary Brenneman. Family Record of Peter Swartzendruber and Barbara Hochstetler and Their Descendants. Wellman, Iowa: Keith and Mary Brenneman, 1977. [124]pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, several front pp loose, mc). 294. Swartzendruber, Magdalene, and Keith and Mary Brenneman. Family Record of Peter Swartzendruber and Barbara Hochstetler and Their Descendants. Wellman, Iowa: Keith and Mary Brenneman, 1977. [124]pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, syp, front cover loose, gc). 295. Same as above (pb, b/w ill, ind, syp, gc). 296. Same as above (pb, b/w ill, ind, stis, syp, ppn, front cover sl creased, gc). 297. Miller, Christina. Joseph Ropp and Elizabeth Schweitzer Family Record. Kalona, Iowa: Compiler, 1969. 80pp (pb, ind, syp, gc). 298. Brenneman, Paul E. and Lois (Hershberger). John J. Miller and Magdalena Miller and Their Descendants, 1833- 1991. Kalona, Iowa: Compilers, 1991. 308pp (pb, ind, is, ppn, covers sl soiled and creased, gc); Additional Records, John J. & Magdalena Miller Family, March 1967. N.p. 20pp (pb, foxing, syp, several front pp sl creased, gc); Brenneman, Mrs. Paul E. Supplement to the John J. Miller Family Record, 1855-1976, To August 1981. Iowa City, Iowa: Compiler. [ii], 65pp (pb, ind, ds, syp, mc). 299. Ropp, Lorena. Family Record of Noah D. Yoder and Sevilla Gnagey and Their Descendants. Kalona, Iowa: Compiler, 1987. 72pp (pb, ind, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 300. Roupp, Paul E. and Gertrude. Roots, Continuing Generations: John Risser Hess, 1828-1897. [Hesston, Kan.: Compilers], 1980. [230]pp in various pagings (pb, b/w ill, ind, signed by Paul E. Roupp, syp, covers sl soiled, gc). 301. Beissel, James D. The Wedge: Beisel/Beissell International Genealogy. 1st ed. Willow Street, Pa.: Crystal Educational Counselors, 1990. xx, 462pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, includes 4-page supplement, signed by compiler, vgc). 302. Fretz, A.J. A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Jacob Beidler of Lower Milford Township, Bucks Co., Pa., Together with Historical and Biographical Sketches Illustrated with Portraits and Other Illustrations. Milton, N.J.: Compiler, 1903. xvi, 549pp (gilt toolwork on covers, gilt edges, fp, b/w ill, ind, exlib, spine cover torn, covers worn, gc). 303. Fretz, A.J. A Brief History of Bishop Henry Funck and Other Funk Pioneers, and a Complete Genealogical Family Register with Biographies of Their Descendants from the Earliest Available Records to the Present Time. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1899. 874pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, rbd, exlib, syp, gc). 304. Fretz, A.J. A Brief History of Jacob Wismer and a Complete Genealogical Family Register with Biographies of His Descendants from the Earliest Available Records to the Present Time. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1893. x, [i], 372pp (in pamphlet binder, fp, b/w ill, ind, untrimmed fore-edge, exlib, syp, gc). 305. Fretz, A.J. A Brief History of John and Christian Fretz and a Complete Genealogical Family Register to the Fourth Generation with Accounts, and Addresses Delivered at the Fretz Family Reunions Held at Bedminster, Pa., 1888, 1893, 1898, and 1903, with Portraits and Other Illustrations. Milton, N.J.: Compiler, 1904. 125, [1]pp (fp; b/w ill; ind; includes letter dated Nov. 26, 1943, from J.D. Overholt, Wooster, Ohio, to Edward Yoder of Mennonite Publishing House pertaining to this item; exlib; yp; gc). 306. Godshalk, Abraham. A Family Record and Other Matters Which, It Is Hoped, Will Be Good for the Souls of Men and Women: The Family Record Back to the First Immigrant Who Came to This Country and Settled at Germantown, Then Philadelphia County, Pa. From There Many of the Descendants Emigrated to Bucks County, of Whom the Author Is a Descendant. Harrisburg, Pa.: United Evangelical Press, 1912. 304pp (fp, ind, exlib, syp, gc). 307. Harris, Alex. A Biographical History of Lancaster County: Being a History of Early Settlers and Eminent Men of the County; as Also Much Other Unpublished Information, Chiefly of a Local Character. Lancaster, Pa.: Elias Barr & Co., 1872. 638, [1]pp (rbd, exlib, few front page corners creased, yp, gc). 308. Mast, C.Z., and Robert E. Simpson. Annals of the Conestoga Valley in Lancaster, Berks, and Chester Counties, Pennsylvania. Elverson, Pa., and Churchtown, Pa.: Authors, 1942. xviii, [i], 689pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, caif, syp, gc). 309. Yoder, Paton. Eine Würzel: Tennessee John Stoltzfus. Lititz, Pa.: Sutter House, 1979. xii, 180pp (b/w ill, bib refs, exlib, vgc). 310. Schreiber, William I. Our Amish Neighbors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. xii, 226, [1]pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, copy of Harold S. Bender, exlib, syp, ps, gc); The Letters of the Amish Division of 1693-1711. Oregon City, Ore.: Christian J. Schlabach, 1950. 120, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w map, exlib, syp, gc); Shoemaker, Alfred L. 3 Myths About the Pennsylvania Dutch Country: Hex Signs, Seven Sours and Seven Sweets, the Amish Blue Gate. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 1951. 32pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, yellowed covers, gc). 311. Peachey, Samuel W. Amish of Kishacoquillas Valley, Mifflin County, Pa. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, [1930]. 48pp (pb, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Hayes, A. Reed, Jr. On Its Silver Anniversary Year Mifflin County Historical Society, Lewistown, Penna., Presents The Old Order Amish Mennonites of Pennsylvania: A Survival of Religious Fundamentalism in a New World Environment. Lewistown, Pa.: The Society, 1947. 23pp (pb, in pamphlet September 13, 2013 Page 19 binder, b/w ill, bib, syp, gc). 312. Cragg, Perry. The Amish: A Photographic Album. [Cleveland, Ohio]: Doris Cragg, 1971. [59]pp (pb, chiefly b/w ill, exlib, sl yellowed covers, gc); Aurand, Ammon Monroe, Jr. Little Known Facts About the Amish and the Mennonites: A Study of the Social Customs and Habits of Pennsylvania’s “.” Harrisburg, Pa.: Aurand Press, 1938. [ii], 32, [2]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, copy of Melvin Gingerich, exlib, vgc); Franck, Ira Stoner. A Jaunt into the Dutch Country. Pt. 1: Accent on the Amish. [Lancaster County, Pa.]: Author, 1952. 28pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, vgc). 313. Budget Letters of the Experiences of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Kurtz While in the West for Mrs. Kurtz’s Health. Gordonville, Pa.: A.S. Kinsinger, [195-?]. 67pp (pb, exlib, vgc); Miller, Clara Bernice. The Crying Heart. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1962. 293pp (exlib, vgc). 314. Yoder, Silvanus. A Brief History of Biographical Sketches Together with a Complete Genealogy of the Descendants of Peter Schrock. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1923. 101pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, syp, ppn, some torn pp, covers sl soiled, gc). 315. Miller, Oscar R. Descendants of Henry Shrock and Barbara Miller from the Year 1807 to 1971. Berlin, Ohio: Compiler, 1971. 121pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w ill, ind, exlib, vgc). 316. Raber, John A. Family Records of Jacob Raber from Germany and His Lineal Decendants [sic], Chronologically Arranged with Alphabetical Index. Baltic, Ohio: Compiler, [1915]. 78pp (pb, ind, exlib, sps, yp, corner of front cover torn off, mc). 317. Hostetler, Harvey. Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler, the Immigrant of 1736. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Pub. House, 1912; [1962 reprint]. 1191, [1]pp (b/w ill, ind, copy of S. Jay Hostetler, exlib, caif, syp, gc). 318. Hostetler, Harvey. Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian Stutzman. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1938. 1391pp (b/w ill, ind, exlib, caif, yellowed endpapers, spine cover loosened, mc). 319. Joseph Goldsmith, 1796-1876, and His Descendants. Compiled by a committee appointed by the annual Goldsmith Reunion. Kalona, Iowa: John W. Gingerich, 1955. 95pp (pb, ind, exlib, sl ppn, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 320. Gingerich, Amos. The Fred and Sarah (Yoder) Swartzendruber History: A Story of Their Faith and Life with Historical, Genealogical and Religious Records of Their Ascendants and Descendants, Gathered from the Earliest Available Data to the Present Time. [Parnell, Iowa: Compiler], 1958. 180pp (b/w ill, ind, copy of Melvin Gingerich, exlib, syp, gc). 321. Graber, Peter M. History of the Graber and Stoll Families. Canton, Ohio: Compiler, 1917. 28pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, sl foxing, syp, gc). 322. Schrock, Elden R. The Family of John Ringenberg and Barbara Stahly from the Year 1827 to 1979. Nappanee, Ind.: Compiler, [1979]. 26pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, vgc). 323. Eash, Sam T., and George G. Cross. Family Record of John Garver and Elizabeth Kauffman with Four Generations of Their Descendants. Goshen, Ind.: Compilers, 1967. 107pp (pb, ind, exlib, vgc). 324. Hoover, Amos B. Descendants of Elisha M. Martin and Mary R. Heller, 1691-1962: Lineages of 11 Generations Covering 271 Years. 2nd ed. Denver, Pa.: Compiler, 1962. 48, [4]pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, exlib, sl yellowed coverx, gc). 325. Gerberich, Albert H. The Brenneman History. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1938. xii, 1217pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, copy of Melvin Gingerich, exlib, caif, sps, sl ppn, spine cover loosened, mc). 326. Wenger, Joseph H. History of the Descendants of Abraham Beery, Born in 1718, Emigrated from Switzerland to Pennsylvania in 1736, and a Complete Genealogical Family Register with Biographies of Many of His Descendants, from the Earliest Available Records to the Present Time, Giving Dates in Three Centuries. South English, Iowa: Compiler, 1905. 328pp (fp, ind, exlib, caif, syp, cover corners worn, spine cover tape, mc). 327. Wall, O.J. Fast Family Tree, 1763-1963. Frazer, Mont.: Compiler, 1963. 240pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, syp, few page corners creased, gc); Herman, Esther Dirks. As a Mennonite of Pioneer Ancestry. [Riverton, Neb.: Author], 1976. 71pp (pb, b/w ill, signed by author, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Off the Mountain Lake Range [cookbook]. 8th printing. Mankato, Minn.: Elsa Kettler, 1958. 52pp (pb, comb bd, b/w ill., exlib, vgc). 328. Goertz, Helene Riesen. Family History of Siebert Goertz and John Harms and Their Descendants. North Newton, Kan.: Compiler, 1965. 124, [1]pp (b/w ill, exlib, vgc). 329. Hoekstra, S[ytse]. Zedenleer. Vols. 1-3 complete. Amsterdam: P.N. Van Kampen & Zoon, 1894. xi, 440; viii, 466; vii, 459pp (ub, bib refs, ind, exlib, syp, gc). 330. Buehler, Allan M. The Pennsylvania German Dialect and the Autobiography of an . Cambridge, Ont.: Author, 1977. 227pp (b/w ill, some parallel English and Pennsylvania German text on facing pages, exlib, yellowed endpapers, gc). 331. Shoemaker, Alfred L. Christmas in Pennsylvana: A Folk-Cultural Study. Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania Folklore Society, 1959. 116pp (b/w ill, ind, exlib, stis, syp, gc); Smith, Edward C., and Virginia van Horn Thompson. Traditionally Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Hastings House, 1947. 81pp (many ill, copy of Melvin Gingerich, exlib, caif, yp, gc); Klein, Philip S. Historical Problems with the Pennsylvania Germans. Community Historians Annual, no. 8. Lancaster, Pa.: Schaff Library, Lancaster Theological Seminary, 1969. [21]-35pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib refs, exlib, vgc). 332. Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebäte, womit fromme Christen-Herzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen sich trösten können. Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1868. 212pp (al, exlib, syp, front flyleaf torn out, front cover loose, covers worn and sl torn, spine cover partly missing, clasp missing, mc). 333. Die ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebäte, womit sich fromme Christenherzen in allen Zeiten und zu allen Nöthen trösten können. Nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend eine kurze Darstellung des Glaubens und das Glaubens-Bekenntniß der wehr- und rachlosen Christen. Rev. und verm. Ausg. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Page 20 September 13, 2013 Verlagshandlung, 1886. 154, 74pp (marbled covers, single clasp, exlib, stis, syp, gc). 334. Die ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebäte, womit sich fromme Christenherzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen trösten können. Nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend eine kurze Darstellung des Glaubens und das Glaubens-Bekenntniß der wehr- und rachlosen Christen. Rev. und verm. Ausg. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1894. 144, 67, [2]pp (al, copy of Miss Barbara Eicher, Noble, Iowa, Oct. 9th 1878, exlib, foxing on fore-edge, syp, covers sl worn, gc). 335. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch vom seligmachenden Glauben für die Jugend, in Fragen und Antworten; und ein Glaubens-Bekenntniß der Mennoniten. Nebst einem Anhang. Elkhart, Ind.: John F. Funk, 1868. 326pp (al, exlib, foxing, ds, syp, gc). 336. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch vom seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkenntniß der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens. Tit. 1, v. 1. In Frag und Antwort für die ankommende Jugend, wodurch dieselbe zu einer heilsamen Lebens-Uebung möchte gereißt und gebracht warden. . . . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1869. 256pp (al, single clasp, exlib, caif, yp, top of spine cover missing, gc). 337. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch vom seligmachenden Glauben für die Jugend, in Fragen und Antworten; und ein Glaubens-Bekenntniß der Mennoniten. Nebst einem Anhang. Elkhart, Ind.: J.F. Funk u. Brud., 1873. 296pp (quarter bd, exlib, foxing, syp, covers loose, mc). 338. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch vom seligmachenden Glauben, für die Jugend, in Fragen und Antworten; und ein Glaubensbekenntnis der Mennoniten. Nebst einem Anhang. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitischen Verlagshandlung, 1902. 336pp (quarter bd, exlib, sps, ppn, syp, spine cover worn, gc). 339. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christian Spiritual Conversation on Saving Faith, for the Young, in Questions and Answers, and a Confession of Faith, of the Mennonites. With an Appendix. Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer and Sons, 1857. 309pp (al, exlib, sl foxing, caif, sds, yp, covers worn, spine taped, gc). 340. Neu vermehres geistliches Lust-Gärtlein frommer Seelen. Das ist: Heilsame Anweisungen und Regeln zu einem gottseligen Leben. Wie auch schöne Gebete und Gesänge, täglich und auf alle Festtage im Jahr, in allerley Anliegen zu gebrauchen. . . . Lancaster: Johann Bär und Söhnen, 1857. 288pp (al, exlib, foxing, caif, front cover loose, clasp missing, mc). 341. Same as above. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär u. Söhnen, 1876. 288pp (al, enclosed in acid-free wrapper, copy of Jacob G. Roth and Verna (Mrs. Melvin) Gingerich, exlib, caif, syp, clasp missing, front cover and front flyleaf detached, pc). 342. Neu vermehres geistliches Lust-Gärtlein frommer Seelen. Das ist: Heilsame Anweisungen und Regeln zu einem gottseligen Leben. Wie auch schöne Gebete und Gesänge, täglich und auf alle Festtage im Jahr, in allerlei Anliegen zu gebrauchen. . . . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1914. 262pp (exlib, foxing, caif, sl scribbling, few page corners creased, covers soiled, spine cover loosened, mc). 343. The Confession of Faith, of the Christians Known by the Name of Mennonites, in Thirty-Three Articles; with a Short Extract from Their Catechism . . . Also, Nine Reflections, from Different Passages of the Scriptures, Illustrative of Their Confession, Faith & Practice; by Peter Burkholder, of the Church of the Mennonites. . . . Winchester [Va.]: Robinson & Hollis, 1837. 461pp (al, exlib, foxing, caif, ds, stis, covers worn, mc). 344. Dietrich Philip. Enchiridion, oder Handbüchlein, von der christlichen Lehre und Religion. Zum Dienst von allen Liebhabern der Wahrheit (durch die Gnade Gottes) aus der heiligen Schrift gemacht. Mit einem schönen und faßlichen Register. 4. amerikanische Aufl. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonitisches Verlagshaus, 1917. 451, 40pp (half bd, copy of Harold S. Bender, exlib, syp, covers torn and sl worn, gc). 345. Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, enthaltend geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes. Auf Begehren der Brüderschaft der Mennonisten Gemeinen, aus vielen Liederbüchern gesammelt. Mit einem dreyfachen Register. 6. verb. Aufl. Lancaster: Johann Bär u. Söhnen, 1854. [vi], 79, [1], 483, [1]-17pp (al, exlib, foxing, yp, pp 18-19 at end missing, spine cover torn, covers worn, 1 clasp missing, mc). 346. Same as above. 6. verb. Aufl. [sic]. Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1868. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al, exlib, foxing, syp, back endpaper torn, clasps missing, gc). 347. Same as above. 6. verb. Aufl. [sic]. Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1871. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al, 2 clasps, copy of David Reber, exlib, caif, syp, tp sl scribbled, covers worn, gc). 348. Eine unparteiische Lieder-Sammlung zum Gebrauch beim oeffentlichen Gottesdiens und der häuslichen Erbauung. Nebst mit einander von Psalmen und Lobgesängen und geistlichen Liedern, singet und spielen dem Herrn in euren Herzen. Eph. 5, 6. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1864. [iv], 342pp (al, exlib, syp, clasp strap broken, gc). 349. Same as above. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1867. [iv], 342pp (al, single clasp, copy of Anna Kraus, exlib, syp, yellowed endpapers, gc). 350. Same as above. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1870. [iv], 342pp (al, single clasp, exlib, syp, gc). 351. Same as above. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1876. [iv], 342pp (al, single clasp, exlib, spine cover torn, covers sl soiled, gc). 352. Die gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes. Mit einem Inhalt sammt zweifachem Register versehen. Berlin, Canada: Boedecker u. Stuebing, 1892. 388pp (exlib, caif, several torn pp, yp, spine taped, covers and cover corners worn, mc). 353. Eby, Benjamin. ABC-, Buchstabir- u. Lesebuch, zum Gebrauch für deutsche Schulen. 5. Aufl. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlags-Haus, 1882. 160pp (exlib, yp, few torn pp, covers sl worn, gc). 354. Eby, Benjamin. Kurzgefaßte Kirchen Geschichte und Glaubenslehre der Taufgesinnten-Christen oder Mennoniten. Berlin, Canada: Heinrich Eby, 1841. v, [i], vi-vii, [9]-240pp (al, exlib, foxing, caif, yp, clasp missing, covers September 13, 2013 Page 21 worn, mc). 355. Same as above. Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär, 1853. 238, [2]pp (al, exlib, syp, spine cover torn, front cover loose, clasp missing, mc) 356. Eby, Benjamin. Kurzgefaßte Kirchen Geschichte und Glaubenslehre der Taufgesinnten Christen oder Mennoniten. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitischen Verlagshandlung, 1901. 228pp (exlib, sl scribbling, ppn, tp scribbled, yp, gc). 357. [Funck, Heinrich]. Ein Spiegel der Taufe, mit Geist, mit Wasser und mit Blut. In neun Theile verfasset. . . . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1861. 108pp (quarter bd, marbled covers, exlib, foxing, caif, syp, covers sl worn, gc). 358. Kleines Hand-Büchlein, darinnen Morgen- und Abendgebeter, wie auch zur Taufe und Communion, und mehr andere Gebeter enthalten sind. Nebst verschiedenen Märtyrer und andern Liedern. Elkhart, Ind.: John F. Funk und Bruder, 1872. 70, 43, [1]pp (quarter bd, marbled covers, added tp: Anhang schöner geistreicher Liedern und Gebetern, exlib, syp, spine cover torn, gc). 359. Die richtige Weg zum ewigen Leben, nach der Vorschrift des Wortes Gottes. . . . Quäkertown, Pa.: J.G. Stauffer, 1890. 64pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, covers sl creased and sl soiled, gc). 360. Fragebuch für Bibelklassen. Zum Gebrauchg weiter vorgeschrittener Schüler in der Sonntagschule. Von eimen Comite. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshaus, 1882. 132pp (exlib, syp, gc). 361. Fragebuch für mittlere Klassen, eine Reihe von Lektionen für den religiösen Unterricht der Jugend in der Sonntagschule. Zusammengestellt in Fragen und Antworten von einem Comite. Mit der Gutheisung und unter der Leitung der Bischöfe der mennonitischen Conferenz von Lancaster County, Pa. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitisches Verlagshaus, 1884. 103pp (exlib, syp, covers torn, gc). 362. Tolstoi, Leo, Graf, von Rußland, und Prediger Adin Ballou von Amerika. Die christliche Lehre von der Wehrlosigkeit. Hillsboro, Kans.: J.G. Ewert, 1899. 21pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc); Harder, Johannes. Der Weg, des Friedens. Karlsruhe: Friedenskomitees der deutschen Mennoniten, 1960. 7, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc). 363. Stutzman, Bess Yoder. The Amish Mennonite Settlement in Deuel County, Nebraska. Goshen, Ind.: Sanford Calvin Yoder, 1965. 66 lvs (pb, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 364. Troyer, Glenn L., [et al.]. Mennonite Church History of Howard and Miami Counties, Indiana. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, [1916]. 189pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, syp, gc). 365. Gingerich, Mary A. Cemetery Directory of Amish and Mennonites in Iowa, Johnson and Washington Counties of Iowa. Kalona, Iowa: Author, 1972. 279pp (b/w ill, ind, signed by author, exlib, syp, tear in spine cover, gc). 366. Hagey, Henry D. Some Local History of Franconia Township: Including Six Hundred Acres in Franconia Township: Daily Happenings, Historical Data, Life in Elroy, 1918-1935: History and Historical Facts of Elroy: A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Daniel Hagey. Edited by Joyce Clemmer Munro.[Telford, Pa.]: Editor, 1979. xiv, 385pp (pb, ill, ind, fold-out map, exlib, gc); Doctrinal Statement, Constitution and Discipline of the Franconia Mennonite Conference, 1725-1947. Franconia, Pa.: Franconia Mennonite Conference, 1947. 57pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, sis, gc). 367. Fifty Years Building on the Warwick: A History of the Warwick Mennonite Community, Including the Warwick River Mennonite Congregation at Denbigh and the Providence Amish Mennonite Congregation at Oyster Point, Virginia. [Denbigh, Va.]: Warwick River Mennonite Church, [1947]. 153pp (b/w ill, maps, exlib, foxing inside covers, gc); Horst, John L., and Ammon Kaufman. Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Observance of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Mennonite Conference. [Scottdale, Pa.]: The Conference, 1951. 32pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc). 368. Hymn Preludes for Organ (or, Occasionally, Piano), Based on Music from the Mennonite Hymnal, 1969; Report of Joint Conference on Church Organization, October 20-22, 1970, Yellow Creek Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana; Education on Alcohol and Tobacco: Proceedings of the Conference on Christian Community Relations Sponsored by the Committee on Economic and Social Relations, the Mennonite Community Association, the Mennonite Commission for Christian Education, the Mennonite Publishing House, the Mennonite Medical Association, Goshen College, Hesston College and Other Schools and Interested Individuals, Goshen, Indiana, April 5 to 7, 1962; Yoder, J., Beyond Conformity: A Series of Chapel Messages Presented at Goshen College; Rooted Deep: Mennonite Festival, Sponsored by Tri-College Centennial Committee, Century II, Wichita, Kansas, October 11 to 13, 1974; Zook, E., General Conference in Iowa, August 22-29, 1941 (pb, 3 comb bd, last item in pamphlet binder, exlib, gc). 369. Who’s Who Among the Mennonites. Edited by A. Warkentin. [Newton, Kan.: Bethel College], 1937. 221pp (b/w ill, exlib, syp, gc); Heatwole, Ruth Showalter. Until--. [La Junta, Col.: Jacob A. Heatwole Family, 1936]. [40]pp (pb, exlib, covers discolored, gc); Erb, Ethel Estella (Cooprider). Story of Grandmother Heatwole-Brunk-Cooprider. Hesston, Kan.: Book and Bible Room, [194-?]. 48, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, fp, b/w ill, exlib, syp, front cover damaged, gc). 370. [Wenger, Roy E.]. Benjamin Gerig and Lydia Schrock: Their Lives and Times. [Kent, Ohio: Author, 1976]. 16, [4] lvs (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w ill, maps, exlib, gc); Franck, Ira S. My Search for an Anchor. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co., 1966. 129pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, syp, gc); Hostetler, Fanny M. Aunt Faye of the Mennonites. [Orrville, Ohio: J.D. Hostetler, 1949]. 136pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, syp, gc). 371. Yoder, Raymond Mark. Indiana Literaries. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, [1936?]. 184pp (pb, exlib, yp, covers sl discolored, gc); Young People’s Literary Society Manual. Edited by Clayton F. Yake. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1934. xii, 148pp (pb, bib, exlib, yp, covers sl blemished, gc); Mennonite Handbook: Indiana-Michigan Conference. Edited by John Christian Wenger. [Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House], 1956. 159pp (pb, ind, exlib, gc). 372. The Mennonite Encyclopedia Index of Titles: Volumes I to IV and Supplement in One Alphabetical Arrangement. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1960. 132pp (pb, comb bd, exlib, gc); Catalogue of the Mennonite Historical Library in Scottdale, Pennsylvania. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1929. 87, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet Page 22 September 13, 2013 binder, exlib, yp, front cover creased, gc); Manual of Style, Containing Editorial and Typographical Rules for the Herald Press. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1948. 71pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc). 373. Ressler, Martin E. A Bibliography of Mennonite Hymnals and Songbooks, 1742-1972. [Quarryville, Pa.: Compiler, 1973]. 28, [2] lvs (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, gc); Yoder, J.W., and H.J. Taylor. The Lyric: A Collection of 49 New Songs, 21 Community Songs, 12 Standard Hymns, Also Patriotic Selections, Nature Songs, Glees, etc., etc. Philadelphia, Pa.: Hall-Mack Co. Publishers, 1921. 79, [1]pp (pb, ind, exlib, yp, front cover discolored, gc). 374. The Hutterite Brethren: An Annotated Bibliography with Special Reference to South Dakota Hutterite Colonies; Riley, M., and D. Johnson, South Dakota’s Hutterite Colonies, 1874-1969; Arnold, H.; Man the Image of God and Modern Psychology; Arnold, H., and A. Arnold; The Purity of Childhood; Arnold, E.; Foundation and Orders of Sannerz and the Rhön Bruderhof; Hutterian Brethren: Life and Religion; Ehrenpreis, A., and C. Felbinger, Brotherly Community, the Highest Command of Love: Two Anabaptist Documents of 1650 and 1560 (all but last item pb, several items in pamphlet binders, exlib, gc). 375. Herr, Johannes. Der wahre und selige Weg, der mitten unter dem Creutz gen Himmel geht. Oder Eine gründliche Lehre aus Gottes Wort, allen Liebhabern der Wahrheit zur Beförderung und Auserbauung ihrer Seligkeit. Lancaster: Joseph Ehrenfried, 1815. 333pp (al, exlib, foxing, some blemished pp, yp, covers worn and blemished, gc). 376. Musser, Daniel. The Reformed Mennonite Church: Its Rise and Progress with Its Principles and Doctrines. 2nd ed. Lancaster, Pa.: Inquirer Printing & Pub. Co., 1878. 608pp (exlib, sps, syp, gc); Christian Fellowship: A Few Words on True Enjoyment and Church Unity. Williamsville, N.Y.: D.N. Long, 1886. 16pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, several page corners missing, yp, gc). 377. Showalter, R., The Conservative Mennonite Conference: A Short History of Some Amish Mennonites, 1910- 1970, 1971. 16pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w ill, bib refs, exlib, gc); Swartzentruber, L., The Child: A History of the Mennonite Orphans’ Home, West Liberty, Ohio, 1931. 208pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, front cover sl blemished, gc); Wenger, J., Glimpses of Mennonite History, 1940. 126pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, syp, gc); Kauffman, D., Fifty Years in the Mennonite Church, 1890-1940, 1941. 92pp (exlib, syp, gc); Mennonites and Their Heritage: A Series of Six Studies Designed for Use in Civilian Public Service Camps, ed. H. Bender, no. 5: Christian Relationships to State and Community, 1945. 108pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc). 378. Hess, Mrs. J.W., As Clay in the Potter’s Hands, 1955. 71pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, gc); Wenger, J., and M. Kratz, A.D. Wenger: Faithful Minister of Christ, 1961. 79pp (b/w ill, exlib, syp, covers sl discolored, gc); Twice Born: A Book of Conversion Stories, comp. and ed. N. Wingert, 1955. 182pp (exlib, syp, gc); The Touch of God, as told to J. Fairfield, 1965. 64pp (pb, exlib, gc); Yoder, A., An Unforgettable Character, 1945. 36, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, yp, gc). 379. Missionary Atlas: A Compilation of Maps and Related Data of the Foreign Mission Fields of the Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, 1957. 45 lvs (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w maps colored, exlib, gc); Widmer, G., We Study America: Vamos a Estudiar la America Latina Argentina, Puerto Rico, Spanish Home Missions, Honduras, Mexico, 1951. 38pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc); Foreign Missions: Brazil, Mennonite Brethren Mission, [1948?]. 21pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w ill, bib, exlib, gc); Gaede, H., and R. Wiens, Mennonite Brethren Missions in Japan, [1955]. 35pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w map, bib, exlib, gc). 380. Erb, A., and W. Paul, Christian Friends in Latin America: Mission Studies for Children; Beginnings at Araguacema; Pansies for Thoughts; Ressler, J., Junior India: A Textbook for Junior Mission Study Classes; Graber, C., The Coming of the Moros: From Spears to Pruning Hooks; Leatherman, C., Ye Are God’s Building: The Story of Twenty-five Years in Tanganyika (all but 1 pb, all exlib, gc). 381. Gingerich, M., The Mennonite Woman’s Missionary Society; Ewert, M., Humanization and Development, Development Monograph Series, no. 2; Martin, L., Women and Development, Development Monograph Series, no. 3; Manual of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, ed. S. Yoder; Being God’s Missionary Community: Reflections on Mennonite Missions, 1945-1975; Manual of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities; Manual of the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, no. 2 (all but 1 pb, all exlib, gc). 382. Smoker, George R. An Exegetical Study of the Events Immediately Preceding the Farewell Messages of Our Lord Recorded in the Fourth Gospel or Permanent Principles Implicit in the Ancient Christian Rite of Foot Washing. 1940. xxi, 153 lvs (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib, thesis [Bachelor of Sacred Theology, Biblical Seminary in New York, 1940], exlib, gc); Hess, Mahlon M. The Devotional Head Covering: An Exegetical Study of I Corinthians 11:2-16. 1941. x, 78 lvs (pb, bib, thesis [B.Th., Eastern Mennonite School, 1941], exlib, gc). 383. Moyer, Elgin S. Missions in the Church of the Brethren: Their Development and Effect upon the Denomination. A Dissertation Presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Yale University. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Pub. House, 1931. 301pp (bib, ind, exlib, sps, yp, covers sl blemished, gc). 384. Suderman, D., The Music Program of Church-Controlled Liberal Arts Colleges in Kansas, 1948. 124pp (bib, exlib, yp, front cover corners creased, gc); Public Controls for Nonpublic Schools, ed. D. Erickson, 1969. 242pp (bib refs, ind, exlib, cover top corners creased, gc); Tourn, G., The Waldensians: The First 800 Years, (1174-1974), trans. C. Merlino, ed. C. Arbuthnot, 1980. xvii, 244pp (pb, b/w ill, maps, bib refs, ind, exlib, gc); Wedel, C., Sketches from Church History for Mennonite Schools, trans. G. Haury, 1925. 142pp (pb, ind, exlib, front cover creased and blemished, gc). 385. Guengerich, Daniel. An Account of the Voyage from Germany to America: Die Reise beschrieben von Deutschland nach America. Kalona, Iowa: Jacob F. Swartzendruber, [ca. 1932]. i-iv, 1-24, v pp (pb, 6” x 3¼”, in pamphlet binder, copy of Melvin Gingerich, exlib, yp, gc). 386. Rupp, I. Daniel. History of Lancaster County, to Which Is Prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Early History of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa.: Gilbert Hills, 1844. 528pp (al, gilt toolwork on covers, marbled endpapers, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, foldout table of distances, copy of J.F. Funk, Elkhart, Ind., exlib, foxing, caif, ds, wrinkled/blemished pp, covers sl worn, gc). 387. Rosenbach, A.S.W. A Book ’s Holiday: Adventures with Books and Manuscripts. Boston: Houghton September 13, 2013 Page 23 Mifflin Co., 1936. xiv, 258pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc). 388. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Propose Amendments to the Constitution, Commenced at Harrisburg May 2, 1838. Reported by John Agg. Vol. 6 only. Harrisburg: Packer, Barrett, and Parke, 1838. 494pp (quarter bd, ind, exlib, foxing, blemished pp, outer endpapers missing, front and back covers loose, tears at spine cover, mc). 389. Burkholder, O., The Predicted Departure from the Faith, 1930. 123pp (exlib, syp, gc); Janzen, H., A Brief Outline Study of the Seven Churches, Revelation Chapters Two and Three, 1949. 31, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, front cover missing, gc); Stauffer, J.L., The Eternal Security Teaching, 2nd ed., rev. 1962. 32pp (pb, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Stauffer, J.L., Salvation, Security and Warnings, 1935. 29, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, yellowed and loose pp, mc); 6 items by J.R. Mumaw in series Our Youth for Christ: Christian Assurance; Finding a Life Vocation; Finding My Place in Christian Service; Youth Building Christian Homes; Growing into Life and Love; Love in Courtship, [1941?]. 47; 16, [1]; 16; 29; 16, [1]; 15pp (pb, in one pamphlet binder, exlib, vgc). 390. 6 items by Clayton F. Derstine: The Great Apostasy, 1919. 153pp (pb, exlib, syp, covers soiled, gc); Signs of the Times, 1922. 35pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc); The Home from Four Angles, 2nd ed., [1920?]. 23pp (pb, exlib, syp, covers and pp creased, gc); Forty Principles in Bible and Sunday School Lesson Study, 1923. 36pp (pb, exlib, syp, covers sl torn, gc); Six Rooms in the House of Life, 1942. 54pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc); The Last Message of Jesus Christ, [ca. 1920]. 55pp (pb, exlib, syp, back cover spotted, gc). 391. Hershberger, G., Can Christians Fight?: Essays on Peace and War, 1940. 180pp (bib refs, ind, exlib, syp, covers soiled, gc); Hershberger, G., Nonresistance and the State: The Pennsylvania Quaker Experiment in Politics, 1682-1756, 1936. 48pp (pb, sl yellowed pp and covers, back cover torn, gc); Mumaw, J., Nonresistance and Pacifism, 1944. 27, [1]pp (pb, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Lehman, J.I., God and War, 1942. [viii], 63pp (pb, syp, gc); 4 items in The Christian Youth and War pamphlet series: Peachey, P., Why Men Fight, 1959 reprint. 15, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib, vgc); Peachey, P., The Churches and War, 1959 reprint. 19, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib, vgc); Lind, M., Christ and War, 1959 reprint. 19, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib, vgc); Kraus, C.N., Christians and the State, 1956. 15pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib, exlib, vgc). 392. Gingerich, M., What of Noncombatant Service; Bender, W., Nonresistance in Colonial Pennsylvania; MacMaster, R., Christian Obedience in Revolutionary Times; Hershberger, G., Conscientious Objectors in Europe; Yoder, J.H., Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian Pacifism; The Christian Nonresistant Way of Life (1968); Ulery, O.B., Can a Christian Fight?; Richards, E., The Test of Faith: An Experience with the Kurds, a Chapter in Non-Resistance; Taylor, S., Activities of the Pacifist Conscript; Mumaw, J., Nonresistance and Pacifism (1952) (all pb, all but last 2 items in pamphlet binders, gc to vgc). 393. Hershberger, W., A Happy Life, [1914]. 139pp (exlib, syp, front cover sl soiled, gc); Christian Ideals, prepared by a committee appointed by the Virginia Mennonite Conference, 1940. [ix], 117pp (exlib, syp, gc); Kauffman, D., and J. Stauffer, Helps for Ministers and Other Christian Workers, [1930]. 160pp (ind, exlib, syp, gc); Augsburger, M., Faith for a Secular World, 1968. 96pp (bib refs, exlib, syp, gc); Landis, S., A Call to Obedience, [ca. 1912]. 157pp (exlib, sds, ps, syp, gc). 394. Yoder, E., Lessons in Christian Doctrine. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, [1939]. Pt. 1: God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit; Pt. 2: Man: His Sin, Salvation, Eternal Destiny; Pt. 3: The Church: Its Purpose, Life, Mission; Pt. 4: Living the Christian Life. 96pp/pt. (all pb, in slipcase, all exlib, 1 ps and ppn, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Suderman, E., What Can We Do Here?, 1974. vii, 40pp (pb, b/w ill, signed by author, exlib, vgc); Leaman, M., Patterns for Christian Family Living, 1973. 70pp (pb, bib, exlib, front cover torn, covers sl yellowed, gc). 395. Regier, A., Strength for Today; Stoltzfus, G., Toward New Horizons for Mennonite Mutual Aid; My Church Worship Service; Graybill, J.P., Christian Service; Yake, C., Drifting; Erb, A., Christian Family Living: A Selected Book List (all pb, all in pamphlet binders, gc to vgc). 396. Ris, C., Mennonite Articles of Faith as Set Forth in Public Confession of the Church, 1904. 74pp (exlib, foxing, yp, tp and back flyleaf torn, spine cover torn, covers soiled, mc); Confession of Faith and Minister’s Manual. 2nd ed., 1895. 134pp (exlib, yp, gc); A Book of Standards, published by order of Mennonite General Conference, 1940. 58, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc); Mennonite General Conference Constitution, [1963]. 22, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, vgc); Doctrinal Statement, Constitution and By-Laws, Polity and Practice of the Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference, 1956. 36pp (pb, in amphlet binder, exlib, vgc). 397. Poems for Our Boys and Girls, gathered by L. Ressler; Harder, H., Guide to Faith; Handbook of Information on the Mennonite Central Committee (1943); Lederach, P., Manual for the Guidance of Mennonite Youth Fellowship; Toews, J., This Way: Words of Counsel to Young Christians; Handbook for Young People’s Bible Meeting Workers (1936); Torchbearer’s Manual: A Guide for Boys’ Club Leaders, ed. L. Miller; Heatwole, L.J., The Perpetual Calendar: Its Reproduction as One of the Lost Arts of the Ancient World, 1911 (all but first item pb, last 4 items in pamphlet binder, gc to vgc). 398. Rimland, Ingrid. The Wanderers: The Saga of Three Women Who Survived. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House, 1977. 323pp (exlib, vgc); Priess, Anita. Exiled to Siberia/Verbannung nach Siberien. Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers, 1972. 82, 96pp (pb, b/w ill, English and German text, each language section reversed in respect to the other, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, cover sl creased, gc); Nickel, Katharine. Seed from the Ukraine. New York: Pageant Press, 1952. xi, 113pp (exlib, ps, ppn, syp, gc). 399. Hershey, T.K., Old Time Revival, 1937. 94pp (pb, exlib, stis, syp, page corners sl creased, gc); Hershey, T.K., Old Time Revival Again, 1953. 128pp (ill, exlib, syp, gc); Twisk, P., The Peaceful Kingdom of Christ; or, An Exposition of the 20th Chapter of the Book of Revelation, [1913]. 30pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, is ppn, yp, gc); The Bloody Theatre or Martyrs Mirror, by Thieleman J. van Braght, 1660, and A Solution to Word [sic] Problems, comp. M. Sauder, 3rd ed., 1945. viii, 228, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, sis, syp, gc); Godshalk, A., A Description of the New Creature from Its Birth Until Grown Up “Unto a Perfect Man; Unto the Measure of the Stature of the Fullness of Christ” Page 24 September 13, 2013 . . . ., 1838, reprinted [1965]. [ii], iv, 76pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc). 400. Mennonite Life. North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College. 194 loose quarterly iss: Vol. 1 (1946), no. 1-2; Vol. 2 (1947), no. 1-4; Vol. 3 (1948), no. 1-4; Vol. 4 (1949)-Vol. 10 (1955) complete; Vol. 17 (1962)-Vol. 52 (1997) complete; Vol. 53 (1998), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 54 (1999), no. 1-4; 2 bd vols (24 iss): Vol. 11 (1956)-Vol. 13 (1958); Vol. 14 (1959)- Vol. 16 (1961) complete. ca. 20-50pp/iss (mostly pb, b/w ill, 6 duplicates, copies of and few signed by C.J. (Cornelius J.) Dyck, many syp, few torn, gc to vgc). 401. Lohmann, Martin. Die Bedeutung der deutschen Ansiedlungen in Pennsylvanien. Schriften des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart, Bd. 12. Stuttgart: Ausland und Heimat Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft, 1923. 153, v pp (bib, 2 b/w maps inside back cover, exlib, yellowed pp and covers, spine cover torn, mc); Händiges, Emil. Die Lehre der Mennoniten in Geschichte und Gegenwart nach den Quellen dargestellt nebst einem Überblick über die heutige Verbreitung und Organisation der mennonitischen Gemeinschaft. Ludwigshafen am Rhein: [Konferenz der süddeutschen Mennoniten], 1921. 95pp (pb, bib, exlib, yp, covers creased and yellowed, spine taped, mc); Braun, Fritz. Auswanderer aus der Mennonitengemeinde Friedelsheim im 19. Jahrhundert. Schriften zur Wanderungsgeschichte der Pfälzer, Heft 1. Kaiserslautern: Heimatstelle Pfalz, 1956. [iii], 28pp (pb, exlib, syp, yellowed covers, gc). 402. Litten, F., Rechtsgutachten über die Berechtigung der Heranziehung der in den Marienburger Werdern ansässigen Mennoniten zu Leistungen für die Unterhaltung der dortigen evangelischen Kirchsysteme auf Ersuchen der Konferenz der westpreußischen Mennonitengemeinden, 1929. 62 columns in [32]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, yellowed covers, gc); Fast, Heinold. Die Vereinigung der Deutschen Mennonitengemeinden, 1886-1961, 1961. 62pp (pb, bib, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Friesen, M., 50 Jahre Kolonie Menno, Chaco, Paraguay, 1927-1977: Eine Gedenkschrift zum fuenfzigjaehrigen Jubilaeum, [1977]. 173pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, stis, syp, covers sl yellowed and creased, gc); Geschichte der Waterloo-Kitchener Vereinigten Mennonitengemeinde, 1925-1953, [1953]. 35 lvs (pb, mimeographed, b/w ill, foxing on covers, syp, gc); [Händiges, E., Zum fünfzigjährigen Jubiläum der Real- und Erziehungsanstalt auf dem Weirhof am Donnersberg, [1921]. 15, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, b/w ill, exlib, yp, gc). 403. Eine Begebenheit die sich in der Mennoniten-Gemeinde, in Deutschland und in der Schweiz, von 1693 bis 1700 zugetragen hat. [Compiled by Joseph Stucky; contains four letters written by Jakob Guth, Christian Blank, Gerhard Rossen, und Ulli Amman]. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1871. 54pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, copy of Melvin Gingerich, foxing, syp, gc). 404. Crous, E., Mennoniten im alten Reich und Staat; Ens, G., Dee easchte Wienachten enn Kanada (1875, 1926, 1949): Drei Kurzerzählungen aus der Mennonitengeschichte in plattdeutscher Sprache; Händiges, E., Seid eurer Väter wert!: Ein Gedenkblatt zum 400-jährigen Jubiläum der Taufgesinnten oder Mennoniten; Gerlach, H., Das Mennonitische Gemeindeideal: Eine kurze Beschreibung einer christlichen Freikirche; Arx, C. von, Brüder in Christo: Schauspiel in drei Akten; Kuiper, F., Der Vorrang der Bibel in der Geschichte der Mennoniten (all pb, all but last item in pamphlet binders, gc). 405. Jahrbuch der Altevangelischen Taufgesinnten oder Mennoniten-Gemeinden, hrsg. H.G. Mannhart; Konstitution der Konferenz der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde von Nord Amerika (1936); Glaubensbekenntnis der vereinigten christlichen Taufgesinnten Mennonitischen Brüdergemeinde in Rußland (1902) Katechismus für kleine Kinder. Zum Gebrauch für Schulen, Sonntagschulen und Familien (4 imprints: 1888, 1903, 1916, 1940); Katechismus oder kurze und einfache Unterweisung aus der Heiligen Schrift in Fragen und Antworten. Zum Gebrauch in Schulen (1918) (all pb, all in pamphlet binders, mc to gc). 406. Hege, Christian. Pilgram Marbecks Vermahnung: Ein wiedergefundenes Buch: Sonderabdruck aus der Gedenkschrift zum 400 jährigen Jubiläum der Mennoniten oder Taufgesinnten. Ludwigshafen a. Rh.: Konferez der süddeutschen Mennoniten, 1925. [i], 177-287, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc); Twisk, Peter J. Das Friedensreich Christi; oder, Auslegung des 20. Capitels in Offenbarung St. Johannes. 2. amerikanische Aufl. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1915. 31pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, loose pp, mc); Predigten, vorgetragen durch Noah Troyer, ein Glied der Amischen Mennoniten Gemeinde in Johnson Co., Iowa, während er in einem Stand der Unbewußtheit war, nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung seines Lebens. [Erstes Buch], Zweites Buch. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1880. 76, 120pp (pb, exlib, stis, syp, gc). 407. T[wisk], P.J. Das Friedensreich Christi; oder, Auslegung des 20. Capitels in Offenbarung St. Johannes. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1888. 32pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, foxing, yp, covers and few pp torn, mc); Egly, Heinrich. Das Friedensreich Christi; oder, Auslegung der Offenbarung St. Johannes und noch etliche andere Artikel. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., [1895]. 32pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc); [Hager, Johannes]. Unser Beruf und Lichtsblicke. Aus der Offenbarung Johannes. Verm. und verb. Aufl. [Pandora, Ohio: 191-?]. 259pp (exlib, foxing, syp, gc); Amstutz, P.B. Das zweite Kommen Christi: Auf Grundlage der Heiligen Schrift. Bluffton, Iowa: 1926. 23, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, ps, ppn, syp, gc). 408. Bontrager, Hans. Eine Geschichte der ersten Ansiedlung der Amischen Mennoniten und Gründung ihrer ersten Gemeinde im Staate Indiana, nebst einer kurzen Erklärung über die Spaltung die in dieser Gemeinde geschehen ist. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1907. 24pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc); Hochstetler, Joh. D. Ein alter Brief: Copia oder Abschrift eines Briefs, welcher von Dienern und Aeltesten der Gemeinde zu Holland auf ihr Begehren und Ansuchen ist zugeschicht worden den 26ten März 1781, von Hanß Nafziger in Ersingen bei Landau im Oberland. Kutztown, Pa.: Kutztown Pub. Co., 1926. 31pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, yp, gc); [Schwartzendruber, Frederick]. Eine ernste Betrachtung über die übertriebenen Mahlzeiten und Hochzeiten. Die stimmen prächtige Mahlzeiten und das üppige Hochzeitsgespränge mit dem Worte Gottes? Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., [1895]. 24pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, syp, gc). 409. Die ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebete; das Glaubens Bekenntnisz der Mennoniten mit einem Anhang über die Wehrlosigkeit; und das geistliche Lustgärtlein frommer Seelen. Berlin, Canada: 1908. 227pp (exlib, syp, covers soiled, gc); Martin, Jacob. Ein Schifflein gegen den Wind gerichtet, nämlich ein Auszug aus der Heiligen Schrift über einige Religions-Fragen unserer Zeit. . . . Berlin, Ont.: 1883. 209, [1]pp (exlib, syp, is, ppn, loose page, gc). September 13, 2013 Page 25 410. Friesen, I., Im Dienste des Meisters; Goettner, E., Gemeindearbeit auf Grund des Gemeindegedankens; Lichtsblicke aus den Sendschreiben und der Offenbarung Johannes Kap. 1-3; Eine schädliche Uebung: Eine Erklärung über eine untugendliche Gewohnheit oder Gebrauch, von einem Liebhaber der Wahrheit; Die wahre Freundschaft mit Jesu: Eine Auswahl von Stellen heiliger Schrift über verschiedene Gegenstände nebst kurzen Anmerkungen; Jan Harmsen, der arme Waisenknabe aus Holland (last 5 items pb and in pamphlet binders, all exlib, gc). 411. Das Zeugnis des Heiligen Geistes, hrsg. von L. Fromm; Martens, J, So wie es war: Erinnerungen eines Verbannten; Janzen, H., Jesu Rede über die Letzte Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der Prophetie der Heiligen Schrift; Der Krieg ist gegen Gottes Willen: Erklärungen der Historischen Friedenskirchen und das Internationalen Versöhnungsbundes (1952); Penner, L., Soll ich meines Bruders Hüter sein: Einiges aus meiner Arbeit in Armenien und von der Versolgungen daselbst; Yoder, E., Sollen Christen sich an der Kriegsfuehrung beteiligen?; Gerber, S., Frauen im Neuen Testament: Radioansprachen (all pb, first 4 items in pamphlet binders, all exlib, gc to vgc). 412. Schraepler, Horst W. Die rechtliche Behandlung der Täufer in der deutschen Schweiz, Südwestdeutschland und Hessen, 1525-1618. Schriftenreihe des Mennonitischen Geschichtsvereins, 5. Heft. Tübingen: 1957. 128pp (pb, bib, ind, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Bauernkriegs-Studien. Hrsg. von Bernd Moeller. Schriften des Vereins für Reformationsgeschichte, nr. 189. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1975. 106pp (pb, bib refs, exlib, vgc). 413. Dülman, R. van, Reformation als Revolution: Soziale Bewegung und religiöser Radikalismus in der deutschen Reformation, 1977. 386, [1]pp (pb, bib, ind, exlib, syp, gc); Glück, T., Der Weg des Friedens. Aufgabe und Arbeit des Deutschen Mennonitischen Friedenskomitees, [196-?]. 7, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, syp, gc); Behrends, E., Die Rose von Wüstenfelde: Ein Frauenschicksal in Dreißigjährigen Krieg, 1973. 214, [3]pp (exlib, syp, gc); Liederen/Hymns/ Cantiques/Lieder: Achtste Doopsgezinde Wereld Congres, Amsterdam, 1967. [147]pp (pb, exlib, syp, gc). 414. Séguy, Jean. Les Assemblées Anabaptistes-Mennonites de France. Société, Mouvements Sociaux, et Idéologies, 1. sér., Études, no. 17. Paris: Mouton, 1977. 904pp (b/w maps, bib, ind, exlib, caif, syp, gc); Association Fraternelle Mennonite, Valdoie-Belforte. [Altkirch: A. Martin, ca. 1950]. 27pp (pb, b/w ill, French and German text, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Bender, Harold S. Voici mon Peuple. Traduit par G. Zehr et P. Widmer. Editions Agapé: 1969. 160pp (bib refs, exlib, covers sl worn, gc). 415. Valkenburg, C.T. van. J. Huizinga: Zijn Leven en Zijn Persoonlijkheid. Lux et Humanitas, 1. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Pantheon, L.J. Veen’s Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1946. 73, [7]pp (ill, exlib, stis,yp, sl yellowed covers, gc); Aten, Jan. De Doopsgezinde Krommenieër Zeildoekfabrikeursfamilie Kuyper. [Netherlands?: 1953?]. 85pp (b/w ill, folded genealogical table inside back cover, bib refs, ind, exlib, syp, gc); Rijksarchief in Zeeland. Voortrekkers en Stilstaanders: Vijftien Generaties Dopers Leven in Zeeland: Tentoonstelling in het Rijksarchief in Zeeland, St. Pietefstraat 38 te Middelburg van 10 November 1975 t/m 17 Januari 1976. Georganiseerd in samenwerking met ded Doopsgesinde Historische Kring. 88pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, vgc). 416. Leendertz, W., Gods Woord in Mensenhanden, 1956. 99pp (exlib, yp, gc); Meihuizen, H.W., Broederlijke Verfeniging, 1974. 50pp (bib, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Na Honderdvijftig Jaar: Gedenkschrift bij het Honderdvijftigjarig bestaan van het kerkgebouw der Doopsgesinde Gemeente te Rotterdam, 1925. 46pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, fp, b/w ill, exlib, foxing, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Knot, J., Onder de wapenen, [1952?]. 28pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, yp, gc). 417. Gilse, J. van, Twaalftal Leerredenen, 1860. 232pp (marbled covers, exlib, sl foxing, syp, gc); Haspels, G.F., De Weerloosheid: Een Hoofdstuk van Levensleer, 1901. 200pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib refs, exlib, syp, gc); Hylkema, T.O., Wat de Bijbel Zegt: Dienende Weerloze Liefde?—of Niet?, 1953. 28pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, yp, gc); Wissel, F.v.d., De Derde Weg of de Enige Web, n.d. 12pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, caif, yp, gc). 418. De Statenvertaling, 1637-1937. Haarlem: De Erven F. Bohn, 1937. 196pp (b/w ill, bib refs, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Sterck, J.F.M. Oorkonden over Vondel en Zijn Kring met Portretten en Facsimilés. Bussum: Uitevers-Maatschappij, Paul Brand, 1918. xv, [i], 367pp (fp, b/w ill, folded genealogical table, bib refs, exlib, syp, yellowed covers, gc); Kühler, W.J. Het Socianisme in Nederland. Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff’s Uitgevers-Maatschappij, 1912. xii, 287pp (pb, bib refs, exlib, syp, covers yellowed and sl creased, gc). 419. Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam. 2. Deel. Amsterdam: Roeloffzen & Hübner, 1888. 482pp (half bd, marbled covers and edges, ind, exlib, spine cover torn, covers worn, gc); Zijpp, N. van der. De Vroegere Doopsgezinden en de Krijgsdienst. 35, [1]pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, exlib, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); Bendef, Harold S. De Doperse Visie. Amsterdam: J. Gleijsteen, 1948. 22pp (pb, in pamphlet binder, bib refs, exlib, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 420. Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, enthaltend geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes. Auf Begehren der Brüderschaft der Mennonisten Gemeinen, aus vielen Liederbüchern gesammelt. Mit einem dreyfachen Register. Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1820. 79, [1], 472, 18pp (al, ind, foxing, caif, ds, ppn, yp, many pp blemished/corners creased, p 213-214 missing, pp 155-168 detached, covers very worn, clasps missing, mc). 421. Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die wandlende Seel: das ist: Gespräch der wandlenden Seelen mit Adam, Noah und Simon Cleophas: verfasset die Geschichten von Erschaffung der Welt an, bis zu und nach der Verw stung Jerusalems: Daraus ordentlich zu ersehen, wie eine Monarchie und Königreich auf die andere gefolget, wie diese angefangen, jene aber vergangen, und auch der ausf hrliche Verlauff der Zerstöhrung Jerusalem. Germantown, [Pa.]: Michael Billmeyer, 1805. [6], 463, [22]pp (al, ind, ppn, yp, pp 289-294 partially missing, many blemished pp, brass plates on cover corners, front cover and front endpapers detached, back cover loose, covers very worn, 1 clasp missing, spine cover torn, mc). 422. Die heiligen Schriften des Neuen Testaments. Neu revidirt von Leander van Eß. 10. Aufl. Sulzbach: J.E. Seidel, 1820. [10], xliv, 375, [6]pp (half bd, foxing, sds, some blemished pp, yp, covers very worn, gc); [Luther, Martin]. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments. New York: Amerikanische Bibelgesellschaft, 1868. 852, 288pp (al, foxing, caif, sds, yp, several blemished/wrinkled pp, covers very worn, tear in spine cover, gc). Page 26 September 13, 2013 423. Die Bibel ober die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und Neuen Testaments, nach ber deutschen uebersetzung D. Mart n Luthers. Halle: Cansteinschen Bibel-Anstalt, 1816. 30, [2], 1079, 308, [4]pp (al, foxing, sds, yp, covers very worn, clasps missing, gc). 424. Die heiligen Schriften des Neuen Testaments, bersetzt und mit zugef gten Sach-Parallelstellen und grundtextlichen Abweichungen. Neu revidirt von Leander van Eß. 15. Aufl. Sulzbach: J.E. Seidel, 1825. [14], xliv, 504, [7]pp (al, tp partially missing, foxing, ds, yp, blemished pp, pp 193-222 detached, covers very worn, spine cover partially missing, pc). 425. Die Bibel ober die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und Neuen Testaments: Nach Dr. Mart n Luther’s uebersetzung. New York: Amerikanischen Bibel-Gesellschaft, 1842. 828, 272pp (al, family record pp blank, foxing, ds, wrinkled and blemished pp, yp, covers worn, spine cover torn, mc). 426. Die Bibel f r Kirche, Schule und Haus: enthaltend sämmtliche Schriften des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach Dr. Martin Luthers uebersetzung. Philadelphia: J. Kohler, 1867. viii, 1033, 297, 17, xi pp (al, fp, embossed covers, b/w ill, ind, family record pp blank, foxing, ds, yp, wrinkled/blemished pp, covers worn, clasps missing, gc). 427. Biblia, das ist: die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments: nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. . . . Philadelphia: Schäfer und Koradi, [ca. 1848]. 992pp (al, fp, b/w ill, foxing, pp 751-755 detached, some blemished pp, syp, embossed covers worn, front cover loose, spine cover torn/partially missing, clasps missing, gc). 428. Biblia, das ist: die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments: nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. . . . Philadelphia: Wm. G. Mentz, n.d. 992pp (al, fp, b/w ill, family record pp blank, foxing, ds, yp, blemished/wrinkled pp, covers very worn, pin of top clasp missing, gc). 429. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Together with the Apocrypha: Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by the Special Command of His Majesty King James I. of England with Marginal Notes and References. . . . Philadelphia: H.C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824. 1080pp (al, fp, b/w ill, maps, family record pp blank, foxing, pp 683-688 detached, yp, covers detached, spine split, pc). 430. The Holy Bible Containing the Authorized Edition of the New Testament and the Revised Version of A.D. 1881 Arranged in Parallel Columns with Cruden’s Complete Concordance Embracing Every Passage of Scripture in the Largest Editions. . . . Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co., 1887. [18], 48, 8, xvi, 8, 16, [2], 24, 112, 32, 16, 103, [3], viii, 773, [7], 104, [10], 16, [1], 8, 15, [1], 399, [1], 14, [2], 32, 91, 36pp (fp, gilt edges, elaborate embossed covers, ill, maps, fold-out map, family record pp blank, foxing, very brittle pp, yp, front cover and first several pp detached, spine cover torn, mc). 431. The Holy Bible Containing the Authorized Edition of the New Testament, A.D. 1611, and the Revised Version of A.D. 1881, Arranged in Parallel Columns with Complete Concordance Embracing Every Passage of Scripture in the Largest Editions, Apocrypha and Psalms. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co., 1886. [8], xvi, [2], 16, [2], 103, [3], 48, 640, 4, 104, 400, 10, [5], 32, 43, [1], 36pp (gilt edges, elaborate embossed covers, ill, maps, yp, front cover and 2 pp detached, gc). 432. The Holy Bible Containing Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, 1857. 1043pp (family record pp blank, foxing, ds, blemished/ wrinkled/torn pp, yp, covers worn, front cover damaged, spine cover torn and partially missing, gc). 433. Cobbin, Ingram. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments According to the Authorized Version with the Marginal References and the Usual Various Readings, Also Notes, Reflections, Questions, Improved Readings, Improved Divisions of Chapters, the Chronological Order, Metrical Portions Distinguished, and Various Other Advantages Without Disturbing the Usual Order of the Books, Verses and Chapters. Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1870. [3], 1000, 375, [49], vii, xii pp (al, gilt edges, embossed covers, b/w ill, maps, foxing, ds, some blemished pp, yp, front cover engraved A.S.D. & I. Warfield, front cover detached, gc); The New Testament with Commentaries, References, Harmony of the Gospels and the Helps Needed to Understand and Teach the Text, Illustrated and Explained by Over One Hundred Photographs. . . . Richmond, Va.: B.F. Johnson Pub. Co., 1895. 539pp (fp, b/w ill, yp, covers worn and blemished, tears in spine cover, gc). 434. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Translated Out of the Original Greek and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, 1857. 670pp (foxing, ds, blemished/ wrinkled pp, yp, covers worn, tears in spine cover, gc); The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, 1867. 765pp (foxing, wrinkled pp, yp, covers worn, front cover and front endpaper detached, spine cover loose and torn, gc); The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey, 1801. ca. 400pp (ds, ppn on page edges, blemished pages, page corners creased/torn/missing, covers missing, spine split, 1 p detached, pc). 435. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, with the Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms, and Revised New Testament, the Old (King James’) Version and the Revised Version Arranged in Parallel Columns for Convenience in Reference and Comparison. Philadelphia: National Pub. Co., 1884. 11, [iv]-viii, [ii], 13, [1], 18, 6, 6, 12, 32, 128, 9-640, 104, iii-vi, 33-48, 643-1028, [4], 12, 44, 36pp (embossed back cover, ill, ybt, front cover and spine cover missing, pc). 436. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Together with the Apocrypha: Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. . . . Philadelphia: John B. Perry, 1854. [1]-576, 87, [1], [577]-768, 41, 22pp (ill, foxing, caif, yp, spine cover torn, front and back covers etached, pc). 437. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues (American Bible Society), 1873. 673, 211pp (5” x 3⅛”, imitation leather covers with flap, gilt edges, syp, several front pp creased, gc); The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Prepared for Use of Protestant Personnel of the Army of the United States, 1942. 607pp (5⅜” x 3¼”, syp, covers sl worn, gc); The Self-Pronouncing New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Authorized or King James Version of 1611 (Holman ed.), 1900. 421pp (4½” x 2¾”, imitation leather covers, gilt edges, covers sl worn, gc); The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1846. 344pp (4½” x 3”, September 13, 2013 Page 27 some page corners creased, syp, covers missing, mc). 438. Jesus, meine Liebe. Katholisches Gebetbuch für Kirche und Haus. Einsiedeln, New York, [et al.]: Karl & Nikolaus Benziger, 1870, c1871. 432pp (5¾” x 3½”, gilt edges, fp, stis, yp, covers sl worn, gc); Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung. Harrisburg: J. und F. Wyeth, 1830. 471pp (4½” x 2¾”, al, fp, syp, spine cover torn, front cover loose, mc). 439. Book of Worship with Hymns. Published by the General of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. Philadelphia, Pa.: United Lutheran Publication House, 1899. 886pp (5¾” x 4”, imitation leather covers, w/ribbon, gilt edges, syp, few page corners creased, gc); Hymns: Selected and Original, for Sunday Schools, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; with a Supplement Containing Hymns for the Use of Infant Schools. Baltimore: T. Newton Kurtz, 1853. 256, xiv pp (4⅜” x 2⅞”, presented by Mary Brant to Lamanda E. Ehrman, May 1854, York, Pa., foxing, yp, covers worn, spine cover torn, mc). 440. The Century Dictionary Dictionary and Cyclopedia: A Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowledge with a New Atlas of the World. Vol. 5, 7-9 only of 10. New York; Century Co., 1899. 3557-4436; 5317-6208; 6209-7046, 30; 1-1085pp (ub, half bd, marbled endpapers and edges, eng, syp, few creased pp, 2 front covers detached, covers worn, mc to gc); Universal Cyclopædia and Atlas. Edited by Charles Kendall Adams. New rev. and enlarged ed. Edited by Rossiter Johnson. Vol. 4 and 11 only of 12. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1901-02. 640, 630pp (eng, syp, front and spine covers missing, pc). 441. Source Records of the Great War: A Comprehensive and Readable Source Record of the World’s Great War, Emphasizing the More Important Events, and Presenting These as Complete Narratives in the Actual Words of the Chief Officials and Most Eminent Leaders. . . . Edited by Charles F. Horne. Vol. 3-7 only of 7. [New York?]: National Alumni, 1923. ca. 400-450pp/vol. (ub, fps, b/w ill, col maps, ind, exlib, some caif, syp, gc). 442. Braght, T.J.V. Het Bloedig Tooneel, of Martelaers Spiegel der Doops-Gesinde of Weereloose Christenen, Die / om’t getuygenis van Jesus haren Salighmaker / geleden hebben / ende gedood zijn / van Christi tijd af / tot desen tijd tse. Den Tweeden Druk. T’ Amsterdam: By J. vander Deyster, H. vanden Berg, Jan Blom, Wed. S. Swart, S. Wybrands, en A. Ossaan. En Compagnie, 1685. l [i.e. 50], 450, [4], [xii], 840, [8]pp (vellum covers, w/2 clasps, woodcuts, sds on fore-edge, syp, spine cover torn, front cover sl torn, covers soiled, gc). 443. Root, George F. The Sabbath Bell: A Collection of Music for Choirs, Musical Associations, Singing-Schools, and the Home Circle, Consisting of Part I.—Singing-School Music. Part II.—Church Music. Part III.—Occasional and Concert Music. New York: Mason Brothers, 1860. 384pp (oblong, yp, fore-edge sds, covers sl soiled, front cover loose, mc); Bliss, P.P. The Joy: A Collection of New and Carefully Selected Music, for Classes, Choirs, and Conventions. Cincinnati: John Church & Co.; Chicago: Geo. F. Root & Sons, 1873. 191, [1]pp (oblong, yellowed pp and covers, covers worn, front cover loose, mc). 444. [Mason, Lowell. Carmina Sacra: or, Boston Collection of Church Music. Comprising the Most Popular Psalm and Hymn Tunes in General Use, Together with a Great Variety of New Tunes, Chants, Sentences, Motetts, and Anthems, Principally by Distinguished European Composers: The Whole Constituting One of the Most Complete Collections of Music for Choirs, Congregations, Singing Schools and Societies, Extant. Boston: Wilkins, Rice & Kendall, 1852]. 348, [4], 22pp (oblong; added tp: Fifty-Nine Select Psalm and Hymn Tunes, for Public or Private Worship.Issued by the Publishers of Carmina Sacra, or Boston Collection, for Gratuitous Distribution. . . . New York: Mason Brothers, 1857; foxing; last section ds, tp missing; handmade covers and endpapers; gc). 445. Hastings, Thomas, and William B. Bradbury. The Mendelssohn Collection, or Hastings and Bradbury’s Third Book of Psalmody. Containing Original Music and Selections from the Best European and American Composers; Consisting of Tunes, Anthems, Motets, Introits, Sentences and Chants; with an Appendix of the Most Approved Standard Church Tunes, for Congregational Singing. New York: Mark H. Newman & Co., [1849]. 400pp (oblong, foxing, syp, few pp torn and creased, tp and front flyleaf partly torn out, covers sl creased, gc); White, Edward L., and John E. Gould. The Modern Harp: or, Boston Sacred Melodist. A Collection of Church Music, Comprising, in Addition to Many of the Most Popular Tunes in Common Use, a Great Variety of New and Original Tunes, Sentences, Chants, Motetts, and Anthems, Adapted to Social and Religious Worship, Societies, Singing Schools, &c. Boston: Oliver Ditson and Co., 1846. 340pp (oblong, sds, syp, handmade back endpaper, covers soiled, spine taped, gc). 446. Bradbury, William B. The Alpine Glee Singer: A Complete Collection of Secular and Social Music, Arranged in Four Vocal Parts, for Choirs, Singing Classes, and Musical Societies; with a Full Course of Vocal Exercises for the Cultivation of the Voice, and for Improvement in Musical Notation. New York: Mark H. Newman & Co., 1850. 304pp (oblong, foxing, sds, front and back covers broken, spine taped, mc); Bradbury, William B. The Jubilee: An Extensive Collection of Church Music for the Choir, the Congregation, and the Singing-School. To Which Is Added, the Sacred Cantata, Esther, the Beautiful Queen. For Musical Societies, Conventions, etc. New York: Mason Brothers, 1857. 384pp (oblong, syp, warped pp, spine and endpapers taped, covers sl worn, mc). 447. Johnson, A.N. The Handel Collection of Church Music, Containing a Complete Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Chants, Sentences and Anthems, to Which Is Added a Full and Complete Elementary Course, a Cantata for Singing Schools, Entitled, The Storm King, by B.F. Baker, and an Abridged Arrangement of Handel’s Oratorio of Samson. Boston: J.R. Miller, 1854. 367pp (oblong, sl foxing, caif, sds, spine cover sl moth-eaten, gc); Johnson, A.N.; Josiah Osgood; and Sumner Hill. The Bay State Collection of Church Music: Comprising a Great Variety of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chants, Choruses, and Set Pieces, Original and Selected. Together with a Complete Course of Elementary Exercises, Solfeggios, and Singing School Lessons; the Whole Forming a Complete Manual of Church Music, for the Use of Choirs, Congregations, and Singing Schools. Boston: Wilkins, Carter, & Co., 1849. 352pp (oblong, sl foxing, spine cover moth- eaten, cover edges worn, gc). 448. Hastings, Thomas, and William B. Bradbury. The Mendelssohn Collection, or Hastings and Bradbury’s Third Book of Psalmody. Containing Original Music and Selections from the Best European and American Composers; Consisting of Tunes, Anthems, Motets, Introits, Sentences and Chants; with an Appendix of the Most Approved Standard Church Tunes, for Congregational Singing. New York: Mark H. Newman & Co., [1849]. 400pp (oblong, foxing, syp, handmade endpapers, Page 28 September 13, 2013 tp and first 10pp missing, front cover ds, covers taped, mc); Johnson, A.N. The Handel Collection of Church Music, Containing a Complete Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Chants, Sentences and Anthems, to Which Is Added a Full and Complete Elementary Course, a Cantata for Singing Schools, Entitled, The Storm King, by B.F. Baker, and an Abridged Arrangement of Handel’s Oratorio of Samson. Boston: A.N. Johnson & Co., [1854]. 344, [6]pp (oblong, yp, last few pp including index missing, handmade back cover and endpapers, front cover torn and taped, front cover taped, mc). 449. Leach, George. The Church and Home: A Collection of Sacred Music, Consisting of Anthems, Motetts, Extracts from Oratorios and Masses, Canticles, Chants, &c., from the Works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Mendelssohn, Spohr, Cherubini, Gibbons, Boyce, Crotch, Clark, King, Winter, Himmel, Novello, &c., &c.: A Choice Variety of Short Pieces for Introduction and Close of Service, and for Use in the Social Circle. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1857. 232pp (oblong [9½” x 11¾”], sl foxing, syp, endpapers sl torn, gc); Emerson, L.O. The Harp of Judah: A Collection of Sacred Music, for Choirs, Musical Conventions, Singing Schools, and the Home Circle. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1863. 384pp (oblong, sl foxing, syp, handmade back endpaper, spine taped, cover edges worn, mc); Emerson, L.O. The Choral Tribute: A Collection of New Church Music, for Choirs, Singing Schools, Conventions, &c. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., 1869. 400pp (oblong, sl foxing, ppn on tp, syp, handmade endpapers, spine taped, covers sl torn, cover edges worn, mc). 450. Woodbury, I.B. The Dulcimer; or The New York Collection of Sacred Music. Constituting a Large and Choice Variety of New Tunes; Chants, Anthems, Motetts, &c., from the Best Foreign and American Composers, with All the Old Tunes in Common Use. Together with a Concise Elementary Course, Simplified and Adapted to the Capacities of Beginners. —The Whole Comprising the Most Complete Collection of Sacred Music Ever Published. New York: F.J. Huntington, 1850. 352pp (oblong, foxing, sps, sl ppn, covers yellowed and worn, spine taped, mc); Woodbury, Isaac B. The Cythara: A Collection of Sacred Music. New York: F.J. Huntington, 1854. 367, [1]pp (oblong, sl foxing, syp, handmade endpapers, covers yellowed and worn, spine taped, mc); Baker, B.F., and I.B. Woodbury. The Timbrel: A Collection of Sacred Music, Selected and Arranged from the Best European and American Authors; Together with Numerous Original Compositions. Boston: Charles H. Peirce and W.J Reynolds & Co., 1849, c1848. 322pp (oblong, sl foxing, ds, lacks pp 323-324, syp, handmade endpapers, covers yellowed and sl creased and torn, spine taped, mc). 451. Perkins, T.E., The Psalm King: A Collection of Sacred Music, Consisting of Hymn Tunes in Every Variety of Metre, Anthems, Chants and Set Pieces for All Occasions of Public and Private Worship, 1866. 368pp (oblong, foxing, caif, covers yellowed and creased, back endpaper detached and creased, lacks front endpaper, spine cover torn, mc); Marshall, L., The Hosanna: A New Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Motetts, Sentences, and Chants. For the Use of Choirs, Congregations, Singing Schools, and Musical Associations, 1856. 320+pp (oblong, syp, several page corners creased, last few pp partly/mostly missing, front and back covers moth-eatern and partly missing, front cover detached, pc); Straub, S.W., The Star Singer: For Singing Schools, Musical Institutes, Conventions and Societies. Containing a Complete and Progressive Elementary Department, and a Large Collection of Glees, Anthems, Hymn Tunes, Sacred and Secular Choruses, Quartets and Songs¸ 1879. 191, [1]pp (oblong, caif, syp, yellowed tp, covers sl moth-eaten, gc); Leslie, J.H., [et al.], Progress: A Choice Collection of Sacred and Secular Music for Singing Classes, Choirs, Schools, Conventions, &c., Including a Thorough Course of Elementary Instruction, 1879. 127, [1]pp (oblong, caif, ppn on endpapers, covers yellowed, spine cover torn, gc). 452. Doane, W. Howard. Sunny-Side Songs for Sunday Schools. New York: Biglow & Main Co., 1893. 224pp (oblong [5⅞” x 7⅞”], syp, covers yellowed and sl moth-eaten, cover edges worn, gc); Hull, Asa. The Gems of Grace: A Choice Collection of Sacred Songs, Original and Selected for the Use of Sunday-Schools, Bible Classes and Social Worship. New York: Daniel W. Knowles, 1881. 192pp (oblong [5½” x 7”], sl foxing, yp, covers ds and yellowed, cover edges worn, gc); Kurzenknabe, J.H. Gates Ajar: A Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Use in Sunday-Schools, Praise and Prayer Meetings, etc. Harrisburg, Pa.: J.H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, 1885. 159, [1]pp (oblong [6” x 7½”], caif, syp, ppn on endpapers, covers yellowed and worn, spine cover taped, mc). 453. Funk, Joseph, and Sons. The New Harmonia Sacra: A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, Comprising a Great Variety of Metres, Harmonized for Four Voices. Together with a Copious Explication of the Principles of Vocal Music, Exemplified and Illustrated with Tables, in a Plain and Comprehensive Manner. 15th ed. Singers Glen, Va.: Glen Pub. Co., 1876. 320pp (oblong, shape notes, sl foxing, syp, tp and few other pp torn, lacks last 40pp, handmade covers and endpapers, spine taped, mc); Hall, J.H.; J.H. Ruebush; and Aldine S. Kieffer. The Star of Bethlehem: A Collection of Church-Tunes, Anthems, Choruses and Glees with Rudiments and Exercises for Singing-Schools. Dayton, Va.: Ruebush, Kieffer & Co., 1889; reprint ed., Dayton, Va.: John C. Rhodes and Joseph G. Beery, 1969. 191, [1]pp (oblong, fp [music], shape notes, endpapers sl yellowed, front cover sl marred, gc); Church and Sunday School Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs, Appropriate for Church Services, Sunday Schools, and General Devotional Exercises. Edited by J.D. Brunk. Freeport, Ill.: J.S. Shoemaker; Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1902. [304], 35, [1]pp (shape notes, includes Deutscher Anhang, syp, covers soiled and sl moth-eaten and warped at bottom, mc). 454. The Christian Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs Suitable for Use in Public Worship, Worship in the Home, Evangelistic Meetings, and General Occasions. Hesston, Kan.: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1952. 662pp (shape notes, syp, ppn on front endpaper, gc); Church and Sunday School Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs, Appropriate for Church Services, Sunday Schools, and General Devotional Exercises, ed. J.D. Brunk, 1902, 1911. [304, 108], 19, [1]pp (soft cover, shape notes, syp, covers torn, spine taped, pc); Derstine, C.F., The Sheet Music of Heaven (Spiritual Song): The Mighty Triumphs of Sacred Song, 1925. 341, [1]pp (sl foxing, sps, syp, gc); Life Songs, [ed. J.D. Brunk and S.F. Coffman, 1916]. 254pp (shape notes, syp, tp and back 2pp missing, covers loose, mc); Holsinger, G., Song Praises for the Sunday School, Christian Workers’ Meeting, Prayer Meeting, General Song Services, 1906. [126]pp (caif, syp, covers soiled, front cover bent, mc). 455. Showalter, J. H., and G. Holsinger, Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Numbers 1 and 2 Combined. For Church, Sunday-School, and All Societies of Religious and Musical Endeavor, 1895. [1]-239, 262-264pp (shape notes, caif, syp, covers yellowed, cover edges worn, mc); Holsinger, G., Gospel Songs and Hymns, No. 1. For the Sunday School, Prayer Meeting, Social Meeting, General Song Service, 1898. [208]pp (shape notes, caif, ppn on endpapers, yp, covers yellowed and worn and sl moth-eaten, mc); Holsinger, G., Song Praises for the Sunday School, Christian Workers’ Meeting, Prayer Meeting, General Song Services, 1906. [126]pp (syp, covers soiled, gc); Church and Sunday School Hymnal: A Collection September 13, 2013 Page 29 of Hymns and Sacred Songs, Appropriate for Church Services, Sunday Schools, and General Devotional Exercises, 1902. [304], 19, [1]pp (shape notes, includes Deutscher Anhang, ppn on front endpaper, copy of J.K. Stoltzfus and John E. Kauffman, syp, covers worn, spine taped, mc). 456. The Mennonite Hymnal. 3rd printing. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press; Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1970, c1969. 640pp (shape notes, last page torn, front endpapers ppn and sl yellowed, gc); Church Hymnal, Mennonite: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs Suitable for Use in Public Worship, Worship in the Home, and All General Occasions. Edited by J.D. Brunk and S.F. Coffman. 9th ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1947, c1927. 536pp (shape notes, ppn on front endpapers, syp, gc); Church and Sunday School Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs, Appropriate for Church Services, Sunday Schools, and General Devotional Exercises. Edited by J.D. Brunk. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1902, 1911. [304, 108], 19, [1]pp (soft covers, syp, new front and back endpapers, front and back covers creased, spine taped, mc). 457. [Zion's Harp : A Collection of Hymns and Songs for the Apostolic Christian Church of America. Apostolic Christian Church: 1924]. 361, vi pp (foxing, caif, syp, tp missing, covers sl soiled, spine taped, mc); Klopfenstein, Perry A. A Treasure of Praise: A History of Zion’s Harp Hymnal. 3rd ed. Gridley, Ill.: Author, 1984. [iii], 68pp (pb, bib refs, covers sl yellowed, gc). 458. Hillman, Joseph. The Revivalist: A Choice Collection of Revival Hymns and Tunes, Original and Selected. Edited by L[ewis] Hartsough. New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1872. 350pp (syp, pt of 2pp in index torn away, sl cocked, mc); The Epworth Hymnal, Containing Standard Hymns of the Church, Songs for the Sunday School, Songs for Social Services, Songs for the Home Circle, Songs for Special Occasions. New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1885. 232pp (syp, yellowed covers, spine taped, mc); Phillips, Philip. [Song Life: For Sunday Schools. Illustrating in Song the Journey of Christiana and Her Children to the Celestial City . . . with Extracts from Bunyan. New York: Harper, 1872]. 178pp (pb, oblong [5¾” x 7½”], yp, tp and first 8pp missing, spine taped, mc); Knapp, Mrs. Joseph F. Notes of Joy, for the Sabbath School, the Social Meeting and the Hour of Prayer. New York: W.C. Palmer, Jr., 1869. 176pp (oblong [6⅝” x 7”], caif, yp, cover edges worn, gc). 459. McGranahan, J., Hymns, Psalms and Gospel Songs with Responsive Readings; Beazley, S., and J. Ruebush, Best of All: A Superior and Varied Collection of Gospel Songs and Hymns for Sunday Schools; Yatman, C., Temple Themes and Sacred Songs with the Christian Workers’ Training Class Lessons; Hoffman, E.A., and J.H. Tenney, Spiritual Songs Combined, for Gospel Meetings and the Sunday School; Hymns of Worship and Service for the Sunday School; Sankey, I.D.; J. McGranahan; and G. Stebbins, Church Hyms and Gospel Songs; Sankey, I.A., Hallowed Hymns New and Old; Shook, L.B., Shook’s Song Evangelist (mc to gc). 460. Excell, E.O., Songs for Young People; Leslie, C.E., Heavenly Tidings; Adriance, S.W., Hymns of Christian Endeavor; Judefind, W.B., [et al.], Exultant Praises for Sunday Schools and Young People’s Societies; Hall, J.L.; C.A. Miles; and A. Geibel, The Gospel Message, No. 3; Lightner, S.H., Buds and Blossoms, Number One; Wonder Hymns of Faith; Towner, D.B., and E.O. Excell, Famous Hymns; Towner, D.B., and F. Oliver, The Gospel Pilot Hymnal (mostly mc to gc, last item pc). 461. Excell, E.O., Triumphant Songs, No. 1; Leslie, C.E., The Joy Bells for the Sabbath School, Religious Revivals and General Church Work; McDonald, W., [et al.], Songs of Joy and Gladness (1885); Luse, J.D., The Juvenile Wreath of Song; Kinsey, J.F., and J. McPherson, Apples of Gold: A Choice Collection of New Songs and Favorite Hymns; Sturgis, J.E., Faith Inspiring Songs; Hoffman, E.A., and J.H. Tenney, Spiritual Songs for Gospel Meetings and the Sunday School; Herbert, J.B., and W.E.M. Hackleman, Glory Songs: A Choice Collection of Original and Popular Gospel Songs. . . . (last 4 items pb, mc to gc). 462. 9 songbooks for schools, etc.: Giddings, T., [et al.], The Magic of Song; Glenn, M.; H. Leavitt; and V. Rebmann, Sing Along; Beirly’s Song Triumph; Beirly’s School Songs, No. 1; Crist, D.W., The Silver Lining for the Day School, Singing School, and Conventions; Leslie, C.E., Day School Gems; Armitage, M.T., Senior Laurel Songs for High Schools; American School Songs; Our Song Book (Alliance of Transylvanian ) (last item pb, mostly mc to gc, last item vgc). 463. McGranahan, J., Hymns, Psalms and Gospel Songs with Responsive Readings; Littlefield, M., The School Hymnal: A Book of Worship for Young People, 1921; Sankey, I.; J. McGranahan; and G. Stebbins, Gospel Hymns, No. 5, with Standard Selections; McKinney, B.B., Voice of Praise: A Collection of Standard Hymns and Gospel Songs Published for Use in the Worship Hour, Sunday Schools, Young People’s Meetings, Evangelistic Services, and All Christian Work and Worship; Clemmer, J., Give Thanks and Sing, for Religious Meetings; Geibel, A., and R.F. Lehman, World-Wide Hosannas, Adapted for Sunday Schools and Devotional Meetings; Sewell, H., Hymns of Glory for Sunday School, Church, and Revival Meetings (mc to gc). 464. The Church Hymn Book, with Tunes; for the Worship of God. New York: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1873, c1872. 585pp (caif, ds, syp, cover edges worn, spine taped, mc); Hillman, J., The Revivalist: A Choice Collection of Revival Hymns and Tunes, Original and Selected, 1872. 350pp (caif, yp, spine cover torn, covers soiled, mc); The New Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book, for the Service of Song in the House of the Lord. Hartford: Hamersley & Co., 1877. 468, [9]pp (caif, syp, front cover ds, spine taped, gc); 465. Robinson, Chas. S. Laudes Domini: A Selection of Spiritual Songs, Ancient and Modern. New-York: Century Co., 1884. 520, [2], 86, [1]pp (added tp: The Psalter; or, Selections from the Book of Psalms. Arranged to be Used in Public Worship; caif; syp; covers soiled; spine cover torn; gc); Robinson, Charles S. A Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music, for the Sunday School. New-York: Century Co., 1881. 192pp (caif, syp, 1 p partly torn out, covers soiled, gc); Hedge, Frederic H., and Frederic D. Huntington. Hymns for the Church of Christ. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Co., 1855, c1853. xxx, 640pp (words only, sds, syp, covers sl worn and torn, gc). 466. The Church Hymn Book, with Tunes; for the Worship of God. New York: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1873, c1872. 585pp (caif, syp, spine cover sl torn, cover edges worn, gc); Smith, H. Augustine. The New Church Hymnal. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1937. xxxvii, [i], [482]pp (exlib, stis, syp, back endpaper torn, gc); Tweedy, Henry Hallam. Christian Worship and Praise. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1939. xii, 550pp (ppn on front endpaper, syp, endpapers moth- eaten, gc). Page 30 September 13, 2013 467. The Church Hymn Book, with Tunes; for the Worship of God. New York: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1873, c1872. 585pp (caif, stis, syp, cover edges sl worn, gc); Smith, H. Augustine. The New Church Hymnal. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1937. xxxvii, [i], [482]pp (caif, stis, syp, ppn on back flyleaf, gc); Smith, H. Augustine. American Student Hymnal. New York: Century Co., 1928. xxvi, [i], 443, [5]pp (stis, ppn on front endpaper, syp, gc); [Richards, Charles H. Songs of Christian Praise, with Music: A Manual of Worship for Public, Social and Private Devotion. New York: Taintor Brothers, Merrill & Co., 1880]. 394, 126pp (added tp: Selections of Scripture for Public Worship, Topically Arranged; caif; syp; tp missing; covers sl soiled and torn; mc). 468. The Hymnal. Published by Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, 1933. xlv, 591pp (caif, syp, gc); Covert, William Chalmers, and Calvin Weiss Laufer. Handbook to The Hymnal [historical companion to previous item]. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, 1935. lxi, 566pp (ind, caif, syp, gc); The New Psalms and Hymns. Published by Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1901. [xxv], 498, [1]pp (syp, covers sl soiled, gc); Hymnal for Christian Worship. Richmond, Va.: John Knox Press, 1940. 320pp (syp, spine cover sl wrinkled, back cover sl warped, gc); Magill, R.C. Life and Service Hymns. 12th ed. Richmond, Va.: Onward Press, Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1930. [308], 11, [7]pp (caif, ppn on back endpapers, cover edges sl worn, covers sl soiled, gc). 469. The Psalter Hymnal: The Psalms and Selected Hymns; Bible Songs Consisting of Selections from the Psalms Set to Music: Suitable for Sabbath Schools, Prayer Meetings, etc.; The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, with Music, 1887; The Book of Psalms: Rendered in Metre and Set to Music; [Psalms & Hymns, & Spiritual Songs. A Manual of Worship for the Church of Christ], [1875]; The Hymnal: Published by Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1933 (1 item ds, item 5 tp missing, yp, some covers very worn/blemished/taped, mc to gc). 470. [Bruening, D., and W. Hackmann, The Evangelical Hymnal, 1917]. v-xxxvii, 395, 76pp (ind, tp and several front pp missing, yp, covers sl blemished, taping inside covers, spine cover taped, mc); The Hymnal Containing Complete Orders of Worship: Authorized by the General Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1941. xiv, 675pp (ind, covers blemished, gc); The Hymnal of the Reformed Church in the United States: A Selection of Hymns and Tunes for Christian Worship, 1890. 1-372pp (ind, pp 351-354 detached, several back pp missing, several pp blemished/torn, front cover loose, back cover missing, mc); The Sunday School Hymnal with Offices of Devotion, 1899. [344]pp (ind, several blemished pp, yp, gc); Nevin, A., Hymns and Carols for Church and Sunday School, 1879. 3-210pp (tp and several back pp missing, sl foxing, sds, yp, covers very worn, spine cover taped, mc). 471. A Book of Chorales and Supplemental Hymns, comp. F. Daries, 1957. 100, [2]pp (ind, back cover sl blemished, gc); Pilgrim Hymnal, 1959. x, 596, 16pp (ind, edges sl blemished, front cover sl blemished, gc); The Christian Hymnal, Revised: A Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Congregational and Social Worship, 1882. 320pp (ind, yp, covers worn/blemished/ taped, spine cover taped, gc); The Gospel Hymnal; or, Hymns and Tunes for Christian Worship: In the Congregation, the Social Meeting and the Home, 1880. 320pp (ind, foxing, ppn inside back cover, yp, covers worn and blemished, spine cover taped, gc). 472. American Catholic Hymnal: An Extensive Collection of Hymns, Latin Chants and Sacred Songs for Church, School and Home Including Gregorian Masses, Vesper Psalms, Litanies, Motets for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, etc. According to the Motu Proprio of His Holiness Pope Pius X, c1921. 528pp (ind, ppn inside front cover, yp, covers faded and blemished, gc); Myers, W. The Hymns of Saint Hilary of Poitiers in the Codex Aretinus: An Edition with Introduction, Translation and Notes, 1928. 82pp, 4 lvs (pb, thesis [Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1928], bib, ind, ds, wrinkled pp, yp, spine cover torn, gc); Worship II: A Hymnal for Roman Catholic Parishes, 1975. [837], 45pp (ind, caif, ppn inside front cover, several pp torn and 1 p mostly missing, mc); Unity Song Selections, 1935. [262]pp (ind, yp, gc); Union Hymnal: Text Edited by the Central Conference of American Rabbis: Music Selected and Arranged by the Society of American Cantors, 1897. 218pp (ind, syp, front cover blemished, cover corners creased, gc). 473. Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church, 1917. 318, 656pp (ind, syp, covers sl blemished, gc); The Hymnal and Order of Service, Lectionary ed., 1925. 946pp (ind, yp, gc); The Lutheran Hymnary, Published by Authority of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the Hauge’s Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, 1920. 99, 679pp (quarter bd, ind, ppn inside back cover, blemished pp, yp, front cover blemished, spine cover torn/taped, gc); Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes: Published by the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, 1899. 781pp (ind, syp, covers and spine cover blemished, gc); Book of Worship with Tunes: Published by the General Synod of the Lutheran Church in the United States, 1880. xlii, 728pp (quarter bd, ind, several blemished pp, covers blemished, spine cover torn, gc). 474. School Carols: A Collection of Hymns for the Sunday Schools, 1914. 320pp (ind, ppn inside back cover, yellowed/ brittle/torn pp, 2 pp taped, covers blemished, spine cover discolored, gc); Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes: Published by the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, 1899. 769pp (ind, foxing, sl ppn, yp, covers blemished, spine cover taped, gc); Luther League Hymnal: Issued by Authority of the Luther League of New York State, 1894. x, 198pp (ind, sl ppn, yp, covers blemished, stis, gc); Augsburg Songs No. 2 for Sunday Schools and Other Services, 1893. 208pp (ind, yp, covers very worn/blemished, gc). 475. [The Baptist Hymn and Tune Book: For Public Worship, 1871]. 3-432pp (ind, ppn, tp missing, several torn/taped/ blemished pp, yp, covers very worn/blemished, tear at spine cover, mc); Daily, J., Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune Book: A Collection of Sacred Hymns and Tunes Arranged to Suit All Occasions of Public or Private Worship, c1902. [286]pp (pb, ind, sl ppn, yellowed/brittle/torn pp, covers creased and worn, mc); The Baptist Hymnal for Use in the Church and Home, 1883. 424pp (ind, yp, back cover sl blemished, gc); The Baptist Church Hymnal, rev. ed., 1933. xxxiii, 744pp (ind, syp, spine cover faded, gc); Church Hymns with Tunes, New ed., 1903. xx, 606pp (ind, sl ppn, syp, covers blemished/faded, spine cover taped, gc). 476. The Evangelical Hymnal, 1921. xxv, 453, xxvii-xl, 63pp (ind, yp, gc); The Hymnal: Published by the Board of Publication of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1957. [543]pp (ind, spine cover faded, gc); The Methodist Hymnal: September 13, 2013 Page 31 Official Hymnal of the Methodist Church, 1939. 695pp (ind, ds, some wrinkled pp, gc); Standard Hymns and Gospel Songs: Evangelical Congregational Church Edition, [1930?], [440]pp (ind, front cover sl blemished, spine cover shelf worn, gc); The Hymnal Containing Complete Orders of Worship: Authorized by the General Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1941. xiv, 675pp (ind, front cover sl blemished, gc). 477. Mawl A Ch n - Praise and Song: Llyfr Hymnau A Thonau I Gymru ar Wasgar - Hymnal for Welsh and English Church Worship; Cántico Nuevo: Himnario Evangelico; Ny Normal-S ngbok för Svenska Skolor: Andra Samlingen: Tv - Och Trestämmiga S nger for Allmänna Läroverken; Song’s (sic) of the Sanctuary: A Collection of Welsh Hymns and Tunes; Evangelisches Gesangbuch, 1878; Gebet und Danklieder, Nr. 2 f r Erweckungs und Gebetsversammlungen, 1894; Innario Cristiano; Liederbuch für die Jugend (item 4 pb, item 5 gilt edged, last item 3 1/2” x 5”, gc to vgc). 478. Knapp, B., Music, Archetype and the Writer: A Jungian View; Schweitzer, A., J.S. Bach, Vol. 2 only; Appel, R., The Music of the Bay Psalm Book; Wells, A., A Treasure of Hymns: Brief Biographies of One Hundred and Twenty Leading Hymn-Writers with Their Best Hymns; Lorenz, E., Music in Work and Worship: A Discussion of Church Music as an Applied Art; Barnes, A., Prayers for the Use of Families, Chiefly Selected from Various Authors with a Preliminary Essay Together with a Selection of Hymns, 1866 (first 2 items dj, item 3 pb, last 2 items is and ppn, mc to vgc). 479. Clarke, Adam. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, the Text Carefully Printed from the Most Correct Copies of the Present Authorized Translation, Including the Marginal Readings and Parallel Texts, with a Commentary and Critical Notes Designed as a Help to a Better Understanding of the Sacred Writings. New ed., with the author’s final corrections. Vols. 1-6 complete. ca. 800-1000pp/vol. (ub, syp, 2 foxing on top edges, 1 ds and front cover sl soiled, gc). 480. Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, Wherein Each Chapter Is Summed Up in Its Contents: The Sacred Text Inserted at Large in Distinct Paragraphs; Each Paragraph Reduced to Its Proper Heads: The Sense Given, and Largely Illustrated with Practical Remarks and Observations. Vols. 1-6. 5th printing. [Peabody, Mass.]: Hendrickson Publishers, 1998, c1991. Vols. 1-6 complete. ca. 700-1200pp/vol. (ub, vgc). 481. The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia Identifying and Explaining All Proper Names and Significant Terms and Subjects in the Holy Scriptures, Including the Apocrypha, with Attention to Archaeological Discoveries and Researches into the Life and Faith of Ancient Times. Edited by George Arthur Buttrick. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962. ca. 900-1000pp/vol (dj, ub, mostly b/w ill, ill endpapers, col maps, bibs, syp, cover edges sl worn, gc; Supplementary Volume. Edited by Keith Crim. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976. xxv, 998, [8]pp (dj, mostly b/w ill, ill endpapers, col maps, bibs, vgc). 482. Spurgeon, C.H. The Treasury of David: Containing an Original Exposition of the Book of Psalms; A Collection of Illustrative Extracts from the Whole Range of Literature; A Series of Homiletical Hints upon Almost Every Verse; And Lists of Writers upon Each Psalm. 3rd ed. Vols. 1-7 complete. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1892. ca. 350-500pp/vol (ub, ind, 2 caif, yp, 1 front cover sl worn and soiled, gc). 483. Erdman, Charles R. 15-volume set of commentaries on the New Testament. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1917-36. ca. 100-200pp/vol (ub, in slipcase, lacks volumes on Gospel of John and General Epistles, 1 foxing on fore-edge, 1 caif, is, syp, 1 back cover ds, gc). 484. Robertson, Archibald Thomas. Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman Press, 1930-33. ca. 300-600pp/vol. (ub, syp, gc). 485. 15 items by Herbert Lockyer: All the Apostles of the Bible; All the Books and Chapters of the Bible; All the Children of the Bible; All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible; All the Doctrines of the Bible; All the Holy Days and Holidays; All the Kings and Queens of the Bible; All the Men of the Bible; All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible; All the Miracles of the Bible; All the Parables of the Bible; All the Prayers of the Bible; All the Promises of the Bible; All the Trades and Occupations of the Bible; All the Women of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub. Co., c1958-75. ca. 250-500pp/vol. (ub, bib, ind, foxing on top edges, 1 sl foxing on fore-edge, gc). 486. The Interpreter’s Bible: The Holy Scriptures in the King James and Revised Standard Versions with General Articles and Introduction, Exegesis, Exposition for Each Book of the Bible. Edited by George Arthur Buttrick. Vols. 1-12 complete. Nashville: Abingdon, c1951-57. ca. 700-1200pp/vol. (ub, 2 dj, b/w maps, col maps on endpapers, bibs, ind, 1 exlib, 3 is, 1 ppn, most syp and covers sl worn, gc). 487. The Mennonite Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Reference Work on the Anabaptist-Mennonite Movement. Edited by Harold S. Bender and C. Henry Smith. Vols. 1-4. Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Pub. House, [et al.], 1955-59. xvi, 749, 47; xiv, 886, 22, [1]; xiv, 930, 16; xiv, 1156, 23pp (dj, ub, b/w ill, maps, bib refs, ind, vol 3 front cover loose, gc). 488. The Sword and Trumpet. Edited by George R. Brunk. 1 bd vol: Vol. 1 (1929)-Vol. 10 (1938). Denbigh, Va.; reprint ed., [Harrisonburg, Va.: The Sword and Trumpet, ca. 1970]. ca. 1000pp in various pagings (b/w ill, ind, syp, gc); Missionary Messenger. Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. 3 bd vols: Vol. 3 (1926-27)-Vol. 6 (1929-30), no. 11; Vol. 14 (1937-38), no. 11-12, Vol. 15 (1938-39)-Vol. 18 (1941-42); Vol. 47 (1970-71)-Vol. 48 (1971-72). ca. 12-24pp/iss (2 b/w ill, all exlib, 1 syp, 1 yp, 1 spine cover torn and cover edges worn, mc to vgc). 489. Mennonite Family History. Elverson, Pa.; Morgantown, Pa.: Mennonite Family History. 63 quarterly iss: Vol. 1 (1982), no. 4; Vol. 14 (1995), no. 1; Vol. 15 (1996), no. 2; Vol. 16 (1997)-Vol. 31 (2012) complete. ca. 40-50pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, 1 duplicate, some syp, gc to vgc); Index to above item. 11 annual iss: 1997, 1999, 2000-01, 2003, 2006, 2008-12. 12-16pp/iss (pb, 1 torn pp, gc to vgc); Surname index to above item (1991). 40pp (pb, syp, gc); European Heritage Tour. Morgantown, Pa.: Masthof Press, 2000. 27, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, syp, gc). 490. The Conrad Grebel Review. Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Grebel College. 12 triannual iss: Vol. 9 (1991), no. 1; Vol. 10 (1992), no. 1; Vol. 14 (1996), no. 2-3; Vol. 16 (1998), no. 3; Vol. 17 (1999), no. 1; Vol. 18 (2000), no. 1; Vol. 22 (2004), no. 2; Vol. 23 (2005), no. 1; Vol. 24 (2006), no. 1, 3; Vol. 25 (2007), no. 2. ca. 100pp/iss (pb, bib refs, vgc).